I): Manila. c OUR !LAC I i {: {uluf‘l—mmn Sp BEE-13%|. '“ GETTY-. 080. PA I' } DAYORNINO. NOV. 16. 135:; NATIONAL CEMETERY. 'rgcpson', Nov. 19 Th . (it; will b 0 u memorgble one in. 1.50 ‘ mug of Qeuywurg. following in_ the ‘_ (out. -- of my you; Battle whigh hui nuke]: town one of fame wd histo'ric , into Lt, The‘wbole country has been ex witod. and but lbw places hug been the 2 contr of suchginQen-sa interest :5 has been Oxhn- ted dgr‘mg thelm‘onms succeeding ‘ 'tho': eat battle< of glue. (lube first days of . July- Ind the feeling hm cuiminated in? the ram] consecration of the National" ’ (Taxing -ry on Thuu'lay next. , ’'3 ‘f ~ Tl nrrmgemenu have been mule f6} . p - unr celebxfltion of=the 'lfi'air. in a" “ 'mgnn :- having the great occasion; and no u notgwp tbepartizylnn more correct.‘ . Qy'tb -by publhhiqg‘ the following letter I from 'nm‘WuLu. Eeq., whof'g the Ageni ' for hv.‘£urlih, furninhirngull datum, ‘ snd he prognmgur‘of the jntereuiny 6*! , 3W1!" IMI Glfluaum. Nov. 7, 1863. Excpflency A. G. Ocu'rnt. - ‘ Governor nt‘l’ennsylvania‘? To b —ln accordance with Irev’mus ar um”. I invjted prnpia for the rnient and burial of theJnMi-‘r «lend 8:: flags dinin Gettysburgß itt'a field. and nWßr'lPlll ‘b'itract to F. ”.'Biesec-ker. the inweat i, for $1.59 per body. for the whole"l as set forth in the specifications 0 y'ou hive a copy. * _ Contractor commenced the work on th ult.,-and has h'een removing about lea daily. It is done With the teal-e, Ind under the utrictegteuper. I so}; to avoid the possibility of an n the marked graves. propnmtory‘arrnngementl for. the tion, of the Cemetery grounds have M _mpleted. At your suggestion, and upon consultation with representatives (i 0 then-flutes, l have extended an invi tnti n 3.0 the Pmidentand Vice President OH. United Suites, and the members of the ' binet, to participate in the Examine on 113 19th inst. I havealsoinvited Lieut. Gene lSmtt. and Admirnl Churle Stayi u 't—fft 1e distinguished ennrl lime-[3ol7mm I rufr ntalive:n.t the Army and Navy. Il luv? nt an invitation to ~Mid-w Gflneml; Sit-. 1: , and, thrnngh him, to the Officer-5‘ and, ivates of fife Army‘ of the Pommac.) to he‘ resent,and unite with u: in domg mum to thin last resting [lace of their brav‘ Wml‘fldes. ‘1! seems to me very de drab . and peculiarly fitting and appropri ate. t at thr’se livingoommdes ofthose who nobl jl'ell on this battle-field, made glotioul; 1y vi orioua through their valor and blood, utio‘ul be Npreeeuted here; and [have take the, liberty to suggest to the Com mln ngGeneml, that, if not altogether i_neo ntible With the movements of the! ‘ 0;: thi c 1 Efligde i .wdflc ‘ ' whic . Th the 1‘ iigty 1 gre'o_ ‘ vision] ~ err'or Th 1 "my“; Ayngy small delegations from each Regi .men§‘oi' Company be sent here on this f-nqoui ‘, to‘ do honor to the remains of thoqe who“ side they so gailanlly fought} tho the requei’t will be agreeded to. Th prden of Free Motions and Old Fell . being the‘ two moi-n. prominent Chari 1e Ind Banevolenf'Associutions in the " ‘ ntry, have been invited throughout Illth loyul States. ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘Thd Miliury or this Department will be prele minder command of Major General ‘ Couch, together ‘with a Military Escort [mm '9 Middle Department, under Major GmofijfiSchenpk. ~ . n ,- ’!‘hcre win be a procouinn formed in the Town nbolfi._ 10 o’clock in the morning— * the civil portion under the Chief Marshal: -‘Lfihip offlon.‘ W. IL Lamon. U. S. Marshal 7 for the Digtfict of Columbia. assisted by the U, S.‘Mu-shal from each District through. put the [.O :11 States. In addiiinn to these It the Goverfixfirs of each State have appointed pm Assistant Mnreliala. / Thegarocminn will proceed to the Com pteléy rounds. where a. Prayer will be olf an by Rev. 'l'. H. Stockton,‘oha Inin of ghe U. 8. Senate, and the Oration (fielivered by W. Edward Everett. {am this, n - Dirge,‘s¢lected for thepccnlion Professor Longfellow, will ~be .‘sung by n Choir.— ‘ This will hp followed by Dedimtory re mark: by the President of the United :b‘tales—aenin apart the ground to the Med use foT-‘gghich it has bcen prepared. _ £31211 part ofthe pngmmma will be follow. ed with‘Muaic by'mm of the seven! Bands ,Hhich'piu he fil‘ntpndmu..>z. Haulaftba Governots of the Ejghken Bkm. hum; Log: in the Cemetery; will be pineal in person,,with huge delegations. ‘fixo-e‘yho cannot attend personnl y, will 59nd re “natives. - , The Rifles: of the difl’erent_ Railroads ‘.u'e making extensive arrangements to “- lm-rl proffer travelling (militia to tbeflpeo pie; up I think that the combined ‘9 om ‘ of. number of Companies will insure ac mmmodalions over the Railroads. ' Pie Citizens of the Town bl Gettysburg Mi 1, génerully, open their homes, ‘nnd do all in fiheir power to make every one com .loruble; and (behccommodatiom which can bqgiven here. together with the oppqg ’ “Initial which will be afforded to leave on them for ‘éirk, Harrisburg, and Balti- W, in the eyening. after the exercises mam. will be luficient for the immense W “maple, whmb will assemble on an. mfigwnblo occuion. , lln the honor to bemith great respect. ydur fiscpflmcy’s mow obedient servant, ‘ » DAVID WILLS. - ”1316‘” Lémrie, Woodward and ”mp-an. of the Supreme Court of Penn qugia, being - majority 9gb; Court. in . «glen u» Pittsburg: on Monday Inst, gave ; p Mition iii-tin 1.9 camin drafted men, declaring lhe Conscriplion Act. unconstitu. ' “on“. Judges Strong and’ Rind diuen . ted, ' * W “aster GdanL—Col. J amen L. Reynolds. 0f Lancutnr county, a, brother of “ox-Bottom} Reynolds, who was killed at Betyljbnrg. has recently been appointed to WWW“! 0f Quauermasmr General 0" nu rénmylvanm Militia. vice R. C. Hale, damned. He has entered upon tho diy pump: his duties. Dal-Walg—Thia sentence, from the Na- Wflcflz‘gflw. may be Adopted Dy every Wit; “We profs» no political loyal ty W inspired by love for the Union. than Constitution, and by respect. for th. “in. -'Who profess mare. have none.” ‘ .X‘ ) £6)! "Lid ‘hu the remains "'i‘ninfouodsm udministmlou with n;- Oon'mmt him; that. which would Wm captain of 1: “about um. mm mm» »‘ fi'l‘he beefing of the Penneylnnle Ind l New York election: on the Prelidential I lpqntest would be a question of great inter est, "the pmgreu of event. could he art-ee teql and next you find the country in its progent nituetion. But in timee like the-u nothing con be mufltile then to lesson ‘ [tone the one to the fitter. A miority of; fifteen thou-end in Pennsylnnla, and teen. ‘ ty thou-owl in Nev York, lain imipifleent I {notion of tho'populett'on at these great] Sum: _Such mnjorit‘nee ere within tho' ordinnry ‘tluctmtiom’ froth yeer to year even in tnnquil times, and may be reversed 137 event: lieble tooccur in my mouth of: greet wu. ' If the wu- ehould be so fer ad-_ fenced nextyeer that the country can see , the way clearly tq 'rte euly eloee, the Pres idential election {rill not tu’rnloh the war, i tint on the greet political arrangement” which must meinly occupy Jhe attention at, the Adminis'ti'etion to be elected: In that{ cue. the Republican party will‘ not have; the Ihadow of e'chmbe. But if, on the: other hand. enéther year pauee‘ without' decisive mlimy results,‘ the people will” have loet ell eoiltidfnee in the ebility of the Republican petty to bringthe wnr to '1 ‘ successful terminetion. Out: enormous debt will go on eccumulsting whether the ' ‘ ya; makes any progress or not. Ifthene isé nothing to Ihowi for the expenditure, vtheT peopler-will insist on putting the tonnage-l Ljnent of the' war into nctywhnndl. k. ”The Missouri radial: and “red legs" have been beaten—~horle; foot, and (In goom—in lb. Ipcent’elbction in that State. The ScMfleld-Ghmble oomerutivo fiction have prevailed by' nbout 13,000 majority, which 'furthor [returns will probably in crease. ' ; - ' The Minoan-i fipe of radicalism )vu tho man dangerquljfleuloped by this unhappy divil and military “male. and all good citizens will rejoice “at it~hn§ been put un: der foot. A similar triumph in Kane‘s], which il not impossible. will .drive‘Lnne. Jennisbn, and their adherents i 1“, firivtte life {maven—War“. _ .' _ ._ ._ .._—.’.hé. ”Instead of the Democratic major in the New Jersey Legislature being redu ced, say-s the quttersqn Guardian, as alleged by the shoddy press, the country is tha fnct, u the Democrats have nqw on joint ballot two-thirds of the whole number. It‘ is a singular fact that two-third: of thq Sen- I'te is hlsp Democratic 4- . . ~ 4‘ V Waconsin medium—The )lilwnuk‘éo Nam (Dem.) says more complelomelurns pulzh‘ more faVomble aspect. upon ,‘tlm political cgalblexion of the Slate than abdicat— Ihora is a. majority akin“ the Dembq’atic State ticket on the hon-i 6 vote, but‘ the ma jority is not lo'flarg? alsdfor several year: be?elol'are. the hut y’ear excepted. K iafil'he election in' the State of New York reunited in a. Republican majority of probably 18.000. Consideying the means used'by the administration and its parti‘ znns it is qwonder'tllat the maiority was npt. greater. - ¢ . A Dernocralic Congreaahan Elrclqd'fi—AL Ihe recent election in New York,‘ the- Demo crals electeerohn V. L. Pruyn. E-q‘. one ‘o‘! the nhXest men in than State, US Gingress from‘the Albany digtrict, to fill the ficnncy occaé-iéned by the resignation of Hon.“ Eru tua Chiming; by a large majority. But the Itejegrnph wires have never (as far as‘ we kilow) nllowéd ,‘the fact to' be known; It -u}oqblel the‘ AbolitionintJhAb there' i: a pomocmtic party. But t. ey cgn’t harp it, filer all. And they'fll hear from it, too. ‘fi-Judg’e McCunn,( me.,) of New York, who it was apprehepdéd by hi: friunds had been defeated for Hm bench, an: been elects! by neirly 2,000 tfxnjority. . 30mg of the tho regiment! went Into the fight at. .Chjcknm’nuga with‘out a field of ficer. They werekall i‘n Ohio election‘eerifig for Brough: 1 ' fi’l‘he Supremn Court of N‘e‘w York has decided tht hrbitrary arrest: are unconsti- 1 tion-1. and that the Prg'idgnt. has no moi-e ‘ right, to order thamvthnn ’qny other person, neithei in ‘ time of peace her in tinge 09‘ war. L * ~ ,-‘ Where Millard mum. Slumts.—Tho Lou: isville Journal, nilud‘iiag to the. me: am ex-j President Fillmore, Judge N. K; Hall and Washington Hun’l, support the Democratic! ticket, says: Who-rel?” iii :1“ mg: (1.574 snow while‘ plum an gar} the Old Line Whig:_ of 1}): Empire Slate biz! hilly, followed, by the} :ympclltia of (hi (1 Either part: If the Repubi Tie. Fm; Ruponu. :i-hend Gov. Seymour w: mouths to respond to the call of the President. for more men. sq Copperhead New Yoi;k_ in thefint city in the field with in eoopenuon to the lame end. On Wedneedny of last {week the Board of Supervisors of New York took action proposing to raise two million ol dollars for bounties. The [Slay-l" cities of Boatbn, Philadelphia, due.’ in" nomyet. been heard from. Three cheeépa‘nd a tiger for “Coppuhud” .39" Yorklg-En's 0.5.93 var. . A ; @lllO Washington correspondent, of 4.1 m napalm; nyl: “Some of the West 1 End people are ll; high glut our the infil ‘ cation: that the coming winner will be an [unusually ga‘y one. Mrs. Linmln. it in “id, will enter into it with rpirit. removing yhe ill-glow of mourning from tho While Home household, and merge into nun] ldreu reception; u the wind come- nd‘l goes." - Y’ “ ~f fi’l‘ho price of printing paper has sgnin\ndnnoed. Newspapers are‘now pey ing over one hundred and fifty per cent. more for paper then formerly. No urticlen lave imam-nod more in price than than m‘ed‘ by newspapen, Ind readen'muu expect to pay a lop-t enough to prevent nbeoiutejou ‘ to the publishers. ‘ alt is rumored that. a highrofllcinl in the Gadomjiom 11. New York, In: been eunpendod far in extensive fraud upon merchant: havingbuxiueu uith the Custom House. .- .'.: W'ndidncau running for coun’ly ofices in Bandnsky county, Ohio. having bun ben ten by Lhesoldiers. will none“? the loamy of the vow. _ H‘Tbe whole mm not in the city of Baltimore It. the recent election In 10.”. probably not over and-thin! of the min: in Ibo any, ‘u'O! am not!!! RIM: Frank Blnir an lac-“bu nul- :99. one of them. beg; .m- in Monti-ho Com-amt.” . . mm: or emsmma; . Gen, .Ve/u/e'a Emir-Gen. M<~mle'« de tailed report uf the Bmin offleuyshurg. dnted In of October, was officially promul-E gated on Wednesday hut. He gives an the j reason for the delay in makingicthe {Allureflj ‘ till then. ofreceiving'tho reports of nevenlj icprps and division commnden who were] :wverely‘wounded in the bsttle. Ind nys‘ that the mun qr the campaign may bel ! briefly Outed in the defeat of the enemy at; ‘Genysburg. hi! compulsory evncuntion ofll Pennsylvania and Maryland. and wilhdnw- } ul from the uppernlley of tlge Shenandoah, : and in he capture of three‘guna, 41 stand-i mods and 1;,621 prisoner; Besides this, ? 24,978 mull mm were collected on the bade-field. Our, own loam were var-y genie. smounling, u wjll boy-«(m by th'o accompanying return. to 2.834 kflled Ind 13, 709 wounded; In}! 6,643 ’miuing. mn king in all 23,186. Re Iddl hid ”shun w the heroic bravery of the gholo army—43s - and men. ‘ , HANKSGMENG. -3 In hil.proéhrnstion ,setting apart Thurs ? thy. the 26th instant, to he 1 day of thanks ,giyifig‘snd pr-yer,‘Governor Seymer of New York.‘ mhkes l sirggostionjn relation to the destituto families} of soldiers Ind sailors. which we should “lie to see univer-- sally complied with. Ileuys: Let‘us ofi'er lenient prayer that the rebell ion msy he put down. our Union saved, our liberty plaerved. imd our Constitution and government u‘pheld. . As as becoming proof ofour thankfulness to _God'. and as A proper evidence of our gratitude to the srmies‘ and navykl urge our citizens to make contributions (In that day for the comfort and support of tho deo titute families of those who have lost their lives or.become'disabled in the service o( their country. -“ . . - In the midst of our abundance let as re member charity to those awho Ire in‘wsnt, and ilflhe htur set up“: l'or social nnd ro ligious thsnksgiving an praise within the limits of our State let us encourage those who are engaged‘on distant and dangerous fields of duty.atiowing sympathy 3nd kind ness towards their lamilies, which need our ‘ aid and support. ' —~ . ' l SECRETARY BEWABD AT AUBURN. The Secretary of Sam, daring hr. vim m hi- nuive town; Auburn, made a chariots}- ibtic lpeoch, which contains. posinon-A full as warning as anything we hav’e had: one cfwhich, ifit‘hii! any meaning. has one so pregng‘ut witkevilgrhat it is difficult. to un derstand how I persont‘occgpying the poni tion which he does, '. uld have mndo it» The first position 4Edam in big speech is the one the Radio-311m en'zrywhem taking that‘ thé udm‘miumlion and 'the‘govorn ment are one. Mr. Sevynlyyur ‘ _ , V “You will succeed... became you vote for {be government in voting to sustain the ad ministration. ,Y‘our opponents commit the (unit error of supposing that they can di vide the administration from thd gnvorn ment. andvsum-ort the one nnd d:.-cnrd the“ other. No ma'n‘,cnn nerve twn fnustere.” ' The same My. Seward who made these remarks at Auliurn. wrote an follogvs to Mr. Adan“, our Mimuenal London, Xovemher in, 1-861: 3. ‘ *r -> , “In (his enunlxy esfol’rially. it is aihuhii, nnt bnlg entirely admistenc with the Can stitution. but avenuemntinl in its stability, to regiird the administration in. any" timg existing as distinct. am} separate from the gaivernmept'itself, and to canvass lht- pro~ ceedings of the one without the thought of disloyalty to the oghqr.” \ And ytft this thin wh‘o thus p-flpzbly con tradicts himself is relied upon by the party‘ in poxéer as a smleamnn com‘peten't‘ to‘con duct the’ qfl'airs of tibia great country. The speech of the politician Seward, at Auburn, cgmpletely stillifies (lie decinmfiens ol' the Mininter Seward. , in his diplomatic correl pondencé.—Pu ' ' Union. _ _ ”...—4- L Duerter to bé‘Shat.—Riéhl'rd S. Epsy, of Brookville. Jefferson enmity. but been con ‘victed r 65 desertion by lhe coun martial now if?” sinn at Pigcsßurg, over which Col. D. albumin presides. Dpy' was a Cnphin in~the three months’ service, subse quengly 3 Lieutenant. in the njn nths’ service. 7 During the recent Drafflnlist .ed as nxshbetitutv, after which he‘deserted; After a'fih'and imnm-tial investigation. he was convicted of tho crimg ehm-ged, and was untamed to begin». ' The' papers in film we we been l'orWnrgled to Washing tbn fo'r appmval. And. if approval, the‘ exe outiOn will take place It. Pituburg.-Et change. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Espy is: l violent Republicqn. And had made hinyelf espeqially odious among the Donner“: By his vulguity and meanness. «He made 1 speech in Indian: county, sty in; thtq he wouhl like “nd beuer sport thnn Ihogfing down Ccvpperlgeuh.’L . —— awn-__— ‘ Critical (by-didn’t 13f Efifopa.—The Lon don Times, in a harm/law of the condition of all'tin'ln Egropéfnyl tint"; “single spark would kindle n oonflagl‘ation fromjtho Py reneu t 6 the Cnumm'. from the Hegliler nnefin to the Arctic Sea. ‘1: is Iqireely pouible' twinning how ‘vgvcould jstnhd apqrt. and plume ounolvn a; ourlmlnuni ty‘between'two world: in flameg. ’Yet who shall My how deep we Ihould descend into the' struggle bnco begun—how long we should be involved, and With ihut change. we thould finch eme’rge." ‘ ' ‘ A Narrow ‘ Escape—A womin, supposed to be dead. wu- removed to the hospital of Blidnh. in Algiers, for the purpose of being iubjectéd to : you mortal cumin-tion, her_ disease hevingpppeued inexplicable to the- I'nedicsl {non .wboittended her. As Abe surgeon wn nbout to mlkefine 9f the seal pel and oomiuenee her dissection, the sup poeed corp-e uttered a loud shriek and at np. ,She hid been in uitete'of lethargy. Ind evoke-just fin tilpe. , , . “It is reported am when Gen. Hook er 111 ibout tqfldopsrt for his new oom mnnd in the West. Pmidem. Lincoln in formed him All“, he had un impel-Mot any; to give hiin. “Whit. is in" naked ch? General, President Lincolnr replied: "Ih passing through Kentucky. bowl“ of 1 Bourbon county." fi-Amnng the primnon upwind by Genanl Sedgwick on Saturdny nflaernoou weak, were‘llmost the entire force of the f:- moua "Lonisinnn tigers." fifA“‘alomp9nry wants to know how the 'Eepubliéan party mglieu itmlf out n Unimi party. when iu leaded all dgchre «but. ”it. in neither pouiblo nor db‘lnblo $0 an the old Union.” is Puma 31mm Renewal—By sped-16}- deu s’o. 17 from (he Wu Depanmeng'lll deputy provou cumin]; and detectives m relieved from mullet duly what. the onl-oil menhil completed, ' . -—~——co.co—————-—- firm-oi. bu min ah'd Democratic. ‘ you (In‘-ome]: LETTER 130! m 87TH. Cut? 871': P. V. 1.. Nov. 3,1862 Dear (impugn—Tho lul} in the active movements of the Army of ihe Potoinac for I few d-yl, permit: me ta hold ccln munion with you again. though much that. would be interesting to your reader- mun! howithheld, Muse it would he contra band Ind might furnish-suitable informa tion to our foes, who are now enmmped in nthor close proximity :o the quarters of our corps. ‘ The deily papers hue informed you of‘ all the movements of this army from the commencement of it; retreat from the. Bapidsn m Centreville, end‘ then of its Id nuee min to Collett'l Stellon, end before long you 'will know u whet poiht we Ire et at this writing. l ' Our Regiment was on picket near the river when the rear movement begin. and but for the timely arrive] of Kilpetrick'n Cohlry, must all he‘ve been killed or eup turecl. The men were entirely surrounded three times, but. through the woman And good, management ofGen. Morris; who hpd command of the picket, they were lIVId‘ without the loss of a man. The 106th New York were not so fortu nate: They were doing pirkMuly'on our left. and after being relieved. more’hed in an oblique line tgjoin our detm'l. neer tho,- Werrenton hood. About A mile;from Cul peper they found themselves heme”) th.; rebel akirmfshen end the main body of the enemy. To go back ' wu‘certnin denth or chpture—forward and they'must fight every inch of the ground, with but poor prospect of— 86*. But they Ire brave. honest boyi. earnest in the work, nnd‘they de termined to die to {man before they would i giv'e up en'nllow lhontselvea to he captured ‘ without a struggle. Their zallnnl. com mander ordered them to fire by companies; then charge bayonets, and soon the way was clear for them to join their warm friends; ithe gallant boys of the 87th P.‘ V: ’élany a southern went down before the‘ghlliifiz fire lof those gallant and true-hearted Kerr‘York boys. But this skirmish was only onql of a continued succession of them that tasted iu‘htil these two regiments reached leppa ihsrnock station. where the lst ,and sth [corps were in strong force. The lhss in the ‘ 106th N. X". was nhout 2n. kills-id and wound: led. Among those kflied wu‘Capt‘Peach‘. ‘a gentleman of high qualities. and asol-lier lof more than ordinary "coslruge—on‘o who to knoy was to love undiesteom. His loss is deefltv regretted by his many friends in the army. and by. none‘murem than the ollioera :‘of our regiment who hid the pleasure ofen ‘joyi'ng his acquaintance. , . On our march to Ceritreville we were fre quently massed‘nnd formed in line of hat ttle. to give the enemy no opportunity to imtackus. But they always kept clear ofi Ins. until a short diqunoe below “'zlrrentnn, l~tricts. x , ‘ ’when Stuart’s cavalry. who were in ambush-I WKossujh, lives near Turin. poor and i fired on the lat division of‘our corps. mus- i wan. and his wife in consumption. (Lira linm some confuijon for a short time. but : haldi is on his {Flnml farm int/61 prnr‘a, lame ias goon as our line was formed they left I but cheerful. w th an incoln/e of $OOO5 and did not molest up again that day. 11l filllc WM} DP'P‘TM'IGM haw docirid‘ ls“, fiome gallant Pennsylvnuih 1,,“ “Win“ not'to permit the ru/mng _of colored cavalry . Istii} in death asl passednlong. while others I regiments: ." /‘ ,l .. . _ l [ were groaning in agony and pain. 500'! to “X‘Ablnyfl‘r” the‘Vett‘ "film" it'll-i ‘5B with the things ”in were, ""F‘ (“joinii‘slnturo to .ohihlt tho hianuh'tcturo and i the thousands of their comrades who‘ have ' "d,“ of sp’lrl'tous liquors m. that 25'1““ -_ I [gone before them. Our rlivi-ion was kept» . W 9 " the "WI" 9% l" Pam. f"? lM'” i {in tho; rear of our corps during its entire-[lO 79/" l'iflh'mi’m’d 1’00“ and firiifitiifll‘ lmarch, Gen. French getter-mining that thiuj BMWU‘CL‘ES. ‘0 smoke cigars. “"‘l JC-m‘y n | ’ (his favorite) division shall hxtve its full cane! -, :_-___ “... .L~_;._. ' , y jsharo of danger and rmp whatever lam/{phi #177,, yam"; (*mmry Dérlimrion.—A meet- I I may come in their way. We halted at Cen- Sting: of the Adams Exprefis .llorpitwl (_‘nrpz' llreville but a few: moments. when it. watril'” PPM ‘2" “PM“! "filing; to talu- into; - . _ 4 ‘. .‘ . l ron‘x-10-rntion no uttemlom-e’ofthebody nnj Idismvered "'M A' I" "111 was movmgmt ' I the ormuion of the dedication of the .\‘l- appo In Itrong force on out: left. toward Union; tiunnl CenioteryhtGettysburg. on the 19th i 33.1 ‘ Mills. Our corps wssiordered forward at i hit": 13- it“? #Plfiinfl WM vallml it} the? it“; once and then comnienhed one ofthe quick- ,: $33133: S. “M. IShgrnghetxfiignnrihniwg; . wank lest‘t‘narches [ever saw. The lst and 3:1‘1‘4”, h}, 'appgobntion 9"fl", muvflmmx‘i (Tuition.- were mnrrhin'g side by side—each fund promisP’i his ffillesl inthan :m l Sup~j vieihg with the other as to who should ar-lport tn the prnposed Visit. A rmnmntap, rivo firsTt at the‘ scone§ot action.» The lat cqfifllf'i‘ig ‘3‘ 9‘- M"Sh°*'"".‘k"“"'l 113‘} A“ 1 divi’aion. composed of then wholhad‘fought}}tflrmg’ with neul‘l-cornu‘iittee consutinzof . i r “I. 11. Homer. John Smith. Jmeph Hor- T "“3! h battle "and "“‘thEd many 8 “MI!” Iris and ‘Dr. D. C. Morgan. were appointed mile. determined that no conscripts or/éoft ‘to make all the necessary. nnnngemrnts' bread eaters should lead them in this racnifor thé mealinn- (_Jomrnittees f") CONE-f for victory. Our divisl: n sud bri’gsdo inns ; 533,32: iicgltlfiusxau'infismsrgflritg ((1:23. led by ”'9 87th P- V.. “5' when ”'9’ ‘fk" ; boforehand. wgre appoinffad.—-The meetinlz a notion towslk your other soldiers. notldetermined to,‘goin ahdgly. accomimnied, excepting Buford': ca ’elry. may as well : by: delegagizn g: (zegntgn Magic; if). g . - 1a n n “are. m or stan 1 ”'d9' They ”‘6 rom theold Kg. ' ic'noeltirdfiuaill tnlte hoe before the hay of stone State and they all ays go 1d tokwm, idedication —Ball. £ll . 1 and win they did. The regiment. on .sr-Il » i ,_4.Li.4 .... i riving at Union Mills, ._was at once planet] oh picket. where they‘soon received the compliments of Gen. Hill. in the shape of sundry shells which. h6wever. did no harm. On their right was the Jersey Brigade, who inst several men at McLean's for-ding in I briskikirmish with some Louisiana boys. at about dusk. Next morning :the enemy were gone. . . ' To say that. the companies from your .. . ty ahared all the trials and danger: of 'this movement of the army is saying much for them. Those outaide’ot‘ military circles can fonn no estimate of the amount nt‘au‘f faring endured by the men during this re« treat. Marching by . qay land 'hy hight, througlnaunahine And through the pitileas storms, over hilla. througbAhe valleys, fording streams v'vaist deep and then' lying a few hours to rest and wake u'paud fall in, and ofliagain. with little or nothing to eat, and (bk: little not. fit for' a h_uman being/{o take into his ayetem. Why in it that this army get: luch apoor article of hard bread, full ofmuat’ and vermin? It require-i m lattho fry lone ol them, I assure you.‘ I ,am happy to inform you that Lieut. Merlin, of Co. I, has been promoted to the Captain” of Co. H, made vacant by the death of Capt. Wells 1!. Farrah, at Win chester. This company Ina left without an office: until the appointment. of Lieut. M. 'Hae Captain was killed at. Winchester, ht Lieu. Slothour at Bunker Hill, and Lieut. Slaymaker mist-led on Surgeou’a certificate. \ 2d Lian. Dnniell haphuge of the com puny from Bandver. lat. Lieut. Homing :tar being A prisoher at, Richmond. Capt. V. C. S. Eckert diamiuéd the «nice. Capt. Adair bu returned from recruiting lonics Ind was warmly welcomed by his numerous friends in the Regiment. Lieul: Non-is bad ehnrge of the company during the retiféal Ind advance to this point... Lieut. nger 3! A. Q. ML. in place of Lieut. Hersh. afiprinonef in Richmond. All are well Ind hearty and enjoy life as best. they! can in this part of the world’s wilderness. ‘ ' But. I must close. ‘The sick us being sent. to the rear. Knapuck- are being fill ed with eight. day's rations. and soon the puk hpneo or this army will be on up. move, for our cry now is Ex Aunt: “WWW“; your e 9. Joe 7" “I told I man he lied, mused 100. ‘ GLEANINGS ? fi-The ' ' ”I“.de fiiaflule Volunlter rain! in ' john”; ' "no 0! Gen. ‘ l“ ‘ n "~— 3 Vi: :be he" Pmidefc;°’B° B. Mc- DbEhEIIAL HOSPIT:T ‘R . ~ 4. 3 ry-hud ‘ r'A‘PJT ‘l—'Enrel A ' ,In Ohio 11 thhnll .. 4 nwnuud fur l 3 WWW“ . “(Pram :l‘hem waft-of? the mun. Butnbzg :‘JDHU 3:52;“ “Muted mh‘:;.f<’(l}l(.m" “NH": 1 :rg';.|°“"'filfi'xaofr:r'nndnn or F ”A. T 92:“ "FY—nag” In! of on :h.‘;£uc;} The nominal :13“ “MINNIE“. laziflmwld m. 'fiqfifirwumnfi-‘g .. "L we" I ouh I" “mum.“ Btu: a‘ on 1 rec ‘ fun rm Q . Hoods marching - 911 known d 1981, win; ab - ‘- Number f . f Mac-um «nnuoueri. ”Ind” M the N'nu 0' {New Yo 1‘ r! d‘nlu- 00'- tho “me 0 ”Norm, "PM. The - ,On‘ thin aid 'K hum]..- f . onnl T ‘7 . has Pnid- -. ~ ,number otd numb" or ”I.“ mmnhm‘ a'o m o 000 a: bi . '90"! ‘h‘ m:u . emu 3 . “no". obe p y"f ”I v" th s ‘a. red n, 81.11 ‘ ‘ "cu“ I ear . . ‘ fiJonEmme In: for the :m 0138246.“ (:an weLibc’nfi‘n 130, of theft-2:”? 0? the. 3 ":55; {mm'erl {11:13 sayrhmm" “ no" u a ' r -l I ‘ I ‘ about me Postag‘med of . “gain”: mm H" before, :13“! nave-towing”! ray of Riantflfiflfnph mag-23.3%". as mu "h“ “can“ no, ”Id k. e Ihr" we . tuned. The In I!" Chm-l ,m and F 0 1 ' "oak. B I be, .” ed Brown T cum” Imm" re hnvr be 1'0: t ”(on why [row Mon Y .831“!!th thlt i: 3.70“!) dxdnw, know. but Huh: "fitment of mum-2:239ream-11m: :jfrgfbpmfi-OM [(3:30 “Why ”2:;"8 8:“ [filers]: 11M be c-übed by the‘ Archeufuj without Hmm n 18"! ha been t'. : 00mm,“ 3:19“??? MM "its“: “our! “'5; .: «(ridicr __ . g 6 pnflenu h ‘ ”Puu‘iW- “ “u. on ”as" ‘ml Re It“ -——uwh|t m- Mn. «Tom Th -.. . ‘ ‘yfloupmli— .. “I ."9 been rvmond t ~£ Whole ‘3‘ Imnn'.’ the finer. hummimdp“ ed “N h°f friends must} “Tb 1! mt‘nnd on Find 1.". cOmn‘ion Would ° othulSumter 3:)?" °r“l“"‘-:,"u:mlenmt I‘3: .. orisMir . emy ex act. I .(u an but - . “m” MOM “"5 ”I . ‘ “6“- fl ghfidentl! 9113;021:2‘1) ,what his ‘grisnd, "1:31:31 b 0! removed mm:- remained. Tl: l'undrglimififng "L lmzimfdmcm at. M an. - 1 M]: the Bo: 'J I. KH/‘n Io (Imrinu ' and M Dru-8k . 30mm"! [h , , to ITh..’““ m 1 m i ”or“, ' The town of D . ‘n ‘ whic; Hospital bu bouts dg ‘d ’h P ; finer“ fimifid Fly-Wk {haziycn m nearly 35080 anlnn-k. N. Y~ a :5- much man in do ued ”flu"! I”; 1:? Vn a: ungainvzll'm'm his Nn. the fact thu't 08f.'h'°d Whu in 1104;:ojzne.’ FIE-rlnvenl "'iltuqu. :I'wlpr' by“! L“ (I‘2; “13"?” “dinéef'drgvn” "mm: M"m 142 per” ‘ . ulnar. on“ ry “ "II and Reba "3! .0 die" geneml ih - a main ,1" kiflod ‘0 men. n ,_ eon of . vP 1 ) ‘V l t elm. arm I an“ ((094! ' own no mm In: H ff‘lmull. {he had and en ‘.u " cfmgofmzh Praia! impre :le Wu} “Hide, I‘ "I'm“? mmwnqn‘ . ‘ .2P'op¢r!y buz‘i'wfludz , 5.» / ‘rnum-m mh ‘ Enlist-Pam“TWMOII'OH “iv‘gmHHßJ‘men a. .szmie,u .id ' i m “——_ /_ -,. I aro'uuified‘." Ehednim 3:“ m "m“ din "I author. the first “111.91, on‘ Irishlfiam to ma 2:10 XEEIISG:‘G;E.i; —— _' ‘ Ration: may” Simmiu‘éfllqfimnt‘lNllr-i‘ at is‘ tint. equ‘lommo'f nanlly wu hl’ “g “M, Hem . mp” ‘ . we“ . ... . ~ ~ , . .I 1 ‘ ecm. es man a' ‘ 0 an!” ‘ m ""1“ don’t know 1, "30m"; Mte?” a; I['l9, Room "1 thg»¢{urt e n u“, Arbi . hA ‘v .na “gum“ I ”“491 or v ’n, “h Shuml BIG 1~ I 4'0“" on “ "than ‘l‘ uhmgton I nelwoxitin ~onlcdl "elmboat‘ l amply “unles ‘ , . Inf]! ,9 - . 9nd,. . {Ovem ~ , (Imm. ~ In. . 9 3 I . P .111“! ’ 2". an or “P" llv| L“ n . ,H'Snmeififlz’éo 3°: ‘3 Vjther r,"- a If 3?ka "fanning.“ ngr. Chm,” "Cf": ‘ti‘f’gtflmugh [25:31?" "man Inf: :5“? ”m tibn joum ' “tern rnd ' ; Ino W' ken-rll . ’ ;-_ eofCotif I, 1' (ms to H. ‘n no. 3|: of th . Ml Abnl' 'r / . Ill: and H - mun“ “N" I edému‘ m ”per ‘ D ‘- eum lav N I. you“ “I I IJ"an,~ ‘. . 1 lswvn . .Mnh, . 3m! ":2;ch Perm‘. in a"? of the at. Louis ‘ tflmfia‘;‘ Icmmmee of nine blue, “s'“ g; Jallnsmfi may. to denyflp‘liznnm! m“m fiprrhegdg: mg the President. of the ri -,_ Instinct!!! for the “L eumwimed urm‘b and Ogflzlflt’m Lnk“ EH: 1‘“??er . query. ,V . , .1 or. here 6n ”I ‘Commfldfllio las ‘0 den. Li .. ark.) Al ‘. m "If" scales WI“ sllme time comingmher; the ‘22, Bulf‘a'Hnu-pei;'Tlr’voinfecligvflhl :ndme‘cmirni ”wk?” ":9 gs"?terprl'ufiqummw nndthe m’ ,he eyes out ,» 5“ commute :-- ‘ m oucwm -!f e“aR on my". V em the tel ‘oneycmmsers “m he‘d-1.? Wop“? Dannzr, D. )choul °. 8. R. 'Rnnsell “Jl'rriflhtignler S‘Pél'allgmg' by way of Me ~ 1 flaamkof heedom wen 1", A. Bughler, Jl" ‘l3:]. P'rof..“uhtefiy; ‘ “:1 .lnnlw‘kh‘; Ind Cruiser-Ith minrm'grgh” or ,‘1 ' count -. , ‘ / ‘Geor e“ -" A nestock ' "LDNT mt" on“ “.1 “on mum .n ”w wnh y u sud ..VI r at mom a.“ ‘J_L‘S- . . ‘ new I I l n!» .d- Id. but. . {nu-m: Pug of horse thieve. t° be Inflated! The committee I; D~-chd‘3hnrt. t dud"l bll,.nml‘!'l‘)|;°l“ report “tlflil-Yl be. “Puma”: ,rs hnvalmly h‘d_- A “umber of ('muns ; " Ismed‘nn ‘ «,Evabamin ””" "Hm fn- (‘..u.r.41.r-' b when ham . Qtnrow open :1 Appeal to :1. IG ‘ ."hy “6“ “I o Xuka I' “I” PI Itplem ‘ ""1 lQLh‘ .nd in‘ita a" Without!“ an the: 18 IE: turefln. he“), WPOH‘ 51mm". 'ul” my main . W110i” ' ll] , one hm ~‘ M Gm. . 8 or_sleeplng ncrpmmodl‘fnd rurfllghinfi g'fltlgo‘menu “'15:! pram)"; Firm” Mp” “ms {or rum-I kgllgsdernlm “mm!" wam! l'w Vl5 recalls ‘ . .I A m“I H ‘ n" l Wounded, ms of three Imndlrslxl fiJfrs. Longenecléer has been mu ricced at lndmpupolis, Indidms. oi'poisoning her husband, and aentenioedjo‘imprisonmeny for life. , 1 _ ! QM Wheebg, 6n Mayday morning.' the house tops were covered ’wilh mow.— At Cincinnati there waé a‘now glio. I H The gnvernmbnt'is redeeming, on" the average, two Millions of dollar» «lady of thelmgnuring c'ertificatea of ilxdebtednvs‘.’ E WMnjo‘r Jack Downin'g' says : ' “'l‘hingn are. u worst} noyv for-Democrats A; they‘cnn I by and can be no worsen and all that. (‘Ol-! lmw must. be ior the better." Democrats " can take comfofl. ' ' ‘ : 36'1‘116 Albion mys : “New Jersey is imitnti g Illinoin, in thy endegvnr; through lugiulu ive enagimentuflo keep the irreprcaa ible My 0 from her borders.” ‘ l- . fi- singln ,firm pays one-hundred nml fifty thnunxmd dollar-tn year to lhé London Timex. for udvefilising. . ' ' fi'l‘he hmiheiis‘rrf reoruiling vnlnnteen umlpr Lhelgiftciilfims been placed in charge A ofthé Provost Mare halls in me different dis- 04W:- nnderstnnd thai the several 0 Id Fellows' Lodgon of this city are making arrangements to visit Gettysburg on the 19th instant. to take Run in the dedication .of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. located on Mad famourbattlo ground at that place. The Masonic Ol’der.‘ Knight Tmnplnn, and Sons of MIME. are 1150 making arrange ments to attend this are“ Nutionnl demon stration. The Odd’ Fellows, wezare told. gill supply themge/lves with ratiom, and go prepared to camp out." We no authorized to state that the Rear]- .ing Mill-09d O‘omplny will issue Excursion Ticket! betyeeni Reading and Harrisburg at mm nu. for the benefit of the visitors. —The Tiqkets will be good from Tuesday the Nth/ta Saturday the 2M, iusflznt, both dayi inéluded.—Rwding paper.’- ' ‘ i s.6o]. Andrew has nppointggl United ‘S , o Mnnjul‘ Kaye: and High Sheriff Clark. of Suffolk county, manhnlato repre- Jent Massachusetts at the inauguration of the National Cemetery“ Geuy-burg, on ‘ the 19th instant. ‘ Le'n'mln’a Hone “.Davy.”—Mr. Lincoln’s In; story is abouthin only form experien~ on. from which he dnwo I lenon ol‘pnllili col wisdom. He had once to plow with a lazy horse named Davy: . “It was my business.” uys his excellency. “to guide the plow while my mislonl,lo the best 0! his nbilitv, with A two handed hick ory, keptold Davy in motion. We were I” vcreeping Along. old Davy taking our blowl'nnd our abuse, whenguddenly he moved off at. the pace of a young colt just bitched in human. ‘Wbfit’s the mat ter 7’ I inquired. ‘Oh.’ said my brother. 'lt’s a great big horse fly fastened on old Davy'a neck; shall I drive him 03' I” 'No, no.’ uys l, ‘.u long as old Davy keeps going 11. this rate. let. the horse fly alone. With his assistance we slnll get a heap of work outofold Davy.’ So it is with Mr. Chase. The next. Presidency in his horu-fly, and it make. the patriotic Secrctary as lively at. hio work an old vay. :«Let the ham-fly alone.” , One O'clock—A gentlemln popping his head through a. tailor’u shop mndow gx. chimed, "What time in h by your I. board 1." Upon which the tailor lifted u$ his lapcboard and “fuck, him my the. hand amwering. “ Mu Jun l‘ru‘k one."~—Pal- Indium. The than is ancient. but it redeem: the joke a little by iving the reply ofthe "8°“- tlemsn" when its picked himulf up. which wan. um he mil “glad it wasn’t. any latex-1" -N. H. Journal. Ma Mam Engditian.——lt i. bolieud um tho expo-1:301: fitting oufi .3 No' of. lazuli-intend to o Jinn Mdbilo. Itwil .mriu GUI-JV! V “I fillings. LOCAL ‘DEPARTMENT. pensation to land In their nnmtfs m J. B, DMr. ner or D. A‘. Buehlor, The Ingest preparations M‘t‘ being: made to accommodata the throngeq-oetwl, uml nothing will he cht undone by the ultim-nrto gin ant; iafnctinn. l ’ " ‘ The Odd Fellowi, \lnfoni anti-Run! of “film will be here by thounndg. heslllej m’orc Rho-u -umlutf ” the rest 01 mnnlcimlJl' For hn'm pro -rnmme of the ceremonies to t.xhe.plucr nn‘ithp lth, are letter 'of Mr. “I'l!an anq’thcrrohlmn: (NEW .BARS IHIRVT.—At Khan! ‘1 o‘clmk' Thursuhy morning (h? liirgr- n' w ervkls~fil ‘ Ex-Shefifl' Eremn. on \larshL‘rm-k, Wti'dr 031d h] fire. The Buildihg Hg («min-2y sumpd‘ with all tllel‘hay, x-Trn'w, km, 1! ’ruuv led, halides (hf-’2 colts and two {uh huh n. rge hone itnblc Adjoining mu alsn‘bnrn'. a In! of \«lgmhlc {Arming utmui‘n ru’ud e gears: The-Ehmwaxcrn sin 1:11 with um 'culty. “Mr. Brém‘iimn Il- nry luroimny ‘ ing in nnd lnoscniwttlu m u hcu like flnm‘eu ; already ruched IhX it'blo. « m“ a) e ori'yiu of the fire is 'mknnnn, but 1! is ' oak-d to jun-n remixed from Hu- .Ilriling ml «tell by name person‘f‘or panting-“ho ind § in (ur‘lodginga or lur the purpyce of mg. ‘, . ' _nrmm ll one of our hrs! éhiimt uni 0;: gm hu tluu ail-lain"! is nmrrrmlly (led, the, more sn'gs he «1‘ mm of the it“ shfl'enrs by lhc'rrreut rrhrl’jnxnuinn. nulrlncé (in 1*: Adflns Con my Cninpnm I .200 on [be h: ~ $1295) ml and“, my nmi , and $6OO on live 3mg null] fanning EOM .\RD‘ 0F Cl..\l\lS.—A,fflanui at ’.\p- E\‘rl, finnaisling of Colonel JJIIIP: “'on-(W {9}). A. 0. Hieshr, nl' “Il‘lllh‘fll i'ounty, .wnb; \Yofdle, Eiq” of thunnn gummy, sen hppoin'ed by the Dauphin ('t‘mm'r It to Engeétigate the chima for ihmnyrs iu‘ned H the rebel raid of H 982 imllic in at fin... Franklin and Him: The 'ntmeht it made uudrr the m-t 01.1 lih snd 'l],an 1,362. Thr Bonn! will commc-m-E I Minn nl Chambereburg, some time Mali: prui and and [ms Cm: IZEI IEIBM !‘ Tb? trunkl of (to irrcs hnrc per" 88!”... the battle—firm of j(iruya'hum: rCqu‘J for the Pennulvanin inul .\lnunchul-rm ivul Sogiexiu. One of Ith his two 9.! and filly bullet poles, in the space of mm fen-l, llld- the d'he? one hundréd n in the unmeapntw. _Theso specimens I‘l . . 1 I the ficrceneu of the figmmg. ) from Hist/ ME t Wfbn and EMS ._--I- l _ . - ’ The large fhg rah-ed on the alumni! of J-lop. tavern! weeks pince, In blm'm h; the highylnd on Fridz‘gé «m..- The nu broken‘inlo four pieces, lml the [Lug Fanunntely very little-kxkred. 11. has again! been '11"! up. '\ ¥ 'Rauu down‘ pole I van . A “mum Amerimn ‘Flig', 20 h, an M raised, on n beautiful! pole about 100 igh, ii: the Dmmoqldrou Sunnis): Inst. -th the hunJreds oi/smanr {by that thrown to the liree'ze on Thund my next, in: lhuown I very guy appumndc. feet. fee! This will will h.e Poll Office will he min on up 10!!) 1 from 61.0 9 A. .\l., Ind from sto 'l l’. >l' duh-cry of mlil nm‘tter—nnd cnoun !: the hal-nc'e‘of the thy. inst: IL, I durin The Stpru of lh‘e bbmughyill baclmed rad-y next, at 9 o’clock. A: 31., lon’the der of the dnz. ’ on Tl rtmi »| Mrs. Z. Herbert. and pm. J. L. Pirtir, ol' tonbnu, Ind Mr'. Jacoh Hauler, nf‘rec- In each uni ur sewn-a 1 very largvS‘weet -kinl, among the finest we‘hn .eeefi thin I They have our thanks-%w hm Jill A. VII-mine, ohflnmilnonbnn,;lor g Iplendid Applesw . [lnmi dom, Pam; uuo' Mr. J-‘ Int. nf‘ 90!—-We Are verymuch in wantgf Wofid. ot'u (aw of our country Mend-I supfilyfm we much-needed Anicle noon ? ,We s‘Lould ‘it I fnvor. ‘ ‘ WI Will . with ME l A Rich Legal Proceeding.-—A novel pro ‘ Ceedi 3 recently took place at ’the sealant "pfth 00th in Warren county,(‘.L. which i prov that the dry desertof the luvy in now l ' and t en enlivened by some oasis of fun not ‘ laid i own in the chart ol flake and VLitlle- l (On. The members ol'lhe I'M? of that coun ' ly prisonted to the court, Judge Johnston ‘ presiding. a petition mkiuthe wourt. in consinflérution of the fact that legdl business I f had liecnme dull. to select LEE! members ”H the \iiarren bar to attend to the business of, ‘lhe pX festionmlnle the rent ol‘thcm alioultl; ;be assigned some respectable and useful. templtiyment; and that a tax slioull he, l levied on those who should be astignod} emplq‘yment outsidze of the bar, for tuc -Buppst of the two§who should remain.— The utter was ken under consideration. ‘ i We cengratulaténtbe good people of War-‘ iren county on the prnepect of having nlll “ but tWo of their lawyers assigned. at the'r; own requélt. to “some respecmble and use- i ‘lul eutyloyment I" 4 ___-__ __v‘...» .._ , , # dicClzl/an in Huauhwtla.—Gen. Mengher sue a lecture at 'l‘remont. Tomplr. Boston. hunt week. entitled “Recollections of the Army of the Potomac}; The name of Me ‘Clellun was greeted Sinks audience with immense enthusiasm. This wu significant in Boston. and is repormnl to hnve taken (it n. Mengher by surprlso and mmewlut disroncened him. The Boston Republic-n papen make uq mention of it. , ‘9'th tyrant to the man henna. his) .in a nymph-In yo the man Ibo" _him. ~ WAR NEWS. l' A rumor comes by way' of St. Louis that iflon. “mm: Ims lx-cn <upt-rm-dwl- in tho 1 mminznnl ofjlm u-nl’wlernlr mmy lwfurw Challunrmgn by (ion: LN“. 31ml Gen. Lung nrenl i‘q nx‘rw m cumniund nl' Uni uvmy in Virginia. ) v' ‘ €' ’ f A Ru-hmnnvl pjpnr of W—mlnmfluv admit-o 'n rd‘vvwo in th.- vnguurnwnrnn Ihr lhmuu .Tumnnck nn Saturdny'weék. Sue-film.) (hundred vaut‘l prnmm-Ns m-ru jukvlrlw 'Gt‘lH. St-duwick "ml Frmfvh. lv-illl-a nix lcnnunh. Our [0“ us eaim Iced .u from 400 V‘ 10109 killvd and wnuu-lml. , ' i 3hr!" in (Urban C/mnh/ ~(),|y-'l“.up:[ .y vvvning Ind. ‘.\.fr. Gourm- K Siniih, .. Inuvn' fine! of. A mm] firm upon-Alina u! Yurklmvn, in (‘.‘u'hnn cunniv. mu l.|)'l~l hruiullv' In Ir tlvro-tl in hm min IlOlliP,..l; Hill. pl Nu, in jam-nnwf'émm tho host in "nun «Linn 0h“ m» ‘lmw- in' I H'Y't' {u ul-lnm. [but fuur mun ‘mH-wl “Linn hump and Ilulvtl shut Ihl-v hwl » Ivu. r whirl: vlmy‘wor" (minimal In ”aunt, 'm gmrwndu Mr. H. “(I Mu mm nwlnun \frmn an nmmr rnnm ho wuu firml lIIIIHI .ml ‘imhmly killml. 0m- nr Jain olmk‘_t)..-u {made In" nH-mrnlu-e and fin-ll npnin Hu [n-muinm wounding. II! In- unppmnd, one ~r [hi-m. .In turn 1w wm firm] ”pan and' whuiuled. Sun-lax] ImHI ulm p‘numl Ihr .' Mrs. Smilhkl tin-u.— Tlu- pmty tin-n "mi. mm! as unm- nf Hmm *brn kin-um, no ur irt-‘l h-u y‘nl Lama mmlu. Um! no llau'r- imnnl TO'.< \Vn- hun- lu-nld urn-ml mum“ uuugy-nl M a rvnion ’tn‘r Um m‘immllnl of Ilu- urn, 4-"! m mum of 11mm will ".\vuar llw tm lihlw icrim». wu'tln nnl one In givv tin-m. ‘ ‘.A« it mu frnl'l'll u rim wnulrl )e-ult fium UH" ln-uhlv. n lump numlu-l ul‘mhlwn n'rrv immi-lligm-ly will tntlmt ln‘mlilv. I|]qu «n \v-- ml of I'm a" I‘m-foul l'hw‘ll lint-n lumps, but up in this l‘ixm‘ \w- luu‘o‘ no! In All] 1:! any lurlht-r Irnublcu» lfiavfin A'rn/mu'. V’ ’ 4.. ••ea .s'hm‘ln'nq II MIL— K. Mr". H nvmr-r an I huf ,lxr'n «'llil-ln-n. lirng M, Bali". Nummm-r. ‘omln'y. mvl wilh n lmnihlu dmlh n Ir“ nigh" *hwo. h- ammnr-l Hui Inllll- mur inl-in: Ihn night :1 ting hrnko mm in 11..- lmlho. and Mr. L'uunrr. Mm '.\:lv- sli-v'nnv: '«lnmmmirr. Ix alum”); mun lu «jump:- .m- Inre ,Hu- nmr monl “Inn-h L.- om ”11-ml “.45 fill"?! with; nkr run] flnnv. l 1 vnila- un I A‘hilihflll upwcl :l rnmu in flu- »«u‘un l “4:— .r\'. M)" llr‘fl'hnnH-lllu)mg.u'.nmnglwlm’llm hung-r. um] hrs-Jul hr; m Ln- mumu- :n ‘mnkinz In“. ru-qm. 'l h- rmur woman an ‘m-nred :1! ”IF wunhm‘ I‘M A m nunnL lull, in" foam tho- “viii-l In» um um hu- fl mr in” In. n'u] huh lu-r v‘liHr-m 11:1 iI-vrwlt' [M'rlgh -9d in’lho flum-s. . fi'rhn"'F‘r<t .\',|t'mn:|l “ML (If H-Jh daydmru" cummmn-nd buanu on M‘m‘fiinv Hu- L’ll inst. I‘ v!’. “'m Jwk I“ l'rv-nlunL and Hubert fluhmnn Liv-him. The Hulk is charts-red wiring mpihfl ul' JIHWIJvith ma lirivih-ge (flinch-Min: it 1n um- hun-ler Umummd: 'l'hoy haw! not yu-t cmumunvml paying out tvlw new issue, but an“ 11mm. m a very few duys. ‘ 1 6'64. li’ucll.—'l‘lue (.‘nurl 0! Inquiry on Hm ~(sam 'oflicn. Buoll rolurne‘d n vmulivt :wquix - ting‘lnm of ew-ry clmrge'nguinxl him. lull. the fact. hm! lIPOII supprer-«tl MI this Ixhr day." It is reported frnm Cum-Sunni? llml .(is-m‘ryl “no” In“ bgen nude elnel' of am!" by Generulfiru‘m. - 2{H 1 ‘9.» v» r~-< \ aflk O-nfedérato surgeon who «is lmully drunk when our form-a 'fup'urwl llitllv Rock, Arkansnu. {numl himwlf among the Federals When he um. min-r, [l‘m] ru mnrked [_lmt it bent Rip Van. kah‘ Haul, a man mulll'm 30 In deep m the (Ir-nit de rute Mum without waking up in the United‘ Slatem, - . A ”Dispatch?! from Gem-m] Grant lo tire Dnjpxutmc-m, Hate that. lho Hm Ml vnnred positimln of Gem-ml lhlrm‘itlv'snr my, hnve bqen (“sailed and carried by the Conieriérntes, who (nok many prm‘nerl from Grnehtl Burnside. . . " Memorandum. , “E undersigned in informed that name Ono ' has found I MEMORANDUM belonging H) In! nn, JUSHPII H. BALDWIthio. I), 14911 1’- \'..'Wllo was killed 'in me fir.“ day's light All Gettysburg. on the Mlllrrntumn wind, near )lrs._Bhuhz‘s residence. ‘The undgnrgncd 19 "IT anxious to ohmn said \lmnornhdum, rind nfll libel-.dly rem-MI! u;y«non u ho will pince it in his poueusiou, or ltcon'c‘ it at (he “Cum- Piler ” office. JOSEPH ‘UALDWIN. Nov. to, Hal. ‘ ' § ‘ Orphan‘s Court; Sale ‘ F REALéESTATB.—The Inhlcrifieg, Ad -1 0 minimum” of [he ”(do of Timur" A flnnhnll. derqu, in purlulncc oful‘order I or me orphgn'a Conn of Adams' oonuly, win ofl‘er a Public Silo,- on the prev-Inn, ML THURSDAY. ’lhe loch dny of DECEIBER, :1863, the following Real Fin-lo of aid lie» | cede-u, situate in Hnniilonbnn township. g Adams calmly”. ‘ ’ 0F TRACT NO. 1. (the Mnnlion Trice.) n . portion, containing 35 acres,more or lulinig ‘south of the Cold spflnul road, bounded on Who cut. by lnnds of Jamel Mann-H, n‘nd on i the south by Innds of l’elor )luminn. ‘Abput [ 15 acres of it are in'meudom ““1 "‘3 who“: {I superior land, and in nu excellent slate ofcnl- Livmion. < 1 Also, 6 Acres, more or less, 0! Tract‘No. 2, sdjuiuinsz the meion Tmcl, covered with Ichoice flack Oak and othrr Timber. Also, TRXGT So. 3, adjoining Inn!!! of John .\Hckley. John Rhea, and True: No. 2, contain in; «w nuns, more. or ion, having ’.l‘ thereon erected a Two-Mary Log Dweu.‘ ing HOUSE and Log Stlhle. Then i. , ‘ a nu «(Ailing Ipriug-of winter men:- the houle Ind Inter in all the fields. About 40 acres It! clear lsnd under fence, thg ruidnojs cor-1 cred wirh thriving young cheauut, hickory. tr. [ti-Sl]: to commence M. 13 o’clock, 31., on. aid dny, when anendunce wil! be given and term-nude known by . ._- - ‘ JAMES H. MARSHALL, . , JAMES MARSEALL, Adminlurfiwn, . 3, ch; Conn—John Efcholu, Clerk: \ _, Km. 30. “#33. ts , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers