1 II gtfl'gzflmml. II II II i and: Rarch— Th: Mail: In. Erpm: an... m,_.{ provision of 15m ' has been in . , since the ’30“: o? Jun‘e lut. which. {whoa it comes to be betwr kuowu, will my guy ‘3.-c: the business of exprou‘com «his. so far In small parcel! ue‘ concerned. II the 'utiolel specifipd below may 13¢ sent .11 (be mailn (in packages not woighin'fibvyr (our pouhdn) for any distance in the'United Sum. at the rate of two cents (or euchqd ditlonal (on; ounce: or (racti'on ebe‘réof; (gaining thgjrfl ounces may be sent to; flour cents; $0.3 that 13‘ 19 My: , l , . i X’lmzfidus, occuliomd publicationé, book qnnnm-cript and proof lheeu, whether cor; non-db or not; maps. prints, engravings 3 Hankl', flexible: 'puucrns, Inmple cards ; phenographic paper. letter enVelopes. pow 1d l-uvo'opes or wrappers.» cards. pnpeg pliin or ornnme l. phonokrnphic repre~ ”nations of diffiypfl. send: cuttings; bulbs. roolajnd sci m, and 9)! ofiiqr matter which may by Impbe hereafur d'echred innihble. ‘..7 ' 2,5 Boundwka arqtaken It double the nbovg rcified' rate, Any hock weighing his 11m f 0 one?! may ho «ant for foul-cents, go. Thmstage must. be 'prqpaid by_zmgnps. 3mg, 3. pound of mustard seed (noe‘qu‘ne a Poun§fiay two grains lcss) may be sent by up'erstin in Milwaukie, or in Oregon. 59 fur lithe matter of distuncd‘idkonnerned. to i: friend in Eastport. Maine. for sixieen cents. The expren companies would charge at If»: n dollar for the same service. How [nguSqflZ'r in Wan—Even the brute . creation nédmmfil to bear their l'ulishnrt‘ 'of Life Kfisnrmnd ‘fiifiiuring entailed by war. 'Not all] mutt Ulmy face m“ flying shot rnndjhelihhnd be loin and maixnod‘on the field of girlie. hunhpygiggt snfi'cr in dumb agooyjtha pang: df'ffoi niing hunger.— ..fhxa'gzgismltyiof starvation is especially so-T DR. J“ H. SCHEXCK in" a Large Sumo: yoi-e‘ upon the_ horse; Of the ‘Army Of the 1 Rooms at .\‘u. 32 BOND SI‘REET..\'BW YORK, Cumberland, where il. i 4 impossible to hind Where he can be found eyyry: Tuesday frumJS) ‘- . .- A ‘ ‘ , ’~ A. I. 1013 P. u. "51ml m. J 9 ~.\'oth 6th are r. a snificxent uupply o-fforaga iron) 3 disiunce, Philadelphia, evéry'flgmday. r“ 1 , WhliPJbe country new at handy! thorongh‘ He lkeeps a lame supply of medicines a: his .ly'ileplezed, of this yr-an's cnip flireally.— 'rooms, which can” be hmf at all time . 'l‘hoée 'liundredi 0f unhhuh hfl‘ve comequeuflv l \V'Shlll;; ndviccor an exxuuiniiiuu of he Lungs . d , ‘ 1’ , l‘l . ‘ ‘6‘ ‘ {will du mall 11; call on him as n ave. 1i“ '6“: of'nctuqi shirvipoxi. “m L:2am n "”5 lrflnkca nolq‘hnrge lor ndvice. hut l‘oraflhorough aro‘pitifully g‘iunbnnd l'eun. A cprree-foumiuuhunwith the Btspxronreteiflhis yiii‘e 'mmient, wrilin from Chicknmnu :1, sn 1.: ”‘5l - ‘ , i i ,1 E .hn d g t “ r‘r-q arv : fy ‘ Blah-ransom nrenirmd to have their lungs wen“ :1 qmq era In ‘ ' b' 3“". "Piexnniincd by Dr. Sclienvmfur {9211' they will $1031.11 '“Wnnf‘fl: [W . film") "- l' 'ls‘“ '9‘ 5,, be found incurable, and by than! men a it is'pitt IFWCQ Bhowa his him In mlvl .re In}. Char-19” untiLfit is we late. “my mum hollow t guru that Worn_ wont to NW“ in the 19p Offlfould be m know their comlmnn u once. as Al‘l‘miy" and 1““ d""" “P 9"“ .l‘f‘d" 0‘ hay liby Khundance Ois'xvidsfil9. Dr. S. imnéuhowin and “th. DOW fm‘kr- “1“1."_””§f‘5l "‘1“ omptv | suificmn! certificate; II) this (,‘lly that he has ‘racks. nnd chgw lance full: in defigulb bricuredmlmncsd s‘nges uH'nn-unyall n. a corn ears! The sunny wnzom are mifamler-i Dr. Sw_lien<-l\’~i ‘l’rincipalplficc ‘is[39 South _jng eyjdencen ofunnmlmed mule nppcti -s‘. SIXTH Street, I'Jlliddeipllla. l’u.,\vh_ re lencls Every glide .lwml. Lnl lmm‘d and Inn lie for udvicc shyuld niwngs he diroclml. ) ' , hamsm‘arks‘nf hup-zrv t'w-th, and m.my"ofxi Price oflhe I’I'LMONIL‘ Syrup nnd Sn Wimp {hand (lTil-Ciml iii-e immeil away till n'mln'ng; Tonic enrhsl per inn-tile or $3 the, hull‘dnzcn‘, hut. thri @iis— and arrows remain“ An fir?“ Mfi‘lm‘l‘” l'fl‘fiv ”Ten.” Pel "‘HZ». i lxiy‘gizra Cumberland horse will was him- 1 EMS“? l'.“ nllDrugngs ““4 ptarekeepers; ‘ Fell“ ire frnm ’nn crxlxnnry hitchin‘h pns‘, "3i 591"" 7, “555) 11a 7 ‘ fifteen nnrint--~. mud a flood sxzod waann ' ' ’ ‘.‘bnd wilhhe «leyuur‘li hy a hungry tnnm in .one night. An officer nrrxvmi In town the 'otbézlevnning. and anmgting a dnrkey,_in qlfiré‘lilnfhim wlmreJh'e cnuld flnd nee-1m» _{mldt (ind for his‘horse. “Don’t know. ml), "bOthG’cqmmniluiinng. anr-nco mils iw 'nil gono, and d;ir ain’t. nothin' for 'om to but nny mq'l‘P’. nhh’a few hnrn dnm‘q nn' we want. diff" fqr‘the (lvnernl's hOrIPi." Suv 'eni times {within Aim past week I have sePn horfiefisnnnlwwapnpers from the hands ofyriulspccting nlliucrs and men, apd day ‘ vain: lheni grecdlly. “=1 ' l 5. jaw—4‘ u..~———~——- . 1 A A. Glppcréead.—Tresidoub {Lincoln snid‘: in hit: inaugural :, “anpily the human 'mind iln‘isb cdnstituie'l that Eh party 'on, trawl) lthe prudac'iiy 6f denying any right; .'plniniyyritten 1n the Constitugion. Ifhy sany xiierg {fires- of-numb‘vrs, a majority -Ihould’-deflrive A minority of .my nlesrly written conititutionah right. it might in a ‘Eno'ral-{lpoint nfiiew justily revolution.” It‘il quitg evident 11ml. President’ Lin- ICOIIIII. if he éofilinufid lo hold the name doc trinei noinmulii he (flanked by his o_,vm friends. ns‘n copper-ligand Senator thso} am! Me Poor Mam—We +1.15%"?de {rubljshpd mile of [hp insults 10$st Yogi: utiered by Seiumrfivnlsnn in In ap€€g§ [at Isrunpwick, Maine. ‘7’ Here is nnotheg‘j-‘emurk frfim th'eJip; of this Aboli , 2k? Mésénpinusetts Soxmtor : { 2 “AN? noxm'r POOR MA}: THAT CANNOT 'R’AISE THREE HUNDRB‘ED 331301111535 HAD BETTER (30' TO THE gum m .: . x ’ This from Hie nuthorfiofthe Cnnucriptirm _nct was utlered in a speech at. Ulica.‘-Ncw 'l’ork World. 8- . '. ‘ ~—-——-—.—~ CW ' Bedtmj’tion of Go JABaqm'ng (‘crtifisatts.—lt in spam! thatthe-U. S. Trpssurenflen. Spin ‘neerg recqived/orders to redeem} when ever présgnted, wimjfircerrgat to due. p.ll hold-bearing vcert‘ificatéfi' of ing'qbtedneu falling d_u'o',between tfie present. date and :the '3d of' MarqhxflTbe imount ofthe in‘ter— we“ on’theuo‘grfificatesia Over foul- millions. Public Sale. X SATFRDAY, the 2'.” day of NOVEM -_ BER next, the subscriber, Execmor of "th )Aqt up: and :estament of .\largn ret Bower, 'decu’sed. win offer at Public Sale, on tha‘ premises, thqynxfivided imueet (one-half) of aid qécedou: ii: A Lung, sim‘m‘e in Hunting: )on‘ioirfi‘u'fii», .Kdégns Eouuty.’ adjoining land: 'of‘mdlfiel )finwfljoaeph Trimmer, Adam A. ' ’Gmp‘” and‘ Samuel Bowen containing 80 ‘ACEES. mhre or less, with due proportions of the best of Timberland and Meadow. The improvement!" at one and a halt Story Log HWSE. Duuble Log’ ”Bun! Com Crikt7 and a dde'nnd 3 $151?“on Tensnt House. There ‘lre “11-'93 etceflent spring: on the premise!, , with two Apple Orchardg. and other fink..— fl'ho lud in m good'cond'niun and—the fencing ' £0033 ~ ‘ _ “jizp, A TRACT OF: LAND, con'aining 4 Aer |_,‘ moge or leanl adjoining me above—.ll} clen‘i‘gdCV‘ ' 2‘; _ m 4. ' - A ‘ #fig other halt-interest in the“ tracts wilt lee o’n‘euéfit the sanic'timc. ‘ ‘-n-,snu . ' onm-iench at 1 ,b'clock, I'. M. ’on ma day; fie’fi'nitenduce will be gmnund term made known by ‘* “"41 " '. SAMUEL HDWEB‘, Executor; ” L. w. Hell;es,3}.buiduc‘u. 7 my. parties: a v , Gettysburg Marble Yard. * $83.8 A: BRO., IN EAST YORK STREET , ‘ ETTYSBURG, PA.——Where they are ‘- Fwd” furnish'nll kinds of work in lhein Witch,“ MUNL’MENTS, TONBS, HEAD STQ ‘ES, MANTLES, &c., at. the shorten-Lt no. fiat, Ind al‘c'henp as the cheap“. Give us I ’odl ‘ . - ‘ meduce taken in uchn’hg'afor work. Gem-burg, June 2, 1362. u i ”I _~ 7* Meat. , BAX; SHOULDERS ‘nnd SIDES, of best filtlit], lud‘_chea‘p,. M 7 , " - ‘Auhgf.’ (.59. l'. LALBFLEIscg 3; ' h. Tamas celebrated Derby Condnion _D Poitier for Hordes uld Us“... (or uh. n DEEQRNER'S Dru: Sum. L u_r_._‘.',- -._._;_ ~-—~_—-._.._—_. “LIXBRY QOQDS, Bonnepsf Ribbons, I'Huwer'x, Shhkers and Bonnet Frames ugcnoeiud'h-om New York, Che-p at Fabu- OI ks‘. lign 9f the ’ RED FRONT. “mt“ GLOVES, br‘nu and no 9, an Wm challS“”‘ - soméx's. ‘B . , uML 1.32:)1'54-4‘ Kate, where I‘m] ‘ {Jame ‘ce Salmon! Boon T" "A! ‘_» ‘2"? . Manama."- ’ ‘ u El g Séhenck‘é Pulmonié; Mp ' - I'm. cc" " CONSUMPTION. {Sensors PLonqu SYRUP mu. can mXSUMI’TION SCBENCK’S FEWONIC SYRUP mu. ecu CONSUMPTION ._..... { SCBEXCK'S PCLMOXIC SYRUP . Jun. can . CONSUMETION SCHENCK'S- SEA WEED "TONIC mu. cc’nl DYSFEPSIA ? [.écnzxcx's SEA WEED TONIC . * ‘WILL oun ' ' _ DYspgzrsu. _a , O 5 . scuzxcx-s SEA {BED roxxc .' mu. Can . x » Drspnpsu. - .5“ scnsscxs SEA \vn-BD‘Toxxc - WILL CCRI ' _ . ' ~ 'DYSPEPSIA. - ' ,_ . ~scns§crs MANDRAKE PILLS i WILL CURI‘. 3‘ ' LIVER cpMngx’rs. ' squmcx's .\IANDI’u—wfi‘I‘JLLS ‘ - “3):. cm: ;‘ jLIVER COMPLAINTS. '- scuEx'ci's Human}; PILLS “u L cry: LIVER cwvflxrx'rs SCHESCK S ‘MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CL'IH: LIVER COMPLAINTS. _ _;, lee Us a Call! ?. ODOR! & GlLLlib‘l'lljllmve jnat recpired C u ln'irge nnd splendid sunk m Ne v Goo which the; an: selling ns c—hFNp us {the limdfs will ulluw. Their sun k by lmcn selected will: cure and is of as gnuri u qulin as 11.0 mnrkll-l lel allprd. SL'GAIIS. we lnn‘c all lliunlLa, Hnrd and Sol'l ('rlfihcd. l’uh orizlelrJnnlanH. New Urluuns, l’urtu Kim and Culbn. TEAS, Imperial. YmTu’g ”_\‘sun mnl Blm‘k Tcus-= MO I;AS-‘ES,NCW Ollk'lllll‘. l'nnu Rica and Syrufw: The hI‘iL'HND TRflIN loaves Gt~lt_\.~hnr;: at of rhll'ercnl. kinda. fIIUIIACQHS, to suit all ‘ l 16 l‘. il.. with p;\::cngers for ll nllimnre :m-l liners of the weed, Fought“, Sl:un.".\':u’y, \YuN‘lllllJltflL l'utdoncers nrrive in Hullini-iro (Lu‘endiah, Rough und Ruddy; N..lnr.il Len‘f, A 153“ I’. .\l. 1.4 me ilultnunre :it‘fl ‘P BL. and Mnl Fine ('uls ; Sihokiwg.‘l‘ub.\c~‘o, 13 dill'crulil argue in.\\'asshi'n§.:ton an. ill l'. .\l. l’nsacngrr; kinds; il’ll’E‘, a hug» tin l- lino ,num?ml ni ; ' (urn film [:0 lul'Ymk and llxrrimurg hy lho SEGARS 0" various brand's. VOA l Ulb,scmnd lrnin.’ Anive in llu-rr'isliu‘rg: ul Till“ l’. LA\IPS and Shades, we have the but hasort- ’3l ' A-RlerlS nt Getty-shun: n!» 53“ l'. \l:, meui in the pine, which we sbll lnw; nlso, a with plsunm rit‘rn-n Harrisburg, l’bilmjt-lphizi No: 3 article 0! CO3l Oil: ll.\.\lS, pbjn um] and the .\‘mlh nml We“. " . ‘sngnr cured, Slum] lets nntl‘Sules. kaI'IL'RJJH‘ Wl’nist-ngers run louvp Philadelphia by [he bc=L qunl'jgipwhich we ulwaysrgu ”Hub-9% way 01 llJlLilnun-ul 4 A. .\l.. uu-l urine in Cfldnr-wnre. Tabs, Bin-Reta, Wntor Cum, 65c. Gotty~hxzrz all 1 l‘. .\l. ‘ 0r lenvc still” A. .\l., We nlso keep Nu;ions. Confections. Friuil‘sdby the l’minsylrnniu‘Cvmrul m Philadelphia Finh‘ by the small 9r by lhl.‘ barrel, SulliSnil‘l-afiand llmtltmlt Railroad, and nrrini iu_ (‘u-uya- Chocolme, Starr-h, “lurking. indigo, (“nah-:5, ‘ lmrz in. 5.30 l‘. )l. ~§L .\lcllllßDY. Soups, Curry Comm and Cards“; larg‘c “mil-l” May 11, 180,3. ' President. mentnt‘ llrushc..§’mskeli, Ronns,l’_‘firv‘.s, Cratk- --'- 3-1" '-—-'—"—A -- ~ ~H -- « €rf—wnre,kc.L mvn US A C.\1.1:! -'i To Disabled Soldiers, ’ ' “e"wmzv My “1 1863-“ ; ' qnmmx' AND MARKER .\VD wmmvs, it til: ()TlllZß HlilßS 0F 'l‘llOQl-I \\'lll{ [dl \\’li Dll-ZDgH’. llluFA‘ KILLED lS TllE‘h‘l‘lll- H’l‘l—E'Zs—(‘um‘glfi Tut'xsu, Atmmvy rnr l'luim unls. llnunly Lam! and Pvniiun Agmt, “’flpll ia‘ulon (fly. I). l‘.—Pmifiioni iirnFurod‘mr Sol fllFTi. Smmvn nnd “Mine: of lhwprrsvnl \mr.‘ ‘ whu nrnl disabled by wagon of wounds rm-exvct‘l '.ur disx-nse mntrm‘twtwhile in sorvioe.and l‘x-né mom, Bounty Morley nil? Arrears nl'Puy oh taimfdjor widows or m. ér liflrs PHhose vi‘ho Wit: died>or Lu-cn killed whilé iiijgxerviro. f Bounty Land procured fl" serviéns'in any of in» qthcr wals. CHAS. c. Tm‘lam, ‘ s Washington, D. G. ; J- C. N: ,v ‘.\gcnt, Gettysburg. _' : i\'ov.l,lB.L ;.‘ ,' “ Salisbfi’r'y Bros. 8: Co., ‘ 0. 3T DURRWFF. STREET, nun! . . a. \VEYmum-zr STREET, PROVIDENCE, B, L, { Propr'mtn’ré nf nne or l'wmod extefiaiv‘e JEW ELRY, MANUFAU'FORIES m the Sushi? Smtesrbég to ml] the attention of the bn -‘ mimit‘y generally 'h the‘ very SURPRISING CHELH’ RATE M whjch \he)‘ :Iré ofl‘hring their goods. Lu- Jurpnsfiln‘g bnth Fora-iii, Kind D 35- mestic Manufm-lulcs in point of elegance nnfl reuldummlify! ‘ \\ 2 - rm: .INS'I‘AN-Z‘E': For FIYTLIN Doituns, we forward? n-icrly ‘ carded Rudipnclred in good order, tlyt- following} .1 - . eno mous quantity 0! Jewelry, equal in finis‘fi ’ Corbe 170 the‘Fmr! . g n giguedlfigldtanzd 9‘ol u; bedrocoznizefi [ ND DON'T thgn'lrrovgmmxASFT om 0“ y y 0J1"?! 0"I 5f " ' RIDGE .\‘URSER I-IS.— ergons win ing .‘1 SgtAEnamel v?“ Chm“? 2 “PW‘FIWQ'L 0 Plant Treks will find «he stock it. the g'mund “510 PH“; 4 Rf" Rings t“ mulch i 2 12""?er renmrl‘éhly'fine, n‘nd offered at reduced prices. Plus if E“? RIM” to mfllchfi ’2 {’lnl" PIN 4‘ The Apple numlwr§ 100 vnrictlos, embracing Ear Rings to BRA-(Ch; 25 Ladles Rlngw, Don le’- all the. approved surh‘. . Heart and a “new of rmttcrns ;50 Union Em-i N. ll.—§ee the index hoard ncnr Florn Duff Meme; 50 Scar} pine, Plajugmd lmitgtinnCornl- Post office. ’l‘. E. COOK A; SONS, f: 2 Double-Glass Lockets, engine-turned ; 6 Box , 591,1, 2' 1351; - Propriaom . and Gl-is‘s Pins for portrait. or huir;'72 assorn ] _.--—_-_,;,__._. .._,___.,___ ed Lgckcés, Hg}: and Shell Charms, Ind 6 Bang; \ ‘ Ntfice. . BMeleLé-fill for Filteen Dollar‘s. A colleen ‘ x Q . . .‘ __ lioix of tliis kiqd, wh.én plfced in lhn hands of! JAgmmgfirx Aif‘ztié Efgttfen'of Lfifforl: 3;).znfisg‘ggrfifinldifgfigfifi’sfingb"‘o "m" { Si hwifilz. li;_!c oyGermnuy ui'pu Adams co., d;- ’ Cum] “6 co tainina full-inf- M. Tascd‘ hm‘mg been uran'led tq the. under ‘Prices oolngzwds ncan he‘leubmiuertl’rupnlno “will; ”film": in‘léountljroy ‘°“'“51"P:d”;)e)' . ’ . r z are Iy. give notice 0 a persons in el rationif Syd“: b: 211 ml, Teleyraplx or??? ‘9ll L 6 saiil esméc to make immediate pl)- rgspeotu 3‘B?ngth BROS t 00 inn-m, and those having glaims figuinst the , borrance& 67 Weft-loss“ 5‘15 '‘ l sump tmpreseut them properly authenticated June 2%3} l‘roriéomli, B: l. I ,for settlcmi’m. ' E. a: a: 'l'. Anthony, .11 * l I ANUFAGWRS 0F an‘oeunmc 121‘ MATERIALS, 501 nmnmwn'. x. 334‘ I ARD Pgorooanua.—our Cnl’nlogue now _eui-T braces cpneiderubl‘y over‘Four Thousand gist“; en: subjeq‘ts (to which mldniou are coqti L—‘ 1y being rind?) of Purtruila of ErlmineugAmeriF cans, elm, viz: 7‘3 Major-Gepenhrwofßria.‘ Generals. 259 Colonels, 84 Lieut: Colquoll, 20% Other Oflicers, 60 Navy Oflcers, 525 St‘uesmonii 127 Divine‘a, “‘6 Authnis, so Anna, :12 Stage, 46 Prominent Women, 147 Promihenz Foreign Portrniu. ‘ _’ . ‘ 1 ' 2,500 Conn 01! Won: 9: A". including reproduction: of mainland ulghrnud Engrav ings.,l’alnlim Suwanfc. Caulognen sent on receipt of Sump. A arder for One Dozen Pictures from our Cpmlbgue will'be fillo’d on receipt. ofSl.Bo,>and sent. by mail. free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. 0f the“: v. 5 magnnlncnure A great. imagiuy,‘ ranging in price‘from :0 gen“ $0550 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputatibu of being slfperionn‘bcnuty and durability (quay others. The smaller kind's cam be sent safely by mail a a pastime of six centrper oz. , The more expensincan be sent §y express.‘ fiWe ulco keep I large nssonmen!_ of STERESCOPES 8: STERESCOPXG VIEWS. Our Gitalogne of these will b- aent'to any fad diess on receipt. ofStnmp. . , ‘ E. a: 11. ‘l‘. A‘xmoxv.‘ ‘ Manufacturer: of P/lutaymphm fiatm‘ab, 501 Bnomh’n, Nin- Yonx. r Friends'hr rellui'es,of prominent. minim-L men will co'nf‘ar 3‘ {amt by‘ten' ing fi‘a'lh'e‘r Wf— likenesses to'copy. They will baqkep! careful; NEW FALL & “’ng 6099“ HA Z 0“ I’. “a ”mfg,“ uninjured. : .4 assortment 03“ tall and \Vlntfll‘ qudu _u in“: ALBUMS mm: TO Oman for Can;- , elm-p 3- the cheapest at A-SCOTT 3: Sun‘s gregnions to present tar their Puslofor {6}" Other pm'puses. with suim‘ma ink‘criiyti us, &a.' i Al 2. 24, 1863. 8m ‘ \; , :5 - I ‘ HEAmerican Excelsibl" Cofl'cg nnxd‘ Bums. for sale M. Dr. R. HUFNER'S Drug Starr. ULLOQE'S LEYAD—‘ha purrsl. and , Lest baking pdwdbr‘in_ use—d Dl’. I; I URNER‘S Drug Store“ ' : I L. SQHYCK has v‘nst rhc'ved A 1 t u!‘ J. dm'g qufitz IGi’uue‘S. ‘1 " ‘ 9 -' ’ _Vr.‘ ’ l .- .3 ~. ' ', «u, i .\ ’ ‘ , ‘ , ~ _‘ . . ‘ . 5 > , l ~3 ,- ~ . , New Goods z—Large Stock! Fancy Furs! v ; READY ROOFING. r l , -~CI 3 . ~ \_ 230313;? uxnonmo. ~ ; pax FAEEmA, 118 mm sham. by. 0.; n lAIDEN LA“ . f " 7”] WDI ' ' JACOBS t BRO. 4 law, 81h. lonth side, PHILADLLPHIA, ' _ ’ . . 2 l . . ~ zucw. max. - w" ‘ have just “find from the cities 3 lurge Bock; lnpporulennnfuclu . l . _ , '. . , I Nvuovvv oovum oovvvovof:;2:::'o{°' “W“ *v;:;z<.“"‘:r"*;':'¢"( mm- mm- v- mor .5 mm, m swnmvvs . ,Locuzo xx . ‘ - 1 v \ t‘_ , . ~ ‘ ) . PHILADELPHIA, ' LLOTES’ « I‘chs’fgn‘nd'" I ftlaick nd‘nronz woven fubrlc, lnvenud Ind I‘INpALL‘BLK’ - . g u». CASSIMERES, Children s Wenr. ‘ y . L I N I M E N T , _ I*. 5‘ saw" “mu” ”m" ‘"' vzsrmcs i um: u. Mm a ‘‘ ' '1 1 -. i . nu ' 2‘ ‘5" York on”Broom“;Albmylgéuyfnhlo’W('nuinm, ham he with many cures-‘3’ odn ‘ thunk! to 1m: trier :nlmnnfnetlfld from: yo' “"9"" ““’ ”do GREAT REMEDY ‘ ' betroit Cleveland C icsgo an L. ems. q ‘ , , ,' 3' I ‘ . ' g N _ ~ 1 ' . ' . l f erm and summ r wear. ,ofAdnms and they , _ . I A V "QOk'knpmk. PCFTmliumpl‘l Congerauli-Ji 05mg,- 5" P'Ppnrcdcso make up gnrmen lu ‘ ronnding counties. ‘ w “u"! time: thicker “1n Illa cotton {hen-1 FQfi BHK‘WATIS‘W 'GOUT, I“EURAUIHLiv kAI-llbmellc. Commer‘cm 1' “w‘ horn“. or ~Hire ahqncst notice. end in the very best an- .their‘rery libeml x ‘_l n 1 nut! in alf othc" ,_ . LKIHAGG, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, . ”we"? if" "”5”“ y :"ugl “ m n'ernl‘ ner. The Fashions are regularly recciVed.Lnnd lroulKe etuudeé ‘s’“ commo ‘2' i ~\ r “mm?“W / SPRMNS, BRUISESSCUTS AND‘ " l Th"? ”‘19:“ being "m er {'s ea. e ge. l "clnlhihg made in anv denirexl sulo. ‘Tluv‘ al- ime durinzphe hut : v‘ a ' 1' . “T'UNDS- FILES. HEADM‘HK, snd locnl management, and uranium 23c : t Ic‘, . ‘ - .v . r.» v , d- ‘ “fins, uni conseq chtly far more durgfih. g. AND AL! 11“ C i {adv-mtg“ of all of," grain “mum." for ma): make ncnt fits, wlulul their “mm; uwe gotta, u roul’d : ~ /_ unn' 111:3“ "fuggfiqhb ‘ impflung iu’uumon than n", um“ similar"oeriui’xglé‘L-nummnu of the public‘s rm- :3“; 9‘: :13:- «Jf'm: : : From "'9 '"Wnor ”'M‘M“ °r éhil duthxti .l ‘ 0 ma“ " ' iustllulloniin the country. ' V ~ ~ ‘ ‘ .‘ , v . . _ _ ~ . . . i. , . \ l . ~. . , n. - . - ~ b L 4 0d r:e own m: orunon and Mlmlfuuun a \rH 9: ' . . for all of which it in.» n eed Id» f A bchoiqrs'fiuali‘qned by any one Isgood in all i Lgoanrliz,t;e::l‘rre£. )' £OO4 we! an In I ‘ lensive :ssorlmenlo! ull ‘lhedlfi'clenl kinds and . IlichlV“: m ‘.M‘rath" . far greater “9094 Mt remedv, ""1 "9"" "ill- ’rhli“ Lifiimktfm or In an Imx |’ une. , . . . . . ‘ . . , , A . , , .9 . v - . u‘hueo of l n-‘ Furs. 10! Law“ 1‘ “1 ‘4'“l' l . . , fired Irom'lhe r Inc at Dr. Ste h 8 The Pb‘indtlllhif'.c°lktge h” ‘befn re 3 } GBllzibl-"g, A?!" 7' 1362 ’" t ‘ ' 'l'"—' 33ml thatlwil‘l be: worn dining we F“) M {he “11".“oncomposmon, 's'“ "he“ “\"hf" I()lrumerlicutv, “Rein-mom hone 31.51:, 31315.0: enlarged "M rdwuwbedm A mpenor ,' l ' Eureka, Eureka. ! Winter seasons. 2 ' . . , ‘ ‘\ 1 been ual-d in his practice for tfi‘on lhnn hung {ad in new lhelnrgestsanri {rum pr‘ u Being“the direct. importer of all my Fn d with the lire-1W0?r “2‘“"8 0" “l “Urn“. . years with me mon‘utunislnng aucceu. ' ‘ (ommerrlal Irismuuo’n 1n I'llng‘ilP. B k “70m Europe,|nd havingthemnll Munul‘lplured; .. 1 . ..« Bryn-til h btrntwii left-9‘ol Teftlv A 031: under my OWD .uperfision—‘Einbles me go otter resents ‘he mql} completely feigned—nail. '.\ A! an Alleviator oanin.'leiunrlrnled embrncmg {soot-keeping-Conimezna dI ; my‘. éuuomeru and glue public a much hnxid- , s , ‘ iby “y "”_lmnmon before fl" public 0! which menoannd commercml Law, lurrsa e, an len garner Sel.nfl"un tor the same money. ladies .n. confident, molt durable {005,18 nqw tl'b‘mfiile'tpliu—i‘l up" be Eonvinced’b, . I. by mill. v ‘ we.“ El“ mg a call before pfllcl‘NlSLugl—A' _ ‘ eglo trial. - . Please rcniember thepnme. number Ind tract-1 In. ‘lt ‘needl no finnl :0: applied “‘3 the » , v ‘ JOHN manna, _ i ‘ -~/ ' x L No. 718 Arch SLL Philaficl hm/ 00!, u all other kinds do. I , 3E?“ N, 1863. 50: ~— 1 ' f . - . ‘ 11‘ IS “READY" Ty/rgug. DOWN I BE “ EXCELSIOR WASHER i_" i; nc-I f knowledged‘l’y all whOJee it,'to b thei most complete, and without exception, the out“ Huerfect Labor/.Su‘ving Washing Machine ver'l l before invented. Its superiority over all Ila-J tern cousin»! in the simplicity and dura ilityfi lofilsxeudtmrtlun, the rapidity nnd comp ete-i lnen ot/fts workmnd the almost incredi‘v use 5 ‘lwith which it is. mnnnéed, A child. ttni lye/ore. FOSEEESInZ urvltnnry judgmentgnn l urn , {to work it in five mtngtes time, and manage xtl in well as a grown pyrson. excrptt‘or K‘eryi {llem'y goods. In a word this is the mufliine‘: what is destined to take the plxwe of every the! 'nola in use. Persons intending to get a ma— lchine will ‘find ‘it. greatly to their ld -l tap: to examine this one beforje‘pur’chnsi . ‘ The undersigue-l have pnréhused the‘l' tent,l {Right for Adams County (expepting ouo utwn- : 'thp) nail are making emenait'e propa-rnt nns . SHOE xFlthlß‘GS, _ ifur their manufacture. Bwrypnchine wi‘ll bel . _ CABINET .\IARER‘S TOOLS. Ignilt in the best mnnm—rnu: :nrmnufi. JEi-ge ‘7 l rm; 2‘ . ; y'v ‘v '1” I‘d 00. n cannot-tion wit tis mu- 'nel en.“i " . ‘Ht Lbl E51113}; g;¥ffi;,:skc Tm a Patent \l'rin‘grr' which perform! thus la- , f GROCERII‘ES 0p ‘Ahli I‘m-“s' ' "borious [nut of mulling with the gxealrst case ‘lill. I’diuta. m." k,; There if. 1.50 nrtirle in- t nnd lunch hatter than 11. can he done by ll’vllld. ‘ r! lied in the sevcrul departments muuiu‘nelem‘)’ may he “11-““911 ‘0 a common “ “‘l‘ Aline but what mm be had at thin Stnre.s—lT"l" ””1 ”e .30” m!“ ""5 "”91”.“ or “TV Ever-5' class of Mechanics) can be M'corhmmlnitetl inrutely an dt‘nin‘ed. lbutnpleq’ on! each may {"5l here wilgtools‘nnd finding (1 Hansekl-‘op- » seen at our (mll‘q-ry. in hint \ on}: 5:16.203, tipping ers can ud every article imeir lino. (live-l 5““ the limit, “el'fshf‘figx'l’w- . us a call, as we- u‘re ‘prepared wise“ as lowifurll‘ ’. ‘ l‘. 5"“ BRQTUEP‘IS‘ cash be any other house an ofthe Lily, R f June 8:1853-; _ v _. 7‘ L _ , ‘ , '_ .l El, 11. DANNE‘: ' ‘ . ' x mm) zumum.’ l The Old and Rehgble. fl, “ ’ TEW SPRING nouns. ' . h SMALL PROFITS & QI‘ICKESALE; \' J. L. St‘lllt‘K‘ would respectfully say to the citizrns of I lysliurgz and Tit-inil)‘. that he is ufiw rec: at Ms" store-n splt-mlld , ' ~ ' w STUFF. 01" SPRING GOODS: The Slut'k rituals“ in ytmrt of Funryl Staple DRY GOODS, 9f every nestriptiu! SILKS, ‘ . ‘ - _ ' .\IUZA .\lfllQl'E, CH‘HJJES. ‘ Ltl-JLAISI-IS, , ' ‘ nonnAztxns, ' » “ ALPAH‘ \s, ' LA\\‘.\S, ‘ CALll‘l of s“] qualiliu nnrl rhnirost ,Jtylva. whit-h b 6 sold at l'lllf'l‘lS TU DEFY lleH’l‘l'l'l-T‘ _ l'ln'liVl‘SlllNG ”HUD." ‘ of all kin in, “Mu-Indium Silk. Linen and (‘1 Handkerchit-h, l}|n\'«.~,_§lm‘hit]us, 211-. ‘ ' Also, it splendid "Sloflltll‘lll or lilllll‘ Lines and Edging-4. l'mhh-llns .{ml Puruw .\ly stocl. 01' WHITE GUUDS uili he t'nuus and complctt, and FuMutnt-rs may xely lll\\'ll.\ 5 getting gum] goods lathe lowest p blc lnriceu. _ K Grutlemru will find it to trhv-irudrnntu} null and cxmnipe m) atnck (if ' " CLQTHS,‘ ' l : - UASSHIERLS nnil l t ' VHs'rmts at all qunlLlli'i un-l rhui-oal tultw. Apnl‘zi,\iw:. ‘ .I. 1.. m‘nn WPor full particularllend for A circular Uclz2o, 1862. 1y 7 . Hardware ND GROCERIES.—.— ‘ A . A!" The subscriber; hue junk. refin‘med from the cities whh‘ an immense supply of‘IIARD WARE AND GROCERIES, _whirh they are ofl'ermz a: théir'old ua-nd 1n Baltimore arm-pt, M—prires tosuit the times. Our stock chusisu in 'part of 'l. 5, ' 301 me .\TATEIfiALS. _ . . tnu'avrsu‘smnnns, 1;.- BLACKMHTH'S TOOLS, , COACH FINDLVGS, ‘June '9, 1862 Howard House, t". ACTIMORE. B :Tbe undvrsigne'd Bus the pleMure of an— nouncing, to his friend“: and the puHiu gunnrnl lthm he hnfiRH-(JI’ENEDTIH‘S EXTHN.‘IYE 3ND. FAVQRITE NOVEL. nnd slolicila the {Barf of pntrnnnge which it; highly hvornhle location um! hil r-iforls to ple'me «(my descjw. H'n'ihg been éugagP-I lur unmy _\Mts m un due-”n3; popuhlr lipids in Y’rnnsglvmnfi', Vlr gmin and‘ this city. he feels «valued of balm; nl)!L‘..Wllh the nid of his Competent .\sfiislnnxs. to meet ull‘ jusfgxpecmtiny y! u»- trm‘t‘ling communny in mmmgmgth Hmmrd Home. in a style surpassed by no Hotel 01 ill’clms in the nnlnllry. ‘ “ ' I: ‘ ' Turmr—Centlr‘mtn‘a Culinary, $1.75 per Dn’v. W LadiraL *_ "‘4 ~‘ .. 2:00 " ~ «Bupwflulb’. - , ' = ‘ » \\'\[. U.d(E.\MER. Proprietor. Bulkinxor;,~.\pxil 20, H 563. Gm Change of Time 'l:fl’ following is n gnhqchlle ohhe rhnning ‘ of the (min! on tth‘x-uyshuyg Railroad h: ’0 FIRST TIL-UN lean-u (h-uyahur'g MS 3". .\t., with pawl-neon fur York, Hl-rfisburz, “hnladcllnhifi. and the Nnrlh and Wch A“- REVES at (lu’yalmrg at X if. M . “it'll immun 2crs flnm thnqe pl)|n'-‘,xllld nlsu fru‘m Baltimore and ‘V‘lfihi'lglfill. d’nsspugcrs leanug \Vush ingusn at 6.39 A. .\l.. and Bullimore 3.1.9 15 A. .\I.. nrrnhse by this {mun u]. GellyihurJ-g Ml ] o‘slnck. I" .\l. ‘ , . Iv MICHAEL SCHWARTZ, HENRY SCHWARTZ. QcL 5, 1863. 60." . _ Execute}: New Bakery ! $ . EWPORT k ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street. hull iqunre from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBUBGZPL— Constantly on hand, the best 5“ BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES. I’Rl-ZTZEL . be. Per sons Wishing fresh Bread will be served‘every morning‘by learmg their. names aid residences M. the Bakery. Every efl'ort made to 'please. Give In a. calL!‘ , [April 20, ’63., tf Come, One and 411 ! f HE Inbacriber. baring Q-opéned bio Sa- Jj Icon in the Noah-ens: cCrney of (he Dm mond, invites the attention of bl! Mend: and thet‘pnbllc g‘onenllj, to hil excellent _ALE, PORTER. BRONX STOUT. WINE, CHAM PAGNE, TOBACCO, SEGARS, k'é‘fiflc hbpes. by stnct Ittbntiou to business ind I desire to plefige, 11; receive a 11503:! time of custom. E. W. CHRISMER. . Gettysburg.Ang. 24, 1363. u . } ~ Old 691 d Bnd Sflveq 1 ANTED—The Wentprioe in: mh“ ( SD paid for 2old G’ld ind Silur‘; the, pgaaent. 1:35 favoriblejim’o to tell, the premium E on it being Inge. Also. field and Silver Coin . purchned, Ind the highest price given, Ivy A , JOSEPH BEVAN, ‘ Wuohmnkcr kJewem-r, in the Diamonfi.’ ‘ ‘ Feb. 23, 1863. p , , ¢ Lux- oHrq’sh GUM DROPS, imam; H. (fined in 'his market, to 1;; had.“ a; HORNER'S Drug Store. ' I MRI-3'5 PLANTATION BITT.RRS.Q7 0M ”awash-d Tonic, at Dr. R. HURNBR‘S Drug Starr. 5 '- - - ‘ ‘ IRST-RATE ,Eigh _an, us: v-honr and F 2mm. cummwl’fira :Pémlmw: as. WINSLOW'RflDTHkYG SYRUP, fur ‘ ‘chihlnn, w Dr. R. Hansen's Drug, .tore. ,H' w «r it ' ‘ 1‘ ‘ .., -; “gs-4:1 - rt ._ ' ~. Howard Association, ~ 4 IHLADEIJ'IH.\.-—l"nr Ihr- ]h-ILM m ‘41:) .‘n‘knlm! _llJ~lrt-~3L~II. mlln led wuh‘ :ltnt uuul L'hxuniv [)izk‘:l‘e\y'lllllj o‘x'pvvidl r Uh“ l'llrc nl Dn‘tuv-ufvlh-.\«\l.-I|Urgn 5' MEDXLXU. .\L'V-Il'llg'n ngl nix 3"} l' 4 mg: . firgonn. ‘ ‘ . ‘ I '\'.\l.['.\i’~l.!-§ REM? F; on Spwrm .I‘ ‘nr St-nmml \\'(-:«l\.1k-<<, \lmlx uxlw‘r Ul~Fi Him Scum! (”Juli nn‘vl N 1 Um .\IIW “ hl-‘la‘ n-wanH-“l In the l”~‘l'N‘L”."-, qan} ‘lmn'h-Il 11l <(:.lml Alcllnr «‘ir‘rlulw‘, (~leer '!'\\‘u u? ’hn-c Stamps Mr post: Ilm m'roptuhlt‘. . - “ i _ Aridrt-sz. Dr, J. SKILLIX "OF ingfu 2mm. ”UWH’J .\«nmulioq I Ninth" hlrrql. Philmlclph‘iwf l'n. I ‘ Jiuc- 10.15523. 1y New Tailoriiuz . ST‘.\BLl>‘ll\lli.\'l‘.--C Eo.F.E(‘l{l{ E ‘ . ‘l-_.\“illu\’.~\|£l.lwl. 'rl\ mm mtupxl this Milled uf inl'urmingl is I} luv the pululu: gvgwi‘plly, that lav )an n; Tailoring e:tul>lishmt‘nt iu'l’ufliimorv Gettysburg. Ui‘” _Pmn (bfl’iceJ‘r‘lfur Ll mono. whqrc he is prepnred to dio all.“ his line in the luv-1 manner. and 10 Hip ‘ fuclion of customers. 4% emplbys ‘none firs! ylns: hnudsmndxereivinrv i ‘'l Tim l-‘ASUEuXS REGELMM' be can warrant inmliiohnble fils‘n-nl 1+ sulmnnlinl z-‘ewlng. He asks R shun-{... puhlic‘a pnlrnnugo. promising to spare! n‘ fort. to ilesern-‘it. llis clihrgos will :11an tonnd’al moderate as the \imvn‘win m 0 Cutting and Repairing (long at the El notiw. ‘ [Gettysburg April 7,‘ 8t [ Hay Wanted! HE undoifigned wishes to buy 5001 ‘ T good HAY. ‘ The high”! man-Rel. , j—pmd in_ ensh'for prime Timothy Hay, d iv r" h”; pncking establishment in (July: ur . ly npplicutions_dksired._m_ ,_ - L ’ WM. E. BIT |. If-pril 20, 1863. am [— ~ 1 ‘ Removal-£l5ll Ware. HE underbipned has removed his ‘1 \ establishment nearer the‘ mom I hambn’sbnrg street, adjoining AI D. ldr‘a Drug Store—li Very cénn‘nl locnti : caminuea Io manufacture, and keeps co 115' on hand, uvery variety of ‘ , TIN-WARE. . . . . PRESSED AND _ . JAI'A)’I-ZD,,WA ‘ and will Ilwnys be ready to do( REPA munm and spuu‘rma duo done in the but manner. Pricéfi ale, and no efl'ort spar-Ed to render {ul faction.\ The pnblic’q cpntinucd pntr’o solicited)~ ' A. P. MUG Gtttyabhg-g, April 7, 1862. . . Sprmg Goods 'v AT Wm z‘sox-s._we invite the n. _‘ te ion of buyers to our stock 0! Spring Gandhi-hid: willbe coldyjrcflry consiuinyol _ LADIES‘ DRESS GOODS, \ Shawls. Clonklug Cloth? em, 9th For .\Mn’l and Boyl‘ wour- we ha a Cloths, Gn'ssimdel, Contingl, Vestinga, with: variety of Ooltbui idea. it, Ac. 0111 Ind dc. “ .May li, 1863. 3 *A. SCOTT l SON. Lancaster Book. Byway.“— ) EORGE “WANT, ' G \ B 0 0 K 373,17 EB AID lIANK*IOOK ILIU'ACTUIIB, - LANCASTEIEYPA‘ Plain and Ornamental flindxhg, of e ry de lcription, executed in the‘mosl subsmatfll a‘nd :pproved styles. ‘ ‘ ‘ , nu‘tnxxcxs. i E. WJBx-ovm, Esq., Fumers Bank of Lnnmst‘e}. W. L. Peiber, I?.qu Luncuter County Bnhk 1 Samuel ShockhEsqq Columhin Bénk.‘ ‘ x Sfluel Wagper, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq.. York unnly Bunk. . T. I). Carson, Esq" Bank of Gettysburg. Pemflarun, Elq., Pruth'y ML‘BO‘I‘BY co., Pm. Geo. C. "Awtborn, 33.1., Register 'u u u‘ Geo. WhlLson, Esq., Recorder H ® « April 15, 1861. ‘ _..-—‘...... ___l.______“~_J_ ‘ , Piano Tuning. . “OF. BOWM‘», of Lilueatowzl, I Practicum! P Piano Tuner, inlonml his friend; and the mu’sicnl puhfic in geneml, that he (he: his time, not olberwiggogcupicd, v.O Tuning And Repairing Pianos. at. moderate prices. as grnlugnes entire ntislnction, or no pay. Urden receii‘ed mhis ofl'ice: . {Sam 16, we]. ‘ Queenswaza. ‘: ‘ ‘ F you want nnylmug in the QUEEXSWARE i “99 «111115.300?! E 305”“, where’s») '- -‘ Ihdfiac has! nssofll‘unt in linvu. ' A .‘Msrdri'l, 1902, _ . ‘ - 1‘ , . =I . ‘ «The Grocery Store 1 . N HE HILL—The undersigned jwould O res; cHullyinfonn the citizens or city:- burg and ‘cinily, that. he lma taken I e uld stand“ on t. a Hill.” in Baltimore sun-en, Got t_\'_s|uurg. win . ’llc intends to kvcp rongmmly o‘]! hand all k -ds or GROCERIES—fiuganr Goflees. Syrups -f all kinds, Tnlmun:n.¥l’ish. Sun, km, Enrtho wnre ‘of all kinds, ruins, Oils, bull in fuel even-thing usually mul d in 3 Grocery. Also, FLOUR 5: ““2001 all Judi; nil of which he intends to fie” lov‘v as 1h - low czl. Con‘mry'prxrduce taken in Exchange for gum]: nun! the highest pricbfiiycn. He flutters himself that, by strict utltnliou mind nu luneut dezin: to please, It) merit I share ul pul lc [m tron-nge. TRY HIM. J. 31. KO YE. , 1~‘cb.23,1363. t! ; 1863. Spring Styles OFJIATS AND CAPS J . n.‘ F. new ”it his dd stand. 5. W, cm. (‘én_lr+ Squa juhl prfnod alsplcndid assortment of ‘u A s ‘A_N D v 0 A P nl‘ Iliel est 3331031“ very lhwl‘lnicoc. :Fomvin ”(Afflffl good smzqnuhl: :md lg! ulilv lliu orl‘upmro ri-quv-led (:0 gin- him BOOTS AN'D ‘SHU‘ comm-hing “911's fihc (‘nlf' Bouts, )‘lvn' !luornls, llui's Wellington Tie“, CHMI'OS' Ivrs. lixnmms: Lndies’ lllf,l'l)(‘( n BAZiiiuiHl .Ullll"_l'1.\ lim- kid Slippers. .\lmus’ nn ;\lioti's 81kg: nml (:whl'l‘s, of eH-r} \'nxii {stylgpnll u “liicll will be sold uslrh'cnp {rim-west. . ill“ “110 Wis" to supply ‘svlvus “ill! 5; d and s'ubsmnt .Il Vim-l 1 c. |exn§ninv our 510 'k. R. F. MLHJU'I l April 13, 1863. 21:1 mt ring and 4. in “N (I M . l ' 0 (UK o&l]th & Adah-’3 \YHVV MARBLE “'HIKKS, humor of 4‘ more and lint Mli dle stra-t-ls,_m slu- (‘innrt llnuw. “any hurg, l’u —\\ prepared tuJurnii'u .\lunum ma, Tmulh,‘ Mum-Q, Marble \lnxmlee, Mulls. lur ( Makers, and all o'lher;wurk nmu-rmmin‘z‘ blizlllL‘FS. We will glmrnnu-efi'nxutm-nu‘ ns m en-culion unnl priqc. (3.111 ’muls dcsigm mud spa-innings of work. ‘ k‘eb.'2, l‘.-'63. u‘ , , . : . he Great Discovery 0P 'l‘ IE :_\GE.—luflummub<'nry uml (‘ . ~. Rh ummfix mm b» vureul by u.-in '.\HIJLER S CELEBRATEU RHEUMATIL :Tl'lkli. Many prunnxmm cilxzmuslnl Iln ilhc ‘ndjn ”mp; mumin-s han- term-yd larva! nu my. 11.6 Emmi: in ‘lihcummir Ilmna. im' 'lm-n hilhn-r unparalfrlvd r Iqwcfn‘,lin'rWhuC-l to the [mblln l'r‘ :(‘l'n{:l rel" bottle. For sale Ivy nll drug’sw Junior! “pun. ~l‘rvpurml nnly by H. I). Ml ‘ c‘Ylio’c'mkfinnnl “Hail DrugmsLEM‘. 1‘ ’,\d.u’h< v um’fiv. I’m, dealer in “mm“, l‘lne i Nils, Vurer‘j’tfldrifs, l’.|in'l~‘. Dye-Julia filth-'1 ”11» P ‘r-m on I}!!! Tilwlupw. \\ ,IHJ‘R‘ lb-xfimwrg. l'nlvnl Minimums. km, {:x-E‘A. l'. linkhlvr is the Agent in | hm; H-r “ H. 'L. lllllcr's lh-lohml-«l RIM-u .\Huuru.” [Juno 3, jmil. ME \iru-‘ iy hm EMI n I‘m-g u'h ml “mu-.‘- In llu' Dr; Robert Homer’s l raw FAMILY lml‘a'm. ~ A" '- N ’ o 5 I'lu-ISI'IHPTJHN S 3‘11”“: rnwuxnsnx'nc STREET, Itr'rnauuu [\ H Having: rctirml from the main: pran , | 1 my prufi-uiun, L min: plcnwre in :umim ".L\\l i In the ruin-n: of Gegly‘sburg nnd vicinit‘ ’ ‘ i‘il lune opened at . ; n01)E;-\‘ NEW nnvasmnn, g 1 in NM‘ room thrmeily oponpiml by Dr». ‘ (h and “ull§"R. m. an nlliuy }\ hex-é I will fun-{l cued a 4 Ruminkhnnd A large supply dfnll kinds ‘c lam-m,l FRESH firms. « l . :- ;I)ia-o . l'Ml-l FINES, 1, [ 01k log K KQHEMCALS. slum—l » , _ \ PERFUS!ER\_’._° ‘1 but ' , ' “ 41x ' ‘ TOOTH POWD I . um ST IDRY PANTS. and \ , _ .' I'AIXTS grolll‘ld l Oil. » , . \ l UILS, exproésm nnd diam ‘1 , STATIUSERY nfull Inks, Pens, Pencils. Paper. (‘on;hifllrnslu X PATENT .\IIiDH‘INES. 1 All the popular Patent Mrd‘oinm. tn WHh n sch-Minn of pun WINES. BRA mid WHISKEY, for medicinal pinyin“? always (in hand. In a word, my Stork em ovorjslhi 2: usually louqd in a firut-‘flns of this dasci'iplion. l ' A large supply of fiésh Drugs has be ceiwd, Indicthers are arriving, which l faring (o t'he public oh «very ucvommo terms. My Medicines have all been pur under my pei'sonnl inepecliqtn and. sum from the moerelinhle houses. lean tli not only recommend them in pure uncl b'ut can ull them‘ipheap. N. B.S’ARTICULAR ATTENTION gi the uenlmen! of all chronic diseases. pg-Anwicm GRATIS May 1%. 2.562. It gen)” ‘i and the ef- Mini I of rice' red m mg nQ,‘ in Buch .' He Stant- Grain and Produce. AVING takenlihe Inga nhd comm \Vnrehogse recently occupied by an mm Ilcsh, Esq., . 1N gnaw ;oxl{o3n, we Are prepared to my the hifihog: prir all kinds ofPRODUCE. Alsb,scll‘ tN: en pricel, LUMBER, COAL and caficuwm of every demipiion « X ’ ‘ ‘A. P} MYERS a: wmmfikm New Oxford, Aug; 10, 1863. It i ‘l‘ inodér- VI suin- 'age is, IE R. Fresh. Rgmforcementsz ; ~ I .maxc'rumma mm rostrum—L . are constantly adding new uuppfios {a} o 5 already large mil flashionable mock pi: K ‘ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHUES. ' We have every style of Spring and Summ- Huts, which in quality 3nd price mnnot nil :- pleue. Boy's and Men's Hits and 0 rs .l evpry description, Ind of '.helutnu_t;le:. .0 . stpck of - . .'l ' BOOTS, . ‘ (I’, l . [GAIN-IRS. Mi; Jrc Wll‘ never more complete. Indie; Ge‘nflume and Children can be accommodated with any thingiu (Molina, u we no belief prep” now to, gin flu and greater bug-i 415 chart u before. If you “In, bug-ins, good 5 kn fishimnble goods, cl“ at thefiign of thb M 3061', in Chlmbeflburz street: ‘ JOHN CULP. ALEX. OUBEAN. Juno 9, 1862 ‘ Farmers’ 8c Mechanics” 1 Avmas msnwvnox or ADAMS c‘o : ‘ Inning increased in capital. has enlarge ,Iu bushes: and extended in accommodation - 11mm: day, ‘Wednesdny. [April 6, 1863. tr ! PBING Ind Summer Glowing just rewin -1 u . l‘lCKlSfii'S. 1 oto Dr. R. HORNER’S brpg Store and _'- This MEDICATED concumAxm'. 1 PRING BALMDRALS Ju-t revolved u! it , mmmsrocx BMW. 1 1 “ 7 3 have just received I new nssunmen of Queenswnre, to whhh wq imito th‘ ‘nnention a! buyers. A, SCOTT I. HUN. 1 ‘ pang GROU‘ND BPYCES. MIN-(0d run~ _ grom‘d expreslly {or 1):. ROBERT HOB ‘WER‘S New Drug State. 1 ‘ 1 .UCUMBER PIC 58 A 1“ lot ' C cei-rod {mm "39:3”: in “$3.! o'r‘d‘a ‘ 7;; “mango . .\Y ‘ .\.. 41m! EB} ENY, e, has Per hhion .lan E~ (Lui ‘li'ums, Chi!- y and u: the Khom ‘ H um] IVY. QM [xx-silt u nrt ‘nculll ‘ hmol‘ [U (ml ‘ lw‘xh 11111 Isis-i 'c- (.\‘R lazuli !. k kind 0%, .k ‘ 1 1 ‘ nthr' 1.1 ‘ 1m). ‘lmn : $lO ‘ "I: r. uh a Mtin OM v nio r {0 fps! lujiou IF‘tau A f. I L“ SHOES, It is manufactured and put'ui: in roll: about ne hundled {eh-long, and three (up. wide; requiring only to be uurolled, and nailed on be roof. in this convenient and finished. “they“ in cgpecillly “'6th [ll% uilentiun of HARDWARE )1 ERCIIA NTS, TINNERS, EVILDERS, and an who buy to sell again. We‘do not hold outlto such the prospect of 'enorl‘nuua prufip immcdmtely, but in offer a. refilly men-Humm- blc urticle,in demand eyery where, and at all _ 3 BEM we CALL .\TTESLHOX TO A FEW p 061“! lst. It will only .nhout half to: much u i , 'and‘isMu-ice as durnLle. /‘ 21!. It is adapted] to ul' ki‘udi 0.! £3025, whether iteep or flat. 7 a ,2 , 1 (z ; 3d. It in not nfl'cbted injuriously b'y heat at cold. ' /"l ' 1 I ’ ‘/ 4111. Any ordinnr‘y work man cgfi nppiy i} 50). ]l_is not {he “chenmcsf‘yt/oofing 6:11. It is. the best roofing Thin; llnnfingrlmé‘ heen yéed in every rnriely a! climate, Iron: Camuh ye (‘nlifnrnin and we can mm: ppsitirely 1m Mnmcnd it to he «burg:r 1y llro‘of against the fun”: nf hvn‘lfnml cold that nro so dourucliv, - to many other kinds of Roofing. ‘ /' ‘ ‘ ' ' IT WILL xu’r sans» Ayn RUN IN nor 1 /A\;+:.\Tlu:l:. .. n “um/501$ mut‘li 1s _.cow ll Dr,"an-éf'fi/lnt'ulllhh- Hnunmll is Ile In"! 4110,11“ u ~lump/Jr fur ‘prlun! fill“ Ilruizel. .‘ 1 hr. '5“ PM 5 l'xiulj/ill'v I i:til|n‘l-Inl (‘HH'I Hag-3- - (u 111' inmt‘f-linx-J; .nml “nu I'l‘l’jl'l‘ M'ulrn‘h: ”‘l. r Hr. 5‘," x I .'~ IM‘JHIIJI’Q lmuvm nl :vfl'nrdn Am}- : nlExli.|ll-/i~vlwfh/i I'i'wmu l-rlvlfnp ful'fwhm uro L ~ llr. n7l\‘\'l‘('l'.~|,ll-r-inl‘lk'l.il||l|)|"‘|ll tHTQ'I l'."."r :nchr i/l um- mix-um FIH‘JNKING OI" RUUE-BU.\_RDS [ 1! \\'+:.\Tn‘ HR It it n pot-fart prntectio}: apnifxn fire frnm. the falling; cindl-rsmnd frnuumrilu yrpm b‘um in: building! ndiuinin; {llia Runhug. ‘ h is an elastic uud strung lbw! the 'V’ I - ll") ' (10": um injuVe in. - ) I It is particularly rnlnuhlc oi: Fnrlnriufr n Fwindrim,sugur Rrfim-rin Distillwieem-xdafl 1 buildings where the air is hum-gum!- w Adi/.1; ga‘Lv-I ur mnialm‘e, “hich mph! 3 rurrochrm/fl p‘ tat: inside, ml! [in and melal ruul's. _ " ,’ .f I ‘ . . ~ ' my: STI-zwnqn mzyk's. _ , /' 1 . - «Engl'ors, PIANZAS, nnd nll roofs mod for ‘i-nlkil‘uz on. [ln' .nnlirle nmn‘crs fnr,hell¢-r llmn any luctnrr uf—‘xu‘k \w/iu lu-ar uLuh usage “ilhuuL cr/Acm‘ug or hrrukiug. 7 ’. ,/‘ Y - . .‘h is msily gpplied ovbr old [l‘ l 4 A / smwma mom“ /. “'1 mm'T m-nmwxc. 71m'smxur.58 Al.o the /. ' can he furméd "_fthin material; sm‘ing'the ex .n-nu- onnc'ml, uwfl. ‘ The 00-1 01' npphix/git if rcry liflnn’ndmny ordinary roof cnnl./o”finis in the Immaduy2 // / k _‘ [fin E s E/«RV'E Y n U n n (z 0 it‘s! '/ '. lrfiovn TIN n 00? LEA’ks, 15 mm my new "AS A ' SMALL RUST-HOLES nun, _IF' [YOCB' TIN ROOF SEEDS REuPAIS‘T NU, out ’ . L _ i,' IJQI‘ID ‘ > c/ - GUTTA-PELRCUA CH\IE.\'T l « _ ' will effectunlly close up 11l the smullrr RI‘ST- PllQLl-JS. and turn: I heavy elastic body over the whole surfnée.‘ that will prewcuc lllf‘b'l' nml last may years longer lhun ordinary palm. _ , . ' IF YOUR SHI‘NGLE RQGF LEAKS, 19 YOUR deTTI-IRS LEAK, IF THE JOINTS Mic/two mm: ‘Cuwvms MB ' IF YOUR/SLATE ROOF LEAKS, on? A . . / . ‘ . ‘— I j ,’ COMPM'YXD l G/UTTA-PEIECHA CEME§T - \will ioy’pletely fill up A" the crevices in the fslzingl ’ cover over the broken joints in the lil ‘ mm m. form permnnenuy udhu‘u‘c. elngtic cq/ mg Around tbjmneys, :ky-lightl, etc..nnd 2n \ these limulions will and“: ”my olhgr liclefor this purflouz now in’use. This a:- /{ dclc is 1‘ thick, tennciou‘sgommnnfi of ' - i 1 ‘~ GUTTA-PERGUA, ! - \ , : \'\ ‘ fl ‘ and ingredients med exlensirely mEnrope in, the process of -I\'yun:xixgg or preservhn wood ; , ‘in rnilroml stru‘émm “tolld’fiflflnfin; nnd' To nvoid lmpmmon, observe the 312 mm. deg-I): This wr‘ übeful upenyupdsdingb’ 4| Likene’u or Dr. Stephen-Sweet. on not, Iy w arrest. and pr tent xwyiu the mingle 1 any.“ “I“, uslephen Sw‘act's Inf-mule «"6 'will onen uv Lbe neceuitx {or "I”:h‘unimrm" blown 5,. the gun or each husk, ,yurs of pulling on VI new root. In. In“ vhhoukwhich nouc an genuine. north of :1. thin]. , I y \ ’ ‘ .. ~ .Wsoxw 90;,» -- « E’All the Abov'e ROWING IIATERIALSL \ Solé Praplieloanurvkh, Qonu. Ill” be furnilhedgo ‘_ ‘ , .1; ~ _ 3 ' ‘ ‘ j ' ‘ \ ' ; ~ [ORGAN t ALLEN, General £9lm. - ' CHURCHES Am) firearm 9’ . -46 cm! sum, New York. I . _ _ . u: ted-aim: o?\ '. ’ ‘ TWESTY-fIVEI‘PEB. CENT: ' 031‘ on I" menus. ulams. ‘ ‘ LIBERAL Amman-2x13 - 1 sum; gym; RESPONSE“: m 'l fitmecmns ma swung m: e‘ by urn. max-ear A .; L , z 1 moi‘noorrxc cg, rm .u was my, nee. scam I: Thiq Einim‘ent'jm our; ragidly and .Idil‘lL ly. Rheumatic Disorders of every kiml, and in aloha-nil: 01 case: when: u but 11"" be¢u known \9 fail. ‘ ‘ For Neurilgia. It will nlangl immodmo reflel‘iu every cuie, lnowewr diuresnug. . a \ v ' I‘. . ‘\ h lelrelin‘eflle «mm (‘n 'l‘! of Headache in (hm-e minutes and iq warranted to dp 11. Toothache film will ilynro instantly For Nervous I)ebiljtlm.d General m:- sit-um ageing frnn'u in'nprudc’ilix‘or t-xuculnhil Linimeu 'i: a mnslhnmuy um] (u n‘lingi‘rbmc-dy. {Acting d?rc‘!l_v upun V‘lhu ucrvqm [is-sun, it urcu‘ullnuns nnd revivlfies {llo‘ I’vali'em, mqul ntous It to Elasticity and rigor. - ‘ ', ‘ For Pi; .clnim ~lhu ph-um- ll: ’..vicu‘m ; ginl ill lnmliu $ efl'L-c 1 ninsy and Sore Throat m "we! hm Irr.uel.v Imuhguun am. dungermu. Mu n imrly nppllcmou of zhis Liuixilcnl will nunr tnil‘lo cure. " -. Sprains are sometimes WU rnhstinntfinml ro‘nlargcmunl nftlu- juihfa" i:’l‘|.xl.lem) utcur i! 1 rt-gh-t‘tl‘d. Tho wm'it ('.iq‘nmy he cuanu-rml ' by this Linimcnt in two (fr‘ hreu digs. gßruiqos.—Cuh, \Vounds, Sores. U!- c'ars, Burns and. Scams, _\'iol-l mum; to ME v.\'mu]c-rfu' hLuliup yrnyyrlicl u! I)“. swmrs xxrmumn ‘ mm”; Thu." Il~l’d nm'muhng ’u diru-t-limm. {U I, VII”.- .IH .\IVS.- l’I:H.\”I"¥'IJ) FEET, ~;\Xl) A INSKI‘T Bfl'l-ZS .\..‘IU S‘l‘l.\(}s. ' / ‘ . ‘0 ’ ~ ... :o—- _ I} ‘ / _ I pn. STEPHEN sw ET, Jf/Corrn., lb’n- HrL-nl .\n'lmu Hum: h‘r u-fi. ~ , . I Dr. fill-[liven Su 09!. n! I mlmrliculfi il hum :fll ”ff! HmJ'ml't-al SLN'I. := / . _ , [)r. h'Lv-phvu .\‘wch/fif‘(‘finnoélil'utliu vha m‘nhnr (n 1 .. Hr. hu'um’m’Tnfn‘lin I ininm-L" [ hr. Syn-v! n lumlhflk- “"san cures Rhu mnlkm am! I-(H'l Fri/I!“ ‘ ’ A I Dr Sm-nw lnt"llihlr Lfn’imen! is a «mi !rl-lu.<!_\ fur \‘oulnrfi-in, ;/ ‘ . : ~l)r .\Anel': Inhlhlvll' Muignqnl cur” Burn. 'and .\gLIIL ‘mnrio-liinn‘lr ' Inmh I'm Sulu‘ in ”In' knuwn r 1 rM hr. .\‘neq’l'p l|.f.lllhh- Lim‘lnrn} Im- II"- llh-zl ‘m nwfie‘limu xI unlliuuqveupllc' nqd ml praiw il. 2 ‘ , ‘ ‘ O . Ur Swvnl“ lnfnllihlq Liniljm-vl I'dh'lhilh “Nab“: cures (illuljc, 'l‘h‘hlcrn Mounts nml Chilli". ’ 5, ‘ ‘ . ' (“I'4 Squl'l'lnhmMe ”night"! in truly I "Irmud In jun-J." “141 P\t'l‘.\\lh|nn.\ would ‘lune it In lumL ' ~ _ lir bun-I‘s In fulfil l 0 Lininu-m i: {u} ml. by nHJnugélsts. . Pure 25 “111L511 mun. ' TRY 11' —hll'. S\\'IIHT'H I.\F.\LTZYflT.E LIVHH-IV'l‘.‘ m u‘u vxxenmi WILL-‘l’}. is a "min: n nu], and mu nun-\inloqauin mou- "unify than any other prrp-mmmx. FM all [Unix mMil-‘nnd Kuhn-us I’m-rufin‘i“ iglrul}~ Infulh hh’, mrl. .uw :1 t'umlne' fur Syn-I, “'nnndl, h‘pminfx limnrs. Al 2. in mull-mg he~lnfg and paw: rful «lin-nglhching prt rem”. utm- Ila jll'l wmu'.ll_gnul lil!hnlidm rm nf uh . lm hIVl: (\‘l‘l' ,glrt-wfi'w t‘inl. um mic llmnu d (or: (“iv-ate.- nf rn-mnnkalulv v um. performed s\\|¢ IHIEnIu lin' Imt I+o .\l‘ul’ilhlll H Ill: Incl. j DR. SWBI-IT'S IBFALL'HHJC NEWEST FUR HORSES is uurim'lml In nnfluml 'm Ml ran-s of Lu'memun, nrx‘sing- yum hprnlnu. Ilruiaus or Wren; hing. its t‘rl't" ”r magiu -l mul ecrhun. Harm-gs bux.S:uth 1411‘. Smut-bu. Hanan. km, it will also Curr - manly. Flinn" mnl' Hinghqng Jun) :hc £4:in J-rkutwl mu! cured in their incipient dIIILI‘fi, hut cunfi‘ruuul cums are beyond the jmsmhifily or» rudlrrl cure. Na ease of she hand; hum-vi“ is m lespcmtr or‘lmlmlcns but il | an} .hr llfll \lllrd by this Lifilment. un‘d its hnTh‘lul ulnlnllwfliun vii“ ull‘njs' rmumu Aim Lamd‘nrrh'nhd ui‘nLle the horses t 9 unit! with comlgnmlhe has: EVERY? uonsn (Artsy-2n Ihould have thi ‘remedy at 15'." ‘, lur its vim. 1" use. 1.1 the fir «ppt-nruncr p! Lan-cne-s u‘.” efllccm'fluf prevent those formidnlflt- din-mu -. to which a“ horses Hrt liable; find which rm -4" !0 my olhegfi‘isc vulunlilq bulge! MIMI} .worthlcss. IxFALg-I'BLE‘LIFMENT, , mom brill deders ererywlm-e. ‘D0c.8,1862. I, Z'_ 'tSQleGrying..-H' _ ' * 1". FLESHHNG éoniinueuthe baninfi < . 078M122 CRYING, Ind solicits the can ”‘9‘ 3’B3“!!ng 0f th'e public. [I is hi's con unnl endelyor to give untisfac‘fion. Chargu mod‘emte. Resident in Bruckintidgc are“, Gettysburg. , P. 3—!“ is slimmed Auctioneer, undér the ‘ IX Law of the United Stun. ‘t . Nov. 24, 1862. .. "’ ' AEIES’ Clo-$.12; Sinking- new as w“; ‘ inst run“? In P ESTOCK ”é. . “KKING hnnhefino ' ' out Offlflfil" '1 (1 Summer (‘lmhing iI-flwflv‘ ~ « 4"; P a NEW YORK..- _,. hi, !EMI *** .es..—-As nn' external remedy. we it 15 me Zn, known, :Ide yr chal 'ii’orld In prudm-u 1m muul. 'an’y ”lie Hun-wing cnmplninl Ilmuld it lriak tin; it u xll nm mil) to MT: rd in. '1: relief. man a majority 01 cum “ill 51 mdml/ cure. “ ' > 1: 551114?" li-lrlhhw Linim‘l-nl run. th.-l Wmunfl innnuh [o3‘ um. Inn's Im Irgr. )f.‘.\‘}\('(’;‘l" lmnllilnlr~ Ininilmm it [hr 173-” LVFRIEND IN warn 'I‘O 'nonsr: OWNERS DR. SWEL'II'S IS 5116 équgzlf's Fmfixn, And thonsh'hdp harexf‘ouina it truly A r 3155!) LN {REED} umxoz‘m; \ ......\., : , -: ' at _ mama; ;,,~.‘.um‘lmL=,-,....~_mh:.. Li MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers