23m The Coumm :1 moi-hing, bill]; I Annum if pn'id 5 per anmun it Ill‘mriptiun dim option of the pul Ina pnitl. ‘1 puin-hod éveryjtnmln, M J. 81 um. at $1 7.3 ppr rictly Ix muxcn—‘L‘Lß 00 m paid in hdrunce. .\'n outiuuml. male-4 at the Haber. until all nn-«tmgm im‘r‘rylo‘rlut lhmplm! rut" lum- with nuutm-as and Auvmn'lqtvm JOB PRI \ TIN, diAl)att li Baltimm a «tract. Ilirf-ctly s‘ 'l'fiuling K‘lublfill’lnéllt (Mngr in Souk! (“pro-zip; \\'am;-I ~"Cflll’lMJl I‘m nu. ()rru'iz" on tlu- uign |.. s County [lxsunucn POIIP.\NY.—— \lnrrh 1811851. ’I PVICHKB. ‘ Ac : 3 HT" \L FIRE Incorporate Pr;c:klr:}l~—G"OP;‘ "it! Prr’flilbm—H‘ Smrrhtry—D. A. 1 fretumrrr—‘Duit 1 < ‘Etccvylirt C'omym’u King. Andrew Hell Jlunuyn—Gour l comm-1:, .\. lleiu. ‘A. Mnruhn". 3.1%! ; Wm. B. Wilson, M.’ John Wuhan]. n. Jnhn ”urn”, RIT‘ H'Ccenry, Andre“ Hersh. “ Swoi, R. “mu-ll uehler. .\l‘Crenrv --Rnhert “(Cm-fly, Jacob tzclman. A ‘o Smope, I). .\. BlnhierJn ulmun. R. \l'Cvlrdr. Thos n-eatmzk. Wm. H. \ld'ltlhn} .icholherger. .\bdicl mm A. Picking,‘.\lu-IT. “'Fighl 1 .\lrllrenrr. S. “Jinan-ILT) ‘Pullcy, John Pit-king. J. 11 Isa-Thin (”ramp “(mil If! the- cmlng‘ “Venn?“ «aw-mu an! in hut poriod penal-u . vr/‘l’mul Int/I lurylnn-ympitnl i ‘ may employs an ‘ Inr i< limited in it: npnrn-l 01 .\‘rhnw. ,1! “Hi born In n fur mnrt- than six years. has paid a" loan; [ml 9x- I rummlJvu ing Min n [“29 the Trc-ntury. Tha'Pom ’Agcn‘ln—Ml hn‘inr" hnin: r-H, whmlre {lnnmfllv «Ir-rt (lord. Any perm" de-iring 1 apply to nnv‘nf UIPflIDQTQ; )r {llrlfior i'lfm'mnfion. - iv: ("onuni'noo “no: at ”w unv on the lun‘Wt-dnudu) 2, P. M. .v done be tho Noon, ‘ed h“; the Slqckfi . flu Innurnqre can named .\lmm'zcrs f ‘ {3'le EYN‘YI n'fice oflhc (‘mm in ovory month. 3-; Sept. 27; was. but 81: Son’§ ~ 'ITI'IIE WAHEIHHHIS. Sufi. iny slroc‘. lhltimutr. ("our Km: from (Ln In l‘reJcrlt’N u‘.~l‘~llruq‘lg ufHu- Lim! in lIIE hind 1 Ixrgflz‘vuvulmx'nl of HFFH’E FfHVI'I'lTl-Z rm :l-lr:n]~.\\':Hh~t.:mT~.‘\'aml- H‘ ”313$ (‘nt‘nu :mJ ”Jr-T . Tub-vu'l‘ux-u. \rm."! :lil~. mum. “.Ith- 'l' ”.1.-u. FM :] l'ph‘nku-rrrl ('hnin. \S (H’l'l)l"l'.\Gl'll‘i “.\l FHHL ('r‘ l‘lmiN. Harm-r ('f'nir-f HrLllu ~i\~. H..H i'ungihm, mmv [making (vln-wy. Nvic- I’uHr“. uf v\(l‘_\ ll'nyl'n. ’ A. Ma, (0F \ .\\'D H'“ \y ‘.‘.'l "gully? .\. ’ anom- CL.) ox'm ‘ F' -—H 0 lan/ml 1' ‘1 'l'ww.\l\w.,- u \HUI'SICHHLH \\’l hrnrinr: Hun-J44.“ rulwm “nun-“vi 5 Sprjnz “ml-t Sufi ' Ihlgtking ( lm-r . I. lvM, Hl-qvpr‘lqu u! NIIITEIHWHAHb' . “'nml ('l‘:li2'~'. I)! ('riln nlrl (‘mfilc ‘ (dig mm \\ :finutil' hmr‘la, Ijxlrnugl ]'1~r~lm~ «ii-pr»: ‘ u" uni gho nnr ‘ fur vwrivh: mu] up . rquulk‘vl by :m)‘ L 1 [I In purulmkc 'u'o Emil/«Y H 3 luck Van, mumln ”:04. whit-n dlnv ‘M‘ uml‘m Hump 'l,~ m‘ {.\lvH‘hl'X'lPY‘J in tin 'u'nnlr). \ .\. \u'mm'r .\ my 27. and ’27 _\ GA} 51ch Aug. 4' 191:r ‘ at ‘Work! . = ,\.\'h nluuwreurrnn'u’ i_rnm‘| rr-é'lé‘i-v‘l'ulh inn-rm: public Hn-l ho rumig-m-s nd Mavktmivllinr: lmhinr-‘s‘ I”: vslulvlfih'mi-ul in ("hr-Ir;- llr‘ Im-n nn Inml and Hi” rm‘ki’mla m mum mus, H 4. .\‘urinc \Vzlgrm: km. of and [-1 Min ln’ tnlmrinr uur'n; 2v; um!” Hmrxmnulxu, uf rm-qunluh ran-4. luau-In]; linn‘nl (u~.mm~r~. ': Mlle“ in c-Vvl‘nugu 11-r , am ‘. ',Hr‘ll‘HKn,’ g —-'|'l'r'o. >u nrh-r hi-t frirflrli in“! th \t‘he (Emu-luvhkin'.’ ih ‘\'r‘r‘v hrunrh nt‘ herdmrc sin-cl. ‘ m Ipul («Infi- In nrq ' HUGHW.".,>’I.HH' llu- hon In m-rinl. 1 mm. E,M¢"|‘u‘~-\u: lIH kin’n‘h Ilnnv‘ :xl an {p‘lho .nH-tn j ('ng'vrnr l'mmx ;|'rk:-‘1 m.|r'.:‘r p ‘ I. . , . ‘ ‘ twd‘l 1?”);ka l‘ ( "will unn‘n‘! ur .slmvlgL-Illy inure! Himmlrtirloc nv" n-L“:n “II I‘M-kgtmitln'lg I'll". :nfrn- ro ‘l-n Ill“ on “HIV L. HHLTZWHRTH. l 21.1.19. ‘ ‘ (lqirlu‘mrg, Jun j -‘ ( .~ "I} ‘. ' :s ’ SO‘nr-ztlupsz New ‘ V '3ICTTYSII'I'I2732-Tflm n-uh-I dig-nu} 3.7!}.ij I tho ci’fiH-n: ut'llhv Wm, any! 1 mmh II: n he Ilzu ('IHIINH‘IH’Pd I'H‘ li\‘U‘Wl L-ui-uwumm r". li-‘rfu It'lll‘ :n 'M I: 31+"L‘2le-h-vr7. .u-uri)‘ dp-n:~itu- \\.‘lHv~~‘—lH4>vti-L “hr-r 0 hi: “HI In In “(“oan and 'mm‘ in l'u“"’i\(‘ .l Khl-"vrtm‘ll'v‘n. my». “mew. m Ll.~'.T«‘\H:~.>-.l‘i:\H;-:!:s. ['UH‘ITVJZL\| .\‘l- , u laqflu‘tl Mon J 11v. 131!"- ul‘ '\'.'-\m-Vnid- I H A‘ afghf- 1.. q “.” IN" \-|':] _..H 211 1111- Law-d in .513 pl:_nlh~. I : ..k.-:.1..;.in~, ini NHL hum hum |~ Jr [WI 'rlihl'un :ng-i amivrq ‘tu'wng .uv-mlnt. ("I m rhifi» :quf .l-h-uunx“ 11¢~f~flp§uliml .u 'u: drink-4 lmlim‘.‘ | ‘._- (r 1: [ml VA I‘m-v m, m 'H.h!(nliflll- 1v Ikr-‘mlho m‘u!‘ uulknimu :‘m‘ EM: "lfi-I ”1.; lw‘vi‘ prv‘mrl-Il lan. 'l-n .11 ’ ‘ u rn'vku'd The M 4. ‘tru-u-ul m ”Han _ i'wun lm~i.-. H ’. 1 . " Y \{JL‘CH \E SLY!” r 2 Emit. Shqa. ("19. ‘\T 1"”: SI(;\ HF “3241“."‘lllvl-"-:‘31H-;‘hIx!‘ Iwh «lpply n! H .n‘ ‘('-,- _ xk~,'4_ I Hun \ u!" “ IX‘L :n-i ‘ rm l“_)a; «1‘19? Airy-w: 24‘); am LI'I£:.L\~JUG i Hat R gum-2 WW 1 . I Till", “I” H jn‘: rou-iw’} .l f Z{vfil~.;\'l|m~. Tm l! «H- II gum] sup; ,HV‘i-nw'. (‘thnm .1‘ Show and B m H} firs-Lon!” u-ur llumP—unrlu work‘ :\dl.l' “nth” ¥ 1 ‘ EMI LEM 24. 14'1 n Cy.^l IC I. L 1 I _—T - r—- C; Neely, .~ . ' LA “f. \f3":l"(‘fld 70 rnllnfi 1 other hudmhu inmbtod In vnplnefis. “Hire an Mn; N. R} imud, Mormcrl'v occupied by . Exq.) '_ 1 11 11412159. :1} J i _ _ : __ -.‘- -...i '. ficClellan! ? [l-\ WJ—O'fifl‘ in “'0“ “I'M“- ne dqur ficst ol the new" . A J. 3 .TTORN’EY A] ‘tioun and n. ". «are wi'fh pnl c run-r «Hi-é Din Wm. R. “Hie" ul . (hamburg. .\1 fiw—w l I "Wl3li , r TTORSEY .\1 dle “may mnrl "man. ~ ‘Gettyihnrg. N L‘ 7 Wu 4 TTORNEY Al ' west corner l'a. ' l l I A. Duncan; ' f L.\ “L—Ulfiu-c in‘flni North )menirL‘ \‘zlmrc. Hrltxuhurpj, ‘ wa..:.1r53:g. ‘u': I =J.'chelf, . ( ‘T LAW, wxll prnmpflv nnmil !. and F H mbL-r hu‘imw: cu} Umt-e Fin-tween l'nhncnm-Lg' lor‘s S‘tmczzr Baltimou- struel, [ [Sept 3, ”3“. .j‘ id B. lßuehler, ; T LAW, will faithfn‘ll} an“ and to n“ hneiness en'lrnueqd ks the: Germz'm lu‘oguugeJ— ‘l‘ pluce, in South. Baltimore ”cy’s'drhg store, and nearly ~ ' übnxév lo‘t'wnll‘euti turned up him.l ahd Damn-r & Zie .(ig%tgfpllrg. Pa. j an n ! ‘TTOELVEY 1 A promptly at [.9 him. lie ape Qffiua at fihe an ..1 "not, near For \opposite Dunner I “ Gettysburg, .\I i I ' D. L new“ .a' of @luehlcr'l < rshn-eg street. PATIITB‘AVD I" rants, Buck-pay othet claims ngu {pf-ml. D. 0.; «15 . Lind Warrants l : highest prices gi ' citing Warrn‘nzal western States t at by‘ letter. ‘ l Gettysl‘mrg,’ i Zioglcr‘s store rch 201 :1 cCohaughy, ‘ [AWL (ofiice one door wept . drug ind book storé,(‘|mm ll Arronsn A.\'D Somcn'on rdn‘ ssmxs.’ Bounty Land “’11!- snspenfled Claims, and ngll nst the Government at “’fllh . American Claims in England. , Med nnd sold,or hougl-tmfld en. Agents engaged in 16- I in lowa, Illinois And other lfl‘Apply to Mm punoiully r. 21, '53 once Hill, M. D. J. Lax AS his oflh | I dooi was: Lutheun clmrq Chambersbnrg i Itore. where tho} Opention perfot! call. Runncj Knuth, D. D., [II Prof. M. Jacobg, Gettysburg, Ai] .9 one ‘ ,3 > “ bf they" ‘l - in ' jut-ct. and opposite Picking": )ke wis‘fifng to have afiy Denml med are respectfully invited to :‘Fs: Du. Homer, Rev. C. P. 'bv. H. L. Banzher. D. 1)., Rév. ,Prof. M. L. Sumter. ‘ ipril 11, '53. ‘ I L ‘ ! Notice. 7 F. denim I! pen-onl indebted no In to . Aged! And Ike wlement, huh; 31530 I. clung: in our Miner of doing huiafn, ; ow. 2&,'1961. r AHXESTORQ‘RRO’S. :9 “Kg". J 111 4411 i O, M.l;nr ho thought I: 110! it have to ‘ (urn-Hal} i Imm nl‘ |th! rm“ fur “a [n —1 clfi'fly ig tln hmwlu-=.£ [I llw SII’JHE‘ 5‘ 1111 .111.1.71I•11 \nu “-(-ll‘ N? m fifuu u an; 11114,'1L. dru “Inn m \ \\.\~ nuxpl) 1 hull n 1 (hr ,. f . n 1; Im.” 11l and pm In ”I _ u nil '-\, afar—'l' _f 1m I 1 upolu‘ >.ruuu-. “Hing: I"?! ‘Y rm“) '\ndh lull pl i“ (.muml Hummrh Hm 1.t,;1. :t Mr. t -t. 0.1 at :In nhl ilxg Io [Mi 1) q‘ 2111 The (lenvrfl may Rap. M. ‘w-Lllu: ...ul H-vncw the huh-“ton \‘kimi‘ 1m 0 Ln urvlvr‘ nd 0,) uhnrl :mtirr‘ nu h'm-l Prim-shun l“_)a;l': \N & ‘VI‘IJ'. E ti , “l,tin%itV Euro-via! lh \\ ilh the m 0 ~, ...\o ex Nr• -nl-lrcr4, film in ‘luk? kit! urn xlutn- 11l rug-luring —Lom’:nlle Ii gvh‘unial regi tcr' fight nud' Fyh‘unin the I the (.‘ulunl'vl I \soundcd, a number of luurr ltw 7‘)" Am» king; arming graph prsio Messra Ghl nftheir will {)f the sim- pf-qre pt-rfcc cnnnrcting won apt-[LI us imo 1‘: wot-Id. I fihJohn Staté‘s, boin -‘ Foreign Mix hut there a one of who' —now I will _; as? 1o! bimselfunc ed ruining I naked-why hand, he 3e: him wid ‘j I hung, leg I Showing Mom-awn A sqiad - ing. came II in the mom: one of them ‘ " Well, in “NO," 'B‘ n Are IQ A a:-.-_« fist “fir—r L_.:_flr_..g_-,_+_.._....;A.~_* f ‘ . ‘ -<-h;_.;__~._w§_‘__-__L;W y 141 .s‘mnm B‘3, 3 i- II mm. 111 E lit N _i t horn 'ln I] ruin or dew, .\er in I’ll mn=hine (- or firvw ; the \quat Nurlurdly ’Fell in hi 7’lel she I atinrit et glnry Ith ight lhur bliyzhl flu •c •6e stood sh, fair nnd tron, rish, fair'und face EB"! down Where str fatlmmadéwn . is ufmum:tuim filown, thnnznn [eh MN m 'he iroit We drmv And hmll her frame, smukv My! flune, _ Tu tL f lh‘c boa“! mistreu - r ~5 of lhh $94.1? The mistr The linn) (Ir fell, [ll ‘nnvil Hum, v want} “[li'fllTQ; Io mn’nul‘hwl, 1% ,lie to lin pi• and ghtiling- In lllinlir 1 builder-blind ,I in 11 eir 11d .1.0 r, fuxr and! from her. {Mir {in-l Itree! —a f—lsi.tell It II • Li um Tu hrnw- n‘ .‘Enil fire I‘ TIL" irun t“ \l.i_\ dunuo iko Hug-1r I’m->1 ~11 aka, lu- "HI-Ml éfnmjt, M1213:11 I Ihr m'nin}: 1 mqii(.lkr _ Imil3 in qin— rm- w. :i TII•V•1 The ghurv _1 i nnrmtfi. r'l,lirl Ea CM TL!- f'ulimr the pruccqling: ofrhc 'ng i~ frrm hum! S»- < snld. il .\lr. Ru rrm r, ,f 1 1 1 to n th ~ir M In. .Hc II: and in th rmérs bur nim‘h ¢ England here Illa MEDI mbar r . 1} a in «In-r . ml} {luv l- riu4 pill y dried t xmurh \m huh] htnd ‘flm 5 ml; l"ll [fut hr! \l". (.‘hinul 1n- “:14 ~u d not Nip ‘ dnuhitkl (1 i “‘\'ll V. rre Iwin'g of Haiti” :Hc his ha !tilAtv4l. iI rp fret «rt-In] tol u («I a“ n —: m-c’ or fun 1' \l-I"cx' h. \! r. \lan in 1- lie ol i :e ‘Khlfl? HUNT I’m \\ h lnu'a. U +all at 11mm. or ha.: fix (an: of hml 4mm} MEE= 'I uvfilhl-r.‘ \ mm. :m a f . m @411; [gr 0:1;11 flu and I il nul v : ~.f.-—‘x.\ r. rjleu’g ul ulu'illvdm! in a\ fin:- 1‘ mm!” (In. f•R.'l~r lim.ll N 1 I I=IE l-i nr \vih'ln llld'FYil'l}. ‘ Illsrn (‘nul pcn dun uh! him. «luncv ! ’— .. ' Q 1- hon-'O. tu‘rm‘d mwurd MEE mined in n \\ ilh a! tlic_cnurt9<_v 1.0 i~ remu‘rkabl'v, find ~L- from ml. to hcttum i-‘ccnr. qniiftly rmnurk <9 fur a hispinl." In r 3 r‘pnm “nix full of sh )r “-:gs polite-Hr reqnt-stod pm. Wmhknfinly ron r bk-ésed 2125ivil§gc of - of interim; pun-inks. ihclhi. MEET I fine ho of a‘mun [lent In) lrmnk~ tw .\z‘re. w. en.re of t upon ,1: n the néc ‘ - ”4% 7 ~.4] a. ‘ l frum‘ the 10111 Penn -8 killgd gll. Lie Winches -d._o'r ufi 34th P'c’nn iilcd. umollk whom was flilnir qnu‘ (3‘), M 11? 5% 'rmlly; [her “-49 u large iuioned officers among 3rd fight. ‘ . min] rcpn Icm give 46 woum 1% ere 15 llurrny, umber m on com! '5 :1 \‘er\' ‘ Cyfnn W. Field is ‘ndt visacnin iti Europe mi e\ in: the Ailautic Tole- arm n: vmeuls tn L.‘ The 3. Elliot 1! rent enhlo constructs". ! . (‘O., have hntifit‘d him ‘ ‘ nuke a. Infic“ prnpn-tionf w HI 3 cablq which “'9l:, E No the grvnl pm'pose 0Q nLinonls. 'So we may, I anther CEO” to bring! rel tionfwilh the old]. "guns to ESE 1,, ail ,ki ti i 1- |- MEM -Prenidentof the Cnitml on far a contribution for \dnmsl e‘ called 11 ‘ ions, SU; IMME "1 hare gfi'e for tharpurpose; cinity sigministcrshnol in this ch in mingle) pulpit uchus angina. else, and efcrg‘ygxcnlf' ’ ‘ . will pr give as . the then y old da 'ey dovn lSmith bought 1, and when it commfnc under his out. When keorp his but upo_n his M. hnt's mine; Mug!!! oney; head b'Jonéa to r or his own brbpeuy." ‘ shiny h e_pnt it .e didn’t Ijed: “ I own n !~ take kc I Agentlemun from Che-rt owing: - ~ ' volunteers; out scant ‘t'vd womng in'la. log cabin ter the usual mutation, s thejf ‘ f Indian rpss an ~ 'ns. A , ked hc ‘ My, In her us ‘. Union 7" ' 4 yoq “cell: 1’?” er. 4 ‘ ll No." 1‘ What a “ A :1.._._ IS I you, t. .mulal' rletdo have been." The hoes jer Sote L 1 1 A, _Dr. ;Abolit on of 81 EMI! 1, - 'Fiona, I, 'Mhrch.3 I!HK icle'l ontlin4 n the ..0 jimion q‘r {or “'llin ‘ln/« ”5,14,; :EJngr'c: slavery ix ISM _I L I the gr l Cdmt'it Flur-ive layer t] ‘rnl Gav :un'de'r s‘ to}: circul ’ifillc "£qu that; have bo\ ‘1 ‘madé hy :lm‘all. if .i-t qnuld. pdirer kould c-vo'r kiqctinn rshlvt‘l'y :I‘rqm ~thpTryljnin hip ; in 11:14’ Fwfi muli ftgtefinf’ in our 41‘ km m‘athc-iie the fiAprnH. t m! WP!” bf (.‘nngzL{~ wnnlq ‘inyiuluf m nf (In. with Ulhsn~sinn If Lulu“. M \"ihuinin Mm pi'r'Hnt "39th SOME giflatioq _f IME=I km 1. ‘ t 'f‘vmfi‘l e e'ille(11 mom gfiuspcm brixlvht % The A MEE cling of‘ i :‘(lljrunciri “ya-rod T,‘ Senator: imi to“? wit in lwhio ho‘oxprg Id not 1:3, PM 411’. fir-n :zm: ‘ . MIZE {no much: : Irm‘ellc‘l ' muty ('Xi- .{mptk ‘\ nunrlp Ie muvi ‘Tlm fr mkin, m 1 LIP 111.. 'un was not r «ion, Hwy" 1 W 33 run «I? I . , ,1 up “I «Ind. { wnrihhws ;. f o‘nnurny l yo-pnrti‘ , . . J 1!“ (ho a! [vi-of Hm ml}. Lm-ro: .r- mun wrn hu- n tm» mIIHIE I In (‘o'! .IN'il‘lflWl‘ f' 'the- In flirhmhlw +34541e fthr: (u‘isn I kmnved t.’ norm-it ‘ nmv light :1 Nfllm.’l)ull "rum tu'éh‘q inn nhrnyn: we" frorl- , hauri" tun ‘3. if flhuut: L erlTu/L- it; 10“ \fu‘.‘ 011'. km hot,~——§ MEE =I oi the I II “$761119. \ " a‘in r 073) <~lmcr Imy. air ”H: tuck .1 ’l'lw h‘rcd Vukml firm-n it \r:l~‘ nn'» greatly by 'ipntinn 1' of :l (‘l3. Is< Myuva m Enuroiq A I‘rno SH“ roe, am! their" Ci orltluénb .rd of All x 11.151 ngn, hn wel-xu-k I= ‘mzo homo, v. wan-ll i Hhrmh h»r inafi “WW?“ rvmlh hms «ch‘rlaripg khnfl; the of lhjpi'r c‘oulntry. lip‘ ginsi‘vnhiflve: 1: en Qantilguf‘n‘ ofajarg mnjnritylnftlio péoplehmiata‘okom 1 Th‘? hi’s}ih'?’i’3" “51;“ wh oh infinzufifilt ly_intex'P ted, in nydrso tel; the un- - Genornl Pnflltr‘rmn-hag h‘éfilrlykgfiilivd pm P's, finalifivfl holifi'm‘ f “awry in thé District ' only too cl jr‘ly thitflm'fia‘ ‘e s'pi‘m arena} c}: the pr svn‘f crigi n 1 juncturfi in our nil"- dlld_mli2io : imoHrnhwg st lexu’H‘s in (1116 ‘ ginnul nfl‘: hit. an?! i: ping upon Congresys the: mindsr of- “ rln'm ~Rfipubh - n 'p-h-tjguw+~ : +XW"‘I":“TY mul'th justice ’Qf so; shq‘ping .S'unldlry 1): Emma : 7t, f ‘ ‘ L A 3 { ‘. VI '. ‘. 'Af' 1.. 4. 1 1 ___ _.‘,.-:, --___‘ g 1‘") “We“ I‘fi' m P“: “"3, “‘9‘ “muff”! M'siflVhon the firfiaidhntflifirst anM for J as m‘prrnulo _lll=t and prom-1‘ qfe‘guunln ; _ ‘. , ‘, .. .1‘ . . .4 . w. ‘. z ' troops: 1n tlu: rehfl'llmw mu‘i I‘xnno “w 'Ds‘r‘ lagnmsl m wrung Vashm‘gton Ln" Into an . * ~ 2 . .‘ ¢ 1‘ '1 V f u b 11‘ _ ‘by wah aschpohn.nst;er.lnles nx,.\?w thump ?" 11mm x. ru. "j gme'f' a pop" quot“ an: [ shirefl? He bnlisted, :i‘nd'lm an min) at Hull {lmmbkf’ .vnrylAmencan cnnlrdunuy. ' Run. 1» Having oné Mimi 1‘“ t, and heinpin E ; I'm Vim». Hhvsdgfinnnfinn the Infclhgrncer; good hvritm“, a. 850;“ which}, and “WW aw that Hm least” Inch gmn he expected‘ ‘ . ‘ ' .‘- : ’ " é - ‘z. , . ‘ . , [way amiable for the..gplacn, {the Democrats n then: nnsea 1: I mt. gradual and notxm-. ‘ . ; , ‘ . , . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . I 1 .4 . of Chbshlre;conntymommntfdhlm for Reg 'modmtn r unwen: l omnmmpnnon shonld‘ . 1 ' ,' ‘ “R .. ‘ . . L 1 > Hster of De .9. The ho-parltv odmbhcnm, ‘hr: min)“ . m my I" wlnchflqngressmny: . . .‘. , . . ‘ , ._ , . . ‘ . I however. n t recogmzmg (h mhrhts of (has L‘floem “i fixpedlfiht to paw. and, mlragard ‘ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ , : ‘ ~~ _ 1 l . I ' . ' mutflmed patrmt, fire! nmn g a candxdflto *ng the .pquont expedwncy of paspmg any in o '1 ositidn to hirhrLElc/t M I:5 ‘ ‘,gua; mums thinkithatpolitiml p‘roprjoay, 1? _;~+”,F 5’ '. j ; qut‘foaifyjpoliticnl right, dictnteshhe;poli-* QMMEE theEJllfinois Aolonél whobso I éy nffirft‘suhmitli‘ng the question fonvote C dixtiliguishhd himgelfl at the? bugle of Fort .91 she :phople dirf-ctl}; condemned by; the: DonFlson. if a Dernqttraf. “from the Abe“.- P“"P°"iti ‘n- ‘. f 4 , ~, E lion ¢ongreiflsman from Illin i§,o\§-en Lore ; If, pnésgg frnmt e inte'rests of the white : joy, thied tq deprivp oftthe ehmmnnd of his beanie b the Distr ctfwe turn («6 consider; regiment. *i‘So is General Gmnt‘m Demo “the wolf! a of thzj slave: whom‘it is pro=l crat. “ So is General McClinmanfd. , So; is ‘ 1’91“! t l bornle, 4 e have only tb 3““ “’l‘! General smith. when) the thmgo Tthne j ‘gler this: p rticulgghoad, that we “$3” inme‘ ”,ng mm mm“. and n‘ [icnléd by #ll. WNW“ 1“”~ be "We, 1" “hi 1”“ which ing him -~ Paducahi Smith." ‘ 1 a [may beifi allypakhed, for the protection '—7 —v——~~§~p—>~—Jr—-f ': ‘ . i and sufip r} of min‘ rs and aged and infirm Who‘ are' nimflm Rgr'qinj/‘fl—Ah the eels. l Havadfl o.:unrlpr E: geneflll act 01' emhnci- b 13135" 0r '“*"iP-§t3‘?"Qlijrihdy‘? 3: “wan raglan. hrhqthorwi e likely to be left with- 2:3;ng Olaiéwéfifibzgntmgzgtvgfch P 911? then- nnfuml cum-(imam. We nnder— Wasreoeive Withgreut dlfieiilfih ‘To Pr?“ “fl.“l the Senntor hark has mtroduded a that Demdcracy. m 4 axis] by? e (Oust. "as ‘5“! ‘em. ; 3'in this provision. and jta‘ hu- [ the principle which lyvaé to fare “‘ng:- 1, ' ' '‘_ 1, ’ , _ ‘ u'mph ofthe nationn 1mm"; of Wnu ‘ y w fna‘ajmy ‘Gte an rent to I“ ' that £he Thirty-firs: Ill'inon: Regiment. com ‘3l‘ * ~‘ - " ‘ manded by Cal. Logan. came fi-mn that E? f 1“! re are n w ntrForh-m Munwel ponion of [filinoismllqtl Egythorits devo i" “‘0 ‘ liv‘e ”'o‘“ contrabanda,two-thirdg tion to Democratic prmciph‘s. Ofthis regi fifwhomifnvable ml. men. Thai? ag-‘mem' in the fight at For: Donelson, it Hart-gates) .V‘ i! ten I dolhujz, half i! paid in ' might be said that it (11d not lofiveyne battle Wash. *9" "16 I'd! returned {Off “18 flI-hiohl until ‘mong thelict. 0! died werel fture run of themselves and families.— major, I‘ laumnant-colbnclfl captainz.‘ 13 .MW . ‘l‘ ‘ l ‘ 4 lieutenanlqlmld untilevoryhonle wlnshifljed. Li Think lffhatJ‘fi-payen. The Enomous ; every anillgryman shot. and 'unul Img ldut, hm" exfiense not bging sufficient 04$ suit the! and {garnet}: round of ammunmon Wu 15- ‘ ‘ * . i charged at the rebok. Repulfiicgns. we my“ stea‘ nigger: and pay - khem ten ldpllnrs pellr month he dp‘nolbing. I}. is fur? flhnfisun I'now, at one Fort, but gwp thlq abolltmnn s then wpy and It Will be ithe \f'hple four glilhong—Q‘unbmy Damo hd. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ , ‘6'“: + debate in tfie§emm n fewdsys ago, Mrflrl'mle, oiffWe-teu} Virginia. open !l how Sendais Sumner‘of disloyalty, in}! ““1! t at be, “if sworn as‘fi‘juror, would be 'oßlig'e to my #hat the dis? 'alty‘ was! proved.(’ ot only by his atmcMen-l timepw, tby act. “ And- one of m' Wis {h proposi ion he gravely mfiw kid tq e Senate K'Hiay to bl'ot out of exis ‘ encn ”$l2" 'of thg iFumes nf this Vnion." ‘ ’5 a IRMO _~_ ___ JJ©©RATH@ AND FAWMLV fl©URU§JALa GETTYSBURG, PAL; MQNbAY, APRIL 7, $3162- very in the District of lumbia. 'nl/tgmcvr 10f the 27th “f mo of thoke e§bnustive 'rct ofthe pvopoxed abn- I.l)e District of: Colu’mhifl, jmlly celebrated: 'l‘h!‘ [lt questim? the‘pmi'er of a is sO f ff in the; rd in uni r'izing i": t» lih all cuml Di‘fitrict under clause M tho contai “ exgrcfise ex whatsoever? (lfio‘ Ejhe than? I of {he "Minn 1136!»; mako it cosfidn v‘rould was ced the use‘ -' stances ~' - I_\' mph 1 éither Vt have for?“ giuia or Mary "r-on‘lthnl this ed for Lin: ox ‘ isappeumnce ye: exercil Imfnre its Status. ionnlly h - MEI-y, nm name of prncnodii w a brim, [HI/1,161,. rm :uln by th and MW nd Lain: my Inf! n} this thco. \ ' ? l’Hlyiemimantl - Pr amok”; Ihpm . The Chi John Quincy ' ted Lincoh lg on, thq part with only in of 3am} and um th (rm-1 rddtflxing ammo and zlm’clnfltling ‘flfiplit‘nhk- Ham]. M'ilh am] in rm" ‘l- of NM) 1')“. Pkurbqog‘ vll 'VlfllL’i‘L‘ltiOH va’ujhut *y. be huad in ‘ szt won J whiten; and c ‘l‘”pr 1‘ Inner. |‘h'u‘fi from 11 oh) in hié r-nnU 10. ranger. 1:233, fininu; thm'uld-' n lhq Dijtriot. ’ makingL thr compcn'snling Elm ad (‘3 Mr. Kin l 'nlglns in bx Hm 0 ‘ holiehrn] I tmmu'r 0 n 1 11ml L) -\ ikh‘ibf 0!" Co ¢ ‘onm‘t MT 19430 of (he ‘ by {hp (1‘ \‘l‘~‘ 2.191 AU fry-than! untlpubimlly in:fi{lx-Qffi‘- | u-mvr‘ [m Ml h); . ”I W] from \"",'_"in§.'i and mm mm ‘ ‘f that «Knur -—‘*.. , pr. mink; tun mhnmy huun \qnmu‘n. ‘ \ Hm w =I tL - [m :I , v the L . orqqd Pmflnch •nvect or Im-rs nf flaw: Lehmflmrn tn' 11"}Vith ghom ‘lnz‘nnj’p of Con- such m eir slaw-z 0"" mm; 19!] légli‘ n wilich . ho freq negro .suicl.u>n esprcht‘llyof ‘ lam yén‘ romaivéd, Im lfite poop 9 who inhabit d to [HO Jrnlmi‘flq eti'ocl rapidly 1 s-mlfiingV the ndt doifiramd‘ in‘ any hewmnN: 0f shoit‘lty.— of th pmnuln‘iiun sov tm have taken} preven nm-tniu refitrictiflns nré il 'Ol- phlitiml figms‘m flaps'nlfioldin: Bu; LN. lm-mup nf Witt-bigger! ‘ i I= “rum :3 ncnn ”VD mu. fining” , 1. ~ i“ ""' " 5! . , ‘ =. 1 1 > e . e > Dnsunlomst9! . 1 .1 1 _ Inghpened at the 811 mg 1 In {he U. S. llmxmt'nl‘ lioprkenlutihes. ' The, fact, Hanna number off! 1 on Monday of 1m \‘lweek. Mr. noun-1. of 1 members orl‘conmss have hel' Indiana. olferc-d a resolutioh declaringthnt. 1 at-Waahingfiojn far thP phrpns 1 “In lhel~iudgmontlof 111:1 Home, iholun- ‘ ing with to grenca t‘n the Tum 1 fortunate 0'1“} “F" i“1f"5“l‘1“l1 ‘l‘" “”21”“ a wontlerfullxlr‘yee of hpprf-ho mentoflho l mtqcl shah»: fluwhtwnl f 0 r‘ml ' 2 .‘ V ' . . A z . u . . 1 the llwpubh qn lnumnln It ‘ 1 lug, tha trwmnn-llnln at Pmpflor Snuthrx 11150- 1 , . ' ': . , cewinnkts to destroy the Umonwlm Ilrlndt 1 panic “me-1 1“ dreadful than 1 1 bp [moan-gnu] fur rm" (1111 - pqmm-é (harm to prevail my Richmond nbo 1 thr‘ rostnrmion nftlmrmhdrity bf tl'ifh nn-Im'wn the n‘dvaht‘e of‘the Un ‘ stitution and welfare fflxe§»'lx()ll\pvopr'l . oft - ‘ J , the: ~Vnitetil Slatei'. w mfirebernilnmpllylin’; dim-V ex߀°b‘l"- The very valved in 111‘“ prr‘for Minn 16f (1m pungent 1 Penxocrallc ppm-y Is a Own-or t {arm of tovornmdlltu‘iglumt mulificution rlmnzined thnlt It would never or chnngr'." 'b 5 1 1; i,l Iconte§t anothpr electhmnor tn Against tlhme resollulimxs sixt'y‘Ropnlbll- - mnnifnhl tlorbhictions nnd rm“. . cam voto«l,; whilv {1111; main” sub-waned! hv ' ('imvpr'nmr'm; 1 1' ' 1 n- ' . 2 ' , ‘ 'l f 1 ‘ - 58 Democrma and: 1, Imm men. 1 l-rnm Inns 1 'Whnt. n cnnfummxto [llOO9. 0 it wpuld seem thnfin urge [lme 10!: the 11%- 1 ".1" (1,“. Domobmtic and «cancer publicnns 3"" Ilimni [flaw-3"" “5 t “’3',‘ hers of(’onm‘és< to hold a mve used to he.‘ Sunbury rmmlat. , ‘ eultntion 7‘ ;“Irh‘.’ [mt lot the ‘ H“ *4“? * ‘11"1 H Ifession, suPrgcticge. , . 1 11“") 3““. “a“ ""‘ “”1“ "‘ f‘ 1:11) Convo ‘ti‘nnfiwhiq‘h nomi 3- ‘snmei en}lllg1lt1‘rlel:ldn1i~ dell I’aml ”mm in. mllde i Iplqu‘rm n" tlnlh3> 111 ml .0 It;mrr:nl‘ ' ’ . ~. . 1 ' v n J - . -. be [lool] films]? In IL] Th: in“ “nor. mt ,nu‘:dm"‘l o 0111:: I. 15011“ an iconylwnning extl‘nlvn- lnntOA-übnmi‘toéhe. deftl-uctmn‘n ‘orruptlirinl._whiqll is “My -«t 1 'tuhnn‘ aft 10. : ”3191 bum-s m n the bl'Phel‘lf .Idmi listrn i n; ‘.m4‘m“'°n¢e 7.1 “115'an allnh‘. r“f “9'15"”. 'll‘hoc ,wm’ I”. {3l)}, Lm::.rm' and other mnlm’u Of the R6pulflhns: par .\.—i 1 leaders ”1 Congress» tuthnve‘ 5 the [.ll "1.105 3 1 1 1 i 10w“ \‘\'fl‘\'-_-'l'(‘dll(‘.['s.”r& Slams “ 91:. n 531]“ mu 1M0”, a)“ V 1 g. Iflo<><lthc ;\mlhlh “2th Quinn-ova Sc-n:L?P.N"‘lPn<iqg;l.o mpucé thh ajulnrie~l 0110 mm“ “[9er 01.1- {Ur-11m". oliicers, ciyil ximl military? 'l'th vote;«)n degrade. ”‘l' ,‘n‘fi‘f. 'ifln'wm-G the recoluqnn wus‘Sa 1i»: wl'is‘n VICE: I’xl'st- 111.:onvr'xt‘1hl: 1"“‘1 mm "“ “"rtl'i‘ nnr H‘nuln: ,er-g- [he Irn~lhxg 1629 «malhsl 18‘13111—‘9 ””11“ '5l ””1 “"3: "“ 1°“ ‘1”: Lvl’, 10nd '7':,;.,,,,.§; 1,3 p,ls.w,-'g,.l_. y; r.:nnlan. :Ivnnturo. tu-proloen ngmnut thrs §—~ 1 - 1*?»1 ~s—4—: ' fiifll‘ld maintain thr- ‘orgnnizutiql Bier-{Mg 11“"“°'"’€"1%l"1” (Mancini; " FIPO- upon prin’cipla so nhenh-té :un rlom Shriekors? “‘l‘: 1'“ “We“ "“1“"! s“ “f E 'l‘; tlmne nnndunoml IN the fnfl .Iyll.l ‘ 1' . I ' putrmts. Charles 'Robxhsoh,‘ HT: onv.‘ Offlindied in tho- Constitution“ “1 tlmt- sovrréignly 9H negro van! Ipnra. 1 {ls 13mins! 1 1 - 1 1 Jim been ”M’mdlidjw-V tlho ‘t§.t°l"‘s"fml -‘"'l With all (hid. 1'01}:on For llmlnfi‘m'li3ri of on a:hnrgvinfx-nhhon‘ 011th ‘1'”“1' “W“? I .Gnnffl'és.‘ whd nre reported I." hn've holsl n Tl'“ ‘ “0'14"": 0‘ 51““? ”1“] h!" midi” " 'moofinz fm- :tlhn pin-[mm nf {whirnnlzing alfn umhn Hulmlulllln¢lnts{'9l- Itho. <l. ‘oltlm Dunn-wizrafl‘ic party. “.0 ihink that thn (‘rll\l'(\<. Aédrulliifqudlo:3ll.; "11“..ljr1‘1 o 111...".‘5pwmc 11"”). 3‘. l“""”.“" u’ollprgn‘n'xzml 1"“:“316017' 1m 1“?" "17".11"1‘j1l“‘l'1"-‘1 " [ah-malt :ml‘l‘ that llvi~ hr! “:1“ hint nm-«l nn 1 11:11:11.0:uwln’11n‘111 loll~lllv~€ H; the m 1 \ ‘Nv'mmwtmfinh "1.“? tho ”I“ nL-vth ll of (I'o ,""”‘r"~ £1911?” 1:511» (‘1 1..» 1‘"I ':_ may he 'npéesl-lilrv {or our mwmir-e in lmlrl 1““??3751"“':1 “P In; t l" 1“ 1‘ "r {lb-#llll ‘ Icnlhultuliunk‘unnnallv. nrvoftwwr. fn'r lhn f""”+" . Em.“ 19.114101? ~01 “11'1““th (1 ' Lq-urpme of dévzisiln: sum-- vww (‘\‘pvdiom lmnr‘Eli d'af‘hnn'fi‘fipd \1rln11m: Ismtlrrll 11-”. ‘pm‘peludting‘.Hn’lr ..x],¢..,]pp' hut Ith? that 1“”? ”le- nhollllrln rlf‘ 31:1:1201. II: t, (principlfl “the ppmiwrmi‘. Wm." ”I, {had (11113.!) (4119.3:nlx11111nc1nux ynTo-M'VZ: :ind' imnuuuhln“. and (In "Ht “1""? with fit "°l"r"“"'l:"‘""“SP‘TfEWh-" my" 17'5"“). (-wry lérooznfi Thu 1! unwraHd l-ar'lj' “'ill the F-wlomlJN n.\tr§.—‘r-;U¢‘lAln.l. (vn’pmr. I’ulwuri thuilxl the (fume-Emirh. #le Um _' a ..\>-—. ‘ ' -‘- ‘ I - ‘\‘.‘-‘~.~‘. ".- uv: 1 ”firm, 71’ulr5wi'7'i—1hogwrr1 (vmonnn‘un 1n 1h: 1’ . 1 111 g. '4 1 1x 1“ u r 3 ‘ '1 l CI-nfvrrml upon 11 Ly llx- f “In llmlnn. . ‘lhk hnuly lmle‘t Ly tlw ‘l'lL-luhlfl .. . .-' 1 . 1 ' ‘ 1 . :1 > (‘erl rv'qU-rcs, no no“ Int-u] 02.4 mm I-t nmn'» of lh-jlunrl'appl 1% n . ‘ ,A , ‘ . 1 x a: ‘\(‘ll mulersfood all rut-x . Drmncrntmmrt\’~. lujcll has 1: .' . . A ‘ . ‘ ‘1 1, and co comm: IL-mnlr X n~nn.n non to his: nnmmnqu flag . .u, I ' . - . . . ." E tmn are mmnhlumrl. gu~t men! woe 1n thrc tlhtlllf‘HWflfH. . . ‘, , n .. 1 ' 1.1 a Government bu :ulmmlstcrml and [blm . are 1-nllorlnoe _ t." . _. l ‘ thr‘n -throe 'nnrlhd, of allll ‘ cm; ‘l'lmHH Pfi- . _ . ’ >1 : | . ~ “ lnlc Dt'an‘l'flthrlnmph‘ ~mnn under Ithc command r» . _ , r. . - - . ‘1 I r _. mg stendxlv and renslleuly fl .lun are Ju=tl.y clmrgedln‘e “6 , . . ’ ‘ 31' _ 1 x tum Vfl‘tfll'y, _we mun-n! the fence. “. 11ml! supphtql t ' ~ ,1 ‘ . - ' ' \. ’ 1 not tn hr-mmt‘ too mu’rh ox secutmn engmdomcx by the 1 - . ~ '. , 1 i E ’ let the ‘lef‘onttm «are frr Hm orgammhu nfi INQ-lr‘llnd b 1 .'. 1 . ‘ - . 1 I“ '- . I .ruptmn nffnnl theta. bnmh lonr‘qll luv-t re promptnean x 1 ' ‘ . ' ' . ''. . ‘'. -,‘ ’ ; 4 lv ta tlw (let-rpm nf fixtO. “ 0 'na(‘}vl(‘4l£jt!lflfls lwlrmpom ' @The Lounger of Harper’s “’eekly— Geo. Wm. Cnrtia—thmlgh politically oppos ed ('0 McCtellan. isjuet enough [9 my ‘hat v “ Tbezgrq‘at victories‘which appear twin dicatg the} approaching triumph of the Govefnmeut. also vindicate the upon, of the Generu'l-in-Chief.” ' ‘ T Badly for Hi+.-\~The Eden, :1 Germ papefi, puHlishéd in Pittsh'urg. my!" that. when: thehews.oanm§el-on's appointment as M'uiister redchod. Russia. ‘the Emperor immadiatelycolledod his plate. jewels and cones mum”, “and. hesecnre‘ly meted >up iii an Qndaxgrolznd; "ch bnihfor [the Eula" Arignu, I - IN 1 M g “Pg... 3 ""“i‘ r ' 3 1 Pn‘Hr-r‘kn'n. ils mini [10“ q .«mh ‘l' dt 45w wwfljfishiei'n hv :{rllmlit fin:- If MS nzltlflfy of «jihloynlh. eflvm‘ hm] <;.-¢.’3£‘L:«t4nl h h =n 19H 013mg! 21f pig-r -{nnfi Nothi‘i‘ng ' .-n:fll7yever gsi my aim. dul- Lara» :fin’ aim mm Infilling thamr-ol‘vv: into md to cnntrmplme. bvs‘ulm 1' =on‘l’o—lmaga burl MEN upon firm—may =01" 'nntumlly sw film-var, and [mslpnn‘o tho mly of good foolingr—J'alriol J' ['m' . _‘ Defend thglßigh! Tho Epomm‘mtiq party has I; n li'su-ning party; For sm‘ernl ‘lislonetl .01: ati‘lemt'hoen silt-n llllllllcflll nevtionn’lisu :uml (lisu: done all the talking. IL is in; that. Dr'mocrutix :hould hogin tr omtic pl'inoifilgi‘arc rigid, imnl knows it. Even our bitrer ‘know “mm to, ha national nnc know that Demonrntiq prinéipl‘ tliii country what it. was. and principle: had never been an gthe sectional hrinéiples ofifiw he would not today be 5‘ ltho midst of hlfrntricirlal war’, gworld has nbvur before knmn y”. be living together in pea: hm‘rbuilding‘ in}; our trade, e 1 “fields. of industry and enjoying prosperity nnfiimnlleled among; .Why then should the advoc principles, so ‘glxsentinl to the e: well-being of the American _ ple. close their mouths to argument rim“ 1 Abolitimf rdntcrs and in‘olutes do all th talking.— i Let. Democratiaieuerywhere begi to defend théir principlés. Let them ‘ eep before ‘ the people Lite: origin of secti al diflicul— ties. Let them rcdount the la ,promises and doc’eptionp of that most r ous of all parties—the Re blican partyi Lmdunbové all; Ith them a wto the peoplLflhe neces sity of sust'ninin the only partygthnt is con stitutional and national. ~-' fanatics mn‘y’hnve more hm; rance‘thnn honest men, but I ‘ reason it become: the duty of g combat. their I‘uinoua hemies in our country now lan exam} their logic lends to. ,1: it. not. Democrat: of the Keystone Sta‘ ,tslkt It is n duty you owe g your yummy; ”and no chimed 1.11096 principlex'which alona cl country'should b‘a nllom-d to pl'OVle—Suubllry Democrat. ‘ 35,1 nun-Lynn” Quflp. 59.: towards the man who. Without .311 in thing of me with no inte shall hear of iL ‘ In ,fact, wit-few expep tions, everybody Nka‘ nhmteverylltdy whmn he thinks worth montio ing. nd what of it ?‘ ’Nothing—wmewtale-B rer chances bmafle‘mihdiief. Adding! ,in such a. case. my qfinrrel is wi Itho an who bring: run the news. ‘{ r 1 H i :1 -.~ :1 ‘ E! ~——*—-——¢-—-T-—-—-—-——~-7v--—~ ._.——-——-—--————-~ —~ g. g _ ,x'pworbouhms A-YEAR. y’parudxm? nion L‘lmuM m-mjzummo, of n. pal'ly old fngyish ‘ ”E‘J‘m‘] orh-I tlge United? :1 (“oncmu- .mu sin will NH} and I}"in D.:mo- bon ‘ ,I nrf‘ march uml to cor: Rvpubllmm NHL—not to (‘XIH‘Q‘ “n '3‘ Iltnllt mew-k -iuliko to are film. I It is 14 unwholé— he cr‘n-xtitn -06 {ampere 1t ofthe cra .) long been ycare it, has' , while Rm innist: have! In time now‘ talk. Dem:- m'ery hndy 4t, onemiea ill-It. Thry ~ hnvcmnrle mt if these .erseded by ‘ own party. .u‘ggling in mm as the ; but. would and happi lurging our La degree of ngtiom. ‘ tes of such listence and 1 ' E El Tehible Accidkfit in Phil'adelphi; =2 An Erpluinnland IAM qr'ngfl—v—A Glrrridgg Fartory B.lmm L'p—Frig/q/ul Semis. 1” it Philadelphini on Sufurdny mall-ningié be een eight an 4 nine o'clook. a terxiblcy oxJosion took “‘3’? in Um mutxidgexmuw; uflory o'fl’rof. Inniuel Jackson. pn Um car or of Tenth nub Reed streets, damn: a sadlou oflifo. Tue Bhlletin; of Sum-any eke ihg, furnishes! the (chewing. ”urticu‘]: %:D§-mdcra(ic ‘ 3‘ meeting if conshlt i‘a ext-hing ion among ‘ mutt-(l if s suppmml thin Limo n nrmy 1“ me of tho 1 those who w-nturé to xpnce‘their : upon film; ‘e edifice was sdntterml in ruin: :nt 10.“! 3| or five of the {york yenplt- wr-re 151 M” mly: and twnf or three in? them ‘wm'oi. fou in: l)!() nto minute fri'wgments. 'l'Lé udjmm‘m LL pm‘fort'y also sufl‘m‘wi. Kean-1y {wry “fir?! do Imm! lnr n. squ+re around mm brrdwm‘lM fen on: were demor shell lnnd fragment: of" huim'n flush were ’,un‘g 6n Inpnflu'rgflxrmxfs ant smeared- ave} nun-a A policeman gnt crud ufi nearlygn hangs-. 1 full of pram en ai'h. logs and other piérm ol lmdibseinst aft ' theoxpflncién. "Onenrm'ofemnlesworo Moérnfintn Tenth sheet, with thuir 510mm nll n hblnw. Tlmipnlico nml (~itihfihilxl mnfiintely renhorod‘ all thliernuihlv. rntl the; ruins werekemmipevd 5M nnoq: Th!- dcfil n'ml wounfl'od wrro cnrrioJ opt {l3ld plu ,ed in -mrious neighboring <]\\9Uin3:-. (11% store“; &i‘., while sm‘nrk n! 1119‘ injurofi wn c t'nken to the PMm~ylvnnin ”My-Em}. I , ne 6r two nftlxc- injured dicd whilhiming 5 coni‘ffy‘cd mx’ay {mm flu:- 50mm, or imgnedi- I! May after br-mg plucutl in nn'iuhhnrin": I belies. Ah immense crowd ofmirinm mu] horrox‘~<tri(fl(on people thrnrgf‘tl “110,11!” the fipn‘, gazing at Hmhlnmfy tr‘it‘nnnnibs {n the .‘mrlacity it n‘iva mom- ng for cm: "Tall A ican T.. in the ful man— 'ux-Rhe p'nfi on? WW 'lt'he COn~liL in boonmin% ‘jxwzn, Wu. {lupublican [jugs (IR-1r For! ileries m 1 nngrm» Sminoiidva} | nernls, :mr of.the' oxlvlmirln. “'o'an n jy-nliw-a lift fi‘dnf‘the mol‘nfu thrueifitnr}? house enth street a hq‘ryihl'o mm.» of fifl-zh :m'l' (vahioh had he n hhmnflo thug Min-n» i Otlnczfr sights - 5 hmhblc we DJA‘JJ}.{|~ M [k ofinfilemil. - . , NE E fipl’“ J Ti .r XII/ai—Owinp to‘flm vonf‘miqn; \flfiol» uitlvd about thewisqcnn nf le’jaQ'dimK it man impnsdbge to obtain an}- neofirn'f'e fthe k‘illml. Min I’lPEir'v-tfd.‘hdwovcr, the numher win inn: exfer‘il four nr The homk ofthrcc lii‘fi(afl§.:n‘ulll_ub('f‘ ms, bne or two tongues, and nimmrnun ‘ paftq: éflmdies were found-around mmorflnto viciility oftht- {at-£013“. _ Onn ‘ mm Hmvn fiw-I‘ the lmums rnf'l‘nnlh t into meyunk road. a dimunce ol‘ ! cvf‘ml hundred yank.= ,Thm Fur (rho'hhditw '3 hf E‘vhvnrd Jm-kgnn. the (an or lhn )n‘Opri: 1; Mm: null n‘hny numml John Mphs‘fl‘liy Imw- -i he!- ‘rgcognizcd. The latter Ile hi< Howl J hlpwfn 05'. Young Jn‘ckmn was SFLOf‘kil’ifll-V h ilntnd : his hand wnh‘partially’dewtmymL uhims‘t an the flush burned "frgnn 'thu 3 3a. ‘ ~ ~ #3 LHE a country Tn: won-mm. . T H‘ inhaler portion of tho woumdngl were con 0x941 tn the Pnnnsylvanid Homini— 'l'hr~lJexlemt of the in'jnrit-s of onlch lulu: lint ,boofi Mmrtflinwl, lml tho pluy~ihinn4 m-n or the hfiifiihn that filler}: are no final cams am g them. Tlxe'follmving is ailisl of i'thmle lit th'n hospital: ‘ i ' ernshington Black. l‘nr‘n. nrm: null hhnlla «wry-ply hufi'nml : ”in-ace L. Sinnox. lvurnml it; dtorrihfe mnmm‘il-dul lefiwlihmm and bran-11l Jneoph iflrkil. face. Dre-hat mvl bud ’ allockihgly bnrnml :Allgiiarin\l"iirlin. age]! ftinrlec-n yonn, fnce slid hands“ hmlly bur ed: Lewis grown, twelve'yc‘gra hl'nrz“; fan and Wkly badly hurnml ; Jnh'n lazuli, ,aze _ fmutoon wart. b‘ulli' lmmyui libmit 'the ody : Annkln'nohwfi‘lnn I.yrirh._lilary Hn r. Rahfircn E:ll(‘1‘l(k, .Dinne- Non-ill, .‘ln, ' Sloan. Eliza llulnnvv, Funny). Mujllc-n, Mn ret Mcia‘mn. Amanda .\mls‘r. R‘im McAleer. Sallie Fo'rteumw. Kata Mg-Dmc mnj.‘ Agn Weirmn. Lubellh F. angy. Liz a Cmv n. Annin'Sinmmn. ‘ ' 1 “main mulbgo mm m the im-pi tul. “its a nml’mr'were vnnyoyetl ti) tlmir reii encm, l'ter having Hinir ininriofi lira-N:- Ml l neighboring drug stores, onin clm‘ll i-ng oases inithga vicinity: all of which were thr Iwn open, hi the yewptimx of the un fnrt nate person; Among this 9,18“ wore tlinrnllowing: - .: ‘ ma Thom”, aged 17' your“: Samuel Gri Lb, aged 'l7 you-s; Chm-low Grimm. :5; 16 years; Miss Jackson, daughthv of theipropietor ; Joseph Cartlc'dge. bull-had whi o ieécuipg a young lady : Miss Nulugh; ty. try Tillignn, Elizabeth Nenmnn. Sum uel ‘urlin 3nd three distal-h: they-,werr: all, v 0 _‘ badly burned; Mary Ann Moore, An nislcoorney. Mary Brown, Ellen Murray, Cache iWhitecm-(Annie Wulumi huyrhed about the face nnd head; in young iinn untied Washington Lana was very. badly. _ . A _ injlg'ed about (113 head and gyes; Virginia, I ” ”The Detroit Free Pf”. dunks rcbcllmn I‘th badly bilrné‘d ; taken £0 hi'r homP on ‘wifi won he at an end,buut well and thaly hays, ‘ Se! nth'stmet; a {young girl finned Mchnf- A “the causal of [ii-Inn inswewons mu lingo:- feyibwdly burned; . womnn In?! blown) in Qhe‘ body polltxc jun I 0 long M in; up; ‘Mrflas M street minlt H‘fe prision Valli, pay-to! (he denntry the doctrines (if-cushion 61' 'but caped injury hevond . few bnfi-es; o? nhghuon In tolerated. There (I'm be no, H ‘ Ha . Knowles burned ‘bdut(hogpcnnnnentpctcewhengonsten'ljowgdtonrefich ery muonv ‘ the“hlgher‘hw”md“irrepresuhlofionfiwt,”or he ' . waning. 'A , , l cherish!ofSuu-todefgthegencrfilgwemmt. Alumna the horrible incidents of {he div All these are tnnsonn‘hle.b .fhg‘hn'l: bred rivil J ‘- wamn wcreimende to reel . gym-e n ”tl* m “1° blowing ofl'glghifid azdflmt v’m spii'iu which poisess the nufion'wu’d mun :ghemk. outinatomdirtantflgzli‘lthe “cl. be Chat on: if re would return 10 our old hip:i t A po-rtinn of the thigh struck 2913 M P "1°” g'fflrifpemy‘ a._ _i |_ the ‘ «All of the tavern of'Mr. Daugher-‘ , ”The National Tax Bill.” itjlandf, ty. No. 1324 Passyunk road. having its, will require thv afapoimmm‘it of abquumn blo ‘ y mark upon the brick wprk, And '4o,} (11/"WM qollectoru. What an “My“ ”'ng falling into “'9 yard: in”: h°“d' ‘ oflice holder-3.! And what a. large propan whiyh wpwed to Wong “3 W “I“ My! fion of Ih. tax will it. make feed them! I n n . use ‘vin a collectigmof, “x dashed completely to pieces, “5 {figmenml i): tlwzvglral 88mg“ beng bold together by the scalp, and the br :vé'redashedout. The hail-wrinkled wifimgmy, and a short whisker. which. had: lied: acorched And» singed. wera, all that. wuilefl. to 109 d to the idomiflmuon of the rolfltins. ' l . _ Fprtionl of (Ith were found u'pon the and assu thia very pd men 1.0 We haie 10 of ‘what enough 10, o, willyou I God and to defend n can; the pass unim- ny malice .alice. says ion HIM I 2!; , . 1 - No, • 28_ DM i , "W ‘ 49' i ‘V 142%?” ~ .13., :3“ 7 m; “.‘A’u W "W ‘ 962* mfi indl‘n‘fihtgfmfek. , WM circuit. of mom Hum astiuuenround tlmimmodiau vicinity of the firtnry. “no walls 0C never!!! building‘s had bloodyumrkn upon tfiém. «bowing WIN-r 0 the (“menu of mutilatéd bodies of the Victim“ tho disaster bald Itruck. ‘ It will readily be understood that flu- ok cilo’lvxlivnt in the neighborhood was. puinfull‘ ly intense. Besides those whoiere attractqd tn the Scene by mere curiosity. there halo ‘lumdrods who-had other and stronger nu?- tivu for their prwhctg. The rglufives (if the pork people nn‘ hither uni] thitlior, ‘segsi-dhing for theinfriefldl, uncartnin whetl‘i erubey were amorfg the killed or "(Minded= or {rhetherthey bud emped.’ There Wfli'b ! many afl‘eéting scene» when the mining nus-«fibre found to have escaped uulqu. L We mil noc'mtempt to describe the womb thon the vol-gt leap ware realized. and! ' only mangled fragment. were found to be hot: ()ft'hqst: who were in lifexmd health but a; short time before. ‘ ‘. ‘_ x nu: ma: or flu: urnoslox. . i Th‘p (muse of ting diwtcris involved id‘g m_\.até-ry.. Mr. Jackson, the proprietor; mm hot in the fautory- at the limo. nnci knmfi‘nathin'g, concerning its origin-4 'l‘h'mt: of the Work pe'opla who esmfpeij‘ any! with whom we. mnversrd, oniv know; that they found the building tumbling (q [-irl‘r'r'é. and in almost tho smm- immn it? 1 my in flnluesz- t'lmro wort) two distimt BV4 plmidnv. 1110 ‘wccund of which was much tho “nigh-Violent; ' ’ =I Arrival of Co‘ntrabandé. The Philadelphia. papers oftlntunlny unil‘ monnc‘e the arrivnl of ninety'-se§wn «soup-«l lulnvna on the «lay previous in 11ml. pity. mul ,jtlm vxpectotl arrival of moro‘on Salurtldyl M lU‘“ I;,ngn-mmksz.‘“Wlmttlwse-pnororrn} ‘tur'Qa pfe to tlg‘ in a. plane like Philadelphia mlrvmly pvcrvrnwdotl'yith white lnlgnr, null wlmré mm-b suffering vii-d 3 for want of erm‘ ‘pluvmvntall i~ ingpmuiblo t 0 ccnjrchlrm'; l ‘ “nu; Abélithminlu' contend um; irfiml jsluvos; Were emxfimlpnted they wdulll rmnnin‘ . ln tlufiulnvv smm. nnd‘cullivute fit-o, cnttnn: wnd lfihncco‘fn'r \v‘agcs.‘ The Abolltlinnist'fi éjthcménlves mm: soon genp 11:9 bitter fruitq‘ {inf illil: fallacy. Nu sfiuno'r (Inez a negro mu; - flame ffnm bondage ”win he Wm‘kl lll! wznl> lgin (Aim North. whore her istnuaht to lwlil-yrl ”hm ,110 “ill lm‘mrml for by lxlt uympntlullé gm'a. _ ll'lm oply pit): in that the ’\holillnniil-l il‘nn nbj he mzirlu to support 'tllm idle “l“l. ‘ vjciqus lmrdn tlml mm! monbnth’rqwn lulu): "Illa cilv. mnl fi'nm l—llr- (:in oxtonrlx toltllr‘l l‘nlnitl'v‘ lmlil the Smu- iq m‘orrnn “ill" llh’mnl—mw half nf whmn will clmnywn 71ml; lklegmpp mm. uml llm other lmlffill my: gully and alm‘l-IIOUEP‘I ol the min mnnwonlthl j» 'l‘lnei fililV‘O'S inlemof‘lmppinoss and freedom from' ‘lulmr nl‘ my kind is ‘cputurml ix' . iznltini .\‘urlll; lwnce now ‘m the timn full ‘ filo pxlq‘ngp.‘ ol't‘cnntor Donn\'an'< bill. Al Humlf- that would mymt tlm Im- nl‘ vii-l ' . (~lmmllvr to “'1 mloll Phillips ('6 prvm'h Ill" l‘uninni fl'Pann and .\holilinnlfilh. will nu; i'hc [xkvc-lv Ito 1m“ molt 3.11 m. Jimmie lmpwl Illwy will he rlmrlc lb show tluir lmn‘l‘fl; ‘ nnfl‘plnce their mm: upon llm n-cnrrl [on lfuture refierunce.—l’atniu£ (C- L'uiova.‘ i ‘ _ Robbed 0r5100,000,0001 - ‘ Wnll infm-nwflx Republicnn. pnpm'q-n-w-‘l‘q _ limt “within the lu<t "‘ll months {he Gov-é brnn «=an his doen robbed of one lumdrmll millitini nl‘dnllnrg'by the corruption qfnmn! . in llwlpnblic corvion.” Tlmtnmounf- tn 3: ' iri'ollyje-xfo‘nxivn ml.l.m'y—en[uoc-inl|_v wlmnl ‘ ivo rmjgillnr tlml i} ha: boun commjltt-dy llvl lending! lawn in that party which claim! all; the duovnf‘y. lull the honesty, B“_”|C pnlrio‘t—é lemma all llw f'lirixtiunily, in llw (-nunh‘v.‘F fit is :1 far greater =nm than hm: been Ink! l-yl fraud :lan pN‘ulnllm‘l untim- llnmnirnllol xlnlg from thn beginning: ol‘llic Gpvnrnmoncl dmyn lo the time it paw-d- intn :t'ne lnnntlul nl‘lllm Rnpn’blicnn party. (If. ninnunlu to: 6"”, $300,000 1} day for a??? ”:(layof ”W Republican mlnjinlntrnlli'on. That? pavtyg nromifml ‘rnfro‘nohnwny and reform'. Thlsl in the p wy they konp llr‘nir promises. 1 [final/W I).;ra/Imugm—xye Imin amt sf ‘ydunzi diubursing‘ officvr mnented with; [the Depurtmenh’nt Washington hu's flop-g - {All n‘llh 1i hundred thousand, dollnn nfg. ggngeyxim‘t-nt mmuy. A 1 the bailnl' dishurr L, Wl4: ggjnn‘h l's only twenty thousand (lglhmlq' ’nlm advpmment Imm, sufi‘er to thn hint of} - infightx thousand dollars in this lrnmwtibnfl lThis IE another sample of Republim I've-l lt‘rennlimont and rot'orm: W o vhall man 1. Innt have any money to «umlmt this rum. '; Jliewwi Rri'Yninwl.-—Sin‘cc the 'tcx'aculniion ‘ ‘0? Nl4? Mu-lrid,'3fi~uouri pup?” prmhivm': What, the ruin-"ion in ended in =that Stine. z'l‘he Si. Loni Rim/11km Raye} .. ..‘ {1 “There are no nrrhed'bnnds fr n ~tlm: ixjdnq'bhntnh I‘o the St. Frgnmin—f am at.» ID.“ Lfiuines to the Nemho—an- the hut. :InLililai\~y‘ vestige of fnburrecti has bung: Lmvept‘nwnyh The hope of/zfestinu Mia— ,mnri 41mm (hp Union—Alwyn n alendnr Vnmhl‘ . Ufinil’ hope-rims been )yEmmlonod in “10' .‘hrt‘usth‘ ohm; warmest and must ardéul 18"; - ‘nggioVi-xts.” // ~ 1 _' a‘ ‘ 1 . - -.——-—“—- {I ‘ W'flle Boutonnf'wrier publishes the fol " lmvingextrwt/from m letter received.” a ‘ Boston merybnnt. within the put few dngi ‘ jfi-om an Inn-a meichéxfi. who has beep '9; * ‘fsglong‘fl’épublican? ‘ ; _ i 5"! agree with you about Charles Su net nml his cnmljutora. [Min-Union lwéztznui' tinuorl two Vi‘dlS longer the Emtr‘rn . . liq-'1 léd on By Sumner and such ’fnon. wmfld~ l‘éivgrlnnejust what the Squib hm. .l‘mqu' irrigating their eyes opt-n out here. afid ‘tihe' anti-slavery fever is fin! dimppearingff = Dena-rm ~chiadona.-Th9¢ Wit! 1 «if Trentomfld‘” have formed q Wis-ah (In Amofion. which in to hth monthly lug-stills. and: devote its ‘pmegdinmf 030:” to promoting gbq principles and)“: 1 cos: of .t he Democratic party. ‘ “ 2' Inl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers