" u: (Enmpilrr; . ~\)‘ i'f’fo. ‘ a \“ _‘ '. ‘.‘f‘;/;f .' N ‘ ~ 2" - - " $.75". ' . , I H g ”k: w w- r.“ )- ~ 3'? mnsc 59.3,. v A “"1 ' "j A I - urn" {THEY-inmost.“ .TZ‘TTLL' T 557: :j:;;'_“—:::: I. l. I‘I'LULE. ‘DITUE Ah!) I'RUYKIETUR GETTVIBIIRG. PA I roman; MORNIML mm 3. mm Tom 7.0543315 l” The cllrt'lilglu used occasipn mire lv’to escott Mr. Lincoln froifitthg cits 'to the 'lntel. mnl to in} agixiin ‘helfct l-morni t How it is le-‘tofigure lllp $l7B a; this service knowt‘lrll to; "the initiate ,Ivi‘ho seem {A 'tut miithmetlic of theig o‘wh. Allnwinl,_ . I gariifigés, ht, ' —-- five dollars each—4l we" liberal ‘nllownnc ‘ ‘ ”MT 01’ STHE REPUBLIICANS’ itlw castlwould ahmunlztor‘fio ; hml iprivit—el , . ' *7 partial tiould haveju-ocix ‘-d tlie s‘amé sett- Wof TWO 381312333} Cohgzessmenl l vice for |:one‘lmlt‘that’suml ‘SI, ‘ i ! Thovmtl‘cn B.l:;April 3*Midmgl‘t-fl;‘quredhmdnts it the C ntinentill! Who‘ ’11). Butte filed-{oh “'93 lzield WYLWHIhI the l for? ,AlDoiiht essthectimmiitee who proceécill, following result; ' . 5 [ad a?! hid lphjn to oscmit Mr. Li 'coln to‘ The BBW‘bllCh" ticket. headed by {3““357 the pull, f r his expgnsaswete (lléfmyelf '3. 3mm“ for Governor. is defeated. I {by the ci y. whose guest ho‘ Wl5. 3 'l_ :1 g . vaettnor fiirugué‘the Union chndldate,l 7 Bill “lumrly's Hate-Lli‘ti-w; "“1 very: ‘8 reelected 'ralargc. ‘ "-J'm‘l‘y- l , modgmt ,gt that. as thcfienate wnslu‘icurod, .1119" Legislature is 0R"? samtinoliticaln/um‘q c minnun of the ceinnnittoé.t Thkl chnructér. ‘ . I‘ iclmi’gt: \ ‘Li originally sl.fl9t), but "is thp The Union candidate" {0“ Co"¥T°-‘“' “In"; Sitafe trail to pay, Mr. Gov r‘ly very: igencii- T- Sheffield, fl"? m" Eastm’é and (I);e°rg" lonsly ab "ted a portion of his deninnfdfanm Ili- BMWPC. from the Western, districts,an cnnwnteil 't‘n throwlnfl' 555. Let insist-0.45 alected Ol'el'lfiwi‘lflw Reiigbliqnn'membeiis, Snppnsini that, Mr. Lincolnls auitc coiisibtct‘i‘ News. thinsoln nnll Braytonj, Il‘of twenty pmw‘nsuwlio (lin§d. su-ppéd, (incl I I éJn Connefbficutthe {inpublicnm qlcct. , (enminmllovor night at‘thei Jones Home; ’ ‘bd'gove-mohllf' Blnflttlle‘ usuallmajorityv. “10, havmin allowance of nihre tlmini tlfintyi ' 5" ”‘3 I’mo’fm“. ”"9 ”wiry/i” four "'"mhcm dollar-z [on each inditlirliml. f What" ifearful ‘ ' qf-Gmgmu—A ITEM‘XRATW‘Pi‘lN.l"l”'einmoum (if euteibles- and (l ‘uknbrels‘ thai Republicans: hml all; {thy mfmbers u? the ; mint lnrvi- con‘~tinicrl'nt thi. itite! I'L l; h” CQnSQ'eSflE ‘lluzm fl." that I." l" Theln tliq cnnunittnt‘fi'orf oalehtiy 'qharge'; ‘u' = “7" f’”‘“",, it one hun’di‘ed dollm-ahr-iecel 91- their 'distiml I_ 'I BALI? RPLLINGIV I I ’,,gtiisltpd slo'rviét-s, in traveli‘g to Pittsblirél ‘ St. Long. Ayril' Q‘J‘Nt‘the .mumplpnlg‘t}, invite in“. pmtmem'to -' ‘t Ita‘n-rithin-g.H ‘ elqctibn. today. the lnnti-‘repulilican tit-hot; I and“ afteiriwirtls going in ‘ fladelplfialmll "If elected by “'o'" 3'0”” to 35"“) majority.{ mmit him}; As they all tg‘ilvoiml {’l tie on thel' 191° imconditionnll Union ticket wuslonly li'ailrontl, and a: they .t-hm-ge. $97 for (ixp‘t‘n-L , “Mimi?“ WO‘WM‘IS‘ ' ‘ H : ises at the. Continental Ilntcl, iii Pliilatlel-lI ~ emu-" 7“- APT“ 2th“ ”fur“; °f “mfphia,lthis allowance is all clear gluihk I‘n: éity election yéswrdiy s‘hon that the Dcm- order to mnke theugir'ohntenhme out tihujurél' dcrhticllnion ticket 1"” an average mnjor- l thisl committqe must have! mnsiitléd of“ ity_of 2,800, The Détiiocraltiginnlpn rnon t twelve persons, who‘sc- ““1344 smgqg, '4,“ Collect twenty-six mungilmenr‘and Ilhe «Rempmging overthéiriiilroad, film‘ to Ilitxrébllrévi ‘I publicdns giglit, Th 6 total V 036 WM 23'000' » hutlyftcnvm'ds to Philadelplfin, mid: fitting; Toi.zbo,‘A_}ujjl 2"!le eleotign ”:0"? y “S‘lsunilitlelElN tit the Conltinc-htnl Hotpl, 11th I lkr‘l43' Témm‘d i“ ”“3 91""ti01' 0f the Démo‘n it cost of ab ut'bne'huntlréa alolltufs, is‘ val—‘s ‘l' 9mg“? candidate Rf! "what, and ”"9" out ' uml'nt two] u'liu’iiJrod dollarsil; During their‘ :0f 10:3 conucjlmgxk‘ - , {absence the 1' pay its momheré of the Isbgis-i ‘ - Climax». .\lfril 2:.leer Deflmrfiff: lature was; t' course, gningn‘ . 'l‘hisiit thel if untlldntelfor mil-I0" mm the" 9“"? “Cl"! most shani nl lull't of this u.\' ortionatle (Rh; it at, “'4?“ 9.11“? {halve “81‘9" - ‘ ”'9' . inland npnn‘ hg 'l‘rélasui-y.’ iii-whim of the 1_ [E . Elfin" 5- & ~f.\[+rll"v‘l.L-The (fleetxon f", Legislature‘lmve indeed it 1 w ostinmfie’ of}l ii that?" otfm‘rs toolé; plaice todny. A full: themselges; licén theymnnm?l rocleed t‘ti in-E' If Y 0“? Wk IX .lfd’ Tut n Democratic. mnyoni vite 8:. Profit oiit‘ of the Unitotl' Stalesltxi vis- Igfilectod y lif‘li‘iqgt‘lV—u gain 01;?“ Ole! iit the calaih'l'hi'ithntit being lid fnr it”: i i [j I?“ 3'3““. ~ ‘\l’ filming}? $913”; This um] little mu. bel n; cnmpb‘qqu he “‘Bl e. , ”.1? 9?: ail". t 0‘ nr .“u ' C does not inclnrlotht-chgon as”: f the phi-mic“ l“ B 2003” _ .\. \ Aprllfi.—T)m city elelc~r ll‘ 1-‘5 t} m f. ii) 'l‘l :ft‘ Til ést k R‘Sultod in an Otjer- i Pl“ (up .1310" ‘ 19—41 0‘ S’ 1m '- 1 F l Lian: here (i e" ._I .d. T’l I§\3,.\l‘])fl‘l‘flltl‘ ninth-[.l Beforle tllllq ClOIFle of jfihflm’ng. lefeut the Republic ’l‘S' I)" ‘le : tltt‘ffie‘sinngé‘nfiilmr adcount offi {Wt} or threie wlDemocmttg ann Ity‘fpr ”If?” {5.-'i"'3'}' i‘tliounand tiolhirs may bé exp toil nnl'fliis,K lflnch ulnearlleo *l‘Vllat Wantw‘UlNEd' ‘ scpre. Why him it but-n withl§cld imtil ‘lthis-f if UTE“? N‘ Y" Alt“! 3*?“ “‘8 "”‘tge hm; day? -2' m instalme‘iit fo this "perfoi‘r ticketmmheld nt Romel yesterday. file Dt‘mo'i‘mtitico, nmtfinfiqfl {0 gfmllfnrium flag tmd liprntselet'tcll 11111 lhf vil’oge pfiicersand F‘T'o'l rigging, hag .nlreatly linen paidi; but this is‘ 1‘? 11111113 “3ng {anillnlhccra in!" mgoertlfS i chi)- pz'ujtti' 'the expl-nseiftourrjied. Antith l vengc "'. ‘ t / rfl (‘l'le formi rin'endmd dfinnit oos.and<lili ‘F ‘l'llle city elertirinllmkl’ at 8h Patil‘Min" i “II". tc. -. i: yvt' lOlA‘ your; retlr—“wll’hlri \Bdinét..went Denh’horntic. Colfimbtxs,‘ohio,;o‘l‘-I {'nia’n V _ 3 - r ~ i 1&0, the firgc‘ imo, has 3150 glac'tgl Demo-‘ ‘ _;l~W_,'::.;';__lj__.. _,. ii’nlficidtly 04‘3"- ‘ . ‘ * ‘EQ‘W'e 'Fntl thes fnllnwint i "the l Demo‘t‘gnts oldcted tlpe‘l? ‘ticket at item in th l’ittslmrg' Disputc ‘3helChnfiu Ell'cction in‘ Smtfiga Springs, ipuhlicgms i eem to know hm 59" Yor‘k. { _ ' lit'orkiilg: l‘ ' ‘_ l i . Th 'IFirAI Nun fmmLHlinoisa—The Denice-l r 34“ texcli “g 9 lan‘l‘flm Gm, ‘myof Rock Island '( ”1.) have just elécted is has hunilrud t‘hbuglnnd dol‘Jn 'ltheii- Ma'yor by 191‘. majority.l' This year the than he ‘2'? 1:1:ng t‘hetlrepml Republican partylin their nominating Con- I "afgettfiinll the {ignite i; not Vention _endorsed the Chicago platform, and I. “I. that; éte‘gcnlyfif‘e thousnn declared against qnylcohinromise of our naq beg-n nnma’ Ihy Rumor,\und st) lions?- dificulties; while! the. Democratic i 8 lllf|9.lo“‘3ilf than Ifhfit. ‘ Coul convocation declared in tfafori of any t‘airlaCt sum bar'scel'tf‘fiw.’ ‘. acompmmise that si-‘ould bréserve the peach! ‘ AS the D“:"_“"" ‘5 a. Rgpubltcn snld save the Union. The result is a total {or comm—Enti‘s—ll—nnffffttry; : Beg?“ 0f l‘lletßePlfiblicm‘fip‘HY- TM“, in i Anni/m: (i'm‘nlpt Lrgis/rflurcH— fir. Lincolin’s OWn “State, is pecnlisrly sis—t Dcnwcmtfllka};ublidan2lsa3':llitll33] '‘'‘‘'l s i e 1 in ..th “d “°“‘?°“"‘°' iiiia‘cfééilflggfleeiiunfisfaj it) is the mpst‘mrmpt body of n of assembbd‘in that State. ‘ knows. l 1 , " ’ Wow-u the Republic ture of Illinois is, and we have the truth bi" the Demormt'a mum of the 'opih on that the-Republit ture of P 1? ”lilwml“ can fully 1 it, his“ xnl nll'r’of corruption gr L/ A —l+ - ~ ‘l‘ now :1“ L @Thi 31!;an and Slar pub] tMcCLEns' . peed) iii filwor of th i the Tonn ' Ke Tux. They lmvet ted to give-Ii heir rleadegs' their 6 -that. infant us measure. Are wfi ‘stand the as gnldorsin‘g thal MElui-e? ll n," i it The Ch berslmrg h exitit‘és 13' after th pits-sage of the' bill, “ questingo r Swami-[McClure] ‘ sentatives resign, received the‘ of a large: umber of, prominent, Itentinl Rep blicanss" . It in said that. Mquulré has 5? .ged his pollliitilon in Miami; con leading lurid Ito hook in: the re 'l‘onnagbflxx—ll—c. meagure which the State " three hundred tho but per anitum justly‘dgieit. I :flW—fl , u The fizz", with its ' ‘ show «it truth, nnntlhnces under its edit» ' l'head, that ‘ofiici ordgrs ha?! been ism ’ for the evacu‘ation. f Fort Sutht‘etJL—Saz . ~ I lnglotl e. We stated, on. 9 author ity of city pets, that Major Andfirson ind been 03197 to Neiport . . from which it. to‘be inferred that Fhrt slum:- ter would . nbe evacuated; undiespécinl 13' was the i ference fair after the statement. bud so lon andao frequently began mgdel that the Administration had determined on 1 evacuating that t. Baum; Adtninistrn— tion; b'eing Ibne‘fnere "(inning-and 991;! action. semis—if wé adopt tho authority {if the Star-7th have detgrhnined on fining.) nothing calculated toilmrmoni'u our dis]: trusted mtiiiiry, and ' restore paice and prosperity tio its péople. We Ella-113W ‘rm: Ruuunlilsruxxv ELECTION ’_ 'c ' ‘ A Lyxig Pefitibn. : ‘ It is aid that the petitions sent' to the Tate Congréss in favor of the)Cn£xnzxnxwa film.“ COWl’wise' if pasted- together, i‘.onld,‘in kngth, m'enmrerm'mmila. . , ; And yetfthe Republicans in, Congress ro-‘ find-the pegple the proposed 'Compiomise. “3th (fémpromise wofild have received‘a. heavy majority in ewry Stiate, and the (Thi o‘n‘ Men medf’bgt Bkack Republican ism WW to adheié to, {he Chicago Plut hm gm! “let the quon glide." ’ i ' ”jibe _Natibnal Intefligenoer states that the quhkin‘g and appmhensigds about the louaf the Inuit crop for‘gh‘ .pr‘eseut sensop new quite prematurmgt lgfs’t in} the nei gh borhuod qf Washingtoé. The peach, pear and cherry trees, instfld of being seriousljr WW, indium a. veryjull Prop. _ - Fruit—We are informedjby [muons who pm to k'gow. that'the pq‘achea in this vL-l cinifi ureminffired, an‘d tliit the fruit gen qslly i-s/iguuch a condjtién nt‘th'm time as .to warrant abundwt .ci'ops.— Ca’rliah Volun- WED-dfihandeq seizure of Sari Do mingo by‘ the Spanighfllfiovemmvcnt, undo: circumstancespf peéixlinr Damage, is likely to prebipitat'e a. crisis in our ‘relations with the govemmg if Inc: with other 'Em-o bun ‘goVemments it} :ailiance with Spain. Tm oriaimrill need makugm _to have the highest; order of Amegiauj stateémgnship to deal with it as is 01513111; ‘to be dealt with. Imm fifi‘flfich it is only to have—Carl Kohl-15 Rod Republimn demagogue-jnot ad Ameriein statesman—the very mam t 6 otuzintohatu/ter- . / ' WWS!” {or ofiice exceeds“ tins of Buéhnnu'i’a mid Pieme'a minim, W but to one. Member: and ex mmbgnofcongrfis Mgnumbemd amongst the [what ‘hungry and ferocious 91' L3ll the pppfiowu. ' ‘ ' x : qutfiefimn-‘l number of cm, m: on moo 00qu_ -betjtioned therlaeél‘liture in favdrgd a. giiyison of the .5” £ll9 $41195th to ‘H the dividing 155:; '. - é; ‘ ; ‘ inc-cm orgpmpujigmg'g Prentdant. ' Mr. Linoéln ar’riv‘ed Ln Harrisburg on the inftemoan of the 22d 6! ngruni'y, mu en‘- carted from the can lo Humane. House, ‘ k-kére he made n speech. dinedq mu escprt {ed k 0 the Cupitolfimzuj‘de tnotfier apegch, lsqpps‘d. nnd then:'cséapod to’.quhingtgq, ‘disguised ,with n “Sco‘b‘h pisid up mud 19:15 [yummy cloak.” Thq telnet. ’fopmit‘lbe Iwhilflll lmd chum othen ”1139111th 141: mrE reported to the Legisfltire i hill} #1 32.1% as the expense‘ onlfcasionefi {b‘y they-o ceptidn and entertainment. Thé We is called upon‘to foot tl'is little; bill. gift? itel‘mr‘ ire thus stated, ‘rithoutigoihg ifigo minute particulars: ‘ : ‘ , ’3 Can-inc hire.......‘.......... Refrehhmculu m. Continen Bill at Coverly's , Legislnfitive Cémunitlee-AS sunh‘lu’t it be to the“; -..' 6hr it: “filinki-g” arena ddne bddy. 0250;! f In no payable con Mm‘fi‘d “hfmfifi I!“ muwlfi'fr ilk all ,Alq.‘ 3““ .--—.4 .....- , Q. . .. .--ML.——-—~_——.‘- -- i . . ...—_.b. _x.._ V _, . .. \, Ang-“X I“-“ . ‘ , .-I I » 1" 1 F» I m t‘-. .r I; :‘ .ABmxble Jimmie“. I. I I m; We Ln ' 1 .wummo a! ’l'he St. Louis unutlifan {totes that the.l QOur tint pug will: I. found u’nusmz.l-.I The new: by Satan]: _.5 Duper! Il M B I 1190- l.“ 11-0340". OTC] icago, member of 1y interesting this~ mlning. ' - _ warlike aspect. A disbutcll tram New York. ' the Illinoiistsnite3 Senate, nndurery popular “-Mmin \‘nu lon In the only indi- : dated Friday, snyu; ' 1 Igegtiemm vmhal, was rolled upon by s’. vidud who has fill tha‘ four highest posi- Nair You, A'pril 6.—The government I nurnber' of‘genilemen in that city a. few ; tion: unde'r the Azu ichn beefnment. He f 1““ chartered tho séemers Bfuffl'ind “(Id fdn‘. since_ In a 5 lifhe made bf‘ ‘ ‘1 - i - ‘ . Ito curry troop. u'n‘ er senle< o era. ")9 g, . . peec'l use I. :hns'been hunted 5 tab Sewn-secreuqmmic will carry (3pm,, Barry’s Compnny thel follomqg langunge 1? reference to hrs of state. Vice Pres: "I and Fraulein? of Flying Artillery ma ninety men. and the own (Repuhliqon)_psrty :‘ ‘ I fiWhe city of N [York in great] dis-I Ariel will take rare}: or eight mrnlnnni'gs of , ‘IHe could not benn to hisa'wn‘con-lat-isfied with tho 'll‘ bill passed at th ’lnt‘nntry and ‘Mgriuea. Both ml ml 0“ fight“ erlincfionm 9 would not «I Inc session of Cougr 41nd alleges. omit SUMM- The ”PI; fiowhawtgf‘ IO “9“ t te e icn'n plat rm was not riglinl ‘ ~ - l - 1 ,to-morrow morning: 11 yequippc- am pro- Iso ,hr as mpthstmct trut {no concerned ; fully owned (fit it _ min“? that great M 9. I visioued, and will probably take three com- Ibutihew'ould so that th Re üblicun rt tropolis. Lulhfi a nimopenlyadvocated. sea of two 5, The imprvbghmym the Y P P 3 Y . I)“ , P . him made almistake. Thle doctrine otithht: WPenusylrania ontains more than one: I navy-yardus that Forts Sumter and Pickem 'Phtform; that there ghoul” be no more slave {eleventh of the pres nt inhabitants of the Im‘both *0 “Minimal 1 'lbftaiesfi could not bocanr ed out. The atrl whom-country and' bout ‘93 many an all I Anothzr View qf Pruidmt Bum/21's Pulicv.‘ I ternl'pt to_carry it out we 1d put an end to th 11' due 1 do! . 11 ll _, I—L-Tha Commcill says that n com’mmm’ Of this: Government. 'He w the mismléet 8 'ti :1 len um I“ t‘B ”3'”? of the I . .i . .. . ‘ t -- 'lwhich Ithey had made be ore the eleétion, IBcvolution. : II I . 1 Heading Vugmmlpohticmmllmve hptl an m ;hndihelhnd fn‘ticipated t ‘ result. When, I fir’l‘ha population of Ih six New Eng- Iterview with the Prosuleuthnd tli Secretu-- 0" fllé “Bums 85“" the 100 mm. 41646th had Statei a; bug, . “mg 'm‘thm ‘tvro :ryofState.and were‘aaaured rims” bitively ’in the Ihonsp'ofa friend n Beacon htreet,l , I-' I ‘ ' ' 3 I l - ' » -- » hundred thousand more; tho that of Penn- that the Prflldem CDD‘oml'h‘L’d "o‘llo‘lt'le in the City of Burton. and raw tholong 10qu . . I-‘1 , . 1‘ ; , 1 l cecswnpt‘ ' Wide Awakcs go by, with tor- Isylvama. ‘I I 1 1 Imowenpentfl, and ahau d “9" attempt. to co ' {hog and hurlners and sh ts of triumph. hI fi-The Republican jotfl air are ”phi-4100‘ the revenue. forthe 51"?1‘1" "9350" “In“ \ludylstundmg neath‘im ran arlw‘d; ‘ ‘ Mr. Og- ing thél puzzle 0g harpflodo zu‘ ml how mil to", Congress had withheld frong him the power. demyou “1101328?!” en.) yit. Madam}: .‘ do it Ih the matter otl 5° gunner :I "I It is said that the Contaddmteb‘tota have was the re lyfil am new: meirg'fit a fune-I ’- 1 II ,1 ‘1 <5 h d] s‘lt P l< ' I raw-KI W'itgqhme shrplzisc e inquired irhnt must be done, they reason, .d 1" must 1?“ ‘ vet ousan troop :1» onion) "'3 I he leant. His replywnst rat hcl'enred thé,be done, they rep] ; and thelgr'eut qu‘estionl fi" #97- N‘ ‘ V'fiv 7*“ -‘ procession ,then Wfiiilg WV "Id Pro“? to be lis how to have it {lone hail lat do it. “'0 ' ‘ 'l‘here ls trouble at home: I" ‘H. the I‘uueral procéssion-oft e nation." «'.ll th ll . . 1l ’ . 1.~ The Republicans held quibhc meeting and I I l‘“”".' “f“ - 1.4,__ Ims lema qumrtlleexp 'lmlon' . vot "to rwommend. Albert Godfrey, for I’. I ”3°m9thwz “1 1711 Wind! ! Ii The congregation ”It LON-inn (RG7 Toe minder, but the commission wn'n S9M. to I Tlle Paris correspondent f the New Ytltkl ,{grggfbfiflfl.Cal“§l:ll’l . bfkfled the I Thdmas Hutch, a nephew of Mr. lidwards, Time; under linte of Mrarcli lUllnsays thnti m" ‘ mue “1‘95- 0 I‘ ”burg, sva member of Congas. Consequel‘lce—Mr. the French and EWEHI‘.h vernments ”GI the Pastor 9: the dimiCIII to. ‘ pply-the vn- lEdniards hung in effigy by his Reiniblicon fitting out a powcrlful fleet f war steamers“ cancy occasioned by lihe‘ TF3 anon 0f the i brethren. '7 ‘’- ' for tlie‘couat‘ of the Uni ml States. "£th 1.18“” H' item“? I ' I I precilse object of‘ this navu. demonstrationll ’3‘} W§?xngt°“_9°"9B it wil; blc impossible to nsco _tnin, the writoil I bew Korlo “or“ sayslthatl‘u innit]: uie fleet will probu 3' mil with my I“ "‘3l “Pm“ P°P“l“‘,‘°F‘i°f ' ed 6 era“ It no douht g ows out of cufnpphcnnu‘s for COllsulrlllp§.l tmublesll andl is intended to protect thell 3‘2"!“ 3 large 'nquhleil right; 017 French dud Englia subjecta in thel‘meflfhm'ts are at. I“ ”hing; evontloflcivil In“ liore. 1 . lll’msxdont to call an oxtt-aI It: I it ils mid thltt Spain. is p paying to sendl gross, ’9 order to ohange'ltllol‘ toI tha'i qutors ‘pf theGullV Mexico afor-II @l3lO Georginfohxtqi ICI uiidnltlélt'orce in men. ship 'and material :I‘ 9‘1““. resolution providing (ind ah attemfit has already; eon mgiile. ind payment ‘0 l’ensloll97sr9'fl‘l9l purtinillyl successful, toonn the Island ofl ot‘u sumlcquul ‘9 “'in I’mfdl‘ St. delngo to Spain : and hi<, if entirely I hunted States Governwemg I” .u ccellsfill, is‘tlo be {ulloil'uclll-y the nnl‘lewaficesnon'of-the State. ' I I ti n o llayhi,lwith the con 'mt of France. ”In“: IClhm-l‘estpn 1 MI) V 0 X‘q'oflltbe eve Ufa-Ii“ “g (“Velma ask the‘Aunmlul Ina/Ir; ‘nt‘e , I l 1..1..__.f_ 1.4 K v-.. ” finsofill—(‘linrealexlon ‘ siti 1 ,Qtu- Rolationg Wit Spain. ‘ whether the original gum ' I’kfié" Idf Ilia; l'pilcrl ASluh' (.‘oucrnm.‘n!.-—- [’nitoil IStutes wua buhn ittc Wlthili alduy or twofichm United States in any mate"? . , a re oli'hllve b‘oen' ordethd propane {or‘ WM J; Fryhas en 1 seiléimlmzrliatelp', angtl thq ru nor is: that our I master at York. , [row 111 nt is hhouti to tzlke, ecisive tionll fi‘A boy ton yours oi colicoilnirig the‘designs Qil 9‘] in ngni‘t St. ISUK‘MF in Milford,- In" boo D' Inigo A \l’ushinthll (Ii patch in Wed. .Iforbed him tnnttond scl 0(Il1 n'cil’cnlag‘sl Vow Ifork Herald . 133:. I “fit/Ml 3931”“ pane 5 I ’l'hciuriny and navy mle‘sl ddonly being llcnpltallsts Oficl'Pd ‘0 Wk t‘l pu uglonl a n-ar=foot’ing. _lanr the knowing Southern loan at llmr, hi t s: 11:11:?111113111311:.1 Wm Hi to not .llx .1}: 1 ,]l_. mum-. 3 .. . = - ~_l ’2o] fiucfi‘tivity in butltlth e arms of the I Swim” I?“ ‘5 I“ In “If IN r't'ii‘ s}: mt bec’n visil) t‘ r:1 long: time. , 13‘331‘33'4‘1“ 0“} 0 ‘3 ' I 'l‘ng Gtai'finmrnt is fullfh )I) \(‘11 nt‘the j"- Iliedowri town mu ble '1; ln Itunltiorlte Spain tonal-d, 111 t lblflllll, and Earn either for sale r tnl . ml no Ill‘l‘nlltllll‘l‘ to tul' x 1) \mmnm of it. I H ‘ .__‘ 1. .I 3 lUmlouitelly ”Hi gfivi‘l'nlllet “I'l that aII fiE’lllo Ljuun t‘,’ ( .zIJI llitelliétnger chlllslo 1 iii tinltldiroctiqn lu‘n 1d llivt-rt tlm numb; “I.” Hon. John A' .XXI' 0 3““; 3 ”ilk, Inttdntianlif the. countrv‘ I'm: our internal ll'or President in 1364. ‘ I Iqu. rcls, and hula ton tuvo ‘zll: * termination I WXdrtlx‘L-rn moi-chm ("I lOf ur “I“? 'tmui‘l‘ww ’ linvv urrnrivommitu~ to: i 1 ‘7O: 111 I.x nfiwn inure, that :\1 u Mlcrs'tmiding I“ ' 1“ q ' . Jlnlelemito for :lomoltimr- lu-t rem: Ihr- Ehi I I”"]“5.‘”I" ‘. around: an :I‘\ 111-'U‘I‘V l‘h'ér ch and .\‘mt-ric m uwfrhmmits. 'Ql'dN‘ lqztvoul “10 Iluties 7‘ llnotlto u’llo r Spain or :my tllllv ~gnl'ornmont I I 3234“? oongml'tilntey he ,Itoqhtzuii Ilfilodlnldifiulll I!“ [:lshi-‘llt'l. ln ‘ (Ibo mle-llrmmnt of the 5.5; llrohmrml toltlm anutfir, H; 11' rah/713 not ' “,7 l . ' f _ lonlyim ‘vatunt {ln ins-”1n cu pm- oi'theJlOlh-I ‘I au‘uniinlro n cnmlo un~ iron doo'lx-ii e..me i~‘ nornliu in to \H at the I 1 “MW-'1 , “git“f‘lrs- It I l!‘ A ’lluregtent .tilno. inl View of oI r d inwtic trou— , uld be. persuaded to ti llm :Jlea. lii feurod that th in ministration Libum-sin: (5,1,, the coullt .“I Ighas not Ithtl nerve to step ld ' forward in , Hem? Off 1 Ithe, mat or I ‘ . I n I I I ‘ I, Aj‘rotécoi' ofth‘p lam—v «tn ml liifllnorningl w _1 Ifmr ”If”. In”. 5.3"“ rfls.had§rehson to lielim‘c 44: t n.l-npturéifilam‘d "‘1 my ulnlltnm 1“ 11: won” 01-crtr with Syni‘n iritlli'n n'onty‘rlnys. ‘ (Hood. ‘1 know it is_"‘_‘.,:lsr [mi 111, ”known than mule-radio ‘cj lst gone o‘ut‘ I Rii'ht I'd]. come old fell 1... Ito spvofial Ivessels to' hold ti 'muwh'o: ifil ~I F» . ’ "- ; newlines t‘liriunliedintocm I”? “‘9 “m" or III") is“ lmtah, riot nt Now York, Also is nmrlied. Lnnk‘ n tfo disoharglzd‘ltlm (lay luAfoi-r- IW‘fiAre (lose bulk—fin ‘ng I 19?“ _tQlf‘rl‘f'fce {WNW 1" quired Simon of Tiberiu ', . ‘ pr pine lorlaca. ' unswered 'l‘ihe: “(lgynbflot‘ and the Delhi are now ring 11:; IWGc-nerul Ilouztdn lr Q-iss address to the people- of To: ”It: procochings hf thewmtr Wllivh passed the ordin ‘ct and doqlnli-ed hid sent vnczu t. tali-rel the with of allegiun {to é‘mment. or‘recognize it.» 1 I ' . “The editor ofithe A ti-Sin r'y Stlandl arli snyé “all he wants is jl stic‘efi’ Doeé ht} want aivhipping—x Y. ”I“ g.l . {' wThrele Southerner-Is have, thus t'dn, been appointed to office lly Ith lain‘roln Administration—yet, it. i ‘nolt sehtiomil,‘ ohl no. I ' ' w The Moysvil‘le (K 32) Exl prOSpect: for wheat-y wh‘eu lon more promising than no in of the Staten. I , I I fiThe payfiook styles IIE: -n Fort of political hern ugh strbng hulml’ lcgning’s in in or I oidsepffiniggcr) freedom.’ I fi‘Ahout fli‘ty'recruits frIoJ pushed through Portsmonlhl any Iveclo, en route for th feder‘acyfi ~.,......I,J..,sl7a‘:o(r' 1 Hon-1.245.} 97 .50. 640 00~ 03pxecé.,L.-1,200i00' signi " nt Thél‘ & things? gal-q ‘ ‘ ynoln Before fifel ’TI 8? 05"} m firmed n; 3:316 %r tilelfljespxitches w}? :bctw en Miajor 4ntlorson . . zpent. ‘95; supppsed be m Mr. Lincoln and‘mhé re‘igni cabinet; Secrecy. cunnin ‘Fhave' alwgtys beeh; the weap {warfare qmdng the lenders I ‘ can pnrtbrn ‘. It isl becausq I li‘eves thtixt Ehe Republicén I ‘ dr‘lclaiins'l upon his ndministl ootmtry Ans; that he refuses‘ l formaticxi sohghtf‘pr. But it Andersori's friend; (are dete 1 {facts aha}; h‘é kubwn',‘ and 2 Empty lonld whispérs that th ' not, b? paftidulnrlfi plyeasant t llfrienqls. " I ‘ . . rnor le'lftin‘; 's bottyrmfi" of Aha ‘tp‘m Ife 56 high, doHars has? 6 pin it in: not tha ax-‘, parer',aote Ihé Chiéa'go : foundEHut cl; Rexbub. that is flint an lhati, ev 'entwoith +—.————- «I.» ~~— I : @Thi‘ dimpgghned o" cé 1 Washingioxi‘nrprnksing a furi‘nu manner in whichlbc distribu‘tio tronage isémnde. radians. antd I' tlgu gc'ttall the at officgs. Tn and 1 lSecretarias from {on ‘sm . Malawian; Ohi‘p a “—41:13 {feta of the Interiok, t of g Patetit ’ the Burehu h:e pommissio of 11nd perintendent of i 0 P e rgtinue of Clerks; 1: } --, Tglese constitute the.pr‘ nthp'lnterior Hepartmefn 6.! :1y lie eglled the Deparqmg . l !: began: I o douxmof rke, we§arb ‘ I nfiLegisli éouie 11“ t 3 - d rascaliqij‘y'. lsh Sandwi l: repeal lojf ‘: us fin- fum -| n View”)?~ -. to nude)» .u - itionfi :oi' » r 1 =1 hire. - the; 81' Lwh dinna.‘ rfaausil propel an». I thatsbétt‘f . letter Lrjer ‘ d Rem ignntuiféd mid it‘fiuJ a. 3 3 ‘ any 659‘:- : jty by my ‘1 of M : ldepfivqts"; ‘’- I d 0“ pear -l -\ ‘ panng‘ ! hum I a at Pen lan .1 , behid '-: Rad: patrioq.” |The Wilwaqkh A’efiywt, Rep‘ub 68.11 paper: printea ‘1 offSchElfz,§tieclaiés him" “41m, er." Does 7 ’ JAG» ‘ §V L_L____‘ Effie li‘feditog" ox a Ilnmfis mist: two figm a'le‘ctioz} ,reitums gs gi‘ thét db' ‘th oofrespox an mifilg u'pjn the Clel tint; thbgrgshlt, and “ selfie‘sc’i Iflwewererom legion bf iqaecuraciei 4 K ‘ eoxilqutlyvjeems, s deck. pur’ SMB Wld first be m t of :11; -y lome~ agency L firm?! 3:31.! no. I‘xhe Pow \'h e _crcw was '9; ‘l‘dilji, is or .L lEI. crew, and _ #1.... 11312MC!= MEM ‘ offlw Son r ave passed ‘ 'he 'govern HE‘, It is like Ig}: if“: of his . a d hickory fins 10f political f ‘ e Republi ‘(n incoln be bnr ‘ has grant rati n “mi: the M‘fve the in x. 'd thatMaj.‘ '\ ed that the i there are 'rlnsure kill Lincoln‘s Y: ha; (U. I M hq‘Soutlyem Confédetjuc; . ulidcrstand Mr. Lipeéln of ’Epeaqg' measures, hint as fiery ~4iquivov:al,‘=nml he ‘ forijheLworst gontingen ms of hoops are bein'g ’co L; aha. Ffwe hundro‘d ugh; Tennessee on theii} w_ : bufitalions of Zouavesl +4, '-~ ~—~ { { he: Siar pronoupces Qhe publicm infidel._ Carl“. five tho: 8.1111 1‘ phone. .id is givil 'tof“hom< y seekers ‘at [how] at. the a of 'the pa. l'linois have J President ‘ adjoining h‘dMis-ogri e Commis- If Agricul. n Affairs. K : ~‘:——-—--—-o . 3T1“; Republicans o i areiwarmh-engaged in ‘a - ing, them post-office gpi nting, and cipal hu ; ‘rugxould t of Ind:- 111qu .51» 'tsays: ‘ g: 1I : '. The up , intrment of PO5 minfe for thié that: "ii hr' ‘ fire‘ W can‘t know ‘ics with t eh: "xyiipnntq the “poye it t Be” at [uibe i. 16‘ at Me yuuily e ggfiéd n “blood no time id} 00 after a ine her bony." At all ts are int; festive, I Amb 9 to film ,imugine din“ helinx" igken in o ‘m‘o distin iiin, Bher n had rpoiufnie‘ tin]: hands for whiieiliei reuiius it he a man #3? #om consw *hich is up likq to' be ippointmentis ‘ re am here is some ‘iblobd ($231)” in ittle Raddy,” growing out ‘01: 1 meat, thut will e iete ibis mn ' him a very hun‘fbge opinion of ‘ rg politicians of the ~Bepubli— r we are much mistake'u. n Suggested‘ that this nouid be e‘to agitate that building of a Gettysburg. lii is th light if willhhtiid onmto fl); blouimmiog zrte osb-o a; i man , for their own ataoglmfion, ‘ stock enougli to biiililithe *1 do not ap ss the ad \ egard ‘inis Ice are pre- Img? ceritx-ated fly pass y thither, ndtorious. min, “5' '3 1e ding ‘ hum I mi but! nouncéd. store {or ‘ t ianp in ity “(FEW Chambersb can stripe, \‘ It has bed a good tin: Rulnoad t 4: McPherson I little lon their frieng will subdcril M ‘ 3.89 m ‘ tnml are . riots} 'lq tmswi any M'qhtem :ppliw ‘tuations 331.3 in ! thb alpvery .1 twenty-five - dollup. An Uhioni ill 0 ‘tures in bud-ur- dent of the at one—third 1 e ‘Vest are [of New ,York in urging tglb fission of ,Con liriff. ‘ 7L § n‘ontion‘r has} n thé annuhl t-in the Staté 9] them by the tor to the se— er egs 19:16:: to “r .. (I othei'lior -Innto_the Smith, in: xtio‘h of ‘ he ,1 o‘thé lmkzpie }' Mt (lint '{ “committé‘d flu. his fame: 3": mt EnJish #fi term mimn'n tr. Ilemminfivr Miern people 3i ' to China. fibry hundrt-‘d of +5 i 1 New York 10‘ rm<lynmk~ .H rind? into ,1 . .bw ereanr. m the new tm-ifi'.” ECO ntl'y txpnn :(té which ridg {er punlnu‘flkx Ml: inilltrnjtibn! \f .K it‘ mull :Mr qul . 13¢ much Ell— mlvd—in; El= ik 5110 Bn‘éad -313' I: zlrllrlx. ‘ H'o fim' Win.— ‘éNI, in'doolgl,” 151 my of fife, for "cuter.” ‘ "$l9 a lengthy "‘3, rent-Wing i C ’pyrnligr‘n“ *‘o g‘ccessiph '3l: refuges the M» n'ew gév- t. ‘ J .pgre-J shy: the Mp vus newer fly t sectiqn fi- am- altimore ‘ Vi’a' git} Fri ‘Sofilt ‘cm pan-’1 hén ybershurgr ‘bflile iconcern- Iwe . t_. The -’: elpc ‘on re )en"; 0:: of 1 ia' n be a leap (infi‘por- M--—-—-~>—:: 1*" ¥' _ tinned thnt the ngfitgfioil of ligation has out 9““ 99qu in egra three thou-and Wain)! |- mow, st last, ifi may «Tamils ‘ iv in‘ i: ofthe last“ .. qst shamelesh - Lina that. joum Imomreven in (h; :H t. 4 usag'lliutori Rowan Hefljmr, gmihnr of “The ,l'iupendiup. finish,” {is an applicant for the Consulnhip 9,2. Ma’nclmfler, or South ampton, England.—'—Erc;hunyr. i {He outho have it, [y'all mantis: since ,Giddings and Buylilggame have Mitt: been rewarded wit}: fat p'osfgtions. ' 1:. ' ' n _..“-.. "9"“ “"‘ i ‘ Indigflar‘al.—lt is rofiox'fic‘d that thp IWide Anukes'or’wnkes-Bmé hurm-d mpiizom and cafiesj and broke; their lumpsfion the Public Squfxre, on \V‘ednesday night {Yet-k, to egpress pug-ir- indignatiph atithv deny-rmhm tioh'of.” 01d Abe” to give up Fun .‘i‘mn'tcfr. ‘ A v A, o—« q < 381.1319 Bljshvillejnd" .fiutilwmlhg'n says; v—j‘Olvll' farmers, who rife Mfm-d frpul {I ‘do'llm; ton dollar: my“) \qunryr 12n- their Whéa , and corrcipon‘hil'lgbn good A lifh‘é} for allflt'hei'r imodlu-ts; him-:3}. dny~ 115:0, uh: now offered ‘from 75 (61:44) cehb for-inlhout, with a-corr¢k[»onding iminutifui o'tt [ll‘icfl-fl for thteir-othpr grains, egetubles, *4.” So mdch‘for Lincnlnism: ] . ' J a \ I _-u,_,7«5.+. " , . mThe Pgnnsylx‘ggig : Lépiulnméei hm fixed upon the 181!) Eng}, for “final :uljduni mént. _ ‘ U ' -1‘ : , ‘ [1 7 ‘.._.l__._ Y 4...! , hi," I} ”.0511 Shurz i: nbwhincrly «10ml [boy‘soinefof his cnxnpfirkfifiwho an). 1 ‘violntionlbf his promiseihé \Yflfilly m gdlevery‘thing but his on’n‘iutt} mt. ( x T——--————qlb ~ ~»' - 1 W‘Tl‘e discussions: i}: tho 1' ‘r-m‘h'g _ hxtifi‘m‘eifmt chmb‘tting thP‘, inst (Pimp-s -.tuolfs days of the 01d Frhwh 1’ rliilm'mtr— Thb‘hnuse is already diviicléd h to rigl Land loft, and the swam-{- (hi not )nkitmc‘ .. my the: SPVE‘I'OI-t pncsihi§ thihgs of tho Emturrnl‘, ministers and I’m-h other Loud and qnthuo siawtie applaumnml oug-éxxmmng cr'w‘; the (gators on; and .x'oe mint t’he g‘n animation nrc daffy (united. K » ‘ «fig»; J -- ‘ mm Lnndnn‘ tlu-i‘ofi are 19;» hm: hwnty‘thnnfimhl phyx'i'clum. “yd a]; hundred“nth-Makers. { K a , ’ , > ' -o o w r —— , . . BER—Bvlfoi'f‘ tho ingughfixlhnifnf Mr.’tT.in- Coln it Mg thr gm]; vgulnt of hp livi‘uldi -omm that “ “(most “M Ahu." mun hie :er— w-nt‘ium pmwr. wmtltl .\hnw thq- Wm M} that “we had at gov-Tunwm.” The ruiJntl-y was almmt led to ,lu-h'm'c that “‘0 \w‘fru to have it somnd vim-kink}. v‘lJm-nhflcvmfi MILL us. in one ofhi< wnwixlp'slhmvln‘a. thét I o Jmnld “put his foot _dmtn fif’miy." j'l‘im yry‘ bonitfully rung in cv'fary (nu-flux f Md! Abe" wnsa mmrhfphmk mul Inn-k mm; and that ho wnulri 'mn-vri tln- (.friLiy' W‘Lh a 1 nE-ri'e aixd palrintifln (hint worth] snrinfiw his cnemics. _But{ht\s Lednnegit‘.” L lizu‘ now been a nmmh sin‘oo tho Lindnzn vmfn-rn mcnt mt». u~hcred Into pom-f. :th \\ nit hm it done? It llnsmnt tnkm one mm'l y's‘top. or made a single explioit, mnlinritn in! do— clnration as to its policy, Nat ix 11mm: i~ ’p‘ut thrw'm-d to suvc the country. lmtééul of meeting Ui'e great ([uflslimh (inn ‘ ngitato the opulnr mind, it is exéhuiwlylo .“j'ml wiflf‘thb finrcéllin‘g out of~fhe 'st {'ls and Qfl‘ictw. as oet’gnrhmutton are (“:1 "0d 'of in the mar et. It seem: to have no right): mtrjotism had thelmggnrly nppm-ti nut-ht of the s6orlc-and plunder, and pro nftea spectacln li‘ttle 'botte; tluin that of nilnu gorging fhézmelvpmvjth liquor, and ‘ ing consciehce and lenr in brutal ~01 game. whfile their vesacl is fast LIL-j de§tl;uction.——~;S’um * REE-The Repuhiicans‘ 01' Carbon: Idi>like to.scc a forr'igm-bmin cilia-m mi office—*evon 11 Military" one. ’ll taryCompnnies of that cmmty lnx‘ vr'mg T} s w l y '. ‘ “‘B9-‘94 C’lPtainiFutriqk snark“ l } “[9 «4:14?! J l““’f‘:§'f‘"';§’ (tult'lllullf, (10111-3: “Irish Infantry." (0' the dime 6i 1 'gad‘, .t I 0 l )O‘U.L, ant-aw 5 ”a I )_npp Inspector. The Republicum no’] Iwmg elated lb)" ll the ludlésmnd gentlenwn‘j Satisfieii W 315“? promotion, and n 3 bvlng present: T e bride-and roam oil course nble to deviant lnm at hnnie. scntu" lumft X‘Pceivednm y mmplinmlys from tlle cum up‘ to -ll‘itrrisbul'g.lto,'legi§latr hm . ut‘- of m 1 ‘6.” F t' 0061 “311* f ‘. lnn ofllce. 'lhis Was alone straight a « xgg, In I 'Y! .’ ‘ ‘9‘") S . {h “3 oft“. 8 spite of every renfonstr'an e. l; ‘, < 53nd happy I fe. E - .. - fWgalctlll lattention to (liéhigh-hmbléd (mt We uhde tan’d tlmt the bridal pnrty‘llad 0 [>o me“ preset" tion. It is but “Pm?" grand rece )t on ‘ in Mon 1o ' and at Han ~step3oward that rgpl‘utioy‘l which tll‘:"niad oven—son); Ln?” hhuncllfefl )porsons being caps of the op Jtion ate proYOllqtrglln ltt ti l illl tdl't . the ”omit??- A arty th t Will ,9!) ,I}, to .prwcn a, lie. ‘ovrmer. ‘ ——en amen) such means to de tan bpponen’t. Would and enleflaifled-E—‘Vete bigllllj‘ gm‘ififil- ‘ strike him down wth the award, if it‘bould: O-r, l‘.*l -- j ’ l bedono withlmpu ity. l '1 K, 7 ‘ Ilfl‘llfr. J “Mg-mnwliq was elector go ' . ——»A~—.~ ‘-;.'_._l..._'..__.g l 4 the 813qu School Direc ['s {or the Bor- Jflal-t‘ng _a L 101): Qf‘E‘Yq/mi—The Camildiums ough a few ekl; ago, dodges serving. and are mmzmg. e gmve vmmm er ' ' ' . Anderson. lately . t at libel-ff théi-a. S; er. Roman 1123081135 *1" appointed in has been put 1m era colored )initructiftr, “891“??? lflw , __-_- l‘igd Egg)??? like in 613??!“ Pa“ P 515? S‘Mrthxf: “5141-7.er mllas been ap m n,u"rowm emen ‘x. . .A ‘. ' w {my}; After pr erg training he i“ "71)8' pmntedColl I’D? ofbtaten l Lnunty Taxes taken to England, where, as he has done for the Borouélt of Gettyubqrgx .. _ ‘ gag“ mfrefm Ikm angina, he will be! ‘ “4&me d Ball was lxeld M New. Spit—c 1:09:1th '1 rle-l Howl, in Lillilestown. on Buster Mondby e n s at 1" 'pinner, ‘9 ni ht which iiirepx‘esenléd ,as hm'in been cently appointed Ir mm: of the ljnimd: g» ’ « .‘ _.: - . . Mate??? 1:3]; six-tinted, have l:Jsll'y‘mrnad; "EH “29:?! bid a “ff“-sflmfifim “1" 8 km the “‘7“ l I to “I'l fiMr. D;4l2L\Tnm-i-Ll£hu taken charge qlfire of tlioae who knew inythin of the“ t 3‘ ‘ ' - business‘ of his office, Hawould have tuned »°f the}. 7994‘?ka atflllimbersburg. that lit-.'thtlnie, when Sécretarynzf tire Eliciasncn Winn" one of thesz Treasury, had them all sent-lo the but!“ nociate Judges bf Cunibetl d nounty; (lied trengurgr at Memphis“ for the purpose «if, tth‘ A'l i Philadellfi onTuesday igcihtatmg the collection of the interest”;fl e “3' 51min 1 us ‘ «amid saving the" four per cent. that had 5 last. -1 gaibugly been paid for that object. ‘But I'. Guthkie was a financier. and notn merp politician. ~§o says a Washington cornfi pondent of thqßaltimore Sun. 1 i ‘ ‘ -o——-—~—- [ fl'The Portl’ Courier, a B 1 1: Ref puhlican paper, apes _ g of the sur endef‘ ofFox-t Sumter, Bayer ." r y (i; ‘ “The depth of infamy to which eve‘i‘ James Buchanan dared not descend. it s ‘ pears is reseryed to Abnhum‘ Lincoln kl! soundL”. ‘ . A *1 ”j ' Another; Republics): paper says of lt: H “A Government ‘5O co'vurdly, so chum. h‘a sank itself beneath xtbo‘ rupefé‘fpf .31 have and loyal people, and the qu: er It= is dad anti buried out of Hm may of sign);l ‘and smell. the better” Oh, for an 11pm James Buchanan l" IVorld, i RM”. John Drew hu'leased thé Arch“ Street“ Théatre, in Phindclphin; for one yen. at $6,200, &n_,adyance pf S2oo‘over3 the {retina lease. . ‘ _ 5 A ! floral $121115. . ' F"? "It Cumpflfn ‘1 Mn. Planck—We have often lUUL‘QI! with pleas‘ute in your paper the improvume‘nu mm! in the may of building and otherwise Idnrnin you’r town. It affords In no leu “fisfilr'li-m to any that Oxford has been rooscdiun‘fFuin . long sled), sjncc the Ilinilruml is commuted, am put on It new suui improved dress. It wouh surprise any visitor of former years, to (we Ih~ new, bent/mm and oseful edifices erected it _our thfivihg "villngc, were he to visit”; In; Among those recently erected are wan-ham, dwellings, and fife tastefully' constructpd_ ' then-nu Church; To these will now be n '«u‘ another Church for the exclusive use of If. 1 cumin Reformed Congreggtion, orwmcb Rm .‘ E. H. Hbfl'heinu in the efficient Pastor. With a mart commendable zeal the congregation put . ‘ ' I t'lnlsoxfle your ngtfifllc old building Occupit‘i :__‘_,_.~.~l~L—» ~~~~ -—.~—._- I “Merit by the’Lutlm‘Ynn and German Reform- THE CQSCERT.e-'lee Grand Concert in ‘ edlCunflgx-egufions, an?) the ground on which it Christ (march, on 3l?hur.~uloy evening, was a , {taudsi and lnu'e- rel-um}- enterjed into a, cut:- decided g‘hccess, it every feature. The ttoct Vfot‘ the gun-tion ofn new- church, the (le large housp was “iv—"ln extnmi'llilinry cir- 'slgn of Whit-h, drowu by'Mr: Rolh, the cnntrucm cumstnnc considering the timos,—-whilet ‘ tor, is of the Gothic onlcr, out! when Oomph-ted, the perfoqmgnces - We of a 1 high onion; promises to make one o! 'the fim‘utxhurvh eliciting tl'rro‘ughou *nnlu’siflm‘. npphtuae. “huxldmgsm the county. \le In";i gludto lourq, Mu. Mozart 91mg delighfifully, and Wull ‘ that lllulente‘rprhe r 0 euccossflllly commenced golden opihions {my all, whetherjuslgcs of WI“ he warned o'} frith the some bpirit. ntnd ‘ lu‘sic:o|' 11’“. "(:le mln from Boatrice (1i : 'whatl§_;xxt)st}»lcastxut In the whole unghothkmg ,1; 1 W 313 very succoflfnlly 'exoculod,“ nl, thruxn Is l’lltely to he pmd fol-when 111‘“.th ”’l‘ a w “ Commit-”lrd ”w ”.0 u tank ‘ The Ch Ircli mll ‘be 40 h! ’6O, hm)! of brick, ”I”? her}; ntoml’ Sho'will 1m“, mm he i with u lingo spire, softc‘tjligh, agrroundut by the ouso fl ytlxe {insure she oflhulvd our j’corfcwojmtlihg pmntx: Xhol'inlcuot' well hr o‘s - o:- ‘P ‘. T l "; l ruplgl lvysnle gum-mfg “c muyyflmhl, .\lr. lump!" on who occfiflml} l '0 I‘an Qu.“ 0.1- Hnfl‘hciuis hus’ hem/{he ,I‘uslor o‘l‘ thin 00%;?!“ Club, (who‘ were Mutt-1 by sewn-91 tum:- gating mt about lii/no ders,vond lnhnml with ciuns fro abromlgb “I!" ‘0 l’M" L‘ “‘ ' ..u-eptinéc to the people", "tho'ugli under trying K 34“? egecinllynimn.“ ‘l'“ka are (lue l circumstlem: :hmiugf'll Kory [urge Cllufgu:|ln. for getting p 56 rcoaon-lw un “film: crodxtzt- Id" his‘m‘lrj‘Wc wish a“ 'p‘mslblu “9'00“ m Me as it WA to till (5‘ “norm-Ll. ‘B‘h" 011-!11‘5- lthis nowqfintc u‘f‘th'c people do“! ‘0‘!"- The tm and Ch “‘5 P“ ut'mntnros “’“y' if not lira-lion bflChurche—s, in ony plhcefiognrs well,’ more than, imet Pub} ‘9 exmomtinn. ‘ i not/dilly Tori-the general prosperity; but nlumi A} the sqlicitatim ot' mfmy, @1100)"me that the [imple npprm late the Musings of the was repenté on Frl” ny night. ogam draw: },(}g)spt-lof£pehcc_, Till-TE‘iillwt, pt‘l'llnpslu‘nulh. ing a full MEMO: “ ‘l' ~ _.. , ‘ Jer town nt'Vthc <mpe mm m the ,couhlyhtlmt ANOTHER uLD crrrzux mm: 2mm." Giana: Snare“. of am Elfinxugh, de~l WM mi. life on Monday evening lust, af- 1 ler an illgem of two lntmlhs, which he bore I with thé patience mu! resignationpf a true Christiflnv He resided in our midst for ‘ many years—W3B: an energetjv and useful : citizen—3lld tl‘mt‘f‘fioblest wo’rk of God. 1111;: honest man." 116 Y” an noti'y'e andwomw“, member (if thevChu ‘01:. (St. Jfimes' Limbo;- nn.} Ilséing I‘PM‘I‘C‘J ’the three-moons and 2 ten years of the Pfll‘mist, he tinks into the? grave universally ri-igrettwl, ahe was living ' universal];v ateemW' Yel‘is} "W 0 are pass ing away.” THE Flfig'l‘ 0? APR! L-rmtmday fast ‘ i} so wull‘fijrnis‘hcd “ill! Ihr {norms ul‘gra‘co .w “'35 a busy and inflpormnt Haf. It WM (')Xfi|rrt::‘ \T‘ e have now nil-nuhfurunfi, .\ll-thoqiit, thegenemléettlemvfittiun-fortlh‘Pnhnnntrt") “£l7.ll?!th ”'05”?! ° "' J‘: firm” of property purchnflj‘t‘i :nul'lfhcl clu~ing ofl “3mg :3":"‘" “.'“ ~- _w t» rut-counts, mid in MNFHOH “11$ 11 fim'mz‘l (kl)? I [s4ll+ RH. J. C. FIJn-hm; gave fix but ' when socgssi‘on \\'a.~;_ll?ogullj’ récognized and ‘ (aw-tang. 1'- hat-llfiant ledure‘on Q", “fig-Jinn. ' its constutinnality Ulltli‘l'i'lcgi: I’l‘he “I‘M-‘5 custonm timipomvlc «Bur/.31. ~Sélam‘n lufi’lu “"15 not fin ‘[ m-Uficiafl (”W-n C iWe I‘OHHIAII anythiug'nmre than llififictum éC‘AX-INELFU’EIREL t-he laid bri'oru .1.” nudiv'm-n of flung. L-x'w nn; instance of canilf lu-rmrtzgzqrdvn nl llm_trnpu~u. lmlvn with 11v We conddmvod nut un- ‘ Ml‘flngv \‘Jrioty‘ (”f fru'its' and "OWK'I'H‘ from. ILA “"10 (mm Of Mr. ' in}: with fflwl'hml .lmu'e»{ {hr Un- hand u!‘ 1;)" .11th washm miw‘d mzmr Him-[v that vbunh}; muét be {he gur- Ly‘its‘ pi'm‘njs for Minn time. ‘bn wart-h (It-p‘xrft‘hni ‘h‘whi' “"‘l ”“5 P‘W’IO [Lil-l ”10 beirig “mac for the rlxgiddyit was Hubs] lying .- ontnrprlst-.wfth mnws tl;i.~:Y;mkvu ,xiulinn, {bleep in a fipld a slug t. (li~tnnvrr 11mm town, im'uginutinn ”mm 1370.! Mt ll humid m the Mul’nnder ,tflm 1’13)“ -fion of it llul'gc (log. rmultn duly would pmduut- more. .\.Jrq’la which kflpt'o fnithflél watch “war, hi~ WT“ \Lum4o.tlurx-mul‘mriwnthoßcym'emlgtgnllk ci<lUSliltle-L-)1nl‘g0. an] ‘i‘fififnl- ",4 )wrmil mun .slmtgjl flmt \lxv:llo>{ Rvmmliph«midny any persnn t approafl- 1 l‘fntifiié \‘Tak balk-:1 “d Elm-v, 1(vx"(l‘w ‘H‘Tfl‘fl (o “'l‘if‘l‘ ”WY M“ away by his mtwter, w xv‘p the link Wands-l “"l’JMt' ”FL ”,"m’h'd “"‘l “”l’l’h‘"! t 9 ”"3" Mr was coy'fiuycd Mit .lmmn. Nix-mnnrkni by. our mm 3w“ J‘m‘w“ ""“?""-‘”"”'*_ 1."? Me an insmm-e of ilmkfifid‘itypxgtl Sagacity "- ','- '\Y“"' I'". L"“"‘“.~ HMS" ‘fWHhM ”In! tEil‘ nf-‘thk nnl3le Lunimul ih'ufu‘msg x-m-y‘ n-c-X-nhtly ”1’14” “MY-"’1” {h}: I"5lzr‘”"""l “H'VUJ' berm-red in this ficihifiyr—Humu 1" Nina». “m.” ”1".“ Fjiv"]l':"_ll"‘fi'r lilnuilil.‘lll|}';:fi""3;%;lffz ‘ ‘“_ a I X ‘A ‘ __ w ' ‘ rm‘mn'ro lll‘ph‘xllL'w LII 1 Il‘ ulnl‘f MN 0. Im Q NHhIH!‘ P 'K’ “AFT-E: -—;s\‘hm‘.fl M "M" on I\\'j*[t:!y J‘s'lyg‘lll'lllt‘tr;.\n)(‘l‘il‘llli li'lmln'izlil.——-' ._:\uu}_-duy._ mltl the 101,]: “115 g: E < “"IH'III/rr. ”HM". l’ropoi-fy of; David 51 :vinoy, 'm Me-nnlk‘n '; ‘ ‘ , town~lnipg tkrlflt-n'ry. “'1 ' ‘ . Proliorty or: Ma rqu "x burg. f 0 humpr A? Zitg‘ ‘ Pmport‘y of Jmmhl townghip, tn Hubert M {his place, wixich may: worthy of mentim’{ “Timel- wandcn-d Km; MME lan ME x r . ‘Lu‘gh— MEI than 11-ch E meiznr HI. Huh; i’mtmaulcr at [hwnitéfi wf I’mm- 113 x '. E 3 ' (mi. w. RELV hm no " mmmr at .\[iqu‘fmvnl \ in flare nf ..W [L Rm A MN )m-I tum-chants ni Sprung Good.» I NW; 4;) {soo4l Ktyl‘W—Mllvnp «3:15.- 1 nfl'vr unu~ual ilx(llxc'ellic- H‘lbm'l . fifMus<m. lhxéusér HE Sumtmv, ut I’nifii’ifid. lmvo s'oo}?in 4 mmtmuli‘lxy lJl'gP 'n‘rul: elk-gum stqck 91 3:1 Hood»; tlh‘whirh Hwy image Hm nttpmiofi ér nu. ”maximum tlml nigh-nlof'c‘nnurry. : Th'vyfifill Bl‘” good Goad»; at, low gu-iws, :Arlnl‘f vmitmu 31“ who may jmh‘rmizc“ them {xsfih (lw gnaw-M Momma. They ,Cm‘to “‘1" expo-"4d (If {m nouncing (lu- ru‘r-nipt nfthir 53% Numb lb the (Boulllllxgg‘itfl Hu-nug‘h‘tlw Wlu-E—nml tho comnumitf Shdill-VH s‘mu‘ a hapdwune“ n‘ppx-ociatiov of?!) somiblnéin nuke. by" giving them “glob- 3)? mutant." '; } W'hw' ' other gent. 3“ '1 The . ,~ and Brains. The chit: of ('4'u'l .\‘uhurz showalwlmt pér . I-i 7 , lséwi‘qnm um] impurlvuce will accomplish: (litorrinl than it\'. with so\'ora}x,/(“‘r!' It wull lw_ x-ocgllocl'od. lufllzcd the Mn: 1 .l y‘ . . 031 g!) Convcntmn mto mulljhng Um fuur— men. of thlf‘ 31.1““, were “Em" 'mnth [lluukjm‘oitk plnmnrelaling If) ‘h an " ‘lkq‘sup’imr if: whorl» He gave tljc‘lmdm rfflYll' ml“!- mg to Lfll ‘nn Envitfl'tfi . Nzusuv, I ' 'ote], on Prim plimontvrl wil h J 135%: at. Ynum's unly tiling Mili- ‘ "‘7‘ { , m pififipzzcr. A MISCELLAXE '3 firm“. - :1 am oomposfd ofl lane . ' Mynnuimgeolo; 1g 313 is an iOlO. y ‘. ‘ 5136 10 hausefnl TIM“. ‘ ‘ 12 1063 Oialfortin urope. 7- .4 10 3is of a man’sédress. 7 29is an )qten'ectio‘n. ; » 1 , , 766 is adounty in Virdinis.‘ 10 7 8 is an indefinilemliectivepronmn. My whole isithe name of @ll3 min 6f the Regent. Earl of Haney. , J. n 2 1. ‘. 81qu {o Enigma in last Compiler— “"l‘he Colossus in! Rhodes." ‘ ‘ ‘ 3.11:6 mndai-vative guih’ of member: bf the House'oé Representatives,“ the lute election: in Bhdde 'lslnnd nag Connecticut, win-ant the ex “tion um. fihe radied Re éublianswill grin sminority‘i‘in “m H 4910. i'Yn—‘Ofil Spndny laht, lw‘iidclhy (mourn-d Kn Paying Dutieséund‘er Protegt: ‘ '- Tho {Olivinving is Hm furm 0f :Liprdtmf , whirl. «ms? filed ."17 .\lcrndgcy {the «My i‘iheif‘ f.‘ for \g‘d‘fi} _ l‘.u~n:r, iii l'h-Hys ‘l'. fur 55.510. liqun.‘ in' Tyrone now, turifl'Wmt into opm‘iltinn)gvilir in") NW Yul k {ohm-tar, Lyn. L. bénuin .L 1'1“” on tho ’l»!va 1! of 11m inf-_rc:l_~‘ryl duties In}- dvr tlw .\Fni'ri l tariff} - ‘ 1 ' 7:, //.,- 13/4,)”, 43/71:,- I'm vy‘ Nun Yurl : ‘ 1 'E Hin. fury}. 11“}N'l‘"JI’IP').HITI‘I"I Minn. in lihc I‘nnnt 2 Sir-1W:- lwh‘lpy lawn-Lt n}:uin:4t~tln(~‘fiu3’— ‘ inn-11!. nl' fij'ii-Hy [.n-r crm. rhurgml nn awn-n (=wa M" lmfihvr t-umuim-nf In (bk outryfllw num- tllr- (lilthw un'tlw "um“ kiwi. {llmfitip tidn. chm'uplor and quality 4:!" IexAHH-x: um nnr Imird find (jqut‘Nflj in mhrr pm‘tw nf Hm ' ' L' .’m‘“ “101‘anth MI: m «If s%th I'm-pa nmu‘, 11mm- In n‘mminfiwl Pm}- {iglcr \ t hié‘mumty, ER, nwigligwl. , ‘0 nu't-Ivilpg than .<—-,u~m Ifl'flyh'fiw 11/743161}. Thsy m»- tu Inflow Univ imf‘ ' hf t‘ix ”I“ ME ‘ juxmign-lmrnritiznns. , gn. A l'nf that nutnrflc t-luu'lnve to undm‘itnnd Ih'nb ; if Hwy did nyt- mlupt hi 3 phmk, he _woufil‘ {dc-111:: its Inwnim-cs: gnu! in it went. “'9 m to mkq‘sup’imr 1., and his )irigle‘ . | ‘l ?' evenmg ln<t.,—- Am. its "94"... A , nuw- unimlyu‘ hnntlwr illu~lrntinn nl his hum-or and" film Rulnlllllir'xm ‘lomlorn. Ho m 591 hix font «lnwn {‘m" u foreign niihion, anti relented that of Sardinia; and he gave .the , .\«lm’inMruiipn to undelfsiflgd HIM he mmmt 1, to lum' it.‘nnd. ii'rcfudeln-eazonod thmliw ‘ (pleasure of his mxfl‘ntrymen. M!" Sc“; gd, ‘ ldiagmlod. mil we a e told, with Hid mam, flutiy rotu~ell him the pltwe, stating iHo be ' the correct policy to send none but native Borndmericans abroad. That put Schurz 'in . a grr-nt rOllO. nud‘pijcgrding to the dis " pnichw. .lle 'lr'ft Wanhington threatening angoancp. Tim bred in the Administm— hion to, and he wan nfl‘erefithe Brnzilar Portu fgnl Miwinn. as he might select. ‘Gnrl, see: :ing from the oll'cr mndqjiim that the Ad-' 1 minMratinn was buying, retptned to Wuhr Jiughm and insisted on 9 full missionnds- , iolaring notlnng Jess would be mtidnctozy‘ llle threw the Brazil um} Portugaloflgrn . from him in contempt. In that way' he ‘ brought Lincoln in. and instead bf.‘ gtting A the Hartlinixm Mi sion he got one stifi higln- . or, that ‘of shut, ! Pers erance, impuv deuce and Emma can necemifiiah great fen“, 1 and Carl is xmuseisscd o_f {hebwholexlnrga es— ‘pgcially th’e fixfsrtwo.—Linaumzfi Hug-arm . ‘ . ’-———"-~->* W ' "- ’l‘” Z 1» Shall the Union DieA-l'l‘acitug and m is .much emier to praise, than to‘ establish, 'n‘ ‘repubiicsn‘igovm‘nment, and when it is es— ‘ tabliahed it- cnnnot be (if long duration.” Wh‘én Mr.-R&ildolph.‘of Virginia» in the ‘ ,‘Com'ention to {mue’the Unitet’i Sum Coir- .‘ iditution, objectedb the ratio 91‘ repreign; imion, became in I hunch-eel years the [Home would 'beoome_ in language-bl. {multitude ; “who,” aid Mn" Goth-m,“ of i)xuuqaclumetw, {‘i‘ 'so extravagant sue sup-1' pose. that. this Union will hat {in hundred years f” This was . strange quéstion then. Spat! it die in its 7% your? in now the~ question. i ‘ if The Bush 731: h Nomwdudor.-On the appeal-shoe of a‘thundo‘r storm, the Indium invariably leave their pursuits and seek Shel. ter under a beech 'tree. In Tenneaaee it in also égnsidered a complete profeflion, u it is never known to bescruck with lightning, while o'thejir trees are shaver-ed to splinters. ”Geri. Mirnmon, ex-Preaident of Men ice, and whoii'synow in New‘ Yo ,i. only 29 years of pger’. ' “'r-u nu all-ugly! ”notary Cbuehh firefly/melted thirty bushels of Ippiicationl totem”...— More coming. M ‘ :v‘ 121 fim clap“,- I‘m'tirnlv 01’ Stub-x il‘ is im. imipn‘xll Illyuuih’nut by ”w fi‘lh u mmc m'li ard‘m‘y amm numércvinr‘ - ow-r tlmm m 4 oxm-lul >gnml~_ mu] Numb-1L "\FSJI'OQ , Impudence
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers