t t Brigadier Central,'. -.. , . Mb. EntToa'. As ' number 'of per torn have J J I been named as candidates for Brigadier General, pe-mit us to recommend Capt, JACOD HUM. MEL. of Union county, fr tb.at office. We think man fur that office should hae mn tome Mr vice, tin) th Captain reived three yeara In the lat war, ss a captain of company at, Msreua Mmik nd other place, iml will tree an enemy or bear wi h the fiim fearless Intrepidity, we tl.lnk he is just the men for t Brigadier General. ' Mif or Pasfts. . - m Assembly, t ' " ri ' TWk AWCA!f. Ma. Em-ran. In lookmg over the papei.I have een numl-er of communications, recommending varrona perone candidates for the legislature. My object is not to a..y auj thing against them. Bill permit air to rccomnvnd to the democratic elec lors of this county, Mj. WMv L. DEW ART a a -Candidate for Assembly. 'Mojof Dewart is a gtn 11cm n of popular manners, and has the cSpadity to make an eb'e end efficient member, and wold, ro doubt diachargs tha duties of that station with ' "err Jit to himsetl, arid entire sll!rctlnn to his p ir ty. . .- ,. , . lttttttv ' TT OnTcYoVfiv"1'1 ' Ma. EntToa. Your paper a few rclts t'nee fcave a liat'of the humes of the tlemotratlc candi tlates in the field for the Aisemblyx Amrfflg them we noticed,: with pleasure, that nf Mr. BlliAB it. ENOEL; of Sunh'ury. As the time Is aip ttleMrtg fur the nomination of Candidate, ydU will muth irblige many of ynnr- democratic . frrbnds In this township, by pcrmit'ing Us torSpresft oftr prefer, tnce for the gentleman ftlioVe named, as a, ntitr- ' VI person to represent u In the lleVt Legislature. Wc know Mr. Ejom. to possess the rcd,uilslte qualifications to makt auch a representative a the democracy - of Old No? fcantltCrlsiid desire, and f bait, therefore, earnestly urge lYjon fhe party his nomination. In his d. Kiocrady o haVtt full faith, knowing him, to be identified with the baidiug mraeuree of the patty.'" trr hf knowledge nf ike, affairs of lln? State, Complicated as they are at present,. we have the assurance that ha will lie able to render important service. Betides, be h truly and emphatically one tf fc fienfifc, in every sense of the trm in sympathy as well as in ae- . lion and consequently ran command a Vcte Which Tow others will be able to do.' The convention, we ervj persuaded, rbutd put no perstin in nomina tion for this office who would render more sal ie J.ictnrm, and who mould reflect more credit upon the county, than Mr. Enol. , ' ' " ' Tua Viiirs or AttirsfA. Our Next airmbf r. . Ma. finiToa Tlaf time is approaching when we should ibjrjlt about 'selecting k "candidate for the Legislature.--1 We have heard of a goodly number, of persons who have been mentioned as candidates, and the claims of this person and that person, and of this aide and that side of the river. Now we, who are not offis hunters, think the 'lo cal habitation' of the candidate is of much less im portance than bis ability, his honesty and integri ty. And as for the claims of any one to office, we look upon it as a htimbtiE, at Welt as anti-re-publican. Offices were made Tor the people and not for the benefit of officeholders, who are, u at least etight to be, the servants oYthe people, it' there are any claims or rights In these tri'atteVs, hey befo'ng Vo trie eopSie, who naVe a right, and howl J exercise ftat right in selecting n'jrrh per ons who areest calculaei lo rou)ote their in erests. as well as the interests of the public, 'uch a mart we think we find i'r tfie pVrsch of tLFXANDF.R JbHtlAr, ftsrj., of S'lih'biiVv, and s he has consented to serve if nominated and letted, let every good democrat and cititen put is shoulder to the wheel arid insist lipo'n his omination.. His election would ft) I low blcriursd, ud wotild allay all efctiterVient and division'. ' f '.MiNtOFbcb tbHi4. " irglilBtirr. ,,.(,. roe. Tifa AMiaicav;; Mr. Kmiroa -Vou would ennier i favor upon any of your dem 'rra'tc fiiehds, by allowing nito ing f.irwatil. through the medium, of jrour paper, .'ILLIAM b.UEAKHART, of Rosh tewhahip, a candidate for the Legislature. Mr. Oemhart a geniieman of sound judgment, correct haliits, d worthy the support nf the Pemorratic paity, e knew of n person more suitable to fulfill the ties of that high and respona'ibte office. Sriou'ii i people see pii'per io elect him ss IhrMr lepr. itative, we feel confident ihat they will find in ) a public setvant i f di-tinguiahed abilities, and intelligent, ri'W fnJ Unwavering Democrat of JetTaiaobian school. . ftr V'oTaas oi Tttt Fdaaa. , , . . - . , , Ectaitt to taa PiTnoa or UatnaiTu's ,ls. In eonsruenre of the great variety of nteifrir fahels of firtUmlelt Bfaffdtrth's Tina; Brsriitieth, acting under a sense of duty to the lie, hits employed those celebrated artists. Me Perkins and Purand; who b'ava Succeeded in lucing three new label, of ib 0-rnplieated a .re, as to amount to !! Impossibility of imita , The bonier of Iho top and also of the under t, is composed of the moat elaborate and chaste tins df lace-wort. To crown tfca c!frfil of "beautiful labele, the papifr upon dch they 1 fntad is previoualy prftfttd witbT red ink, after den ao exijulite and minute si to drfy cm iti ; tha top and the finder 111 each contain a vda,' 'aaiiiAiiiit aai)asi'a'a ntLs," riiteti tld ifilf neaVfjr two hurit5ed times tha p arncTcr tabef cfhlsTnir, therefore, up wards' fivfitnlsand" Utteri TbVra li afao upon tha p, thndor, and the aide label, two si goj lures Vr.lBdrath x beinf hlSrefufar signature, iu prsnilieth a'nJ the oherjh!s' full signs f, tkrBcanua BrsoJrat'h f both is leg ( satleaiha wn'tiOg of Dr. Brendretb, to imitate btch Wger ! The BrandrrtB ' fiti having tese Is upon thsra, can be raliaJ opoo as true (y IWe qf Jf. Msbser, raabury, er aeke ;snts khed in another ful of ibis rsjci. t v: Ltvaa , CoxrbAMiT is generally aecompsnied with pain In tht right ai.deektenjini up to tha top of tha shonlderi1 rariable appetite, occasion ally a disordsfsd stomach, yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and often a a wall ing ever tha re gion of the liver, together with many other symp toms of a loaded and eorrnpt arete of tha "blood. ! Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found one of the very best meditinei In tha world for the cure of all diseases of the Liver; bertuss they ejtpef from the body those morbid birnors which, when deposited upon this important or gan, are the cause of every variety of Liver Complaint. , From three to six of the above na med Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every Itipht on jjoing to heil.'willi 1 abort time, give Mich manifest relief, that no argument or persnasion will he necessary to induce a persevereh'ca in their use, until the liver Is restored to healthy action, and part) or distress of every kind ii drb from the body, WrighOe Indian Wgetable Pilla also aid and improve digestion, at-.d purify the blood; and therefore, hot orlly remove every vestige or the Liver Cornp'aitit, but, at the same Um'e, give new life and vigot to the whole frame. - ' Bewate of enUnteffcttS Of all kinds ! Some are coated with sUgsrj) others are made to resemble in mit ward appearance ttiK oVigirtnl mndici.ritr. The safost toUffO is, to pttrchsHt from the reuillur agents only, one or more of whom 'mV be found In eVory Villi ge and town Hi the Slnfu. . t)Agenl Tor the sileof WrlpbOs Indian Vegrtn hie Pilu in Suubury, llkitar Masker. For other agencies see dvtrtl!ment In another ttftumn. idorrtctcd wetkly by "Jcnrg flatter. 5 Coaa, w Olta, . Btrrran, - ' , Pdaa:, Fmn, BtRSWAI, - ''k VaUW,' V :' .' Kj.t, . ; - Bnr;r.t FtA,. Mian ArrLKs, DtS Pascnra, --"- 25 t ' ' Iff 8 10 ' - - 75 ' 1: 50 Dit tvi.ooO pn.La. V PILLS IX CJO-We Cheapen and FOR PURIfyiNO Tt BLODDl ..: , rHaoVini iil,,H : . r;orreclinit,'.S't'iieta t ' bfihe stomach sati bnwrls',- , CrtstiVenrss, dyapCpsi i, swimming 1 in the head. icr. I'tiMni full habit, who ate fu'j' fct U ifcafat'he, tfut&nfa. Orow-. ittr, unit iiiijjijif tit Ac fcVoi, arUinc om too print a flow of blood to lhn.heail.,h.;ild never be without them, it many danxeious : symptoms will be entirely kirrrej olf by their immediate Uhe.. . READ 'i'HE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL n f 1 j VVbs of pysfiipretA ir v Tld lsjt.1 iVUly tW't my Wile was ailul ilh the l)ypeU foMwitWe ver, nt trie.1 hath .fd ver'ld midirine and Tr)om'onran, bt,t wiAhout effert; and myaelf attacked niih blindness, anil niv head otherwise elTected from hrd driuhing, to that I waa apprehemnve of fits; and ei ing HANCE'S SAR8APARILLN PILLS adveitired, I went and eot a Iml nf them, which, to my ssmnii-hinent fleeted a core of me and my wifo both as yet, and I do think idem without a rival before the publie . 8. H. II am.. Alhemnrte ftreol, nar Wilk. For. rare by SRtH 8. HANCE. Iti8 Bnltimore at',, Hlid corner t'hrlea ami Piatt atreers, Baltimore, and bv OEORtiE BlillUt T.anl ury. . . , 0. BIlAUTIfJ M, Northumberland. Aug. is, i4t. TO THE sicJavfAiV Ari.iafHirKl7. s.w.aVnB t:i)tpoi:,n kyrup of iT v'ILD CHEKRV We tirl cnnxiali titty Mate tliat l)r. 8Wav(ii' Con1ir!iind Pyrup of U'ilil Cherry, haa lpn eitensively n.l ,in Ji'e United States (or mote tbart t'eu year-' ".that I s Iw-nrficjal effecta have been tested by thousands "Jh - t IT ISVAKUDLT RxUKITK)! A (nCKIT Cn(i, in, that litndiei'.s oiiudivijuala, giadual y iiiklnit un der tha inaiilioui aUack of death's fell ejntsaary, Pulmo-jabt CoKsUMPTiu, havS Jjet restored to health, happiness and frifnds, by its ijei aid ate now living tecttniomes of the curalivo power of ibis hiijiiirTi , Ao.Tiua Valik atai;uasrt to HkatiH I'kao thb most ukmakk ab La coaa avkiioajiai. 1-. v, 1 , . ( . ,. . t)a. Swatnapeyr Sir i i, feci called by a seaisr of duty J 0" ioun"i'tHK bumanitt.te acknowledge my graU-ful tbanka for the wandi ful e'ocin of your UoiiipoUn.l Prun,i,f Wild Chiny ,u ne, iifirr suflcrins mouth ailer month with the moat a.'fljci. inj of all disearea, Conf uin oo, The f,rl aymp toms were of a, ry heavy old which etlr, my lunr', which gladu.lly grew worse, wUb,iro fu'e n.gttt sweats, a nuking coufih, rptlting I.Jy.wl, with great diUliiJ, "y rtittiiuti,in re;a4,br.i. ken down, and nervou system. ie'X, mm.h iirpair. d. J went to. Philadelphia, viaa traced, there fy phjeif iani ttf iLe iiihe.t Mending, but received ij beneli wlisteyer lr rr) tl em, but eniric'ji! trew wnrsn. Unlit my physlcuna, a vl a inyaWf, gave, up alt hnp-sof recovery, and I. felt like oooi who ii atqut to pass ttirough the Vllev. of the fsha.low of Dvaih- At thU snllJ.lrl-!urV, thfaM. I TOr Coinmu'nd Cy'rilp nf Wild Lierry.of iyhich pur-' chnstd 'fX rmUlea. whutij rn tjsppy to toy entpo. ty ciiuM foci iitij am, now enjoying rx iief health than I ever have l fore in my l.fe. Phyaicians bo witnessed my csae sre highly leeommending it in similar caes, snd I wiah yon to make tl,j public, so thst all may know whet to procure a rcmeily at one which y5tl each their diarje be, f ra fampeiii win', the rrjany 'tpjicx nosininis' withwhh.1.1 the cotVntfy is iWrM. My reidence is at 4 nri ett'tt. where I ahould I happy to lave the abttvo aubsUtrti ited Ify a personal inter view. - v? - - ALBERT A. R09. ' Wbo'e.W and rst,l pealfr, tlp'. 'a.. j. 1 , .j . f Aur Hrect, N', ft Be rrof deceived by the many r'porious sn Worthless prepsraUons o( Wi)d .Cherry, uphesed Into' notice br ignorant pn tenders, but see that thf sinaire of Vt. 8wyns Ts 00 eSch bottle, whiih" Is the only guarantee sgafhst inirinaitvDn. PtCfired only by. Dr. SWA VME. ft W.eor. nor ot Higrtlh and r alreeU, Philadelphia, and for le bv taspectable liujisU in nearly all . 1 . . . .... . the ljiwfiai hh m ina uoiteu ciaies. Uniy Agents u tJ anbury, era r. are i , j ...1 .,, HENRY MA6SER. OEORQP ItRlfiHT I Dr. J. A, Moore,:Djnillei, T. 8. Msck.y V Pon, Mthon j M. p. it J. Wella. Money V. A. vvysti. leaisnurg; Uta ft Permute, Srlinagrove'1 John Vt Reajj Lias Mountain P. (! PbilaoMphi., lur-c'Snj.ftf i; f - " , v . ', ." ' 7 . - -.Ta "" ClJf yEARS EXPF.RtEVCE HAH pfeoVED THAT FOR THB 4;IRE OF COUGHS, COLDS. CONSUMPTIONS, ASI'AMA, Spit ting nf Blood, Pain and Oppnulnn of tht Bwt, then i$ nnthing tqual tn HANCFTS COM FOUND SYRUP 0? HQREHQVXD. This medicine has now lieen In uea for lit years, during which time there has been Constant de. stand for It, add ft a popularity instead of declining, has bten always on the Increaee. '"' ' t During thrts rlrVio many rrew medicines hsve eptustg ud for tha core of the above colttplainla, some of which lasted only a few mohtha, and others not aa long ( hut HANCE'S SYRUP has readily gone on g lining Tavor with all chimes of society, until It has now become identified by many fami lies aa a - REGULAR FAMILY MEDICINE. To thosa who have never Wsed the t!nmrVimi Syrup of Hoiehouml, this notice i'partieslarly !' reeled to, na to thrtao who have, of.ce -ekn r5e,tiCetl its peeuliarly harpy effects, aAy praise of its tricrlts would he suoerfliiooa. - -- s - ' PRICE 60 t'ents perWtV. or 6 be.tit r l'2S0, ror sale t.y SSTH S. HANCE, IPS B .llitnore t , ami corner nf Chntrea A .Pvtt ta.. Bait more, and by tiOIJOE BRlOHT, Honhury, . ' D. BRAUTIOAMy Northombarlaitd. AVJ ..I84T. ' : . 1 11 aV I c F n r 111 "7lLtj Ve offered at public aale, on tlie priioi- se. pn Tupsday the ifttb day of Beptemher next, all lttl. Vs'iiabJo . Farm, late the ea'6te of J cob Keller, dec d , situate jn, 6hainoVin township. Nortliort)lrland.rniiniy, 'adjo'lting Innd of Aa T. John, Henry Mtdl, John Richards, and era, coi)taining pna hundred and seventy f, ilr if re, strict massiKo, lying wi.thin half a-mite of the Dan ville turnpike and is titHea ftiMti PettaMttc, where on ire etet'tt'.l a id, two st ry" dwelling liou-e, shop, .;n, gOoil s'otiliegardou I uilditga.(iad good rider works. About 100 acrhs vt anid faun ate cleared and in a good state' of cultivation : about six actce of. which era Sxcilbnl maadow. The 0 are about 300 biarlng apple trees (prinripally atVeet',) togrthi t with a great many sweet cherry, plom. .and ar ttees on Said farm."' There is a fountain at the door, hrotltht Irortt a never f tiling spring. The one bared land is well sot with thri ving young limber. i-i: ': Sale to csoitni nee at 10 oVlock btt s;d dy, where due attendance Will he given and terms of tk math) known, by PHILIP KELT. Kit, ' DA MEL KELLER, POLOMO.V KELLER. August, Slat, 1847. 3t - EieeU'o a Grc a t B a r a i n s, A AUPTION!! THE u'n.ler Igneil wjll dii-ptise f at audiioh, tn Saturday the 2Rih of August, at hiatore room in Sunbury, an ri gant assortment of . i fmntelinr, in pnrl, tif CLOTHf. J ; j PRINTS, , 1 , , dEI.ALVsJ, cassimiVUr.. etHii?J lfNqs. kilkm, , y, mattiNeTts, Sheetings. sATiN.s,c. alto a lartte aasorimenl of Groceries, (jiieeiiSu-atT) Tinware f,e. Urest Unresins wiil be ofYcred, aa I am deler mimd to dtspoae of my nholu a'oi k, wi.hout ra serve. , .Ca.ett; comrnce ...Jjo'ijIocVj A. M.j on th day and at the place staled, anil trt be continued eveiy Saturday until the whole ia dipo.i of. ,'l he conditions of rale to be in ula known on the day of Mile. A rcssouabli) credit will Iw givui,' -,. ,..,.. , , J. l. PURDY, runoury, Ao,U!:t.Usj. tRi7. tC, , "Ti,."!li,,Ka' '-t run.' Rkwauu or Mshtt fraTtr-ti A rit or oca . EyrtiiBT. 1 - . r ' ' Kaw.Yoa. June 10th, li. Wp, the iindorma-iMtd. never siw.or heaf l o "8u ... Rat lVa.'ed ptlla," n,ni,l. I'x ti. benjamin Smitli r.t.itc:rictl!r'4 slid exhibited the in to us a boul a year aim. . ., . . . , nrt KA.nrit. M p.j Liberty St. -iUiaMTvm "V ('o., HO liio;nl w.iy, And . .. i" ..,. r 1t A.n HeuHo., , Hoaara Lvsnari', prttc, 66 Hudroust J.ni Jf CAStrs,.OT.,iludi . ... Lest , aoaie tew mav be 1 dccircl by ignorant queks, we jiU'dif.h .the folJ,wing ; ,i il, nonej'ut unprincipled deatera Milt itlttejtnncc any imitrt t 011 of this iuvaluable niejicint. . , ''r ' r, ,.,'...'' .1 ,1 Patssj-O.rc'.., Received this 17th day of Juno, 18,14, (iota Df, G. Benj.imiu Smith, tl e fep of f 'M 4'aya)Ioou bis api'licahoii for a bstent for PjlL Coaled .tAlh !SZar H I'h KCaAwSkji, . ? 1- . . Commissi. irter of Pciiliy ,'s ibece, P43s re pirpaicd by an rduca'Cf I'ljy simian, they have an advantage over other pffpa'a ations so inucUt,av iUetf, anil ate su(Ticieiuiy linf itlcliev! froji flto'iier,. by '.bWr virtues, aside from their ieciilisr, pleaiiiijeM. (, ,( , . . . (Jj- CAuTltff, ,Vs f inieerahte itniuiiort has bseu jjjad, thS jwhie.cl t Puparnaied P,) it is nec;SBify to be cure that I'a, u .J;r.,i j, KmitH's iuhatuie is on CTery but,.. ; rice i5 icuta. 1 , , PiincinJ OTice, J7? GrrouwiXi.il. iew j'o ftofdbj JpltN W. rRii.l,r;t .'runWu. , WM. FORSYTH E. T.W.V.uU Vcrt-lJilHr lliiivcrirll Tills; . The onlif knmvn ShVoiicJhi:t at the tnme time fUrgrt, puhjiet and rlreiitfhen the yC'i, f-. " v .- v- .taaJieJ!,7, IW?.. Wn. LE Uora PilU a ii:;v inedUiun J which has jii'-Jl spperl, aiJ is fist tailing il 1 Urea .f'f. all oibira tti iba sen e class, .''be pills arc composed of. many iti('r.vint, but the l,.) priucipsl pnrs ar KrsaparilU and Wild Cier ry, o united iKst .tliey act together! the, one, tlVT"Vgb i' admixture wiih other ub f ets, pd rifjlng ai d purging, while the oihr,- ia aircnijthen. trig ,iht syitem. Thus tboea piUs aie at the sum time tonic and opening,;1 dcatderatutn long ami feagerly sought f,( by .inadica) men, but never be fore discovered, ' It othrt words ihey do tha work cf I Wo medicines, . end do it much better than an, (wo w0 know, of; for they remova nothing f'w'ji therysirtjt but the imputiiies ; so that w'. 'ofj pnte tbey atrenglhent and hence they excise no UbititaikOD,and are followed by no ro. ien. Dr'. Lo R,.y'a pills b.ia a wopo'efful fnrlaprt.Pori the blood j tl;y H1 only p-jrify w1M.q weakening if, but thry, icmt've t u .xiuus pr.,ticjes from the chyle iefiie it is converted" Into (unl, and thus mile,! euro bbwd an dfter imp le.ibiliiy. Aa thrrat is do debilitation, ro llieie ia r j npuae Of iif.peM at. tending the pJTsiatJ.Misptthia most exce)lr.t ofcio. dii ines w.btetln.t-r Urains ot torturea the dtgeo. live tuut tiona, Wt causes be n tvytk in a paf, fectty natural irliiniif r and bsnc'a. paiaoaa taking them d not becopie iato ant) flm c'iateli but the 'Cotrtty ftr while il ls ,e profertj of tka arsa periita,' united, as i is ritb o'.ber iugrcdtenu, lo t jmovf all that is foreigu sin) impute, it jm eiusUy Ibk property oMbe Wild t'herry tp letailt all tbst s natutal and sound; and he oca. a rubar stt of brsl.h is the certain result of their unittj opera, liona. Price 2f cnts pet VOX. Agcojs for La Roy's Vt, ' V X. WFKIMNG, J . T)iN.Youu:5.f.ua, i M. A. McL'AY, NorshumberVj. Au-Uit 51st, 1S47.-I; WILtE PUBtlSBEOIl WASHINGTON, I ,.',., t s7, ".' D 0 ' " i v e tms aavRNTM or tso. ext. no os or tm UNITED STATES REPOTlTEn. A baifyi foutkal qf timtenmini,, trfrtlultt and ''' " " " . " G'tncral tttwi. , 4 .- THE SUBSCRIBER Is NOW ENABLED to announce the eomnletloa of bis arrang. menu for tha ettatfixhment of a wall-organised and independent' journal of Hews at tha Seat of the General Goverment. ', The leading features of tha United Stxtes Re porter will be the following 1 '." I, Early intelllgencd of (ha loverrteb'S nf tha vaV'dtls Dtpsttments, in referent fh dorneslir af fairs and to the foreign relation a of ih foiintty, will be given Wltb' eertiputoiie fldelttv. 1oBesa itli peculiar ' rilliie Tor, TttMainiHa: l.'Toniifttloi, the RVpmW will be onabted frrejoenlly to (rtirt munluute, cxclu-ively, intelligence of the moil iiU potiarl rharscter. t. I'bevsibatlm Repot' nf Urn Pirt'cfedntt ant) Debates of the tlnlted Sta'ea Senate, which th proprietor is bound In fntniah dllv In th II brtily. in Accordant with the trtrna nf the cVri'r tel maile at tbe close of lat stwiinn of Coliptr, The at' iahgkmenla.nnw mule will st once fully sflcUra in itio Senate Of the Unitrd States an Authentic and complete tecord of l' debataai and to the people, in a greatly rnlaiged ileRree, the lenefit nf the ex perience, esuacity, and Btalesmanidilp Of that boily to yiich they bnve aver loolrad with aidicitoua snd resptviful legart . ; , . III. The Prnceedincs and Delates lb the Holts nf.Repreaeptsiive.will slso be civen with fullness, tinpf.rtii'!iiy. otnV IV.p Utmnt ,itomptiludo. f.Ach di'a record will be completely mule up, and ap pear in the ' Rfo.rter".iiext mornip.g. IV. A Synoptical View of the ioe'eeilinga and Debates of all the Stale Legislature will he regu larly ftiven, Membr.t,of yohftr4 s, haul all clnssea of tenders, wlH iKus,' be kepi fully and eyel' mati ealiy Inf .rinetl of iWmestle legisUtlrtll In all Sets tioneof the t'niteil Statetx, ' - V. Eailv tnle.lieenre of all imrxir'anl .move- menta In the L- glalntnrHs nf tireat liriiain. and Prince till be communicated by every (.learner fjor.l Europe, thhrngh reporters in London ami Paris, Who poSaees fecull ir facilities f .l obtaining infiirmotton. ' v , . . " VI. The tienoral ITews rftho Day wilt be given in a cindeiiFcd form, with Indualrv and Uttenlion. VII. Reports of A'gitmeStt befor's the Supreme Gourt rf theU. S. Thll ieprtmcnt v. ill be. so rouililited sa to m.iko the Reporter" in litpensa ble to eveiy lawyer Ju the roilniry. Such ia a' brief view of what the "United Statca RtspOner" i deettinrd to bK All the plana and ar rangemi nta have been well r'.bdtired, and the hop is confidently rhnritthed, that ' thn "L'nited Sutos R porter-' will prove itself an enereetic. iudnatrioiis. ilignified and pciforlly inJep ndsnt. jotitn-ibv It will have no paity viev. no political bias, Th propiietof, by the ior'rhs of bi contract l h tbe Senate of the V. 8., ia bound lo the comli ion that "the paper ahall cnnt.iin no peliiical diacinajona except ll.e deb le. It will betbo vibicle, .f news not tbft organ of any set of opinions.1" The grand aim of the subscriber is to establish at the seal nf Governmeiit faithful and promt t reporter of alt sorta of intelligence- rosponftibltt ascnt; on whom the politician; tbe businees msn, the mauiifartnrr. the nipehsnic, and every one Interested In the'af faita of .Congress ami the tinvernment, trtay ny at all tim. s with tmplii il foiifiilenc. " It ia lelieve.1 that th" es'SMUbrrlet;! Of Sneh a reUahle j loinal of intelligent) on lermti which place it w!Udtt the reach of the great mm a cf the peo ple, at tbe commence Tinni ef what proiniaes in be a moat interesting and eventful peri'xl in the history af Congreaaibual proceeding, will te regarded taith favor by all rlaaaee nf tha rommtltiity ; and having thus Mated hia objects. Ih subsciiher ro apect folly .olicita a lilieral and tennr,.li aupport from llieenlighinned pilbli'e of the United Stains. -JAMBS A. HlHJSTON. Stenographer to, the Senate of the tl. S. Tht) "t'nited flutes R. porter'' will b prihted on a Ib' an.i bSridsitttln sin ct. utlil ia(led eVerv m.ir nine, except Sundays, at trie rate of six dollar per aiinuin; ing'e copies, two cenla. In connection with the daily paper, thcie Villi be wsiled from tbe 8rrteesalllhn!el.i, . ' i'Hti MtKkOR Of CONGRESS. , The piibliction will contain f tcjuaively tha re porjjt td" the prote,'dins,a and debates ef the Vp greaa of the i'ni'cd tStale. , it will lie i'SUMtl eerrit week'. '" an elegsul ipiaito f rm. tlir unli.ui.Uie seralon df Cittgreaa, and will, by furjiled lit sub scribers at Ilia rate t f two d i.u Tor ihs leii'g rea auf) and out) dollar for Iba abort jmmmoiu. It ia he lirvdd lhat this grtjet .national woik wiU ia deemeil iiidiapeiuible.ia lha IHtfSi V, of eveiy puMio.liiiiiui. liim. politician and profrt-florial man lti:-ujglirtit ihr Coilotty t -ftud tk it it will be rgarded by the gtai nut of iho people aa iho vciy lest political led .book tor their own iiiatrufcti.iii and li.ol i l' their children. . . '.((- i SI PORTA ST .iSNO'UXCr.MHST. ., Throughout live rsbti0 f t?onaress, .Extrai wjll lie iaaiicd fr.-tn th office of the ''United States Reporter," containing, 'hr reports of ktich debates aa maty .poaaa jiauicolcrly exciting interest. Ail aubacriplious and cotDinunicitiona to be -post paid, eddrcd 1 .-.,'.. J. A.. HOL'STk.N, tmlted. Steles Reporter, Wssbinaton, D.U." A'lunst 1 4 th. t Kt7. tae ! ft - -1 "v ihr . it Dcmucrallc fJotnilji ItletiEi.K. ' P H R Democratic Electors of.NohhtinilH-rLind , k. county are reijuer.teJ to., tju-H at their usue', places of lloliltiMt townahip RV'i!irig,,nn Sjtu'j Ihe, 4th day o( Sepleiil:er rw-xt, for the pu-,, ,Be u( el. cling the. urual uytr.bCr id" delegates, i,, n(lp lu county convention .cl. the He-a n sulU. rv. 011 XoniA2 the ft(h r f Kcp tt,ri;llCr it) fJIu L't-noiiutic County Ticket. , 1, . JES"i: HMitrON, YoHrt MrKI.NNEV','. v JACOB D. Hi IPKM . . .. ABRAHAM. tsiMPMAM, " A. JUKI. N. . . .-, .,- AttUV, iMJ. :anut.ig Cimiroitee. WtthkMl: ,. UOV, belweeu the ar.es of 14 sn.t in, it) e 4 cjnployad, in. i pTivatn family, It) 'whom fjood v.agea wiil bo given.- Injuire IhWrn,- at'M ' Ao. I4.1H47. St' THIS CI Fit:!'.. , Juili Ikimlar. at tlrtc, ... 1 "TXTO'flClJ.i. ber.tliy hiii,. I'.Mt.loKirsii.f ad Jjviinii;trRliiitl ;hae Jeii' ra;itc4' to! the sltb. evrUiai oA tha'rstaieof JacoUKnnt, t:cf Aun.' ta towiuhip, dec'4. All rn: indo'ted lo said ete, er baviiig d. mautla saihat the,isme,;ire.p. !;ootiteil lo cell oa tha ml'vi1" ti foiseMleaient, without dolsy,.. , i PJCrtr. briYDElt, AuguaU. Aug. 7, U47 Iti - - . Adm'i. J- , "-y-, , : r-r TOjPOrriViLLK AND PHILADELPHIA. PERSONS iravelhiig this toute are -hereby in forme J that they ran procure through tickets," by making application at fhe -Hotel of Cbailea Weaver, Sunbaryi A. E. KAPP. Nortbumlwrland, July Slat, 1847 tf 1,"LAX BEEli The bigUeat market piics paid for FUxaccI, at th U s of ... , . ... fcjALT, by ir.a's.ck, ti isalv by . Aug. 'i,ler. C. S. BOGAH. Indian Vegetable Panacea. 4 1 1 Pf:.lOFL'LA.. M Wxasaa. Ro wab A WALTOa,- Cents t Veb if. al inf deeply gmtrful Tot tbe extraofdlnstv Mtta performVj Upon ma by odf Dr, UuiVTl 'a Indlaft VeAtuble Paoars t cbeeKully furnish yeU with a short hlsloty of ray eaaa, About seven yesraso, fwheft Aniy alevsit yra oW.) 1 vena allnrkad With Rcroftita, mhleh If.eresa cd in lu ravages till r.'.y til tot Wat Ailed with ul rrs ! th bones C-l my fieti fetid hare t my palata detreyed, and a bArg d5 6f rha nf the Hal brhia carried awsv, My haid taas alo so much til.taecd that lit ililntting, tbe e or Colre would f''p:!oiitlt piM nftr" nf my rat,? A'maes of sntne thb g ttbled It-a !Vt,. dab d a tumor tame from my itn n. I riis ttrtijet Dm rV d .phyaiel.-.'ria of lae bigli tl dipltttctiRrt Hi thin city, snd t ono time pro rttltirtfMt! t ijish!, and by rriiuat atleniied a medical levtrtie, where my ense, togethati with th method nf tut, Wi rUplilna'l rn the stit.tenla. Th bs ttttet Sitld,-'Vod are hrtw'well, but if the dieae Kitotlld rPtrlrln yna tannrtt llva long, aa it would soon itnalmy yonr windpii a." ' . ,tilid nttl bolleva. mysI cored at th tithe, as I had much lllstrn a it) my head, and other disagree ah'e feeling., abd after a lime ike lifer a kotopkned. In Jart ia'y, lrIS. my mother called with-me a pon Dr. Muttferfnr advie. H s.l l I waa a vary rick girl, and it vtas dootMlnl whaiherever I would get well v if avr.r, it would b a long- while, ,..Tbe dir-etsn gmw so mttUi wOra, 1641 the ihyaici.ln who then eiirmlt I me, a ibl lie eouid ana toe wind pipr! My face al.n waa nllen. highly inrtamrd. und very painful, and the Dr. said ulceration ass inevit.ible ! I , ., .1 ,...' 1 I wss in, tbia tertiSjitiprt tr J.tn'uary at,v.uen I communceil taking yenr 'Dh Ccttan'a I a bias .V'snarAKLa PahaCka." The inllamaliun was soon removed, and the dreadful uluyejinn in tb fscf prevent, J) . I am juv wall 1 I haue h ulcers ! no pain, or atiy e.iyAqreeaVie seuaalini in my heaJ, arid dw feel thal,liAt.xliredi! I shall be happy In giveay filrtlier uXitrnttjoh to the a if ic.led who wjll takr the trouble In call upou ret at my fit her 's htltiae, Wet Sprllctt. between Bench and' WilluW airee'Jl, nppii'ite SpsiTcntan a uetory. ; Misned, , , Cll Ills J IANA SANDS.' ' L'rTlr oV PittLAbfctfttlA, ..''. ,.,.,... j This injitniU day of April, A. D. lS4G, before the aubacriber, Mayor of th sxid city. p rsonslly appealed Ghridiana Hands, wbobeinu duly sworn, tlrp.M a and say?, that the fcts si t forth in the f.m-goirig s!?.dnvit sre 'atri'ctfy Irtie in eery psiti eulaf, ' , ,'. , . ,u ,. In leatimony whereof, t have hereunto set ir.y hand snd lue.i tbe coiporata soal of rl-e said bity, on the djy and year liefore written. (L. ."-J . JOHN SWIFT, Mayor. We hereby Vrlify, that th shove statements of our daughter are true In every tiaVtrcnlf.r. " WILLIAM SANDS, . , MARY SAKDS. Pb'udeivhi, A, ?ih, la,. "' : (Vrtiflcates of curea, in pahpl'.lyt form, tliy he had (r.ttis.'at the ofTiceaof ihe aei.ta." ' ' . ' . '. 1 Thia tne.livlg'o it prepared and scM by . the proprietors, liowstid A. Wsltott, No. 37ft Market stiect, Phil .delij'jla. ' 5. ' 11 ' v . t'jlV W Uanenriower. N'o I Murray st. N Y. J J W D.inenhower JKo I p.F. Halt Cin.A. ;il I5T Jenkiiir, N,o f ft Canal st, N Ctlcstia; - t.N . -Robinson, eof (iay V Hntora ata. Bait. Ajcenlei H. M ASSEK, riynhura. . I. H. R.eer, Milton; . J. Heehokl, JVeW. Ber lin j Mr. Mt'sserl MllRleirY; Sharp D. Lewis, Wilkesharre. p. .,... ,; Sold also by Drucgtsts. ihrot'abool tbe L'niteJ States. ! Aur.T. 1W47. m. fBy To The IXcdcts of . MHliumb'crland Li,UK,y'. .:.e. ... :. r ; ffeHB mibxcfiKr, respectfully .,infornia,tho ojep .L Jorii of NoiUiumlieiland county, thit he vrill be a candidate for te .ofTicp i4 , , , ..!'.','',. ,. 4 ton til y Coniuls,lonTr,, ... at the hell eeneral election. ...MuMild . b' fellow citizena km. p;oier Jo Uyu bUn.e, vid spare no exeitiona to lenuer general a -aciieni: ' ; i . . i. ..... .-.., . t JAGOU KAKUR. LUile Mahnnov, July ol. IH47. JZUilors "j oythiimbaland pELLOW; CITIZENS At Uu r.fueatof, my a-. frliMitt, I offer myself as randidata for tho olli a of ' , -.t i. ".'.' , C ounty t'omntlMiottcr. ,, , JShof.bl ou bcliovo ine worthy of yotir oonR. dc:ief, and conlei this nlV.ro upon iiie, I ahall r.ia lt! no exertion to give general nA'nJauiiuli. 1' ! , .., .. i(.AG0D H'iKVA. ITpper M.ihoiiij-, July 7, ,1847. AT th, s.licitiion ore.rojmliinrmy friendsin diff. re.nt p.rls of I?1B 0iinty. I have consented to bo a vaiYlidJo,fo- ,-jC ,,,rice ft . , , TP ii A s r; u . .. . v Should t wiH he my ntoasitre-as wJA aaU' .iv, aiteu-l-io ihe business cf tbe olfice with f'oc.Vity and punctustitv. ( - - - t , i GKORCE WElStR. ' 'J-unbnry Julv 3, 1847, . " V 'ii "the .jeiec'tcr. , County t. cf S'crlhuvrJberlavA BEING volicil J by '-many ot ciy f.ifn.l., I hvw foA.i-nieJ t.i of.'f rnyi It aa c Yuluti 10, r ca'urhUte lor 'Jtr ,H'o,if or '. . - hiUAsiiiti ... ; of NniibuiiilH-ilaiid county. ' Me i:!. I you see pr.w pir hi elect niU4 I plerltfe mviifto tiform the duties t-i' taid oJLce with fUiIny. 1 tii- .-. , IIKMJV WEI-E. - Suubury, Juuo IC U. ib47. raoM iviEXico! 9 . - -,.'- MIn M kllY IirrfMY, of Ihe boriiiih of Noi'.luiinlerlaiid, ncv reor to llatirel Hi lutignm, ro-pcctlijlly inliiritla ihe public, that, hIiIioucIi Gen. Jteoli . a raw haa lhll Jalapa, fiinoua for ata pro diHJtiou ol i.i'.ap, nlie Ht.lt lu enough of tbe arttile 10 supply tl.e ants of her cuatmes, I mlef rvervt id;ee vailety of drugs and meibcin?s nptiHlly fliuod in an spolhecry t-hou . Ilivip pnrchved -tho tek ol Mr. Urauligain, eh bs npared -a new e alabliahiuaiit, alamat -npoHii his .olif-staaid, ',d Iruvs, by Uriel si:otiov ta uaiaeas, to mer'u tiie pstioiiugn-of tba aieJniry.and paiblie. - . 8J1 wl ooualtniiy keep bn hand' eeery vaiiety o( Drugs, Paintavppices, .Patent MedHsinee, A4 lhat is uautlly fuo. in a ding atoro, whrckj aha witTdirpose of at- reaaonahla prices. : - i v.w ITiy aicvene anJ olhera, from a jiatsncs, cef.MitJ at holesl pitusaw . 1 1) ifj .' Noitbumiiailaia, May it, )47-ra. 'I VWHI'l'li LEAD, in kega, a"p(nf:o?,"ii v kinds fur sale, 15 per csul. chk .pr than aver before aold at Snnbuty', at the atore cf ' ' ' joiy at, ib7. JOHN BOGAR II a r K.-ThaTriusi': mat'TrAriTiir f. li nk, at ihs state cf Mitch 'il, W(. ions EOCJAR rT" ' opinions of Tint rut:ss, . t ,t arnrnnti :' ... ,VRlG0rS JXflUS.tKCETABLB PILLS, From thi VamJtn Democrat. WUtOll r'a tantik VseatAsi.a Pitis.-The.e cslebtSlsd Pills, an onivetsally uaed and ad mired, have rc)rrle to b eonsidnreri almost as n cesaaty in families as water or fuel. In fict, th principle upon which thia medicine hts established its reputation putfaKnn Is now prfeity generally acknowledger! to ha the only Hue nh'3, by which baalih may be p:rntved, ot restored whoir Impaired. Vl'riaht'a Pills atarloW a universal faVorit. From the Pkilaietphia Saturday Evening Post. WhraM-rV Uttta VaottTata Ptr.l ai at taining arret Ci Jehrtty in New Enplnnd, S3 Well as other parts of the tlnited Ststas. The attempt r.f persona to'defrfiud the public by tbelenf(tpurinu artielrta meele With 'gerlersl irprohitinn. Dr. Wright ia an indefatigable business man, and shows an array of curve by xlie medeeirt. which Warrant tenfldence In the virluea of his InJian VegelaWo Pill. , ' f'Mrn.JA Philadelphia KpirU nf tttt. Timet. .uWnraiiT-'e lanian VioaTAL Prtia,-.Peo-plo are tretty ,ytll ratified by this time thai t i'n mel.'Sho the Vhir thotikand unr) rfne mi.'.eral pre. MriMtanl of the fbofa, are bettsr adapted, a gen eral rutd, 16 kill rail)' khan cure the pi.tiei.l; aa a Sja'tiecof rjouVe, Vet;eto'..l mtdii ines are titer, foie in great request. , There ore mny humbuc hw. evtsr, arootig.'lhe lntt'r; ind we would advi'e all Ihoea who hsve thaileaat recant f..r;th ir health. ty tty Vrihf$ htdintt Vetrelabie Viih nf the Noiti XmtrJean fiallfge itf Heutih, ss ibey are the pru parSH'tii tif oite Mdmatoly hcq i.inud wi:h the healing ar. " ' ":- f,: ... ' . .V v .Iram th Bottim Dti'ltf Times. ' VatVe tattiAia Vr.osTAt.. I iLLS.sa-O'r all lite ''ptVhllci dwnfied meilf-.inea of the dy, n know of txirte that. we can; more airulv leemnmoud for t.Uy. "ilia lhat ileah is heir ta." thaa the Pills t t are solil lit the drpo'. of ttm Nor'.h Arnti.i.-an (I. Ir lege of Heslth, -No. -t99 Trerhom atreet, lios'i n. Sevnral' uislanees w kriaw or whrv they are ued in,amilira with tbe Rubral. s..tit-fu-.tion; and no '.iBKcf ago tlian ytalfliir.y,i w heard an ei tnent phyaician'of th!s felly rDcortlrr.eiid them in h gli lerma, .. - ' ' ' ' - v'J'ha, fullowlna highly rcspectabla storekeeper have been duly ntipointed sgi'nts for the pln of tVW?j.'i Indian KHlubtt PilU, In Northumbcr, li.ttil county 1-! " ' e '', Henry- el"?, '"nou'y. ' E. fcJ. Kaufl'mnn, Aogua(a township. Samuel; Hetb, Little Malionoy, Willism De'ripen, Jackson.' ' paneyilla.Holabtio, .Upper Mabouoy, ichn n.'Rer.ti,-Upper .Mahoooy. Samuel Jotn, SliamokintriWn. Folsyfho,, Wilson A Co., Northumberland, E. Lt Kiper,vWaternivurg, Irlsjid Hsynea, McEwenavillo. Jaruesheed, 1'ietKgrove. Wm. G Seolt, Rushvillo. ' ' Hartmm Knceble, Elysburg P. O. ' . .-Araoa 'lX ISflissel.-'l'iirlntlavillo. , Gid on Shadcl, V7ppw Mahoooy Rhode & Farrow, Snydnstowiii ! Jolin King, Faraiersville. ... s " . Silaa G.JCouU.Marlin's Creek. , . ,. L De Young. Uicksvide. , Abraham Shercr, Ricbmon J. ' HamuH 'Ksylor, SUtt-fordi - .-' JoUn H. Vincent; tibilisquaijub. ' t Wki. llomen cc Uiothcr,.Milon. , llKWjxaaor CouiTsaf p:ts rj'Ua tulUic arb csniiohod against ih;- rhotiy rutiuua ihaici'nw'( which in rdoi to deceive, re e,a1led Hy harr.es s5 mibir to Wright! Indian Vegeiabli t'kllb. Tlie afel i-ourae ia 0 pulcha! of tha recuUr aijsnts only, Who are. rnltewert lhat may be ro lled orii ,il . ',' 1 . . -o Cv"! Ofncea dev jte,l exeluaivoly to 'the 1 of WEIGHT'S LNUIAN VEGETAItLE PILLS, vf the Nort'a merican College oT Health. No. 28 Urcenwirh (Street, New Yorli : Nrt. 108 Trerowit tfet. Hostan; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No, If.!) pAcg SthiVt, Plwhidclphia. r- June 131 191T. sjjly - T T an O r T.T C. aa . . . W aM a W JkM SJg, w w y No. 80 iMarkotSlTeel, fivotloors below - f Third, South side . PUXIiAilE I. PHI A.. -; Itti,irlerti f holeeuite Ueulei s lu WATCliF.S, Watch Gla iea oiul, NV-tcrisla. Jc-etry of all doc triplltu. julii' anJ e'Tlea, vompiiaing all lbs at'.iclua conhclo l v! Vne Trade Ck rl.a, 1 v, Von 4 Son's BrliiohU, German S.lvcr and Si. "' ver-Phled Wares.' , ' Sheffield and Ifirnftrnfeosm PlatP.l Fancy Article. Kodgeia&o'and WoaWnholm'e t'.ullery, IU- iocs. Hcltoora. Erasers. Dck Knives, &e Ivory ilandledTatleCuticry.of the Cm si, medium arol connojn qualities-. '' .'.. A largeiaasorlmeot tif Oo'J Pens. Perifocal Upeotack-a i-1- '1 '"' Pspii r Mactre nd Japanned Trays, various abapts t andY onlitiea, at le'tueed ralea. Gold Watch Caees; Dials snd Silver-Ware, of all 'deec.riptjnrW,mriofactured to on?er. DICKSON A CO., having recently emd.l rtrto the Urge and commodious Warehense fornteily occop'.ed by Messia. R, AsaitOaaT & .-tn, mu! mora TeVently by AsitHcnat f itsvilAtiTon, l 1; leeveto Inform Watch Dealers, G.,uhlry Mertbante arid- others, that they design kaviog at all tiuiua a large a-aoitim ut of (ioods, t-f their own iuip.irt tion, which tbey are determined to tell at the Invent ratea. ....-. ' .'-. (Tj Every attcrUio,,-! will be paid to lb Parking nf GoinU, and-iri lsexcciition of Ordera, the quili tiea and prlcca V.'.l'. be fully ' gu iruntitf J agalr.ai s'l comrtrtiiioni J- . PI1ib.del41t.io, June 19th, ly .. FiHniemiuil( Xvt ihg I nl. No! b7 Nv'ri!' Tltifr! Street, ' PlllLADELHllA. .,.:.--. - - ., .. tTROM . Lr. Hare, ilia culohiated Poie sor of I'hcralctry in the. University nl Sann'a. ',., j f- '. .vthlUd. Iphia,0t.n,la43. -lb'.ir 4r- llaving tiieJ your L'.k, I will thai k )i to tc-nJ me another btMlle. iu I find it to ha i xfclbnt. I am yours, truly, ' :': " , , . Roar. Haixs." j , 1 1011 Dr, Locke, of Cincinnati, distU'gui-hidi for bis liuuvroos seieuliv researches. t ' ;-' ' Medical College of Ohro, Cineiniati, ' ' h January 17, .ill. - Having itaed Mr. Hover's Wrtliag Ink, I ant r-stisfled tlutl H ia the but which haa ever tome i. Uiy knowieda1, and especially it otrclkti foi ttu uhm viitet I'ent, and wyllfmt corrode thorn, even lu loiij u. ' . ' . -. ;. , . . . s Jobs J-fcoai, rmf.a.f Cfiemislrvv. IIOVEU'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT -From a well knowfi sc'iesitifid gentleman. 0. . vj; -PhiUderpbi. Fee. IT, 184 Mr, Joseph E. Hovsr-wBiii- A use of yaair (V- . mmt, and some V'actical.i of i auut-uotity, hjs inaluc'ed me to frco nuienj it to others as aa invaluable art'icla for roenjing China, G.aa, or Catimi Wsre. Caktrasit. Moarir. ;' ' ' ' '-" ' Analvlie Chniist' 1 Forralaal the Manufactory, Wholesale a-k (ail, No. 7 Not Toiap ti-aatT, rpiiuait Cbeiiy stint, Pbilsdalptiia, ry JOSEPH E. llOYr.R. .!ay 'it, 1847 jK) ly Mnvifac;ai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers