g: no|hmu or m Golden emu. Wnfilxamepr. L—H appur- from the of ficial correspondence Hm wind: the clnu‘nf the last year 9. lettrr. urilten by Dr. Hopkint, came lmo pomstion «1 our Sum- Depnnmrnl. it w“ therein alnlnl Ihm nu ognninlion had scm formvd lay which the mrmbers uHhe Gol den (‘irclv were turmh intn the mm; and scr s'iceol'tlm federal governmont and thus-gain in fluence nnd [mmmn forrnrrying out lrcnmable nrlleme‘; null further. lhnlcx-l‘rocidcnt PM“ wxu among \he prominen! members. When this letter was rmolvcd. a nolc was neat to ex l’reiidcnt Pu-rcc, enclmingnn citruu from "a vying: ”Your name is conneck‘d with a secret league. Llae object of Wllll‘ll in to overthrow-the lgm‘ornment. Any intonnation on the subjectl will be Mroptuhlc." ‘ ‘ Mrr—Herce, in reply. expresses his :nrprise that even seeming credence should have been given tn'flnc charge. And’nppcgl: tq his general course ..‘. complete rtfnuulou of the al-hder, null remggks that he never helonged to any seen-z league, society or Msocinion, and fur ther. ohjrduh the form of 111e:nole. Secrcm r)" Sew-rd. i reply. explains unit min mu writ {en by W llinm Hunkr, chicfrlerk of the de partment explnlns the circtmmncu under which he tlgned n, and rogém am a ‘M'lj ofl'ence, n-d oflerg an apology. ’ p - _ ...... _ __—. - I To (in. .\ioCLI.m.As.—A dirpntclh higgtori, dntwl March 31“, nu: em. McClellan was viiited nt hi-s rear Flirt-x Semingry. Virginia, on' Jul lnst,hy the entire Kinny-fifth ‘ennuylmnin voluntéers, under com.y 01. (Pauline. The qccnsionyu en- Ihe mam-.0! thetbnnd. and nlm :rluh belonging to the regime nt. Al'~‘ muie tho General Appeared and mi .regimcnl nuhinomrndes.nddingthut them for threb thingy—one in thci 'n the present. find one in the, ‘ them“ {or the superior discipline ry skill displayed on every occasion ad been permitted ta witness them Id; in the present‘for thé uniling , which shone in thd {NFPH which lie in inthedim light: “and in tha- future urnm-e that on themherould rely , to fight ‘fur him.§aiifl if necessary 'm: (‘nn I not? At this a thousand wnred. “Yen, yes—lei'ery timer." Ile \ did gm. think thi! [Mt ouhlr he n»- ut he hoped to subdue he rebclllun ' Honing to such 'sncr five. With an tlirce” and a huge tiger, they . enerril “good night," nearlfl3 every ri" pulsed himY insistin’g upon giving i ty shake by the linuql. The (ion . who wnfi prom-m. lwcfued fully im he cutliusinsm of bluish around her. SiItENA from gra Major ( qumen. Friday ‘ni regiment 1" “had of finned b. ’fmmuglce Xe: me ser grunt-d th he {haul}: put, one tut-re. l and milil when he an the fi ‘ confident: wunblel for Iho M to help hl 'lodie for ‘ Toil‘cl mi Hun said 1) re+snry: th ‘ilhout r' “three Lti lade Ihr 4 nu» 1h him a hen "nits wife.‘ bued with I ’ .n’lux Sunnis? IV “In: Wait.— ul gt-nllmmm, um] a [lapnhliczm , Who hns just returned from ('in olhgr 'Wealcrn points, reports a «hyping-lit M: an.‘ inlenle nub-abun nt in nil quarters pfthc west since ‘1 Phillips riot. in (‘ing-inuuli. Ile dPllllnciufioll-l of‘Phlllifi'i and ull are henr-anong ull Mm!” find I are mnde ngxlinnt many km 1“" ol"‘-‘un;;n'fld that ”they .Ihuw Ih-fom the people ‘in the WNt Hwy rue than Wank-H Phillipa did. Tim Imam“ i 3 lunged on the {mpulnr il'o “nru‘ru eq'mll'ty," tnwnrd (hi-«‘l' in“: “re numnmcd to b]: lending.— A‘KTI-An , A pyfimiml nfficdmldc‘ ‘cinnnti nml .geueml de (inn "nun l llu" and: tux! fink-n of his kint “ml. HIM mlilion n shunielvcs “ill fart- w f'qi—linguhe rrpugnzmc lIII‘ ulml‘lfl :4". Y. TIM! «mm-nuts“ n. Pour, Roux. —-—.\ on" «hm-d .\pril‘ln myfi‘. "r, imafligent And timely cheerf vficeri, Who mulm- [nun-nuns Imm in ”I'l' Urirntul m-‘dny, do nut l'X m nfrnid the miss'mnnrv brethren nn dong. «ham to convert the ne- Illy in need uf the'rhrid‘inn virtue ‘mnn-z thx-msch‘es. There are run ]: mum”; llum. it-Ewms. nlmut Ind gs n-lhnn Illings lwupoml. um! nnrc m 'l‘w-milinry authnritinq i: mm Al. first. (it-n. glhmnmn did hill“ fit. but five grimfimu- nn'w i: ‘r-hns been canwellt—d to "True": ‘he \Vnr Depqrtmcnl, with A new Tm: “M Nrw ,York prqme \- . hug unny 0 Port "bynll “my-mm. l whn have ml mne- are ! nl’ charity Finn! qlmrr filingw spiri mm'h :mu'u) Hu- («funny "A hath Hur'h “ml I III". I Mr I!) to its romu . -«- «no. » 7. « tar)" of the ‘ Qnu‘iqr Cum." or M’jl‘he‘ ' gunman! lngl 1 pun “ifll I‘hillijnrthol igli‘iun umlv . n'l‘ .\lunnscns. which mu “filo-d Innllyiufibphawurc by “'en-h-ll Neufiank Trihn'ne. find n‘hor Ah .nu-m-. to givy pninl m thvirslnn (lam-ml .\lrL‘lcllun. turn: out to nth-n! hy nurfiwn suldwra. (‘Ol. h and (‘uL-J. J-.'~:\s't(n-, “ho rath n-lu-I wmki iumu-dmu-l)‘ «Hrr ‘Jcrvd hy (In: :u-h’uuue glmr'd of thea ’I'FM'" ropnrtcu} "Fund": mm! hm there worl- m-ilht-r “Quaker Minn-d Inga 01 any kind in the em llflul lime. - dl}! nvninq Ir a hnnx H F. H Writ] (l-ruuyh 1H Hm} were 0 llJliuiml (n )msniul}~ Gum " nor lura-turos a! Icmhv-rs of the “Mo Leg’mhmrc rd Ilu- olvv'inn 0! a l'niteul Sums onekt scs~inn. The "oh. R. FJVmIe In nmrly nr quitt- awry hullutsuml iuighiu two '\'olcs ol luring nominu- firfi‘Tlre 1m \ (' [lnsum Sc~nllor m t Ira} 'lll‘ um ‘qn one 651" ml. cl] Phillips n-ccivc: Nun for eavh him he dvlhorfi‘gt i~ ( lid. . 33"er- Ahvliliun lo .zk..ii=Lx=triamv. 31h “ML. u! t «redidrm-r- of the r. hv Rev. J. K: Miller, ‘1 r. BEV HI‘NJ'ITI. of .\hhun-‘u-wn. m “in B. MI'MMA. ‘oflhnlrr‘tunlhhip. ill-h. h.‘ "l‘V, l'. Ruln'. .\II I). \V. In .\liu ANNA ELIZA SIDNEY :1: nl' Adzlms-rounlr (hr the “rill-'I fufln JR)!” F. K‘ HARRIET Sl (In, (he 1:! A. WITTER MCCAVS. I”: On the 9:1. F. H. .\lcl‘A bI’ASGLI-HL] He day. by the snnuc..\lr. HOWARD 'ss to 3m MAM nAluxAuA I both of Adums county. ‘ foxy): . ‘ nrning; i 9 this place, BURNER. m fluke, ”gel! 5 years. Funeral day. ‘ ' Yuri-May 1 sfln 0!: Mr. .Ln M '2 PIN. tn g. in .\[éuntjny 'ownship, Mr. HRHIH-‘l-‘Jnged 7‘.’ ycnrg. ~ of March, at _hcr renidehce. in Mrs. .\IARYMARG.\RETGR \SS. and 25 days. The deceaied lived {up Iluntbrslown,nrvd wasmnch II who knew her. She have her ich were. great and long prim-net ‘ meekness‘und christian "signa orupd her prbfefiion in life, and pence. “Bléssed are the dad he Lord." . ‘ Lnst eveni JACUU. FET 1 0n thr 2m Hmw'rslowu‘ aged 7| yenr.‘ for’mnny you esteemed by ‘ nfllinions. w ed. with Imu ‘L'm- She at her end was .which die in On the 3‘” pflfir. Danie yen-s and H I On the'i"! v {BE [‘ll .\l. FBI On' fund». LOR, son ofS pged 2 years h uh", Mrs. SIMSDALENA, wife Manges, of Hiddlegou'n, Aged 63 days. “in, in [lumen-town. ELIZA TY, daughter of John Felty'. doc. ' mg, JACOB Emunn “v -‘ lomon E. and Mary Anfhylor, nd‘3 months. 1' Munch, nenr Petershnrg. Ti 8.. of Jahn and Leah gSheeu, aged ' Onthe m: JOHN W.. so 13 years gud months. ‘ a _ v cek, in Cumbellind township, \ dangling- of Cornelius and Liz i y. nged 2 yum: '1 mqhths find 17 Yelterday MARY ALIC ‘ I'l2 11. Dang . nan. w her [lean-cl; home, her in th‘ Promised Land ; ' arth her :pirit. huh flown, je Angel bud. ' ' Comnlnnicnted. - [2th nit“ of brain fever. in township, ELIZABETH JANE, r(r'ge and Sophil Andrew, aged Iq" , . .811: in gh- To he: I“ A'lyfi'om To join t. ' Dina on‘ c “Anilt'opbln dunghui' of E 3 you: and l Dut‘ lime! - T y an. And high 1 ‘ th th I Thy fgverl , Calm n Acton ch 1 Eu 1111 nbw thy‘pfina Ire o'er, 'rings 1‘ an end— ” holiest angels sou bygn soul ucend. , ‘d brow is cold in déath, ‘ld avege thy fdcc, d ‘ chi-eh a poia'nous breath 'ked kricy trace. ; . friends around thee long P lobed with tond‘rost care, l sought. to soothe with long I {so hard to but. ‘l {by lotin ‘ ‘ . Have I" 7 Rue one : . .=. ' Thy zri Died. on thetzuh aim, in Stmbnn towuzhip, HOWARD AN ERSON, non of Samuel E. and Suit"?! 0. y KI: .geds months-m! 28 dxys. Way not for “Me Howtrd, _ H. 1‘“ 8°“ 30 God. rhn gave , Bis lpiflt+lleepl in Jeslllq ‘ Thoughfbe’s men: in the gave. Loving mien“, cone your weeping, Dry you": mun—fit must. he so; ‘ god now fin him in His keepinz. ' Oh! they cause your woe. ‘ filled, I Inflow, in: Sun hs ptrtinz Fm Ii 19 Abdoxnon’Lide, ' gg'm 3h gooq Lord's 'cullinx— y it ' mqsp abide. I=ll I=ll Column nicated MI I ms. { I nan New York the Roptiblicans m LADIBS’ PAIR. . i 12 or 115.0004é met! :hiiizhléfififirgg. if" frbmnjting'flmr W"? underflge mine A: St. Jmpk‘: Aradnny, Wm. an orrnnsn A new: SALE. """"‘"“"" 733.0 6 .ol‘l‘lrtenßtlh‘li‘xcf’?rt:sllfagcmxsgfilSlFSfiL‘?' >N¢SHERRYSTOWX ADAMS CO" ”L 112 or 15.091) Tree. will be [valued at Public ......t....... a co: . ' ‘ ~ .: m: mums or covuwmo announce , 5.1.. x‘v W ml° , “h?“ “"*?‘°i~:iiidi.i"ii"_:£m T . “W z m... ml ...-..'"..l 03 to losi 0' Tam" u-nhslnr l ‘ [1 l'mth I’o t at- rvstowti. for the benefit 0! the Orphan: at that ’ be ofl'et’cd .1 Sue, 40 B' . 1'0”“ “'9 "’1 “(or ”- 2hr ' h- Ihstitution. to conimentc om Monday. the 2815 l.\' LOTS prinril'nllv or 23, so. :5“, 100, q 55 She". bendr-tnko (h? mmcvvmtr ote su «luv 4! Aprilnrzt. and continue (kmughwuliemrrd'. the g,” Tnfieug'u in aillivhtion. to fiull all 30 Ject- _ MrClure & (40- m“); hmt’evot‘. Sn,” Tlie Fair will he held in the Day School House 1 who In" wish to finrphhe and plant. 4,6 M m keeping up «om? humhuggmz dta- connected with the Academy. An almost? ~ Trcél. * 412 Hume. With {new to glieuting weak-kpood endless uriely of | CHOICE YARD FRUIT, with Evergreen um! .........1 75k)! 00 Democrats into their support. “011‘ FAVCY 'AVD USEFUL ARTH‘LES AND Shade TM", “H be 'Qfl'ercd in "mu" E. (‘5 :3 work. “Imm“ ! I A REFRESUMENTS, ’ i‘ ‘4 lots. of from 2 Iran to hnlfn dozen. 29-9—9! . mi ncd. hum“ H 3mm," Hock l on! ‘ Ne GOOdS ‘Wlll be oflbred for male. 0n Tuclday n. I “1:23;!“ng 00% Tree! in cultivation, and in ‘so W .. . l ' GRAND DINNER ‘ I ' ' union of the stock hr PRIVG G 0 08‘ CH llt‘F ( ()ODS' ‘ tending to thin out. a p , . ‘’S ‘ 0 ._ -(\ ‘w" 313”qu W 5" be RM?" “P in the Commencement 5" drawing out the Tree: of large-it size, in order .4 . . FAUNPbTUU‘ Bill ' ' loon, And preparations for A large romp-n] to give room to others of I“: site. to mld in i have 1“} "MW“! ”d Mani)? 9P.‘~‘“.‘"¥“ 13”" will he mnde. 0n ench evcinngiflerut-ldly, fig" Ind growth—l therefore intend to od’t-r 4“"! °h°'°° ’5‘“?"""“‘ 0' * ' .“"‘" “”0” '.‘° suppans will behnd. and an 12 or 15 000 Trres. more or mound also (in-he rhtoh they Innte the nttehtlon of the public. OY‘TER SUPPER tStocks by APRIL 9 10 nnd‘ l, on WEDNES {nvmm been purchased wrth care at roduci-d 5 'D Y 'I'HI'RSD “. 1' FRID-li , 1843:. , prices, five are prepared to give our customers on Friday. 0n Suturday evening l 0“ which 3dn '5 will he 1‘) Ed Tree: of a: :amhuimldpur ll?ck *l,” beenhrgd’l'ittl‘crfnt‘m: A CHARITY CONCERT ‘ u 800 d Gite yfine form old as? benlthr in vte l( Itiono a(- ioice rnfirtv 0 ic A H . . , ‘ ' i ' , .. . - . wil iren bv Able erfonm-n. as can be in and trained "I” 3’! 9‘9”“ ””5“ 60993- ".’“"’.‘“‘i .g-efousnlrmr encxms, holding Rood‘ qu'hg'n’ ...v soiln fibcmnmy in the fur “"53 “PEAK CARPETHG’ QLEF§S- for eight dart, will be issued on the Northern i United Sta' 3orin my other WARE‘ XILI‘BERY GOODS' kc" .wmwmng Central, Hahover, Gettrsburg and Littloltown . , countr ’ ‘ I complete anortmem nf evorythlnt pun-ll! milroudl~which will énntle holder-:10 n free On “I. a.” photo mention will be ofl'ered "u‘ed- CH“ “"1." "“1 ,‘F‘FC‘ fuming r" pug tathe Fair Room. Pnswngeru for the Fair, Ag Public Sale, Trees ot 1e best varieties s°“”°.x"" ‘ FA”) LDTOLK BRO 5' ‘ will be met at the Hanover Flepotiand canny“, in “mi-Minn, all imam-d, to prove ; APT” 7: 1862- ‘ 4 . _ ’cd‘ to NcShcrryrtown frre of cha‘rge‘. _dl:dor:tfii ‘ tatisfacm"! W 1“: (l b ‘ will be fed ond ottentire ostlers pron or? APPLE TREES 6 to? tt. in mon n are. __ 1 New GOOdS l—Large Stock! [the week. A huge stable and yard nenr the pEACH Tanks, mmdard ho 5 fort BIEBCHANT TAIH‘ml-VG’ .7 Fair Room will he used for the purpose. I PEAR TREES. gmnilard to 5 feet. ‘ ‘ “0033 3 “*0 i fi-m object offlie Fair is relyM‘hll'i-' ‘pwmp pmn TREE 3m 4 rm. h"? in" "NH?“ 7'1"" "‘9 cm“ ‘ IMFwak , table one. and no efion will be a grad to‘mkel CHERRY TREES, 4 1; feet. ‘ ‘ 0’ 200 d? 1:" Gentleman's '9‘": ““55““ ‘ i it n snaceis worthy ofthxt object? Th 9 Ladies ”my TREES. 4 1:5 (”1. "view of 1 . ,4 c’onfidently hope that the public will uuna to APRICOT TRE ~4to s rm. ‘ ' 01101115, ‘ '_ »lit a generous cnronmgcmrm. » 3 . Gn_.\PE “NI-$B, strong stockl. ‘ .l C-hSSIXERESv ' ‘.- ( 1 NoSberrystown, Slnrch 31,; 186;. SHADE TREESdim-rcnt nut in. 7109 k ton. .'1 7‘ 2 ' . Ynsrtms, xPM ~- ~’ 3'-“*—+—‘ . EVERGREEN TREES.ve magnate) 4n. Cnssmelts, Jeans. 1:0" mth mdny other goodsl shenfi‘ 3 Sale. ” i : ‘ Evergreen Trees. as well a other klndl of ~nri gnr‘ 'u‘ m "- 7 . . . ___~ _. 1= E10nr.'y........4'.......... Rye H01t...+.......... “'hite \Vhe-u....-..... Red flhet1t..+..........‘ Corn ..T...\ ....4..........:. Rye....» ..:.-~ 4...... ...... ...... un- .a.-.. (mu ..5........‘~...... Buckwhnl..;...m. ClmerHced . 'l‘immi’:Q 5‘ Fh'x d ‘ Flam Hum: Pork = a! PA ii ............. gnu 6, pet bag- m THURS—Punt u" Flour. Wheat Rye .... Corn... Onu .. Clover Timon Beef C: Eons, . Hay... W'lifik - (in-o ................ A...» 5 25 $0 5'37 .....'............-.. .. ll 23 :01 55 .1.. 66 lo 7; a”... hi to (.2 36 to 37 .............. 5 00 to 5 25 u...- ...-u ”a...” .u -! ‘ 5ec........................ 2 :5 co 2 75 "k, p :- hund............, . 8 90 ‘olOfiD er bu \d............ ......;,.. 4 (.0 31 5‘50 .............‘....18 oo tozz‘ 00 ...”...JC 25 to , 16 60100 Peri: fin, per'to‘n......L.. . HAan-m—ruuumi nu. rom jinn—... ......m... I’OflLI magnum...“ GIME Do. Whey Rye ..'.) fun... 01:15.. 01mg}? Timotl Plane I ." Seed 19.1 Notloeu. FM <-.-._.- V- ‘ -B.pul'ina ii 1‘ concentrnicnlj Surmpnrmn, so rombined with ; LI otngtijl grenler nherutiv'e pom . n elchLive-mmdme for disease. '4 s 83' of I’M-.11 ‘ hsmnc » nfl'ord I, rillwis Inn-1y “- 1111 com lish ‘lhc Ito this linns. AyJ cxlrncll other H or I!!! I! cpuled to cure, ‘ Snch n rqmm! ntrd by those Iwho suffer lrnm v Ininu, and that: one which will Snrlal dv i‘s Strdm al'co' “..,-.... ......v“ ......r, : : ...", ~..- ~ V _ JI“ ‘P" r C" re "‘“s‘ [”10” "f_”“‘“_e“"¢ I tronnge, resolved£by good work and gmodemte tge class of up! 'nflhctcd rel-“g warmth) em" it; ‘ 3 low completely Hrs L'Pmpuund‘ Gettysburg", Apt“ 7, 1862. } 91'" {much by :- prnmcnt my ‘ __ ' J u vases tu be {mum in the {oldt ‘ R‘e‘staurantl ’ . l‘i‘ - ‘ » ‘ . V . ' ‘ ‘ , S H ‘C mI- ' V Eru _.§ E J!A.\IBthBLRG STREET RESTAL \':"l');ls:::e<..nlf|¥e:rf la’implei; *t BEAST,- (rmhtly Evkenrode‘m) in {he Ju ra SM! llhnnfi Séald Head“ cob: Bmlélmg, Plinmbersbugg street, 15 no“ ' ilillfit’ Afl'm-li(;n§ \{urcuriaé cqndncted by thclundefsigncd. ." Veunflgh 0, m 1 b 010,“, : oxzfsnzns m done up in n" stylesz \ d 7),..0- . |.. m H “Hum crummnmzr Tuxcvn, "*‘a “” . 'l'“ To?” 5“ "7i } TRFPF mum mas and ‘Anlhogufis I'l‘rf‘tfl m Indeed lh'e‘i ? 1‘ RI‘VICF (‘l ‘q‘. 0.!" H F Dmplmms arm Km)!“ lmpufihl‘ can‘nlwdys bellml. Cl” in.‘ The Snlonn hns . been re nintcd and fitted np in fine slyls. 'j GEURGE J.}C§JBS. Geuy )burg. April 7. ‘1662. sex‘wice low-Ci \gm do many lit hm fthown Icomplm MEM ulu_ an d Erup li. Tum ‘1 and ‘ 3, Drop 1.. “31p {e or .\‘t. FM lions ll match Syphil Dimes. 3 “I'll“?! lullY [lo whole ‘ lads nf ! ‘e Uluod umgnu 31th, w foul Iml season .‘ ty «f l 1 Thisl tnr 0! ll pr) the‘ a} let‘ pulqion‘ nipped‘ of mi. 1 dumm- d will be lnnnd a great promo-l \en taken in th? spring, to u-. are which fed"? in the blood: the-vl3". By— ‘lbe timely ch: many 'rnnklin‘g disor‘dern are, d. Multiludvs Can. by the Kid, :[mre thnmélfies t’rom‘hlxjg‘en—l eruptions and; llleeroui’snres,‘ 1e uystom will Islrhe to rid it nrx. if not assisted to do this‘ lrnl channels @f'zhc had)! 1);, ivinr. Glen‘an outthe villa-y \cr you find its i‘hlpuriliem the skin in pimplesmruptinnq} c it. when )uu ling! it. is ob-' rgish Zn- !hc Vl‘inl: l-lennsi‘ it' 11, nnd your refilling! will telli where no pnrtirulnr (linen-1‘ enjoy hettt-rlln‘ultll. and line =ing the hlnml. Keep the nal all i< wrll :‘but with the} diwrdorcul, there can be no; lSounor or lMcr Em'uéthinm ln-l thegleul machinery Jflil'ei \‘rrlhrown. j. 1 ‘- I 4)! Che 'n lhc 'b renwdy, of {on I which urrupli 1 Iho‘ nn thrung M-lfm' ; throng an uln tcd bl burstin «the 1m \ ‘ 4| wlu- 01'0110 ' clean Ol' 90" strut-lo I >M I whonml you wh n.— '\’e lt.‘lrl for cle. allhy. ‘, of life ‘hmllh. ‘ wrong, lere’d 0r ME blood laltiug‘ (my? m i‘s di~or rs [he publiclmro hot-n misJ n, prolemlinzlo gin- “ qmu'c; nlmrllln fur uuc dull”. .\lmfi Irl‘rtmuli upon the ail-k. “for[ 1 IE" little. jf’urly. SurypaLil—j urntive properties wlfilcver“ pninfnldi~n|~pnjnlmellt~ Inns? of the \‘apfilnuw ‘L-xlructs fol -lI llond the yu‘nrkct, until the: fly cleapised, and has lvecmne impmilinn :lud (ht-M. Still, und Snrsapa‘rilln. and intend: rt-mglly as shall remle Wild (1 ofnhloquylwhich rests np-A kink “c lmveigronml {or [lb-3 ue< 'which are irreridible by: of the diseases it is Intended‘ w Inn- y Dnri ‘ In} Ly ‘ of l-ler 1 nl'.l|lc. -; they nu in. but :rge lmll ct of Sur hwr he only co urn-n no :ilu-r nu ”rm-o, follown S :rtnp. nnme it the u< rill“ whi elf i< ju mun wit. ‘\'ll‘Hl‘ his l'nm \Yu QJ” I: ll.lln(‘ f on it. . I" nu-h nil the Io |\n-l we it hns \‘i umry run lim in: the or- MEI 72 1:" Dr. J. C.‘ AYE“ I: CO.,> met: 25 Gusts" rsu lion—4i Muss. W meH Fn'n I! 'xrzs rm: Inhl by 1 : ere. D. Bcnmmn, and dealer; ‘ [Fol]. 10, ‘62. 2m ',W Hun w .\SESID df~e uses crilninn. THE CHEST LAND LI'NGS. -- re Ino well known tn require“ i Hou- mnily thousands are; ; to (he silen‘l‘grnvc lny that; i I‘(uhumpliomwhich always; '3; Ellgllt cohgll. Koep (luv l‘zlltlxy hy mkinma few doses [arm 111-21 m I’_ILLS mh - ul‘nny kind i< impnwihlln— lLllnzllllllcullll;~1 nlwnfi: arise i prrum mnllcr lll‘posltcd iul n blood. Purifyumt stream I cry soon Curry all and de ‘ q ninner: nhd likeg crysml r gll n de-rrl. will bring with‘ [ghoul llle body (lu- eltmévlls ‘nglh. A: the rherl’rnifiig" ‘ -rtility in its fconrsc", ‘vufises: waste to bloom with flogers‘ ‘ 1005.1 cnnses the lmme t re nnd leallh,zmd bloom wilh‘v Hudson’s Mountain Hath; lll‘lledlcin‘e Dgalers. m24.1m: .«m,~.. D § . —--'l;|‘E(‘§l Kny do MIMI ear I .Irri -I '1 'rnurg log-4 wit! ('nlnnu-u I.lmm 1 of JI‘U Wm k. . ‘ l‘umun urc and l uN's M'L n-I (ii-«ens I pt'lrm nm rtjclca of -‘cll~ by h 1d it will *Jgoisouo] wing “"41 rave thro find 5m ‘nents of ‘ )re barren; : t, so pure‘ strength g beauty; ' sohl I); a from 3: NW Air 01 life . ilrn} - run-r “4 it -n¢l hf haul the vlv' the lwtl and fru juice i unhdi Pills nr I. msc ] I pmt-Litio monstmto lhonulifill IIL,” for t. ; people th [in :1 mm GREY by 111110 have (I Gnnhm TRIO [tut th. verdict saliflfnc 'l-lllY!—.Amplc tests. boll:t era and chumicnl'nnnlysis,‘ v the great .va‘lne of Prof; De‘i omhinzuion, ‘cnlletl “ ELECwi“ relieffind cure of pains-7 maelves are rendering their, er but?) unmistakable and' than two millicn bottles“ n very short time—n great who henrg. others recom-. riot! in. Th fiit's a splendid' where ncqnowledged, and" ‘ ever heforevfirepnred. The.’ rig Oil is Prof. De Gmth's, ate" the respectable Drug- ; ‘nd at. whrr‘lesnle and retail, [ «ices ol‘the ngepl here. Séel have be piuporl mend it din-ore, n sqld i l on of tho i who‘hnd ‘ f is ever-1 like it wn { uine fillet: ‘. to be had ‘thc cities, optietors’ nocbir. ‘ only'ge which 11 gills in‘ M the p‘ adversl !ELM - mum's Store in well wot, { Notice. ‘ ; mime. “'efiouhtwhethqr ‘ HOMAS r. GHRDSER'S mum-finel ; cities. :0 fine a display of: T ten 'of administration on the estate of '"d- Th?” large "'o‘“ 35 Thomas T.Gurdne‘r,lnte of Lntimore townohip, ry pattern; 31‘0- 9""! V“ I Adams co.,.decensdd,huin’g b‘een grinned to the ' "e, Sheet-iron W 3", Tl“! undersifined. residi gin Huntington Wp.,ha l 8". Jepfln‘wafl—embrac- : hereby gives noticollo all persons indebted to in: in the‘ houke Tumhhiflg . said esmte to make immedinte payment, n’ud ,e'Cutters, Sfiuflxe SHIRE“, those having claims against the name to present . 30- They "'9 Pl'ePM‘Cd '0 I them properly authenticated for settlement. t etnil, Tin Ware and Sheet- “ ' WM, B. GARDNERI Ada'r. own manufiictlire-kcepiing April 7, 1862. St . of hands to an pl any e- ~ ‘ __, 'vr'“‘—“_‘ mum: of [flum‘l‘mryis Very C 081! 0081! 0081'! very kind. ’ SHEAps k, nUEHLER are now prep-red to ' ".”' .7 " ' 511 l COAL ofln erior qualityrin An . 0‘ MENT !_ [s7s ] qusntilzg gesircd.' Terms, Cub. ’ 'D "W” m“ I"me 5:25 r Cona'o x Come All! . “d 3“.“,P’"9“' ‘°_““"! [3.17% Ilao request those indebted to ‘ commission. funicular: them to c“ and pay up. u fundl are much ‘5" E“: Swaxa “"5"" needed. Who will be the firlt to call? Office .8, General Agent, Milan, open from 7 107. ‘ [59?“ 2: ‘36" ‘7 1 Feb. 24,1862. mun A: ‘- itjlist an our lurges nev thy 5 vi eten in Stoves full of ’ riety o‘ Ware, ing, in fine. . Iran be I tove's of e~ j Hollow ‘ ‘l'lnnished \ Ind, every! £O, Sansn i g'ssu, kc., I-l‘esnle and '- rre of thei en, numbe i'l‘heir us [9O Goal 0 Len-d1?l sell «I: : iron W. I suffic mmd. largo; $251 AGJE| so $75 Am”) lent f (‘ounsl Ohio. | | 'EM 4 . T 3 WANT per month, or give‘ ‘ . ’ Addre INK. JAM f “NoiPartyF—We have never objected to the Republicans kaing to themceives the offices, \but hnme dpnounced their hypocrisy _ in pretending to aisregard party while be-‘ "flying more party zeal than ever. and ap propriating to Lhemaelves all the benefits , of part‘y success. The N. Y. Atlas has inves flaunt the nfi‘airs of the New York Custom . Hones.{snd learnsythe following facts : ‘ “ Out of 227 our-door officers-inspectors ‘ weighers. pagers {lnd measures—nil but. 27 i have been removed by Barney, which is a mueh la er proportionthun was ever before removudgy wyoollector; and yet Mr. Barney has (Allan f 3? shorfi of giving satisfaction to his puty. The proportion of innide clerks proscribed is not, known exactly, but it is ‘ unfiposed to equal 1' not exceed the ratio of ‘b9 Med inspec .” onns'ncs, Tickingu, Checks, gimme!- . o——- t D km. chomp I: Fnhnesmcks'. We h -o Ilno wife of Samuel Ritchie, ot . MCSMN brinded wnh our on $O, to oring under afit of insan- which we invite aspechl attention, a {Q and: on Sundn; wuhbydrown- . by fll',"n’ 9v" qfl'ered in thin mnghw (at the fant childin the Delaware. pricoa L I O ‘ ’ “‘Flln mum Chute , Pmmhilc 1 ity,coan:mcd uulc‘xd ihzrhedlelt Ind her i ‘ h 00 ‘ ‘ ‘ r. 751 .......;. x islmx 20. 30 4 25 l 75 6 2'3 for Iprilhz and Qufilmer wenr. ‘ ‘ They flare prcpnited to make up garments at the sim 'u-sc notiée, Ind in the vary but man ner. T e Fnshioha nrqxegnluly received, and clothin mnde in guy dignirod style. Thy-y Al "m l _ _ ... . . . . way. mike nut, sis,'wh‘ilu their: iewing iisure $0 be supnuntifl.‘ V 2 They ask a continuance of the ' FST. BLlSlllll-ZNT.-~GE(LREFREYRODE, J F.\Sll‘l().\‘AßLE TAILOR. adopts 1 is mothud of informing his friend! and the pul ic «gen‘emlly, that he has lopqnai a ’l‘ailorin c.~tnhlishment in llnltimore’ street. (lenysb m. (Inn Pod 0175 mm) near the Dia monn, v. acre he is prepared q.) do all‘work in his line in the lm‘t manner. and to the anti:- friction bf budqmorn. 11l- employs none but first. cln.' hands, s‘tnd receiving TEE FASIUUXS REC-I'LAllle, he canygnrrant fashionablefits and MM and subslfin ul aewin‘g. He ask: :5 share‘ of the public} lpmnmng‘c, promir'sin‘g to flpnre‘ no of furt t 9 dl‘et‘rvn it. l His rhargvs will nlwnya be fuund‘ n5l moderate as [he liml‘s will allow. ('nttinfi.r and Roimiring done [lt the shortest nmicé. 2 ' - [(lettysllurg,.\pril’{JSU'L HE undersigned has removed his Tinning I/eihhlis‘hmenvt ncnrt‘r ‘tlle Ma'mlnnd, in hamhr slum-y: street, adjoining A. D. Blwh h-r's DUI"; Stow—in wry ccnlmHnmtinn. Ho COME“ -. to manu‘fuvmre. nml keeps cohsmntw ly on‘hn d. every Variety 0T _ TIN WARE. ; ‘ : f JAPANED WARE. And winlnlwnyg fie ready :0 do mzmmxs. _ ‘ROUFNG and S‘I‘OUTING‘ also donp in the lint. manner. Priéqs mmh-r -nto. hnd'no efi'or spared to render full satis l‘urtioq. [Tgc pquic'g contiqued palmnn‘ge is solicited , j A. ‘l'. ,BAL’UNER. Goltyjbnrg, .{pkil 7, 1862. -.-_._ . . , _.._._..._. . s A Big 'Thlng! 1 nmi..vn:sl' nxn nBsT urn—EXTRA; T mimxAm" Ixnx'mnmxl~s._.\x.\l,n. AND FEMALE Ahl-IN'I‘S WANT‘ED ETERL WHEN!" 'PU SELF THE 1 Upcle Sup Prize Envelope, ; (‘nntningng 6 slleg-ti Commercial Nd.” Paper. Union dwigun (3.110915 (‘ommcrcinl Nblé Paper nesortml vulnrsJ; 1710 do do 3 do , 6‘. White Bun-lupin, l'nion Designa,‘ 12 Buff do i do do - I .\rcnmmgdutiob Pen Holder, ‘. 1 Fine Sit-e 1 P 1 15. l Lend Pencil. l Blotting Pad.) Fihe qudl Plate-d [’en. Premium in structinu- fur gmikking me best «met-proof Glue known. pru’m um Silva-“ Wash. bésl water prnof Ulyomim} Errzhh‘e'l'omponnd. 3A prem— ium was} awarded] for [he above prépmllflions M thret} differeltlt fitnte Fuiru.) Together with a Beautiful Prize yronh from Twanlylpfilre Cu. to Ten Dollars. , ‘ ‘ ALL FOR TWENTY-FIVE CEXTS. The “ l'ncle Sn ‘1 Prize Eul'clope,"lls beyond all question, the hlndmmest and most; admin bly nnfflpged ufi‘ni: of the kind yet offered, and sells m idly ,whe ever it is introduced. Our Stations-mt; is of tlt‘e choicest description, while our GJF S in poirlt. of Style hnd' excellence of quality, are unsu'nixtssed. We mtually give the pur+nser a Dbllnr‘a worth tor , TWENTY-FIVE GENTS, _ befldes rcnntingéhim will! I. CIIOICET’RIZE, wQ/rthi many cufies TE.“v TIMES the cost of the- pgu‘ age. Lopnl and Tr‘hvelingiAgenu— .\léle or Female—pan realize from $25 to $5O per wee: by selling the “ Uncle Sam Prize En velope,’ whilst ljedlnrs, Sutlcrs, Cnnvnsscrs, Slorckeépers Ind o'hérs will find it 9 valuable nuxilnr}! in increai‘sing their recelpu. ICircu lnra‘ gil‘ ng full phyticulars mailed free. neg-51A MPH-19mm ENVELUPES round. ed by m'pil. post-pfld, on receipt of 50 Cents. Aiddreu 1 G. B. JONES, ‘ { Box 88$, P. o.,,Phlladelphio"r Pa. fiHend Qutrteru, No. 50, N. uh am April 7, [862. i - . j Farmers’ & Mocham'cs’ AVIXGS ISSTITL‘TION or ADAMS COUN- S TY. GETTYSBURG, PA. Wenlth comes by suing. Deposit your IM plus funds in this Institution, at the rate of tron: two to five per cent. This Institution of fers a s.zfe. convenient and profitable deposito ry to all classes of peopie. February 24,}862. 2m ‘ OARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, open. B Homily, September 2:], IBM. Terms—Per session of five monthl, $75. For Music and Languages extn. ‘ For {archer particular: nddresl C. L. SHEADS. Gettysburg, Pu. Aug. 26, 1861. 6111 "‘ New} T'Ailbiiiig RemovalmTin Ware; PRESSED .\SD Miss C. Sheads’ N pursuance ofsnndry writ- of Vendiqoni Exponns, issxied out of ,the (ioun of C(Tm mon Pleu of Adiml com’ny, fund to me directed, will be elpoptd £olPnblinge, ulna. Court Home, in‘ Geitq’sbnfg. on Saturday, (In IRlh‘day of_4prilhal,§(:lB62.9 It 1 o'dock. P. H., the foilowinz'descfihq‘d Reg! Estate, viz: ‘ talic's A TRACT 0|! LA‘RD, s‘itunto in Franklin ,1 township. Aldon" cohhty. Pm. on the Gelt‘yafi burg and Chnmbergbn'h; Turnpike, hall a lull: southeast of‘Dnvid, Gbpnlyenr" mkérn, adj-bin ing lnndspl Druid Goodyear ind Jone D. Ndww man, containing 33 ACRES,more orleu. about} 4 acres cleared, wind the balance; in timbcr— ! improved with ' n Two-story Log Dwelling‘ HOUSE. Two-doryi Frxune Bock-building, Frame Weatherb‘oarded Slnble, Spring House, Corn Crib, SAW MILL, with n Shingle Sgw ' Mtnr-hed ; a one it balfrtory Log Tenant llou;se,, Spring 015.1” :nenr the,door of‘lhe mnnnlon dwelling, Fruit Treesi kc. 'l‘in (‘onogoqheague runs through miil tract. Seize}! and takenjn execution mi the property Dl' Jfluufl Clu mron. ' 1 r , " i 1 Aim, .\ TRACI OF LAND. situate-in Frolik-, lin township. Andrus county, l’n, ndjdinihgr lands ofl-I.\V. Stihle, l’eleriuintling. heirs; of} Jnchl) llnnkey, "and ,othens, containing 142‘ Al‘Rl-IS, more mile"; about 30 nun-s 0! Which Are in timher. 30 acres in mengw. no the r‘bs-‘t idue for'm hind—improved m i a Two-awry Double Log Dwelling HOUSE. Spring Holqse, Double Lug Bari, Lo'g SQTMQ, (Torn‘Crib, a. “fell ol‘wmar with a pump n it n‘enrJhe door' of the dwelling. Cellar under said 1 house—tiara ()rchurds of choice fruit tin-es. with n sninlli stream of Inner. through the trill-t. Sciied ‘ and taken in execution in lhu property of ,A-l con Ecusnonm, ' l ‘ l 2 ‘ sultan \voLr. Shel-Mi , Sllcrifl's oflice: Gctiylh‘urfl, “fulfill, '152. , } fir'fen per cont.,of this purqhase inmney, upon all rnl‘fs hy‘ the ,Sherifl'mustlhe paid or”; immenliflely one! the 'property is s‘Lruck’ doWn,. or upon fuliure to complythrre“ ill: lheq-ropjer-E ty will be lgnin put up tor slnle. , , g , k = u, ... lane Pubhc 8316' I . i ‘ Henry \lunlllxower, “‘ r [IE subscrihor will sellint Public Salt-. 1 on’ "(mi- Schrivor, u Saturday, Mr. l'Zlll’duy tiprril nrrl. M his GeorKCv“'.ißL-x; Bugle} residence, in‘ LiftlraloW'n. Adamq county, {he‘ '[Jmnel llnrlzell, I following l'ermn’nl Property, rug 1 , David Rpckler, u, 1 HORSE, 1 "VOW. l One-hnrfc anonl 1‘ JamesllchShelszlel-mnny Spring Wagon mid Harm-~33? \Vlmcl—lmfron‘s, 3 Petertljngenl'elter. u Groin Drill. lot MAE“? l-‘l'ile'l‘U-111-I. cousisllr Mnrcellnn H Crone», u ing of 'l‘nhlcc. Elwin, Burl-nus, llgllsleuilsd [,pvi grep" u" Stands. Sofa. Setter. Snfcu.i.\'mk=, Cupboard; ‘ Jogeph Bark", ' H a lot of Boats Nmeii. li-us. ('ipm so; illm) ('lniuian flnfl'eusporger,'l'\‘r . (‘lolhing and Dry Gmid~ ;‘2 win of Blm‘ksmllll Allen .\l. Cook, ' n Tooli; ‘n lot of Tulum [hurt-la. Him-s. :l ('oaln Samuel Sam", I ‘u Stove: and Pipe,‘(‘xxolling Store and Fiiturns,i crcmjnh Stern, Humiltonbou and n rnrioty of othu’r articles, too numerous Barnov Bigimm, '“V , ‘ to mention.‘ A ; . ‘ ‘) h ‘ i l “min Stem, u i W‘Sllc 10 comment ‘nt 10 o'clock. A. My; Trier Sdhlrelr, “ " on imidm when ntlt-ndance will he Ligoni . Jm-nb L. Grin, Strnhnn “ “WOT!“ ‘dt‘ “0““! by » 1 i l‘- llunjnmin Hicholtt; “ “ Sinrch 31,1862. {3* JOHN MILLERL I (‘hnrlea .\rger, )ienallen - “ T'“~‘ _._.__ ’* ‘--.- 7- <7 -~ -~ -%-- x (uh-enuloupe ‘ u "T ‘ New Mllhnery ‘ , . an... n. flofl'mno, , .. 3t LIT’I‘LRSTOWNLL—WHS \1 .\R\' .\u nmr-l u. w. Hildebrand, Huntingtc “ ‘l.l-IR would respectfully inform the Ladies' IhtuieLH. .\lurkley, “ “ of,Lilt'c.~town nnd surrounding muntry. ghntl John 0. Becker; “ .“ eliefnniintleg thédlillfincryhuiincti. in. Frunlcisl George Shnue, Oxford. “ Eli e's, Emmiteblirg street. [.ittlcsmwnflAdn‘msJ .\nth'y Shinabrougb, “ '“ _ conhly. where (havingjust rmurned from lite: Juqnb Martin, ' “ ’ “ ‘ city) she will keep on lmn’dwfor salo,,nt llve‘ ‘Willinm 'l‘oot, Cumberland “ . lowest prafih. BONNETS. Fanry I‘qihbu‘m.l l-‘r-anris Brctm, “ “ Flowers, Hand—Boxes“. Straw, Leghorn, gml- John Bushey,'Br., Gonowngo “ other Nillinery Qnmlfnf the newest uni! hiestl, Conrad .\loul. [Animate - ” styles. Rudy-trimmed Bonnet: nra at lull Robert .\L Dicks. [lending H -, time! to he. haul—among them the new st‘ylel Mary llro‘iigh, .\lountgleuun ,“ White .\‘enpalitnn, in great variety. ,1‘ l J. E. Smith, “ ' , N, Bonnet-Inviting and trimming attended‘lo: Daniel .\linnich, Hamilton “ - with dispatch Ind cheaply Bonnets filnnchedl Dnniel linker. . “ “ . and done up for Sijljcents. Lueat fnalni¢ulg Nicholas Moritz, Freedom~ “ I received for Spring and Summer Bonnets. 1 pron ucnnu. ‘ .\11rch17,1863. 4‘l! , H. G. Cnrr,’ Gettysburg. . Geo.‘F. Rnlbfleish, “ i Nathaniel Emma, thtlestow . ' Leg is Overholtzei', Liberty to “whip. ’ . ‘ JUH.\' E 10!“ LTZ. Clerk. ‘ l Per 5. H. Bic om, Deputy. March 24,1862. u: , l ... , . . ._‘ I e *- Natrona 0031' 1L , ARRANTED NON —EX (isn't-7 and equal to any KEROSENI- ' WHY buy,“ explodive Uil, wl n? few cent! more per gallonwill furnish you wi ha perfect 0m Made only by PA. SAL unwise-1 TUNING COMPANY, No. 127 W Lx'ur Snun, ‘PHILADELPHIA. [Feb. 24, i 11362. 1y - ~ ‘ l —'»—;———fifl.~i-. Mummasburg Store; 3 HE undersigned }wonl:l most respectfully inform thegpuhlic that he lms purchased k the STORE ‘1" his father, (Jacob Fulwexlrr.) inl Mummasburg. and intends ('lrrying'on gluel business atflthe old‘ stand, where he will'be; hap‘py to rebeive thé public's unminnbd pm; twinge. - ' 1 L2ll. FULWEILEIL much 17.1862. ‘ ‘, :_ _n HE undersigned; residing on che‘fletg‘u ‘ blirg Ind Cnrliiilc romi, near Bendgr's Chlirch, offers It pfivuo mule. m. ex'callpnt GREY MARE, 8 j'earg old, family bent, lol‘hld and entle,‘on naionnble‘terms. Also‘,‘rmy FARfi is for sale; < JACOB HEAGEY} March 3], 1863. St 1 _ fi‘Smr copy 3!: npd charge adv. 1 “Carte de Visxte” . PHOTOGRAPHS l—We hayjuyintiodnced n splendid munive column in our Gallrry and are now prepared to furnish the new 11¢er “ Carlo dc Visiw" Photographs—four for a dollar. TYSON BROTHERS, Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg. March 10, 1862. ‘ I Another, Victory Certain. HE undersigned hnving ju<t returned from the city, takes pleasure; ' announcing to the citizennol' Gettysburg nnflcinity, that ll} hns purchased as fine alot of goods in his line n bur ever been brought to this place, viz: A very fine nrticle of Mackerel at 12 cents per dozen, English Dairy Chet-1e at 16 cents per pound, n splendid article of Fine Cut Tobacco tor chewing, and in fact everything that is ur unlly kept in a store of the kind. His unort mont of Queenswnrp will compare with any other lionse in towh or county, according to prices. Give him t, cull. Don't forget the place, No. 113, Eur York street. opposite the Bank. 1 H. G. CARR, Agent. March 10, 1862 ' Notice. ARY WELTY'S ESTATE—Letter”! nd-I ————-——— _ M ministration on the estate 0! Mary Welty, V‘ MOS, me of Liberty township. Adnms conmy. r you call u Flhnruoeks' yo will find m deceased, {flying been muted tofhe under- 1 handsome” mass Goons town. De signed. Mldfnfl in "W same ‘o‘?“3'l'l3, be h"?‘, nines. Cnshmeree, Figured Herinfinx, Coburgl, b: mm Wm to 811 perm!" Indébted to mdl French Hermon, :11 Wool, n ldiv n 75 «at. nine to nuke immediate payment, end thoue ' I yum. cm loon. 5‘ hnving chills Agninst the same to present them f I-‘AHNESTOCK 3410111233, properly authenticated for settlement. ‘ Oct. 23, 1861. 3 JOHN Z. WELTY, Adu’r. I W’_—_—;§___ March 3, 186210 I Albums, 'E Notice. 7 ‘ NEW und exquisitely fibrernntéhl flylcl o! . . Albums for “(Jane dc Vinita" Phnm- THE uridemgngdbhzovlgns; ‘ lnrge puma: gnphs, jun geceired sad for aid a: price: to lemfi‘}‘:;‘ge°‘;r‘i‘;’dpan; “2:6: toy-” 53631.11 .nullthe tiuel. TYSON BRQTEEBS, 1 ‘ . . 4 accounts. aka: this method of notifying thofie E Lorkh'iboggg'” the Bmk’ quuylbnrgml. indebted to him, thnt he needs money, and it" #4, _‘ ...3-_.fi‘i.____._ his friends will all and settle their accounts, ; Queenswarej he will feel under many obligation: to them. I" . . i . ‘ ~ > you want nnythiu u: the QDEEkSWABE Sept 23:861‘ J‘ 1‘ 89:18?" I I line all It A. SCOTT 8 80255, whereyon xgmsa DAIRY CHEESE. ‘ very fine". W!“ find the but women ln ‘4 7“- ficlgflpy v. 9 Eight-d at H. G. CABR’S. l Much 24’ 1882: ‘ ”..."-.4‘ YSON BROTHERS no making theirprem- : ADIES’ DRESS VTBIXXIXGS‘ ln gm! Vu ium pictures at fil'iCC! to suit the zines. riet , l: :ICIIICK’S. l I Notice. .nfl'gl'eru V trees, ire much more surceulul when planted ham the middtle of April untjl the middle 0! May. than inch n: are plantedgpo 'very early in the union. when the soil is '9O cold mad wet, Trees of I” kinda: have done uch hottér Ihnt’ hire been} planted near for planting time, ”Nil-I nigh that were plnnleg‘l 1‘ - curly. The Trans nill’nll be taken firm and irc hen‘lcd in nlth leaves open our. The} will t put forth ioliage until in Slag! planted. then: will nut. beam] out of several hundred. “hear and planted. L Tree planter; can all n! (In: :la‘ ing. Then u m med (ofmr (lull be gal/en, 411:1 often taken old Agni”. 7 ‘ A credit of 6 months will 0, gin-n to all who purchase to the nmnn nfss and up wards; and when paid gush, 8 cr‘t'cnl. will be taken ol'. 11. l-’ .\l. PETERS. na- Snl’e to commence at 8 'rlurk, on each dn‘y, 0n thc'premiscs, one a a liglf miles loulh-eustof llcndcrsrillc,‘ A nu county, l’n. )lnrch 2:4, 1862. ls AI “ Tavern Licei ' THE follosing Jpplicntinn! hnuicio entertainment, In my office, with tlic rcquidlc nu end will be presented at the Sessions, on Monday, Ill; 2 In! via, CharlemWill, Borough ol flco; W. Mclflcllnn, 4" A John L. T-ntc, “ ' Jacob Stuck, “ - ‘1 David Bluebnugh. . “ 1 [cruel Yonut, ‘fi . llcnry Knl lcr. Born ick bé Frnbcin J. Wilson, “ . ‘ Jncob l-liclioltz, Franklin tq’ ' .\l. A. Miller, '- ' . ILLMSII‘LM “ Jacob )licklcy.ol D.,.“ Geo. A 4 Qohrell, ’ “ ‘ '(3, 11. ll ‘ Sapomfier! Sapomfier! HE FAMILY SOAP MAKER: All Kitchen T Grouse can he made i . V fl'SOAP, by using‘SAl‘OXll-‘XHR! . .‘ Dlßi-II‘TIUNS Accourmzfim mcn BOX! SOAP is as en’aily m a with it u‘ making a cup ofcofl'ec. Manntn fired only by ‘ the Pmmccu. PA. SALT MAX .\CTL’RING' COMPANY, No. l 2? WALNUT Sr .I’iHLAD‘A. ‘ Feb. 24, 12m. 1,- , g”; . - 1 .Lost and F 0 ! HE “ goods times and plenty money"are found in the pnrchuing r f Good: n n . \ISON'S, n his groan; reduged pricel.-—; Purchasers who would take ndrgntnge of this‘ chance of economy in securing Bu’ygnins. COME“ AT ONCE, AND SAVE MONEY A: the sea-i son has noun-what sdvxnced,.we will selljwhnt of Winter Clothing we have on hand u prices go satisfy the moat economicnl buyers. Tnn‘l rnr. Spot for times like these. The uclrcity of. money is thus made up, by buying so much: cheaper.' [Gettysburg Feb. 17, 1862. Plano Twang.— ROF. BOWEB, of Littleslomy, n Pncticsl P Piano Tuner, informs his friends And the munical' public in general, thntjhe give: his time, not otherwise Occupied, w Tuning and' Repairing Pilnal, M. mode-mtg pricel. Ho promises entire salisisction, or nmpny. Order; received at this office. [Sell 16, 1861. :Wfiwm—‘ffiriii ,Vfi, .‘ V V r , in v: Prophmation. ‘ .7 The Great Discovery. .3 BEHAS the Hon. Ronnr J. Fun“, P ‘I'LIE AGE—lnflammatory and ('hfbnlc f l’renidt-nt 01' the nn’emlCounl omen- O ltlwumuti-m mm hr eurrd by using HA L. final Plu- ln 111. Counties composing the 1m \llLlJ-le'S CELEBRATE!) lUll-ZvlLl'l'li‘ .\lix .Dilulct, and Justice ofthe Courtu ol Uyer Ind ’l‘L’lll‘l. .\lnny prnminent citizen; of this, And Terminu- and General Jml Delivery, fur the the ndy‘wing vounlit“, haw.- lt‘llllll'll to it.) jtriul of nll capital and other nfl‘enders iu the gnul utlllir. lta ant-cuss in Rheumatic affor hutid didrict and DArm 2mm.“ find in“ E. tloua. has been hnlwrto unparalh-led by un)’ :Wxnlu, [€qu Judge: ot the Courtll of Cum- ~[wcxfic‘ lnlrndnt'l'd to the public. l’rive 50 mon Plus. and Jnh‘lCL3 of the Courts of chr vt-nu pt'r lmttln For uule by all «lruggielllnd and Terminer Ind General .luil Delivery, for‘ starch-opera. l’ropnrrll only by 11. L. MILLER, 'the trial or all capital and othrr oll'cnders in \‘v'lmln-utle and mm “maxi“- l‘im 3min, 'the Countr or Adams—have indued their pre- Adams count). l’u.. .lv-ule: in limp. Chunk-all, cept. hearing date the 22d day of Jununy in Uilt. Varnish. Spiritn, l‘uints. llywnlufl‘a, hot the yenr ol‘our Low one thousand eight hun-i Med ”111, Eswncos and Tim-Imm, Window [(lde and sixty-film, Ind to me directed, for; (Ha-L Perfumery, Patent .\ledKim-x. trait. gholding n Colrtuflfommon Plan], and Geneml, WA. D. lluchlt'r in ler AM in Gut”. ‘Qnurtcr' Sessions of the Peace, and~ Gem-ml] burg ior " 11. L. .\llller‘s (.‘t-lt‘hrntn-d lllu-umitnc 'Jnil Delivery and (‘ohrt oft) 'cr and Tcrminer, ‘ .\llxturr." [June 3,1 Ml it It Goltyaburg, on Monday, (I: “at day oprnli -—-‘ ' nexl— . i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Ihe BUSHELS (mum wgy'r. Eunice! of the Peace. the Cytoner and (‘onflu-V ] 00.()()() lam—We have taken lhe Mu within the mid Count): of Adflmi, 1““ buuso Lucly occup'ml by Klineftdln, Rom-um "If! I"! “19‘ “d “'91“? "1 tilt‘lfPl’f‘PU persons‘ . & l'o_. “ ith a det’crminnlion to pay the high-. 1 18h thalr Rolls. RN‘ONIS- lnqumtmns. l‘“"m'lm:\rku prices for an kinds of Grain. You ii“ Ilntions.nnd other Helllomhrancci. :0 do thou I 5.“! us supplied with PLAfi'TER‘ GIYAXU ol hing: which ”their office- and in that hob-1| . all kinda, unocmuss, Wholesale ma noun. ',‘PP'W‘in ‘0 12° d0“9~ ““‘l_ 315°: infli‘flw “i” LUMBER. CUA L. and EYE?) hlhornrlivlo in but 9'03“?" “END” the'prnunerq fl!" I" or'nn. of business, :old at the down" possible ihen 51m“ b? In the Jml 0M“ wd Couw of] me; for cm. Cu“ and cmminevuruock qn-l fldnmx, I!" [0 be then 113 d tin-re to proueculc . price: before purvhnling MIL-where. hgainu them “shall be Just. , DIEHL. umxxgnuun‘ . m ' 3 “mm. WOLF..-%m'tr. April 21, mm. 1: 4 ; Sheriff’s Office. Gettysburg. ~ _-—«~ » —. H 7 --~-:‘ .- March 24, 1862. m 1‘ l ‘ Gettysburg Foundry. ‘ ‘ E-‘H' ‘' . “"1 subscrihrr, h'u'ing finrclmned the ’ V Foundry of “o.sth. Zarbnngh.Blo'«tk‘fln., ‘ ormerly Warrcna’ Foundry“ hu commando-«l "business. and {s not prepnnd 10.011" to ah" ”pnhlir n Inger unortmcm of .\hrhinrrr w m HIM hon-mime been otfered. .m-h Is Tnhmu- . i ING MACHINES, Clover Hulk-rs. Fddtlcru (“ul -1 tern. (‘orn Shellern, andMorgnu’u'lmz lmgmn ml . Horse Rukq. .\lno', STOYES. such an“ Mum L Stoves. thrcé difl’etent kudn; and live AIR-Film i sins of Ton-pinto Slaves. Liknhfl‘ Millaml , Sini -luilL(‘nslingi, and all kinda of Tumiaugid“ ‘ l‘irou.or Wood. " _ ‘ ' x ~ gnumlmm arm was on .\lzmran i [and Gaming: will bé «lent- to urdrr u’n .lIILII'I guulice. l’villerul made to nrdcr; l‘lough‘fldul '4 ings ready made; I'LOL‘GHS. Inch u my: 'l. WHherow, l’loeher, \Voodrork. and mum} nth'rrn no! memioncd 'll'rP: and eight slim-rum : kinds .of IRUN FENCING, for. Cannon-rim, " l'onhcs nr anda. ‘ ' ‘ ' L Xho, \loniaiug Machines, one nf «he {mu Lnow in .Inc. This mnchi‘ne works with :a-lvh lk" 7,“) hand ; any little boy can Innmuze it. r. 1’ fin" and examine our stark; no duuhflfml what “'0 mm plume. I’M-0n: ought to m in illicit ndmnmgr In buy machinery of ms] £11111: M lmmr. where iljs nmnufncturbd. .m that [tit-g ‘1: WV”) can}; get any part ropluoml or repairt-d 1' DAVID S'I‘EILM-le Gettysburg, FM). 13; 1860. v. i § Jury Est—April Court. Quinn—Henry Wilmer, (Foremanfl, E‘lvr-rd ' Moritz; ‘ ' ‘. "runny—Jacob Kluuk. ‘ enysbnrg—Gcorge‘ Norbeck. ? len-Ilen—lulc Milper. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ minute—Henry H rlin.John Henry Myers“; yrong—‘Uriah Gugner, Geo. W. Huunuu. ; gunowngo—Wm. Dunera. (.\liller.) ' ? enrick hon—Fredbrick Wolf. . 1 fiamihnnb‘an—Johuifl. Baumgudner‘, qurie Herring. ‘ j ‘ . uuntpleulnt—Joh‘n Cashman‘Jnmh E. Ni;- ‘ ler.SnmuelHilt. j ranklip-LJohn Brady, Snmm-l Hm. : ibertyfiloly: Clarke. , umbeylnnd—o-Junen Thompson. ' umilton—John Ruff. ‘ xford—Jno. L. Not]. ' 1 lounljoy—Abnér H lls. ‘ ‘ union—Enoch Lefevrer. ‘ sttlul. Jt‘nv. . _‘» ' amnion—FmnklinM‘olleH], Samuel “unmet-I‘. "than—John Cyndi, Jacob L. CHER. ‘ , " ennllen—Clihton Hwope. (.‘npradJVeufior. M 'untinutan—Jeuc Johns, (‘urm'lius “team; 5 Thomas G. Neely. ‘ ' ’ . llonntjoy—Jnmes Smith. James Winn-ado, ‘ fierwick ban—Lenin Jordy. “'ysl'ey Roberta ' fierwii-k tp.—Jncob pullu . '_ ‘ 1 ‘ ymp‘c—Mnrks lire-13m. ‘ f nion—Sumuel P. \wnug. Dnn‘rl ,‘Luring. Q onnwago—Sumuel P. Smcriugcr, John Met;- lcr.’ . - . ' ending—Emmi“! .\‘eidich, Israel Brown. I runklin—Elius Harlmun, John Rn‘fl’caapcrguf. cttjaburg—laraelYounl.JohhHm»- ' ~ Inlet—Wm. Slnybn‘ugh, Genrge Shnnk. . ‘crmnny—Mfred P. Starr. hula Snub. ,- umbc-rlund—(‘lmrlqs B. Pulley. ' ? ib -rty—Jrihn Nnmmnkei. 4: rcedoni—pGoargo J.‘\\'hite. DJvi-I Slow-r. gamilmnbnm—l'etefi Schncly, Wm. l-‘ergusori. ‘xford—Hlins Slngld. V , l Marjch 24, [862. L ~ ‘ ~ ' out uf‘lhe Nur "il before the :50” then not ru'd when then lulu-e on; dozen 'ropqfly frentcd ‘l' before ,iurrhal .: Iglcrmr uncl: In]! - come Tmr‘eh’ng E2l to keep public ,‘vc been filed in ~ her ofljgneri, 'mrl of anrLl-r Inf April nu! : clusbur‘g, ll ‘ rough, nßhip, ~ Trees! Trees! Trees! ; [IE nndrrsigneé inril}. unantipi; to their '1 lnrge and we“ :grown stock of _ , Fm’n‘ As!) ORNAMEXTAL Tum-1.4. "z .hrubs, ha, emhraéing a lmgc and comrlvto nqrvment of APPLES, YEARS, PEACHES LUMS, CHERIUES, AT’lllt‘OTS, un-l .\‘EU ARINES, annduqd for the Orchard, and war! for the Glrddn. ENGLISH WALNI'TS, ‘ PAMSH CHESKMS. HAZLY‘A‘UTS: kn, ASP‘BERRIES, BTRAWBERHIES, urn- ANTS And GOOSEBERRIP‘S, in {rém variety. KAN-ES ol choivdst kinds. ALPAIHUUS, HUHARB. td., kn] Mao. n‘flne stockof we]! rmod, bluhy BVERGBEEXS, sui‘mble fl): 1: Cemckrry nd Lawn. . ' , u DEClDl'Ulgb; TREES, fur street planting, d _n.gcner norunantof nanny Tans Asu FLonnumi Smwn; ROSES, of‘ choice‘ vurigtin, C_\\IEI.I’AS. EDDi.\G_ PLANTS,‘ kc. ‘ . our. stock in "murkally' thriflyruml fine, dwe olfer if at prices to nu'n‘lhe than. ~’ g fiCutuloguez muik‘d (0-31“ np‘plimms. - I OM e 111 Address EDWARD J. EVANS. & Cit, j ‘ Central Nurseries, York, Pa “arch 24, 18”. ‘f f ‘ ,‘ u o 9 \ Mllhnery, Straw Goods, &c. ' . Vl5 line tlu'filensure of infirmihg ynn ; thnt _we are now prepared to ‘olrer: n! dur Old Stand, NM. 103, 105 lufl [O7 KURT" jEC’OND STJ; above Arch, PHILADSLI'IIIA. well selected Stuck of “(LIAM-MY AND STRAW GUUDS, in every varietybl‘ the Inn-«t, itipnrtations, nud oflthe newcs‘t xnd most fligh i nable uyles. E ‘ OER STRAW DEPARTMENT will compfine cry "with; of Hanheu. “at! und' Trimming» t- be found in tin". lipr, ot the [nu-n and must 5 proved shapes and Ilyles. Soliciting In ’ rly gull, I remain ; , . ' r Yours, Rugectfully, H. WARD. March 24, 1862. {n ' ' i {m .. ....I ~ .1" .7 . W“. . Audstdr’s Notice. H}: lubscriber, lppoi’utégl Auditor by the Court offlomma‘n Plan. of Adkmu county. 1 upon dinributinn ol the monieg'urisin‘gl ion! the Sherifl'l Sale. under sundry writs of. eri Fncinq, of flu persoml propeny of John ‘ ‘. Frilchey and (‘hnrln Cram-e, undrr flu- ‘ am mine of Frltchey tCrousq, ur Limesummz ill attend to the .dulies of his Appointmrnh at Monday, the 7th day of April last, Lt (h: ‘ofii‘éel .\l. a; w. “colon, in Gettysbyrg. when ungdi here's" person:- interested in said (and the; r quested to present: their rluimn. v | : MOSES llcCLEANLAudugr.’ } glut-h 1911802. gm ‘- f ‘J'-:""“—“':’—“-—,~T—:‘—‘:’~t {BREE ’B’r’mch mrpm INTER ARRANCEMENIS.——Puseng¢r ' Trninl run all fo‘lnws 2V: I ‘ Lelia Hlnqyer ”Ahab A. IL, Ind/12:307. 1!. Leave Juncyion an “:30 A. IL. and I:40‘ r. l.’ The 9:39 A. I. train mnkes connection M dic- I'nction for the Soul: and South. The ”:30 t sin mike: connechon for the South only. : Thmugh Tit-ken Ire Inued td‘l'hilndclphh, mlnmbh, Harrisburg. Willinmppou. Reading, nullimoré, Yark, Wrighmfille, and all primi fini wnj points on‘the line onlle Ndrlhern (Jpn énl Railway ' Jan. 20, 1862 ' BTTYSBI'RG RAILROAD—On ind nfger Wednesday, Mnydb, lB6]. the Morning Train will leave Gettylburg “7.40 A. M.,‘with pnuengers for all the connections. ‘soth Mid South, on the Northern Centrnl Rlil'ny. and return about 1 P. .\i. The afternoon Train will leave Gettysburg at 2.15, P. MR, hm passengers by this Tram can go no further‘hm flsnover the same evening. Returning lii Fetch Gettysburg shout 5.15 P. 3L. with pine-no gen from Hlffilbm'g, Philadelphia, tc. By chin nmngemeut mom from the country, nenr the line of the iirond, hnring bulilrn to trannct in Gettysburg, can take the noon Train up And have neerly two imurl inl‘mttyg burg, and return in the Afternoon True. 1 ' R. McUURDY, President. “ Mny 27, 1860. j Hohday Presents. ‘ A; UST received from Philadelphia n fine In -2] sortment of Photograph Albums, suitable _or Holiday presents, which 'we afl'er at remlced pricu. TYSON BROTHERS. ; G. CARR hnsjult received from Phil:- vl . delpllis a fresh Mock ol GROUERIES, ‘0 which he iuvnu the erntiuu of tha public. It embrpces Coffees, Sagan, Tens, Syrups, Holulel on." kinds, including I luporior ur licle for btking; Splces, kc. ‘ , l He bu Illg hid in a new supply orEOSIE RY. toxhdiel Ind Gentlemen. T Liquor! ofall kinds always on Inna. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. Fehmry 24, 1862. A LARGE usartnent of 'llen’n heavy Wu- A ter-proot Boots, On" Boots, heM'y Bro gan, km, just received sad for ule che’np, M Oct. 28. B. F. MthIIEXY'S GRAND JUkY o. a. moss, Tickit Agent Change of Time. Fresh- Stock. .6. Ready Market. ;_ i Gettysburg A? , QTY-TA“ LIME \IILL'. CORNER (IF—“13p!“ 1k ‘ .\NI) R.\11.110.\ Q‘ISTRI-lETS. NEAR Tllllvl .HH'N DRY.—The subn'riber. km in“ h-mml qlu ‘Slcmn “ill of Mr. C. W. Horn“, in thisplnw.’ fins hall it jinomughly rl'puirgd, by plucingiin it the new-«wry mnrhinery for winding Lime snmr‘, The mill lav upwin opc-rutinn nnd |fim rz-nily'm supply nn)’ demand for this uwl‘ul l’efitilizor. (:RUI'ND LIME-STONE is nhw cnn‘redm} by those wim hzu‘o led ml it. lb lvq a mum hrltrr Fertilizer tlmn huml Linux or 111- Ilc-r‘d any of the 6th" Fertilizers qonvmlli'ufi pliéd tu land. The following Crrliflrntr frrpm Mr; DIIIIL. nn cxlonshe farmer, Ind highly io spermhle ritizt-n (3f Adm-n: rounly, will nuénc tlncitrulh of this uks‘nrlion: ‘ ' ‘ 3 WM Mum been trying tlm (:rpmul Linw amne on my‘lnnd for the lust fuur yrgra [pd find it to be A honor {-::tilizer‘llmu flu" Hum! Lime. and n mum. It lint given smi-Jnrllim in the Mr?! rim. I‘HTER’ ”Mink". Xnmcmui the: crrtlfirala-s of like vlmmder (mild b('_proddC(‘d, but this isfiuflin-ie'ufi. 1 1 B'Fnrmers are requested to send in 1114;): er‘l'l's nnd‘lo give it a Iriul. . ' am.- 45951, n ‘ JOHN HOOVER ' l'- ~‘ Second Supply _-. 1 , P TM. annex—unmet; Anxnnn l . Q hujuu rciutnrd from Phlludvlphiu I'l’ll ’n ‘yrge mppl; of English and l‘ronch f‘lMl'l‘HS, ' BEAVER DOS. ()VRRCOATIXGS, VESTIXdS lnnd “.\SSIHERES. in great variety. lrom :3 Iver-my to $3.50 por- yard, CNS-inch. “Jun. n ‘,Jcn‘m, kc” &C.. with a general ungnnmknt 7a! iDomestic Goods. We lmve now on inn-dd. lnrgn film-k of (Romania ranging from 33,8710 |515.00. Mm. Dros: I‘onu, liullneu ('(mll, film‘s and Ha} I" Pant/doom, Vents. Shim, r‘J Dnhccl‘q‘nnd llunkc} Jnr-kvts. ‘Uul’flulhingJ' :11“ Mom nun mnke nml warrnnlod.we’ll made. :Duf Mock crown-onl: particularly in largo-A— . )l'mm: rem-hing Overcnats, Inn. daily from vlu- ' llhnnd- we lnu‘é employed, no that we keep all! :‘slork well Minded. The nbovrgomls Inm: lwl-n * pulgcbnsefi on the very but n-rml fnr cgflualu! will be lamld at 3 Eu; reduce-l priqc fur 111. ‘snmr. Give us a call. »1 l ‘5 11cc.30, lam. - . ‘ » :1881. Latest Newq. glam. l HST Mwp were going to pn'u we ri-ceh'fd ’J: n denpntch Jim: R. F. MuthENY 1m 1m: opczm-d - complete assortment of HATS AND: I CAPS, including the ‘lntcsb full styli- Silk, 'chverLSloru-h, Cnslimnre and Wool "1:19.7- Hnyn' mid Infants' plain nnd {um-y "nu Mid , Cups. ivhich for nontnels of finish and quality sin-[nun anything onhe kind ever ofl't-rcd in (“in .th'E—l—fl" n! which will be sold {it ulonuhiny | Ir lou- prim-s for 4;“th Also. B()0TS.ANI! I SHOES. int-hiding a fine nsmrlment of Lnd'u-s' ' Moi-00m Rants, “alkifliJhlllPri and Slinp‘h. GAITERS .\XQ .\‘LII'PERS AT 75 CENTS PW." PAIR. All in Win". of goodl'in my "no In lexncrtfnli) invited to give me I cm". i (Emm- nnel (Tome nil! I ‘ -\\, E And ah? me a frin (11] on”, " Hot All gnomlqwill 6: sold at unham‘ ofprirh, To m‘eri-ome the uniook'edfiior crisis. ' Oct. 23, nun. ‘; Notice. , mm auxss's ESTATE—Loam cull. P minixlrntion on the “can of Polar Gnige, Isle qt Tyrone town-hip, Admm coumg’. ll!- ‘ccm-«l, having been framed-lo the unglr'rridn‘ rd.'r(-sidi{uz in the same township. hr luv-rhy giv‘ru notice to all prrinns inulehlcd humid cacti") make immrdiate payment. lull llupua hM‘I It claims again“ Ihr name In [tn-Mm. them properly warmth-«ml for settlement.) ABRAHAM Gl'ln‘l-I, Adair) ‘ “an?! 10. 1362. 61* ‘ ' mm: ~\.\H'EL CASIIAIAX‘S EFTATE.—LeIun S of admininfl-ntion «an the an» ol Sanfirl Clubmun, [mi of Mouncplonnnl township. Album county, demand, luring been "an“ go . the undersigned, mhllna hi the new township. he hereby git“ notßCe to fill ptr. lons indebted touid «ms. to ane immediate paymrm, and thou but.“ cm sad“! the same to present them properly nmhriinké for unlement. ‘ J‘ACGB MELHUHX, My". March 17, msz~ 01* Harper’s Weekly. [VGLE COPIES SIX CENTS—TERMS.— S One copy for one year, 52 50: um rnpin for one par, 84 00; Khrper'l Woékly an! Hnrper'l Slugnine, one yen, $4 00. Harmf- Weekly will be non: mtnitolulyfm one, mmuh ~u .\. specimen—(o say one who nppliu flu!" it. Specimen numbers of tho Magazine vim also be to‘ gntnitnunly. \Tohunel , NY ”I, Ind IV llarpn's Wook'ly, hnndtomely bound in (‘lolh cnru.’ Print 53 50 each, are now randy. Mwlin Covers are furnished to ”mu If}!!! wish their Number! hound. It My min esch. Twenty-five per cent. dilcouul “loud to Bookbinder; and thc Tm-le. , ‘ '4! To postmulrrs and wont: "Hing nip 5 Club ofTen Subscribe”, I (‘upy will be In" gratin. Subscrlnlinns may comment-e with any Number. Specimen Numberl gratuiwul. 1y supplied. HARPER & BROTHERS, RuMishen. Mar. 24. Frnuklin Square, New York. Frames. ILDED FRAMES I—TYSOX' BROTHERS G have just. received from Philadelyhllfiud now ofler to the public the larger! Ind but nuortmom of Gilded Pram” over brouglfl ‘0 Gettysburg,“ utoniuhinglylow prices, Plow can and examine hem. Excelsior 31mm» Gallery, York nsn oppolho ghe Bank, (“‘33 tylburg. PI. . , [Mai-ch no, [862? _ L’MNRRS Ind other: will find a food pui lonmn! of Riki-om, Flowers, J’lnfiu, Rachel, kc» It the ehelp Ilore c! “ v ‘ ' A. SCOTT & SON, El I ; m r II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers