4 ~ ’ )~..."7.‘~‘ '3‘s‘l.‘ n . ‘ " :1_ $21.? . ‘ , 1, . . . y., , W .. - , . Nu {Ebb (limiter. x ‘- ”ff"? ’ . x-‘}\ e; .3 a. " ‘ m). —; v‘ » ' ’35": ‘y‘nfig? .~__ ~,. , -.i. ,/] ..‘Nfinutuu , a, «,1. snug: airman; nor-mph t new” MORNING, APRIL 15. 1861 _ 1m COUNTRY BrIAKING! . a '2‘ The Democrats. wrist! Hutford, 00911., on Hominy, by 500 majority! ’ 3130 me Democratic ticket, elect“; ,ju tfic'city of KUWnukic 'Wisconsixr! 7 v @Albnny, X: I'Y,, Axpi'il 9.—‘—Thé Demo-,5 g flint; carried the qhmé‘r election to—d'ny by 1 ” +nr 1,600 majorifi"! . ~ 1 ' | ”.'frcntou,‘ x. J? Apr? 9.4 m elm? fion'iq thin citfi widny res“ ted in sthe sue-I ‘ peasof. Wm, fl. McKénn, Rep, ESE—BINYOI‘,‘I' ' »d_'S&l:§z;', ‘96th ns Marshal. » A majority " pf Den’g‘wxuu on the city. upd ward tickets '; nemebcmdti w 4; ' L! vibe Democrats of Hobokénbn Wed : nesdny, elected thcii- Mayor and other mu " nifiml‘qflicergffi' 4 ‘-‘ t‘4. ‘ l ‘ _>—‘«o—— —o-¢---7-———- ; , ‘ _fl’A number 9! Hopubfiiuain. Governors V of Siat‘po were ploy-mm vim? I're‘sidcm La“. .mlu. at \Vuslnington,::‘k ibefdre 'l9“, no ‘ {7W engaged in anxihu'i'dviscuauion of that Question", hqwm sum: it}!!! Rephblimn ‘pir— i , fiyf-é—the Went cleétiong having shown ‘a f mauled change in tho p3pilar‘tidu. tion"; Guam, of this State, wall. ahwng the num- ‘- bnr. ("1112“ one of the rcsqltg of that “ [HUL‘I‘ 1 , jug,” we fin'tk him sending 1 mesgage to (119‘ -' Loginjuturc, on Tuesday; flaking that 31}- : propriatiqn be made m pth tho Stage on a ‘ was footing. It is surmisudmthat .U‘e pro-i Jectiog of the StutA {hecmasé 'not monacod) a 'in not at the bottom of this fimjcct. but that." the thjcruor meana to backup Lincoln in ' Mail“ upon the South.» liijfiay prove a: .ipdntlyfiushwus to 3tlmseiwljto jury the turns: ; Jand do (In! whiny. fig} Mint gm: the Roi ‘pubiiaw lewlnrfi in‘» pwa, 61} I.la} their: 'lniwmble sevtional prej utfijteuihé ‘krntified g m 1115 i: pockets filled 1g 3 i _A mtcmporary well rcmufim. that " those , ‘ filaélf thublican londgts item to bathe: »’ pui‘snpf the country, as rt! n, bahkyuptcy‘ 3nd aiyit war follow in.tb‘p wake of (hey-4 " ,x4ri‘gmph.” '1! ‘ 1 I i W), hm authorizing a .\gempmmt‘y loan‘: 3_ pf $500.01”) t‘o; be mndé, to ’l‘tut the flute Op! "‘9 watt: footing. iuuserl Both Hbugos Otrfliday ‘ ight. thé' :Domocmts .in is body votingi g , 'gajmt it, with one exception—Smith, of: "ijiltldclphin, 'l ' ~-—-r----QOIO>—-—-vf-—-v-- ‘ W‘iinram- Greely ban Written to many - Lof hi= rabid Abulifion frir‘ngdix frin the W 951; (my, Nnrth. Sb Tmmir tbs thmingfim: imme-‘v dia 11;. Many of them', nmpngstthem 9mm gr Liovnruoréxof Wagner!) Ime-s, havp} ‘pb ycd~7llm summons. apdfim‘e now hcré,i ‘ur 1'11}: the .\llmx'nietratian to adopt oxtl‘cme- QOTrcive mcnmrt-s. They, say that if Mr. Lim! ’ :0 n wil] not make mu- lipon the Southuthc‘ liequlicanzpnrlyxill be ruined; charging ' Lunfwilh theit'flefcnt in the alt-minus of 1392. work. Thoy “I’4o throatten thz'mt I; he 'gvm not follow their advice. they ‘wil idol opncwhis Administratinmf and throw all fibula of pbaméles in its “fly. ‘. Scwzn'a, es pgpigzlw, is attacked by ttgflmkfitb an un _ mnlle at} fierqoncu, bee . c they believe fan; m be tho came of the wavering policy pf Er. Lincoln’gfifigipistrhion."' Si; any: n _lott'e‘wwdnted Apr‘il Gchfi-from Washington. In's‘tond ofjegcp to save the countryxwe me to hm” wag—civil, r‘uinous myth-:9) aflfibalfqmblfimn flirty! TB sut-‘h mapcmt‘e extremity baa this once hlcssgd linoll come qt last ‘ l 5" 'mA dispatch from Wa‘ghingmn;dnm& «\ fl'uexlityhsays : F 1 ‘ t . he}:infifr~nfmt 91' For! Heb‘m‘and (In re— " 3f Ihr! Sumter 129 not of: 1??? an origin: but Halos back an): cammnncmmtfiqi the prrsmt ml. ' jpim'tlran'on‘. The proceeJlitigs‘in the Gulf, beg/and 16:: "fig: 9,’ For! P:ck4ru,'will be gov pmed by circumstances. ' f» , fifl‘he Nfifiohal Imellig‘Q-noar mined};- {flagéa the President to can Gimp-es: togetky qr wiithonit delaygwith hipeiccutive 'recom: mendition m ‘ them to subniit our nationdl difiiéuiziea to icbe proper nébitmment of a pntioxgal convt'fntion cqgmihitionafly select eq to the pa’rticular snip! Elbe” solution. " Diyloialfhlhck—hmted, ils2l.sol}ergrate. . fih'ey will be exec-rated, wherever tlmre i< af noble hnture 6r hn iihtaintetl heart."-—Slar. I larfluch lithe choice language which the Brar u'su-e towards all who refuse to applaud * the kgmininrnt'lon athehi‘Pg’wn for insti—l eating Cum. Wu”. which mupt inevitably re sult/in In irtemediable disdoluti'on of the American Union—4f not in the ultimate _ desgrggt‘iqnfil‘khe rights and liberties of {he peéple. :TDemocmtw'lu-it full, wargfezl‘tzhe ’ Republican phrty against the sectiennliysi‘J .11pr Iwhich its .organimti’on was brad's-l Republicans were admonished that. the’host , Jamil consetiuenpea might'emme. Bu; all I who ‘purpose. Republiéetie booted auhe ' jdea. The South meld n’t. he kickecl chief , .ihe Union,‘ they laid—73nd then on they «went in their sectional career, more fined ‘7 nud‘furious at: every step, u‘triumph reem . 'ed in lie-till ihore and more certain: 13: an gvil hour seetionalism succeeded It; the genie—and: u a. consequence," there min 86- oefiou at the South: The Warnings of thé" l . Demoemte’pmved but. too Ema—nhdfmy that: Bequliqepi‘em in beingiput‘to "the test. , _and $l3 with: itself mnetinjolve thebounv a; fine blqoqy war, Democi‘ets uefs'tigme—t tized .‘u “dihoyki and Meek-hearted" by‘ ruchireckles‘e‘. and hound-like Abolition jam-nines: tlié jStar, beam they are too pug-italic to )Wfithe ruin of the country in brderifixyt .9 ragten‘plank in the Chicago platforglmay'be minding}, . ' 13hereis neither decency nor ”men in! the Star? hg'wls, nor will if men'd the p 0" ' eitipn 9f its party by oonten’tptiblelabum 6f . '- flame whoee‘cufix'non wheezeaches them [ships e ppiepgnf» Sgt” can fnevei- bonfire, Named by on making" war u n the . i’pfher—who do not believe thauhe Emmi ‘ had hell; are the proper lightrqmente with t which to seal the heart: (if all the pgo’ble to gym- in thebonds which fire" out of the ~ Manual yeti-iotism of 9‘,“ Reyolpfion fl. _u'y Wu- . s ’ l IS-Grgqt is Abolitionismfigreamr than 311 the pong: of England, The former may “Mu (‘in min) thp (country. which disbu xa- adult! 11% do in 1110 Mr of 1.814. “fine Mme has all Vibe time bgen for m. It mm: 016 M. 11mm him-_- «1;; 49.31” {ollm suit. I ' m win-fining. PA; ‘ » _ v ~"v ~' ‘ - ‘ “Hm : "T' , *~;—“*‘“"‘”‘ ".’*‘f";*“‘ g Win!- pf i’rophecerhf is to Blane? : Outngeons Apportidnm‘gntt I ; Hun Cur IpOkQI-l buoys, in the Uni- ‘ Tho poinmlttee appointfiiby the Legis. ; gted States Senate, on the 7th of Febmnry, later. totprepm-e and rcpor? bbiil nppor~ ‘ 1339 ;_ ‘ _ f [tioning {fiésute into Congretsionnl dint-iota ' “Sir. lam not in the habit of speaking have ugréed upon one. ThéShte is entit~ iiightly to; the pogihilgz of iimivinfi unified to 23 members of Con ' ; the total lha ' nion. ’re 'nate nows t At. - - - .. 8:; ~ ' :hatgydepremtul allusion-. 01: ordeirf-Kc- 3 1’21“”? ”2M’3‘°”§ “1“" 125 w lczuions, tottht direfulovent. if?!) untry ''l . _ 5 mm testify tint, if there be nything in me“ e conmlttpe being comi ,'{.intnry of myipubiicfareelr worthy of :lécol- all Repuhlicuns,‘ they hxgveih i cation, it is .x no trut l ("N sincerity o_ ‘my , , - - ‘ :arclont devotion tans lusting preservation. :n'n Vamondthereanlt 1739 11m: we should be false in our allegiance ifk “”111“?mean t l 3we dill riotrdiscriminute igptwcen the humid Junmtq- 19 “k 0“ o'7 of “1 ,nnry and xteztlxlangon by Which it any be the heavb Republican éodn 2395mm]; bolitioniwnuhould nolonpze'rbe put in iii: place in ordcrit gfv urded £un imaginary danger. Theabo. 11 rfl '1 33' i Solfiionists. let me suppose, _sgcceed in their hmay '3'?“ “3' e eat. ‘ll vpm-wnt an}; ofguniting the inhabitantsiof‘ men Willi. .1935 93.0“ and ,_ l are free St ten. an me man, against the in. , under t present apportion ghflziuiits alii 'thé nliwe Swims Urliion 03. Union nd Snvder coum‘ti ‘on xi ewi :evet lnion on‘t. eotnermn ‘ “ ~‘ ' ‘ 1. .this process of rEeciprocal cOnsolidntion ‘niill l to Cumbflrland, Perry “pd: ‘be attendéd with ul the violent prejudicgsfi }York ’i‘ attached to Dan ’em‘bjttemd :pussio , and implacable lam-i t! a Harrihburg Patriot it Uni lmosities which eve degraded o: defzrmied; In 1,1", an the lost Con‘gr human nature. ’ ' ' L 1‘ ' ‘ ' - ‘Une wctinu will wind in menacing and libs. :‘fhfi‘fflfifyflifi sifitjhttelfb ‘tile mug against. the other. The galliiiiy n mg. attached'vto this pm gm _of Opinion will be qnickly followed by tie of connedting Dauphiui i clash of arms. liillnot attempt to desti'ribe 1,, “mpg w Apportionnr t scenes which now 'h'gppily he concealhd ishi ) isa Bl!) taken fro ' from our View. sAho itiqnists themscitles am} att‘ bed to Dauphin 1; would shrink bar-k in‘disnmy and hurp mu itv of u,, ng it as ‘a cnnné'ét timcontcmplntinn ofdeaoiuted 13‘31‘15' “bill”, to exist. But it is feareldrtii giawd cities. murdered inhabitants and the might be‘more than nma 1 overthmw of. the t‘uirest'fahric of human and so t ‘is strong Repuhfifi gureunnk-nt ‘thu‘ti ei'er'xl‘ose to. animatq tihe‘_ taken fl. m Northumhci'l “0}???“ 9M i 7!“ "“13: g ' i ‘ [mimic ntingr-ncies. 'l‘lli: Ilow sadly true, and hop'v prophéticl pt the g r‘eme fainaeu of it The triumfyh of Abolitionjsnt, as .piay ' portionml nt. I, “ predicted, tliregttpm theilo’wnfull of; the; ,The Pafnot ‘5 lv’fi‘m remar 5 “"1““? i country! ~ I l 5, :,IWe wi i not now enter uon an analysis ’ i ‘ E lof this bil .but a. glance at th arrangements it «makes is sut'ficient to sh w thttt it does jzmss inj stipe to the Demb ratio ‘counties. Montgot ry county, whose ‘nly crimeacon sists m r large Democrat c majorities, is cut. into t were I,lllth ; one p. 1 Lcinzattach ed taper in wards of the 'u 3: of Philadel phia, me her part to Chest ' and Delmvare nndmnotl rto Bucks. By tl is arrangement Montgon ry c unty ran it; re giolimmedi~ ateltgzpre entatit'e in Cong; s—she is liter ally yipé out of the mum nd her territo~ ry flurtiti netl nnmngtlte ufd noent districts, its the ki gtlnm of l’olzindu nqe was among the allied sovereigns. In N nhsence 'ofnn oven" lin 'necels'ity in?“ th act, it can be rogui-xeti nno other light mn an outrage} upon herjrights. us one} of :e most popu; lons and welilthy counties 9 the State. } Susquehanna is distal-hail from Bradford {snd put on to Wayne and ‘I zorne,‘_so as tol overbnla) e {my Dmnncr‘nti majority thnt‘ they migsknpssihly give': i tile Bradford is to crush i dghumherlmid, 1 nntour, Colum bia. Sullixinn and Wyoming ombined. Veryli tlo attentionis‘ccx s to have been pqid to reservingor evon apprqxinmt'ng to an t-quility ol' pnpuiutio . Une digtin-irt contains population of] {LEM—(«mood ‘ing the'r quire-cl ratio by 3 .913: While‘ nth other dis rict has a pdpul iun inbut 101,- 427—01‘ -. ,935 less than m than); i Take, 1- instance“ the. ve In ostf’dis tricts wh ch have thwgroa st excess over the roqu' ed ratio, as follow : 11th District, .1 -y' 10th >do. ’ - ‘ 7th , ‘dn. . 19th dO. mm - I do, (War for the Chicago Platfoml 3 l The Patrick? Union says“: ‘lf this Admin-: tiudun wielgedly plunges thkwcou‘ntryinto' civily “air, "it will be a, War he egn the Rb! publicity; party and the Wutheré States}— u will u. “inning more than a goody-ht: temlrt to force the Chicago ,platfofi! uplm ’ an ulnvilling people. Ifl‘wclt a conflict the Sorghum Dcmocracyinnhuvc no It} pally: with the Govvrnmnnt, lifter it becomes the. mot‘o agent oflltvile'soctidnnl.torg‘zfitizaliiQn'J; 'Let it be re-tm-tttbered that. 111‘}; Repnlalicfn party has declarf-d its djslerniinntion 'l" 110‘ an nigh Wlllx'h I.qu highe tljudiciul trlb‘unnll in the country has delerufiflneq it hag no‘: right to do. viz : exclude the property ofthe Southern people; from the common 'llerlri-' (Dries; and‘to enforce this unconstitmiotfnl' dogma, the Administration, which hag lye-H Ecome the‘mt-re organ of .pnrty, is aboriht *Oll tinftlte power of,the army and navy. lifiE' ‘it also be remembered that the lfiepubli ‘ l 1 party. by the forcn of suctional’cun'ning, has l obtained control of the Government agjaiiistz' E tligmlemn'lyh‘corded protest. of a muj‘p [y l of-o‘ne mil/icy: of the citizens‘ cf the Unitfdf’ lscalea, and that it. is now in the position‘of i tliejnrmed rop‘resentatlve ‘of‘a ‘ininorityi pink] ‘ty dttomptinfito foice its detestable (10 v naf lundnthe majority.l ‘A 'pvlirrunflertakgtnlorl Quilt: an object can lmvegthe aynlpntliylog ; none “ho do not cl'mcurl in the principiosl [Gf‘ti’h’é Chicago platform.; It would be es-l‘ lsemihlly a war for pfll'tiifllgl purpOses. Altim- ' lthdtr (bqinme’rot‘uml lq' seltle difficultfes iwith the Suulhfhy conceding theirjttdidial-E lly incorlnincd rights, if; if. h piece of fie-z lsumptunui assurance l'Qll“, the Republiqm ; : pat-Ky to call upnn conflflivative .Dcmobrlltts f‘ . m lhelp fight juteir brittle. Jame Admiilis-l I‘trajionja bent tipnn llat‘i‘kg a fight, let it {be ‘uq‘nemrsnd um 1m» cranked me.- diflicuity : null their paytimnr. must. many on thewlhr. ' “NorthernDc- '6ciats can never shoulder iv . mutket or pullla t’rigge'r al’ainst those “these i rightq they, conscientiou'slf believe Mire] been trampled upen. .Iflthis is transom: it is trempn against {he Chi ago platform; arid ' i in mum“ of the majority of tho Americiui’ people : tremnn‘rfqr the Union, and againit ’itfi enemies. If this is (teases) mnketlhel lmostafit, ’ l . ll '_ The Doivnfall of the Countiy. 5‘ f ‘ 756 (New Ydrk Herald ldoks upon 975‘”. WAR m'iqevitable—jnd remarks: 5 i E ‘ We must then prepare for the wiquafi The civil war): of the Roses. and of (131-me well. an?! of I‘m 'Vendee, will serve to. wfl'm M“ of coxhing events in‘our midst-fire. and sword. mufiwatinns, forekd cnnxril‘mtfiohs, gerrnrism. annréhy ahd a military despofikifi. Cu}- nierclmnts. manufgc‘iurers,‘banksl cbr- Inmtidns Im‘d induslrial glasses, 'our misimf prnporfyland our childrep of poverty. vioilld .dg well to prepare At once for these over slmdowjing and .mppalling calamitigél. 3 We; may «Am expeci a change in the specié‘lijde which inns _bt-en flowing in upon us for mme time pg‘st. till it has 'gbrged our bankd, dot only frigm California, but Europe.- It} gill filo} back to England for Bafetyé _forlgthc strongest'fioors of,bur bahks will nqt’be safe‘ against ’the casualties of citilflfir. Nothing is saTe where all law: and all lights are tomdownKby tlie strong hand gff $36: lance. l : f ; Th 4 “*Nofi'th‘ II in her“ it! [en our» Jem peoplg wil sginito cqmpi'elmnd the meaning of this “injfibr‘es— sibléconflicz,” qonoocted forty'years a for the abolition of Southern. Slayery. hen our mmmm Ami—slavery ngitatidn, liti cinns y'rill begix‘) to realize their folly and thinking mon will begin to see that it], 4 1d have been better to have granted. eve con cession demanded by the South “15F? have fisked this fearfiil ordeal o_f civil ‘ . _ mm is Lincoln'hrlvihg At? ' ‘ E ‘ Tfle partizani of the Administrafiép. who are no violent in theigydenunciati §wholdo not approve of tb poli wu‘, do not. pretend that war will that in the enforéen‘xent of the mmmtinn of the Union. 'O3 th The sdmisaién il explicitly made with the‘seceded Swim will in! b back into the gUnion.” Indeed dailyaezfihibiziohs of intense hatred t 9 the Southerh saw, made by” um ems of‘Be publicnn jourrg’als most anxious for want, it is ‘imPossihlp t 9 bglieyg that the'y desk-g 3 to be again associfled witbpthg acceded States. fif. then, may iq not t 9 bripg’ * these ' Shite: buck _into the fUnjon. that it its objectif— When we_ arelmlled gipon tojitand by jthe Administrationnog wou'ld like (of blow why the Administration i 4 driéihg at, L‘ new; dispmh from Wuhlngton mm that the “expeQihon for thejeliof 6f Fpm ‘Sqmpter and Pickens bu beeli undertaken against the? advice of Lieut. General 860“. Ha'has urged the evacuation of-lgoth. E pm Paris Icm: was that the Em'per or 9f tpe French npprovag baggy}, L5“- COID'Q Muslin-l in ovary put. ‘ 1| tea-Aqua; to last. wdekfa iEnigm “‘Bsthmfll myth.” 1 fr" ‘ find and: gt :Isz manufa— ~ldyan “W (yak. , a.” . . . { Pius, Jpn-flit tl 'llth. - , tßu§ v. have no douflnt We enact d into a law by n disciplin We are not; so 9 of the dfitricts now calm“; théfikepxlbfionns may L‘not When p‘uti to the has; of‘ an The Boston Aft/pm says : , It in mild that at least. s Republicain members 'of th of Ropreqenmtives are onnl gresbiona] l honors, nndl an upon a d” tries to make hi. The B 11; Republicans t up such 11 apportionrflqn Democnn; ‘but. four upem cucums es. T _: The 1:33:18: theignlilusj to pronofince the bill “fai ‘ 1 ‘ face musibe as callous x“ la blush wh [n he penned tjlxei protect. the people from sin -—'l?l[e ill has passed (11: ty tote, d the same note House. . , ‘ England and anew The Neiw York Pod; of iday Week, give out aru or ,tlmt'soerét ents were des patched England am? ' (Intent ms Am (NIX snug 'oat‘immedia‘ely her iti came in. to er: to ascertain!“ th yiews“ of those Governments on Amerlca affairs; angl par ticularly fvhether they IWO (1 stand by Pres. ident Lincoln in an gripe nttemfit against, ‘the Soufh.‘ ‘lt is said;: fu her, that. these Agents hxive fieturned, and bring “the most flavor-able!l reports "—tlmt Englnmi sud France will “stand byg’hi .” The “delay of the Administrationio Clare its policy’ has been,§in part, ‘occm‘ion by a .desire to. learn thfi‘ result of the m sions, and now thntthe gosition of these uropeah powers is u‘nders ood to be all that ould be wished," the Presi eat and his Clixbi ct Are detefrminy ed to take immediate kn vigorous meas ures for *he enforcement f thelaws,“ all hazards ”5 These jealous foreign ‘powers ,would mtdoubt gloatiov r a civil wai- in this oouufry, and cheeiiful take 9 hand in bringing labqut s. pen-man tdissolution of the Unibn—Qrobably in i caring much which wPippe'd. ‘ ~. , $lO on lot flu Union? The 'B. k Republics-‘11:. ureiend‘lo be in favor of qhe Union, butfth -y refuged to poem the Crii x nden Compton s ~ which would have so the Upiomed insured quiet _md pro: rity to-the pea la. The Union I;quin 01" the Black ' publicons are worth 11 thing,.so longiu 1 their not! tend to create; hatred andillmili among the peo ple of time States. Thief?“ eoérse of Lhe' Lineoln Afldminiufi ' n 143 m. have no othere t thou to (Leo fiheE‘Union foé. e’ver; “If i ,3 AW am)“ Star still pufia‘PAl-l .L‘ urz. the me maividm whoni fiapectable Re publicadjonmal. the Mil ‘ kip Nan. pro~ uounoesé'u wgabond and mi «War I” The ‘QGernnn friends" ofgthe “editor" would bétter understand izinj if he should publish Fthe on: he took in tho‘Know Nothing'organiuzion, t'o Mud oppress them; Does his men gmfiifiulte’them by 3x3 3} Iw.“ imam 3.; “mm" withthjn? ; ; 5 5 a, Star ha! 3 _MQI': .- Cow 5 " wmugi bf nearly thing: their ccedinglyun. s distridt, (Ind ‘y of Somefiet at the district can Congress : expanse than 3: are hitched niatn. ‘ _ min. or this nwys: siona‘l uppor» . nship of Lowi rland county, : or the purpose Union county. hi” this town rtbumberlam} er the necess - 5 link ceases v. York county - for Dauphin, "n township is ml to‘ guard is an; evidence (3 proposed up- . 159,281 - . 136,615 - 143,319 2‘ 135,650 . _133487 ,V 708.552 ne five districts mien, viz: uis with‘ \l'cs'l imp 101.413? 109.058 114.957 ‘1 15.315 115,647 x. 4 ' . 557.464 bat the fiv,e first population the , or more than ‘11: another dis sgrict contains, m shpwa‘ wooed in 1y 15 .48! ion f 0 All aFty I mt the bin nail) :e fo’n‘fl Of party rtain that some las certain for ‘ lay flxum (MSG loction. cnteén Black present House idated for Gdn- a one “has fixed electiqn sure.— nk they can fix as {q give‘the e_rs‘, 'undgr hny ing izhpxxldenco .’ Thte writer’s v 2135 if Cit did not ord. The Lgfll h ‘y‘aimm"! Senaté by a par ill pass-it in the mini? 31:» w y a x, f“? Interesting from Wuhington.’ The following interesting pnrxlgyaphs no extracted from recent Wushiugtpn lg‘tten: The )Ibrthwestem Republic-unis have pro— tested .aguiuat COllct‘salOD to txgo secedqd States. and demanded that the ,edenl Ex— ecutive. “if it cannot execute thq lngws in qll the Saw." shall st least“‘holdp.ethupy and Bantams nil the places and pro ty" of the nited States. It has been - tel-mined. therefor-0.10 hold Fort I‘jrken as long as practicable. and to reinforce it Mm dom oiislrntixixxh, on the part of the hm‘fcdomte Slatesbf America, shall renderits: speedy reduction ymbu‘ble. K i The preparations made‘by so eJGoverm on of NorthernlStntes, to raise l: rgg armies, will meet with grave objeqtions m itho part of the majority f the people of t now States, who nev'er will tonsent‘to give t e necessar ry money to dgfmy the gnorm {expense and let the comitrybe plungeo into civil war. for the pu pose of saving t e Republi énn party from déstruction. i . . es, i 'is very qudstionn e whether the. 1. tr\ 5 ,=n be legally used utside of the li it; - ~ -eir respective State‘s, not ngnimgt a ‘réign enev my; hat 'agm'ns't their ‘OJWD c - trymen. Well ifiilprmed gentlemen fro - .thefionh sitively assent that for even . i'egimem {(3'de ig‘ the Middle and \V s ein States for the purpbse.‘ of coercing the South. two others will be fox-mod 'lO preven ii. Thus, these Republican Governorsare m‘ rel! lay— ing the foundation for civil war i fiiciriown midst. l 'g ‘7 l A shot-t time‘ngo the Whole ; :joiced because it was fiven out t. ministration intendet to pursu [policy and recall the hoops ‘ ‘Sumptex‘. The ‘friends‘ol' Jud ‘nléo positively state thatlh‘e had] [a nceg when he interprqlted I' tnlg‘uml as meaning [1811904 Butl "like many others. has been dew {Abolition wing of the Repub ; ‘thirsting nftér the blood of the “ i the day. Conservatism and pe “ labnndorted is us'elass, because "l 1 save lhelßepublican party from I‘ _ The tl‘ews ‘of the tunnel-lug o. linto service will be a terrible 1 financial aflhirs of the North ; Nobody is hurt. says Mr. Lincol l There are many and val-ions 3119118 in regard to the; result‘of : ition of the Ifnltéd States. But : listmtinn and its supporters l the military result to :1 great pol l I If the o pcdition be repelled o i ithen t} y expect, as a ponso ‘ .oretfilonl of a war spi-it ‘ throl North, tvhiclt will magntziin tl lgovernn ent in' safety through t l [four . rs, nltlmugh it. will be :won‘b‘}? ivision and wnr. ' l 'Thjis ight all the acct-rte} compan‘os will be on duty. “1h moan] 113 in fear that some“) 7 .n exmperntw l peoplewh‘ :tion of the Lincoln 1“ South? 01- is it thefi lblianns to got up am can} In by making their p< dungeon in in danger "esideumnaecure? dn‘ne‘p) bfthe from t 1 ”1!? R 0 the X 0 that. \V of the 1 l'he Govern» ‘ peciztl hiceea'ge of purtin’ to alnuire ndvinng an im i‘s‘sdiutp apl inn t-‘o rm and equipt e militm'y' rate. alt tough couched i temperate n cqnc liutmy'languag ,nia sigh‘ifi. he pu pmo of the Fed nl Admin:- l‘to spr nd the flames tlciv'il war ‘wh‘plo cou‘ntry. This War move !is an 'olg‘nct; and as tlm «Inject can; no tlél‘e me (if the lives 1' the prop iitizohs 1' Pennsylvania which nrb aten‘ed with aseault {m I any qmni lu~t he ocn—bfwemte itl the'Ecdev: him-fit nits wan-mm: T Jr. lndee‘t'l 1m nt mntion that it than as the of ‘Eth State are pl «1‘ upon I: proper Yer-fent‘ ng. the Govern lllllt‘fllls tp ntl'er the fervfices of the State to he Federal l"authorithe‘ fprlthe putjpnse of ssistingih " maintaininglitsvpuwor. It is su mmetl’thm 'the Logi'ilaltlgl'e‘ will no immed' tit-[y upogt' l the eyggoetiqnanf the Giwm-nor, aptlappr ‘- pxjate ss.oo,tht)‘l)y way ofzz hegi ming‘. A; l tliis will. be duly a beginning. n; as the re {emu‘ow of tlic I'Ti'ozuur)‘ are in qugte to I meet mt extrm rdinnry dt-mun ,‘pit will be I necessary rot in [hm-inc a 109 m it‘Vlir is an Texpemive emurt-muut. As so'n s_ it is flail-1:2" inaugurat d” under the an iicel} of our Republican rulfiru, th'c (lemmu Her a. few hundred fithimspndc of dollars ill be suc lceeded by demjnuds for millio hpon mil alien. Dean will follpwtlo‘an, xm‘ .‘whon the ,account‘icomes to be settled up’Jthx will be hea ed ‘upnn't‘ex, until'the Sebple groan undfer the heavy l-urden an ealize the orimi'nal folly 6f the rulers w e plunged them into a wicked and unneco «my war.‘ Let. it‘be clearly understo’od t at this whr is commenced in the name ot't Union for its destruction. Those who are ’ infatuat l ed as to believe that the Union oth .be main l mined liy force compose hut-a s‘ eliminat ity. ‘ A civil: conflict. is the hen ,e‘st road :0 disunion. In the existing te' per of the Border-States thére ls even-v t son to ap prehemi that thev will sececle a the beginfl ning ofthe conflict: and, if t ey remain némirlally in the Union. their nefl‘orts and sympathies may be pgaihst t e Federal Government; The Administra’ ion could adopt 1:19 fnensurvs mo're likely‘ltn, rem-oli l date th 4 sldyeh'oldin g States thanlm attempt 'poerciéd upon the Southern C nfederm‘y, l'while iiidncin .the anthem gates mas— '.<ume ul‘thre )in attitudelfHan-isburg lPaln’ot arid rut-on. v, .-. - t ,__ 4“...“ ~74 .The ~1 the Log proprim‘ of the S and m: cunt of _ istraliml OVC‘I‘ { men! )1 not be orty nf | not’ 1111' tor. it 1. al Gove wé hur milimr) ALL THE WORLD fi-A: Western. Congressmar satisfied himself as to the purp Adminifatntion byan interview Presidefiat on[Fridny, remarked t would be'spijled in less than ten fiWaialLington corresponde: radical Répdblicang are in high d-isplny 'of administration vigor about with an air of defiance. ifiThe story of the Ampud n‘raid oi: fixes in reptidigted at Washin n. i i x fiThe latest reports fron'l harlestoh say :-.“We have no expectatio that Edit Sumterwill be evacuated, T e delay ip worrying the peoplehere greatly The 09::- ventlon‘ hasjamajority for p e. but. hot without the evacuation of the F rt.” [ “The rush for oflice nppo ntments at Wuhin‘gton ' still continues. ever was there such a..concourse of gre y. hungry applicants. liver: the lowest fliceo Are taught after by crowds. n—Tbe Mon-art ‘Hall, N. Y.. pemocnhu, it an enthusiastic meeting on Thursda , re solved against Republican misnfie an; wu for Soulfiem re‘vehue. ’ ‘ ‘ I ~ . ‘ —— r ' ‘i f E‘The fanatics and abolitionisto of the 3013 mm 0? 1031' SUM! North who oppose compromise are driving. A --; 1 - the country mto separate and hostile sec- The‘ W" 588 in N 61!” ”Dimencdd at tions, and they; must be held responsible ; Fort summ. 1' . . I g . for these results. They invoke thirty years 3 On “108”! 0" Apfllv Gen. Bealxregnrd, in of civilly...“ sooner than grant my come”. feommand,“ Charleston, Inent the following ion go the South. . . ldxs‘fiatch to L. P. Walkers, Secretary of [T‘Var fiTbe Albany Argus says “it is whisper- ‘, “t w93‘80'391'3'1 , " A ed that the adminisuntion of Mr. Lincoln} “bop—An :authornedj mgsnenger from is dhpmed to secretly provoke a fight; and President meom has Jul“t Informed GOV :bat xt looks to some collision mane South. jhckens {qu Hiya-elf ”m a “we! contain commenced on that side, to arouse North- y mg PTOVIS‘ODP will» fight *°.FOPt Sumter em feelin .and thus save the party from t—geace'nbly. Him-IW. “hmflbyfordy the ovemielming oongempt, due to their O'Fh“ Secretary “I‘m?" replied: - incapacity and recklessness." . “gr—lf you have no doubt. of the nu -,___ _,_ «-w-——-——~- thorized character of the agent who com . Pennsylvania Arming. ‘ munioated to you the intention of the It is reported by telegraph tlntGov. Guru; Washington GQVEanEM t 0 Supply‘Sumtm‘ tin will 00-day (Tuesday) send in amexsage .' by force, WWW)“ Pt Price demand "A! evac to the Le islature asking for on‘ approprio-vuauonr “Dd 1‘ ““3 ‘5 refused, proceed in tion of hafi‘ a million of don“tfl for the pur- . such runner as you may determine to re cbase of munitions of war. and the arming 'ducefl- Answer! of, (mpg to make war upon :th South—E The demand wag mode.“ 2 o'clock _on Pennsylvnnia is to be forced by a Black Re- f Wednesday. purxng the “‘9’900“ M“J0" publican Governor 3nd Legislwture into I.) Andorran “Phed‘ mu, the endofwhich must. be me man do: “Sm—l, hm the honor to urquiedge rupaou or _the Union. and warm ans-,the {00611: .of your, cemmuyrcanon fie» “391305 0f Americanfreodom. mm moody; c o cupuhomof this Forgmd W. ‘ r ‘ 3 ,Iw-qmwplythprmwultufdommd ' i ith which I regret lhatlmy arenas of obli ml 1 ‘ ' l M 'l ‘ STABMNG NEWS l izon to mY:G°V°"n'.n”"Vl”°VC"“ my will! 8 ntal gig”: _‘ ' ' l » 'a co." , . ' a wu 70 BE mmomm! . gl’fifim Anderson nap MM yam", ,0: Mg . ° 4 d I the officer lent to maku Llle domund ;—_“ lif “.‘“ ' ' “”3- "‘~v—”—3~* ——» .: e: Operetiona to Commence st elm-lest“! m” Wait ,5, ’ffrfi gm, “,3fo you (10,3, WWI fi'we are rompellerfjo 0." upon a“ l A . ' _. . . . - ‘ ' ga‘rrc mmuafcwda ,j’ltpermns indebted! to us to l: le w ban ms nded ;ovcr this W{o Pwm we w a. th n .31 .i 7 .' me e payment country uuby a' 51gb Elma. L'l‘he anti- Bsefi‘tg 3:30.“: ‘? Wtructed benl {as soon as they conveniently cm. Our ne slarery radicals of the new Administra‘lion f'aSirEWe do not delire nlr‘mne,“ wilccfiltiea Ire urgent and we muslhava many. hue gained the control of it. aid the "re- ‘ bombard Fort Sumter. If 3hior\liideyrwo .nye slmll confidently Expect many of mu, ESL: gliilht‘nizlwiizgimmi; it? Six-£32283? will state the time 3: Willi?“ aa'ind‘imted. b 3? fl'iehds in arrears who may be in‘ attendant). l’lJ. .L‘ ‘-‘ 'vune Stv ‘ g r‘. midahle rhilimry preparations 5f the'gm'- I‘xnggkfig‘t’li); ilifmeanl timeulllygifiug; ‘33:. ‘at Court, (to comment» Why») “1’ gn’o an eminent at Wmhmgron. tvliicijhpge been if: funk against us “mess we oursel {:1 gun." oin on_for more tmn'n wee 3—4 emua- , n'v‘im ‘ , ~ ~~-..~..__.__ __~‘_____ wgei‘ingg of billpfl of war, trunsportslmid troops “23““: ESLlllzx-lligilot‘llusrtll uvgiifiiiegliflgq‘l Flll6 Clutter-stone of the. new Even. {O, mi", Opmfions, Lyn?" ‘9“.‘ls'33’7—w'imood Imhis or m uimlenebe rel-‘13:“ ”“1 “Shem" Chmll- near: New Che-v more all doupt as to ”-18 policy "~l itenlls to ed you irlll'reiluce llleégnrt ans your judgfl ‘ .Adunn qounlymill behiirl on Saturday. pursue. it u becomingfoo evndent- that. meat decides tobethe m 0“ pmcticllble.” .It 6“h inst.‘ Services will com _ ‘ sofnr as Kincgln's Administration possesses, Mn‘qr Anderson would or consent ~11 0'0“ k ll ‘ , '‘. mence I the power, the hidedushclrrors ofzcn’il “at" Ate-10m In 'ing the “Pfimpondehc‘e the. 'd‘ n , 'l4- .1- Several ministers from. ‘l' e shout to be forced “Pa" the ”Pug" ll'olloiwinvintage is fumishl‘il for publication :{a 13me “Scum!“ tolpreecl. 0" ““30"" . ,MOVEMBKTS QR TROOPQ ‘l w ’ “Nurf—lnlerceptvd fies niches disclose lwmn' * lghboring ministers and the i A fleet 0" war ”we!" math “but: 2‘0“) the ‘fac'tethat Mr. Fox. W» o llml been allow-l Lpublic gene ill nrein'vited to mendi troopsfieft .N?W York, lg‘wt wacky—lnns; .97 ed to Visit Major AndefSOn under the pledgd l ‘ D. f "*3 ‘ ~ ~-—— . therndt is supposed, intended for operations that his purpose was paoific, had einployeq! IG' nun. an" has been appointed “:0“: Charleston; S.dC. T 2? movem‘fi-ntfidaf} his opportunity to dovise a plan for su‘pply-l % 2:“ Material mptonmnil 0- 13.11“er t e seven) navyyar scan Inue unn ne . . - t‘ ‘ force. ml that. t'i ‘ ~ at Arc .- ‘, - ’ . , ltismted um two hundred‘troops‘hrwe 3‘5 £13,350de by thTe-“mmangini graham at Em'mlgbe: “”8 °°“,“~‘¥- “9““: ju 1 been ordered {mm Xpn'port’(Ky.)Fßar- eminent and was in progrefis ofexwufim‘ pi: _. _ m"_” "lg- Md“ and not I. S.:' malts, to proccecll‘wsg‘exmi. ’RColglnel Maura; CHAIIL£STbM April 1:334.“ bombunfl A 557“. nsyrevxously ammuncod, 0f the New Yo: . vent: egi‘ventl is in mmenced a‘nd wnris irla . t - _ i, .“‘-;r\‘ -. _-- -Washington, and M “bid 1") 1"“? tendered glint I'l‘lxa«3(:(l,ntit,teries onl Siillivnxlsi 135:3.” (ESE-Agergtion 'lB dime! to tho Niven Ibis services to the U. S. Govern! ent. : - Morris Island and other points, {)plenpd viii finien '0 1, Messrs. Dan's; 5" SMILES. 1 AFFAHES AT Nil“, Y K.,' Fort: Sumter a 1 4 o’clock tlris’nltirnin2.l3 Fmrhcld: “hey 'l’w" opened» new-tore. V l The heavy drain made‘ upon he ”Fm,“- Major-Anderson 1,9,3”;qu the fire, andyallnnd received an elegant stockofltew Goods :. ‘forces aft 0 military stations in thelplrlm‘ brisk‘l cmmnnnding llés been kept nfi'OT 811 Ftylflsmnd assure the imblict nt tl ' ofh'evr Yrrk, by the fitting out I' tlllu‘ Bal- thrduglloud the day. i l U will sell at ‘extremolv lo : {K may ‘tié. ““1103 and 01110,? “155913, ”‘l‘? 5i 11“" We' have no infotméllt‘on from lsenwurzflf As ood‘b 5' . 'v w ”1?” "£9sk jcesanry for the Wnr‘DPpartment *to isguo 01'— yet. with regard to 3]“: movmnenth oflhei 8 .munns are always desirable to\¢\l.o ders forl tlleimmodiate re-operiing'of the 'United Stalerveseefi Ollfsidc. { 'lluytl‘, ul‘ courhe buy?!“ will give them-um ‘ various recruiting Offices" The lUHMI-‘b in The militia are miller “Yin: and the whold 'merous “‘l5- N 0 U'Ollble to show 00d. \ business, and the general stagnation (if (he of oul“ population are 0 the “New. I ‘ ‘ - g - Jninnufuctiiringiiitere‘xtn,wherebythousands ‘ 14‘er l. L l , ‘ of men are out of employmentjmluoe nnmyl (‘nmusros April I‘.’ ~P. M.—The firing more ‘0 ofi'er themselves for .‘enllitrncnt 1m; cnntinued'nlldanilUNmt inurmmhm than would otherwise. “T “Tide ”we, more Two of Fort Sumt'er’él Funs huv ‘bw‘n si: rlively and lhc'tories in full pperqtibn. There 1m 0e d- and it ia‘roporte‘ 1‘ bronchi“ hccn are nowin thntnkcity lhi-ee recruiting willie-us made in the Southeaflt fall. j‘ ’for SOldlenl, and one repdezrogus ion aim-L The answer'sont byanjor‘Andorson to ”“6“" . \ ‘ E l . ‘‘e . Beam-e ard's demand. was 1 lmt ' '“E“"",m3°“"“b't‘l'?"""""§3°".*hl‘”.‘” aogld surroi‘idor M'lwl his suppllgs Well-Z l mediate fig”!!! out_ or ”if U‘ s'? hlllpfi “it" exhnusficd if he was notil‘vinlmcwl.‘ ihnfh. Perry nnd-Savan ah lmylb boeli re-‘ Not \fcaisunltv (’0 {a as knmrnjl has as icowf‘d at the I"?“3‘s'n‘limy X hrd. 5 . i'et hnfipL-n'etl 16;;in of Mr nn-n. l. ' l _Commodore NUHEbaTth" “"le'apfl' Of ther nineteen bflltterion in lpoxition‘ pmnted con‘lnnui(ler;ln-_(- nefyf lhe Home around‘the harbor, "“1.“ «oven 111m} Opened Squadron, lms‘gnne ml 1:)" 1”“ "1”" at! B""' qn~Sumter 'l‘li'e remni' der are hM in re ion. ")9 will 5““ in 1° 4 than ten (la-ls I“ serve for the expectedfiel. Ll ‘ ,9“‘:M° s‘; . ‘ i i . CllAl’tl,Esl'o\'.'A ril 1‘ P. Mh—The bom _' N". ‘9‘" April lOi—‘Tho “WWI-“‘8 lmrdment’ol'Sunilur all 1 (Tu)llnél£‘§,bl‘lflklvr, “ HUM)!" ]{(-_n"smlcd lust gngntfmm tilt; port Thu flouting buttery an l .\‘telillrixis“batteiv ‘with sealed orders l‘mmlthc' Govern: mm. ‘m n w’r'ntin" freelv. ”so“ Sumt'r is h; She had Hailed p viously,,lmt ”tmhlxl‘w"lumixlg'the inc ‘ lg, } , : l” - 7 make “Pair:- l .‘ v: \‘x . - ‘ J..-min. l . ! 'Pmmmrilrnuu~ pnl.[Of—DNPatchoslrom\j CHARLESTON, April [xi—42,3o A. rlll.—'l‘lli u‘V'nslunglon “I“ .‘hm ithe "00" “’5 \mr bombardment i.» still living on. I'l‘lm in: lJumcslovwnHand ‘iguteht. ~L'lwrnnce.‘ now singers are living frrin their mol'tar bar'- nt the havy \nr at this: port, are to he fit-. terié\o\‘«3ry twonly min'utr-n, l» . ted for son forth“ 7th., l ' ‘ 1 E 11. ls supposed that Lblujnr Andorran ii I . SUPP“ “ FORjSUMTER- I {restinglkiflmon forllm light. f ,1 l “"3 New \fork Posl9“?°““"°*;°P ‘zt‘n'm; 11. is ."t-11l mid that tln or- ve~sols of war’ari PM?!“ authority. ’ that ‘th Admmlafmtmn mildde the bixr. but tln tliov can‘not get d :has adopted the f llowing plan for throwing as the H,“ iei‘mugh. ' ‘ 'EUPP‘IICS into For Sumu :‘. _ .7 f - . Tlm,Floallng Buttery “In case of ne essny upplies are to lie Lom- H huff." , throw‘ni‘nto Fm't .‘umtorlby means ofanum- 'fi-onps are arriving 1;” her of small'lnoa , which, presenting Mn:.l- 'ig guarded to ”9",,“ let and more ecu torrd'nnwks lm- xlul eun- [Fedora] "mm from tlu lnon of. thé rebel: will plerhnps save uh'un- ing livelv lll'nes.’ ' . lnéce§lary bloodsl ed. TllL‘Gnvornlm-nt has ' l Lyn ‘chdrtéred 11. nunil or of mhnonors and Pillel‘ The firing on sumul i‘ral‘t.whieh-have er-n filled Whine-puddings. rtlmre are n-nguy fin.“ iTIICSC soliormers I‘will sail in. bearing llwuts can“. ‘ _ l‘ _ {onthe side whicll is toward: Fort. Sumter. ‘ “le he “(terlqu 0531519 for ”,9 pm I'l‘hgse [mill-5 )Vlll, lof canine. I’s fillllr“l$:l“"“ erlLl fleet to throw tllei'i roinl'm‘éenwnts in 4°01“! {“3531 “‘9' um “fill“ Wbl‘ls ‘l‘ the to‘Smnlerlo-nichl. ‘ AI turn! is raging. ' :wnll-like RINGS ard ‘solili (.‘ol‘ll'fillis 0f the, blany {hinilinsfintim dated by (HP tlirenl lurgor "3559155 ' §'l ‘ onlinz aspect of affairs, to ll‘NVlllfl'tlH‘ vity l "The men-of-w rare t 0 swam; “'{Hld‘ hold “no latest;dispatclmsxlimfian tlminl'nrm: .themuolvos in 1“ (links; ‘o‘ elm-h 9'1)" “1' ti« n that a‘ portion of he winfnrnlng “('1 I tempt toinlorcox t .‘"” 593“ “ml s"h'o¥"9}'3 had arrived rill-the [my mnl‘it wnum dnul ill". armed “’55“! .'35 “T?“ “5 m 3““! Lthe in mnicipatipn of thi: arrival tlml (Er-i ,"f‘lllm’f'Fth ‘Ol Sumter file“? 0‘ P 0533115 Bumxn-gnrddirectedllulutlacl: tomnmwnv iassaultlng l"“'“"s u ; x '- l l iwlli'n it dill. And tlli Ilom ,nut 11-0111 ti l ” ERG)! '"ARLHSTDN. . i . . lmvl‘ lil‘f‘ll done until t w (‘nnnnivrinnme (j l Ricngmn, Apri ILL—l3llclJlnu-lvs'tnnC‘nu- ' the Confederate Smleg nullm-n lilmll)’ 111. min of; yea-tvrdagy morning r‘emrh tlm zirri~ missed at Washington. \‘llcl'e (In-y lmrl lnu' .; vul “2511- of Liem Talbot; on Monday, lvhon detained apparently uiilil the purpmea -be ha a cnnl‘ere fin iritll Col. l’u-kenlz nnd the administration N-n snrw‘d, ‘Gen. Bonuregnrtmlirrflhe v‘as not nllnwrd to And thus civil w illllflll‘lllt‘i‘l. Wlm Immnmnimm- with 3 Mali/indoru-m nu Fort the end shrill Le, \ sdbm of Imm car ,Sumtvr, and stailed’bagk to ‘Vllfllllingloll not foretell. ' 1 i the same night. It i' undbl‘slnml tllgrt Um I ‘ mature of tlie cnnfrn nae} 3min) ohm”: ])Pl‘~l 2 The V Idategt, ‘. . mbswlnmm'un run rni ‘! slom—dyiyln "Tidal “'8 had newn 11mg;H'lwterduyllmt tin ‘l‘e “mutual.“ {ltd prbdbunyxter, Jill'- l'dmls' balllt‘ in Charleston lml'lior was l‘l‘s‘flllllml n is“); "if, :e “*0 {A .1 l l It .‘ in. Il} ‘t' 'gn-ut earnest on Snturd I_\‘ mnrnlngl rnd tlit 1 t dfltl "5.60321“ bin onu-Krnrils l' {in "f s‘3 cunnonnding want on‘ or'coly l'runja all lh ‘ tle '_ “den”: .1. ‘in, ~ (IN-1:1(lnll-nv points, bntlrfrom, the eel ont~ideytlle baa i $512113 "3 it": omit; no 0" “Ida-‘1 and'fmmLtho barn-rim: ilong the cbaet. 3w "g bl ”an l ,"Jm: {3n erson dec need, Major Antlersnn con‘cil firingat si‘x n’clorlfi WE}: ymt a.’ filming}. . l “ llhe' previoufi evening. hnd'nll night lm’i l . _e .coxnmumt ‘ 15 g~ 1 % excrtodh ehx.‘\ supposed to hawlu-en engnpetlin repairing .Eeclmg an‘aunc :b'lni'lhl‘ “t “l" ‘3‘ 'B‘\dnmnzos. The Port x- Jnml 10-be greatly“ i ("an “OMEfmon traitmng 133311190" axllii‘dp' '(litnlrlod when Hui «(Emu-need firing in? 1;? Itpro y9°M ml m em:“ W, tho morning. At} 'nlia‘ o'clock, in “Sm-“sf ' g‘ll’ t' lf r l l ' ll" ‘smoka poured out $0 1 Fort Sumter, anti. ed; urge par "ml" ollrlpeop e are (‘o‘ wt" the {Moral flu; was. r u up at hfjtll want," on the wlmrves, on; the handy, and si milling dbl?“ to ‘ 0 flu'el l broach‘ t eycry uccessiblle pointlfncing‘ the hu'rhorg‘ .g \- 5. lm ‘g‘_- ' ‘ ~ ' fl_. ‘l‘ .. .‘ . l 1.. mm made? 51 ter hnltue airloonpOsxtetog unfillouajhlntwamng me réfu't. "u“ ('1 ‘ (Cumming’ax Point. 'l‘v‘cio of its pq‘rt hell-133 ”1“: me 31:12: girliiet e ‘in) are a un er “if“: knocked irlnlln .ono‘jnnil the up” from 4 'x .l'.’ . -‘ \ 1...1‘1‘. Another ‘regiment Will nrru'e here ,to-v‘ it flfie‘rfidrgfichnfipdrts an explminq‘ nt :morrowa Between SIX and smqn thousand ‘ A . ‘ - ~ - _ 1 . l -. - ..n Sumter. ‘ Dome inlum ol curok .uddlen men we now on :Morrisu, and bulllvanlslsj 1v rose and it was s“ ~ed ”min”. wfi, ,lands and other plaints along the com-t. ‘ l~ J ' . . p . M‘ - A ,_' l ‘ . , , f- , I ‘ eel“! quarters‘wexe on me. nor :2 (r ‘PRESIDEI‘T 9-? IS‘ ABOI T To '1?le son had censed to fire lbr above ohe h ur. i ' T} E HE‘LD" _ ,l IHis fla'g was still up. f 4 ‘ l . l )VASHWGTOV- Ill?“ })-"DL‘l‘M°llc§ ”’9’ There is a rumor lhs’t Sumter has b I-n ‘cewed here today, from Mnntgqrm-ry, [state hlnwn’up, but u“. rumtlr is not crbdite . 4 1m“ l’resxdent_ "5 ‘WS “rollbl‘lel‘fné' ‘the, After the nnnouuceni‘cnt inlnigh Cir 95. proprielynol‘ 30mg, to Chgrleston, hem sat- several Weeks ago. “mg Qummf “13; tel be' ”Emit?“ FortSn or was Ito be their?“ 'nce‘hblyevncuated: thk Administration at ‘ltmgetw ‘pmrntmlllere the P“? w“ '9" he wflhington will he held to a terrible 15e- 05mm re— nt. the Ad d peaceful fl‘om Fort _el Dong)“ the bést as? ncoln": in: Ithe Judge, leived; the :mn‘party, ‘nuth. rules i have been ; #y cannot e§tru yon. ‘logu- xlitfi'a. mvo t 8 {#l S tes. tgul tion: 1.:- endpedi ] e Admin ” beyond I filmsult. l nestroyed, ence, the lout the‘ Lincoln 1' term of triumplj E volunteer s dam th Lt rig will {)e E pthe-npwg can gmves i-gcm'ion of 3 ienlqnt in file believe ‘ nd the life triedVéé t 3 tha‘ rrpffir (if the. ()nhfiuflemte St: ‘6‘ “n“ to pjai" ' 'LU mates Gnvermnezfl to n‘aintainfiitselfq LIIe and his friehdn depmed ik his dlity to lye on the ground. He ‘Had "fit deci led at one 'o‘clo'ék whether he won!‘ 30 orlnot. " ‘ NW You, A r3l llq—M specihldispaflch. said to be datecf t: Chaflesjon at noon to day, reports fall q “eh! {The méops mun pre med forimmédinté pernice‘! . 3 I Tie'Comnxeljciag'l slams athat it 113% been‘ ‘confirmed that. P‘rgs‘ldgflt Davih has given‘ ohm-l not to fire or}: vgsel clinging plfovis ionatol-‘on Sumter. 9 § 1 ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ STILL LATER. i i ' 1!: id currently repel-god that. negotinh'pnaj will be opened Mnlornow b'et-we‘eh Gonentl ,Beuuregnrd and Major minder-son relative to ‘the sinrender of For: Sq'mter. « 1 l Mos‘roounr. Abril ll‘,—The war dépflrt-‘ iment is overwhelmed ‘with application; from regiments, hattalio‘ns and mmpmiea, Ito he take‘n into 'tbe service. Over seven thousand have offered ’ from the border Stages, exclusive bf 2Mlndinn warriors. ,who‘ desire to «Hyper-Me. with the Confed ,emte States. A great number of 00me ‘nieu us daily reaching Charleston, Savan nah and Pensacolh. ‘ . ’ « { War Gommencem ‘ 3 I ho bid 1' -‘- of the } with thg ‘1 at “ Bload days." __‘ ‘ 1 ts any thy I-lee netting i and w'alfi arpns‘ihiiity if it 51103118} beryl-oven; th_nt expedition‘ sent to Ch'rleétnn wus‘in the outstart entirely in'ndeqtlato for thcipurposa‘ for ivhich it was despntéhed, and we result ; involve the ucrifico of Major Anderson and ‘ his men. ‘3 i It should be the prayer of every American citizen that, this unnatural warfarqceum— ? Would not'oompromisethava been" a thous— “ and times better 1’" 3‘ ' i - ; GOD savyia the 'eouptry} 1 1 —'~— » ~¢-‘p’——- ~——~f ’ fi‘lt mus stated in'rthe Unitéd States Senate a. short,_ tima ago; that the Adminis : tratinn could not, cbllect the revenue in the sen-dog States. except. by capturing all the 1 roman-hid: would require {in army of 280,- ! DOOmenyandnn annual upenditure 0f5316,- 000.000. Besides ‘an army of 30.000 ‘1: ‘ would be required to-proted W ' n. 1 It is said in Washington tint th‘ ate 3 was furnished by Geri. Scott. ‘ l - —' —o O f.“ -‘-1-—~7 I aJ’resident Lincoln has informed the ' Virginia. Commissioners. sent to {Washing 2ton to inquire what. his war preparations v meant, that. he would stand by his " inauga Ihralprogramma,” ‘ ‘ S‘The N. Y. Courier, which is suppos ed to derive its information from French diplomatiats st Washington. announces that the Presidential policy is irrevocably fixed upon coercive measures. This has been Mr. Lincoln's plan incessantly since the 4th of March. All the parleyings entered upon wifh the envoys of the Montgomery Gov ernment—all that has occurred that looked like accommodation, has been the personal, doing of Mr. Seward. While the Secrets ry of State thought he was master of tin}; situation, he mm only in reality, though im known to himeelf; making a policy entire ly opposed to his own. _-.». ._, «OW The Il'tnturky Vofunmr BCdmffll.——Loui9' fille. April 12,—Despatchcs have been re ceived here to hold the Kentucky volunteer regiment in readiness to moveatamoment’s‘ notice. The order comes from the War De partment of the Confederate Stateset Mont gomery. . ‘__ _lfl'jFour of the assistant editor: of that Dlsumon Abolition sheemhe N. Y. Tribune, In)? received oflice from Linwlnl Nb Ab olmonism in Lincoln. eh! na-Thsc uch Abolitionilt. Jp-hm R Giddings, bu reoeiVed the up“. Imm (balance in MMPIUMt link M 1 ‘ ~ ' . , laJir. Xtcqus ngm. of Hanover. mu ‘ robbed of about $4300 On Wpduesdsy night week. The money was toke‘n from t desk ‘ whilst Mr. Rider was pbnent? from home... lA‘u ugsupcusafu] uLtcmpt was made to rob 1 Mr. Cna’s. Busnz, of the smug {713063, who ‘gma'in his house übom $4OO. “r -' f . The bambersbnrg Post-Oflge. ; Mr. J; w; hm, of the Gumbel-lulu! v.l - ley Ruilruml, who 'wzuput an nuplivam, luu' been nmminted nghlnuterfit Clmmbdrr ‘ burg. A: u. i‘osult, an .iudigmuion m‘wu’ng twtps‘held mum]. fruni of the Cduit-lmuna. on Saturday evening week, which my! pre— nitlcd over by Capt. James} Brown. Mr. J. K W. Flelclugr rmd [LIIO following resolution» : i \VIIEREASI, We bo-libve that the appojgm ‘mvm of the; P 9»): Master at Clmmborsburg‘ ’ blu‘ultl b 0 “refillable (9 UP? )ul‘oplt‘ in wt-030 midst- the duties'of lns ofliue an; to be dis— , clmrued. nqtl. I . " “ i I Wuhums‘, Mmly or the applicants for the " office of Pm: ‘Ma‘mtor of tho Barnum: (if Clu’uubersbilrg were‘ allpporwd and admon ted by [gently all the Citizens of mid Byr oupzh, un(l,: '; \~ . - . - jVumms, ,\\'n have learned that, our ('nn groialmul has ueoelfi lxig oflicipl pauilion to so- “ :curo t‘hé ufppniulgmm of a, gemlemnn Mm ‘wnk not-1m applicant for mid oil'u-u, “ml who was nét urged byline Citizen» of tho -Dornugh uf‘t‘lumbemburg for mid ullice. 1 'l‘lmreforeu . ‘ l 3 . vorks “1011 and “n {our}; ’Ernry in! 1‘ [be landing nt‘ m é (lent. Weuro 111 M EMI Jhxolwd. That wn. the Citizen: ofClmm boil-Imp. in Mass Meeting panembh-d, Iro- Avéctihfiy lmt warmly mndmun tho con (lu‘gt of the Hon. Edward- Mei’hermn in din- ’ rugnrllinu the wishus 9f the pqule of Chmpj hombmg ‘in umkipu um of [us amend pud tion‘tuym-uye Hm r:lppuintnwm.’of mmthvr person nut known {Lb 1m appliJmut by the “Ltize-ns uf ,mid Mung. thereby flbttinp nuidn {lie vlnims» (vf'llmsfi who \\'ol‘o§ilpph(‘l\Mu, and “011 ru'cnmmcudml for, thnflpmition, still ‘cnntimmq, nn 0n the PJIIIM‘U ilh'.xalml.{l'llut we mow. n-qifctfully' w mmnptrute :\guiu~t the: appointment of per mns unknwfm to tho Ciliwns of lhis‘ Bul uugh. and irquukt the pr-tmgxnxcr Gym-ml tn mqu-ndihu (let-Nil)“ in‘the L'mw until tho (Juizfeué‘ui: said Bamugll can be {mvly heard bofurt' him. ' ‘ ‘ 1' ’ [lnst-Im], i'l‘hnt me proceedingq nf t) if! meeting. together-with the rvsulutinm, he pu’lihshed in tho dim-um )ulm-rs‘oi llna l'mrnugh. and that copies of ench be non]: lu .tlr3—Pudnmrler (ix-,ncrfll, and «156 to 1110 Han. Eduard Mcl‘lmrmn. ‘ ‘ . i ' The vute {\nmnkt-n and the Bresidvnt'da clm‘cd filo Ensqhnions adopted. The pu - ‘ coulingsi “fem “illuminated” by Eévfij " knock diowps. A big breach io he 1, Hunt l ‘ . g k?! The fl'al‘hyh‘lm-Agutmgfl‘a “Paul Yoffius “I‘m‘ :pfliw fighf.” “ml-s: ‘ I I‘I,i('N..‘RA£IM EOF THE EXHIBITION I ‘ ; _ ‘run: nun. _ ,‘ “Highly lfiuglmhloj ‘omic Burlmriuo, entitled: , §'*I.\'DIGS.’CL‘IU.\',” ‘ A . .. - 3 on ' ‘ A scuba“ row; Till ros-r-ornrl. In which the tollewing qhurncteru 'are rep- i A. J. Mm. 'n. " N. P. l’mnvl. ('H'T. Jim. innwfl, ‘ - J. M. Mtfmwzu.. IJ, W. FLET mm. ‘ lhusnu. { -In the n‘ 0w piece Mr. Milk-r in 01min \the part 0" §onflemcu ‘Uslu-r, Capt. Brown, Erriucipnl (Emmett-r. J. W. l-‘lPtdu-r, Sup. ! To be fnflowegi by a magnificent Punch 'nmic Vmw: M the " , h « 110.11) T 0 GEm'SBL'RG! . i 1 ', *1 VIEW nus-r. If Solitary ‘ Inrneluan on the top of < (.110 South Mou‘ntuim ’ 1‘ NOW. ‘ ‘ I am )loharch of all 1 survey. ‘ My rights chm-z- are noun to dispute, ‘ I’ll get tije l’ost-Uflicq gum, U ‘ Ur Mcßhenon's my better thm s bbrufn-I 501:7qu refunding Imnt. by (’l2 me .samaq} Hurarmaq‘r Scum: Gatlydmrgin Ila Buck. ground. fi‘lnz Sunni!” _ 7 Diomxemn’s an ass, w - . A‘ndimay go to grass. . lam thefman to put him down! . I’d gather saghim dead and d—--_d. And; in aid Pluto's regions cmmn‘lmd, Than gain) big: more renown; I ~ . vu‘w mosh. .- \ Two Delfgntionu passing in Baggiu. (hex going any! the other returning. (me: Mid? night. They pass in solemn silence. A very dismtsl scene; ‘ hnr mun. - -. ‘ A scene in Gettysburg. McPhemn’u {er idence. Ifrrne: Eleven o'clock It night. House narrounded by fost-Oifice' Ambassa dong. Demand an intgrview. . McPhersop pokes bis find out, of the window Ind or cases binned! on the more of illfienlth.‘ Worl’t be put of. Force in the door. So on: Session. 13an : Kicked out. . . ' . nxw roman. ‘ ' {A buggy stuck in the mud. overloaded with Patent Office Report: sent by McPher sonf to comfort disappomted agapli‘caml. Wdful filighc of the occulgmts o the Bug: gs»: 0b 'ged to uniond t 0 Reports in a fence-corner. vmr nnn. _. The _hst legwon. Finn} interview. McPherson; s ccumba to the aimiaide ptw sure. A microwopic View of one affix?! Pharaoh's nears shed on the occasion, Ind:- cgfing “blood in his eye.” . ' \ ' "3w sum. A magnificent “mucking View!" the lion, Edward McPherson sink! into the in; mgmflcanv. “Eduard!” ‘ The whole to conclude with the mag. ful farce entitled “The Deal to Pay, or tho Great Unknown !" . , , This Splendid Pauoram will rennin in ‘ Chambersburg for one night. only, Vlad it. will be removed to Washington uni exhib- "' ited in the Poet-Ofice Department for the bdnnco of the Season. Republican- udzfiii- ' ted pub. Front, Sean maturin- a}, WidozAwAku. Down ch' ' J 1" “Named : ' DRA SLI TIE PERSO‘V‘ E. =llll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers