~ ‘ Kfirnflé'w’sr-r‘l’9‘3's'~4R??‘a'.:lltfitatxffiz'l‘l-lii‘sl9fl3fi~ s~hfiv£vtl~’ -h Terms. The Conn.“ is publixlledevéry Monday, morning, by 111:an J. Snaps. at $1 757 p“ inuum if paid strictly XV ”nan—s2 00 per nnnum if not. paid in advance. No subscription discoutiug‘qd. unless .nf. flue option of the publinhé. until sll arranges no pgid‘ ._ u IL- ‘ ‘ Auvzk’nszun’rs imertod at thousuil mlefi: Jon Pnnnw done with newness 3nd, diaatch. , Q 5131 ip South Baltimore ntréef. nearly opbo‘sige wmépxerw Tinning Establish-um -"Coiflun Plim'rmo Oimci‘k’ on the sign; mogzggmm mam. ‘EciEm-d B. Buem'ér, ' TTORN'I‘IX AT LAW, win faithfully and A prompuy “\Lend to I.” busineu rnunotad 1n un. He speaks the German Innguuge.—- Ufliue utthe Mme plnug, imSouth Bullimure ‘lN'scl. near Forney’u dung More, uud nwrly oppon‘tc Dunner I: light”; "are. ' Gettysburg, March 20. ._- ~ Wm. ,5. Duncan, ‘. TT()RNP}YA'T LA\V.»~()fl‘ice in the Sunli- A wag]. corner ul'Ccntre 514 mm, licllgalgurg, l'n. ’ ‘ " [Luv 3. 1155:}. M _ J. C. Neeiy, : . Trnnxm' AT an.-—r'.micul;ur men,- “A_ l'mu. p‘i‘l Lu cdlccrinu of Pun-nuns, Huunly, Ind Buck-pay. Ufliée in the 3. L‘. r-uml-r of the- Dimnond. | “HUmhurg, April @1863. ll' . ‘ D. McConau guys : TTOHVI‘IY AT LAW, (ofiir-c one door west A of ”ut‘hlrl"! drug and lmul. stun-.Clmm lwnhurg slreet,)’Arl-4vnxnv .\.vn Sow-my! mu l‘uurn up I'kwxiws. Hulrnly Imud “Utr nuls, Hlnclvpuy suqmndcd Claims, and all' .ulesr rlnimi u‘gnilxulhe Government 11: Wash _\ing‘un. “1).; ulnn.\nwricnn()lninzsin England. Iquul \V‘u rrn‘nlp lei-Mud andiiqlllmr hougrlnmmd highest prir-es kin-n. Agog!!! engaged in lo ; ding: wurmnm in lowa. Illinois uud our” wwtrm‘b‘mtn ..WApply'lo him personally or ' v lulu-r. tic-upbur'g, Nor. 2|, '53. ; I : ~ A; J. 00179:, K ‘ TTF)R\’l‘.\" .\T [, \\\'.\\'lH prmnprlv Mll'hd A.” I“»llertiJn-luwl M” Inlllo-rl-IL;‘int~q tfu: 1‘.“.cl {n.Jll'm. (”diva lwluvl-n [lthnwxmkaj um! I) mfierfi [IE-41m} SLorc-z lhhimdh- «we: (irtlg'4guirgz.‘l’u. F [.\‘cpl. '-. H3O. 1’ ’ EL; B. Woois.’ T'pnfu'x-Y ’x'r Luv, Hm: Is- um. I", A will Lille-11% “Lu” pruhwku ul 'Jll;~lll(~\ l-mqulc-l lu hiulmrc ”Zr “Hwy z-Un Wt ~‘t' \liiHl' slrm-l. hurt rim-r 'I hm .Irv. liuwrmmw! In do, rmnzi up in the w (lu- "uuiil-li:ig~¢: in Ihu row" I nth, u_-~x upiml 111-pf! i!» -ir bh- ‘umnm-r. and f 1 ll L’ellrln or n- a mei”. by W 1;. ”1(".:I’lldll.‘l‘:‘ll,Illk'llw pie-“wing :ul nun "my . I“. ' . ‘ “my; , ms. hm Mi urn. \.~ (Mann, “2;, . i - . : 2 guy-sum .\HHHH. ‘ . J.-Lawrence Hlll, M. D. _; Grub—“”l“ ”2'13 21,132”. _ 2 ' > #5 hismhi-eun'e' . a \% ' . ~ ' ¥l'Hnor wgiv: u! the " nh‘TA _ “ ng and All". ' Lutheran}, ulTurrh in '. r ‘ \.l\ n \Hll H’hJJ; fh‘tl- un'iiorflgnod.\roll]d (I‘uuuber: urg atria}, and uppmiru I'iikiugUS 9"} ‘0 '"‘ l‘i "' “”“e‘ """"“'.""K “ nu «e, wh r 0 thé'e “{‘ullin: lathavr «vu‘hrulfll '1'?" ""‘l ipleuan 3m”? oi ("{""."‘“”"51 Upon-inn l-rrfornledgir rc-[nérth imin-dlo “"Ich |..-=w~.l,.=vll “f law 'l: 1111} ”UH-I. hmne L. .1: Mr: mam-Na; ‘fH~.-'.'llnrur-'r. Ihu’.‘ l'. l‘.. i".- “m'”_“'_'rr‘:"" h”?"“" “(deo" hyrupa, Kr urh z). n V Kim H.l‘“H.lu:hor, D. “4 “s‘. 1}“, 5.231,!‘141, 3: .n'leerym-x, n ‘:m~', and Prof. M Jun-71b“ in”. _\ffln hzu-n'r. ‘ ' "i' "I “ “”1"" “ are. ""1 up m the best man i: ,1”. In H. ’ 1| ll 3-5. ‘ . 'm-r : 'l'nluwuh. 5-1511: &- ~ 31f. ' ’ - ‘‘ ' l 5" _\ ‘ ’ 'r" 2 runners, mm: imam-L {—ll you mm . I 1 ¥ Rem‘ovalg , m )3}: id _snur liq‘uuin nil"]l_.lr\'l-:f,‘l110“' is‘dhm ''i fl \‘FAI ,’ ‘ .l 1" “.2. . ‘ IHZIQ. Hmw mam brnndsof \thsbxes. Lrnu ‘‘ .‘ ‘, ’ 1"}. :lI'III‘HIH "‘-" 1”. irnrn qhe‘, Wm'cs. mu! .0! ulho. Equal-i. “hichl um _ 2 “‘1'“! blur-hug hi Llw lIHXH'I‘ nf l’..x|H- lli~|'h‘ill 'Ol-“ ‘lmrl prufili “H“ “1" "1,11” -. ~... ..’ ‘.~.;’- "“ "’ .‘ {1:11p .iigili H-Il‘lLl’lilfdt , f).1),1,|"“w hr. 11. x: 'hy [um-“3,. ,a,,, m “lead—amt] tt’hm‘e I \l‘f')’ ut a; n l grind-. 3 L‘?’_“f‘ l “WWW“ 1:“ ”mu" IL-n Hum 94. lv’rnn-mlwrlln- p!.|cc-—~.§uu'_bcnbl l'“ ;'7 ‘- ' ‘ . ~ ‘ 'aLulmr'ufhjx: filanmnd. ”I'lhahuvg. ~ ‘ , D“. Jamps Cress ‘“. r / (EEG, F. RALLH LEISCH. . x ‘ ’ . ’ . ‘ ,5 2. .~.::. . r“. . l(‘(-'x.r:vm‘ pm’sn'l n. than! ml fur ~2m. .1" '. l ‘ ;- a 2 a 11 hr [Miran up} lwnxufurr: ‘U nllmi tu LJm, ‘A fiatlliot & Son’s iumrm, hi> friyn HHm Mr 3M“ I-unlium- 'lhr 1 . ." .., . u. . . .~ ‘ ‘. 1251! xiv? m‘ hi< )Irn‘pazinu in Hun-Jinn: :uxd “f \ "31) I. [ll%]! I Rh“ .\Rv‘.{ll)L)lih,.\'D§. Vu'initi. “E. ll:.lic ‘ I'lruns' In ilmJu-urérlnt f. K :3 “”4 37 52‘ ('."y sin-cl, lhll‘tluiury. ”w“ “m. e: m- 5, “.‘.. ”H. I” .'. ‘ mut :mil ner r,_ Fug one 51..) extending trum Uuy '.‘o Frujt‘llck tmhle ummliwé fum nil ntlu-r ~. «.4 man mqrh- 3'74“”l’3“.““h“;lflhlm‘?‘(”theE‘H‘ldmllh: '1". “oh mix. 'xx‘l u~II hm" - ln’rl-n n-m umn’wn-l '-l ""3'" ‘ ““51 9“ "‘3‘: l: flrg'e "figr'mgu' 0 “"311! ’lh‘r I"l|lu:’i¢'lll r‘ .m‘tl ‘ l 1 limmd INT [l‘m In” SHIN)?“ “3 L’ (H. 1‘ H huh" “51 I Lu?" 9‘“" IvV-clix p 0? :l ' I'lipw. ,:|.]..‘-‘i‘ , l'rm luiv-u‘i’m ‘ him in: Unfinlungcdstemh.“Eishelmuh, \V-ll’d- MM ”hum; ”HM. ~,.m.7,”i‘,‘,fi;u.‘ 3m in ”Jim Edit-1“ .\l‘unrrsfeaj ul’ Hung, Curran zliid‘lliilr timun}. urn-nit. :nflrg. Huv {all} Inluud IL-l- Fi‘llfilz boll2l,fi'itllfr'mc‘lt‘u‘gelisl» -¥‘gld(’l“:rsv 'lunx- A- _ ' ' ‘ angling L, Lin-. 4. "EMT”: .nrl t- :l m, n rt “mfi: m H". ~.,.\, “hi h, Yuri. “n“ in the lm-s, [lnceplmn nnd Llflmlficrt-J Chan-F. AS-, du'um' mm “Tue. ww. th‘ ’ . A smn‘mwommsm=mnmnnvim'rlfkfi, ‘ ";“'l\Sf)=‘|‘."n-‘lri'lfifu I‘VH. >Jn| ‘ A"h‘"‘ll":hfllr*. ()lfiuc (Elmiraj, [Lirlwr (‘b:\ir'~, ‘ ~ _, ‘ i _ _ “ribs ‘hnd (‘radll-s. HJT, finds, ”all lfuxnl‘lurv, ' Notice - ‘Hih .mn “'.lhxul l~‘;.lmmY.nmkvn_; Glaser-5. Siulc -5 * ~ A " ’~ ' [:o4er Fax 'Hio'x TIML-s (it PVCH‘ lvnwlh. Tin-z rum~ ur I)”. muss & T.\‘-'U)': h P ''2 ‘ - ‘ .'. ‘ A ‘ . i vr’nn dlppoihll n! purring-ware muted to q‘ (in-{5:13 .1.-iiispllx‘vl-"i'hg [\IIIYIHHHI cmiulm. 4le call ;.| .1 Sue our 3'4ch '.m examination. “hil‘h .I.? (In Iwr_ 1H 11' "Y'l “ l't‘f*|)'|‘r "“”.'f for \‘wrioty and qunhtv of workmnguship is.l’m r :an “11‘7"” a" l'." ""9“ I" "‘ 'l‘, ”m m L equnlch by nuy esmhlish'mvnf in the :uuuL plgte prrigm men: to LN}. .\. J. mel Xur ! A .\Lfl‘uiUT & SUN. Vldgutlulcn ' ‘in ‘ , ; . ~ Nus. .55 .fird 2': N. Guy sirecu 2 1 5 ‘ -‘ , ‘ , Aug. c 1813‘. “ ‘ ‘ , 4 <_ Dr.ij. Taylor' 2 - A I._ _-_Mf .-- __ i. - .‘,-_.,__ il'xlormllho inhibit-”ISM ‘if‘itf“yulr.2l‘fl‘{_ ri- L. V 13330 K. stauffef, ~ ““3! (_lnut ht: ml} cmunmcv hm llchlll-I- m lIH TMTCH MAKER AND .I'l-ZWH‘LI-IR, .waos-mn :n ”w uh! slum, new at - r to the umrrarllrnrn ~m' :"wW‘t‘: "mi—3" ‘7{;"'-‘;‘:"”°‘: ""‘i _ J ‘;;}j'“"”. Mum: “'.\m: a: IMx‘UHTI‘JI or wncmzs, "rpm «MST-l” ,cg ". “Nil,“ 'l. 1:," r" 0: L5O. NB Sunh Second 81.. Corner Quarry, lulu” [nitrqungak‘ [mph Adan... :1! ‘H. *. I'mmummfiu, PA. ~ ‘ .. ' " I ‘ ”6 bls ('nnsmntly on [mud an nss3rtmcnt of fl AriafnB> 'Cog‘n‘ty . ‘ . l‘.-A ) and Suher l'dlrul Lever, lu‘p'me nd Haiu ”TVA L ""1“" "55' "A“ L “(’“l’AhYn— “Smiles: l-‘iup Gold (jlmins, Seals 15“ ’Keys, ‘ hu-nrpm‘dlcil .\l.nclwl‘\.-i,_r§sl. ' ~ Brsnn. Pins, Eur Rings. Finger~ 'Rinfly, Brute . "nu-run. ' . lets, .\huiiiuye L‘.L~c=, Medmllion‘.’ Lack’rts, - l'.:icxls, ’§hnhblu-n, Spectacles. lef'er Thblc, . ' IM-url.'l'eu,a'uh mid .\lusgard Spoons; Sugar ' Syonny. (.'m-i. _\'.qflii-x Riné'si Fru-L and Bqlter KLEHN,Sili‘l"~,cuulh<, Dmmuud Pointed Pens, tag—nls“! which “I” hvesnld low~fon cash. .\l- LITUHHS 35 C 035 best. quality mil jaw ”(‘ll I’valénl Lnxer Movemems' cunslnntly on Land palm when Lukas n! suprnor quality. _\‘. il.—42h! (iuld ..ud Silver bought for with Sun. 7, 1863. ly _ 2 ‘ K .4 .. . I'rrwlru/ f{Maw-g S“ upv. V 1" I'rrm/wf g. R. R11~59H .\rra-elurq—D. .\. Hn'l-hh-r. 7‘w:luxrc_¢»-l).niv{ \l'('r¢g¢l}'_.l x" , - . -\ \ -l - X‘ [.l'Nuu'r l‘ln‘lllllll’fl‘ _izufiurf‘H’chHrdy, Jacob Win-3. ~.‘ Ilt-immlul:|g._ ‘--v-~ Ilia/1f” :(h-prge firm-43...“. A. HALL-Mar, R 'l‘ur‘ly, JJCOb King. .\. H'éjn‘t'r‘l'hnun. I). \l"- 'rourv, SKI": lhuull. J. R. ring-3h. Snnucl 'lrhanfi’, H; G. F4huestock. Wm. B. Wilson. I. ‘\.‘l'ic‘<iug. Wm. B. licCléllnfiwJuhn Wai .pl} 1:. u. \n-oéz-iry, John Picking.tAl|<-i'!‘. right, Johjn l‘diuninghnun. Abdicl F. Gilt, .I-Ifc: H. .\Lirslitll, .\l. Eiciicihcfger. ”This Cmppnnf is limited in'jls npem ions m the‘camity ohminum. It leis been ig’ nycesgful‘ opcrgttiun for moxe than 5h smm; in] in thnt period has [Said all Losses and ex onscs. without (my msenmrnnhnviag also A [urge .- rplpa énpitnl in the Treasury. fi'he Cum-- any 'employs noiAgems—nll bilailfl'si being qneby the .\inmuzers, who are annually Lit‘cl by the Stockholders. "Any perwn (it-firing Insurance cfin Apply to any of the nhore inn-d .\[nnarzera‘fpr further information. ' ”The [incentive Committni meets/.4 the ip‘. bf the Campfiry on 'the last Wednesday - ev-irrxmonth. Qt‘i‘P. 3!.- split. 27L1858. ' ‘ . . ' ySomething pr N GKTTYSBURG.—The undersigned informs the clclzens of the town and county, that be a commenced the BAKING business, on a go male, in York street, Gettysburg. nearly posit: “Tattles’s Hotel, where he will (ry to aegefnnd hopes to receive, a ljberul patron ; . BREAD, nous, CAKES, CRACKERS, U'ITZELS, km, km. baked every dny,§'Sun ya excepted,) all of the has: qunlity, an sold v the lowest living profits. Cracker-bulking in I ".5 branches is largely carried on, and orderl [guy mount, from this and. ndjoiniug coin ], aupplled “(the shortest notice. Iluviiz I end a large and cqmmodious bukmhouse and iured the heat, \vurkm-n' and the most up luved mnehiner}, h; is prepared, to do a. V, business. 4 ’ ‘ v ' Ytnsx'rm‘n swrma uly 25,1359. ~ ‘ - A ‘ [, Coal! CoglLCoal. HEADS & BUEHLER are‘ now prepared to I supply COAL, of superior qua-lit}, in any , ntity dasired. Tuna, Cub. ‘ 'on; One! Come All! . V: my silo request those indebted to‘ ,n to c3ll gud Qty up. as funds are imich .193, wt"; will be the 5m to cull? ' Uflca ;n from 7 w 'I- , ‘ ' ‘ ab. :4, 1861'. _ . on. OIL-‘nt ‘ ‘ l e . 9n. 3.501913% Drug Store. 1 | LL the ties: wen: _ aim an be“ bur-'5 u magi Fanny- a; 3% Pmsurlptlof :6 'or _ g _ . , Dr. BURNER. i I 'THS, Ouiimem and Vesli'ngu, cheap at ' _‘ g . uuxrssrocxs'. ~ l‘mmimwvns, for Mali m 1 Boy's, m I ”he Ind ebony M _ 30111985.. BY 11. J. STAKLE $63511 Year- IMIE Small Farm T PRIVATE SALE—The nu? ”fiber of- A Ten; at private sale the' lu!lowingl\’AL~ ”AISLE PROPERTY, ailu‘ued in S'lrnbm 11-Wll~hip, Adams county, P:l.,vun the,nblicl mud leufling lrmn Getty-abuts; to Harrig’bu'rg. 4} milrs North Ram ohyflun or placed The F: rm cnn'uilm 75 A‘ res and 32 i’é’rchesf mndlhe impron-meuls cumin of a good subF .imntiul D“ ELLLVG HOUSE,Frune . _ ' Earn, Wail; lluum‘ ,Woo-i Honk; ~ Pry Hum-c, CM‘ringP Hausa, ilnd figs; .‘Clder I'm-ls, with oLln-r here‘snry‘ ant-building», two wellxof good wuzvr‘in the yn‘rq. T Thtre 15 n 1 Orchnud of going fr ”L on the prouli-IM: The ptoyrtty is well propor ,nonmi {nth me’nd -w and timber lnndzl It is cumemrm to .\lurkeh‘. Church”. Srhool '. km, maLilu: 17 WW dosimbh‘. lenuchtinn o purn ‘Almsrr! inl invited to it. Call um?) or a drus 7m: undursixuéd. refinlmz thereon. DASH-. 1. H. FAIII’A‘M ' I“ (H'uj-zimrg.P. 0., Aflnms £6.41”. . N. B.—Tlu- :luhm-riher nlao aflrrn LflojAcrel «flied suil [’n-lric Land, situulvd uéur‘ Dr «in, lPonopbeik cuunl), lowa. ‘ D. “f." u- ‘ ‘ ' 3. V...) '. :. J :Lcobs's Saloon Réviveci- - 7 ‘HH nn-lcrfizu'd hurt: lame-Lun-oba'n Sn ! Imm. i;l,(}th!yershurg firm-[fund infirm] h. Lev-p .t in ‘lhc Inn! K'}ll', hnpnm th.“ ‘Lhé' pullin’uill .quprl-viuv th: il'yfl'er l") pin-"=0 My yuin: ihwn J I‘lrg» putrnnlgv. Thl-y wéll rc~ ‘.q's‘r‘llAN'f'rlßS u-gnkvfly and do lhe'm up in xdlfivlm"'\-III’\(;('IJH‘KI‘LVS.IHII'ZF'I‘UVIHTE, HAM A\h HIM", .u.-l nhnmt everything lhnl. nl'l\" lw rnHw'. in. “HI 1... zhru‘d: ’l‘lu-v ml} Mu) kwl- .\IIII, L\(‘l".H. PURTI'II. WINES 3m. \ug. ..i,l’Ju.s. If v New‘ Warehouse. ‘- RI'SHELS 0F GRAIN ’]I)0.()‘ )() WANTED,Ie the nemeiu +nnd Pmu‘ncé House, in Culide slreet, ndjoi'n jiug sllth I; Buehle’l'l estabfisbmeul. The :hlg‘hCol mluket prices WilA mln‘fiys be 'pnid in 'Lusn lur‘ ' . 1 GEMS, of all kinds, A ‘ . FLOUR, SEEDS, &c.- l ' .\meyl on haul and my :41», m. lhe'smullen profits. - K } GUAt‘Y‘tg. , ’ r 1 SALT, FISH. , « ‘ it ‘ ' , cramming, n, | : w 5' 2 Wholesale apd rP'nil. ' TRY L‘s: we mu ,do our best :0 gm smishcnonin an tits. J ' ‘ ' ; McCURDY I: DIEHL. Geltyfbmjg, .\hy I], 135633 lii", :" ‘.-., Nani Goods , 1' Him[asrfivxa'n—Fnhnesmck Bros. A would respeci’mliy inform their ‘friends and the public generally that. they h’av’e just receh’ed their Spring flock of Goods fmecw York and l’hikdeiptfin. Having bought. }hem for cash, We am:~ prepared to offer Ihe largest nnrl prettiest 5:02]: of DRESS GUUD He! offered to the citizens. of the county nd at OLD PRICES ! " Quick sales and shortpr fits" béing our mot'o. y ‘ 33-0.." and examine at the sign of the 3!»; I],, 1863“ RED FRONT. ; itE4novals. nEundegiguedmangthe authorized pqrson to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hope: that such as contemplate the removal of the rennin: of deceased relatives or friEnds will nvnil themnlvcs at Ellis season oftbeyenr to have it done. 'Removats mndeflvith promptnexs —lerms low, 3nd no efl'onfspm‘ed to please" - PETER THORN, Karel: 12, ’60.! Kenp'er of ale Cemetery John» W. Tipton. SHIUNABLE BARBER, North-“st cor ,lj net of— tho Diamond, (next door to New ‘lgllnn’s Hatch) Gettysburg, PL, why; he cin n: all time‘s be found ready to Attend to all business in his liu’e. He has also excellent,“- sismnce and will ensure ntisfuction. Give him :- can. . . [Den 3, 1860. ’ ..Aao, ASSV'LiSBL'éom Swen, Rico-flour ind Sultan, to: uh n Dr. HORNEB’S Drug Stun. . _ mm 13me AND WHISKEY, fi. medicinal purposn only” the New Drug _ __r'\ 91 1);. It. HOMER. A . A©EM©©RATH©AN® M. JwMW The applets are rip: in the orchard, _The work of the ri‘ape‘r is done, And’lhe grlden woodland: re‘Mfin _ ru_ the 11160;! of the dying sin. At Ihr cytuge chr the grandiire ~Sils p-flezm lus easy c'lmir, “'l”!er gentle wind of twilight Pin}? qulr hxl nh‘erjkfixr. A' mama-ugh kneeling bkside him’, I AMr fioung hexrd is pressed, 3_ In them-u \nld passion of sorrow, . Against his aged breast. ‘ And {M from over the distance, The falieriug echoes. cume,| 0f the flying blast of-lrnmpet A .fiud me rattling to” of drum Amt the grundaife lpelkl in‘n whisper, ” The endzuo unl'n can see; ‘5 1 But niggive liim to his coygyy, _ And we gh e our‘prayers lu That-s’; The “inlet: sL-Ir liie‘meapléww, The I'osmmds [fijlge line doorr ‘ And mer jhcfglfilse; orrlmrd ' “ The pin}: “mile {11653613175 pour. . . Bur th‘é grgundsire’s chair-.’lfiempty,‘ ‘ 'Thc’cnmféc is ginrk. and ill“;' ,' ‘Tlnrr'a n mmlclcss gnu-e on lhe battle-field, .\ml 3. new one under the 11111. ‘ And a pnli'd leafless woman [’.\-[he cum hen‘rlh sin Mane,» find the old dot-Iv} in the corn“: 'l'u'ksgl‘n um. n Iloady drama. , 'l'hP‘ mmqglitot-s down hn . the.“ Miqsyis- Uf-ilicknr, Thmhlmls Way‘s. Edu‘ut-rlJVa’tr sinui tin-r “(all suHmN-tl tn he ruthtSr Lirge (if-‘10“. Jilm‘f‘lq “VHF. Chli»‘ti«"" S"”¢”.:, ; lllldvinlqldliiy lcmcinm. '1 am not prepared .Janies Crag, lClnlrles Tyler,,..lnv‘oijqst, L") lvliow the slimy-M: n miln who came to (J'Y‘erb'dfi'd’d'rtznto‘n, D-'lll"1':‘{~"9v5. Gimme llllflfi,ltlrilllifi. cow-om- «Liy, and found the Dcnrtlmtf‘, (""19“ ‘l‘}th ,“mr-V hum”, l skeleton on tin-ground and u Lirgc mpsqui- J’nlm M'““‘°hr _Cunrnd ,M'le “”er l‘tn m) an “HU-wf-ht trueApn-kmg hi 4 teeth' bill-“k. {new(...,zx.‘.1..1.n .\lt-llmme. Ben with one nf‘the llmm. But I_ will my that 1.1"!“ n “._‘mh‘r- lexuvl‘}! ' “ .therOW. {360" i‘; \ruulJl Ink-0 a man gifta-«l with considvml lE’MH‘ Nmfkl{“Sumh'j’f‘hn J‘Uh’l'" hruhk llllum'xg‘mtion tneglggmntv the money}. uf lyuwrn. “ m .\mnhfrs, (Jf‘drge huuflmdn, , r 1 Q 1., i ‘ . . “in malt-r. Absalom Llovor, llvnry'F "0“" ""“"3"”' 5“"“9 "‘“‘°“""”"" 3‘? B-‘e-imiw‘m rum: h to {My n um “ore di cmsin'v them (me nicvht in n hotel “ ‘ ', '. ‘« 'l"' ‘ P ‘s‘ ““t ‘ -'y - X "- . ,: E C Hoover Joseph L 916 ‘Fxhnv's ()i-exb'lngh 1 .\v "11. .g_\‘l - . tl: arh ‘ , .-‘ ‘ "- “ ‘ ’ n kx\l 't in: \ :tn the ’7O“ rm 0. George I’hmkhnrt, William U'l’wien. Isa’ac the party [onl the {bilmvlnmnnucmlutc: JP tro‘ t" P\" ‘3, r l) rl W nvér IT! 1‘ _ :. ‘ I. - . it h' L’ , venrg, '4 . _VK‘ i, Ji! (‘ , .. . ““1? “H (”IN Imm m the c y \llO Dimivl W Mil!”- Samuel Wolf, George W Insustn-d on 11.“ th he win mosqn:t‘o.pl-oof, \l. l: D"dP'' k ‘l "l “, , Qin g "ml. who nilbrml to lie dunyl in the worst ngai‘lunlllgern‘r”; ghmilli‘» "1:;er 1i: '-I.ll''- ( u ‘ ' 1 pluco that cmrlfilxq lound and lot mosquitoes lnl n (.11 per {livid Wmv r 01" B “.1 5H lute him for nmhgtrr lbfitejn dollars. My" “ch"; limo Iilk'l" D d 61:" E hrl'litn‘ frie‘n-l henrin’g him mnk'e the proposition A‘bk', 11¢ _ :15' “:1h ‘0 .1; I" ‘. l tank him '1? his u‘m’d and n'iiMseverml ‘ I ert, (hum 039.: mm“ atepiengq l ll> ~ d 'r . _ . ‘_ iJncob Wolf, Frederick Weimnd, Sntnut-lX 10‘1”? “f-‘. if?“ 0“" "(’l' a "”6 ”W 5"? mum, will Ftckel,Juhfi c Hum-ht, Jacob pguc ”“u‘n hotownjan er-ngy’ontclhur- flnp‘e-rt, Gideon Smith“ Conrad Ilermnnu I‘[rum—nregulm-mosquitopamdue: Arrived Andrew Myer! “'m H H'oll‘man Geo W; i on line ground {he mosquito chap 100 k 01? Ritldlemosér' David S Fmofmc‘h James H I his 5 rm4izn,lcont,;tncl lay'duwn on his fact". ‘ 'l‘n lor 'J’lzmgs W l vinVr D vivl J Benrcl ‘ { 'L‘he insects' cngma in crowda, ligh ed on his I y ' 1 r 5' u ' ' B k 1' . 'hm-k. [Jilin cdmmenced 3f the man ' ' Uh" BALE" Arman]! Boyd, John E el'v 7‘ "t’l ‘fi‘gu 1““ ‘, a! ‘ . .‘ ‘Jnmes Bowling, Wadungten Fritz. Henry 4ft“ 9E ‘efm" , f)” “‘n £4312“ “effiw Epley. “'illiam 'r'u‘mcr. DuvTiu Slon‘e‘, J-, .quq-nnngxxV-npvpruhibxted. Bu“ he qtood 'rtl \V B‘Bfill'er Elms Kremly H C ‘icei John: {like} 'l‘rqnn ."dmn’K give utterance to 3‘ B Cine 8' lon n‘ Béan'ier' Altrnham BI .sin'gle grunt: Halt an hour pissed. The; ‘ i ".0 I°. . ', i) ‘W ‘ ( . . Hummer-” John. Peters, Juco Inter, l ground all around was poverPd with gorged Emanfipel 'Brov’rn ‘'S A Burkl‘jolder 'Bcnjn ; mosquitoes, who had sucked :until' they. min Fron . L'uth‘r‘Ca 1 man iléndrew‘ fivere ‘35 drunk its )utlges, 'nn “angering lure. e : 8’” '.‘ - I ‘bo . . r ‘ Brough, C Lpplemnn. Peter lnylor, Danteli a utln aptostthscredimble 51”: e. Aquara Knaus Amd- F Yeatts Charles DhCooku ' ter of an hour ensued; more into‘xicated E Amos 'Crum-Lodos.k ilnusé l‘lenrly Fla-i i suckers, and the man as‘ unmoved and ili-. .. "’ . y - ' v - 1' l - - . ' :~ver', Band J Smith, John W heel, Josmh: , dlflerent as a log. Suddenly one of that , ‘ - l lei tltuieri took m 9 3tl é t ‘ fl' lßowemJydwnrd ForugfiAnron Rohrbaugh. l‘g ‘L - - l A 'rlr e E rtlng pu s;Wm D Chambrrlain‘, Alexander J ’l‘ato,‘ In! hlS’ cigar. and then! chucked It on the J A Ornrlorfi' Emanuel Clinger Efi‘hrlim V, . , . ‘ ‘ . . , r ‘ , l mosguno .Ch‘ip st “Ck‘ but he wmcednl' Bollinger, Wm A Young. Francis Laurencn, when he squmned, tllen he ’°"°d"“‘l‘charles Z Tawney Levi‘hskev Mu J ‘scrnrhh‘ed up. . ; ‘ , » , _. ‘_ .- .‘ i ' . . . l Schwartz. Daniel Trestle, Joseph A. Smith", i’. “ 4 have cume 8.“ osaat‘on’sldemble num-t‘ ‘Vorley \Vintrode, David Linhtner,“ John her 0' mosquitoaa m my ltfer he remarked, » l . . . ‘ . 1 , . sGolden, Dime! Lawrence. Henry huhn, scraltflung int!) one hand , 3an working ‘ Anthony Smitfi Henry Pfeifl'er. John Gnu. into hisshih at the same time,‘but Inssure;V James R Gilt. ' Georde Inland-out Alhos .-...V . a K ~ . you, gentlemen. Ingver see a mnhquitqlilae; Rex', Jeremiah Hut-He, William 'l‘ King, thng hefnre» .Hc Wasn’t, much lolhum, gé . '3 C Brown uf Geo George S Bell. Israel tleme'pzflhe centinued,; ‘but when n cor‘ne!‘ Firestone lAbraham; Larew Geo 'D Brown, {.O Wl5» gentlemen, that-1.9051113) mu a«Zachary Slough, Peter C Trestle; Willmm ”19(15th ~ , ‘, .. ' . Y 7” ‘. 'Font, Elem-y Bender, Abraham. King.. John “Hé lbét his ten dollars, and heat home g‘ruml‘fling (hnt wfien‘iac‘; made that ’41): bet he lmgln’gcalculated on' no_ bumble bees be in’ sthilggled in.” , n ‘ A Prudent 1240706»th was election day, writesia Pen‘nsylvanio cormpondent, and Grimei; 'hmn'ng “assisted” out the occasion by the, depbrit of hiovote and the nbsorpo tion 017 about as much “own-ye" as he ”could walk under, starle‘él’with two of his neigh bo.Who were in the some state of eleva tion, to make their way to their homes.— They had to crou: Brmdgwin‘o Creek bye {fit bridge constfo‘cted ofningle log thrown across, and hewn flat ‘ou‘the upper side, but without any hand.raii:to lid in the transit. .There would have been no diffi culty with a clear head and steady legs if: crossing; but without polity it was felt to be not devoid of difficulties “under exist. ing circumstances." However. the creek musg‘be grossed. Grixpes! two‘friends took ”the lead, and with much swinging of arms and contortion'ot body ruched the further side. In“: n 01! Gridlesbtum tofaoe‘ the music. and. makthg n bold start, he succee ded in getting about two-thirds of the way over, when _a loud splash announced to hi friends that he was ov rboardfl" Emerging from the‘utex, it bong about; waist deep, hp finial, said, u if his oounégwas tho ib .suit of‘mntui-e doliberotiont f 1, ."I gale“ Pii wade i." ' . ‘ mamas Catskill monnming, N. *5, «is clay-pad with snow. = GETTYSBURG, PA? ’MONDAE‘E, Név; 23,: '= eite nitu. AFTER ALL BY WILLIAI VINTIB Efifiimllmlwm. A MOSQUITO 'STCRY 1 Jr“ ,' “um: 15 mean u'vn mu. nxvun.” - ADAMS COUNTY EXEMPTIONS, The Board of Enrollnfienz of tha Six teenth Congressman! Dist ict of Pénpdylva niu have gruntefl the follwing'exémfilions for. the reasons assigned, . Drufied Men in Adams county: , “ ‘ . . For mymazamtm ‘zDzsézwny. '_ . Israel Kludipsl, Jphn M Wolf, Plém-y ;Motler. George lI'J rdyi'Smnupl L.nug‘h sman. John H Flic in; , John uni/M, I Daniel Miller, John louck, tmfiluoi | “'.isler, Henry" P Slaybu glz. Amos Myers, 3 Michael Hntrnmn. J‘oml 11mx3es,. ‘Da’niel i Wxsler.‘ John W Kraft, osopl) W Dram, Hahn Crum, of‘ Soiomon, hilipL llouc-k, g Jneob B Leus,nyfiS Grit, ycwiLßniwn, i Henly‘Kuhler, John Zinb, George \Verlz, 1 Joseph V Slambaqh, Davi 'lAIt-hofl', Mai‘tin I Bollmger, Josephus Littl , Joseph Sharer, [ Jerome Heidlér, Imm ms rm'vguium mm . Michael Dcllone, Davii- ornoy. Stanfield I Fibber, Samuel A Coßeam Samuel Rhoda,- : Solomon Alligon, mm E gmminohf, Duvi‘d I Wisler, Peter Hart, Elias Bpnngler; Henry I Swurtz. llgnson/Mcllvnine, Ephraim Shea» gly. JnhnHlee’f-of Andrew, 4momMyels ‘ Jflllh Rife. Jacob Deal'dorffi‘ Jesse Blzder. 16mg; Plank, or G. Aloxw‘aer Miller, gS-unuef ‘Mt-Kr‘nrick, Jnsvph Bukr‘r, hqah I HurtlnaéfAhnér D. Kuhn, Fnjnnk IL LBIP~ Q-sw‘km‘, Gonrgfl John“. Janey]: Tuppor. :lqhn D. I’fimtz. Milton ’l‘ Krise, Jos‘rph P Wuh :crsponn‘; Jthn Putiersun, John: l‘ngham, fChl-iflian L Pldufz. Jacni- Eiohnlu. Hom’ry Mym. Roulu-n Emmi. 11mm Y Lime, " Nathaniel G Kim-la, Andréw BJones, Hen -11‘); L llemler. Joshua‘s Kemp, Jc-rmrriuh TLampt-rr, “(nu-y Blttln. Albert F Bunker, 3 Nathaniel Wuhn‘mn, K Wiiliam ‘ H Keefer, ! Peter Bulcet, Williumfinydor, John Shaw ' nessy. Thomas Q Kinsey, Peter-$91112. {Ja ‘cab Rirvy,Josoph ,\Ygikert. Alfred Palm. 2.1.”5t Wilson. Wm I: Ashbungh, 0118111495 E W Culp. J Jeff Myers, Jain) Wagner-(101m . Chrismur. ”gem-g» Rum», ,lflnid A Quii», . JamfN Dyer, David Kitzlmiller, William A Snow'denJhO W Yedgy; John Siyder, Daniel We’rt, Samba! McCreary, Noah‘ F‘ Hersh, John N Bayer, William F_Shu'll,, Ignatius 'Winters, William‘ anlfithohn F Houck, Geo W. QlinehJon Spa gler, of G, Geo Bitter, Johr‘ Starner, 133 w, Base boar, Edw _Horewickle, Valentine Sllibert, Michael Guise, Anthony J Smith; John B ‘Shérb, Jesse K Went'i, Thomas Alwine, Samael Miékley. ,1 ' g , ‘ By reman Aavifigpafll Commutdtiofl.’ ‘ Washington Meagan J amen Armstrong, Francis Strubinger, John' Linehurt, Hm kin}: ficConley, John Bowery, Abdiel' Laughman, m McConley. Ism' Wolf, Jr, Henry Galbraith. Michael L Miller, John S Eicholtz, Ephraim Yeugyl Jonas A‘sper, John Susan, J» b Wal man, William Shafer. William AYBJTL,‘ phlel Sherfy, John E Plank; J hull! luv, Edward 0 Single, Emanuel Weikert, afnyette, Flick~ inger, John Baker, Georgia lA Mobseg‘Geo, Fishsr, John W Lou, Jacob Codorig‘Willinm Irvin. David Shank. Charles Croulse, Img: G Tyson. William D, Bramec anr‘y s Toot; Henry C Rnfililsanc‘B. Asper. Lewis H Stark. Abraham Harrier. J F Keyring, ‘ George w Yount. ‘.\‘o'an P' Wei‘kert. Fran-1 cia Golden. Joqiah Keefer, Henry Arthur; ‘ William Yont, Jesse Shafér. Hem-y Rumor, : l’snel Mengea, William F 3ider,’~George W Yenlly, Jeremiah Rowe, Joseph Broadl‘glld, Ambrose P Weiglc, Pem- Micktéy. Daniel Uu. ~Willinm ‘vDentz, Samuel Ilgenfritz, Jnhn Denrdorfl'. Philip Hartman, 111-fab Jacobs, Geo Bdsor, o! Dun, lJulia Gala, Jae 111 ‘oob Stambaugh, Henry Suiithi. Fa :Gardneyi Adam Deardortl‘. Jacbbf :mer, M P Shields. Jbseph wignl 'Jnmes A Miller. Jacob A‘Milfleq‘, l } Men’geg, N V Biedmnu, Jeremith’i 1% Henry lleiges, Edward Lichenst iq, . ‘ ter J Rider, John D Frocl}. .1411 ,Staley; William F Gardner, ‘E'; Mo, : Thoma; Rdhn,‘Abrnhqm Bdrkh “+7l 7mon W'agner, Willism 11 K 0 nip. mecld,‘ LeSlock. Aliqalmm Sxpe, I! a } Daniel D Hoffman, J ll Kruer ne J g Abraham‘yß Smith, Elisha 8.7 i h liiam Pireézo'ii‘a.,.;ames 11 Mar le,J 1 Wolf, Amns \Veiale, John ll Mc , William W MdElwee, John B “r“ l .hias Li'flighlin, Andrew Mei-.\La gh' liTaughinbaugh, Abraham Bro n. i , ‘ Brown ‘Pqter Pehw. Frederick W - .ijD Miller. AnllrewSamlerJo it ”George Gelv‘in, Benj'ninin'i .L‘R'W [i Raymond, Lewis Gather," Geo ; , ‘pjgrga. 3"ng Weanegrornellu , f‘Amos 0 Rice, Jacob Si 'l’er, Jgicn “1 f John Trestle, H ‘F M Peters, J 9 epll in Cornelius Staub, James P Ste n, ixoel, [mid J‘A Mflihnfn. Uwid Sm Y Peter ')\'n;_'amail, Pine, II Flesh mu , 'Rudmi-l, Henry Whik‘ert, J 0: ph LJohn mriiiiuli. Aaron Shet‘ly, J 3 i Charles Ha‘rner, ‘Jolm Rim», W 1 l firm"). Diivill 'Allew‘ail,’ Amhn . r‘ Frnniwnill'eltiel..(ieorge Wolfn ~il Jiffi'm. Samiuél Harm. Anios S P ' ““Eaick. Peter J Myeri. Jaro .i Jumes Blulr, “I Howard’ Dixy _. Dhl George W Shesman. Samar-l h yeti, rGinler, Peter C Hirimn, Mini 1 Gm; 000 ii‘iseel, John 'B'ilwr. of G 9 ), 1) v 1 ilblyers.’Chri.~'tum King. Jr. 110 ry 3 ‘ lfl'll,’ Henry llerner. John, Mu me t,= 'thnnicl C Binder, Samuel Gu- tys, Ji vPlnnk, John Pottmfl‘, David uke,‘ ' Taylor, Samuel A llemler,s:unq 1 wt, Abraham 'De‘htrich,/ Isnac Grnlup. Sluybaugh,~\Vm F,\\laaver, lJnuO Ai K I-ine, JZ-hn pre, Urigihibl‘n'relo k, I": i, H Fiihrney, John W '.\"eelly, A}; an: ill ‘ mumi, Benjagimeur. '; - i ‘By ”Nixon 07' [why lmt' .m A 11"!» nL’i f I, Inky. .ibeu'icv 1m I/u: 1):: if .llrnc i, ll)’ /' Johns Furney. lerm'l Myeis. 4 din“ ter, Agiileous .\'uel, Jullih'Bro .n. F Klunk,S.lniuel .\Tu'l‘ngerlfiolnm in'B ‘Henry A Spangler. Calvin I’, Kri e, Jl ‘Sucks, Violin K Mcllhenny‘, Sol mo lcr, John Wolf. .hihn W Stu) y, lldilz. 'Peler Fidlt‘r. John‘spm giel Spangler, Augusths Mehri’ng, .\ rtil singer. ' . .‘ By Rmsnn “Hiring; Mandi,” 0f thj‘fm _ dren, under Twelve Year: Igf Ag , dqn en! upon his Irr/mrfvr Sup rl. , ,‘J'ihn S Deatrick, Adam Sase) s', J 1 )lilier, John al'eist, Reuben Drorbn ghg Lenlinrt, Gabrge S'milh, lsruel lii-JIM”, S Béiwcrs, Robert C MyKian-j', Bin nucli 'lemler,rCh:lrlv.-s~ Senfz, hurl] 'nini'liuwnrd, Tliomns_So '"P'l ‘ofbeing Um only mu rfa' tier l mu: or Parent: dependent pén i , \ 'lii‘s :(übl/r fur support l ‘Goorgé\w mu, George R c Ip, xx Thdmpsuu, ohn A Sinn,‘.luhn Ho unn, M hailing, 1) \id_ Howe, issa‘c Pe I‘Fr. 'R,Tho,mn-,l‘D vii} Shearer, Zuhn int erw Ew‘iu. - “ - , . ,Bj Remnngfl bring onaq/ (mi 01- are .v aged or infirm Pare-nu, subject! drqf _ elcclal (0 br qmifil by 'Fal]: r ; , , or. i/‘lic be dead, by Mot/i: . , [Gabi-3e L Kime, John C Slinuw r, Jo Hoofnngle, Henry Craig, .1.-cob Frit , Jo Timon, Noa’h' Shee‘ly, George Ller iug, I-‘iagel, Auguélns Fromicr,‘ lsrael Sl thouii By Egan»: 1y" having furnished a acct ; , _ Substitdle. ‘ ~ Emunucg R 6 ens, Amtirose Elin , “q - Rnfl’ehsberger, . umuel Dmitrickfla es Th 'aon, Cnliiu G ‘ engy, Cornelius -Ki g, 101‘ T grown, nglmm Il ‘liully; chbae .‘Spani _lsaac ‘. 'Jollng,Jnuob Urndurfl‘, Wn liingl Rogers, David C Shully, John lfi-kus,l Cartier, Rev 11 G Fiuncy, (‘11:!th A ichl, ( A Wierm‘au, John C Brooks. . By Reason 'qf being in Service on the 31 a) 'fllarc/i. 1863. Lafayette Brenner, Daniel E Wei le, D. uiv n Weigle, Daniel L Baker, George v w 15 Slnndrack G Slephélis, Jolly Ll Oxbe n, Ge r AlfiYoll. Charles G Minn—. 3 ‘ i By Reason 5/ bang the only Son [fab ta . (4173') Duty qfa Wubwi‘ldepcndent upon I . ‘ Ilia labor fer eupport. Reuben Vdn Dyke, Michael Mcfnd en, W H Wisotzky, G-G, Beals,lGeorge uch William lzer, Alliiliiul Rh odes, l): jel 1 man, Theodoi'o Joinfkobere l-Jlliot, hfldl Keefer, Henri; L Kovnlz, Samuel Wax James W Fokd. ',, i ‘ By 12mm or, Man-Liability .m‘ .4 tqf. .Adnm Robert, Burden Humming, And Buker, James L Taylor, Pius Foivl r, Al Myers, Ju‘cob G Bagehan, Wm J5l: bnqg ‘ “ By Rammof'b'owliaideucg. Him-y rim, Dnrid L; Schw w. Thomplon,. George Rndi‘yil; June Su ‘Jereminh Bu‘tt, Pe‘ui‘ Haiku, Dari G‘ linen-Joseph H Lefevegfiqorg: Lei-e .Jo: J Clrson. ' X " By Bank» (3/ Alinmye. : Mun Rcviliug, John Kebmn; 1' m By Run: of Fat/ta and 1?”!31-11 M F: and Hone/Io“ «indium in fill ’- ‘ lary Wichita. ‘ .606 :31: F Sit". 2 .. __. ._Ld.-fl S‘Tho Gel-maxi Refqrmed ‘Synod 13f i’ennsylunia closed ils aaaion at. Candide}: few day; ago.| Previous to the (fajourp men‘m committee, was appbinbed to puf cbug the interest (If M. Kiefl'fl' .t‘d, in the printing unblishmenv at. Ghambénburg, ID that. it may becéme the propercjv of the Bynbd.’ The actablinhment is worth about. $50,000. Dr.'Schl€ Inn at his requhst pet mitted to wizhclr ‘ from his Pro! rship in the Thwlogica?b‘eminary'for a 4: nod qf two yéars. 116 designs viiiting Eu pa. 1 ._fi———--»«-.._._.'_......_ ‘ 1 fi'Dr. L'uke Rome, and old .cl hpéplable citigen of York, died on the inst. ‘ .*. « * 4 .< .7 :' / é / / / L! H {E ~ , ' From tThe Age. 9‘7 WILLE OIHALLER. ‘i tion' of General Mt: John '~ or McClellan of ham lel - wem§u}ned jut .thé , oner‘nL’Macmna and \ lies aré not‘ux rah» ”finals unwilling Ln 1‘ to {he linin who ‘ and themsblws 1 wn Yothe 3pub- V Illcr, ‘ ('l‘an ”any umferv 1' {ohdent (3f ‘~ fieuks of V s For. ' Her. 3 ffir ‘. d ME 4'o" - MAJOR \ ”Went The victimiz. 19".” éPorter and Doc\ "i“u‘h I phin (both of what y V 0: Est-Nice to'pmve‘to 3.3 \ ithe world that Rep! VITO"; iful. nor its‘- highest 'so‘o' l testify their obligation . John l twice' saved the Capital rma-n, : from the enemy“) is we‘l kn 13“"? ‘ lie, but the case of Major II , “l .‘ fsylvnnia, has not been so gent staph fatopd. The Wushin‘gton corrm high, [a New York contempornry thus ' o- i it: . r : S H i “The most pitiful e'xernph’fication‘ b D rlitical malice and partv spit'e has hen lien- , pgttntetl upon Mnjnr Granvillle (I H e'ed, E 7th Infantry of the United States army, enrynho flagrant crime of being~ the llevot ' ifriend of George B. McClellan. uponwho- Ldlpr, vstafl‘lm was an officer until the relief ofit—he . ner, lGeneral. ' did"; F “Major Hull_cfis 11 hile ténml gentleman Yuko, .or the old school-of army otfit-nrs, who lists I 0 ome fireceqvetl the public. whuowlctlgmcnt of the. t , t icommnndtng nfiicer ot cvorv engagement In i” if?!" ' whirl] he has been since his entrance into q. ohm 1 thé nrmy: . A q ‘ A 'uhnH “He served as niinutennntjn Lha hnttlos ip nun)“ 2 of P4lO Alto. Monterey. Vern Cruz.‘Celro ' 'i l Gortln.‘ CllPluianun, E‘: Molina 1191 Bay (In "if! '8"? l the storming pnrtyfi, M xmo City.,m each: _\' :5! mi." ‘of which c-ngagvmontq hz‘ts honorably-men ]' I‘ll] and ‘ tinned by‘nanie for bravery, skill and lei- V 0 1 Gpoi I tary chufact‘er, by the officers 11l cummnntl, Y if I t‘ m then othrml. r9pm‘ls.~ Ila has fouulnn ‘ ‘5 o'} many a battle tor lns country, never one "i 1 HSSA'nguinstit. ‘ ' 4 i l, le‘; “Ile Wits tho. companion in army. the w ill.” tneumnte 0f the illustrious General Ulyssra" i l/ L“ ‘ S. Gmnt; and, not less distmgumhed among -11 all the brave young" men “,th in _Mextco, j 9'5"; gave to the country w toes of its grt‘m- ‘ \‘a-i} ing 'military strengthWrowcg, was Mn-j phniljor Hui/lot: He fough ‘ mvcl'y in'F‘loritlu, i Jim“ h and. conducted the military opemtmm, for 1 . it the moat pnrt. in Washington Territorv. | ”1?“?! i againatfiie Indin‘nsg lie was on (he Pacificj Alex ‘rcoust when the pfmcnt war commtancedr :r‘fim. but no inducements could seduce him “'2“ t )ahtel his integrity to the Go'vcrnmnni and f] l i-- Kine. tyf to his trugt. lie went through lull/tho l battles ofthe :Benmsula, and "van in .the, , flute Prnnsylvnnin rmtls. ‘ y/ j 4; u sh} 11 “Whule in the taithl’ul prosecution of l‘iq g 3, ;duty—unwnrnod. in régulurcnrrowumlanue v‘ “ in» gimth the War [lei-nrtxnnrit‘sviztin/51th know/JV :1,“ Ci lietlge nt' sponsors. if he hurl, my? thlmut’la .3 ,tsum'iutina to ll‘lfll—ilfl was ml thczl that. he i-r “’3 {had been distillrskll‘ from th.; mmy. , h N 1 “110 Fun m'qt'nrml forhis :(c'cuwrs, bogged y 3 il— 14.0 see the accusation, sought c-xplanatiom, IE)! "(1 'nthlred to displnve any ‘shtmlt-is. mlfilair. ‘ ‘ , '1" y doubts, to pruveJns devotion : but not ' L "' Jeyleu a letter is amwered. ll 15 is the high- M ‘s— [Cat of nit crimes against the :nlminiatmtion 431—119 is a Democrat, [be ‘i'liohr‘l fil‘ (ionm'nl 0 il- 199.0111? 8, MeCl‘nNhn, of the Countitution as "d ijlt u andr'Dhe Union us} it Was." ' - ‘A 13" ~2“ .“"T"’:.“‘T'T-. ‘ HI ‘; ll’aahiiffion Gorsip.—-A Wushingtgn enr- [ ro .9 respnn'dcnt of the New Yorl; Hem! , in hie ‘ )1 3"] Hdesputt-h of Tuesday. guys. on the evening i 901b,;ior the 3m. Francis I‘. Blair, Sn, called at 2 re. ._ tithe WliitLliouse, having been summoned" .5 V ‘jthither 5y a pressing inwtnti-ur'from the l iPresident. with whom he harks free xtndi 4 ~{iively ilnterchnuge of npinioxm Mr. Blair , "I! m ilbldrthe Chief Magistrate that he would iii-i .'evitnhly he‘ ruined if he Hid not at once . H‘mancipate himielHrom the pernicious-ink Ed 1"} finances that Chase was exercising over Jo n‘l him. H 6 ndvised‘ him to recomtruct h‘fi incb E hinet. and to get‘ rid of Helieck, whom f lylr . g denounced as the unsprupulous cahse oi" ! ’‘ 31 the reverses that. liard‘befullon ouri ifirmies. , The President-listenedto all Mr. I l‘ f; Blair had to my with res’pectrul attention. . “find acknowledgeditbnt he had lorfg‘dé‘sired‘l to pursue the course of action recommend ed, eapecihlly witlrregurd to Stanton ; but n ' «thatJie wa-x afraid of the hurricane which n ' ivyould follovi‘such un‘explosiou. é: this You jpnctiire Mr. Chase came in, ami'evmced , ,much irritation‘ of~ feeling oh finding (he ' Presidenthohnobbing with his. implacable i (“I’4 enemy. At first he conversation took n" general turn ; huttho cPreaidentiei joker i lia- éoon found an oppohtgmty of applying n‘ ,m I thatch to the mmitaltoi‘pcdnes berm-a luui.il h! > The consequence mus fliettlmse who had ‘ I \‘ 1 business with the Secretary of the 'l'l-onsury I ‘e ’ :9" the following day left/h“ With,tlic im- 1 ’“ :preuion thnt his stomach ,w: comidui-u‘hiy-i out of order, or that he had Lied a very few ~ish ni hr. 2 ' ‘ , ‘ _a , -§~.ma..._- .._:w 4 _Vi .aan” there is an‘y feeling in our conn- 1 try 113 extensive as the ntnmnpliere,'\}r deep ‘ a: the ocean, as immovable :u the "um i Wins, it is \this : thzit dur nation 'elmTl‘not ‘ he cut in two; ,gte will ’rather givo~the ‘ t i cliild we have; the last [jennyfiyc pdsms.’ I —ißeacller’.v épmlh a! Glasgow. ‘ ‘ , Aiasi‘ R in other people's nhildren and i othgr’people’e pennies that Beecher Mao lavish or.. It was the harlot. in the Scrip~i flares. that offered to havn the child she: H claimeddivided, rather than lose it, iii the? 8: toohll'overs'y she brought before Stilomonl i E- In 1800 the same Beecher advocated-a mi," in'epuration of.the Union I‘. , ~j » i ' .Bcfluliflll A:m¢§er‘a.-A [.upii‘of the Abbe Sioqrd gave the followingextrioidianry-sn. avers : , - ‘ . “What. is gratitude?” ' . ’ i , “:Gratitude is the memory of Lthe hem." ‘fWhal. in hdpe?” ' ‘ a "Hope it the blossom of happiness." ' IEWhIt in the differ-lanai between hope Ind desire ?" “be-ire is Aitrée in loaflhopé is nine in flower. ml enjoyment i 970» tree. in fruit.” “Whit is eternity 2" ‘—l “EA dly without yestenlay or to-morrow— lihe that In: no end.”., , I ' "mm is “me 2'” ,l , 3 “it fine that bu twaiends-n path )which gins in the“ cradle and ends in the m 5.” ‘ - ‘ . flier 1 h, . il. “What is God t’f: ‘ , ' ' . “The neces'sari being, the mmof eterni y. the mechwm of. ntturo. he eye of jug, ice, the watchmaku :of %univerne, the» Jul of the w:>x}f.l.”:~ ,’ ' ~ "Does God réason f?‘ _ ‘ 3 “Man reason, becféfle hi doubts; beds lbelfutesé—lge (let-i . God. is minim-ism; ;. e dever doubu -He therefoxe mafia: n 5... -—<o.‘Ot-—r‘ V . ‘ a W 31/”; Pacific Railro‘ad‘ {ln boon - mud, and. is non belug usedjrom St. aul w/Manomin. ‘ ‘ ‘ /, , , . . , / _ - ‘_ . I‘l -1 TWO 001.1418 hm IN7'.Ct_ 8 , . 1 a .111“. = cun'xou. Marksman? Pox.- m From the'Allenlowu Democrat Cleri'cil interference bu contributed; much to the fund mm of nfl'nlra nt_ prawn! oxfsting in (inf country. A! long u the gentiemen 0 mm! for the service of tho pqlpit confine theirlqhon wtheir morn mason, and preach the go: vei nrcord ng to their'undoptaoding (whrtiu-r correct. 6! not‘).of the teaching! of the Bible. and 03-7 tend their ministration! in kindly visit! of inalxuntinh 39d charity among their flocks; they Imm and will comunud the «Mom. rupqctand veneution’M? every right-mind ed nun, hoont-r he mny difl'gvr from them i in hililiqfl cnnstruclionpf religious theory. “Bllhjfllfll thwhmw hivay the Bible for the political . t-bnok; when they that» don the Im] pit to ascend thb stump. when. they, Joint. »tlue#vocatil>n‘ ts mingpten of ’God to ”become the bowling Derxisl‘el of I niorcvnnry politioinnu ; .when they‘cmsq to x be mwocngogu of peace. Ina enlint [LI-trum -1 peter: to sound the bnttlo-chnggeu they !should. ind do. bring on tlnemaeliéfi an ug in-lnncho pf moriled Ind ineffible contempt N'rom ovoryitruo Christian and every mm } patfiot—exgeptihg thou nfily to _be found mgr”: the victims of their malign influen ceg. Burke emphatically says, "Politic-u mu! thehniibitmre tprms that ”have but. ,lilue ugromnent. Those whokqmt their I prop»:- cimmctvg to assume flag "on that sbeinng qo them an}. lur the Rl’t’MEl‘ part, ‘ignoruntlboth of the chnrncterthpy hnvegmd the chuhwtv-n Hwy “Hume. They know", inothinguof politics hut the Eurasian! they term-i 119: Slll't‘lv‘: the (hurch is g pluco :.wnere (11:0 daty‘n Luce ought to he Allow , “I“ to up dicso‘hsxons and nu'rmusilwa l'ryf mankind." . ‘ " ’ Hrrp is dileeson tenoly.nnd3fnrcilyiy ex preswd, ibut onn that. has br-nn sadly nog lvctud b: lha ‘clm-gy who rule opiniom. re ligious mild pu‘fumul. at the North. Tim . in myntt'ei-n wholly ununnnéntmi with 1.117539 . sagred eiiliing‘in‘ matters lotliliy foiblgil 7‘ to religioh uri'd its ncct-m‘mies'J-tlifiy 50mm? nnd Pxeriise an unbounded infidence. can hnrdly’ b duuhledf hue. why uhn'uld they so fit-quemly “95905139 the pulpit hy Imm icnl invectivem-‘instead 'ot' preserving tho sanctity of itsichnncter l-y pious lnul'wi— " Imm, min! whyghould th‘gy so often rmh Imm t 0 ; mmuorutbd precmme nf th.; pvmfl‘flli sanctum-y 1.1.0 IIL‘CQJHL' vniuntwr . indium“ in thehr'enfi n! plnu‘uhtnr .’. Thai. L‘ ‘y do uxeroiwv a ruin oval-Kline poiit'mvl op ninn-x ui' Lhc-i'r boards is ml;q:‘xestxnnut:tv. um IS the morn Ur L-o dl'kll'CntvU, hehxuw . <:i£*r3.‘glfon»mp the most igiioxunhns “(hi in. th moat. intninrunt'. '6l; pniz}:cinm‘ Their' filll'nt‘" has Levn feit'ghrnughgil the Iron tom time: of bur pnlltii‘h‘] hihtorx. fmm the dqninn‘mlinn ul'Juth-w.“ tatlw. presqnt Dr lod. We sincerolv Vciiew'th‘un welh ithot orghi: nmliun influence. humt icnlly oblrml i in season anti/out of samri. tlus'would l noyv a" happy 25nd united cuuntry: Wm Wu write'in midi-055611, to . the 1:905:19, wit the hope-[hut ~théy with learn the_ wiartnu of insisting th'r their Spll’llual teachers ust adhere entirely to spiritliul h-ssoun. an whelf lherquit tho" sphere of their “legit ntc functiuus. that. they will turn a dent e. ' to politics cibt’hca in 'the gurb of religion.’ \ - ' ; ‘fii‘HE MILK m 1 ,Thc number of infh flora‘of a‘govvruma’ puny undnr its cnn: upon the virtue chin The present" ,Aboliti mhjuguto tho southtu 'blot'out all the State lento the proyerty um among the party in is M stviondid unlf ill! I coriupt. Ys‘t there ;by mercenary gmtm ing Lu HHS piun of ft: [and are rru A} to 111 k to cnrxy it out. Wet | in our ‘midstFa fact «counts (or the new {View}: of “ loyalty" ‘cnlightened the mine :‘zens “'th putriulisl Z'IC'UIIEM'NK“. a - 1 Tu ~pt‘hk morewmm, . lblyinformr’cl that n. cnmnliss'ro'nm..- luppuintcd by the War Depnrtmant to con; .fiscatn mu] distribute Southern ‘phmtutimn EM" :l'vulhern'runl eatnle umontho lending; I"].7ynl'l' men of “N North, m {but qujtu In. rerpeclsble number of the rwidemb-gf ; lhh sum: ham hull cqttnn plantation": ‘ l‘msigncd to them upon lenses for a naminn! ’mmuiemtiou. Wg unto a fact gfinemlly . {which will not, be denied' in Mxlwnukée. , inml which will throw some'light upon the Lhnliticulnwvemants ol‘ tile gnemic. of the , ; emocracy.—Mi£waul:ec News. W'lu'g: 0:106 A's! (1505500130.;- We have alivnys been of the‘ Democmtio school. but the gap of dissocia’tion betwepn us nn'l-our ohl opponénts, tho WVhign‘ “I” m-vor 'M wxde as that which separates us from thp llmlicnl Abolitjuqisls. ‘Wa can llu-refofi’a commend in all cmirlcsy to our ancient nn‘ tagonists of [he Whig school the fellow-in; fesalve udunlod by the Whig National Con vention of 1853.. It shows that t 3; f'nhati cism of the Abolixinmats was nolJtht-n a} lean é'consgituenc olenjenb of Vbhzgory,’ and that theWhlés whn have wmo dip ciplm of the new {ludiozll hurCh fire pnsmea {rum theic undiz-nt faith :. ' Resolved, That the Whig: fl the‘UniN'd Slate-3 derlara. as a fundnmvn pd articlei pf [IOIIUGBX faith. in) nbzulum [ll9o9wa :fdr avoidlfiggéographiml ...;er The danger so cloarly dmcorned by ”94! FuLhm’nf III! Countryl hunow become fvurl‘ully apparent in the ugitahon now mnvnlunu: [he mmgn. am] [maybe arrested a! once if we would pream-vc our Constitutin'n .'ln'l mu} Umou from di<mcmbarmnm qntl Um flame of .mric.p from being blottedflum lr'vm tho. family of civfliwd‘nntmnnh . Im the “'rnng,S.’al(.—ln‘ £ng good on times be'forb tho/war, “files a friend in The lower mgiong, the éandidntu fur oflicc iu_ thiA'Soutfiern try wore m-custmued to 'gnxlodr to ’ iliato Hm 9!}th lpipg' the one mor- lainred hard all day In‘: naugtii. TIM Moat ()mda’dw.—The sumo corin pondent sand: the following. uhicbdh very fiod—nono the_ Worst; shat if, has uppeued bel'gre in E gubetance in the maxilla—- Th“ lignc the scene wax-I hid in WC! Hia lissippi. Vary [“6er it happened in ml places. Politwians .u-er very muclpflik’o, ,' Another wildlidnlk cam; upon "a goof whi” than," who haul 'a vote to gin. .i 5. did have to do his own ranking. Th.” Gidilo, Jones, asked him if he should'hold the cow; which method to be unsung-u! the old man‘wmewns‘fladdy. ho'mm lg ‘he horn uni lucid Inga“ the operation was done. . ‘ "“33? = ‘ « : hnave you bud mm“ (M: M) Ironnd hewlflely ?"»hfidlskod. ‘ 2 ."011 yen! He’s bob: the hem Wag (he “11"!” . _ ‘ 112;;- . ‘\ IM u y mun orsv. In: ind C.Olll 9 lamb mod fur an, how sciou'; 6f gun mil in ad- misc; 'iréq3y ‘ 19!. {hi In‘ 3n} hymn; ENEMA
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