II 11 Terms. “TKO Colman is published every Mondny mowing. by Hun J. Snnu, 1t 81 75 pet Innuln it psid strictly 'm unset—s 2 00 per annum if not. paid in advance. No Illblcl‘ipjion discbntinued, unless It the option 6! the publuher, until .11 urea-get He paid. ’1 ‘ ‘ Aannulus”inserteduuieunulnm. Jon Pu‘xnxa done with 503'th sud th. u. ‘ »_ ~ I 5 ‘ Orixc: in South Bgltimore itreet, new]; opposite Wamplen’ Tinningflfiétahlizh m'ent -—"Coxru.n Pnrsrma‘Orrxc}" on the sign. Pamassmzm mans. A. 3. Cover, TTORNBY, AT LAW,wIH promptly éctend A m Colloctiom and all 01!:te buxinou on truuui lo hiuu Ufljco between Fnhneltockl' Ind Banner 1: Zkglcr’u Star-a, B’altimore Igrut Gfit’fi’fiirg. Pu. .[Sept. 5, 1859. ‘ ,i? ‘ H.- B, Woods, .’H‘ORNEY AT LAW, Qumncua, PL, kill attend to a“ profusion! bulinou ontruuod to hit care. . _Un‘ICI z—Uu Wen lliddl'efureel, next door to the Court-house, in the room lnkly occupied as a Law ome b, w. BAIL-Glenn", H.q., dec'd. ’ Sept. 2|, 1863. bm . Edwagd 'B, Buehlerl [women 1'? LAW, will raiwuny and A promptly nuimd to I” bushels e‘ntrusted ‘to him. He speaks, the German languagep'l 30858; at the same place, in South Ball¥ur€ ”9"". near Forney'n drug store, Ind I: nrly dppouite Dunner t Ziugler’l‘nore. (Botlynbhrg, Aim-ch ZJO. , Wm. A. Duncan, 13mm tr LAW.—Oflice in gm youn— - garner ofClintre Squnre, Geuflbnrg, ’ - ' ’ [oa. 3.1859. 1! , J. G; Neely, ‘ TTORXEY AT L {Wu—Purfi'cuhr Atten # tion [MM :0 c.ll'ecviun of Pensions, i Lumy; and Buck-pry.- ()fl’ice in fibu S. E. cumgr of the ULLmOnd. , , Gétlylllurg, Apru a, 1863., If 4 D; McCimaughy, TTORNEY AT 1.15 W, (office one door west A 0! lluehlL-r'i (11-fig and luck s!ore,Chum usbu'z sliced) Arnmmn' nm’Snucn'on you PATIITI un flqxslugg. Bounty Land Wur— nnt‘n, llnck-puy lusucndqd Claims, and ’n‘fl other cluima ugnjn‘sl lhe‘Gnvcrument 5: Wash lng'on. D. o.;4lsg.\meri_c:lnCluinls in Euglnnd. Land Warrants lo'cntell nnd soldmr lvoxngllt,»nd highest prices given. .\gt-nls engaged in lo uting warrants in lnwn. Illinois anJ other eglnnSutu' fi'hfipply to him personally r‘lJ lulu. i ' Gully-burg, N9]. 2‘1,'53 J. Layvrence’ Hlll, 1% D. AS his 'och one K _ doolr west ofthe ‘5 “W .uthernn church in Inmbenrurg street. and Opposite Picking“: tore. wh—-ra those wishing to hme any Denml Operd' inn pe'farnlrd are respex-ttulty invited to urn ‘Hutzlvcns' 11". Homer, Rev. L‘. l'. 'n nth. I". I)” He“. H. L. ”dimmer", D. D., Rev '.of. )1. Jm-obg. .'rof. 11: L. Stun-er (”Myshurg‘l‘ 3,1“! 11,'§3 ‘ L . Notice. _' bio lay in your liqu..rs for lmrrpixt, nmv ja‘ the“ ‘llEV‘firm “f hrs. PRESS & TAYLOR ‘ls ltmu. .1 lune llylu‘\ brandyrf n luslufs, an~ I hN‘P'H Ui~3l1l"l.‘|l lw mutunl conient on‘ dle“ “nuts. “‘l’” I)lllUI.qu|10l"8j -“ Inch l‘.:un .3 . - . '_. di~ msm nfnt slmrl profits have nu- n c.lll. flllt'mhr‘l' l~hld. [NI-.1. : A‘II persona lmnnp—l l .3 . at l’ l ‘ ; » lnimt m; mm. ‘Ol imlchtnl to BIZtl firm “ml “Wk” ".’l ‘0 plensfl—and P “T 9 \vr) 0‘" - ~ ~ . \l’enwmbor thP plaice—southeast ltllll‘ pri‘u‘llt them to l'.:q. .\. J. Corof for ten "Hula" H“ t‘ . ‘ «ijustmcm. ,curncr of the". mutt-ind, ‘.ctt’vsbmg. ‘ . ‘ ' (JED. l‘. hALUI'LIJcCiI. L___'_ ,luf‘ ‘. Hm. .. A._Mathlot 8930;113- " 10le .\XI) FURNlTURE\\’Al(l§ll})o\l’§‘, \'ns. 8 ‘25 nurl 27 N. tiny strvu, Baltimore, (nwr Fayette SLT) extending trmn Guy t~o vFredvrin-k 3L—tllc larfvflt L‘stelfiidlmcn! ol the kin-l inxlte l'niqn. Always I ‘ Imm! .| large xlssnrtment ul llUl'Sl‘lllULl) AX; (.Ur‘Elil‘l‘Fl'lin’l‘l'RH, Hu hmving Hui-cans, Bedstend ,Wusbsllmls, “'an rubes, llntltrtl‘sscs of “Nils, ,Gotton muthur- Spring Halls, Some, Tctc-e-Tytes, Ami Clmirs, Rocking Clmirs, thgvres, .\l'urhlv TablN, SM ~led, llaceptinn tHIII l’pllulflel‘évl Chain, .\S SOKTIIR) COLORS U F UHT'I‘AU h; Fl‘ [£s l’l'Ußl-I, ‘\'00!l L‘lmirL-(Hfice Choirs, ’Bnrber Chain, Ci‘i‘bsi and Crudlca, Hut Racks, llallfl-‘urnitux'e, Gilt mm Walnut Frume Loukin‘gfllasses, Side boards, Exteneion Tnbles, ote' \‘zlength . l'rrsunal‘disp-mod lo purchh‘tfifiire inritl'd t'o cull an l'givt our stock an examination, llich funvnrh-ty and qtmlity ol’workmunshipfi: nut equalled bfnny establishment ivhe :unu‘tr; . 3 A. MATmOT .t s’ox, Nos. 15 and 27 N..Gny strcel/ Aug. 6 fisco. - ~ FDI'. Wm. Taylor ' ) nfnrxunhf inl'uhuunu ‘.f‘jietlphuu um] ri umy Hut} he «1” cumim’ie ”the przulicc “1 Ma rlLfeu‘i-nfi'nl th.-‘01:] mum, ucxl dmr to 1m: {ninpilrr ()Ificv. (hwy-burg. l’.l. Thankful fr p:l:t { Nun. he hog»: :q I'm-oi»? a n-Imn- of xhlrr mlv‘uungc.‘ , [sum 23. ldhli. If 5.. Dr. James Cress, ~ ‘ICLECTH: rm :H‘ux, 11-Lnklulfin‘ Epub. ‘1 he [lnlrmlhur Inrqgfore 1-xlzlulrd [u hum. uqnmt erq fricn-u I’m he “ill ruminue Ihe rlgvlil-‘u of {li-I [llo'l'saL u in Getty-mun: nml “Ln-LL} . Hiriwlu‘" means In chorue or snlevt. Emu, .m- « u-rt tlw Ilrsl, mfe-t nul must r:- . hle renal-din 1' 3m all! other sv-cl.crinnmcdi vl FP‘IUUI‘I. wl'nqh h‘nw- been rccrommendrd um fire cxlver‘n-[ngv and mnctioxmd by the ..tcli'l'J'u! li.» nlvje-‘t Eek-Mir Przlcliiyiunern, ul din-nu] xluiw glare. uuurinus, sm- 1 minu mmp .r Maggi, mun-Hr}, him: pill, Mood let: n 2 ki- ,- Udlcc in HIP,£:\“K fill of York “neg-in thew ‘ ‘e‘ilin'r nnncd hf ”8 ll‘)’ Welly. Gettysburg, {iqm '..S, lsfill. 3m w , Removal. “gas-s’“ ‘ R. ONE-AIL hM ronwed‘his Univ? {ram ' “'ills' building in tin. curm-r (J Ham. 'on: In}! High urn-ts, nppoaile Hu- I'rrnlu lrian Churn-h. Romdcnce adjoining the office. lAN-H 03, 1863. t! ‘ " Adams" County ~,‘ U'Hlfll. Fllll-I INSURANCE l!()\ll‘.l.\‘\'.--' ‘ I lrigerpprhted Alan-h 18, lusl. 7 §" § Japrmcxna. ' rpai/Irial—Gcorge Swupe. ' J) ‘ : l'ace I'imrlenl—S. R. Russell. g lSrrrtlury—D.‘ A} But-Illa. lereamrer—‘Duvid M'Urenfy’. .‘ ”fluguu'u ammonium—Robert )lcCurnly, Jun-ob ,Kilfig, Andrew lluintzelnmn. ' «payers-_i‘neor-ze Swope. D. A. Buvlllvr:R'. Tul‘l‘ly, Jacob King, A. Heintu‘lmnn. D. “I'- u‘kS. I'L- R'usell. J. R. Hersh, Samuel rhorzuv, H‘ G. Fnhflentock. Wm. B. Wiknnj .\. Piulng, Wm. B. .\lcClellun, Juhn WM: 1, R. G. McCreary. John Ricking, .\lu-l'l‘. ighl, Jolm Cunninghnm. Abdiel F. Gill, 1191‘ 11. l’larulmllx ll: Eichclhcrger. gum. Compnny i; limited in its opera ns to‘the.con‘nty 0! Adams. , It. has been in cesal‘ul op'ernlion for more than six years, in th.“,pe'rlod has paid all losses and ex ses, without 'any auangmnl, haying also a lnrgo plus capital in the‘Trensury. The Com y employs no Ageing—KN business being a by the Managers, \gho are annually clan).- 1 the Stockholdcp. Any person desiring lnsurnnce cnn apply 19 any of the above Cd .\(nmrzers for further inform-«tion; The Execxftive Committee m'ec's at the -e ol‘ the Company on the lull Wednesday n-ry mofilh, u 2, P. M. “$.27, 18.38; , $ Pa 'do ed AM ll 4 u ' :SOmegmng New ; 1% GBTTYSBUEGfi-The übitrfig’i'id inform! _ ‘the citizen: of the town and éauaty‘thntKheV 1 commenced the BAKING husi'ness, on ’n a «cafe, in York streethettysburg, nearly site Wattles’s Hotell where he will try to I": and hope: to nceive, I liberal patron , BREAD. ROLLS, CAKES, CBAGKERS, HZEDS, km, km, baked every day, ‘sS‘un. sexcep‘ed,} 13“ of the but qnglityfnu sold 36 lowa.“ hnng profitq. (flicker-baking in n bunches islurgely lufied on, and order: n; mount, ifi'om thia and adjoining eonn-_ supplied At the lhortcst notice. Haring 3 large and commodions bake-house amt red the heat. workman sad the no“ Ip ed mnchinery, he in prepmd to do ‘ )- huinelsl PR" dn. 1 “I. ‘1! l‘. \l‘ m. ‘ro VALENTINE SAUPEI. 1125. gass Goal! Coal! Coal. \ , “as armament Re now. piepirod to 'upp'fy GOAL, of fiberior quality, in Any 'zitydesired. terms; Cub. ( LaOne! Come All! ' They also requeu thou indebted to '.fi call find ply up. u {mull no and! . Who will big tin.- firu to can 1 06¢. , . 7 sq}. - -.- n“! 1362. ‘ ' ‘ IR the .. nead' ope } ‘ ‘ [L—u- , ' _ Cd,” 0 ‘Dmfl. flOBXIEfiS Drug 800:6." LL (11. but Punt . . _‘yu cnn bchgd “W In me new F-mily- I: And Pmeupno. ml,“ of _ 'DnB. HORNER. V l em and Venting, cheap It CWTBS’AG’"? ~ * ’uuxssrooxsu ‘ ’ - , ‘ LA Insulin]! assortment a: ~ N?“ m .~ at BY B‘. J. ~BTAHIEE "2 - 7ar. . I a ‘ . . SmalljFai'm ‘ J”! T PRIVATE SALE.- he in? Icribc‘r of- AB fer; M print: ml: the tollowing "AL -1 LE PROPERTY: situated ‘in Strxbnn township, Adumu county, Pm," onlthe public mad lending from Qlttysburg to‘ Hslfisburg, flames North East of the lormer place. i" The Farm c'ontninga 75 Acres and 32 Perch’es, nndthe improvements consisvof I. good sub quntial DWELLING aocszmmme ' thin, “Sub House, - Vood House, Dry Houpe, Carringe House, uud EB‘; Cider; Preach with other necessary - 4 1- out-buildings; mo wells of good water _in the yard. There in ,MI Orchsnl of tiood ”fit on the premium. The property” well propor tioned with meadow andrtimber hunt. "in convenient to .\laflteu, Chltrchesrsmouls, &c., making it very desinbje.‘l‘he attention of "pur— chain'- is invited to it. Call upon or address the undersigned. res‘iwlmg thereon., _ DANIEL u. RAHRSEY, ‘ Heuyuhurg P. 0., §dnms co., PI. | N. IL—The pubsgriher alga offers 160 Acres 1 ohms! sofl Prairie- I4nnd,,simlled ngar Dresdapfi Powclheik ruumy, lowa. ' ’ "D‘. H. F. ] Aug. 3'l, mm. lf- ' .’ 1 Jacobs's Saloon Revived»? THE umlo-rsignrd h'nve l'uedUlcobs'l Si "lmin, in Chiimhersbnrg street, and intend to k’eep it in the lzcvt—alyle, hoping Illa! the MEI-lie will nppreciute theii'mfi'oru 1.0 plxense by g; 'ng them a lnrgr patronage. They will i’e ceive OYSTERS re-gulnrly and do them up in» aIIsixyIes;YOL'SWCH{UKENS,BEE€TUSGUE,’ “Ah .\X‘D EGGS, and almost everything that]: lam) be called fur, will ‘he seryed. They will also keep ALE. LAGER, PORTER, WIRES, kc. Thu nre determined to do min‘gi up "m the most‘ rde’slruble manner, and feel certain of pleauing all who mny ( nll. ‘ NICHOLAS comm, m, . JOSEPH ,suouu Gettysburg, Sept. 2|, [B6L .One anduAll, L .' TAKE .\'oTlGH.——The ¥udcrsighed i'ould my to “:9 public 11m he i‘: receiving; a huge and “Hawk! flock of ORUCERIEQ, which h:- wilr. II as low as any other house in lowur-(Mifeca, Sugus, Mninsnes. Syrups, Tens. Svlt, Fish, 51.2, with ['otutoes. Bums, nn‘d [lice ; Wm‘uleu “'.er, put nl3in the best. man ner ; Tolmccu', Srgnrt km, #O. FARMERS, TAKE X()TII‘I~I! IMI=BI 31..‘ Isaac K. Stauffer, ' / ._ \VATQH MAKER AND JEWEL‘ER/ " A _ _ mscnmc’nrn or /_ ._. SILVER “'.\ RH & [\[r'URTER Ul" WATCHES, ‘ Nu its .\"unh hecond $l.; (turner Quarry,_ ‘ - -‘ Pulmnnmlu, RA. L » He Inn: enmmmly “on hand {ll' ssorgmentof l Unl‘l and 5:1.“- l’ma-m Leverfl. n'me'nnd Plain \\'.nl,:h"s: FumHul-l Chains“ ml: and Key-3,, Hrm‘qt Pinfi. Eur Rings, Finger Rings, Bru'cc- l MM “nualurc I‘uscn, Me‘d‘xllionsr Lockets, l'rnoils. Tlmuhlcs, Sprcmclds, le‘cr TI-hit‘, , fivsul, Ten, Sn]! and .\iusmrd Spoons; Sugar 1 ivSpL‘mnS, (‘up-x ,\'.Lpl\inßin-gs, Fruit. nugl Buster 4Knives, Slliulll~.C-nubs, Diamond Pointed Penn,‘ [9}. u—nll uf '.\‘hicil will. b-- sold bit for cash” ' i. .\l. l. TUIH.\> It Cu ‘3 best quality “All jew 'ded Pncm, Li‘H-r' \lmcmmns constantly on 11. .d; alto all)»; Makers of supnrior qmflh‘y. ! r I Kama—(£9l4 .md sun-r boughlhfor bush. 1 Sept 1, 1353. a\y ‘ ‘ . .3 ,W- ~ - v ‘ -. ‘New Warehouse. ‘ r] ()() ()(N) ‘m'SIIELS DF ‘ GRAIX . 1 \\ ANTI-2D,“: me new Gnfin and Producc House, in (‘nrlislc street, adjoin ing Stu-ads I: Buehler‘s esmNishmenL., Thg’ ’highcsl "1.“le price will thug-1, be pnid in} 'casll for » f ‘ GRAIN, or all kinds, _ . w _’ FLOW“. SEEDS, kc.‘ ‘ _ prufifs, - ”1 GUANOS. 1‘ 1 SALT, FISH." ” j ' _ . GROCERIE§,. kc., - . Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our best to gii'e satisfaction in all 'enseg. Getty-burg, May 11,- 1863. K I; o . . .. ‘ -._.7._ New? Goods - _ 'l' FAHNESTOCKS‘.—Fnhnestock Bnol. A would respectfully inform thfir friend: und the public genenlly'tlnt the: h “‘s‘!“ received their'Spring stoé: (If Goo again-Now York and Pllilldelphin. aning box ht them for cash, we are prepured to offer I 2 largest sud: prettiest flock of DRESS GOODS Fur olered to‘ the citizens of the county and at OLD PRICESJ “ Quick sales Ind abort profiu" being our motto. ' l ‘ we.“ and again. It the sigq‘orthg ' 1, my J1,_1863. RED rum-11.9 ‘ : Removals. “’ yi THEnndel-signod, befing the authorized pefson Co make removal: into Ever Green Curfe zefgnaopes thn inch 1.: cqntemplnte the remand ' _tho remit:- of deceased phi}: or friends I‘ll “I“ thgmlolvel of this mun; the yen to 'have itdone. [lemon] made with promptueu —lerm low, and In) 611;". spared to please. . PETER. THOBN, . Inch 12, ’6O. Kooperof the Cemetery ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-cut cor nor of the Dinménd, (nut door to Me. ' ‘lelan’l Hotel.) Geuylburg; Pm, where he can It'll] than be foudd ready to attend to all business in his line; He has alao excellent”- Ilumnca und will ensure satisfsction. Give him a pull. - ’ 5 [Dec 3, 1860. AGO, Arrow Rooc, Corn Burch, Rice-flour and Gehtin, for sale at MHORXER’S rug Stare. , Z < DEE KHAN D Y, WINE AND WHISKEY, to: mediolg Pu’km'“ any. name How Drug to'rc of - ' fDr. B. BOLm H you w.|nt ficCURDY u Dump. John W. Tiptbn. 1A @EM©©RATU© :MD mmum J©URNALq ght `k not. ADD AND ItOrTIII Spring Aw?“ bus: in the woodlands, Climbing up on: peak to peak, 1 As an old man: mg and brooded,' ' ‘ With aflylh'nbou hi. cheek. \ Hun: years pruned Enrgi upon him,- ‘3': And his liviuglngnds wet; few, 1 And from outlthe lombre fixture 1‘ _ Troyplel drifted into View. : Theré—is something,moves on ltmngelj In 0“ ruins gray with years; Yet mere's lomqthing far more touching . In‘in old face wet with tests. 1 ' And he sat there, sadly sighlnp‘ “ l _ O’érihia feeblengss and wrongs, " 1 Though the birds-butside his windbwi , . . Talked of summer in Ehgir‘l‘so7gs. * Ilqt, heholuLl I change éomes’o'er him‘: When are all hisporrows now? '- § - Could they leave hi": jnearl as quickly; As the gloom élouda‘lefl his bréw? I _Upzlhe greén slope of his garden, :4 PM! the dial. he saw run ‘ i ‘ Thr ‘ Girls, vl'ilh hrh'“ ”' ‘. 'L '5 use young girls, with bright cyéé shining; Like their‘lbrown beads, in the (Inn! 1 .1 There was P‘nnny, fund for wlsdqm: ‘ D‘l And 'Jnirfilicevfiimedlol’ pride i 1 1; . Andyne that could my “My uncle," ' w ‘ 1‘ And szud little else beside. Q ‘ Aug] Hm! vision sinned memories} 1 _ Thai 5005 big all scenes of strife, Sendiux'fl Jodslofhallowed sunthine 1' l Though lhe'rnggenl‘rents of life. E ?ben they my him‘ from his m’ijdy, L Through long lane: and tangled bowe'f‘s, Out into the ulmdgd vulloyfl, ‘ )- Richly tinfod o'er with Howels.. ‘ And he Masai-(j their merry "flaw, Singing roéfid him as lxe"wem,_ Fo'r xhe‘ (ighugt their: wild glndnesa Filled hi‘simfn heart. with content. ~, .» I J l‘ r e ( “cure; ln t: limes 11l "' . L l [tidal/{mm mvlnner'} l ‘ hill) lnyns drcas? c inf/u} princes, ~ . r sum-ytllirfg loss. ‘ .'.J irl nnd'mrl’v'j uket “a; rnov.othe (’lO golden are i ()ftlxc-d (Img: lhunghls and replingsr- I Sm ~":51. could du 'l3“ mgrc. ' ‘ l Thfr are sprulg§ of cryml nectar ‘l -‘> -r Welling out of nylon}; A, 3 T ,ere cu“: purple be?! and golden, \ I Hidden,‘crnshedé§lnd overgrown. a!» 099, who counts I'lfi'Z'souls, not dEreSßt-s, j? E . Loves and proslléiég'ou :ind me; ; While lLe valugs than” the highest ‘ 5 En! as pebbles in the spa. ‘ ‘ JAM, that nig'hk, there came a!» Fur-nit mc-ldo‘ws mum-ed f: And Old wobdiiin {which 'l‘ve fiefiksréw mc'nmue :1 And hemp!) " These any Take mu wilxnr‘ut‘as r ~ -‘. I)[BI£H¢EB 14 0 VI. 1 1 4 NO “Em shall j'udvgo .1 Who shall kuu/ PJllperS may in l’yrx‘nccé‘fit ’ (‘rumple-lrsy ligfiflifitellafienaifi. 5. BOSECBAHSiNIEWS 01" THE WAR. ‘ 'l‘he ‘Cmgrier Jar Etals .L'nis, translating I from 5‘ Cincinnati paper, presents :the Hol l lowing development of.the views of en; Rosecrans in 'l‘ngl‘tl to the policy of the I Administration and the prQfilgate can at iot’ so mariy,oi tits adherents. The st‘hte lfilem deserves profound comideraiioq by men capehle ot houmable emoticnnfiind «1:30 desire to secure thegyyéltfnre of their country by those honest menus which Loan alone avail such enmends‘iv'l'lggg ictnre’ of l forde'l in this hrief'p‘glss‘ag'h is‘Jizeadfu to contemplate: but tli‘P coloring is unlisp lin only too true to reality. The Ono-ring ys: “ Persons who are on intimnlte‘ térihs git]: General Rasecrans declare that him is hreatly d scoureged Imut the war. ll‘his ‘is not. become he considers the soot. ern ormies invincible,‘hut because‘he believes {that the acceded Slntéscsn nave: boprought back hy therr'ig'orous policy which the Gov ernment has adopted. He has neyer taken any part in the proceedings of .-_Andrew Johnson. the' Military Governor of Tennes ”see, who has succeeded in converting to so eegsiqn all’peorrle who had any hope: of U nion. Himsel perfectly disinterested, he look; with disgust upon the shabeful traffic «which is goin‘ on under the tuskk’of patriot , ism. ' When €l5 looks around him‘he secs m’n moved by all sorts of motives, more or less decentfiishepthonor and lore of coun try. Some are fighting from ambition. others from avarice; to the latter the con quesb of“ country means only pillage “snld circa cotton; the former ore jealous _of thriysuperloh end their equals, endure delightedtwith‘iny rev/arse which may oven tskethem. ' . . / E.. ' ~ :“I’rofoundly honest and religiousgltose cram! regards these spectacles‘yvith: bitter sversion. Has religious feelings hove EFP'D’ upon hing in proportion to the excesses and intrigueswhich He is impotent to prevent; and in mysticathpet of mother .world he seeks relief from the oorniptions of} the present. He no longer fights ‘éwilh may I ntdor. but simply from .3 sense of 1“”. considering ouch victory o useless wake of wood. He has no confidence in his euc~ ceases. considering thlt they on followed by the swoop of birds of prey whose uraci ty makes hopeless the paeification o the country. * 4' * All these details come to me from 9 person very dearto Roseanne. to whom the General wrote chit he saw in grad gefeat of Chickamnugo the finger of o . ’ 00:! t 3)“ Badicalalsm.—After exhausting n thraegears’ army, after piling upon the phouldeugfihe nation adebt of two thous and lilillions, lbe Presidentpulla 13:: new army and looks fox ward to ih‘reo m years. of equally costly. and destructive Wu.— And who has mn'de this necessary 2 Ne one can dispute the present need. This is the condition to wfiich .rudicalism bu bxjought un.Tß~len Char-hr. ' ‘mn Aunt-Alia the beqklcomu (mtg the north, the cold from the south, and It in bone“ on the mountaintop. .- “ "Hum 13 mom-{A 1) Wing PRIVAIL.” ‘GETTYSBURG, 13A,, MQNfiAY, Nov 9, 1863. Im. Mm? Mrs HUNDRED POUNDS. now m: DOES n no “fun ruwr as" nix 'mz mu or ivcnmsisu ms srnsxorum Dr. George Winsln , the strong man of Boston. now raises dni y ~the extraordimrf weight of twenty—six hundred pounas.— His operating rooms nder the old Park street church. Boston s're daily throngml With the curious as w H nsthose who'are desirous of lenrningt 8 art of how! to ,be strong. ' In one 'corner of the roomfistnrids his famous liftifig mac inc. This consists of: solid frfime work f wood about. seven feet. in height, with a. )lattlorni aboutrhu‘lt‘ way ufion‘ which“ the octdrgtamis to go‘ throng his daily ex rcise.‘ , A shoulder bar and I, quantity of leather straps and‘ hands form the ham 55 with which the‘ feat is performed. nder the platform the weights arelsusl ended. These [re corhposed‘of broad iro plates of a circuisl‘ forth, resting one u on the 'othm‘. and held together by meari ot'av stout. iron rod running through the: centre of each. ‘ Sur rounding these plates re long slim burs' of iron running traveraly and mode to be de tachedtor jmnedto th main body. They are iirrangegi in this in nnerao as to grnklu ate Uiqweight—mm be Hg added as oi'toli its is required by thoriii reising strength of the putctitionor. X in: tire each of twenty five pounds wqigh’t. Flne,‘ whole body of iron‘suspendeil‘imth mu er.anll'which is raised tlJily by D “I'l‘illJl‘xhip, is 2,000 {wimdh Dr. anhi D Atliinlix he‘ shall '.continue his experilßLnt ammo can raise. 3.000 pounds. ' his, he be ' vexiis the pru‘clical limit. for lone of his prfiggiza tionv’and constiiution};_buc he in 6 the opinion that men :ufn hm mentioned point:l mke fa! greater weigh ' In another cornea-(J hnraeshoe mqgluet. sus (mm the aucmion of ty centre: upon mist mg mrf‘llxxl~l:|nl‘e~::- {us oxp'vnuwntx‘ by s" ry lqu‘w‘hne mnunel wu-Ight every tlny m (I) nttm‘holl tn thmpul pnlwer ixg‘crv-nics in weight Added. AL fi twelvg nuncm— mnret xhn irnwln‘detm‘h. I another ounce wus‘ m uml this experiment w :11 the magnet now $1 [VOI]]AII~‘, (In; uttf‘m‘till. 11111le more rapidly I thxs mngn‘ct which fin lho idea of incremmg gradual (lcvvlopmenh little by littlv (01le nuwd the: amount lin} itt Min amlercd nu one-'s hair‘é"; A h , livallg anchn n WOIHII‘ smile-ll the truth of ch: bl‘ qprm‘lxcu nmv raw-. 1 and trouble- mmumed Unsdlreclwn. I]: wln Rz‘zvll'SLnfi/J S'lrap.r.——'l'hnl milk 'nml an}: o! the mihlun ofiicmwuiexlo ignz‘r‘ lwl as i'ullmu :‘ “They: ISllOU‘l‘lt‘l‘yStlzlp‘ of u MujorGonerul [7031’ 131) silver embiniilured lmves, one-,4: ouch en‘l oi the atmg. A ‘BrigmlierGemmHms ne silver star only. A Colonel bus :2. ailver mbrniderell s irend eagle; a Lieutenant Co onel has two ilver embroidered leaves, on at each end‘gf the strap; a Mzijnr has tw embroiderel gold leaves Similary placed. At Captain hnu‘twlo gold bars at. each end olthc 'stmp. a First: Lieutenant has one go! l b.ir at each and of the strafi; a Second Li utenmzt has no bar at it". ' “The cloth ofthe str. tinguishes the arm oft eml and stall ofiicers, i aFtillery, scarlet; for for riflemen, green; an coinr. , , “Non commissioned by 'chevrons.’ or stripe in the form of al‘ettcr 'two stripes; Sergean gemfls' have 'A lozenge, figure, within the ungl ' Sergegnt Major camp :14 the Serge-ant. compla base uppermost.” ‘ '—— ——~ -—-4t.0 Git} Little' Pike the B. the result in the Smte, : ed that Northampton i (y—‘Jhut 18‘ she bail giv ocratic majority in col vote can). To this 0 Bet-ks” took exceptionl whey beat. us. But they] ed in lose the Isureh. lent little Pike. and set Out. of: wlal‘vote of 1.4 ward 914 majority—bet four to one of the WI: filled in that. county. rks, Brother Kensler. you mutt-take n backl Pike comes nlnng.—Ea. The Habau Oorpu.-—Tbe New York Sun states mm the War De nrlment has made a modification ofiho Prisidént's proclama tiOn suspending the. Leas any)": act, so that hereafter the civil . - rig will be_nliow led to take gniance , heretofore of all‘ 'cues for thsgiischnrge . minors improper: ly eniistedfand iilegnll detained by the milihiry inthorities. lis nnno'unpemgfit,‘ the Sun says, is mule b the Adjutant en-‘ oral in a dispatch to Mr. Simon Ste m, a lawyer of Now Yprk, in relation to use of Lminor in which he was rinteréledrk This decision will aflord‘is nsibl; relief to, the community and lefialtrof jsidn. and relieve the Prefiidont’a procl ' ation of a. , feature {but has renderd it (1' ult. it not gimpossible, to obtain re r , {6‘l"th who 'cannot legally be detain (in tha army. _~ ,_.__ “an“ —¢—-—x‘ S'The Fulton Repub u (Aboliiionliu I brilliantly displayed/ ‘held" glofifying‘ ‘over the re-election of ommrti'n. has a line to the eff? ‘ < l ' ‘ “THE PEOT T THE WAR TOl This is whx you have dec} for Curtin I dupes! You, ~ .. the syren song of the paid electioneerers who told youth-t if Curdn would be elected 113 would have Peace in thirty days, and now you urn cool y informal that by voting for CurJiu you announced your desire that, the war should go on indefinitely !—Ba{ford Guide. aw'l‘he people of this country, North and South, would have saved the country in Spite of Southern radicals, if the; latter bud not been ioyously aided and ablted .3: Northern rddic‘ala,” say: t_h9J - ‘_’ ‘31:“; mace, and never was a M f‘_ 9 ' trfith uttered. To-dny.eyea.&dgm& : insupnrable obstacle ¢o page and you '. is ‘hat sumo Northern radicalism. is TWENTY-511i ‘rior to him ip [h Kimmy be tiaiuedkrh ) s. - Jfl the rnnm_ a. small Emlml by a «Stalwar— ‘ ll visitors. Curiosi file from the follow ‘l'. \Vmuhip' h8g1") «pending an Ordina- MM “(1111ng a little P snnll p'ret‘e nfiron 4. .'l'he susmiuing mrooiwl rntm' tn 'llje ‘( It would xucmin um (hh yuuH can“ u tv‘l‘ntv-‘uur huur~ .Iml :mrl .s‘u‘hinml, [4 énpémenl daily un quips nenrlvxlev’en : power ill-Brewing ‘nn H first. It. was I gave ']);'. ‘V‘l-fi‘n‘hip his own, strength by He ln-g-n'l ‘addxna weights when], aunt until he hufipm'c in! manner dé'l'non ”mm-y. : An «fxten; tls Mu) fér tlmxtime, in Ins researches in‘ ¥ Ip, [by _its color, dis- 1 l 9 servxce. For gen- '3 v is (lzuk blue; {or , nhmtry. sky Mum: To}: cavalry. Brnnge I moors are indicated 3 on me com. sleeve, V. (‘orpox'jdls wear ‘ hreo :' Orderly Sor or (limu'hnd shaped ‘. of the chevrons.-,- i sed of _the, sxme" ad ink» a (thug? l '7 new—h: reviewing I nst‘weekfire ¢laim< In: the bunner coun» =n the largestlbem plpnrison whh the 1- friends in ”All. t and proved that l‘are in .turn .doom lu- aiong comes gal ;u's all in the shade. she gives‘ Wood g ne'arly equal to ole Abolition vote You did nobly in, but like out-.«elvea seat when little £311". 0 sionius clni'm that {citizens, by voting ,umrto goon. Boot THE ARMY TESTIMONIAL T 0 “6". . ' ' GLELLAN. There is no other thing which the rudi cnls‘ have made with noise about, of late 55 the Fromsed army testimonial to Gen. Mc- Clel an. The constant cry.thnt he has proved kfail‘ure, is on a par with all other false hbods in rngard to that. 3331111th officer. and it. is further proof thntthey' fear McClel lnn’s gyility. Were. ’he‘bo pom-pr: btficer. and possessed-so little tire"; nstm‘yf claim he 1109311119": would be ,no’_ntt.ncks upon him. Thé he! is. they‘khn .th’ahjieis onerofthe a‘blest Uniqn gene ls. Hence” these constant assaulls'upon hi to poison the public mind. “2 _ ‘ Infegun‘l to thetestimo‘nial by the army to llfct‘iellun., its success in: 'far beyond mnst‘cntqmly and 76emhly arid-the “N," the Anticipation ofthélriends of t‘haLLgen& of the traitors ““9 “6 d9”‘,€°‘¥l"“g “9' 1‘” ml. The basis for suhwr’xptions' for pri- tabhsh. the undznffilble rm“: . hatutheAb~ ‘vntva wanton cents each {but in mahy in- °l’"°'.‘“t."."h° i "k 9 'l'V‘Wy the pretense l'stnnces they'iel‘used to limit themSclves' oftheircunl “"93“," th‘euieelvestheyauthors to tlmt‘figure, in rnostinstahces therank ’of slavery; thatehew'hnglmd only consen ‘and file took hnld nf‘it WI“) grant, enthusi- ted to U’”°" 0" condition ’of haying “ mo ‘ earn. in one division alone the s‘um often l ‘l“de o! the “F“ trade {s* WWW ‘ thousand dollars was raised. The oniy in- years, ““d that d."."".5 these twenty years Ismme where thére was any objebtions these same Abolitlomits brought front Afg ‘ raised were.in a New York regiment. whose ”ct“ 9V9.” negro that "5"?" brought "2‘o lcolmiel, when raising‘hii regiment. public- thiskUnlon.~ That the shipping of New Im. ”y announced that he would, havg no one Eland' spcured the. monopoly of the Curry lhnt Abdlitionists in. his regiment, and a tingvtmrdéibetween hurope and the South. 1 j‘ Michigan regiment snd one other l'roln.the l "99‘ if ““3 monopoly, and h" “‘3‘?“ ”3‘19 l 9 West. These regiments wereall that hmde 1 WM} t‘9 “a" ”“93- realized mO.” °t ”10-l lany olfiectiohs. When the order was s.sde , W 35“ ”f 51““? than "I? slave‘hlatgagor'i 1‘ putting: a stop CD the, subscription, the. s‘” othenlst‘ntei 9f the Unlon_ comhined.— 1 ‘round sum of thirty umusth dollars lnrd [‘hat Mk veh‘ffl' "Th“ “mange" at lbeen subscribed. 'llerQ is‘the necret of the l Alhang. . fly. 1851.,‘clenrly estebhsh "‘3" lorder being issued, ant) the‘nnimoeity ofl serlou “fit“ 3"“ 3"“ “.nd '51)?” expressly 'Stantoni. and 'co‘mpany.‘ Had the plan I chilrgedf edummng crnneoftreaeon upon l proved a. failure no order would he)“: ever 1 ‘h°_l‘°g'sl“t“r°,°r New lgnglnnd, vyhlch. by l‘heen iscued to prevent .t‘he circulation of. the" laws “E'mst' u'°“s""th'."°h'°d. a 1 the suhs’l-ription pdpcti‘in‘ the .army. ' o: "‘O9:, solemn 90mm: " “rt-'33" 0f "blob. linilure of the men to subscribe Would hav ' the ‘ orth lutd,reuped the “9'3““ ,‘ml 3“th heel: iuat tl ’evidemze We radicals wanted sought Wefrau'd undroh their coqmrtners. I lagmnst Mc£rllnn; but‘their taking Mild er. ‘ r-bsters hold and Just charge of l 0!: iNith enthtkiusm waged the anger a ll tvgusmt h“d been properly "9'.“‘l by. “up l pettyijenlhusies ol' Stanton and lllfl clique. ‘E” venitnent, ,‘ml‘ ”‘9 Abolition _"Q‘t‘fii 1 lit-order, tliQel'qre. to pilevent the l'uct thatl 1‘ itha army‘still zulhleu-d to their devotion to ‘K‘ their "lurnikr gillant contmnndsr lming~ ' known, nn oi-ulrr was i~sued to prov‘ent the if sub-tription bélllfl‘fi’ykéh, and the tummy wits refunded. Mast ollthe office-12$ «'ontrih- ‘ utetl ltlu rally: nthu’rs’ munih-st'ed their re _" grate that llll‘yjtivt‘SNSO minted tlmtrthr‘y “ ' ll:lll;1l not tflke holilgo'f the m (I‘9“ and 'push it in tlwv desired to, lent-mg flint if rthey nli-l thyy would .be. degradedfity‘ the Wm Ullice ut Washington. 'fll‘hetren-tment ‘yrt -Cnln.nel‘D.wis,. of the stnfiKol‘ Goneml Meade. shows how well founded were their léuwiozmw. ’, I '. l Colorfvl .Diivis hold a‘positinn ohyGun. Moadu'ututl‘. thh the rank of colonel.— lfieing an ardent admirer of (lmwrnl Mc ‘tchll n, he took {in active putt in cianlzt fling: pnpet" and In swelling the amount lsuh ml. The rank is that Colonel Da- Vlfl’ rnnk Vela Induced to thafol’ Major,‘ and -‘ hés'lukl'll Jrnnx Gene“! Memle's mflfand Jsont off to Santa Fed Other officers ar‘c he ‘ ing treated in a similar ninii‘brfimd eil'rirts me being made to degrade all officers ~w.»o " toakqirommént pnrt m the work, (bold ipul‘ty mmnnesr. petty je-ilginiep nnd d s ; potié power go further ?—4\i¢.ga Yer]: Humid. ‘ T —1 - ‘...-u - _-_" ~,_ j '(brruph'on.at-ll’nsltb.g!6n.‘—A small hitlof gunner was recently picked up in.one ofithe executive department!“ which ‘comuined ‘these ixnposing words :' “IN-‘.‘mll put} the 5 matter through he shall have ten'thoufland '2 dollars.” ~Agnin, thero'ig u. clerk ,in one of l the ' departments whose annual salary 'nmounts to 51.0%, nhd yet this pebon "drn‘es a span ol l rsos which cost lnnmsix ltegn liundred‘dollars; and it is not. long since; he expended‘ the sum of thirtet-n 'Sthouaand dollars upon a. house for hierown zoccuphtion.‘ The inference is that the‘bus ; inegn of clerking it. for the government is lsometimes slightly'prolimblc. And here L lam reminde of a beautiful game which Bomn‘of the wicked allege will probably he -play_éd toward acertnin member ofCongress. '.l‘hie hnid gentlem’nn is haid to have Mp”! fat-tly jluat claim ngainit the got'er‘nrinent. and, as he is nntt‘d for not swearing by all that all thh secretaries do. he has ecdived a gentle hint to the effect that if/ihe 38th Congress}: prope‘ly—organized u: will not 11‘an to wait lung or his due :‘other‘wiso. otherwyse. Buhthis is a' ”if world and these are queer ‘anes! ‘ ‘ 'Qfi'riu] L}, Rtp blu‘an. U lying t’Wnsll Stank) has‘ leading iui body co I: my maven , l thou; that m‘i but outright .beén fought, informed _ns, c 4135. Wh/t manta and p 1 hall for flee! at Chi¢kamm annouhqedl i ofiicq’ imme. telegraph, at “W facts. 1 _.yur him come out, ti. ...: wa; Departmenf itself-Ennouncm the teal character of the Clrickamhuga defeat in order {to 'uatify the removal of Rosecrans.” ‘ K « , :—~ -——Q - o— - —— Mublimu Have Brought UprXJ'a Civil ‘ Wan—Douglas said so ; Pu b said a ; Crik tendgn said so; Everett wig so. , / They would not. compromise, but five in anor of “bloodlettin ." ' ' " 4 Chandler said so; ghough says so; W ’ say. 10-anll,say so; . 1 \ i’ ' They are not in {not ortbe 11an it. was. , , - -’\ . Butler say: so {Greeley any: so; cha‘flhi cage Tribune my: “ it is I thing of the past baled by wary puiiot. and dentinod uevér t 9 blob the Lpagnof history again ;" Binghnm says it is a scandal, and Stevens says “God forbid it.” , ‘ They spit upon “the Constitution as it in.” L Webster and it In :11 Masked for, while Beecher an“: it. a “sheepakin parchmant," um] Garrisbn "a league {with death." Beecher and Gannson. md Stevens, and Greelgy, and the Chicago: Tribune all imp port the ndministration.—Dubvqa¢ Herald. The Now Mpntlu’ “datum-The Secrets, ry of War has decided against. the clnims of nine months’ volunteers ‘0 untionalJmuu ties ; but. che heirs of a nine mepths’ man who di’a or is' killed in the s‘ervica are enti tled to the United States bounty of MOO, beside: the pay due to the soldier at. the ddte of his dam. The widows ‘and mothers_ '0! nine months’ soldiers are also anmled to ensinhs under act of Congrats, , -proved £113! 14, 1862. v ”Seven thousand prime carriages. - - My shoddy. sppeued in Centnthl-k qr. Salurfihyz ,‘ - '_' TW I " DOLLARS/1w EAR THE GREAT vm. ' To the Edwina/lite New York Nan: v; . . Is it. possible that nothineg can be dqu'o open the‘eves of the peopl tojhorealfnou. the great truths which Ire the ca 9of all our calamities? I’l‘here are {new hich,ifl, univeisallyknowu, would produce ~univérg~ sal conviction as to the true ‘chamqter 9f the men who hna attempted, the dmtruc tion of our miceiglorioni and happy Union. ,There‘nre certain prominent. truths which can be officially substantiated by the official rccnrds of the country, liy Congressionnl documents. and other relinblc “evidence. which,'if known to the implecéif placed before them in 5 $519" munch-would e tgd tlie“‘l§i-._'ht ofany‘people, nnywher- " ‘. to do exactly Hunt the South are now d. ing'. That in 185‘). John P. Hale. It New ' England Abolitiuni‘t, on [irezenting in the Senate; petitiongfpr the (lis'mlatirm of the Union boayted that he had offered eight po j titions for the same unholy orimv. The in famous petition was eloquently‘nnd jndig ' nanny/denounced, by Mr. Webster. Mr. ‘ ' Cams, {ml others; h: a grant outmge upon utha/Arnericanflrenple, yet inhmdus as it! wa/u, it receiv ll ree vott-s. onenf‘which I , was Mr. S. P. CllLe, Mr. Lincolu'i Segre"- t/ary of Treasury. t / Let the people clenrly‘understa‘n‘o the. origin and authority 0| out horrible Miami-1 ties, ’and we may then have hope of 851709 dy le(iitd’of the outrages ghich' uppal thal wnr . , H , Eipocinlly nhnuld it beshoml that, not , sympathy for tliqaluve has prompted this ' Abolition trauon against the Union. ‘but‘ l exactly “the rnvqrse. It is tlmt Mimi/on, ‘asi the head nleew Engluud. the bpusted huh ' ol' the Union. may in some wa havé the} rule—rule or ruin. ltd organ, *lu Allanh‘c‘ Mauihly. in im article on_ “The, Resources oi“! the South.” revquls the’secret. It tells tho men of New England of the golden prizoi heron-cinema. ofthefiich fields: or the South, 1 where the genial warmth will supersede the“ hilling frosts thilt now cramp LlN'll' enér- ‘ zies. This organ ol.’ the intellect and the fanaticism of New England holds out usxa littering prize thelfmkt that “theige, is a find bptween thoAulmps of Virginia and l the'ooaht, ot' Floridwcayalile of ‘sustaining ,forty millions of slam. ’ That is (hell-oat object of this horrible ponspinwy against hu nanny Ind ngainatil‘reedoai, the world over. ‘ The object is not‘ thy equality 'or the fréodom of; slum, buLjo inéig ' Ihe lour‘yi'ydions to fontyylz ’l‘hisf :3}, seem too , onstiou’s for belief; but not. 1 too monitrous when‘ we look. at the horn rible etrphitieu which Aboliti-m‘ tmitors‘ ‘Efi‘e alrpady perpetrnted., jl‘np httgmbt to 3 . create 9' (:Ith war by‘John Brown‘s ngenoy, 1 l whoso/ outrage upon Virginia. in a tune of, profound fence, has beenl’declured by It: member 0 the Musisachusetts Legislature to have been planned and the nmney and' means ,turniahed in the city at B'Jston, rove hy unquestionable flats, by the files ‘ of thefl'ribaue, that dissulvtngltr'hn Union has been the olie great aim un ohjéct of , those men; that in 185Cr‘vthéy denounced; ’ our tuition-l 'fiug u a‘fflaunting lie,”.and ntruck out the start which represoiited the ; \ ‘tateo or the South; that Black Republi-j ‘ rnismwsa only in: enlargement of the con-J I spine, against. the Union. whose brief mot- 3 to their Ictual doctrine that this "Union‘. Waxing); with hell.” - i 2 ,I Let the people but realize the fact that theAWionists, who, for forty year—shave borne th motto, are the very men, who l this day rule in the afl‘inrs or the country; that the re surely to blind and deceive the masses, they now deseorute'the hallown ed name of Urhon by making it their rally ing cry! .Yes‘, these are the men who ,huvo petitioned Congress, time and again to dissolve and destroy thix Union. wh have preached the worthlessness ot' the Eaton,‘ ,that the Kbrth WOUI'L,“ better Without the Union, Jud that the South wore’told by‘ Adams and Lincoln andpther leaders, that they “had a ti ht, a moat pet'l'eut right." to dissolve this Elnion, thavthe/South wcra‘ told by the Mums and tuition. that t were a, drag upon the North, that they were not wanted in the Union, that. "16/ lthey did not go oht they :wouldrbe “kicked l out.” These threats and ingulukand onk rages, persisted in for years, Were stran /Lll ened hy the denuncifitiona ol'the" Klgpit. end embittered byttre dander- dt 1.52 m“; end writer! who til ' the land ' hides of horrible cruelti and mum?“ stun . ' \ } owners. which; if . hundredth we of i the nlnndorl were true. would hue 10:1 1 liuéo killed off the luv glue. Incas - ‘of whieh'their increase to four million: . prove- the kindness and 0’"? oftheir own. . an. and the dopzlrofint'um 'lO which their Aboliiion revilersdescend . Hiuwrxnow reveals these facts—these oat foul, uunit‘ unl llld horrible (no the binary of the . put and the pretent. ’ 3 In there no way in hich the truth. ait ,mlly exista.csn be need before the great body of theraople Let the whole truth . be full; on fairl known to All. Ind l'. ’l5” t on hope for restored pom. Mill sooner or liter or a gestured. opoworful 3nd glorious ion. In View of hem appalling-facts is it not vilal to our nufimml exunenco to look a; a me ofth possible renulta of thin Ihr? 'l:§qt il. in n Abolition war. fo’r “aulnjuguting b i and“ exlelmi‘unung" the whites of the ‘ soutth shown by the lhreult ofeuch men 'n W’ son. of Mnuacliuneua, who, in No— ‘ 1 vomber 1860. while all was pence. said: “We (the Republicans) have 33.15“ th ‘o‘ feet upon the neck othe South, mil i in now crush them out—yes. we fiL lgrind them to powder." The” were 31:. 1 words of ’the Republican lender. who. to preventMcCle‘llnn’l taking Richmond and ending the rebellion by relmrmg the Uniqn' under the old Constitution. stopped otl’ ro- . cruiti‘ug and declare}! in the Senate we had lnof'mnuy soldiers at the moment. when He- Clellnny‘wu suffering from want of soldiers. That. with such uemonim: objects—dalma (ion of the white population. and the de- L, .Itruction ol‘the’ Union. Invoking mob Mb. - barfties ls shoek '.ho civiliunon of the world. is there not danger that the civilized . world may )becomo arrayed again“ the North? iTlmt. the unions which lute our} popular Goi'erninent may nvuithéiauelvu ' of the plea of humanity to vent their Ink upon our Republic? If so, who; form my that hate assume? and whuthulionn Indy unite for our destruction. under the 'pro tense of aiding the South 2 ,' , i i < = / If “Greek fire” in so fori-nidnhle min,” citiesfiof the South. may it notlat length b 6.— turned upon the cities of the North? If the rebels may secure ‘ on clad: and Greek fire, and the means orwreaking'their ven geance upon those’ who have threatened them will: robbery, ‘murdar. subjugation end,ex rmi‘nation. WI“ they not'ose enjy and every meanrof destruction which our ‘ foreignfenemies mp‘y fliruishl ”If black menmre; eolmuch ‘betu-r soldiérl' (an the film»: and‘ the Past assert.) d 9 we want the 800,000 able bodied negroeg, whiclrthe Tci— Lune proves that the South hni. armed in desperzstion n‘nU filled with 'fleme' hue against. our soldiers of the North. whom they are new tnught‘k) believe are the Abo- _ lition 160 s of their race—the anther of the ' bitter prejudice and green mitrngee which are being heaped upon theirheu‘lsf And ' add to these;startling fruits ofe,prolonged .war—even their possibility—tho certainty = of enormous leai, such as now negation stagger; Under, the fearful increase o!qu crushing low], from month to monthgyv th one-half the country impoverished, the mini extrafixagnnco which our borrowed out». ital engén'dm'e, and the Bursting of the bloated ;lgubhle so'sure to conic. with such an accumulation at appalling facts, can the penple. fail to thinkc—to pause in such 0 career, ring to demand some chum? of safety.,if any snfctyd'e now ramble? Shay {the people the rimp e truth as it; istandsngy upnnfihe remrils OK the land— give‘thent la“) evidehee, llxe (lay and date, the‘cflicml. i-wummls. phint to the page, » Lineabsohite candid, hfinost truth, that they may believe and awake from thin horrible" dream of safety. Axnw LLARD. HUDSON, Oct. 14, 1863. , JIOW THE‘MONEY s. 'Our Amekican fellowwitizeqs of African ‘descent are likely w'coxt "a pretty penny” before we get through with theiriemalioipu tion, colonizatio'n,’ regeneration and civxli zntion. The Albany Argus says announce ment has been mude th t the neng colon)?- zntinn scheme to Hayt‘rjl‘las failed, I‘m] that the "agrees imparted there are deal or “scattered.” Further, that the President “has appointed an agent" to look inté the “ mutter. It We remember rightly. a large subsidy was voted by Gnn‘gresa for thin scheme, $90,000 (or 350')Jlllt).)‘ This 11“ H probably been drlmn from the 'l‘reuufl, ?- und “the—ioll" apparently "finished.” Net . go; there is still opporLuQity to futon $0- . ~ther charge on the Tretgury. and so “Im . ent" is to be sent, at o vious’expmse. to \9 back and refiort exploded‘an ufl'air ‘dy known to ‘be exploded! Tax-pay "hat’s the way the money gouau~° negro lfPuuiot 1‘; (Imm. ~ _ , _ ‘ LA 1,.\ " L W y A (or th v - . .- ~—~.~y-Moo~——‘_ V '! Xian» Johnson Saying/(nth t mifilury'floyerm: appmmcd 1 inbln for Ten mee, be‘yra ( policy" of the udminiur‘r ) s: “flora no two paw ~. ‘ a mum Elf-solution.— '. th rn Cnnfedoracy’il tho ' \ an s to break up the.” ‘l‘ (lo thé Abolitionigh 1 ill tif slavery “in ~ t d «hug. Specu - [ln' I: continues, ' \ u m. uncom‘ ‘7 :- ble owe:- .. ‘ P! the . : ‘i‘ In. iuohi ;ono tho r. 5 plilh ha '| desk \ ma , ‘ Q , .. v a ‘1 \‘l \ '~ , ‘ ‘ " i I Hear . Johnson. u [by President.» witness a: w h -tion pgrty as fol ties in exiutencg Slavery and : Sm. lmhby; ‘ Sumnlt ‘\ govunment. null no generally. 'l‘hey linlu vivejs.~ the Union umn lionisl§xargno Hugh Af “A sluvexy i§ lost. Abolition} J promise :flbut'tlleyhregurd . tion “.3 Bumbag. The n lnme ground: Why T... AboliL 1 tion% duaolué‘qn in lecesnfion ; , other. Both nrofllriving to ncpb\ lsamo objev’t‘, Une llxinkr it will I the oib'er sg‘ve, SIM-Ry}; ‘ . . V f_L._—_d“3. ~’—_.__ mu election day 11; Tons Huntex Tailowiof the Almlitinn persuasion, ' prefer; to do his fighti ’ ‘ hi. ton; on street. come-n, under cg“ in qnm tion the loyalty of the ous Col. Boh‘ Stewart; of the Indiana cavalry. because Ihr“ Colonel saw proper to vote the Democratic ticket. Tho Colonel, whojsr in veljyhul ~ imalth. gave lhmelmp a‘aound caning. In'] / wquld have given him still mom. had new 7 hi.- accuu-r taken to his hpels. Considering that Col. Siewa'n hngjgugluz in half Idnzon haulea, and him had lus health broken down by imprisonment. at Atlantn and Richmond. the calling of him diiloynl is A Ewilufil'ul specimen of- champ-« Fer! Wuyna Sentinel. l Béllu by; _ aquifl. (tom Em Wk in a crow and truduce ' a sharp bile . perheud.” En came to the em g‘éroua to In‘ Allentown De: fl‘fil‘he qux eminent. vessel are three bum in the service Mona. burn ' nus per day. annum. On and tons in . ed for an. spe‘ fi‘A smm p 923- Springfi‘ hitting I boy. .7 , , V, -‘.“... Inuit; astonished u the nqgi‘o was hen "rick aqua-sly on “he head by ligh’uiing, [W feeling ch Ihook. looked .Ip Ind'llid. “stop fro m’ things.” ~ / >-» w——« 400 W ' m'yhé Russian sailqrs, n inlaid. 9! put. winder tht‘ir jacket. I stifle:- glul of grog/than ordinary people. 25‘ how. of whisky at a lining, to each mumnnd“. gul .bler brimming full of old Bum-bun whllk’ wifinnocemot water—is a common deco. , __.___.___-.....___.. WA passenger Wm)— arrived at a few days ago, alter runmng that at. \Vllmmgton, paid $4,500 m 00m currency to raise $3OO in 30111 for money. "er times In Dixie! - . .—-—_—.—.—¢o.'o-~—————-— WA French but will soon easy ‘call of the French Umu Qt lotus. I"~ ed 41' AI den KM 21'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers