II 0 II To - r 111. s. . The Comm.“ is-publisheg every Mandny morning. by 11:24“ J. Snuu, at. 31 75 m ‘ anuum if {mid strictly Ix ADVANCE-$2 00 per annum if not paid in advance. No subscription discontinued. unless» at the option of the publisher. until all arrange: ' are paid. _ ' ‘ f Anvtmsn aw» inserted at the usuafn‘tes. ‘ Jon,‘an.\nNc done with nealnesg nn‘d" 1:; \ dispg’ch. . .’l' gr , Omci: in South Baltimore streetmenr'fy , r“ Opwik} Warhphers’ Tinning’Estnblishmeni ’; . E“ _ In“; P‘sgméprncz” on (he sign. ”‘0 ‘ " "gig; 714,. 5;; ’ I P 4.923%27182VAL VyAmuvo " * Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY .\T [A Wafugce in the North wesi earner ongutrc Sq .-re, Grlty‘sburg, u. . :. [UL'L 3,1859. 1! . J. C. Neely. * ‘ TTDRNEY AT L\W.;—l'fl‘rjicnlar “(en‘- A non pm! to mucmmn‘or Pennuns, unuly, and BAck—puy. Utfice 1n the D‘. E. conugg of the Digmond.— _ Geayshnrg, Afirll G, 1863. If D." McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west A (If Bur-Mer'a (hug anal bunk ntorn,Chnm hamburg strum) Ann-nu Axn Sumcn'on mu Pahurx up Phfialusfl. Bounty Lnnd Wur rants, Hack-pay auspunded Claims, and all other claims Against. the ficw-rnmcn't at Wash ing'on. D. (3.: nlaoAmericanClnimu in England. LAnd Wnrmnls located and 301d,orbouyllt,nnd highes'l privy: givrn. Agrnfl enqnged in lo cating wgrrnnjy in lowa, [_llilmifl nnJ OLhN" wean-m Slate: ‘W‘Apply lo hun psr§onylly ur ty (teller, - ‘ “ . Un-tlySlMirg, Nov. 2!, '53. 3 A. J.. Cover, ‘ TTHYNEY A'r I&me prompm amnd A la Cpllu'fiuus and all other bm‘mefsa en'— t umcd 1% him. (Z’fico lit-[ween Fnhngdtmk‘u' Ind D «mu-r A: Zne‘gL r”: Sturcfi, I:Ntixncrc.sxrrel (leltyxburf: P 4. _ 7[S¢p{. .'., MIN“ . H, B. Wogds, . .‘ . TTURNEY AT LAW, Gnrv-nmn; PM, wiurnfi-‘nd to all ‘.prufrasimml husinc‘u . I enlruxred‘h} his rare. - . ... Ux'ru:r':—'jh‘ Wm .\fighlls- etrm t. nut dam; In~tlxcl}t:nrt-I}oné9.inlhc rnrm} lntnlr nc'cflpi'r‘rl ,flzl_:l. Ln“: (mire by W. If. McClellan, Each dvyd. ~ Sefir. 21, 1563: um ‘ 3 , Edwand B. Euehler, ' 'TTUXLVIPZ‘F‘AT‘LA\V, will mnhmux and Aprumplly Mgeml tn all-Imam“;v-mrmH‘d lo lulu. ‘Hd Sylcnkg‘the German lungll.lge.~ {Misc n: th'e'slme‘ ply-e, ‘ gumh [Lxllinngle "net, neur._i’orimy’zzdxg‘§iu?s fillll nearly gppugile [hum-r k! Zi’i-zlcr's sz‘oré. Gettysburg, .\lunh 20. f" - y‘ _ J. Lawrence Hill, MID! AS lii: flitcone > \ 3" [H dour “;§‘=‘L of 1.119 "‘ “‘ki’fiffik’g Lplhernn cl urch in ’ -’ Shambcrflurg strt-et. nml appmil’n Pix-king’s; “~19, \vh rn tbpac \risluin}; to Imm.- any “pm“ per-4' ion performed un- respi‘rnully invilod to '.u- liar-nnfiwm Drs. Hnrnrr, He}. (J. P 5. 'r um. H. D jaw. H_. L. [imam-r, I). I).I Rev. rof‘. \l .I.;rcihn “rut. .\I. JuslllH'lH'. ' 1 bc-tlynhurg, A‘u'll 11,'53. ’ Notice HE firm of Drs. ('IHLS'S k TAYLOR is r hm hf lil:7§l)l\l‘.l by mutual rnthLt, «In 'rph-mbvr Ifglli; XNE'L‘ All ps‘r-‘mld anillg Llims‘dgdl‘lh‘ m in:l«;hlud In dug-l lirin will .lrus'e prweul lhmn Lo Ins-{f .\. J. (‘mei’ il‘r djuslnu-nl. ' Dr. Wm.. Taylor prmfi lhc mlfxm} nu’: m‘ (h Indium and \i- Wit]. Hm: I; nll|"cnulxnuv Ihr pr.“ In . nl' [TN offischm m the 0M «Mn-L m v «:u nr [1) flu: un-pxlf‘r smm. ”Al’Cl-ul; _I’.L. HmnHt-l r fur! Pun“ m; hug-1r rr-T-u- I >'|.ll‘l' of uln- [..ltrun..-c . C I - Dr. James Cress, 4‘CLHF'I'II’ Hi I >§"l.\.‘| Hamil”! mr rum: 1 In [-nlluvmvr héfxl 1")le unulml rm Mm. 'rurm! lu~slnemls_u..nl he mll mum m- vi} nul‘trl-‘ul his pnmauvn m UMHerg mill 'IHLI ~ “IL In “W " luvs“? Y“ t l‘mmuur s: 1H 3. me. “e “nu! (hr-1.0:“ with! .m! "10:11] u Me ‘N‘vmgln-s 110 m all ulhvr 's: 1 I uiuumvdq 'sLllunl~. “hit-h [1 up two“ rt‘l’l'nfl mendo‘ll. m 1):» ,I-rpz-xix-nac'mu] s 1-«-lin.:ul by the Iclivc 0t ILC apiecL [CHI-Mir Punwlninucls, ‘l'dis‘t-lld [how 'rimrv‘injmimp~ :m h :u ml ulOlh. nprmu, metrjn'}, Mr: 1.3-“.hhiulHS-C -. Ic. ' « t - 'fliév in thr 93¢! ond at York “rem, in the telling: uwnvd In' llunrv \Vvl'y. " ' lenysburg,‘ .\qvt. :3} 135.2. 3111 ‘ -Ada,ths County '” ‘ “THAT.["HH'IINSURANCEII()\II’3\SY.__ Incorpomud Slum-h IS, 1551. \- V turrh’mtx, ‘ rmi‘lfll!~!}l‘or;(‘ >: No w. "v’av'f'Htulrn! —.<.‘ R. “mu-ll; .rrrr/ruy—D. .\. lhu-hh-r. autumn—David .\l'(‘rmlry ‘nnm'w (‘um mint—limbo}! .\luGumly, J.\cob «z, Androw Hoiutm‘lmgm. ~ - ' _ :m:r/m~—lit‘orgc Sn‘opP. I). 1. liurhler, R. ur-ly, .Lu-oh King, VA. n chit/.'Phnun, D. .\h - Irv, 5. Ll. Ruse”. Jill. :lbrsh, Sunfixnel hnr.lw,'fi. I}. pulmr'stm k. Wm. B. Wilsqn, L Pun-mg. “’m. I3.'\lx(flcll:tn, 3Q“! Wu]- ; R... G, \lcl‘rn.|rv..lphu Pirking, AIM-LT? 2!“, {olm (‘nngifighauu (Abdiél th‘u; .cs H. \Lm‘ull, \l. I'IIL'LK‘Hu-rge‘r.‘ ' .'n” This—l‘mnp-mr i 1 limited in its opPrfl »3 to flu" county 0! .\d‘uhs.‘ I! has I’m-q in‘ 'essf’ul‘bporaliou for more th.”: six ”:1”, in that period hM [mill nfi 105305 and ps i: bs'mfhnul (my autumn”, \mving “1&0 3‘ lar‘fie ‘ llusflcapilnl in the Trezisnry’. The Tom. . employs no Agonls~nll husinoss being e’by the-.Mnnugerfil, who arc annually ole-cf. ‘.y the Slm-khpldcrs. Any‘persnn desiring .nsurance can apply. 10 any of thg above ‘ . ed .\lunnzcrs'for further information. 1: ‘The Hicculirc Commiuop m’rNsAat the .c of the (‘lompAnv on the last Wednesday ; é erj' manthpat 2, l". .\l ’ i “27,1358. V ‘ do pd An In Sofileth‘ing New ‘ GETTYSBURGJ—Theundersignedinforms . I he‘citizen's of flu; town Mid county. that He A has commenced the‘BAKIXG business, {an n. T Lu- scale, in Ybrk street, Cgltrsburg. ncnfly } opp gitc Wattles? Hotel, where 'hc will try to des we, and hopes to rcc‘eive, a. liberal pntxon-' - Ige BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, FR TZELS, ¢c., kwflhd every dunéb‘un -7 ~ any unmet) all of the bkst quality, an sold \‘v pt. dz: 10West living profits) Crnckgr—baking in {I ‘ Ell branchesislurgely buried on, and orders —'-J tiny amount, from this and adjoining conn tiesfluppiied at. Lfie~shofiest notice. «Having cmtfishrge and éommodions bake-house mid" . ucuy the best workinan and the most up ‘rp d machinery, he‘ in prepared to do ,3 Jgnfi business. 1 J 25,1859. I . A. Mathiot 8: Son’s . _ 0?; AND FURNITUREWAREROO MS,Nos. 25 nnd 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (nan: gene sz.,) extending from Gay to Frederick u.—- be largestestnbfishment of‘he kimj in mg Übio . Always on hand a large nssortme‘nubl HOG) EHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, Nu »bncihg Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washsmnds, Ward'- noted, Mattreéses of Husk, gotten and Hair- Spri ' Beds, Sofas, Tete-c-Txtes, ArinVChnirs, Roofing Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Se:- leu, Reception and Uphohtered Chairs, AS -5011330 COLORS 0F CUTTAGI‘? FURNITURE, WOO. Chairs, o!}qu Chairs. Barber Chairs, Cfibs', sud deles, Hat Backs, Hall Furniture, Gill and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses. Side. bpsnlls, Extension Tables, ofcvery length. ”3:“. fiisposgl to purchase are invited to on]! . d givo‘o‘ur stéck an examination, which for V‘rie‘i 3nd qualityof wnrkmanship in not A aqnafl'ed y any'esmbfishmem in the contain, , . , A. Humor k SON,;_ Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street.‘ ' Aug. 3. mac. . '" m: BBAWY, WINE AND. musing, m Indie-inn] pnrp'ous only, at HmNcw Dru « tor. of ‘ ’ Dr. R; HORNE". = VALENTINE swm T:itt ‘s‘! a} gé/ £l2 .7: “I; z " a; / , é " . /) *‘U w; B? H. J. STAHLE 116th~ Year- Cini=l ' Valuable Mill Property . on SALE —-fo6 undersigned W 1” nfl'er at F l'nMian’nchm [he pn-nu‘caJ-n M‘WDAY. “he saw inu._'umt fine MERCHAfiT MILL‘ {kgwwn M Ducne's Mill, together With 4 A 9135 ‘0! land, moraiur less, With the buildings he 'llongiu: lbetc!n~sllun_t¢ m Conoqngo lowul ’.\llip, Admm co., 1;.“ adjuin‘ing lapds of [mm] JSmyser, John Marshall, and dtlurs. ' This is pifimpa one 31‘ the heat and most co'nnment . Mills on the Lillle (‘onowuga situated in one iofthe mm! {- Mlle" ”Hay: in the Sgulemnd has lbwhglwrmmhly nqmirml Outing lheyustfimn- Lmerfmul is in c‘y-ellrnl order. i A 151” turms‘;-¢hich will he mm}! nasy, Rp ply to fine suhsvri‘mrx at the M 1”, or fnrm a 'shor! (li-mum" from 1!. Rule tow-ommence at fly 'c-lock, A. AL, Druid day, when attendance (‘5 be gin-n by . 5 - .\IAILIA .\frC. ”2an ‘.k 50’s, ‘ 4 H. ‘Srs 0! Jacob Dulone, dec'd ‘ z'ov. 9, “363. '1“ A flood Farm ’ -‘ 5 T,’PI'I:L]U ‘ALE.—Un MONDAY, the A 301V!~ day uf NUV HMBER inst] the sub ‘scnbgr “le nM‘r-r at Public S.\le,m;,tlm.prenl - A I)E\'IR.\HLE FARM, shun!!! in Mount plcnsnm Lmrnship. Adams unnntv‘ Pm, hdjoin in: lunds 0f Julm Soda, Jr., Wmi H. Lott. Eliaé Sponiler, and 01h r 2, containing 104 Arr-a more or loan, \'_ilh p nper prnporlions‘uf \\‘nndl.\nd {ind .\lendVlw. 119 land is in gond cundit'mn. hninq {l‘ll bee fill lim"d once. nurl’ most of it twice. The im prnvcllleuu nre n MW T“ watery I l ' STONE huljfififl new one-MIL : :V ‘ l'.-half slorfiSmnc House; Log Barn, Wagon Shefi and Corn' (‘1 ihY Ho; l’L-n, :\ “well of nevelfuiling \rnler, with a plimrin it, M the (hon. wuh‘amrrnl 93mg: on the farm, \\ llich is xvi-ll “nu-Hal. ‘ Thci-e Is on the prem— ises a. Young Apple ththd b!’ choice limit, “ith other n ui}. such as P 1 .Idngs. kc. It is unwogimn-tn cfluulms, sth'titST houses, stores, blm-meh xhnpg, and mills. ‘ - W'l’vrSmxs wishhfg to View the‘ property, are requested'lo’cfill on George Kaitlin, resid ‘inggnrur. ur on 11m sull‘scriber, iu Getfwiburg. ~ fiffiule m enmmenw n 1 1 6’clork, 5. .\L, un. :nifl any. when nllnndum'e will be given’ l_nd lermpgumdl- km wn by ‘_ ‘ “L ‘ ‘ :(H-ZUIMH; F.33I3}.I;FLEISCH. 1‘35“ Auk}: sunn- [fine and ‘pfire w 111 be sold, '3 'I'IHLHSUINU .\IACUISH. uhh Harsp‘ Power :txud thki’r. c [Non Hi, 1803.‘ LS, ‘ ' Small Farm ‘ ~ ' 'l‘ mn‘nr. magi—fine Ruhr-rib? of. t‘ersm wirnt? sale the (nlltminsf AL- LUSLF. I'Rlil‘l'li-“H', siluded‘uiu Sg'nhtn' m <hip.' Aflnlnu ummy, l‘mfinn the mm Mylo-"jinx from (h‘ltxfl‘lirfl In Harrisburg, } x'h-t \‘nrfh Em! “(the humor lerP. : ' A'l'hc l" u m Lun'uin; ‘73 A( "'5 and 32 I’vrk has, and :hc Imlnmt'uu-uls ('Ullshl of a good‘ sub cumin! 1m mmxu l'()l‘.<li.l~‘r.imo an-n '.\'.A~h ll ucv, AV!!!) 3"»l!uu.~c. .... In} “Imm, I‘. yin-g" Ilnulx‘v, and H“ (‘qur I‘nc“ u. nth-r nuwmiy unl-buildn..n: tvn “ML m gun-I watt-r in (he mrd. 'Hmrv ig :1: 0r: ). “(I nf' g .011 fr ,it on HP [ln-mime. The pr'opcruj: W! H pm! or l>onell “uh mind .IV and Inuhcr l:|nd.~‘lt is run! mm H! In \lurkl‘ts, Chan-hrs. S'Jlonl’s. kin, nnLiug I! an.) «I; «able. 'l'ln- .uunlmn nl'-pm -_|‘;;~r~ i~ il.-mu) In IL. Cu” “pun or ndrlrrss the undvruuuml. rv‘idlnz (hm-nun. D;\.\H:.L H. F‘A\»Hl’..\EY, Gothshurg. P. 0,, .\.!pms co., 1"“ V. TL—Thc rul hr-rihrralau ufi’rrk mu .\rrm‘g (Who-g >ol] i’rnixirJAnd. situau-d near Dresdm n, J’lm'uhu} [nunly' luwu. I ll H‘ F. - Mg, 31, 1963. n" IS. R. Tlpton _ TOULD fimsflrespvvffully inform the pub— \V In th -l he has nmnmenccd 'mnking "1.00315. He “I“ mnkg them -on the shares or as mil hm suit his custowers. I'. rsuns h \jng Brmfim ('urn \nn plehso call. Shouiu .\lcpmnughy‘s Hall, on corner orfixst flnj'or. ‘ ‘ - [_\'ov. 9' 18.33. 4 Come With a‘Rush- . 7‘ ”E undersigned wuxild ~mo§Lgeepectfully F init'urm his nnny fr‘cxuis and the public m-nemllx. (hat he has gone into the Nothing husinosc. m. S \mson’s old smndjn the Diamond, Gem-slung, Pu. “is stock, already Mimi” be much ‘c-ul Iged, to enlbmc‘é every style of CLOTHING, ”OUTS. SHOES, UA'IZS, Owe. Trans, V'dicrs, Clocfis, Watches, Jew elry. Guns. Fistula. and, in smm, everything whivh ought Lobe found Ila firm clnsscjg’fbing and \'ur‘n-1y House. _ , ‘ , Purticuhrs hereafter. In'lhe meantime he invites everybody to give him a on”. He in.- ,u-nds 10 Lap sn perfmt A stock as to accom ‘mudxyle‘all—rnd, with he hdpe of large salsa, I'3 hnpcs m make a l’u'mg at.smnll profits. Nb trmxbh‘ [0 sho“: goods, and every cfi‘ort’dnade to saflsfy buyers. ‘ ' JACQB BRINKERHOFF June 15. 1863: If ‘ ' Good Things from the City! ' E urge rereiving twice n’wnek frOm the city 3 va’r'rfity of‘nrlicicsisllited to the writs of this community, viz :, Fresh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans; Salt, Apples. Potniors, Oranges, Lamons, Confer-lions, Tnhncros, Segnrs, with many ‘olher amides in this line—nu received in the beat. order, and sold at ihe lowest‘profitfis. Give us a can, in Bulvimqrc street, nearly opposife l-‘nhnestocks' store. ,” WANTED—Butte}, Eggs. Lard; an all Qtlher country produce—for which. the biggest 'cush p‘rige will be paid: ' _ > S fi'liKT POTATOES—best quality, at low ’estv living profits—shiny: on hand. Also: OYSTERS, fine and fresh—in the shell ox shocked. Restaurants and families supplied. STRICKHUUSER & WISOTZKRY. , Getztysburg, M3llB, 1863. ‘ am < Jac'obs’s Saloon Revived; HE wundersigned hzn'ejensed JlCObS'E‘SA loomin Chambershnrg streei, end iuwfid to keep it in the best jiyie, hoping mm. the public will appreciate their efforts to please b; giving them a large patronage. The'y will re ceive OYSTERS regularly and do them up in all styles; YOUNG CHICKRNS, BERETONGUE, HAM’AND EGGS, and almost everything that. may be called for, will be fined. They will sign keep ALE, LAGER, PORTER, WINES, Are. They are determined to do things up in the fnosh deeirnble menner, and feel certain of pleasing all whd‘may call. , ‘ NICHOLAS CODORI, .13., < JOSEPH SHORE. Gettysburg, Scpx. 21, 1863. ' .1 ' One and All, , AKE NOTICE—Jhe undersigned would any to the pubhc that he is receiving a. large and splendid stock or GROCERIES, which he will sell us low army ozhsr house in §own——C.ofl‘ecs, Sugars, Molasses. Syrupa, Tens, Salt, Fish, Ba., with Potatoes, Beans, and Rice ; Wooden Ware, put up in the best. man ner -, Tobaccos, ch‘nrs, Am, &C. FARMERS; TAKE NOTICE I—flt you w.“ to lay in your liquors for harvest, now is the time. I buve many brands of Whiakiep, Bran dies, Wgnes. and :11! other liquors, which 1 Mn disposing’of at short .profits. Give me a. gm. 1 nlwsys gry to please—4am! Mlieve I very or. ten succeed. Remember the pine—aouthmt cornermfilxa Diamond, Gettysburg. GEO. P. KALBFLEISCB. May 25, 1863. ‘ " v g g . A 'DEM©©RATH© AND 'FAMULV J©URNALQ 5, @lll3 .« @3152. ‘I. Tnu 'nvo slunpuuoo'nzus. Two men want (mt from It‘ae’fire-li! camg ln'the autumn midniglfl guy,- ' Over the ‘quakiug. creaking ll'lmp, To the edge of the woodlmid It)ill\and dumb, ngh rifle and spade wept. they. 1 A hfinging owl wailenl out. L 0 as young,. And a. picket 31001 a; slfillv '«C In‘-tbe‘ uieddow below as l}!!! qhndow-‘flung By the begdéd tent-ligbfs‘ihickly strung,” 0n the Silver threaded rill. ‘ ' "his! long ere‘lhe pic‘ket novedmway, ‘ _And thgie wna no time ta lose; ' The pits m’usz'be dug byt e d-uyn ofdny; . .Snidpne; “‘We ar'e diggin- graves, I say ;" ’ The othé’r one whisgere , “ W 595: '!f' With the qorning light a iolumu of steel ‘ Moved upward along tlgjhill, : Toward the hidden pita, butt nimble peal Ulose‘in the front made th to tinged h . Abnoment, and than stuéd still. . '. , ‘ 'l'hé check ivona bat‘lle-fielllthat day; '1". 0n the morrowvthe dea‘dlwere laid Head to (out in atrcnch officlay; But we apart in the front that lay; 5 A Were buried without 11 spade. _ . ”wean—~— -—-'7_———— - , ~* ion) vomit. C Alt, don't be sorrowful, rling, -' Ah, dod’t bé sorrowful‘ piny; 2 'i‘nk'tng the your together, my',denr, ‘ - There isn’t more. nighthhan day. ‘ ’Tis rainy wenthrr, my dfirling, ‘ , ' Time's wurgrgfihey [as My run, . . But tnkingllhe year 1023: er. mf‘déar, Thoré is‘u'L more clo‘ud than slml .We are child“ how, my! darling, ‘ ‘1 Our hgnds are grqii‘j'rTglgmy, V . But taking the ygnr all “l"“lfi my den}, You will alwflys find [hr .\‘uy ? We have had qur .\lny, my «15211113, ' I; And onrgroses long agot ’ Andlllu “moonlit-year is training. mydear, ; For the silent high: null the snow! . And Gold. is {l9;}. my «lurlilng, _ Ol'nigluns well as of iv; We feel and know lhnt no can go \Ylmreur He leads the fin; All, God _9! [he night, my} m the night. 0! delilh s" The Line Um! lé‘fids nut pf: Is flu.- gnu: (inn. lends lb flagella? A SUBSTITUTE’S ' Mr. Pilkinsonm sm'all fur] vnnin. was not lrgng ugo‘ d war. [‘l is wife, though shé nmsdl ’stock nf general iquj o'f'the best conjugzrl pnrtfiem‘l troubled at, the lhguglnto‘f p 4 husband. The gather day; 8L gngud *in scrubbing qfl: her muéhv looking man ‘béme her thus: “I hear, mn’qm, that your been drafted.” ( 4‘; 1 “Yes, éir, he has,” annw “though Bear knows there} that could Hot. :be spared be-: fmniliesff’r . ' “W’éll, 'm'a'am,'lv’e come ‘. as a substitute for him." , “A what?” asked Mrs.‘ Pi some surmise; I “I am willing to take‘ his p mbstitute,’ ‘ ' “You take the ptace of 'you wgétch-X UH teach you t! massed wbman if: that. way, yq cried Mn. l’ilkinson, as si ‘ the dirty soap and: in thy fr comfitgd and astonished ’11:: took to his heeujust in mm} ‘ ing his head brokeh by (ha b . Ni] Dgspnaqéuml- ~. consplution fox-ladies orscermm ee in #he scriptural ‘ fact that Naomi, the dn-V‘ " Enoch” was five hundred learn old } when nhe 'l'“ manic: ladigsl There never was my, 1 _, But heme: day, ‘ An hone“ glad: any ‘ . And took he! i ‘ ‘.~~ v—oom ‘ aflvfixip Abalongiu .. ylmnn named 3 Heaven, nailed from thqpom cf Greepock 1 tea-mly, for Canada, with t cirgo of coals. Shortly before she left it Ewaé ascertained ‘ that the owper hnd 'not sent down luficient. ‘ India; for the veaéal, and the-agent startled l his glerk by the order, “Telegraph 'o'va en for m'ore cbtls I” E ' laws Imin named Weed,- wgrking on the banks of thefiusquehmnnh lmly fell-ofi'n firee and was eaugli‘tvby thi h‘bad between the fork of two branches, where, being un able to help hims'elf, Ila—hung (mail he was dead. ‘ ‘fi ‘ b x fif'l'herg is said to be I ()ode 9 ii: Jeffer sonvillo who in“ been engaged tobemer ried for the pui five yang-bio: no “we bu occdrred‘ withih thas pé-iod; when they wgre both out of time 8931‘ \i’rison 1g “is ‘siune time. , ’ E: k “Nothing hide. I blgfiiah to complete ly as clotlrpf gold. Sheddy 'undersumdfl this, and’bidu its so! a" and nation under it. :3 v Hellman}! {Ma—The gate at the recent so called election in Maryland, N - ofl‘lbout twenty-flvé thousand from the! vote 1» the gubernatorial election i you; zines. not withstanding thlimportpnco bf an elec tion. ’ ; ‘ - GETTYSBURC}, PA-, MONDAY, Nov- 80,1863- I MEM if», good‘w‘xfe, Wll3. rm 1 er in Pmmyl- Pnfted for the ossesEes but a mallion, is one ' nfid is much 'rting with her ; sfie was en door stefws. a nd addressed husband has red 311‘s. l’., i; few men met from their Eu éfl‘er myself kinson, with ce," said the 1y husband, insult. a dis- P vngnbond 1” he discharged 4% ofthe dia: tbstitute, who To es‘éape hav icket. 0.,,, , - “nwrn‘ls man" n'n mu. PIIV‘ML." ' “MURDER WILL OUT." E. D. Morris, 3 Wealthy citizen of Mad}- ion, 11]., has‘beenmxes‘ted, bhfuge‘d .with murdering a man nearly nine years ago.— The arrest was made on the affidavit. of E. C. Clark; The Illinois State Register gives the follaiving particulars orthe case: I. In 1855. Clark and Morris were out hun ting together, and Clark’s testimqny is that they came across a. man in the woods” and that Morris drew up his gun and shot hirii. The twq‘together (hen buried the murder. ed-victim and look a solemn oath never _to reveal't'he secret. The ohth has béem kept for nearly nine years. But "muridor will out." Clark’s conscience cpfilinued tr) cry out against him and dislurblhim with vis ions of ghost by night. and conipunctions or dread nnd‘horror by day: Ile‘cnuld stand it no longer.»nnd hence the 03th bound se ‘cret, so long locked up in‘hig troubled breaptmu published to the world. ‘ Mbrrin, now the murder has been expon ed, mouse: Qlark of havink committethe foul deed, big). admits that he helped to bu ry the vihtifi'z. and that thpy hm) sworn to gethfr neVPr to rev‘enl tliezsecrel. It is said that Morris and Clark recently 'quar réled about some business matters, and that Clark made the expose on this ac count. “ i , " After the preliminary examination before ‘ thfijmticq of the ‘pence, Clnrk and Murris £1 both pointed out: the place' ‘here they bud ‘ buried the mhrdererl man: vhis bones w‘erel found ‘nnd exhumodst’l‘he name of that unfortunate victim has :not yet. bean learn-I at . i \ We hm» also heard 'ng the murdered man was a kind of a liailrbwl comma-ton; and that he haul in hlii nos-fusion at the‘ time ofhis death some SLOPE which was divided between the two, bu a‘sto its cor-i ‘rcoltness we cannon suy.‘ ‘ I IQ‘Tbe N. Y." World publi from aprivate letter wriite Rnchrnns to a friend thl whiqh’the reader will detect. ‘ remorse and sglfvreproaclx,‘ same of injury undér {Luise ncc firibe's: . H { “As to my removal from t‘m the Ariny of the Cumberland, to saw that. I prnv God that may lit- :5 Woll nudlw‘llcr svrv A: for the infamous “gs whi:~ through the press 1:: blast m such n! disabling memul disc. opium. disobedience ol orde‘fin omg when order-ml, in wailingl menls, dc, if I thuughl ‘tlu‘ our gnwerument l woulrl Llosp: hemlefl Fv *ém-h a gnvernme people Will accept them, at l prosper tlmiraullmrs', I do I l'.-rsonnlly I commend mysel Mill 'morml’ul Uue‘, who know best. for molt—K ‘ H ,fi _ .....p ,-, WWW); shall 1m lhe'D-Jlm nee for the- Preside‘ncy? ch the Columbus (Ohio) Slatum‘ bly replies: I 1 “ In some qumle‘ré‘thore n pears to he a dosh-e to agitate the Premden i‘d' qtmshon, and to put lorward the names [individuals in connection therewith. “a'lmve been‘ frequently asked whq ii; the f ~nper man to nominate ‘3‘ We have to repl 41ml. we are nofiyepared to give an Ollil ion. A few m ths in these times wqr wonderful. revolutions in the publ'c mm . nntjl hem: it, may be better not lobe i a hurry, o wait a little. Had we a spoon l favor-it or nomination. which we have n ‘t, we a ulnl consider that we Were not rjnllerin/g‘him or the cauge any good zerVlce'hy 'pnlling .him forward nnw. The public mind is un settled, and politiciansund purl nmnngers had better be pane-m. for a leg/pmmhsh— ‘Tlle cause of Democracymhic is the cause _of the country, will lnse nullying by ghis course. ‘ At. least guch is our opiniion." . ; » ~_ » «Ctr—rw—4—v-fl : [@‘Evcry 'dav lbriugé forth nhme if!" development of the rnacnlity by which Judge Woodward was defrauded of his election. Even in,our own county, it up- l pears therepwerex frauds of which honest‘ ‘gfeople never Llr'énrngdf It. seems that Sm, l iddle_ Woodberi'y,“ Liberty and ‘ 131034; Top, where/”the Abolitionists had their, principal increase. dozens, of illegal votes were polled: ln Liberty some offlgze Plum} tingdon, Abrfilitionixla votétl am! theatre turned/to Huntingdon county and medl them/Mao. Some of these have been armr‘ ted/Ind _will be punished. "In Broad 'l‘op numbers of fraudulent votes were pea-led by ' the Abolitionists, among the rest that of an i alien. on the ground that he had obtained.s his nmcpapers and had paid the $390 com. [ mutation as a con.cript‘. The Broad Tom Electionßoatd 013331: to be made understand the election laws by having A little, experi ence of their work ngs in‘the Courts. If the Democrats of Broad Top permit such frauds to be prnct ed upon them without bringing the Electi 11 Board to'justice, they deserve to remain; in the minority. We any to Danica-uteri ewerywhef'é, stand up for your rights, bring" the ballot-box stufl’ers tojudgrncnt. and let there be a atop put to the fraudulent voting which now controls the result of elections-throughout the land. Hereaftefiet no election officers who violate the lawin any partfaflnr, go unpuplshod. —~Badfard Gazelle. . a Hurde Seward.~\Vendell Phillipl, in In Lecture delivered at Bésmnfi few (gays ago, denounced Secretary _Sewarll an “the mar plot ofevery policy, the unbelieving Judas, the only took ahead of ibe Ship of Sung,“ the nucleus a‘round which gathers eier'y thing disloynl, everything timid, everything selfish. everyzhing bue‘in the union.” This would be denounced as ”treason,” if my Democrat bad utwred it. But "loynl’f Abolkianists are fxee to any Whit they please. ‘ . fi‘Wiuzin the put two yea}: the bra sections of the United Staten lava-pent. in war twenty-seven hundred milficna of do]- lars, and have lost. by ‘bame arid diseasé half: million of the bent pornon of the population—the bravest. and most. energet ic men. , ‘ fi‘The Mus'canne (Iowa) Journal Says: "Cedar tiger in said to behwrnlly lwnrming with m‘rd‘geeqe. cornfield. m demand, and the peoplb living in the ‘bouoml' do~ clue th’at it. 33.1 mm: impel-Able to deem-q innoying in their wild and «li-cords“: all! ah.” . ' ~ \ ' . . t I .r.vrxi...?fMlo/Ir-7""7altiger . A HARD HIT... ' “Supetb'SkawLm-Stewart. the celebrated importer of dry goods, bat now in his store a magnificent shawl imported by him It 1 mm of three thousand dollars exprassly for Missdgiate Chase, daughter of Hon. 3. P. Chan} our distinguished Socrntnry! of the Treaspry. It is said that the young lady’s whfle outfit in all reqiecls vofrespon’ds with this costly article of dress." * ' ~ . To‘ which the_ wifeofn Democratiq'aoldier [epiiefiz ‘ ~ , j - "I am tlm'wife M a ngormtic isoldi’er whcs voiumeopad at atinie when (fie Atl miniat-ration pretended the mu was for the Union pami although he'wns promited one I nmnth’s pay in advance, and his monthly (.wnges regularly, yet for ovar seveh long .ulonths he never hooked a dollar. ‘ V “During that; long moaning ,bfogresry wintex. while Mr. Chase got rich en gh to ‘ buy a three thousand dollur shawl, list the ‘ was}; tub of my Republican neighboraflnan ‘ aged to min a bare subsistence for yself i and the helplesg family of the neé‘lcted and starved Demoéntic Soldier." i ’ —--- ~~ «In-F“ ‘ _ The Loyal Leayua City—The Washington Rrpubliczn says tlmrc'urc 15.0'00 prds itutea in that city. This‘ tells remnrkabl well tfor the moruls of that cityl wide; Ab lition ‘rule. .Compnrntively speaking, th re is 9mm in Washington nobod§ but Abo ition lists. It has become as filthy a 11 la as l Sodom. ‘ And the same seems to be t ue bf every city where Abolitionists have fixed lthemaelves. In the once polite ml! re : fined city of Nashville, “the Abolition ‘ officials have issued orders fixing theiratea ' of tarifllfor the numerous dens of progtitu- tion which have been established there sinc'e the beastly believers in negro eqdalxty ms nn‘extmct l have had possession of the city—so wb are . by Glfipeml‘l informed by the army correspondent or the :Islx‘ington. in : agilj' Wd-rld. It. seems to be the fulfillqaent. he accl’nts of; of those wqrds of the Prophet, Jerleniiah: as well as a "They~ then commjgted adultery, an? as~ . sations. HéLgembled themselves by troops in [he'llhar ‘ [l9w houses.” But. the Prophet djoeslnot ‘ command of} afiyythv’ 2hr be ' :l: A‘ ' , I have only; to ; the country"; 133; 11l by anmhtr; are put fqrth 2 - reputation. 7; . se, Jhe use of: in not. advun- I for reinforca: y came from irof'n na’lion )t. That the hat God will. at, belie“:— to the just. whm is (he crafic nomi ‘Hlih ihquixy It thus sensi- .-eysw.. pm V - ‘ Jetion day. With the State flqdded w§th éroenbacks, furnished by the 'l‘rcnsu‘ry be pnrtmzent ; cow-red v'vilh pnidstnmp oratbrs slent frém Washington, ’and thé ten that:- and Government employer nrdérgd f: m here. thh thirty thouannd soldi'ers and film inmhtes of n“ (he hospitals everywhere br dored to Pennsylvania (0 vote for Curtin, nll candid men must'sny with us that the freémen of Prnnsylvnnia did a glorious day’s work in preventinglthe Abolitio'uisls from not getting over sixteen thousand majority Y-‘P'axhinglorr Union. .6 A Pertinent Inquiry.-,—The Louisville “Jour ntl” gski: “Why should those who sup ported theAdrlliuistralion when in; measures were riglltfllm denourgxd for inconsistency for not {fiéportiug it. when it has repudia led thosi measures and glowed contrary games? If you are' true to ' man'v'hen he in. true. does it fdllbw'that you should be true to him when he is falsq l" Gem? Rosecrans Shelved,-—,The D‘iyton‘, Ohio, “Journal," an ndmifiiatntion pnper, asserts gut-" Secrets”! Stanton expresses the determination; qualified by profanily, thafi Rooecnna Ihould notrhnve auolfler command while he is gobrelary of War.” Wln a his speech It Cleveland, Ohio, Hon. A. G. Briddle. swking of Demodnt like Dickinson, Dix-and "Brady, who have gone over to thé Abolitipniiu,n~ks—-’"an en’hwe ‘hired them to be kynl, and paid them in places and honors fox: their patriotn ism? Haven't We thrfist,_by our own noble and unsoiled one: to make places for thém T" ‘ A Rein! Planted-The Richmond Enqui rer is glad ‘ that Vallnndigham Ind Wood ward werejefeated; It iays their election would have argued anather crop of Union iau'at the South. It declarel that it would have "dreaded the 9v" effect: of Vallandig ham finnd his 'Copperheads,;and his mars] suasion.” fi'l‘he time will gomo when tile need lessneu and folly of this war win be every where ‘ncknofledged, and' the ease with which it might have been avoided, by a simblq oboerynnce of our Constitutional oompgct, in good faith, be .dmmed. ”The New York Winn: nys “the Republican party in fighting toi- a peace Which shall be ovals-ting." ’Ayo, the peace of dam in everlasting! _ 33.3 mm unexpected was the repiy of the urclnn ‘who, on being Arraigned for playing marbles“ on Sumfi’aund stqmly asked, ‘Do you knéw Where thooe little boys go {tho play marbles on Sunday I": replied innocently—“la ; some of {em goes dognby the side of £139 river! ' ‘ ‘3Thore has been no rain at Carma fat 3 ’o‘". A , _ ‘ ' ' ’ “2m* «9" mum-fin“. TWO DOLLARS A-X EAR 'A FEW FIGURES: in the great political campaign of 1800. I when sill parties were thoroughly aroused. I there were polled for the oflico of Governor“ I in the State of Pennsylvania. 492,000 votes. ISince then about 200,000 men have gone 4 out of the State into the army. Of these pt I least 75,000 were voters at that election.—‘—- I This would leave at home. of the voters of that you; $7.000. Now. at the, late clec~ I ‘tion for Governor. the Stole isrrgpresénted I to have Rolled 523,667 votes, shank 106.000 I more than in 1860! No reasonshle .runn I will claim that-this increase is natural md’l Inormelmnd it requiresbnk little sentences I | of perception to see thet‘it is fictitious sntfl Ifnudulent. That the) State should poll 106.000 more votes than it did in 1860, after i Isending 200,000 men_ to the war. is prepos- I Iterousx But if any; one plan doubts tint I this eppnrent incl-casein not fraudulent. let Ithe doubter look st the statistics of the [State and be convinced. For instance:— i IThe proportion of voters totho number of hxsbles has generally been com ured at 1.000 of lhe farmer to about eve 1.400 of I the latter- (Atxihe guberna ial electinn- i of 1857, it was ‘l,oooto 1.6- ).,“Ncw th's humber of taxable inhabita is of the State, {is i-e‘ported‘by the late oard of Revenue Commissioners, is 651 32. Taking the I proportion of 1.000 (tors lo every 1,400 'hxnbles, the full ‘ 'lote ofrl’qnnsylvnnin i would he at_preser . 465.458. 0:" 58.209 less I’thnn were poll at‘ the late election ! IBmdford coun i, iihirh gave Curtin nearly 14,000 m'ajorit . , ha.“ 9,882 tsxs'hles 3nd poll, ed 9,776 V 0 2' which would‘ indigote that there are nly 106 uixohies in this cohnty I who til" at voters! According to the us. uul rs oof 1000 voters to New 1,400 tnxn- I Ihles Bradford county should have polled lon 7,058 vot’ea‘, or 2,718 less, than it dlil I ii. In this county, then. there must. I iav_e been cast-nearly 3.000 illegill votes.-—'—- lln Chester. pt the nbové—nanied- ratio. the I vote should have been 11~.700'0r 1.785 less I then the number'fyolléd .st the latee’lection. I to‘wit: 13.486. in this county (3an list] 2.500 majority. 'ln Huntingdon the .vote'l should have been 4:028 instead of 5, 127, or . ‘ahnut .8004'055 than it wasplflluntihhdm I lxonnty gave Cnrtin nearly 1,100 majority}. i I [n Erie, if the whole vote were cast. itwoultl I foot up to only 8.287 instead of 9.1619. Cur ltin hill 3.000 msjority in Erie. .In Somer-L is“ the‘w‘hole vote is only. 3,915 insigad or (4.802 as figured up at the late election.-- I lSomerset county gnve Cur-tin 1,326 majority. lin Philadelphia. the entiré vote.‘coul‘d be I lonly 75.082. At the lsteelect’in‘n it is rep- ‘ Ireaented to hsvle been 82.467. Philadelphia i gave Curtin 7;00_0 mfijorily. But, to‘give a few more figures. let‘us assuine that the ‘ I vote of the State as reported to his been most at the lnte election. was honest and Ifégnl. This Man ' tion makes the profit tion of voters tolofie nnmlner of taxable: I 1.000 to every 1.934. Now, Bradford conn ty has 9,882 faxables ;' therefore, According I to the ratio of voters to tsxsbles. e‘xhihitell i by the late election. that county'should hot ihsve whomever-7.880 votr-s. But it polled ‘33 we have seen. 9,730! So‘ in Erie, which Ihes 11.60". tsxables, : the vote should have Ibe‘en 9.23‘zfinsiead of 9,519; in Huntingdon which has 6,480 ohm", the vote should Ihsvebeen 5,167 instqu of 5127‘ my; in ISomerset 4,371 instead of‘ 42802.‘Thus it will ,be ‘seen that these ‘strong Abolition counties greatly exceed in their numlwr of voters even‘ the disproportio'ned ratio fixed by the late election. And these are only examples. Wits-raver the Abolitioniwts mndo hent’gifins, this undue prnportinn of voters'to tnxsbles exists. Thus the fio~ titio increas'g in the number nt'yotm since 860, isml'ully devfl9«iedt 'Can\sny man loner (loubt that Judge Woodwéi‘gl is really an y I majority of the lawful votes ,ot‘lhe Stete,‘ the GOVernor elect of I’énnJ sylvsnie l—Bed/ord GMML' .' fi-Now that the elections are over, the Navy Dépnrtment diécovérs that it does not require so large a force of variation it the l various navy yards.“ has h'eretofore been deemed nepessary. Discharges, have cam menced at, the Brooklyn‘navy yard, and will continue until Hhe force is reduced some fif- 1 teen handraié The same rate of raducgipn'll will take pluéofln ill the governmentynrdi. By tlie help of th’e'navy yard workmen the Refiublicans ’in} Bro/oklyn luceoeded in_ electing a. mayor .nnd. 'ocher city officers; and at lean two usemblymenirA fwr being used to vote, the operative: are senk' adrm. —\lV I'. Work]. . fi‘Tha Hop. Lewis Baker, of mine; in a late speech before thd “Idyal” leaglfon of New York. said. “I do not want to m, the Union named as it was. I-rejoicad when slavery cm the tie that bou‘nd it, to the! U nion.” This brought down the monk deafo, aning npplauae from (he usembled crowd ' of "titan ho style thanfiel‘ves "loyalintn." , They are it‘s! what the “loyaliuh” of éhe Revolution were—vibe foes of their conntfy,‘ and traitors. 4 ' ' fiThe shoddy leaders pay that the elections show that the people endorse drafting. We think they show they fear the draft. judging by the few who march. “A mun wu arrested in Wauhingmn, the other day. for singing “The light of other days.” .Scunlon supposed he was uinging of the Unzon as it mu. 85A young man who has recentlylgken a mfe, iays he dld not find it half so bad go get untried n he did to get the furniture. ‘flßum is‘ used in the West Indies in uuad of turpentine in the prepdrilioq of pqnt. ‘" ‘ Rrom the following lintbf’ficnnton and Members of theflouee o! Beprennutivu, it willibo seen that the Aboiitioninti Inn 4139 méagre majority of 5 on Joint ballot.— The Demoofaba gnin .3 jn the Sons“ and lose 6 in .1119 House. 'l‘h‘ree Democratic candida“: for the Horse were defmtod ll follows : “one in Perry, beaten by on! In“. one in Philadelphia, by about 40, and anothe‘r‘in Mifllin by about 75. *Thus I’BB more votes in_ théso districts would hm given us h‘n'mjority on jointwlog. Harry “ bile. Senator fromflbe Indian-a distrigf, is now a prisoner in Richnond. and if npt’ relexfscd the SenateriH stand 16 w 16. , 1113 MO Those marked thus ’ gm new Bmstors Ist District—-Philndelph'm—«leremilh Nichols; A., 0..“. Dnngvan, 1)., Jacob mag. , av, A.. Geo.Conncll, A. ' ' ' " All—Cheater nml_ Delaying—W. WQI'I‘I‘ ingmnfi‘ A.‘ ‘ . lll—Mon tgomery- J. C. Smith. D. ~ IV—lKucks William Kinzie. D.- . ‘ V— Lebigh and Northampton—Ox"; Sli’in, D. ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' NO. 9_ . Vl—quks—Hicstar Clymer. D. . .‘ \’l[-—;Schuylkifl.——Bernard Reiflyfit). 7 “IL-Carbon, Monme, Pike my Wayne -—’H. B. Beardsley} U. ' ‘l’ ' ‘- IX-Bmdford, Susquehnnna‘, Suflinh and Wyoming-AW. J. Turrell. A. X‘Luzeme—‘J, B. Stark. D. ‘ Xl—nga, Potter, McKeau and Wang ——S F. \VIIHOD" .\.v , ‘ “ XII-JClintrm. LycominngQntn 3nd U; nionz—llenry Johnson, A. ‘ '._ Xlll—Snyder. Monmur. Not-thumbnai land & Columbia—David Montgomeryfitl). XlV—Cumberland nild Parry—Gloxgo H. Butcher, D. ~ , y: : XV—JJuuph’m ‘nud Lebanon—Mel Fleming? A. . . L, XVl—Lancaster—Benj. Chimpneyl, 'A..,- J. M. Dunlap,‘b A. ‘ . XVH—York—Anfllestand Gllu. D. , a XVIII—Adan“, .Pmnkfin sud Fulton—C Wm. XcShel-ry. D. ' ' ' . XlX—Somerst.Bedfard and Ha‘ntiugdon —G. W. Householder,it A. * X Xv— Blair. Cnmbria and ‘Cleu-field—W. A. Wuflnce, I). _ XXl—“lndiana und Armstrong—flung Whito,A. ‘ » ~ ‘ -XXII—-,Westmoreland 4’: Fayette—alghn him} 0- ' L. « . XXlll—Washington and (inane—Wm. Hopkms,‘ I). . ! , _ XXlV—Alleghenye—John I’. Penny. A” J.‘ L. Graham. A. XXV—Beaver and ButlarJ—C. C. Mc- Candloss. A. ‘ ‘ ' 1 XXVl—Lawrence; Mercer and Vow ~s’i‘hbmis Hoge.* A.’ v 4 . , XXVI ['—Erie and Crawford—Morrow B. Lowry. A. , . , ' 3 , XXVlU—Clnrion” Jefi'erson, For”! and Elk- C. L. La'mbenoh. D. ‘ ~ . Abolition bfenators, Demoqmtic. - j Abolition majority, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.~ Adams—James H. Marshall, D. ‘ ‘ _ Allegheny-Thom?! Jf'Bigham. A.. Al. {red Blnpk, A., W. I . Denniubon, A., thn P. Q]ass::\., 11. B. Heron, A. Armstrong * and W'ostmorelagd—J.. E; Chambers. 1).: John JlnrgneLt, D.,‘John W. Riddle, D. ' r ‘ » Beaver ‘nnd Lawrence'—Wifliam Henry. A., Josinh‘ White, A‘ . m . Bedel-d—B. F: Meyers. D. H \ Berks—G. A. Kline, 1).. \Vmiam N. Rm.- teipor, D.. John Minimer, D. \ , Blair—R. A. McMurtrie? A. ' - E; - Bradford-hvummer Lilly, A., Jowpb Marsh, A. \ ' ’ Buckß‘EL B. Laban D., J. R: BollequLD. 1' Butlengil'linm Hallet, A... .1.. H. 393. ey, A. Cambria~C. L. Pershing. D. a _ Carbon and Lehigh—Zuchar'nh Luigi), Nelson Weiser. D. n -_ Centre—Gyms 'l‘. Alexander} I). , , Chester-4?, Frazeé Smith, A... Robert L, M<Clelhm. A" William Windlq. A. ' ‘ Clarion and Forest—W. T. Alexanden D.- Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean and Elk- T. .Jußoyer. D., A: W. Benton. D. ~ ‘ Clinton and Lycoming~A. C. Noyes, D., J. B. Beck. D. ) ‘ Columbia. Montou‘ Wyoming and 891]?- van—Geo. D. Jnc'kiqu. p., Johnfi. Ellh, D‘ mefonl and War'renL-Ufl. Jofimon.A.,'j W. D. Brown, A. ~ ‘ 7 Cumberland—John qumau‘, 1).. C ; 'Duuphin—JL \C. Allemnn,’ IL. Dnnief Keyaer, A. . .. ‘ D'ehware—Edward A. Pricv. A: . Erie—Byron Hill.\A., John (Manna/4.! Fayette-4T. B. Searight, D. ' , , Franklin and Fullon—T.McD. Sharpell; William Horton, D:_ V ‘ ‘ . . GreeneL—Alexnnder Pnflbn. D. l!untingdon——Duvid Elnier, A. A Indiana—J. W. Huntqm, A. ' . , Juniata. Union and Snydcrq—thn Bub bach, A., Samup’l H.‘()rwig, A. ‘ Lancnswr—E. Kt Smith; A.. E. Biling felt, Al. Nathnuiel Mnyqr, A" U, 3. Bow: man. A. ‘ Lebiannnqi. D. Colgmnn, A. ‘ LuzernG—Peler Walsh.‘l};, Jacob Robin; son. D., Harry flakes, D." ‘ Mercer and Vennngo—Cbnrles‘ Koonco, A.;'\Vm. Borgwin. An ‘ Mifflih—S. S.Stnnlwrger, A. A ‘ u Mamba and Pitta—Peta Gilbert. D. ‘ Montgomery—fiGcorga W. Wlmley, D., Joseph Rex, D.. HI). Hoover, D. ‘ . . Northampton—S. C(Shimer, D), Owen Rice, D. \ ‘ ' -_ Norummherland—T. K. Pnrdy, b. Pprry-aChnx-les R. Eamon, A. : - Philadélphia—William Foster, A., If, Burger. D., Samuel Josephs, 1).. .Lohn D, Watson. A., Wfiliam 2W. Wm, A. '3. B,’ O‘Hara, A.. Thomas Cochran. A.. June. 1‘», 'Kérns, A., George A. Quigloy,’ 1).. S. 8. Plus cont. A., J. Wu Hopkins. D 2, L.V.§oephiw, A., Frank Malfunus. D., Albert. . Soho», field. D., William_F. Smith, A.. Ed. (£l.OO. A...Jn_mcs Miller, A. ' ,' , Potior and ’l‘iognr—A. G. thatead. A.; ‘ohn.W.Gucrnsey. A. ' ' - Sclnnytklli—Elward Ken“. 1).; Connd Grab", D., Michael Weaver, TI. ’ ‘ Susquehanna—Georg H. Walk, A. Somerset—C. C. Muuelman, A. ~_ Washihgton—Roberc RIM, A., Jim“ R. Kelly. A. ' Wayne—Wm. M. Nelson. D. , Yurk- Daniel Reiff; DZ, J, F.3pnhg’er,‘ D, Abolition Members, ,- - 52 ‘ Democntic Members, - " - 48‘ ‘- Abolition majoring XECAPHL'LA'HUN Abofitionisls. Demdmb'. 17 ’. 15 ‘ 52 ' 1 48 Sena fog-s, H ouaeld ' 69 ‘ 94 Abolition maj. on joint bulbt, 5. , ,‘ ‘fi-A jury downj Somh ig'norod : hm against a huge negro for stealing Monk and before ditchargipg h’rm ri-cm o‘éuod‘y lhgjudge bade him mad reprimnmhd, and concluded‘ thus: ‘ " ' W ‘ ‘You may go now, John? but, [bikini his finger at him, ‘let me warn you nmr tofippeaf here again.’ ‘ . e: ‘ John, with defight Hamming iu‘hhqol and a broad grin, ”displaying a beautiful {u‘w of tooth, ieplied: ' "W I ‘L‘Wnuldn't bin he‘lfidk timjnd‘o, 511‘ do constable fowl: ma’ fi’rhe Ohio Farmer up an; won had béon found by widen}, W hind: gfl’ectivo means of NW}; {gait ag‘im't the ravages of} oy‘i“ pbcing sawdust. ulnfifid’fim mfmtofthetrqe. . ‘ ' _ Wigwam» {mama OF 1864. ’ SENATE: 7 ".l A- 1- ..... 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers