V“ w. Legwamef— 7'l. Theugenatc, on grid}? following resoluginn'wu; a mm the floxlseion the Whereas it has come rl of the Legislzfiure 41m“ heavy guns, manufnctura derv, near the pnpitql of} order of the Ordnance De] ington. D. (2., have bee rqu Monroe, where thev {or the purpose of intimk to Virginia at presént, 1m ties in a eertai'n’ contix change her futuge reluti govemmentamhhg non tog it repi‘eaentk - c it 'Rwlncdlny Mt Gm file Governor of Tubis C nuthofized, and he is h( ordet ,out the public gum Mich of the militia nu an arrest the contémplated n Lforeuid. and that he be to employ all n‘eeglful f 0 1 and any attempt. to remov the reach find the control of the State” 6 W'l'nife Wheat. ~ The Govefnorwm also dimmer} to take; Rea Wheat...... Mien of the gunfmn to gay both the ‘ Cum ...r............ contractor and the g‘ener lgovex-nme‘nt for‘ R‘e‘ the dame—the former k 7, T2.‘and the latter Outs .. $13,024. General Scott} ’1 written a. Jetterf Buckaent.--;v........ to Richmond on the sub cct, in which he. C!°"¢r»s'€°d\~-------u--~ “ya: ‘ '- _ , » 91:11:10tliy 5eed............ _f‘ The gum nrq only-sent to Fortress Mon-1‘ 1‘ ‘M S“? *- l'oe M u safe place Bftfeywit, bning as little; ““5“" off“?! "......” wanted there. for the til-Mm of that work, 7 5"“? 33°F“? P” 9,93" u for the defense of Richmond." 9 1 fl“""""'" - V _..“ ~_,__ .. i V._ a-“ FFl‘ourMh ap°§2§i€9§l°°fi l ll'lientim... Tim oxmsxnnu ISITTI-JRS.—For years E [Eye-urn .. a. medicuhsvience had been tnxed and the skill of (“omml-"u- "-- the physiciim exlmusjed in lhelhojie Mill-$561. (3‘13".- Inn-mum ering some l’élnl'dy nmilnhle torture that; most ”0"" peed......,.... distressing of all discnsus—Dysyepsin, as we“ T'mM‘ll Melly-un to its long Imin aficnls under their 'vnriouF Beef“, ”eyl’f" bund names. ’ 1 . Hog,‘ r 1iupd.....;....‘ No medicine axis (1 which \‘fonld speedily, ’ “jug-n -, permunl-nlly, efl'eptu lly, and rndimll)~ cure ‘l‘ h'fkc ’~~ Bud expel those :lsen es (rally: the s) “1;": until 9““?0: 1 ""flllns if“?I 1"" I'. Green in»: now his I iseoverv u ‘ '1 l : r 1 . __ Tm: HXYG’ESA'CED innings. I no“, afijvffi T’“ Snell in its remlirknhle poi‘ver nnd jwrnl'mri- Duff 0m slot-es ’ "I”? Av, that run-s Wllll‘ll fur years have inll'llvd the “mental... ... . _ _ most potent ntedisine and the highest prlfflfé‘ Rye'l:.—.l aiunnl Akill. yield to thisircweily :H rmnlily as Curn....1.. . ...“:"n'n' ” iflhe dist-nerve” luxtol‘ :I. dny's standing— Oiltsmjl "('1 , .. ' For All disen (g the Silurian-h and lhgestiv’é (‘rloy'er éeed MW ‘Orgnrilmaxz: (general Deliilily, it is equally 3111101111, 5061"""""""" ulntnry‘nn cerltuin. ‘ - P 1351“, .. . ' i............... ‘ Thrfollmvinz letter from \liss‘Cnroline Wood, ... ...1........... attests to the' grentyz i’ue eithe Oxygen I.le lm- , "f‘ 1 -" " “" “‘ "‘ _ ‘ "v hu‘Psn sure remcdizlilrhyapwsiai and kindred‘ ,r 1 MARE disenses. l ,1 ' , s‘», lOn ”if 26th nlt.. by Rcfl i E - Dnhnfl. N. Y 1 $3727], “€39. ‘Mr. G. ‘. lil’ll’l‘lilrl-Ito .\lis "05,115. S. \¢. l“uwli-_& (‘o', ' _ —-l)ol'.ll‘of>lien.\'hll)\lrg. , Sirs—lleing‘ solicited [ii-your agent for nn*' 0.) thefld infin, h) the R. expression of my opinion dfjunr‘ UkygL-nltcd BRA Hlll SAY.“ in “ii" .\LI Bitter-1,11 will my 1! miniiler them nnnlunlplo ASIANr-boih :ul'Ailnms mi .51: Dyspepfin, with whu-h I u.” .ifllictc-d for’ u‘- _.f ! lth‘ernl {W i, and in ln~t so lmilly us to he“ ‘l' (3‘ DIEI 'thought to Pin uh» [mt «ingr- ol‘ rousunlptiun. ' . . _ . ‘. V They were 'rescrihL-d for me by Dr. (‘mnphell - ('f23l{gll‘ylllll?;illilly 1:: of Montrei in June‘, 151.3. when my P'l’Ollldtll ‘ ' ‘ . 1111‘P'71'51 ’( ‘1'“). wu in so h a plate tlmt it. would ‘only hear “[ll5 Iqfiuhird-i smg”; , 1:1 the snmllesimnutws of food, iii the. fillllPlT'Ki‘loll‘l-515211F W ' {11‘1“‘1011511; kind. I think I [fink in. least. a dozen lmltle‘. :11“; .; (1.1;5 ‘ ‘1”; ioni'liills: and now Lunxiderm; «:ll‘L-nn-d of qun- Isi:|.—— , ‘ " ' v _ ' '1 I could wish Pink/poison who 's “mind-l with 3;??1fi;::t:r2\1131::ng Dyspepsia toxin-your ”([3:0qullglli‘ll‘rllll'lfllitlrinll' ling rélhtives “dqfiemi 41 1 1 .n'-’-|l'-4 - ' ' v . - ‘9 ‘ wide mi‘edlw SETH w, mom: .t- 00.1. .'". f‘““‘."“ "“1"?" Tl “Tfl‘f’: "" _‘u' l‘lt-v‘ Benoit. dull lur mini») .\. l). lint-filer. (ii-tty L-- 9‘ diliwltk'ii‘B‘Aldlll'l‘l‘; M}??? only gaflihf ' burg ; {-2. Haydn-w, l'urk .\‘pringir'; Wm. Wu“, 10:11:11“; 4g; ' tux ‘11"1 4‘ ”'1 mil 1" 1‘ [ l/n Rust “tilln: Salomon (‘hrunmtrn ll.nn non; ' ' i ' < ‘ a L 4,: ‘. .' Jug-uh l’nlweilrrJl unnmdmrg; f). l“: llullilig'er, 1 6:I.”HK by”???8n‘11.):111.3gv‘n“'l f'lnfgf‘h t Alnlmllsmwn; .\l. lj'tnnlrr, .\cw ”flux-ll: .luhnl_‘ ‘ 1" ’ s’;'_;v’l 'l- ' ‘ . i 41-, “361‘;.\1lur31_ Miller. liittla-Hlmi'nl; lI‘LIll hv dcnlers evcriwherc. uTM ,il‘; M“ 1“, ‘l4‘s3'. 1 IL‘ll' ,: 1 i A mil 1 151.1,. 4w ' I '. _~ «; 11. HITS} n_\ on, in 11’; p Me, [[lsl 1., N ’7‘! ' I l ’ -- 4 ‘ {sour iMr. “ In. J. .\lartm, ind ll months. ' A ' . s . . 133'”. ...‘L‘ ‘f . __,, Unthc‘imh lilt..n.lt ere‘iil'enceoi‘luis mnnd- H 1‘ I_- if; l K inbliillwlill llfifiund liretmfilii’li- of tho kind 3:15.113:::l(?i:’.l.131l:clul’l:1u!lirl‘lllitlslmhirlllUlllllS. M ever intrudured'n'ndl-r,lheJinnwbl‘" l'l‘lZVlWlC‘ “' 1: U _‘t i . I' ‘ _ ‘:_ " ' . . ' Wnunufi' in Lht~ iii- rum; uthvr connlrrsultl ”0". {mu-"i“foglfu'l’i,li‘x‘flFéflu'Jll“?! .'l‘j I (lther l’i hnui’iir' “Tifuri n‘re runnlérluits.’ §‘lie _llnilngluni’onns rip: ll 1 l ' H ‘l‘ ‘i‘ \lhh'i . l x \ul'eloi James .\ch‘Jwec .1541]. aged on )EJIS ‘J fitnuinc r 25“ he k'ml‘m h} lhe ’nume HHRAY munlhsz'i'n-l 41.1 11.01 '’l ’ "'1 l [ ‘bl‘m‘s'i"l“fulfil::lH‘CSl'llllnt‘ni‘i‘:all/“'10” l 1: ()ii the lst ot" .\lxircllJ-él lllfitlu-rlin, .\l.\ R(l{‘[.\-' Btllrvc;\'ttll;i;ll.~.L'ullln.Nurt'“l.ll.ll. ”numbness. Rh ll It. "will? "Nrdllillrslis. and {J llfl’ulf " linmi : Pulinonie \anbri ‘ n 11;,‘tjlqurlzfi 294:0 3.: "IL 1:51.13; 11113;: #31111?» ..-1 m .1 . in." .;: - I.:_\'.~x,‘ Rem“? Aq-lll';l\':;liir‘l'l':l'l::lt:l’:’{il‘hlfilil‘rmu’lnng‘ 'dnnilztt-rs of Robert C. undl'Lydi-i Livingsfio‘n, Renew}? Spliliili’ nt";l‘.ln<ul. Pilllli iii .«thc (Allies! ol .\Lfitm‘lleu mogul-11.1». .- l lli-uu's's l'u :nuniu Walt-rs . ’ l .- ‘ Relieré Jlm'ipirlrt ('un.l nitptimn: Lung Diseases. _llA}\lF;'l",ili:ipl:‘l;i‘ 33.1.1321“ 4I l vllrynn s l’uilnuuie Wan-rs ’ :1: 1‘ re: "3 ‘,'c.;-I.‘illll'd-4 d 11. ‘Relievu Ifrit3'tiun “if he l'rula and Tamils. 1:61:31: " 3‘ ° , ‘. , flrrnn's l ulmunir “nil-rel ,‘ ‘ i‘ ' - .=- . Relieve ihe nlmve Cnmplninls ‘in Ten .\[inntesfif lt§fit;:]':llllidnli§g:.‘Jllll'i'i(l'll| r llrinn‘a l’uliuunic Wafers , bli ‘nub' (1" ho I‘. rc=t7in 1 ,san Blessing: to all Lil-Ives mul (‘nnstitutions 1 A” d 1.115111]. “512,611.5‘91112 » 1 I llr_\.m'~; l’ullno’nic \l’nl'era l ‘1 ‘ -' ‘ 1 1 Are mlnplevl lu_r Vomlnh~ and Public Speakers“ -1 0- E“?P4I “POll thy clay—j “ '~‘. llrvén's l’nlnmnic \l'nft-rs ; < :S AAd tried some 31-:er til 11 Arein n implc farm and plenwrn'. to the‘tuste.“l ll ‘: speak, dem- mother. 0 ‘ .:.r___\ flirynn's l'ulmonic \l'nlers l lX H fore .‘“” land 0" ”Ml“?- 150'. wily relim L-Jmu-m-rx mpiclnndlustinggures. 1% Ml," cup of sorrow is ,ruuni ‘5; over, 5 ‘ ' BrynflK l’iilumnic Wafers ’ .1; 2 12" A d joys that new shall l’be no more, An warranted to flill‘bdlisl’flt’hlllll to ex eryone.: ‘ Tit-n mother irihdfy' hid ‘lle come, A . i_‘ 12W fiiinily shunlll he without a box of ‘ -A'pd lienvgn s'9“”ng our ih'tfting homo. ll . I I‘l”!“"‘i‘nl'tillllgnlufilicslul‘ei-s l \L‘lfi'lll Ijlnin our: filtindsTlllulive gone-beforel 1. ' ’ ”’5“~ ‘ ' a o trnnicsx‘ 'n'tr‘ : ' l 1.310 traveler ghoul-l he n illidut A supply of : :I“th (Si-thy: Humid}? #5.: L ' 4" l, [4" ' - Bunn > 1"114“"“l° “M 0” ' 'l Ahd teach me rather die tilln'ii- live. , l/l “l 1,1 ‘N erson “'ii‘lllhfdnjlrfil'l to. rive for \ 1 Mike me to feel and own 153 Kéaec, l \ l :l’d .l. 10 P “nu“.ififi'm3l‘2““;- ‘ l . Whose IIOUaC is» linjlp‘y r sting plat-el 5 lb: 1‘ - 'l‘vf'cxill:-fi\;e (”mi”- 1 0h), mother, how I think ”31mg, . u l “1 JOB 'XOSES, ”Sole l'i'opljetur,lllothester, N. Y. ‘ Though thou “a“ m Emmi?" . t A? p l gill lJune 18,1560. lveo“ ’1- 50, not while brenth renmlips in me/ 3 ' g 1 ,‘ ll Will I cease to hink (ii these, l K tl M h 1' . hlg'meniory o’nllhy face slizill dwell, - ‘ ly“ d I -Afl€hreutheltl£e sacred vf‘ord i’nrewellf i l 11. 11 j _ " ‘_ ‘ lCommnnimtbd.‘ 1 A‘: y. 'r Onlthe Bth of March, nlt.,lzit the residence‘of l— - ‘ Joseph A. \Viennmi, ncnr léicrshurg, (Y. S.)' Pn.,iW[LLIE W.,linfnn‘t so _lof Tliunms Li. and , Susnh V. Stephens, nged 6 901:}. iL‘ l l ‘ Dew little Willigha has one to rest, I—‘ H3l 1 : Wh'yrie ne'er 3gm slmll st in his breast, 15 ii , ‘ No Louhifiiislurb him ; nofew‘r rugby; 1'1; 1 No élouds o'ershndow his iimocent-jdy. ‘ [do 1 He as gone home to heaven; ‘thntland oflfiyje, ‘ 13.. Ut‘lE-‘ht. and gladnes‘s nmiLblesslng shove 1 W , Hi; 1 end ispillowcd «ml 1 us' breast; I‘. lager Den?! little Willie, he is sweetly it rest: - iI" He lived on Earth But a htitie while. l J - He led before Iwe had so ahim‘smile; But he irn's our bnbepnd 350 still, ' I Sweq‘} Willie we calla hi ‘nnd blways will; We think we are glad lssi 'gone away, ' _ W‘here his life will be 0’ epleusant day; .w/ Where an unkind word he wiill ne‘er receive, Norsgeakonehimselfour 'ndhesrtstogrieve. Ifhe ere here,lie would often cry, And then he'd be lick, su erund die; , ‘But now death is o‘er, and all the *hile, ‘ His cherub face may wenrl a smile. For h’a.ne’er.will know or do what is wrong, And lo’ving Angels will teach him the song. Dear \l'illie,rwe wish we ‘ old be there too, 011! When shall we comelfind Hie with you? ’ l’ « 1l 14'u.A. s. l ‘—:«<”->———- L _ IfIREAT DISL‘UVHKYX—AxnjuIe‘ testv. both by nhle timiititiuners and i-litiiiiicnl unz'ilyais, hire delhutistmled the great vultu- of Prof. De (iintli'n hmutiful coxnhinntinn, milled “ ELEG TRIC Ulll,“ furithlerreiiL-f and pure of Imin. But the people Illinmselres :ireiremlcring 'heir verdiet in n m'Amcr ‘buth unmistakable uml Antisfhctory. More thun two imillicu bottles hath been sold in a ("cry *shot-t-lime—ir greet propdnion of those who henrd omens rec-om imendlit, “9"" had tried it. Th‘it'rt’s’: splendid gd'uiovmf is every where ncfioyvledged, and no' ing‘ like it was ever before prepared. The only genuine Electric. Oil is l’ruf. De Grnth’s, which is to be hail nt all the re‘spectnble Drug giets in the cities, nud‘at‘wholesnle and retail, at the proprietors’ prices ‘of the-agent here. See Advertisement. - l ’ ~ 1.4%.{4 n. ‘.~ TOkONSUMI’TIVH —ThelArivértisér, hav lng heenr stored tohcnlth'in 4 few weeks by n verysj’tiplércmedy, utter having suffered‘severnl yearn ‘isrith severe lung nfl'ection..and that dread Aiaeue" Consumption-43 anxious to make known'to his fellow-lufl'ere'rs the means ofcura To ill who desire 4t; he‘ ‘n‘illl senile copy of the prescription used-(free of charge) thh the direction: for preparing and ‘ufiug theészune‘, which they will find a sure Cure t'or Cousnnip tion,'Asthmn, Bro/nebula, kc. ‘iThe only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the nfliicted, ‘and spricnd infarm'ation which he conceives “jibe iny‘ililunbleannd hev . , . ho es every sufferer wil try I: Ire e‘ 3', gas itl ‘. 7 ~'_' f:;'““7”‘ till coat them nothing; and nasty prtve n‘bles- ! anate $.19 I sing. __ ' ‘ _J" A _ ‘ i l“ AAFARM.—The subglcribcr', Assignee‘of‘ \l’nrtiel wishing the prescription '1“ “78““. Jnco Ecnxnon‘n and “Eric, offers at Id‘ reu‘ ' REV-‘EPWARD A'.WILSONI ' ‘l’nvate S ler THE FARM of said Assignors,l - WUHRESWYEYK‘PES. 90““‘3': Bitmte pa tly in Franklin and partly in _Cum-: 1 ct. 32, 860. 1y ' ‘ " they? York. bcrlnnd to whine; Adams county, on theiroadi _T ‘ , N tioe , & _‘.«....;—L-a «- leading om Gettysburg 'to ' Mummaéb‘urg. ! 'l l . . 0 ' S‘Twenty-five ‘0 sixty #113" and 9“ about on mile ‘from the latter place. e The 'llbe 3‘ HESS ESTATE" pen-es per mdnth will be will by the Erie SEW- ' Farm can in: M 2 ACRES dim 4 Peaches, WHEN?” 0" “I°, esme‘ in; lechine Company to-th‘eir Agents, for sell- ! neat men re, ihproved vvith n Two-Story late of Reading ‘OWBSh‘Pr Ad‘ ‘ing the Erie Sewingjlachine. 1| 'l‘ is is 3, newi Double Log HOUSE Log Barn 'Cffl‘er, {having been 'B's's'9‘l [nobility and so simpleigits- struction that; with Shcdh at \hed ,Horse Ital ' slg‘ledi IPFHiIeK ’in Hamlitox g child can lenrn to operateitb hapfnn hour's bleg, new‘Sprifi 11°11“ vreu of “"be U“ “0““ '0 3" P‘ instrnetion. 1’- is equal 3° “U any Sewing} water at the doorl. and l: Youn to spid £533") PM“ immediu‘ Mmbihednnse. and they take the premium om ' 0mm"; “The 13 is fif good Quin). hemp “‘0" M," claim lzlilm the! thel-‘iay endfluc Hundred dollar machineaé Iwe ”"01““, T . a 1» ’ . then: prepcrly euthenticnted for The price “but Fifteen pollers. ‘ The‘Conipnrly Persons wljlhing‘go view the property “a ”_l} 4 i'3 'JACOB WE! wish to employ Agents in every] county in the Qneited to cnllon ‘Jacob Eékcnrorle residing ; lint-cl:l 240861. #6: ‘ United SIM“.- V Address, for PMficullfli Eur thereon, or on the Assignee, residik’lg in Get- l i - . 831 mm ’lhennt! Co. B. JAMES. General ' .y.b.’rg_ ;“ ZACHARIAH YERS,‘ l 5 Notice. Agent, who. Ohm, Dim 11. ’613 6-1: ’ Air-ii 8,1861. t'f ‘E Ara/gnu. , Jim; cvauv’s esrum mm; o! the l ~—¢.Ov-b - l l: ' h.” . A . - mane“: t‘vltolenss’a Store is well wor- '7 I 5N6? Spring G 0 !‘ eats Pl?!3l:2:lgllrg,ullntlheeo¥llli32l:;xigévgglllig, thy-wuitlustetthis hora, we doubtyvhether,l , SCO'l'T & SON ogpldsite 816 Hotel ~Ad ' connindecmeed, havi been granted 'even in 0‘“ 1MB“ 91““, “OF” . display 9‘! A; Gefly'b'urg, ‘will opehfthie ‘s'! n chenrl to t e uéderaiknedflesiding in fie same town- Stovee can he found“ There large room islund desirable etock of sedeonable good: for ship‘, halbemby give?! notice to in persons in full of Stores of every pattern,- nlso. every Va. I Lnd' . d Gent men iwmi a full a“ n ‘de d“r mid eztnte to makei mediate pay rie‘! agit’flg‘? Ware, Sheet-iron Wore, Tini of l):::::tics,‘ M 32342. ’we j'oum fesgecaellfy menu/f, and those havingclnimsn inst the some Wen, ms Ed Were, JapanVWnre—enibrnc- call attention; to our stock, which will be hold ‘0 P 594‘ them PWPCYU' anthe “o“th for set {ng,jn§::3,§lerythmg la the house furnishingl“ the lowest‘poselble rifles.- 35 ‘ We .'“-1‘ ARCHIBAL CURRY, £25; WM“ Wow erire'w--—iumnhlu ““ W“ tell wholesale and retail, Tin Wanna Sheet- 3° "°“““°'i"‘°" 3”": ‘ 00" '3 8'0,“ 9.4.:fiLLL‘__‘_. iron Wemofthcir own manufacture—keeping Al3j~ ~ ‘ f l . .3 ‘- Flb'on‘wanttobir' the'fi t n "Galen. number of hind: to unppli any'de- pm _._'4 831. ‘ " ‘ Undids' Gaiters Ldieenlelir mud. Their assortmeht of Lumber in v'eryl- NGLISII iDAIBY CHE 8,: cry flnen- ue NIB one Infn’nu’nnd Yonl “3“,: “‘0 0°“ “W"! im'f- E we, now to b. m 1 at in. Names. 1'“ i 11, ’ ' ifie- i .3‘."11. "M..-” . d.“ _,_ . H u . ~ - ~._.._.~.».‘... I.'a' 1 » I 1 Jfilflary _.ij ‘ 1145‘ ’ ippiA-The Hollyg: 1 . She 5 {Springs (Mug Herald; nrfin that the i 1, V“? “H FPF . '. . . . 5 ‘ . 4 . :4 ‘4 Scout‘nty of Cludmsmr. m that Suite. has. 31. 0.41:: pununncb o ' rn tommuies of v luntqer soldiers ~ - “in ‘ A I ’ '3l A I" alga, us 3 out of amady to mmtered Into t:e servxoe of: the Pleas 0‘ Adams county, ‘fltate. Itadd-s that.in nddigionmtllese,j‘tse will be armed to Pub] bmlnty hams regularfy ofiicered rind dnll ‘d 1315 4,,” oprn'L ”$l, 5 company 07; YOUhE ““5914, "-10 have pledg ihe Tannedes of View, [ themselves; in the event that the men a e r petty-burg, in said called inw‘ active service,¥to protectrthefir . Personal Properly, vi homes undifamiliea during their absenge, ‘Luhher, finished; 53 arid seb‘fhat the crop gre propefl{ cultivtrr ‘ Ledther, nnfiniahv-d; 11 ted. and full crops raised not 0&9 y for u‘e Turjning; 2520 calfskin: support of the county, but of the armieqbf , 15"!” UFLPPCT_L¢”L" ,Lfifll'uippiy ‘ , . ' 1 g Inge quumy 0&8 4~~L ' ‘ Igplhter, 3 large F 1 5 ump,-3 pninuf Ta der? ‘ *‘gjjnchiiefibovers ‘hn ‘ ork Ben. h, Ciro-9H: S Iron, ‘lor_of‘ Lumberl one/Wage , I One he gay andfuncsa, ; ( liars an Bridles, ;Ia Bleds, Feed: Chest, pu I “Gun Quah'aghfL eek. adépled the ..ulnticutefm those .me subject: A gto the knqwl. 'c t lane numn- of -d a! " . . foun- Virgilnin. undul- nu 'par , lent. atJVsth ordered to Fort? an only beheetled Eamon ‘pmd menace ’1 ”of actual hostili gpncy‘ that may in; to the federal‘ Haveholding mm: ', lam“: Secessio-ita haveewcigd jthérr’ ‘Mayor in Richmqnd, I}. ‘i E ‘ 4 1 Vn'l'he Pmuylmniqih has beedlz‘i disoontiT-r mad for the present? 1 ‘ . i 5.1 1 _ : dl'Auemb/y. That mmonwealth 'be rcby directed, to d. and to call on]: v be necexu. "m moval of the gum urther instructed '- to resist ever GET'i‘iéEUfiGijfl‘uuu; L’u‘l‘.’ - Superfine F10un......:..,'...............4‘ 62 to 5 _l_C§.¢!-,F11_)_1‘1_r......5...............,.........J‘ ; 3 .the same beyond f zhe‘government T.IECNI . A * , SA» hum/‘0 1J2?” ESHeriTs Office,Geliysl ”Ml; :97 1 _L________F__fi "-4; , 4f! E ; .. Pubhm‘ ...u‘ Sgt ‘rxvsuflzDAY, (M "'"f h ‘ 4x i-snbscriher. I&sng ’"T‘ KGb‘toA 2% n v! ugd Wm, will? " “75 to 2Op ‘ the yesfdence of and; A ‘ ‘l I wnshnp, Adams confxty " 11‘ 36 LE; f nflfiicnysburg to 411 ""' if . l 3 fM he latter ,plncefl v_, :.--I-¢.':" A' ?0 t 6 603 _PToqef-ty, viz: 3'» ‘ _-,..::'.'_‘ 'll:.."_.'l::l”_.~l'T.' \ I A First-mm Three-yen BALTIMORE-Fuwn‘ LA 11 , 1“? {Lil Shouts, 3 pearly u l. 40qu 6 11 WWW?! Ladders,lhy Carri GM“ :01 75 3911!, I’loughs and Corn 1“ ‘. “Tjh‘3‘tq 7") n wing Mill, Axles, U 0 .... AH)? la ‘43:) I T 'olTnhleg, kc. ' i . ‘229 m“ 3‘ ‘ Sale to commer‘ee ......... 4W6! m 4 Hi ‘s' d,‘;d'-\y. when atte’nan ..... '2M-70 :0 2 7 U: ml! made known by ‘ .‘ 5’50 Lo? 9: od ' ZAUHAR A s;,su_m:7 251 pfll’B, mu. .....121‘0” lo‘lb UUH‘ ’ "'*""“ "':T_—‘“|: BIEB 11; to, 'l. ‘bg {s2 0 A ‘ ~ «7-: ¢ .1 “so.” “I‘7. 1 ...... g £4 7' .2.....:. 1' i 5 25 1 kimo'x' 25 ......mi ‘1 § 60 ~...... If , 45 lEDT .‘ Dr. (‘. F.,Sr‘h:f‘lfer, s E. RALBFLEISL‘H v. 12 P. BIL her. Mr. ‘IH'TAR'ISA visu qnly. 1 ; in tfiis Iborlpughi, .\lr, ujhly rpspcgcted phi-V my. . ‘ ' i st, in this p]uce.l.\lr. . . ~ md 2443. muss months 's‘ 'ére Hut-net! in iI-h 01"?" 3; utteudml by g the ‘ “ mcourse of SMWW'J l {cuxuusxcnmt 5, it im- }:lsl qflxmféh, ‘ 1 p ’Mr. Jnsvph‘finouf: _ 1‘ gijlny she ms; in he : ('5 on»: . lulu homo,‘ Lem, 3 ME! My} (are: = {a to lr:'lve,: h’cc to me, ‘ MII‘3VIEII. lfl'ro rty. " ‘ '& ‘ 3%Sgized and take $ ~p‘fe enyjof Hun! Rory, ‘ 2' Sm . . 4 Stlll 1n ttlfi INEHART 3: SEI4.“ the attention of thci In genomfl; to the the]! l' tn net] from the citiew .‘ B: timoru. with} NEW 1 fit HTMHNT UF GUUDS he an;- otfercd in the cdn , hn'irrg hnnght their go f pr 93!, 4nd nta time who kit ds of fabrics is unpruc‘ ah 41 to (”branch BAI‘J}. th must ore iulmxs. If (an and examine our stm in hurry. department, He { suit) iudu'vnucnzls nit Will ' th 1' trouble. liwry nrtj that glass cquntry More w W are deu-‘rminmflxll'l‘ :m} I|!ch uutyide _f‘ the I ,4_ 25 l 75 I! 60 “ Q ick Saiek‘nnd Sum“ B to slum: gbpds. ' ' -‘ Wfi'e $l3O tnk this 0‘ thumb for (flu: wry unetot hé‘rrtuf‘uru r Toned, and in by alritl aittbmibp :0 bush .mrl fur the ilm-rrstsvuf 3; ur elves, to meri‘v neontix xv rs. RISEHARTJ Corner Main mm A Hi] 8, IBGIL ‘ Asslgnee’s 1 {E undersigned, hm‘i I lANignyC', uudcr‘a dc htnofit. cn-«lllérr. of J: «1' HI: Ha. Iniqxitg. of 114118 cu‘unly, nutice is r: ms k‘nuwmg themselv qi (Dory, to mnkt‘ imnu-d d xsigliwl:rc~zixlmg iu-l] l. n‘g,‘ in ’1: mi cunnty, xi: Emgainet Ih}: same to, n lhcmimlul fur it‘luél mumlum ‘1 .m’il 8, 1561: OL, ' j \. ‘ . SLnng fie Summet 2 [SSAIAWA lEFXNET Ved’n new sun-[A of S] unptt, Huches and Trimm “. girl: {she infites the nttq m ' [ram cxpe‘ricncé, uddq . ~. "{clmaers, she feels w: ~ Ind customer; mum on gh ing her it ( all. ,5h “'0". - 5> I V rk. nncd wnuld (invite e: (Jet that she cu‘n ‘rumod .< n n snporiur s 318., H 2 h qat mud most fush‘iom diposud‘ of at the very ndi ,‘cull mu], examine. sewinre. AL/{hu Old 5:: :rec‘tg'?fcw dooxs South enthul-g. I'a. ' Afiil a, 13m. ‘ I +9 , New Mllll {YTUN.—)USS MI 1 respectfully inf- ‘ l mu! jsurmuliding I. the .\lillingry bus I'ounty, whore (ha { city) she will keep west profits, DON. I‘mern, Bnudgboxes, ‘r .\lillinery prds es. Ruliy-tfiémme to he Imd—Lumo 'le N’cnpulimn. 1 -muklug' and trimi «tub and chefiply. ; ‘ .up‘for 31% c‘ents.‘ ‘for Sprjng and Slim ‘, 1861. 4t i . M: i" Hi] 11:0. danis" lom h“ EMU at l)" t' o- fig ‘ Remov. (‘ll k CLOCK REP {ITLER has remov king Eshblishmen rent, two doors no lSlore, when-'9 he w odtinuunce of the | y close attention . moderaie charges . übmeticn, as beret. urg, April 8, .1861. !_3 F“ LOP I nyslb AND WATCH-MA hop’to Soulh Balti . it: of the Court Hou happy to (attend t . He is thankful {o‘ tezcive the continu A [Gettysburg cusmmb “ hopes to Pulldic. I Jii FUNK,SR'S., EST - -nd nisu-nlion. de' boni. win anu xed, on me estate {1 SE." 13¢ fHuntington tawns 1 ty+ec§t ed, hm'inglbecn g i 1 six "’le aiding in Tyrone? n by hive: akin to all Per-so n estjte mike immediate pg «4 ha ‘in'g 1c 'nia against the sum at proper), authenticated {or 59th. 1 . i ‘ JAGUB'FUN : , J 1», Marcfi 33,1861. 6: - ‘ \‘ [ \V ' _‘ \ ‘c” |:~,‘ i I! V’ ..f u ‘. t i :- ) '1 L 5‘ i ‘LER, Adm'r. ‘ __ ‘ Notice. . ‘ 1“":- ‘ ‘ , n' 'l’! S Sale ONAL PROPERTY. ’ sundry m'iu of Fieri he Court of Common' ‘ f ’s.,andtome dimmed, 4 IcSule,’¢m Salurdayfllul ' ‘ :10 o’clock, A. X” “I Rupp, in the boi'ongh ‘ [comm the following’ ‘-. 436 Side: of],Sole ‘ , 4‘: Sides of Slaughter , Sides in process of a f in process ofT-dning, ' q 33 Sides of Kip Leather. . V? N“ AllO, 14 Lepthgr ,1? ng Tnblrejfil Copperi .Bkimmr ,Hair Pick-' Forks,Wheelbamwn, | s ‘ : iv uh Fixtures, )0: of? p} Tflay Horses, 1 Two-& c, be Wégon, _1 Can, 1 t {t of lgon.H2u'hess, !: bf Hagen-3,1 Wagon t 3H either Peraunalf fin execution“ the may: 39 Bold‘by me", Jib WQLF, surly. I‘grg,Ap§il 8391.: M Sale. 3!]; 01311317 that; the e of chon 13cm.»- 1 at Public Snld", at signqrs, in I-‘mniklin ‘pn then-cad lending -mnsburg, one mile . 1 following Pen-shun] Imid COLT,-3 heu‘uti ' . Two-Horse Wnéon, ge, Sleigh Apd Slfigh rk, Horse Rake, “'in . end, Box, Barrels, [21,1 d'cloclé,‘ P. M., on [-2 will be given 'nnd ”BIKES, Aug/mg ‘ - 'v ‘2l] L 1) _r JUnio'n ! AN bog ledve tr} call fnends' and Hie pm;- at thg‘ 11x1“ ejilst Ire tt Pll‘iLlaPllnlill and .VD SI’LI‘INIHD AS :chez’rper than eyer‘ Q: f 9; Cash, ntpntniu ilgenlecline in many eutcd, they are én -I.\'S as will as - .. 1 lir friends \\ iLL ‘Hnuk ;- which is complhc, {e sure we mm ul‘frr‘ ’ uply ”pay them I‘or‘ lo uklmlly key! id :1; 51 he found on humid.“ 9') MC 'CICDEILSULD dly. us our muno‘ is nfit‘s." XO. trouble ‘ ‘ 9 ‘ nsion H) romrn 4m Ipauronuge \\ c hum.- j ulgc the hope [HM NS, and a high m“- Flt our patrons nhd luncc of their kmd :SL‘LLIVAS. , {Mountain 5%, .‘1 {L Fairfidu, {’29.} i otlce; T ‘3‘ ‘been appuintbd HI o_f tru~l {gr the bi: Ecxmu'om: mhd "man mw‘nshilp, , Qtehyrgivon [0 4H , iudolnml to cal-l no [i \‘mout m 1199 c Bukugh “IGN- Imd lfin\s¢\ having icsunt them mqwr but. \ ‘ ‘YI-ZRSLstiyufim I -- ~ «w ‘ Mlglmery. 1 :4 lns'ju‘t ranch:- ring 'nml Humlmh' ‘ngs 0t éu-rjv kltlalf {on «we I.3mm: tn much turn “If nthfio'd llmt I‘dr I fail to he pln-nsvh ' is prepnruxl to d'n‘ pl’ciul attention tL; 'l Xenpuhmn‘lmd r gnuds un- nll qt Me kind, )md Willi West 411:!) pricr-q. )nfore purclmsilf‘ nd, on' Buyinmf‘l y-t’ the 1’93! ("lin GIT k] i RY .\I. BEITLRTM ‘n ‘tno Ladies 0}!“- co‘nn'try‘, that shy .' ces, mHnmpLo h ing just rcnnmm |on hand, for snlv‘, HTS, Fancy Rib; la Straw, nghurn, I gm newest um: i onnets are ‘n‘ |; xghcm the new ing attended to :onnets ‘blcuche’n‘ anA t finshiuni er Bonnets. 3 { IRISG.——LOI'IS (1 his \Vntch dd to South ISM-11 th of 'Dx‘mner 5L lbe glmLm re ‘ utronage of Ith , business, good’ e.hopes to give; , re. ‘ :er, '1 s&lan remoi'ed 1‘! are uric}, p fcw’y‘ e, where he will; 0 the calls or his‘! past fut-mtg, and ed custom of the April 8, 1861. r OSEPH . DYSERT‘S J of‘ldkministration 01 1' Dysen, ' lane of Gema [ngL‘ev‘itg’flfg county, 1 dcchsed, hlfii A Jacob Funk thq unddfui‘gned, resid i Adams coufi: ship, helhereb}_giles 110! 3d, to the under- debted £0 Enid estate (0 rnship. be here- i mém, and these hnriugcl‘ Lndcbted to said 1:221:35?“ the? PWW‘Y neat, and those ” ‘3 ‘ to presentthem I; .E'frgkln’ 3861; 6‘ V ement. “ ‘1 L ~ _Noti ”13., Afm'r- l ‘ ICEAELBENDER’ L‘M administration on ‘ :Be 3113,18“ of Richlan I;ce:§ed, hpvingbeen gran rreading inNonhCodorus finch; gives notice m‘ a} isaiaj estate to nuke in: 1 1111030 havmg claims again; 23mm properly authentica " 1 - PETE w March 11, 1331. 61* Notice. fitters of ad 'of'John Byers, Ln: county, de -19 the under township, he rsona indebted 3 payment, and tame toprespnt settlement. lest 1 “or I You in I Ind best fitting :Boots, Gents’ ha’ Shoes, 0331 ‘(elunsv'm _ 7, 7 --« -- —-~-‘--»——+‘—l—l—‘——-—- - ———~‘l AdeT’ts-‘ l , Shel-13’s, Sally. .I g _x_..._,,.. ' ' ”——. ‘ N nrluance of I-wriv. of Lei-Mi Facing, il- ‘- E follow-in Howard street 4 I will out of the Court of Common Pit-M ofl Tllhonsen nf'enl ,ARI’ET STO3EI4AJ G GRIFFITH & wag. county. rum! to me directed, will be ex- ’my (Mire, mu: Li; J SUN- 50' 37 N “q"‘l’dish 5' W. Comer posed ‘to Public Sale. on sllllll]. ([4! 12M dun/qr: gud ‘will be preag l Howard & Marion Slrtellflßnltlmore. AP"? uzl, It 1 o'clock, “a", on the premises, Q Sessions, on .7.qu S’NEW AND CHEAP ECARPBT HOUSE. the mllowiugdescribefl _Reél Estntp, viz: } Geo. W. licClW 9 ' A km“ on GRULND,‘(66 bv m; rm» Ulilrlu\hll, , oyou mint wbuy 3 Che") Carpet. l ‘ ‘ l 8 :ou h l)! Berivick «\d‘nns' John I Tube 5 Thai go to the ow rd SLGnrpet-Slofle. Inn”? “3 “9 P I [ll Y id lfiatl . Be' ' :rliriwz-ré CARPETS, on. (:1. ‘,znn'rl.\'cs; Im. county. Pu... fronting on. 'e 10rdnmf“v. 4);: I "’3l _Y t ! c.—We would invite nlion to our .‘(ew burs Turnpike; 80:1 fidim‘r‘lymll’; on yo u we!“ . 1;? “311%,” '1 00k anrl’ngS, Ui‘l‘ lllmlil, ”filings, Ralg Hofimfnl andt {leg-tit: “mt; 3:23: l HZhle-t-Iknblerj inrpets, Table Uil ‘ my», mm, &C., all or .wh ch “caffvesg fi-“h .d n : “ma "s”er lbich we are determined to sell a: the Very Dwdllng h ,"n "If 'C a“! d. l )7" ‘W R“ H 'in Cub price” [ } {pollu- undert ellnmv. bane an, . , I 1. JK £1 \l IQ-Anv wishiufi to bu ' gboda in our "line tokenja execution uthc prepcmyiowznuuu fill}: Wizefral ill find ii to tlieir ndvhntig‘e to nmineour Wou.‘ ’ . ‘ 'FIL ‘V [[s “Mn-1i l l-‘mlnris Brain“ ock - before our basing elsewh re. . Goods: _ ; ‘SAJI . ‘09”; _. ' William Too!‘ cited for country trad‘e n dldeliv red free of, Sher!!! a Ollice. (gellysbui'g, Jam“), bl. l D“ 'in! Gooé o'. large. A. 6. UR! FITH SON. , ”Ten per cent.‘of idflmpnrchncenioncy‘, "93 l Col'iué ”g“ G_ Gan-pn- , G‘s p 361-0? Surfing, npoh all sales by the then , Inns! bemud mor. llerlii'v‘ ginniho 'o'. 37 N. Howard ‘t., $. . 'or. of Howan IFBXCdilitly gim- flie prom-arty 151$1I'UCK ilown.“ R' 'l]. £ll l’cte E Marion Streets; l .. gor upon firiliireto comply Illenethll l‘lfl' prbper- 5 "IL‘ :1: h ILnt. b April 8 :861. a- l ‘ i !1y “ill bongnin put up lor sale. ‘. , I Aerfinfir‘ 5' " '»h' - __,_, ‘ ‘ *‘ H‘“ _‘_—_‘ o R .Y . 1861. 861.; i :,1881. I .- New Goods; g l . l aways? ;[ :Alll'ETS. OIL LUTiIIS'AND ) ATTISGSJ AHNESTOCK BROTHERS have just 11-» énizdiligg a; ‘ FROM NEW Y RE “Ti?” -""C'“Pe‘3l' F ceivnd ‘nnd are now opening a. clmnp and (£6 Bent ' 1 in 25 cents up; 0 [Cloth 1' m3’ lcents up; desirable' assortment of Spring “loads, to Josllua ll’lice-C m“ “d Checked 3am“ .“ll “'i ”ler \eryg which the attention of Buyer: is respectfully L”. Krebs " n. prices ; Cocoa) - uin‘gs {Him-r m. widthsq invited. Their stock compribcs nil the lutes:[ Pet; l invgnrei. . 50: DllliGGE'l"TS,sßl‘(‘S, 900“: {ATS nod and most approved styles and patterns of Dress 'FJos .m‘ Bpukeri ? ‘ 313' R 095: M “31“"; “f“- ‘ AG (733- Goods, togévher witlrtheir usual Mai-men! ofl Mitrenelluslflroulul: _ » 11‘s of our own ma ke a; w m esfll nut] remif, - Staple Domestic Goo’da, suvh us mnnjot fl?“ {o' pm?“ Bm-li’er ll ilcon Nu SOliCin- ' “Rim H V“; Olll', r. plause all who may mm them with ‘tllcir‘pau Doniel‘l‘innig'h‘ TX? “ fl; 54."; Le 1“ W“ Silt-ct. “ \rouuge. Cnllemly nnd selectfron‘tlwirlargel Rchiw‘qm“ I?“ 'iltonhnn i 4 doors v‘resv. of'llownr tip, thiiporfi . and varied assortment.- ‘ ~ ‘ Jem‘lxiinnSteni' 1+“; .. , April 1, 1861. 3m 1 1 i l 1,‘.l 1‘ lB'6ll-~,u41.‘\1-.STOCIII BRiiTlrEns. mm” “Mimi, l/Zi “- ' 'r- I' ' , * E-Wk . - i 3 ,L ~ 1;,“ :fi-fi Pmé Srhive-H'“ ‘5 A' Matmo Soda ‘ l 7” ”#7:“ _b V - Li \l (‘6O, ’. u . mu AND nvuxi'rn ax AIIERbYUMSXos.‘ ' Farmers, Fake other! C 3*“; . aim“. Huntington} . ii‘and 27 X. (In 'alfinec llnltiinure, (near: REfilil\’AL.—D‘.U ll) “(All 'l‘..\'li.isreruovcdl£ JthD. Becker}; l u ‘ yclte st.,} damn: g l‘er Go; in Frederick ' Ll PLOL'GII é“) ;i. (Allkli‘ bllul“ (0‘ Dnn‘el..\lilrklev‘,' L n , ——‘the lurgézteshnh is'lunen Of‘thelkind in the .the .‘School llonse, in”! l A ille small, where i Con m] .\luul, ll“! more ii'un. Alnnys on lllllldL 1: rule naanmwnv. of persons cn‘n be supplwd Will‘lé‘flff‘l mitu‘ghs as )lxlr B‘rough, Monnlplonsnnt LsEHuLI) AND 01.1.16}; ‘(llLYluvlJlntenh magma“; RHAI’ERs, 71“ (will. (, MLI‘ J, F..,Sinich, . ‘u . _“ nuiilg Bun-nus, Beulslend'rafi 'mfhsuilnds, Wurd- CIIINES, nnd all kind; of Forming Implements Gimmes-Myers, Melinllcn ‘ ‘b a Mntiresws of“ llu !. . ‘uttozr and _llnir, ' repaired qt the sliorlcgt millennium modernlo' - l'v' 1,. llouaé‘ i': u c ’ ‘ ‘3 ' l ‘ . . ~ .. l’ 'l' WT GUI“ 01 or. , ring Beds. Sums, licte-o-Tdesrtll'm Lhmrs, ' charger“. lAlso, \\ ‘ABMA SAI. ' . George Shane, (leurd i ckiiigljlinirs, Eta ercaj 3i irble ’llnbles, Sct— i PL'VANTLR mauufnczur‘et‘l and'lor milk}, ; Henry Herkhefxn ._ “ lq,‘Becrnytinn [mu [‘plxblal~r'c<lm(.jl_i._iir§-,i_.~\s-l . ~ BLLMJJLXL .u “t Rm. ‘ Mob M. lln,’ Tb “ ‘ “Flatmltlllbbhp (31):“? ' ‘ April i,1361._,‘4:”___~4~r_5 . . ROW N'Jmkg’ “a“? 00‘ nits; ice ll 1"! . . . , Jaco ‘rnau‘ Sn u .ilrl and CI‘SHHI‘S' H‘N l‘iwlfll Watches, Jewelry, ‘ “"l’Ec rode’, 15;" "u ,i ‘ nalt4:n4cYrd lékfwjx . 10s, 01 ‘ pillJLx'h :k a at {v ”jun lisll nél , M. T“ i and '3 13' in , q. C 0 ‘3]? Y r 1) ' U; MGM:- Humps; tht'n'. K I" tlfileq 1 1 G 1! mm Walnut l’rm b ards, [invasion TM Persons disposed t (:1 luni gn‘cruur slm In? v xriety and qmlli _‘ eq‘uul‘ded by any ‘estu ( ‘ A I Nos. 2‘ , \ug. 6 18§4).-»_u . Lawrenc t O'nox mwsr‘. L ‘ FANCY l ‘ |. 110.91- ' ~ A. \\'Jiol¢snlc and Ram“, ' ‘ ” _ [Bill M 5! Funxmgs S-r p‘fjg‘fflrulord prbmpl .’{un‘u 1", 1851). )y m I{Bl orij‘n AH. L: .'g-Jt-L. reet“, ‘s (in 2 George . Irpm‘mz am; 1m I i CHINA, 61 .\ ‘ 4?: Norm Howm'd TL} Mn and flux-m S . TUXJJWAIH'Z .Llwn prfies; ‘ I - _,_ . 6 ‘, ' : Publ 1 \' il-‘ridqu. (he {2'll ‘ I ‘cribéx, .\dminmu ’!;\'. In; \‘cx CnSl‘J' “ill hal- H-sndrnu; 05 'sui: fl [0“ whip, .\giufm: tum IMP form" «I l'Tupcrl) . :\\'U§KK 110M125.) t'o fl 2 _u-‘u‘s ul 1.)-3-‘.:U‘\\'§, homi ufSlu‘vin. u nth Lu andi llzlruu~<x 2 Brunt Bull! Hun-r Ur Irs,"l'|:rc H u ‘uws, Shun-I Hon“ Vilnius, (.rm‘lstnuc, Ul'ninl ('rleHL“, ll'umil: (ln‘mhng nrlirh-s. Aim.“ {NE H‘nuwhuld Lind J lus “menu. BI‘IIHNHIS: lb‘nleptfiirtl. and u gun-Lt iluuugqqm m umuuufi. [ WINE Lu rumu on 1m: 3ml dug. nhén am :and'u-rmé madcl kmmn i 1 .JAU Aprilh. 1301.. Is i! {G a]; “I.“ dorm!" an a} 1’ deft-u 133‘?" |\izzi g h: (fun i xfi‘it' “Us,” I 1 droid‘l hiuig‘ 'l9, hil L 916! 1 uyl Lmd "d I 3th mi ’lll‘ 'uil 11=113 ‘ 6] 11’1er 1% : K .‘ . . ‘ :l)\'l§‘l(.‘p.\TS ILI 'puuit‘ i UVEIK‘UATS: r ‘ uvml mass dons :It 1' mi Did-SSS ('u was] ‘ V “HESS l .\NTALUONS at p-{nic \' ' msl‘Amuxs ¢ ‘ ‘ Inxx‘rm MESTSé’allkimhlntpn . VESTSufulgl kill 7 v HSTS of Ynder-sbirgs, mam-rs, forts, Htmtlmuen's Ska in}: Hunfl§ofcverfllMc " qurrlméixls—Accor'deo itio‘ns, $O.. Mn, now [mi ‘ 1,211 prit'os‘ m «nit lhc‘fim Visuw 71:: Tm: TIME 'l‘ I MIR"- [44561. ‘ -§ .Esz the bad; asnn I. , be If 1 mp :- ‘ a“ P : imtyf A \I'L'EL HOFFMAN ad‘minis‘tralion on lufl’nuin,lut‘eut'Hountph lounly‘k deceased, havixa ndcrs gn’ed, residing ‘ g Lcr‘ehy gives nfiticed . said estate to make nd mime having clutm rcscn thgm pmp‘erly emenJ.‘ ‘ GEO. Y .\IarflIHIBGL at: ‘ g 1 ‘ Not AYBRIGHTZIEG ‘ tars ‘nf ndministr ‘v'ug bri Ii! Ziegler, lute ck, drggnsed,hning bee s «riled,l flesiding in the by give; hotice toll] pe. eqtate 3o.‘mn\ke ingmedin n tuning icflnims ngkinat them properly authpntic‘ ‘ 1 1 DAVID zn 531m1; g 1; 1861. (it rm if .,At Btu; HT 7 X Cal-[hie “that, me I " always be bad. This: lsubscriplfionl. Don’t do ‘llougfl ‘ 1| The new Odd Fellow-'0 Ifi'nir, and cheap—can Ba head‘a.. Cull, inspect, Ind .- NMJG, 1860. ' Mantua- BIBS WARFA E. MYERS, a street, Gettysburg, carries tug-making business, and soliciu‘ ' énduver to deserve, n rea+onablej itronage. ,She guaranteeapll he , [Charges to suit the times. ' ’ Mun-ch 11,1861. 3t BUFFALO Ro’bel,Sleigl Gum Shoes, Umbrcl . . rpet Sacks, and Trunk! it UH FHRNI'BUKE, g Btu-bl“ Ulmiri,[ ‘ , ‘inlllk'nmituren ‘ng (:l ,asea, Side-g ; vex)" gong“). ' ¥ .+ M. invited to‘ ‘ Malian, y‘hlch‘ Hm nu. ,flu'lu is no: ‘t n'tgu wunuy.‘J 1931' 39);, l ‘_ leiy ghee}. xn SILVER-\VABR—We mum, respect- 1 A ffillyjufurm our‘lriends; patron: nnd the public gwemlly, that we .lngo no? ‘in Swre_ and ofi'pr Wuouguus Aw) m: 'in, name low’cst Club Priced, 11 large qnda ijcry ch i'cioEshu-k o! Wuu .'“": wamgv, Sunni Ax’u I‘l?qu Wuu, of Eve y \‘nrieiy and style. 1 ~. I Em fiduacriptinn 'ol‘ _Dinmnnr} “'er nnd othgr av'volr'v made lo'orgh-r, an <lmrl uoticcs— ”my” ] goods \t'armnbcd'mu be as re )rcsenlcd. x.:‘\s‘—l’dfliuul:|l Lungnliml ginin' Lu Re-l with: [Watches mud Je“ ghy. nfcver "dgscrip giu‘u. T S’PAUJ’J‘lalt .1: HMiLHv, -.\'o 022 3mm s"th South Side, 14mg“. Mar 11,1341“. 3m ’ a: ‘ Ei M 0 . I n »i (AIIJIJXGS; } I, . ' may mace In-f A l v H. _Ward,= i'llrfil I’x‘l ‘l”PM?”“*ii‘é‘fviiil ”173 E, gs‘p-m‘y‘] B 'S'HLA“ ”0'” “in.“I‘A.I)FIAP‘IIIAI-‘—“'e grey ‘ MlWH‘NW“)s“}:erin“Q-THCK whiu-h uiu‘ V———: -~'~“ input INT-end“): uurh I.d‘-~i'r‘;|.lo a; drtmem “(1 bkee l ’ Irompr SE 11‘ large am. 51;“.1 “‘5 1 HUi)S,—.I o. . :un Inn-ls of humuwm (£1 \ 1355, .\.\"U' » , v :r. uéio .I I~ 4. ‘ n: " QWWJLWARE‘ ié‘:l‘luirfiu!3§n§tlx.\'rs. Our .4.» km 1‘ Lms 1.391 bemifl." {flaking-km” lll'Ul'lE-‘Hwilu Ira unusually Inna-[mill ‘.\L’El.\hlllli.- ‘’ ' ’- ' l ld‘limne Tour ”“7“” u-’ - =' ;‘. ,s-umu mufim. wo‘n ,‘. ‘.l . “n‘ 1.3 3‘! ”(awry tinliuli Lg) phat. dopnmpvnt. {)l‘LH'CLslt'v:l}fuu:-l;ll '1 5125““ 3! osmium? them below xuukmgflplfuzgpgirm . . _.. . , V l " ' '~ ‘ . ft,ubm‘e this. 103, [os,3th If“ Xzorth‘ffiauqls ’in. .n rut m LAWS uh- I. Arch, kilnilnqdyhnml [ I?“ - ,1} V» , ‘l 'édé‘zmorfim? _. H Assigneo’s N tico.; ;_ ‘. - I M W fine, “'- HWI - ‘ ' f ‘G'n vhe ‘.’. nppqintt-d .\5-4 c ’ .th “adj“! ‘Tl‘nE‘hmflr‘lfim‘d- 3:01?! 51' trfet for "it hunt-1 mini ”mg, -1-.l|M—‘ sigm-‘u‘flm er'u c. ; . . ‘:2 d “.‘“ f If“: ”21‘“ ()F m Mun-dim”;V oft-30.33.: “A: 1:311:31)“; "03' 3 "1‘ H “1”} one oéfiluunlplcumut.l9\\'.¢.‘n{>u. and); 'knfixxing‘ 5.2 :nll‘u-k‘n, 9 ‘ti e is betu‘by given (0..)! A} Imin“: u, "mke: “"k""“¢'-)’x“-"l~'¥." “IQIII‘TIVCS ”1110311011 main: lnft‘riiguéd. “Sid. Nulmue. “11mm iln‘uu-(linlp [myucnt Eu 1!” ulmd .mhufl- “Ming, lu’jilch'lough-hl iug‘ m.lhe'snme tuwuh‘nx", t) "0531‘ fiwm‘ (""3m. “0“" ‘ 'rl‘nims ngnius; we! :ugfnrt,‘ {Mogul-mi . ‘. Slci 4121 m :crly xlutlucum-n m‘l u ;. : , : hm “fin-r p I 6mm”: w. lutumux, ‘ WW- 5% [111231151]1e March‘uylsuliutu _-.- , '“4‘9‘l . ,-——» . , ..‘ t ‘ !l(l.l:ll;{|:‘::‘:|) . . , ' Second Aruiral ,{F , ’ ‘ h H ’ - n ‘ I ”yr.— "M" ‘°° T"IS «F“‘?3;T;’i~’l3”‘£..§’jf. tifilfiakomi. i ‘ l J J2‘L‘m'h 'l: Pin“ 11‘ Ilrm'iutel? (hmdsH' P‘kv“ .\l.y semnd honing oI -r TM}: ever-L having. butgh'un ‘Wllirll ma,- uficr ('j'cf‘l'n'l‘ -t(-q Thuy Mk hunght m. this-mos} mum up It .1. E v'~ussor'l,-l the ilulvlic to m” In 21ml <O9 “EN-1:117:10 um i mam, canvinrfd 1;]? ‘mgrfitghrlfiiu-V YES’l fie-l. ‘ Their LLQ h, 1.. ‘ . ..., ’ £N<}S.‘C:\sshwt§, (‘brd‘iideny?”étl;:\:‘:lx::lefst:l: 3 x 'Ellcd for vu.rlc(_v.:-.uu .: mx . _. . xeflhcll they ure offer-3d are null; us‘lf‘l‘ll‘lfllliilhgei ‘ ‘ v‘nrtllc almrtwt Hutu}. n ' ‘ (”de [Hyde «1:114 ut ns r'eneunnble‘rhms 'us run “nest sty es, | . r X .‘. l‘hnm-j ‘ . ‘ w W :‘ Imm :51 he exlveclcd. 'l “CHE-$2122": balmy ”riders“ hersh‘urz street, az. i [0“ 15 1.8130. 1 Utug‘b'wfie. E .‘ E . \u'nimrm dc t]. ‘ Ma mlifiinc by 3 li \TK BEE = 7 MEI ric4l g 1m He 1 .‘().\ ‘5 u ~ pri ('5 :IL p 42“ 0.4.13 pride! at pini amL'S‘u ) _icrfi. m . fimnic pnceq‘. El lav pfnnic prices | . ri‘ccs, .t p‘mic prices. (Julieta, n wxnicprices. (swan-5.. Com: ’3‘ Furnish: :0. Musical fl-‘ifes, No. v,cheap,nud ME sntna! l 11km? ’ SULFi 5,3 M; iptién‘r‘ ' a, If]? ‘ ‘5: so (in; a. i 5 I m: . : _';.;__‘ 5;! l , ‘ . J 1' 1‘ GflflrD‘NEWS m m UNELPHBYEB!’ . i i, , , ,i: sLL SOON IS I, . ' worn-n or 1 I ' WATOHFQS, . LE _ ‘ ~ ~J’Eg'VVELfiY l . Inil—Letters of intelof Saniucl nvnsbip, Minn): lgrartcd to the Inn: township, mags indebted liiim payment, ”t ‘ihe lame to 1m ed fur‘ set.- 1 .{§, Ali/wt. ‘ J ‘ ' . ‘MD A '_ ‘ ‘ I'o uplapgénn or of 3.x in may, \‘ja w §f up? uIM-h HQFF .‘1 1 i ER‘S tionyo rug: grant samf‘ } a’bnmi, e paym he FF: ted or GLE‘B, is ‘ TE.-—Let-| : A; estate ofd n'shurw, 'Adxu‘ns‘ {d fié file under lluce, he bere- Idented to said enh and those] . cl‘to ‘present sexlelilent. ' s, ~ Adm’r. ‘ 1 q " - QR§IGINSL Pf 35.000 Aanm‘p WAin‘vz-EJ ‘Ally’peru'na duiroug 11*! ”writing an 1 ii: um , ‘ .NE'W EJVTL‘JRPRISE Sho’uld ion?! on their 113419! at once, on: ma cent stamp to pay Watkge. and rem rct‘urn of maii ’. ' § ’\ , grnnxfmi; if; OATWGS 1:, E . n uni: .y tow‘ g “.98 ng in! cc to ' kaka ‘ I-‘ xmsng thL-n : MOS L‘ Lettere ‘ of Joseph ip, Adnnfs ‘r- smell to ion mwu l ersons .'”- dime p - at the sage E ed for lg!- ‘VER, I Adm'r." Ctintaittiog , ; ; ESTJA ‘ be {lt c 0011“ -6 to fill 1p.,Y0 perqon ediatc tth ted fgr ~ u H ‘ Lettmm! ’of Mickie! If linoin7 d‘e dersignfli, {o., quhe . ’ndebtefl to m menmnd - to protein e ‘ pm‘en ‘ ' , Ad’s»; ' ; ti dlcah‘can in to renew [“ one right: I . > , without finkl together with I- add 'tesli P 2 u the t. :1 111“ distal obtfim buy. , ”I'6 insure pump: nil sixtiafsc I I, deéliinpi direct Allen-denim .‘ . ‘ I? l i - 'jénonan q. nvgus. i 1 $ ' _ £B9 Chéstnutgbtreek ‘ , I] ‘. ' xpuMbELPmA. April‘ I,‘ 18.81. ~ ' i . 1 lulpleddidf Ada t Broad-v} «u Riddle yon;l.he flan tq uhe‘ will 3‘lth alps- I‘ . rk toifit. Dundend. z 1 ' 5 " lunch 13, 1361. HE Presidency“! Managers orthe York and T [Gettysburg Turnpike Road COmpnnt} have Mm day declund a. dividend of 0%: Dollar Ind Fifly Cents per share on the cap I smbk, to bg paid go'tbe shckholders or their leg§¢l re preagngfiren on or after the sthjdny 0113px“ next; in Gettysburg by GIORGE SWO”, and in York by PHILIP SHYSER. Treaywer. April I, 186L’ 3: ' j . Be’ifl-T ' 35, Ga. 1 of we uhloSoeh, i' ‘Ovorconn kind, kept lnmxu'i. . ‘ MV—IVI-‘xflnnj'llmss 1‘” .1 ‘MADE must}: - I ' moo Chants: (011 W Monéyl ‘ om: mnuo’; nomfisu ~~ I : ‘ ♦IO 9m: INDUChMKNTPy, t E i“, I‘Whlch: V A RARE" dilutes: TO KAYO mousvfl. __ ‘ \ . FULL_ maximums. 1; 3 1’ “ 'nu-nh to run! ,5 10an-1. sl.sm i J IniE d' 1% 2“ on c. , .‘rn ‘e, tong Sagéel sfincr, 11 3 ‘f.{\ ‘AllelfllL Cook, V ‘l‘ \ § non menses. \ Henry G. Carr, o}. ochtt'w Geo.§F.Knlbfleisch; Do. 1 Jacob Stock, 7 I Do. Nathhniel Earhefi. (tummy tow" Georée' Keidle, Mo qtploasnnt w Reily‘ k. Sueeringe , Cunmmgq L” _ March 25. IJJHN EICHUKLTZ, CINE. ._ "*3 n__.._‘,_...- “w”? _l‘m ...—.9” 1 Boroug Account. ; f}. \lcCßl-LU Y, Treaaurcg, it! accoimc R. with the Bow fill; of Gettygb‘urg: :IN: ‘ o ‘ -. - ‘ ‘ 2" 18430, IM, 2;. To 1 [game in banks," $3.93 “ulstu ding Tnxesfo 38.38, ‘ l 13 Du dos, {1859, “1 ,' 23A '72 Taxes ftpsessed 11.: i b, . 1 ~ 14641 63'1‘ Money Tecéived and “15,, . g ‘ 775 DOI Um on disc anti, ' 495‘ 67; - Do. .fromCOlxntyfnrlamp oat, mow Rent firnm Dnnuerk #iegler, * ‘ 621’” ' fining lienwllgclcd l I‘, 13 851 1J ~ : A i I 331181694 1801 Afar. 16, Bni‘. ! ‘ , i i u I By order ‘ For we and curtinl‘, Lumpy stss _‘ Gas,,fi uulhs, fr Lamp lightixig, 6 moi; Hardware nun] oilY V .\rrestiu‘g mgraufls, ‘ Lumbar and hunt-J, } Water dompuny, ' A Unrpenthr “ ark, 1' Mason wurk, ‘ Engineer‘s .mlnry, ‘ l)lficers,] hélding elec 3 Justice} fees, quality‘ Stone, ‘ Fen-sin .urgcss office Do. do. ' Town vl ck and repai Rtpairidg engi es, Euginp ‘ccper, 9 mon l’r'untin Intqrest n loans, ' Notes 1» d, , Brilk nu sand, Schqul flax. Posting findinunre, Expénses 9f colchrntj Attorney and Counsc (‘lcrk unfi Treasurer, Town Council, ‘ Exuuerdious on tn; v , n 3». do. 1 Errors am; assessment .1 ()ulh-ckons Conunissio lestamiing taxes for ' D .‘ slO. El Bulgnce hue Tremuye Emmiécd by Tow thbalq, 1861. , ‘; Cannon ‘ EW MARBLE w mote and ,En's‘t M" posite H e new Cour? Having r‘lccntlyilrrive feeling fully cqmpcten Hie finest’style 9f the 1y invite the attention I procure x‘ ‘ ything inml cell and rmmine'specl are prepared to furu'xs) AND I! A'DH'RDNES, SLABS {3r Cabinet-inn 9ppcrlaiuing to our bus siblc 1,1439. We do n that o_ur qu shall be; stuntihl d tasteful ef seen in dxe cities? wh' which exkneljience has and cspec ully do We g' tery/and Grave Yard] w .‘ let as notifo be Mfecgedi mm {or man that ere at the coxfipletion of nj continuedfi gracefulness Nov. 28,‘ 1859. tf fl {LAN} gency Roman E . 0R INFLAMED E‘ F structure of the 1y aensitiv; and " any came} it: brane “puny the sponge“ E , humgrs frog/ill parts. of per-ons‘of scrotulous losing in by rawness or redness of "M’ eyelids. mommom} culled lorry eyes, Ind to tured with afiaprehen lions ofiignpsired visioL, who. by ,uaing this BALSA!,moy obtain nlfioou immediate relief. .Iu all cases, the elrlier ‘this remedy is-npplied the better. In calu where the EYELIDS ARE IXFLAMED, or the boil pf the eye thickly cov ered with blood, it acts filmoxt like mingle, and removes ailjppearnncesmf inflommnion after two or three npplicotionp. There is a numer oul class of persons that pro peculiarly exposed to occidentsnor diseases that weaken and” in flune the‘ Eyes, and .perhhps destroy the tight, such-u “mere, MecheniCsl, Ind other operatives in menus, who, from the nature of their em ploymenanre cumpe‘llcdto work in n’ cloud of dhst and grit. Such shoeld never be without thio Balsam. :1 '. afford PIHCE 2,3 QTS. FEB. JAR—Will be sent free par Mail Iq any pan of me United States upon receipt of 30 cents in poumge stamps. aim-erred by A. BA k D. SANDS. Drug giau, 100 Fulton St. cor. 6! William, N’. Y. -- Edr sale by A. D. Bu'ui I, Gegtysbuxg, PI. Ihr. 11, \B6l. 1111' g ‘ The Eleqtlon‘ 8 over, end although Every one ém’t have? I hie wiehes entirely mtlffied, it. becomes as ' to sebum. The next. im'fiymnt question for. “1 men, and pnrticularly ' e people of Adams‘ ; county, is where. u: buy the heel. and chexlpest fall ’ud winter Clothing. ‘3 We unhceitating .my; M. SAMSOX'S—duu’a % :pot-N.,E. corn of the Dinmond jn the old onnty Building Gettysburg, 55“. lb 18*. ...; _ 1 Economy is} Wealth, ‘ I All) fine of our lenrne , men, and I bollex‘c‘ S it, for the folks all anyr they save money byi billing at H. G. CARB‘S. m‘bux their Groceriel,: Qdfinsvari, Notions, «.3 [Jam 2!, lacl. l MEE Licenses, fuppliénlinns to keefipumic ,citummeul, have been Med ih Ln- nqn‘isile number of sign I‘l,‘ entml at (he Court of Qumfiv €141.01, MI 151/: day of April nezl . flan, Bar. of Gettysburgg H F (- on. Bfirn‘ick Borough, » H U 1, Butler township, . r.Y Conowngo‘ “ Gpmberlnnd, “ -.‘ ‘ u u g , Franklin ” 1 , 91-, u i {u" I 97 u. El 'u - I . k.) u li' _u '1 ‘u u ‘ u j I} u_ ' u “ 9;, u‘ ‘1 u u \‘ ermnhy\ i u“ \\ u x. V \u ‘ i ‘u t u\ \ \ I: \~ ? 1111 II 1 u 7' <\ " 1 EN:- 51‘ *‘z"“’>\' ~ Jaws “33.1.1178; T 3 ue Treasure |cn. . I paid, to wit 5464 :06 3‘94 60 ‘l2) so SH“ ”‘5" i .13. 75 i .aaivc ' [:l3 . mo 4&1 : 15100 . 12‘54 54 $99 45:0,!) ° sfoo _ $0 19534 20630 20 43 63 (r 50 00 30 300 ion. . ng Qonncit, I= King ‘ SE 22 0“ *2lO 35 730 00 28 '6l 2 kn ’ll .575 20 ‘OO ~ n, I .s fe4, 3|) -UU 30300 no.l, 10 {l3 4;- Km 2:153 ‘ 7o {33 12159 34e<31 {13591 addiu' ;1_ 850, ‘ ditto, . 3, - > 12459, ' um, ‘ $3,141 773 u ' ' 523109 \ {Counrii ll ‘d certified : - [Apr-a 1., 1861: 8; ldairfs ‘ “IRS, corner of Ballti- le streetsdirecuy Q‘p- Hduse, Gujarati-mg;- from Philadeiphin,nd : to execute ill work‘in 11. we wouldirespectfhl l-f‘the public wishing: to rline, tn favor us with n ens of our work... We xxuxmmxrs, TOMBS MA mum: {Mummy drs, and all thcr work . ides:,_at the réwcsl pus t‘hesim‘te to; gunnm’tee .mt up inn mnnner sub upl‘ to the {best to ,be no every ixfilwdvgmgnt uggcnted is ‘ vuilcd- of, anntce (M 4 our Ceme rk mu be go cqemny . y frost,bl§t£hnn main cpqs ofp tipn g‘nfen ' b_, and so nfceunry‘to nd symmd} }y. J t ‘ e Balsam, ELIDSA-Thc delicate Hid rendbrs Inn-culin ' disease. Wen, fflim {factem the inner mam ml the ey‘elfid evingcs‘ i ion to nitrdct to itself frhe body. illundrdds i 4b I no di figured by _ Washingtorfifiotel. ‘ ; Ew 034F031)..Au,ms UUUSTY, m‘, v The undersigned, imv lag tlukijn the uiwf ~, gunned well-known and puphhu' hypac, furn‘r iy occupied 11y Mrs. Milcy, and .9” when] by J.l“.lfeck,lukcs pleasure in unnu‘uncing‘w 1 friends uni the public that he ix propun-d‘ I who Ind entertain guests in a ptyic not 10} Jugl‘llcd by my country hotel. The hm; ' hmiog been ernircd and newly furniahod u“ I eyery‘hing micuifind in make guchtn rlhnfot able, thq pu‘bhc may "it assured that they 1! “ at nil‘tiliu-sffiud it inn comliLirm Bllllcd-11l l i comfort. and couvcnicncr ot'ihc tr‘u'L-lcr. \\'| ‘ 360 d room;\nnfi vlmn huh; it akes n m desirable phmfi fo'r tguxuient a“ pcrmanw bonrdbre'. - . ~ ‘ llis hnr is‘nlwh s supplied with the choice wines‘ hmndics, éug, (cc. , I l‘lisin'ble isnhyuy supplied with the but glp mnrkeb “ford. Andwll other appliances sun ‘ahie n it! nece-iamry. MIX? nemmmodaLiuh ti gniin aLd bensshwifll tuit nl and obligplg ‘rl‘i mum-ind his om) personal‘ttwution and Elly" visiow he will ie'uc no nlcunluuspnnd to wet] the pa )rlif patronngp. . ' . The Lroprietor Mlul‘cfl thou . him with their patronage. thnb u.‘ méet with a cordial reception at h that: eterything essential to the c v and hnippinass 0! his glint: shall h r to. Also‘ilr cunnuctiomfivith this hone ‘ tbnsitcf stubling num‘hed fur lion-(N. -~ ' ‘ g ' HHXHY'iL.'BEREHEIM 1111.95, 1861. 3m ‘ j \. Nationalg’Hotel; ITTLESJ‘OWN, ADAMS (10., PIE—Tb L. I'm‘dersignufl, having lend the Nflliufin' “owl, (Rain-9nd llnusu,).fin Lihleamwn, mkr Illi‘s metlhud of infunningfyheipulfilic 0‘! 1.11» fact? and offline. I‘urth-r fact Umjm he ,will ware n'o H'l' {an to pleas; all who may pmwnim him; “3 .13th willnlmgs he fuungl to lmu- the b uh »‘ "ugh-ts may nn'md, “him his 1341’ 2.1 m) cun nu lholchuicost LII-Liquors. *lilma bu't anon five fwd Mucommodafing H mm '\\'ill‘.be toh-n ted at we Hotel. Will] md huh, 1:001! tun nud nll ‘i‘be other arrange. cuts of flu: Imus good, 110‘ lbrénliug to uuemiou moderm cllnrgefiliecmluug mu m giw satisfaction: H nicreforc solicits» .hare of- lhc publi‘c's ‘p übnugeJ \ . - JOSHUA PRICE. Wk Tia—HORSES nud VEHICLES cu alyvnys he’hml on hirmnv. the Nutlomfl Hotel. Y J.m. 1.4, (1801. film‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A’ _..—_2.“ .~. r.~\ ‘- "“":‘.-T:l'7' ' ; ‘ Gettysburg] -" . mm mm: MIL ~ (:nnxm umwn. -S AND muuuuu sun-251‘s, xmu Tm r UUNDRY.-—-'l‘hc suhgcrim-r, huviughnsw Ifn Sunm .\lill of.\lr. L‘.W. llorrunx, in this plum fins bad it thoroughly repairudfby plncingi it tlze‘ necessary n\flcllilllfF§ (mitiuding Lluw toque. 1:118 mill is uow‘in opt-rution and] mu I really to supply nny ‘ dcumnd fur'lhis awful Forlillzvr. . uuuxrxol L'l.\l 19.31131; is nou‘r l conceded by llmsc wll’oyhmu lealca it, to he 0 murh bum-f Fertilfrzc!‘ t'hhn Burnt. Lime. or in— |debd any of the other Forbilizers generally u]:- l plled to land. The follon ing Ccrlllicuge {rum ,_Mr. Dump, an ambush-(- fi‘rlul'rnilnll highly lit-o 1 I speclnlylcrcllizm ol'A’dxun‘s county, will “mist: f the tru‘lhl‘ofthia nsyrlion: - ,- . 1 1 3933“! I have been taxing the Groumlleé istom- gh ‘my‘lnnd for the Inst tum-“yams Jml ,llud 11. G)? lw u. better fertilizer tliu‘n the llurn'.‘ Lime, am] cumvsn. IL hns given sn'iul'gctinn‘ in the firs; (mp. , ' PETERI nmnba' ' Nlihnyrous uthercel‘tl‘ficntcj of like churu’cfcr ,couhl be lvroducyd, but. thisie sulllciqut. “ l WFnrmers nrl‘ it‘llllkslfi.‘ to amid in mm z.’pnlqrs nnfd (u give’it :1 ”MIL ‘ Mar. 4.3861,, n .1011}: HOOVER. =' g‘ ‘0‘1'6713 qui" WHISKEIQSZMQ " 5 In) my WANT \VIHSKERS? 0 yol' WANT A .\IUSTAcmu ‘ bu‘ YOU WANT A illfsmctmrfl ’ * - ' JIL'L‘LZNLHIA JL’S , Z " Cifirrnnnn'n . _ Stimulating Onguent, _ ‘ 7011 mm wmsxms AND HAHL * ; ‘ MThe subscribe“ mks pleasure in an ouncing‘ ,tn‘xthe citizens of the United States; $l4ll they ; him)" obtujrucd the Agency for, and me now u; ‘nhied 10 0 er to the American public, flu,- nbm’e, gjuatly celebmted und world-renowned urticlo.‘ ‘mE S’riiuvi.uisu usuusxr , , is. prcfired by Dr. C. I’. memau'ut, an em!- nent physician of LondonJ and is \vnrrantei go bring out. :1 thick set of . v. ' ,< ', " ' \YIIQSKEHS 911 A MUSTAC‘HE ' in from three. to aixfieeks. Tl‘us article I! the! 1‘ 'o:in qne of mg kind used by the Exam-h, n‘nd in 1 { [Kinda mid I’m-is i 3. is in universal use. ' ‘ f 'h. 1le; beautiful, economical, ‘auulhing, yet. ,stimu ntin‘g compuundracting us if my magic Lupun the hints, caupixig'n beautiful growth (ifl ,luxulqizmt imir. It applied to the scalp, it will cure aunts“. and'cnuso to sbrfiig up in place rof the bald spots 1: fine growth of new hair:— .\pplidd_ becoming :1; directions. ittwill turn» i nan orhowy lmir mum, and restore gray hair to“ ‘ its orijginal culor,deui‘iug~it soft, shifi'oth, null I flexible. . Jllr‘e “ Omens-r" is‘un iiid§slienfiayle lurt'rele in every gentleman's toilet; guid- Mtu’ ; one w ek’a use they would not for any counidw 'crntio; be without 1!. V ‘ I 'Tliqlsuliscribuu are the only Agénls for the' : aniclei‘iu the l'ui‘ted States, to whom Ml ordeu' I-tmust. 110 u dressed. . . _ ; V ~ ‘ Pric ne Dollar a 1110 For _lale by 111 I Brug’gists nd Deni‘eu; or‘a‘ ox of the "Ungm‘ lent." (fwurrnnted to have the desired effect) .4711] be sent to any 'wbo desire it, by mil‘ i- . } réct,) Accurcly packed, 9n receip: of price gin! ‘ postage, $1 18 Apply to or addresl‘ ‘ ‘ , if HORACE L. HEGEMAS t 'OO., __ ‘ j linuculsrfi, 50., _ ' , 2-1. William; Spreelw‘lew York. 1" . Fcb425,1861. Um ‘ A I' 1“ , He Grath’s Electrlc 0,11. ' l Olfi the following (not. averythingl) Walo ‘ F muted, to my ~. '' ‘ . ' Cuml l-‘e‘vor and Nine in one day; ‘ .'“-c Curfi Chills in five minutes; '. ~ x} Cgu‘ Urpup in ong night; ' 'i, ‘ -~ ‘ l Curd Dem’nc-‘s in two 10 l'ourfiln‘ya ; ' » l (,‘uru'lhlrns and Sénlds intcn minutes; i 1 Cum! Spmins, Wounds quid Bruiser in from l pnuito Hires—day's; l ‘ l ; : ‘ l Curq Iriflninlmuion in one day, ‘ l w_ ‘ ‘ Curd Seiirixlgia, Crunp,fl‘optlm he, finmafln i_ ion minute‘l; _ ‘ ’ ' , «1V Curdhliemorrhagé,‘Scrofulfi, sous; hi ten ' ~' a m: i . \ ‘ s Curiflrnisos,Wo’undnTeuer,‘ i'p on'e‘to thrcb‘ I «yam .. . Cnn‘a‘ Emche, Stifl' Neck, Agile}, in on‘.- .ilay; ‘ I Curd Felons. Broken Breast, Salt llhcumfiiu ‘ . fibree to Sit days; ' j r. ‘ \ CurLQninsy, ulpftation,Pleuriay in on hi“ i ‘ 11 days; , j_ 0:: ” Asthma, rum, Gum, Erysipolgnt in ‘3‘“: to twent an“; i ' ' ‘ Cura Fruatéd Fe 2, Cliilblslnsl>Stifl Jolntq, Chroni'tk Rheumatis ,‘Sore Thirst, Swarm 3 Pevetr, {am} the lane nude [0 w; k, by_ a fat] bottlesl. l ' J d ' ThislOil (De Grnth's) is mild and pleunn ; Ind “"3 g’re“ Family Medicine (or children ? teething, to, \ ‘ ‘ ' 's)‘ ',V “ Ladipl shouldmll use it. It. Alwayl leaves ‘ you better than it; find: you, and one homo onen’chrel entirely: : . 3 ' . ‘ Anucflnjmnnx YIABI Tun on“ m on x "I wux. ‘ ‘ ‘ Read lfuer from Rev. James Temple, ' ‘ Philadelphia, June 9th, 1853. . Prof; De Gratin": l ha’fe bean Afflicted for thlrfie yams wimfieuxnlgin qml other painful compln ntal mull have been. unable In sleep sauudly qr‘wnlk any distance for tinny yenrr pnsz. Lust. week I got 1 bottle ofyour “Elec- ‘ ,tric Dill" The lint night I slept. loundly pad " ‘well, and to-d-ny lam I new mun. My wife‘,._' cquld t. believe her eyes. Yam} Electric on (a hn doll: in one Week what the physician of .‘ Philadelphia mum to do imtlnitteeu3enn. < l . ‘ertefully yours, , 5 ‘ ‘ REVJAMES TEMPLE, . - ‘ ' 3XO South Street} , ’ ' i ; nunm cunt), ' I.' 1 Sewnuawen, May 19th, 1833. . . Prof. De Gram; y brother u been gut for three films. After trying mgny thingl, be A? used you‘r Oil 3 fut “meg. and iL cured him n- ‘ tirely. : ' CLXFFDED R. SCR§NTOSX CAurlol._—There vm-e numeroul imi lion; ,1 apqmg up on the reputalgon that pay ”Line his } acquired. The public must beware. The; are . worlthleu. Sold by‘ull Dr‘uggiala. ‘ t Depqg. 21'Ix‘South Eighth street, Philadelphia. ‘ Feb. 25. 1861. am” ' OLXLD CANDLES, wholcsnle, at 813.1101 F M 190 um. xunmacx kunrm. _ 1 March 25, 1861. . ‘. Ayér’s Gilerry Pectorziifi II ii \who may run ‘luy shun m’: V hungry, nu nn‘éliem «fiend:- ‘5 is m W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers