. _ ‘3} -:_r.,-‘.A;r» {>;“-"~‘ :‘_ r 1‘ ”2-1 ‘ ‘ f ‘ ‘ 55- ~ ‘ ‘1" 3‘ § ~ 1 .figm‘mmm. 35:10? éfiam 655%; $ 1. - ' Edward B. Buehler, ; ffiomnw AT LAW, will mnhruny and ; ptomnlly Mteud v. 9 an busincu entruncd : 0 h In. He speaks the German lunguageéq ; Dill. It the name phce. in South Bullimon ; ”nu, gem- Forney’s drug store, and nearly 5: pppou'u funnel-as Ziegler'i uqre. 1:1 ~ ‘ , ~ . , 31‘2“” "“‘I “1:91, , ~\_4~___ 1 '~ J. J. Herron, , ”0!:sz AND C'QUNSELLOR M‘uw. 1'! ”flies“ on Bnltimoig strdctg’egfiy oppo f lite Fmenw‘ck Brmheiu’ Store, ’ i ;’ Gmiblu'g. oa.. 1, L6O; gt ' ‘ , ... g 1 D. Mchngughy,». I TiI'ORNEY AT LAW,‘(oflica dni‘door west ! ‘ of Buehler’s drixg am} book store.ChumL é onbrg street.) Arr-on‘" AND Scum-con, you. 7} Puma-3'45!) Fusions: B 1y Ljand ,Wnr ',‘pmu, Buck-pay unpmded C a a, “small 5 other claims against. 821‘: Governmegtnfl, J.- :' lay-6a. D, C.; also Aparicunalniyfin Eng‘nud. L Ltntl-fi’nrrnmsldfi‘agcd nndxyold7 bougm‘,«nd '; bigb‘u'prices givkn‘. Agents engaged in h)- ; lasting Win-nuns [in lowa,_[llinois and other i .‘"-turn Smurf. air-A‘pplyno him persounHy 3p; by letter.)» ‘ . 1 ‘ Gettysburg, Nov. 2!..‘53. ' ' 2 Xi. H 4’ N [ T 7015“): .u‘ LAW, Wm attend to cifllcc « tion. and‘ MI othoyfiusincss intrtwml to 1’ 1m 'cuo if“ p‘romptrt’u. (Hfiue'in dud S. E. g comer oflhc Diamand, (formerly Occupied by § Wind}. Bil-Clcjlun, Esq.) ,‘ I 1‘ Gehysburg, April 11,‘ 1859. if .\-‘ 3 ‘. , _....~.___; -- .._‘ .V r. ~. - ..j , . Wm. B. McClellan, ,‘ ‘l‘ T'YORN'KY AT LAW.—officc in West Hid ,Adla stream. one duo! WES} of the new ‘ Court llomc,~ ‘ .' " ‘ \ (‘runylburgrt'ovfl 4,;{1859 1, . A. J; fover, ‘ TTORNEY AT {.4 I, wall proi'nptly attend A to Collectiu‘ns nml all other husmefis en— tu'itcd to him. E’Offit‘elhetwcon FMmcstm'ks' ; ‘jnd UnddcrkZiL-glur'f SLUECS, Huhimow street, 3 QchJysburg, Pa. , _ [St-pl. 5, 1659. 37mm“ ,21' Lmfi._nmce in mm mm. ~ west c'orucr ofCeh'tre Square, Gettysburg, .n, »' ‘ , fun. 3.18511. If , / Lawrencé Hill,. H. D. As‘his office one ‘H‘anor \vcgt of {he ‘9. auh3l_w Lu: etnn chifich' in ‘ Chambershurg slreetuhnd p’osilc Eggking': stun. where those \tléhibgfigfiuvc any‘Umm Operation pprtormcd ”no regaidully imito .1 Io mil. Barnum u: Drs. {mu-n Rev. C.‘ I’. Kmuth, I). D., llcv. Hub. B:u'qher,/D. D., Rev. quf. M. Jacobs. hot". .‘J. L. Slower. 3 Gettysburgi'April 11.153. 41‘ El BEI 3 UTCA'L F] R“: INSURANCE CUMPAN Y,— ! , Incorporated Mar?!) 18, I‘Bs}. I 3 ‘ ‘ on-xqa’us. 4. : Ifmn'dmt—George Swope. 1; . riteJ’rwdmt—b. R. lguusdl M S'cretaiy—l). A. Buehiev. l Trauma—David ll'GPeary. ‘ 1‘ T Euchlire amt/ml’u-j—vllohért )lcCurgly', Jacob JKEnz, Andrew lieihtzelmnn. l“ .[lquen ‘20:? Sn’opéhv. A. Buphlqun ? cpb\l(.ing,:\fll A: xzvlmnn, R. M’l‘uraj'. 'l'llos. l .\. Muslmll. fiéuhn‘eslbck. Wm. B. .\lcClellnn. '! ‘l‘.’in.‘B.\Vilsan, 11. lglc'hplberger. Abdiel l".Gitt. " ,lnhp Wolt‘ogd'. H. A. Picking, Abcl'l‘. Wriql-t, : 'Johu Hornet, if. G. \lc'Crenry. S. 11. Russell, 1). 3 Xfiregr’, An rew Pulley, Johu‘k’iqking, J. 11. ffimfiw 6' A l i fi'l’hla ougpany ls limited 1 s opMM , tions to :12: county of Adams. ‘ 131 i: héen'iu f sacoessful operation—f 9: more than ix years, { lfid‘ln thin period las puiii nll losse} nnd‘cx t pcnses,millwutm~y (”Lasnrrnl, halving also a. lnrge : .n‘fplus cupitnl in the; Treasury. The Com ‘ pally employs no Ag‘mt'sqall lmsinpss being a done by the-Managers. who are annually elnct fed by the Stgokholdersn Any per<oh (itch-in); 7 ma lnsnranc can app'y to any of the‘above ; aimed “gunners fnlhfurtllcr inrormmien. =I \ ' L I . w’l'h'e Exccntive Cammmee meets at the office of the Company pn"the-last Wednesdn) i!) very month. at 2, P. M. ' fiept 27, 1858 '- 1 rfitfll at Work! ' ; OACHHAKLNI‘, AND BLAEKSMITHING C —The undersign'bd respgctrully informs his friends and the public 11m: he "ontixmes the Conchmaking and: Blac‘;=mitlxing ‘uusincjs bravery bfnpch pt his!“ cnja‘ulishmen: in C‘stm bersbnrg slréetqé Heflms on hand and Hi! manufacture to order Aukinds ofCAanA‘Gi-is, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS.‘ Spring Wagons, .20., 91 the beat material, and made by superior work-7 man. [Q'qummd and Bucxsmrmxa'of ’ll kinda'done st. reasonable rates, prohpfly and _to the suPisfnction of c‘ustomers. Counts? npnucn Itaken in excbglpge for wprk nt_mwrket pr'n‘e't. CM g ’fiflfersons desiriqg artifilesorwork in the 1 C‘onclymaking or Blnqksmfthiixg line, are re ; a'pcctfulfy iuntcd to itnll on_ r' ‘ . ~‘ ‘l . JOHN L. HOLTZWORTHI ; . Gettisbfifig. Inn. 24. '59 . ,‘r‘—~ -——r:~— ‘ ‘ ' - Marble . KE subscriber Ewing removed his place. of ‘ T bu’sincs! to'East‘X’ork stregt, a short dis tance hel‘nw St. Jnmcs'iChu‘rchfivould announce 'lo the public tlmt‘he Ii still prepared 10 furni h fill kinds'ot work in Jan‘s line, such a: 319m]. nmenls,flmdstones, 65¢, &c.,'ofc\'ery variety of .'ster and finish, with‘and tilhoui‘bases ML! gaovéketq, to suit pnrchzmcrsmnd at'pr'ius to sail. ‘ the timeé. I’m-sons desiring unfiliink in his line ' will find it a decidcgl advantage (to examine his flock and prices bfibre purchasing elsewhere. g 1 « .- . ‘ ,JYXIIBr MEALS. ‘ Gettysburg, March 21, 1859, 3 :, WHEREAS the Hon. Rom-m - J. 'FISHER, J , Prcsidenfit of the several Courts of Com . ’ moo Pleas in the Counties composing the loch » V District, ond'Justiceof the Courts of,oy‘er and , ,‘Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trip: . i ‘of all o_opltnl and other ~ofi'enders in the Said 1 ; district.end Dlx‘m linens and lust: E. “(res é ins, Esqs.,’ Judges of the Courts of Common. ‘ L Ms, and Justices of the Courts .of Oyer and ‘Tertlliner, _nnd Geneml Jail Delivery, for the trial of ‘all, capital shd other ofi‘enders in "the. Gountyfit‘ Admins—Hen issued their_precept, beefing date the 25th day of January, in the yesr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty-nine, and to me directed, for holding s Court of Cominbn Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Gegerel Jail Delivery and ”of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on t ._ y the 15m day of April nan—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices: of the ,feece, the Coroner en'd Constables within the hold County of Adkins, that they‘be then and' rthere in their proper persons, with their Rtflls, _‘Roeords, lnqni‘sitio‘ns, Exn 'uotions, and other mememhrnncesngdo tho thi which to their paces sod in that beh a in to be done. wood also, they who w: ose uto‘ against the prisoners thntere or then showing in the Jail of the se‘idsCo‘unty of Adams, eto be then and there to prosecute egsl‘hst that“ shall he just. i 1' SAMUEL OLF, Sim-if. Sheriff‘s Oflice, Gettysbprg,} ”or. 18, 1861. to ' _9.F— -w“ 1 1 ■ vi" .‘j fr“; 1'52 g ~79; - ‘2: ALL; 11's BRAsfoHEs. execdted in the 4 ’ g khan styltknown in me art. at. C. G. , ‘ ‘CA ANE'S GALLERY, 582 Arch Street‘Enst of L § Sixth, Philadelphh. LIFE 3m; in on and v ‘ r ‘Ptstel,'SteyeaucopXo Portraits, Ambrotypel. D; . ' .'gueti’eotypeq, $9., for Cases, Modafliops, Ping, < 3: v 'gingg, tn, [Not 12,1560. 1y y ‘ The Bodugger. ‘ ‘ HIS wonderful article, just pagented, is 3 lomethingeaa’rdg new, and never bdfore _ ered to ngenu; who‘are wanted everywhere. S3ll puticnlu-s sent free. Address - _ SHAW t CLARK, Biddefor‘d, Maine. . ‘ use“, 1861. 1y ; L_ II Tnmfinimwmmgm authorized person W I to e removals iutn. Ever Green Ceme : ~ . Henry 311131168,» - : tery. hopcahhnt such as contemplate the removal ADD“ AND HARNESS MIXER, Gin-"s‘ ofthe remains Mgcensed reluives or friends S_ lm, P 4,, luring jut. mturned from a vial} will avail unpelvea ofthis simson oftheyear :9 to 4110 Gnu Mn, is nogv supplied with f'i have it done. 'Removnls made with promptnesi’ lug. “Jung”: 0! Budd-1e . Bax-newa Tgunlsn, 143 mg ]“sl7, and no efi'qrt spared to plensu 3am, be: Giyému ca .- . ‘ ‘ , g '— ~ . PETER :mmrm, ‘ “er H. 19‘9- ' » l , .Harch s‘3,th ’ finger 5; 1;: {gt-.lpipr'v. ‘ ~ v ‘ I 3‘ I , '5 ' ‘ 5' . . . ~: 1 t 'l‘ .1. 6.1198183 Wm. A. Duncan, Adams ‘County and Reinov'ed Proclamation. Photography Gin as a Remedial Agent. ' HIS DELA'CIUUS TONIC STIML‘LAN'E; el- T peyi‘dly dedgucd for the [he of the Merli cul Prqfcmqn and We Farm/y, hirifrfluperced edlhe sn—vcaned‘WHn-I'“.\roznrtic."“C‘urdial," " Medicated," “Schnapps," owl, is ‘nuw: en dorsed by nll of the prominent physicians, chemists untl‘cOnnoifiscurs,;as possomgg m'll of ”last: xm‘mmc medicinal Qualities (whiclaud dinro‘tic) whirl: halting to mu ULD and PURE 'Gin. Put. up in qntrt bottles am; 5016 hi all druggisls, grocu‘s. flu. " ‘ 1 5 ¢ . . AJI “mien £OO., . (Established in‘ITM-J' C} It: Proprietbrs; J No. 19 Broad'atrect,;N. IYC For 3:111: 115' FRFT'CH, R CHARDS it (IQ,— W. W. «t‘ H. S)‘lTH,;l|iLd a l of the prpmipcnt Whole‘mle “nuptials in Pb ludclphin. l L :3 ‘ $31.15,]me Im, ‘ , ‘; ‘sl -——-—»— A_,. ~—»§——-——L -—r4——'-.T—f—V—- ; Gettysburg Ifoundryw ' ‘ HR lsuhsuriherfi hfiimg, purchasiedi th Fnunnlry of Mesh, 20‘ Yuiugh, Sio!l$?fi;(‘0., (formcriy Warrenb' l‘cun‘hgxkht‘s #:orbmchl-ed busmvss‘augi is now propnrl‘u} tA ofidrjid the puf-lic a l‘lr‘gc' armament“ ofEMMhind‘rw than 1:92 lm'rgdnn him-41 _pfit-m-IN 51th as 'l‘ IRES}!- m;mml::nsfc:om\uj.11m‘:Fo.la rs ,m. ‘tcrs. (‘nm Shane”. nndflo [gun's hue i mpxgfi‘ed Horsklglfle. 'Alcu, STOWES, such h-z 001; Smyrna. xreqdlncrcn! kin'db’; and fix'c'difi'tgrcnt sizes of Ten-plate moves.” Likewise )lilltnnd Saw-mill Cns’g’ings: au'd alu‘dnds 01' Turning; in iron or WOVD' - =‘”’ 1 f } mmnwmm of all Kim}; on flaring and (‘ustin s will bv tion to' (gram- n short notice. Pagan-us made to arder; Plough (Huh, jugs ready mule; I’LHL'UHS,‘ “_ch 9. lie-Erin, \Vith‘eruy, Plncher. Wooficack. sq {bang mhors not monti’onhd hereumd oighu lifl'eronl, kinds of ”my FENCING, Jfor Ce ctéfl'ies, Patches“ nr ‘(urdsa . ‘ I , 1‘ ‘ Aim. .\ani ,hmhinos: one of ihe jbCSt nmi'i'x ll~c._ 'z‘hl‘ mnéfii'zewnnks w“ _ a never by hand: my: lid‘c boy cun-r'minngc it. ‘- CriLujy'l vkn...inc our scnclk; no d übt but what ur- cnn plenéo. I’nrs'nns m'ght o 2400. it thir advantage to hgy mnvhiqefy pf n}; kind. n! mne. \vht-re' i. is nmnuipoufirmliso but they! c-.n véryuasfiygct anyparl‘rtp‘yrefl 07 epulrmLl _/ ' DAVID STE :5 ‘n. 7’ Gvflysbnrg. Feh.l3. ISGO. , f . I's Cancer instigate. ‘; ‘ 1‘ FTER mlnyycdl-s fhf ancccssful )métirg, 4" [-L DR. mum; mu mmfim m :‘ngd zn- } thu .Lfiiivred. 159 maximum mike 11}! king: 0:41;?“ (I \\:(;|~ms. Turpin. mew" sc‘mu-‘iz’m, «:rf {o"} KING'S EVIL. fifURES. km. 2; my?-.:'.c.;v.iilmm ‘(' vu'ting or puisun. lie i 100: Kn» Lonflnc him- ‘ SW". self m--re]_v_ Hi the mm:- at Um abrfi'é IX‘s-' 4’“ C'lsf‘fi. Hm will‘iroat fail (Jrlmr? will sulr cer<.-—— { "33“ Patients wal h'e vidu-IL ii drsi‘mfmr. rl.¥lt)p*x‘rlr “V 2; diafnnvc. i’l-rfions (‘lmirén-x to viflt DI L-lelli l__‘ plenzfi‘ squ‘az the Railroad liclx :in .\. {hams—l g burg: whbre they Wii : direciéd lu ‘ i=.l :r-si- ‘ __‘,‘, denco.’ For all mn ulm‘; v.fi'ilc—stltq,ul§ 31 ‘N ram-s plainly. Em‘lv ‘n- {MM-,2 : .xm'v 10' —.l prepay «mu-or. -.\-ll.lrr'==‘i'vr I. 1:. KB LELVG, ‘ “‘s‘. .\{m Imnhublxh. (‘umM-rluul co I’ll. E 1"?“ Ul'L 15,1359. 6m ’ : V ."fk'"! _-._. -w ,Wt- ~_*~.__;_____. ‘ 54H ‘ Town Property i ‘i“' T PRIV \". E .\“A'AL‘L—TM undnrciznvfl 0L; 14L {um-1 Minus FM: .‘le‘rdyprQ ifi'yi‘h‘L-h; 1 he I an resirh-c. sitnz'no 2n ring: ‘.2i Wilt: Lfirevt.‘ (Ecti;‘,~hurg. :‘ Quinn"; V. IL; 'l’ipmr. on (L 0 that ?l and .Ir .3n shiny on L r (mt. v. .tll “it???” ‘ H alloy in the Mr. TI": mm”: :- {if-gm. ’ two-stun I’rzuuc. \Tqfiilmr'mnidcui. WE‘V‘TL; Buck-building: a well ut‘wnteg. whh :1 “.mfip ' it. at the dunr; turd-n \"x’rioty' of fruiLiFnc'h J upgulrs. pkrs. 111-.ICHPF‘ Apricots, (*hcrfieL, :Ir‘ gr‘nucsmll 11m mast clzuicc. " 5 f , ; ,» Z-lEUARI'AH MYERS, Nifl‘. 12,1860: tf / “ l ‘ Change‘of Tuner. ,1 A 1 F."‘TY.~_'.B['RG 11.\rl.no.\‘tn.—0n afnd am ‘j" 3: "Guy, Xm‘. ‘jfi. ”(EL the Noéni’ Train wif. .1 a '1: (.UtyflAlrg a. 7.40 .\'.“M.,r“‘i pnssongc. 1r all dze“ amnekti‘ont Xbrtfi ;\ Somh, mi fin noxdnim Contrnl Railwvzr", 1 return 111 mm ‘l.'_’()‘_ l’. M. f The Riff finm Tmiuwill lcnv: HM!:.‘E“I‘.Y{TR:{ 2.45. 11‘1““; L passenger: by (212‘: T 1 14m ran Lo no fut} enth: Hun-over the «Rue c’wninz; Rgum‘ing “j reach (:clfyi‘nm‘u n‘mn‘“ :3 15 P. 3.... viih paitsc gera frvm 13:1. .iJmh. I'lllhh'.o}pis§,lk‘.r.é : this r:.:m:um-‘l.i ‘11».51.“ from t.. 6 rownhi um: 111912116 of firinliirnar“, hariué ‘inxs’inc In tyfigmvt i? GMtxfiniry. can take the {no I TmJn up nnd’han- n'wiriy two hours in, tht) . hlug, ant! rqjtnn in the .\ftrx‘nonn Twin. _ c . ‘ 3 R..\ICCURDY, Presidefnt. nNov. 21;, 1860. , ' .:~ Howard Assoc'iaticfi, ' HILADELPHLX —A _Behh‘nlflnt‘ Irfitit .- P tion edublixlicd by spbrinL Endowmvtt, ful the eriefnt‘the Sirk my} Distress'nd, a. ic . ed with _V'irulr‘nt and Epidemic Diseasea; n l‘ eup’ecially for the'Care ofDiscages ofthe ngunl Drama. 3‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1‘ . MEDICAL ADVICE gié‘e‘n krnlis. by therAct ing Surfieon, to all who apply by lbttér, with n «losvrip'gion of their t-‘onditiou, (£315. ocqnpn. t'mn. habits of life, kc..\ and in cash! bf ex‘rtmc po\'erty.‘Modicim;a furninhetl’ {rm-1‘0: plunge. VALUABLE RI‘PC RTS on Spérmalorlflnm. nnd ollzc'. MST-M‘s (fthe S’rxunf'l argues? and“ on (L 0 .‘Trl‘.\' 111-.\ZEDIES employ-1 in m»: Dis-i pe‘rsmy. sent tn H c nfllictufi in scakditeltor; gut dupes, :me o.’ Ll:_.xr;;c. Two oi- thvce army; ior you“ a will 15-: ‘fln-opm‘bh. ;- i ‘ ,Aaar; H’. J. 81:”de nogcwl‘oxmug inf; {mm-01:, llonarli Afimciatiqn, N . QéJmllL Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa; By ordpro} the Directoi's. ; } § { K 1 ' ' ' EZRA DSHEARTWELL, Prdvu’t‘ Glo. FAIRt‘InLn, Scc'y. ' ~.. - Jnnr7,lB6l. I)" ' , Pay UR?! ‘ i rrlma partnership heretofot'e existing het’ween ‘. tho subscribers. under the firm mute cf D‘AXKBR .‘; ’mmwn, 31-5.. hmin Lech dissdh'cd, they hereby aim amino :9 nil pcxson‘: 11$er yd to 11-em. by EWgelor book Acceu‘u, 14 9:11 find some tH‘k saute before lye (in: day (fian nary nut, m-wHi 3 time their accounts will be placed in the ban 5 m‘ ax. office: for culle¢rion. _ HEzsm' B. DANNERM' ‘ " WAYBRIGHT ZLFGLER. Nor 2,1660; ‘3 s 5 . - Gram !. Gram” ; f ' .TBE subscrib‘r still cominned'p’orchnsingi all kinds df RODUCEM union 5' hd on| Cbamhersburg- a rent, var—FLOUR, WEPAT, ' RYE, 0011330.: 5, Sl-JEDS,l&c.if_oQfihiuitlle I highe'st market riroswill be given. ‘l‘ 4,—¢ ‘ 364 will #1- conilqrc my GROCERY mad VARIETY S .E, and‘will keep conoourtly fan bond (iroce es, ySalt, Oil; Fish. Cedar—ware: Dry Goodsiclo focfions,‘Plnster. Guano, ML The public are invited to cull, sail am determin pd to sell as chénp as the chenfest. ' E. ’ \ . 7 I OHS SCOTT. L. ttysburg, Aug. 1:5, loco. z : l _ 13%. all . ,f é— ‘ 41869. Fall d WmterE Goods; ‘ HE aubécriber, huing jngt ratnrhedtfgom T the Eastern Cities with a large and a‘pl‘en did assortment of BATS oanAPS, wouldn spectfully [471211 the attention lf purchnsqrg’ to the some.‘ is stock of Huts’is full and com plqté, cooslstingju pan" of “on’: fashionable and handsome No. 1 Silk‘ Hints, Dress Huts,‘ Soft Hots,‘high, low and vmedimnv depth of crown, Clothsand Glazed Caps, Plush and Plush trimmed (Join. for inen and boys, Fancy Hats nnd Cnpsflor Children, together with 0. good as- l ’lortnlent'of Wool “I?” all ofwhlch will ho sold ‘ at very low pricel or cash. Alsoha fine as: aortment 50 Ladies’ and lines’ Blaok and 1 Brown Ve_ on Hats, Fell. Hold. to. l f': l ( B. RMdLHI-INY. j ,‘ Oct. 22, 860. « ‘ - . i Relilovals. - ‘ ‘ .‘ 7,1 . . k '..5~3‘..! ' ' ~ ' “ r ‘ ‘ w 1é " E ‘:- 1 ‘ . - , I . _ ‘‘E‘_w ‘. V 7 ‘ ,1:.-. ‘ \ - I - I ~ ' , l I ' I l f, ‘ ‘ ‘L . L 1 K '. ‘ 1 j, .' ' _ .47. ' ‘v .... 4 . . ~. - 7 W ’ fi" . .Something Néw NBE’PTYSBU‘BG.—~Thenndefiiznedinform. -% c citizens 0f the town and County, thin. he has bommcnced the lUKIXG Business, on I lurge scale. in York streetLGeltyaburg. nearly opposite: Waules’a Hotel, where ;he will xry to deserve. and. hopes to r'eceire. n liberal patron age. BREAD, RULLS, CARES; CRACKERS, I’HETZELS, &c.. kO,. baked evil-y day. (.j‘un (Ll33 excepted.) an of the best qxixlity, and sold an the bums! living profits. Cm kcr—buking in all its branches islnrgelv carried on, and urders to any amount, from EM): and u_ 3oining gonn- Hes. supplied at the shortest; notice. Having erccted Marge and commodions bfnke-bouse and secured the best workman andbthe xfiost ap prom-d hapbinery, he is prep'pred 3&' do .a 11¢;er business. j'x- 'E ‘ ‘ ‘ _vmxnxf SAUPEE. Removal. 5 I m 25, 1859 lEWBSALOON.—GEO. F. EC§ENRODE hnl ! removed his Oyster establ . hmem. to'lhe didinew Saloonjn Jacoba Bro'aJßnild ion e .\‘érth side of Charqb "burg street, “.11 w'ill at all times be fir pared to serve he tof OYSTERS, in h riflyle. By i'ng is good "flew-he expccfis 0 receive a 111 hare of public pan-(maze. 'I‘URTLE 1", CHICKEN, BEE? T( 'GUE, PIG’S ; . IPE, BOILED and FRI D’EGGS. ICE ARL'BIRDS, &(‘., fix their 5 ISO". A nice L 01‘;an or LAUERcan a! my; he had.— ' n‘d try me. _G.F. E Kagmumz. twil ,_lB6O. ' ‘ ivorebk—é MQE just receivcd‘frfim the 1 ck of Gnuczmxm t f the public—Sugurfi. f c, Chee‘sc, Fish. Suit, .; g‘nll \‘fll’il-‘itw, at an pri ct will afford. Also Br«_ nus ;,T:r.r, Oils, Can-lion 0 Te T‘cu: am}. the 1 npd 4 eye: and j . 3.9 he found in I. firs my Séor‘c. lour hnd Fégd busim. czxdy iucrenm‘. ,Thr h idamj lhc .\u'nUe-st proh Icim‘itcd 10 give amt ’1 c~.. .NORBEUK x l ’l‘ E! wit] ’Tzdriv _ 11‘be ' the n XL‘ 3! Bel C .rncr chull‘unorc and I y 2 ,1860. » ‘ . r" ‘—~—'—"— T‘_‘“ til; Book 0 NEW-'GOUDS AT T I Tilt mu HOQ'lK—Jl'he un irrec ivvll n. fresh snap]; a s, S meg-Trunks, (‘m’pct Ca {:2 oodisupply o" Suddlcs Ems»: ‘ollbrs, kc. ‘ pes'fxndißoots of :11} kinds I rsf- atmworkmcu. and on s ‘e-m dc W 0 kaluugs on Inm' Liam . , (SUM-2A fir. 1:9, 1860 u 1;. IV" jpst lion 113 v Bridfl 3 tor , Grccezlc 15315 ('Orr‘ may on Pandf ndAßuckw wet KEALS; Wu F, ‘iiml F u-‘L nmh Putin). lf‘EFih', lens f’;‘rn‘r~‘, 3:. I). } Ir: (. ccnr pvn- gzzllqu. the Hm. Ln; En Lisz. (Jim-es". m. fin uuullyyknpt inn Hair . ,Fivem. a. UN]. WM. ( It}; burg km, 31 1860 ‘3 1 L'l' a; heated l pr cos of I-iuin-aud figure 1 0 ynlh 00105.1:2Incsin n f. I:ficn‘Cr~llnxcrr= mull» .'tj , 11M“ ”vow. 3 oil dc'L >lO. fuzzio.)l‘l.li.l~x.} AM the ‘3: UN PHI'JI-{SHTU Sl'l’ ‘sdo l."_ -‘ i' J. “1.25.1861. E (lui; I ‘ 2 Tyson Brothe Mminmrous pr thy : '7 ‘ - II "1,72" G.!/.Li.1.’.". ‘ n ! whit-101mm, in nnnuunr‘lna tnl _ gl.o_“lnll‘if: lorrnvcd tulhuirliwg H) '1 Ln: J Gimmes. loam-11 on n of rk true .oppo:i1ellm Bunl S-Sv-l w‘ tl git old stand. ‘ }T b Yiulhfing 11:1: been arm-t: fininiddiaite supervision! n-xd ni: “cripfl‘rw vllas been =p.lre!! in r nmutfino‘fli both .L'anfurtulhlq {u lodern impm‘rpmunts h: fiurking defilrtlmut. so j Wary mm; for the pru‘ ‘nros, ..111 :the . Q 16 fihe \‘ " fiosfss ‘ g , cine» ‘pH "5 will“! ‘1 .\loq‘ im d ' typ 341 “I j I‘loth ‘t ‘ Slcieon‘ {'l' oxo ate ll 1 ginggm ‘ ' dad. t‘wl ’s' [inqi‘u‘re 1 $3l my] ‘ @710: a r. [n ‘ 15mph 1; st nrominm‘ WMI nwn'r‘. Afzriruunml mm- m: u 1! Photographs. es chill the ynrinn's Sty npir‘.) mndeuns hen-Inf in the bee: mnnm-r and :esfltishttinn. ’l‘hcvhp publicwil} rernmn‘m‘r. v. ; I.lkm, that the 11-:qu is fnunr them. find fimt e n‘nmvs equal and of .Ide'in laFge c’nim. In ,5: upmx A 5.110 when tlm. {Ewe} ior"i<n‘n‘.nss Tn- yhu' in~ ‘ Tm “ y mm is cordially invi am they wi)‘. r. "c nn w I‘xlxéjlr_xl(~.§lnt!Vn., [wt 1 rr-puiation w‘n’lL‘S it mj who; will find em; c } 5-I.:th of Wei; toilet. 6.123031. , ' c ! PHOTOGRAPHER 1, 1861. . find; éve "Hm! \‘ did I" a cred in 1 “L." th' rm 1 #Ac‘ :‘Jfi n. rs ‘rr‘m l is the b ‘i ‘ n | v , ..-; Eseawsi AND wow mpnm at .\[euici‘no in tlmworld' :hs I‘Jld ('c‘lls. (Hump. I. ‘sthma, I‘Eriuflly in Dr I‘ulpimiiun u! the He " Diptherin.‘ he rclinf ot‘pntionts in and' for CIES (odan'n Mon, tngt‘ther :with u ' ;thc Th-m‘: 2 mi Cbrst. nrd x; I rispme to Cnnsnmp :1 L‘Lphllim‘ly lllitlllfc-n'fo (he raa'fm. Naif)? prepared by a plrnctiinl Drg‘ggi t. and mu- bT‘m'e'lt exp cunt offlte various dhmscs {o . mné frdne ;; name. ‘ ‘ 1‘ is afiered to the nfllicted wi can 1&0, cg. . ' i I= "Hr; i and be conrhxéesghat in ixeA we of Bronchial affect 66’1“; )1 1161113. 1 ‘ , :gf‘g‘grepnrmi only by ‘, ‘ 1 I DR. A. lISENYFEL § 1 , Drhggisls‘ and N. W. e ‘rJfinth & Poplar S’s., 1“ ' SH, ‘ old by every respgctabl ,Deqler Medicines throughout ‘Aiprilz, 1860. 1y - ‘ ‘, -—‘—‘f- - .-.__.--____..._- 1 ! sHandsome We '2; 0 mm LADIES.——HUNT‘S “BLOOM 0P ', ‘ E ROSES." A rich zlnnd efie nnt color for the‘che ks or lips. IT WILL?! T WASH OR RUB O F, and when once fpl‘ud, remains diutblezfor years. The t'mt is s- xich and aa tural, 918.1. the closest scrutiny m is to delect its use. (3 mbe remand h", lunon juice and will nbt‘injuh‘e‘the akin. This is aue‘v greparn‘fiou, u‘Fe‘d by]- the eelebrnted Court Be ut‘ies of Lon dpp‘ nnfiflßnfis. Mailed tree, it; bottles, with directi a for uw, for $1 00. %HUNI‘-‘S “COURT TOILET PSWDER,” im p m, a 'dnzzlieg whiteness to £25 complexion, a. dis hulike nnything else as {or this inu p 5% Mailed free for 50 Cents. a 111-35375- “ B,RITISH BALM’," removes tan, freclfle sunbfim’ and all eruptio alofthe skin. Mailed ree for 50 Cents. , iHUN '3 “ IMPERIAL POM f," for the hair,‘ a rengthens and' improve ‘ta growth, keeps i from falling ofi’. and i warranted ‘ro “3min Hun'cvnn. Maliod fr , for $1 00. gmmr's “ PEARL BEAUTIF $31," for the teeth arid gums, cleanses and wh e s the teeth, hingdena’ the gums, purifies the b at}: effectual -1:, If“ win rm ran: an n vura room- AF 2. axled Me for $1 00. ‘ I ' ‘HUN ’3 “BMDAL WREATA FERPUHE,” A’dpnbl?» extract of orange blo om and co ] ghe. :Mniled free for $1 00. If! ,exqulslte p rfume was first used by the “been Rbyul o Engmhd; on her marriage. in. Hunt #- . prdfienmd the Prinéess wi , an elegant c‘fse of erfumerf, (In Which fl ofthe above articlefiwere inc uded) in hand me cut glgss’ wfiith goiiatoppers, valued at $1533, particular ofwhic appeared in‘the pyblic firing. ' 'All the above amcles sentifle, by express, fdr $5 {OO. Ca<h.can either company the order, or be paid to the [expressingent on‘ de liV‘ery (if goods. ‘ EUN_ t 00.,‘ ’ t g , ‘ Perfume" the Queen. . g‘ent t., London, Ind 'l7 Sam m§ St., Philn-L (1e! in, Pl. 1 ‘Pmr fine by all Drnggisu sud i 311???” Trude Burylietfl ‘ [o| 1 x I‘ Ge“; 73 .. + “—’—“L-»'l‘::____v ‘ o°l- ‘VID YB, “I'B "' ~ ‘ B ' ‘ SHOE F3l? ‘ ’I~ ' ' neror ‘ 1 031 th. 1 Pro - "i ‘*~ ~ sg‘ttruny rfemfw‘ium—Tne 1:12:13 *lan Am mm‘ I“ Mr,“ ' I h {ln quested to be” '.''° Me re-‘ '. ORA'l'UR,__g . - mt Work I ' may be {”1 mmd than. I . “Dd Loom) -- I 1 I'lfi'eclwe Sf 1 on th ' BOOTS and Singing“l “ 1”” Wrcngms‘ EUR RESTIIItIUQ'ICE‘IIIOm-poun" ’ {‘o' "E “0333 AND "M 8 Home, The sußscrim-r 11’0““ P“!- mniwial ‘or "SUMO“ Without‘ d ~15“ lLUßtniLs'origi-I “”le JINNst \‘ I DISEASE” b fhlhdclphin, \rbe‘re :‘emg Just ”filmed. fromlHl? fmm turninfl ciang’ and prevemifig "‘6 hology "rd oper'fiveé“r.llCS“'Pmlms°' 9” Pia, Bpon the he“ terms SClected With care and .OR PREVENTING'B; . ~ Cglluge of Philadelpma e 1 FixutheYeteriuu _ , lcum nud Shoes his “’0“ If‘rcr'e “la-‘Oflmem of’ 12. when there is lhe I” ”MIX-2.53, 3nd curing “11] Te]! You of the Ol'i In, et‘c. 171 mos: {natidi .at ac“ ‘, ‘MUVIN’G .. . ,8; 1 “rapean Asiatic . “nous breed '- 21.01;}. Custom 1:11;; 1;?" ”’7l ‘emnmgera mg ‘An c“f“ncmnv, 1111:3531: Al5O DfiNDRCFFI I Horse}, “in“ ”“3 1:33.211?“ ““d America?! 11 and. on and Shoes “Iv“ . Im'UR BRAUTIFYISG TH o the ”.‘“PI 1 I pecuharitiec of tlle'll‘ ;-Il rormauoll Ind' I UCL 22 I ~ IR. F. 3. I; I._ )1 1!, 3“ “he E HAIR 1m 3 ' BSCEMin {l' “1m“ Hd‘ ' 1.. , , 890, i I'3 LHLI‘L ‘it 8011 and (filmed gloss and bril‘hmyc) pfilngg Cbhdit'o Phage I” the ’ll n [how H" ; .:m4, " t 51”" . ‘ ',m‘-in. '5O 's "1“- ‘ HF Tlnmng! iinfisélwlcn¥hre‘din. ’m "3 “m” “*1 Cuhiw‘g mg: TE““‘"°“S “planmi’ '“fistnixésrfig'x' 'la 1 Undersi . 6 great cc! 1, ‘‘: - . E HOKSE A\‘ ' Emmi I ' I‘emllcmzws of Sgtisgiifiecttgllfi inle. the , mind to? this xxnzqhijfmtrgnq}? incrcnsi g de~ I W!“ T?“ You Ofßreédli)n¥gng bksmsgifi I ggJ' 0' Aye'r £s3]ng ““1“ 611. June 181%); I.YIM, he Im an t pth’ . proprietor th pnrntiun.co fim. I . ceding Gm . .1. Ten ing'qml . “111,0 th - nun. ”fer , 'ta‘ulishment.‘ ‘5 We"! 5 MIT .‘“ Zen-vlO satisf .“‘ We final is onl- ”1 ’lmm » Shoe: Al‘ ‘ ’l'Wv'dOne f 1 3e “1""- yo -n my ‘l'" In Chnmb 11mm 9_', . y B durum“ ‘_ .} necrssarvl gum-ml mlfll‘mgcm 4’3, find 111 . 0? me. H.- . “l' haraapflm “ppm; ta Chris:(‘ I, burg a“ ‘g _s ~qualme. g Puhhc or 11 ~ . "I bv , n meh us Wear anng 11m ' .la 11. .2 . 1m 1: . eefl.dlroct} - "er any 01h . SSupernorl 0 es: modes are . . "we w" I ‘-°“» I hav’ ~ "“9“ b ' Bndk Pcon n' He wxll]ma y "“190. It e 1 1 ”Pnlmralmu 11f ‘ cine cl 'l‘ ”“3“!” ,"h “u“ {0 0 “new“ fl' ‘cmnuou 'TIV'IéiZ‘R-F‘ Stan"), 0 and I' "Menu", I (laud llff eases the head a d Hrtsem. ’- sq, how ”II MH' ' I In: Hindi- I [7l' 1' year" Some ' tom,“ In ”“01 .7 ‘‘ ‘ FRESH; '’“V "Y IVnrie: t - 1“"! Other c .“ ““hfrom Reannz hin ‘ ""11: Km; ' “a” on m- Hines “- h ' 3 and .'II A, . 3 Find U P of the hu' "mucous d x ,4‘ R ‘ 53‘ n hlln V. mg :1"- - 3 hand; K(I ~ 1 urst 0M 1n» I 1 always be 1 - AN-WA gl."' ‘0 grow 1.. “93‘5“. ('ausna. ~ Patlessnesr I:,th Bn' " "C‘l‘W‘fird ‘ u may 90 ‘ - IRO Flx'c ‘ ready-1,0 do F A yl‘l’xchl sea 1 “Xunqnfly, wd~ iv _ I he is 1' r Im m. fives I 1911, Two 011 _ find d‘S‘rmed 1 mum,“ 11. boat 13m: x and M’UL'T s'o In} El? IRING. i also wlh ' g 0535-, ”1d flexibl'e nl:es 1: M ,nu ‘JCCE; "11-h num ‘ 0 “huh I cm- yrs “3“ it hrok me “Uh: s(0111mm er. Price: ‘ 5 “Que in 1. ~. . 'w‘relhe hgir' ‘ 1,. . Wmnmcb. and' ‘o'! Climax-inns h "0" mph, ‘1 "Ed mvrac 1 ‘ " Out on m 1 v . gap-“ 93 to rem‘crf m aerate, 19nd I‘m“ wxn - "‘mstmnrnnd' 1'“ - ’ THE ""I m” 'm‘ '' ‘ “ram 9‘ "'y W“ “n“ I_.- . no $1“ stre ‘. *— tnpmn . HORSE AV 1 .Y’MMni' ‘‘3 “”110!“ - I9]? I, 11’1”"! Patrozllgzafi'gfiw‘ ~ .. 1,. 99311;:‘111‘32366 II” £s22;ng :Ihgor m mamogjj Wlll Tell You 01111;??? DISEISES If)?” mnnjnmgicrfime bey°ndtdsgsflmh 1‘ , , ‘' 01 '9 ‘omcb 1d .. 03¢ persl\dh" I Tre-tm ~ 5. sym ’ ’ With ‘' e! and . 'len. 1 . a c - . Ibh . “for 8 ””05, ~ "“lm ~- "”3" I ‘ ’I Gmflhnrn‘Juneml ”IrA‘ 00;:an ofhnir. ’ “SW; I‘, ‘0 y‘aldllfrcsh‘ I! ’Dlstemper‘Cntar! PEA“ SW9 T 117231; 335‘”«iiumé'fI‘JWM f’°m"lll:lyptlll§‘l:"mm’. ”:"r: - a 111 mm: -b m w P ““3 hid moi 1 ' Lem“ n c ough, “MEI: '3 wind I'm” - ”WWW: nn 1 ’3’ 5 “man [1 I y an“ of “IS I _ r “up, . torcd . 113 m as, S( I , gum] H!“ . 1 knew {1- . fitgmwh Jat . prenamtidns hm; f :V'Smamr, when 1111: Wm Dec}; I“. I"; a! mu and L: cé‘m‘m I you mndc mum?“reputationfimnm'h'fl.) 1 session lea.” “2:11:1- £131.11“ in “INNS“ ~ 310th anffieq‘fl h otper digcpsegsgar I and got. it 111:: 9 511006.. I up,“ lontc‘fny'ihmg Cuban ram f, “‘4 8 tom ' , ' THE n"r tUrvn r 6it 1 ’ - “3‘" iHill' ' ' ""I‘nn ' o I Sing to 11 HORS .r . i ".nnh. '"5 yen a.- - ~“cn “U 112111291? 0,. the e mum 0:11:31'1» 4 smm $ll,lll «0.413122; , :E‘lgffim turning grm- “ig‘uwi hike“? the . Treatment ofWo‘l-Irl':t-§ :yquoms' ll'lld‘ 39W mid 1111111111): “:31 :Bed aimed! tnreet‘lfityn .l9‘ .. 1. rm: . .‘ ar. v 0313‘ .103 0011 b “ (‘s— chmngégi-lilzggifltfhere the hairlet'ulegggl fiIESPSI’ISIISY ICF‘mcn-an: :lgl‘u'lwl‘39- ris ngfibc'fig'wnafier n ““5533 agar: finder I .- .‘.‘ le “Sc “I- I.‘ , .1' ‘al .'f, ,- ll (31 . II“ I' . I.‘. . .‘ .‘”} “It." certmm; renter 'of {he ‘9‘.’l~'l°’}m"l‘ ‘ B'o“de Ufine SP) £2l3"th “If ‘Q‘irrhu-‘n’ Ilhe «135011;: has 0‘ hnox by”? fi‘clin " “km 9“”185 in; dark glossy “Ho‘tséflgxnnlhm. Bladder InflA‘ml “”‘ Riemann)” {jam “*1! houmfi “e from "WIS“It gym“ fume fogfhe t 3 , nppeumm-P \, ,1 ~ , m Mon.- 11 I‘, v; :11 when X . ~ 1:1; 1 rec] . 111.3 You . I 011“! mu! :1 1.. - 1 ‘IR pur- "‘3” 0f the Stan} - m IOU”? d' "'l' 3'o“ 11. .‘“ 1W” “In ’ ‘ P‘jirtlculuflv reoonp 3MT Reszopm‘ ’9? it - I Urina~‘v- (l I I th. “Owehfl . . '5- I the “I,oBin 'l' M. I hold 30“ t. 5331111,: t'rngmncei'ana ‘nendedrhnviniznn :1: '3'" TH ‘ ‘-‘ “33M. . "‘3" “Kid full . 1 -("f“""”“*0 PJ ’ "Hm mm“? . . tl .. fl.:+l. EllO ‘* ~ 9 ‘3' 3 v b’” "m“ ' ,drcssmg the h” ‘6 grlmt‘hfamhlles itnfl‘cl (1: I 0 -Will Tell Youngb A.\p “In DYSFA: NV AXTchflxl-‘rf‘ ‘ ALFRED]; “‘9' mm” InViEOFulul‘c ‘pr' “In"hf‘vhen moist “=53. '1” Trent I; fwe ““35. 5311’“; F 3 I “$83111; ”‘- F 1111), RUH‘P ' 2111 mm ' 35° “5 ‘0 prestige; 33”?“ in Rm’e‘l‘fir'gd will]: Sl'n\'il:.nl‘l" of- bl} ne- I'luoéimznf' 1!! M“ 1m“) él‘z‘giazfimwuf fifigl'jhnzsmfi' , , v:. 1 ‘ .~,m- u. _, 'IM in“ V‘ ‘l‘.ch CPU-r—heule ‘bc pace, thn‘K‘r 131$: 01-) 1 Broken, Kg‘ D o', "“Hamfi q. E DT- Imbg t\' I ‘ 'SORE FYFS I‘D-\ huliés a! asl gram demand for 'I: u ' vncegl ‘ ind’ G' " ‘ trams [Y 12 “F “' *rEI'IO W'‘ ‘1 ’DRm‘H‘Y " andan] £0117: . [I : Y tth SP“: Bnuse and .L , ‘z‘l‘sv‘ .lenl- ’." th N'U‘l- ler “M “m“ 3| " ‘ if??? (9 he willmm_ ”It tlhmflo- whn‘}? ‘Muel Nmtrhes; (71111160 “AIL" Lmefiknd 111:0}? I “‘1 {um-case}! 5?...“an 1‘“ his unwillzghb" 11n the much of all h‘gginrve 1m“. I’I‘IIWS it “I‘o~Ul7.\lc~rllll§/s \'l(’""msh"ulm ("’i‘ugl :1”- u'wu‘efi‘mu“ "311,131?“ wllicl‘wmfifllex‘bdm- V ''luy, ' A. I .. 1a v 'lll-r '-Ivl~.l‘ I! . I . : per b 02352; E‘IIEM‘Y‘FWE ('FVT“ I ‘ firs’ 1““: on?" diseflé‘lgflfiffluzz-P133513 ”a?“ “so 3:12:30?!“ u” “I 0:1: 1 39 me! at 11 ‘"' 1' “$3,211: liead - ‘ e 1-‘0- "' 5"- ‘Lmhi ' "'0“ Mt‘ ~ " g ate and Ever-fun ‘‘ 1” l”'s'~‘lh.-c!.'lbl<-A dr _ THE 10 -I Y “MW-m -s“'. IE "3 "3' I'H'exe u ‘MIU‘I .L. MILLER Wm; “if I 1 I "I; 1 “"111 Tel! Yin 35‘??? [US JflSEASFg ‘ IglcufltnhuQe (lll‘ll‘s the colnuiw Eats: the rents: “6011211111,, -. me uttumh," bf PI , , Tye 'n.‘: 3 11513 ,sz 1‘ u I lUXI'j I u x») - n 5 1. .. . . .n- I- Mm 110 1. s:‘- ,1 ._|l «nu-q” , 1011313113” ~v. .1 I 3°12“? ”If“ "We 111: «lifié’rii',s",,"*r I‘lviuor- = .‘ ‘ §‘“""r. me: “p i}: 3’2‘ "“‘il-ummfil‘f I”: “‘m- sn.m.,(lfr”lT>l§.,E”nSwnrmznww ‘ en; The n: r ‘7‘ “WI (“111;ng 1 201,1101'3-1 - 1 if Jun-I‘l- \‘ .. J" y ‘ ”I'9 bottle “pet-t, Tun I" ' ‘ -for :1 good h 410. it l-lys the 1 ~ 5| I . ,' “119110! 111114..) ‘ ."1 '-""LICh sl.) '~ 5 “\ynur Q'% '~ ,~“I“ m“ ' . , Bnd ofL-x' *~ -. mu H 1111)“ , Dlsflnsea ”"11 ' ‘ I" ( Tl‘r-H- (:-1- 'I In" “Ultre— - ‘ ‘ ““Wr‘nn c‘l ' rim-m .. , ‘ .rI "a I. re . -.- ... ~ ”I .'. .c by? ..1 .. ‘ "“= \1 ~ 11 ““1“" '- ‘ 1.11111”, the Ffjlthbiiguj: up“: bucom’e 3,3.3135‘1113111- .3311 11?“; Ighmnm {:0 Id.l%::3“ ““51 2G,: I [ll.3l%{llll'thß'g'L‘l‘l‘JKrAhZ tugging on the Mll. hot} :1 I.' r-“f‘oml Mwh' -' 1‘ 'I" ‘ ‘“ . "I’ ‘ Vin I‘ ~3 OWEN-4.51. '‘s:l 0R ' w",-"‘"”" ‘ arms-of: I'HIhL “0.3“" or We 011111111 ‘1 :no‘Ix"~:"r-" . ' Hem?" AWFUL-AI: n 'l\=.("\H-hnII;1' ang Eli” ETERKH (NI-‘l3“. 0‘ ARIN-{INT i'él'fil'hl‘lhfsfni hair. I ‘ 'fu“ “Ilt‘lfilture . Tflfilcn,‘ “PUHHQ I’ “I'l'Hm: undmhel’. I) ‘fAfifllS. I ‘ A \‘hArlQ-I‘r FEM-H 1‘ .;r _,_:v .w 1 " , r-.1:.s~». ":'="‘ f‘mlle of I.C‘l‘l:€l’:11(;lg:3§llllle.“Ithout 'l].e fnCI will Toll firm—3:3) ‘11“? lIISEI.XZII’3{ :‘Vl'itcs: WI hlgllflnlpmg' hf ‘N'e‘w' 9““ 44'" I "‘“I‘Ilt‘r;:ul:. .. 1 “:3. "101:1: on 1.113 ‘l.) . Hr . _ .‘2 .‘ mqul :« . .ruqueu . » r 101-11111] -c L.‘ 1. 11);. [bung-1x 33’ 5’ WWW": S 1'4”; “with“ * Sail”, If"“' *0; "'i‘:"'u:ldfl§f "“"mghour 3.1313"? “Ht-n: in sufifnflmpb WM ”‘u I "'l‘l l .' 11mm] in the 1,11. V I I 10- ) e “‘4O” ' lump 1 JI I"MW. or 1 ‘ . "11"”!an ...nnxt ‘f: I In”. {MINI f ' ‘l.’ “"310 I‘cPuh‘SG‘Dl‘ -(a6' I‘ I I I I’ to Strange smx‘nflll ‘0 "WWII-'1“ 11 hi," I“) ”I“ Numeral” c' I IVMPHcm “hm-mi I 110 1.1md1131 ll‘v‘fthnms 1211311th 41151 3 1111'113- an n to ”it, SKIN”: “I .’"“I “Ighlcl. "1111 hi)“: . 1’1“." such 11 I'l-_{l¢..;).rm‘l“"u*'fm Mich w' VT”! . out“? “‘ll Id. , ‘ulég'n‘lhhtnghd Hz‘rness; “110, “Cw. my! “rink him 1.“ 1D15u1595 of" 11.6 517‘} ,I‘"? oipec’inllw‘ih ham“ I 'bcmldiscoxznom.l 2‘ ,I ~. 1 . i \VABBANTY '.,1 _t“ 1m 71’ ’nhul 1.~- 0‘ fun-m] "Inn'vinv‘ “mums dimhe'sih I» 11:11.» T 1 :g‘l “151; (1&1;- 13 {fglnsimfiyhlmqquutiav 1 I ufinure ”II“ 133", "'u-lo l “i’IL'IIIv'rT-flfi‘: 12.11111! bfillhe \Vl‘lvffflxtl9't‘lli6a 11fl18111'1‘1'rr111't3m1w u“' I‘o m'v Var- k I ‘5O“ m'liw Ants-vi ~’ ‘1 ‘ oft‘xc 1‘ .‘ ” .‘xzdr; (“Ir-f ‘ J" 11h vru - I ’9 3"”"l'lni'm' ~ “~ '3‘ LIQUID EH - m 1; Ifli’nln‘m) IV . ~“m1 . - “has; 1,134. .. an 111 atlfll‘ Km. ‘ lfHLunhc ller‘ . . “9-“ 0211:“! .. I 111 mm -- . "LJIIXM: “83km- I. um"... I“. 1“ "mu 15' "~4llMb I- ~ 1.11. ~ ~ . Mutt-a: a..;- . l 5 .1‘ ”es 141' 1b ; " ““5 .1 nl - . g‘WI cm .1. . . 19pm," 1- 1. t W.::l°f;;::°s&:‘=m-I m -, "I“NI I 1:311:11 .1. nau- 0r §~ ..' e . 91-31“ ... no (.1 _:11,,..1 ~ . "-, -, ‘ L'nml . It: 1!”): “0111“ mm 11112311 111213111 v Without 3““ ”Aliatrulr‘d I,s“me “Q; away; WI" 1) . I ‘l'Almrd 5-" . a, 8 during... allrhvle 011110 “#O.? uk'n —-\ml~l HU'd will”: It i~ I‘linul In““”,]hl (me 11111111rZ-d'L'II ”Hugh" I“A ll‘ll‘gc-Llll'l‘ldrrowmf Newliurr .\1 3‘ 501‘F.\'T~‘. -1 ‘. 1n uxn. once. AI'HVIC : '3: L.» I .I. ‘ 4‘ 9mm “'1 (i u‘ , 1 :gr“““%a~ I max] -- ' 1‘ ""i‘l‘inu tum ‘' ' ”"W “I". ... . 1 )elmt‘ 50 I_ I ' I‘J‘L-LEI .thrdql 110 um? {11:1 H 11111 ‘Hé'hflnd “1111 l 3.1111”) fi'nlllv ... or (In my”: the __ I ._9gt.go, 1860. 1;. 3‘”? “Ewen 1-urk.l::‘,;:‘i",,°lf price, huh 1.1"; if ’l.‘l"l‘;‘-‘FL‘ mm. o.l‘l2‘;2‘;;i‘t=lwe vaulq‘l-JLIIIIJI 1'”? Id‘“""““ III“ ; I ‘-_»V V: _ '..’-. _ 11. .A -'-y .~ .I‘. 17: 1 ”7017111 cloth 4 . [-lf‘ 3‘ ("l-Hm] I.- L VII" 11! I‘6"th 81 I. 1 D : ~ ;__’\_nl. {10"0 q—l Il‘ I .‘ 1 :H’Llln: u“, _.h’.‘ .‘QHr-Exlrnm f“ - Ir" ‘ . 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Sit-'llP“!hAutil)rit'.‘.'ll:cnOfl&d h}- I'lll' h-"'Il- “S“ ‘5 JUHN I's. 1‘1) ~I,m;"1“I‘X'I~I\ lum- ’HI- ‘I P! “ATM“. G’IH'T I!" a I .' I [l'p‘vbite‘i 513405.11“qu "‘“h ”1‘ “"1039 {IMI I v “0‘ (“.17 anm ‘ll ‘l'” P”l.’li~‘lvcr, ‘: Illaemndpm.“ ”“01"; Flll “HHH'S‘LIRLII‘ ItILI‘II ’ . , 111.3%.“5t in “WlTamul-w - 130.1“ng 15““. “I"! ~,1.. A 1111111111,!“th1.“.T “iLlr' .I, (I'; .\3 (3:: Sll‘llll.::l..;ilhJnlyfifl, _ _ ,1 ‘le ,931’91‘367169 c" 1' ~,, I. 11, 1 I 'l'” n's.~"' "7 - I A ‘t' 1:: .Immh'l Hm’hiv It‘lwn‘c‘omm lIIHI‘II‘I I 3:113:10 PrClrnnuimrlgl‘lkitldij“. :‘IHIJ' I}IT0\:('; I- . {33:} I 6911:1133 ‘ 00:: 360 k 7‘ I 52131 :11”: II; l‘mfllml Ihe‘fk'uu‘l’lz‘lnljulirp- a fin”: - 11. Imm ‘ w ‘ " 101-11 Itzv‘u "’ ‘1 if I‘m) '. . I 1 - '‘l “"‘l'irt’orllr "'"""‘"» "M Min“ 1 mhvut 1w ‘1}1)» ~- I. ‘I I . . H.lll 1“ ~ 11111111”. I -3' 'l'” “I "‘ ‘ I _ 01mm» . , Ia urn‘». .- _ .1] BR .\1 ”pm —\ ' .\lb 1. ," I lrlml '’ ” 1111111. I"I 1 ._. n" “no and U _ ‘l‘ .10” of . . 4 ..1,._,1;v I,“ .I «\ IT“ ”L. .; . 30M .\.11," )u ‘1 lilexmus i. H .‘_ I wnn I>. 'll ~. Mug-11111.1 map . 1- n~ ELIZA A.~ 4 ‘Prtd m- " . , lulrllhl. 1):”- l, _ I conceivablegltr lls hep-”11}- i 1 “30:3: (Tu?— h Ttlls Yn'l"!iot'iltlllg‘:‘HS‘lH'J' ”11ch S‘h— {gonna} IIIIHIHI1311:5“11‘1‘v1-J‘I-I 111111 “mum”! :1 ! 'lunoxinus i. '1 I ~ If'l ‘I Pol'lirx n" 1 (:imC" “II himls of “0 Imm: I’VIM'I‘ lmu 1m; 11‘ 1111111..” 1'” “MN-P ’l'Cl'n tried. itllh~ilplrgyrrnvdics in; “'h‘ -hlit ins I ,Jtlj-d mu,“ ’Lnlflrllfl‘rlßl-lu. "MIN”? Quin?) I [hi-I'll! ‘""'I“'I""v > ‘ ‘l‘ “L I ”Imk 3‘ “ {7611- “Rh 11‘ 131» {nil-I,} ‘ "“I“"5"I"! I“ :-:1\"'I1' l‘ I and C 011“ . x {0119? 1210111.; uf‘dr ' v HH Y‘ “5” “"11 of K ‘l'J' Faxfl‘ ... . I . .1111; ‘lzmm I 3.” _ 11w”, I_.l 1 1.11“: 3:“ 2211-1 1" L , u‘mg hnu- l.q. . . 5-1. Louis.“ 1. . . LII i)! I n I___ 111,1 -\‘.'.2 I . 7 Mat ‘. . , “r . ‘ , . luaflhrl. . . » HR" 1. Uulul-IM‘" in.” “Inca“ :bjhx ”,1: n' [I '. If 1I11¢11:1;(i‘l:m)‘mt“It."“I“Illinir ’I‘IIIIQIIM 1 of. If”. “I”. :i'h‘ii-lfm‘lgem“ mu. ,m 1111“}qu Plth’l‘lf ‘ll,;lCj'q' (“"‘II'I’I‘J/In'l3. .' {tir ‘l' .1-4‘l’t'7lim‘l Z“ TOll5 Yn‘n Il'l‘fhite‘fflgul' It. h “I“ ‘51:.“ (WIT: ””“L’. hml (l-‘IEEEIFNZd my lxmm). I 71¢Z,-,.,}1,.M.,:"'3Z’” E‘el'nl‘wn'i‘Y"”'-' 1' '1 "I ;Ii'I’I:I I hm‘ylusk'lh‘i‘:2:l29“ "fl-ll WI“ “I’Pmfid ' 111:1)?th “M I I‘l‘VHl‘Jlllhttithlulfifflmlm m 'h. ‘1 I H'hiL-e fur' ‘.. "I'M“ Jul.” .‘ I 1 Mutton »L ‘3" 5““ ”12.1:qu 1, “’"m ..\H|rs mug. . """"““‘Hmn ‘ . wwuums I'. . . 1. ""1 ill/mu z - 2 “mb- \(uq. l’ l I "“1111; 1 “‘n'L'uu - v ' ‘ ."0 "HI” "fluv- . ' "My!“ I, n . 751 w (whip/11.”. . .'l “Mlklnds‘ 111111,.11111] (L 1 . . U.I 1.1 the IJ‘W. \.v ,II My 9:, _ I “Irnp?:s‘::: izlielll-I’HIWNI'IH Il'lt’l‘llllY/ifih 661;"er "- Graviles, “‘I‘I":lt1::;idlfr‘y"' [lil‘l'aml‘lé’ft 21:15:31 \l’: “P 5" “‘l‘N'ii‘hh“ I’:;‘it;:l:d‘,.,l3m’ .111 c‘l:e~ f2‘ u-e, .It - . . 1 . Hf,” e2l.l'l'- ,I, 'a‘ u1:1 ”lIMMVI'JIM j I ,-.'.lcm.~n he 51,111 |.,_. k ‘ 'vanfl‘h' ."f “ "E-\Hl}\l.‘{)\R ..I In Tells Y"‘- 1‘ . " 11111111,! (nu 1111.1 .‘. w “0“ Wu .1.- 1 ”an“ “I Wu” 1' 1 Btu-MI “'hvtmr t‘ 1 on ”“W'to chn , Ihh-win N.. l. \\)\.~‘.\hlfll ”11113 .11 ...--.-.;¢.: . 1~ .‘ _.'~-. -.-:.'..‘..~ ..L..1'.\1 dunuhninq (f (I (I of (11' “I (In- 0 1h“ 1c Fem? I‘ls}; of ‘ll] (I: (104111, ““1 Pro-'1 I'l3‘ 0 ,(nl '1 I"‘~‘ “‘“l‘III ‘'l‘ e 1_.1: < , ~ A, -1 .1 . . ...- rL .. 1 nul 11.\- um“! ,I “‘ydlld {lug-13 fl‘nl‘l-'11,.," 1 lrnuu [“1111 mums“ 1 111101, Shanon” \H \5 _m y :1..J how I‘l .. .1. . :1” lunmm ~ . . |nu ‘. ‘‘ 1' 11111.11: . I. W" K‘ildl'uci ‘ . ".'l "‘ll ml- -1 '- ‘ ”1 ""‘I .‘"nnv mm' .. ‘ m" “"“WI 'll-" 141.11. _.I" 1 A 1410"? In: r . . I {1011: ”"11” ~ _ 1d :!1.11].1111- 1; - I .. 1-411.. 111/'1 1!“- .. a “ Lh‘lllleml‘m's“ _‘ rlll 12d sIIII~I-cs=ful ‘lo”4‘l,Ul+ re»- ; . ‘1 ‘93:““111—0112112-‘1‘?!’ m-II “MIX“ 1’: «1101:- ‘s:"‘||”[“|l: 11111. In li'gumi II"“:‘1’»1I‘.1,“1 1..u_1 IN Ig:1..1 “01:1.1 roulfii‘filifiw? 'l'o='.‘\x-rll l'n'zhtljaiflm ILT “mail KhuaringiinfimSflhfi-«z‘mx.mun-pg.l' 111 Ivlj'l‘l I‘I'i'IIVWZILII'I‘I‘3IuIIS 1:“ \pl-p Hddcn'ae m 111 H “‘1 Hun‘i- ~11) 1 1‘1“,“ (5 0“ All ”Cox. ‘3 111.111 ” I:Mh.‘ I 1- ‘A‘ C" ‘..L” [I N- "\I’JI".\". \l ‘ H"- 1 .' '. “I? ham‘un , m’ '1 -'wl-,I odm 1~ , ”‘l’ Edwin 14- I ”MAW“ ”i" ’J‘II‘ ‘' ‘ 'l' ” LII, PM 0“ Hmm “D‘l‘lmohll A ”"11”“ n‘ 11{h.I, . m p‘ of prw. . . .lylllro\'_l A.. ’l‘. 11113 125 . ~ -r‘. .. 1- , 1 In 1‘ - I 1'1”,‘.-"M-1-H4\ (I'4. -‘ I!“ WHlm-w 1-‘ ‘ “I m t..'l‘!:ll‘v\\-;' ”I‘ x..1..\~1.1\-le--I-‘ LII-II 31”“? New 1“ . a - ““TWH In .1 . _- ” ““‘“ hm‘r-I - , ”>.ml .1 ~ -1 1‘ .'l"'ur- Il\cl- 1 - ~ ' I‘“ IWL‘M. “ “MW “IN“ 1"~ m" ”WW” I-rOL’ECIQ-‘. [Huh-1 i 1 ..fI" .I q ”.11”. Af p 1 .3 til )le hnul.» 1 I '11!)- nnnl plainl‘ l ~1. :11 huuc ilrflllllllll. , a s‘w ~“1 } a m 1...“ ~. ‘0 ' ”0"” mm 11 \1 ""E‘“ "=l4 51‘ g "m ""‘”“"‘I {T - H ”m“ "1,3111 111511111005 0‘ 15h Riud In] . 1... 1m :o r”). Prhue 1‘: P.‘ h:hp§:fl: 45mlguI1in r 541 111., II), but 1.1”: Wave Imr‘fl‘hlllhn 11:“le thH 71-9 ~, Imi: Sl‘lrkrefs, cmacinti‘d' vi L'L “”1"” ”No. It To“: ‘l'lll MID-IN). I I I Eli Wm“ hum of 41”“ ‘I‘H‘V Hl‘ 1 I 'l‘ Hllmm H” "‘3'— . 1 . , I‘l.‘ ,7 -'- .--". 1 "‘ ... .’-"“ C 1 ~.‘, .cthtmus‘ sn'lKl'mt‘mL “may!“ "I W”? “I If modes 01’1““ ‘fnufl 1”"‘1 "“Ftuhiu'ov u I {1113:1111 V "I|"'h liw'wrmrttt 11111211- "mf W”I ‘ LO5l Nndxlntc . I "my I'nuc I _ 001”“va- “I 1I L] 11.4,“. mI.. ,n . lulmx “up.” thWMllT“Yeriionltgfiipélé'i‘émn "Inc-H11“ .HIIII ' fioicnpfion'fl’dqéfi I’z purlllLN 0: LVN" t'lln-m ‘ “Em”! “mm: [U m who Imus”. I—th '. ~ 1 nl. [.in \- 7 .In 511 5‘ 1 .z_. j' "11lr1- 'i<-‘-I.' I . 333;“ .. . I url I "name 1n T I‘l m 1 s 1 II * . ‘ nPFPCnn ~s f“; ,- .I 1 ell 5 Yuu \‘l ' u: .rmn‘m Q_l‘' . 1 1 . .lE-IX..\.\'(‘H() "12:“ U-\ . ’l - to ‘IO "L I‘lmh. IR-d tr I ‘II ”‘9 “M'nnii 11 ‘1 7 ‘ r‘. ‘ " Mum’ 11-1" ‘h )A ’ r‘II'I'RAWLI \‘l lormag PrpImIIII ”031.9111 mun 11,.” - .’“} “lOJCSnfprc-pfi .-~l' ” “"I-‘h‘hhrovodl'hm-q' In"! "M" ””5 6fthes- u' 'k . .on Oflm .1 , “11-[nunn I ”FHI-M I‘Hgguvm CUUk‘l n- I__ . t ”-1111 mm}:— hr 11 .. ‘ “-991qu .Sfllumrv fur ”,1- ”I‘m“ “000‘ ,~ .~I . “D and 1 . ~ “I“ ”finds ‘ m'rl ~‘ ~ -' “' “WNW" ‘ .2 A Ike the’ 11 .‘““I' be‘ On 1. -‘ ""‘I‘I “Him 11 ’ - V """"-i ‘1 slum 1‘ " ”WEI Mlllll I 011 st mm: "11-11, L 0 ' exulcs. 11 is! v' ' W L'Dvs,hrmun (w k.v ' I'll‘ltng>,l‘lu vim," , 1 “#54110 \‘nnl fm'm - ‘l‘e t' .1 I .0111 bcjlng m ~ .‘” 1 I mul- Flown“ I”., It ”L "Team -.; _ r ,II): uoHonlu‘nd ti .I; . 1011:1111- iI: ‘;1::.1‘I’;I’01}::b§fl111y, ragnlarliflalfgrflt °\'er- llt 'l' Her)- dfiérlflilffi?‘ “3,111.3qu IJLuE; r 111" 3:11?“ \1 11M] Would he 5:331:13? ‘IWF dim“ ‘5, 'III!‘ vH" ~ ‘v ‘l‘ .g _ “ .“- '._ ': '1 "'4‘ ." Duhevfl Wing“2.3sl2s33“‘i‘s‘i‘vnqu'xsi‘lYfi £1130; and?“ "'fllml’iouk and "10:1 «1‘ I 's'." “‘0 ngtlr‘éil-iitignifl‘l-Ellys 10"“ hol'n'lt‘l'hlflzh; _fl (Illsirlggo'gfible “115111113 rmdm‘L'yoriu 11111ng fins nus-513; {3:333 IBY‘an E1,I;kPPIrI‘:I1I;-:«311111.11: 111 m: 11.11 {nfidg’fifilfi'lf’ld “.1 ‘rrr »- "5 aner [lmm 6~ ‘‘l I -1 " "I . Whv~tlln 1] '5 '‘ ‘ “""C‘ “In 1111' . 9"" fl“ 14ml mik'fihtsn x. I r_‘.a\mong GUM-y- .'. l - ”mil! COfl‘EF Uh -". '1 ”VI”! LH‘P-I ’ I~ I 1 “.‘”"rni-liy 101L311??? I" ”IMP“ "In! 1.5113323: , {"93“ ‘0 umkc’ s?;xl3;:t°'6‘!ll‘.l'9“au...l~: AYE“ CHERRY PEéToßar, 1 hmm :1 di=linéi pm‘ “'h!Ch it «150'le 13- It 'l‘ 11 5““? ”IV-“imam, o=' okm" ““4 ' Conn] e “I“ 7".” "W”H'rnu m». ” ‘ Persing the 101-31 I . 951 d flwmfifl I“ In.“ lll’de-hll‘s, 05X on “awn“, gm 0t 1 . 1;] - “11.11:. Ipllucnzn, Uuzin-unnuc . a .In Ih'erPSlA ihfiuxcyrhiqh .fi’huly {III-Inn-I 3‘ll]: how to CAN" “lijng-lofnflmvm n I "_’l{‘C!ll‘jl“, 1111-11133“ CO"I'IIIH‘I’I‘C’I;I(rampi a Single h) ' h ‘qrzl flc .13 $9ll I. _‘B ‘nr Fowl. "US of Fish or I“? Relibf 0T (‘ .39" ”~de firsts: {hwe'uml-flm'mc Pills Gilligan “1.11"!le the fi'luglnél‘x n hhj'fl' how 10 SKI)! 1 “1101113111 advancngfigtunm‘gno 2‘ [the Mtcnd'nm, ngifégzsnuul c 3595. IQIIIEIIEEI 111321; the choicoflq‘wzlfii‘Hugking 11s I}, Tlxi- ‘e3' .of the 91801158... 5 . . ln' Unl‘hecked '5. ' . ~- “1'- 1n cv’cr)‘bod\:‘l 1: .‘S 0 [1111; mhlm I‘ I~Vfl'fcm(-dy so uniWrsn] _ ~ if; .to Dvszsnuv gfigzfigd'xmnmm “dl‘lhccd I 05331321120; Ifgnmius 4'“: 1' 312:: “I"! ' ISl'xlrsEngjhiglfi-#:ll9er {or the (.‘lr'e nyitsfng Pareutlymalig’mnc _, . emucmum l d . “n red [11.1.1 lA‘ ' I "1"”“15 l' I" .1 15., mt i 1 is ""91”“ ' " . . 1 ”1!? NT“ 5.11“ 3p- “Sluts 0‘ fl pey. [I of “J“ l L‘ I ”10 crude; --. .- MN: to Mh - I ‘Y 331:“; and astonishing“, h‘VereClligqual 1 {Hid carefulfiuttlsgg’ONHu-QI hAlvinlf [garage onfl'llencé forféglmfih gum] Its unrimfléd I d‘cbilimtin‘gfl)l3l2llllls,ll3k:s of flesh and dream}: I:'I§§"-dcnce6f1he 'wruiiledrgr l}: herring.” 5111.1.311‘12232‘T1‘U: cur” ”f P'llHEOnalnyldergl"B2sM” . . '' r ‘ rnud '... - I 1: tin: d ' 1‘ mum 11 ""1 moi Kenn-Hr lllllu'ute’lnn Temittent hecucl .. 1 . Open up? is U._t‘ 1n “II lEUllg‘hOupul. _ ~ 4 .6111!“ 'C 1‘”!!le ”IN-Benn: .- '', I Damned mm 1 tons "“119 (‘l‘th F. ' “”1120” ”a. .rmedv has 1111-1 ,d"AI r assay”, I th‘ ndd :- n\}pgs,m,d W'llfi 'PPm- or .I ... .‘W are thernmn .-~ h 5.3 ‘_ :39. the; alarm ‘of .‘l-5 is 1:135:I “um. lb 1 (ffm‘Vlfl'dedm‘nnv 4' 9“ fflmll'cs flmon . Hindu-u). {Perisggiuisés'r 805"“ \vtery gratifyzhun is find 3°?!" of theifiifi‘gll’ dnd puffing“ paid, 011 so.!er ”mm“! “£l'erien‘fit:;: “3‘" hum.“ I In Scaorunimzceg. -» , . .3 Ifwd lu-1»1,5215b 5 _ I .qu 01:11: clothl 912 m, I'lrgngt‘l'lgfhyflh {heir mid" “f Isis-"Ilix-ta—Jhme " , .' “#:llch , . I' . YEAR lI I I Ix"e “a (1' -(1 ”"0"” a 0“ W 1 1 *l. . . .._' u 10115!’ b»; . 8 cc: onwm o 1 ' reJu mun up '1 "IMHM 1' ''3 rendfuLt‘k. iodine ) ,“nwd re . ~ 1 ‘ur n‘hlccm 1 K 8 abmey c‘hlsorderslan . . “'I§_CEI}tI.I builie; 11711110,“: any Offihcir vyelllfigsl‘)ns.°f7‘llber“l‘ . .' Bills 1.? ‘1 such; being Very I the elm-ts: 0 his remedy £2123?) home», ....2‘) 7‘ l T 1104“! i ’ 1' ‘ , W"? lluv-i For Single Copiés of’ i I , “‘ll IOHSPufe hem that It has "‘P'damq‘s‘eL 6"”?er 3nd! fidenm Inriltlg:tgfit£e_mqlea cannbt be (do (‘O. I :figgms, with other intact 05k, qr for terms I staff; 11 Idid “'e’W-hen mnigrgflltlhtehe 11;; .. 1.-,- 1 15 re ,n- 083 H mm,“ ;Ye won ‘I, "I ."Fgle mPI£sI "If: (8113:“s Peculiar” Eigi‘é‘i’femflqmtive,’ Nu. 61(7),;an P 9“ IR. l'ublfslhlgrm of'°fr{mnkiml. ‘ 5 [11:01:31, “1’9“!” “°"fid"“‘% 1:13:53: Uue' : lo‘ry-mnafil‘razh blf’t'hl‘lll-onic andmi'nfll mm I ”Nov. 26’ 136°» ELmQV hiluchlphi'nl 13m » hinrpnn'iby ”I‘. J. C.‘ I It - ge. lit h 1,1 1 Owever . a" A"4 "———— 7» Q 1 ' I ' A 50111.]: ‘ , .11) Is been -I 9 more 11cc 5 ,1 fl. « A . L ALI). Sim “‘lgvimng p.llll23‘wg?“ 'llom~dy‘»%‘iii’;;% “fiver Bran‘é 113;? 331‘3‘951111- :ond ‘Oce’izzs ”I mess loe joints an “‘3‘ ‘3 sweuingsaudl W‘ ER ARRAVGE v '\'’ ’ ' “M 1 New ~» .' ~ I ~ ' ‘ ‘ .NT,_;.p 19" Oxford- 1: - Its I'?th 7,[ “11"!!!“an I mhsgles, , , Trams run , I assenger 11- Exteshew \ 5.1». . ~l' “Mum 1 Plus” “9 “How : I “We" gener 11' .. ' ' pug Ladie' 1 {great named . "‘5B! nee sar'] , . 1 RAIX le." 1 _ . _.. .I; ‘1 .1. [bepLi . ”‘1 51,00 ' 212$ find ">3 Progress is I?th finergeuc reflfli’atiie" 31;“) Pusscngcrs .forfiilfi‘t’; ”I $138.45, A‘ SL, $1"~-~—I~7_—~-- -M ‘ Hod. lub’sun.; we“, W 1“ probably be I‘CWlSetg cmeuwol thé' 5% Columbia and hm“? r 1? ifi’l’k, flarris- ’ I 9000 Guzman | iced um: 11an “gum“- I“ 011. '1 "“Wnnud I mug?” ““5 19311119111 20131;; Bit-Cb. W 111“; LEAD 's‘” h o ”'s'“! his ever cc}; 1! I . paint sung"! for Baltimo nm’l ‘lnt 2’ FEM" - WASHINGTDV ' w ole hmmry‘of medic. l? overedfih ‘I” 36:11 lmcrulcdmtc B(r Y Tll3l} 5'5 T: 1 1 ‘ Fromm, 1139?], and (1111 he, whiz ””‘l‘ such lent: A TRAIN every The“ I 10 ”FOR LEAD I ' I {3O“ Ippeum, complezz {final-i; ve efi'kcu —-i Yorl.‘:mlfilnuow3r M4?P “I ithygulld Saturday 0 penndg will “We? ns fn'uch su‘tfn’re slllk ”51“!)th 31m, ’.' 3°“ . rallid u' I “frisbnrg he '1 '1 -. hunger; for pounds Ofolher Wh' ‘1 1 non I” mi“ 13311;;1phnu nnnsnnx d‘msi-I 80;? Imm Baltimérin retu mgmth Pnsucn- P. , ' , BUCK Lung” Lead. K._ "$550110. its use I‘:er ”erase! inl‘medii‘ Collllllzfiggh gickus are isslu to Ph'l d mmmg dose with pure Bud" Lead i‘ 111 cc“ 3““P in no“ fll‘ I . “‘x urinbur ’W' ” 9113 M: = umbk: as bum-‘1 d I , 50 PHI: :1 M metal boxes '- . IBu‘lmore Y g_. 1]“ “51’0“ R 011' ' r I. B ' ea M ' ,50 4 001333111111 ._,rkWr b .- 1e mg * 1 LCK LEAD .‘ , dmggia’ts‘; ce “n“ W‘box- f g P'mmpm -' ‘8 Mule and u 'ls me-n. d .. . . a mid I‘.lor 8 1e '33)” omm o'l ‘9 011 - In more bl'lnmnt t A 223”" op recgpfrz'f £me sent freer“, 11:; i Cum-m Bunny] 1: the 1.“ °“ll4Nonu¢m +50“?! White 15.5“" P”. oth” "'rflcqahoumb "‘3‘“ All Gite: 9- KTRO ~ I l- - I BUCK LEA” .‘ < OR. B, LOCKEL; éafl‘tesaed :0 18, 77,, 4*“ #31:! ECFELAgem, 1' superiorlgonhe fine’st English White Wfo c'" 15, 1869, 1'" .. “"31 Agents ’"" - _ ”fine" and beam, . " w ’Ever; 13de B 5?“ LEAR/y. ' . _- I bould B ‘ mum Fall and Winte ' ‘ WASHINGTON “'33“ Lead. 0 ’ljflmo- to, Men. “6 Bo _l‘ Is superior to any other Zin L chk 31111310 orlwenriu 3. ya. Vllh' ewe “‘me Whil I: in ““3 "Mid fm‘ gem" ml: B 8 Pparel m u," i" '7 w ~ owas and brink. CIIPIIS k gm. sum, Im. c., I-Ime, to- 1 . Asnmeroxxnmb 2L3Oy. Révolv “c 3, Onble Bum Gl’lns‘ ps’ '.““k': s “mmcfi f" b°dy 0r coteri 0’ winders, an , ~ Splendid “Hide and Elston, pounds mlldb umuch Pliny“; progeny, 60 the n and “9 Bbrmed 0011'. new! .or the im‘ of cm" Zinc' ' guy;- “you“. Over Emma“? '0 it 12.111113321131111 1.11 Eu noSI“SIHIIMWON MEDAL ZWC, - . m übbu‘o es and an or durum-1- .- . . lngsl Hosle'ry‘ to I Ver Coats Hui L Ilon 1 fly, I! wears tmce u and Firewew‘el ~- (mum. gimme; F 9“ firtm‘cn‘i “”‘M'ZIMWM ry snd Wm. l 1 lutes ‘ Y-RICHAKDS m he _ . .a: 00. M . SOISYY‘E‘EISB'I' dsgful M’licles “fissile?“ wuh TEE AID MABKI‘I' $131318 ’Pu'23ISIICWJHI ms'x ‘ CHEAP. You in“; “Web win “(sale by DANNEna' 2136:, "m' __ x “SUNS; wh Where? W}, 73b“?! [’ll. 38 0°" and ch m “my one on ’1 ’ [”'°' 1° “350 ' Count esp-g ods. Thaw)“, -n buy good i -« 63‘ G Y Butld 11g, N- E. Come;- 0?":- The old °“"”‘?“’gl°°‘3 15,1860. ;l e 0‘9““. H7l 1‘ T. E. 000- 11 AVE estabfished a NH Sam-7‘s, in Chnmhe Elburyz.‘ Fine thrifty Fruit! and Prints» carefully trnn l WON! and see the ranted. \ h fly helxu‘gest 'y va’e mer ’rupa, Coffees, ices. £26., Ac”. 'L", the lowest oms, Bru~hes, km, i;n short, class Grocery ‘ Hardware: 8; 6112' UT {Hi—Triosubscribarsslilih o a sortment anARDWAP-Eéz at th {mold established} slmfid . slrecfl. 1 r , ‘ They have jnsgt rc‘mrn’cd fron'l 1, an immense stock of Goods-- phrtrbf A: ‘l. is continued L‘ ghcs: market; sxgskod; The‘ .13 and sec furl JAILTIS, I:U‘ILDI.\'G_ .\IATEHIMLS, "sq Screwa, Hipg‘vs, nous, Lot-kt. bk TOULSXinclnding Edge Tq‘oL scriptinn, Saws, Manes, Chisvla,( and dim; Angers, Squarfi‘s, (Hm' nun, etc.l _ ‘ 1 f ' BLIACFFSWITHS will Efind‘ 1 113511;. “05, Horse-Hm s, 1110:} Mr. wflh} them. very x-hent . k 00M}! FINDYNGS. m a; as (‘l Damqfsir,‘ Fringcs, (‘mt )n, «Mo Sprinlgs,l.\xles, liub=, S okcsfi, ' Poles} Shafts, 010., Mr. ; snow “mixes- nmpico Frcnléh Morom-ofi‘hining:,‘llind!nl l‘umt ‘trofl, otc.,\wi.h u “Lentil?“ , ‘Slmclnnker's T 041: T : ~ GAJBINET-HAIUZR'S «mus sozlq‘cnt : “I‘so. Varnish. 'nolwvi thxlfhEKm-lI‘IZRS ‘mfl ..lsu {l;}.- ‘sonl.’.n§%ofl\'ni\ us and 1‘ r 2 5. 131 i and grilvpr i'lalc(l'l'nl/l¢3". m 1 ’Héa dlrstibki', Wrimra, Show}: :I.de irnm‘ Em'tmvhu‘émd Bra = Ken'tile lfucl; :s.‘(‘hurn=, (_‘nrpcti 12;. (final ighfl streets ‘ *Shoe. ‘1 IE 81sz 0F” _(r‘igned have i Hatq, fops, 1 3!. kc. A 50, ‘4‘ and Jinx-hen, i i a, " rule-". 0 orflcr '1 an: natiri; ' . Primalow} ' & (,‘L'LP. § ac. ‘LOI'R, (”om umony, s‘opr 5: .SL'GARS, r- :lnsu-f, (now 'cry hast kind J (very other and Grocery 'ILLESPXE. “ AND. In general alssumucntw, ‘Roilfil IRON, ( t'ml =iAe< .Iva kin: ,am' li=tzer Su-dl. which théy {vii [aqth ('ht'dpl‘xl.) 1 '1 ‘ (Ill‘LM‘hllll-ISJ—flhil and gene flinch EM Crush‘cd: *k‘ulvmi‘zma. EJBrowix .‘Sl'yar's. Sci: (klmnb, Yo lf‘ugarrlmuse “UIJSSPE and :S TSpiH-é. (Jimcol: :0, fine. con-NA. :3 ‘Linscéd. Fm: Tami Sperm on *Finh. etc. } .er French .\lc t‘nnd mod'vm. int-a m ”rut; i\'¢~r°, nut} 11‘ “MNL‘ Win l‘L‘ THE 'l‘] £ll5. . SCJIIQK. .‘3 full RS~OHH in 021', rlan I‘irp r-vory I“[tivlerfn Flu}? ‘ l‘illnli :, - z---_«._.‘."l Su‘ ‘ h H. 301? 39:1: . 1751mm}. PA" H ho public than ‘l') EXl‘E.\‘§l\'l I'} bl: South side ‘i— and one door i? C‘ahim‘t-m nkers, MI otgvdfidg they m“? .1131 for cashtus my home o'u Gettfs‘burg, Dec. 24, 1‘ .15.. ‘7 . . I-.. .Sower, Ear: omism‘mns my jB No [h Third $6,. lAN fkcl, PLLILUN‘LI‘IHA. 1"11i Team-Hex éilonluullvra am to Uiodr :very‘ large Stuck :rlidmrl iv 'this and other ‘Miwelln‘u’eous and ”inn 1 Szzxticrxpx‘)' gonomnyu S. «for; ofmany .l’opMur Wu Itim foMran: d Tna _S muss «w .\‘om I ByEd 'ur‘! Rmnké. .\. J‘émnti‘g‘s an'mmwh‘nnin EWhul r r holp< Lln" slu ‘m mum?” m 1 «(412: AME .Tmcl or 1W!“ as a pun-n ibim, “'1: 1c it n‘lr 1:6: NIL? .ibor qf" min: cxplnmvj " unnchs :Il‘_.‘ \\ ith 5| more 5 Thé s ‘in: :‘hove muue flit :1 sh rt lime. and yc'l‘ .‘rixhuut atlvorlhing or , "umouin’t‘ to nlmpsl one HI 113.25.? 'b‘ we of llxeiriadrm smm}, . inflows: ‘ 1 I} mndor 1110?? [her pnins or ydering thnir r 1 co‘mcnien‘t. ‘ 'erl mu added h..t they mm " uctim: offirst d ”mm by the \ best. .\m'bro— 5, (including? r 0; all work ginnmtir-d lu :L Illcisfrinnds xcn thvy wish i‘r Sky-fight] Xietures mnfle' n rupcx‘i tcu‘ o Lnstnlm- do [Lil to pl‘em/ to ‘in public,; ed to pay it. a. ‘ ypanunily to:‘, any: and in I \s. , 1. 1‘ 'simil r 2. 1:4) nxhibit 3 Hum! Cn] s-quéinm to problems been ooxluned to Algebra ' 3. Thq matter is zlrrl‘n cally than in others, tin Bd'lvk‘d Mr instru‘clion. 4. No iu'hjecls or phmy inn ducexiiu lessons prev the_ are fullyoxplaiuom led‘fdong witlmut the nec tro‘ ‘ulcspmc explanation; tenqhver. Very few eiemc :~y captain more fries. ‘ nvenience f 0! 5. J. TYSON, i PEC'TORA‘L, for flu- Cure of j. mnclljtis, uhingy :- rt, ' me‘ilz. ‘ ‘ . I . New ‘mndes -of Ten Ith ughou} xhe st‘ries, u l“S (‘inl Arithmetic.’!' on ”If blcms are int uducod, wi hadrontnge i wnk‘en ‘- shnrpqniug c {arull The key is now: only I [n t N is also a c'ompleto Ho ching Mental Aritlmw h nts useful to the Term}: f The everyday prnnical ~izhmet3o to every one w lm no)“, if only Tor the do ‘ ‘ is. new universally ndrqitt c cs imperative, upon ‘to lb st method of tagging i I he books are; emupi'f w it}; paper, 1;? neatly l T eir prices a as follow Normal Primary Krilhmel lxohnnn .\Zenml Arithml-tjc Kim Mum Aritlrmetic,. i j ‘A very: liberal deduct lth‘ose who [my in ‘quau fight 10 Tent-Mrs by Pm v_third ,d" the nh( Ya 1 rice! l l sum-23's smuss 71C misting" of Puimor, 12' l c L 8; Fin: Render, 15 cc l‘ThErd, ~10 cents; Fourth, ! ccbts ; High Schoolflss cu gee ts: Ind Sanders New ; gnfiuly prin Fed, beautiful] ii ti lly bound, and sold at l ”003:" Series: of Readers. F , WHITE’S COP '{By 'l‘; Kirk- \Vhile, Presi :lC mmerciaTCollege. Th ‘ye simple, practical and 91 item being ] founded on I? p nciples. i The sale husk ”is increasing. They slim * de ' era. 1 ' i PEELTON‘S OUT IN]! A . hla Icl’i” of S'u Super Maps led in nlmbst every sch 01 of‘ V U: ibn, whore Geographylia 'la fn' e not. 3 t - YSICAL Gnoomphy h Ad ced upon the Hemisphre Ma lull: havint been Io om g'ed a. {most gorgeous appearancé, whil ; in «fer: with each other qr the I _‘ly hown “ton laps, and are ens ‘ understood: by Teuher and Pupi {or full not f six Maps, 0!, $lO , llijhore Info 810116. E ; Oct. 12, 860“ 6111 l l John V the advanced ] ,Di'eiwcis of hick pm- run- fianflznm; I’hfcicxan and fiance in the kick the hu- the greatest is invaiupble us. Price 5’.) k 00., .hemists, lumePmA. Druggist and he Slate. :- l ‘ ASHIONABLE BARB -1 ~ ner-of the Diumond,i l llnn'l Hbteh)‘, Ganym ca It Alltimel e found buisinosqinxhis line. He]! Enismnco slid will ensur , him 1 cull. | Ayefr’s Sars edimera‘. 13.?! ’6O- U g 8: Depn; sbul 'md plan “salve. r'ncfion war ‘l [9‘6o” rlfl -'—-S| [Roi EU r9B mlendid ‘xp CER'ES, n Mummers e dims' ‘wizh fighting, ,in ‘ in! Nnils, S, lcv (LC. ' 'ofievem de mgic-s, {Braces s, {luufimera Invi s, Vices, hrs 0e Nails, [olll+ Canvas, {-1, ‘ Oil-cloth, Alpha Hows, ‘ l,,<n:.w<h' nn‘d »I’éps.l.‘nsts, ! isd’rlment of 1} gen”: 1 as- IL. Mr. ‘ P a! large as .muin. Album Spoons, ('zuu- Tun::,‘i~l.ld , Runs, Tuba, l‘oggefi.‘ and. . ('.Lst,fihgz\r, scum; qheap I gx:‘.r£rtment,_ I.xr:E(-d, nngi ~ Indies, and rum, Chifce, Hi duir;.S.-lt, ‘Tu'rpeutine, ut OH,: m} Mu} -[ymt:f Y we ”uni Home-P no; dry and {Eu-f. 13111101: uv‘h‘ . VM'HHY, ‘UlTc'ismxth, room!- _hnc— In SF nylox? l).\.\'\"7‘m" ' 'IEiLER. wrrq. ( 50pm; , :mv’i (V rmiriml m the mm P. numb ‘ 60. 1t; I t6n,er C- ~‘ ' xiii-ms, 3.7 I PIE} '.'l r x it 10 J? BE Immuu‘z: c.‘ r_\' “walnut: (‘njln ‘f 55"“) chins, 1 Imm”, pfic ng'hfl‘l' with ,-}'i[mr and .an [anlile ng V'Mh nre 'njhjn . ( hifixu I ' 1 AL {\P I ’L. "gm ‘ma; 3 In! I in 3‘ 'xqmnf‘s, l'srntqf \thh mmq‘l Schnpl. lfrunzz‘wr'm :‘\‘- .Hsrizx; h_" Eis _.. l‘i'a u-m‘uti r 5 Tuh‘lk 1 ms Ml in: 11‘11'2‘. ‘l'pozl In from thc‘la-x Ii 11‘ would be ‘Trxt Buck, +993 pnhhslmd 'v. fo‘r'mcnfid, Ithc dctmzpd #110112:th CU~ my bepbrjqfiy wrfcvt‘ Hm; I r ilhi' 1.1::th ‘ umhfifl‘ umgli‘ 1 evt '. tcr than any lew rilhmoj‘oi vve eretofore re pailosophi-K crel'oua better or '1')“: thn‘ 9d pl. is: L got fl ixres. dye .hosgiu which K pupil! is ti‘u‘s 11:0 Incutrsmi ’e p.§rt.of the grim nge this re lukgested r'lhd‘nnnm m d inleresting‘ ‘ may‘vhe used the attention, In school: ‘ titla imports, ”on the art or" lug filled with f ’Mentnl AP.y iv'es,’ or pays “pains of lite“ -thetefnfie be—l _o pr'gclice the . val e 1 o eel! w n, c=! d. 11'. chain 2 uted. 6}. mick gully-bound. [y ‘ 1 QM on 'Io [tit-s. .‘on !' {We-l 01* R , c 1311! tsp e i 65cc 13'; Yo «Speak illuau vaéx" P i 300" l|6ntuof Writin I 11;, I' W. ecoine I .| Ll' 3113 _ I; is beautiful ught, _t.he all hahiu khd ‘ery huge Ind ergl profit tq 'APs ‘ 1 'u niw ndopf‘. notl in the m, mnd‘ bu . been intrm a, I" my“. . to'present a - they do am Meet: usual ly uugh! and . Erica $l5 1- set of Bt- - my» R, Natal-gas: cor i(uoxtfdoot to He -rg, PL, w‘here he I-ndy t attend to all 11h; excbllenl aa llatis align. Give [ c. ,1860‘. > ”7*“ I ‘ ‘2 > -. ILLINE and ptherswill find, 3' oodns 10mm 101' Ribbons‘, Flowenh§lumem Rnc en, fin, & the chug: store of , - , 1’ ‘ .t. soon a‘gon. Groceries, Notions, Bw. . HE undersigned has ope ed": Grocery and _ Notiorr'Store, in Baltimord‘shreet, mrly apposite tho Court House, Getfysburg, where 'lha public will constantly find,sclling cheap as the cheapest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Got“. Lfees, Teas, Rice. Cheese, S'riccs of all kinds, | Mackerel, Chocolate, Broogps and Brnahse; 1 Freak Butter and Eggs, Ground Colfee, Essence lofGofl'ee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt; 1 Tobacco, Sega”, Snuff; Confections, all kinds of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Rnisms. Bread, ‘Cmcken. Cakes of difl'eren; kinds; Shoe Ind Stove Polish; Fancy Goods, MuslinaGmghgms, I Cotton Bats, Warming. Hosiery, Hnnfllgorchxefs, ,Suspenders, Pins, Needles," Clothe; Pins, But l tons, with Notions of all kinds. A allure ofthe l’public's patronage is resp‘ectl’glly aohmed. i LYDIA C. NORBECK. Nov. 19, 1860. if DOMESTICS, Tickings, Checkq, Flume“, ’ “when: It Fahneswch’. We have tho 5; MUSLIN branded wnh apt own name, to which w invite “peck! Mention,” it excel: by hr, cg] "at «Hand in 2in mafia! (for the W“ ‘ ‘ % i . l ' , ett, ‘ Ayer’s‘Sarsapdrhla, .' on Pumnma THE BLOOD.~—-And for th. Spe‘edy cure of the suquined rum-ms of discus: : _‘ SCROFULA AND SCROFU LOUS AFFECTIONS,3WI¢‘A3_ TUMORS. ULUERS, SORES, ERUPTIONSJ‘IMPLESJ’I'S TI‘LE-‘J. BLDTUHEH, BUKLS. Bums, AND ALL ser DISEASES. SEB& CO,, Lowell, Mnn‘ qehler’ Gettysburg; P,_ ‘on & McCrcnry, Fain; ‘Héslor; M. S mnec‘ ‘irkfipringzg mug \lB6O. 15:01} “”4. mt . H. ,I}. Carr . ASju‘u :eceiybd a very fine nuorhnent of CURRANTS, FIGS,RAISINS & PBUNE— -130 I splendid article LEGHOBN OITRQNS, all 01 which are used for baking purpmes, 80. Just call‘and examine them. Don’t forget the place, right oppnsite the Bank, in York smog. fiGIiSH Dfifi-fiEESI-Eyam fineub, E‘fiole, tow to)» _hnd It 5. G. 62333.3,“ axesg'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers