'lfsrn'i s. Tho Corvus: is publisheaevery Monday morning, by Him In' J. Snuu, at :1 75 pg: aunum if paid uriclly 1x unset—s 2 (I) per unmun if not paid in Name. No subwription cfiucpnm'maedS 'unleu It the option‘iof Lhe‘ publishqr, until all irrmgu are paid. ‘ Ann insult-fun inserted u wound nut. , Jon I‘dggma done with human ugh dispatch. Y? .‘ ,Qn’xc: in South Baltimore "not. newly Disposibo Wamplers’ 'l‘inning Eamblighmene i/Qoxngn anns‘c Ornc: ” nn the-ign: PRQFESMQIML QQRDS. *fiQ’B. Wading, nonxm"n LAW, Gnu-nut“. P... A will nth-nil to all profeuswml buliueu cummed to his cum. ~ (lyrics :—(‘ln W”! Middle s:rcet,'nex£ door Injthe Gang-house. in the room Inglfi twmpiul us :3 Law Ulfire by W. U. McClellan, Esqwtlcc'd. Sept. 2|, 1863. _om ‘ ' - 1 , _ _ ‘ . ,_:‘_‘. l q ' 3h: Edward. B. Buehler, , ‘ ”TTORNI'TY AT LAW, will' l'nilhfufi and A promptly attend by a“ husiucsn cum; Jul 10 lrim. He speaks the .Gcrmun lnuguugrrx (mix-e It the lame plat-e, in Sun”; Bugllimore angel, near Forney’s drug “are, an} "(i-HI" oppofite banner 8‘ Ziugler': Ilorr. ¥ ' ‘v Gong-flung, Man h 20. fl 1. Wm. A. Duncan, “ TTORNEY AT LAW.—ofiivu in that .\‘nrth . West quer ofb‘entrc Square, Gettynhurgv m. . - [Uct.3,1859. tf W""‘"V,‘“ ‘ ' "‘ ’ ’ ‘”"“ -7 N" j}. J. C._ Neely, k ‘- IV TTORSEY AT L“V.-—flflrll‘cul‘ll' Mien ’A llun pail to cullecViun hf l'ennionn, hunt}, nnd Buck-pay. Ulfiue in the S. E. unmer _of the lluunlmd- : ,7 Gutlyghnrg, April 6, 1863. (f ‘D. McConaughy, ' TTHRN EY AT LA “fi‘firflice one door west A 0! liuelnler'u drug: AndJmok stun-.Uhum- Ifi’rskur: strct~t,)'Almnu-zv nu .\uucn-on you l'A‘ru‘lTl AM) I'l‘lsmss. Bounty Lund Wur rgnli‘ luck-pm} flu‘lH’nllfld Cluims,» and fill {other cl.limsgguinst lhé (.‘ove-rumentm Wuh iuu'ou. I).(?.; MROAllmricMnUluilnS in Hnglund. 110»! \\'wr'r:lnulncnlenl‘.ami sol-Lot’hcughlumd lllKlH‘Sl pril'ea Kn‘u). Agents engng’mh m lo ciflng wurrgnl; in l«m;l,.lllinuis aux-4.2m” wcdernfihlui ‘ WAN“) to him pi‘cubbafly m- If 19mm. {4* ()rllyahurg, Nov. 'll, '53. .1?- " ‘- ._ A; J. Cover, TTUI’A'EY AT LAWJHH prim "Mend A m ('ullectiou“ ,md‘pH other luv-mend eu tv'us ul to him. (Min) bulwn-u I'n'mhgturki’ nuvl ”I.”:th Ziegler} Stun-r. lhtltimnro fire-ct (tritlytihlfrg. PJ.[ . ‘ "[S-u-pv. .‘., 1245‘). ".fiqurence Hlll, M. D. fl. , AS hiémve (mic _ fn“‘\‘§f~j _ «luur I\ an of [he WT.W ‘lmrhenn {-hurrh in ‘ ' U' k L'mmhrlul urg nut-e}. nprl nppnx‘ile I’l'L'Ling'h’ a}; '9. ivy 'o} my»? w§~lnnu meve nu} hepml byul' innxpm termed are rc-wétfn”; iln‘iu-d to raw 1! rtzm‘ven Dra; Hurrwr, Rev. (‘..i'. Kr nvh.l . H . “cw’. 11. L. Banghgr, U: 0., Km. P of. \l :Jar-uhv. Jrui. \l, L. Siuvyer. ‘ \mtlfishn‘n Anni H,'53. ' a. L ._ ‘v . 3 v . Removal. I‘s NSF”. lug-n mun-'1 Wu offire- fr'nn) \\ :H-I‘ '|- 111.11“: lu lhv cmnvr of hnhi. mm? z'u-I ”I.“ mun, "PP”“V lhv I%»th tcrixm Cnursln lit-:idcmw mljuinu g 111:.- Lfi‘m’a. '. . ‘ . Ln: April n, hum. H ~ r .5 . _ _ g; Dr. James Cress, . 1 ‘L‘LFVTI‘I ['[H—FH‘LLV. UnlnH'u‘ f'nr pull -I'l3 'I.- panning» lu-rrl Irnrr- u-xlrmhld IV) hum, [lg-arm. :h‘h n ”HM-x Hull lu- ‘.\iH rmninm- \hv yuwlnn m ins pxu‘<~~x M m (ieuyduu‘l zuul. -.-n‘i|lllv. "I“ lv-cln 'mc-urh In rlxmnrur s. In 3.. Hun-w. “a M h-«v (h - hf“. «Med. an! "NHL r» h wh- urnrvlw- {~u'nJH “UH-L a: rmrmn ":42- t 37 «flimln ‘1 111- 11 lung lwvn 1(‘11 ‘umwcmlml Hum (.'.: («7:9ler --' :u.:l a l."‘f|b:vl'[v!’_‘ (.‘w ul Ii 4 2h :nl‘fin 't-Hin' I'm: l‘uinumn. ,I .1i i It I di. 1:! Hum- Inug- i‘lj Ariuu‘. sin-F1 n+l: .. ~1-Inslnl...nx('ilil‘,'l|xi’rllllJ. him: pill blow-l nl— "'1 kw. . 3 ‘ ‘ (mu-(- ”1 the pad rn.l urYurL :xvcm. in the dwelling} u-wurvl In‘ ”('HN \\ n-l'y. ‘ fl. ”MINI-um. firm. LS: lxoi': ’32” ‘ Notice. ' ‘ r ‘HE EH" (‘l. n 4". “KEV" .I"'T\YI.UH i« [ hr-rI-h' tli-wnl‘t-i by ly-ll'uai :uuv'ul. «In Nrph-mhrr Huh, 151:1. Ul [~T\( 11- JUNE-_- rbum- 21):.”th u! nmlrnzul 'u .. 1: firn'n u'xl! ‘que [urn-sent them In l‘.:q, ,\. 'J. L‘mm In! “albumin“. ' . Dr. an; Tavlor inform‘ 11m inhnhituurfi (lf'(:l‘ll:\"lll'_' :zwl vi ninhy‘ that h‘l‘ n I].] m-uLuuc n}:- prm try 0: TL: l‘l'llfeiaimlgl' the Q'l! stun I. LPIX‘ 4‘.” r In th.: ,l'umpilvr Ulhw-JHI-l'_\'~hm;, I": 'l harvklulL lur gnu: taut-I. In! Flu-gs 111-[rm we .\ rlmxu- hf tulurc pnlruflugo. » [<l ”I Adams ”County ~ 'U'I‘UM;FIIH-JISfiI’hANUI-Z‘mn‘.ll‘J.\.LA BI lqcorgoruled .\lnrch 15, 1531. ' -, ‘ a; nrrlcrus. ,l’rawivfrlzl—l;’-fl‘n_-orv_ve Sn‘upc. .~ ‘ l'lcv l’uw’u’r/‘i’f—h. It “Hebe”. , s "Mug—D. A, Hui-mgr. - 1 ’remm-er—l).n‘"i:l .\l_'(2renr_v. ‘ , . ‘ a rculwr Cum/mute—ltolwr't MchEiv,Jucob i’ in- An-[rvw Hriulzehnnn.’ , i - ‘mjwrné—Geuru’e Suupr. D. A. Buchler. R, )l'ljurdy, J umju King, .\. Heinlzr-hnnu, l). Mt;- ('r-ntryka‘. R. R Hie”. J. li. Hersh,” SJmuql Durban-Iw, E. G. PJllllf'L'QOU‘t. \v...,~n.,\\".1,=un, H. .\.‘ l’uzn‘n-z. \\'III. B. .\ILCIQII.IH-’"Juh)l \an burl, 11. 'G.. “(‘UII:U'\. .1041“ l'xckm‘z, .\bcll‘. \Vright, John (.‘lmuilgglmhl. .\bnlicl F. Gilt. .unes 11. \[arshmlh .\i; Hichclherger. [fig-This Qumpnuy is limitch in its opera- Nov}: «to the county ’0! Adnms. ‘ It has heen in uci‘easful operation for more Lhzln six )enrs, ml in Hun period his paid all losses and ex .an§qi.7ca‘!7ao'ltl my; liiarummt, having also n [urge unllfis énpital in lh‘. Treasury. The (”om mtry employs no Agents—All Engines.» Irving . "he by the Managua, who ure nummlly elect; .l‘by the SIQL-kholders. Any pcrsun desiri’lg .n’fnsumnce can apply to any of the above :um-d )lxluwzera for'fnrther infornmtion. ”The, Bataan“: (‘onnunéee meets M the (Rec pfthe Co pan on. the inst. Wednesday u ever;- mfinth‘ M 3, 1“. H. 1 j l Sept. 27, [ssB Something New - N GETTYSBURG.—Theundersignedinforms' the cifizeii of‘tho town and county. than he ma, commenced the BAKING busin‘esston I use scale, in York street. Gettysburg, nearly npposite Wank-3's Haj/3L where he will try lo xserl'e, Ind hofles to ,receive, a liberal patron e. 3mm», RUngUAKES, GBACKERS‘, {Bl2BllB, U: kcwhuked every day. (Bun nys excepted.) M 1 or the best quality, and sold at. like lowest. living profits. Cracker-baking in nu branches islmrgeiy carried‘ozi,‘ and orders «8v mourn, {ram this nud adjoining coun '6s,;llppfled nt‘the~§llortfat noticé. Having routed tinge Mcmnmodmna Hake-house and can?!” It‘ workman And the 1...; 3p gran mach ery, he is premmd to do" ~ navy busihcsl. , 4 h - VALENTINE SAUPEE. July 25,1859. L.‘ w _ T"'-"""’ , 77:37 ~41 7~ . ._... Coal! Coal! Coal. ~ , ' HEADS k HUEHQER are norxprepnnd to 1 _lupplyCOAL, of superior quality, may gym}: desired. Ten-3,01“. . r' » 00,00”! Come-AD} ,A Eheymllj request. then indebted to g 3%! “(my up. «land: urg much u'u'édcd.,_ Who will be the first‘to all ? (Mia. 0!?“ {ram 7 n 0.7. - ,J‘ 'g‘ - : web. 24, 1883“". ' - ‘ r. _.h ' UALQOislrld‘ ’ ~‘i ‘ - . ‘ ’ > " , DR. R. HQRXER‘S Drng Store, ILL the but. Patent ~ tiles cnn b: htd a: m: {wfiflliij-g 113 and Prescrimion hrs of E“ .' 1_ lbs-. 3. BURNER. Lmfl Cu‘fime’mund Veslings chenp at ~ \" ": y;»,-“r{lm¢&@cxsa ‘ EGK {RES-LA bennclfn! M‘mnmmt’ M. l_ - . ~ Memmxr's. MIME BY H. J. STAHLE 46tii year_ -. . “ Small'Farm ‘. T PRIVATE SALE—TH: «mat-fiber or fi-ru nl. uncut ado 111?: tolloving VAL- UAHLXE. PROPERTY, situ-fled‘ in Sfiabnn t-mmhip. Adams muggy, Pm, on the public road loading Imm Ge yuhurg to Ilnryrilburg. 4-} mil” Narrhdlns! oi'th' turmer’msce. The Fum romaine Heb-res and 52 Perches, uhdlhe improvements Coufi‘ut of I good sub- u..n:i‘al‘h\\'ELLmG HOUSE,I“rnme Imrn, Wn-lf Hanan, you“ House, ...” l‘ry Home, (‘nrrinze “(ms-h, id Pa“ . Cidex: Poeos, Willi 0th"; nave-921v nut-buildings; two wdli‘fifiztdyd Water in Ihe~ pm}. There i! an _Orclmfi of' mm; mm on th.- prvmima. The propemyis well propor tiouanxlh lymdaw and timber land: it is cumeuient to Market». Chvuichpw. SV‘hOUll,‘&C., making]: urydysirnhle. Th; mu-mion hf pur- 'clmbrrs in iuricid t 6 it. (Jail upon or lddl’ci! the undersigned. rm‘dmz thrrcon. - .’ DASH-IL H. FAIIRVEY, , ‘ Geity'yhurg Y. (L, Adums cm. Pa. N. R—Tho suturihernlso om” mO‘AuBI 9111.35 x-ni! l’rairiv Lam], axtunlrd uenr Urcmleu, Poweghl-ik Cnunty, iuw‘u. : ~ I). 11. F. Aug. 31, 19:33. If " . ‘ ‘ ;‘ Jacobs’é Safoggl Revived. ‘IH'I umh-raignvd'h-t'c ganged Jucobs'é Sav‘ Imm. in ('hdmhursl'mrggétrH-t, nml ianud to keep .11. in the mm. style. lmplng that the public win appreciate them-truth m Menu by gl?“ng lheuj :1 large pur'omuze. 'l'hrv will; re. (The ()YSTERS rPgnIHIy and 410 them Ilp‘ ’ all sv\:lefi:l'o[7.\'(;CHlCK-ENS.HEEFTQXCfiI‘H, “.\.u‘axu was, ”1141mm:everything‘mm ‘may he cullrd fun, “in i_-e sewed. The" ml} :ulsu kerp ACE. L \flERY HUNTER, \VINHS. kc: ’i'hm are determined to do Ihjngg upfm thq must desir' Me manner. and. fur!- cermiu J 01" planning all who may 13f“; ‘ - . _ - 5;; HOLAS (‘3.)DOBX, 51L, , .msvzl‘msuuuu. ‘_ 1 n . ~ . . ‘ «plumbing, Sun. ...}, I‘l‘b’l. . 3 One and 13.11,. , I ARE NOTICE—~Thc unli‘cnigned Would F any 10 the pub)”: that LB )3 r ~(~iving'a lurgn 21ml vxplL-n-ljxl stnck of IH,” ‘lliflilifi, uhich he will <0” an lunv inlung ‘ her house in‘ huvn—UMTIB‘E: Suzi“,- \lul.:u-H. ~.S\rups, Tom, Svll. l‘v-h, .tru, mm Putmces._ 15mm, nud Rice : Wuudcu \\'.ue, put up In the best nmu ne’r sl33!an (‘Ol. Stunt-s. kw.“ kv, ‘ . FARMERS, TAKE NUTH‘EZ—Uag'ou “"an to My in 3'55.” lqu|nr~ fur h.xr\‘r~:t} nun" ja the lime ! Inn's mnnv brands of \VmskiM, Bran- tlle~. ll’im-s. undo l uthe. liquora, \rliigh l um " which Woe his turn), antlihis abilit‘; to mild ill-pimingi-l'.” whorl prolilx. tiny Illt‘ n c.lll. “I‘m-“mt smg]; m {lye Whale of NGW‘Eng- I “I‘M” "7 5.0 l‘!"“f"."""‘l h'huwl ”"1“ "l'.. :fll"l.. lu‘gha _X'ulli}gv‘r day’s) the deacon lnid ten “WEI“ lgl‘:‘::|‘:“g":lh; l’!',‘lf".:“"”u"h‘°“s" , cmnmamlvri a company of Shite troops. cum“ 0 P" " .." ' I" l" "f‘ .. 5‘ ' -: {yin-h lm-l tlmi» p‘ervmn r’li ring the his: war “13919-1“ @Ll‘kL‘VlNjil‘ l \tith (il‘ent Bt‘tlnin. ll‘hlllflitillgll. he lmtl _ t “1, ‘1 ' lliiilwd m the li-chniral uppl'cnrmn of the A Miltlflqt 85 SOU’§ ‘ l term. ‘to imwli Innulei,‘ )ct ho hmi l't‘('(‘l\'- _ .. j, ‘ . ,‘ , .. ' , i('ll tho ml‘n‘lnn of .i “‘HrlllJ- spirit.‘ tin-l gm” -‘~\“_H,”"~l I L “in “ g‘nl‘l‘“o“sv\“3‘ corned-Hg lztfe of ‘v-iptnin,’ n lm-h, on ‘t llt‘ [ 25‘ ”"d 2‘ N'rh'." “TWL linilxiuore, IYW-‘r lvrllu'lfrlenl 'lifit'(*ni°.l[llltill':llll'fllfincn‘ultllll’ PM”? it") fl’icn'lmg ”m" (”‘5 “"F‘L‘z‘f‘“ work in him, .‘lntl lilillL'lt‘” unit the more :2 utm‘ lawn-MM :lll: hment ol the Run! 3"?! "A w lll|'-‘ I, ”1.11% ”I ‘tl 'm‘n , ‘ L‘nnm. .\lwnyu on ll'lull it lnrzencsortmcnl ui ,\1 'l‘l 3‘ ”ff" I, I i k "'1 l l ‘ ilursx-gnul.u.i.\u UFFH‘E h'Ullhl'l't'l,ll~Z.h-m-v ‘ ‘7“ “""";‘" ~lme dv-mun‘ml‘ “W -hr-- in: iliir- :i I‘, Bairle-Jils, \\':\.~li::’mn_\'l»:7 \Vziril- ("r "U“llm.‘"‘l‘“ “ llluuajli II; had btfell ”e. rum“ “,mrwys of ”mu.“ ("ottmi n-“J l'luir- qurntly lLlJlllix’tl liy‘the good rlmnyne it)! Sprinfllmh. .\‘utu, Tclr-c-Tctrs, .\rm Clmixs, rlummg >0 lunclnol the church militant lll‘ lint-Ling (‘hitii‘k ’i-itngert-s. “_irlile ‘ful-lg!.">‘ot- l“? ‘l“‘]." l‘”"l"";"~ 5”“! “MIN “'3” "(l i‘ll“'“‘.“! 1.», “Uiqmnn mu! lphul-Jered chm“. AS- (lvliglnt. “int-n lie cuulnl 01-tiuii am uuiliehce, gun-“pimiJHts tri-~ '.J'rruu;l.~L'l;:\|l;L'luf, thm m I‘L'Clilhc' [lip day,» or in: cziptuxncy, “lull run”. (llfi~"=:z"}uirvl, liiu'bet: chiiir<,_ nml lu-llmg. bltmillth titles of “when l‘mu‘ L‘m.-_ uild will. ll wt ILL. ks, llall l‘.“.l‘nllll‘t',‘ out n 'l3' and '14..” l : (.'.. ...ri \\ .‘.-ml. l‘m 1P Looking Glusvs, Sidc,‘ Ailmng the deucbn’s fine stock wns a hull, mull: l.).'it"|-Ilui 'l‘ubil~i-_-. ot every length. .' ( l n squendicl‘fil'flhnal, ’VlllCll forwize. strength _ ‘l‘li-uu- wisp.» ll m purrhnsé urt‘ [hilll‘ll to «nil heat”, excited the envy nnd admin-Iv will in l xiv-v nul‘ Ft! ck an exnnxinntioncwhich [iun’bft e funnel-s of the WllOle COUHQTYr—I "'F \“H‘H’U "N 1 WWW," "F“‘Mk'l‘fi'lfl'i? i 5 “0“ So much was the‘deaooq’s bull praised, that qulflllCli‘bX .:n_s punhlishmeut in tll9:3otinlr_’. very 500 nm ownpf began w believe? final _ _ A; 31911wa " MIN, ._ [he pdrSPstd the. most wonderful aninnil L LL" 1" "1d 2‘ 5' (”l-l. street. "1 that had ever existcdi and to boost accord . )vingly. From morning till night. nothing could he heard. in the neighborhood of; l Lilchfir‘ld Lnt pill'lfii‘aul' the deacon's bull, {mil estimation-3 of his. value. At his! to; such a pitch d’irl‘tliis esiimation reach than the (leaccin, not cnnten‘lvwith bearingthe‘ palm from every cattle usher in the counlb': l sought. like Alexander. fie'fillworlu to con—i one}, antlofibretl his bull to checompetition l of the entire enjunlry. To do this properly} Deacon Jones issur'd whhnndbill selling‘ forth in glowing lines the” qualities of his: bull, its aim, weight. age and color, leatling‘ olfwith a. challenge to any one l poswssing‘ on unimai oHilm size arid age, to bring it‘, forward, and vanquish the deucem's bull in ‘ ll tnir fight for one hundred dollars. Here. it was that. the old warlike spirit peeped forth. and tire; demon, instead of oh‘ermg l 'to mulch his ‘hull for any of those qunlities l that go toward making good beef, prniiered } the. challenge inn-5m fighting quality. 1 These litlhdbill were scattered for and wide until~ one, by the‘ aid ol‘ arperipatelici pedhg, found its way to the hands ot'a 130:] ted‘breeder of‘stock in the western part of] ‘ the State, who determined on accepting .‘ the challenge on behnll'ofa tine young uni-l ’mul of his own. and making an attempt to‘ Nob the deacon’s hundred dollars; Accorllri iingly. he stiirted with his bull for the deg-l ‘ cnn’s, but. by some- dehtys on the road he f 1 did not reach his destination until late on I Saturday afternoon. where. upon his outing . his errand, he was welcomed by the deacon endlhonest praise bestowed upon'thoaplen ‘rlitl‘imimnl ho had brought with him. It was 100 late that evening for the trial, and .the hull was accordingly driven mm 'thel rich pasture to recruit sft‘er' the journey! and his owner nindc free of the deacon’nf . homers , . l l The next day being the Sabbath, the . family all set. forth «to church. the deacon] : surrenderinghis place inJhe family pew to, the stranger and stiying home under thel plan of not leoh’ng very well. Alter they were all gone. the (143500qu lid in dismiss in $9B lhough‘of the two’hnlls. and of the [coming light on the mun-ow. he got down ‘tha family-bible and read acbapter; but i still the bulls would mix themselves with l the tex'fliand wander away with his thoughts. [At last the deacon could stand it «longer; and, [stifling on his hst, out he went to take just one look at. the fierce monster . that was on the marrow to carry away the laurel: from his bull, and the hundreg‘hdol lemon" 1 ehi ' the' hit victor. ere he “mg: thE-centre pglythe field, coal] block. and shaking his fierce. shaggy head in defiance. The deacon gnzed in admira tionniud the'n the thought crept into .his brain that to—morrow was a long time to wait, and that at there was nobody 20 Mel and no one to tell tales, he might as well‘. givethe bulls just one little turn at each’ other, that he might be better able tgjudge, l and that. it' the nteat waxed too warm ‘he' could drive Ofl'fils own without trouble. No room-[thought than done, and the den ‘con sleulthxly let. down the but: that led‘ into the field End proceeded to drive in his! b'ull, but the stranger bull in an instautl ‘é’nw the entrance open, "and without delay l rushed through and in quicker time than! it take} to relate, tackled the deacon's bull. The fight was-terrible, and the deacon do: lighted.‘ For nifbfleihe forgot his Sabbath breaking in' the keen. 'flenjoyu‘lenb of thol fight, end the belief that his bull would be _\l 9 :15, 13“.? R 1300 ' IsaaGK. Stauffer. ‘ , \‘TA'ILII .\Mkfllt ASD‘JI-iu'l-ILER, V “ lan'ucufnm: 0r , oh.‘g.’.l~‘l‘. WARE .‘.- Hx. ”rm-:1: 0F WATCH}; Nu H R'vnh .‘u': mu! #l.. f‘nxner Quarry, r_pm ”mu-nu; PA. ' H MEE= a up hm “Mm-H) .m iWnn assortment of “(37.1 : ”HM ~ I m hum“ erur. [.mpi‘nennjrl'lniu .Ahh hm. ‘5 me mm (Junins, Semis u‘n :Kr) a, 4 15mm Puw, [Jar Wings. I’ingrrJiings, B‘rncé. 5:9'3. .\hn. xmre Fakes, fled-Illions, an’keta, il'vndls. Thnnhlw, .\‘pncucies, Slhcr Tuble, . Dcsnfi, Tea. 5 m End Mmta‘rd Spoons; Sugar ifiyoxms. (‘m-w. Napkin Rlufia, l-‘ruic nnd Butter ] Klnivua. 51l,lclds,(:omhs, Dta'mond Poinlgd Pens, clan—all g‘l‘ which u-zil be-uold low fur cash. ‘ M. l. TUBIAS .9 (LUIS best quality {qu jew. Irlcd l’.-Lent Lc\er~.\|9\'eme‘ula cuhslubtly on I “:71"!me ulhcr mums or suycnur quahly. 5 .\. Mfr-Uh! Hold and 511 m: bought for citsll. Séptfl'l, 1861:. 1y - ' ‘‘ L , New Warehouse. 2 ~ ‘ ' smut-2L3 0F GRAIN 100, 000 WANTED,“ the neéanlln ullll ‘Pmduce‘éluuse, m Curlisle street, adjufil. ing She-ms 'Buehler‘s establishment. The higheshmm'kel price‘ will always be paid in cash for . GI‘APNhof all kinds. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ r ' .FLOF‘Iii, SEEDS, km- Always on bud and [oi 8}; e,al the sma‘llest prufils, . GUAXUS, L ,4 - , ' ' - SALT, FISH. I . . ‘ ‘ . GROCERWSNQC.‘ ,r . Wholesale null retail. TRY US! “'9 shall do our beat :0 give satismction in all cum. , ; ‘r' McGURD'I: & DlEllL. Gettysburg, May‘ I‘l, 1:63u ly ‘ ‘ New Goods ‘ , . T FAWNESTl‘H‘KS’r—hhnei‘too‘t Bros. A wouliflspeclfuuy inform I eir friend: had the pnbliq generally that they have just received their Spfiag shock of Goods from New York and Philadelphia. Harlin: bought them fan'cuh, We are prepared to offer the largest and prettiest. flock of DRESS GOODS eve: ofl'erctl to the citizens of wrcounty and,“ OLD PRICES I “Quick ulna and “loft prbfiu" buing our mono. ‘ . “‘01:” and examine M. the sign of the ‘ ‘May 11,1863. ‘ ‘BED FBUNT. Wandersigned,beingthe authorized person '1 w mks remove): into Eser Green Ceme tery;hopenhnt such ls contemplate the remonl of the reuniini of deceased relatives or friends will [until themselves of this seaan ohhcyenr to have it done. Removals made will: promptness —-lerma low, and no effort spared to please. , ‘ PETER THURS, " finkch- 1?, ‘6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. ‘ ~ 3 John W. Tlpton,» AQIDSABLE BARBER, North-ust‘cor ncriof the Diamopd, (next door'to .\lc leUdn’oH!otel,) ettysburg, Pm, “here ,he‘, an at all timns'be found ready to attend to all ‘ business in his line. He has also excellent as- { 53.3 mm Ind will ensure satipfacnon. Gin him a can. ~ ['Dec': 3, 13:50. AGO, Argo—w Romx Corn Starch. Rice-flour ) and Gelatin, for sale a}: ‘Dr. uuuxwa Drug Store. “a” né’nifxfi‘rfimAmm‘snmfii modwimfl wrpowés ‘dnly,n’nnemy omg 51016301 *9, - Dr. R. HORNE“. fis‘uwi‘ .‘4 “ - “'l': -» ' a» J 1 AXMEn-w . r. ,a. .. ~ r ‘."’ri'i‘:? ; 319‘. « z- r” . '.v a. ‘ 1;; , I” U > . ”fl!" ' * ’”‘ W -» _ ‘= Af , . Ma . ’ 4; 1 » 1" k? P . Removals. A @Eméccfifimce ANDFW J©URML Cht MM. NOT NOW. The path arduty I clearly trace. '1 stand Iggb copscienue fare {0 face, 'Arid all Per [mini allow; ‘\ ' Cumng find crrvin’g \he while'forgi’ggo, u " Earn: 0:4“? fii'r'e, n‘né‘ some othfr place—- * ~0,?30: to-day—not n '3‘!" ‘*\ I know ’tis a demon boding§hfg ~ I _knowl have p‘qwer to do i £3sm; dad} put my hn’ud to'm’ plough; Ihfivé fnir,,swv.-et sevds‘gin my barn, “no! When an the furrows,are ready to now, 1119 voice sx't‘yé, “o,amno u l" t ' .7 ‘1 . M; pace I sell at. the pr‘ioefifwoe— [_n héhrl 11nd in Spirit I sufiE'r so, ‘ 'Pfié quuisb “rings my brow, v“ But sdji’l lxugcr and er) for gruce- ' P“ Some qlhenime, mad sot. fi‘hu pince— 0; _nm zo-(hLyL-Jnm-‘nifiw 1” . ‘ _ I talk to my stuhbgyh he:§rt'nnd say, The Wrrk l m’ym'do I will do 10-day; i u 2” 15:13“: to the Lurd'u ’cow And I will nfi-ggzz .md I M“ not sleep ‘ 1‘1“:th vow I halve VJIEd Ilnse and keep, And the dcmbn cries,:“‘NuL 11.9 w!" Anl so the days and the years go_by, AnJ so 1 rrglslcr he apt“: lic, ' And fax-«2lk .with Heaven my Vu‘w ;\ Fur Whrn‘r’.‘ wnuid boldly take m3’stand, This Lerribjc dgxnou guys iny hand‘— I ”0, not io-‘dny—uut m !” ‘ ‘ ‘ {.\uc: CARY 3 @fitfilflnfimm' THE “DELCBN'E i3UILI§ Tlsaconjn<eph Jungs, of Litcb‘fiefirdxwas fl‘fine specimen, nfthe oij srtyllex sturdy far mer: honest, c'anxi'cionltinyu.‘ _anc! hospitn‘ble In}? ra'uli, 'SridifiitlTo-r‘i} 191.1391; Qanigy‘ Wm ' ”9m" 9* ‘.mw i -“i 73., . ) *m7 f _, ‘ MI IS "rat-m 13 Hour} an qErmquBURG, 'PA_% MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1863. the victor.‘ but at length the stranger{ Sm; or (his) Moom— During the delivery bein-n to have the but of inland. thtl deacon , ofa recent tominra‘uéo lecture. fir. Goqgh fearing that utter defeat of his favorite. ' telln one of the fur'imest and most chum -. toolga band in the fight himself. He tare~ teristic stories we romemlmr ever to ba/Wi a rml froml the fence, [and rushed at the seen. It is more thoroughly mnudlivr’ and I black hull.‘punohing and pushing him 'in ‘ mellow thhn anything in thel“'l‘oodl9B.” . the reaF. and Mrivinx to drive him hack to and might bo'producml With eflect by our i his pasture: This attack, instead of attain-i amnteui-Trientl N.. at the next pe‘rformance 1 ing its 01-ject, only increa'sed the animul'ti of the "'l‘hespian :” ‘ . l rage, until, with one fierce ‘lungxe, he laid Two men after drink‘ing an‘d cumming? his anhgnnist on the ground, piprced him ‘ allnight at nsaloon. Marti-ti in the morning 1 through llm chest with one ‘qf his 'shnrp} to go home. It was a beautiful, a’unny horns. and laid him dead in an imtant.—l morning, and as they staggered alofig, tlfe‘ NO sooner had ho fil‘llfihed his work ix; front. following conversation arose : l . than, like agood soldier, he médo r they“ Inebrinte No. l—“ How bright (hie) the \enemy in his rear, and the dug-u- made moon shin" L" <- 1 ' ' l for the ofiehing in the {once withfie ltgl-‘i No. ‘.l—“You don’t call that (hie) moon, lowmg monbter close at his ho'pls. Awny ‘do Ve? That’s (hit) sun.” _: ‘ they hoot, deacon and Hall. atm' vht-for the! No. lJTaint-‘it’s (hie) moon.” ‘g houqe, the first‘puflin‘gand liking unrfer! ~ No. 2—-“ l toll ya it'.4 sun!" ‘ . his fearlulxpeed, the hut. 'pawinig‘and ba'l-l \Xa. l-—“Well,l¢t’slemié’the mattertothe lowing inii‘munner to strike lenl'or into firkt man womeet.” ' . firmer henrtstlmn that ol the dencom ‘ i S . 2—‘mgreed." ‘ It We" a terrible race,but‘the deaconhdn ‘ Tlgq two ‘toddleil along fit 1; sht‘ dis it by a low ymids, juat slamming the dobr of tancaf'when they chancetl't'o meet 'n man the house in the lace at the bullfind rush-j exnotly in the same condition with them ingintothekilcheuforsal‘ety. ln’amoment folves‘. The indiviilunllwas immediately he heard with terror the blow: of the‘mon- treated to thé'lollowing intPrrogation: stor’s head 'upnn the door : a second thump‘ ’ No. l—‘ shnyihic‘. oltl fellnw'! Wfl’ve and down it went. mlmittingzliim to the got inter li‘ ’ ’w‘ntn; want. v 9 to (liio)’.-lp hall. The door f thiA pnrlor stood open. in put. Mv \n here anys that’s the t-ut' and upon the o ypoqte WM” iv.” 11 large [pointing up «ls tollld Sol who wan ' mirror, the pt'ido .i' thodoaronk wile null zing fit-ri-ely “ upon‘ ii) [ll,] and I daughter-z, and t e (‘hOII‘PIPIH‘G of their it"s'motm? f\ ‘ household goods: The hull lild lint with 'l‘helporsnn hill ‘94] hmcet llimst time. but seeing his image in this glass” tar considyrnhle "lty. swim; I made one ru<h,smttering the gluwin minute ; ‘post, and'commpm tolanrurlinize particle‘s, und'shaking the house Wllll the a: he could, the bu; v, orb overl' qrnsh. l ‘ 'llpmting’ in a medi: 0 tone ! ' Bylthx’s time the deacon began to recover ;‘Sun;mvwnn“sull (h. A Ina wind :lan his pre'sence of mind, fun“ to ashort “observation.” in lthink of a loaded pun hnngmg d‘ver the. is,genl'leul,l’m uslrnn‘g‘ mantol‘in Hm kitchen. Rendered ripspor- '0! the mnnlry. and I can imp, he cl‘uuhed the weapon nnri‘fifihfld to ’ sun or [hir] moon.” '. ‘ the door of the parldr. The bu“ spied him ‘ Thus the matter was I] ‘ instantly um] made a ‘xueh. his lngt. fur ul- ebrimes NO5. 1 and 2r! I must running the muzzle of the -gun into and 41i<hoartenediby ‘ Ins hand. the demon fired. uhd a (li-ml bu}! rem“! 0f their senrch , mlyckwl the hall, delugmg thel fiber with' mysteries. ’ ‘ {is blood, just as the lumiiy presonted' 1 themselves at the dbor on their rptulu from , church. . ‘- ' i ‘ The consternatinn of‘ull qnu be'imaginéd. ‘ and the deucqn had nothing ‘for it. but to ‘ make a clean'. breast nnd‘ confiww hin Sub: Jmth breaking, [my the slrnngur for his hull. hand over the hundred duilz‘n‘s, muk’e‘ beef. 0f the two c:u'cu~.~e<.- and 1:00?! “15"“? lions übnut bull figymg for the future. (bum/up qt” Wiilram (he ,‘Al!7ucrci‘.—~TKB ; following extract from 1119' lite ol‘yie/mfe of HM? (‘onqueior is excoerli‘ngiv cu ipua. na'z (‘iuii‘anterienc of the Immune (if n sémi-civ— ' iLm-ul :Igoun‘tl nntion: “After 501119 yeaxjfi" Ilt‘iH)‘. Willi um :xlipi-‘nrs tn ha'vehncome deg}; I” ”in, hnli'. i] “u: may trust‘ln thcevidenré} a!” Lim rillunii‘it‘nf ingnho, in “14- vmr 1047 r..i_\l.xlii )I.u!_i!«l.i in the stimuli of ilruges.‘ as' 3!!“ “a: Hamming fmm mun, skim-Id )ldl‘,l r dict] her in the dirt, 5.150 th her rich ur my, and not contentwuh these nulruy; struck hor II pealmlia‘. nml rude off at >{-f"e". This 'l‘Putnnic method of court uecarviing In mu- authorhbrought the to a crisis; for‘Mnuldn reizhc—r convm the stienglh oi William’s pasmon liy' oivnt‘o of his bohnvmnr, nr nhu'ul oi tor-mg a second hearing, cbhsent' come his wxfe‘. How ha PVt'l' * enier her presence ugni'n. nfl ries of enormitios, tin: chi-n not, and we arefit {1 10:3 to iv .Hahommaden Super-swim ,ne Mun-Onto tra. one of the most fanatic, seots'nf {slain ism, havejunt celebrated at Algicru the Im niversary of tihe birth of .MulmnwL 'Tha me n. wns A very exciting o'ne. Snm’e ‘nf Ugh] :ippiied their tongues to hot, iron ; 6Lhers performed the nxcrciitj of the tra peze on very sharp sabre blades; othhs ate scorpions, or piiiriggigiizirlv Melee-i of irori ihtoghei‘r eyes and mad? them‘siart from their nichiu ; and some enthusiasts capped all these perforgnmges by swnliaw~ ing the m'ost prickly leaves of the enigma.— Serpent, clnrmers also exercwed lilglr‘cafll ing; they made’ neclzic‘es and bracelats 'of these reptiles. irritating them, and thbn calmed them by playing on the flute. thus r'enden'ng them so tame that they went. in-’ to the men’s mouths without. duing any in jury. - * —->— ~‘—«ln - ~A,,_. “Greek Fg-z.”-Tha Army and Navy. ‘Joumal. considered good authonly in mih- I tur‘y matters, ‘doos not shale the [lbpulur’ opmjon as to the eflicary of “Greekfire”! as l a‘ means of reducing Clmflestop. It. éntler-l tuins the impression that. the atlempi ni‘l serve Lhe'innocent purpose of ticklmg fihel popular fancies. but 1t will hardly be seri- . ously considered by professional men. In I its last issue it. snysz "Untilfi-itxher the iron fleet can make its hay up to the city or ne'l can plant. afurbe on James Island large en'f ough lq march ofijt, we have hula Imm in, the capture of Cbarlestorl.” ll A A 7140 meeL:—A new as?“ was diwov ered on the Im. ultimo,;at 'mailles. by M. Temple. \He describes if as telescopic, its posifion being right ascension 9 deg. 52 min. “sea, a d declination 34 deg. 7 min. in the‘ cougm‘ an hour it increuod 5 mm. b vth in right ascension und declination, so that it seems to be moving in a northwesp fijsiireotiop. ' About. tbe‘sume time a at wnszperceivm! at Amieps, but does not seem lobe the same, since it “described as having 5 tail of an apparent. length of lwoWeu-es. whfle M. Temple‘s is telescopic, mm a. mere rudiment ot‘a an]. The Next Rise Fight—Ampng th’e passen gers of the steamer Cny of New York on Saturday Inst, for Liverpool, vs: Tim flee mm. a brother qf the Benjcia Boy. whq 2093' over to England for the purpose of nuléting in the training prepantifm ofth‘a latter for his great fight with Tom ng, the Engflxh champmn. for the stake at $10,900, the hu gestamount ever fought for in the prima ring. Heenzm h‘ns gone into training at Newmarkez, at the same piacé where Tom Sayers bud his quarters for the grant fight. in 1860. . How {a Dead Counterfeit Ffly 0011 i— . person: do not. know the c‘ounbu— feit sny cenllpoaul currency from the gen uine. There are marks on the spurious thunk if observed, mil at. cube show the counterfeit. On the counmfeit. the final “E," in the words "United States Postage,” over the head of Washmgum, is dropped, and the letter "5," in the word "Twawn ers," extends highet; up than the (fiber 1e? tars. Another test; is that. In the spurious, the “y," In the wold “Depository," dues not touch the border 0n the back of the note.—Pilqburg Chron. ' @The administration, if 'll. wow}: many more of ’ourbl‘ave Graven-£l5, m Ll 3? its suspenders, and make an unmmly‘ ~ bibition of uulf.—Prentiee. tw‘mflf‘ggfifi‘ 1 «.wrzm‘rwmrmmfwxv; P“ Im. ulna.” , A Snake .S‘gns:/.+“DI mid the speaker": army. One day ' weniin jenrch 01 'a swamp I fiaw of me, lying every appea foMy feet in f/amelvr. S( g the Flffi’h m in,‘ thérAn Ildered my'hm In vnscimfi 11m glhlmg a few leelqnht the Kgmund. whicl.‘ l'. ; ot‘ n 10'. it being‘some: .cth. nnd fixyut “foot in di nsitimé was I that I‘snw no“: Vflnitfl Jud}! no afiominn (0 i 9; I wautd have sw m beforp a Jim». that. it, 'wns n 10;]an noth- Ynu rice I nvvmf henrdmf sunken to shcl» hulze drmepsiomfl, and 1h? (‘nevor should have belidvpd ntCiH Well, between me and Nib Mg. as I it to he, was a miry place; which it was nnrv fur me to avoid. Initherefore. ml (he Butt. of my gun (m the gran“: mm mefnnd wringing upon it ‘.it righ- A top nF—vwlmt ( oyou suppose Z ’ “A bnn cons‘rictér,” said‘one.‘ ' “NO.” , l ‘ iDL' lmt a the fact court of i’ng'eh grow fart had "Just what I supposed it, tq be—a log." Eaid the wag. , ‘ i , -—‘+Ol*~ -—~—-'- Fellow Traw/zm..-.;l’Win you :help me out. ofthis mudehdke ?”‘- 'd altruvelling druggiat, who had just 1*: compelled :9 stop high-am in in mud- iole, 'liecause his horses robldn’g pulliit out. - “Nol‘van't Mom'said K,Yank99, who vi'aé hgavily londegl. band was fearful‘that he would\be toq late for the cars. . ; “I'deuldmkajfinhj grént favor. besigiés ‘ pnying- ” gnid the druggist. ”’1 ‘ ‘ ' "W 1 ' you loaded mth ‘3"‘askcd the I Yankee. “3 i "Drugs nmf u ' “I guass_l'H i . lam landed with n. .' They were. span 1 ‘ 1 man. ‘ ' . . ‘ ’ Jhllu for Lulu-s; G“ q Soul‘s—lilo!!!” ; from Furtrvss Monroe ~ ‘ys the foHowing 'rulea for letters 20in: S nth havé been ’ éstabliahefl by Major Gene“. Toner: a 1 1. No\;:t9r must exceed e p’age of: lAleWer she ,or relqta to qthor an'upurely dnmeszic m\ntters. 2. Everyjett "mustbe ' signed by thew iteg’s n‘amb in film 3. All ‘ ’rletters mus; be ygent'witbh five gems stage enclosed. if tq"go to Richmond, ant ten ‘oents if beyond. 4. AH‘ letters must b‘e n- ‘ .’nlosed lo the on manding gpnprnloft e Department of Virginia and North Cur ‘lfinu. M, Fuurg‘zss Mpn_me, max-1564011 the outei‘le‘ “for flag I truce.” No lettersent do any'nther NM? sstill be fo_r\vm'de\d._ : ‘ to be—’ wed to ch a sky; :1” 'snyelb ne." I ‘ Allleuers sent Eu a strict, cmn e.x_cept. Io: prism fizitted b 0 the den God's Providence! of the most worn! or filial afl'ection h ed in the letter of brother in the Eu “I [Jaye got. one of .tbe huhdsomest farms 'in tlneState, and h ve‘ it nearly paid 10:. Crops are good 1:3! prices never bener. We have had a most. glorious revival of re ligion in our church, and both of our chil dren (the Lord be praised I) are converted. Father go: to be rather an encumbhmce. and last Week I sent him to thcfpoo‘r house.” —~-4———-«¢»~-—~—.—-r- 4 Th: Great Organ.—'l’he “mat organi" as it is called, was inn/summit? at Mimic Ha”, Bo'ston, on Monday,’m'ch grand edlat. The performance of the évoning was arranged with taste and artistic pgopriety. Charlotte Cushmmf recited the dedicamry ode, and the wealth and faihion of the city were pre» em. The organ cost $63,000. ~ . QC” you read and punctuate these lines correctly, so u to erto them true? Every Scholar in this land Has twenty hails upon oach’bnnd; vae and twenty on hands and feet, ' 'And this i: trad without decfit. Wuodm War V 4021: (a be Rafi—The Navy Deparlmont is about" building 3 fleet. of wooden vessels nf-war ;‘ of 3.000 tom; burden 103 m completed wuhm 9 year. The much;- nery in already in process of construction. Twelve of these vessels are to be ClippH’S. built. mm a ocial reference no spaed, and carryingligfib batteries. The ether eight. are to be as swift. asWs compatible, with bmndsides of 20 mch guns. A For-[Median of Beauty—A New London (Cnnnpcucut) man has invented :1 Weapon that may be mwrted in the handlevola la dy's pause], and WI? drive K b 4” through an invh and a hell! p unk at Qbe dlstance of ten rods. Steel clad and armed WI”! these pal-such, the/jdurcreatureo '1“ be Invul nera‘ule. . ~ A ‘ 5, fl‘Tho‘npon. that; United States mu! ”expedigion ’bad landed 71! and taken pO3; kmo’n of Pom Izabel, Tex», turm'oul to be unfounded. ‘ ' ~ ‘5 r. x V ” 7 ' i M =II vowq i After .: “Fact part [hie] nether it's an d in . baffled 'sfac‘tory ‘Qmicul odicinm.” said he. \ ‘ to get you (mg-then, for eombflones.” "Welling together after !) fo‘rtress Mom-op; witha lmnce with these rules. 1': of war. win be trams- e . l,ttr Office land leza’l Ayegzion.—oae rlul And movenglinsmndel I receufly [Kg-afievelop- a man in ‘Hinois to his 3‘ ‘Thfe happy hum gays: El= • , 1.! AA. Ty o DOLLARS ‘A-Y EA 1: fro THE DEMOGRAGY or ADAMS , COUNTY. 3 Mn. Runnez—“W you perrhit me again to me the columns of your masg‘eXcellent papcr for thc purpoes ot" nddrer 'on a {_ew words more to the unflinching Dhmsmrfiey of Adams county, Thcsn’flre worilsiofcnn gratulutioir upon the success of oursvhole ticket. under circumstances highly 9 bar rinsing. in view of the many elemcn of fierce opposition that surrounded as. In ‘ our end of the county, although we h 11l 1d i' we township :1 little ov l . had' tokontentl with n luence. and to countor -d more than ordinary Icvernnce. (\‘till we lostl trough (he unbecoming i if a certaing’wucl: ‘thco- i insion‘s. wh proclaimed-l «that not 3 single mam-i tiould nor to the pnlls.-- l in nClOrinlt-rns such) of l. iuycd himself, in this '7‘ 'ordnnce witthio false l stump speakers. thnnl ind doctrinesfif Christ. 1 “we _ _.‘int eight out of ten in . ‘ H“) ' liirdifi‘erent congregationsflin our region ‘ ~ Y‘mehl o', more Democrats. and it seems plain to us j‘ 'Il: I“: l"'h"y' that sinister motivés le'd him to ,electioneer 1".” ”.‘N‘ ‘5 ing. - ‘ ‘ .- whd doei not he ~I merely mention this fact to thow‘t t'l :’9l:;},P":T'ue ‘.“mfl live'would have pollod fifty more \mt in L": I'] who I” not .\ iour’end hud “snot been for this iii ornnt l “r”. L if: $be11910"); 1 preacher of ( itics) the Gospel. is so 'l ‘6 tun 3 "in .sts. .sitnntcd in l. at he will he ii ' lyto' re-l ' 4 {main with ni’ . rcmnindcr t'..his;diiy.~i, ’fintl it'he‘sgain th s ofi‘the igoperflmbili. imsnts ofn minister the Gospel, Mid gets ' into tho business of ' ‘nncring. we will ' find sonic remedy to ‘in ot'su'chfiin lhecoming practices. are various .‘ modes of treutmcnt Ellllt. of which" is 'quite efi'ectivc in is case; l In connect?!" with this, \ itend with t influence of a lrenégnde D cents: or “War 1 locrnts.” if you please. Weme. ._ l M, how/Wei: to give them credit. for fluenc beyond the (listnnce of n “my; They joined lirat in the busi» disorganization. and imtfiuccccding intK )tlft us anrljoincd in with the Abolitiouit for revenge. ’l‘hcse inillvuluals were more ope‘ivid dcfi int tluringilia campaign just. closed than lornwrly. On‘o in particular. a defeated. defunct. now 'totslly (15nd aspirant for county honors, was Unusually E‘evuro upon us in his speeches. but [u flsunl failed ‘to elicit more than ordiniiry'nutice, and did us very little damage... . _ These you can take. by the hand“ niiil without any feelings of reniorsé. Sorrow or regret. say. farewell, farewell. now and lon evér, politically. Such campaigns‘ Where the people reniiiin nildlfll‘f‘n in their prim. civics. in the midstot'ciwl commotinndtnd {surrounded by n thou and tqrrprs 'on the lone side, to overnwe them. and ten tliodsnn‘d inducements on theother to draw their" .feelimra in the direction of tho ruling pow ,]ers. proves an unyielding (twotimi to liriu-i iciple. and is It traitiworthy of universal nd~ lmiratirm. Such has been the, character. lpoliticully. 'ot'the Democrats ofourcounty lin the post campaign. and such we feel war ;raiited in shying will fiirai'erguide them. in lspite oi all outsiide influences and lnEldfi in l‘trigues that can be brought to hem- against. lthcm. , ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ' it This steady devotion to biinciplo is ever i —~ ._.-. . ._..—.1... to be admired.- nnd while it has built up] fralnacting (It; ‘ll'u", by conniving unlit/it. Ro‘iuhlicsuit can stay tideii or destruction, ‘, Enemyt—ll‘ Amy one doqu W“ a portion on! drwc Wicked gun! mnblllflflf‘ menfrom .‘ot lelßepublicuns desire to pron-act thn power when they abuze the "TH! impr'idetl iworj in order to mitke money and prolong in them by tho peonle. This true devution ‘pos’itioh by its means, let him look to’ the} 1 is what tyru'nts hate and fear. and by it. ,rccent. developments in the New York Gus-1 they have been in pmt litut‘fi, und'will‘ in tom Hun-m, \vhnrh revl‘al..-\boliliou other: times to come. be in'ulo tremble upon thcir ‘holtlcrs, main! in the shippingol' wrpu'luvs thrones; and mom tliiin thw, this truc ‘(ta- ;‘ tuses; iiit'crnul mayhinc; utid warlike stun. J votion IS we untierilnnd it will sooner or jt‘or the use of the it-bcls.! '_ ‘ I llater build up. purify. bring men to repen-l In giving permits to cargoes to Motion A ‘ tance. tear fdnwn hcresics, drive cunning . and other rts., the collector requires _ men from powPl‘, and heal the wonndsvof‘a I bonds from 3:; shippers that warlike slob? great nation. We heir merr uy‘lrequently lure not sent tor Llic we or the rcbelu. ‘vl’n lthdt‘there is no Democratic party-ulna it ‘ these'casés. the stores wern’ 'ucnt‘fur that is gone, that. it is dead. ‘ ' _lpurpasglnd the bonds which hail been They might ju-tt as well an there‘ is no given havo disappcaredl They have been Bible faith—no true religion. 50 long .103 {stolen or surrendered to the makers. . the Bible is read, and Christ is recognized l- -‘-’ »- «.... ~ ~fi_ Y as the head of‘ the church, will mankind ‘5 IgWCZll.—Gr€flt men never swell. ‘lt A) continue to worship; and so long as the :only‘ the three'ccnt individuals! who are‘ Amgrican people remember that pan-iqts of ‘ salaried at the mic of two hundreddolliwa the Revolution and "57er their names, ‘8 your, who put. on airs und flashy Vestal, in a}; uiyqucnflhahlu thirst for liberty hum swell, pull‘and blow: llntl endeavor to give i their boson“. . ‘ ' tlicimvlves 1| consequential AppeurunceJ-s ‘ 'berty is the motto ot'x true Americans. "No discriminating IMHO" need nfistnke tho The \hnve‘tmted qfits wholgsmnu waters, "spurious for the genuine article; It‘is not and u ever jealous of the new)! who is- In the powi-r of huuniii ngcncy to mnkei" lwont. to destroy them. ’l‘his\is true Dir {snob anything more or lt-us than itsnob; mocracy. nd the motto 'ol' the Democratic the full. of his snobbishnoss Will shine thro’ narty.‘ W en once the purse and this :every mask and every disguise and mum 'sword have ethronwl reason, swnyéd uni- l "imitation; it is incorporated into his bones versnl domini u. blotted out of the inhum- .nnd written on his brow. He may déuoivo ries of mankin the brillmnt. cursor ol' the sentimental Knives and youths of de‘ticit-nt’ United States venriiieut for it 8113.00 of inIEIIGCL, but. penplgof judgmen will sets" three-quarters a century, then, and Lotl‘ hrough the shallow pretence antljc‘onzlemn till then. Will there be no Democratic or- it shoddy that mfmhf .pius t‘o‘ ‘genuiiv- 1 gnniution in America. What twine under élofli. These reflschinno are genentl—uog heaven is more glorious and upprupt’intvfor dealgiied to apyly to anybody hat-baboon. “ a people 'who love libet ty than Democrat} ' . -\f-- -‘ r ”"f ’~-—-—-.' . ,4 It. is the opposite ofautocmt, and “her? is Giving hem Rape. é-Said a merchant in ' 'the man in Amér‘icu that. would rather be lPhiliidelph" . to u Democrat. who express: known by' the mine of mlulillfil‘ than «but 39d his men '1" to wafer Curtin. "1 am ofthe former? Democracy is the rev‘neof surprised at y acourse. for the Republi ariiifocrscy, and hewho is not. an «rigocrat 02m. party is fie log the country to the in principle must ot necessity his one of m, (leVIl u! foil 33 it c' 50." "Tu“. ' replnid Whether he deem!” the numb or not: .we the other, “isjust w I vote for Cut-cm;- 'love freedom; wer N the name of our The [ample are mod. 11 they will never tnthers who died :- our Inheritance; we .como to their Bali-585 unt' the rain is com cherish incur box msnrespectfor the con- I’lfle- ‘ The sooner the $l6“. infill-Ab“ ’stitution of our untry.nnd4tegard it u Ora-9h COMP! the aetter. in! 3‘" “I. , our‘guide in the dmiiiisu'atiou ot the gov- “writers the power with which U"! an eminent; we (I sire an early and honorable sure W destroy tht-mselvei." .\_ ‘ . peace, and the restoration of the Union as l ’ a"' “'— in: was. leaving the domestic institutions of l fiA Dutchman m“ relutlng bk!!!” the Staten to be inaiingetl by the States .lououcnpo from drowning. when m ‘m : 'themselves; we are for a republican forui PU“ companion-i we" b“ by me u 3‘ : ’of uovrrnment, and in opposition .to the "'l3 0f 3m“ “"d be “We "'3‘ “"d' . encroachment: of federal power~fop liber~ of l':‘;n:8;:: did you compel 'uk“ “\3\ ty ol 2 eech. and trwdmn ol' the recs—tor “ . '- . . - ‘ ‘ trial b 5) jury—tor equal rights iiilclioming ‘ “If.” "all com 3" pote, ’m“ the Dutchv our rigors. and last. wring): not. leastjt'ora man 3 Plffflfli‘i‘ti' ‘ . 2 ca di ate for the Pi-esiibucy thtt mihbent “1"- on don't ‘ 1 Lb: presbn t Chief Magistrate of the b. 5., “lamb; you whisliswfi:fi}:22l;:ggs?’ Abraham Lincoln. ‘..1 ain’tteached If! t] -‘ n ’ ‘~ If this is not Democracy. ido not know l J‘And how do “in final? 033.. .. . what the word means. and hi: who helievu, .. - "l. n I m . . . . . lßyDbsethng that right workn for lIIIIP in the doctrines above stated “surely nu um“ day, while wrong mes on ”hi. autocrat. Mums. l Not much made by "1“ "km“. _- m S‘How neu akin laugmer ia to team was shown when Ruben», ‘with 1; angle stroke of bus brush, turned a laughing child In a psiuuug to qua crymg; and our moth ershmmom. being great pmnwrs, have one]; brought. us. in like number, from joy {.3 griedl‘ by asingxe strait-q; _ ' * . -'- ‘ WSocraLes termed Milosophy the prep- Amqon tar (188th but. qh‘oulqn :10an b 6 styled the patientfle‘ggquxga of: hfu?‘ —~ ——-;~- <n9vr:__— ._'»_._ , . ‘ 1, WA futhéf'apll’ea mm MWI‘CN‘YQ: d «.qu ”slug 53an “I: m.” ‘- 4;r' x In a print» letter written mama: why, Mr. Vullnnflglnin saw: "'1 Observe that Mr. Chase is making himself merry over‘my exile and dare-t.» Well. that ig all right too. _ Bun}! remintr h'pr when. a few yous Igo, the n‘ima of S« L m<m I’. Chase In‘ the synonym of every thing odious and vile} and win-n he mu nhe ofiho laden of. partv not number irig in the whole Unite-(l Sum-s one-tenth p rt. as many Qt” whirl; I received in 4 Ohio. at the late election. and poor and humble enough to b» gnntenz with rhe' cmms which fell from the colo’red pooPle'u uhleal the Baker street chapel. My fraud Mr. Jan. Brooks. remembers; 151 w. whpn he rescued Mr. Chase from tbevinlonce of a mob in Dayton, and ledhimfall lrembling lby the arm to a place of anfaty. Now, S;\_’ ”11th Chase is highjn wmflth and pnni tion. clothed in purplennd fine finen, nn 1 faring sumptunualy awry day,'while lam jum- subject. of his scoffs an an exile; But I lshull Iqu to see Lhe timowhen Mr. Chum will.be rent: to [nieces by the whirlwifid (which‘ho has cnmrihuted to numb Lo rain. and made the viqtixmof the ver mob in, {which he now triumphs and oxul’hl. as did I‘Belahuzzrnr n: hisfeul,nn«lylnen'Unole MW: pmrrlon' m,“ be of urliule v 1119 lb Suva . 9 hum} us-oner ‘Uncie Abe'u vngar'jm-la.’ { I muv lm’w tn ‘wutch and wmt' for 'h 3 time. but It will mme, and I sham who" L hat-home and‘in honor. Let him and h: frihnds [Hugh now.” _ ‘ ‘ -- - «-OA—uumw-w ~ . @“Cnpporlu-nd” mun harm firstgmfvh NO. 17_ ‘ 3 P3l}- (fie Compile-r? Inbo'am-Hed to the “pr‘hce me‘u." It. was linen extonded tome whole'Demobmfic and my“ native oppogit‘inn, not txco n'g the most ardent “War Damocruls.” For in atnnr‘v. the. 'l’ribyne says: ' . ‘ “0(‘82 cnulffiei‘in glorious ~ f' ~ed, only 14 give Copperh eaving (‘.Sfur the Union." 'ljh'e cnndidntes of H) ' w 'Gvn. 'l‘uttlpflm r' gal nt ofiimr in Q ' ' tar“ not being yet ( the New York P ‘( scn‘pa, 3d says; ”His enre ‘ .- ‘.he-md .QLI <ll 1 emrlnyt 'r lief. wr fr ~ rn. llf‘Sil‘l‘t we '2 l')’, n the n It vqu 'ut‘uHVm r km L: its [mliljfl' cf ‘ The‘re ls uoc a 1 ’ whd d-)e~x'nut liux ‘ t-l M’ :i Fugue villi}! 1 It in '..lef'," who Is glob . 1i omm I will‘ do! Abull"" I x ‘ . ethe'aW' ' . 4., VHbn - ‘ ”f }y ‘d'lk u : “V 9 V. x ”I x ‘ § ‘]_ ——-_.—4~ twf— ~ - \ ’ The I)firencc.——'ln kirk admirable appech .1! thhmtér, Govérnm' S vmaur thus 9 \a- § ly innllcatnrl xhe pur 303835 the two par ufidx. Ali was suiglm‘ Sir John C rely. his «Lama _ man? i: my good as another m n’s argualeut': “ We; praposeé" he said. “lo nfe’thxs war - for K purpose uppn which the. xole'North ; ‘ is urrlled—Jor n put-pow which ill draw to ‘ ' our standard hundreds uggl tho Bands of hearts in the Saul)», nnll yet blank. » ith low: [an ohrnld banncraml our old Cons ullon‘.’ (Cheri-s.) T/wy ‘propose that we ah ll qar- ~. W ("L the \v'li'r for purposes thnc we t the Nort cunnor unanimously coniarrb to; theymmyose not‘to put down rovol‘ut m, . but to make revolution; the): prepoue to f- a fer no inducemmrb for the rebelspo subm ‘? ~ the law», but they say to us and to (hem ‘ ‘We shall no longer have thejunmgly‘V . Cunslilulio'n for the preservation n! \ ‘.I'liPS hereafter as they have? been \\ ' baforu." _ ' q r\ fnd t 9 con ‘Th?!’ 0! Dam- office 0 ed u lbw Springfield . roldieg‘s. The It is stuted‘. ) who has con: mu State. - happenEd Olnoy n. few hours . strayed, and that, he were engaged in the made un assessment an. whold‘mmount _of‘. the 'p ed, and ordnred that tho; k each of them Should be dedut pay, zinul duly pnid over to y. of therflemld. Soldiem who u {may l'rq when sworn into the 1 'snp'port. the Constitution mud \ :shouhlhe the hut men to violate m 'ple lye laws under their feet. ! [lmm ; WINS told of Charles Lamb, thatx‘oii'c afternoon, having taken him mu m IM3'I ed oumxbur, a slum. gentleman lookodjn r nnd‘pulitely Mkrli.-- , . 7 "All fun insidl‘?" ‘ ‘ ' V,, ~ .« “I don‘t. knbw how it ma?l be if“: 61'." ‘ other . angers,” tux-Mere ‘: ~‘ Hm: )ufijece of oyst'r yia mdxfifi, ' , for an: 1" - ' '“”" ‘ W“ 4 fi’l‘m.k~;l—‘l _fTN.“ “.—Mm‘yvoh '26) / ,‘u .'W'r‘ . ~ pp, .ms'been brguubt ilflfo‘ :3 A“!!! : Uuurt to more that In «a‘i ' 1' m'ada hn wm. , _ 1 =ME .zamomcrem cum [Ftp-m tlu Clncimmtl EnquirorJ /g. “tum; ‘ ‘ 'on-men f”? . -’. ‘ _, ”on pefhends" ' (live, egciént and A’s army. But the ‘ru lomprehensive enouxh‘,' '1 gives it. u still ,Witk; ‘unnt ahould ghe Blzl‘lr‘mpper flee 'bn olcétcd, tin-y. would Al' Authority to delay. ir'nnt nltw me, Hm purposes of Lhnsn who isom-i M. once frm- l uf‘ m udthstralnm [null-t J . ‘ the side of the G-Jvei'nm: .v .. Inn in the-country, th- )1, \‘jve the Constitution ”1.. ml: nndn Covenant with ' “copperlleadff That \ts‘mui rebels are now -Bumn Courier. 01ft: DcatrJVcrl.——'l‘he printing, Ulney (IIL) Herald was dean-oy, ‘ ago. as we learn‘from‘lha ml. by a mob ()ode of wocntim) is not" mad.— ver, that (ion. Amman. of the soldiers in this Mentally to go imo’ ‘ the affine mu de tha spldian who' 1» arrested. than "(ham for the ‘ destroy zsed to an their orietor .rn as ‘eth ’ \Wr, 0 CZE I: 1 1. .’.' . ’ J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers