The Conn.“ is published every Mondny morning. by Hun J. Smilax-t $1 75 per minim if paid strictly in unmet—~s2 00 336‘! annum if not paid in advance. No lubscription discontinued. unless It. the option of the pribli~hcr, until all arrow-gel the paid. ' ~ ‘ Anvannannxr’sinsertodntthonmalram “ Jon Panama done with nentneas. and dispatch. . ‘ - ' . . Ornc: in South Baltimore street. directly opposite Wampleri' Tinning I-S-Itain-hment -—-“ Col Hun. I’mx'rmc‘On‘lrE ” on the'sign. Adams County UTU U. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYP ‘lnconjyonted Marcbds, 1851, erazrci PmHml—Georze Swope. Vice l’remlml—S. R. Rune“. Smelury—D. A. Bnehlcr. ‘ Tmuurer—David M’Crenry. ‘ Eunm'ge azimuth—Robert. McCurdy, Jncob King, Andrew Reinuelmnn. _ 'HaMgln—Georwe Swarm, D, A. BnehlerJn cob Km. A. magnum”, n. M'Curdy. Thou A. Knrghnll, S. Fnhnestock. Wm. B. McClellan Wm. B.Wilsoit, .\i. Eichclhergcr. Abdiel [Hm John Woll'ord, H. A. Picking, AbclT. Wright John Hornet, R. G. McCrenry.S. lE. RMHILD II Crotry, Andrew Policy, John Picking, J. R deish. . ‘ ‘ with“ Compnny iiAlimited in In Open fionl’to the county of Adnmst It has been in Inccessfnl operation for more thn'n nix yours, Ind in that period has paid all lenses and ex pcnsel. without any muummtfluving also A large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—4m bxuineu heing done by the Manna“, who are annually clut «l by the Stockholders. Any person desiring In Ininrnnce can npplv to any of the above named .\[nn'néers {or further in‘formntion. fi'l‘he Exgchtive (Yommittu ants at the omm ofthe Company‘on the last Wednesday in every month. at 2', P. M. ,_ Sept. 27, 1858. ‘ ‘ A. Mathiot ' & Son’s QOFA AND FI‘RSITL’RE \VUIEROOHSJ'o} l 25 um! '27 N. Gfiy sweet, Baltimore, (nen‘r Fayette'sl..\) extending frmu Gay to Frederit'k u.—\he lnrgest HIM-liahmeni otthe. kind in Hue Uninmfilwnyfl on hnndln huge nxsnrnnent of HOVSEHULD .\XH OFF (‘H FURNITI'HH. em bracing “uremia “ed-stem!~..’Wnsln~lmuh. Ward robes. Mann-sues of Hush, Comm nn-1 ‘Hair- Sun-Hui Bedfi. Sufm. Telu-c—Télrs. Arm Chnirs, “ucking Cfi'tirs, litdgcrcfi, .\lnrhlc TWMPS, SM- Ivrn, 111-toplion nnvl l‘plmlafi'rt‘d ('huirs. .\F— NWTEIH‘ORURS()FI‘tDTTAGEFI'IINII‘r‘IKH, Wnud Chairs. ()ffico‘ (‘llnif‘, Barlmr (“.mim, (‘rrihs and OHIIHQS. Hut Hmkq, "all Furniture, Gilt Mm“Wnlnut~Frn’mo Lnoking FHMHN. Side bofirdl, Exit-Minx) Tahlé‘. nf (’\'cry h-ngth; ‘ Pctimln dispougd m purchnao are izn‘ivr-d‘to m!“ :Ihi'giyqour :tnvk an OXAminMinn. \rhivh {or wiri’rtv and quality of “(frkm-{nduip is uut cqifulicd by flnyysluhlidhm' nt in “LO énuylry. - ‘ A. .\IATIHUT .k 3n», H » - ; , , NOl. 25 and 27 N. (my sxrcct. Aug. 6 IRW‘ 1y ‘ Still at“ Wbrk! , -")i\CH\L-\KY\'G AND HLA“KS\HTHI\'G iC ~l‘he umlrrflgnvd respeclf‘ully infmms ‘hiv fricmls nuéllm public that In- 2-nn_'.inues tlla Cmuthmuking :lml Bhokqxifllir}: Luzin‘fir in fiery hru‘n‘ch at his outnhlishmvnl in (,‘lmm— lwr-zlmrg firm". He has on hand 'nn'l \HH mumlu‘mrrtnnrdvrullkinds oi CARRIAGES, ”HIGGINS, HIIEHHIS. Swing \qumu. kvz. m Hg:- befl. “Illlf‘l‘ilfl. am] made I)“ snpprinr \\ urk- In’m’l. mrllzmnuv. and “I.\CR~..\HTIII.\I: of H hmh lenn- at rmsmm‘m nun, prnmptly Hi In th'c e ugi-lm-tion of uudu‘nmrs.‘ rY‘mjwuv Pnnnltt‘x taken in exclmngr for twink M. mnrkor priru. ‘ sPfl‘l‘énun: vlmirinv; arm-1M or war}: in the !('xnchfi::\kiqz nr l‘whrktm'xthiug line, ler re -I}]lo-‘N’finyil|\)l(‘~l|n_l"‘"‘3,“ . r JOHV L. HULTZWORTH. { Gem'shuriz.Juu. 24, ’59. ' ‘ ' . Something New "IV (:ETTYS‘IH'R": ~l‘houndormgnedlnformfi (hr rnizvna nf tln- [own Am! rnunlythnt lu hn.cnmm’mu-d (hr BAKING hulinrw. on a. largo «aye. in Yank ‘trect. Geltvsbnrc. nearly nplmfiigo Wank-"s ”onl. where he “'1“ try lu dt- one. mud‘hnpo: to receive. n lIIu-ral mtrnu-A :‘uP. HRH”). WHILE “ARES. l‘li.\l‘KElZS. I‘RH’I'ZHIfi. km. 1n... Hiker] m‘cn- (My (Sun d.u"r\‘vcptcd.\ all of thv hm: quality. and NM M Ihc‘lnu «M li\}n: mums. (‘rm-kor-lmking iIL all ”A brain 110'5i'lllrgt‘l} «~:\rl‘u-.lun.:md malt-rs w .my nmnunt, fmm tluw :u’ui adjoining runn t‘u. mppliml at the .\lmritul ninth-9. Having rr-‘rn‘d n lurgr‘ and vummmlinm hukr-hnuu- nnvl sutured the “Oil wyrkmnm :md 'lho mm! «1»- urnvrul fimt‘lim-ry. he is prepare! to do_ :1 him; liminrw. “ VALENTINE FAI'I’EE Jul}: 2g), 1859 '‘ ’ z Hat. Boot; Shoe. 1 UN“, VF‘V CHQDSTAT THE SIGN OF “I THE fill; mNlT.——T'x:flJ|ndv-rdzntd haw jun rfl'rivedfi {rt-~11 xuwpiy of 11-115. (“:xp'. Rants. Shot-s, Trunl‘b.‘ ('nrpot 1311;". kl‘. .\Lu, hun- ‘ gum! iupplv at Suddi-s uud llamas, "riflll‘s, ('blhvs. kc. ‘ ‘ . Shoes and Ban!“ of all kind! ma ‘9 '6 order by firm-rate workmen. mud on ‘hnr‘ notice-. Ilume-‘mmle work ulways un lmml l'r'u rslnw for Huh. CUJEAN & CI'LP. . . Oct. 25,1661. ‘ - - E 93. 823332 SH AL 8333?). ._: .-. k- _. -.H _. Wm. B. McClellan, MONKEY AT LAW.——office in Wont “id .l“: til-eel, one door most. a! the new oil“ lloun. * ; ' Gettyslmrlz. Nov. H. “159 Wm. A. Duncan, TTORSHY A'T l,A—“'.-—-O fire in the North'- wsstcorucrofCenue Sq‘nl‘e. (lctlys‘llgrg, l. . » [UL-t. 3, labs. tr ":“\"’ ”(‘7 '— ' ' "v*‘ " " ' ' "‘ A. J. Cover, TTORN'EY AT LAW‘ m” promptly “lead A yo Collectiom find all other busiuen en trusted to him. ‘ Ufiice ,betweend’ahncstocks‘ tad Dsunenk Ziegler's Suarez. Baltimore street, Ganysburg, Pa. [Sepy 5, 1859. Edward B. Buehler, ‘ TTORXEY AT LAW” will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted In nun. He speaks the German Magnum... Ollice m the some place, in South Baltimore up“, near Foruey’sfirug store, and. henrly oppox‘te Dunner & Ziegler-’5 store. Gettysburg, Much 20. .- \- D. McConaughy, ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west oFßuellle'r-‘l drug And book Ilore,Chnm erubnrg street”) Afrunnu‘unSomcntm lon Pusan-s Ann Pnsrou. Bounty Land Wur nnln, Book-pay suspended Claims, 3nd All other claims, ogainst the Government “Wash ington. D. 0.; also ArdericnnClnlma in England. Land Wa’rrants loc‘nted nnd sold,orbonght,nnd highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo aning warrants in lowa, Ulinoil end other western Staten WAfiply to him pencnolly or by letter. “ Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. l " ~ ~. -_ J. C. Nebly, _ ”()3an AT LAW. will mind my couec 'tion’l And All other businus’ inn-mud to can with promptness. - Oflice in tho 8. E. can" of the Dinmond. (formerly occupied by Wm. B. UcGlellan, Esq.) ‘ Ganyalmrg. April 11, 1859. 1.! J. Lawrence Hm, M. D. HAB MI nfico one , . . ' duor went 0”“ gathers: dun-ch in ' h 3 I Ilheflblfx street. and 011955“ ‘Pi ' ’ Item, when mm wishing to have nnycgelzfa: Openmm pufokued are respectfully invited to 9811- Bu‘nuou; Dru. quuer, Rev. C. p Knuth, D.D., Roy. H. L. Bnugher, D. 1)., Rev. Prof. M. mom, Prof. M. L. Staaver. ' Gettysburg, April 11, ’53. A , Nance. . \ E gum In penmu' indebted to ul'to _ “I! sud make nttlemin, lining made I. change in bur mum: ordain; buii up. ~ ‘ 'Oct. 28, 1361. FAHSWSI‘UCK 3110's. By. n. 11. s i- lIMEMM |- a: eii CI 321 The Invlieg MESE Which u ward 100 Th‘e path 5 {ooll's th lof virtue t The Aw eete t. lips are , guilq ha Voice is t A word The richest! a vow ha One ne’e The pkcnic ~ 1145 lil\,e Or COFIZrEd t hair iii t 'cd o’er w .(t- anfbo Ite bean es ne'er d The hires: In duds ‘ mnd is on If kindncs. The inn-est ”us Sunc mug: is 0: ificd for x g 431* *3 S E HON. WI all - OF OEM 0H (/1! [if]! (0 I ' [align oi c7lral III: 1116 Tan purpflely rpfnim mting ii the discutsinn of. 9‘ll]an \vhidi: have been ill; for 1w rev-$0“. elm-Y” Ho rm we “fix“ I mig éb il tho hil :ilwlg ivould co 6' we. TIT: timn‘hm now ur pnsejw'u I 114-! I&2}de nf'tho‘ yas 1 an, to .Present my“ ru‘y sch {hm tflni‘x in :1 bill import (‘9, and. therefore, Mn. Srmxng‘ MI from pnfitic: the vnriuustn I offered to this film, I preforrel have to say nn but”? {he "n rived. nml Iprl Hnusn, IL3 brie MEM Aw h 1111" been I oftlnnscm‘xdoni it blmuldlmdie' LII'O mod mum haw. 1m rem"- MH. Hm! whe-n‘ ‘ "sand :ll 1 e dl‘libl rted b')‘ 1 this sul lwr for h 1 luul . ”mu-P. in arm nvmhltion whi {fir ghe nppoin qnif‘o info thr- ‘ ‘tllo rrjpoal of H that at the pro plepnrod in do hiliw nfmvil, ‘ 1- nplnyml mvprucure; . lay} llllxvnitntqdf would lmlel myself a heyorlrl {he possi lm‘t which lhis lvill [I lilllllrjell measures;f by tlmefislaim-e; ‘yq, hurl ltuk‘en f omg [mo “$320,000,000: Frpmntilms. ‘ I ‘ : i.élmll plowed to‘rr—j’A if I fiiil l-zhnll. askl bill.~ llutif I fuc-l; npo that‘ it will rev} *" I sllnll take 1115} ature as I findTlrem 1011““ P el'nnn'x er time ‘lofifitrn lint Ah eal, nit pmpuws to re] that hm] a’bm- I : paused hrm ya [9 $18,043 within two or tho people can for 11w benefit oftWo c‘ :- an, Mr. S 1 is», find for “xi. «Idom-mv pron no mm to vote and \‘ot‘ (•00 , 1, th , ti IT) c any unmu (How :u‘ii oft e I.egis DEM on \‘nur ‘shxtut First. tth‘.‘ 15.33. nntillod St'lfh Cnnals."‘ Bv this act, naming! the not oz: for thdl sale of tha‘ ‘lot‘us " All a [Shah their: owned by): frerl to themSunhury‘: mny," far a conaidera‘ ’ , u the lrnusfe had com yshnll h Hm Smte were} "I Eriervil 1 inn which P 1 I‘énfter slal . These ding an alrnunl not! u may bé seen in Lea‘ F iB5B. pages 635. '36’, |. By ‘rel‘erence to 415 Auditor‘f‘mneml, in In {if (hafflonse, to bé‘ I it. fill-{lac seen “136‘ faut thus; The canal: Hinder viomi'derntiod ensury. in sown con-7 revenue of 54.3fi9.-3 . braced was from the nun verb t lon. yle .110, .! rnvl-nue of? MI g‘slsuixc Doe! ’37. ‘3B. ’39, ' ‘ I- E) and " n of fh vommunicuti em3luti re<pmweto n. ‘ fg‘uml as, stat I-d'abov ' fairl the He ”16' Tl} It, n, 1.1”. the mum may embraced ‘in [and put intn search-e vO9 ‘ .201 38. TIIG‘ lit (lay of D: Novemberrfl ‘up is follow ! Groas receipts] \‘lsion, m pox-ind combé ‘ 7, incl 1350., t‘q {he son. a: Luive, $11111}: was madd I 1 _. = lan Denture Di- 1 ‘ CVC‘II _\ nrs, 33 V _. ‘ g‘\ §2,m5,751 05 :on Surquehnn- ‘ p ' :5 { 346,787 on onfipr Bmuc'h ‘r ‘ . Lino‘r. 1 91,431,205 39 on We“ Brunch i ‘ ’ ‘Line, r ~ ] ; 452,422 85 almre, ‘ Gross neveipt nu Division. Gross receipts —Wyoming Gross receip r —L'\ cominu 1 lines, ' $4,369,236; 3‘s Total rec Total cxptudi riod, ordiu ‘ nary, 'ipts on‘m‘ urcs fol" snmc pc ry nnd #:lmorQi- l . \ ' I 4.: 31,505,486 93 - in thti gunner following, vi; 1”- Division, («diam x ‘ aord’inxlry e‘xpeu- ' 1 . ‘ I 3 467,859 91 accouhc," ; 1 159,155 87 This wade nE 0n Delnwure ry and ext diturcs, “Constructio l ,exaway‘e Line, \; 1‘ 627,015 78 )ivinioja, total ex- ,’ ordintpy and ex~ _ , . L Tom! on Suqushan‘nn i .peu’ditures I trnordinnr_ , North Bram: ordinary a “Construuio 1 “ . ’, Wyoming} Line, d_cxtr#ordi‘nnry, - aqua . t," _ Tomljn ludinglconutrucfion, 310,699 ‘8 ,West Brunei, tom expendi tures, ordnry cursor diam-y, “Constructi aecotint," lldinqtoutnletion, 320,08! 92 m: . Ilcfin‘uufiol. Grass tragic}?! on “I finished line: for fun yum, Total expcnqunrea fm- tune pg, riod, 1 1,505,486 as Netr'eceipts for seven years, 2,863,?“ 4,5 Divide this mm by uten years ' and it. gigs: 1n lump! net ‘ revenue. up abuvumed, of 409,110 90 This wodld represent a capital, at five per cent, of $8,180;000. But this knot d}. Beside; there produdiue canils, the “me get transferred; to the Sunbury and Eric rail twi «up y the Upper North Brunch ax. vion. lh' had justbeeu Brought‘into use. Ind w id; cost the 8m some 85A“),- 000. Raf theae 39.190900 mm. of pm! ductive property an; the $5,000,000 worth 0! new caiuljust completed. the Common-‘1 ‘ wealth receivod t!mq§;rnmiu of the coxnpanyi '0 P“? $,§00.000.: In other wordssthc, Legislatui'e‘wrrendered to the Sunhury' and Erie; railroad loompnny canals which had paid inm the ensury. annually. for se-1 ten :(jpnsécufive y first. a net raw-nae. over: and 650% all expfhdilures.‘ordinary and! g-xtraonl ary, “naming: thrown in.) 0f! $409,110, n Hm on? which an» State receiv-y ed the fiv‘e par den . handle of the company] to the amount. .0 $3,500,000. Assumingl that the irteresfio these bonds had been : 'paid, inégood fnilh, thn’ njpcount would ~“and “Na: Amburt of onnupl net revpnuo mrrr-ndmied. 3409. ”10, -in consideration of" iv-hich ch State wait to receivie five percen lum inqrest :on ‘tha $3,500,000, [which smuld nn‘nur'rt to S 75.000119)? “Hindi. De flnct thijlast ment onod sumg from the net récpipts mm the annals. mi stated above. had you rill perv ‘ve that tlie State would low nnnqnlh’ $234 ‘l4". ‘ ,1 But, 53 , this is anal], bn?’ fine art} A hit-h trn :f‘orred '1 the‘ Sun my and .rie miln 3110C0m onweal't held the ~a > If“: Y . » t of filth, H to Gen; v ? winema- on my ne'er ‘ szokeq‘l; _ L ofpri‘gyer; .broken'. I - t\\hichlime 1" B'93}: ' ”I cathend— -; N MIMI that oft- ghen; 3 e abut—Christ ME mm. ill on the o 'lnpany.‘tyseclzro t} “so pure use mod . But P ‘Jegislatio , hn_d ip 890 and ‘ gauge \rnswwstmned. it; favor r 1 tors onl: . mad. n Lthe ‘cnn{ (zed to is. ue first, mrtmgc I; V'pnrtifl. I the am mt; M. Ih} 1000. Th w hnn LI: mfly sect had left r the y-m_ ment of ‘ ;t (if hh purchns If, n‘ul 1h re is not r nny Available at fif n dolfiar at an v of; has nbtn pod frmfi } SPF-“ROFL if this I ‘nriéring 'n the pnd t “7th n. t b’a so r 1 gtrn’n‘xncti 50f er‘ i How Inhq.nir, (hit Pm abnfl’e‘mon {who ‘\nntinue As their up L‘us (Event-:1 their lair. not .1 hour. HOPKTNS, lON, Art fn‘rf III! Cornw- age I )ujriu. or inter ‘wfped nu :10 éhow, mnymont ;an the i ’cnmpnny va., Hr good firm EI “hink i nrd‘mm‘y} pauofl upon with «Eon. Eltwill, per‘ on"; wgm nré pyes om Win, Lofnre the , (I :dljmle tn the )e hnnqr to submit nnd man lnm‘ of i this bill I fwglfld th an hour, n‘ committee to in« firm it a sound {,l which w v:oti Irl n islative t same ro‘ METE the ngon i other sol =EMI point. 1l I do n' gnrd to gnrd it'n' but if wl, I do nor fwnuld I point of tional bdrriem in iimve m (.19 n'dnn ,the mic agreed! : Mr. onkpr; 1 1861. “(titled "1 tion ofhnnnge r] V ‘fore us rnpo§es I? repeal i In omr that We mav fl ; this qu ed Mi . ‘nx~iln fraction] sis of the Common“ iietter wnipf! doinl 5i from th report a Yommisuion‘ers, where ldiscusuedi nt lengtl: and in tlie “Execut , on pages 119. 20, 21, e honor; {iii (if my 4 ilndeipuil. Mr. Dan e misfortune, to b {ml at that time, 1 nsideredlplagiarixm it as pa -t of my iargument‘ restora ion of the terms; tracts 4e as follow‘tvs, viz: l ‘ "Th Shard Would ,nga‘ih most respect fully c l the attention of lthe Legislature “t 5 the subject, vihich they deem of vital l import nee to thefl‘r‘ur ‘ . In their last ‘ annual eport, tliuy used the following lan guage regard to'the tonhage tax paid by the Pennsylvania‘ railroad q‘ompnnx : , “ lt'ih generall)" known that a tax of three mills pl-r ton peri mile, for all tonnage car ’ried hylthe comfiany between Harrisburgh and P ttshurgh.‘} r'vas agreed upon ’by the lcontmjting parties as a fair equivalent for franchises confer‘red,’and the provision to i that (3 act was Reordingly incorpornted in ithe GIITIN‘P. Ex'peri'ence for the ‘phst two years has dempnstrhtod that the tax was not too| high. Indeed when it is remefmber ed that this road is a strong competitor for the’thi‘ongh. as well as for the local ton nage, rind the only one for the latter. it might ho urged [with much force that the tax should have been hi;her. The report of the Superintendent of the Philadelphia and Columbia road shows that this chmpe ‘ tition has been highly prejudicial to the interests of the transporters over the main line. For .» exmnple, the whole tonnage carried by the canal men over this line in 1853, was one hundred and eight thousand six hundred end reventy-five tons. and that carried by the Penn-ylvania railroad com ‘pany was eightypne thousnnd four hundred and fifty tons. :13 1854 the former carried but seventy-three thousand seven hundred. land seventy-four tons, while the litter car iried 03m hunch-9d and sixty-four thousand ‘Lnd seventy-fin tons, thul exhibiting the iwtmmm while the bun-tun the ton nag E revenu tof no 11 quotingf V CngalC ject in I ‘Vmay be “ f0f1855,! i I had ( , from P 1 1m it) :1 lof the IJ‘ not be “I 247,889 77 285.961 77 21,737 19 300,671 00 19410 do 5.4,369,281 38 @mmng AM) FAMHLV mmmi GETTYSEUR G, PA-, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2%?62- (Ls it hose cannlq to‘ fund compnny, , 15ml mnrtgngo“ e payment of. +v subsequent; '6l. this mort- ' tf other (ix-edi pnny‘anqhorifi tnds'tq ogher‘ lievo. $5.000.- _ \rity the State "tlior priflnipnl i mnnr—y,l}}»pan In. singlé 40HRI' urity. for the future; time property thié' the Shun.— b-e rggzrrdbfl as k k 'of IMialmm-sl,I -gardod_ in the hM‘wben‘ man ' #‘lk you. Would ‘ are oppmint! M a mrmwho i towns?» Not 1' | 'e]l'.(sil'.l M 1; lity. 1*! fie“ M I thnt an are ~ n individmfl's| ! ctinz in,nlc- - or nustnixfis Hg: n principflo of mar: vornmontal pbliny uld 'ho ml‘nng bt‘Lw the right. in mm pnvitv i for the; lat F 1 penpie fhployor. 1c mdivi qhole pen {Twill not t large nd (1095 ‘he one “sets as nnl. while the 19 fifthnf Cnm elaborate this lion tn’ t! ‘ to his 9 ~ of 2; sin_ “for the (h. :Bui‘ ‘lcrstood lin re- ' in road. { I re imprnveinent : in correct. and gninmfed, it he minn'h guy and T" mum-taut] I 13m» said] 4} it can i hatter, 1| there {ml he way. | TERN Ihin Run" hahic’hly mt 11m? {hxsnk u. ave bpen' ' n. pccumnry En no coéstitu or the Stpte to 3- road eqhal to 19 canals. miew, tion to H pon for't come n to the Ind of the cnn‘imutn oh .the Hill be- {ll ant to fiM." w} !lly 'undofstan}! ust, he mun-d -} e origihfofthe fl‘ec'ts uppn the enlmh. lrknow , 'tigis than by If t' ‘Bdnrd of ! thiewhole sub- ting. it w'yn not, I elevauf hf refer to E. This. yeport voDocuqaent§" 22 ”(123.1“ {stimnblelfriend his, wouléd pre— = the président sapposcjit will if I incorporate ‘in fngot‘of the I. tax. k The ex~ = “rut-m l 8 mum-i um WILL PuvuL.” ‘ canal transports he's fallen afi‘ the past yen;- forty—seven per cent.. that of the railrpnd i has increased ninety-nine percent. Oi'this discrepancy, a. very large proportion is of first. and second chm goods, which afford much the greatest remuneration n: “'6“ to the State as to the cgrri'ersijr the r‘cnfson that. the charges 6? both are igher on, these classes than on the thinl an fofirth. ‘Frgm these, figures it is apßarent hat ‘theknnnl transporters have notibeeh bie to cotnpi‘te successfully with the reilrgjnd, nit. least so far 8% the first and second lnsseh are con-i cerned. But for the: prot ction afllni'dcd i the transporters 031 the ban 1. by'the :irppo-i sition of the tonngxge to); on the railroad, it} is believed that they must either ihn'vé been driven froth the ltusinesp alt gether or'carv ried freighls at a hhavfiy ipec,i ninry loss. It" is fortunat“, theretpre. for tins meritbriouai clnsslof our: fellow-citizens, {as w‘ell'as ‘flhe, interEsts oi the Trieastiry, thit‘ this wizie ifl'O-V! vision was made. ‘ ;: ; ‘ “It dou‘hts then existed 'to thelvihws ekprrrsed in the foregoing xtraet. itfisihfl lieved thud what has ‘éiuce ti ansiiiredlo ght to satisfy F+ly disinterested ' anr‘ Itsjh ul‘tl‘ be stated here that jthetn originally twas five inills i’" tonfdhr‘png th ‘nnyignhi‘é ism; son of tlielcannl, hut filterw ‘rds rjnmlibep to threemilljt‘nrthewholeymr’. W‘ithriutltha remotosti ‘ tention ot'roflectingon thehc ion ofthnt hojy, it is with great (lefqrende hub mitled that the fh-antionl rim-kings ‘iofl the repeal hm‘ie br-en prejudicial to tho révixue of thie Corigmonwénlth. This redeiptts om cnnl hnd hmher‘lh 1851 nmhmtefl tp’ln out $30,000. 'his would have Iheen’ inert; set] the limit 3:1 or to at 1:32“! SSOW‘O had tih tax rem inéd. But this is nht the only lb~ the Treasury in sust'hined'hy its repeal. his tax Opernt d as a protection, to that ex ent. to‘the tm“ spot-tuition“ on the Ip'nin lit eof public \vot‘ks, antlywh‘en that protectio was withdrawn? they nllégod that they c uld not earrytoal at MLgand tfmt theyl ere, thereTorefiunable to hem- upiunrler the oom petition o the railroad, and theyl lmndoned the husini’u, and irt {lulyy wldrgut their stock to theirhsxiccenifiil rivtul. . ' . “ "‘ Thus jm. the lStalin not only been (I pri' red of th Hi tonnzuz‘etd} on elm] and li\niher; hut alao of the tolls Which viould have tégn received dil tlwse twrt articles had they ’ one carried ovjbr her own wor *1 by the tarnis— portora. Flu! liciiird iar‘p “OF igmwhnt or {lllo’ argumentg which nremrged n sup'p'prt qfthe repeal offihie trxx‘énsiwi-ll (tn thexlwq ‘nrti clot! tintl hr conziklerjntion, ;ns‘ everygthor desdripti in of tt‘mnngc.i ltlii said thaj this taxis n r%tri‘c‘tion o‘rirtradeé—tha‘t it re “Nb the'tiovel pmnnt ofzth'e great unricnl ura‘l nndjmim-r‘nl resources of Hi Cam menwi‘alth‘ 4tl§nt it ci'ipples the en'org._ pfthe (tornjuny, and} disquhlifies then: for eiiterihglhlfit I sue cesttful corp pelitioniwith rivpl imprqvfinients horth and south pf-us ; nnjitlmt iti mpvlfi the‘ com ‘any to iknpoae highler’ 3N5 of charges oii the triple fiercedhipml by the; con— .trncting phrtiqs :u an equi‘inleiit for ‘t'uje in jury the State would Sustnii ‘hy the (refit mo tion of the road. ; The.LeJi~luture of i 835, however, took a‘dlifi'erenthrew of the sub ject, nnlein thg‘i‘ libhrnlityEto the comfiiiny, repeal. M., «to. While there is 11 degree of plausibility in these (suggestion?V yet itis‘he— lievecl that. they ‘are mnrp specious than sound when applied to the matter uncle:- discussion. So far‘nh tliapttélic intflesisfii‘e concerned. all these ahiedtiohs to the con tinuance 61' the tox would he very easily ob ,viatetl by the cqmunny iltyclf, hy siinply curtailing their profits 1 i b “ Would therebe lan‘ylhing unreasonable l in this? tLet us see lThe‘ ‘Sta-te hn built. - ut an expense of marine 312000.600; line of improvements from Columbiatc I’it%hurgh. ‘ To meet the interest of: this sum: he pvo~ plc of the whole iSltnjteihavte been xedior many years. lu‘lPlG :3 pqrty of ge tlemen asked the Legislature I'to lncorpom 8 them intoén company tolbuild arrnilroad between those poihte. This was alleged necessery to accomchllzte the increasing trifle with the great w t. It wits objected on the other hand t’oiestow guch T pilivilcge, upon the ground that the triad would div'ert the trade from’the Sunder-win 'wonks. After a full: discussion ofthewhdle sulfiect, it wan‘grced ‘ as an offset against 01' dihiinution of‘trade on the canal, which wiuld‘be chused lily the construction of the hood; the corpolm’tors ‘ should pay the bonnnge tax to which refer ence has been made,‘ Thus was a compact entered into betwaen thercprcsentntiyes of the people and the Pennsylvania railroad company, in pursuance of which the latter built their road. :running parallel with the main line. between the point; named, and for a large portion of the distance on the very— bank of the canal. ' The consequences have already been‘ndverted to, and are be. fore the people. Not only has the trade on this line been diminishing ever since the completion of its rival. but an befo're stated, the competition became so strong the past season, that the principal tramportem on the canal left it altogether in Juli last. and the Pennsylvania railroad has since that time monopolized almost the entire carry? ing trade between Philadelphia and Pitt» burgh. In view,therefore,ofal| thie,ie there} we repeat, anything unreaaonablein sugges ting that the company could obviate the dif ficulties which it is alleged thetonnage tax imposes.hy a small reduction oftheir profits? Divest the subject ofnll mystificntions, and it narrow itself down, at last, to the rimple propoeition—ehall the State surrender this valuable source of revenue. which was made a. condition of the charter, or shall the com pany curtail, to n limited extent, it: divi dends, and thus fulfilite part of the con ‘tmctl Should it be aid that: the to; ll un can], that it Opernm cppreteively or, name 5 “ articlgs. coal and lumber for e‘ifihple, the nmwer is, 19‘? there be ajudicioés;modificxi— tion, so that in the ag‘gi'egate 91f! revenue will not be diminished, ‘3 it ' E‘ No. reasonable man pug-ht Iflohject. to this. and with tho useni of the tympany it couhl be done. In regard to (Regalia 6f the company, increasmg‘ their , rgea on the “locnl'tmde,” to make up or’ the ton nage tax paid to the State, it ay be re ,marked in the first place. that i the course indicated by the Board, in vthei answer to their general objections urged gainst"the tax, Be sound, then it will npplg “filth full farce in .this particular i‘mthptfi; but, for the sake of the argument; let it e admitted that such A policy Would be ncce snrymould there be any injustice in it? léthe people along the line of the ,rohd are “at content with the facilltlet nfl‘ol'ded then! l'y the ca nnl. and desire a more apemlygfianslt for their produce to market‘. should he); not be 'willing to ay for it, and not with“ those who are d nil-d the advantage t‘nll such facilities sinnld be taxed. for t eir accom modation! The people ol‘the 9 fire harder counties. tlom‘ the Delaware t Lake Erie. as well, as thoge on: the southc border of the Smte, derive only An lucid Ital advan tslge from the construction of The policy. then. which'would i them udditionnl hurthenmin lleve the recipients of the incr ties from o-sn'inll advance on {h or the company itself from tho; of its. contract. would, in the j‘ the Board, Abe unwise. Thnlt ll the tonnage tax would lead t taixation on other property, no will question; The receipts fro including all connecting rnilrow n tonnage tnx‘ is charged. nmom fiscal year to one humlr‘ed rm lhousnnd nine hundred and th lan; and seventy-six cents. , N familiar with thp squect, will th‘me receipts will conlinue to nlinoct an indefinite period, in .cult lo tall (‘0 what'it may courné of eveh five or six mm the more sanguine nre confille in thMtimo, it will amount to : hundred thousand dnllarq. I quires no great gtretch‘of imagl duco the belief that it will : amnunf bafore the lapse of th 1 ti'nned about, Should this pi Mthe people “‘nulil be relieved fifim' raising that amount by taxation. and \fil’iulll be thus compomnted, to that extvnt. fl) tho trade ; which haé been tmnéforrcd {robs-the State’s inwn works to the railromlsS {it it is suf ficir‘nt fox-the, preagnt purpose to treét it as though there would be no inc: ‘ “As has bebn' shown. this 1 year, amounted to 5196.93535“ . tax on cnal and lumber had no ed, it. would‘lmveiearhed. in l t 6 240,000 dullars nt lets-l.) 1 “If than thP wh‘ole tax be Hpoalod, will 1 nntnqorrequnding amount ha étabemined lfrom nome other squroe? M" at certainly. nnd the only practipahlem e‘ofdoingit Ewill be by increasing the 1:81: 5 n renl‘nnd :pérscnnlptoperty throughout hiSmte. In 1 vile)“ therefore, ofthe wholeLugnjact. as it i presents itselfto the Board. tat-y are of the 1 opinion that. tn: on goal and l mb‘er should l. ‘ne restored either nlvsnlutely rfimrtiallyé :. If the latter. then such a mom (fition ought to be made in‘ the tnx'on oth r‘ tonnage as l would {secure to the Trea’enryhri amount. in ' the aggregate, equal to whatl would have ‘ been derived from it an it st" l before the repealing net. The foregoinrlgomarks are‘ dictated by‘ no feeling of u “ indnesé to: ‘ ward the Company. On the ntmry, the most amicable relations subsi tfbctween its omcers and the Board. Who ’ a beensaigl. thereforenhns been prompte h a. sense hf public duty." .l x In a subsequent part ofthii} the report, the Board. in dismissing the {future of the their: line. in view of the efl‘e thht thecon otruotion of the road hed u n it, eey: "Unlesl something can be Pane to bring back the trnde {to this line. very grave question my arise. ‘The 11! rnntive may ‘ he presented of choosing be 'ween a total abandonment ofn portion 0 the_line, or keeping it up at a heavy nnn al lau‘to the l Treasury. either of which nogzld be disw } trons. The tormen'would beihighly preju 'dicial to the interests of the , great eastern ‘ and .western emporium: of thclf tate. as well ‘ as to the people'slong the link of the abnn- ‘ doned portion, an it would leid to a perfect ‘ monopoly of the carrying [mile by the rail- 1 road contpany. The latter would be felt by | the people of the whole Comhmnwealth, m it would be a constant drain upon the Treas- ‘ ury. But it may be said. “wl'gy‘not sell that ‘ portion which might thus lfmme‘velue lees?" The-newer is it" itbia not produc tive to the State, it is not prgbnhle that in dividuals would be willing t 5 purchase, or even uke it?“ I gift, and be Loun'd to keep it up at an annual pecuniaryfipss.” Those. lir,zwere the views“! entertained raven you: ago; and I have neither seen nor heard enything since to change them.- It is true that the pretext is now set up that the State has sold themain line of the public works, which was effected by the mill-cad. that. therefore. the necessity for its contin— uance has ceased. My ansérer to this aug~ gmtion is that the construction of the road no depreciated the value oftale State’s work that. it sold for less than half its cost. , As clearly shown in the extractjud, reed from the report of fhe‘Canal Bonifi, the effect of the railroad upon the can & trausporteg we: to drive them from the ‘ 1': altos/ether. This being ,doue, it requireggfztlittle’ gagge— ity‘to see thatflthe canel, ugly-t, would be . n renfilered comparatively valueless. The; continuance of this tax is the only indemni ty tiie'people have for the deprehiation in the{ value of their canals, which in: caused‘ by the building of the Pennsylvani: 11in ms . But. Mr, Sp‘xer, there is anothexj ligli in which this question should be vienfi od. LThis tax was répealad at a very‘insusi pici, us timeL Let do look at this foi- a mo me t. I believe it is conceded that?“ the ime this tgtx was taken '05,,“ amounted‘ to 00.000 per anfitm, and I presume tbnt, if w could get at t‘oé facts it would be found: the it‘lwould have n'mounlod thopast you!" to tween $400,000 and $500,000. , w, Mr. Speaker, this tax would re‘pre-Z a cupital. at 5 per cent., ofeigfigor nine" can of dollnrs. . If you add this to the; een‘millions‘to whirligreferenéc has nl-i y been made, does it not demonstrate? at least twénty millions ofdol'lni's hiwa L taken from this people for the bone-fit lwo cbrfmmtions? Again :(I have midi ithe (mm was inguspicinus for this rcpt-ab fieitonnnge 1513.; Look abroad, sir. ovar. konnm'. and sole its -peounim;v .qomli- L we fin‘dx the financial skill of um; ‘btJMtPSmen 'in the land (aim! to its} pal tonlion, to gdevise ways and manna; Lise revenuesufli'pientto‘sustnin tlieGov-} bent in its commohdnhle efl‘orts impre e itself from overthrow—to eruzkh’ont st wicked anfl.unnatuml reliollibn.—— n we contemplate the straight mlo h Congrsss has been, and ii still being. sad to find new‘ objects of taxation. is if marvallons that a Legislaturu could be ad in Pennsylvzinin that. would vote out ine'l‘rensury sucii a. large' sum'éfmonoy he benefit. of’nicorporatinn 2 Sir, with most carei‘til limbancling of Dig/{osmi the taxes that will be inaiupcmablo to ‘ nin our credit will be oppre'ssiva Beyond hing the country has .eveirwitnessed.“ ady hns Congress been poinfiellrd. an Hwy 9, to impose sugh a tax on ton, cofi‘ée. r, kc. as places those articlvs_ dut he reach of yery many meritorious plies. ‘ that the tic. ab! 3 Plis road.— ndpono upon rrlor to re ased facili ir heights, v urformance ldgment of i e repiinl of I increased I undid man ‘|[ this tax. 1, on which ‘ ted thelnst ‘i ‘ninety-six a m‘ Wh whi t’y-five dol ne at all (gum that ipcrease to hit is diffi h in the I Some of hat,.with '. east .tll reo lied. it re . tion to in * need that es. sir. go with me ,to yonder hnmhlg' 939, see (but weep’mg‘ moths-r. whose iotic husband is fighting the battlesof r countryror p‘erchn'nce may have laid n his life on the bunk-561d wh‘ile de-A . ing [lieiConst.itutidn and thi; Unipn as‘ here handed down to us by our fathers! her toning by night. and by day to prol e a. scanty subsistence {or her h'tfle onei ’enied nllLhoae ‘uxuries. or indead I may nrccsxan'rs, of life cnumnmtedgahove-g' lshn murmur-t. mot. but consnlea herself h the reflectionf that the finnntizfl neces -36f 'the country demand the sacrifice; ‘,she meokly bows to her fate. Noblq \an, m‘ogt worthy destfndent of om: co pa 3'o do ime men re correct. wi use. 1 ' (l‘m‘ x.‘ the past WC [and if the I TC" been ropvni- ‘0 angregnte. olixtinn‘nr): motbem! THPh go with [156“ another class of citizensz-milroad ofi'li 9913' if you pleaae,whose tables are In¢lnn “(it only with thf'> uecessarieg, but nll tha’ lunrm of life. T9ll these gentlemen that yo’u are about to festm-e the tonnage to}; w ich the company had ngreod‘tn pny to t 1 StQte fér the franchises confx-rred tipon, 11 hi. and :seejnow indignant thby will at oéce becot'ne. ’ They_wlll penhnps toll yan' tlhtlbe Lo‘g'latyre of 1861 ontéhd into 5 “ nlract” with the company, by which thil t nhonld never3be re-impmed and that t 1 ey cannnt ‘mnse’nt to its réstomtjon for Ae rmson that, it knuld rurtm'l (I:ch dirialepde l Aim/uh," Mo”,,;MuJ__We 13"" from 11“” that instead of receiving eightipetf cents. ENewl York Evening Pod thn-t Sang"), ‘Vfla d vidends they might not receive more than {g’nn'g bin prbvidcs that the United smile. I van. Sit, Which Ofthele two cl! “Pt- lhilik {Gn’v‘p‘rnmpht will pay the States of Maggy. ? ‘1 dme‘S mouttobe commended fortht‘it ‘ landlmd Delnyure $250 for each III" they a triofism! E f . ;~ E will emnnntpdte. There are 90.000 DIM lßut, Mr; Speaker, it in mutt-rifled again _ in those Rtatee, and the hill, therefonmllkl o the otherhnnd, by u._‘ese railroad gentle. 'upnp, the people of the North {or w n on and their friénds on this flpr‘arnlmt this _ (norm-tum million: a/ drillart. if those 8% t x is not paid by the company, I‘l]!be :Ilmuld n‘wept the prbioiition and u/t/fr‘eo t 059 who trnnlp‘nrt produce, morehamlise the ‘slaves. If any thin‘glcottld "coy-Hahn .._ over the reed: Thint ifidee’d. was the 'to this uncongtimcional and oflenfiho u gument adtlressqjed tothe Legislature tight-rt l scheme, it would be 9n nmmdme‘tth-t tho I e repéal of the tax was sought fiir'anld ob- Ifme negro” Should all settle [infinite-witn t ined. But. air. by r‘eference to the art of l with and become apart Myth-tor WIW'I i corporation it will :18 seen that this 'y: eicomtituents! ‘ t ' " 1 lpable Rerversion of ie ggreemcnt elites-41 . “‘ "H‘ij‘i l . 9 into between the Commonwealthiendfl ‘fi'fqmos Kmd’}? '45 “‘9" 1' “PP,” t edorporatora. Thecharter expressly pro-I M ”I” ‘- orth, what )7; “1° ”"9 W’PPE‘ZQ v den that. this tax shall be- paid by "UM ‘ abolishing 51“er the South, Mw' - n ‘ . -” lfcc a Imnrl/cd ( and militant 5 North" Id company, and 1:0th the trnn-portegl.—- . he will pretend that the Legiplature cone I ”mm” ”MW“ m kawagdm M t mplated, when they wereineiuting on this “lime/met,” Mof u m “f“ ‘ ause beipg pit in the ngrecment. that it they lime. v as to bee tax' oh commerce, and not on ‘ fi- , the company? sir. such a thought never L“ { eptered into the mind ofany one at the.time" pe v the charter was granted, pot for year: after.» i , “lard: If proof be wanting on this paint, I '. riai‘er gentlemen to the fact that no sepamt ' dharge’wu made in their bills of lading or ‘honnlge tax,",until the oompa'nylbe nto égitste the question of repeal. Y limit in: then, and not till then. that t is (Midi. aim pretext was resorted to. It way altogether in after-thought, but the «We mimic $0 (fanxpa‘rall tordeeeive the . however 21nd; it may have beng/J their «pr-amb -I'6l. : A word, now, luff}! to the ‘plea of ‘j‘contraetsf' let up _ a bar to the repeal of this law. I shall/KM, oluborate tblg point, but will leave jig discuss'ion to the gentle lnen of the legal profession, with a phasing femark orfwo. And, first, I will observio that. my understanding of the haw in rfiggfd to aonlryctc, has always been that to be bind §ng there must be a consideration. The act in Iquestion is wanting in this manual elo- ‘ment. What consideration is here preten- Bed? Ifsuch nolaim be set up by the friends inf the commutation bill, it is a bald pretence, without the stightest fqundation- in fact 'Yes, sir, so far from the State having recoliv- .ed a donut in lieu of the toxinage tax. the 3M“ actnllly garb tbs company lomd'might TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ 29- ‘ bundled thmgtnd dollars “to: than duh, . for thfiflpgia’byi of reliving thin iron it! ,p-ytn'rné in future. ‘Cnfl you tut-Modifi ‘ notion?" "it in, then, oi ha buufldof f'selfirightooulnuf' ‘Qhe'moroy’we hue of it the wane wwue off.” But. sir. thiapro tom of "contract” cannot ho untamed.— !f it can, then what‘would prevent us or our . puccoeson from huh-ring any my other portion of the sovereignty of the people l—t To illdatra'te the absurdity of such a propo sition. lot ni Nippon e one. Under the charters of men: if not at ofthe bmtn of the Commonwealth; as well as moot other corporations. the stock and dividends up mode tumble. These tax" Imounted, in the aggregate, the psi-9t yeah-to over (our. ,hnndrod thousand dollars. ~ . I 1‘: ow, M§.Speal¢er.mppoeo thou corpora: ' tinm had refused to pay thug ‘tuu fat 1 two Yours, the amount due would he. my. “800.000. And suppme further. thnt thq l should come hofote the Logialetun with ‘p jproposxtion [to be relieved from the pay : ment of those taxes. by means of n “oom ; mutation bill," what would be thought‘ofl l a chfelature that would undertake toeptel into e "contract” with the carpenters h' whichlthgy should be than relieved for All ‘ ooming time from the payment of tone on. their ,otooke end' dividends, end the am u'dcmi‘on the State would reoetvo on tho "pontract ” would he tho wander oftlu u'gltll Ilvndrm' mmm dollar: no; dual Sir. anti a proposition would he re'gorded a: web a. monatrm’ty that it‘woul-l b'o «wind by eve J honest man, in the Gommonwealth; don't; the man who would make such a muggy tion would her'considerod us‘wanting eithef’ « in intgllincnco or integrity. or both. Well: ‘_ air. in: what essential particular doe. this difi‘or‘from the case under consideration 3. I affirm that, for all 'brectical purpose; they are substantially the name. Let u then hear no more about. the binding ohll— gating ohm-ll a “bontmcj.” and let us. all for nsvwe can. fight thin great wrong that has boon committed against. the people. i . I :nppme that. so for as the Sunbury l‘nd llrle matter is concerned, it. is beyond out reach} .I roufoss I do not exactly»: hew;w'o hm rémndy that; but‘however thin mhy'hdl, two should not-be (latched from restoring,“ the 'llrensury this tionnnge tax, which in my judgment, mul', I doubt not, in the Judymtom of the nflouse, has been improvidently‘ taken from It. . . ~' l I A hard, Mr. Spenker, nun ehnllhnve amid. frrnemnmmnn from Philadelphia (Mr.; Abbott) :hnq {tilt-god thntn number ofthe western conni- Etin, “fa'shington union: lhcha, nrrjnfluence‘i [in their Advocacy ofthi! bill by motiyee ofhnio ‘,fitit} tto Ifh‘ilndetphin. NoerJn regard toth‘o * enunty which I have the honor, In pfirt, to N iprosent. the‘allegntlnn in yhoily unwnrrented. lSir, i but utter the sentjmonte of=our people, then 1 any. um we hold Philadelphia end her iv‘ciaze‘ne i_n the highest estimation. We regerd Lthet pity as the great metropflie of our greet [Commonwealth We admire her noble any! {generous hitizenn, and ,our merchants shot lthein 'npprecietion ofltthe high chareeter Q! ‘Ehilndelphfn vherchente‘, by the hundred: ef {thou‘randn of dollars whirl: they tenet therie ,‘annmllyfor goods. Ponmyeeltt I can “thls ‘ I here ale-em on all proper occuione, defend. :cd’thnt city and her people. Nér have 1' had] ‘nnkind 'feelingl toward! H the Penneylulh Lnfliond cornpany ur in ofiéen {on the untre j‘ry, the moat amicable‘reletloni Hue ehnye eubeisted between the other! end myufl'. _ f " But while this is true, I cennqt consent thet 'jlour'or five hundred thpuenud dollar: ninja Ibcthmwnnpou the people hanuellz. {ll order lthatvthe dividends of the etoekhddeu me: the incrensed. _ \ ‘ ij Mr. Speaker, this has become the most gi tfgnnti‘c corporation in the country, tnd‘iupuw {er and influence nre lugmendng 'yenrly. It Imay be said} that it, Itend'e toy-thy with one Toot, an it were. on the Delnwnremnd the other on the Ohio, mid that it hold! in in grain the Susqnelmnnn on the sgnth and th Erie ou_ e the Tab. Disguise it u we any, the who!e lqnesg on ‘resoivea itself, n Int, into the limo _ {file propmition'z Shall we Ignore thh‘tu to Ithe Treasury, where i; rfghtfullj‘ belongs, or SSM" we compel» the peopleto mile on equin lent‘hmo‘unf by increased tuning, for “Ichab ;em 0! such a corporation 7 :l'here is no “capo iironi this elm-native. We inn-t. do one or the only. shall we mm. 7 hing! not. use ,; ‘ us ghen pass this bin. It is demanded by Eevery cnaaider’ttion of dutyl equity n‘nd pigl— —‘-J~—-————- ’ otiani -~—— —--0 - o--———-—- .3 _. seemg never to occur to the neigh gem-nah kwhich make web bitter npd Iscent unlit“. upon Gen. Walla: thfl [Jay therebj censure in (he Itrorigut mun (“er the President. and the Secs-{sun of Wait. . ‘ ’ _————-o—-¢~.o>—~—~——- 1 i ,4 Mela—An I taping «om-3.8:. Inc. 'I niet seven wivea, and every wile hld lav- Eep yanks, and every no): but! aeyenotuancl ’ ovelrylcnt had wven kiu ;-—-kits. can. Mks: . Indeives. how my were going mad: St, Ives? ' ‘ , ”WA—..-,...-M— -fi'l‘he Irishman'a opinion of Yankee enterprise In that: -. .. “Bedad, if be)": my. .on I denhtp island, he'd get up next mornin’ and 'go round aellin' maps to the inhabitmb." S‘A new repesting rifle, made by 111. N" Enema", Anm Compuly, was tested ugh. factor"; n Wuhlngton, New days 130. - It can be fired 15 times when one» load” Operation that takes no longer than tondfngs Springfield musket with A Hugh untidy.— Thirsy. sho'a were fired in {mining “lOl—‘l. and they lune A rungs of 1,000 )fldi. 7th. Government has ordered a. largo quantity. 1 WT)” city of Odeuss has been invydgd by mire wan altrmingfenent. The can In the we; have nun I 0 any it!“ they”. ‘ ' lan . 3'9“ 99° “Wfi‘fl‘f? “Mn“?! 99%,. gr 1m I GM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers