it .-v.:r}l Theflounnpu 13 publiihed eury Xpndny naming, by ling“ J. Sunu, 3!. $1 75 pa nnnum if pnld strictly}: muses—s 2 00 per unnum if. not'paid ln Advance. No Ipibscrlption' discontinued, unless at -the optinn of the” publisher; until all manage no paid. , 1‘ ; ,I.nvnfisznxninsertedat the‘unual rams: Jon Plusnm done with nEM-‘hess Ind dispatch. " Omc; in South Baltimore «treat. directly opposite Wamplers' Tinning l‘lsiabfinhmnnt ..“Coxmla Pusnxo 0mg!” on the sign. Jury List—April” Term. # ‘ ’1 mum Juan ‘ Conowngo—John Bushes, Sr.“ , , Freedom—_Henry Hengy. , Hettysburz—Genrge C. Crass. ‘ j Liberty—« John Welt): W ...» _ , ' Mountplenuam-mnmnuol‘Smilh, Lewis Will. l‘nion——John Spanglcr, Sr. . ' Cumberland—~Charles B. Pulley, Dnn’d W. Homer. , ' j ‘ Hamilton—Henry Wolf, Martin Gen. ' iierwic‘k tp.-—Jmob lhlll. Germany—Sylvester Harner, | batimore—lsrael Fluhr. I Reading—John Bouserman, Andrew .1. Brough. {ilrnbnn-Smhuel Fréov‘nnnflnvid Lockhem. hfiunflhgtouq—Tlmmn I'}. Eamon-,1. ‘fi'znklidw‘lohn Cole. ' , - Mountjny—Michuel PM P]. ‘ -/.‘ 1| Bel-wick imr.—-Fx:nncis Slrubinge’r. . o,:rordq.mmy Wim. ‘ ' Hamiltonbun—David B, Blythe.~‘ , ,- o’cunu. Jcnv. 1, ‘ mam—l9:l,] Stock. Frunklin nenm. i . Cnnowngq—LEmnnu-‘pi Kener, Levi Kindig. Cumberluud‘—Cornclius Daugherty, IsancDeor »dorfi‘. ’ ‘ ' Frmklin-—Samnd Eichoilz‘, Jacob Mpllhenny, Snmud Lohr, James Linn.» ‘ Gettysburg—Geo.‘ F. rEckL‘nrodeh Samuel G. ‘ ‘ Cook, Wm. 11. CulpZSoLomqn “'oth. Tyrone—Daniel Delup, Jonrfls Sturner, Solomon 2 Sterner. ‘ 2": - 1 ‘ )Hmiltun—DnnioL BJkur, H'cnry Kinm' Bending ~“hurlus H. Kuhn, La Lihrrly—Surngud Kris", “'il ' m Senbrooks: NnumJny—Johu Haring. Jo‘hn 'l‘rOM-le._ Hamiltonhim—Jacob (1. Fix-(Ir, Isaac Robinson, Rufus ('. Swupc, Imnth-rclcn .l V Y'niun—Jkurgt: l'ngun‘JfiL-ub .\I. Bol‘lingér. Mutmgplemnutfg—Alcmndclr ’fibung, Jacob Mel ‘ horn. ". ‘ ‘ Strnb sn—l‘ldwaf’dJluritz. , 1 ' ‘ Lufimara~—J«;hn‘Wg Fu-kthao'l Griefl. ’ 1 ? 'Butler—Willium Sliu'hnughflucob Peters, G_co. , Group. ~ ’1 ~ V lhmtil'ngtnn—Damiel BuHmnn, George Girdgcr, ‘fJulmg-Juhm. (in-urge ABoners. “ Gt:rug:\!lv-—Jm u‘i [Chink I Mexmllen—(‘lnirltl'fi M. Stewart, William Yeatts, J'gu'nb ['itzcr. K. 3 LV ‘ V m»: m 1; 'pA—Johrrrfimxir. f ~' ~ BL-‘rmrk hum—Edward{Soul‘becn ‘ ‘ ' March lii/.Nlficyl. " . ’ I d Ge’tvrsbug FEMALE HSTXTI'W-L—Tluf Summer Sc!- 4 “Sit”; offllis Institu'ion will commence on Musmr, "rmz‘lfmj our L‘AVPHIL NWXT.. I’m-“Mr ticulnrsjinuuire m. fl‘he rvmdnnre offleV. I). Ever“. :2 [March '25, 186]. «H. a..- __._ I”. ._ .‘ .u _, -,. 7m.— Only One Dollar Each! 1 " " )‘OOUHEAIITIN'L STgx-LL PLATE YOJ Ewan-mas”: nu: meß I HAVE“ FUR. .‘a’ \{J'L-anAmmbLfi l’kornnn' (hues AWAYI—Thc idcn of reprcs‘en‘gug (be Lord‘el Prayer by «Q. emu-Ming, n‘nd ornn mcnfine nnd armnging it. in-such a manner as to prndm‘L-rnt once a Imodel of Mamas and Male, was cnnvcivod :uid unryicd out by Dunn- M, the cchhnded Jinhk Nute Engruwr. at Vew Yofik City. , It cummen‘t-N wnh exquisimlyyx': rented words of“()\ur anhm'," nud‘thenfuilnw in nucrossiun Ult- glluiy‘pmrts of {he pmyer, :rvrryphnue of \vhi'ch gs engran'orl in the must. elrtrnut and tuneful-m I'p‘nvr. .\‘mlr the bottom or flu- pivmn- in a filllg<-rll‘}' cxcr'utcd head of ¢ we..~:_a.\'zun. nnd‘ mirénnng‘zhn‘ upper flirt, of the engraving: :\rl‘ tg’gg‘ nnizfl‘e. finch henrinpj' nuc nf_ fl‘e’TEV (‘OHWAfNDUI-INTS. The en: firsviuqlus rel-giver! thdximet unqunfiflml pmhe“ frog} thmrt-figicims mmm’bnny, as thprl‘ is nulhii‘i "‘in; ofu set fin‘inn clm’mctcr übuut if. Inwin'g A , lu-cn rommnmn'ded Bf Clergymen of all de-‘i numinul'umu.” ‘ A»: rm njrnnmonp n is one nfthe ‘ {moat iplomlid ever published in 'tluii cauntry, ‘ and is destim‘d (‘0 mm? the phoe of a phorer ‘ flaw q? envzfufinzs, The .4in of Ihe‘plntc is 20 ' ,‘bf‘ 28 “chef. Ali’! iennhunsvian-uhly the chenp- ‘ €l5l. 1- rm‘inz over (fifeyedfiu :his crunlry. ; ‘ J Wlu) thn‘t loves ark-{who delights 19 study a fur cumming—who '11:“, “431 mm receive the 9 lmnrgs‘fcinm whit-h auc : n Kym): .ii valvulntcd ~> tn impérl. wnnld t‘uil l ‘scc‘uye’fi mipy when the prim is ONLY (_).\'l-].DOLL.-\R;‘\\’ith theflmnre of serufiug for the sumwit :idtfitionmgermuncnt home or Anejher mhm 1e gifq? . ' ' As mwork u’fm-t (11;) vnlnnhlc and bountiful engrn‘ving in worth make than the D 011“: asked for it. it's wilt "3)"!in be agknowludged on an Inspection of It : but the filxbsqrilners intend to maku k G'if‘t Distrihnlipn’m purc‘msr‘ra (,f‘the ‘ enéryvings.ofvnlunhlé presents. as fullows: l ‘ 1 H 612,» and Lot in Yurk ”crunch; ' - , [Buggies (Quinn & Puhuer's makém’arm‘t‘xted) . I llm‘kmw‘y...‘ : E ' i ' 2 Buil'fing [mtg in York'liorough, - 1.000 VJuablp'Bno‘ka. E "50 bhls. flour.(xg:n73uted,) ' _J . ' ‘ ‘ 1;000‘Gold Gilli Frames [0 suié Engraving of the Lord’s Prayer, , J . “ a , 500 Steel Plate l'ilxgnlvqus Birth of Christ, Magnificent Ln‘okiug (31215513541 2 ’4' A Gold and Silver \valwag ; —‘All ki‘nds of Jewel . ' embracing Cameos, Florentine. .\lomilc, ( old Stone. km. kc A’ um worth r 1233» 5‘ _cems to $5OO oolwim each engraving a I‘l. :- v, . v When the cnzmvidgrs qr£ all/501a a meeting .pf—t‘he purthnsers will ltecnllerl N. Washington -}Hnll‘. Yd'rk, Pn‘. when tht Gifns named above Drill he distributed tu such manner as the puf .Cbmfl any deteruiiué. The'purchasera sc )ecting 'i-oémmiltec oFZdjslmen-Slqd pal-suns ;to kae the awards in‘ Mic-h mgunér M they may dgsignute. ‘ ’ * ~ The p’roprietorsfrom the favorable fiannnerin {which t)!!! 6111 Enterprise has becnvreceived. and‘ the‘mumber of engr‘ wings «handy gold, ’lpr to be able‘ to have ale amount disposed at by the 1.91 ofJuJyX awning, ‘ani’vfim‘n all are sold they will notify thé purclms is, and have ‘ film distribution'ohhi Fif‘a procéetlesgl wit‘h. ’I Thisgngrsving Ms rflceix’ed xhe' commenda tion QTjthe Reveréndfl‘krgy, our. firsi citiiens, Snfimiepd of 911 chases, whopnter into it‘with' spirit. / AUSTIN bWEHRLY.’ ‘ 7' L 11.. Ausnx. ' ‘f Gross; Wmuf. TnEcm'mEnpmxoxs 2 We invite nileution (0 Bdrm: of the recon. mendnfions: ‘ -I‘l’ '\ 1 3 Iron Bog. c..w. Thouploallehmr orsg Johnu 9mm" . \ . ‘hlfi “hoop-J ‘urqh, York I". ’ .. glean-s. Austin 4’; Wehrly:-T£g engraving \ p'f' tht“Lard'o Prnycr" which ii now ofi‘ered i for Ml: by Messrs. 'Anuin & Wehrly of this. :Borpngh in “ got'up'“ with math taste and :Benuty, and ought to‘racdmm’end itself to put ‘ll’c :tuntion—nnything‘thnt win keep um: no. ,bie wmpogtidnpeforgrth‘e mind and memory in Elikely to do good. The work seems to me only ; mflgeqnire examination in‘prdento be admired, ”i ’1 "tan but. hope that'the gentlenien who . hum in hand in distribution at so moderate a Mo, will be‘ abundnmly aucqessful in their oodengkigg. J G. W, THOMPSON. ~ m tho unit. I. ugh. Pastor at the Human _ . . (la-mu, York, Pl,. - . . York, Pm, Feb. 20, 1861. Mental, Ajagtin kWe'hrly :-—Having had the plenum ofiifigpecting Messrs. Austin 3 Wehr-’ lyr'l oplendid qngrnving OHM Lozd': Prayer, I would cordimy recomuiend it to the igvonble qmntion of their friends a} York d elu . ifllgm It is normal: 3 beautiful women for the dinning of every Christian {amily,-‘«but 3150 u nleful and edifyingrcquiijtion for Sundty' schools on'd similar banevoxent institufious. ' . If. F. HAGEN; r ‘ fiEditol-s or Publishers of papers giving Ni .dvcniaenant fiinsenions, will'be entitled 3 to m Engraving and Ticket, by forWßx-d’mg the paper for that time um address, or by in unlng it until the u‘ e appointed {or the dis ~Qflbntion, with u: E florist notice once in 4 wicks, they will race e “in engmvi'ng framed >liur§fino gold 3“: frame £0 suit. its size and n I'th- ‘ _,, AUSTIN a: WEHRLY. H Kerk, Much 25, 1861. Economy is Wezfflth, . Am one of 0m- leuhed men, Ind I befieu 3,13: the talks 311 any they nave money by Emma. CARES. :3 In: their Groceriel, a m, lotion; or. {Mahatb II Bv Hl3l. Ismnm 43a } Licenses. HE knowing applications; to keep public bondes ofenfiertaiument, have been filed in iny otfice,‘with the requisite nu’mber of signers, and will be presented at the Guuzt rof Quarter Sesgfonsu‘m Mofiday, the 151/1 day of: Apnl nezl Geo. W. McClellan, Box. or Geuflburg,‘ Charhé Will, 21,.,«-r' “‘ 4, John [J..Thtg, “L ‘ , “ ' Bqnj.‘ Schn’wr, ‘ "' IL’ “‘ .1. lune} Yognt. , . ” ‘; A W *— F'rnncial. Wi'lsmj, quick Boggn‘gh, Henry K'nbiem ‘ “3' ‘ ‘4 ‘ Danie}. Hurtiefl, :Butfer'? wwnfllip G. WJTIL-x, ' 5 H 3 A“? Daria eckler, H 5/ ‘1 John- usbey, SET; Conowag’q ’ “ Ernne s Bream. Cpmbcrlaflfil x n (...-nu. QPthln—m‘, Willihin Toot, , u é. DavidiGuodyean Frankfin 75 Geo: A. Curwell, . “ llcnrnyunshower, ‘ ‘1 ’ mama .1. Pezor’s, in; ¥lezeklnh Lauhdw, “" A. .\llllt’r: “ licm' ' Bitner, ! »‘.‘ Jucuflflicholtz, '1 Comb’liu3fl.’flunél‘; 1- Geo. g-nr, ,: “ Joslnf Price,“Germnuy ‘Lmi 'rehs, “ Peter Lingeqfeltui', 4” Jnse h Burker, J‘ " .\lnrc'illus Glouw‘;K “ ‘ _Dnni ”hacker. Hfimiltqn Daniel .\limugh. “ “ Rcubfn Bmin, Unkniltonbnn ' Joye inh St‘cm,‘ "‘ 3 ~B‘nrgy Bighnm," “ “. ~ Pete S'dnv’t-fy, 3 “ ‘g . Haulmh M. (lonpqr‘ “ a , G. W Hildebrand, Hunting“?! Julmfl). Begkcr, “ I l [Dani ) Mnrkley, G " f'l ‘ f (‘onmd 310211, Lntx‘more 3j . f Mary Bruu‘ 1,4 3161161311035 _ , .l. H'Emnh. “{fl ; , (31:;an 5 .\lyérs, Menallen 1 r 5 , Oliver I‘. ”one, “ { , (iror' Shame, Oxford ‘ } . , \ HHHFBenkheimeVr, “ ' ’- ‘ Jacob Slurr'tiu, . '1“ "r ' P ‘ Robert N. Dicks, Reading { “J ; Jamal) L. Gan-15¢, Slmlmn r; ' ' " .‘ John E(-kcnrode,T) rouo 5* '' ' j \ {Samuel Sndlqr, ‘ “ 'm '.‘ E E AncuM. uqok, ' y “ ‘ ‘ N f '3 , More uczstlgs‘ - 7‘ Henry G. lCnn-“Bor. of Geliys mg, ; Geo. F..Knlbfleiséfi, _ Do. 1 1 " Jacob Slot-k, ‘ ‘ DO,). \ 3 Nathaniel EnnfchGcrmnny'town hip'b ; George Kfidle,Mountpimsnuc4 " 1' ’, Reily .'L' Su‘éeriuger, Cpuo‘y—ngn “ j I March 25. : JOHN EXCIIULTZ,)€I¢:I:J f , Borough‘Acdoun‘t. g.[ . {7 [f 7 G, McCREMiY. Treasun-r, in‘n‘ci‘bgnq L R. with the. Buruuzh uf Gettysburgr ;‘ .3 { Im. . ~g . H : 1860. Mar. 21. Tofiminnce in hands, 6 $3 [9B Oust-angling Tarps for 1858, ll 18 I Do.’ A du. L 1359, 272 7 thing asst-55rd for 1860, _ 1‘ 714134 6 fMum-y received onllouns. ‘ ‘775 0) * D 3. -on diwuums. ‘1 ‘ 494 a“: : Du. from mum; fofilumppo'st, ‘lO 00 :Rent hog]; Dnnnerfilieglcr, 1i! 71 '> Paving lieu collect'hd, _ ' x >l3 85 . A '. . . $3llB “(:9 1861. Mar. 16. 351. due Treasurer, . n [Pm-INN“: as a;§ , A . 1' ‘ ___; suddcflnly hnrpooneéi'u g‘n *; 1 $3221 TH ‘ mink capacious pocketfiofl ’ _’ CR. I“) E‘ ,3“— ln. louf {bread find hum of: ‘ IBy orders puidfiné it: ' 5 lurid oldjng them up.[witl For worknnd curling, "‘ ‘ ’ 5404 06‘ -loéka d desturefio the innm‘ LJmp posm - 1‘ 35 3'84 60 u. ‘ c , ‘ 1. ° Gus, 6 momhs, . i {,2’ V 121 60 4° 1 3:“ do“ tkevtclx\hrm anplighting‘ 6 monthi,, .1 ' 7‘43 75 En \a nt. NB? the!“ Pl5ll Hardware :m’d pilg‘ 1' Ji, 1 15 Slikfimrt, Ishould iike toékx‘now Arresting vugmntlf. ‘3 ‘“‘ ’ ‘ i —-—-—- «.7»; Lumber and lime,§ Winter CQmPuny,‘ CnrpeanQ'V-‘ork, ‘ .\l‘xson i ark, x 4 ' Enginevr‘q snlnry,’ 1 Officers, holding qlernou. Justice‘s fe‘es‘, qug’ifying 001 Stone, w. H ' l Fees in Burgess‘oifice, Hnrpe [ Do. do. King, ’ i Town clock and repairs, ‘ , Repuiripg pagines‘, ' i_ Engine keeper, 9 months, I Printing; _ ' . f interest n loans, . A j Notes pd q, , ’ h 5 "Brick an sand, * i {School Rg, ‘ ‘ ~ 4 Posting ordinance, ‘ ’- r ; . lexfnense \of coleUntion, A ~Amman; and Cofingci'g feefl, Clerk atriiTrggaurer, " v El‘own Célhiucil, , ‘j I " ' Exonemg’idna-onlu of 1855?, addition: . D . do.‘ 186;), Errors in ugsessmgfitof ditt ‘i Cnflecto‘s commissions, ‘l, Gum-m, ing cue! for 1859;: . ‘ 1130, do. 1860,;5 _. \r ,q .(l t/ l alsnce{dne Trefiurer, '.3 .V ‘ 315 mm had by own Cclubil and Much, 56,1861; , - [Aprill , $lOO,OOO Gum-she. {IGK‘WHITE LEAD AND ‘ ‘ I “We"; ‘ WASHING'J‘O‘Nt 1:15: WY THE LBE'SIM; ‘v' 9; BUCK Lita, t,5 100 porpvywill caverns ch surface as 120 0 pounds of other bite, Lead; : f" BUCKLE D, , ‘l ‘ "nintifg done with pure Buck Lesd‘jt “vice“ ” _ durable as othFr leads. ‘ . _ : _ . BUCK LEIAD, . ‘ ‘ ‘3 In whiter sud more: britligtht that Any other , knowm Whitd Le‘ad. ‘ . BUCK LEAD, Ia superior to the finest English White Bend for : ao’ftn‘ess and beauty. 1 ‘ . BUCK LEAD, ' ‘ ‘ . F'"! Body Should Buy tuck Lad. {wAsamch-uu mam ZINC,I I. superior to ~any ‘other Zinc in the wofld for . excreme‘w‘hiteneu and hxilliaucy. WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC." i [a unrivalled for body or cowering property, 50 pounds will ck) u mic? painting :- "75poundl of mar 25m ' ~ , q - ' WASHINGTON mu. zm‘c, Has no squalid! durability: it. wean, twice I! ‘ .long an other Zinc Print. | FRENCH, RICHARDS & 00., Manufacturers, Turn an M 5913" Snurrs, vPaxuiburnu. fii‘or sale by DANSER & ZIEGLER, Get tygburg, Pl. [Dec. 10, 1860. 6111 , J _1 E ~Gv Cm ' AS just "seeing very fine usoflnient of CURRANTS, F S.RAISINS kPBUNE— A go a splendid Article LEGHORN GITBONS, aft, 0! which are used for biking Exposes, kc. J tcsllnnd canine thgm- Don't. finget the pfice, right opposite chq Bank, in York we“. 1 ”mm mugsrgfirnéaquomtwin ...} Shun, In ‘ _ am “I'6qu ‘ . . a" W‘s-d My»? ma hump" A “0 pre- _nmt 'F ‘ "J ' " W's.- a—Ahm- 01W . a a , ‘y HA :[DDEUW‘ v lir MIME ll It : {/xfi‘ l ‘ Veracity.‘ {The groundwqu of alarm: Heradity. 'Tlgat virtuefl'xes .‘ nof Ei’erythingsolid. L 111)! 5 {heml- parents say, ‘ll Brad 0 igd siflongns be sized“ t} z niy hive fuults, but. I kfiow c ive $12.. I build on that flihfynie right. .It is lawful n {i Lani upon. V And that is 1": l'énc \ Whatéver errors te b 33535 a child ifiio, so limg : vi ml: 1- mains, there is sojtmet’ 0 ~{h nuce e] 50 ‘ « mlt ‘ h ophe CET El \ c. C!) at all. I we‘ll? : l sigh when!" “’hon we vind‘x (liqate Eur footlmold.\\¥'§lxcn it is 1i; e fleading fox‘ the ai Br‘émhp. When you ufidor a lgingman‘, i: is like pqz‘m. t 1); [xiii-e. ‘ i ' . ‘ ~—- 4 c '; W‘X-good anecdote iis r . kxiowq vagabond, who fun; 13 09 » 1(1)? 2343 l fiak'gmzon Green,” iAm‘ 1; 5,4 ‘in theg habit sometimes’ of‘ ’ 51,99z7bax (if sermons Bequegthé ‘ 4": 00 futher‘ who was also amin‘ , 500 4 ' ‘ 40 ‘oo’casifm got hold of; £9lm 193 34 'whicli theold genthmmb ha ‘3O . 30\ toltizefitnte pripon convicts. ‘gg 33 and tl?e congregation vyére . 360 00 interqsted, when {ll Bfihtl‘bnc {39 oo prised themwith my in £21“) 3‘; I:.Pfldiit nqt been for Me I 130 00 {gqvemon eve‘rg ope ‘of t? x f )2: géibgen. ungnlonggimfgg ' [ {ll%g( } “Th’e followifigadé‘ert 1‘ {2O 0° ‘nppénfired ina countrypppe 1 :30 I’lo I f g vox sfiAr ‘ {.30 o’o { {Vor‘n small leetle mply PM :g $3 $l2 monts oldof sorreljcblo {i g 3 63 i ty, mil: sum whité sppon I ‘ :70 33 ,nfid ck apove, gnd “$0 ‘ £l3 59 lon hfrforehead $1 frgflt, 4“ 31 Bag lekue end his; pail him“ py himsegf fro¥nl in 1 afiy flotty finds him; find ‘gfd s' fid word to defirinti [inf I in make ’em firekn " nine wh'en I kill: ’exilJfo Imin, '. ‘v‘lgfl'The following}: , n pler'sfiook: ['l’ L J “Ylou mgy fromi aid 1 apol‘ h slava.,so he]L _uz b‘rin op "fivil war, ghéaug tl‘xe nio ‘—mBy until: “IF-flag“ detemi a: the‘etem pillgrs of 3’ I An» .131 7B 5 $l3 09 fice‘tlified ; ml. EM! WB5l tips: am" mi. 311! dbon Ahoy: in my shin. I"; I A." Were you evefr asked 5 mm of his nefl‘g "Yes, when qfiestfiog: apen‘fiing the evening db liii "'l" 7" im" 7—‘i"* ’7 "v" 7 7 " ‘ GETTYSBURG, 134-, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 188.531- ; 305112 ' $331152 I ‘ 1‘ 111:: Hun: UPo‘A‘fl‘ué rum. 1 \‘ -I’m banding as in duytof y re, 1 ‘ * 13:”sz our trystmg‘ the i . Ben nth whose lofty branc s;} ‘ first» wedged my film: to bee; , .fi Th 3: name is nil! upon ihe b rk, ’ '4 ‘ find-though denycdiby 2e, 3. m ~,Yec;he husnot eflaced thy grdl a 3 Fom thii {and hear ‘of inep {_l lAn though, alas. thyinndlghatvcumd ; g L on the Lree'thy nalhnan f 115 crumbling into dustiyel 3 ) ~ Sh“ love all tb‘ s, c. v ‘ ,IWigin my dream: i 549 «3‘ in ‘l I ’y tonn beiore zine now 1 71 ft 1 the garlands, th 1. tb, humid; I lld twine around In bro ; J jAn as the spirit 9f 3' 0 pl: 3. 1 merges from my a. I, Sbr ' ‘ ! ' 4 - is anchor gropn : t: ‘heflemre. Non E bout ('ineinotlien‘. ~. 1d fm‘beuring .sq igtxg is‘h-ue. It is ,tHelfu nlihary commen‘fge , ‘ tsp without n gotjd ’ annot believe whfnt 0‘ not, act upon it, qndl that (imyingffinn Trmh is Axommbn in ml it, we defendhhe I: it may'dissolve te the Lola: sys .n in “fixed as by my wife, after > - —crdu enough, oonecience. === 3‘ ? a r ME RATH© AND}: FAME-LY J©‘URNALD; “mt-m I! was" warm. 911 nm." V :‘ Too Late, ‘ <3 ' g The Dissolution of the Union.‘ 1 The; Tribwfe Pt the eleventh hour ppeals “If the cotton Siam: remain out of the to the Uniqnvmén, of me Scrub. flmarks, gPiE‘t‘gmi ““5?" ”i?” bail“ "meg“? we' ‘ r I C 0 e 9 IS 9“) (‘l‘ on our 1h? Journal «{Cammerca, to Show their hand, i prrgud canpfegfiracy. i-etTlxerc is‘lgven in this! and let ‘L be_ 1’0““ When”? they a e ready» cak‘xmity a source of Mmforb-q-thejmrmaq s‘o cooperate. ith Uniod m¢n in :11 North, ‘ nent dimflution of the Union ‘5 the certain for the page ation of tl. Il‘ulemliiovernlg 403 th 0f 10001000i“m.” ,s r ‘ ment: It as s—“ In H.- rein {Unidn phrtyf We take tha nbofve paragraph frog?) the in: the sebede States?” A 145 I: 1.11? blind- 7, 114$ number of the Clxmxllersbfilrg IBr‘pcsztory nqsa wfilg, g- 1 now, 11 r¢fu . {(3 be en: And fransm'panlendjng Repub icanjournql. lightén .' here we d ‘ler no 'need of . The editor appears to rkjoicc over thé disso ggking sdcb‘a queutibn tibial Had, the RB- " lution of the Union; because it will sg-cure rQßlicnni ref ined fro 'l-H‘eitfienie‘ menu-1‘ “the cermin death of locofoeogkm." 1' Well, int-{s nfcoekciox “in that! rril'fly tauséd ingotsl well—.that may.bé.' To' put (Imin thpiDemo— wail betw¢en t e'electio jinp éhe ifiwgum- ‘, cratjc party it; is necegsylary to fiést 11us down my: of gr. 1 nunciafiqns. :l trfiumph Mb ofiminntfly I U‘pinn (whim cqus‘hed but I “+156 thi'mn Sfi‘atcsrn d e<l tl‘at up “xpr cduld s&l;ch éTherb 'us dic‘tivo ~ pix-it had gnix ed 5 19m , se tiqn yum. hat 1- 31.19] den f. on victory I mjb ry Sout ornel wall—:1! eir PI 4 “1y chm-Mk» .xt the founda common it is faith'in my :6 truth. ‘ He e will not de—r ces cut large st -! onfidence."—-‘, merits. {This‘confirmm owi’ry which ml already To md‘ a? lhb Soqlliern Hiiml.‘ '9 £O2, -"}.hceded, even among tile iixcx wthe gait anti-blawry par”: l] was be t on the forcilile (m 1 hat'ed ‘iimtitution.h l SPIN! “l lmvé did‘tnl‘cd n. cpursq bf gi-eai cohpledl ‘with kindly, > s‘lmiru‘ ‘ would have givegi s'éi gt? ,1 'the ‘truo conservpfiv lmap J who still i6mainedja (Mull, ti Stitu-tiuu, mulwho \‘e d drier their rights in the Uni/{l, rjxtli -it, But} no. They- w to P 0 ilxeir oyl'n professed. fri md ‘, ‘ pawn-ed. by illicrva‘jng uatlx In isl Well pf théhe [Elli i. cried, “Net. a ip Ehé dots of disbover the i walculalilc mire 11““?- ‘»Tlxou vh the Union " lnrrlmpé irrevocably—ii may m ,to avert the qlnedding 41f blOOll ; lmm -»-+ 1 The quublicanlDi'su i The ‘Wnshlngton cérresp Boston Com-[cl thus wrigtes‘ : “ Tiwre'is in growing helix? Ropublirmm in favor of 9. ("lbw American Uhim-i. It} law 0 Sennteg‘and fq‘und fawn". It i in Ropixbliqan cnPr‘ug cEin‘mb'o ldjlut gxound‘ Lenlitiful cop ' lptation _mny fi‘! bravo, opc-n; ing to (1531vaan there is umb of the “oz-I‘ll Icy-can be 101-; --. their rrhig‘ Qamen n 1 vhf n'llurd ' pro- I -nsurc of'it.—~ them shy to us, u" an immense ‘e cann‘ot mm; erest. When‘ asis of 311 50w ate it, we vin- e plea(' for it; ' 9f health he ake to hem-til; your foot into {a new of a «on: roiight before grunt. Hnfing den, he pullol; is tattered (3an dried codfislu é triinhphnnt {ratepexcigimi‘r hm‘vway} I‘m' legficnnso‘sulfi I, in qum'vgr is not' c-quq‘l to t ‘e emergenciy 1’ which Weir 11.009:Ri_m1 tb pqwuffi has “gates! ; 1 _and tlmr remedy ls tlwe chs émbermefit of ‘ mghagnm.“ my; _‘ ( “:th the slave Stat‘os go '1 _'THa£'a the' cry. ‘4l} pt them go nip). thc‘ifinegroes—L-Ihe ' countr ‘l3. big enough ““110 t. them.’ " Q i It is difficult, to beliejve Mm 33° many men ‘ in the North as are urilited 11 Ben the black . Lana? of {he Republiéan ‘p (y qould be so 1 .ipsensihlefi to the manifold I asings which I this Uhion especihlly gonfersl‘xpén this}“~°°'{ tion. dkto wish for its‘disso) ’tioh. Y6} it” )Esi\3fle to'resistjthe 4%wictipn that} (elibuntply ‘deéigned {I mi playjned ley hé‘v‘e done.f Theifincfis and;l the in: results\ of 'those ‘hct; .must be.‘ P the denbmmepts 6f lheirqvéfijcry, or y must be sfirqgmsed iLo be entirely a policy—a pféeump: 'org‘not (p be' ricnn'pwnchér, mwifig upon a. d_ him by hi; ter, übononé 1 n, by miétaké, . once preached It ppen'ed well, coming deeply the pafson stir lrmhtiqn, that. ybler'nenéy bf tbp tm ‘wczuld 3,1130%: I 7 ‘ is im they what disast taken else t 1 withov emant recently en (01‘ ,of an MEM suppo e that ten th usn‘pdh ohbga men Show; bind together ith a ' signimyc‘n an upco manly wicked dcsi , u n_li\thab such number shouldl‘conf erqtelykic’bbql: anyd sign,e;xhibitingbq un fe‘cedenbed 95% =iemblpnge nnfd union of fools : d idiots. It ii every;: day bee ming imp-e ma’nifest that #l6: Repiublicans avea :élicymndihat it is P disuiaion poliFyae 6 they would pompfily pssjprefihc donut of peace. gm} profl’dx: acheytable Want ztolbe Sonar 'ern States.. The‘ CoLn'er’s hon-espondent propQuntls this pointjlques‘tion: . ~ , “Is it too much/or eml‘e _‘f the American Uiion. to guarantee 21:4 Soqihfiequality in the American Territories?" ' ‘ ( .eifer Calf about, - all over his pot [his peliy pelow. it a white speck hd grey hairs on 5 pehjnd, strayed L his owner. If {will ketch him, hg ofiis, where'he lot I'm mac and fihei} tro'uple, .50 xtMot from Hel- at. {but we hill God, though it Terrible: Fanling.—T§e famine in Indi- in desolgtin‘g the North eaten? province: for a thoizsaxid miles in e teizt, Iqu being: were flying at the ratjof 400(01- 500 3 m 2... Mothbers no selling their ch ldr‘en as shves for 64. each, that my mpyfhg‘ve bread, if only for tingle daf. -' Dag/L qfiiJudge Mcljzn, qf Wide—The fete gnpl‘; announces thé dentin of the Hon. John McLean, Assoéjnte mags of the Su préziie Court of the! ’Unith States. His demise occurred on 933 4th ‘11!" M W “7% _ A acting out ~ ens} up u” said a to sqhool 'in A hole gne me.” hole in it. could‘ it fiSalt Lake is prkibnbly Hm] saltestbody of IMO! on the“ globe. Tflm ban-ole of this water ire said to‘ yield Hyman of salt. 1 The water in of n lightgzedn color for about ten or twenty: rods. ind then dark blue. No fish can UVB in Sui-tub frqgs sbide 1 gn _ir—and but few-birds axe s‘aen dipping 1n 1 , ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ged wheth u {good ‘ know, I 165? thing Ith. I burn we Loindon piakpocldetsflxfie trained with 30,000, sends two mére. An equal dogs‘to such ’Accumté operfifién that they ; ruin wi‘h Windham count} in proportion jumfiu a goldwatchnseizeit‘, snap the Ehnin to population, would give: to theée ~two and~ bah ‘o3‘ where- their wine:- is waiting. Democratic towns about 50 R‘epreéentativea. “fi'f” ”.'" 7M“ ‘ le'hey mullxhavqfout! I}: ‘ estioDed ?" fine nérv'e whichl ne' eye {which never bunch wbiéh were: vandal-q the-es of victory; " ‘ g ' 4 £y :lhfiei’nta land de imméqiatgly m a d fuimiymtéd indiy ldiilg‘ Bmin, ' the as it) }, érca't extant *ced.‘ IS9 incensed bofin‘xléglifn fin't‘hosé ‘ t lie 'tlfifl States, “lib; 141119 {Jnign 9 -il .1 v '5 ml l”gay". “The Vin. nslgbl)%uik title North th’po ( in ' tl'xevvioi ersifns bf fipmvinus r 3014 _njo’ 01 }position, uni» 12's 11mg after 'B(_L . ‘ I ”huegrefrnbto "@333l. to the alleéll‘l ! e' -resour- incoln’. ! ¢ceedjn I-‘pons, a t ulawelx up there land sile : of the : ‘. ecially i‘ ssion bf h“ I be tolera | other; gr ‘ lof finrtiz 1 ch s{ren_ '1 coulroxi ‘coum Ll v its dead] I 'eh proclai '5 were tl [ rts'bloc l KM 182221 {n tile, .3“ to carry rni‘si‘) the reqti liniuinfeh‘onsion 1 10d' aent ih er $0.31“ “is, tduloufi, that. raw North } inctibn: of the ' ifdom wquld ‘ ;. .quoration. r iwes‘hnnd so (i ,s'ucoo'r (Q , b} {be Soutlf‘ 4120 old (‘in-1, i Imeld to seek“ dr tlmp out of , Alvnldd’wn byl l‘i‘d’ contovey rs“- J i '9? +0 so Madly: mf'begin to ‘ ‘iyf’they hdvé g \ déamoyed—Y r ‘1 lie too late I rty uglyinpogsed 9f :tnen filmy fife either/dis- ned as to 9. pit intelligence. ‘t is m'lfii'h‘ rafipn‘al to sts or idiots ‘rér {reigns—£ll?! f" jar—film {ll%|qu ‘A fi’Mu-y 'Ann Lowe“, convictéd it Lou m “19 lan-ten mine «mowing Vih‘iolnpon ma. ran-mu, zi4 ~ ‘ ‘11:- been‘mungodép'puy you $810,000; =I ii ‘ :l t our once proud Upiq‘nl To pijt rain the Democratic pnrfy.-the industrifil unluits of the cmmh-y must bé finalized; and gthous andsytmd tons of‘thohsonds pf workmen thro‘wi‘xfb‘ut of empqu 111 mm. 3m] yc'l ‘tllese dire calamitieu )afl‘ordfl “‘pourcr qf awful-g” 10 Black Republicaniémufiqlerely becaufie‘they insure ”,lho certain deuttnrof locofogoism !” Wlmba confession is tlnis‘.l 119 d tlne;l)emo-~ crats been _succepg'ul in the luét. outflpaign, our country would still be a whole, hid the AmeriEhn flag would this day 'lm foxlnd {m furlvd‘in‘cveryStats.» lßusinega of nllkin‘d; would be lnisk beyond formqr yeqrs, and millions of our éountryrheri €llO a‘xe now star'vitig,rwould be, profilnbly fiemployedrj ‘Our whole people would be )1 ”73' find our wholo. country proSpez‘ous. t, how ia‘it ,um'lergthe rule‘of Lixt‘om alflition‘ism?— l A 11" is‘ gloom eine to rote brdthci- is armed ééaihst Brotherfiusinpss qmfing war, W .“‘ isnt a stund-still—thquandsof‘bwsinw men ry equip- arq. failing~mechaniys and \vogkifngine-u are without employmént—mifl a rés‘ us in the face—but yet ail time: is “71“”;“i '3' Com fort” tp' o'ur opponexitjs, became; ii i “the pertain death 91' idcufocois .3 'Whnt say the peapié to thi‘si: t ‘ lax-ntirin ? Ar‘e th‘ofi' willing to 3 5:9 videgi Union, bankruptcy mid dist Iy‘thnt. n maligfinnt nbplition song be gratified? | Can they ufl'onl bah cause fhe prixici‘ples of a reckle‘t-u ed {lnd unprinCiplcd faction ui ‘ E“ mand? W 55 (row nqt. Thei‘iii‘? first Opportfinity. rise in the diéfii". strength, and hurl the (l'vnmgfij6 ~’ power who'have brought our 1&5 3 itics upon the eounqy. Aim.” 2-) triumphed once. [major the ‘K. ‘ thé poopl‘e WEi-U experience n $1112" comfort" when this petstifcrnusl: f» - .' be dead and buripd.-‘,—(‘ur!€»lc El' ,_ r 7 This :Um'gn Party. Tile Republicans ate endeavél g to fas tgn upon the .Demott'mte a difisfiiou to fai‘nr the gccqssiouists'; be'cmnwj'om'f {My is} Inbpring to‘ overt civil {war and ipdei‘crilmble suflbriufi, by the adoptioh of a polioy that wili‘ prevént t‘Je Mgr-heated" l-anrtizsms of botfl s’ectiéns—fxfom hpi/ing their wishes gut-’3 ified: ‘ ThaDéinocyatic pnrtyf‘ncedf ino dy fensr It the viie Attacks 3“ tlii; dimme- ~—— ‘ I _ qniatp. . W dam of the, ‘I ' \ w | :r Jug-re among; lgiiomof the -pt ink) the‘ npet remedy f : Thepavty‘ Rae against {ln r if tliig' on tor tlmt lllju'e been made 11116 it. {fits his tory is cro‘wdod with Examplc’s‘ of {éevption to the oozéntry, a‘nd it"s mostimin’elut 'and popular hamlet-s 1 hnvq gener Hy bran .the for‘einost in thé amuse lot. :Ith Uhipn, which' Republicanniflessfiha‘g brfien. In its- present policy it] isonlylpursuihg the teaching of our wimél s‘tntesxhcn, whqhave alwilys told “5 that [file Unibn. tq’be' per n'mn‘ent,’ muq\bc cemented bi the; mutual afi‘egiions of } pm different fitntedfm- nhe an‘othqr; nud tilmniflndifi‘ncuhies togbe hap p’ily mfiunged‘tmustzbieJeuledby [the gen fle spfirit of Compromise. [Whenewer one portiofi of {my nntfofi condupt {hfmselves in such a mkmmr as ito give‘dfiep dissatis factidn (o_anotherfitiis usglcss ['6 Hope that ’their‘tiésturqu spirits? can Be fink-19M. by a'ny other dourse {ball} (ha?! of éoniififiulibnm The impo‘gsibilhy of qnémng 4 discg‘fitented people by force, igs‘ignificatlifly slhgwn in the" abortive efforts in Texas - may, and in our oin (‘qfqnial stn'uggle. f this ‘ Union is tp‘be ssVed—z—ifitg flag is to oat o‘nfpmud -13; bénring its present! thirty- ur emble’mag ic stars-rvho noble wfirk will P gcoompligh Kevil alone, thfbugh the adop iox} bf affree Ind fair comfiromisw’ broughL on l’y the. ac tive‘hfid pntfiotié efl‘éprta of iuch lbddcrs as DouglnixßreFkimidge, J ohnsod, Ctittgnden and the o‘tber‘ true rq'en who my filoriounly cooperatinéfwitix thém, for the re‘st'oratioix of mutuhl ccififigence betweén thd now dis truct‘ed~ State} of‘tbekonffigfl'cyfi—Efie Ob; lerw ‘ ‘ ¥ ’ tank ,3 ,‘N oéGeo. p. Wood fufi‘. Demo-cent, in tlje maxim alumn field district, in_ place of Ferafimgublican" is now conceded even by t Republicans. His majority is ebou'i: 80. SLtheggongn-es "sigma delegation is eguauy divideéé-‘kbem. And 2 Rep. In the last Congress, ’4 R üb lipafls.‘ Englixh’s (Dem.) majority iSßthe New Keven district‘is over 1,000. 1 , ' Senate—=B Democrats and la Refiublieens. LastyearJtpM. 1. ‘ ' ’ llmee—ubbut- two-thirds. Republicans.— This in; need cm‘io no'wurprisq, ‘yhen it is considered that A‘lromn borough system prevails. in Comectlcut, by which several pushipo of _lesn Elma 1,000 inhabitants send each u my Represetitgtives as New Haven, with 1 population of . ,000. Wind ham coat}, with a populétion of 34,618. lends 24 liepreeentntives, neeryall Republi— can, while Neiv Haven towfiship; with 40,- 000 inhabitanu, sends twoéand Hartford, The “line of policy’f’ss‘iid to Mule been' adopted by Mr. Lincoln is hot clearly kriown or undorstooh, but. the 1 ixfldicntionsfire that it nlcnns“fleivil war,” and lzc‘ncé‘the activq Ini'litan' and naval mové Ivents.é‘s’péc'mlly at New York, creat'e'intelEo cxcitemehl.—~' Whither'the “ transport fl ct,” sq liurriédly fitted out there, is bout_u . no one seems to kndw. The, Nenyprk pors of Saturday. evenipgaré filled with all arts of tatummis and rumors. From the mmeliial are ex tract «9 follows: ‘ - ‘ ; _ fl , 'l‘hé vessels clmrlerea liry the g¥vernment «5' tmns;wrts,:nr6 the Atlantic «311 d Baltic, lnte ofthe @111“;ou qhe lumen, of me Vanderbilt nn‘e. ‘ ‘ 2 11 z.‘‘ ‘ ‘ - These‘vessela Will pr gedtolsca under séaleq prders, and “leic deistig‘pation can only be conjeqtq‘red. ‘ 116 full am the Atlantic 1m: clenfed fér rams :inuy _be ta.- ken as proof that hhe n‘il go to‘ Elli“ port.— She is coaled and well provisi‘pnedfor a long trip, and Mbmnmintlmu‘have been furnishgd for sixj hund d melt and five huqdnedhorfiei ‘ ~r I ‘ “ The inmost hash ted in ‘g'etting the and she will dOubUt addition. to her lnt ; - take out seven lb] disgg>l"§d—] soldiers, including! The_ Uniqn' i ivsecm-e» 953 _d c c- ess a di- ss,mere‘— out may; Line beé \bnndoiv Q”he de‘ ll at 111;: ,‘(lf their L 35: out of {M Cqum ‘misin has time, and ‘syurre of ,ifun sihall lniv‘cr. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR ,; wnu‘x: 'Mo EMEN‘I‘S. Activity st the Nsvy Ybrda m muta- ry Posta. artillery}. The twq one huhdred and grade up to the {u hundred by the addi Thq addition o_f tbi of passengers 1111'in supposition that v « Sumter or l’ickgn+; be quite uslelegs f9r It is poet-'ible tlmt'oz reinforced nnd st} moining troops‘ tint point in Texa‘s. i At iGovzmor’: r’IH this military station the utmost act m‘iilpd till day on Friday. Martini V éed tin loading lighters with prdyisionficlothinlg and large" quantities ofnhella. ()nll'thcdoqk, hesidesa ‘lnrge quantity of‘mortnr‘ishells, ticro pilesnf the smaller, butmore destructivé balls, with ‘whioh colnmbind gum; re load (1., Two of these guns. weighing 1 .000 unds each, were on on adjacent wli rt" at w iich lay the schooner John N. Ganip, ivlii ,it is‘con jectured. is‘to beladenlwith ntunitiom of “far. Within a f nznnth past two other schooners have been this ludeniat the same pier, imd have depntedifor pantie unknown. In the vicinity of tho vThurves {were 37,000 sliclls.alm'ge nurhbc-r ofggun cmiringc-s, each of while); are dircéctc-d :9 “Cziptuinfl'ngdel, \U.‘S. A, Fart l’ickens,‘ loridxz.{" . 1114:. tram-Emu i: Tm blah—cam. Moigi,mcompnnihdb§alotof méchanicsnnd. em‘pentem.'left tli‘ocity o-day. {Hebrought on-lwretrom 1y Lliin'gttln some tsxperiencetl nrtificers nutmeg?) ac ntomgdflo fortifiem tions. Oh beingaskeii here he was bound, the replied; 0h“ tart ay: yoguf ‘1 know all 1 about it.” 1,7 1" EL“ ‘'- Itm'ynaliona ofJAmy‘ th'm-sJ—L jor Halo mes, tho commanderli chief of fthe United States military forces fit this: s ation, and "general ,snperi:ntcnde of this rehrtiiting business, resignod thi mornin 311).“! the . announcement creatml be ulrtittét confusion in the garrison. ‘ The major‘ifta nhtiveiof North Carolina, .and filtered ithe ‘ sgrvicé thirty-aha years Iago: in is «iithé, that Major Edward Johnatn. w ‘Ol is- q‘n' duty here, and a Virginian y “I'th though n 24 pointed from Kentpckiy. haflrehigwd‘ .From the Expretgq of Set ‘rdny évgniné, we gather the following: _ j I . l .‘r The officers on th§ Flam}? afl'eetjto deny that. them in any di_co'uteht' among the troops. They, how-9hr, folio rticulur, oaie today to keiap (gysiders from comer sing with the mo . , eof theflnt- r, when 'askg-d to—dsy if til: w‘a willing to South audfiglit, signifi’ {adj replied} , f‘ Would yon kill y ur brothler without a cause? ‘ No. sir. ‘W? soldihrs,‘ ’ftin true, and our businesg is; tight, tnd ’we will fight if we gunfight; ndians‘dr Moxicans, Hut‘the boys’neverf inill fight their own, countrymen.” ,' 1 1 The officers m h t phased with the prospect of o collisi nifith their fellow coimtrymen Southq' hay» urequi‘ft u‘to their destination, bntjfom théldrift oftheir talk it is inferred thl ‘they are" _dastined for Fort Pickem, which,l iLto berejinl'oraad and provisioned by dd 0‘!" an of fini- convoys. ‘ The Net York Contmarcisl; nepi thinks j the troops are bound‘t'or Texas. s -i The views a! the Hit?“ out: i » 1 , “We think it an no longer (iisputed; that Fort Pickens mm he pehceab y enc umed by thdunitqutates, or gum tween their military forces ahd thosei‘of th seced ing States'there will?!» ablo‘ody llision for the occupatitm of imid fortress. ‘jWo are semi-officially aésund that it willjnot be peaceably evacuated, 4nd therefore aibldody collision at. that poi'nit seems to be them ble. In the event. o‘fi‘ such a collision we ‘ ‘know what will immiedintely follow“. Vir ginia will lead um border stave sm‘ into the Southern Confederacy, andhn alli-l ence ofi‘epsive and defenbive, among all thei slave States, win be {the next set Ein the; dranfa. And what next? The-movement.- perhaps, of a. southern army of» twenty? thirty, orfifty thousand men upon thhingd um, largély collected tron; the revolutionary i gecghion elements?” Virginia and; Mary on . ‘ . :‘L ’ a “Our readers will that perceive that '3‘ on standing upon the threshold of a. ‘houso divided W the“? in “6%; that. .~' hilt}: ‘ i i/ . we no upon the verge of a. civil W, in which All thigh" Sunni will b. mbined spins“ the .gognnment 3t WMOY); and that there in nylons: some nnifat dam gar of that southeni‘nrmy invasion of Wu!» ingtoa which.“ it Mushy only Genenl Scott’s fofm'xdable val-like precautions?»- vented on‘ the caution offlr. Lincoln’s in auguntion. Civil war! Oink ple hIVO no actual knowledge of “Hinge import of moss two drendful wor‘Hifikw-rl— We read 03' its 110?er in thde, Edglmd, Scotland. Jrelgmd. Spain mid ‘xexiéo, And shudder‘uit—itqf dominating and brutal ntmci— ; “25., But; gt laugh we are jauddenly meat- ‘ ed in our brilliant ail-ear or Nationd prize. pier-icy. h‘ppineag and‘powek. by this hou'ig'll apparition of civi! war.” .. ‘ . E} It was {undoubtedly doqerminedby the: idministritipn n fortnight 'ago to w‘ilhdtgw the troops from Fort-Sumiw. Whit Ml"; occasioned the delay in poinplying fwi‘th , the ‘fmiiimr-y necessity" ialnot‘nnderltood.“ Some suggest that it is inpnded‘ wilful-c6" the ,gbvgrnment of the Confetfemfte Stntu ‘ t 9 time dig initiative 'in a knr. in lhéyhopes that the hands of‘the Lin§oln gévmhent} will hie strgngthcned by it} -.‘ 1 ‘ I l I 1 so. 28- Anny-cane: My Afafr:.—-4‘Says thy sum—. 3 Our columixs to—dny comm? quite In‘ex‘tqn-I sive exhibit. of activity in ainliy‘ and ‘ngivy‘y mars, EVé ,‘clnnnf’ of c4u'rsb‘determina‘ whufl amg‘zunt of impoxfta co Ik} attach ‘4')? these things, and )haret‘ e‘ rHal! not stg Mini»! tqfliwuss them Ont eirTfixerity. ‘But it is quite a, novel proceedfing in Alfierican‘ ' histdry fin. such cxtenuive‘ prli‘pératiom of n warlikd‘ character to be #o‘ingoh, without the lea'fit‘pubiic informati ag‘to their {hi sign, and? without authori y of Ganges!)— The {hing has all the} figurines-of milk? ing war,‘ nd resemb’les mloreithe modé 3f fiction ulffior an absolute deépotisnjx thui‘ such as wieibave ’beeh accustoined to in tile United States. ’ . i i , i No one can ddubt, that Had tiny Democrajl ic or Whig ‘Pi'esident ever uhdertaken 19’ adopt suach a. course of procia‘dpre, and‘to have family ignored the people and the co ,ordiriategbranchee of the nge'rnmewt, s'. this n’dnyinistrdtion is doing,ithere would‘ hgyg beefy anoutburst of infljgnation fioz‘xx on}: ext-reinb'of the country N) the alien-£- Butseci’dey and an apparent lack ofull'némo 6f rempbps‘ibility seeing in prewail at Win}:- ing, nndito such; an excont that..we may be involved; in ,n forgign or civil‘ war without; the sliglitest regard foi- the infieruu, will, or co-opgmtion gif the pgopl& . 'gyfis manifes ‘em‘dy for sea, flaming. In mix, she will Failed States nies of flying , ngw .....L 1~___....~_ Wages padez‘the new mm. now number but will be i We find in “he city papers of'quturday last, the following despntch: i a ,' ' “Puusxxivxua, Chestei- col I’m. 22d.~ l The Phcenixp'lron Company doing l‘iuainue ‘ l M 2m}; plat-elllnnd one of Life) largest iron limuiui‘actories in therniLui ngte, 'have just given xiotieé to their emPloye‘ed’.’ min bering from 1,,20010 1,500 finish, {hot their ‘ ‘ wages would'ba reducod from ten-m tyeniy five pen-49mm the lat day oflApril. them day (Le grind); Turifl'q‘oe: into qfed." ‘ ~ 1 .Tllel'ellfi comfortfor the laborihg ell-56;» truly! .'Fhis is the révmrd Democratic eni~ 4’ ployoes éeceiye fordoing the bidding'ofithgfv . : masters in voting for Lincolil! The claim foot is visible?» my. Germ 'ns, mummy Scotclixfien,=ye who d‘élve‘axfll dig. and (oil ‘ a‘nd moi]. to build up the nnbhbs who virtuo. ally own? your labor, can you b": blind to the 3 trick sq knavishly pmcgiseti upon you f—é: , You weie told that.“ you. viould vote for ‘ Lincoln_ obelter tnriff‘woul be adopted, theologian Tariff Bill would: lbecome a law. 5 and that in that eventyour Hinges would be l 1 increased. You took the Linmln jugglehf L at theiriiiord and how shamefully youfiavb.‘ been deheived i" They have kept the word ‘ of promise to the lip, b'” t‘lmxie broken th’b , thehopé. \ Instead of yEur wise: being nib ed, the)? are to be reduced 1 Instead (WOW i blingv y:ou_ more efficiently to support, your 1 families; the bread is to be taken out of your lchildr’eii's mouths, and coined into dime! and' dollars fox- the purses of yap; ”into ! ci'htic employers. Oh Lhasa bitten me (1:03 fruits o the tree yon‘have nésisted in .‘plm ting! iaea‘uzimi 'andexoeedihgly fgii who ‘ ye’didiit‘seem to you, but gehés and dust, Eompose the heme]. Shall hot this (nut! e A: warning as you 'r'n‘all tin)» to nonfat—3‘ ’ When tihe wily‘ and oily-tongued 011qu of film “ Ibepublioan” petty Ipt’ead their‘nefg‘ l of sophibtry for you again,f will you not i call to xii-find their specious finalise-finial“; : filled, RPd, rprofiling by the fromemhrlnoe, . turn e,‘dé-af ear to their (ionizing word: land stafnd firm and unwmjerin‘g in yogic ‘ ; ndliesiop '9O the great politi 1 architect of 1 ; your couniry, the nnconqugj He and time-' ‘ 283 mm? Democrecx?—Bédfor§Gazd¢¢, Maia/t 1 - 1. i ‘ :mEnt of two 'ccdnt récruita, rpm} to the list 1b; u‘poh tire id bound or Lrtgilcry would either fortr— fgarts ximy be Eben ‘the ra-. lcft. at some SETSOme of the leading Republican jour~ nah; essj'ert that MnLineoin neither expect ed noridesired the enactment of the Main rill tariff bill, and ‘they tulvisp him to all an extrn session of Congress for itapeped. and the avoidance of the complication: withtho i Soulhe‘xfn Confederacy that its execution in i likely f 0 produce. The N. Y._Ev:n'iug Put i even‘goes so. flu- u-to prononnc‘e in favor of 1 {ice node find direct Nation. The Tam 1 regardq‘ 1.115 new tarifi‘ a most fictions obsta clesto {he adjustment. of Emir sectional difl'o .erencca;,and points to Mr.§Linooln’l Pitt burg.-f of: an evidence that. he did not anticiyri: hasty action upon the mum bill -—~the fiery same speech which we: quoted \ in Pennsylvanian-"indicative“ the qui-W dent’s friendnpip for protection; but which}: really {proved nothing more thxn‘hil tom} sud dbgracefui ignorance of the mbjeot. ‘ ~Pentjuy’iulnid was promised Mien at the cohaiderntion of her votejfor Lincoln: The ptomise m fulflied hyf pain; the! Mani“ mifi‘ when neesaion triads it. worth-l iess; ppd now the Repnbiimni propou to] i‘etmcti their gtepc’from proctical neon-aim; and because ‘the eelamity brought upon dial country by their sectional poiicy rendm‘ the Government powerlen.—§’m& Uni on. - ' amNapoleon Alexia Dobbe, wine up‘ here and say your lesson. What mike boys grow 2” ,“It is the rain. Air.” “Why do not men grow 1" “ Became they curry, umbrellas, which keep of 91° thin."~‘ 5‘ What. makes a ypdng man 'and women Ml in‘love 2"V “ Because one of’em bu she-r 201: steel, and t’other ahem-tE of flint ; and when} ¢hey come fogether they (strike fire, wd‘ that is love.” “That’s n‘ghL'W boy ;‘nowj‘ so and phgnefihe 8315-” ( a , - ‘ ' ~ ~r:.- vw-fix—"r ‘ ‘filfpn is an ammo! ; no u a hog. ‘lt ill shad ruled)“ won’t work both up; that. foremag in t hag. -, i niww in km the 14cm. 6,: rim-r Boom; n maid! flail up. V. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers