m Tthonugt is pnlflidmd eve'ry Monday morning“. by Hum: J. Snnu. M 31* 75 per annum if puid strictly IS IADVAiII'I—S‘Z 00 per unnum if not paid in 'wdvnm‘e. X 0 sulm‘riptiun (liumntimxml, unless at {he option of the publisher. until all urreamgeo the paid. _ l h A M mum-mm” i thrh‘ll at tlm mun] Panes ,luß Yunnan done with noutnm: uni! .dinpmvh. V' Urns}: in Snpth Bnltimnre «twat. llirl'Clly uppnsitu- “'nmplflr-sll'l‘inning l-Istulplialgmem' -‘—“(,'ull'll.mi menu: fin—Hut" on the Sign. Adams County UTUAL FIRE ISSUIIANUE (70“HNY.- incorporated March 18, 185.1. OFFICERS I’reiiu'mt—v-Georxc SWOPG. I'Arr I’ruldml—S‘. R. Russo“. g Srcrrlury—D. .\. Bun-bier. ‘ Tamara—David M'tlronry. Executive Committee—Wuhan )lcCurdy,Jacob (KinzLAndrew,llgintzolmnn. - .‘llaMwn—Geo'rge'Swnpc, U. A. BurhlerJn— ¢ob Kinti, .\. Heintznllhnn. 11. \l‘Vurvl)‘. Tho: i _ A. MnrahuflLS. Falmmtnck, Wm. 15. Mrf‘lollnn ‘ 3 Wm. BJYllson, MAEichvlhc-rfiér. Alui‘xvl PAH“ ‘fiyh’E,Wollmnl, H. A. Picking, .\bt-IT Wright John Harm-r, R. G. “cCrextrv. S. H. "mu-H; I) N'Craary; Andrew Pulley, John Picking J. l: Harsh. ‘ ~ ' i ‘ Q'Wtii (‘mmpnnv in limited in‘ its openl tionn m the county, at .quns. It Inns been in lncceisful upcmtiou fqr more glmn six years, an} in that period has pniil n_ll. logses and ex pensca,u‘ll/uml any muuwnl, Inn ing “'3O n large aurplui capital in that Trensnry. Tlu: (39m pnny employ nu Agents—“ll busiucss'heiug doughy the .\innngcrx, vhnnre MIIHQRH'V elm-l -« 1.117 the Stockholders“, Any [:Prcan defliring‘ an 'lnsumnce‘x‘nn Mud); m Etnv of the above warned Munnvzers for I'lmtlmi' hformnliuu. .‘ ”The Exccnlii'e (lommitlee rug-v.“ u! the oflice of the Campanv on the lual Wednmdaty ‘ in every month. at 2, P. 2“." Sept. 27, 18.58. A. Mathlo‘t ‘& Son’s SOFA AND FURNITURE “'ARERUOHRNOL L 25 mu] 2? N. Gay gin-cl, Baltimore, nun-r Fayette 51..) (mending [rum Gm tn l-‘rchrivk .I.—4h; lnrgcstcstzlhlinnL-m nfthc kind in Ihe Unifi Alwhy-A on haml‘n lzuvzc uhnrhm‘ut of JIUUBEHULD .\.VI) ()l-‘II'IUH FI'RXITI'HPR elu brm-ing linrgnuq, Bcnl~tcml~4, \Vzuhslnnll‘. “'nrtl— 'l‘Ubt‘l, Manna-M of llu~!.Jl;'<ntou and Hair- Hpring lit-'l5. Sohs,‘ Tempe-Tetra. .\ rm ('lmirs, Rockin'u (lhnin, lilagcrc-la, .\lurMo Tum”. Sou let-1, Rocpptiun um! l‘plmlbu-n-d (‘h-in. .\S— SORTIE GownsnrmT'mul-tI-‘l'uwu RH, “-0011 %huira, Uflim‘ (‘ilflil‘§. thhtr Chains, Prihs and (‘rmllce’ Ha-I‘llngkfi. Huh Furniture; (Jill and thfim Fl'lanmnkingz (”thr'l." Sulv— lloxmls, thrnsfmx Tnhlci. n} (-::-r}- h nglh. ‘ [‘l'rHlnb tlibpowd tn pungmw- url' imitml to c 231! and giw nur 9m: k pm memnntinn. «him for vurir-ty and qnfililr f 0!" \\ ,nrkln.ill’-l|ip i~ nut r-lunllcdfiy :m) t-stnhllihuwnt In the mun“), ‘ I\.\]\THIUT .\- smi. ,_ h ' , NO5. ‘l5 ":1"! I'7 .\. Ha} slrm-l. Airg. f, 1301, sun at Work! (LU'IHIAKIXO AND JHJAL‘KQHI'J‘HIXG C ——Thr- \uudcr~izum] rlwpt-(‘tt'uny infnrnli his frirmls mu} thv plfhliu «(hut ho'cnnlinut-s Hw ”om-inndkiug ml-l Jpn-kunilhin'} Lucim‘ss h) (WI-r} Drum h n! lli- cHJIIHdum-ut in l‘lmm— henhu’g Hrccl.’ Ho h‘in: un )nm! ,m'} “”1 man»! winrc {n urdor.nll:kiml< 4.! (‘_\ It!” \IHéS, IH'H"HX~I\'.KLEIIHIN“ Sawing; \L’Adtmx .h-u'm the hm! m uvr .I}. n‘ng math: luv ~||poriur v. nrk mun. s-rllm mug‘v: and Hurrvnmv; of I” kiflih ‘hym‘ S:U. I‘l‘anind'nh Aw'lm, l‘lol-qnlly nu l~ 1,-1 Nu» .~.Hi~\§:\clilm (M (‘lHtflluf‘l‘>. ’ ('ul'KTlu' I'm WK M3421} iu'i-Achn'npc for ‘urk M nm'rkef nrivvs.-‘ ‘ fiérj’("r~nuxn Ila-irinmunivlu nr “'oxe in 1h: (fourhgunjxing or HlurMnxithing I'm, inc-“re ign-fluny hum-J U: ml! um ' I JUHVI L. HUI/I‘ZWUIL'I'H. Gym “""13 J-‘m. IH. 'il-ZI. ' ' ‘ , '- 17—“7 —"_~ , Somefimg New TV G ETTYSIH‘IH:.-—Thw lln-errizul-d infnrmß n the “them of tho tdu l‘ mu] Mummy. Iqu! ho hu (‘ummwu-(g‘. t‘lu l'.H\'l\“i'l\-u~lllw~.~‘. (In :\ Luge Em}:- 1n Yuri. ph‘jvvl.“(-Ithlellmlrly opponh‘ \\'.xuh-~~ HWY]; “lH‘l‘J‘ In- “M “V m d «:6er. Mn! Imin- In er NH» “in 1») ..1 I' mun. twp. mmw. I:m.{.>.‘\“_\xu¢s. rummzupx I'HHI'YJCLS. .X‘ .. .'.‘ .. ‘lilk'.‘i v\ m \ 1h) ‘ ‘fi'li‘h _ thyr- (xr.-l,1ul)nll<~»i (M- iw—J q mlily’.‘ um! ~nl-l -.‘“ the lum-sl li\in;_r lawful-n I'm “”7" 'ki‘n'xfln . lull m: lgrunrluz,» i\l4kr‘_'!‘ij n-urr'u 14:111.:111-1 (Huh-r; ‘ M any «Mum-v. {lulu Ihi‘p .‘md “{ljuiuiug omm ‘lrsf‘le'g-liml n!‘ t‘u: \h‘nrh‘xit “mice. H.l\'ill«; art-crud :; 1r: ._.( um! cunndhfiuuxl.\llu-‘.h.l\l4L‘.c:|d ll‘§"'rt'(l. th'v hect‘fivurkdhm and (he 111-191 111‘- provml nmrl‘irm-ry. he ‘ia‘ yrophréd Lo do ‘n 'hmu‘y huuinmw. 1 _, 1 . _ YA LENTINE S.\ L’l‘lil- Jujy 25,195.92 L L .Marb‘e Kari Rempved‘ 4’ “IE lubacrilmi‘hxwing rcmm-wi hi: plum of l husifiuu to 1?“! Ym‘k strut-t. :l Hhurl dig ‘ unm- lmluw .\‘t, Jung-C (Ihurvh‘ “4.9 M :unmmwe ’ I! (luv ‘A'Hillf‘ that ln‘ i~ full [ln p.lrml'tu turuiah' a” kind! ul “lurk in Ink lllu', Nut-h :u “mm wnu-ufg, vabhm} : -\'L‘.‘ km, uf un-ry \.lri' "V of 9 ".311- and finhh. \vnh :gxnl “irlmnr ‘htlU‘S and an. W‘s-”(‘0 ~nit' [rllrclul‘t‘lnfln-i m pril .- to wit Nirl (9%. Forums Alwirin': :unthinu in H 5» line will find i" n Ilck'ixh-x! :ul‘nmlnun In'l-Lunim‘ hm mock and‘ prin-us jyeflwe I‘llrch'Mu-I Hum 121‘: c. Guttyybu-r; \lnrvh 21,‘ 18.3.0. ‘“ Tm ,_ «A'amm? 9? n ( 1"; n «surge-x ‘Pmt 912 «..'/03.; 0.534 411’ L’JLp-AJJ’UJ A. 1. Cover, ~ TTORYEY .\l‘ LAW. mu prompflv mind 14_ to Culloqtimgx .\ml fin'l1lll81")lliillc~: un truKLunl to him. I(Hlil‘L"h\“\XFl'll Fullm-ankU nnxl‘ flln'ucx- & Zieglol's Atbrcvlmhimurc firm-z, Guuysburg‘ Im. ' ‘ [SCiII. 5, ISS'J. . . Edward Bi. Buahler, ‘ TTORXHY .u'. rhxy‘v, win faithfully and A promptly attend to Ml huginvsseutrukted to him. ILO‘ spepks IM3 German “manage.— Uflise at the same pluc‘p. u: .\‘oum Baltimore unet. nenr‘l’brnfivK «in: ~lure, and new]; oppos‘te Dunner‘k Zioqzlur'a score. . Gettysburg, March ‘3‘). m D. McConaughy, - TTOR‘NHY AT LAW, (ufl‘u‘enno .100, ms. A of Buohler’s drug‘land lmak slpr¢,(‘,ll:un bcubu'g stree‘t‘) .\Trpdxm' AsuSoucxmn min Pram-s no Paxswxsf. Bouury Land “'nr. rants, B Lek-p \y spspehded Claims. run] all other claims ngninst the Government art “Huh lnz'on. l), 0.; nléodllggricthlninls in Engluud. Land Warrants lac-Med find sol“,oflbouzht,nnd highest prices given. +2121“: emmgql in lo cMiug warrants in hum, Illinois and minor westernStutes BQ’prly to him person-:lly or by letter. J ' ‘ Gettysburg, Nov. 2!, ’53. J.' C. Neely; TTI)RXEY .\‘l‘ LAW, will attend to colloc- A Lions and all ulhcr7bll~ilfé)s intrustwl to hsi cure with prompltnéss. Omrejn the S. E. corner of the Dinimn’dqformerly occupied by Wm. B. BIL-Clelhm, Esq“) ‘ T Gettyshulfg, April 11, [859. if? ' Win. B. McClellan, .TTORN. I’. AT l..\W.—Oflice in West Mir}- (Adle street, one dbér west 0! the new on" House. - , Gag-39mg. Nov. H,‘lB:‘.o. ' , "-1 Wm. A. Duncan, ‘ TTORNEY .\T L .\W.—otfice in the North ‘ A west corneroernLre Square, Gettysburg, pa; . 5 [UcL 3,1859. ~tf :mence Hill, M. D. AS his oflice one H door {vest ofthe m Lutheran church in ' ' Chnmbagfiupg guest. and opposite’ Picking’l -; Rove, whére those wishing.- to have 19y PM!“ ‘Opcrlfion‘pertonned are respectfully invited to . an“. {Ril‘nucur Du. Homer, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D. D; Rev. B. L. Baugher, D. D., Rev. Prat. 11. Jacobs, Prof. H. L.Staever. , Gettysburg, April It, '53. _ ~ ‘ MIgEBS and 6: ¢n will {in}! 5 good as aefiwt 9f; 315:6”; “We": “5'3”?! W , c., st: mocha-,1: no"! . K E» f‘ By 1!. J. . 4:4:t11 Nut u brmuh o \nd the Mluw h lies in ”well And cm‘cri [ha II mock: ai'lh - Dressing (ht-m ll hangs the I And mukcé of It rmts (HI-NH: .\nd tram-. 1 I'n h unnlhérk the F.-Min;: an“ MA] .\n-l it (hills m For [he du'Ts th When fwns mmmminr‘ of" snow ford. mic nnd Pu suipme lln‘ :lmgumun catching {ghe h But my Moth (a mm- (01: in). u Hwn nu \vlmt: Tim pmifie w; 1 muuyclc-drlukl -1 calms and sultl Une (”bur i 101'); tifnfi, :u‘u Inul nu game -I Ultltlirt surr, a I pin-‘0 0| {gm-l)". yum!» um] ;_'( Ly “Silv‘lr L| Inufs inl n I stopped gmtl l‘ he pu~ln~"d ior (I.smm hifu, } Healthy Holt. thing: wu~ Mi” the \\':l\'Q!~ lllnn the Ilt'llllly beach, and ll 0 ml-Itl [waxing ol lii~ owii lii‘fll't. ‘ llk‘ (lieu 1- ml in gn l 8)“ '(l.:\1)|l'£h’llcll not (Pay, fQi’l e NHV night was uppioai-liiiig, \i'li‘cn tho won' 5 :iln'uy- eelioci With thi- hlnvi ' ql' t-lio hung y \mlt', :uiiLl the ‘zivugc ln-zii‘ lin’il stm‘llihy cnt i ninuiit cpiiie uL of thuii. tlclh‘. Sp [iicki g up a dilly, h iiguin amigo-51 hollxlicwzml. Aguiii mime & ie stealthy step behind hi i, iii-:i‘rri‘ iii-id ‘Il ill'C‘l‘ until he lauv ngnunt in]! ravage "ll’nff. - i-epiil‘g :il'ici' him, film] as ll liiiiricd §oii, s ill chiming to his WW“: 1! Hull ML}: 0 iiii7g llf‘ilhkl‘ :iiiil nfiu'or, ai iiiiglrt it} any Illulllclll ~liiiiig upqii hiiii. Mill, {he b y, though he lremlflé-d in ' oi)“ liiiill. (yd r bx 'loa-e his ple‘C‘nLllf: offllln 1 1h- i'uiiioiiihcmd lmv‘rnglu-anlhisllfhtlier - . Ihiitilnfiyon flwcdnn‘ililuiiimyl alln'l look l 1'! mum-é in, ll c (-ye, it-miuld “Olluiu‘e to l _Lll'k hip). ,1: turned around ib'iil {its [he hung" ulf, and C(iiiiiiimlcléil wail/:12 Luv/.uunla tow Il'ds hi: home, still a‘ long mw l t and ii haltll' aw 3'. As the wood.» a?“ Lhu' ' er the “éolf‘c: iiie nearer. showingi'hi: whi ‘ h-eLh. With ll e‘huii‘liriulingupoli his bat: ‘ The cu‘iinge us hay knew that. if he gu : iip'his niece nl‘ poi k, ho; was Ezlfefitlind~ couc ' iuii lmiiie iii innl'ested. but he kiziejv “than were hpngiy niiem'it homo mmitzl'ng his (um. ~h'o hm lifi'fllllh liu “ant", ship by a :p A‘ the ii'oll .unie niaaii'. he hit llim squ i: \\'.\L ii. .\I HALN‘ upon the he angry , ‘L‘yelp ”thicket; and The Loy lift 'zinswering 1n courage: but deued wixh l '_ With hi~ ch Wan-con tlw Luck’nigain Lguifi “ms th did [ll¢ sun. 'll sprilfg at t 1 L‘rnvé‘boy be: near the log disappointed howl, dnshe bung fin. e. ration, the_ floor, drying, I've got. it, mother's fee .. " I don't all haye run so- brave as bpys, if it (1‘ can give yo charaé‘fir, t sidé; ; 9y nels d‘eep‘a if tbe'y can, selves‘upony one shingly may lie aha] l and anothe . can pause their stren due bccasio ‘6'“1011 ny,” said a. mother to a fan nine years (Ed, “go and wash yourface; ‘I am ashamed to see ypu coming 1,0 dinher with s'o (lii? a mouth.” “I did wash! it, mlmmn,” . d feeling the upper lip, hniu‘i déd mvelyi, “ I think it must“ be a Inf“!- tuchécou‘ 3:" ‘ 1' _ L A. sc’grrfifigx. ‘‘A" u ~ I —.~ gmmmx-vmlu wmmsnm-Hmkaanvmw-mpmnwmfismu—urm\.,.,(lWtßW‘h-I?‘ w- ~I ‘ > ; . ~.» --—~3---~-»T«-.—.,-u Want 1,; , 3' W 1; : = . ‘ “ I , J 1' ;. “ . 1‘ W ‘ yfl ”I ‘ J | , ' | 31‘ ‘l '1 g 1 -, j' _ W , ”5% i ' ' , . ‘ , 1' ‘r ‘J,’ . ‘ . ' ‘ , ’A . f ya; ‘ J W KI I ‘Z 5 f '3l: ‘ V ‘ W 53‘ , ;» I ’ ; “‘5 ‘ a ‘3 if? .- /' ' l ,3 £l2 {‘9l}, I 1; ' " I r 1’ ‘ x A“. ’ - / / . a W A W - ~ I .. ~ m - W ./ . . 4 , W 1 -g, . ; , . W J , I ,3, b @ m}, t, ;., [43: ‘, , ‘ u . 1,. A‘%’ . a- . W. w; , ‘ <~/ azure- 2mm- ”fikaég v , . . . _ J. ,_ , : \ _ _ ~ ./‘~ _ I \ W ‘ x .. V V . y) v‘ /“/' \ U < . , ’ 7- l' 2. . y I 1 / I , I 1 l p I ' r, u i I ~ : 5: ‘ ‘ , , § . ‘ » 1 . _§ ’ x L g ‘ . EMS ALIILE ear.. ,c $11155. el 'mm [ln J/nlrrml‘ of (Hun/urn THE INO‘V. “cu Tm. «nun. i wind 01. land. or aoa!’ Inning stimuli“), ‘ J = ‘ rc'li-yard cold'and While, graves quite nut ofsi vb!!— gyure-sxuncs old ‘undvtgray, 1p in hridul arm) 2 i ‘ | , . . , les \nlh u. “'mlry shro'ud, , hem all a ghostly crufini I mmhcs ofthe pine, l him the olL‘lll‘! of-théwine : muting of Lin- :ca! ng, want-"Hy ;—-3 11mm, longing withih, ‘ L “en-fund the mighlihuve be: i ££II.EIII£fifi}E. 1 Rl' _ ____ The 03 and :the'WoltJ | xlmy 1 Ln ml umo‘bg the gree 'man; in Wmtgfl mvukini *liding down thejtftwp‘ hill. and autumn wundq‘ring an} altar Huwor: or Iflute, uuuanrléutfrnm tlmbrmk‘ n in “'lrl‘fllhin “roté me , ll [.\wnt. Uur house was the nu (:ulln! “B.IXI('X"S Prairie " ‘ cum-red with flower}.th H P. n~ur3unnlnlmundedinfi~h am 1 r prinmlml I'l3‘oll \tusvmllo- I park." ' ‘ cighbors had no {meat for getting out of pmw‘gler, tlu My one «.1.-y Lhc-y slum (1p the 0y about (H).y\-:‘u's»oi.tl, for As he \m< carrying it hm‘n illg.tlxn‘>u;;h u. pivoo of web a," he 110..1e n lustful: of t 1 lit‘kL-c by the m’adflde. U I :tvm-d—ull was fli”. Agni vgml, again UICIR‘HYOQ rust}: 11an he thought; he heard. :Agaxin he smfipéil: mixer 1 I%“:ch t'h'e gent“: (lush d wjlh a Jone, whén with ” the wolf spmné into let. up a [bug and diLmul ho {- ed to hear if then-é were n “"15, and hearing bone t-I soon the savngq bgnsg, m anger, came at. him again b he gum him a d'n-ect b 1 ‘- ‘yos, which slant hiin howfi 'nto the thicket. hgain a I I canted renewed; It‘mny tin 9, yet. cowardly nnilmal, ma 1 - lad, and manzy times did '. It. him off, Pntil at lag} becau- "szin of his parents‘,lwhen z ' wolf, with a long and wail" awnylinto the wood-5. Tr - citement, gnu] wet. with p- I' 1 y Q’Opl’wfiheflnew‘t upon 4 ‘ “ Mother, I’ve got it; mot - } and. fell ' exhausted at l “we tlml,"sn_vs Ha‘rry,‘ “ w : and so wduld nine men out n. believe there ever was a. - v that.” Yet the stary is tr es seem a pretty lqng out. the .boy's name. ' do n abHow they Fl‘ow. sninll or large, agree in -' All rive eyAlik-e to lean a linle on ‘2 not bear to have ,ltlleir chi 'in the middle, but {van 51w ~ , have oné bank to sun the: nd another to get (2901 und bore to play over, whege t a ow, and foolish, and child“ I , steep sham under which bl; ‘nd purify themselvps, and U Eh of waves fully mgether A DEW M ' . I The Presidential! Mun~iml has recently un ;dergnne w-rv cmtly refittingbeing cnttrely sat— jafuxtory 16 Mrs. Lincoln, who seems to he pos ‘sessed 01 some -‘ mighty hig notions.” . The carfiet fur the east Ruomis n. vex-x riqh ‘Axm‘inistefi woven in one emircipieco—lgo by 1 :10 feet. hf was made and designed expressly !,for that “‘urttnent. The pnnagrn consists of ,thu-c mednfilious, so arranged as to form one Igrhud mcdfllion for the whole rjuomfland pre- I seq‘rtan @991: magnificent‘nppearqnceh The de sign digplyg .n taste: of the most [echerche chhractér. The entire ground wprk is com’pos , ed ot‘hothg and wreaths of flowers and fruit [pic-«es. ' ‘ ‘ The cut: ins are of fit. crimson satinL trim me'd wilhluld fxinge anJ’tnsselQ. >, .» The lace cgrt‘fns were aesidned nnd'mndc‘ in Switzcrhnd e pressly for thifi room. They are s‘lx 53mg: lung and iwo yards wide, and are of tie Etna: ucedlgyork ever brought. :9 this con lry.‘ _ A ' _ ,‘ - I 1‘ Thesc‘sp mngnificcn! lA. M. ft Hgn, rcpr Slums ('64- The p”) rich min)? lnunufn Min e of pt in Léuisj Tu‘ill orig? more Kai}; and rimls mum. in Al: T 115.“ g‘xiuéu room has a car-pct -‘ Sign :mgi. «fludlit'r r‘s tlmt oflll '1 in: qulLuh‘la nud pgjgcnhcre Inn m-uulu'} | 3 .3 " ’Hu: bfile room hint also beenl nnU unrfieiexl. Indénew coverin furniturt-j, 5Tb: wixiduxrg-h‘ve h Him-n}. with hroralklle 3‘l”}E‘Cl ilneW‘riqrou Room, whinh is x 'prmchul rhqcpliuué rumn. .Th" l‘xrrly n‘un luruislu—é. The rum 'is magnificent Frurjch brpcadeé nnmon {mil “bite. : ! The \vipflow curtziim, cn-rbct 3‘ ing are “akin km-piing yilh the] t vrc of LT’cgmutmein. In this ‘ gund Mimi. piano} The hall 1 huh: :le (gen uewlfl cnrpewd an‘ .1110 ‘L'rclsé‘ldem's primue dining } lwou 11:“in furniahqd \\ ilh green .' The diplf‘uhfxtic dining room ha SilllilJl‘ Efluu‘li‘on iuftheuunlcfo The gl’cst mom. in whivh/l’ri’ domimk-Il nu his l.n_e we“. to lh| huqn “(Huh up in rhc riches! ~p4, "L‘m- Lurdni'na are 0! r 0311: yurm .Jmh my“ gold bullion lringé'unll tarprl is a hwyWilwn. Ike 3 fluhcnl cgsrved ruscvmdd. The 3‘ 'coprhpo‘unl \éilh th'c buk'xnce of“, ing .th- {finale :1 rr-g‘ul nppenrnné duuL': nwm yus 111:6 bcgu entire; :15 “bu {ML-'l’: hutc Sm rctmy's, N 1 that nf‘lh‘t" .\::inlnfl‘ l’rn'uie ; ‘ lluy. , ,3 ~ : The sled; pnrtmems' prime ugi ‘ prngaed an lwith LhJic. . A Cheap Paint. 1. 3‘ [Hum years ago, a Mr. l‘VhZeelor, lace, built. a. bridge for Nl6 town, painted with the {éllbivinglcom‘ “Utter-lime (hydmll‘ ic limofmix kimied milk to tll; cpnsistence n paint. It was pun—on With a (lled whitewash bljush; eight. of ton gum-(ls were mixed at n «time. and two 0:- three gout-s weg‘e applied. flt cém be 3119.- (led by the udditiolx 6f varioule coloring mat.- tors to suit, Igl'ne taste or fancyl. The bridge Abnulg of this pl ‘which 1; position‘jz ml with; nfcomth short-Im- ._ ‘ was painted seven years ago? lipnss it 0.1- ‘ I} most weekly, and I always aprppds'e‘d it. was ' covered with land paint,tili mld go the con ij trary. ‘Tliis' paint is adapted k‘to coarse, "religh, gout-door work, andi cup-buildings % which pg covered with unplémed boards.— _ ;Tilere Md 9. number of baunsl‘ip this vicinity H glnainted ‘wifh this mixturei; they have a iratlier {dent appearance inlgonltrast with _ jthose not. painted. The costjis but iittle; Eihe lime'cun be procured foiri $65 to 39 per i ' Iburrelh [Often for “1.25 33,—Ed.]—‘ : I Those w!” have us‘efit, spé k *9“ qfiit.— ‘ QAny anemia put ilfon with a whitbwaah l [brusthnsAgr-iculturht. ‘ .‘ " . ‘E .T... »—--»~—-.- ‘ ~‘-- '. { Tim" Moon’s ,Inflnencqful Rain. ' ' . Frodli ‘he comparison of a. qerics of obser ’ {vations continued for twenlyfeight years at. '_ ': Municp, Stuttgard, and Aggsburg by'Profes :‘ 1 501' Schubler, it appears that ‘lho‘maximum ’1 Imtmhér of rainy days takes Placebetwpen the fjmt quarter and the nevf moon: Th’é nuxnlbdrpf rainy Jays in well it 91' these in ' qterv 'ls_ is to that in the first .11?ng to 846, or gin rqund numbers 95.4 to 6. iAtid this pro iporplozi is not only true of thg urenty years imkenltpgmher, but, also 9%. the separate { ’gi-oupS of {our years, whichngq ariaiagous 1 tnumbers; We iherefore cqxiclude that it. tj-rains 1:11er frequently duriiag the whne of . the mqoii. Theresult maintaiinejd by Schub ‘ Ller, re¢eived support from a series of observa " ! vutionig made by ‘Philgram, at Vienna. ,7 \ | 7- —’- ¢ -,......“ m— g GJédt Product of [ram—Blast furnace No. ‘3, of the ankawana Iron and Coal Com~ puny, at Scranton, Pm, made during the ‘ lut four weeks the largest menu: of iron 'ever produced in that length of time by a 'ainglejfurnace in the United States, and tprobably in the wprld ; the yield of the last week amounted to thg unparalleled 'produpgof37s} tons. ' e . ; e ! ”Melancholy is so much promoted by x musing idleness, that the be“ pfeveltntive of it‘is (9 pass rapidly from one ewployment to another, diday long, witfioqlbnn}: inter .valls'of iolitgde of reverie. ' I? iiiiiii GETTYSBURG,.PA-, MONDAY, MAE. 17, 186$ij- The White House dcudjd hangings are! cuxrved gilt cornices ‘ 'scnltinggu shield 11: mourned. with f nafiiionu'de - 111 p L‘fiixcd 2 a of :4 r No 1' lungings for thee I n gurnq'c‘lnnd gold I d exppjmi'v for thisl i (-13‘ the game dcsigna :gpo!eol}’s receptionl Th 9 “hole roam nI ~t rubm an of nd were also , uloo'm. They 1 ‘lhqjmngings ‘ roo‘m‘ in the: - w prcsénls a: bus everidnne, i simipir spurl- v z ' ‘ “be same de- 'ous nppgamnce than 1" in mafidi‘ficebce, auyE - \rorl .E ~ I cngjt room.— I=l mowty paper-ed ,h put on‘ the en newly Lur- . Nu: comes ks. :Lincbln's hug been en 4|)er cov‘cring Min, k‘rifnson, 11 paper [lang- glvg’pnt Qumi— 00m A: {9150 u v ml stairwnys deuorato. mod: hag also! ilk bnacateile.’ maintain uls'o recfeived : tion. and q rvfuruislxiug. the dignil} om] BLMNI 4)!" March :1 war 51103114 purpomtw ty omm = the “h‘n'q‘ By «his! inqe Albenl Wm: IE! touutr}, 1m: 4|)ssilzie 5:3 10.— ymtin“, trimmed 11d 1.13%»5t The furniture at {be papa: hmigings :Ihc moms, git s9. The Presi ijly remruished, hr. Nicol-I): nn-l 'Sccrfcuryg, _.\l r. ;ping moms and the \farinns all?" :1» jun 3250 heenn turnishefl in nPI-ro superb style. .\lrs. Lincoln his ex r<clf in the night‘s; {arm‘s grtémicd .ange the house. has ‘undei-gun”. _ - ’ 40.0» <- -j- 1 ATH’Q'AND FAT/HEW QD©URNALD I “TRUTH l 5 MIGHTY AND WIUL PREVAIL.” Objects of the War In the report of the pmceis-ding: of Con gress on .Monday Inst we find} the follow‘ing, which we desire to put an rZ-mrd: Mr. Holman (Hurt) nfl'ernll a rcshlntinn that in thejudgmt-nt nfthn “ones, the un fortunate civil way into whidh tho United Stan»; has bcvn torcctl‘by ti o trbmonuble attempt of the Southern .'-ce=.sionists tr) destroy th Union, should not 11’“: prose cut'ed for y other purpo: than the re storation? o A the authority 0 the.(,Con~ititu tion, and ti a welfare of the whole people' of the Uhitml States, who 3r permanently involvedzml the presérvution four Eran-Ht form of go ex-nment, withou moth cation or change. i Mr. Love 0y (Rep... lug n oVed.‘ m lny‘it on the tab 9. Uuriedw 0 gainstri 58, as follows: 1 . : j 'X'EA3.+) ossrs. .Alll'rich. Ashley, Bamitt, Buker, I‘n Binghuu), laiy. (1‘4") ‘l3}qu Bumham, 'umpbell‘. Uhnml Colfax, ‘FZ, . Cnnkljng. .Rn ; Chm-m. Cl [hi-r, lhvxs, Dela chseudfinJ 'I-‘runcljntu Fr: Hutchins, Fellngp, (1114) Lu LON—my. h cKu.gM. fill-I’M ¥oorehend Mom”. (Mé.,) ‘ :utnn, :P ke, l’omeroy. 1‘ Riddle. Se gofigt. Sedgwick vons. Ti'n 'ln-itlgo. \‘njn \ ‘ “'aljnco. “ uhonufilfningi) “ (1m1..) Wi on}. Window, \V NAY‘Lé-a PSN‘I‘R.’ Bialiloy; (1’ mm, ma. ) Brown, (R: 1...) 1 Cnlvu‘t, ()l mens, Cnbbfié‘or ? field. Cx’ittudenpDive‘n, ‘ Goodwin, .zmngel‘, Huge, Hurriami, lolmun, Horton, ‘ hignn.) Kna‘ Ip, La , Lazenr, bory. Mummy}, 18 mi 5. Nixon. 11, Norton, "age-t, c“, Pgn ry. Richardson. I pbixéeon. Roll- Sheffield, Arm-11: erg-nSulilh. Y.,) Slmtym, Thomas. (111133.) ILL.) TrimMo, Vlbbu‘d, \Vuds- Aley. \Vcbatep, \\"ckli {e,rWood rigid. ' ..x K I ‘. ‘ x 9 second time sipcelhe hegin‘ present sou‘sion that“l Congress the table a l‘ffisulLJtiOD Ldoclm‘ing pose oft he turf IMI'. filolmnn’s is similar in 51 irit; iif not. in e rcsolulibn'l‘uiss‘ by +he‘tl’touse ‘exuly lirmnilh‘mu at'fihciExtt-a v, n ‘- : logg. (Mic ; leury, Mal : Nplllu, NIX , gllelnu. I’m 9 mg. 915)..) Steele, (N. Thomas: L I worth, “'ll l rufl'. mull “, ‘1 This i 5 ti : ning of mg ['hus laid on ' the hue pu I resolution ! terms,tot_l I by a vote 1 yet We finql'mu Se~sinn ; a I Congresswltq in ittonden reé'alu} mr is \is'u‘geq “l , he supreni’ah" of! theiConsfnu px'cseévé {#l9 liniuué, with all , equality {UM rigfxts Hf the dew 3 luui‘mpuiéud“"vo'ingltbn the 3d ! gaimt the (Larch:gutufql that ghe : ‘not be [n‘bsq’éhtbfi fmv'uny otfier tn Ilu- ré-sturahgionfof‘ tlrJ‘euauthox-i -. ‘on's'titminn :‘mnlrthc +velfare of; memberso for Lth that tlrin ‘ [maple Of'ihé (1:11in Wtintfis. f 7 ‘vole Hie: mpjoriiy in! Congress, have annnnnced'ltiiutjt‘lieytwiali the ““11! prosecutedrfur swim) mixer I-uiiiowgthqm the x-c-toiation of Ute ninthoiily 01‘ the Con-j stitutiun and the ivélfigzi-‘é of thegpvopldy—l What that] pnrpow is nl9 uni: 5119? gt a loss to imaging—it is. unei {instruction 9f thel rights “mi‘ institutinn ibf’th’eiSouthel-n Suites, 1h ant-tuning: o} the pres ‘nt Conthi tulion affine United SifttosJanthe 101nm tion oi‘n~ (9w Comtimltién find 'newiuov eminent u'pon printiipxie's cfinge‘i‘ul {(3 the Abolitioniits, who" lmvp‘nlwnysTbeen, and are now, ri-volutionists‘i‘i‘t lag-m. E ' , The Maine certainlyfs‘pieéted s} most in npproprihttime to; rc’gistojv- itslJopposition i'o tin; resi ration nf lh'f- ninthollity of ‘the Constitutipn. Such fir'poeédin 5 age not calculatnd: lo givn 1110 M! éirénilh to the Union criulst- in Tennoofsoo Er to Kasai»! that great upriMng which Aindi' w Jcihnsrm has gnne in Him. State to pqnm‘pla hid direct. If we did not knowihfig thi» Codgx'gq does not represent the \‘imvslof the muority of tlw penplé, “'9 should appfihm} the wm‘st rosulis fruit) It; treéuoimbi ma hinations. —-I’Jl?a'ot (f‘ Union“ _ 1; ' _ The Abolitibnist‘a o \\'e capy the folqux~i£g f Record of February 3d,.“ t slnnce of a speech given by at an engertaingne’ht gimen ble sthop of Ohio? 2}} A London: ‘ , “ Mr. Tburlow chdggn in re'gsird to the p icylf’pf puhhcnn party, to ‘ hid}: t ml Government be ongfi. pacts affine future. he 'sai desired but expected chm fruit. and result of th‘e w. and woulr‘l be. bumed‘dut ( rod of territory co’nquened The slav'es of Rebels wgre these of the loyal ‘wouid that, by process of war am ment, if the United 4&3 were successful, slavery exist.” 1 We extract the followhln Wag/sly: ‘ 3- V s » , ‘:lt in éconfessedly the ravat point of the War. mud the ~nmlver ‘is. first. of all,‘ something mustbe dot”. We have several thousandlperaons wilhm o r lines who were lnlely Slaves. ’l‘hey cdnno be returned to rebel manners. They cann t bolt-emined as slaves. They cannot be lclt to lhemselves. The Government is chnréerl' with .Lhe re sponsibility of their cure. They must be fed, clothed and educated.l undilulmr must be given them. In fact. the released slaves are the pupils of the government. A Sub- Deparlmcnt of the Interior should be erected for the special ,purlpose of carrying into operation all the details necessary for the proper disposition of the slaves thus released. The exportation of a people, if more numerous than the Amdians, 15 not practicable. Centres of apermions under suflicient military protection should be es tablished. Then laws looking to their ad vance in éz'zimMAip, at such'gmciumed times as should be found desirable, should follow. They would be first like aimass of_mde img migrantsl; but after due 121959 ‘of time thei would be quite as’ coriapetmf edge»: as many other :mmigranu. ” ' So the poo: " white has starved «fatter—dad negr are to sh‘ re the Tate (if t .stimtion, to be “‘lébsl§de. Naval Fiépt in Hampton heads. HIGHLY ‘ mmnsrmu DE'g‘AILS. ‘ ‘ Desperate ZFighting and Loss 013““; THE SINKI'NG «yr—us: c 1; vInEIgLAND. . HER GUNS Flfllsfl AS SUE GOES S“VN: The Ehpture iméd Burnmfl/w Frfiflg’opyrcsa. TEgRII-‘it: EXEPLOS‘IEUF HER sugars»; ‘A Gonfedexzata Sie—afner‘cut f 5; Two. , THE mason mm: “w. mu; or THE MOfiyTOBh ‘ 'AA'bmzsin DES-T’ERA‘TE Flégur. illey‘, Arn‘old, .ter.“ Béanum. -, Bumngton, 2148*]. :Clark, at; Cohkling, ~ D‘uall. lily, Dal-Age Io ghe£hrniniei __ . (' THE§LOSS OF LIFE E ~ ‘i dem lio‘xnna, March 9—P; fi.—The ldngkcxpecter’ and talked-of rebel Rainier! Merrimac .hniu a! hmgfil‘mbde heir appear uqcein these Waters. Yesterdays!" mean, i with the'asstlance "of two wood in gun. i bqatfl, whit-h nme out with her I'riim Nor»; folk, and the; Jamextown 3|an Y 3 townfl which came {down ghe James I er, she } made an httxfick' upon Newport N rs and‘ the nun] ves'sols stationed aglhali glam). I 'l‘heililcrrihz'ac ’wss firat 'geeififfiom the! ramparts of Wort Monroe oh lieifiwnfito: Newpdrt 'Xeifi's an uhoul n qlxardrgefnre 1 i o'élock. I‘ix'bsuxiboam followed, xfll carry- 1 ing the rebel éfiag at their stern. ‘h i ‘ -Tlle;gunbohs had u/French flag t their ruustgn‘unlz bygwny; as is‘suppos‘egi, f com-l plimenting the lfreneh med-0N? inJhe' romls. ; .r ‘if ; 1 The Merriinncihadfi flag ntjh bows“ \i'hich “I“ {liought by ~someto 1}) a com-' manrle'x-"s blu‘ia flagfnnd by olhe_ . was set ! down go‘beaf’blnck flag. but mbs likely thei first o'pinionjwas helm-eat. She p uréd to‘ be very low iii the) water. Her iii 5, bows! and éiern we‘re cow-red within; silt) ng‘iron i roof, tester‘nding about twp feet’beiow the" water line; mid meeting above like the robf' of a hdnse. ‘ _ :hér bOW:, on 1111: wpter line,‘ were two ‘shilrp iron pointi, alout six ori aéyen feethphrt. Her number of _uns has , been stated it twelve. but she; 'ght.‘ noti huge had so (many. At her body v 0 guns‘ were seci) prbjecting from 3 I 0 ,5 ‘ hpilical . Qortvhole. i t > i F i lThe prepisé deghm of the en . i: did not become appirunn’ until hem up no anal; Hm o’clm-h, (ind b’y th’ut time gh )fhmesoui had got undjr way for the wellheigt‘ action. The ‘Rofln ke {Hug ship) hnvi ,g”heen‘ldisl-) abled by :thl breaking of herish‘uft some time since, in inken in tow rifl‘ flue; lugr bouts Da'ugbri nn‘ Young Amelia?“ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ At about: the sdme time the axfih signal} ‘ gun of tbé fiirfress was fired, an {he whole ‘ garrisqn’flmiqptly turned out. nun: arms; eager for §h finticipateq fight.‘ i ’ i The Tort; regimentof New {er volun teers were drum) up. and briefly lilthphsed by 001‘. Ben dixmnd ull:testifi a great est delight §t {he prospect of gating into action. 'Aftéar being under ortlérs; 4 r some time the ‘gafrison wins dismiss fixétil film,- should bawinted. ‘ i g s , The reliel hosts steadily parsat d their'wpy f to NewlKltrtiX’ews. anll'the 31%“mac soon I “turned the éoiutmhl was lostt the View of D the eagerléncbtators at the fortiesug ‘ .Ik, Hoopén using. Loungk, son, ”Indie“, Mom”. (XL) Live, 3 guinea.) :ssz s. Ste [yck‘ vVen‘e‘e, “welt-I'JVlute, Drcefiper. mun}; Biddle. lSrosfim‘.‘ (Va.,) ing, ‘ux. Cris unlnk 13mm. [MU] Harding, Johrgson. ’Kel- t le 8,1171(3 uly Rust votegl n,’ ,Edqclaring defend and The firclk Shot was fired by thehighte Curr.‘ bgrlimd, htgn little pm; twop’blo‘lcu Tlle' Sen':ill’s Print. hattvry 'tlien qgwn‘gd upon the Minncs tn. which was pasgngihp, and? the Sawyer gun, from the Rip ‘ rips. replied with tr few shots zit the Sewall'sfbint rebels. A thiclfieloud 0f smoke was Iteem to arise aliqve and hang over Newport. prs,, indi ‘cating tljattour batteries the as wall as the slooplofgquumberland 11$ the frigate Congressimgre engaging the curry. " The prhgfess of ther action ,coll d not now be se‘en from the fortrpu, but tléd telegraph iq line tliitée‘r kept Gen. Wooli advised of ,tlic progress, of event’s. fl 7 A; diaphtdr‘ was after a timefglceived an. nouncing thmt the Cumberlq .and the Merrimuc érere inuclose qfiartégn. As the latter 9ppr§nclied the Cumberlfind she did not«p9y an); attention tb the dungress. but. aftér firingtw'o guns struck hqgwhe Cum berland")_l “filth her sharp bowg: making a jagged 1101' in her sidq, at. flu} gutter line. ‘ About serve feet in extent. {be Camber; land imnte intely'commenced ; 'hk,wl_ien ‘the Met-rim, buckingn short fimnce, ran into her 5,, siecond time, making" other ter rible’ hoie.lwhich admitted th' miter ntn ~furious m 4. She continued fi‘rfiig, howev er, liar brayo crpw continuing it. her guns until thé gator bogzm to cute bér pqrt ’holu. Snolh alter she careened §ver slowly, and finally‘fiunk at aboutlthree p’hlock. . thé War. I m~t§lé London It: reported sub {l‘hmflow Weed, o thf “ venera ,o. 2, [Pall' Mall, :8 so‘me détniis *1 e Whig or Re e prdsent Fede £3lo} the pro's i the; not only iclpntinn as Mug I', gS’nvez-y was if eve'ry acre and from Hm prels. nfisomed, while la [mind for; so by illegal enact -1 Government would 'cem to from Harper's The Nejmrtfiews batbery inflame guns of the Cu 'berland fired contixéunlly upon the Hefrhhc, but no apparen-efl'ect was produced. 1 ‘ :f The Minimum pnfortunatelygz)! aground on the wnyiup, and could offer ’ name re sistance: I ‘3 Shortly belore 3 p’clock thefi'Jamestown and Yorkt‘pwnnrrive‘i from up'flle James River, butl the letter wag disabled by the Cumberlnhél shortly after her irrival, and had to put gin shore for repairs. , After- sinking the Cumberland the Merri mnc turned her attention to the‘Congress, and in lessllhan an hour afterwards a white flag was hoisted on board the letter. A reb— el gunboatrimmediately mn alqngside, and the officers and mnrines being taken priso ners," the seamen were allowed ‘0 escape to the shore. x, , , . " ad the half as at the North, ‘ e “National Con- tl‘ho U. 8. frigate St. Lhwngsce' arrived here mix-ii}; the afternoqn. _u without dkppiug lger upchor prooeed- up the riv- V _ ~ TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR er. (She followed the example of the Min newgn nnd Roanoke in firing on Sewell's «Point, but like their: her shot fell short. ”The gunboat Mystic was also towed up in -tlie ‘nftexnoon. At sundown the Roanoke, St. Lawrence and Mystic all teturne‘l; After 4 o’clock the lint-Titling continued t 6 {brow shell into the camp at Newport. News, while the Jnmestbwn and other rebel gunlioats commenced firing upon the Min pesqta. The' lafiter replied as vigorously as possibly and 'tlig conflicll was éontinucd withbut any npp'm-em cfl'eci until dark. : Dliring ‘the evening the frigate Congress wus set on fire and made a. brilliant specta cle. , AI. midnightshc blew up “'th Ii tie menhous eiplosion. ‘ Dglring Saturday-evening the Mon'tnr, (Erifisson Battery.) arrived vary opportrme -Iy, find at; qnce proceeded upfthe rivet, al thoxgh not prepared for-immediate action havibg just arrived from her first set; trip. Duriglg themight only an oicoasionl gun Mm fired; Both aideg aeemedito he wiliilig to wniflfer dayhght. I lieinforccments of inen hm] ammunition were‘ sent to Newport. News early‘ ii: the af ternOOn. But. little serious dnmage was «loud thorn. and no one was killéd. g _Thé B'attle Rammed. T 535 (Simdny) morningjtlw conflict. was rt-netved by the rebels. U‘mil the prespnco ofthé Mpnnitor was knuwn to the Mt-rrimuc, the Inlxttor was engaged with the Minnvfiotn, and but for the.fortunlltie ixrrtvnl of the Monitor the Minnesota'lrtibdxt have ;been lost Has she was aground. aim} of uoursq_u:z able {.O do efi‘ective service; “ . Tl‘ge two iron-chub battorim now engaged! .enchidther for three or friur lmtxrs at Inng and Qhort range. For a long time ng per ceptible effect, was pro<lqcnthpon.ehlmr. Once or twice they In);| close :zldngside and seemed almost to rim o;th gutter drum, but theyisoon re-np’penred from the cloud of smoke that hovered over them. ‘ Firtallyfihe Monitor Fucceedéd‘ 'm dam aging her antagonist, battering a. large hate in this port side of the Merrimm‘, and she soon ;drew ofl' and-Wit? the whole Conlerle rate feet. rctire‘d towel-d Norfolk at about. 1 o'o ock. ' y‘. ‘ ‘ During the fight this morning the U. S. gunlfimt Gregor} wan-strugk by‘the Men-i. mac !n lmr boners, which blew tip. The gpnbnat Zounve was nigh seriously dumfigcd, and Win obligedio reqire. Ode of the iobel g’unboqtimfi out in twp yestérday ‘aflornoon‘ _b_v jibe sloop of~wnr Cumberland betore she suhk. 3 Tlte principal loss of life wns on board» the Cuu erland, where it is flioughi us many as 150 ust have been killed‘or drbwnod‘ ' B t six lives were lost on board the Min nesdln, according to thestmement of one of her flicers. § ,‘ ‘ T 1: crew 61' the Minnesota were brought on 4101? thifg afiono m. and widrthe «wis tantie ofthe agenmer Simulding shahas boon got ofi‘, and is now on her way‘herc. She recnfiived numerous shoia but 3no serious dl} age. " , ’ l’lgle frigate Congress is fupppd’fl'd‘tO have 10ij over'one hundred 'men, inbtu’ding‘buc ondofiicer. The escapétl crewmof the Con gre‘s and Cumberland have nrrivgd here. I'l‘lxe Monitor" has come up to thn (-xpeco Htihns that were entertainer}! ofhet, and him proved hersell'impregnnble to the héav iést shot at 101039. qhurtors. , a . ‘ —— ..,,,.. Au.» >———— 7 . , 4 my“: Anecda.'s.—‘—An old gentleman—f 411' was nlways buying how folks used Lol} Wei}: in' his youégor days, one‘dny chm-i 1e -ed,his two sonkhqygitch on a load of; buy as fast an he could. load i}. The chal-g large “(as accepted. the hay-wagon drivenj rand and the‘lrin] commenpml. 'Foraomei tirye the old man held his own croditablyfi curling out—" Mora buy! more hay!"-‘ 'fßicker and fastcr'it came. The‘old man; was nearly covered; still he kept crying—l ‘f more buy! more buy 2” Al. leuwxhtl-ugi glfng ta keep on the top at t. ‘ dtsordoredi aim! ill-arranged heap. it heg£rst :0 ML? tlmn to shale, and at lust of! n. went froth? tin} wagon and the old man with‘it. “ Whats at; you‘ down fut-re for?” .cried the boyn.-'; “I came down for more hay,” answered! th old man. stontly. -: ' 'A Can! from Dr. Pesse H We received the following can} from the: w9rlhy andtalcuted Smjgeon of the 10!!!’ R gt. )1. Y. Cavalry, 'by the mail of Motif dgv, with a request. to publish it. and {q ask the other Editors offhe place to chpyté ‘ E vasnuno. Bfinrch 7th. 1862. := {On leavintheuysbnrg [desire to recur-h mhsbgratefulacknowledgment. {or the an reininirig kindness and sympathy wanif'esv ed by its inhabitants towards our sick and suffering soldiers. The Ladies have been most faithful visi tants at our Hospital, sup§lying epch‘Waut, aid administering to eveiy need Gentle bands, prompted by vgann hearts, have been found ready to respond to oft repent ed calls. And, as we go forward, ,duiug what. we nlny in behalf of our beloved country, we shall hold in grateful remem: brauce the unnumbered f‘ivors of which we have been the recipients. , ', R. W. PHASE, Surgeon 10th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry k ‘ -—-—————’—m~-———-——, gfi‘Rev. J. W. HASSLER, 'of Centre Sfinare, Pa , formerly of our Seininar'y, has been appointed Chaplain of Col. Argcroth' regiment, now encampcd at Canadian, N. J. Rev. )1. PYLE, formerly of the Seminary, is a Chaplain in one ‘of the Pennsylvaniit Regiments, which left Hurrisbulg 3. {cm days ago. _ . ’na'Ther-e are mannerists who would! be a}; the benet Io: Imaging-i mummy manners. r _ _ ‘ * ‘; l __ J“) ‘.‘ ’9O“ "-9732" «M w 9 A v: 1.. A 1 :m, \ 1 - . I r 57“? r .A""‘ Mafia maimed , re rm, 1862. mm! Union, Noll—l. The following Frock; mafia: of the President it publinbed for the information of a” concerned :4. ' “By virtue of the power‘veated in me by Inwtodenlnre the suspension oftho privil‘~ 'oge of the writ of hubwa corpus in citing thlentened with invasion, I, Jefferson Duo via, President of the Confederate States of 'America, do proclaim that martial law is hereby extended over the city at Richmond and the adjoining and surrounding cuuntr! to the distance often mllofl, "lid 1 do pro. claim the gurpension of all civil jurisdio. tiou. with the exception ot'tlmtof the {ln}; or of the city, and the suspension of the privilege of the writ ofhabens corpus with in the mid city and surrounding country to the distance aforesaid. [SEAL] In faith whereof, I have hem I unto signed my name, and set. myJaaL ‘ J the city of Richmond, on this first day :1?! March, in the year one thousand $33!", - hundred and sixty-two. ' " Q. 25- ‘ [Signed]. JEFFERSON DAvxa. J ! U. Brigadier-General J. H.: ‘Windefg. Commanding Départment of Ilenricg, “id: 1 charged with glue due execution oftb‘e fora; a going proclamation." 'He will forthwith ioxtabliuh an eflicient‘militarv police, nd‘ will enforce the folowinp; orders :- ’ l“ All distillation of spirituous liquors iii positively prohibited, and the distillerieol will forthwith be closed. The sale ol‘npirfi ituous liquor of any kind in nlao.proliibited,; and the establishments for the mile thereof will be closed. ' l iThe Indians of Kansas and Nebraska} I wismsmpx. March 8.—.-'l‘he Cmnmia-li sioner of Indian Affairs, m. Dole, has rb‘ turned trom the West. While in Katmai iaud Nebraska“ the Indian Chiefs callndl iupon him and tendered the services ofi‘ itheir warriors for military service. buttheaei Scannot now beaccepted. Upwards ot‘6ooo, éloyal Indian refugees, ‘ including families; gi‘rnm the Cherokee country, are in the low-i {er part of Kansas. ‘ ' 1 E In their retreat from the superior forccni :of the enemy, they throw away everything; awhich impeded their stampede. The panic! tnmnng them at that time is represented mi ”rightful. These Indians being in a flea-f E titute condition, Goa. Hunter sufiplicd theirL gimmediute neceesitics. Commishioucr Dale ii'elcflruphe%t” the Government uuthoritieui :1: and throng his representations Congreui‘ promptly passed an act for their relief. 4 “ ~ -—4-o—- A- l T ‘ ll l The Negro to be Ex‘clnded fzom Illinois. 3‘ SI-nmmmm, Ill.,‘Mnrch s.—The swmf ’l(‘ons‘itntionnl Convention {O-day discussed} 33th: articlq which prevents ne'gme: and mu-L {llattnen from cmigrgnting intn this State. and: {jp’rnhihits them .frdm exercising the right-l iiof suffrage, and requires the General As: ,gm‘mbly to’pgas lzwm~ to carry out‘the iJrovi-i {inions of the article 3 y l! Tlm‘urhclq was Lndopted by sections in} ’ECnmmittue of'th‘e Whole. The reporpwn; lthep shbmitte to the Conyention. and don-2 “curred in by a Vote of lfirngainbt 13. ' i ll , ‘ ican vAfi‘ai-n. » I I; WSecretal’? Seward is ptepiring In‘ ”elaborate and optspokcn communicatinn‘to‘; “Congress on the: subject of the Mc'xieau‘ af-l n t l l ' Efairs, in which lie in“ take ground that the; i _ l ' . . iglimted States mfa bound by-every chDSIdRr-i ‘la'tion of principle and policy to Main my”; I‘i'unmm the condmplared establishmentofluf gadjuining mondrchy by European military? fiinteryontion. The document is one’ of am gimost able' State payers ew-r issued, and will“ {be immediatelylconsidered by the Commit.’ fitec pn Foreign :Afiairs of both Hansen. : , ,x Leglburg Taken. ‘ .'1 On Friday week,CoL Geary advanced up-I on Leesbnyg, Va., and drove Gen. ‘Hiiu ivith his whole’liebel gammand, from H“; tuwn and euxyropuding forts,‘and the Stay.“! and S‘tripes nbwl' wave over all the cnemfi'q works. Gen. 11m fefl 1m“); towards my dleburg. A mimber of prisoners} and storm were taken. 4" ‘ * . fia‘On Wednesday nighbthé resigenee oi the French Minister, Mercier, at Waking} ton, caught. fire from the furnace. th Provost guard were soon 9n the ground uni could hive saved the greater part of th furniture, but fine Minister, hbping [to nub} due the flames} by carrying water in back; eta, key the doprs locked uutil‘it Wu 3015 late to save But few pieces. The loss it about fifiecn tfiousand dollars. 3 ‘ .flrAn qraor has been issued by Gen}. McClellan, diiectiug that {both shim be inp acribed upon ihe colon :or guidohé of 3|; regimen“ and batteries in the service, “1'; nfixes of the battles in which they huh borne a meritorious part. These names! will also be pleeed on: the Army Engiatpr‘, at the hend ofjthe list of the amenity ofeach regiment. - - E SALT LAM: CITY, March 4.—At th'n Territorial election yesterday, the vat. mi unanimous for a State Constitution. ‘Bfiif ham Young was re-eiectedk Goveinor, uni Haber C. Kimball Lieutenant Governor], without opposition. . - . ‘ 16‘}. number of the Union citizéns of St. Louis have offered a public dinnér to Gen. Hnlleck as an appreciation of “thy consummate genemlship” by which in thraje month: he had redeemed Missouri, (linen thralled Kentucky, anti brought Tenneuqe again within the Union. They desired thp ,dinner to take place previous to (ii-n. Hal: leck’a “duparture for the immediate sént of war." The General thanké them tor their courtesy. but. states that the fact that like may leave the city at any moment compels him to decline the dinner. r He also any; that the restraints wl ‘ ,were necesurii. imposed on 00mm 9e, in order to on”: the Rebels in Missouri in their mad attemfit w destruy the_ Constitutilm and the Union, will very soon be removed, and St. Loni will assume her sway as the commercial Queen of the West. WThe Havana correspondent of, thug~ New York Express, writing under date 6f" March 1, states that United State! Coil“ ‘ General at the port. Mr.‘ Shnfeldt, his dit- ‘ coyer‘ed than certain New York metehm are in_the habit of shipping water-p ‘ musket caps,sa)tpslrc, powder paéked in corn, and white beans, anti other (wreak, ‘0 agents of the Rebels at Havana, to be I"- shigped by them to «owe Southern pom fly veyeas rumfin" the hlvckade. ConsulShuo, felda has all the names of the pat-1309,7531 he hat! 'despatghcd $ll9lll, with the newsfl-L ry dpc‘um‘epu!’t_o Secret?! .Semrq, 59; 3, WWW? ”I“? sl.3:ch . in I'ROCLA NATION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers