E: Compiler, Ot OUR FLAG I ion of lakes—the union of buds— L’nlun of Shun none would never; aim: of hearllA-khe infirm u! find - the Flag 01 our l'nion forever! IZI The A UTAH“, lleOl LSD PIOI’IIIYOX. GITTI‘I.UIG. PL: AVEk-iimkd, ’XPiiI—L 7. 1862 -‘ lOCRAOY TRIUHPHART! 'he Chlubersburg Spirit Jays : From :I . the State our exchanges bring cheering new: of {he triumph oncncy amhe recent Spring elec- In qliite A number of districts of county the Democratic ticket has sadly triumphant. In the South , I this Borough, where tlm‘Repuin- It fall but] a majority of 80. the vhoie a ticficket was elected by majori- Iging from 30 up to 142. In Hamil ‘ mhip the Republican" had a dpcid (y lnfl fall, 711 i: Spring our whole an elected by handsome mnjnrities: ._Thomu, and m in other diairictu d mme—andfin Green townshithe Ir of Republicanism, the Democrats i the Assessor, one Supervisor, one LDi‘rector and €ohstnble. . - 38' 9.11 pa I“ 115 the 1p! the tiom. OUT OW been I; \Vng‘d , l canal { Dem-1 ties g (on to {-1.3 ma' 1 ~ ket I= .u n can Gfbrd sir . a 'n the borough. of suppmhurg. land county; the Democmh swépc ing, electing the Barges}. four of the I, mailman. nndmearly all the other; | Bhippembu‘rg wm formquy oné I magma Republican districts in Oid l Cumbe‘fi-lnnd.‘ he Democrats glectnd the Chief in Curliale, for the first time in [m In Ldzerfne oounty (be Democrats lnearly (fiery township} and in the of" Wilkesbmre the whole three (2 Demdcmtic by large majqriu'cn. - Ii Columbia and Montour countib‘l ! wism bus routed, horse, foot and 7 old )fontgnmvry the Democrats verykhing before them in gallant 'e 12di ‘u few‘ eiamples, {you}. the t " Whfitepun gives 37 majority for _-ocralic[ candidate ‘ for judge of ',va. gain pf 43 oq the vote for Senator ll r. Ndrriton {gives 84 Dem. maj. y, «grid of 42 oh rhe vote for Sen . £06011; Springfield given 54 dem « njorityyon judge, a gain of 2) on lin Octutbér. Lower Sierion gives cratic majority: on judge, a gain of ithe. void for Senator in October.— un gives ‘3B democratic mnjorily on I gpin ofl9B an the votes for Senator er. Mareland gives 66 democratic I, 'on' judge, a gain of 56 On the mm {l' Semtmjn Ociober.” Renato 16 de u 1 103 on Abing judge, v in Octo annJon jority {-1 'fi'l seem to 19‘ cuts on erased ‘ Washington oqunty lheDemocmts‘ » have been equaily sucmsful. \Veqt-mpreland county the Demo ‘ ried nearly all the districts, by in rfinjorities. . { « j! e4Peorill (111.) Union, of the I'M}, i‘TllO eléction for city ofiicers took sterday.;nnd resultgd in a glorious lor the'Democrmy. The stumptail pmtx in Peorig has come to an ious endu‘ Allof the city officers. ‘ with fopr oixt of the six aldermen are Dem‘oemts." ‘ ' . w‘ 9w? ‘ plqce y: miotory. .nboliti'o zgnomx .togethe ‘elgcfied. F Tuesdn DO)!“ I Ftlthe citFy election in Burlington on F, at astrigct party test, the whole i licfickétwns elected. Burlington idgncq pl“ Col. {limes W. Winll. hen‘mnki‘c tickpt was elected 'in oan tow‘inship on 'l‘upsday. by an ’ majoliiy_of 200.-.\'twarl' (.v. .1.) i. the § F The 1‘ 'Borden Hex-age? Journal. 18" l cuts]: Qiom in| he New Kori: Argus my‘ the Demo- Iva carriéd. most of the tow: elec~ Ithn interior of New York. it the pharter elgcgion in (Ogden-I's i. Y., on '\J‘uesgiay. “"15 entire Demo i . etwiru‘ eleétmLexiceptLthe collec -Im. David C; desbn was elected ‘ t of {HP board of human by 92 HT ' ‘burg. ‘ .mtic to). preside majority 3‘? ‘ day. th ed by a] t Schne‘émdy, N. Y., on Hue same whole DemochUc ticket was elect . ificréased majority. the Sehate‘gf the United State}, nesdny. 41 the IHouse resolution d - hat the United States ought to aid en is adapt the policy of emanci u “fled up and‘ adopted by x. 79“ 10; Sev‘en Senators absent or tint “on; them Mr. Conan. of Pa. - 2 m WM chi-hut: 51658 i pnfion 0:42 I Mn... E cbrrespondentiof the Somerset ‘Il recommends the Hon. Wu. P. I of Bedfn’rd. as the Democratic can or 'Auditor-Geneml. We know Mr. well‘ and feel warranted in say po man in (he Shite is more units = neposition thnnhoin. Hbis smurf wt, a brake Democrat, and would {most inéaluable bfiicer. .. ‘ Scum. .didsto Solid! in! I t4e-for of *le a" n coinmentingypop the fact that. the 'Re uhliums of the Senate at Harrisburg wowed ‘ ye use of {their Hall to the' natal-Sous About (mist and Dinuniouism, szmu. Pnnm shite lid: Obm-wr says; To! 9 honur Df the ,D‘omncmts in the Sena“, Id it be remembered that every one of them voted against granting the use of phe Hill to Phinipc. The discredit or the, dad [Etta upoa the shoulders of the Repub— liens n that body, who passed it with as little Qppmnt oompunction as ifit was A planet pf pride. instead of shame. to thus give the prestige of a Imgismive welcome m can»! our country's bimmsst enemies.— Hemtfter. let it not be denied. that, ifmapy of thd Republican -leadeu'tre not, apn Abolitionintx they 1L least, are not ashamed ”show their sympathy with it. fi-Tha friends of Gen. Stone. in Boston, lie petitioning the President to order tho .enrly Cris! of that officer, now confined in Fort. Maren. convinced that he will be cleared of any chuge that may bo brought lying! him. The Secretary of. Wnr bu wad unit a. courc mum! win Badman Ad *3 upon as the exigencies of the mice V?“ unmit- , [B-839 3);. W Tigm :—“The Ptflir flout baa mum to give Fremont moth- M trihl. in the field. We beiim ”nobody, 9ft" imputed mu. m a whistle or D Fig” “‘l'be it an e my poor a‘bihflr," | Abe rte:- 1 Micah!!! ‘ M , v. “I; covlzrflntheb— TH" \xmml shag-I" “Ha/:1,“- mm: a! x h “(JFK so“ I'P:: I. ‘ c ”ting: 91 ‘thml' “onn “Lam, ‘ jl‘‘ ‘ Hi 7 o zln M .- [m '3’! r “j” {Mr 8‘ m 4 andnyl I" ”be “ion-1. ahe Dem nrécfbm '1 16111.} m Mum) 'f‘u. Mr “"1”““3 ‘h ““4 "mm M ”k; omm“. INNS“ 3113 an pointed . ‘ "90f ”9 To" penal Ch 31,0]- - 'thh, ‘_ Owallaveq- We If m but} com” ' plea me m mm" {r . “0h ‘6 1n We] Mb mre “1‘ no gm oral mu” bl M Avfi m o M 71.". en: Pdod . adv “Pm .3 1 ”I m 9 ‘ing': g‘nill hp ‘ 10"“: hid tale] “ wmnpr it 3‘ ”moon“! 0f si‘dent' rapt. H o Wincm 'I. I ' ’ m”. w ""3.” h shot, gnsohfhi. a thém “hf-'0 the. )r Can in‘_g”’““‘“ “(It)" Slit...“ "WY" (V to, 3‘ io muffin-3"? mm}? 11,“!th on nonlinl‘ Filminglr lam WI'JNIP'W “punmpjnnrnOArLJ. F “MW”.- “1“ -.t‘,o wo 0:11.25 *1 I :I..""m‘“h-‘ Emngflr‘nfinmin .1.? wofdiwhp “nu-q "“0 (a ham 5“ "m Mn Work wang hr “‘Mry (. us. am ’ MW. 7 wa]“d.Ml Id :1 In" Ore flno dde mu "9 [am embe .- A x o If)?!" hi fifty. ‘ggmdingfhthe rage I. leua:'¢ thougghnr mu J‘ly from "‘3 Dr “'l‘: m his .3 ‘Pflny, “.,.wZOff‘np” TN 110 I fi‘gc it ' 1 met "t “If 9 ['9'] L ‘ “{th ’ “Dd a] “hi“ " inflic Oile "8 "7' Si "Raff! : or: I“A L n I . “firm will _ thi“ n wh‘ eWWI 3-‘0 V 9 men. t ego . "m- ourn- - . X_. e fol 9“] ll“ “Pm bi" m thi mfi leh ““r 5; Glen Pmp' “re |l~.m. .onS' l y u M ' Q“; d] ‘ » _ ..- . . Don ’-e 1.. 011 g, ~- 1: Had md ‘- . a", 1B“ "p" ' firm-m am; m was mmu°"‘lq";y bsulM- "an, It. '6 the No Ward "“m “Mm \ert 12:: ‘ -k . 10:}, t ~ - . I I]on . Vlm El RI xBM to"! uri (Mme! 19ml“ ‘11:. "1 dual! mu: “m of Mn OPpo w, "'Pn' the- fi.‘ M n ~.‘On < - um. . 'O.- - far A ‘ ."o“S (h hurt tmm ' the " “He ‘ll., . r’ We“ 'nzand "“2 imin . “m fir“ P‘k .Md I. can“ In“. ; clP‘p a] 66 flu-9d N. (\ ’“f t}. “‘43" 0f )1 'Pnkp «em ord» hero “‘1 (-9 tend It mm “~11! I. LAW“ rs. : such ‘, ‘ “anion -“I q “KS‘ 9 ‘ nnlnnd “in,“ ’evmflhlen, I"“101” "tilflb‘nwf b 9‘09- bl-S ”db mimic: - 0 irfi‘. hi», "it ‘ hfl‘ "P R“ o‘m}, f“ ‘m u an, Ft Im. may Which “M n” mm «l mu wtak "HIP' “t 1”, .fm ”red ”0““ r.enm b .2. ;ls mm: . man I: he" Val-in *0 at 'Mes 0,.- Oxc‘ ”*3” The banboutr "pan.mw Ih. a: "in em“ mun MEN“ In or ‘ long} m nth are Rial .4 ru- Woodpd "’h-w H],. . ”70 0‘ 1n it Pr. lu' Pom. *Othe *1 he nn; Non RN: u._-\I how“ 17; 03h? “u, or, ' m e g “-0 h- FStof hpm I dm‘k: w I ”be M} “Ch pm}? 'y ‘ or. PM“. P. w n or,“ 1' rm "re w an, m n “ndé xll.. T “'3, umm z e m Emu-d "rd. Unfie Mom. Inzt Iph-nd' 'o"er “'0 ' S but . -to 9 ”tin‘Portflnt "3 fer““'%‘ Heir?“— h‘v? mpn h? “. mhp‘flpr ”Ht 1} he Egnnd Ba} 0!“) ' The or sm“ 3M 0 hi; id ‘wo r the ' . 51““ “01nd ",4 "Imm, lthe' 1:333») cod w}, *hut' ‘. lyw from: ”0-1 W "11110 in»; ‘ he]. tim °Ph, Yno "Mg '00: h, rum" No” mm“. mum to . £pr .3911; .‘h \r elo eh} nun Own «191‘ ngth rmm 0", “d 0; .Rmlnsbe n“ . ‘ hm ”m. a” um! dm ‘ "no" "If t‘ .n 1. 21m. dqu ‘n n [nod . e Plrlnced 'nl Rsi Phxu. nsn_ .muang,«ln Y 1: rm me- Slut In“; “’the We“. . 4'}, In: , 95h. and Oriea - Wound Andd I ”fie” mm d. "I IH“ M Him. flto’ “d n "'l'. Wk "um. e“ . with Him“. "d in“ "e“ Mi mwm . cum (-4. gymg.a nan", 11,». Th 9m, "‘6l) 'beg‘. Ing. ”(is ~. a" - mm, 51m Ila. to}; "lon m". "on . Am9i m ,0; '- Mn “Wer. we 'omp "(ion 6 “hi ecm N 6 n Gen mMr I In“) NH"! and 'k 1” it. . s|O 3‘ fly .V to. 'Ln' | h - on m. ‘Hnw ”W *9 pr. rn ha Wore . leru "no. u'3.l* h P - Ex.” go 0'; ‘to mm; H an ti "find mp i" l.” nat the 'mm mm] , “'l. ed -, . find 59 w” nfan av fun“ Isa; ‘ knu nn r m 1". ’ in“ men}: b 0 l ‘ IYIIn : he“ “:31 .‘cr "K it! in «- ‘hn 7 in“ “la ‘.fl‘ » try . ”1); v #0" Am ’w”l "v a" wewr. “h Ht M“ in) "M- on ”(ma G in, Peg] ~ln t ‘ new file I! ah _- “I ; MM WV" I ow“ '“ did 1 fl bah 9 field“ and kw?I:on a. on. Coo wloan. main. -on u, h}: b rurg Wen“. mtg he Intel th‘zm ”1'9""- x “we; “m 001’ hm "(Mint -1v “Pt "tnrted ”lpir Vic Perv hon. B‘no 926$ e’llll'r “Imp“ “h or "e“. .V n o'B mod “(an "id .9 .' flzur )‘ “I bag P"?! o 9 an: M ”‘M fr" Jon. 3 Br. 'snd wan- l . ‘ In] and c. I mwn .mg m m. ”In em Mb“ lAI “a P' "M “b” (prim {the ”Pd 3) “‘W‘m m‘l d lgnde ,form bhn . Wu, . Com, ‘ “‘3‘! din" hrirk .hmv "364' D 3,. ‘uhiect “bin hid? ox? fo‘the pipl‘ “t .u “'M m flvtion ”raj“ no m o no; EmaG ”mm m ““1” mum: no "ml ’ ‘'o ‘ _ _'.,v‘ . ‘ I Id am (he {VPI‘ I‘m-t. lor'lbor'h‘ch nRe >d- Rh ““wh- fact a "hngl One ‘1: 1,, amfeqt IN“ A E en. D. ‘f F 3”” “flair ”um ' ~ 1,, t w lab; he 11; 01; ev Nth a flu- Irmn oro Vin I 6d! nth' e- w.“ C] I B Imam .be ‘ up “In?“ 9t ”1113 0: nn "9 8| . ' .‘enpn Pn— g mel .V Paul ”:0... Ur P. A ‘pon It m’ - “In. Im“ or?" n ‘Bm ‘2O” “I” .l Wh . 11):“ . wyw Wm, ' ave tllnad "9m If flvu- "urde lich- ,: If flung -”a 1 ‘ "hm “we“ ‘ "3.” th P .0” ‘ ye ’ hmh Np Rh ”on“ rage n, .Y - Ohmrd' llngbea r: Peg" :v”w do \“fie I zo-d t 11:99 \'w”nm(iy uc‘. '7‘!de ’3! ‘ .flY.“°|)r - “vet filer? Q~ _At .flboug, 9‘l' beg mo, Pin “38 I', t Iv," “We" "'3 no" when "I re ‘ }Sf :pgrrzflpaiz; my: ”I: :1: ”I: pm Imm: siprggmnhflfl dams“ flame me mvf'pm b;T‘"z.n :2 wry”? 917;. (1.4"; “ill h};°:D-nn::o:‘nm::3ing 113310213“ 7-‘ 0f '"fl 1. 'I M”: ' and P '5: Inns, ! 3:] “er a' M ll] v Pce- ‘o'; ‘ ‘Ec 7:! I" '2. ran“ ’ I be “mt,” unit a woumntbocw Judo. to n. one {9 kn be Vent“ emu. Farm-- Inn oftie elerv- 0! Rib" ' "x.” hon” "guy 3"»: ‘roh “paved “me hm " prfl'i’! d "at dy W ”"18: ”cw“ wmurle ”‘9‘ not but 113 m 3»? 0v“.- lno “P‘Hon ‘ Wong 1! fort“ ’O9 "in ”my for “Mg! II I ha. Co ”uh. 5 Stored C‘t H ‘8“ i‘‘ I ~ I k . ‘l| ' “at in“ gm“; “d be on “H mm- }my 29 "he 1 tofu}, ‘I go "!‘<'nd when “M n s "’o'" I" the t “Men the "In '“d In.“ Wine" an "In“ ”(in C’ I b" "0 a“ there . Fm). fut it v r (for ”I 8!“. the” ‘ ”a!” ”el- ”‘o‘ entin 7015 t ‘l' av... _ , Dian Pumas . Med CHI th 4, '9 ,1“ n‘ A . I‘] T 85136 farm-ridt e q 9’s ék {mph-1P0: m ‘ ”Pn— h“.\- mu Pom onp‘“"msg re the To 93 "m ‘i‘nuu men: I m “Pee. when}. ”I'd. (lb Gun Bait “P. V “rd-'ylrnwlumnlrnl I. . "we I cam mod . In, tn‘Wion peptic” ‘1 intro. 19E fin ‘ lhé.‘ “we,” “‘ all Yof the Ymm th "04-, 19 .P-‘t dorm“ this. 81' h ‘M' “a .111. eRml) ‘ Old 1" into" 'l'! he ‘"d 4- )vmm- I'om ‘C ‘ “Pm" “88, :7 bnliqlh‘ “an“ be can '0 t}, ,“blp up , “I‘9 "‘ hiq- ‘ non Auk "nk ‘3 of. qulpped "'9 to '0 be? hr. - p“hm: ‘9 gllI “I‘o "may “.flm ”h I rd" mm md. ‘ I'‘ m e mama I 1“ , tinn] mg} n”m P93.‘ ”gm of nbe t_. mv" G for. the Nice '3O“ If 13!}, "In .‘flf‘p .‘nv. I:th ml Dawn‘s” ”Imm“ that “a“ J“ \ mlnk ”ham. Pam .v» th ’ .0“, m d." 'Mp“lh »» Ind t “Kiel 10. 3‘ ”y “'6 - “fiend lacat rs om. w- OL. a lamp“ -. ”m, ‘"h to d,. Prflfl'vryinh’ ,hisn .hnd hie—‘l ~ H 'l' PM, 9 “in."“fiich m ‘3l: “Hill sir EFL 3' Shed,- “1h» a" \ Re... to" w. 'k inh. to", ion )JOL' ”(‘an "cum-"sm" "Ml h (film ml“ “am” who anveq .n '1" par Own", ‘ 'memn "ml .thpm Ens-9 ck fr , 9.1!» hnrin 'wa y‘rmfl 'ng O "my.” "“I h lslin ecall 1x“ mm] filnnd ‘n R "t:- .Vthfl _,_"‘l :gof ” proved ! undo "I?" .mm ‘5“ n Rank ' ”ow “ml“ About '(“hnwnflmmn . The our bgm dqes ‘ Iconfi BV9toso In ‘ Mint);- n the b e"lke ° 5 Of' 1:“le Cow tan‘ No 1 “aim:- “ml fit}. It w ’ 9an "1 W? 3 guy; Tller’,kin Pr, vbwmgMnr "3' ‘\ln F9,,|\-aln nnx o'6l Mdsw‘ ‘ “'l3- ' fi"ins .Va 0 ”7"in , den“ f 1 . mew: 5! Co "burg "m,n‘ I hit, . ‘ ’"in,l .‘nnpl‘ nrgfihnij'h'm from" nr "yo M 0" Y “in, man". mm me - n, W. “ Evok "my“ 9' ”m “an. in} n ”mfi Mk ”cloud "rifle from “r 2d . ml] 11 h th y"I ",3 ‘ (.\. "-dnfled “re" to! h‘ kept Infth- CHV T Hoq, erv f “in: m U IH,, .MI 1 men Pewim. n. -., lltni -’l‘r mam; Pnf} - . “Na; eld farm ma film nth-"II“ Bag "(in 4. Oho ad K "Ir .in ‘ll ’“nd ~. '5 bun ~ [helm “wag: en" ”um. mm "ohm In nw tun” 34+" "f'u m, h , 4 o‘. \vu umhml “Sh” '14., nahtfi fe’otinn-‘hn on n 9“,,“hsmoklg ”D“ r Mien. rm} “my! in ”m; ”m mm dmg' ' .9“ ha” m” M” mak pm enme‘ 9} min “it Stat ”It slule Sta“; rim- 3°-.\f.+ ' 3°" of “ Wadi rm," oned "nk “afi‘fithtfimy br , ' our 9.'the “a Inc, '9 0,, .3. ‘en t c “Jim °‘ dish th [Mime mit u ‘lnlldflp‘mflpn n'nmupuinn” dmcm mm. (riot nn ~ u o‘l ”10 (7- Yer)! w‘ ' mit n.l{en sh. B ‘ Jamar}? W3l: " mPn If ‘hpir #01! mm] '9 0x“, “Fe andn'ri- im 'lm f 9, ’ ‘nd tn Ba "min"e q“!!! R‘l ig'u‘s "w,” "“ izi‘lnd‘. "1;: u, t 7'0,” “n n. affiromt‘lym,; M; T” I? bur "Hm“ M-w. LPo "Pd" 'ynmp ‘1 _ use" {p}, '“ Pom-r "HI-r; “9.1.6 htmno fled Wrtnng . ry‘bOat l'niilws k [ulna "to, M "Imin. Ll-u- H": ~ trv l'Cln‘. 9.0 - ‘Mk ‘o'"qu may-o} lrof w" Hector MM or: f ”w“ "a! In”) “MW“ ‘ 3‘ . I!ng In,“ ‘6‘st PM!“ f ",9. “hath fink ‘s f g“ Ra‘ nun, 2rd, M. "J Y 20), I' n--Tl . Kln 're {0 In n “m- I ‘ev‘den aI. ’no N. “In” In g T of“ ‘ SM“. nm. \ .an‘ mph and ‘ilmn’ 1" 1“. "db . ’r‘ 0n of do 81'] 3rd I‘o m - “he‘ ‘l.“ T ' .Aco HIM ”Vera ‘9! fl K-bog, "‘9 I? m flmh. n ”hm cord. W . ,qt. )9 .ng , shi ‘lph '~ IT I), ‘" a“ awn ‘hp oof ”fin 9r.” "Vl'a nn . _ ond,. Sf aka, - .Ivy mo 35 3 n In! ed -h 0 ntnt- rm. lon Y ad. 2 5],. "31' In th‘ , I'e w 1 ur, “Jrsy. \' ‘uJMv an. m! (111“ ¢- u m “it on,- «l W‘M- Dec t: .v (n , Mn flock fin“ BR mnhe me In mu“ mm‘l m”: l d .the g ‘00“ to"! . hAa rpm?" ”in! ‘ rmh dark -- x 9 4““ in", “I \‘é not ’9! took hg, Tmzi. cflllil‘ Jonnll "“09 Int V 0 SIHD’ “P in My: M u 0- lar - I'm 0n... PVnrv Wn; ‘ ll“, ‘ ,eclzu- ‘Ul‘jocf 9‘l u“,- ,lf‘ro 1 ,"mg’ 193. h.l ntt‘.‘ - t~l4, . Will Sm .M] d Jan. Imp ’ thth :‘Mde I "3 for y"p Hm ho ma 3. Hfo “'0" loads mom (r ”Mm and"! mv w. (“w {d inf m new 9 m JM‘ "gm. hows I -. uhts um: u ey mam, "'k ‘W 1 P 9"... ,0”, n, "e Viv. the-d Jim}, I n. I) <1) “Fon nél'h ord" '“na‘, . "jg 150 an: “M Pro Rina": “u. ,v .of M h 1‘: Ad of ,rA ID x vasf "n 1 ‘ an In,- ~Whp Int.l Inn", M] ‘T gm in” deu W). T! Md . um“ I v and [m lon. Mk l” i H ”mm how 8 did mm . Pmi-’ 'em. 7_ allow, 'Mnud. .m 1 it ”to n. nwp h - our gym 5 hel “We in y9x .1 at“. We}. In. . HM, -" ‘hefi I. Story.» not.” PM”. on p .94 n M “mm OFt '\'hour Mt “ m “mm ‘ ”mu ‘4‘ La “m! m “WU,“ fr“ m lghhfiu aw" mm ~or u .Stnzm . the 0m ('xse of Us poh‘l ""c’? ere or“; ’Ppe. mg- < Winn k- ntomv ‘ c‘om f‘rocn mom, "d ,‘ Med h ”min god ~ ,flrpe, .‘ J T .°an ‘ "k 11ng nu; ma ho Pityc 10m} nn "d PHI-a.“ '9 Ida “hon- r con .I, , mnv Jeruh "le ‘hfld 0 ATM In”. a M mm“ W" n. x ' the - 3111‘ v 8 mné- "ch m F‘th ‘ 0 a ‘; Rho “Erna . A 95. g Pnt g I" it, 01" ‘OO ‘M’nke T,\v hi 4R- , {has ‘ Is def of "I slam-{:3 llculh ' expo“ k fil. Ym u . r”w' be ”up! I fmm “nu Ty an “I. in I :23“. a: CEO“: rfiht‘agfichmfinxam. gm 02mm} 9190?; RIME' Elected . {l3:}: "10:11“! “iglxog‘mg “A" ”:3: fog; 'nt’gr. (I at Snows: C 9(1 f’ol- Slfiuard._§. Whiz-’5 shnrllr: "I!()iffipmr;::tm Mg]: FIRE...) {“0511 763:?" "acme-Ham?” "a": n:‘;"r:l::.' 919;th ‘Qflflicti all th eat 1,, 9n» pa“. Wed “in “1 ° , ln',lun'_up m, Mama-": 3 tho; 5% ml n," Wu."fl trim unpow , Panv You)"; let uj“ l’um’t 12:1,, .9"! m‘ "‘llliLe Th ’ W mum cred Imin } y n". d»mng w‘ ESQ ngthi ”I, f, "Psd lode ' U] 1] Wm ~ :3, -* rd m.to :1 "Evil “9 .A ‘ 4 I)": "U' L' . ‘hnd ’ bo'h ‘ a E m ‘OO Im" ‘ “ the]. 0m >l. F“ 9‘“. Mb fl Slave I mar ' omnc fl); wh {flan 1‘0“ \f ‘8 p 9 "'deq "VII“ of Mn, We 1] I'm; of 19- T‘ Fatßat Ba 1 eln ,i‘ ; ”on 5| A ”Übjr par" S 1» s nlm ' V‘llry Infant ”III: it flew“ . w m". new (in docfinrvtllgp - with, Vac. {c en 1 (“Mk it) ‘ om]n Klan. ' Th9d Pniq “11...; we ”:90 .b m 11:511 (‘3‘, 1, Ellingu 'ngsu “th ' m "As... 38m 7' ‘ r-Vumi v ndw In" em ”(ma June lme “LG ‘ the ‘M r {on x. ‘92!" (‘ne ymnr ;- A, Maw-”Um“ pr ”mint.“ hflnn “hr-e Hind . , 1m”. ' ~—“ls Lo" a(lath .RaJI xNe ongre he)” an“. M H mnbormev “em pres? were“ i\u ‘1 in mynm‘nlngn [‘oo:] "81“ fr. "deny ‘s' 30- kenfl elocat- ‘ f ‘ Life- 'ken, é Teghri 10nd Mr n “rph'i- ”8t doc! 55. . MIDI“. mpfro Erma «41M Mix-. 890 "t in 0d Gw '0 Flu-«tin “M "P m.“ ”dnvbtl‘e 1,901 r. "'mem Hm .v c long Lir E‘iik. "Ir-« 1.1. "g, ”a. our ' ”MFA.“ rub“ M . rm” can“. fed 0 mum? mum“ n A MHz-e! “tax-y “mbo ov. jh‘ Ur (‘n I”. 0““ “Ono ~ Pok ‘, ’ln M,- Pra}, Abfi " mum] ~‘ » 9‘“ lik “Shndf - n "'mt‘m ”0k”. "no, ' Mum ’5. .m It Ichn vie-0t) reg} ..“lUk he D‘ OFSQ “ts .- ,fvnlq‘f Mm" ‘holef Panl ‘l, “rem ‘Hv. ‘ ‘ceo u] qgeq I“k on en dI g l ‘m‘aw -' 4m“ ' ’O4. mm mm" A that 'O3 rd mldgg‘wnh ’9l-" 1 Jon“. non (me "to g 0" Im] Mt rY M Orces 0“] Ilyw '(‘lnn e“ 'Whmhl h ”I“. go. mm Jim ”I" “m Irp'w , m ‘o‘“ th easel dof 36! men on“ I‘c. I ‘ “”0 'pd n urnp‘ ' ”tar 'E'ullrd ‘ “rhea y. ' I‘m. IL. ,mr-4 ._ lngl an Vn he" ‘ mil h “h“? we. ado De St at 3.. Le .10 'h“ and n find l‘wex llrh Itn b-I- npn . 9mg OI‘A u an“. mnk K‘yo‘ an “M .N. Palm. , n ma“ MN- Pint ‘81!“ 1 Ver ‘;VeQ on . b an; hm. Oran qn lm nu- T), "d. mm, H.e n . 'lth ”Pk "), em. wmaethdot . Mg m at “m 1 (he ~00“ "m. m- "pd , :19 .rm “"9“ I POll5 "a 3.. sho 4 '-Y D at 81‘ J)“ ’MO "m it 9S , In: mfltt “Cl-I nl' . 310 Re 79d JE PM “ff Nnn "Win .. p - “cc mad '. “I n “‘d h .Mt "Wk me. “I r‘ c an,“ 9 and “tag ,- It . 9r. v‘l‘ "r 31,; ‘ ek’ct Rubi. .a m“ tau d. I‘, “1' (h "eons "me, “Oh KM“ Math 'n I ”a“. P mm ON" If . the WM! mm“ hem to“ v camel and?“ gm“ 6 rm) ’1 Re YPm-d‘ 413““ 1"an; 1‘ ' M 1"? ”npm ”'rnvvonem . undn‘. ."*"'n that, . “mi fl] Om“ Vgew :‘tjvnf' m hqnlpo - Ih.- Cnen H‘Hn .. , _.,w.‘_,.g , , ; n s r of n B ’‘F"m”M‘y d. m 1 ling ”mtthw‘m‘t hm“ 09k to me Isla d P‘ch . 94313: ht‘wand thuk ‘ atop ‘llc-(lv \ Onum «Whom For“ 'ough are slmfi an que‘ Pnfu '9) "In mi. V crew wm 3km - “erg Md “Sta“ ves se "ha p‘llv‘. ‘ ’larp Pryfm ‘ tnu ‘ \anxfég (‘e iq 1 ‘ “"dmb "o or NH be 'e M 'rowq at "0"“ mr ere inn" will Ejt. for 'Pm ‘ “pt u ~oCnnv n. (‘nvah'x "ls-fan ‘ - Where-”Mk, r ‘cflme Min,-‘ “8 0|“, ‘ eongid , “58 of ‘l ted—iv (‘n ”n ".d M ‘ "“1191. Horn] "v I It"? (“WT/h" ”(mom not (In \The ‘enmrfl ‘9 Pod - “M3O w; 3. I’l .rthn, "my .Ixh‘wn _llp3 1‘ "“350" ”full red Cam] . Mn ”'3'“. ""ler ”in.“ ""0”“, "no" r. I.‘. . r h n no!“ .MP ' ANN mm} mm m” .v 'l‘ mon- Yno un . ryi . yum-1 MP «W ‘m« -‘2d a plum rh 5e . Hus w} y. win. “t W!) 1 Rue 'P m , 13° to ‘ had pa - “he . ”‘h ’nf‘ a h 93- he . : 111).. ‘1 ‘9‘ “Sum Yul. "we "ml our Hh ~ln Mmfl "m ‘Ch U rk'yem' w a "film omm 8 1 nyof "01::- vau ”77?”: Mn. ,1 11m. cofu ‘ flcoa- .u, ‘ngn m m trm em It n)- or . r 9, “Pu.“ (109“. "I dye t lon. aa my cot] eaitofi "0 Go . um.p ciwq .t‘nm )1 Pound . nndm I'yl "Ive l’ “"qum “I H "hub. “9“! "L P" "gin mm"- W- “mm mm . 1 nsp ‘nll‘finn Were sil'nn mg ‘On m. “<lth ‘ll not Imm" .7. ‘trno {l3'- “,3? “Ore 55‘“?an (-m‘lnn max mm {69s “t. "on o i “hm. .rm K upon. mm m“M h mm. Winn“ 0“. hm'm h lavish smith PM] 0“w lnntem Y theta den.“t I’lm 'mn Ynm‘th" We“. Norm} nn(n,- " ad. I pflnyl\ .Iblished ‘ithel ‘ M 8 nmmamnh mum-L mm M 2“ uM chard (we, on“ Yarn; yreru ' cam]. Ore, ‘ 111.; ' kid ‘em - 'hpn to by Inmn' Wen,“ 'l. ;aaSt E Q fihm . C ‘n“ u 0"” "LN” me an] . {1;- 9r St and .he hid port h' “2de Jdnte nncln r 9. In? to raw 1‘ ~ :W,“ "M.” Inn-..,. ‘-1 '19“) - "‘1 thi ~3an , “Hahn “all. "3 n“ "“"N “‘"“b"mm“ ”M One -. :1 913th, 3“ “,F’lta‘m 0 1m! r Y Ava “gm; ‘ ‘l9(] n fro “'nrc‘l.‘ ““11““ vwf‘re‘f .1 nm’ ”up anlon )le abil- 5. r , Riv“. the Hound" (m kn"\gt‘\ h" ym‘v: -ydo .: 10.: .Pnrnc ""2 “n‘ ~ Th' uta of nut}. at ‘m U . the ‘ Gian] opm“ .9 «Ii fr J. T ‘lng, . the .. w” [11"] ‘fl,. . to Van ’s' l. PM of" M“ “019“ m, M “hm”! “mm I”! “I: 60 ‘ ~.-um: 1; Fauna 1e”. a. enom', ‘ “or: “In 1. «. run B 1 1; llepi P 1 8 t'meb. rlt, ell-“.., the Mn“. ml Men}, 4 e renf'nocf.“e and .1-{mtam 31:: d. t sh: and amp" °--,». to .“t mm“ "‘- “WNW? “an" N:n n ““rflmnm :‘hmmr "Min .0! ya“ 9111,; " 'Yhathm‘L‘l" " ”m” Name .1.“ unfglmen *on he 'nJus't-geltwn' . he? rr"o ‘9 ofp "hp-.“ua- n«n "Chum n: n.;.:‘- ”m Ital-1n Y: b, Pgfinq '5 «30 rmm‘ Bmm- “H” .be is: me - Ice . no" can ”my. mp: '. 'P 1 I'm -o'lr AL “be” "my ' 1 RIM! IO u u“. f pd“ ‘ I mg}, ’n M“ For Tom I "hone.“ "ht 9. th Pd.» .umj Ibh. anry Innvvb nf irr% “"“bo PM rR 9 TI: of ma 10f Ix "H mm h". Mb r Arlylm‘d mnrri ndih C(1 t6} ;_ endor 3 «’1 v 0 n Rhm‘ m, -- nm- |~ KOI‘V n.n h.” “(an “St “H "mm ‘ ‘ t“lug nf Y} {nuch n H‘h h «A he 011129 lafi-d Ages h"an mv r mve se‘th: fem La nipnn' hm“: f Inr,‘ ~1.- w]. “Wm” ,to n ““116” Imm m B mural Ont], ‘ tOfom“! {rdm' fin. Ml t 3. tha lnmené: Jrjne u m-‘ln "I‘m-Iv Illnv u’ 'O, fell p “(are L Hhfi. n« 0n 590; °‘« ."3 Kw},- .mfin" nVt .."mpk { meme] nd,l been ther "av-ml . n m“. and more to who i‘ - Anni“ Imn th‘m‘ckr mks-q .nd the. ”fig-mild ’ . mnq- e 3 W 111“ th 1‘ ‘ . wand bu . Foes 19., g . oth Duo 3] $1 ‘M-n . 5m Fm‘ flan” . - find ‘l' a... . "ml‘ Inns ' H pi“ Mn L Minna urge:- unowt Ymgn “new; 6 . "ma _'mm lqtnin "‘lrw "nnH SN Mom. ""I‘t Pvnp,‘ 1 ’Plf‘mu I 9 mm“ m “mpg l e .exten he mi “(1891:. :E’ '1“ '“— _.n lnx ‘Nm r) the 19% “Wk of h up 0f m, ”'lin wo'fq. if? ,in‘ "l: n, “”1" ,‘fm “h: h' N. ”0113‘ tthnn “9 wn H 'l'}v Win “...,. “V? 9 ’01” the-r ‘ ihe do ' WW! (I l' [mrr .U' to ‘ mel : tent]. .d n“: 8‘ n; r’ V ' “mandin m; ban aver “1d ¢ Ab ~ 3 ‘IN‘ ...», «nglnnd. 0n pu- m (‘nnn ,mmn ler e, ”Mu. II ‘ (“qu If'e 1, "Own 'b ~I|l'.t9 D Hln - 3h),- ' Th- he' 0‘11“ , kw “7'“;— . ..‘:u” “n ‘‘k n. Tmm“M n ‘ "I. “or. ..’ “e . ma Tch ed :itF“»fl£;‘fnr:s‘n“lp 1:4: nm‘lé Lender misfit: in dDQdSE. “will; 3:,“ 31,1?“nslfl'i‘: “”33 misc?! ‘lmo :33“ ”m“: 33”“ meafve .uefe finfif Y Lin. and «Lid Mme“ n : O'Fpn- I "Am (.‘nm - mam-J .u! 1h warn, 42""... V“ ”I "m, or 'di "‘n e,, , 13v m' .M. 1‘ :I‘ Pof ~‘flnd “do ‘l' n: ‘\v (lvm J‘s-[L * firm-p ,:‘|' or “’0" -"Mfll mud n C ‘ol}, ‘ ‘leg Inve‘aad' Tub- “000,5- E’Endh‘ ‘00“? 51‘ 9ka t 4mm, an be] {PM ‘fiv... "Min" ”Hm" Ml Irefltqo ‘res 9P“ ‘ of “d lem“ t he a . An. 37!!" - 8 "Mr“ In g- .L'lu'p ‘ilr p, 'Mn‘o 1 b. 1114 “11 nf . .oct mat rpm 3to ' hen Pinin “Rl3, Ind. pn' av. 12M Tm; look "any mm. "mm m“ untr nnal T; WO5 wl- , » Cove 1. are {n ‘ nfied 18- an w .3114] "0“ "WM and. ‘ ' mm. to M .4 833; «54) £sol::?t‘°mfi;:mnri:§lßMJ‘lQK $1.3? their :IZOTfinal:n‘fls :91 ”'e {33” 932;";1x‘2’nfi541336”:mm“? up"? thwart ”:1? _5 ’ Pnc “h, “Nd mt DUB ' of: inn “n‘ in ‘lloklbfl‘ ‘ in?" '( "0 .., Vi-nui' I‘. "v ‘‘ “I “on .y “on ms Ch '9‘ “a Wd 0 "Whicfi 11mm Loonsn csby m ”“7 do. ‘ (.“r‘no‘ tf‘r; ; "find : " mu; ‘1: "In," r‘n PM m spo Mon to E was 0 force hpwsenc‘umimw ‘tmimlb . who a! n-nfifim ~ “kin-1a 1;!0 main‘ to Mn (hutjn "hnm‘ 13‘" n. mm "H n‘ “k. P V ‘ .4 . ..c‘l t“ x‘ 0d) , in” "195] ”I“ rb ' red. 19 hm‘ep Jung wam no ear 8 d‘wr I omm” ”Wk All-oh m]. K+l lon-Y Plum :l'an‘d m, r w “.1 q ‘orv . n ~ ctin '9B n' W. b “ch, W 311“ v Procy .- now .«lv M ‘01,“ finnn' Fry; 1~ ; hm- myn, IMI "‘h‘v‘m . ""‘M' (1‘ nnlmm “VHS” ut u, em; lev nr] ’Vlfié “for . Rp.‘ mix "Map My 10w] 323' '"l ”“1. - mef H ‘.O ‘ _ .' ... um- I] H} him 15'. ,01m . m u._ g- ”"4 PM ‘ "‘7. "WW my“! a,. Inclpat- r‘ncnm 5 find th AJr UI Pt] I”M. N \- e‘\ew' Ire]. - I that . nflbr 10h, tart 1 la“ n Una 9 I‘. 'on . :hm‘l filmy... Jinan" I my"; ‘’l I". pn‘rfl . Hie ‘to 8 “9w. have , doom” ~ 3! WM p “u" H a ml] 1‘ "mpg! 49“”. lmad.. A m 331‘. -‘ rt 3 sex ' With- Fem“ “Vania. “ML“ '49“ Ia 0 (1M 2 ‘ ' mp. i. .' h‘( ha new Co‘eme. ‘Thlf‘ mdzly a {OM} "1116."de °"\- The I.3s;”"flng‘r ""8 infill-{w ‘‘ I you \ .9“! b"! "servat- ey now" 'hvw “Four tho kmont’m‘n 1|“ murmnvfiv I!” VA Who P V“... V vain'g “Live Rerubil.PFoPo‘s;\ I'} all? their Hruiwifiiuod an”, PM": m PW. “MM" I?“ the J“ Mk. mm "Ix” “cm-v.“ n lhflfiomnhpi ”lo 1‘ \I- t lnfzfifild ”fr" mg“ mf- f“w Immml‘ non-1‘ smon f-‘fm .1 191 d, pro-u; ~ IL-puy. mm nme‘.) shun git»! InaTfln finn'fimuld 'j‘lmd that—'l with an: bit or twang-w P ‘I " I‘' . a I‘ ‘ . aoknnwllz Riflcaed omni'afi" Wu 1“? ”rant "Mum“ ‘ 6mm?» Aged 13' ‘rrmnd ’ mu]. flunnac ' MM“, ‘1 or a” LV'Jzu-k' (-47.1 43...} ,mtof 61". "a 80 ."d ‘ W ch 1 let - I] «m _| . , ("1‘ on hung lfi _ “1p ‘ mo .‘ 0 0H tn .d'nm‘w 'lihio-qlt Ar Imp" and table. . “V“ b... ‘v “fit-r ‘nm hm bv eGon thé u: tr di we bi] ' of ‘ of : ed . do ‘ of I an Vail the the' K'erod fully its‘ terrible ievils \ 4mm of Indiana, alwngjgt, mn cnnslitu tinnnlq and regarding er sister Stalls. and now?“ ould be a'mong the firch: MI shit} that. regard. Hen that); ogmze the truth of that de . ‘these States. free and slave. 9, could non-bide in union . ch. By eash‘ regarding the! ‘the other, the Union could eretofpre; ? i of Ky.” proposed to amen‘d' .11 by adding la the first'soo- { once free: in“ the slavesgin ; provision to'the efl'ect that"x > all have {he use of‘his slaves 1 [ es the money therefor.-,This I he said. u it would rgazire ' ascertain the uvemge lue . . es; but, the p'r‘opositign wall . 4 ' t‘ 1 l and 5! his own ‘ tire and ifhtnnf oynl, e herself id not 1- tion, tha thus div . her as s fights of pow 33 ' . Dnvih. riginnl b which a istrict, owner a he recei ecessa g while 1 the sln ted. g . Willey - dby sub A ion to a just axis the Man the one was a 10 of El2li ‘ . ~’ .‘1 of Virginia, 1 motioned, ‘th» ‘u iuing the qupgtion of emu}- ote of Lhe‘peobie of tlie Dir . .rted it, on “19 ground that are to be left t 6 get for them suhject.’ there mu no reubn ict of Columbia. composedmf ma of I State. éhould not be the same. Rfjected, as To]. EMI and nu 2 States 3 oh this the Dist." 51 pgrti ed to «J, i HI. Carlile. Duly. Kendall-on. ham. Mchuml. Powell. Rice, Equ,Willef, Wilson of Mo" ‘, mAMhmyfiimingfibmd lixon. Doolittle; Feswnden. l Grimes, Harlnn. Howard. sLane of Ind., bane of Ka‘mmmg my. Shermnn, Sumner.Trum “ ilkinson. Wilson of Mass.— n 5. ‘ u—Me «Ime bury. -% m-m. . Mes Ken Saul, Wri ‘ ler, 'I Foo .! Ho ~ : Mo I bulk' 24-.‘ ‘lark. | ‘ Fmte -. King. 'll.Pom Wade. 'epubli ‘ Bi]! lill ton hunt—The consideration 9! >lish shiver-y in‘the District? f I. stemmed on Thirsdayn Ni; California. spoke at length)" magician that by reason of the' motor of the measures of the ~ty. sections‘ot‘ the country in 1; inn". strong Union feeling ..'; a become greatly changed.-’ a» were especially inexpedient and the character of the div 5 would not lead to a restorno‘ nion. Tim Republican party; 5 especially pledged.‘ by the} of the President. lgainst this me me: e himself wu noadvomza of slav r, avid considered it airr evil in this Distqict. B t the people 11qu a right to be oon's‘ilted o the quesfion—nnd he was will mg tp vow fpr a bill providing for gredunl cmnicipatioh and a wise sy'stem of coloni‘ mtio . 1‘ . m. Ten flyok.a{st.. took the gmund also @ll5l. the President we: pledged against this humane. and quated the speeches of Mr. Lincoln. in hi! contest with Mr. Doug. la: n; Ininzg’in, indicating a. determinfation not (a) interfere in lay way with sl‘veh-y in the States, lis? aboliuh it in the District of Colug'nhil. except at the imam-A of the in hshifiimts. He said it was on this platform am heAndLothen had tough; the battle of 4M, gaqul” gm in New Jersey, and when l bi} Wv‘ augsl, 0 ;g the I“ L and ch nant _i OE v “50 7‘ I- must: Itime ans her .f the I eld, w .rations ry; ‘ rg m... ithombjoct of which i« to run "old Al)e"'for tllaflfireeidency in 1864; Thglt mick won’t fighttl Th 9 penple have had «mouth of RO - Prem‘dents. to last themjgfor _n fife Limb} This ’now dodge is mqrely a blind, tn mfich a. few mft shefled Dei-noérnLl, who they hope to entice intq theirmilu through the influence pf the high-sounded name.- It id €he‘lastyan’s Union party "any pain? being played ovér again. "Democrat: ‘. watch and defeat the d¢signs of the trick- Steffi—Eddofl‘ Samuel m”). McCl'ellnn has bum cormnnfly ih ',hé saddle for several wacky. 33an when he rjetm-nn to his quart!“ at {fight no one ip (b army looks muddier thhn the. His head uarters are in a shanty in figlmmy wood but they are brightpnerlj by the prese 0e (”his young wife andm’éharming Indyfvfriend‘ oflhgrs. who ‘seuon with infinite mefiiment the course meal: fiarliaken of? tin’ plates on_dop ofamndle'boxj * ‘d‘ "‘o‘: " a“ , ‘ ”The Xew York World, mfie of the lendingjourpti‘h of the communism]: menop‘ oliq, ery boldly charges upon tM Secreta ry ofihe Interior, that he and othfrs in his Depot-knew, including the l‘ntent and Pens" n ofioefi, have been 9:11:ng in im pm£ speculations nnd ‘othor malfeasance ‘in .4, co. ‘ , ‘ I a ‘ * ~——.———— ~—~ «org—Mfl « ”The whole montyy‘ rings now with pmiseE of the Sum: of (ion. 31mm. at the male; of Winchester. r: um be recollec~ ted {HM (his gallant officer’s confirmation was viioienuyopmsed by um Aboiition lead. or: in gth'e U. S. Senate. solely on the ground thit a was a Democrat. ‘ ‘ #There mu great activity ‘in mili~ tary alfl‘airs at Fortreu Monroe and vicinity on Thursday, but the detail: nre not made public. The dispatch states, however, that important news may be mticipated daily—— X 0 Bignj of the Men-inane. ‘ ”The Imm advice: from Gen. Banks’ ‘ army report all quiet mar Woodstock—J On Thursday morning some firing took‘ placeforthe purpow of dislodging n body of Confederatel on the heights near Edinburg. Dmth (y' a Mrmlm of Oungrm.—Washing ton, April 4.—Represantazive Johnson, of Peumyivania. has received A telegnm ac quainting higr'bf the death today, :1: Al lentownk of His colleague. Thos. B. Cooper. Jfllwavl‘u, A‘pril 3.-—’l‘he municipal elec tion lipid in this city resulted in the nuc cesanf the Democntic candida“, Horace Chase, for mayor, Bnd neuly Lbs entire Demo‘cntic fioket. =I 7 114 m Strud- by Lightniq.—During I than. der storm on last Sunday, the hum of Mr. Mark Connell. in West Earl town-hip, Lancaster county. Pa., wu struck by light, ning and entirely consumed. fi-The Vladers of the nempnper üboli. tion cfuude mind. Genenl McClalhn, no the Ohio: fiibum. (Ibo Cincinnnti Gazette. the Now ark Post, Philosopherfimly Ind Fred Douglas. he énntthmubndj Rmfne of‘tho‘lmlim of Mpglofiu‘hmwg‘ 105.311.“ um“), rmnarkwfi thifi’p‘m had with" to hirfi-lmwek 31m!- um whim in rnmultati n with Gen. no? we bad But a Imnlll fnnpp hvrn, MiyLdt’Slri‘d Clvllnnflmt .\‘n‘mmhm‘ (21' member, the lat; hinm"““0’“‘5““'1:’"’“9‘1"“I’m 0‘ ”"17““an inoivfontnl‘v took 11 w'vn a map. nu mm: of the Yankgeuf [Yo hung. but did 1!“;de a.“ to Ililnupon 7"er mowmpn "M ””9"" “"‘mlm‘g‘i Yank‘oecl Th“ ""‘itlmt has Y‘hlt‘t’ ibcon mm ,’hy our armivmu els in town hpre \vt‘re ,n confident anm‘k- \ntl. 5. m Magnum. s“; [gtlmt “.0 should, “m.“ "WW! “I"! "1"} New?” “"I‘T’F" f 0" either ('jrivc the rebel- f 3?: it in n wonky his whale army. Thpyhml tablm wt in the ‘ f.” Imm». a, they would Vacuum it, of then] Hum-che‘ and nlhe‘r publicfpltwl‘s for. hi“ nr- Own award." : ‘ J my. wh‘en tlléy «mulling-ire in town. 'We , .35 ”5.. 4...? -. V”... ‘ ‘ did‘nnt-knmr chit ‘unt [:tho nextiinylnr wn gay-Tm»; Phflndnlphlnflfcdjy ‘hnn berm would have had “1:10“! ”'l'l-"er.o" Sflmdll.“ making tyne halculntiofix of "hé nmnun ‘, night. The “EMF" Fe” 3! Cedar (“‘er vanch State will ‘hnvc to raise of the nmiotmg an: had my Twavmmw,‘ and, a: tlqurwasrs r‘ 4 bm “1 b .“.d ' a: _ _ _‘ ‘flnt‘k of nlmep rinse L} we killer! «9":ng M n ' n aa‘ -_ . . i‘ I cooked them and Put them without. brqnd “The spmtn be ranged My] £3“! mtn the: or fluvtbing also. Plait-ovwrfite noon. .I'. 9. Twin")? by Lewfior .everv yo‘nn ' ' Your ufi'ectinnace Brot'hum 1' ’mll ho 321344342; PPnnnylvamlm3!s.3Bh,.l l ‘ ‘ J. E.‘Wmu.. '425: (mitt-4 512.867.701: Indiana: $7.439, : r..~,,__,...4._._.*...t.‘ ‘ ‘17:»: DH by, }59,¢14.643; and me other! : T T"WC v ‘ . )Stntm in “10 nifme ratio.” fl 1 ‘u’ , ’qu , ‘ “r‘ u' ‘ , > ' On this‘ jguthct of taxation. the Detroit; l The 2“. ’1 . "ord. 5 Rent 1m: ‘paptr. (.\[icbigufl Pref Prm remarks: 5} Protestatagmnst the nttet-npt of ”’f t 11111. net". “Our‘Spi-themp'eoplo havq‘ ‘n «limping? Greely school of politicians to {mm-mtg” an untiwlayery “in. and now they must pm}; (119 Republidm party f‘for the p‘urpbu- of the fiddlo‘r". ‘ Tlgstgin All the“ is of its \Ve‘ 5 erasing from the mitimpal flnéas many stars ‘fl'W-Z." "“011 01? “me come: mfg-k ova-fl . . . . ”y containbd u and m.k" the the}. or nlfleastgnmt ofthem: mll Inwardly] Mlt {mtgma .' . , ‘mnclude thnt. hey are paying ‘lO clear fora ‘ followmg statement. which nnght be con; i 11.; whim”); E ‘ t ‘ nidered inrophuy, if int-as npt the expreSo ' ve—jflfi-OM—w sion of truth nirmdy quite patent: { (”WM-“1‘ 1‘ “5°19“ “0 delny ”if“ -I “As soon to: the war draws viuibly to 93”!“ mMSMEffli? 1380!“)! hilveadeep-sontod \lose. the Dnmocmtiu‘ . party will. it) any and untied. can fiance m f‘ Samparilln,"u close, "ummlldlpfil'ty will. in any anu Fauna-A. “agave”... ‘,_ fl,” 9. ”I bl event. springupagnin’in full vigor. Heavy. ,m fluent“, emed _ - - '. ‘f ‘5l eno 'ech or detailing his cum)- uxntion. the corrupt squander-int: of that" i-eonfid no g “y“ hotwnhatandmg If); "ghu’ be 1‘ L 1 public mmev brought to light by 00an' l ‘ 9'e ”.0 a ’F“? been “medal; efiylnd’ Th“? “me .we "mm! congratul sionil committees ofinvestigatinn. and the by 1M"! preparations clatmmgtq Wm'iflng If"! up“ h" .“mo'mme'l‘ "rue 53“”! questionable étreteheaof powertowhich the It" virtues; ‘3l", I'M“! ““11 non'p at nIL still iu"o.,";u 00:5 npon ""' "new” “- I 05251" Executive authority has resorted. «ill be the peopleltelie‘ve in its intrinfiic value nun gag-«1v r: :mguny. at the “m.” ume '9 "n" charged home upon the RepubliMn ptrty. remedy. because they hire known of iu‘l Reining: 'xsi filo-u {lf ‘0 cum“ "I .oflic'crm which was alone responsible far‘the ndmin- curM. The re e for lar a how Ih‘ " ' l'u “e "F "f" found -m ,hm‘ _ . u , . ‘ g _ g .esat my a true tricnd, mwnys active in promoting; tlie< iatuuon. ‘: fiance: hnég‘called irate if?” many com.;=welt'are ofour Compnnv, .;_ ~ ‘ : '—’.~"«”>————-—‘i .:un so i “impart 3w it: contain scarce-i “WW“, That rl ~b:-~t ‘5): t f . : eThe Chairman of the State Commrt- gully of it. or even any medical virtues ii‘Wcompnny him willecrever Eel mozvozghgffllfl: “a of the 43,901,135, Party” bu issued “an :‘v'vlmtever. “Yet, everybody knows that f“ is our muccre hope that the (End in unmet for a meeting ofthe‘Conimiitee in Plilladel- Eggl‘i‘ml‘i“ t?“ ”a“ if?!" ““‘idom ff" :m’iljzffil‘f, 1;? from n” “"3?" A ‘ pbimon thefirst M May. “to determineupon ensefnfiid fol-ugh(:o3;iffiga‘iofiilz'nt‘lijeuhlotl- lid “"3 ”a“; 31343:: resolu'donl be publish. the time and place for holding a State Con- when they an get the real article, or an an: vention tonominate candidates for Auditor 911?] “if?!“ 0f 1}: Such we am now able to Gen S . ~ m orm t em t ey ran obtain. Dr. J. C. t "“111 “d 2" {For GEM”! ”Id to tn; Ayer k. 00., the celebrated chemi<t< of the 30 9‘lo Pu"? . "91"?" 35 may be {“9931 East, whose reputation oéaurcs us thev do for consideration.” We will scan know well whatever they undertake, are Helllnga whether thin committee will call a “Union” ,Compouncl Extract of Satsapnrilln. which. or I Republican or uPeople‘s Party Conven- ¥lthogghl theibottles .d° "at “OPM." ”“3”“ . . ~. or n 0 ar. 0 contain more 0 actual cum tion. it is time to look for a change 0‘ 'tive power than whole gallons toi'the stuffs ‘nnme. If not a clunge of actors. iwhich have been in use. It i: asserted thnt M"”“‘?’_‘f’—‘— 'one bottle of Ayer’s Sampnrill: contains fiThe small pox ‘3 "‘ng among the more than double the amount of medicinal negroes at Beaufort andllilton Head. The virtue. which is afforded by any other.— ‘Brig‘de Surgeon reports that M many at This'fnct in not onlyapparent to the mate, "to hundred and fifty to three hundred but 1'" lefl‘ects “"d curessaggrdinconteszilble - , uroo tmt it in true. u a remedy nu oantrabends 17“” be?“ taken down. A‘ hem long sought for, and is, everywhere My“. hQWGVCI‘, the (1156136 has not shown needed by all classes of our «immunity.— Itself nmong the white«. and' as guards are . A 92. Qynlkiana, Ky. 5 ‘ . y , __,—.. . -..agn. .5.. > kept. constantly about the negro portion "fl 0011 in Loungen—Brown'l Br'unchial Tro the town. the soldiers may escape the con- ‘ - ‘ 1 ugion. . chea.——At this season of the year, when so i 7']. pm 7 lmnny are troubled with hoarsenesa, influ i e . ermre.—— e man 6 v cum]? ' ifii ‘ lmys the Northern enemies of Gen. McClel-iimndbmnwidi' I?]ng these’Proches Elan pursue him. while his rebel enemies ‘ ”tofu re M ' e hue see" in ‘ue running away from him. ! ntnnces of their good efi'ectin cases of in ‘r .-,.—.--W illumination of the btjoncb 1 tubes and of i fiWhile many of the friend- of curl!” hoax-genes. of children. They contain brave soldiers are {having over their .b‘nothmg which can lfljlfle the constitution, lunco, with hearts lied with gloomy fore- l 9nd hf“? ‘ mum)! 9590‘: "‘7 95mm” :Minf” the army of the Potomuc i, in Ad- , in mining expectantlonjand preyeut the mirab e {3hysial condition end buoyont ,Wumlfim °ffhlesmwforpubhcspmb spirits. houmnds of the men are happier "’- singers. ‘" ell P. F ”Mb,“ ""5 Q [and healthier ‘now Chin at my former pe- .hMW‘M’ they 1” i" “ble"P°",“l riod mm; lives.—Phila. Frag. Tari'c‘rtpl- ; E ‘ LOCAL osnnrmenr. ‘ W 11": First otApFil was it bunny day h‘rre. -“'hnl: \i'illl the town folks,“n!(sving” nudflhe Haunfl'y peoxrlo in on hlfiingss ‘umtlcrih'our “streets wore n'udecidedly‘ lively appearance gWe linderitzmd Hmcamaney was reason-mt"— plenlf—though it mun he recoliocted lhnt inns properly changrd hands (his "ram“ Hum in!"- unx. ‘Bm, takmnllin ultfltmnybe {m mu thing: fiuncinl arc imprpriug. A 3Tb? [olB} i’u. Regimen't Inn Ion: Wadi)- iingtofil—emlmrkiflg foy- sémo Apoint nnknqwn to m: Cam; Cum-rzmx's Company is in ‘his Regiment“ Cupt.’ Bank‘s Company wz'm m-ar [\lexnh’rlrin Elfin“), but ix WM llmught {Hm Rem-rte: wuuid soon ‘be rel-30.11) Imm 13m: MUM ,ufi‘l’ersunz w‘rhiné to en gauge in x_\ monk-y mnk'ing cum-”win- n‘i-le rrforrm’l tn themdvor sin-men! of lhé Y" l'anP Sum Fri-Lo hum-mm," iw to-dny's. [my-er. 'Tho infinrvmont- nfl'c-lral are. m: wannderstnnri, rl-ry gr. at, and worthy ofupe’c lul considcmrit-n. \\ rite I'd”: circular. WMrJoam-u “'mu hnvold hiaflnlngh‘cr I-‘.grnn.«in.\‘trnh ”I!qu Hh‘lllJu Un \l‘xcx'fluéuxfi. Em . J’rctidrnt of the IWeqtefn 81“ku ilqfli: mm, for 55,1“ cash. . rhu- Inmmy. 3 The vicinity i§x . born, z‘md we. nrf 'nl resources of re}- . , ,gQPWo hzu'nlwnrd thnt tin- Ihyr-ler (in-null. I or n finrtinn of fhcfn. hflf‘f thtfen «lofuilz'tllto gunrthr rind {rum Hl!\'N‘-tio-“F.l(‘l‘ tb vani mnre. mu! 1:: ve Main-d tlw rivé’r from .Pgt-rry \ille fur‘lhat pur‘pme. ‘ I §1 ‘ I W.\ I'm! ()tfioe.hus hrwl n§inhli~fihLde the SN"! Slnrs-anwel-num 1h!- (’lrlmherJhlg‘rg Turnpike. fnur n‘l‘ilvu frnln ”I‘Hyi‘flll‘fl, (lrzif‘nf ‘ zdmnn‘a om ntnlgd)——Al.R‘(. .\luJJcn Pnat M4:- ‘ In. The name ~Df film olTu-c is :‘Sevcn Sfitr‘c”: - ny, Yam notfpg‘d‘ fionn as tof ure elm-y; and iii: mine mig‘zt "Hf-vet lpprogs "lit" mk from time to lim . Victories. ’ kpnndnnt of H) t . the followinkzi TV, which confurg ' . tokhmfihnfinug Imgl not beenitll e: :5 or «lismiminn M . cmk.‘ mu: pm an) , stands by Con .\ CHRISTIAN SQLDIER.—-Tl_m Aul-jérl of ”Ir szzhjnined mick-c is n grand-ton of glrn. hum. Suntan, of l’etcrshurg.;(‘f. ‘55), this county. _ From thr Muir-Min Daily Expren, .‘Hrrh ‘Zl‘th :——.~\n Interesting lndinlp‘rr‘ih’l‘ (-crginln ny look plnre m .xhe Trinhy Lumenm Clmrlrh last owning; “it. D. I‘. llnsv-nmint-r. 83:; of Rev. D: l". lioscnllnillngnflhi‘.‘ cit), Ins eqiiql (”M m ~._ h ‘ \h ' .4mr the way, luu iug Perch rd the: uppoinl'me‘at of Fourth ‘\lnsi‘er «m (in gnnhmt Ben. 054' Hie .\lirsisfippi fleet. "is 0rd?!" {101:0 tn Mn“; “is ,lmfim this mbrning, fur M'liH-‘duty. [Keri-tn (ulcrfilz3lfl‘ sen Vii‘t ofhia run-nary as a hqldik‘r this ntimuhlr ynung mnn prrfurnml n zdmiy that al'ould be a waininv find an example 1m “an \\ hojeu'pard their new in me Mule-MkB. “In 1 the midst of his iriundfinnd iii-flu: pre-lenée of ‘ hi:- cumpnnionfi, xhc mfllh} ilrpllhlh‘ p‘fmision 'uf réiigioan-l mm, on thq hm eru-ningiifliis V stay in the ri‘y, confirmed n_ member {the .Jm‘tlu-rnnl'hun‘h. Th'c con-1‘1: any tonJylui-t -in 111-r. Conrad] Clufrch, on Duke ,rlreot,: and wan son-{mil}- impreuirc. ’ t .\lr. Ron-mill” was a slm‘rnl of Fmfiklin 1 Cont-go. He was)”: u-tin- memh'er o! sew-m} Imm” and miscellaneous writ-tin: in “"1001- 1* lake and flu; city, in M) Kn! I‘hirh he prpved L himscif ll nlutbh number and congcuinl El companion. He. {cushy wiui him the good “Min and prnyers o mnny ram lriends‘ and ' nssocintea who wilt tflkt’ piciuure in hinfjur ‘ can anti he “lid to hear ot’his lpeédy rehiifn‘. 1i Conulurn’ Raoul-1|?“ —From the "Lam-tutor Expresu, March 261111—41 a nice:- ing of the Lnncnner Aniliery (7961-13 the: ful flowing rrwluiioq's wrre adopted: ' : Whereas, our lite Lieutenant. D. I'. Ram;- {mille I', has been called {rbm our midst. 1d en‘- _; REbOI.L"FIU.\'S OF THE SOPHOIQRE CLASS—Communicated. Who-rent. in His inscrnnble wisdom, God has removed from nnr midst out much loved pass-male, Cmuul G. Scnlu‘xn, Ind Ixlnlst we humbly Bow to the dispensation of Divine l'ro\'idmwo,nnd recognize in this nfliCo lion the hand at Him whodoelh nll thing! Well -v.hcrcfnn-, Resolved, Thnl. in this bereavement we are depriwd of our be,“ member, whose presonce nmung us was signally blessed, and whole in ken-ours: and commendable zen] have exerted '3O happy an influence upon us and those with whom he nsmciated. I Resolved, That whilst we 21'an our can dulence with his afflicted lumily and friends, and tender them our warmest nymputbm, we rejoice that in his exemplary lit'ennd penceful fienlh we hue the blessed hope “u" be h“ keen called trom the trials and sorrows 0f earth to the hpplneu of tint better End. th I , ~ < ’ Resolved, Thu! his unex ected den .in 9‘ -—~~'“‘4“'" f. A" v ' rid“ at opening usefulne£,sdmonisbes u! to J ”-A distinguished Citizen of )aebvtlle ncreased fidelity, and to be always pfepsmd, writes to the Lnuiaville Journal that media ’o! t 2: ion of Man Cometh at much In hour at ; ciplmed and good ,3._)ndlu:tol'the 17.3. "0099 we I in not. ' - l . - ' Ruched, Tint, m token of our "9P9", *9? are the auhlwt of P's“? by: both fnénd ".Id wear the mull badge of mourning £111"! o"‘s {0.3, Ifsuch pacific Whey 1" P“"“°dv "WI“ Resolved. That we mum“ MON 0‘ “1'“: d toward the reconstruction of the resolntionl to the bereaved BAND”. “d “I“ l o {more 'ctorien ' . Ore request their publication in the “Lut’l’lerln l Union than forty "..‘; Md Minion-q," “Luthmn OMEN", and She plpel’l of town Fun Rwanoa fl‘Jim Lane 1"” been “ mustered out n ‘ E. W. shunning", 0! "1" U- S, ”1"” M Mathew order.— 3 x Fun. Sit-minus, Ho ought to have been (3qu out. w I Penna. College, ”If. 29, 1352. Can. the tune or “I‘. R 0’! “an, long ‘8“: ma smalls-Dumb Gunman. Earl, of l‘nlon tawmhip, has dimmed of bin mnmmofll Steer, ta Maury. Lichen k Fnber, of York—4 "Before remofnl, the Steer WM placed upon Hm hay station at “r. ()cixolmnn's‘ mu] "(‘iflhrl‘ within n {radian of Mru'llmmand ponmhf- About (he 15211. in“. the York penplr Will l'w turret! with rofiu nnd ntenks entirely magnifi ‘frnt. We ohull envy them. ' WSennmr CHI". 01' Brrku. and Repro tentative—Dam", of York, have our thunk-9 for Leghhlin fn‘ors. ' Th 6 Siege of Island No. 10. " Pmnnu. Ayril l.——;\ npvvinl diupulr‘h to ”16 Times. tinied of? Inland .\'n. I". M‘lrr‘h 31. saw: Tl}? rolmji Inn's 01'00'0!‘ n farm nmrenolmlmep~ in the howl of tlm riw-r., din-Pvtly in frnnt nfmn; gunlmmtu. .\n um hmk‘mf‘lll lunlfn milr-Inng hnn'hm-n lhrmvn up an the Atom, behind which gum "I? 'moumml. Lame nnmlmrs are mmkwl ll yvt. mu! “'0 harp no mmm nfu-rnrmin‘n: wlmt nHilh-r)’ they lmw pnstml :It ”nix puma. ——¢ovoml buttorim. hmwvr‘rfnra: plainly yii ‘lMv. ' Tlmir onjrpnohmnnh ‘r-xtonul from Hm rvnlro nf (If? land In ”H‘Jlflpl-r pr- nt uf Hu island. 'l‘lmy are .El'SWStznllllv hm)‘. ‘wvh with uhmm‘mnfl nntl men. Uur mam-n wnrv firm] ya’wtervhyv and in-duy c-vrrv fith-vn minmem with wlint pfl‘w-t m- 'nrn lIII'IMn to Ilvtfitln’. finr ulun‘lls turn all Nn'mvn m- "n thn Inland. The ruin-Ix mukn nu nip-m... kxm‘lpt mu nor-«401ml dmi M our tmn-anh. Uconsinnnl firing i-I Inn-ml in lino dire-Minn of Now qulr‘nl, (EARN-NI hy‘t-nunzc-nwnh {might-n bulimic-d wlnivh :iw- phmtvl‘nn t}... (flan-4m aidm‘ fif the riwr ln-Inw rlmr. plane. We get no mm from ”mm at Hm point. ’ , .g Interesting; from .the Fleet ofl'figvanmh. . H‘mmmzufnn. April 2«1.—-.\ yrrirnrn h-tu-r‘ po'ryin-«l Immgnlnto-lvnn lunrll Um I'. “I ma: yum“?! Smnilfixln. 1:1)“: Hunt leh'mn-nl-l-x Wynnnlmto ,mul anwivh. .umh-r mum-rm! ()f ('npmil) Gillie. «av-ninr ova. prumvmlml up “'ilnungtnp Inn-r and arriving mthin :\ mi‘.(‘ of tho ra-hnl hut-forum, 111-1 mm”! llm rnln-l mvnlry by ernwing fillt‘“, “HIT u “JP“ llm I-zlflr'rimi m-rnilmllml. ‘ Tim who} form fled. inulminus‘vfih-nvin': Mandi-ins! lmluiml; v'W‘n flu-ir «linnvr-In— ("W'- Him;- Innde and hni~tml lhl' HM H r! on flu- rnmrurti. gmd nnntlwr um |u.Ltml 0n thr- rnlu-l‘lu-mlqlmrtnw luv .\l'tin: M-wh-r Sll‘l‘ll‘. Tho hath-r 1!“ u'l-I'l'Hu-n n” ‘lI-~IT'I\" NI. hut tlm llwnliiku in tho 111-ighhnrhnml WNP spnrml, hut tin-y Wore lulu-“numb Inn nt Iw Ihr- rl-M‘H. ' ‘ Tho hung-HM mnlmtml an mm "31-! '\'l'rn‘ «on Pulih.’ The «(u.qlmn n-lnrn -41 w W.” - «raw Inn-m Fur? "lllfl‘ki In!) no? mrrvmh-rll nl Hm (Inhgnl'thii lt-ttvr. but it would luwnxnlu-H: .1 to do so shortly. - .. Aavénce-d.’ Gen. ‘3: m' Amyu-Skirm \ U inking on the Way. *‘VMMTHPK. Avril 1.--G('n. Hunk: «Imu- I-‘NL from “tr-wharf this morning tmrwh Huh paintiwlwn. on "phrn'u-th-z Hm tun n. .‘uluhy. with n forr‘o nf rein-Imu'ulry.in‘fnnvrv mud n Yummy. (liar-mm! thr- [radium-7.! Hu- Fc-dnml tr'nnpl. We lmw-wm- pom-g? nu thrnua'h flui- ‘np'n. Um rvh'nh ngm-uflé Imhpin‘zintlmir rvtrmt mu]lhr-mingdmll-t, tn "MN: If! reipmndwl willn‘r'fi'm‘l. (ion. Bnnka pumml Hm onrm)‘ tn E'Hn hure. fire milm mum nf Wmlnnrk. \khhv lmming hm turnpike and mm railrn'ul brillég in: bin. tetrmt. All flu- mill-Wu! britlgm iwhrm-n horn and Slnnuhurg hm! hen. proviruu‘v tlmtrnymll 'l‘hp nnTy (-s.-«mm on our aid:- wnu nm‘ man killed in the '29”: Pmm-vlvmiu lit-:i. montu‘nml one of flu- 2d .\[mnohuwm Rflpimvnb recoivm] a $3llO hall in his bolt plnl'o. but it. provml hurmlou. Wow-mm. Am}! 2. 8 A. 31’.»01u* mm nml musketl-y drove tha mamv from Senm' (“rt-ok. nonr Edinburg. thii mnrn‘uu: MT n'olnck. They ware in a line of}; "up within m go of er gum. Probably thon- mm nrpm but Anhhy’s cammgmd. ' Our form will rebuild the bridge over Hm creel: fo-dny. A“ "13‘! int “giving the night. it i. Mt known if tat-knows main body were vngny fled in the skirmish yesterday. 10 Kare Troop. Waited. . - 4 Wunmnrox.l\ pril3.—Mlofi}orr.- may“! in the recruiting survive have been nrdr-rml | to ”wit regiment... Imd notice is given to the Govnmnm of the State: that no new on listmonu or new levie- will he rocoiw-d until further orders from the War “ppm-t -ment. Tb:- fnrce now in ‘the field is deem ed away mfi‘picent for “m mime-don of the re llion sad the speedy terminntion of the war. ..-..4. ..,., -2.“ flGonoml Hailed: Write“ to the Qunr master General at. WMhin’gton. that tha shoes indeed to the (room wear my, in {Qur days. He guys a. change must. be meted if the government hapes Lq keep the army of the West together. “ ._ _____ ......*,., --,__ SEW/117 Pawn: of Beam-It I'.- nlated that Gum- Shimmer. of the Imm Second, and formerly of York munty. Pm. came to his death It the battle of Fort Donehson in a singulsr manner. A bullet struck hi! poc ket. knife in his Xefl: ket. shivcred nto pieces and draw the glide intohin body. ‘0 that it and not the bullet severed the artery, the rupture of which can-pd his fiend).— Pieces of the knife were found in In: wallet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers