3mm“ Notion. The linger ”in; Machines-0" LETTER ATAHILY SEWING MACHINE in hit (lining ei'orlthide reputetion. lt ll be yond doubt the best Ind chenpeet nnd most humiful of all Family Sewing Machine. yet, ofiered to the public. ’ No other Femlly Sew ing Machine Sins so many uieful appliances for‘ Hamming, Binding, Felling. Tucking, Guther- ’ Eng, Gauging, Braiding. Hmhroidniu.Co{d-' . “152. Ind so forth. No other fumily newlng mm: thine has IO much cnpm-ity fur A great variety ' cf work. It Will new all kinds ofcloth,nnd; With all kinds of threml. GI'EIH end recent im-i movements innke our Family Sewing Inchine; Inset reliable: and most durable, And mmfitccr- : 11in in m-no‘n‘ in all rates of spec-l. It mum; 'tln interlorkevi stitch which in the but eliteh knwn. Any one, even of the most-ordinary \‘Apmfity, gen gee. li. e glance, how-to fie the; Letter A FMnily'SewingMachine. _ Uur Family; Sewing .\incii‘moe Ire finished in chime And ex-f ‘ufnile sip le. ' 1 The folding Cue nf the Fumil} Machine is I piece of ‘clmnlng workmanship of the mo“ ~ useful‘kind. xit protects the machine when’; not in is», antijvhqn about to he ole any: he opened as. n (time-ions ma whet-Mini luhle‘ ‘ to smtnin the work. “While some (if the Cun,| Made out of~tl§efihuiceat wooda, ere finishedl 59 the simplest and chuieet 'm uer pluiblenl other. lire Adorned And émhelliafid in the maul wally nnd luperh mnnner. .~ i il. in ablululcl‘y neceunry to lee the Family? Mechine in oper-tiun, w as tbjudge oliugro—et ‘cnpncily and beauty. it in last hemming u pupulnr for (muin “wing as our Mnngi‘ncturing Machines are to manufacturing purposes. l The Bunch 2MB“: are well supplied with? vilk lWist, threndpncedlesh oil. kc" of LbGJ‘ll’] but quality. Send for n Pexrunur. ' I TllEbiSGi-ZR .\IANUFAGTI‘ItIXf. COMPAXY,’ 45X Brondwny, Ned York. WPHILSDELPHIL 810 Cheslnnt St. ‘ WU. JACOBS & BRU., l.m-.il Agent: at Gilgsbur'g. 3—{Aug.l7,lB¢3. 1 The Great English Ramsay. ' Sm huh: Dunn's ’ CELEBRATIKD FEMALE PILLS. ‘ This im'lrlunble medicifieh unfailing in me; cure olinll lliuae painful and dungorous 3111-. l hue. iiicldcnt lo the fom‘ulr constitution. A, - I [0 mquan-a all excess. removal all obstruc ‘(iun!. rum yvhnlcvor cnute. and brings on the monthly pvriqd wit'h regulJrily. : The"l l‘llls dmnld no! be. taken by females that nru ppgunni during the Husr Tunil. lung-rm: us they are mre In luring on . innit” if”. A DESIRABLE FAR“, gimme m . num— finge: huan‘ nor-V mlwr lime "(I in every "1.4.... .m 59wnship...\nla‘ms county, l'h... fldjoln' ,oxhrr rxue tin»! ure pculin‘lly safe. ' inx Lmdg 'of John Suck-i, JL, Wm. H. Lott, ii:nllcnu--suf.\‘errnus.nmlSpinnl Aflu'li‘oul, filing SPQnaler' 3m: o‘lrcrg' qonlnining [o* pnin in‘ the Huck Midi Limhl, llmnincm Fn-l Arm-n, morL- nr lest, with Prnllf? proportions of ‘livule on slight rxerliun. Pnlpihliun uf‘lllc;\vn.,llllllié lgnal .\lcaduw. The hind is in good ”can, Lawn-as of SpiritsL llyslvrica Sick-mmdi‘io“. hminfl‘ all ~beeu “m ‘lifimfil an“, llr‘ugd who, \villfl‘l‘ and all the p'tixrfui disemu and "[5,: of i 1 twice. 31.91;“; . «..u-nainm-d ky n dimnlorul sum-m. [ln at Pills l-rmmncnl- an- a new Two-aim)" ‘. , .mill‘gefl‘cct A cure “hen all other Inf-mu have - 511).“; “01.51;, H 'nrw uneqmd. :‘: “illiltliif‘ V , ,3 ..n‘lmll' not; Smnr House, Log Fill! gliroglion: in painflhlet nrnund 9“" Barn. anhn Slut] and Corn Crib, Hug I'm, a, F“? “K 9: *h‘CJ' Shall” "'3l “ ”"1““! prenerve‘l. “r” of newrfniling warer. *ilh n pnmgjn it, They’filll b‘o 1‘0!“ in n finale. cuuxniuinx 50 “ the door, with "I wings on the farm, ”I": [you lrre, wl‘enclnsiug ~51 nut! 15 three- \s-hiL’h’ls “ell.“mlei'v'l. .re is on ”m prem- W'” ”‘.‘"'l's t 0 tiny MINI!) Win. a l'uung Alpie ,firchnrd of choice finit, :7“ ”,0" “083$ ' .‘l h- l '! l’h n rim 1 it is -a _ ' _ V ‘ ..wlllcrltrljul,sm as [(‘IL 9. c- H '2‘ ( ”"hmu ”"3“ how \nrk._ 'comnncnl lu' cillirclius, Sl'houl houses,;algse6, »Fm lulr by 4. D; llnmunm, (lazy-hum. _mnl blackunilh shark‘afid mills. - “I 1, “EXiQH- [F‘ib- ”n 1853’ U ' wl’eraons/wmlfing lo view the .prnpt‘rly, ' '5- ' ”‘fi‘fi’f" ‘ “ ' nljc rrquc‘swd'lo mil-om licorgq‘Keidle. rend {3 Import“! mcovery- ‘ . in: near. or bn fl'te suhxrri'ber. in (icujsburg. l _ Runny m Trev ”man. I 'w'SnJe lu rmmcmr nf l o'clock, l‘. .\l., . {BRYAN'S PIT-14mm“? \\_'.'\Fhll.s‘ are unfnilgun mid day, ‘wlnv’n attendance will be given: ‘lnx in the cure of Coughs. ('ulum, Auhmu.‘ and (em): nmde knnfn by ’lrnlichitigflore 'l‘hmal, Huarsenéfl‘, Dlfliculti . V ‘ GEORGE I". RALBFLEISCH. _ llrenilhinz, lnripiont_‘klon‘umptinn, and Dis-. 1 [B' At the annualime and‘plnce will be =ola, (Av-eh ol .the Lungs. F‘Fhr-y 1“,“: no mute of :LTlllll-ZB‘HIVG MACHINE, with llane‘l’qur medicine. and nn'y chili; Will take them.-——- and shaker. " N [Sc-v. 16, ”403. m; 'l'huhnml- 'llZu'e-hefn re-‘fifi‘ad I 0 hrnllh U 1)“; ~ _ l ’ Lg“ '.hcfnre l!“s]"v'ir§“. T/v-mnnny grren- in: Orphan 8 Court ‘8319. n+rellt u! unset. A single dose rShvn-lin , X pnrfiunncp of an order of the (lrph'ln’a NIHUIN- ' .'. ' ' .112]: (four: nf Adams county. will lu- oaared gt k‘l‘or Hrynn‘s Pulmnnic “'nfrrs—(he nrigi- “tum“. gulf, upon [hr premises. on MOBDAY, n-d only firm-i“? i' “"le “|‘l.v-"I~“— ‘ll..- m. any 01' DECEMBER ne'xc, the real inns hin¢lnpré,bm~re‘i tor anlc. ’l'ncmy- «Nun,- of .\Jlmzak-Irghu”. .‘leccu=ml.xvomislink rents ‘ b“; 5"“! 1'! 5;?1'F" filler-”h iivf (\m’l‘rucu oi LnthFlltht in .\luuntpleasau‘t ‘ JURhflUSES. 3“ 9 Prnlniflor, ' nan-mm!“ in a lid v‘nunly. viz: ‘ ‘ ‘ : 2 . 2: (‘orllnntll’flu _x. Y. 1 .Nu. l: THE “.\Asrux TRAi‘Tmnmnininjz r ‘nln 1': 3-K. DJ "Ft-Wt". Gnu-hurgand . l 0 xAcres. mnrv or lrss, 0f lim ailllnfl lnn‘gl. WI “1153‘“: H" ““13 “- tel“ ”"54. ‘3' {juinlng luills, ul Snmuul “’0“; George Lav},- . i .15.»- . ‘ ir-ncc. anvl S-vmucl lieisclmnn.— ‘...; _ ~ A'Card t 0 the Sufi‘ermg. r , ‘The ivnl-rM't’uli-nul air a: Frame 9&5} '. ‘_ 1: Rev. \Ymuiu‘l‘m-ufimvu. while hyhoriim :md yljl'mlhurlumnlefl two—story- ;r‘, ”u Misninnnrfi" in erhu . iv...‘ gun—rd: of Com j HUI‘SH, tum-Slnry Kijt‘hfbl. ham} Leia; . tlilqtmhv‘u “Holt"? mcnn‘NWl |l|lh"9{hy Ham, Fri-me Shop. torn Crileu; an, Aux— ipfimnum‘v’vl'{rpm n 10 'rux-Il phniui-m rec Well urn-mu with n pdmpéu ig‘uenrlhe door. ginlhrurn-MCIILI-Nr'ldu“ Thisrfl'illi .\u rxcnllent Orchard. The truck is under lured great liiunl er» “ho weir mlfming - gum; 9rlu‘l', chiefly post Ind :- «ii. The QM: is (“nun-lumiun.:"rum-lmis. Surf Threat. nI-m‘ .\lo‘um «gm-wand within u miles of t‘un ihi mnl ('uhls. nml thcgkblllly and nervous j 013:0 Chapel, on the m“ road lending l'rom‘ :x-iml Cilllai’f! hflhesc dis-ml: r'. ’ g u.uw.‘er lo thtysburg. . sirmu of hem-lining others, I «ill until KO. 2: A LOTUF'TIMBEB HAND, adjoin- Tl‘t‘t‘ipt‘, whivhJ have Emmi"! “5""! Willi 1 ing _lands nfS-fimu-l Shorb. containing 5 Acres, o All n'hu nee-lit, frce of vlmrx’e. * Innate or less, at ekcellrnt limher. This lot. tin-As llH'. v“ H 005“?““1v ’ I will he ulimkd into two parts, or sold. entire, 4&3 Fulton Awum‘y ‘ las "my host suit purchasers. ' “I‘ImHIE. 5- Y- : ”Sale to commence m l o‘clo ~k, P. .\l., onl ‘P :snid day, I‘lwn Allundnnc'e will lit given and . itern'ls mmle known by ' l ‘ Jnlh’ GIST-ER, Adrift.- Hy (Le (‘onrt—Jnhn l-Ju-holu, Clerk. Vm‘. US. “”33. u EMI 7' ‘nul_ Wm"! Y¢ Jan m" n tum II I’m in“ » “I! ' Strail «Lou i Jv pr I ‘ AI 121.3. 1361. l_\’ 314111-1131). film-‘25.] “In. in l'on-rs'mrg, by RM. Juhn xmr‘. "'.\ “HS (‘U\l'.l-I‘Y. of ('n. A, Hllh ‘. \‘.. to .\ll-5 AMELIA I'l-3LHURN, uf‘Nrw Ids-['4l. : ,7. J V. ,0 A? «n ()xfl . ', \ fiIED. _ L mg...”- n'bticvfl: ten“ per fine for all ‘ o‘efl_fourlima- rash gu' ncconq-uny nuflco. _ ‘ . a!) the 3d inst, at hi- residence. in Hunting", .tofin .vrnshipffln JUHN H. B|{A\lE,n;eul a)! ._yx-nl' ind: months. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' . I (HI thh’mth inn., M'Xlamntnn. CATHARINE: )‘ZLLflUTT, ngkd nbou' s'o 35 Ira. ' :u' “3, 411 mm,, \m. ml mam PLAXK,| {go 80 years 8 months and ‘l3 days. ‘ ‘ _ 3\ Princeton, lowa, on the [6ll ofOrther, ; ‘ in 'r e mu‘pnraghnuge. m-ILEX EUPHHNI \, almihler 0! Dr. bland ‘.\lzug £.£nox, lormcrlp ,oft i 3 county. 1' J erChntenh-rg, on Friday week, WIL,-} ,1 ‘LIAM HEYSEIL Esq, President of the Bank; of [Tlfimbershurgf'one of the oldest Ind moat ‘ res-p'bcteJ c'xfizena o! HIM place. He wns :In octifi‘e'nfirmbor of the dm‘en-nt Boards of the 3 Gar-pun lcformzd Church; and his loss will‘ Lemuel) ten by then. ‘ u— Oh the 29y: uh, in Cumberland township} Mrs; CATHA RIIXE WEISHANTLE, Igedgbout, (R can. ‘ ' ‘ 1 (fl! the 9th E‘nsIWELIZABETH. daughter of ,Snmne’l‘nndnlzydiu Hgnnmn, 9f Straps": lawn phigk, IL! 1;? years 1‘ months Ind udayfi ( :11”;th insL, in iCmnberlnm‘l townéhip, ‘ er EL ZAXJETH KEHFAUVER, wife of Wm, lie in'ct, aged “Jeans 10 months and 24 da‘ ~~ - ‘ . U ‘ the. 27th nit., in Smrke county, Ohio. hcrly of this county, Mr.'J.\COB SLENTZ, l, aged 67 years. ‘ ’ n Sunday night, near Hanover, Mr. CHAS. 'EBRENSER, aged about. 57 years; I . . , Communicated. 7 Cumberland townahip, on the 341 in:!.. 0! Min, JOSEPH, son of Jncob and Mary hey, aged 13 year: I: months and H days. nr friends, farewell, I do you tell, 6 nee you and I must part; - l lgo urn} Ind here you any, ‘ ”At All“ we join in heart. mane-hast do!!! can Imm I shall”? ° Emu“: then to go; i . [, sue you all, both great und small, fig 1 {Ely-ink encircling arms. f; ‘l'" L up. toning and praise my Kin‘; - . Luce sin" I compllin or sigh; ; taste the heavenly feast, . Agile, den! friends, furen'fill. A ‘', Fan's Angela round my head: ' ho to siég,one to pmy, ‘ Que make my luul ”my. ; No More Pomona. _ ROCESSES for the Preparation, Improve [ mum. and Imitation of LIQUURS OF ALL SIDS. including Brnndiu. “ines, Whiskies, W, Roma, Porter, Ale, Cider, Cordials, Bit.- wa, eta—Every inlet in hquors bu long ‘ klo'n And fax to be of the highest impur ‘ um Lo ihe p able conduction of his buli puq, mot he alum” be in possession of certain infd-gujpn ~wflich bu hiLhorw been strictly ail-fined to wholesale bonnet. This informa ' tion it now, to: the first. time, paced within 11:: ruck, Agd wispted to the successful Ind Mon profitable 1150.0! ALI- derlan. Particuhu ‘ till be mil‘edJree of chargetto lhgge sending * QM to LUE & CHOKE, P. 0.: Box 3117, Wilmington, D. C. ’ '_, -‘ “‘l3. ['3.-Jo _olhcrl bu} {fie-Jars need up ' P‘I‘II no’ {crimp-41m will be no!!! to my on "”1140.- ut umwu Iddnu with :be Pledge tho: hob. I) liquor, , NW- 16. 1863. in . wnmi wanton—w. within}! ‘ Will not thme of our patrons who knot then-1 "P REAL 35:32.0 8816 ¥ f A Desirable Farm "I," indebted to ‘1" either for übicriyiion, O 0 d lh .0 .h—ln parlance of II AT PUBLIp SAUL—On FmDAYJbe 17th Advertising or jabbing. do us the favor to ply t r '.L: t; -'9 'n ' 00:1" 0f Adm"; . 4‘! OYAOVEMBERuut. the nah-critter: up? Uur expense! :u-e heuv And must he 32;”!1‘" ‘0 9"" ntgi’u'bl'ic 'l,le 0B ”ON-{NIH War It Pubhc Sale, on the premiums met, Ind '2 en "e no “.’. 0‘ meeting our in- Ih ,1 9 7“! ‘l'! of l) CEMBER next, upon . desirable FfiRM, litnnte partly in Huntington debtedneu than by thou indebted to us com- S: $T:“;:l' '::n:::tli:;lfr: of “my llcnhey, - :"dpputl-5."3 {fiddlingdtongsi‘illm A’i‘m‘ 90““ in to our "Hum . y . e rt to w. v _. I . .a 5 J“. 1., a Jomlng an s a cue nnd chob "fpoud? no.“ “:7“. ”33.31135; “35“”. rn, L 913 or 93mm IN7 nunysnmc, Chronmer, Abnh-m Fiche, c. ltu fl'eneperizery hut cou'ne Along with the an“. [I you cnn‘t {an'l' “""nh'p’ Ad“? “MW-50"”. 36, “d when. 0" the midi I'ldiflz from Berlin come in person, vou can send th nnionnt 'iue 3‘! 58‘ i“ ‘2l ‘3: ‘fi; 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 123;:10 Cbnmbershnrg, and from (lettylburg to u, “m, on, “f i 0", neighbor: or by m’aiL— 114. 1.20, lfll OFWhlch are front lots on the Rnsstown, 2 miles from Hampton Ind 2 l-2 We raven! it, we «int money and mutt kart'il. Turnpike—on [Meg-pf 'hmb’ 3°" ‘B' .49 and mu" from Y- 5- SPHDK'y couuiniug 179 w ‘- 3 foot-2:9 "E?“ “:0 ":lPlngmT‘Sy A 0394, mg" 0312!”. About 55 Icru are cor. . ‘ _: urge Ye wo-s or ere \rit goo tiriving timber. The halt a! .-_ _._ -, "“_Tufll B. ‘Fm ”"1“"! HSLSE. Vi“! 8’; the clenred land but been recentiy limed ,md GETTYSBUBG—SA-wnnn “I,“ ‘ 9‘Cflnelt -C€llh}’~_3 Bflfnfi. one a ‘ has a due portion of meadow, Ind more can he; F10ur"....n................................15 50 to 6 50 {'"ue.ndlhc othfl'iOLVi‘Llh lufllcient unbling, made. The improvements are .' ‘9' Frame; Rve i-‘ionr. 4 50 WW“ Shedv CW“ ctibru"? SP‘b“: it, I'M! HOUSE, 2‘ b.“ 30 ’9“, “0‘ 3'“ him“: LOBl “:hile When L.......... ...........*......l 30 to I 40 .'.-0 I’CI‘I of uteri ”(in (If)!!! and the other: Bu?" “1d Other out-buildings, orchard or Red Whent................................l 25 [O4l-35 in the rear 0‘ the house i “l execiient O’Chfidv chmce fruit, pump ‘nd 'f“: of "u' "e" the Corn ....................... . "aux-‘1”... 6010 85 '“h . "ti", of "flu“ The Who“: of the" door, ”d tl'ero “‘9 "fer“ ""3085 on the Rye....................................‘...... l 60 int: have been iimed, wing of them mica—'l {il.-_m. Thehadnnt‘pu arising from i," prox -OMS .'....”...........‘.....J...........'. .... ““7".th Who” are under 800" icncing, “him! P 0“ Him").- to ”In" “”1““ and Churches, ””- 8uCkwhd1......m..................:... ( 55 ‘ and "i" 7‘ I ‘ f i Elma", 0? the land and i” ldgpution to gm:- ClorerSue-l ...... 650 A“?! A PARMI situate in Freedom townlhip, "1" ‘.C" "° 5° 399""? A! inrdly "° require ‘ Timmy and, o €03.50 one mile irdm Carroll‘s trutand m Ireli. of menlmn- We wm nflrltenhremrjn pm: to" ms. ‘i’ ‘1 to sour-burs. chow .m.» 'mfl‘e- "0." mm aW" New": °" “9! '9'.”- “-° m" “”1 Piaget“ o! Peril .... L" H OOECh"{”!'- “‘1 0"! mile’from Mellhmy'l Milli ‘"n 3 ‘.‘UOD LOTS} “mm?“ a” ”m”! °°"“ Halter ground per I“ 1 s'o “flowing lends ‘of Henry Bieuegker, page, err-d With good White Onk 'l‘xtinb‘er, containing‘ ._.L__'-;:,.—f._':‘.._...- , eck..loseph lien-they; and otfiers, co‘ntniuing' from 2 ‘0 4 “0"". A"! 995°" 'ilhing 10' ' BALTIMORE—Futon LAl‘l'.‘ . 54 Acres more or less, a! patented ind. The‘ View ”3° P'°P°"y an “11.0“ A- 5- leen, } ‘ .........u......... 650t0 Z 02 imprommtshnre a large Two-' - iiiving "931' b!- ‘ ' i i 45 '.u ;. to Itory .éfime Dwellingnuvsn,wnh ‘ ' Ra‘s-lo to commence ntl O’clock. P. Hm l 20 to l» 38 a one Mid n hnif ltd!" iogKitchel, ’ 0n Mid dny. when Attendance will lye-given and . ....t.. 91$ to 107 a Bank Barn, p 31"! stone and purt terms made kuowu by l. R. SHIPhEY, ‘ ......... 6.8.10_ _B5 fume, with a good Wagon Shed uni Corn . , A S'AMYERS' 7 001 m 7 £7‘Crib‘ unwell of water, with n pump nenrthe WThe undersigned "u “I” “”1 “t ‘h" g 90 tq 3 90 dour. and .n Orchard or 3 “um, {mum—x lime time nu‘d place, a valuable little FARM. . . b 00 will) 00 Thea Western Branch of Marsh Creek run: I sxtt‘} mile from the nbnve numed farm and t. 7 00 it 8 iz‘ithrongh . cornur of the place. About “1 l _m_ from the Round Hm Post Oflige, con 29,00 1931' 004, “I“ are w," set in “cold mendow, mad about ‘ taming l 8 Acres, more or lg“: The improve. ‘6! (q 53 25 in flood timber. Pnrt of the farm fini been I ments are “ Two-story LOB lIUUSE’ new Bank 39 "I lined. The land into! the red g'rnt'el And un- : iiinrnnorchnriof €h°'.“. "“53“ pump '39" - Hour Wheat. Kym... Corn... 0M: '......u... ......x. Clover 5ceu1.........\.....‘, ijulhy 5eed..........‘.\.\...._. Beef Cattle, pl'! hund.:.x.‘.;.. Hogs, per hund............r....., Huv... Whiskey“... Gunno, n ‘rurinn, pl-r 10n.:... ‘ -. HANOVER—Tannin: u", Flour, from wag0n5.....;.... Do. (mm “on: When! ............-... C0rn............:........... 0nu......1.................. Cloyor 5eed...........5., Timothy 5eed.........'.‘..- P1anter..................... Aféood Farm , T IYUHLH SALI-;.-——On MUNDA‘Y, thé A 3035. dis/“r NOVEMBER inst; thggub. séliher WI“ mm— ul Puhlic Ssh-”mt!” pre‘m: Notice. “ATHARIXE' WEISMANTLE'S ESTATE.— (;’ Lem-rs of administration on the agate of Fallm-ine Weismmule, hue of Cumherfqnd tp., Aniuna cm, deceased, haying been granted In the undersigned, rt-siding in Geuyshurg, he hqrrhy gives notice to all Apex-sons indebted tu‘ “in! estate 16 make Immedin‘te pnyment. and those having claims against the same to present them properly authentic-Med for settlement. DAVID ZIEGLI-zlg, Adm’r. V N0v.16.1863. .6: 4 . ‘ _ Notice. ATHARINE ELL" ITT'S ESTATEn-L‘eueis ‘ ofudmigistrmion ontbgesute ot‘Clthafine Enign, late snr anding uh, Adams «mamas »Lcused, hafing been granted to the nude-r -signe-l, residing in Gettysburg, ht hereby giv‘es noticu_to all (gr-sons indebted to saio‘l‘ estate to make immegiatc payment, “figs: -hnving claims againt the same to pr :1! ‘ them propel-13 nuthentihama for selllement. ‘1 ROBERT ELLIOTT, Adm'r. FEM. 16,\563. Gt , . . ' 7 Notice. . OSEPH ‘ HARTZEI.’S Emma—Linen or. J miministnuion mghg estate of Jolepi Hub-I zt-i, hm- of ankim twp, Adam: co.,deceaseé, hnring bun granted to the nndersigmd, 'ro-I siding in the same township, he hergby gives, no'lcc-to all persons indebted to Inid enguté' in make immediate payment, and' time: nv‘u inf; clzims agninst the lame to [nrhsent thyr' properly Inthcnticnted for settlement. . '3 AiiRAHAM HART, Adm’r.~ Nov. 16, [s3. m, ’ ~ ' ’ ”* ‘ “:“"‘—.—“—""‘~—"’—_‘—§" . 00 Tons Hay ANTED—EENRY UTZ, agent for Stine 5‘ ’tv Young, will buy may quantity of H 3" pxying jhe highest mun-kin price therefo’ét— Persom/ luring Bay, to 101 l would do {fell to gin him n’ enfly call,'in Gettysburg. . Nov. 16, 1863. 21:: , Bay! Bay! » BIL}? HANS. In Granite Sution, ‘pnyl _ OXFORD PRICES for th._ ’ ‘ Nov. 9,1863. a . ‘ ' Stray Cattle. ' All! to, the Alan Hours,“ July Inst. . C BULL Ind HEIFEB, about an you old. The owncr ig "queued to come fonnnd, grove :1) ft _v cblr‘ as, Ind Like the tray. ' pPa" l” lucon GULF, grew-rd. " Oct. 26, 1863. a: , Stray Cattle. TRAYBD flrny from the premizea of the S subscriber. in Sznbnn Lownshlpgone mile from Gettysbug, About A months ago, TWO HBiFfißs m: on STEER. ,0“. of the heifers is t dirk red. about nro yenn‘bld ; the other il a light le-l, Wilh "speckled head, 18 months old: the steer i: principally white, with “4 ,pm‘, two yen-s old. A nomnutrdwiu be given {6l- the return of the cattle, or {or in formation It to when they_mny in bad. CHRIeIAN gamma. Nov. 2, 1863. 3a § 1 1863. Fall unhnery. 1863.: , Stray. Bull. 188 )IcCREARY has just retnrned from; CAME to flu! premiles offhe subacniber,in M the City,and in now Opening, surge and Freedom township, in My hm, : Smu— udful “'usorunem of MILLINERY AND’ 11er Ron BULL, luppoudw b 0 tboulJ’our FANCY GOES, of the Intel: nyles. which shel yunzold. Thy, one: is ri-qnuted to prove inflm the din to an, and examine, e‘oni, property, psy chm-pa, “d aka him In . but that they will be planar with her like: I GEORGE 7130111. anus. ‘ _7 [oa. to, was. ~31 1 Oct» 96.11863. 3:. , ' ""‘ - , ’xhe 'door.- The hnd has u been recent! i~ ' i wx. McSUEI h" “0: {62min "e ,9 .1k A, u IHum-mud iain a good 3516 of cultivating" Limestown, Nor. 2,1863. 1: 1 5 5 I WK“ L a tommenc n . 0c 0: ’. ‘ "him! under good fencing. Terms will’he may, ”_.‘ 1 re, , 3 --.___ ,3- i 600 on the 'lummflburg prom-rt), an}! 1 Duo“) Ind made known bv A. S. MYERS. ' Pl9OOlB. tion I 00".“ 120 P. XL, on lhe farm: ‘11: l9?!““"a" not. sold It‘ Nov. 2 1863. la. 1 . w J um, I , ~ 95. my be rankeddfoi one rive Attend-nee grant 3 <‘_ _ _. -. ___-_ WHERE‘S pure Il‘lon. “01%“ .I. 531:, 3‘: 3:: terms um I: [raglgogéhi LADY;Adm'r. A Desirable ProPerty kmon Pleafgh Kelli): thniiz‘ggapozggihe 19th ‘ 5 1:0 By “'9 CONN—10“” FiChO‘fl. Clerk. AT I‘RIV‘U‘E SA'I‘E:~—TIIE rery deairnble-rpiguia, and Juaaice of the Courts of [yer and f{2 W 2“ Hie camp tune, on the term, will be . town Hfgptnyylh b'onlh Baltimpresxreet,‘l'etminer and Gm“ Jail Delivery ff” the 700 lo“ a lot ofCORK in the ear: ' , } Gettyhurgzpnow nccupwfl hy L6}. H. _lmng. Vmfii ar an capit nd other ofl‘ender m the i\‘ Nov. Is, 1863. :3. 4 .. » well, u nfl‘ered at Primate Sale. It, consists of , .nid dktrigt‘ and DAVID ZIIGLII and AAC E ; ‘ “ ——— two lots. on which are erecled al, WIERI'AX, 3.41., )l‘ud‘ es of the Courts 91' Cum 'commodious Two-alory ' Brivk mun Pleas, 11nd J slfces of the Courts of Oyer LDWCHWK HOUSE: "Mi 5 large And Terminer and General Juil Deli el’y, for } two-story brick back-building, the the “1,1 of all capital and other 052 ders‘ in 5 upper room of which is auiuble for n uhool- the County of Adhm's—hnre issued eir pre room, having been bnilt for the purpose.—— Jeptfliearing date the 20th day of Adjgust, in There is on the lot 2 Barn, Cornwrib null/l tha yenr ofour ano one-thoisnntl rig" blin ‘ Wood-home; excellent eon waterfnd n varie- idred and sixtyd‘g‘E‘ and to me direc ,ty of choice fruit tree-u The building is well ‘holding a Court nf ommon Pleas, nnd adapted either for a 'private reeigence or ngQunrter Sessionsni {he Peace, and Boarding and Day School. 1 Jail Delivery andlfiou'rt onycr nnd Te ”the property in notgold prior to the In of, at Gettysburg, d) Manday, lilac 1605 December, it will be for rent the ensuingyenr. lNormlm- nczt— f ' - W‘Applicnlion ml); be mudeloillt w. rumor:r IS HEREBY GWEN to; "'l' 3': - . McClean Gennbur , u. ~’ Janice! o ,thc Place the Coroue‘r and 11". ,mer, an}; ‘8 m EKG-gaff:- ".1311... made Army 3“. g trudSTF‘ES .OFgTHE VXXTED P ES‘ ‘bIES vithin' ihe bilid’ Count? of Adm ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ " BYTHMAN CHURCH, GETT SBURG. . they be" than and Mmrc in their prnper‘ Oct-12. 1863 tdecl .4 ' _ 13"”! their lnous], nefiords, anuisitiaos. “"“ '““‘ "'“""‘.*“““ i .lnntmns,,n one! emcm rzinc¢s,to \ ~ I’“wa Sale. 3 1 things whiéh tr N s.ucnl>.n',i e 2m day of waving- 'lpplu'lriil| to in 0 BER inst” the subscriber. Astignee of PI‘OSCC‘"? “Elli Lewis P. W'eaver and Wile, will otmflnt. Pub. #hcn 5113!.“ he i 1 llc Sale, on the [ll’efllirfli’ the following Rm. Adnml, an to Estate, \‘iz :. :: l lngainsnhem n: A LOT OF GROUND. situate in hiehtolrn, l ' Oxford township, Ari-ms county. Pu . qdjnin. ing lands of John anre'nce, Snmne 8. Jan kins, Joe. J. Smith. end others. can icing 3 Acres, more or lean, improved with n ood one And 1 half eto-y Frame Weather hourded HOUSE, fume Stable, - r IBM Valuable Mill Property‘ 1 OR SALE..——Thu undersigned-mil ofl'er at A F Puhlic Salmon the premiscl.on NHL-KY. ' the {Nth insL, that fine NEILCHAN ILL, : known as Delcue’a Hill, together with 4 Acres 0! lfud, more or Less, vuth the building. be lon ing lherelogsituutq imconowngm town ship; Adams~co., Eur, adjoininguindi of David Smyser, John .\laralulll, and ot era. This is éprrlmys aim at the best and 111$”. convenient Mills on LIL; L'mle Cbnowugo, aim-ted in one form niou fertile valley: in the Sute,nnd bu I bgcn thoroughly repaired during the pun. lum imcr, and is in excellem order. \ win». mrmamhich wilt he (nude way, up ply In the subscribers at. the Mill, o‘r fnrm a sum diurnal-o.- from it. Sale to cummencv at 10 o‘clock, A. .\L, of said day, when attendance “11l be given by - , . MARIA .\lcC. DELONE l SONS, ' - Heirs of Jacob Delone, dec‘d. Nov. 9, 1863. 13‘ i . Pubhc Sale. '_' _ .‘flE lubscriben Administrnmnheutate, fll _0! Isaac New, deceased. wilfqfieh at Pub- , I In Sale, en the mania“, on SA'I'L'RIXIAY. the ' 2m: dns’ at BQVI-ZMBI-‘n ‘ inn", A SMALL‘ Plum, figtainiuiz 25 Acres and 80 Perches; myte «Qt-s3} adjdi'ning land‘s ofJoseph Powers, 4 and mixers. and ohe-hnlf mile west of Bermnd-: inn Church.’ The imxnron‘mentl ‘ r «re a Ham-Moi; LUG 1101138. L 1.3: Burn, 3 well of‘gnod waver‘a! the d 507, Knfirchnrd (:1 App!" . nnd‘l’uches. The land is in a gnod‘stne of‘ genitivnlinn; lulrfly Fmod. There are thou: 3 1 I|th of fine timber on Qhe {runny ‘ '3 wfiale to cnmmence n 1 1 drink. P. 81,, on, ' and (19', when nucudnnce will be giu‘n rind" ‘ terms madeluown by ‘ ‘ ‘ mm: LONG, Adm'r. and other necosmry out-buildings; a thriving young Apple Orchard,‘ with .3 Variety of other fruit, trees‘ premises. k fif’erson: wishing to View the win call on the subscriber, residing o joining property. = ~ ‘fiQ‘Snleto ‘tmmen‘ee M 1 o‘clock. said day, ssh uttundflpce will be g terms made nown hyE‘ ’ JOSEPH Jt SMITH, A: . 863. u . ' J y Listg'uNov. Ter ,fi/ Gmxvumw. Re: ng—,Leri (‘h'runisten Foreman. Slmhnn—P‘nmuol A. Uillilnud. l'ninn—Jncoh Hostetter. , Humiltonban—.\liclm’el Kugier. Franklin—Jonathan Wis lc'r, Semuela Tyrone—Peter .\iiiler, of i‘. Mennlinn—Michml Bender. . I Oxfords-Joseph Stougn, ’ s Slountpiensantfii. B. Smith. Cumberlgsnd—‘Jn: ob Weiké‘rt. 7 Butler—Willinm Eichollz. Consecmnon . iBEWSfiTnTc’ESfii}.. F THE, _SOLIJiFIk'S OEMETERY.—-The, Be‘rwzitk borough—F. J. Wilson. "1 10!“ “WY-‘3“! generally, 0‘ ‘u ““5 Stntes, ‘ Germany—lsaac Staub. Joseph Buk‘e ntz-d the ehnrilahlé ind ,hcncroient “men“Huntington—George Bream. '—. tint". are m‘mt cordiauy invnetl to he prrnentJ Hamilton—Jesse Jacobs. ".11"? Pflnmm‘im‘ 0‘ “‘9 SUNRm’ Cemetery. ! )toun-jo‘y—ueichoir'wolr. At Gettysburg. Fun, on THURSDAY, the Hub - Freedom—llsvid Stewnrt. inntant, nnd ‘purticipttk intbe solemn exercises Con“.’,,go_w,m.m Duttt-rn. of the occasion-J By order uftlte Governors oi 3",,1“ tnwnsbip—Biasius Gerber. the’severul States interested. ' Liberty—Jnmes Bower. . . . DAVID WILLS, 1 , GENER'AL smm 1. Agentfor A. G. (,‘urtm, Governor of Beunvl- Butler—Jacob Rnfl’enspetger, Samuel Hewitt. , numn, Ind acting specmlly {or the. other . Union—{Samuel P. Young. Herman'Strine. gm?" v - ' ‘... Hintingt’on—Th'amts G. Nedy, John Flt-gel, ‘hgtysbu?’ M“ 9’ ”63' ‘ Joseph Smith. . " "‘5: "~" ' ”_' ’N ’ . ._.____,..._._ -‘ ._ a. or Michlcl , » .Electlon. Bernlfilltnrlorough. Andrew Blk , . BA" or Gnrvswno, Oct. 28, ”363. Gettysburg—meinm J_ yarfiu, Henry ,G. T(l'l‘iffiijs hereby given to the Stockhol- .- Wolf, Adam Doersom. , h ‘ders orthe Bank of Gettysburg, I)?“ In .Mo tpienunt—Alennder Shrob.’ Peter' K. ileclion' tor Thirteen Directors, to Eerye one; ugmith, David Meihorn. » , , wear, “in be'held at the Banking House, on ,9 Mennilen-Jncch B. sk“ {Jesse‘l Hutton. iioxnu, the um: day of sovnuggrn, 1263. , Himilmnb‘h, 1m ““5“ Mam. J-Surder . [3‘3 general ”fun“ My” St cnh‘dd'" Liberty—John fiiflerflfidwnrd Melntire. 3W ‘in take niuce st t e same time. q __ - i n Jacob “mm- ,m. I r. n. CABSON,CnIhiet-. [~"",’:2,.h;’,:f,§ ”0 0W: J" v, , ‘ id ‘ _ Franklin—Daniel Heintzeimnn, Peter Kette mnn, Thomas F. Grommet. . 1 Read ng-iJonu Cnroniuer, John L. Tiugh inhnngh. : .fl -‘ Conowigo—Adnm Outer, Thom” “chutney. Monnljay—John Eckenrode, Samuel Redk. . Latirnore—John J'ohtu. ' ; , Tyrone—Peter Fidler, ol ,Geo., Jnmes h. Put-t tenturt. ' , 1 ‘ Freedom-John Cunninghun, Wm. Bighorn. ' CumberlsndLWuhington \thherow, ,Jltney . ‘ Thompson. . } Germany—Jncoh King, Willmn Your, Ed“ -wnrd Long. . ' . Hamilton—John Henley, John Hellxei. ‘ ; Oiford—George Smith, Ghnrlu Tinnitus: Herrick township—Daniel Bucher. . . octotm ts, uses. t: .. . Nov: 9, 1863. ts’ r HIS is to give notice that. two (‘e‘rtifu-MMI I‘ othtm-k In the “'Mleru [Sunk of RAUL, nnrv, numhrrod roqrectufi‘ly 480. fur fifty manna and 237. for twentvairo shat-es, in the nnmc u! t-Inmm H, S“ ope. nuw deceuséd, were log; or nul‘rn about the In of July l:l_st‘ nnd( (tut. appltculion has been made tognid Bauk‘ fur new Certificates. _ _ ‘ i ~ : JOHN A. SWOPE, ' Adm'r of Emwup deceased. Gettyabtugvxev. 9, 1_863.: m""k n? New 2, 1563 Bux‘or Gxfii‘ncm, Nov.\3, ’1 3. BE Directors of the Bankk'of Get'iurg In" this day drclaved a Icmi~lnnual Iridcnd of 31x PER (11%., clear. of State and National Tnxea, payable on and after MONDAY NEST, the 9th in“. '. . ' T. D. CARSON, Cashiers Nov. 9, 1863. ,3: : . :» ~ Dindeng. ‘ HE President and Manager. of the York end Getty-burg annpikp Bond Company have'declnrgd A dividend 01 One Doll" per there in: tin capital stoci, to be paid to the übckhoiden or legal represent-tine, 9n de mud. GEORGE SWOPE, Nov. 9, 1863. 3: Auiunnt. Tress. ' GOOD FAR)! in Aduna calmly, for which i will «change one or more Fenn- of choice land in lowa, arid pay the difi'ennce. Nov. 9, X 863. GEO. ARNOLD. EOBGE ARNOLD In: just received froth , Philngelphu, A Inge neck of CLOTHS CASSIMEBES. Over-continua. Uusinen, Ven hagsl Flinneh, )‘lmlim, Jenni. he" 41] ofwlnc’l will be sold cheap for cub. Gill and use that. \Sep‘ti 28, 1863. ' A Noticet ‘ SAAC VAN ORSDAL‘S ESTATE—Letter: ofndmininntion, d 3 bonis non with the In" turned; on the estate of hue Van Owl-11, late of Stray-n twp.,‘ Aduns coun ty, dece’ued, Inning been aimed to the under eigned,résidingin the sametownahip. be hereby given notice to all persons’Tidebted to aid ”up to make immediate payment, and those hu'mg chime against the lame to present them phperly authenticated tor settlement. JOHN F. EELTY, Adm't. . Nov. 9, 1863. r6;* I. ’ z _ 3' S, R. Tlpton ULD lion respectfully inform the pub lic that be hu commenced linking B NS. He will make thgm on the Ihuu or us will harm“. his canoli’en. » Perseus having Broom Com will plenum“. Shopin IcCon-wghy's Hall, on corner of 6m floor. [Not 9, 1863. .l 7 ~_,._ _ ._W..-_‘__.a-; _ ...—___— Notice. EN Dividend. New' Goods. Nov. 2, Notlce. A ‘ _ L (V EOBGE HOOS’S ESTATE—Letterman’- I tomentnry on the estate of George Hoot, lute of Cumh'erlud towns p, Adams'connty, deceased, having been gm ted to the under ligued, residing in Getty burg. be hereby given notice to ell penons indebted to aid estate to unite immediate payment, end thou luring claim. ogninat the tome to present them properly authenticated for settlement. , J. B. BANNER, Executor. _9ct. 19,1863. 6t ‘ ' Notice. ' e ARY WOLF'S ESTATE.—Letlerh of ad miniatration on the estate of My}; Wolf, ate of Germany township, Adam; county, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned. residing in the same township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to mid estate to make immediate payment, lad those having claim- sgnluut the same to present them properly authenticated for nettlement. ‘ JAMES STALEY, . OLIVER STALEY,’ Oct. 19, 1863. (it Admini-trotorl. Nance. , 1 AMES EWING‘S ESTATE-Letter: otnd ministration on the estate of JunelEwidg, late of Franklin lwp., Adm! co., dcceugd, hu‘ing been granted to the undersigned, resid i.ng in Cumberland township, he henby givu not!“ to I”. persons indebted to um estate ta'nnke immediate pnyment, and thou luv iug clnilnl nglinst the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAH ROSSwldn'r. 0ct.26,1883. a: 3 _ 7 For Sale. / A VERY desirable PARK, adjoining the Borough o! Genynburmconkining 7pm m ACRES—Bnildinp and Lnd good. g Willi» sold on very ucommodnt’mg “ «run. . . GEO. ARNOLD. Gntynbnrg, Oct. 5,1883. t! - ePnbllc Sale I A VALUABLE HOUSE A‘XD LOT ‘I‘N LITTLESTUWN.-The luhscriherl oler at private sale that very desirable property formerly occupied by Dr. Joseph A. Shorb, de ceased, and more recently. by Dr. Simuel G. Kinler, deer-aged. liluuLe in the centre of Lita tiestown. The loretiou of the property in one‘ al the best in the term and is Adapted to an; kind of business. or M A private residence cen not he excelled. Having been occupied by Physicians ever since the erection ofthe build ingsl gentlemen ol the medical profession could not leCfire A more advantageous location. The Dwelling HOUSE end OFFICE have been built 9! the very best mnterinl and the ‘ rooms ere all conveniently errenged. ‘ There ii on the Lot a. first-rate large Barn, an Ice? "on: Wood Shed, Spring House. 3 never.‘ {eili ll of Inter.” good cistern _nnd I" ill 2 n y out-buildings. ln et'ery respect.l thin p rtyis ntahnbly the most desirable in l the town‘ and v'ell worthy of the attention ofl persona desiring e profitable ’inveatmont or e lphendid homo. ' gel! the property in not sold before SAT URDAY. the 21“ My of NOVEMBERHML, it will on thnt any, It 1 o'clock, P. 51., be od’ered 1t Public Snle, on the pmmiles. - ‘ For tenhs, or gay other intonation yard to sale, application may he made: of the undeuigadd. MARIA L. xu ' WM. HcSHER one of the Ekeduton of Du. S. G.‘ N. B. Persona indebted to the esw B. GnKinzer [or uncles pnrchaaed at l fluent" the personal properly 0! said. d or by note or bpgk account, are no‘ my the mmepn or helbre the first dn‘ cember next, A: the nbcoutnts will placed in the bend» of MI uficer for ca ' . 3‘ JOHN KTNZE] Shaun": om The Great 51 VESE INCE its 0! S cm in the \\'HULESALL\ They _ have TEAS, and are TWO CENTS ‘ COS’Ij, semi nsvurim no: rm ONE PRICE AEKED. . Another peculihrity of the. Conipnmt their Tu 'l‘ursk’nol'only devotes'l} to‘ihe selection of their TEAS as to val-pg, and particular slxles for,purtic cullues of country." but he helps the T to choose out of their enormuus sto Tens as are best ndupted to his 'pa wants, and notouly this, but points 9:: the best bury: 5. 1 - \lt is easy to c‘the inulcnlahle‘nd a TM Burn bu fin this establishment others. “ ’ i 1; If he II no )udgje olfl‘ea or the Mar 9 time in nlueble—he has n)! uhe behe well organized syetem 0} doing busines‘ immense capital,vof lhej fitment of» final Ten Taster, and the knowledge] perior selesmcn. ‘ ' x . ‘ 'l‘liuiennbles qll Tel buy-emu all they are thousands of miles Ir this —lo'pnrchnre on as good term herel Sew York merchants. ‘\ . " } l’qties can orqrr Tus‘sand will befserved ‘hy In a: well at ”dough (hm yume lhcmul a. be ing sure to get original padrllyu, [rue 'r ‘ 1:! and (arenand the Tun nro WARRANT!» 1’ (pre lmled. ‘ A l ‘\ We issue a Price List of the Comp-IN 3 Tens, which will lb? sent to all who order m; comprising ' ' : ‘ ‘ .mfisox, YOUNG! m’son, ~I3IRERIAL.LG UN PUWDKR, TWENKAY & SKIN, 00 ONG. , SOUCHUNG, ORANGE t HYSON P ROE. l JAPAN TEA 6f every description, 0 lured ‘nnd nncolored. ' ~ ; This list In: ench kind of Tendivide into four Classes, namely : QARGU, high C 360, IFIXE, FINEST, the! every one any and: stand Ifrom description find the prirumnnexe thlt ithe Company Ire deternxined to undenloll the :whole Ten trade. ‘ 31 We guarantee to sell ALL our Teas not over TWO CENTS (.92 cents) per punnd above :cost, .helierinz this to be aurnclive o the many who here heretolore been peyingkxou nous Plan". 1 3 marl remises the ad- l'. BL. on ten and EMI 1 - IEI GREAT AMERICAN TEA comma lurch-nuts um Janna, ‘; A . m5l Veaefit., New fink Oct. 19,1863: ‘3m , a . ‘ collectors, 1 1w AXE NOTICE.-The Colléctors of’; am for 1862 Ind previous years, in the differ-r em. townships of Adams county, are hereby notified 111-whey will be required to settle up their Duplicate”, on or before the 16th dlsy of NOVEMBER. next, oh‘v’rhich day the Cummin lioneu will meet u: their oflicelo gimme uc ceunry 'exon‘erntionn, he. I 1 ' The Collecton‘of'the predent _venr wtll be required to pay over: $6 the County Tresflaurer all monies that mly‘bc collected by thd No vemberpourt. ‘ , ‘1 wu. ;B. GARDNER, « EPHRAIM‘JYERS, ‘ JACOB ‘EPPELMAN, ' Commiuibnen of Adams con Angst—J: l. gunmmeqk. Oct: 28} 188 . Id ‘ . Shanda (8: Bushler', Dumas IN i coat. AND um ER, ;sl'OV E s , _ TIN-WARE, BELOW-WARE, w, , ' 4M.“ - __ ’ SHUTTEBS, BLINDq}; SASH, RT . Corner of‘Carli-le Ind Ban osd Streak, pO. lite, ilrom Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. 86 28,1!63._‘tfr j EORGE ARNOLD hu now got up hinl‘nll Ind Winter ugck of Clothing, the hfrgeu flock in tpwn, confining of ‘ / Over Costs, ( Dnu Com, . ' Business Cuts, . ‘ Military Blouse. snafu", anuoom,‘vesu. Under mad Over-Shim, Driven, Hosiery, Gloves, he" in. great variety, I" of which fwill be sold cheup for cub. Cull sad m then. Sept. 28,1883. __ OYesloYes! ‘9 HE nudenigned oflen his unice- w‘ the pliblic u 3 SALE DRYER, and uh I 1 on] Ihne of encouragement. He hu had oonlidornble u eriez'xce in the business, ind feel- cfinflent in“ he will give entire autis flCliOn. Chnr'gel moderate. 11in residence is in Freedom township, 1} miles went of Brown'- Mill. REUBEN GOLDEN. SepL 14, :883. 2m“ * _ Wall Paper! 1 I LARGE uriely of pater"; of the lament" Ind most duimbleuyles, many of which; a“. in; lold n. the old pticn. C.“ Ind see I t u ucILBENY'S. ‘ with re . either. u ZER, . inter. e ofDr. He Yen‘- cenugd, ifizd‘ to : bf De lhen be Hectiun. ' HY. lecumra 'led, for! General ', General : rminei‘, day of all ‘he Conant us, thug Jen-sons, Exam ‘o thou L behnh I'lo will *rd or um)" of execute MU '55:: IR, ‘ ‘ I; flew 1 ‘NTIiY. ‘ ioul of nova is t ‘s '11“ . “.\lity; -hi- [O xbuyer such licnlar to him _n tn 5:: Mr «11 MIMI léofn ,ofnn protes ot su- '18? I! I lfktl M the Clothing Picking's ! CHM? about)": sarong Istho pucetobuyyonr _ ' 1‘ OYERCOATS ANDID'BESS COATL. ‘ our 3 FINE cons A5O conszcous, I . your ‘ . (FLOTH COATS AID CASSII RE 00138, 4 ‘ your , ' g \ graocx cons AND BUSINESS cone, 4 . . you 5 (my cons AND mung? cons, i ’ _ our ‘ i' NDAY COATS AiD EVERYDAY COATS,‘ ‘ your ‘ ‘.i! want cons AND woman cons, 1 » your . I . . I GOOD COATS AID CHEAP COATS, nuu be all: cheaper than anybody due. I B‘6o Io ‘ |' CKING'B CLOTHING STORE, ‘ 'on \ - ‘ ’ BALTIMORE STREET, GETTTSBURG, for your 01'; PANTS axn- mssmzns PANTS; I . for your ‘\ ~ } PLAIN PANTS AND “SHRED-PANTS. . Im- your ' ‘ ‘ FINE PANTS AND COABSE PANTS, , ’ ‘ for our , FITTING PANTS AfiD YANG? PASTE, for your . ‘» GOOD 'PANTS"AND 0113 A? PANTS, because his prices Irmalwpyl ellittie lower thn'n anybody eise‘s. fi'PIC-KING’S‘Q! . lo the he'st place to get CLOTH VESTS AND CASSIMEiiE VESTS, t at *"‘ - ‘ SILK vssrhimn‘sum VESTS, to get. ‘5 A . PLAIN vnsrs AND FAch VESTS, - , ' to get . , , ' WARE VESTS AND CHEAP VESTS. to get ' SIRAIGET VESTS AND fiOLLfi'G VESTS, ; ‘l' , ‘ to et - F ’ LIGHT VESTS AN?) HEAVY YESTS,’ ' to et , i ‘ ‘COARSE VESTS Ago CHEAP VESTS, to et ‘ lllLlfl‘AßY YESTS “5 all kinds of Vesta, cheaper than any other store in the county, \ co To PICKING'S t fi-lfyuuwanthn 'o' ] ACOORDBUN ‘—-~,— l 1 .‘ ‘ Go to Picking.l ‘ " f on um I a ‘ . on 1364. i i’OCKETKNiI-‘ls {F "7”}; WORLD, i” 0;“ Picking. l‘An independenti'Demorrotriqc Dnilyfieml-Week. 0“ .m I ,' l' s Weekl ' ewe n )cr. - ' i SilLil'Ea-TfinlßhE 3-} ’ n =3— .” l . 5 GD ‘0 3" ’ ' 'UXION OF THE WORLD AND ARGUS. F” s°“ “7”“ " - The World.‘to which tho.\'r\v York Weekly ‘.. “XE 5364-“. . A-rgne has been united, lino tn~dsy five times. 1 0° ‘0 Psclnn.” . the aggregate circulation or any Demucmtic a! J! 7“! W'- ‘.' Iconservativehow-paper. it nddrcsscn weekly *SKWW 10949“) more than 100,000 subscribers and constant . GO 10 3mm:- i purchasers and renuhes ctr-Mist our s hum! jl‘f 3'°‘{ WM“ ' I reader’s. With the steady Increase in Circn, :LHE“ IN‘G TOBACCO l lotion which it now enjoys, those numbers will 1 (1° ‘0 PWHBB- ; he'gonhled by the list ‘of January. 1864,—fl “'3O“ ‘3‘“ i Nothing less thsn this shouhlntlst‘y _tl-.ore wfho t SUN’ENDEFS, , believe that the only hope ‘of restoring the 3U. G 0 W P‘CKIDB- high end the authority of the Constitution ofier lt'yon w‘npt . [u now dlunctéd end. dirldcd conutry,.llel‘ in 31‘th PEFS lwresfing power from the hands oi those whose .00 10 Picking. {sniitiolsnr liss helped to provoke, lnritn_ and ”you Wm"- ‘prolong the pier; undithnt to accomplish this 1' 600]) PENCILS lend, no mesnst so efl'ective as the difl'ueion, ‘ (3,9 to PIONW- : through sble snd enterprising newspapers, of if .700 want- I soupd politlcsi knowledge sinqnu the wor’iinz l SLEIGH BELLS , men, the thinking men, sud the .voting inen of ‘ Go to Picking. the North. ’ . ' If yonjwnnt ‘ ‘ Enterprise, industry and money will be li‘ha } 153“ 80!? , orally expended to puke TH: Wit-w 'rnn Go to Picknnz- ‘BEST NEWSPAPER-1N AMERICA. in news if 3°“ "M ’l‘ f i from every part ot the world will_he only and l' GOOD SU” ,* fuuthentic'. Wherever the telegraph r_xtuds. - (30 ‘0 Picking. or railroads run, or stnmbwus‘qzly, it will '" s°“ “3‘“ 3 . ‘gfllher the Into“ intelligence rit’ hns n lnrge ‘ ‘CHE-‘P SU” stu’il' of sccomplished correspondents with all r , Go to Picking the l'edcmL urtn'cs, Whn‘wiil tfilt‘grpph nnd If SUU'W‘M . . 'wmtoto’ us the fittest new; i‘ronrtJtel tuious ‘ CHEAP CLOTHES souls of iv“. lthns correspoudhuts and rc ‘ ’3O ‘0 Pli'klng- i porters in every polilicnlJlnd commercial res— tre‘ in America. nod Europe. whose letters sud l dirpsuchu will leave nothing worthy of not. . l unknown to its render-a. . _ ‘ 1 Special exertions Will-3he used to .mnke lls reports of the Crops, of the Cattle, Product, and Honeymurkets,comprehensivh and new rate. Realizing that Jhe hone nhtl alone of the country are who found 'upou the forms and in work s'hopr, Tun Wontuwill g-tth'er from every qusrtcr information nnrtmetu c'on rning Agriculture and 'rnnnufncturee, and lill endeavor to ninlre its issues peculiarly i sluablc to the Farmersnnd Mechanics of the ,ccilntry. ” 4 ' : e war in which the nation is engrgsd ‘rnguht t srmcd Ind infetnsted rebels not! the ‘ rndirn\policy o‘! the administration ‘whlch t'prolongs itflnve conspired to Lting together tumor- one platform nll conservative, L'nionc l lotti'ng I‘nd Constitution-lavingflhtcn, of what everJormer heme and creed. Man} 01 those who; within the limits'ol‘ the Courtitntihn, fought the battle: of the ballot-box angler the I lesdership of those pnlriotic stueslen of other rh‘fl better days, llcnry'Clny sttdfllnniel “'cb , ster, together with the mum wh'osepfinciples were thoge of such‘patriote or Andrew Inch ron, and William L. Mercy, Silas Wright unO iStephen A. 0&1!“an stand shoulder to ‘shonlder upon the some plnttorm snd under 1 the “same Lsnner. The plating-n is n plain one. it is to ,Issronl nu: Ufllol, nssrpx rsn ; Cos‘rlrcrws. sun lxruncz 'rnn Lsin.‘ Whet everuinnkes for this end, the exert-ire of ‘on. or the policy of conciliation, The World nil ndrocstc; whatever makes ngsinst it, The! World will oppose. , It will oppose every enemy‘Jo ' , . ' . Till-l UNION: ' - (whether smed in” rebellion Al. the Soil}. onlo lsidioorly plsnting the seeds of disunion end ; essential disloynlty at the North. _ ‘ It will oppose every violation of . ’ . "THE CONSTITU'I‘IUN, ' ‘ ‘ which is “I; only hope Ind hood of-Unlon. and our only authority for eshortin; ur- compelling the allegiance of the-50mg. , it will oppose every infrn'etion of ' , , THE LAWS, ~ _ in high places or in low, by reckless and wisp: guided portions, or byatbe adminifintiou which hss been their exsmp‘ie. , , it will fearlessly exercise\\the Freedom of the Press; it will constantly uphold and defend freedom offlpeech, sud Freedoni‘ot the anllot. ’[o the ’lswlees acts at the Administration, its nrbitrnrysnd unjurt arrests ind expatria tions, its denial or the right to tl‘ writ of liulmu corpus, its illegal proclnanienSits shro .gntion 0! Sure and federal inn, its deepmio Ict'll‘lllull‘lolll of nngrnnted power, and its _suhv‘euions of the ut'c-gn’ords of ctvih‘sxn rusossr. Lislnrv, it will constantly oppose the letter end spirit of our supreme liw and the sdvocscy ofsonnd doctrine, nntil Ameri-' can freemen ehnll be roused to the recovery of their rights, their. liberties, their laws, And, their limited third well-balanced government, by the resistien decision orthe ballot. . Profnuodly impressed With the desire to contribute sll that it may to the greet work of this generation—namely, to restore 'our 111‘ uonsl unity, and to pince the United States. ngoiu foremost smongthe notions of the earth. end first in the peace, prosperity nod happiness of its people—Tip; World seeks from those who. desire such things their sympathy sod support, nod, nhove 111, the favor of Him who crowns, every good ri'ork. ‘ ' TERMS: DAPLY WORLD. Yearly subscribers by mi 1,............. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD, Single subscribers per ennnm.... Two copies to one addresutny Three II ‘I Five _u leices,‘ Trunks, ~ ’Cnupel Bags, Travelipg Bags, Wnlklug Cant-I, Umbrellas, Gun/Shawls, Clpthes Brushes, 'Hni‘ Brushea, Tooth Bwsh‘n. Blanking Brush“, Boot Bulking, Buckskin Clout. Cmimcu Gluten, Kid Gloves. Thread Glovel, Comlortersf Fille Shiru, ‘ Coarse Shins, Gusimare Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Merino Shirts, Lambwool Shh-u, Knit Shirts, {.‘an Shim, « Fl nnel Draweu, W ollen Dilute", Co [on Drum", N ‘k-thn, ‘ Cfrvats, _ Collars, ‘ . Pfl'fl Collars, i (l 111 Shoes, ‘ Bulfinlo Shoes, l Cotton Socks, i lwilolleuflocks, } H dkcrchiel's, ’ :Pothet Combfl, Re ding Combs, Buflzllu Shoél, For Sale or Exchang:-. ‘ VERY desirable (mm MILL, with a; 3: ACRES OE LAND, in Germany ¥ . 4 . .IJrill exrhnnge for a Funn, TM. ’ - the difl'erence, if any. \ ‘ . (.1210. ARNOLD. 9 king, OM. 59353. tf , ~ > All Invited. ) HE under gned hue thh day enleud into pannerlhi in the Grain, Prague. Ind minion twang, u the old KHnefi-l‘ter u. come: of nnbnfind Railrosd Itreeu. 'bighen prices x'n cub p-id for '~‘ ? FLOUR, WHEAT . ' ‘ . , BYE, 961 m, ‘ OATS, SEEDS, ’ i _ ‘ AND , 1111'; ll kind: of Groccfies, Guanol, Fish, salt; every otherfinnide ulufilly found in our of busineu, in of which will be lold' ' leule und rem], on the joweamérmu. . , -d see 111, unq satisfy younelru. that v [O. ' , * ‘ DOLBINGER & HEBBST burg, June I, 1863. l! * . Watches“ Jewelry, ‘ ND SILVER-WARET—Tbe underlined would relpgcfifully invite )0!" attention Inia well selected stock 0! Fine Gold Ind eLWATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of ykini and variety of l'yletialng 'l'th neweu and most beautiful Ilelignl. 110, SOLID SILVER WARE. equal loCoin : a m but min of SILVER PLATED RE. Etch utiéle in vaunted to be u named. . * . ' meu Ind Jewelry «refullj Remix-ed nt'uh'ction gunnuteed. ” , ' ' JACOB HARLEY. _ (Succeuor to Suufler't lanky.) " No. 622 Xuku smm, Philid's. pt. 'l, 1863. an, - A Card. IZZIE FMZER would molt mpectfnlly inform ’the Ladies of Gettysburg and vicl , ity Ibflmhe intends carrying on DRESS MA ' ING; in the most fashionable styles, It the «Menu of Miss Heck, in Baltimore meet. Tb ml for pu'. tnvorl,’ by uric: Attention to bquneu lie hopel to neril the pitronage ot ‘ll friends. ‘ ' ‘ N‘ B.—3mbmideria§;na Braiding done at y the foborleu now-o. 9 Incl: {uhionl jun). racked. '[Oc.l. 19, 1883. it. ‘ Notice. ‘ EORGE H. HOUCK'S ESTATE—Letters ‘ ot'mminiuntion on the euue offlenrge ‘: ouck, late of loam/joy townsh‘p, Adams Ly, dec'd., heviqg been granted to the un igncd, residing in the Inme township, ereby gives notice to all persons indebted aid estate to make immediate phymem, tho-e huvmg chum ngainm'tha name resent them properly authenticated for ement. MOSES HARTM'AN, Adm'r. z. 19. 1863. 63’ Nouce. . MOS SAVBLE'S ESTATE—Letter: olad. mininnlion ofthe estate of Amol Stable, of Howtplen-nt township, Jud-1m cp.’ ed, having been granted to the under. d, raiding in the same township, he 'uy given notice to all penonl indebted to «late to nuke immedine pnymgmV 3nd '- having chiml ngninu th same to pre. , hen properly Authenticated for settlement. DAVID “sun, “.1. I. 19, 1863. 00‘ uid] _lho ms Good Things flag: the (my! ' ‘VE urn receiving twi Kn week fiom tho ‘\ (My. "Irit-ly o! nrtlc‘iu united to‘tho luau 0! mi. community, viz: fresh and Sal: FISH, Hams. hhoulders and Sides, "aging; Bum, Salt, Apples, Mauve-flung: .Lem’orgl, kaeu'om, Tobncvos, Sagan, wi nanny , other nrficlu in thin line—All re‘eeired n, tho but order, undvold M the lowest prafiu. ‘ifl n 3 «211,111 Baltimore street, nearly uppol Pafineuocka‘ nore. WANTED.—Bunu, Ensimrd, and :11! other’country produce—for which the Make" cub rice wfllbepaid. _ SJEET NTATOES-rhut “um-y, trim" on living profits—ultra” on hand. Alla, wish-ms, fine Ind tmh—‘m m. uhell ‘or lhocked. Rellnurnntl and Milieu uupplipd, STRICKHUUSRR A WISUTZKEY} Getty-burgh!” 18, 1863. 31:3 » Come with a Rush A E undersigned would most roimmflly ,inl’orm his mun} friends nnd thr public generally, thnt'he bu gnna into the Cloud"; bluineu, u Ssmon'u oldpundjn the Diamond, 603$."ng Hil uock, Already full,will be nu , cnl-rged, m embrue enry‘ Ityll .01 CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, " . Cqu. Tanks. Vuicu, Bloch. Wuchn, ch- ‘ ell-y, Gun, Piamhwd, In short, Merylhi'ng uhich ought ‘.ng fnund usury: clnu (mum; at! Vuiehy Hana. ‘ Pnnicplzus “neck“. In the montime 1:0 invites evcrybed-y to give him n can. Ho’ lu tends t 6 keep so perfvct a stock a: to nccmn-' modntq all—and, with the h’ope oflurge sales, :he hopes to make u ln'ing übsm all profits. No trouhle to Show goods, and cr'cry cfl‘org, math to ulisfy buyer: June 15,-1863. 1f ‘ Tallormg. . ‘HE nubscriber,'l,.uving returned from lhe,:‘ ‘Army, takes lh'ls method of informing th ' public thatfhc has commenced LIIe‘TZAILUIb ‘ \ ING BUSINESS a min, at me old Build, ‘in flcSher'rywm-n, ‘Afiims county, Pu“ 3nd HIM. - / he will make up garment: in the buljlyiq,/ Ind‘u. unio’nublo mug. Ho hopel by atrlqc, attenlluu‘ to husinesl mid 3| desire to plea-c, 10. merit} ml] sharp ufpubi‘xc patron-age. _ ' " . gummy: \IIHM. r . Aug. 31, 1868: ,In ._..... __‘_’-_____. _ Prgspecms - “ BAP Picking ‘l'fl', Picking. “‘.Y s. [fline' ‘ Pic lng, rccei ed :Ich rim] riling to and new the low- It Good: fine {or Tea " WEEKLY WORLD. ‘ ‘ ' Single Inbtcrilgen per~nnnum..m......... 8 00 ‘ Thu-e copiu (Iddreu on uch paper)... 500 Five copies 4 , “ ‘“' ... 3 W ‘ Ton coplfl “ “ " n- 15% i v Twenty copies (1" to one address) ... fl ' Club: of 20 and our can hug th. “in. ’ pm. on each paper for In additional alum Q 1 ; lo cents each. " . .n Fur every club of twenty an extra copy will .3 be Iddod for thegener up ofthe club. For every club 01 tiny, the Semi-Weekly; and far "cry club of one hundred, tho Dnlly will be can, when "queued, in lieu of lhl' extn main of weakly. , , Additions to Club! may be undo It one“. It tune rum. Papers unnot hm timid" '; from one Club to Another, but a. fig.“ of * we penon curring an Club, Ania. ”flip! a . any cenu_exus, linglo pupcn wiu’ huh; I; ’ flora the club and um. ta I "tandem i i All ordcffi‘nuu baweompnied b th‘m‘: ' Add». - THE WSRLD, 2m. 2, 1893. 35 mi Row, m tong, mos nmxxsnuo‘n - SS 00. a 90. 1 '... ”$3.6. ‘ a: so
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers