T I ir --- " i i TF.nitLS OF TIIK " AMERICA." 1 Office in Ctntri'Altev, in tkt rer 4f IT. .Mat THE" AM RKIUA.M" in publbhejlevwrySatur day it 7-.WO ..UQI.LARfl pee mm urn to tie pBUl half yearly in advance. , No paper discontin ued till ltt'arresrages kre paid. v' r No subscriptions received Tor less period than i Ko.Tn.- Alt communications or letters on tuatness relating to the office, to insure attention inust be ID3 T TATP; , , BATCHES ft 'JE WfiiPj "PkiMclnhi Watch and JeueUtrXtnrr.'" No. 96 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry. I " rti " i COLD Lew Wettkea.full jewrlled, 18 carat emea, $43 00 .,8iler Lever Watches, full ' : n n a a , flilver tver Wstelieey se ven jewel. IS OA Silver leinn Watches, jewelled, finest is -quality, 1"' ,: ' : ! -.14 00 Superior jQuartier W niche, : '10 00 Imitation Quarlier tVatchei,not warranted, 8 00 tlold Spectacle. , , 8 00 Fine 8ilvcc Spectacle, ' " . t 1,75 I Oold Brae (eta Wfth topafc f fanes, ' X 50 CAtiliea' OalJ Pencil, I A cumin. 2 00 W riWfer Kitiga 874 cU tn f ; Wa'ch Olaa. ea, ffiAn, 184 patent, I8 l.unet. 25. O. ther articlea in prnpnrtinn. All Rnoil warranted i r be arhht ther are ol,l for, P. CONKAU. ' (In band, anna Oold and flilvrr Ievena, Lepinea atNl viiartiert, tower tnan ihe almve pricea. 'biladelphii, U.-c 5, 1840 I y , Bo & Shoe 13STAULISHIVIENT. IVANIKL DRUCKElSIILLKn. At hit Old Ltlabtithmcnt, in Market Street, -n; 1 ' . Sunhtiry, .. . tHntWW M t;n LION ROTGL. RIBfCtJlva "riia tliaiiUa for p. at fiora, and ris Hrvwtfully infofttKi hi iVtefda and 1h puMic roneraily, XhH he continues lo manulaeture to or tier, in Ihe nealtjA aw laiet fil. C IIEl SHOES, warranted of tire wri iVt, and made by the most rTperorirea: workmen. h iiTbA r m iand a gfcrrrt-a aanorlnrant of fanhinnahle B'otfor i.hien,'iiefli''rWi 1i iirrie;nHt nffiahinn- Me Bpritl.fnrnV bnva'.la IW and rhHdren'a Shoes, HI of whirh hkve dpi h m.iJe emicr ha own immr- Imte maicctioT!, 'd araofth eat. material and orkm-inhin. whirh t.efTlt'ftnTi'w T;"carK tn eJdition'-lo trte iahove'tie haa 4ttat ViHvetl rnm PhilaaVtphia a tare ami etlttnaive auwily of ' t.ioia, button, Srb. tit R U-ecriplioittbfch he almi T'ta ttir ca-h. rlretpVt rai ever before offnred in liia place. Tte lenjwctTiliy Iniitea hlk od cirrto-tera,- and btlirra; lo call and el amine. Tor tWm i lea ot t-!--j '. I v ' '.'.!! Jtepairing d.ifre with neaftneaa arxl deaf aMk, . Kunt'ury, Ariguat l&lK i816.- , . 1 91 I O R t 4 k ir - ..TO Al.l. WrVIINTUV ' 2 otrssxcB b 5? aa a. s . . YUU 4wa.tiuire v( oMamina. 4 ilf timea. iore and bicrilv flavored I ' ft j the"ainjcle piinnd or tarrr fiii'ttry,' at' the ' kln Tea (Jom)Hinv'i VVnrliieiees I 4ou4 &'.coni atredi Ltlrfa. ' Ma1rannJ Ghw nut it refit, . , " ' n ?atvm.razA.' ; ! ; ' Heretofirre it haa been ery dirtictih.'indreiK aH i-t VmpfisiMe; alwaya to obtain rkhI Rre. n and ck 1'caa. Bui nn U lkavexmly in inil the un Tea .Oompany'a Store. l obtain ae deM.tua ii irnifrani i ra mm ynu rituui wtsii rv -r, n n ihftw it here he auiled.'whh the advantage of getting a re art ml wt a low (iricrv , June 7ih, 1840. . ., ,' ,"" 1M A N O S. 1IIE RUUSCRlttKU hue brvn ancninti'd tsm', . f..r-tbeaale..rtVrt.nt3 MtVr'.'R K VTED PREMIUM R'ISE WOOD PI VT)S, at thi jiWe. Ttwin1 Piano have a plain, aiwe and toraUiiM exterfor An( b. tt, t ilrnii J WeetneM vfnthe, and elrg mce of workman f, are tint surpa-at'd by any in the Uiiirrd HiAln. e folio wine; i a twcoiwmendaiion frtimtat ra, a teb bnled JWtfcrmtr, ahtl hirrKerT a rMh ennrt . C i ; ?! -1 .. i A AtttK s .... IlitiK'o bad )he pleare nt irvirig the txx X l'taho.Fntlrt mhfactured by 'Mr. WeyeV, and libltni at tbe liA ekhiMti.r) Sfth Fr-nklm In. ttte, t tW t tltte ta th true merit of the maker iledare that ibeae ikwtrVtments ar iu it equal' I. tn aoine revMTta even . rujOi-rioti a( the li- . Pxite I saw at tbe cait J of Euidpe, Ihd ing a sojourn' f t wo year' it Paris. -i'treee Piattoa wilt be 0ld at trw manttracitum'a -at Philadelphia pritea, ir jrJt aorStlhing loverr. sona are , requecteJ to call and examine lot Tiselv-. at the Ventdehte of the rthciiher. unbory, May !Tk IB46. If, B, MAWl4riv - ' ' tiomiteitrtV DEATH SLOW. he puMKs will pleaee eltwrvts that no Brand reth Pilla arte ghuiic, unions Ui bos has brm la" . upon it, (the top, the side and tha bottom) i containing a f.ir-r.ltnl!i signature of mv hand ing, ih'jn D. BaaaoaKTH, M. D. Tlieae la. ate rtiKraved on sreh heautifiilly deaighrd, trone at an eipelu of oVat ,2.tMK, Therefore 'U ba tbeo that tbe only thing nrcensaty te pro tbe noUHae in it purity, is W ohsti-o then a, ' i ememher the topi tbe elan end th bottom. fMUoVting rtapetUVs pnraons are dulv auibori and hold . , . , , CBatirtcATCS 6 A6fiitt3T r the eel of Vranartih't Vegetatile I 'nutria. f-. . : , It'ej.. ' ' ,,. , , m cUhnniUilanJ cnunly j Milton Mackey &. nbetlin. Hunhury-ojl. B. Mwwr, M'Ewena- Jr. Und A Meiiell. NwthUrttbeilartdJvWrn.. ytV teitetttwhJ. At J. Walts, ninti tj.xm'yt New Berlin Dogar &. WiH B!lin!!ftroe Ueorg Clundrem. Middle taiae Pmlln, teaVertnvn-.I)sVid ttuhlor. hu W m. J, M ay, M ifllitMbot- Mtoach avk ' Hartteton Daniel ton. ' rrtteburg F. C. Mbyer. ' Lewiabtlrg- Wslla ft Grnifc. dmnMa coemy ' DaajvtlbwKi J3 IteynoMs Ok ilerwiek fsliuman Jb stiUeobouaa. ,Qat a 0," Brobis, , Bloorpaburg Johq R. r .Jejeey TpWn Levj BiaeL Waebingtoa .'MeUay. ' Mmeatbtie--Ballh ft rNfneb. wavve that each Agent has art' Rugrarved Ct taot Agency, contaiaiag rfraet.uott of MNURETH'8 MatJjclory at 8in Sin, jpon which will aWq be seed exact copies of tw hhtk How uttd upen the Brmnintk PiU '' ' k , :r : , iU4Jpbia, efice Ko. 8, North Rib street. . B. BRANDKETH, M. D, e 31th, 1819. ff - TIBIA. " LI-U-iai.JJ.L'Hii'lJL What ! f orern'd by y wife ! ' YriaW-iat; food idea :' '' ' ' " Jwrroallmy life ' Have Itept the aex tn fear ) " ' iThe tWhrier of my roice ' Will make crowd aaaemble; ' J fl maVe aWr't rejoice, I can also mtire ft treeflble. , A magistrate liVe rne, A woman'! tonc;9C t6 fcefd 1 . I'm rot a tnhn o b ; ,, llnour ROVernmentWHWd. The flasbea from- my eye . WVuld make a female start; . r ,lt is whinper'd on ttieely, : Tliat it broke my first wifes heart. But my second is -so kind ' ' . So caresainjwso fewteel ! I really sometimes finA 1 My senses' Eneas' ie'Al ',,,f She eeitainlyenntrives' "' u'""f' ' Td dojust as she pleasea ' 5 ,11 "But stie il the beat of wires 1 ' ' Although she often teases. . My habits are all chani'd, Old friends discharged for new; y affairs are diaarrang'd, ' My keys and caih box too; She has relatives by dosens, But I've not the heart to tell her - . ' i irowH hke whiskered tina -. i ,' , A turning out my ceDar. v - .., , .My trtwae it not tf.eaaroe t i tu. ;.! Yhtft it was ten years ago; -But I'm not in Ihe frame . : . ' , i t)( mind, to tell bet w. - ! .,, : :- 7 IndeeA, it is nonii, , i ,. ... . v( ,;, I . t'oV ber tongue runs yery faatj . .Her 'WtrofWfhe. , ,f. ' ' Thai aba always baa tb Ust. And aVdid unequal strife J , ,, J :, so'ild not like to vex . ; , Mr, My ftrettjr little wirev ! : Btrt fit tnz fOvero, I really never beard Of wiHrr7t .. i, peifcetly absurd. , . Il'f -11 1- f'l VATKK'!'Roor GtiK A correepondvnt of nne'of wtt ekelnng myi trjt R fcns fttXCtfA- Sd in making a glu perfectly water proof; and having the property aloool dry in? almnet itntnC' diatcly altet its apolivatirm. . Hia- method , is liri-t to iiiunere tomittctt gw (n t watcr nn. til ft brtomri perfectly ft but yel retaining ilf tjtitirml Mm i aftet wbrcb rt ;w tn be dieenl ved in common linseed oil, astiftad by I JJnnMe hent, ontit.it, b?toftitS ehtittsly taken up by the letter, alter which it may be applied rosubntan cee ft adherinn lt ttch Cthet, In tbe way com mon plue ta tnroally ajiplitet), y Blnot inmifuiatly, and watef Vvill rXett on action on it. It is unnnpeary to eay for how many val uabio pMrpnees in tbe rt this application may be.HmtJ., .for. Cabinet makers it is rmpoHant, rnsWy vaneera, when fhtrt by tlita atib alanc, will netrr till ofl by tixpntUle to tlUiiat alVnnaptiptp , tn ahip building it will pmbgbly anawer a Vatuabln, pttrpnae a it baa infinitely more Tenacity t'aan tomtnntv gle4 anU beccmea impervinoa to water, , ,. ;,.., i AWittt Dw etoaT the rollowih, tsently related to Uf by lerfyman, Wir do ptetywllt' i .!-;., . . ,-. ,. Sitme years it waa hat uncommon in Connecticut to employ rJnjra ts mrtlve power to I'glit loachinery. - A Mr. - -had a pair of dojs which ha Worked together; bn ott of tread-mill, to driVe n'-ltie machinrtyi 'Alter a vhite the tnntlon of tbe rnachlnis waa htttiCeH, from time tn time,' in be cnneiderably retarded. 'The tender would jr t tha tread mill to sfn If the rlnfs ware dttlns: their -duly.'' rlverylhlng Would bo lound poing ris;ht. Alter a liiwe time, however, thtre dJld be another mteVhtpliob Mhe eped ct the machine would be considera bly UiminisheH j e nd en it CnhHhu'ed,' Until the owner bepan tn B'lcpe that hie dof wcttj play ing some trick rm him.'"1ii accordingly act a Watch where all the rnnveinenfVof the enlrtah could' be eeen ( irid the iiiyMery waa ttJBtt ex plained." ' After the two 'dojje hai1 Worked, to gether ftif aome timu,' oht wf them wga 'aeVii to atep qB the Uead-mill and seat bfmU where be euidi catch the) Orel Watninf of y pptiitlli)n Ibotatepv . Alter bo bad reate'd Whir, be took hie place en tbe Wheel tffa.irr,eBd allowed bia aaeociate to reliaVe hitilaeir.. And iT during thlk reatiag proceaa aey noise Wu heard, ee of ansae oae approecriiitei the rrtlibf tlof; Would mm.. dt)y jamp upon the wheel and fcoto Work ee usaal.M thne ttieaeugt'ckme creitered bad cbh Wi d I te bear bn. ihother'e kurdene,' J And, bad Uay knewa a littler mereeboat meehanlcf, cad kept the wheel in little flicker motion, the trtek mijhl never have been detected. Hoiton IV i fei-, r- .-,.7 . w . ;;AND :SHAMOKIN 'JOURNALv J, , inf .- , , tO'-sT XfeWaVriee we timr1 ... V. , x , Kaeepe frm'm fWnah,. ,,' ..v.. Jn New Vnrw-.aborjt tVo-oVMckym iTm Vnom inp of Ibeltth tVefcreMoVout in the taiV ding No. Catharine. etreeN tjectipWd fa ttre lower ifwvt by Mr. John Kirk man. aa a aoenand candle factory and store, and tfrepBy put by mm aa a oweninr. vJWTng to the inflammeWi nature ol the maVeriaVthe livnes rapidly spread, deethryma;' fbiA'wImle InteMor Vottron ' miiMinp, with its eontrta. the ..New York Kxprrae, in jrlvine Ihe particnlara of the Are, naa the followine llrilling IncidenVj .Sjwddei and.qujok was, thc.eprfd of tbe iiamrea that Mr. C. and bia family came Very near being dostroyed by lhrm. One of hie daughtern, Mm Margaret Kirkman, a young lady about 19 jreare of age, only escaped, after iming severely burnt, by Jumpfrifc fwmitrc fonrth ftory front window of the room in wlh'icb arm lept. It was for eome memcnte e scene of the most thrilling and agoniaing intereet to thoee who hod assembled in front rfTYhe tYrtiffig buil ding. The fourth story thoiitS eVeVi wtth the reet of the edifice, has very ems I! attic MrfSriW At one of three Mies K. appeared, shrieking In alarm, 1he fire evidently behind her and 'the arnfine firing out oer her bead. No ladder bad yet arrived, and her destructkrn ewtoYcd in- evitabte she tried, at first, to escape the flamee, by which she had been already severely burnt, fft Ttrt '-on the sill of the Window, trot.lt Wkr evident aheWiflT?! M' perish there, and the cry wasraiaed for her to jiimp.-other voices, smong which, by thia time, waa that of b-r fttber. ex claiming "ndt yet, 'Welt a mnmcnt tWWe gc ready for yon.' A featlrer tied Waa Instantly procured, held about three feet from the c round by six gallant !r?aTts, who Were in Brea't ieoDar- .Af.'tni .'5!t rtft( rV-We wf iiiem, otii iney nnetied not and cared not for !hti. ?J jbi ti'me.Mirt Kirkman, to eecaoe from the smoke and'fJsmea, waa then compelled to let herself down, Vtti Wta Vettl hk'Ag! by her extended arms, IroW'Tbe window. ., )orWp no!' -wf !b ry. Vest nuOiWa of persona had now assembled, and iwere lookerfoft tie fgonmng scene. , The young Isdy aotittUt vo her hold from that dizry height of epwarde of Qity feet and in an instant waa whirtod toward tlrei sidewalk. The heart: of . eVery person hi that vaet moltitwnV started in thrilling ethottty and auspenae, doubtful a, to her fate, la a few momenta the cry waa rained 'she is safe,' end three hearty clieera went up, which made ttm very welftin ring. The lite cf that, young niai- deq appeared to be tf ttwre interest to tftat irt). menee. Msemhlage than ten thousand buildinga. She waa conveyed to the house of Air. Biley, cott-r of Henry etreet, nearly pppoile, and physician sent for.. . Although severely injured by the tire-, ber wliHa thoughts aeemed betit -prti iet father end mother, whom she said he knew m-ist be in jeopardyv tbe Was mi tmrtit rn the back hnd ainia, but it is kuppoeed not -darigerbtlraly. ' Jorttinately two yonnger cblMreo of Mr. K., wer absent frerh hrflmVd ringltte schoftl Vacatroh, en waa art elder aisler otherwise ' Wnft Vould, it is ton probable, hoVe Seett klnaa of Iife. Mis. K. jlatlai tta on hafihi the alarm she taottghl t(T the children, forgetting that tbey were away,1 aprnng out oil b d, and went to their jlooirtj btit Was there met by the ail ieveormj ,faiti la the kallM tUar.ed to aVotdthfj heft bach ttobpfoWn room sin ajid shut the tfsior, but the flamea aoon penetrated. At the time of gettlnf; tlt of the window she waa ao bewihieted aa scarcely to know, what etr did. She heard a conftised aoand ot voices, and Whether a he remained or let herself go, she thought she mutt perish. . , ' I'heaafety of bia child rhitre than Compehsa. ted Mr. Kirkwitt fbr hie rose. " fie laughed and wtrjit hHefBatelyk and Mk) he cared nothing a bout" the tlettfoclion' of bia pmpbrty3-thhk fJod,' the wbole of hia family had been spared to ":il.:..v Z"'- ' '.' pEATrt 6r tfcttH (t. BtiV vt.1tt Tli legVapcii! Wirea oftbia old, respect lull here shout niete, co alt rUCufsittti to ,the takts, ina ) lhouCh at the age 01 seventy pt yearff wtf jn thernJoytnenttrakcelleeA u.ppe.V, that at th lime of death, he waa tk'thmg in the 'tMungiiur "Ba. neeF ,e j0'te. fcW searcb b'iei made,' fonnd t6 be deatl. The par trf'ara were not given tyM Wtifca. ' Mr. fe. 'waa the lineal 'IftWccViadV VTf SoV! eiUyveetnr, and the 7nSeritnr 'W a UVge portion rif the Ami- I 1 -J.. It 'HA iftsr, ne was tne Weiltrest fndidaal 1 in thf city, and Vrobably i lita"epur)try. .' IJui"poi- tine' of tVe rlchr at 1 ipns real et venteant 4s an estate b' bia l'et. but it VUt ajnogtit to aeveril nillione, & baa left a wlfai obly nerer, we believe, having had any children, -l j j ; m -.i 1 r 1 .: .r rJV.i 17. EtfrtH. ' 1 1 j i '. i ... . , . i .- Taib Case or Tuaia Nicks. It is aid that Commander A.S. Mackenzir has bteu aiai(nd le the temrriaiid ef the sleep ef-wfer Albany yeetrrJay knnmincetl the death " J 11 cn? 1"V of fioe ,,nd wo gslloiis able and fvealiby cilisien; Ur w,,?rVIlon "t9i n'. .Then ? every a yeek agtn Wilb bis wif'. t I 6ll0D 0.' inis .mixture eJd 0ne and a e.uar- in this city are vast indeed, principally in taVe?. in the ElVveoth,Six,t'eeolb and pei b Wards. It is difficult to state how t ' Rip rtrsai-' , Bread made of wheat fla S ken out wthe oVett ia unprepared fi mf.tn ,, It ahouldgo through a change, orn before rtis aten. i Young pareona, or, persona enjoying v poroua health,, may eat bread immediately arte tteing baked. Without eeiraible injury from H f but aged or, Wosty etrons cannot and none can eat each wfcbtffVt lhrta harm to the digee- tive orahev i-, .Bread, after elng baked,' goe thrrigh a change similar to the change in new ly trewrd beer, or newly churned bufVeVmilk, neither being healthy ontil after the "change, During the change in bread, it sends dfTa lorge forrfwi tjf'cn btfi, rfr rmheslthy gas, and inhales a large portion of oxygen rH healthy - gas. Ilreed has, accordlhg to thecomptita'tlrfn of eihy eiciane, one nnn more nutrtittent Tn it wnen Viro, afi w4fwi fr?. '0th 'of the oven. It not only hae more nutriment, but imparts a greater degree of cheerfulness. He tvho eata rld ripn rreao Wrll have's WtftA greater riow nT eWinal ifpnttt, AhaW. he would were bte fo eat ttnripe bread. Bread, aa tefi'ft'e rjberved, 'dis'Aa'rges tarbon and imbibes oxygen. , One thing fu con nection With rhia thrmght should be particularly notrced by H t.ouse wief-ft rs to let the bread ripen VltcVe ft "cVi Vti?ale rtexygeA In a pra atate. .Dread will aiwaya taste of Ihe air that tffiTroYfYida ft Whe fipeoing-; ferrce it should rippn wlreVe tbe-arr ra pure, i 1t should WeVeY ripen in a cellar, nor in a ttore rupboord, nor in a bed-room. Trta rioxiotis vapors of a cellar or cupboard never ahmild enter into ww! fjrm a fieri of tfn tretd we eat, ftrW3 soou'ld be lighr. tpeltbaVed, arid properly ripened before hehrAi Id be eaten. Bread that ie several days nld, may be renewed so as to have" all the freihtreHtrtd lightneas of new bread", by'elnipTy' pntttnfj it in- o I wrrr-ion ewwrt' oVerttie T.Ve,!!!! steam ing it half or three-qtiarWra of an hour.' 'The vessel under the steamer containing the water, ehniild not be more then tieff fall, otherwise the ater )ttMj Vofl trji tntp the, sreamer f.& wet the bread. After the bread ta sreatned. it llttSuld e Vafcert Wi't wf the steamer, and WreWfted loose'. ly to cWth, to dry and cool, and rernam to a afmrt timet when ft Wli fee Veady to be cut aad Uek h will then be like cold new bread. lAmerTfcon J'Virm'rr'. 'i Chaap Hwera rr Bhtmtnr. It ra Trriiently ttetjcstiarv to construct 'wit. Milling. shwd, Jtc i V1 t rfta charatrer for temporary liae, but which are. neV'er'ihpleui . ttuirerj Vo be well protected from the Weather. Ilie following ejphs tnd eJrpisrlitfoua tttethod of roo'ung out botir-eB ah'o oiber aiftiilar htrue tqrev may therefore be of servtct? h xomti rtftinr ti-adt-tK The relVers are to bo fi.nr inches deep i'rii) H'd is'.d ft hM"tttirk ; t.e coVtsrir to tte tit boards three quarters of an inch, etiiijiht r'dge.l, am! teurely nailed) to prevent warping, fiver tbra place a ttttirsettf Common et;eaihing paper, stih ae Is ordinarily used umler tbecoppet kliet thing of Veaftele, tnd rnake it fast by s.Dall naik Then'appW a composiiion tnaileVf tho follow-1 ing ingredient. Vitr fiigli pelhma'of tr, trt hi Uoman Cement, three poundV of tilloW, Mid five ol rosin. These iogretlienu should bb well boiled' alttl IppUrt WhVtt lint." ttro should be taken thai tbe com rio ft ion be reread aa evenly ka poskitV, attd eovem! betn'ro it baa' cooled, with I atratttrn sharp, finely sifted sand. On this, another coat of tar is to be spread, arid ano ther coat ef sand aa before, alter Which nothing more la required to secure lie possession til i Vfcty ro?f.for 7Mrpt ekcep an occaaionat dres- o... v, .. j uiiuc iumj uujvvt IU litis speciCS C , rooting from the Supposition t4t being 'cr,(n.j0. sed mostly oT liijjb deflagrable ma'terial', pri)Vl ttti combuatibla. Bat kliia. ' i , . , , ; ,. . 11 a rea- on.ble object,on, may bo eaa.'y 'flbviatod b Vintf the whole a cost Coo . . i , .. ,'v. material t - .. , . reu ot me loiiowsng Slack wmtroa ,imo in a 'clore vefsc I, nr.. When cob cr puuuui ui ota siuni, inree-murins ot a pound of "puUah and ve'f;uaitf of Cno ea'ctt rtnd, ;Tbia waah will now adini't any culu'ring Matter that may be afpliei with a pafnt bruah in the sait.e tnunner aa oil pamte. A writer re marking upon the goud i)ualitieacrthia prepara tion foV. rWe, eaVa, 'It Jduks Eeiter J ban paint, Will atopeaka in the roof, yre'vent mumm from growing, aud wbe'n laid 'upon bricH work, will relfder it irnp'encireb'ii te rai'ii or iai-4Ure.' A Wisb of Wis krnd hiihtWnecialljr be applied to lh'e roofi of housee, he roe ausj ether feuildii.e, inetead of 'palu'te. 4tfo;ne Partner, .,, , --; , , , qX. Cancer A.gf'otleihaij ,aaya M p ,affeotiia)lj? ciiiredbi'Qia'e, pf !i pbatinatf clnc'er, by the ise,oir pxitasb oiid'e of the asfee s of ted oak, bpiled io the consia'tene'e, of molasses, used ai poultice, 'cove''" be wlole with, a coat of ttr, , ,Twp or three applicatiooa will r move all protuberances ; after which jt' i oul ncceasary to heal the wound with common alte. e Te- n P.5 e'C''t Quarts fhroej a Tnc sieve; t . r .i i. . . t - 'I . '4-je w aw ji --raj '.- '-w.eveweae; - t ii a q. Hia kmatlena of a. bays : ,- '"' ' rf.t. Wrtu.M. ' " ' '' Tbrre ia a huah it nnonii t tt tft Wet hVa tbe hiflrntnff. - Yoii bsve been mingling Vn the bueinees nf fht WoVM, s"nd you torn eeidr, wee ry and dletraeted for rest. There is a ftr depth in tbe inrenee blue of the sky.' which rakes in tbe splriV, avid yot ire ionrent to he wn and sleep in theenot ahadow, and mrgeTk even yotir exislehc-e.IW different from the cool wake, fulness of the monnng, and yet ho fitted fet the necessity of the hour . The fiay wears on and comes to the snneet ting. The strong light paste oft from the hills, and tbe leave, are mingled in golden maaeee, end the tips rJthe long fraHvaw tta ctfies'of meixe, and the luxuriant grain are all eleeptng In a rirh glow, aa if the daylight hid WioVteil in to gold and descended upon eVety TtVitr; thtftg like View. The sun goes doWn aVid IheVe S tis!'6l'1ndescTlhaWe glory Moating opm Ahe clonds, arid tW ihi'pcVcrAirHB tHifftdtf yf the sunset color with the bine eAy, is far op toward the zenith. Preeentty th'e 'pomp o'f the eaVly sunset passe Iwayv tWdltio 'clouds are all clad h purple, with edges of metaYiic Vustte; ihd very fartnT.l6 rrt, tf W'ey Vote sailing a way into another world, are seen spots of intense bViKhtness, af.d The tall trees on the hillv ece of the horrior. seeVn liVVcTnrr Vb'e etV. an if. re with its conreminB; Vest. There is rtt,aftu. "oiis Joy ta tne contemplation of this hour which ia peculiar to itsejf. Yon hrrf as if you should bsve had wingt ft'r there is a strange alining itt y'o'ur Wart to dllow on and xxttV Imkffina- lion burets awsy into that teaWfA World,, and revets atir Xhe uouDstantial ctdnds till they bectATie told. It is a triumphant and extrava gant hotiT. luoyooeTretsf ta alt Wtoxfca'tton, and ita pleasure diee with the day. . Tbe night, starry and beaultlul, cttmee on. The sky has a Wu intense whfcost toacfc wet, atfd ba atirs sVe set in ft like feme. TWe kre of different fclory,Wd VheVe iVe ebme toll bttYtr; bad some; that have a tWrhWing Metre, fhd aoVhe kre Just VieiTjTe kha TaTht. Vott knoW their narnre, IVid licir VWotlont and there is something a'wfttl W so many Woiiis rnoVfrig oft through the firmament silently arid hi order. VouYeela'n irKraAHftrtTe IWe stealing upon yotr, 'rtd yotir, imagination trembles Is ft V(Jca tip amting thenr. Yoi gaze W, Vnd on, and tt'e eirpcrstitfctie til olden time, arrd the WiM Visions aetrolojjy.kteal oer,ydJr memory, till, by-and-by, foo titir the tnusic which they.'jriVe out as they go,' and viriiak in tfta myriertce of their hidden meanihs. arid fcetfeVe that VrittrWteistaiW w - J . J il Woven bv their ttu'rnihff snhtarea. . There rornea on yott tfeliHoua Joy, arid ft kind of Urri- We felhuVrdiip With ih'eir WbliVhc Jiatorc, and yon fVel as iryon cottld gd np a eUrry piCe atd rourCU tttts heaVT-na Vn company. There ia a spiriitiality ska hdbr, a aepira.vion frorn ma- terikl things, whtcTi W of a finrj order of haSpi- nee. IIib parity nf the morning, aYid the i.ioote tjuietnnsa, an j the rapfuro bT the glo rious rAineet, are all Woman arid WrhrehensVola , w. ,in( , ,(10 imysrcry and t. afiy energy of higheV WorM", arid yoe rr-turn to yoor human nature i tcf -fit ,d - . c.cvareu purpore ; vco w xht wisdo(n of prayer and WMr Jarty d.Iylhe :delif ?o.e foVbiir no6n..UQ v.criuesa-. nd'the pt lerVc Vd JUrif'y .jS by night f,onVb WorlSli ners, and ke e? Mai ie ey, jmiI)omi,, j mey aetf r il iuiftl our'-e'ej-; rtd't j,'.. to ,hink. when We o out at ibis or that '-cron, that its pecuJiaV , Wuty 'fitted to oar peculiar wants, anil that it ia note che ne'e har mony of our 'tiee'rh 'With na ture. t .xTnAonriSABv CoiNcipEwta i.n Vutt LiVsS ov a M'ab'rYk5 Tai. A fcolch newspaper of 'the year 1TT7, gives tbeTultovtruj as'tSe extract of a letter f'rum l'narlt ; ,-Old tV iUiaut 5kiug iana a'iij his .wife ere tefy dtad'; yott know that h arido'a wife We're born on tbe'eameday, wubin the same iiuur, by the same tnuiwife; tfcat they we're cor stint rampfcViQhB,t!fl6at'jre inspired triem with loV end friendship ; aad at tbaage of niuetWo were married with the con eVtit'ot their parents, t t'ha'ttsiir'a'b Where tWy were chrfs'.eh'e J. These are not the whole of the circmfta'e'e aiieuding tbw'exlraordinary 'pair. They never knew a dayVeickneee ontil "'0 day before ttieiV 'deaths; ind the clay'on which liny died they were exactly one hundred yeaVe old. they di.'d In one bed, and were buried in one grave, close to the fount where lu'ey we're cbrutene'd." . ''.V." qWereiit object fa 'nature ia Spanish, beggar; fur these fellows bej on horaebeck, and it is an odd thing to aae a, man ViJi'pg uj to aotno pWt foot )peaeng'er add asking;, alma, . There ia Va old proverb about aettfrif beggar fcn horaebatl. A gen'tlemaq jiVal'para'ibtini accoaud ' by dn'e ol these. mounted aeygara, replied. wby air, yon oome id L ' " ill i. , , . . . .. I h'tV'e lb t'jppbtl my horse aa well as myself. rr ui mo wnocave iOTO on roor ' wmm ve j nde on hoVscUck.' 'VerJ Irrf. V.ia beggar, 'and 1 harv the more need toW as i is 1 do .ii i . k . . v , I do ' 8 ie . w . 66 EvstVsubsssewtfj'fc, . ' . J8 Yearly ArtoaWewr,, eneeoWmls, ti i barf half wWmn.Ilk Ibiwasfc4ree,v twe,,.reiC Advertisements hk Witbowl irecVr6s ae to the teftft of rTAe tbey kre to be published, will be rYtrtinued eVittl oVdeVed e, 4ad ebkwed seeerd wtiy ' . J ., ttftfttifon Bnas ir lett ttlVe k eare. . Mewai Mesi'k anown some mean men in rev tWc-. ie There wee Deacon Ovareach, now ; he Wae ao meaah kWy eaVrtad .& .set in bia lf box. bon be travelled e 'ck up the earn h.s hcise? wasted in the mengeh attd leV a for hie breakfast in the turning. And thrft there wae ViugVj Vlimrnelmanv Who Wia'de hia wife Hg po Utoentopay foe VneVhaVVUge ricense. Law. yer,' he continued, Iddreasing bimrelf to Bar clay, i in'rjat tell ytW that story of frogo, fbr it'k Vlo't k osd one ; s'sd good e'torlee, Vrtce pota(oeirr sin't aa pfenty aa they need to he When I wa aa "boy. : liugola a neighbor of thine, though con siderable older than I be r and k Ynea'n nernhbor be is, 'too. Vv'efl, wWn he Waa going to ge't matVie'd y63retchen Kelp, he goea down to Par son Rogers at Oigby to get a Yice'rise:. Paradri' saVa tie. whal'a Ibe n'rir nf Ii. cense V. Six dollars,' saysVe. , 'SixdoYiare.'saye irogo. 'Thkl's a dreadful eight of money: Couldn't you 'take less V , ; 'No,' nyt'he, that's what liie'y coat '(o tbd eTOretaty'sofriceltttstirsk.' , - , , VVell how much do yriu ax Jbr KiuhRsbiog fA chureh, then V .tofag,NWy 'paramo. VVell,' says ttujf6, 'thkta j tbeao i can't ekptfcVyou togfve no change Wk. I think i''A be published. How long 'fldfck it taker - Three "Sundays.' TbrtfrtSunoayaV sae lluga VVell, that's a long tffne, tort, iftttt three Sundaya onVy nia'lce k fortnight, after all ; two fo'r ttie co've're knd one for the inside like 7 and six dollars fa a g'rck sl&m tY money .for a 6or man to throw a'wiy.iu. I myut waiu ' , ofrbe WeVt't a joggTAg 'towards no'tt'e, and. a tookrng about aa mekn Aa a new sheared slieerS when all at once a bright thoVight caln'e into A heed, Md ;tck Ufa weVit as haVd Va hia Iiorsa coo'ld ckyryTiim. r , . -iHreon,4 tay he'IVe ehani tny mindf tleVe'e Ae aix hi tie Jot wrtfby bhM that . ca odo svith my Why, Wbat Th hit'cVe is , a,eanlhg tjf tit thisf wy.Wo. . . ;,, 5 u.'VV ,v ring it W- ebeatj than publf. shirjgMtfdkMter aii. Yon se,air, it's potato diggirig tibe, ; .r lf to CaW ,B church. hcMbVhe, will hkve her work for no bing ; od as Lands are scarce and wagea high if I rourry her to nigf.'t ehe can begin to dig bur 0F" 'morrow tend that will nav for t!ie li- ecviae, and jdat aeven ahiliinge over, fbHKero .ain't a matt in all CtemenU that tad dig and cairyaalmany bueWe in a dsy is fcretchert cam And besides, rreeh wivfea; like fresh eer vate, work like smoke st ftret, but they gel "earcy and laiy after a Whfte Life in at Cofd Sam Slick. Wbaitht Mam The will of Peter Q. Stuyvesant fle'e'd.; trie celebrated millionaire of New Vorlt, Baa been deposited ih the Burragoto'f office, m that city.. -Hia real estate ia estima ted it two mil'lions of dollars, ifrd his personal property at IwahUnd'rei thousand dollars, bud half of bia real estate ie felt 'to twelve nephews eiJ VjeVa; iod the oVh'e'r half to three nephews. Mr. Stuyvesant left the following sums to poo licinstiitinns: . . American BibloSocTeiy, 5,000 American Tract fiociety, 1.000 Institution for the Blind, 8.000 rVotcbUnttlalf Orphan Assy film, 5,000 , . It waa generally believed that Mr. S. would leave 'fitly thousand dollar a to the Americatt Bible Society. - Vo tilfiRDt :bb Rica!-A Polish w'ifnan, who haeV atalj att Abe Franklin Marke, found ler8'aif about five year IgV, a Wow with four young Children, and aq eatate of Just one dollar Jd fifty 'cenVs in money. Cho'did not, however tu'ra r"he stes toWd the Almshouse, norrpend her tfoie in begging from door to door. Though. emtarViseVd 'y a Wry poor knowledge of our Tangucge, the ii'nme'dlately invested her capital in aome articles w hich she could sell, and com mencVd ope'ra'tiona, employing the children ai the could for her ascistance. For t year or two past', she has bad the market stall. A lev 1 iat. 1 iisvsWra. , r - w - o' months ago he learned that the owner of a good farm of Veventy-fivb icres To one 'of the central counties of tbe EuYe, wae Very deairooa to sell his farm lor Vnoney. " Sho examined tbe farm, 'wind a ocd house, barn, 'Ac, and fifty acres un der cu'ltivation. Itex twelve ihillihgk bad growrt to twelve hundred dollars, ill safe in the sa Vilia bank, aYsd sbe offered it fot the farm, and it waa accepted, or U was all la cash. The) Polish widow now baa hercoOotry eatate, where ahe haa Wen spending sootf months; tndUjh, unwilling 6 retsre' ae yet, ahe baa returned and reeumed k'e'r i'tall.' Wba't a line provision for herself and 'family .VYai she aecured b five years of 'determined Vcirt! VVtkt prbof ba she maJe tba'l U,i j, th, ,q(j wbete all may be t'Cb vho have health, and where they only w ho. iayc it do; are prrper cbjecu ol cbstity. ,V. V. Jtr. C.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers