II A I a VVMM..ALESIN. The Coxmnn is published every Monday mlrning.byllnu J. Stunt. at $1 75 pm gnrmm if paid strictly m mnxcx—Sfl 00 per annum if not paid in advance. N 0 lubscnpnon discontinued, unless It the option of the publisher, until all Montages Ire paid. . Abrznn-vwnrsimermdMtheuaualrates Jun merxxc done with ue'ameas ’md dispatch. ‘ " 027 w: in 8011 i); Baltimore droct. directly opposite Wumplcra' 'l‘mning E~mblishment —“qunu:n I’msnw Omen” on the sign. Adams County UTUAL mm INSURANCE 0031”“. 31 Incorporated March 18,1851. ‘ 'orncnl. ‘ Pruirlml—Georze Sw‘ope. Vmé I’rm’dml—S. R. Russell SccrHary—D. I Bnehler. Treamrer—DMM M’Orenry. Katalin Commmee—Robcrl llcCur‘dy, Jacob my. Andrew lli-inzzelmnn. . «mm—George Swope, l). A. Barkley-Jar :01 King, A. Heinlz'liunn, 11. M'Cnrdr. Tho - Mush l“, S. I’nhnustm-k. Wm. B. “x Clrllnn . W n. B.Wilson. .\l. Eiclwlhemer. Abdlv-H-‘fiin Jo‘ln \Yollord, 11. .\. Picking, Aha-IT. Wright J )‘m Hornar. R. G. \lcCrenrv. S. R. nmuell. l) I‘Grury. Andrew Pulley,Johu Picking, J. I: Hersh. ' ”thin Gompanv is limited in its open lions to Hr'e munzy ol Allnm9.~ ll has been in luagessful dprmunn for more than Ii! yours; and In that period ha! paid all losses and ox - penumu‘ilfcmu (my annanwntflmfiingnlso n lnrge snrplnft ‘cnpitnl 1n the Trl-nsnry. The Com ”nny emplnyq no Agata—null husinou hei ‘ done 31 {hi \lnnnze .whqare nnnmlly “We! ed!" the Stock’mlgff. Any pI-nnn desiring nn 'lnn‘irnnce 'cnn npplr—ln nnv nf the shove named \innnwrs fm‘ further information. a‘rhe Ext-clung Commmm —l-r°= M the office bf the Compxunv .\n the In! Wedneldny in every mnnlh, «1.2, P. MU ‘* . Seplug'l, 1858. i A. Mzihi-ot 8: Son’s anA AVD FURNITURE WARRRUOVS. an. t 25 (”1.137 I" (Lay strcrt, l'lnltimnrr, we.” decnws! f) "Utmdinz 'rnm (h; In Fredurirk l 1 T—tfl'siurgolv. haunghmml u! t‘ur- kind in the Cniqu. .‘ilwngxg nu lmml :\ lnr n-u-mmncnt of "OL'SEHULD AN!) OFFH‘BI FJ'IIVITI 1:12. Pm braviui! Burm‘lj. ”Mummy. \'l'_l‘h:tnlul':. \Vnrd rnheaw‘Jnttrouu-s of Husk, Cotton nml Unir- Hpring Bmh Sufng, T"U.‘~C-TEU‘§‘ Arm C‘lnir=, Rock‘wg “Muir‘s. [lt urn-J, \l'nrbh: :l'ahlfi. Set tees, llrct-‘ptmu .vn‘! I'plm! Len-d Hun". .\5: WHITE“ COLORS ‘ 'F (3‘ |T'I‘ACN". l’l HNITK'NH, Wood «glmirl. amu- C'mirb, “Luther (“when Cribs and (‘rntllvsu H m Rm kg; ”.111 Furrfiturc‘ . Hill arm \N'ulnul Fun-m Lankinz liinswa .\idc board)» Extenshm Tu‘rlh. hf Hwy 1‘ hglh. l’etgsfiu diqius .1 to ‘parrhn‘ee :Tn- ind-st d On ("HI unflgi‘r nur slock‘hn‘ cwvnilmtium \' Mrh fur rnrirly and qu.\lit\" of \«Zyrkhrmxhip I! ha! quntloJ‘ by any establid‘mx :n in the :Imntr). A .\u’rmur LSW‘. ‘ 3 503. Kym-mi '37 \T' (by slrul. -.'Auz.6- 18‘1“ . 'y ‘ ,' ‘-.. - Still at;Work_! ‘.~ . LUV“! ”UV“ AN!) IH..\(‘K“'YI7[TFH\'G ’ C —Thv.l ‘un lc-r Eg-md rum-(Hulk infullnd Em Triemli‘ and I‘m plxhlic Lu”! 111- gm Uh“! 't -9 I‘u n 'vm-v‘niu: And W H kqnhhin'z ) n_-§nn3s if: on“) Jq'fim‘l‘ m Ins (uni-I :lmfvnl In (,1,-Tin ‘erfim‘; “MU. Ho I'H (‘u hum! an! bi‘ll nlK'HlJ‘PHH‘O‘Hllr'lfrflt‘lkln'l3( H'M’JH \Glih‘, Hiftfiztfi'é, “leifian Sufi”: fi‘u'jnlla, .\n 1, (3| Uni-“nu ‘mgtu « {ll. um! l\\.ul£' I»: n'l}L("i’l u nr‘n mpl. fiqu‘Rlil‘Hl'Y‘W. \.vf_. HmcmmA “-2 uf 7| ' LLl'x lvvu'l' A' FI‘I"‘II|:I vi: I'l'r~, p‘nivgnfi} 1 l . 3 11"1v a ~li~f-utiv)n 01 tunh-nn'r "'yr.‘v3-:\‘ 'l".va «"r. when i:. t‘dmngc fir n'r'. 'u nmrLM pun-5. ‘ ‘ ' ni'fV-crmm Amid“: xlrliv'xrs nrnork in (1 e _v- 'Efukwniflufig Linc. nn' re"- J , ..L•0•,, , , d,~~.‘H||‘l_‘»‘ln\| l-Jlnr-‘ULL \ ' - J“H“<'°-!. ”I‘IJTZW'ULTH 14.21:, (},esl.\~.i.:nr;‘..f~zr. Snficthinz New ‘(lt'fiT’l'YS'fi'Tf I fin: thaw» \‘Fi .’ Nu.“ "ui , L... :- x"-nl'n!‘vl i“ \Kh“: 'lnx-Imu» L‘rge \(‘.l4"‘h 'm’i Ltrv- \‘Hrhndnrlv Omuuitr- \\ waif '. Hn’vL #l.. w LL- ~\ vl‘ In l-J d~ Arne uni 1; 1} w h- P‘P'H'N: .1 ‘ulwmi par m n'v BELAU. “LL", l ‘.|\l: \"JU‘k‘rlHr‘. V" I}! 7.5:! "~. «r , 1-1-1-‘1 r '. n‘ -E\}:,-r.~.tl'\- d *‘eu‘l‘rvmif ul‘. ’x‘ . In.“ ;‘x ‘l:l\ Lg'l'i\n\'l «I‘3» 1 ..H‘H Iran: mam-f '"r-u 'r."l:-|-':k:m' in I.llth- hrmwhcsi‘~!.»r;uir mrm Jun. unli‘umur: h any .nnuuul. Ph-‘n um and wiabmm: runw v.cs.:a-:yupiimi M the shark?! Dn'ilt‘. ”4":va any '1 l lurgt a}: {4 uu'mudiunajmkv-hnuie and glu'éuvd 1h: Len \rurkmm‘um‘. t‘u nunst‘an pr-wrri mam! Engrg; he is pro-pared lo du, 11‘ Yum)? husxucs‘l V v.u.r.‘:‘ rm: Sigl'l'm- Jul; :3, 1x59 Hat: . Foot. , Shoe. {‘ll}: SEW ‘(HK’H‘S .\T_T'IF. SHIV OF “1 Ti“. 81-i. (“Mfrs—Fur undur-iznmi haw: jug Turn-3.1 u mull ‘ sumh m H vi. .4,‘ :ps, "knots. Shims. Tlunkn lhrpvl “my. kr. .\Fu. hun- l gum! supply oI‘JSuJ-11-a and ”Mums. lfri-Hcs, (Voila-1, kc. ' Snnn‘uzJ‘ 13 ml; of’nll kin-is ma 0 In order by firfii~hlflo worknicn, und 0:) short "ohm-. ll .mc_—lrm-iu “ark uLwnya on hand‘ I'rwcalms" {yr l‘fl-Sh. - ' UCI. '2B, 1861 '2‘“va on? n. 2n: P30?a593£/34:L: UARUU: D. McConaughy, TTOI’A‘EY AT l. \W, I u‘iiw- o'H' door west ‘X 61' B‘xclllcr's drug an i hunk «tun-{Chum tnu'm'é urwg.) Armavm‘ un inLn-v‘ron run PQIEVTH A‘!) Pzzvfinw. Ummly [..tnd‘ “Hr rams, l! n'k-p ty suspa uded (‘lnjmfsy :u‘rl .xl] om’er clai n 5 ng’ninstl‘loH(;?v-v-nnu(~ntntWadi. lmr'im. I). (‘ ; who AmericapflAims in finghmvi. L ml}Warmntslnmltcd:mu’wld,ur bqu'ghtvnpi huhest price: girl-n. Agent; vlnwgzd in Iv qutiug warrants in- Inw... lllimiia and other we‘tnrn Sm“ [Q‘Apply to him pet-toms“, at by letter. ‘ 'Geglysburz. Nor. 2!. '53. J. C. TTORNHY AT LAW. “illaucnd to con“:- lx Lions and all other buSil|u~S intrustod to 11.1 cure with promptjnu‘i. (mice 11': the 5.1;. Carney of sh“ Diamond, gt‘urmefly ucunpxed by Wm. B. McClellan. Eiq.) ‘Gmtysbutg. April 11. MSG. If WEB. VMcClellan, TTORSEY AT LAW.—-O‘fire in Westwa- Adle sweet, on door was: a! the new Conn House. Gettysburg. Nov. 14. ”5,9“ ‘ me. A. Duncan, ‘ _ TTORNEY AT LAW.——otficc in the North ‘wosl corner of‘Ceutre Ftp-tare, Getty‘sbnrg, a. ‘ . [\lcc. 3.1859. tr ~_ f; - A‘chover, 5 . ‘ TIORNEY AT L'AW, “-111 promptly acce'nd A ~10 Collections mfid all other business on trusted to him.‘ (mice between {’ahnestorks' And Donner k Zhglcr‘u Stores, Baltimore street; A 1 Get‘ylburg, Pm. (Sept. 5,1359. 3' 1 ____, . ~M~ ‘ _~—-—~-—' :firstnp , Edward B. Bushfer, ‘ Im. T ] Hakim AT Luv, will faithfunr and in H . ’ . r 3. an I 'prox’nptiy Mtend to all husmess emrusCed 'ed 1 Q” nit. Ho Ipenks the German lungunger— 1” a 4 Olflse st [the smne place, in South Bnl'imore' partner. ‘unefi, nem- Torney’? drug store. and nearly pitating oppqfite Dunner I: Zlegler 3 store. ’ “Wil Ben’spurg,-Mnrch 20. - 1 . l ....L.._:—————«-—l———_——~- ~——- wnh yol J. Lawrence mu, M. D. Kai-1‘ As his 053“ one D brillian while h H dboé west, of them Q her‘snoj’ bosom Lutbeun chu ch in ‘. - .y Chambersburg’ street, and opposite Picking‘e rnpture,[uBBho '9l Itor'e. where: ose wishing to have my Dental “ Yes liair ree.’ fl Opernibn er rmed srereapectfull) invitedto ~ '1 : ".11, ‘ REVERE): '33: Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. , sot, ml I"3 bou‘ ,Krsufih, DJ) , cv. "e L. Bnugher, D. 0., Rev Prof: 11. Jacobjs, Prof. M. L! Suever. . Giuflhurg, pApril 11, ’53. ' Nonce. [I Mr I“ pernonl indebhd 60:031. ~. “ mitt): mnh‘se'iflemens, kuésg ya to . change-fl o manner “doing businzu. 061. 28, ‘10“. PAENESTOCK 33L _...._._,_i_L...._L _,_,:t. .a..i~.:~.~y..~w5,~-, ". ! 1 yu-‘y-n-mruyl mfnr‘mn 'Hl.\ . Hm! hQ‘ =I =9 'Iv!! rnfo. A if, CUJEAK & CL'M’H‘K 1 ‘ “”ch Y Y made. ‘a liar! Y lon-r W 173 r.r" ink-u! n told “:10 ernment eely, ww _,’ ‘ f M 7 5 - /’ ’ ' gt: hm ,/ , $2.1 ,- ,'/ ’ ’ .13 I? . Br H l- _i Yea In; @llsl‘. POPPI G CORN. 9 they sat -poj)'ping corp“ tilt-n and [‘,usnn Clgtler; In as no t as any 0:, : new flat a buuefr. ,1 0 they on! nd'shbllrd thz‘corn, ‘l, ked um! I irred lhe’firei‘ 1 cd of «MI rent kinda‘of pars,‘ itched Lin-1 chairs up umber. i ’ l E can she (h popper qhoqk, 051: he :1; okxlu- puppy, their Meg: grew as rel‘il ‘ dc of umber}; : 1 And thri J‘nhn ‘ ll And . And [bed And And tn}! And Then SI Tbrn Till bot As an I- ch'mn] popp’qd and Me, ”poking. «. é: * " vat her rmhntjks, ; they sh ~ (15 of fun mw-lmw». we lau‘zhc And zh-' All kil And 919' And . a! his jnkinqli ’ ’yed, and st'mfthvy 3“,: 25 like a hopper.) ‘ 'ezimd spriuklgd salt, 3‘ hook the popper. ‘ And st” (John And 51: And 3 ‘ Iboy pop| V [month n red the fi l- The cln And , _ in», the clock Etruck ten, 1n kept popping: '{ d [hen struck twelve, IS of .stoppjng: I WI the c h. clnw And I divvrt a ill no sl n he ate, m rhdflm IAM! J»! The c 11:! Sue she'thollght, n and pulgr. J .‘-The cpru’q Lfixol Til? Jab . \Vh} , I cried o liniun, u .u‘s {he mhuerf‘! ' .., v} I v 10? “"5 one o'clock I» lye-JIM)! ‘ 1 - ‘vuuiminh' vnrn, I 1 - 9n mp the (,VNNIIOH‘ Snfinuf‘fll Reymhlimfl . ~ . rsud .Lh a" Yrm'l ME die of m uf n“ tin 13m sh k Whg‘ MEM ilzmcmim ,? EH I Profes :m lmn ioufl S‘angfl, g ‘1'": S‘nn‘nz" pfiuin'} Ly n hiuwml £0 “much-n fu‘fl.” w {maturwl flulp. The ‘bemé cullmifismvod {up t Ma pnnr felllbw on his 0% " mtwlingi" thsi‘r‘," . dmnnnriodr lnis NHL—- szli'l Physic“. “3 \tht! owing-1p a put on the‘; m uni lmw Nam] ynu; firm on crfilnnl‘lfili ” Oh, . «hm». tho cifig.” Swab t. .\‘o-“m altar-1:. as Plnpifi y; Fnuh'< shah} his bhn‘b‘ F c mum h?- eteppwi into. he rvut clash]. “ ”ow- np, s offiro p.J}\l-'lm MIR “hwh ]'( of pins? 1 and st —' by (Pl lhr- “mm nir. ' \\ .x_v rmm In“ aflc iliin:<."_ « 4.011 t 1 “ Fun- A KW!” {‘l 'o‘ VII . 1m :- MEE l:l‘.‘n ". zl \ ' l N 3. 410-1! _ =EI ill and I -:: .vzm in tu n {-3351 0 Tip. (‘hdlll‘u‘li 13.0 Fly )1 o irive dem‘iu‘l‘d ”five Im. guftojr “5(- juh was zlli‘ltn2~.” “' Mllmtl for u a thf 1’" . “ Why. how x mm!" s.li.l_"s.mb;' "it cafum.” ' ‘ l V ' I 40... .¥—.__4_- mu eh r Fitl4llo4 BEIM “("4 n: U mml \" W m .‘l ('o': 51'!” 001 nil» ”lonfi‘nz'! in 1‘ ‘re-. other g-vvn‘nz‘. n “Greék” OEM ITI •i‘ th cruit‘ngd if ho vbuM ”huh-t." nnmn, qnd Ingw' old ‘Lare WI nckt “ “'hn is vnu OM ed the you ‘3" as iolmol O'Phice, and I'm EMI OEM fiftv' 1w . “ “'ell said the ofli‘ong, “yanre take hone bu‘ thpne 139. l eighteen and {Ody-five." nr, it's n lofllb mislitaka Ek to this 11km; xiv mé‘fm‘ I‘ y—five I aux—air 'fifty-rwo, Mike." I mm‘ tno‘ hvveu (h age:. o men ( B'xd iu ''s twee “ WherF-fs ynur house 2" the dop'rlfi bf ohéof the ornossses “ chi tbe~ great. EMI =Mal REM it got no haunt.” { yd!) liver"? ‘ 1- “ "on “M'el "I liv MEE mods—lslnop‘ion the Gnv 1, eat raw bfar nnd wild out of the llfisqissippi.— ‘it. is getting too thick with rpm. You'rc'r the aecnud iis Imt month and I hear pie family cq‘me in about he river. I’m going to 1 the wmltlgngaiq."l 3 . 1 MEI ‘ Pufl‘hl’l nrl drin ‘ added. 1- nhnut turkey. 1 And,” It vnu fdlk man I 'll that thel fifty mil put gut. x! \‘o wen l e's‘a ‘wh‘ 1m whq became weary of 0M To" laugh} l arr] A his life, I but'hé (11 giving, all in himie from hisl ‘might cofitmit suicide, . Ito go with‘Lqut first Tor -93. So, cogitatirjg with-l H§L famous? _the noose‘ not wi us ere: f, be M, MUM can’t go. :I never can Noah for {fitting them inw the ark. The any, illed two thouhand dql- Hie. and when He Mid I ’ll' be a general fusa.+-' N No, ‘ nor will copiwrh I Q ty vm‘m I lars worn imeet I i Seeif Lbl wou't do lforgive 0 I ad snake 'nts have of my now the re won't good tor is told ofa Boqtcnigln’s polite Eociety in Arkan ’ were,engaged in«dnnc est female pr’esént com; the window without 3 ~ up to the lady wit‘h‘pnl exclmmed: ‘ -arance I Ge compan : the love] huir ne' Steppin heart, [1:1 you do I :- compa 1 strolgs ey 1 e the honor‘to gmcg the y for the vex} set. ‘3” ‘ -s shown with imwonld er pearly tbelhglistened, - z and fell Withjdyful PM; r I’ve sot. And not, and uh root 1” l I ‘ «M—-—--—- S'J nu, wbi recently ‘eugagad in oplittin wood, st 6!: a false SEW, causing the atic to fly u _ It strfick’fiim on the jaw, hooked it fmutjodfih. “AIL". paid my 'meotingtim acclaim“, “ you“ Ind in. dong! oporatis performed. I‘m."— " Yefi'peplied l > mfi‘erer, “aw-W." war?“ ‘l3?- : .1 Mix. 0 , z A DEMDDMTJD AND FM‘JJJLV JQU’RNAL ‘1 The Iris}. .Agricw’mral 13mm sayaz—The ’ practice of frequentiy changing seed is now recbgnizod ih manj sections as essentially, necessary tolthe prjpduction of nfirstyate ' . crop. Wa'au knowithat thepfactipe of pm- ! -¢uring need pomtdeis fr’om a diqtdlficebsny ‘ L ‘2O or 25 mfles—nndlfrom diffi-rc-nf kinlfis of ‘ soil, has : marked‘imfluence nn the product. i ‘ “'hilwthe mtionnleof this is nnt quite 6hvi- ‘ ‘ousZLtho fnct is imhsfiputable. Thu ”"3?- re- ‘ gun folldws shun, in ”IE management‘of porn, , ‘ when” pumpkins. b‘e‘am and gnrdén sheds. E Ewen whercpxchmfies are mudqhetkeen g flu-men: lin thmanjle heighbox-hootl, andl firhgre there in nor ery marked (lifler‘WM'P; in thereo‘bgical or wing“! vhnrnctoristics ' ‘pf, thn‘ mil in the r wpéqfive localities. the. practiq‘p is inductiv to improvenwnt. ; Lat. iihnre \fhn haw; nev r trim] the exporifinent do sn, fipn 3 mm]! so I? at first, “they n‘ye at hll 'skfiuticnl, aml' nrk the l'¢:U!fi, boé'b as regard? qunntity qn I quality-.o‘f crop. J, l Law»: :iu Ca/t’m-H .brouphm Son by ,cn‘u - -- -= cndfinhnient and luxprirtn‘fze‘of the cl ('lO nxx‘}lf:(:rinary .Sa‘ rmlig Wr‘tunm’ca. the pontitip are stated t For a lhfifize {mim'nl t poumlllz oil; of tux-pa oubcen ; glaudanum hm; nf‘lL-r mixing, 1 a dose; ' . v. a - ~ » ~ -- ¥ ' {it'lflfitary Exz‘mliol ’ '“W'x'klifl'iu K 32. we I ' I V ‘r ! {ohm-r", who slmt n : Iwas’ln‘hl. cpnvjvtw " f 0!“ dcq‘zh, on the 4LI hrs: 1 ‘ . i Thelsmfonl-o w l-hé prfiem—e of {l}.» J fight ‘NS‘nn :fir’hll. ‘ 1110' trr‘LoTß had fly (”11:0an cnhimn, hjh in. proggvde-l by {uhr lle “111$ :womnpuu‘iv Mored‘tn him in]: 1‘ soh-mdy danh-nnéo l-nnd u‘pon tho onljd ftout, :bruwa hour; that afqnnt givqln brimmfinv’; N'Pr “fit sob: who heard in ’l‘heiprisoner. po 1- follow. marched: rm» 13] hp éonhc plaod f éXEcution. a‘fid Fitted tho sh? 6f men thpt stood ready tb fir‘ up on hm}.l General '9lson wailml dnt‘ the Llast mbq‘wnt. truslilm that n repritfie iigbt ‘cmm- Mm] (ion. Bit-11, and vvnnisn't nn ‘Jaid-delicémp‘ down ilk! road to look f§rhhe fmwugtgkr, but in x in. The‘s‘gna‘l \as at last gifoh. A wave! of the nfiivhr's {'m‘d. thn Hap-p report qflrlfim. n}ll‘1151ic1;:10{C‘)n -‘n‘ni’l’s body Jrnndnilnpnn the coffin? four Minnié}lsm”:hmWig.pnswdyntirolylthi‘ough him nf-nr'thelmax’rq : ' i VS ———- ‘—‘.‘ +0....“ l 4 m int-a 2). qr Bwl nfccwacr.._'rhe Mem phie pltpm-s. i: is staltnd. onnfirm file nioport that Bin-rpMcCullocltwns killed M the battle of Real Ridge. A c rn-spnndynt dfithif Cin clnmll Commorciallwriting frlom lhe hbule field. gays: _ l ‘ ‘ l “ lfwullocll was killed in the‘bmsll on a sligh' klevfition nn lthe oppnslte sitle Mlle field, By Pvtr-r Pehlmn. a prifintejr‘) mpa ngß, sun. Ininp'ua.‘ The attack in Mich ,(lze ulliquitou‘ Balm was takelm 06' W 4: 19d by Cahain Millml. Mc-Culilnch ‘ w§m a draw bf bla’xck velvlet. patenl lenlhon; high top filo“. and helhad on n lighl: oéloied bran Jwimmed Telxnn hat. Ile wmé on a. light. lbay horse. lPelican wvnt; «In: and took l; gnod muclz, now. m podsless‘ion of Col. Girouwl. . all , 1 :- ."Liéut. Col. 1! lloch was also foianél I :mnng? the del, lvith his counxlnésalpn in Ihis: packet. Yam? Clark. pon :ul' Merri woathpn Clark, oflSt. Latin wallilimsise killed.” I : ' ‘ '- .Atleynpred Assa:fi+uatian.qf Billy Wilson.— The New York C mmercial Ilam-us bynyri. vaxe advice: from . nta Rosa. Islandgthat a fmv~ clays be'foye tile last mgil lefi, EMajor Newb‘y. of Wiléoh' Zouaves‘ atfiemplea to (kill Cpl. Wilaim. e flr'ed four 9110“ into the Colonel's 19M; neither of which; how ever. took effect. 5i consequefice of Néwby's hand‘Pqing I‘endejed unsteady thi'odgh re. cap: potations. ‘lvgewns immediately arres ted, and was toga Itried by court mptial. a-.- ...... - V- 27:; HI)?! Gmerllment Rmiflancejrbm [ln Gamma aim—x: is worthy of nose, says the New Yprk quld, in connection with the fibws from Flérida, Ith the uaisstant trensfirér reqeivgd} yesterday morning his first r‘emitche Mm any of the Gulf States since their accession. 'Mr. George Phillips, tbé pp~tmnstor atlFort Jefferson, Florida, has {drwnnled $77.E this being due the gov; . eminent. from receipts in iii-department. } 18* A superintendent ofpolice onoemade a’n entry in his register, from which use fol. £ ‘lowiug is an extract: “The prizoaer set} upon me, called me an has. 5 precious don, ! a scarecrow, a raggmutfin and an idiot—all qfwlziéll I cuff/:11 (a be true." ’ _ HEWIm-e didryou get that iuflrey?" said 002. Ble Wllson to one of his amiable recruits. who‘came into camp one day with a fine‘ bird. “Stole it,” was the lacoglic an— swer. “ Ah, you see my bows may steal but. {hey ‘Lwonflt lie,” said the Colonel {dum phantly to a bystander. ‘ ‘ “film the snow‘gone, down ensh'yet?” naked {landlord of A dowueaater. “Abom, gulf ‘gohej' I afloatfld pink,” “4n; bag-e ground 2” “No, but" you étn gee W 301» if :1» mm." s . i 1~~ I I‘, ‘ 4 .h. ~. ~ ‘ I; ,va , g A 1 , .4, - ,1 GETTYSEURG, PA-, MONZI‘DLAY, MAR. 81, 18§2. Changing Seeds his diaensev is ugjnlly (- being ron‘anerl "f‘rom £intor feeding. t 6? the \‘(l' field. Ililht'girli ‘lwe in the ne ‘Entyclm toils of limeed nndgmr n be nearly :1 signific nke linseed oifl rglw; one lint-.l‘rom twollo three ‘rnm one to [WO ounces: dminister the'whole at n»»——‘-——« V ‘v «in Km!url‘u/.—‘At (jimmy) fly, Michael Grbnnéll. a. corporal of thb génrtl, null spnqnnogd tn? aur x-inst. A Jettlc‘r miter . . 3‘ l . earned min‘ pfl'u‘k‘t m (gntire Ali\‘i.~inn. ‘Tho imprcss‘vcune. Her an up their poai ion. - prisoner was ma . hed Iran marrying his néflin. by a pnéhf. who min is last mnmn-nta. prim ‘>l \yznlml cut {curd} tha wihtor air, and. m“ ny a lsit-kohod. I spwieyes I to}, the niohinjg 00'! rtfiars, nnfl suppr ssod he ranks, 1...‘ ‘ U \ “mm: IS moan xxx) win. runny” ,An Ingenious Yankee; , l Sentimgnts of Daniel Wehstpr. “7141111! Treason and what Lt (‘hunqu’eifingfl '11:. “1351.1: 10 ”Er-RS. RICE “D; AND --A few days ago the governngont tic-tertiyes' . - owns. 1 E: - found that an incenious Yankee was print-i § mhingtnn. March 21A$5L ing a large nmountof Rebel Troapnry notés. ;‘ IFI have ‘temptpd to ”I’mm'fil I‘9: Con of (lifl‘orent‘ amounm, moatlj', Inigwever. of,“ Ititutirin. I l! vé attempted to Pillow"! that lurgedennminn'ionitl Tl'PY+’l"‘"ls°'l”‘i’.¥‘eg which Iha Studied withxdiligencé. and and made a descent)" upon fthef {Yankdi vent-ration ‘lf m my early "l'lnhéo'l Up the when hp wa+ surrounded byinllh s conl‘cjd-I present dayJ If I have endeavo'feq 10 (19. "3‘95“ Pnl‘el‘s- &G- Ilesepmétl ‘l‘il'rl‘mlfifit’ fond and upgioid the Unihn of ihefiltate“, the nmk‘nru’hce of the o'fiivoxf, but quietly' 3‘} ie hocuuw my fixed judgmori" {find my ‘1'“)! with them. He said “:9 “'49: f’lifi’lgf‘d ‘ lllfl\i;el‘flblB fi‘ectiom have iml' ”Ed ‘mr‘, . . . l , i i _ - ,: in cripplmgithe Rebel Tieusrrcy ant] tlmugm‘ and um m", i am, ‘s’ regard thu Ufmon 34 it very‘ stratum he should he mlnlested 'as ‘ the only sm- igy fnr general pros Grity nntl h 9 thbught lb“ "”M‘Pi” “sl93k it poiétfi'; nutibnhl filo '. Yes. gentlt‘txxenitll? Cnn~ “ How ie this?" nskéd. the *tmfi fhnd pifir‘ stitutibn and the Union! I place them to cor. I“Yuui;:ee."933tltile-"Yfln "" "'fl‘fée gnther. Inf hey stand. they mpst ist-nnll are better than 1M original at lcle: the“ tugs-therfirt)ey.f».lmmymuetmlztdvcvfether originals, rural wortths; they} are phrrvtlll2or-‘ ' izetl by law r: 7° lnm not couhtorfiifiiting. I i have not nttémbtml to pasta~ tliéml «h m nny, i and really ‘cannnt goe h6nl=l§im flail)! wrong.” “3th!" sahl the Hetfgtiw’, Heft myrse you rte-re not gluing to has qhe ‘ ), Hut“ you are going to furhiéh' thqm t‘c‘i (If: ene-l nty." The t‘Ynnk" tht‘n Hunt 1 than he was sending them dou‘n tqi om] ghe' Shuth. and ‘hipstroy the crniifilien‘ e/niafithe people,'wl)§“n they lsudderily if ufnl‘ the “hole country flondoil with nispuiri‘ogs: iSsue_ l and their nifly circulhtionlrrndfinh g “'Ortl):_ lms.‘ An inh'vstigzntién showiwl llltht her hnd rmlly sent isovnrnl‘lumllretlith‘mxk xl ttnl-' hm thrnuglt the South. \‘lfl il‘mmé: 61-, and mid them t funnithil't)‘ toitil't‘y‘h‘ nts on the dollar. I The rise was duly rep ted tto Sccrotury S ward. the whnlqntqihrn‘fils 90‘;in 9-1. and the man :xllowml to go oft-hi pat-@lOl for the pres .nt. 'l‘lmficg‘rt-txiry fr‘a ly :fl-f mittml Hint this is the tqugheut rm he has met «luringilhe \vnr. hnll.h‘e finithu'i it turn ed it nvor'tt tho Sgclremlyrof‘ WM, é'ho ling nnt yJ-t (‘cntilurl‘mil Mm; tn‘tln \rit‘lfil the tulle. Samples at 'he genuine lunl‘ bar-11$ (£l2 have nncl it is (wily ntlriizittml; that tlm:“§'nnk "‘ hnq gm llpLa suplfriqr'crtc'lo. Whig-h it is very (liflimi to-rh-lort.—-§-I’afi‘ial (Cf 3135011.: i ‘ i‘:,-wtu.._.u.. Lu. 31m; x ‘ Negroes s*} Port Royal. :3 i A mrrmppudontioit‘kh? SW". 11/1738”. int Port R ‘}':ll.jtt~:in: tliginilinlfiil“. 11l Higwh'iph prnl-nl-ly imiimto (331?. liziznilérnlthufi trefiL’l tho nb'zro ellurzuiniitp'nh‘.‘ ‘ ii 3 " i I run ongval jnft ‘nmr in Fault" fth'i'ut the wnml-z and “wimpy am! in 1t wineg‘ro hnufiefi. fnr 0011002,}an :‘rmqgnn‘dllnnfimu i ti: n. Yt-xte-rtiuy \ Pitonk an Izrh fpéwh m lam nmv rrmuini g, IN” mkfi (MlllO ti lb being about two ln‘prsfhi; . nmll hn ' I qumtionml him tofiltnoir What illl-n e h d of time, hn naitl:-Jll"'l'lbu'knhn'. hr: I , ll at shin-t duy'u hnmfi‘ urn 'llmlffir‘ hm;l lopg day" imurx‘. do it l-lkf“? lnn or {tr gjilk ito Bmufmt in lung {hi}; than it (1 "i 2? :hhnt (hlv. (vane-the >u‘ nan i‘rhui d qsiofiorfli+ And this- negln 3: rnpkvil upm :H orfimmfrl tivoly~lu§ght. Thisll‘irlptivcn flitutitihe‘i‘null’. ernor~ lmranny fénr v‘l‘zt‘hw.l “kirk; inith suppose them thqnmec' urn-hm pinvjrrl-s iin tho wnihl. “'lmh‘ they mic: (11-ire :miny from their hm'wls,‘ “my return sign {l, l [lOO ‘ ‘ ‘ "’1";'-..7't‘ . .l . “ "““‘?“i“ a“? ““el‘lfil'. findl‘s'm‘,” Milli"? - the Abolilip‘ ms talk to um Ad4inlstmtinn own (10pm. unlpssianmp (lnn‘ olxc: wiltl Ted when they ant to am-mnpli‘lnn3l-min)”, ““im or toll “h“.ml "1'3“” ‘l‘”- : l l lhml wt war war no complaint f n ‘thnsr- A To“. gnnuim' Flhl'le'kfnng Ilnnlllli“JCG+n°l puki~h jour falls who an; (Windmill; tfillfing h"? a 9‘" (Im's l‘i—lo on it l’lllß'FlllV‘l $0 khfi'thglr reader; that the nppmillon‘. ann blacks. hutgfl'tor K'rhusingmhemsglv with . aeratip edthr to the: “pOWGNJJEZg IW." 01" thém awhile, .gnvol thnmSPlVosnup '0 {ho'' to the mbbe minding-ulna! treanbfia 021, no flesh pots of our nffi‘malu" mm, and c‘ nl'nlu- ‘ —impudon and (reasonable Aw‘litlnnlsm ed that they hurl enlirkly ml-Imm‘niv (l the. can n'nb. sto l. plunder. Honoun e 3le Pres ‘chnmcter nnrl,‘ cnfidition of ltha fulnrimfinn 'ident, his lbinct, and Mdfi‘m.l hlb Consti ‘nngro. Chrifly has nm'er m‘xiteidnme ufi to tulion. and‘it is all right and" nper, but some (if tluijr~ lmnthenidl, mlnn-rgnncaus let a Damn at. «(tempt thes‘e l' gs, and dances and untim.l Some ‘nl' 6m glfivhrs V whats pm of yolying wlnifi‘e gill be at who came hm-e rank Abolitionists.’ hgve his heels.-—Parlizl¢ Volunteer. ‘l l <‘ v —— «no. --- - {- got thoroughlyfontfl-EL '/ l‘ l W‘filmggry,“ says an Abolitl‘ journal, 1| “ Mite T’Qctrvty."4ll'lmv Kllmnijz-mgiPZ-hk. l“ is costing qhelUnite(l Smtos 1h ‘ millinns ling of the victorios at Fort Hem-1, noke ' niflay.” antliit adds, "i: it not about tlme Island and Fort. Dol'nelson, culls them/whim ilto put an e d to such an MPH} “fur?!”— : victories, showing qnnclusiv'oly that“ {he ? This Abolit 11 journal ‘l‘“ got W 500?"? prosecution of the~wnr fnr'tha rost‘ 111,011 I the wrong] ‘7": It is Abolitionfi} that )3 of the Union. 'iz i. not nec4mrx to l‘Fl-ei costing: ‘he . niled States thrash illiuns 1 ' ’ 0 , “new l‘ ”" i r the emancipation of “he slivoaiand 0 but into their hands fhb weapons ol’éu‘nflgor ‘Hie murder of the wnmen and §childrcnitof the South. We should think (he Apomfimjag. who consider the prrexem. wlpr a mu- ggaipst slavery, might as well abandon Ltbeiym‘os— pect. To the restdntfon ofthe pfiio‘ sigh: was. with the rightejnnd equality o‘fthefqtea unimpaired, the Government is filed; " Hard Work—A Republican uewsfiaper,; in speaking of hot! tremendously oft; {s3- cinls at'Waabingion. in tho War 115mm,- , mom, hsva to labor. says. that in onelrobm {lllOll5, there In ten clerks that work! frog: Ho'clonk till four. ’ , f / , It thus appears that in this crisis “our country’s history the clerks in the mqsrlm portant Deparnnent of the Governmqntmn whose efficiency and industry the spccess of our armies in a great measure depends, perform the herculean task of working seven hour: per day 1 Poor creatures I When we consider that clerks in mercantile es (nblishmenm are only required to 1013 over their duties twelve or thirteen hour: pe's- day, on salaries one quarter or balfless. (gouty not help exclaiming (but the sixfi‘er'g'ngs of the War olerké “is intolerable I"——Ez{}lahge. . V ..’ .v - , ! WAIJ Augusta (Me.) editor this dis tinguishgs between diifcrent sorts offimtri ots: “Some esteein it sweet and deéorous to die for one’a country; othem "gm-d it. sweeter to live for one’a country ; arjjd yet others bold i to be sweeter stdl to livq’upbn one's country.” ‘ j W‘Go to grass!" said smother {lO her daughter. “Well. then, Isuppouej/I win have 10 get marriede ejnpulatedjye fair damsel. “Why so?” inquired th antho isbed mother. " Becauseaflmcfi ”45nd.” The mother still survives. 3 MIMI C ' 13 :ns-rrn 10 JOHN twain. '. «'ushington. Murch ”$852. i iolme animals that. iivvjihmt in i there are some mnn. fhé tie-J smoka, cmnhustibn, nwl even I gfution. Théy (10,110" {Show} hich make‘for )iedceg They mitrovmyy. ~contt-ntiltn. . and . [no communion with ~uc‘h. per-1 as neighh'ors or politicinmr-l more right to my thin slqvcry 1 exi~t in Vil‘uinin. than n,Vsr-i “fly: that slavery might to'ex itmybhirp. Ti)i<_i< ’qfwktinni State. t‘gdm‘ixle forqtsi‘lf‘. find 5 Keep the Smtr-s txél-thur, we : ever State this pg 12: o'f- de‘! Elf. , , t; ' i . - f?““'“'*“-—“r- ‘ Fremoizt again in Commg' i Gen. Fri; '3l- xs again raptoreth reactive I gervice. and syignml Loin brimmlql! He.) wu‘s remote _ by the Presidenqfl will be ie<-ollecte<l. few months «inconihvcwme of ‘ his want of iilifmy‘mp-ncity‘, anjd 3h vital (“iESl‘t‘ng‘d of. oth hut and the CH}:\ _itution. ! The-st; were jthe‘churgc-s umimtéihim. and thv Preaidbnt Wits cmnpelh-d to rt‘nlwc him. ‘ nndthu'.= Ravi) his cnmmmidl frni . nihilu : tinn. "And iv»; this: man! rec i z with flflxuud 'aml otrxuption. nwl hwy oiihlv fur the tie-qt}: of 1.?li nnd “101“po 0502' Mm;- hcn‘. and u m'; ncvni-«iingtoih 3En‘yort of lhe lnfi-iti: xtmg COUIHIHK‘P, . uhndured ‘ (u: 715111914: ‘QflitlrJJ/Jrf. in,n lbw m: Hays—this mun. ‘ufe an}! hm huon rostgrmirqtoi a’ cum ‘nnml! FR 051' hm: never ntt‘uhpte‘l tn hnttlc his up: tint with thi- G'm‘nin'iivmt. nor has he hm.“ :mkml In spttieJ hula ith ,un blushing usa ranv» hi“ [nut hmh tit iuivnrn mt-nlt and {hi Bx-n’sivlont nt rh-fi mo? mill by thronti ‘ riml nx-mnr‘ps LM compn ievl: the l’nhiduupti’; “owe? to his impn'imu lip llmundfi. fivu'sinwthm‘em wall of gum)“, the Abolitiozista‘have demanded “m ro~to- Irminn. thrfitening oppriailinn- '{ofithe Arl minidmtionii‘t‘; their demand was flat min pliod'with. u;£§l.l'.iiihis Tug/me, fivns‘mn‘t l'inkvhan‘t an , oven-hf‘arihg. nntl‘ tul-l the Proahhwit. i ‘piain lqnqusxr‘ that A I‘L‘fvhul ‘ tn rcwture F eunvr nt‘émm omnnizgmn nppm l sitior. to [I , Adminiatrntmn Chm. \mu'tl prm'o fierce mil powvrfuLT'l'hifi is the Way There are the fix-b: mu ”gm i‘n hm general mix the ‘tlfings \ Pnjnyv only £1 ri I'9. Uav 50m, mthor You have h ought not 1 ginism [mu t t, in New lt-l‘t tq every 1 if we mean must leave I ciding for it day. - Had reamnable ‘ border Stat can! XASS 'ntlnny {ime February 1 would hzw country no at peace. end to Abo '4- PE: i ”It is} rgmarknble hafnium]; ever-fl Democrat, 131 new of the evulfim restoml i tion of Fedénl authority, is no ecoming ”a strong Ulfion‘ mam—Republic}: taper. Not hulf (:0 remnrkhble u flush“ the Ab ofitiofiists iii the country, who hfwe labored ‘ to stir up fife bitter waters whicéh no now ' spreading dystruction over the lmd, should i set themiefics up A! patrio‘ts. 5,} man can l[not be a DPmocmt who is nO5». “ strong : Union mung" and hence tbe‘lmgfudence of iinsinuatingnhat Democrats I"? just "be 'coming" Union men. There 1; one thing ' very clear hind there never been d Republican party, there Min would have been flay need oft; “ rvsrorafiomgr‘ gthcdcml authorilj.”—-Clinton ' Democrat. i Q g aunmfiiisfi Treasury .\‘utzs.— ‘n N. York recentiy that police discoveredf‘that coun: tel-{cit $5 'lfieaiu‘ry notes had hilen circula ted. The difference between this genume. and the cnnnterfeit is descrihed to be that the latter has not the letters U. S. on the breast of the Goddess of Liberty, as in the former. Otherwise the counteifeib u 933 d to be a sickiy representation of !",he real. —The nbp'e has been contra: Liéted _ fl... __,_. - .._.M ~ na-An intelligent farmer bdhg asked if his horses duel weikmxtched. re' flied, “Yes, they gm 3% E ed smm; om pf them is willing‘m All the work, nndiho oth}:- in willing he 1 Id." {r , !MI =EI 11 {Abolitioninm speed“ to tire, :rithes of the Union then of the f 3 (:in‘llr‘oJ. to tlxelwi es of In: #1 1'": non: of all e Swim-1,) Petween Dmembei'hgww, and i 1861. Southern ‘essio'nism‘ L failed in the stud; and the _ld to-day have beniflmited’md sit not about limq’fio put an 'Qionism f~All¢nlow§sznwcraL TWO DOLLARS A-YLIAR Kentnck Union Sentiment on . : Belgium“ Abolition. SPEECH THE HON. G. DA VLS’. of Ifmwdy, in, the U. S. Scnutt.~J[urcfi X 211», “(‘l2. on M 5: B4]! to Abolish Slavery: in Mt Distrirt of Gilumbia. ' . I Mn. Dans. I think Inm betior acqx’ufi‘nt- N] with ~ negro nature than the honorable Senator from Wisconsin, He Will nuvnr find one slave in a hundredjhnt will- con sent to’ be colonized. wlwn lilmmtod. The liberation of the slave-s in thi< Ilietrict. and inlany Shite oftho Unin‘r’p, )viil hejust'equi min» ‘to «ettling them iiiflthe rcounuy when: they'live; and whenever lhut policy is innuuumted, e«poci.lHy in the Slums wherZe limre tire many Sim/M, it will inovitnw My and immediately introduce n wm- ofex tvrminntion betweén “the two races: In re thion' to this pa'rticulnr pmposition. hern‘ urn {1 great many vngnbgnd nngmes in a sthte'of nhu'ory in this city : for the num... bor‘ of negro slaves that r6si4o’hwe, a grant mnny. Théy qre now iille and co'mfiam lively \fortlfleis; and \shenewr Hwy m ’hlwrnted they become grmtlv more so. -A nugro’s'idoa'of frwdnm is freedom‘frnm work. as n pmern’l rule. I haw known nf hundf-pria of shi'r-u in my oxperic-nm that hnve‘hoon lihorntéd. which shxvm prl'ViOVH to their liberation wo'm indudridnu. wm-a orderlv. wvro wcll-Lohavsd : and in. I may my, ninety-nine cnces out o‘f one hundred. after they were liberated nml :wqu‘rrcll thi-ir :itutihnr “W? “MW-"d the plan 0f .‘llp‘pt‘Nll-ln‘l freedom. they becnma lazy, inulnlout, thiev— I!“ l'nlzsdllbll. i‘tn n Romuhlwtm .nntmnl. by ish vmgnhmul-i1 Mon inny‘hug tlmir dplu- hnmu? which ChrlSclmi-z told his; nufihencoi sinm. Lut (hos? were facts horvtofo‘m. nnrl lfi'cl‘u chnmcterbhc-nf 8:)th m Eagle“. they will remain facts in the futurn. Wln-re I}”‘9‘3‘sl‘ the‘ fr‘:°‘}'"“ nfthe pl‘enon, “Ed the: you have it few {roe nngrovs in .1 “hi-teem):- gP“l:°Tf 0f m“"'}"“"“3 trom “1’1““ 'j‘f‘m'f’vl'. munity. and the negroés have biit a small l““‘f_‘§e :‘Eefly ‘Of‘theiprr‘us, wgrdulike d'”: msoclation. and the pxmme all' around 1593‘“ 9" VPGW nrc amnr. YE}, we Hem-’1?! ' , . . to-thw. as might. well have been fem-ed. m them nre the examplea ofddignnce, intlus- - ‘ . . : . i , . . i . - \ . danger of a re-action m t‘nveiF‘of universal; try. and thrift, this outward lnflur-m‘o Will ' . ~ . . anarchv. but the cool and dehbpmte mind. force them to. r. modicum of labor and of, . ', t , x , . ‘ .. . ~ . the split-r Pccond thought. of the nation‘ thrift. (no. But. whencycr you salt}; mama m . . l . . . ‘ candenms the past. nn'lflgivos to Itself 1h! lame numben, or liberate than )1: [art]? numbers, E . c. . . . s “ . . , 1 . , solemn promise that. no quch political mm and ”"11 3mm: «x 30¢.er '0 ll'm' 1“" you ""11 s‘mll linoinmitted in the future It. in not lay: a lfiritt’cu.'warthlu}:, imldlent, incfi‘flent n‘acesrry now to argtié that than thingi {np'llldgimt t: know‘ttllmt Mist as :lvell “:51 .were wrong: Every man it: the nation. Imitwtb ll (f 5: (lfnn :22" ”flu" me 6- whose opinion ia worth an,pxprem-ion. every nn re :iu.aslu' n . , ‘ A - .. . t . ; ‘ nmvspapet‘ :0 far as we know. wmch II re- The’ ntrgrom that are now liberatefl'. 'find donnizqd 51'! expressing the views ofm hI-l that rmnnin in this city, will Vbécome '3 pore wlligbnt cilitor ol' party. (finservnfive Ind and a hmrlt-n and n chnrgze upop the white ivra'lit‘fll. menpmfic and Replll‘rlivnn.) I“ PoPl‘ls’im- T 1"? will b“ Crimlml-‘J they; unite in o§pressing the name opinion. N 6 f‘m hf‘come P“;'l’f"“- Thl‘." :Yil” be ""gfiml; polit‘i'cn‘l'léuder ot- expectant-can now be If"! Crlrfirfbflm 1" PEI‘NY nw {‘"lmntmsg—g fuunrl to su‘mmrtthv nets of which woupeak, “‘Y m “mm“ 7‘ c ""13“ ""' "' {"3” “P 0" é: ‘ Thr- renn'nn Tm- thh rapid ehnngé of opiu thie Incietv. And the power whi'qh under-i film in some thartorsuwna that. the dmpoti‘ mints to lxlmmt-g them ought tq rh’iiuw the] ruli’ begun to ho :ipplietl to the “lll‘l’on‘q fllitT‘92mglml‘y‘W :liichrthoy re‘ifgnfld? of the—rule. And their was were thus town: m“' "‘3‘ "’Y m ecomo‘ " l'" . rn‘mi‘ ed to its orrnm: in other quarters, it WM their lil‘t'fit'nl'f‘. fl‘hii is n pom: city at. nnyiuw turnl ammfls of the, Amoricnfi ratv. The total mnnunt of wpulth here 15! min: ‘ it! keen pvraeption of the. new“! Mir; invnnnidfrnhlp for the number of think of smtaining the princ‘iplns ofliberky; “a wglif 302?: $1.93!: Livia? 1:;fillgfi the knnwlédge that. the prlgle of those {wini "'7 ‘t ' ' ‘' " n ' ' ' Eiples is ” eternal vigilant-9." ' A nidlthis measure Will make those hurdensl: We have “up”! fthe'dnnger 0"“. mi Embly more 3”" ~7 H _ ‘ > _ : wehhnll hardly be likely again to fall in _ L (l't-nllumnn who have livorl in the Ilnvng . tutm, and wlno‘linow what {be fire nnglv'nesi fire in tho sluvm State; who knnw h’hut the: from nogroos or» in communities of ennuinl-i en’uhlé numhers of them. knmvgtlml (hi-y] are the most worthless and vicious anvl (ax-ii pdnsive of oin- pbpulation to the society in? which they live. it is so. i . ‘ Mr. President. whenever any‘ powermon-i stimtiomfl or unconititutional, ,nsnurnt-sthe; resfibnaibility of lihorMing alinvcs ‘wheret, shun-e are numerous, they establish as imami ombly as {we‘ll conflict betweoh ,th'e limesi that will result in the exile or thé c-xternihl nuiion of the one race or the other; H know it. We have nnw about two hundred and twmty five thoumn‘d slaves in Kenqfi tucky. ‘ Think 'you. air, that we shotilq ever submit to have those «hwy: munumité ted and left among us? No. sir; no. never; ‘nor will any white peofle in the U. Statei 'of Americi where tho slaves are numemuh,i "by unconstitutional legislation you shoulrl by laws w! icb you shrink from submimng 19 the tet of _constitutiona?z¢in youi courts of uietice, liberate th m, withou‘y thefinterveution of the courts, the momcn§ youlereorganize the white inhabitants of the States 9.: States of the ’Uniqn, thej would reduga ‘hose slaves again t 6 ’3 staté of Ilavery. or they would expel them m 3 drive them upon you. or south of ybu; or they would him! them like beast: and we‘afuinalt that. They would not do thin from choice, but; they would do it from neceui‘t‘y. It will produce 3* I. conflict between thq races u will rendar it inevitable. sad then will be no escape from it. ‘ S I maintain that it is p matter of humani ty to the mgr-o in thib city. and of jintico to the white population of this city,‘ that when you turn three or four thousand ne- groes who are now in nstate of Hagar: free, you should relieve them from the cu se of such a papulmion, from its expand from its burdens upon this communhy in Iwery form; you ought to assume the philanthropy and the justice—the, philanthropy, to the negro race and the justice to the white race—to remove these. people from the District. You may refuse to do it. If you do, a few years‘ experience ‘will‘tell you what a. mistake you made. I shall speak, though. on mi; subject at more length on another occasion. I will oniy say no? that when the n'egroes are liberated in the cot.- taonVSi'ntM, it is aiving up the cotton States to the negro race, and it is. expelling, in a very Ihort time, by inevitable necessity. the white population from that: country, or it in introducing int between. “19 We. races that will result in the exiled expultion of ono or Ttho other. iow'wxun; we. arm:— .mf ~ «gram 2: s:l;wa ’9?“- lamina. 513,.“ ',mpu of the Almana ure as me (a this Union as my nunhi the I 8‘ mm; Chamber, or in any of the ff“ ’ States; but nov‘erknever will tiny album 1 by unconstitutional laws to have their Ii". ‘ liberated and to remain domiciled among than}; and the policy th'at the mph it will ‘ ntnbiish a bloody La Vefidoe in the wholo‘ otthoglavo Staten, my own included. If ‘ at (131.51” you wmmmcrd Mia war. your had in n‘mnud a: Mi national pulzcy that was to prevail. {die mature: undvisionary whom: and idctu ( [some gawk-men an thitfloor, you would not fink Mad :1 ”Mary man/ram the claw Slam m nipped iyau. ‘Vhenjgver you leek' to any that Emanuel into operation you unite the lIRV.‘ States an qnie man. They will tell you thfl‘ in painting wucliichemes they are fighting for ill 3 Union and the Constitution; llnd‘ hhey ‘wlil tell you so truly. They wili‘hll lynu that yodr‘syst m of policy isno less ‘3‘ rgrossive and destlixctiye upon the Union and the Constitution th'nn tint ofthe rebels .5, ‘ u , . LJ \ k ‘ El NO. 427_ ,:nl secéssiu lhemsolves; and they will'tell. you so truly. They will feel in. imam-‘3 'Lont on them as mm and us freemu)‘ to} ' wait your unconslitutionqlpohcy. by Whiqbiyflfl ‘ “will ox‘ci‘tgm and trample undergonl' M ‘ (he principles of the‘Constitutlofi, u '11:“ Jon} it‘to be their duty to‘ resist the in: ‘ :ywhich the écesaionisu have mudp übgn‘flu ' ‘ :‘Union'. ; ‘ ._ ‘3 ] Mr. President: him not expect to uy a ' I(word in frelatinu to lhia subject. Infiufi? {upon the ixhpulse ofthe momenfi I stink j lrnfm wlmt Ibknow. I walk from why". I ; ‘feol. { speak of primiples and a link of: Panductjghnl I will devote my life (o,,‘pnd: that every finion man in the slum 8th!“ ‘ luvill devhta his life to.’ Sir. in the hortron ’ pf the French revolujion, the pennantg-y of; {La Vnptlee _ncver.mmle n more united' fn'ml illrwfic‘ snuggle in «l‘nfnnse of all riizlnu’ :ngainfil “19, encroachmpnts of that had", revolution. than will be' made in the alive: Slitesjqqaiun yrmr unmiwstitufimgnl lmcréad im-‘nfrc 0:7: (firinn'glcta. YQU will unive ”win «I £OllO man, as one woman‘; (In: whalt‘fihfltwj iulan'on; mm. women and childm‘h, will with ‘ :z'n dcadly resistance to any such policy VI 7 ' —-~——-~ —— <III- 4.- -‘.—-‘-—- . THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. ‘ i Slowly Hut surply the stxonj Aumri‘cun‘ zmiml Ewing-x hunk to in baluncv point, nofl idposjit go bnynnrl..- It is nn overlnglityg: glummnto the nufionnl character, “I!“ Elf; §t[;r;nnwh, in the Muitvmnfit of. last summer,- Ftlm 131 mg powers and the domimmt party‘ §aymfnved of violatiom of law nnd'Cdnsti-‘s it. Bug we {should riot have es‘cnped ih «hm had the whole poopie gone mm! Mitfi the clamor. Thore mu at all iimes 3 great cnncorvnfiyo body of men. whose “filth simulily inoroaxodjfpnm day 'to day. whb condemned thesafii'cts Merrily. who rhfusegl theirhhnscnt to' the slighfent violatinn {if flaw. Thené'mén believed that the patioh Leonid he saved hy the (‘nmtimtinm and thy! . that infitrumentde ampiw provisions. std:- ple power to suppress rebellion: and restor'p the Union, withnut viola'ting one line «if i it: mud provisions. But for this comm-7+ ‘ five element in thqna-f'mn, no man esp I.“ who's-Ii we should hnvn been to—dnv. ‘ is '; ‘Th‘e time has not quite yet ar‘rived; but it fall dpprom‘has. whrm~ the whole 1:90pm» ql qne man. win-thank the comm-uni” huh ‘and the conuervdfife press. for the Emmi; ,i'ng ipfiuprxcolwlnich hu'mvod fnr pmteritip (the lilac-fly of »the prm'm’d the iibcrly 9! i ‘the okizen.—Jomal qf Omzmeruf ’ ‘ lfl’An “mm. m delivered in Imu ville on the 22d of February, by Him. Jun“;- Guthi-ie, a very ardent friend of the Union. At present we have room only for tho {0!- lowing extract, : _ “The worst enemies of the mnstitutim are those whose comtnnt cry. in hr the blood 63‘ thr,rebola. and the confiscation of their estates. with Ma emanciparéan of do “My, Img who, to reach their ‘purpocq. wnnp nun: ml nouns-max. the right. of property. Ind the principles of humani ty. under font, and blauforelgcr 11M proqa-{ry of Wmalion." . A Infiniscd My.—Evary mm who but pride enough to own a. ham is anxious to ban» it appear well. We clip the following univemal panacea. for A” fine ills harden If. hair to: Recipoeßruslms at currit-ombm. ad libitum: elbow greasot quantum uuflcup; blunkfitus firatmtus ; stablus warming {od derous, never any diotus. but mealul 0‘ 0.11 m; exercisun non compromisus. The effect will be—CoMua shim». Ippefitfl wolfitus, musculuritua two—forLy-itul. ' Severe.~An elegantly-dwsud ynung lady recently entered a railrondcnr in Pull. where there were three or four gentlemen. one of whom was lighung a cigar. Observ ing her. with the characteristic politeneu of a Frenchman. be asked her if smoking would incon§moda her. She rnpfiedz—‘fl do not know, sir; no gfi'fitlemn bu our smoked in my presence." I - ——--—¢ - o—-—-—-v— -36‘“ Did you ever :10 ton military In!!!” asked a lisping maidofnn old veteran. “No. my dear,” grgwled the old soldier ; “in than days I dhéelhnd a. military b 5?“ conuo to mh. and wfmt do you thin}: f—it took my jg; of," “m - ._—-—£———-o— -u-Alwnyllook uHM huh ”I. I I- 111511 E " "r ’
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