MIIM!n!In! The CUIPILLI'iS published every Mnmlny mwrning. hy [lnn J. Sun“. at $1 75 per tnnuxn if paid strictly is nnsc:-.—s2 00 per annum if not. paid: in advance. No Inbwriptinn discontiniled, unlm.‘ the option of the publisher, unlil all arranges ire paid. , ~ Q Anv'nnrlizlixisinserialat thgununl rates ’10: Pun-use done with nesthess and napalm-h. ‘ ' _ nmni in South Bnltimnrc street. llirnctly oppmite \V'mnplsru’ Tinning Establishment ~“Culmuu Prawn-u; Orru‘n” on the sign. Adams County ‘ BIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Incarpomted March 18, 1851. orncflw. Prmdrnl—Ccorgo Swope. We I’rm‘llan—S. I“ Russell" mummy—D. A. fine Ilel'. ‘ Trqtunrfr—Dnvid. .\l‘l‘reni‘y. , Eta-rm" Cnmmillus—flohen HcCurdy,_Jncob King, Andrew Hajntzelmnn. ‘ " llaqurn—Gmrge Swept, D. A. Rnellchn cr’i‘b 1011:, A. Heintzalmn‘n. R. M'f‘nr-ly. 'l‘hm A. Marshall, S. thnntqck. Wm. B. \lcfllvunn Wm. B. Wilson, \i. Eicholherger. Ahdiel RGit! John Wull'urvl; H. A. Pic-king, Ahl-IT. “'rigln Jnhn llxrrncr, R. G. \lrfCrenry.S. R. Russell. I) M'nrmy, (Andrew PolleyJohn“ Picking. J. R Her-til. ’ wE‘Thh f‘nmpnnv ii limited‘in its open fioni In rhe- county 01 .\leum. I! 111-sheen in mccouful' npamtinn for more than six year‘s, and in that ye ind hm [mill Ale 11mm: and ex penscsfiyitlnpvzlglvny auéununt,ha 'ingnl'eo alnrge surplus rnhiml in the Trrnmry. Th‘o (‘nm pany tmplhyulno Agnms—nn hnsim-u )wing dorm hr tho \lfinnznra. who :ll'" nnnuallv efert ed by the St‘m’khnldors. Any per-lon Rewiring up lnsur-lncn rnn applyjn any nf'l the above named \lnnn‘mrs fqr further information. WThe vantive (‘mnmiurv no": at (ht office of the (‘onumnv on Hie lust Wednesdn) in ch-y monfih. M 2,1’. M. . Snpt..27, 19.33. . . 1 4. Mathiot 8t Son’s . qux {\Vl) l-‘l'llNlTL'RJ-IWAREIUHHIS.You. | 'l5 MM 27 N. Guy sum-t. .nltinmre, (n 9. r Fay-m» pi”) pm nding frnm Guy to Freak-rid: IL—thc largo“ (-Rhflvliillml'nl a! lhc‘ Hm] in llu: (315.1. .\lwngn m 1 hum] A [urge- nwnrvmont of HOI'SEHDLD .\NHWFFH'E l-‘l ll¥i'l‘l'lKTT. em brm-‘mg Hurrutfi, Boil~lond~, Wmhstnnils, Ward rn'hu. \imtrcHl-s' of Husk. Comm nn'd ”nir- Spring Isms. .\‘nlan. SI'L-tr-r-Teh-s. .\rm ('hxgirs, Rock‘mg ('ha‘rs. Emifl'roi. .\lnrh'e TnMM. Scl |e-s. .Rd-r-rplum _nm_l L'plmklcrt'd f'hnirv. AS SORTED (‘HLHRS UFr'UTTAHF: FE'RNH'I'HH, Wood I'huirs. Ufliro ‘('hnirs. l'u-rhvr (J'mira, (‘r'xlm ant! (‘rzullmn Hut Rm kn. llJ” Furnituro, Gill mm M'whml 'Frn nu- Looking: (Human. Side- Ivonrdq. l-Znonshm Tumor hf c-rrry lv-ngxh. . l'rrvume rlifipruml lu pur-Jn‘fl‘ nro im'llt-d to En” «n 1 giw our :tnrk nn chninMih-L \‘Mrh far writ-(1": nnd quality ()I'wurkn'innfibip it lint. gquullod by any [‘Shflll'hhrfl'finljfi the auunlyy: ° , A. “umm .\- 3m; . I} ‘ Nos. 2.'. and '27 N. ”:13" street. ‘ Aug. 6 PM". 1y " Still at ‘,Work! UV‘H‘JVKIVI‘. .\.V-l) BL.\“I\'"‘HT|’HVG C-~—T|w uuv‘lfivfifl'finml rlupt-anll" i.u"nym« hh frirrrlla 'm‘lgtht‘ pnlnlil- that he cnminuni [hr Hom'hmaking:‘UHl liL-u‘knnithin; whim-15'. in M‘r‘ry hmnrh :11 hi‘ mlnl-li-hmvul fut likin bfrihllffl'f'rt‘fl". Mr M: an h‘nn-l a?! will munul urtuiotn unit-full kimle (fl ('.\Rl.' AGES“ YIifH'HY‘Ii.SLICI‘HIN‘ Shring \Vngnnn‘ km. 1)! “Lu “o‘l Hum-fin}. un-I “I.lqu ld‘ ,inpnrinr n'rrrk- . mmi. m?ll¢:mnu\'v: and BI.\,(‘A~MITHIV’I. nf n|*kin’h .Lon’?‘ ‘II ru-wumm'vh, rnlw. [urtinlpth Inl tn the :nlistnf‘linn m lllhlmlllli.“ Pncx-rm‘. l'uomvr. [alien in (-n-lmngc fnr wmk “I nmrkol pr'm-t-s Q 'ltvfl'erwua dwning .mim: nr \rark in HIE ('uaéhmnkhlq nr Rln'kmmhing liqa. are r9l apnrtfu‘ll} imllwi 10 ml] (m - "- JOHV |.. NIH-.TZWUNT” 'Gr'u‘laurg.“ In.-‘.‘-l, '3o.‘ - Something New A. I V (: IIT'I"\ .\‘IH'IU 2,——'l‘lH- unwh f~i'_’ll('d informs I lhv rln'n 114 «If ”u- mun {uni ruunt). Hun he has on :inrvm ml the I: \KI‘CH lm-xSnr -\. 011,3 huge £111“. in' an'. Hind. H‘oflwhurc. nmrh“ Oppo‘hp “Butlmk Hntvl. \xhvn- he “in {ly t? dII-It'ru‘. "ml llllpt~ In rn-r-I-iu-JA “bowl I' drun |.pr “HP: KI). HULL": l'.\Kl§>‘. ('R \I'KEBS, PNE'I‘VJIL“. km. kl' . 1| lkNl' [WOT-r dm. 1"Ih1- dm HJ'YI’L'P.“ d.) allyfzfu- hp-i I‘uz‘lir): :m'i spin! r! the ln'wwl lniu" pn-lits‘ (‘rmskur-h lkinzfl all n»: hrnnr-luu i~ lurm‘iv «~lrrimlrvn.:uu_l ordvrq in any ninnunt. fimn thi~x and 'zuijgiuiyp amn gicl. anplh-d nt “11- ~lmr‘4ut nulico. Hminu arm-Yoda Inr'jc‘ and cnmnmJi'uuc' hnkn—h’uuco and "Ime 1| 6 hm: \mrkmnn xuul lho, mm! :1: prL't-lul mm] illl'l'_\‘, he ii prepared to do a lung husinws. ‘ ' VALENTINE S.\l'l'X-IFI July 25.1.r:.9 _ ‘jMarb‘e Yard ‘Removed. ' ElE‘whufilrrr having rvnuwml hi: plum of r [mum-v In EM \"u‘rk ntrmt. n shun 'li~‘- kmw |u:l'.m >l...l:uuca' (‘hzm-h. would nmmum-r tg'llw [l'lMit‘ Mm lu- h ~ti|l prepare-1.11“) furnish all kind: or “urk in his l'nw. <m-h 1": Hunt‘- ‘lmr‘nfs. "mm-aw», km. .\‘cq oft-w” \ Iriq 'y nf slyhr and fini~h. wilh :u'u'. wi'lmut bane: and $103.1! , to Suit pun-lumen" nn'hn prw-u to wit flip int-5. l‘muon‘iitlvwiriixz anything in hi~ live “ill find it n 11-u Mill nrh’Jnmgc m (-mmim' In: itnqknnd prim-s before p'un basing ('lM‘Whl'ff‘. ' ~ “WI. B. MEALS. Gntydylrg. \hrt‘h 21. 1859 PROFEéSBEDNAL EARS-3‘; - Edward B; Bushlen, Tlnum-n'. .\‘l‘ LAW, wm minhruny and A ’p’romplly attend try-n4] hnsinrs: Cnlfllitcd to him. He‘ipmks the (}(-rm.|n Llhgmcgfi— (Mike at the mme place, in South Bullinfnre “net. ngur Fornny's drug. “are. null ‘nenrly oppns‘te Dunner S. th‘fler’s store. - Gttlysan-g, .\lnrcfi 20. —_ - .I}. McConaughy, ,TTOR‘JBY .\T L.\ W, (uflice one (looms-est ‘A_ of lhchler’< drug and bs'ok «toreJ him ersuru'g stre'et.) .\rrnnwm’ no Scum-mu ran. * Pulls-rs no ‘Pxfuoxs. Bounty Lnn'd Wnr nrmls‘, thck-p 1y sns’pondrd Claim, and all othcr claims against the Gorrrmnent nt Wash :ldéton. D. 0.; nlso American Claim in England. ~lmnd Warm‘nts loaded and :goldpr bongM,nnJ highest prices given. Ageing engaged _i_n lo ealing mutants: in low». [llingis and other "reflex-113mg: finipply to him personally in by letter. A .‘ Gettysburg, Nov. 21,"§3. . J. C. Neely, TTORN'EYEAT LAW. will Ittend to collec 'tiuns 'nnd nli‘mher huuincs‘l intrustcd to ii sat; with promptness. (Mice in the S. E. corner of the Dinmt‘nd, (formerly occupied by Wm. B. McCleßnn, .sq.) ’ . , Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. H ' ‘ : WmHB. McClellan, ATTORXEXZAT LAW.-—oflice ii: West Mid dle street, on door welt. of the new our! House. , ‘lAGetlysbul-g. Nov. 14, 1859. gfi' - Wm A. Duncan, 1 ' TTORXEY AT -LAW.——office injhe'Xorth wust cotnrr ofCeutre Squdare, Getty-burg, ‘ ‘- _. » [9a. 3,1859. If A. J. Covei, a TTORXEY AT LAW, wdl promptly Illend to Collections and 311 other buninens Ill truated :6 him. Ofice betweenf Fshnuxoch' sud Dame! & megler's Stores, Baltimore street, cguyuburg, Pa. [Sept. 5, 1859. J’. Lawrence 11111. M. D. HAS his office one . . door west. ofthe 9‘, -%v gating“ church in “ ‘ Mn ersburg street, and 0 cake ' v “on, when those wishing tgguve 333213111155 0:1":an parionned m respoctfuny invited to 0‘ l- Rlnnnxcn: Drs. Hornet, Rev. G. P nuth, D. Dmßev. H. L. Bauzher, D. D. Rev. «'fiuf. I. “cabs, Prof. M. L. Sinner. ’ " . :wfitflylbnrg, April 11, ’53. ‘ LINERS and 6th"! will find 5 good u ,_ sonnet}! of Ribbons, FhWGH, Plums, cues, u, at the clump note of , , ‘ , ’ A. SCOTT £503. Br II J. STAIILE. ’ MO Year- he use. In: forum. CZ I 7H! LOGA! COUNTY GAZZT‘I‘I Laxt n“ m: ( th ‘ A sil The 2- And I only .\‘llll lght X heard u \Vidc-Awfie, In: I'M-c was \‘ery‘long—f' pc and Llle all by 1115“,", 1 I glng of a song. ,t i 1 ng it was a prmty one. E 1! _' J clmrmpd my lint-hing 'HI“«. 1 -iuq the charm now; 'i ‘3 *‘f I [will sing it h( re. 5" ; cum“ 5. ii “ ‘ Oh Ky? ('uan I ’ i l Ynu're sweet enough?” me, Without a grain of suku’, I! ‘ The nigger can be trlk-H } u: cflpe, and we'll I‘knowrj mn it (If: beforr; . _ ‘1 ‘ '1 I'd seen that hard Uil’meP ig-zug p. 14! m} dour; E l _ IW the cape mu old and far-:7. lamp il Imd no 311-. ' "1 ' ectly then- thm Willa-..‘ ir‘hko, singing ill] the while: !‘3 lsnwl I'll 5 And 0' HI) . But I" Th‘e Yc-t 3“ Wu . (‘mmrs 0h Rue ('nfl'rr! 'J'Gu're I“ cot- enoxnglli (Blame, Without vné gruin of fins“, in Thol niggrr can by: flr‘re. ‘ MEM not sny NmHVidu-Aw: He; singing ot'n ling; 1 H 'thume-u dneyrfiql sui‘,‘ usle sq wellau “3““— EL ~u who‘d gufulfl Abe llif‘uvole, paas'the Douglas by. 5; . likely spun) um Jum cbp, [bullion down Lht' R 3213 ; I: m 1 “is ‘ Tl“- And “'mxl ' .\nd‘ . ' CHUR‘L‘S. , 1 Oh Ry: ('nfl‘er.’ } ; ’ ; The \Vidg-Awukc‘sllclight Islmll r: mrmlm lonJ now well He sung 01).": mad-night! r I won or fifth Wide- \u-uke, u- ! nl‘singing Hut-rm; a; m rc-pudmlc :nu jmt‘ :Ingl Mir! 4 1 er iflhat \\ ide-.\\\uk¢ H ; lmitvd “ell In hf Li; 0 Wm «hr-Ming Uowrn, mm. ‘ n drinking 01 Ha: “301'“ Inn-HA : Hi» . l Won “'3 Thu! 1 \\ h - cuonu. 33’ .‘ 0!: Rye f’njfa .' ‘1 i For Wide-Awake: you?! do— Hut not for purin's “150' 1 gun: The Gm crnmem it: flur. : ndril be Rge Coffee. 1‘ j ‘ l‘mlee and n!) tliul.‘ L ' " twill Fl!“ drink. Ju\n.y§li mil-l) bl‘l )uur IML! ‘_ ‘ Imin] he the men nho an‘de ‘ Lu n necdful thing! 1 ; ,3 x u lien.” choru» hero; 1‘ g uh please alum! 5w um] sing-4 ‘ ’ ' ' ”mm a. J i“: . Cm 'mly ('ufln .’ . l L ‘ The Inusu r‘! serr’l bc;‘ ’ But let us all pm) In ‘11”: time When Cid?» shall hgtv‘ free! MEE Thu: 1 KM“) (‘nnm 'I In- Bm l \\'b Illifirnllmuémfi. l The‘Last Word; Ie mnst dangerous of“infornal ma- -l ’ Ila-.band and wife filgoultllno more ‘. get it, Hum “thev wofld sfruggle for 'Nssioq 9r 3 light { bomb-aha“. I people s‘hould stud} eagh other-’s', In‘ints as ska ‘ors look she! the was}: I the ice, in nrdor to k’c’op onilthem. ’vho marry :r love sliouwld rémqm it tli'e gnio of 'angeLwitli women 3n forbidde since I ‘q flood. The eh .nea e t tr re t the In Man-rm “’Lmk ] pal-15 o Ladles her, th bt he zsocial‘syste‘nn.l Un xere is nothing to‘ ki'ep p ruslyii'n ds‘genemlly are, ‘- space. fj'he wH'e yvho l lmrge he‘r dutiea must I hove buttons." :Don't |the:su‘h| of 1 i nth-acts, f 1 lodigs, like ying 011‘ int I properly dis ‘ ave'asoul ‘ ri ire 1 le.b sh ME fur-m MEM IMES ood* t‘em‘p‘er whep you nt. Sugar}: th’e §nb— aully (‘iit‘fusgd' through *. Let married 'pebple I. much to ‘ - afi argugn most, uni've ml pi‘nduc tiu%t t sat in “lungs all nut lhis yrovision of nntuge. I” -m—“ "-4 V i I used token 9ra'rxiq‘l'zd nut dinilerg‘t‘ime onlan I him toidrgi‘w up!» the huge pi Lofh¥he pot or : 01d 15:] biped him I being liungry was do- Htrangeri’i said thg old { almosti‘éverykind of i {'Yofi, ljmaglam,” adid 'as He ,‘drew from bet be imagined was the horse :iicker. ‘:L(‘u-d aged the bld woui‘pri, tooth gtomb that 33ny ET o hint from out Kirkma 1 rop‘pmg m , who invin l Thére W 584 dinne‘r. T “fly", and he] {ico‘ to it. “ lyou will fin i ‘ that piefi ‘d M, too.‘ '1 is lips whar‘ ne of a red orgy," excl s‘} aim our fin l. Iwreaks Inga! singulir soup in {mm I he followin odiat paper: ah had mi H" In Met ‘ l VAX -I Him-cu lengt rian on Pro . laidxo 0' “Oh pnyin‘ "o'lll t.e'd \fr‘gbm chm-chf‘tol each u‘he paged. At -self in’ the Prasbyto he‘wu linking your. hot, in great dintrlbss, en: W ’ breakingu hefoufid h urch. win 2 . The pre '01“: of the at at shill we - I” neplied t. "_ $6B Lord {- ‘brother, wh L . what I A: 30' would d ,p ghe qtgb . with mg. 2"“ '- elder, 4'l have been send him to‘h-JX" do you tneatt?, ;,I hope he will go to goqd there; he would » .. exit in nix Infh.” b-1. break I‘M" “a |yesterdly, ‘ - :ve you I re A -ne little urchh‘: to In u. yqun- séh'ool mute: - gFlhel-itf" ' fiber: 6'” '4 ” m the rejoinder; n’ :ole pay any, f‘l 'pope he dr “‘he'ugneali < and qysgmerit tw .ey mean , nine-tall students out min. An xchmge paper says:— v - of qufiation’ 111-" resolved to building lar¢e enough to momma. ve hundredystudents three storiea in W' “It: i erect d'ate high! The Ohio SamfidpF-The State Salute OT 01140 has paid 3 resolufion to adjourn line «in? on the 31“ int. It is probable th'nt there ,ill be no eleétion 1b: United Sate! Sui-(Fum- tension}x = M= A @Emmmg AND mew JGURNAL D 5: Dysmphia is th; to prepim from :1} men: rgqxxinite td‘ mpply ‘i‘t wirh_pulr put-g, dpnntuml (#1 fiber of? the syn?“ squnm inch of (lb ‘lO boynfi‘Fcted wit and tjhjn‘i portion been: pLeviously ‘ injuregi in nny wn ‘ div-”dies, no t emingfn nymph? iculity: 1 . nd as th in ngegslexficm'p 1 dideflJénd habi 1 Nu? He‘fjlvht 0f ‘u'U dy‘pép‘llfié‘x prdpi ur tokmre in‘m‘ )yspéptics of-n n iliou'P tamper he la 9; those, 1m :91. )sllpntiqn thi p. l normuw “1) id} ‘ake lof 151' or lumpy! are übm‘ g! my! and 0‘79 MIT-:1! +tallthfi'j n lbqéfi-fifr evéJ wnpdok ully forg- ~ irritub‘ltny of fob) lonsliipj wnh UJM fuuul_jwhile b pn‘rlnfiulJ_jwhile {ll re is one}: u rembrkuble inafifimfitj of min m 1 poncehtmtiorjdof fix «lndus ff purpl , that it in impo‘séible to socut‘ie aunt-ML effort for Eremvor’yg, , ‘ Tbjgr ' J'hr‘e nonpeageneralTwfincipleyzéof cure axiplipu‘be 10 31:1 and which wmljaemom fail 3f 73!] adv; lngcs. 1‘ § $3 > I. T I: entire ? body shopld béjyl'uhed on'cefn xioek wit; soap, hpt wttey,’ and a sua‘ lerh. ‘ g ‘ ' 2. NH“- woolm rourfii. Uuring tin 3. EBfimeun‘s o nonrfig: bread. an the bowels ncll twnnlt‘y-[funr hnuq. 1 4. l[Ruler nll clfmmnmn ‘ns keep‘tlle feet phmygl':le‘:n_x.’ (11'3" aml mull. ‘1 ' f L ‘ 5. ‘lllis almost. intllcpénsllllc go llpve Hui fulleht plenty of Fllind. regylnr, 'cminoctedx and refreshing .s 9]», inlu Glenn, light, wcll aired chamber. Ivith windowsjfucing the sun.‘ 6.:Sffiénd two « tetnoo‘h, ,ruin or 1 . some firm of n unwéallyingexv ing nu‘ enterla' “(“9 i - {a l i 7. Bill at regal 1' times, nhd always slowly ~8. That food 5 bed, fuq $530!). which is most feli>hed. h (i is fidloin‘f‘tl 13): £ll9 least dikCOixifort. W at may hime b'onéfitted or 'injurpfifl one. i: L? rule {0: unmhq‘r. This eig‘iflh ilem iso univerrnfiappliqa‘fiion. 9. uke but teacupf‘ul of tinygkind of 'dr'mkit one m l. and leti flint beiiiot. x 10. 'onfine yiurself micoarse lyrea'd of corn, iye, or‘w‘ at_to ripe. fresh"; perfect fruits {and berri‘ u, in lhéiir nntnm‘l‘ state; 31nd mitt-”Sh lea‘ meats. Eoiled oriroasted, asme isemier f digest’iod than vegetables. Milk; ravies. p tries, heavy hot. ”orénd, fa rinas, starches, nd grer food in Egoneral, aggra ate dynp pria 12); their conétipniing tendc cien. i I ' I 11. It. is bettei to eat M 1 regulfritimcn n 5 ofxen is hungryL but so little at bnce, as to oct‘hsizfui no disti‘pml‘ort whatever. . k ‘ 1.2.. Constantly aim to divert the mind‘ from fihe bodilyfiondilion, ‘in plenaq’nt ways: Ibis L“ hnlf the Run-e in mlny onset—HM“ Joan}! of [hall/ti. -‘ 1 1 E _ ‘- W—“M‘T—P‘T Wlkpt i 3 Neqdem :: Weneed for 9m- dwellihgs more ventih tipu upd less M 3“; we need mutant-door exercise, moresfimlight, mbre mwnly. athlet ie’and rude split-ts; we need inure amuse ments, more betrays. morb frolic a'nd noisy, boistardus mm .‘. Owinranmynepd better nouriézhment Chan colorless mothers can fumiajh,’ punt-“milk th ‘ distilleriu can mnnu’fnct-ure': ofir‘chfldre-xnleed mOré_romp ihg ahd less study. Our! men néed more quiattand earlid'i' relaxatiofn from film labor: of lifé. ‘ All men, boa: yoéng nndbld, need less) xiedicine find more gbod couriselFeSci enlfczAma-Ealft 1 It ' v "" _"H“ O H A fiddler-K; gentleman who‘ve: paying hisJ dresses ”:8 lady at léength stimmoned up ahficient bpumge to 'ask if . they were agreeable to hpr. and wfilethet he might. flatter himself; §wjth a. chance: of Lultimale success? Thejlady repli+d "Stripes," tel ling the gentlephnn to tit-Impose tie letters 10 u to fprm :but of tin: another word, ,which WI! her unmet. i I 7 It. Edimr—ln’our columnuhia riddlc I found, And slrnjghtwny let forth to gnu: it: The lhdy immodimely crowned I“ h I hopu, By minim}, cgauin'g Jain tn “19m: a." Perhspa she told him to persimu’ Our cor recpofidaut ovjquookod the hat. that only one word in culled for. ? ‘ ~ ’ 3 'Sloiv pas-our day} In childhood, sad the homof light no long Betwixt the mom and eve; with swifner lap-o They glide in manhood, and in age they fly, Till dsys Ind «amn- flit before the mind A: flit thosnon flakes in a winter storm. Soon rather than disunguishedr—Bnnm. Dr. Chum Hiugd.—Dr.—Cheever deliver ed one of his charabteristic abolition tindes in we Bethesda Baptist church,Jersey City, on Thursday evening, but venturing too far in his denunciations of Washington and McClellan, he was vigorously lubed. At one time a row wu imminent. After he left the building the Dr. W billed in the stream—X. Y. Exprm. ‘ , ' ' =MEM GETTYSBURG, 9A-, MONDAY, MAR- 249,,133323 ISIBISI tapepsu. , ' a: inability 6f the istomnch‘ ' food eaten the imurish twain the body, :nnd to phlood,g‘vhicln, i‘ itsim tradition, is serit {‘o every I; honest there Eis not a. body wHichis 0': liable pnensine+ or wellkil pain. {in sufl'emmosfiw gch has eakelht-d“ or dis afed, or ;. "enciamdn g dozen ‘ will hnv' the'sqlfie pre s. either En na’tufif or 'lO - pen-sorts difl'eq further Fluent, cthstitutfiénmon of mind pd. ‘ ".it is ut’dity (m trmmy two 1y alike; henc‘eflne {nil y incuraLie rug}; ' 31h mentdl wwet-iand'of n‘ent, are‘subjead to sick-l 110 are at, phléématic, and cold feet; wiljile the nave horr ble ne‘h‘falgim. n contm led mmttk'rdmn, oned tolforgboglirnga so fon‘ii-ful lsmnetitfles, M y of.lifn,_+nd malfe (loath t. S‘ome d’wfiqttjcs are lful; otlnjrs lmvefigch an L-cr as to xfemhvr finnpam— 1, evefi {br 0. MIN houm, " we}: a " lactfml m next thb skin fine year} "0"93 daytime ionly‘ ‘ ripe fruits and i-berzrias. ‘, other (‘Jgrfie fond, keep; g freely‘onca iii every 1' three 11%”: gfi' évory afo shine, inithe.'opolx:lnir, in resting, xhilnmting. and ise—wnlljing,williucheer ing communion. ie‘the very A , In; luau: a; nu. “TRt‘TR .1: flash “1) "Wm. mum,” Put her Through l gentleman hnd mama to fiend his A daughte'r up to the game: for some artiélcs ' which he wan ted. The child retufned cr’y ling; and upon 11-9ng ukad I‘rhat'lhe tmu- I Me was, geplied: “That‘thb show had sifted ; in upon lhe gun-(atl swings. and q‘hg had slip i<ped down uld hurt ’herselfu’f} “Well. did lyou‘ get what. 1 tJold ymm‘M thuired‘her ”ether. She refined that; Ihegh’ud not.— "Well, then." hejexclai «Lsmrtiqg 9p, (“I’ll go,- lguess I ain'tutfritini of a little 4 snowff ‘ ' I! I AM]- he Ma gnnmhal chit i that, “She hoped 1581»: we“? f} ; tle. to pay him for? laughinlg [H i Soon afterward” d‘isl'tflfi‘ltj‘bl mping :md ‘rollingyvaa heard. acpomphiegi by the [mound "611 suppreayed wraithé I‘he family ulliqened fivilh intense inte‘fifim at the pl.)- lject "of their solichufdé wa‘h vivh’atling white :33 sober' as thdufla nothing had imp l'pened.‘ ~ ‘ ‘ l‘2 ‘ } He of \ed the 1w rootlmg ihe appro hed thq’ h all-01H dered o IP“Op‘en JlB. c‘xm ‘ Next. ya ‘know, I ,nu'lll hhv Idown 110%‘ and {:9th ‘ dark‘ notw—but 111;: ion y finished. Trip wq‘uumg. n thumpin K. rattling and éw ed his if {m oh Ewe kit he was” reeted with hi: 1 {At lacixh !TEEM Itht-collat door. Ai hroilgh ‘c‘lea‘m tp ' I “Open [fut hm“: V.» ...:......,Lg.i..;‘ A snaggem aim), . , - ‘uire‘ \‘6'7J— is néhfmq‘et, jovial fewrelflgious‘so upfle‘s-ofond of a {llgb or‘a‘i good jkkq +L any time. us the fpllqvin‘g n “himself as an cutrencéi— I ii 1 fight, boys. ‘I )1”? ' thought l “faym heaven. tA long rudder}. Nike rd From he grout“ fq‘xl'nr' t 1 nnd‘it waaon Lhi“ huhh‘rfth“ “31:91] I rvbu-hed-K‘Ehe top, 1 f 0 seven oi'ki‘ght feet intenj‘v i 1 Inst rnuml_ +nd the: celenti 1 51-0 “uhin and chtch giil (hing-x jdside. Peter sgon —he Jltfnned ovei—refich and 101 k! mé to inqkl- :l in}; lug/s, aftly/l! onz'tf Mr H Imm! xii—Tor l iffrnnri In? the flcior; ‘hnviug’jumg‘me whxle was trying tojum , ; —~ ~—-~—*‘ «o 4»; ~- ‘ Who -§Smel§s on; Tim“, in: from qf (11049 i) lutoly hlfcw liivo Ixoselffi'ur sale. iA M r 2313 with i‘tlhiolopy. ficumeinl ovex: [Ho dm‘mfiufi‘miin ul 'ntJ thé‘snme tirhé raikiLg [close jlroximity; with iijs‘ [ u "may .2" “gm mp; fa! ’ynu p: <ocutodLl§num+il : At‘ :is instant; 'tl‘le lobl with g " whackl’;f fnstq‘nr i Old ..‘ 1 soul. wit hearty l: MEE d roam gemlq 'nafifs nose?! 4' TIIJold worm}; plag'égval in (ri: mph, and! simply man, $1“) a chufkie, 1“ tar?" 1 ; 3 i. Keen Ratio: An'bld buchelrr ‘wai? rfit ’ a dnyvnr twn sin e as fibllbw Pickin ‘ up a book. he eY seeing “Send en} reprenénti in; at th feet ofn vmfmam.' “ Bafnr? I would even-inf I wouid qncirdle my né . I stretch it.” ‘ " 5 s And {fienjuming to §y§u§g+ydmnn he inqui‘red—f— ‘: I \ 3‘5 l I ' “ Db ybu not think itfmiulid fie the best Icoulddo?”7; I ;2‘ I‘ ‘/ “It would \findoubtedlygbe“ flip best for the Woman," Vina the.nmf§n§atié rigly. —————v'—‘-60>+ 4—4" . Diwirgéfor d!!dflf_l].-‘l-"' Klimt Mia y'all dig ging their fox-2": mid;l unriiqlliqg feliow to‘a steady laborerlwho yvjas itiworkbn a piece of waste land. ; “ I am dlgéinf fm money.” The new: flew-41.116 idleis {:o} aecte‘d. 'f We are told you ‘are diggihg‘ fdr money."— " Well, I ain’t diggpg for. qq‘ything eke.” “Have -y'ou had an ; luf:k}.’"~{ “11" th mtg luck—pays wgn 3 yo ' haq béttér (iake hold.’_" All dofl'ed their Young and i‘aidl on mxost vig— orously for a ‘wllzile‘r‘ Aftqr thfiowing out some cart loads, fihe questién que. “ Whit: did you get any? moqey hit I”? f‘Satutday night.” “ Why; how mild: didiyou get?” " Eighteen shilli‘rngn."t “Whyl :33“ nther small." "In p’xeuy yang 2:4- ‘shlllings a day is the reglilar price for}! digging all ovét this 'ere district." 3A 1 ‘ ‘ ' . #An Irishman: nt‘iendidg 5 Quake! meeting hem-din young friehd mike the fol lowing announcement: “Brethren sud nio ters. I m going to marry a dn‘ughter of the Lord." “Och, ’1: ye are." said Put, «mu. md be jsbben, Ind it will be a-long tinge before ye'll use yet what-id-lnw.” RM. one of the Kit-ks in Seotlmd, lute— ily, the singers executed s piece of music“ . and the hearers were estonisbed It the {(11 lowing etymological lesson: . ¢“And we'll catch the flee, . And we'll cstch the flue. And we’ll catch the flee, And we’ll catch the flee-ting hour." aflMother, the and of the van-l. is coming i" “Wbst makes you think lb, child r" “Coo them trowel-smut york mid ud never we" out bu got I hrin’ big hole in ’em!" ' ‘ ‘ fiThey Are mfiing {saddle in Cincin nsti which val out 31,109, 3‘ I‘ pro-ant {or Gan.,McClelhu. .4» ' L j . ‘ “ Alw‘nys True to the UiEi§n.”' n Governor: Sprague. of Rhod ‘ galalni. in accepting the renominntion 05‘ She Demo cratic Co’nuemtiou for Governor; said “he had Always/Wound the Demoé no party txue,to the: Union." This in th crowning glory of flu} glorious old party n d they do not, slurp if/twith any other; the- «me (_:an: not truly by: said of any other guy“ ;IJet the people hink of this import t rm}; at this time, an All admit and p ea: toda plore the ‘nger to the 'Union 'nd when its ulvatio: in: the avowed dgsgre of '3". Who are n; safest gunrdians a moht re~ liable frienfls, those who have ‘lwayaibeen true to it, is prosperity and in i dverq‘iiy— in word on in, deed: or thoseg‘who, :while théy have ialked l'nion, havei‘ishown; by their Lencou‘ragement of sectiri n 1 fooling: and fractional principles, that. Shay all-é at best but mgr Union men? ‘QJA & y '72 7—4-9‘- .v t‘ ‘ Thoimchigan Democ: cy. i ’. At the Ijvmocrutic Stage Co entifn of Michigan, fwhich Msenibléd at. eiro‘t; on Thursday lint, resolutions were passed e - press‘we odihe position of the; emdctacy of Michignn‘ in the present crisig pl‘ouiising the supporéOf the Governmen': ii) all con stitutional means to suppreésvtkkrebgllion. and opposi{g the termination ‘. tho war until all re istunce to the Gov me ’t un der the Cap titution shall everyterelease. Abolitidnlsm is strongly dehou'nc l'ns equally ghi ty with Secessionis ,' an the speedy ext ngui~hmont of hot ,‘lgpe for. They appr-ve of the Presiden ‘3 modifica tion of 'l-‘re ont's Pronlum‘ntio ! and Game ron’s Repo 1., nnd tho appoint :léht. of _the prPsent' Serefary of War a: nil indication of “the detrminatinn of tho'fir‘psident to \d obs‘méved I“just 'a lit: Imr.” . 5111,5019, and as its btairs, thun- Klflmrl 1100i! ,- lme tumbled i dpk. It’a'Vso ‘Vco' was never I*, jam! rolling. Idg. he sprawl :n ifloor, u here [-f3menimeht. 11m” as well mom/M ndhere‘ton Constitution. 4 Thézx‘esolu'tjons 'also (leno'u ce corruption and ex’ i‘nvngapce, Ipnd deals (1 honesty and eco A my in the ldminis'trn -on of the G‘ovemm 3' t. ig'H-y strange .in to get, to ' sicob’s refining; 51 giant] ply-P. A Lwent ’up.‘ +ll [1 spade ofl :fbeiwoen tlm' 'xlko.‘ lAconld; p. 14 of‘flm fine. I gtfillejontrnm‘e: rd €01}! Lin lgnnd‘ unlw. Irlidflmp, “ {(3% Val/1,: jg,“ era ‘ PlfflhWM‘iilg on ' can} or; tye‘bed,‘ it‘gtp Heaven." . 31 l ‘ Robot); ' tionnl Can this quesric nmi-ndmeu on, almost gresé. and ' “No nmw Cnnhtimtio ”Impowm ‘ Stars, with? of, inoludi or service '4 The. pr‘c') xvontxon w. ’ mun-mime! , of 39 to ‘7 and (very oii? mféwjktnn fixnrket. logs-{ol's were ex- Pr. Ligfiirquainted un :fiihyl turning ,"fl'quttherprice,‘ a ‘ #l3 ‘themjto a .11, ‘ I’l'll hnv 47:54.”;i ‘l‘ I ti}? ch’uv closing {nay updn~the n 1: , ‘ This vol plainly, to comment This vr a, hungerers down the did hot w. fnr'a pone filled thei firnmiae, ~ ve lhou hgj- 41-3;ij akimbo,’ ‘rnslfe'qlftfie' gehtle “' I “ pogo, JIM- 'nitnr we lead for which, no l‘eave on - ME en, aback thousand m ?!airped. upon gingham kneel- Dealll o aanmigunt Pn‘nh-Rev. 'Jolm ‘ O‘Reiliy. li] em‘incn‘t ch-rgyman of the Cath olic Clmryh, died at St. Igouiw on gfie 4th instant. i the 65th y'enr of‘ s Ige. He waseducnfed at Mt. St. Mary’s, mitcburg, upd ordai ed in 1827. The eased. for many you 1.51;! early life, nfliéi ed at Pitts burg. In 1840 he visited R 0 made his Novitizite in Italy. npd on his turn go the United Séates‘ was 'plnced in t. Labia.— Hé was subsequently transferrq to hiSalle, 11L. whe ‘ he founded 3 ml? ious hbuso and byil a splendid chiral}. The last years of a life he spent. at the’ S'eminu'y of the Hoiy‘ ngels, Niagara. Falls; New york, of which a was made Supe‘ or after the ’promotio of Father Lynch lie the See of I‘oronto, ngfli.- I ‘ Death 0 Oddity.—Joseph (iirdlinghouse janiionb the New York SmuSennté, in— deul. "(in Joe." as he was tinned, wu n Lpeeuliu- than. He had I ‘ 'tfundofnn weigh. in life was mummnturqs and bin-,5 h escapes. He 1h! one of the early not an of Western. NP‘York, md “rough 'it with the-{mnfimen when til we“ “Oneida was a. wade‘tneu. 3 wt! eng' éd. on different occgliona, in ‘ veying Jami Indian tribes of the Sate to Western feunntiom. His oxflerienee wu notonly irmresting. but pan-took of nromnn tic chm; tar. He was media! Ontario county, Adi wsq A “power” Lt ‘ne time in Wawmfiew York. Joe Garlfi’hgboum was amm-oféregulu hubih. It in his boat that be in never confined I day by nick mundane; dgank u gins-{of liquor in his life. i E 1 ~ | {bah t a woman i 411: % rope and g _ ‘ . m My who has been treubled some time win; Ifelon on her fingel, gives 1 sinn pl. fimody fromwhich sheex‘perienood greM relief, anji which enabled her to Ileep for the first itime in may nights. It was to cut. shelf in I lemon, and wear it on the finger lik‘p a thimble—the feign encased in the fruit} It is said to give immediate re lief. : s‘ My ee'r, bet; soldierin him in v. tel-11, he mmhin tht'um a I'r “,4. /%’éfigw I < ’4', ~, <X: rA. I “4 -. ”12}- x . \ / K I _ ._....,_. - 7 ' - F 0 are for the Univ” . firm ’in the lllin {Continua Entinn lumhhes s x 9‘ light on i ' . 'nm body had weren't“: Flo the 11.8. Cnnhtit , tion agrét‘g, Eunanimnusly. by» 1e last (bn' iuhmi'tlod to the seem'l States: ' indment shall he Wade to‘ thél E, which wjll giyeélo .Cnhgress‘ abolish or mlnrlcr «within any‘ ithe dommtic Instill: ‘rms there-i lg that‘of [mysohs l: d tolh'bor Ly tho laws nf~ald >5 . e." ; . _ l bdsition before the ‘3 inois Con-‘ E(5 ratify and corl 'll toithis 't; and it \yasqulopto by ajvota rL-the Democrats jdgin'g in! it, qmb/iran tolihg agn' I ,7‘ IL‘Lapenks for illsoll' K§§lanrlfnnd pl'l unprojudiced r'ni di,.that any , 9m us is onqirely at ecessary. . «... ‘ « > mprcfniae {with %V£norsl” ‘ recryx‘vithwhich lh .j‘chnhlimn :mll‘thifslers ufmrqilunder put. rittenden Cnr‘npro 'ise.: They tom- trouhle‘s settle pedcmbly. Exhle éefitl‘e‘ment \vrf'u ngit have pqokels. Wéll, w'e' ot 110 com _ (1 what in the result - _We have §lml traitors now 1Q gvery single‘ fit! when‘ the patriollo: Grit‘tenden "100 C ‘mpromise; and fie‘fhnve a war {matter how soon itgmayend, will :- shoulders a debtfot'at least one (liou‘ qf dollarmi Y , it told of n Conneéiput field ofli; ‘r Acquainted with‘ {gt-min; than Is, that when circuit-”knees placed ummnud of his reg’iéent gt Hat.- finished to obliquoihfp column in l and pvo the ordeh "an around upnddh." gi A ‘ 1 3, i '| EI=IMMI Munsssu snd its Vioinity—lnterhstin‘g Description of this Famoui Locslity. i (A correspondent ofthe New York Times to ‘iiohéo the following description of Mi: nhzms Junction and its vicinity : ; lanaxshs Junction’is simply the meeting place of two railroads, with nothing more (if a village in ordinary times than a depot null in few straggling houses keeping it'cor'npanyg.» Drains its occupation by the rebels. howeq or, t grew into the magnitude ofa city “air big? as New York." as an imaginary lrislt ninh nenr hyexclsimed to me. All hbotst‘ its'iviciuity clustered the encampment: (if the? Confederate soldiers. and the hunyin‘ to ad fro of truinsAlndt-n with supplies, th 313333 of negroes busy \ilitlilhe labor oft: .- loailing and carting, snrl tlie_-vq’ri'ous for of: activity indident‘to so large a gntherin of insert, ginning on appearance of life 3115 business?) the place such as it is' not like who to See again, unless government shoulil mnkeill the base of future operatious‘ih Virginia. 5‘ 4 . I 3 . Chloe along U‘milronrl. ronr the Jig"?- “99' Fore the governmentstnre‘ahounes 3f tlldrcqnfederntes, undfut various points no :r by Lltii‘tge quantities of flour and other su A plies were-stacked in the fields 3an radial; sheltered from the weather. ' During tl ; fortnight occupied in the evncnntion. half; hundred locomotives were kept constantllt; running with long trains bficars .beitrlnE array these stores, with the cannon and or - ‘ nfnoe accumulated for the defcnla 01' H p, nce. \ l ‘ Near the railroad are scvorol gubetanti l l farm houses, the form§r residences of wen ~ thy planters, IIUW‘ deserted rind dcuuluté. their em‘ptyJ-ooms co'verod with the deb ‘ J of broken bottles. medicinal and stimulatir': wchiefly 'the latter—with strny' packs if cords, odd bits of furniture, pieces of croc x -‘ cry, and similar tokens of r‘ecent occupntioh, Most of these buildings np‘pcer to have be ~ used for oflicers' headquartersynnd we e" destitute 'of furniture, excepting herc'a 1- there a piece, generallymf too little val «1 to pay for transporting. though a pinto o i in one case discovered by an omen-rid}; major, who placed a guard overfit proper?- tory to appropriating it to hisflnwn use. . , In the angle where the two trailr ‘ [7’ tracks co'me'tngether in ancnrthwqu wi h ernlirasures lined with logs, and on the h‘ s over-looking the Junction are fortificatip n', c'oinrurtndiiiLv the plain, which here stretc - es‘pwtty for some distance on either si . 111‘ the direction of Richn’iond these lii ls rise toward Bull Run Mounthif and ts copipnnion peaks, wh'ose'orests can be se n overlooking thorn. ’On the other side; n the direction of our edvnrice. are a woo?» sitm of high,hills; rounding away for ml '9. dozen miles'toward Washington, and torn-- irtg with the similar-hillt-nearly sun-remini in? “lllnnassns Jurictinn.‘?"n series of3natl‘lr,’ alifortificntions, making that lmutilul stal ley almost impr‘egmthlejfrom a, direct“ -' “gilt. True, the earthworks dél'erulihg' I these heights wore-hurle and sirgple, ' ut 1 they were scientifically placed. and “113:9 f nitture hpd done'so muo‘h, less‘was need d: or m.- gum the poslooiioo .oijihooe h in l been stubbornly contested. our rnen wodld 'heve l‘ound metro-ow alum ,vulley'bey ‘idl l o 9 through blood, and the little s’treu at i l oißloodyi Bun, which trsclu its wsy am ng I t age bills, would have had mew bap ' m’ ' oil‘demh. 1' . . i j ‘ Where is no man in the‘ country I he “glen more loye‘l sentiments or acts a'inhre l ‘ loyal part; than the' editor of the Louisville ‘ ,Journal. He says, “the war for the Union ‘ i i. o holy 'wu. for it is waged in tho cans of ; l national vitality and enlarged conservnti m. lI! I pence cannot beconquereil within n- I s itutional limitations. ‘it ‘is not worthlsev ; e ring. 1!: would .be of" no avail to lnvlish3 ' eh and. money 22: restore the mere fo ms if; nationality without preserving at llhe iséme time its constitutionallvitnlity. ill/e quot have the glorious old structure with t a single column taken from its proéorc onspand without shingle stone remoyed f In its solid foundations. If it is toLbe hrolteh or desecrnted or altered. it Ina.l es very little difference whether its entirfty isdestroycd by Southern Secession or No Ith ei-n Abolition. The States which mokq up the Union can ; never be decreased except under the forms of the Constitution, ml |.the tritium: which determines thatSo th ' Carolina. can withdraw from her comgact ,with the other thirty-three Sate: upon her ohm whim, oaprice or volition. is» the ytery thin to 'the monstrous doctrine tht the thirty-three States upwithdnw from So th Gerolinn, or blot out her State sovereigntf" i ____,‘__.m_".—-———- *‘ A Ration—The Columbis. W ‘ , still standing It its head, f‘Preo Speech. s' Free Press, Free Soil and Freedom." '{his is the only freedom squashing relic that to know of now in this State, Two your genus-1y every Republican paper hadn‘ich n motto, but it ha of late become such e daunting lie when compared with their‘iter Ind feather organization. sud their attempt to m the freedomVot' speech. 01' “I! We“ Ind ot' the people, that they, to «width glaring inconxistency have. we believe. the Republican excepted. taken down the motto. To maintain consistency they ought now to put up “Free Mobs, Free Plunder, Free Despotism and Free Nigger.”—E=. Annexation.—lt iszmted thatch the 15th instant the people of Accomac and Ndrth ‘ampton counties, Vs.., are to Vote oaths propriety of nnnention to Mnrylend. ‘5 ' fi“WeH, Mr. .1., how did ‘you; get through the 4th 2” ‘ f _ "oh. very well. indéod; mm was: the In: (ht W no." 1’ ' TWO DOLLARS A-Y mm 26- mwmronmy. A“ mum “vain. ~ Hun guano“, Ann or nu Pmolm,‘} Fold-{(3. H., Yo, Much 14.1862. Soldier: of the Army of the Potomac : i'Fon long time I h". kept youinlctin, but t without I purpooe. You were to be §i lined, Innod Ind instructed: TB. 191' doth ortillery you now have, had 40 be eio-ted. ' Other nrmin were to M 0 and memnplioh certain leaulu. I In" hold .you hock tint you might gin tho death-blow to the rebeniou that hu din tnoted our one happy country, Th patience you hm shown and your cool doucgin your Gonenl no worth I dun victones. ' u, These preliminary results are now no [mmplished I feel that the labor: often, 1 months hnvc produced their fruit. The llrtuy ofthe Potomac is now a real «my, ‘magnificentin msterinl, udmirnble in M ' ‘ pline and instruction, excellently equipped :und armed ; your commanders are all thht {lmuld wish. The moment for actiouihnl i arrived, and I know that I can trust in you to save our country: As I ride through your rnnks 1 see in your feces the sure pru- ' sage of victory. I feel that you will do ’ whatever I ask of you. The'period of innction has penned. I will bring you now flee to flee with the Kabob. 'siud only prey thut ;qu may defend the” , r 8 "- 3; ' ;. ‘ . r - In whn'tevcr direction you mly more. however strange my actions may npmr to .youmver bear in mind that my fete is linked ' I with yours, and thnt all 1 do is to bring you F yhere I know you wish to be, on the decis- »‘ ,we bade-field. ' It is my husiuesn to pln'ce you there. ‘I am to watch over you on n parent over his children, Ind you. know I that your-General loves you from the depths got his besrt. Itshull be my cure, on it his ltever been, to gain success with the lens! I pessible loss, but I= know that ll it is unres lsnrv you‘will willingly’ follow me to our r l graves for our righteous csnee. ” '. God smiles upon us, victory attend: rue, yet I would not have you think. that our inn: is to be attained without a mcnlystrng gle. . Iwilln‘ot disguise it from you tht lyou eve hrnvs foes‘to amount—foul“ - 'well worthy ofthe steel you will meow-11. - 'l' hall demand of you great and heroin ‘ exertions, rapid sud long marches, dupe ' irate combats Iml'printions. Perhaps we ‘ will share sll these together. end when A 'this‘and war is over ‘we will all return gto our homes and feel that we can ask [on i higher honor than the proud conscious ( ‘ that he belonged to the Army of the Pm . mac. ‘ r * i L Gnafig‘n B.;»Mc(‘1.1-:I.I.AN. g . . Mnjoi- Genera Cumninudigg. w ;gam 31'. Lows, Dlnrch-I§.—Geueral Pepe - 'm his dispatch to qenenl‘llllleck, It”? ; “Our success It New Madrid 111 "in , greater than fi‘rnl. reportedv. ‘ Twenlrfiw T" pieces offlheavy millery—Zi-pounden 1M rifled 32-poundera; bum-lee of field mile lery '; immense quantities of fixed nmmuu’i- . tiun; revernl thousand‘amall arms; ijy- ‘ (beds of boxes of muskel cartridges; 80!) mules and horses; tents aufiicieul {or in armxof 12.000_men, and an immense qngno tity of other ‘prdperty of not lea-I value then} one million dollars hIVO fallen into ¢ur , band‘s. The man bnly escaped, Ind the ‘ cneuiy’a ‘whole force 'are drmonliud.md dispersed in‘the awnmp on the opposite gido ' ‘ of [he riveli. , * ’ ' ' , ~ The enemy abpndoned their ‘worh‘llo 1 hurriedly as to leave I" the tangy-go of flh ofiicen and knlpsqcks of the men “(their ‘ dead unburied. 'l'Eeirsu‘ plieé were fodnd ~ on' their aisles, and cafidles bumin‘g‘ in 1 their teem A furious ghunder 10mm ‘ which raged 11l night enabled them to, et ; 'ncross the river without. beiugadiacmmi l ' Our heavy battery was established during } the night ofthe 12th withiq 800 yards of' 1 the enemy's works, Ind openoi st dlylight t i on the 13th inst, thirty-four 'homl utter i the gum were delivered to us :1 Chiro. ; During the’whole day of yesterday nut ' ‘ lines were. drawn closer around their workl ‘under a fgirioua fire of sixty pieces ot'nrtil- ‘ lery. F ear of an Isl-um on their worh It daylight indueed thin to flee precipitatoly ‘ during thb night. “ _ ‘ ‘ Mar-y prisoner! have been taken and Echo 1 colors of several Arkansas Rvgimouufr- 1 (by? loss is about fifty'killed Ind wound“. ‘ Captain Hailing In in gbmnnnd 0(1thl i 'Rebel fle'get, and Generals McConn Sudan 1 ‘nnd Gnutt ofthe land forces. ‘ . ‘ 77 i 'The guuboath’retired down the finin— Gvn. Pope has now twanty-five‘heavy "Inl viith 'tvw defensive works uf the end-y, which oommnnd every point of the river. T Inez-cue of Mad Inuit!“ : ‘ ,Wumxmox, Murchll3.—Thc upon mafia from tho Committee on Bold- [n4 ’ Cpnnll to-dny, noonmpnnying the bi E for' the‘ increase of nilrond Militia mam New York Ind Washington, net: fonh' st the exigencies of tho Government liqn'iro addition] Ind more Ipoody wmmnniufim. Tim. the line‘ should be inland, Ind ufo fzpm dangnn of foreign invasion, (o‘w‘hich the existing shore line is everynhui ex posed. «This mint, ihey nay. can b 5 nup piied by cpmpleting the Reading MOO inmbh' Railroad. nnd the committee" wand: ingly recommend that. the {century of tho Treasury be suthorized'to nndoru on a.» first! mortgage bonds the guru!” of may want of piincipal sud imam! to an aunt of 8450,000—8225,000 to be pain on tho eonpletign of half oi"the road Ind thun nuindu on its hampktion. ‘ WA lnto despsleh from Fortr- Mos roc gives wine interesting items of intol ligencs‘from Southern papers. Js’l'. stis is dissatisfiefl‘ will: the conduct of Fl'lsyd snd Pillow st Fort Donelsqn, sud has .sns fiendqd them from their oognmsnd. Pasch burg and the surrounding country hss been plsced under amid law. The Richmond Enminer says His; oondidersblc nnsssiueu has been “manifested by the public nu so cqung of the withdrawal i'mn Mans-its.— .Tlle Matt is represensed is his .410 pnrely for strstegio muons. 'l‘hs Binnie nag strongly denounces Governor Lush: for s’proclsmstion culling outnll’cis nilit'u of Virginis. Further snow of Union men hsdboon made ifliahnond. , . MEG degree of Doctor of Medicine In conferred upon Dr. W. [1.0003, of the York Springs district, in this Coin”, by the J efl'erson Medical College, of m.- delphis, It. its last Commencement, laid on Butardnyihe Bth instant. ' ‘ " “he, grave of 00]. Cameron, (W of Hon. Sim Cameron.) who was killed at the dc of Bull Run, has has {and sine. attention, and his body fidu umd. forwarded to limiting; on fluids}, in End mu 4. a "$131?" I .’ 1 9.4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers