“.‘“—_.- F“ 4 _ , .931: I?!" The Con-n.“ is publiahbd every Monday morning, by Hum J. S+AKLI, at $1 75 per annum if paid strictly N muses—~32 00 per annum if not pain; in advance. No subscription discontinufid, unless at the option of the publisher, fintil all arme arepaid. '_ , 1 ' M‘) ~ Awnnsumrsinwrtq’d at thmmml rates. JO3 PRINTING done with neatnasa and . p \, dwpatch. ; , ()rrxcx an South Bulgingore street. directly oppmite Wamplcrs' 'ljngiiing Establishment ..“Cuxmun Pamflxo (,itrlcz” on‘ 1.1195311? Jury Listn-Apgrfl .Term. mum mi“! Conowngo—John Busbey, Br. ‘ _ ‘ Freedom—« Henry I may. “ 3 < Gettysburg—« Georg- CUCréu. l ' Liberty—John wenyl ; _ Monntpleasnnt—Emanuel smith, Lew-is Will. . I'nion—John Spangler, 3y, Cumberland—Charles B.} Polley, David W. Homer. 5 ' , Humillofi—llenry Wolf. Mtrlin‘Gelz. 5 Betwick tp.—-—Jncol) ““5 l ‘ . Germany—S} 1"? th ”'3an l lutimorc—lsracl Flnln‘ "i . A . Reading—John Bosserman,’ Angrew J. Brough. Stubnn~Sumuel Freeman}. DA id fockheun, Huntington—Thomas f 5 (ifndqjer. ' Franklin—John L’ole. , l & Mountjoy—llichneli‘iscel. .3" Jlerwick hon—FinucislStr bibger. ‘ ‘ Oxford—Henry “Fiesta ;' . HumiltonbaneDnv‘id $.13 the. ‘ ‘ ' on“ I. I my. . , Oxford—John Stock, gran lin Heltzel. Conowngo—Emauuel kell r, Levi Klndlg. v Cumbérhlnd-Uornelids DJughcrthmnc Dear; dot-if. I l - .- -. 'Frlnklin—Smnnel Eicholtl, Jacogmllhonny‘? Samuel Lohr, James “nil: ' Gguyuburg—Gea. I’. , Eclgu‘atode‘ Samuel G. Cook, Wm. 11. CulpM’Solpmon Welly. Tyrone—Daniel DylamJonfas Sumner, Solomon ‘ Surner. ‘ ‘1 ‘ , V Hlmillon—Dnniel HAM-r, l enry King. , Bending—_Charles E. Kuhn _. Liberty—samucLKrisd, \\' Hinm Seabrookg. Mounuoy-—Juhu .\lnriuk, Jilin ’l'ruslle.. llnnnlwnhmgnlncuh L. H , r, lsnuc‘flubinsou, llufim‘g. gwnpc, lsmlc ll‘gl-relvr. . Unio 4,”: K 1: l'ngt-r, IJ-‘tfil .\l. llolllliggr. . Mou:l.anl—Alunldvrgl’guug,Uncob Stel ”on“: ~‘ T , . ‘_ H Stratum—Edward .\lor i ,5 » *7 v Latimorr~Juhn \l'. HI ' Joel. Brien?" Butler—Willimix Slnyb u fihqofi Peters, Geo. ‘ Group. ' . ‘ -, Huntington—Daniel lleillmzln, Georgefinfdner, : Jonas Juln‘u, Urul‘ge lluufcrs. . Gernmny—Jm-u‘) Klun . ‘ 1, Maximum—("harms .\l. . tew rt, William Yentls, Jucoh l'liier. , ' § Ilcni'ick tp.-—Jolm liltlrr. E. _‘ - Berwivk lmr.—-l;2<iwur¢l Euurlmer‘ Mnruh 18, 1:461. ' - .. ~H. G. Carr I I Aijm rom-ivfd‘am-r' fine annflment of _CUKRANTS,FIHF.{iIeXVS‘kI’RI’NI‘L Also ufipll-nxli-l “rm-h- i m; mum (3111.10)}; .JIILOI which uh: lxi-ml Ru- lr king pu‘rpofa, kc‘. Jffx‘n cull and (whmine Ihcm Dun‘t‘ [Mitt Ilia: plucé, right. oppuailc tlxe B nk, in Yu‘rk; alrccl. Patent Mic EiLamp ' illJlN+}\'.—7r\ [nmrk'm 3L“ Tun WILL xor C lhlmk!‘—’,l'||ii gun“ I' \mntlou ulnmwuds inputgo uh «no ”mu; m in. (m. L.\ \1 l’h‘.—' It gfi' s more light. ntqdirc Icns'vtcnning and will “Til Monk |»_\-‘ lec be“; or will, tulling or Nnynrlllnzir'v usage. [Kn- c. [e hy Slurckrepx-ra (:0? er 11l "—lerguqllyul [hp I niled Stzuus 11ml [he ~(1unmllx: l ‘L\\h’§lr.~ul¢lh_\ the }lzllm!mtur~ra uudl’u‘l I: r - .‘ ‘, ' , ‘ _ nmmm: /. llL'Mpnm-IY, ' XI .‘ 21111 N. MN m Strut-t, J’llilxlll’n. N. B. A Ltrgu .Iml .~I [w'inr stock of (‘UAL 0“. LA \ll' ‘, :||\\'4\_\S m: In: ILnt prim-s defying: cymgu-Htim ‘ 'Alm, lhe‘ l‘ Ithunl (‘mll'UiL at ‘MJrnlatll\l:;yL-r;' prnm A : [l ch. 2.3, 1801. 4t . ’ 1 . A J . ‘ Groceries, No 1015, 8:3. ‘1». V 1 I“: mx-lcrniznv-l lmsiqp-ued a Grucury and ‘ L Nothh} SJurv. in mm more street, nearly r anmite the (pmrt limbo. ‘Hettyshnrg, “hvrc ‘ we puhtic finll'cuu‘mnfly t mlfic‘lling cheap as . the cheques}. SL'G.\[:.“.‘,fiy ups. Molasses. Cuf fccs. ’l‘éni, Rive. (.‘heeau. Lpivcs of all kinds, 1 .\thgfi-i, l‘hovolam, "mums and Hrushsu‘; .’l"r.-<l{ liullx-r and liggi, Ground (‘ulfl-e. l-laruuce .(H'Cum’u. Sculuh Herring (1.1114105, .Suaw. Suit; , -"i‘uba.cn‘u, Segue, Sunlf; lé‘unfucnoua, u.“ Lilixls of INIn-I, (hump-4,,U-143fi5, llz'i~iu<, lh'qud‘. ('rTilckc-u. leCi of (linn-ut klmh; Dlxuo and Slu\§l’u)ish; FJIH') Um lsdhhlins,Uingluuns. ‘ls.»qu l).nt.~l,,\\':lduling. I u~ich_\‘. lLuulM-ruhicfs, Suspk-ullcrs. l'ius,‘ New} -s, l‘luthcs Pins, lint hmwfl with Sminus 01‘qu kinds. .\ .\lmre ofk_l_x§ publm‘n patronage i: ri- lwclfully sulivitul. ‘ _ l. “1.1 C.-.\'(}hßHL‘K. ‘ Nb\'.l9,l9l}o. tr >_, s—»»—’- ' r - r - , —~~v~—-—-—-- J I - , L ‘ r. Something New ‘ FPETTYSBI‘I’.’ I,—LTIIc undersigned informs I u- L'ililrll: of the lm’h’il an?! calmly. that he ‘ In.” «:umxm-mcrl Hm HAjLLVG ln’siums, on _a‘ large _srul». in York xii-fictifionlyhurg: non-l)" opfnz-itc “unit-5'3 Hotel. “here he wiLl try to ‘ "dc. awe, and balms to reu-ivo. :\ lflmml patroly‘ K 1130'". “READ, ROLLS. .U'lK-HN. (“R.\UKH|L.S,: Plil-I'I‘ZFtLS, km, Jun, lmkqd over)- dziyiwa'un days ewu’pn-ul.) all of the but quulny. and sold 1 at the 10\\\‘at._l|\ i“! prufifis. L'chßr-huking m 1 all its lwmn-Iu;.~ is Hugely: curried on, auul qrulcrs , I to zluy xuuuuqt, (mm Lh'vs and adjoining coun tit‘si'supplie-l M. men'shértmt notice. Hm‘ifig ; ccectedulnrgcmulcumm diuuabaLe-house and j neural the‘heu wmrkn' m nnd the most ap : ,iyroved nmciinery, he s pre'pnred to do a :‘heavy buginuss. A . f July~2s, 135:1 VAILENTIXE SAUI’EE r .__,-,‘ _ .7 L.._ _.V—._‘.4_._.______ . . Removal. n I 1 NEW S_\LOON.—GEO. F. ECIEENRODE has removed his Oyster estuhli 1") th to the splendid new Saloon it» Jacobs 5: Bro’s. Build ing, on the North sidc; 0t Chambersburg street, where he will at all times be prepared to s'en'c ninthe best of OYSTERS, in every style. By kegpifa good artgclc, he expects to receive a liber thure of public atropixge. TURTLE SUL‘P, CHICKEN. BE F TONGUE, PIG'S FEE'I‘Z‘TRIPE, BpILED n d FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM. BIRDS, &:c.. in hair season. A. nice glass of A LE or LAGEchnn always hevhad.— Come'nnd try me. G. F. ECKENM‘)DE._ 15pm}, 1361 p » - «crothing! ACOB REININGER h 8 just returned from 7 J 1.118 citit-s with the pr ttiest and chenpestlot" “A . {QPRING AS D SUI!!! { GODDSJ‘UI Gentle {yelp}; great ever ofi'eredi Gettysburg. Helm g e‘vernvniety, style an-I ice ut'guods,»— While | gbnflepga can B}wnys fin Cloths to suit their 1 96m- théy can at the 9 me time hhve their ’f’meaanms tnkm and a gn meat puhfi! to order on theJhortcst notice, in the most subamn-r ' $1 mann‘er, and fashionqble style. To secure . bargains and save monei go to the Merchant Tailcnng Esme§ahment t' , -‘ ~ , ' JACOB .REmNGER, ; May 73:1880.’ I_L (53133310 street. a . 17- if Ipton.. I ‘ ASHIO‘ BARBER, North-east car- I(F net of the axiom}, (next dear to Me» ‘lellnn’s Hotel ) Gettysburg, Pm, where he I put 32. :11 time; be found rjeqdy to attend to all} j buipeu in hilgline. He hag ‘qlso exfiellent 35-, ; liltsnce and win ensurje sdt‘sfagtxon. Give‘ ; “mel. ; £1399 3, 1860‘ .\ _— ,- Economy 1; Wealth, AID gas of dur lean'x‘qd men, and I believe S it, for the folks 311 “W they save'mpuey by filling M K. G. CARR’S. Q‘o buy their Grbceries, Queehsvare, Notions, #:ch [Jan&slB6l. . Alexandelj Frazer, ~ \ ‘ CK AND WATCEiMAKER, has removed ‘ : ‘his shop to the 'hou‘se Intely‘occupied by Widow Herhst, near the West. end of Chambers bnr‘ unet, south side, {where he w'rll always be happy to amenq to the falls of hisqcustomers- He in «mum for past EfIYOI’S, and hopes to receive the cominued pstrouge o the public Nay. 2,1560. if 1 ,NGBISE! DAIRY CHEESE, I very fine u:- Efidd, now to be had at H. G. CARES“ 0 not forget to all! it A. SCOTT & SON‘By D “lon In! to buygchedp Dre" Goat”: .ufl “ans, 1)» Luau, Printed»!!— [jam m, he...“ *1”! a: Wu Nil"; L" ' 1 $ \ ‘ 46a Year_ Republican freedom came'pn in the ca 1, , Deplorabl; sham on her stripes and 11 stars, ‘And her flpg ladly rent; but some people ud mite‘it, _ , l, ' And Sewn'd will patch‘it, if time ahepld re qi{e‘il; w“t w“- ThoughYUe says) would the'people hive pa t' ace and sense, : ’Twill b Alrunger than eve! “a hundrefiyeats ' 1] 11,063” i ‘ ‘. 'H But “there’s ‘nothing gone wrong,"-—’—honest Abe has said an, 1 e 1;: And Brynnt and Goodwin endorse him, ypu kndw. . ‘ '5 ‘ Nb; “ thgr‘e’s nothing gogc Wrong "—Lyith the pobr in despair. ‘ ' ‘ I I Qudiad «mes np3urned, in I pitiful prayer; A ml commerce suspended, mad gigh men gtqwn . ‘- p‘o r, ‘ ~ .. ‘And anxig’ty stnnding.“ every man’s dobr; . lAnd smés disuuilyi, and loyalty new And the spirit of Union dud freedom hn fd ad; But, it’s All “ nftififiiul," xhc men-st “ id in]? i In unntion lik‘e‘lhiq quite unfit to flppefll‘.‘ “ There's no’ rml crisis. there's noihifig gone hlv's’ I And “nobody! hurt," so we're prawn-0&1: still. “H" 'H‘ 121$ . 511 w am ‘_. , .-L .l 1, .4 I.',T_V::f"‘ _—‘:\' :A‘IA :.;"':~_ THE SMITHS, 1f _- A‘NI) THEIR {SDYI'EXTURE WLXI‘II A j E",_,l ‘ i i,- ,4 -. __.. _ . i: ;‘ _Tlm Smitlmof finiithsvilli‘,‘hall i'nriln long i tiianc been ivory much annoyed hy thoilh-pr‘w V (hitions ot'snme unknown individuiult‘whme . ~cnni‘u.~ml -i«lc:_|_s concerning the rights of L property l‘Fd ”t'o the trm‘ucnt uh<tmct§nn .of , . divers goods and clmttcllafrom-the pvtmisogi lli of the said Sr’niths in :1 furtive and lliyateri- h I mu martin-L; Bugs nf wheat 31nd out: van- , ti i islicfl from tho granary, pdrk from t o col-i .lnr. and ‘ttnrn from the crib; in one night a 11, ,bhecp thqt had just been daughtercd‘cuolly ‘ tli trottml nwny,‘mid on :indtlrur pct-mo? sev- isi icrul gallons nimaple hilgzilfibvapornte Lin 3 ”1 'nightjime. Milking etools went ofl'orjthrce “'1 'legs, and Mrfimith's hest axe was fornrl ‘to hi : hhve " cut stick." Log eligins hemnio mt ~01 itlosnukec nnd;crcpt oti': irdn wcdgcséinmle , yr lsplits in tlicaniiths’ propertiy : hunts “winced: Inwnvhuil“.l:i(‘,l<"r<.ule nil'bn tho :‘szur-hb‘rse.” ‘ 0] I: Vain were all the ctl‘orts' ot' the chltlr and iynungeiwh‘mith tn (ha-over the mystéry of ii there (limppcsmnces and t'J entrup the nfw ‘ i fender. 7 Dealiairing of brin ring him ‘ojlra-l ; ticc. the Smith: found the they mud (in ‘n ‘ nothing‘rjmxe; than to take triensures to 011- I ‘sure the safety of their pr party. Accord— . 5 ingly they huifltn new gran try; with strong l; ‘ walk. :1 nan-07V grntonl \rim o‘w and u flicuvy ' ij loukon door. tp which “'11“. qttnqhml ‘h. tux-J r " miiluhlo pudldok. 'l‘he primnflike portion ‘ I -of the barn wins suflicigutfi‘llargw to‘hllow fil ‘tho Smiths tn flock up with the grain “great, l . (lmll of portable propertyxsych :w “'33 most 1 .‘,lik(-ly totemnt the cnpitlit. of thin-er. . l i’ After the granary “"ah' tiniihhml a' xt'i'onth ‘ \ pm'x-etl. during which tim‘. thc (lt‘ylll‘eztln- : l tiorfi of tho m‘hhel' or‘mhlnii‘s was our lined i "to 11m orchards fllltl hon r mt, whorl. hire 5 on Sunday créuing, llH‘ chi)“ Nmitluinj ho Was, sitting tipped agnimt the kitclwni mall, ‘smnking hilhlliipe. propumtnry to rct’iriugfi, bothought hiin that h:- hzld naglm-icd to lnTk Hm gm’mlry bi-t'nre hauling the biifillr-r i'l‘l ie '\\'.'l<:_hy nognenm n angular cii‘cum istdnt‘r‘ixonsidfiring that tho‘gmnury “firmw ‘unlly locked by tht‘ younger Smith, who. laml‘tlmt night, “ gone a courting.” 1 g i it WB5 3. mqamlight arching, (mil 'Mr, 1 Smith on approaching: theihnrn. Wind, cm»; §iclcmblyfstartilotl nt weing the door “jars-T 'Ce tnin of having simt thiid or an 'horir ' pr -\'ious.' Mr. Smith thong ‘tff robber-$14.; ' lli ‘ sllfip' -ions‘ were confirnré when. {on a - [ ne (ref agin'oatih, he plainly] heard a Wow“, i m nt in the burn. Too muti’om to _enthm: ge his li e by boldly attack ng thc rn‘hbor, I M . Smith, wttlr considel'alillo trepid tion,‘ renlved to which his more cuts an; dis co er who he was. in ; . ' ~ ‘ i ooking thifough‘n crack 0n the east side [of he b'm'n, hesaw a dim,§rost-like figure glide across the floor town ,5 the granary; [ A happy-thought entered Muffipfith’s Urain. i Stehh‘ng into ‘the barn, he inherit silently ialo g by the mow until nag/W granny, wlLFn—clapl—g-ho shut thcr‘, oor, adjusted th padlock, turned the key andjwas pfi'as if rt» his tire.“ ‘ . . i “l f I 'was impossible to sayevlhat mag Mr. Sm th treinble so. It might {have bee the i am theririg cry of alarm which isshed§rom§ f the gran wall! in a. way f 11y: calculated? ito ake auspicious fears. :Put Mr. Smith inev rown dhe was as whi Ins aghoatwr 9.5 nitrite air they are supposed to be. 3 , F’ “ hut! thelmatter i" cried Mrs. smith. “ 've: , ughl: the robber!” he ejaculated, in breath ‘7 He's locked up in the 'gran nry.‘ Give mcimy boots.” 1 , _ “ “’hy—g-Wllqtv—Wllfit areyou goingtodo i’l “get hPIp. He's 33. desperate fellow and it w 111 d be dangerous to meddle with. him alone." ‘ 3 ,' ‘ (Ruin im sible to describe‘ the excite mpnt of Lizard Mrs. Smith on that me morable occasion. The‘ latter took it_upon herself to load the old musket, whilq the husband went‘for the neighbors. , Mr. Smith e‘xclmnged his slippersionhis bOOt-SJ and ran first to Deacon Nathes’ house; where he expected to find the younger Smith, who was‘cou‘rting Nntfies’ daughter. '_He was surprised to find the house all dark, "‘55 if the Nnflles had retired to rest and blown the candle out. He knocked, how ever, furiously. as the occasion required.— After som‘ndelay, Deacon Naflles came ‘ down in his Ight dress, stared at Smith in ‘astonishment, and demanded his business at that hour of tho night. fl--.“ " Caught the thief—locked up in the granary—where’s Increase?” “ Ha! caught, the thief?” cried De u ' Naflles, who. having lost some property as W9ll as his neighbor-4. was interested in the . intelligence. “ Good enough; keep him till ingrning.” _ “Two'n’t;do!” replied Smith in an excited manner. “ He’s a. desperate fellow—him}: out—l inusti raise the neighbors—where’s my son, Ibex-93.56 f" . ‘ , « “ 0111 Sally is sick to-mght, so hifm courted only may 51} hour, and-the .went home." “ Went home I’L ‘ “ Yes,” said the Deqcog, {about lulf an hour ago.” » , \ ‘ The elder Smith gasped hi. hands to his_ forehead. at if he beat; Why m idea. 01'me weighty nutmeg. ‘ r ME Br HfJ.‘STAHLE. \ !‘ =I (3112‘ film . From the Journal of Commerce 1“ noisolwm HURT.” . " BY A LADY ‘ iIIUBBE-R. ‘ ‘3 m‘ I‘lil'b mar-part MOO A. 'DEMDDDATHD ADD FAWLY JDDDNAL “Gracious!” he ejaculated. I “What ?” asked the Deacon; “ I behave,” stammered theielder‘ “ I—l have locked up—” 5 ‘ .' " Who?" ' 3 1L“ Increase l” t ’ “ I'll bet you have!” dried the D ‘ I heard him say be h to cérry t cushions into the gm ary béfore t bed.” A ‘ ‘x “ Look here." whispered the lder ‘ I Beg-ot‘ybu never to ineutio th‘ i shonld‘get out.” i 1" u Oh, I'll keep the s retf”!inte tie Deacon, trying to resefle be avity. , ' l * “ Thejoke is safe. an ' I’d rise rry {home and let Inc ease o t." Thetcider Smititurned on- is h uisltod,'feeiingk cry 33k, roba a 'ect of the e‘xcitfimen he und Letius now 10%}: in ‘upon he y R it‘h; who‘wns fotuaiily shn up : anaer. It.i's now impossibl to d ‘l s rage on finding himself thufi entr fitter {shoutirigfintil he wasfihoars ‘ .u-lyl deaf, he closed his teeth ngri {I down on a bag of meal to unit i t. ‘ ' t i- f A lnciiéase h d not bceit long limgebn bégm-e he hep-(La 1 gum. ; Sup‘ymiing it wasithe 014 favng (lifcm'ered hi»: error, “'73 fln-mte him. his anger cvnpo - )uhl not help But truth at t istako. ‘ [. ‘\\ 5 But (hers-“wuss nixkte‘ry abou the I heard, which ranged ithc yo ngcr doubt “licther théy twere ude ' thor; after all. He lis‘bentfi‘ Tl rncd cautiouin in the J . ‘ ralthiiy the‘duofinpen'ed. wh lo I an-ccly breathed. Somdbody e 1 tere Essiyfihe touched young .\‘niit 'n 51 i "he paw-11, tmd began to exp re m- phrt of the dungeon. Inc ease fell upon hifi hafidsfanil knees and vintage ot' the noise minle bycthe l .ptadyu‘t. Then to shutrtheglo‘fr an t was but the work of a mom lit. (1y )rliis lockpdup. .‘ I Liatening a moment, and heari 1 crelNe became firmly convinc d ccpminittqd no error, but 0 l ipt', and went immediatly for Shortly after. and very much a mi<mke, the elder Smith sn lie bum and Approached the :1 'ncfiosfiuty iii this phice to 0 he «alder Smith looked up hi hi) the key:a 'hich ‘he hnd c In, land cui§osslyfi Ivft it i l mute-ring ti: granary, anr‘. tmgvr Smith had carried away And mow jhe'clder Smith ma vn the domai‘ ' “lifirenso !”j he called, puttin Lot amannny. ’ ENG sound answered. “Arc you mlco‘pfi‘ Come. don’ b riyjrick withime—it was gll an] 't 'cnlly took you to be a rob"— iMr‘. vh‘mith'si voice Wm. stamm b. 'ilt blow in thenmuth. Mr. S iit Nani was tumbled dow’n nmid n 6.55 qt‘ hm-rclii, bugshrakos and shc [ ‘. Smitty was: considprabiy stun )ed ‘ w ltimythe fall; and when 11 go i 193:; again. the door was close I:1 ———}lr. Smith was apriscmer. lc ~tuler to imugine his feelingS. [eunwhile Increase was raisi gf I ifs: in tuking’ the thief} out of he ilsufmy. Ihwiing first téld his at ry hith, 'who “Ifo greatly iastoninh (I, tied to, alarm Joe'Fet-ris, a s ut ho fluid in the woods near b~ an )IIP]HII}(‘(I of lasing quite as m fityfns the Smiths. Mrs. F. p Hi 1,) at? the wiiith'v, and wnnte to ’1 at Invrvzue wanted. The man 1; Joe. Attcr sr'yme hesitationJho" ‘nlied that lief-husbandhud th“ he: I could not get up. _ . i_ I i‘Buf we haw got the rohhei t‘Uhghav you 2" said Mrs.'_ \blc Vikki “How fortunate! =bmid has the headache, I thi] ( ter keep the man till mornin ‘No—we'll have him tq-night f or 'ase. and away he ran. (how if the younger Smith the ,ght Inga-sling Mrs. Farris with glad idix ‘w. considerably in error.’ The‘ rutl ‘ cldsing the window she was pal as The reader may guess the cause 1' h tutfion when Linform him there as x Ferris sick with the headchhe in the l ; But Mrs. Ferris was a woman of 1 (mil decision. She cayght up he i threw a shawl. over her head, in la rhousc.‘ She was soon in Mr. S .itlr’: withhhr hsnd On the granary d r. ‘ ‘f J oseph‘,” she whispered. “Nairrlr- i I: ‘fJo‘aeph, it is me, are you her f” a deal, knocking at the door. “ ‘fL’et me out,” said a voice =wit in, Without anyfnrthefldele . rs. I havingthrpwn‘ the barn ‘doo wiile 0 that she cciuld see to perform‘heriope commenced hammering the‘pagloc most destructive manner. , Now Mr. Smith, who was with‘m, as ex ceedin ly astonished at what he hex; . He certaifiy wished to get out, but he h no desire to have thepsdlock smafixed with out first tryin oihe'r means. Som thing like the truth fiashed upon his mind how ever, when he reflected that the {terse who was breaking the lock had called him Jfoseph and that the v’oice was remarkably likh that of a woman’s. With great anxiety offimind he waited for the door to open. 1 At length the ~lock was to'rn away, and Mrs. Ferris whispered: { ; “Come quick, J 058%“ Therein ““3 time to loose! They’ll,be ere in a minute 1” She caught somebody by the ; nrui, and somebody followed her out in the moonlight. Then he caught her by the srmhnd: both stopped, looking each other full in the face. Mrs. Ferris screamed, turned filler; than the moonlight, and dropped her rhammer. Mr. Smith was scarcely less astoniahed; but ‘ recovering himself, he said, rather opolly, considering the occasion— 1 “You are out rather late tonight;| Mrs. Ferris, allow me to see you home!s 1‘ She could not refuse his arm, end when she saw that he WE conducting her to his house instead of her own, she had not the pawer to say a. word or make the leajst re sistance. ~ , ‘ Thé good lady’s feelings on being brgught before Mrs. Smith can be more eastly imagi ned than descrided. In her feat-end con fusign she confessed some very startling facts, and with tears in her eyes begged her ‘ kind dear friends' to be merciful and not expose her. Mrs. Smith renovated from he: ~amazement, and exclaimed, “I, never! I never! I never!” and Mr.‘,Smith, whowas not the least excited of the three, indulged in some equnllfi sensible remake: l Meanwhile, .oe Ferris, ghpmu the man the: had “ken the ybunga'figm'fih's ylaee J 3 P»: 0 GETTYSEURG, PA-, Mogx‘rlbAY, APRIL 1, 1861- r 3 j ‘ it ‘ f * ‘ - ‘ 'con_. i‘ e bug .e went mith, I—if mmg roll to a . -1 and ly the gone. -unger n the scribe pped. A and y, and he re- th oise dark n the “who: man . 00 ed, 1 ‘ lu ing to nd he icruus ounds Smith y his 9 key lowly. crease nonse uulder 1e fur silent- nkm g D] Ilk‘r. I look Some- «ouhd at he a real_ tunco. led of into iad : 1 High» , ass: 2 ha ‘ mm [sun ' that n snn with 'lnt'k h the MB EEO OM fly: n g: e—for MEI m ill] 'ildm~ 'o]~.——- by the upon 1 lm'k ve the 23E nnnry n Ml‘S‘. 1c hm follow 1 . who pro- Fluent] k now ask ed nman =l2l 113 err Bu k y MEI thy. MEI MI ems, .enso fgions _ m n t• -. “Imm I: mean rm WILL Prawn." in the granary,nnd givefit up in tqrnlto the elder Smfih, went home by a cixgujtous route. wonderin by ’what str‘pnge Enccz'dent he happened toi‘e caught, and co gratula— ting himselfon his escapv. lIIe hmf‘rmwhed his door, when hearing (his name ballad by somebody in the 113114.416 qurned around and saw ihme men géing by. 1 'L “ Joe Ferris, is thatybu-T’ qried pm voice of theyounger Smith} “C me OPJL if‘ you are ready.’ I've gotLßill H ges mad Mr. Blake, and I think we’fl be c oug'h fix that one thief, but the more {them n'ier“sb come on. I knew you woupdigb in or tfled’un in spite of your hendac eJ’i‘ [ .Z ' , Joe vyz‘m as much itinthe dark now‘ as when he was locked il_p in , qgranq‘ryj hp conclu- ded it would ‘be Best t 6 {hit a bi}: faée on the matter, and accompany Incr e, dso he declared himself ren hndju pedniiciverthe fence. At first he w ' Afraid fcorhmitting himself, hut the ,corvérsatio by the way showing him. as he {thbught exadtly‘how the ground lay, he lilghyd ‘eartil’y at the queer mimner in_ hrich t e thief 'was caught,‘ and volunteered to he the first to en tz-r Ihe‘granm‘y wherlhe waf; gcon‘fihed. at the same time chuc lin'g joymialy at the anticipatio'n of the yollhgen' Shiith’? dismay on‘Mling. instead‘of the thjkf, his own fa thor umlc-r' lock and key; ‘ I “‘With great glee lhei meniprqce; nm-t- to the granary, where 1‘ . crew? 30d leaving his copipiihimus to go ‘ hth'fr-r a—‘inntcrn, nndhxc'e il‘his fa} returned; upon whichlee erris all to himwlf. and advised the Smith to be >ler and lh'ing the 011 he mu uny “harp to be’luunrl u llnllo i" cried Bill lilodgo ry douu is open, and t n: thii out.” T i 3 Increase (‘an bnok lfilledi n:uion,uml Jpe Ferris lills no] ' The Strange events 0 ' the valved ‘in a deeper “iystm The eldnr Smith. hmliing 1i preach of IncreaSe an d hil nifulu his appearance with u I ~\ " ll'nll'n, nvighhm- l”‘ cribtl “‘uh'at i- all this hu hub nhq huébeon tulling m a at thid “l (11-Clare, . fathom"l shill: Sliliill,,‘v"n'tel‘ you shunme u (hi-4', null 101'; him in niy phi " i know it. your mothm- m. the elder Smith, “aildiwhenll you nut"——— 5 | “Uh, l we all," grodnod l gnt nwniy.” . i . “ \Tps‘; and shut'me Ii? 1” I “"Aml hm'r did vnu g L outL “ Why, thv thiel's “I’o hm t‘o COlnf‘ qml ln-vnk the look 3 Sn snyiiifi. the ohh‘rr'mitl fern up to the face of l-‘vi'ri. ghajly white and tu-iijled [Mum in an aguu fit. i l The whole afi'a'n- “mi ndw oxplgu Elm n~tnni~hnwnt olic oryb: lyin l :iml of Jun Fan'ifi in :auliv 1131'. ‘1 too. nun-h nktnnishod o ,‘m Re an Lance while Ingrown. ml ’hi~ 00mg Were t 3 ing hi“ hind." Egliindlhim. erris and his’ willx Von: iii-bOllll with lotlgingx' in Mr. Qmit‘ll‘s hou night: and an the foilnving day, havinghvrn inflituted: ml all: sorts Hound on Joe's promigos. tipy Wu connnittvd to jail towaif. the 1' trial What? the sentence wing. wmu 1 ‘of the crime charged tigai‘nst'them quitn fur-gown; hut itlis cei-min g pmph- of .\‘mithville wero tr ‘ubled‘ with the mysterious dimppoiirnnce ' goody: null clmltola. and the smiths lu-r. with IlPl'llJli‘J'hiltlfifi}(‘til)d.‘,tlle ni mi~t ikos vninmittcd on} the inight adventure With the robbers. i g _4__ . «...: ”1.” i _ The Contrast} ‘ 31 i 1 An Italian nrti~t, mocking {with “(l exquisite beauty. wished to “reserve hires, for fear he ‘houldlneve'r see su linoss ngain‘. Sallie paintédithe ch face upon canvass, uni! huigitu .i wally of his Mudio. lh hi most hours. that, sweet, gentle on nténn like an angel of light to him‘ Its pi filled his soul with th ‘ iurest asjiir “If ever Ifind. ” he s (i, “b. perfe tmst to this_beuutoous f siliwill pail plso, and hang them aid}: by $ll of heaven and hell.” i ‘ i 1 Years passed. At length in adistnn‘ he saw, in a grison hevlsiie i the moi eons object erver gfied yon—a: haggard. fiend. with gla ’ ng eyes any lleeply furrowed with crfime. p The a. membered his vow snddmmiedintel .‘ ed a picture of this lost 30ml; form Hi beside the lovely boy. Th 4 eontrafi perfect: His dream V V realized. ‘ was the surprisé of this‘hrtisfi, on incl! into the' history of this; horrlid inept find that hé was once thlst lowly littl Both of these pictures,‘ the angel a demon of the same ml. now hang a sidejn the Tuscan gallcly. ‘ W'ltat I Wauld I)o.-—If 1 posg'essed an valuable things in the World, and was togive them away, thbifollowing wag my plgm of distribution-b ' ‘ I would give the world trufih and ‘ ship, which are ve mrce. 1 § ‘ ‘I would give an 3ditionnl p‘ortion o to lawyers, traders and timer-chants. 1} . I would give to physicians skill and learn dug. s , xi ‘ ~ I u I.would give to printers the}: pay. }_ A Shaving Institution.—}A few da 3 since a traveller stopped into I; bank, an; immedi ately ulled off his but, local fund cramm— This alime, be cast». look at thb cashier, who was seated in n eomer,‘ “'cailm as a May moming,” and with a commanding (Lake of tbe‘head. said: L ‘ i “ Hadn’l you better be getting that hot water I” ‘ , 1 The teller informed him that he Was in the wrong shop. “ You tre in a bank, air. and not in it harder shop.” “ Bunk,whew !” ejaculated the astonished stranger. “ Blame it, they told meit has a place where they shaved people.” I -————-—-——-«m—————— , QThere is a fellow in Vermont {who has a bugle, the notes of which are éo sweet, that when he plays the whole neighborho‘pd catches them to use instead of sugar. , fi'l‘wo little niggers were playing in a cornfield, when one of them exclaimed: " Lordee! Pete, I seeawhoppin’ bigtoad !” “FWhM ’un ’B, Sam, I can’t see ium." “Why mar—right thar! Whar am your eyes, nigger?” ‘ “Den hit ’im wid de hoe.” ' Sam whaled away and brought Pete all up ’stbnding on one leg. 1‘ "Why, you dmtted fdol ni' er, dank was my foot and Iseed ’im 31'] do tfiefl ': - ————— ——o. ; the French distill"! bro #113: bnndy on}. of cod: ‘ : l 3 ' It is said that frozen frmt can lw cpeedily and cprtninly 'cured by being bathed and well rubbed with kerosene or mnl‘ nil. for a few times at nithJefow retiring‘to bed. Seyeml persons have already trml’it. all of whom upiiu in pronouncing it .an oil'ecmul cure, which, if they are Forx-ocf, it an easy and cheaj) mode of getting rid (if a wry «ore andzrdublesome affliction. _ Th? feet should Cbe ’well warmed by a. hot stovj during and after the application of the .il. ~l’ersons suffering from the—par of frosted feet. will no doubt do well in giving it n trinl,far it is surely a very cheap liolutment and one which is very easily applied. ‘ , ‘ Jimmy Won by a Dcatii-x‘lfan."—,\t erlhe‘n, Saxony, recently. a gefiltlemnn' engaged in playing a: a fare table. and died in “is sent; His death was not discovered until his money, By being‘ left an Vtficx mhle nll the while, had won a hem-y frum. ‘ A Haw suit resulted between :th'e banker} and s6.olde player’s heirs, which was decided in favor oi the litter. ‘ - - ‘ : , . ; Inléryliwéyutfilmlulicm‘lJ—A Yankee is 'll cal culating Jnstitu‘t‘ion, mu! riothing mines filing that he does not {suhipr‘tv £0 thq ordeal of figure; infiome way,“ The; ltd ihsmncc that has come’ under ohr obsbr attic? ii; the following.’ ivhir-h occurs in‘ thl’ on use of smite ctlitprial. spndulntinm upo the‘ comet: “Its tail is M -lcfis$«jlxj‘lnllll0lli of qiilee in length. To grease that tail, it if est mated” Would useup a. basin of fat as l rge #5 Lake‘ Erie nml give constant : empluyfucut to 50,- 000 ’dnubczs’ for ten yqars." } 1 _'_._ ”Mk”; .9 «4—54 1 , Théiffl'cds of Tm—le efl‘eét omie use; of tel has bggrylnual}, discussed. {P‘rufes 501' Jul'mfitone. a good mithox'ity, has tum-rt;- ed that it prevent": thé mute of thé body, and nouriél‘ies it. ‘Dr. Smith< recently, in a “Inctm-e bqfore the Society of Arts, mjuinmin ed thuf tea was 'gon‘d Only‘in helping» our di gestion of {at or farinnfiwous food, and thus far was nourishilfgz'hut if Iqu fissile: ai‘e wasted by exe’rtion or too profit-‘0 pprspiru— tion, tea .is injurious. : It dwinotgisuit a spare habit, or much exertion“ 1' low tem peratures, or a. defective skin. H'fheaig opin ions are not geneinlly liehl. l ' . —- 7- - ——-:O-l?;—---——~Jr- ‘ l .I‘edeél at ‘ propo ‘-l|to7;h(‘ her bad Jaughéd ‘vomngor t “HAIL“. ~“t ’grann 1' hp; broken CM [conster yrln'éaod. 9“ .~ I igh’c l "M ear-(‘1 prem n ever. ’the ap anions, 80m gilt. .'Fr‘rriw, “crease 1 “Jo. ut? V 93”: i the \, I .\ (Manger it .up u {finned tl, to let, @lll conseque'pfe Milne illiconsfluction and had vemilatxbu of phase}; l—lufix‘f-s in and about London; seveh thousnogd children, between the agex of MB and fifteen years, annually lo<e theii‘ livbs from lhnadrcuxbefi nlmm. Sn says D‘r. Hillier. Socretur?’ of the Meuppolitun Medical Aasociutipn. ' V 1d mp,‘] I can. ncrcasg, “ lvne'. i t ?;, F’\ {the iififiess Md helm . who urned us if 1e had Rr'ul Evmlc in Nut York—lt i 3 statféd that real ‘estute‘has ddpreaspd so mm-h :in cer tain portions of Ngw Yolk that; a maqsion on Fk ‘th avenumvdhwd at £45,000, was said a (11% or two since fnr‘s2o,o6o,!anq3one of the n agnificem stores roccntlyiere-qwd up on Broadwuv. win“ the expectfltionfithat it: would be refined for 35,01‘ 540,090, “fill not command $15,000. ‘ jed, to ‘ moral, ho was I=2 .. x «-»—-———.— L... . . IQ‘The Philidqlphiq my, .-lrgw.«r:#ays:-—‘ WW: do not reenlec: having m-l-n <6 many ~hfiuwiz _aml stormftn lei inf any timd in the l'u'st th yeuru. M there a‘rq at proneni. This is an unnxi<t.wl§nhle skin of the dn'presst-d candition of bmiuess,h&duglh übou by ROl 'publictm fanatidipm. L ’ -v o '7 - ~ , , Full Bloodaml Son‘s (Mag—l was at: it Visit to the Crescent City some throg ye rs ngq. .51 arose early one morning. and condluded I would visit the marked, and. while} there, overheard the fntowin}; conversntiml by. tween :1 Lnuisian planter and n firegular sour-krbur Duh-hu’mn. {The Dutchman had a. basket of bull pm sfor snle. Thejplantcr. approached him tfihsz'? 1 ' " My friend, are tho~a genuine bull pups? If they are. I would lilfie to purplaqise one; 3} 1 have long desired tofown a genuigne bull -og." » 5 “0h yah! (lisah is finé hu‘ll puppifm; dm' mudder was tree quarteh- bulL and tier fad der was three quarter .bupl. Dat makes bull' and half—fine bull puppies.” It is useless to any tlmt this knockdown argument was sufiicierttfi so the ylanter took the lot. i r , mug ‘odnted ‘9 that lac-arch f ghouls - both nvicted I have ‘2 good 9 Snore u their erriem tinifold f their 'zild of 'l3 fea -110v:L ', ming 'ln the mbro »e was 'sence ,tions. n‘ . --——o- ———~—— 7??? “l’ndrzrzrmmd R;[road.”——Thl Hon. Joshua. R.,Giddin‘gs, thegfather of fife Ohio “irrepreemibles,” has nassignod-by the new administration time at of (:‘onsuL Gen eral of the United States Sat Montreal. This stations him at the nm‘fthern terminus of the_U. Q. R. R., where 11% can superintend (he arrival of the pgfisedgers, and take the generalrovemighg of than-03d. . 3 ~ F con at that . ideal land t hidl‘ erce; .heoks I ist re: :‘paint ‘ bang :t was! ‘Whnt luififlg .h, to '. boy. the .de by V'mt-Mn'l Accept Mimi—The Lylichburg (Va) Republican statex that. a fat»' dnys a? Postmaster Genéeml Moptgomery Blair r moved Mr. Pritchazd, mail agent; ,on the Manasm Gap Railfimdfiand appoiri‘bed ’in his- stead a Republican, I{named Baer. from ’Rookiughm., As soon “as this change be came known to )8: Ward C. Marishall, the president of the mad, be promptly in formed Mr. Blair that either his appointee or the United States mail must be removed from the road. The result was the reinstate ment iPritchnrd. n, the Abolitionisfie were huff as anx iou's to keep the devil of mischief out of ‘ their“ hearts. as they aré to give lierty to those who do not want it, and 310 m it would not benéfit, it would be muqh‘ better ‘ for them and all concerned. . ‘ -. most going ; Id be TM Mal figOh‘e communion Sunday, an aid Ken tucky‘ soldier. who had fought under Gen. Jackson at New Orleans, and knew well what manner of man he had been, attended the Hermite Chum-brand saw the aged warrior kneelieverentiy before the altar. He was transfixed with astonishment. Af ter the service ‘wgpwr, he Was ohserVed to be unusually silent and thoughtful, and, upon being questioned, related what he had seen. He concluded his narrative thus:— “When I saw the man who had fought ar mies, parties, cabinets, and had never fought without conquering, get down on his knees, in that church, I said to myself: ‘Well, ‘ when Gen. Jackson kneels, I tell you,‘boys, I think it’s about time for me to knock un der. ”" Four weeks after, he joined the church, and lived and died an exemplary member. WA man should be virtuous for his own sake, though nobody were to know it; as he would be clean for his own sake though no body were to see him. ‘ A Warning to BacMora—A younggentle— man from the “rooral district,” lately ad vertised for a wife through the men, and got. an answer from eigbwen bus ds, Ital-r Jug tint he could haveiheira. ‘ fi'Conrfing ism irregulu, active haul -11::er verb, indiguiVo mood, sl.an tango, n, 3111911]? hum an Agrees with J: the aim—don't“: ' 11, lIM Cure for Frosted Feet. [ Tva'mLLAßs A-YEAR \f‘ ~ No. 26- “TEE CONSTITUTION‘fiS IT IS." “I; against all Pemonn) Li «\rty Bills in the Smtes that confliqt with the ar' of the Federal Guvm-n‘ment ——‘,r.r:li§ all Undelizround Railr‘ run offservants from :thclr masters to Canada 551' elsewlgeré. Nopfl. ~ _. r—A-gainét all mobbing of U. S. Marshals that ih the line nfdulyiexocute Federal laws. T—Against all i'ncfindiary publicn‘tidns North that influenma sérvile war in the South; Lngainst ' all: "Trihunm," “Ipdepen dents,” bud everythin like them. ' ‘ L—Again'st all geogrnjmical party organiza firms that array onq p rtion of the country against another. l a \. . —A‘gainst’ the denial of all right of tran- Bit _Nprflh for servants as well as masters. ‘ l —A‘gainst‘ turning I out ‘of church the George “’ashington, Phtrick llgnry. Thom as Jefferson slavelmlcjing followers in tho- South.l ' 1 —-Au ‘inbt commrtin}: into “a crimejnd a sin" (in: example ‘éflerulmm. Isaac and .lamh. and of Paulfithe Apostle,wa se’nt back Philemon. 1 l . ‘ >—Aga.lnst going kiwi:- to acq‘uiro common Territofy, and then s ‘aling or monopoliz ing the whole of it; hm? presmtcntly exclud ing from it the share'ra‘of our danger in' the (war. or the common contributors in purse in time of peace. ‘ l -v The Eonstitutinn', (Ll itinis excellent...- fnngnifi'cpnt. The bnly difficulty we have is with thé Higher hampmple who constnie it:a.v it is no!,-—-—nnd r ' ug'e to abide by the ad judications of the S pl‘eme Court, when the Court. comesjn co “flilt with their Under ground Railroad, c i],[ war-inspiring, terri tory monopolizing ‘ vorscience." If the Republican; .wvll abide by the Courts and cultivate, nnt' byutmlize, "their “con sciences,“ we need «sepnstitutionnl meridf 'ments. Since 1787: efhuve jogged on with the Conatitution well. Euntil, in these latter days, they set up tlhei? million or {we of “consqiencen” in dppos‘tion to the “Courts,” The main question now is,—the new-fwgldd 'antlrecont ydismvelrpdll’uritan ‘Conscien " ’ orjhefiupreme Count 9f the United Sing; We. prefer the (South-TN. I'. Express. DOV -———- ;Froin the Eaton Argus Not Very yonplimentary. The following is In dxtract from a letter ’i'vrittcn by u prominlekitl‘member of Congress to a gentleman in this; place. It was. not intended fqr publiqfiiufi, and gives no "very complimentary accqun of old Abe: . ' ' y'lx'tnnb’s Horn, I i ' W'aslli‘gfo 5 .March 1, 1860. “ I was called here t vote in tlle House, and will return to Richmond to morrow.—- The Republican pnrtyis utterly demoralized. disrupted and llmken lup. Cameron and Chanel: Weed anl Greeley, can a never affiliate. ‘Lim-nln in a (“toss between a sand liill.Cranc and an Andallusion jackass/.7 He is, by all oddi, the we kesf man who KM ever been electedmworlu.a than Taylor—and he was bed enough. I helleve Virginia, under his follies nml'pu rilitios. will secede. It will take time,and he will not delibe iately, and with her igo all the border slave States. Iwmlaenlybrvby lu'm. , I speak what 1 know. He is (Lin, weak. puerile, lrypocritical.withontjmalmersmithout social grace, and, 1:55 he tulks‘tr) you. punches liiq first under your ribs." ivle swears equal to Uncle Toby, and in every particular, moral ly and mentally. I have lost all respect for him“ He is surrounded by *a set of- toad eaters nnd bottlefiboldets,‘ and did not know what the» A'flarns MbanflTent was, until told him. In addition to t is. I ‘am perfectly satisfied hojs, an Abolititnist 9f the,l’.ov9joy and Sumnertype.; ‘ . i “ Such 'm yourfiod, L 01; ! Israel l" _ '-,..._....... ..... The Abolitionismmf mapnbliqanism. “But, Mr. Bresidcnt,l tell me when or where a Republican _meéting has been held since the dawn of that [fl-tygwhere tlieini pression was not left, ei ier by its proceed xngi; or thé language of ts omiors, that in seine way or other the R publican organiza tion was the Agency 1111' ‘ugh which slavery was to be'abolished everywhere.” Gown 1316””! never uttered truer words than the foregoing. Although a portion of the Repu'blicans deny Abiblition tendencies, it is only a portion of them; and many of them openly aqow such ‘ dodtrines. All their meetings that we attended, or heard of from others, or read of, in theiripgrty oréunst impressed theidea“ thatitheir mission was to exterminate Miriam sléwery. They held it up to the public is shroud, social and po litical eyjl, and denounced slave-holders like Wssslxcrox iii wrfiis as bitter as Inn‘- gunge would commspd. Ill‘ this poxition of theirs is correct, will they pretend tliattheyb do not mean to wits ug linst the institution? Do they mean total} us that they will pro. tect a moral, social and political coil? If any other institutidn in the land were held up in that light, would not those who did so be regsrde'd Is desiring its abolition 1— Before the Republicans denounce Gov. Blo us for uttering the plain truth, let them answer these questions.-Lock Haven Demo and. ‘ : l Thé Dead in Done! ‘ Gov. Curtin has sighed the bills to repeal the Tonhage Tax, and to destroy the Sun bury A: Erie Bonds. He he: consummated the bargain and officially endorsed a bold and infamous fraud upon the State. This is indeed among the fint fruits of his ad ministration. No linguage can describe the rascally de‘ed. It fully corroborates the report last full that he had sold himself to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and to the Sunbiiry & Erie Railroad Company, 5 for his election. The taxpayers will rue the day they voted for him. He was char ged with corruptions as Secretary of State! under Gov. Pollock by, his own party friends, when nominated, and his endorse‘ merit of these bills pretty clearly substan tiatee the charges.— Wayne Co. Hnjuld. aA distinguiséd clergyman Eeing re quested to open the services withlpmyer, but not. having been invited to cPreach, dam clined, saying, that. “m his frien was going to do the mowiggfie might whet his own scythe. ” \ ‘ fiThe Delaware «Republican raportl the Each crop in tbs/t State gremly ama ged y the “cold grip.” fiA boy in New York hu boonunt to pn'non for thirty days, for stalling amp.- Ronfrom. doc: “papa. _ . ‘ E m 330 m mum. The mod cititenn of Fran klin county, no doubt, distinctly remember how une “ivo cl3llz our preient Senator, Col. Mcgluro. pledgbd himwl‘. on the slump. in all portions of the county, during the campaign of 18511, when hq wane candidate, not to vote for the repeal oil the Tonnage Tax, and how empha tically‘his organ, the Repository and Trom ‘ cript. ohvlomly, with hiw consent. premium! ithat lm would boa faithful to those pledges. No douht, then, the ' \yillbc lommvhat M 3 ‘ytoundedr to learn. that he not only mud l for this mewure. wfew week: Hinge, but da~ livered h lengthy and carefully". repnred spepoh. i‘n fuvor'of it. The Colon§hon the hack of nrcaenting things in their mofitfa igfablelight. Tho argument on whichghq , d ‘rils. njore than any other, he presenta'm ‘\ the fbllowing language: ”1 askihat those of my ronatituohts, an‘cL the constituents of other Senators whq wish to expand the dark cloud that rises over the manufactpriem of Allegheny, by pouri thither tire rich fruits of their capital anus industry); shall not pay a direct tax for I.tho privilegelpf doing 50. Every ton of iron from my fawn ipunediuto section of tth a that seek a. market, at Pittsburg, must in from eigijty cents to one dollar. of a dimci and arbitraryja'x for the more rikht of tran sit ever oftr own soil. The railroad company does not pay it. It‘ falls directly upon the produ‘neni,wlmsevu‘lieformno it is to liv} in a particular sovtion; while all others'are cn- , tirely frag. It restricts the commerce of ur own State. rind cripples the energies u! own leupln.‘ Ohio and other Western . rf pour into Pittsburg their minergl l produce. freb from all such tun- ‘ be n citizen of Pennsylv-niu, nnvei-tiug hot vast resources. ‘ woken-inflow» of am: «Ln-misfit nowmjnst as well’ns r t. the Tonnage Tax fl won those ho . ‘leaxin Emil i_ .“ In any : . i'l Cgt‘fl'lf '7 1’98”“; x ‘l k ‘O. ripcn ‘n p) “Q _ “i q._ ‘ ”a? V 1.1 ‘ o. n ._ \ u ‘l’ A “I \‘n ‘a s, ‘_it: L. u t. we ‘ ‘V, . \ ‘ \ . /\ States» » woulthm tion"; bum andgngngewih oxlmsns one to laws against our DEA Now thoi Colonel 5, any one dlse. that it in no which im‘maes this burden’ _ are compllled to we the Pam. Bond, but the selfishheas of tlw il-mll‘. 7:71:11, notthppeoplefibligm selves to?” this tax, and now‘that, es 3- little wavy fipon them, they charge.» so much flxtrp on pll goods transported out the road," (goithai weight falls on those who live along the routes, 'l‘herCompany' no ; coining mn‘ey.;thcy hlg6 never felt the ;, weight 0!} this‘ tax, :‘md yet they are the * ones who malt its xepenl. If there uhouldha .‘ any legislation uan the subject it nhould , be to the effect of compelling them to tmns- \ port freight at the old chariots. and pay, in mlditihn,»thetax they agree to pay“ < ‘ 1f the {hm is'no advantage to the Com- ‘ Imny, bu ’ only to the peep Not the Stan, J 10W down it éome that thaComptmy pan af- & ~ ford to is end‘such enormous bumi tdfihavo [ it purged? or‘doimte so much to other Rm}- ' , road Con panics? The Colonél’s mphis—l try won’tldo. ‘ The people understand tlfis I . matter nfurly as well as he does. ZThpfi! know ex ctly. what the State, “(lithium : ‘ tlneS te,‘ the people loose, and exactly how i 1111 ch this company gains by the transa‘c‘ l tion , nntl' from‘ the feeling manifested ‘ amm g; wominu‘nt Regnblionhs. we' think ' ‘ they will ihold our war 1y Senator to li. strict 3 account for hil broken predge.—Chamb¢n- Ii burg Timcé. ’ y ' , ~ ' I: ?other vs. Son. The' Bésfion Lbufigr produce! tha follojv-, ing extraict from an ogntiomfielivered in Boaton (in the 4th of Jul'y. 1808, b; the 1 father 0 ICl|arlges Sumner. ,The son of his, i father 11an better read it: ‘ ’ ) ‘ i ‘f'l‘heré if; indeed no diverging of inherent ‘1 behieen fine people of the N art and Sputh ;‘ i and they . re no triendu‘to eitherwho engu- f vor to stimulate and embitber thooneaglimt ' theethérl “'laniftbesonéothssachuiettl , stand hi h on :the roll ‘of revolqtionag g fame? ’hpivisdom and heroism for whi ‘ they huge been distinguished wfi nave?- Peljmit thpmfio indulge in inglori bout: Flie‘ independence and liberty we poopedL' are the r suit ofjoint. gamma—of common (lnugers, Infi'erings and 93qu; an God’ \ forlifid my those who have every mo ivoof. ‘ svmpmthy' and interestto Act m concert” . shquld eerr becozgw the prey of party bick— ' erings am‘pniz thwselvesl” ‘ ‘ i fiOn Lhe rétirqment of President Wash~ in'g'ton frpimbfligefthe fol Sowing article up pemed in mm notedlpnpe ,1 phe Aurora.- = “ ‘ Lord; npw'lettest thou thy servnn‘, do; part in pence. for mine eyes hav n thy 1 salvation," was the pleura ejeculati of a man who li‘eheldn floodof happiness shin}; l in upon m nlg'ind. If there" ever was time i that would license the reitehtion of the ex. clematiornl that time is now ain'ved. For the _ mun w‘hbli; the source of all the mob-mm? our muntry, 3 this day reduced to a level yvit his fellow itizene—is no longer possessed of" gowe: to imuhqdy evils upon the U'nitéd; Staten“ ever there was {period for rejoiei,‘ ing. thiw ‘ the moment. Every heart; in unisex: wit ) ‘the freedom and hepgineu of (he peopl ought to beat Mia}, wit exultn tion that! y 8 home of Wes!“ gum from this day “Mali? 've'currency to political in“ 1 iquity, n'n, togliegnlize corruption l A newe\ era is now openin‘ upon us, and en ere that pro ises mucili no the people. ' For public nl9 ores now stand upon their own merits. ‘nn nefarious projects can nolonger be, suppo ed by a. _name. When a retros pect is mkpnof the Waihington Adminis tration forleight years, it is e subject of the greatest; aitonishment that a single indi-l vidual could have conquered the principles "of Republicanism in an enlightened people, and should have carried his designs again-t the public liberty so far as to have put in jeopardy it‘s very existence. Suph, hawever; are the meta, and with these storing min the face, this day ought to be ejulgdcc in the United Slum.” ' ‘ _ f r ~ In Xangtiggepquany coarse does the Mn egflde oan W. ‘ijomey now MllO9 Jnfneg uchnmnvxfl‘t’rime nukcl _ a , even.” ‘ _ ‘ ‘1 ‘ —-—;—7————«loo——,——— . j , he} porrespOndent of the Phfldeh phia. Lfdgerj gives the:expresaion Qf public sentimqnterNew York'on the receptioh at; the/hey: of the probable evacuation of Fart Sumuzr: .1 ‘ -, The Regublicana wag-e taken all aback.“ T-hnt portitm of them who baton; to the Tn" fume; Ichodl expressed themse ves in the most; indignant terms, first expressing told unbelief in the story, and next‘denouncing the step, ifit is} indeed to be taken, as the . suit-M: of the nation. Qn. he other hand” the rnbderaa‘m of the Seward and chd‘way of thinking expre-g satisfaction at the conclusxon the Lieute nahtrGenéx-al has arrived at, inasmuch it's there was no other course left toprovent . bloodshed. The Democratsand Union men are jubilant, and declare that, should the Scott programme be «flied out, ‘he border States sre not, only retained, but film I first step has been taken towards brilkging back even the Cotton Confederacy tothe embraces bf the Union. . 3110:). John A. Kasson, of lows, it it stated, has received and accepted thd sp: pointment of First Assistant Postman? '. General, under the Lincoln regime. ' ‘_,‘ y fiThe‘Bepublicana have now : mljori- Ly in the United States t'ennta. Tuoy hive nm! twenty-nine votfas against twanty-‘fow on the Democratic side. \_ ' ‘ WMr. Browne, editor of the late Cont stijxtion newxpaper at Washington. hubk f 0.0 e one of the proprietors: of the Hindu-J ippian, at Jn‘ckson, Miss. "’ —-‘—-- ——O O 9———'—— fl'Tho election in New Hampshire, oi ‘ the 11th inst. resulted 'in (he-11cm of the Hi Republicans by some 3,500 méjority. An ~ the Presidential election Lincoln’s majority fl‘ mu over 9,000. 1 ‘ ‘ 3 “Mtge,” laid the‘ unfm : hug“, «a, the chuiehyud «Wham? ‘9 And‘you men.” replied the not 10. Eggs}; py gyo, “.ure the grave diggers." M‘- "t ' 3 ~ A ‘ -" i =I g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers