r Corn tlrrarl. l! ;s, psrhnpe not Vnowh ft moe. wT tmf tea thfit nri meat i a'uacephhlc of being made i'o a crcat mirty ml etrctllent dih., eomenf vt.tih would ravish he nppftite of an epicure. I iMheir satisfaction wp (rive the fnllowtriir: . Common Junmrjf or ori" CiAs. Into one ;,"t -of meal, etir one pint of boiling water, viti salt, spread itttAa board an Inch thick, ' i "i bake it over tho firs or ethecwise on an an nvet the fire. ' ' .' Suprrior Jnnny Cute. Take mre pint of 'ream, half pint or meal, tsvo'tabm epotmsfat ( wheal flimr, belt' a toa spoonful of carbonate oieoda and aalt to auit the taete. Bake in a hot oven. The above receipe at furnished by the Rev. Owen Iivejoy, of Illinois, with the re murk Vry it' and tell IjrrJ Morpeth to do the name. ' ' " 1 "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; CxcuUml Jonny Culii. Take one quart i.f milk, three egys, one tea epoontol vrf racbo unto or nods, mie'teacup of wheat flour, and In. mm ii mml i-ufficient to make a bslterot the con .Mency of pan cake, fluke quick In pans pre wml bettered, end eat it without butter tjt milk. ' ' " , Hot CA. Three table annrmaful of super, three of errant, three egpa, one teacup of butler "i lk. Stir in the meal till it ia a little thicker i htu bitter, end ealt and spice to yor liking. , Corn Muffin -Tke one quart of butler milk, three nr four epge well beaten, a mall quantity nf flour, mix them together, and then nmke it quite thick with corn meat add tn Me spoonful of melted butter, and estt to taste tutltrr the pan in wbich it w baked. ' . Corn and Flrtir Bread Prepare a thin bet ipr by wetting sifted 'meal in cold water and then stirring it into that which ie boilinjr, salt, i ml when it ia lukewarm, add yeas., and aa much flour aa there iecorn meal, bake it in deep dishes in an oven when riarn. Yankee Brown Bread. To two quarta t corn mnal, pour one quart of boilinj water etir vcat into two quarta of rye meal, and kneed together with two quarta of lukewarm water. Add, if you please,' one gill of molaaaea or tree clr. ' .' ' Corn Bread. To one quart of, eifted mepl, add one tea cup of cream, three epge, one tea spoonful of carbonate ofaoda dissolved in water, buttermilk to make it quite eoft; etir it well, and bike in a cake kettle or oven. ' I G'een Corn Pudding. Take eighteen eara iiff-reeen corn, eplitlhe kerne's length wise of th eara with a sharp knife, thea with a case knife scrape the corn from the cob; mix It with three or four pinta ot rich sweet milk, add tour eeg well beaten, two table spoonsful of Ptiffar, nalt to the taste, bake it three hours. ' To be ea ten hot with butter. " , Indian Pound Cake. Eight Cgga, the weight of the egga in augar, the weight of aix of them in milk; barf a pound of meal half a pound butter, and one large nutmeg., Butter ?, A'o. 1. Prepare a thick bet tpr by wetting sifted meal with cold water and then stirring it into that which is boiling. Salt, and when it ia lukewarm, add yeaat ; wlren ri arn, bake in thin cakee, over the lire. No. 2. Take amir milk, Vorrcct ita aridity with carbonate of eoda, add ealt and meal to inak a thick butter, and ee before. ' No. 3. Stir a qnart of boilmg water into the mine quantity of meal, add a little ealt and two egga well beaten cook a before," ' An Krkatwm Mi Biddy Fuflp, in 1rer history of the Fudge family, recounting the ii neriea of author, aaya that 'thoesrb an angel should write, 'tia devila must print;' and givea the following instance of the ha too made by the printer in one of her effuatona; , ' ; , Itut a week or two aince in my ode upon apring, Wbirh I meant to have made a moat beautiful Thine, ' . . .... Wbera I talk'd of dew drop 'from TretWy-blo'e rosea,' The natty thing made it from freib!-blown nosea.' ' ' r'- ' ' ' George fvkyn once affirrofd io cotnpaTry that no woman never wrote a letter without a potcrit. 'My. next lettr thall retute yea, iid L-dy G. Syn. Soon after he received a letter from her Indyahip, wbeq after her aig nature, stood P. S. Who is right now, you or ' ' " ' Two well-dreted shoemakere binjr in the company of pome gentlemen, were aaked their profession . any a one of them, I practice the heel ing art, and I, ears the other, 'labor tor the good nf men's $ouI$ ! A man tok off hiavoat to show a terrible wound he bad received some year a paat. 'OT said ha on not being able to find it, 'I remember now, 'twas my brother Bill's aim.' Gimun.-'Df bby, the dw bell rmga, and you tnuat run light the match and touch the bhavinge, aod lei ihe burnt aticb and brands get on fire iu the fire place, or tbf y will think we dou'l keep a Are in t'ta fitting room, anI Iba'. would not be genteel. 'Yis'm, there it is all roaring, and the bell ringa againshall I go now !' yets O, Inrdy ntarm, it waaoiily a pedler.' A pedler, eon'oond him take the fir apart, and get ready for another alarm.' . VieW , ; j - - Th editor of the Ohio Cultivator is getting S"ite poetical. Hear him; We never loved a charming critter, But aotne one else a as aura to get her." Did you ever sit down to tea wbera skim milk was oa ll table, without beicf asked, Do you take cream, air!' . -f I f. . ..I , w.i m. m,,,,, m lm , DASH Hoti: IvIST. Tim Tnllnwliic lit ohnwa the current vntue of alt Vnnsylvania Bunk N.ea. Th mr4 imperil re liance may km p!cm1 npnn ft, it U rvcjhf week Arrfnlly Cnmpunpil with ii'rt correctej from' Illi naif a Reporrer.' .' ,' Bnnlm In rhlladolphtA. . NaVa,- ' "UcaTtoa. ' V.'V NOTRH AT P Alt. nsnk of Plnith Ameiirs . ., . Dank of the Northern f iVrtirs , . Commerrial Bunk of Penn'a.. . , . Parmera and Nferhsniea' Uank ftenninirtnn hunk .' . Philadnlpbin Bsnk , . Schuylkill Bank Snwhwark Bank- , . Wpntpm BnnV Mechanira' Bank . MarnifartnrerV Hr Mechnr.ica' TJ.ink . , flank of Penn Township . , Oirard Bsnk , . Bsnk of Commerre, I lo Vfoyamenaing Barrk of Pimiitvwi s , . . Otutlry Itankta. par par psr pnr pnr psr psr par par pr pr rar psr par psr Bank of rtipstpr Cminiy VtVtrhSPT par psr P par psr par Bank of PclswnTV ('otinty Ctwrter Bank of Rernisntown nprmautown Bsnk of MnntQomny Um Norriatown IKtytertowtt Pot finvlnstown ' Eauon Bank ' ; TitMrm Parmera' Bank of Burks en Bristol psr Bsnkef Niwibernhpilnnd Nnrthnmtiprlsnd psr Cnbmhla Bsnk & T1rid( m,(;olumlii par r armeraDsnK or Lancaster" l.nnr:tri tiar Lancaster County Dntik l.awrster par Lsnrnster pst Readinc pnr HarrishurO These Lanenster I officps lsneaster Hank' FBrmem Bsnk of Rpsilina, OWce of Bsnk of Penn'a. Office do ' Offwe do ' ' OffWa do NOTES do do do Kpsrtinf do not Eson J issue n. DISCO V NT. AT Rank of the United Si .te' Philadelphia 23 Potisville ) LewMown I j Middhuown 1 CsrKsV , I PrrtsJiury J Hnllidstrshnrg i Harrisliurg ltnon . f Piitstiura; PittsVuif VViltiamsporl l Wiiketarra I i AHentown Reading Pitts.'rg fstlod Crid ' do New Brighton , dn l'h.iurticrshurg ficttysl.urg Montrose If Erie . . tjalj Wsyneiihurg ij Washington Ii Boneaduie . . H Brownsville lj Miners' Bank of PottHvillv Dank of Lewisiown Bark of MidvMrtiiwn Carlisle Bsok ' Exchange Bank Do ' do ' branch of llarrialiuia; Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants'. Martof. Psnk Bsnk of Pittturg West Branch B .nke. Wyoming Bank Nnrthamptnn Hink Bcrka County Unk Office of Dank ot V. . Do . '". do . do Do .do do Bsnk of Cbsmliersliurg Bnk t Getty shure; Bank of Rurmwhanua Co. Erie Bsnk Farmers' it Droers Bsnk . Franklin Bank iioneadsla Bnk Manonearrela Bsnk of U. Tmk Bank Fmk . 1st N. B. Tbe notes of those bonka on Md we omit quotations, and aubstttute a dssh ( ) are not purchased by the Pfiiiodelfbia hrnfcers, with the exception of those whirbJisve letter of f fnrence. BROKEN DAN KB. , i PhiUdelnhia Sav. Ins PhiUd.liia railed Ha ' fniled do . fjiled do do Philadelphia Losn Co. Hcbuylkdl dsv. Ins. Kensineion Ss. Ins. A Penn Townhip Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bans ( T, W Pyett, prop.) failed Tnwaiioa Itnilfiwd no ale Pienver rinsed llsriisburg clnsod Wa-ihinpiim tuded Belli f. nits rliwcj I owanda Uank AHeghany Bank of Pa. Bsnk of Beaver Bunk of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bsuk ' City Bsnk FarmcTs' MerVrs' Bsrrk Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bank Farmrra' dt Mech'iV Bank , Harmony Institute Huntingdon Batik Junista Bank Lumberman's Bnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge t;,. Nonhxiuti'd Union Col. lik North Western Bsuk of Ps. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Msnirf. tieiik Silver Lske Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Weeunoieland Bsnk ' Pk dmig no sIh Pfnsbnr' fnled Fsyell en. tailed iiwenctle failed Hsmtunv im hI Hiintinp.lMi ir. sale Ijpotuiowu fio Mle Wsrien fiiircd iKuidnfr no sle New Hope t-l.wed Milton no slc Mcadiilla . closed Port Carlhin Carli4e ( fsiied Montrose closed Uniontnwn failed (rrensliug closed WfTkeeliOTre nossle Wilkeebsere Bridge Co, OCT" Atl notes pnrorting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bsuk not given in the above Kst, utsy I set Jowq as frauds. HEW jeki:y. Bsnk of ew Uiunswick Itruiiswit4 fsile.1 i par par i failed Betvideie Bsnk . . beWidera Burling too Co. ItatA MwKord Cominercial Bank Perth Amhoy Cumtrerland Bank , Rridion farmers' Bsnk Momrt HMj rarwtera' aod Mechanics' Ck Railway Farmer' and Mechanics' Dk N. Brunswick Farmers' end Merchants' lik Mrddkftewn Vl Franklin BankoT N.I. lersey Ctty failed tlotoken Dig A Uiasing Ve rlobirken tarl. taire.1 fa MM farted t failed I par no ssfe lersey Chv Bank Jersey Ciy Psltemnn Hi-tl.ville Mnrristnwn Freehold Nes srk Trenton Jersey City Mechanics' Dsok Manufacturrra' Bank Morris County Bsuk Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics Bank Mechanics' snd Msnuf. Bk Morris Csnol and Hkg t'o Pust Notes Newark Bkg & Ina V New Hope Del Bridge Co N. i. Maoufac and Bkg Co Newsrk I binder tsvills I fsded failed 4 frriW . 4 pst psr lloboken N J Protecton Sl Lombard 1 Jersey City Orange Bsnk . Orange Peterson Bank Peterson People' Bank . do PutKVtoo Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Starts Bank Newark Slate Bank I'-btabuthtown State Bank Csinden State Bank of Morns Mriulnwn Bute Bank l'rvntou Babun aod Pbilad Maauf Co Salem Susael Bank Nawlnn Trenieii Banking Co 1'reuaen Union Bank Dover . Washington BaitkJng Ca. Hacksoaack i I par s failed tailed i P' I i DEUWARl. ' Dk of Wilm 4c Braudywioe Wiiiainglon par Bank of Delaware ' Witiaingtuo psr Dank of Baiyma' Smyrna par .Do - kfsooh MiMeed par Farmcra' Dk of tttats of Del Doves par Do branch - Wilmington) par Do branch Georgetown par Do ereucta - Newesatka par Union Bank . Wikotugtoo . aar p- Under 6's fjjr On all banks marked thus f ) there ars si, ther eon ntei fail or altered notes of toe varioua da oomineiioae, ia circuUooo. nrins Goods: .. . . . " , . . - S iir"v ! PIllfE soHscr'ibsr baa JfiM TrerpiJ. bi We X Hprinf tinnd. to which batnilM h.ia frieit . and rastomrra to call and sxnlnp fur thSmsat :e' ! Mbjaifjck conw-W in part of the fIUiwips.t . : ftiporinr CTIdtba. of nil cnlnr'.tVsmtf ra of..li-. ' ent pattern; Stif snd oltier VeaMis - C-r i ' , fhioi, Lan,' (linhams, Chsrk. Tick- , inps, and summer wesr of sll kinds u . . and ptitm ; lo, I.Mtioin an4 .. ' Palm lexrMsU; Umhrelta , . , , and PnrnenK ft -m 25 , , , . j jrtTUfoceiie,Q,ieene- . i , 'ullrdwsie, t'sJsrware, , )il',V.,m, Fih, 8sll. &.e.. A.c.. ftp... snd in firt. pWt. arnVfl- lutislly kepi in s coiin't store, wliirh wili'l-a Sold SeTj low. fur essS nr i iy kind of tra.le. JOttV BOO AR , eHinliury, Miy 15th, )8l7. ot4r More Now Goods ! THE last airfval is at Pn-dy's Store, Msrket 9qusre, where wilt tie found a himda inie as soitmrni of RPRINO AND SUMMER GOODSj , of the Istest snd most spprnved siylea, coiminldiR of Ototba, ' " Cssimera, Vestln?, Snmmer PtufT. Mons. laines, Liwne, fJii.ghsms, CaHc.'S, MirslrtiP, Jesns. cfee., Ae , Ac sis', s foil swottment of Omeeriis, sll of which will lie sold lowi r ibso ser otTvrH in .Ms mnrtt.t. Csll and examine for vourmlces. SuuWy. May 15 h, 1847. if I'lour, VrodncCi and Gancml Commit' sion Merchants, No. 116 SiairVe War, BALTIMORE, OFFER their services to the Merchmits snd Farmers of the Suqu lisnna Vs ley. for the sale id Flour, (Irsin and Produce generslly, in the B.diim .re msrket, ami from their ix'eiiie sc-iU-intnce slnmg purchasers and shippera, csn safely w irisnl mitUcUny snlrn. Correspondents will be coeslanily kept sdvisrd of the slate of the msike's, &e. i . R.Tor to M. Wm, Wilson & P.. ns."l l-sse Reynold ,tc Sou. 1 ,, , n:, a a liatimorP. aviilson cc nsundurs. I Reynolds Ac Smith, J and Messrs. TinpU-y, Csldwell Ac Euglinh, Phils. Msy Iftih, t4T. 5m SOMETHING NEW! Hul-scribers have the exclusite right of . vending J. M. THATCHER'S Hot niaat Hot Air1 CooKInc; in the cecities of Nnnhumtmlan 1, CuUratns snd Svtaylkill; and frm the encouragement met wiiU already, they eaprct 'o Ho a lares business:- This rtove is con-tracvd t an eotiiely new priicipte; nd en the twity principle that e n mass bo h a good wood ad co l etoWe. . The inventor baa over, come all ibe difficult es thai i frequenrly hnlnng t-i other stoves, - He baa by hi- arr meem-nt, een. stiucteJ a broiling fXjOvei III rrrrnt. where in bfoil nc, maaong, frying or baking miy be done, and sll l ha smell tbat'srisea ihsreliom most (,se into (he cwinbustildc cbsmher, snd is not at all thrown out into the rnom.D Besides this, there it an nven ooly two inches leas than the whole sice of the atove, wherein h.-iking or roasting maybe done aa well as it csn be in the common brick nven. This oven is slwsvs fit for u- wlen the sove is heated, aa Umi whole draught of hot air psuses a rotmd U conalanlry. l'uMc alieniion is partirul-rty railed in ibis stove. i csu tie seen at our Siore snd Tin E-Ih lishment in North Danville, at the ign of the Co. kinitiia Tm hon. and si ibe found v of Rohrbseh A It.'iuoiit in !Oul'ury , wlteis it paiticulsr rjusli- ! lira Will te lolly shown snd t ip'sinrj io sn v rMii wirhrng to il .mine it. Tbe sutiecritM-re ctintimre to ftsve oo harvl all ' kinds of pst lm stoves, stich ss rsdistnrs. cylrn.ler-, fanry soil plsin, suituhle for sll who msy ftvor us wiih a call; also ein,non sheet snd Itusai i Iron, which can be msde in sny d. sira'il sbi; toirt--ther with a geoersl ss-rortinenl ot tin snd jsiinned wsre, wholesale snd retail. Country nMnfisnla ere invited to call and examine eur Slin k, ae our work cannot he aurpaaed, and pircos tnsdoerstp. 1 l. U. We eau ssk lv rrromniend the shove men tiuneil stove to twons wt.o wtsh to emmk in a good busioera t'le patentee will sell eiibpr coun ty or slate rights, to suit pnsc'iaaere, and on ea-ai-nilib- teiina. He or his sgen's nraytte fnui.A io Danville, Pa. J. & J. ARTER. The undersigned, lisving seen in operation the hot b'B-t hoi air xikmg stitve, inenietl and pa. tented by J, M. Thaiibpr, certify that we hpli, vo, ftom the ro inner of its eiuiliucii n snd or'iim, that it is the beA one evi-r offered tn the public. The airaugiTnent is so enmphte and ihecnustriiciien so judicious, ibst there is a saving ot one half the fuel snd nnre, in doing sny given amoMrtof a rvic, over other cetdwated stoves, tn hoit we reeonr inent it in preference to all others, f.w the simple vesson that it emtrracea evi-vy lranch of econnoiy. Samwel tJsrreit, John W Garrett. Dvid Chat f.M, W F Kitch n. John M Otay, E Thompm. Smith Thompson, J D Habn, John (takes, llreiki sh Hew, EN s F Cooper, t.o M Rkhrt, Daniel HiifToian, Henry II Krssvl, F H fairer, Daniel Driisbarh, Jutenti Ysokiik, Brnok Epley. . Dsnville. Match C, 1847. ly FARll ri,HE fuliscribsr oflers for sale a cheap Farm, - aitaale in Sbsniokin Vwnship, Nonhumlirr land county, about eight miles from Sunhury, ly. ing between the Centre turntdke and In-h Vstley, containing t? acres and allowances. Suid firm rs m a gtod stale of cultivation, wiih reasonably good I'uildings and eict liaot water neat the dour and all kinds of f'Uii. Ac. JOHN FA RXS WORTH, Simbury. Feb. Vjl, Idil. Clothing Est ablishiuciit OPERATIONS in t:iasaiae seem to he th snder of the day, at the Phdsdetirhta Ward Rutin, 105 Chesnwl eireet, where every art Ms In the koe is kept, aod sold at asnoiIUiig low prices, embracing Cloaka, Bsnfops, Over Sack Coats, Short Sack Cos, , Super French Ctoth Drew Proek Coats, Pewttalooaa of every grade and . sty h, any of which will be aold either by the gsisasat or duaMi, st pri ces ibst will jestify the aieat eeooeratcal in buymg. . We adviss all who want good am! cheap Clo thing, to call at No. 105 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, fab 6th, 1 6 IT Cob TO WATCI I1 Inporf r of a Wrtfxhcs Vilch-Makcry rTtHU arttf AValcij. Mmerials r 'u i Vholfttale Retail. - - ; 1 Ae. 8. Mittlmt tlrett, I'll 11. A DfCl.fHIA, WAR constsntly on band a Urge saeeriment of Lunette, Patent, and Plsin Glass; M;iin kpiings Verges, Disla, Wsirh Hands, sod .a com plete a'soilmenl nf sll Tools sad Materials bt-rnne mf to lire trailer with a Isrge t s-sortmrnt of Go d and Silver .Lever, Leoe, and Plain Wattl.osj all nf which ha will gusrnty to sell si the .esl Nea York prices. All orders froa the country punolu allv Ptpcnted. - " i .-. N. B. ('oUnlry merchatits and others are invited to c II and pfsmliie bia stock, st No. 246 Market MiPe'. Phdsdrljihia, Jsn.21. 147. m No. 31 North Third slrcet, (mT(riTT soTm,) FHILASBLrRIA. C. C. M A (J k K Y, AtOTlONEER. TO rOUNTBY STORE KEEPEK. IJlVrlMSO SALES of Hsrdware. tntle.y, 2i Sd.BTj, Whips. Boots, fchoes, Hsta, Cspa, tiane, . Pistols, toothing, Watches and Fancy Gmd, At Msrkey'a Auction Store, 31 North Third rlree. nesr the tiity Hotel, ' ' ,' The attention nf Country Mrrbsnts is invited. The Hoods will he a. .Id in lots to suit purchiwrs, srd nJKJood offered wjll be warranted equal to tbe re nmarnf nitons that msv be made of them. N. B." A large asmanent nf Ooorls si Private Sale. Jan. Iff, 1S47 ly MOUNT VERNON i 1)5 North Md st., bet, Arch &. Haco sfs., 1 Ii i I n n c I p Ii i a . BRADY & PARKER respectfully m loan their frreudu and the public that they bjve taken tne above named houe, recently kept tiy J. W Adsma, and are piepared to aroommodste custo mers in the moat satisfactory manner endatrea poimble prices, : Tbe tatihs will be supplied with the bpt vari. ety -he market stTorda their psrlorssnd steeping snirtmeots will be in the beet order. The home lies beer thoroughly eenaired sad furnished with S view to the Comfort of travellers and' strangers. H siring had eesl yeara experience in the business,- 'hey hope to give general earisfaction, and respectfully invite travellers and strsngsrs to give them a cslt. BR ADY dt PA RKER.' Philadelphia. Janusrv M, 1847. f CHEAP WATCHES, The Cheapest Gold awl Silver Watches IN PIIILADKI.l'IlIA. GOLD Levers, full Jewelled, f 45 00 S.lver ' do. do. ' S3 DO U..W I eptt.es, Jewelle.1. ?0 I'O Silver do. do. 1 P IMt Silver Qusrtiers, fine qu.ili'T, tO HO Gold Wetehee. plain, 1 lb CO Silver Spectacle, 1 79 Oold reoclla, 2 00 Oold Biacelets, 4 00 Also, on hsnd. a large awrtmenl rfT O ,1 J and Hsir Bracelets, flneer rings, hreirt pins, hoop esr rings, gold pens, silver spoons, sugar long, thim bles, gold n-rk. curb snd fob chains, gusrd key snd jewellery of ereiy description, at eiiMy low prices. All I want is a call to convince custo mer. All kinds of Wslcbes and Clocks repaired and winn'ed to keep good time for one year ; (d.l gold or silver hr-ght ot tsken io exchange. For sale, eight day and thirty hour brsss clock, st LEWIS LA DOM US' Wsfch, Co.k and Jt-wellery Slose, No. 4I3J Msrket street, above Eleventh, north side, Phils phis. XJ" I have some Gold and Silvei Levers, stdl murh chesper then the above prnree. Philadelphia. IW. 36. IMII. I v 1 vriaCol(sstianiii SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities piven withotit Chnrge. .fltll Ci.m.f St.. PHILADELPHIA. THIS new end splendid srrrcle, a its nsme de notes, is pr.ifesaed to be superior tn sny Sha ving Creurn in the United Ststes or Eumpe. It is unsurpss.d fr beauty, purity and fsgrsncp, I ho' Mwnewtist snsbcou to tiui-rlsin's Amhrosisl Cresm and other similar compounds. , It far sur passes ihem all by the am i ient pssty c-msistency of its Uther, which so softens the hrsrd as to render sh living pleueant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported ankle, m being frpkhl y pri pne I, no skill being wanting in its man uficture. E.ltousscl having had many "years' e-M-rience in the celebrated Laborstory of Laugur, Pent ei Fil, now Rensud & co of Paris. Besiiles Wing the best, it is the ehespest article for shaving; a ia eU-Seirity puttii in botes, whb splendid steel engraved labels. Prire $3 er dozen, or 37 cents for a single boa, to ahssrp one year, ft is atao sold at II bO per lb. or IS) e-nts -er oa ,sn rbst grmtlemeri ran have tttcir boiesGIU-d st EVTOCNE ROL8SELJ. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Es'sblishmenl, 1 14 Chesnut Street, Dee 19. 1846.-. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm. fJUE Coders goed here'-y gives notice, tbst he 1 has associated with himself, aa a psrtner in tbe mercantile buainess, in bin Mom adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunhury, John Haas, and thsl the said store will hereafter be conducted on di r the fiim of Clement Ac Hasa. Tbe store at tha South West coiner of Msrket Square wilt be eondurted as hereto fore, by the eubeeribet himself, to which ha respectfully incites his customera end trirnda. He s'so n itifiee sll those indebted to him, locsK between this and the 1st of January neat, and set tle their sccounta. .All kinds of ptoduco will be tsken on account, at csh prices. Hereetei Bs longer than C-hm month eredii will be given. . IKA T. CLEMENT. Sun bury, Nov. 14. Itt4 tf. CLSMSITT 6c HAAS, TI ESPECTPCLt.Y Inform the public, that on ma 9th lnet., tbey aoteied into partnership, m the mercantile business, st the atoia recently occupied by lis T. Clement, adjoining Wesve s Tavern, In flunbury. They bava lately received s stew stock of goods, which tfeey wilt dispose f at IIM rawest prices. All binds of produce will be taken ia exchange for goods. No longer than four months credit wilt he given. IRA T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Punuurv, Nov. H, 18(0, if. AUCTION CTORE, , No. 6 North 3ct it., third door, above v ' Markc Klfect, . , . " fMILADt P H IA, . CJALE EVERY EVBMNO, of a general as enrrmeift idToretsrVi and Domestic llar lwsre, ('I'able and Perket Outrcry, Trunks, Lopka,' ., Lslrheis, toii, Siw, etaddlery, Whipa, Boms, Kboi-s, lla's. Caps, fJuns, Pistol, Trimmina", Clothing : I and Partry tl.KI. ' ' ' The attention of city and country dealers is in vivd. The"J.)ivls ar fiesh, snd will le rVsrrBe.ied erjosl to the represviils'tona tltsl may be made of them. ' BAY LIS dc BROOKE K, Anrtloneert, ' ' No 6 North Third st. - N. B. Purchasria can bavp tbeW Hoods picked. Spversl Invoices oftloodshevetH en received to be sold at ptivale sale. PbihJelpIiia, Dec. 9th, 1916. ly" To The I. O. of O. F J. W. & I). S TO K K S, Manufacturers of Prcmivim OJJ Fel lows' Regalia, A'o. 19 tovficl Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Store below 6th Stenet. THE subscrinprs having talken tb prp'm'mm at Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for tbe best Kegslia, tbrv mviee ike stteutlnn of I lie order to their establishment, wber they Will find a splendid sseorlmentof P.O. and Encampment Re sells. . Tbey also make to order for Lodges end Encampments, Regs'is. Sssbea, Costumes ami Robes, snd furnifh every thing retuie4m for tho Convenience of new Lodges or Enrampntenta. , J. W. STOKES, E D. STOhTus. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, !84C-.--1y F.XTlt A OR D I N All Y f ) I SCO V E It Y ! BBATXrilSS CAN SB CTJBXO II COOPER'S ETERIM. Oil A prompt snd la'ting reinoily for Dstp.v m, also fot pains ami disrhanr,e of matter from the Ear. - Hundred of ruri s in rse deemrd ut'eily hope lershsvs firmly e tahlitdied its eapeikirily over eve ry f.iriocr Medical discovery. This vsluablo Acoustic Medicine la a compound nf four different Ods, one of nhich, tlie active and principal ingiedient, ia oMtined fiom the bark of a cersin species of Wshot, a new and effectunl agent in the cure of Desfrress. Persons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 years, have been permanently cured by u ng this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatic hsvp been the testimonial in iu fsvor, lli.it the in ventor claims for it tire dimlnetton Of en 1iit'sll.l4e Rrinrdy, in all cases, when Ibe Ear ia perbci in tt torniHU n. Foi further psiticutsrs, slid evidence of its wrest vtue, aee printed he-l in die Tund- of .a. gent. P. r sure tn Sunhury, by J. W. PKILIMi. September 19th. 1846 ly Dli1vviKAVA iflvvivSwvftjll! UNRIVALLtD AND PNEQUaIXEJJ ' In curing Colds, Co-iiha, Axthiiia, liiflu-n i, Whoo)iirig-('iigh, snd all Dineases of tl.e hre.Bt and fung. leading to 'ouimp. lion ; coinpoed nf the concentr ited virtues of the herb llorehimiMl, Bneaitt, Bloodreot,' and aeveral other vegeta ble anb-tanrea. ' Warrantod PPRE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rPHTS invaluable Medtcnse is the mot si-eedv J d ccrtxin remeilv ever discovered f f the ft- I ove compls ntn, a thousand who have ed it will heiify. Porai.le, inSuirbunr.W . ' i J. W. FRILINO. snd in Norll umherlsnJ. by 1). BltAUTJOAM, snd at wholesale, tn PtHtsdrkohia, v P. si LE TT 4 Co. Corner of Second and Callowbill streou. September 19th. IH4C ty D E i tTs TR Y. 7AC0B HELLSPs, THANKFVI. for the liberal eiicour.gemeril which be baa received, wool I respectmlly inform TMefrieiida and the citicens of NorllKiinl'ei land county in general, that he has prrpsred him self with the best Incurruplible Teeth, tJoldlsie, Oold Foil, &e., that can tte bad in the city nf Pbi ladclfihis and that be will mileavwr, to ibentmoot ot his ability, to render fuH satisfaction to s!l who msy think proper to engage his service. He will be In Sunbnry at the AogvfeT. court, where ha will be prepared, at bia residence, to insect Teeth on tiold Plate, or on Pivot, on the Istest and most sj proved pints, snd attend In ar the branches Mong ingm DEN PAL sCROERV. Ladies will he waited on at their (daces of tusi dervre, if desired. His cbargea will he rraaonable, and his work warrsnted. ' " He will visit different parts of the county, about once in three months, Honburv, July tSih. 1S4et (tin FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Light KtretX, THE House has undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its firmer patronage. Terms SI 24 per day. . , WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOGG, July 1, 181C -ly Proprietors. Keller sfc. farcciiouicli, PATE1TT ATTORITSTCL AND MECHANICAL EXGINLLKS, WASTXIlfaTOIf, z. o. 1TKRA WINGS sod Papers for tfas Patent Of. ILK fee will bs prepared by I hem, si their o&oa, ppporrta the Patent Office. July. 4th, I84. ly ' , ' 5a. EXTEU8 SPIRITS OF HOAP, for eg. traeting Crraaae, Dry Tamls, Ysniish. Tar. ax, dec, froaa oeathlng of sny deatriplion, war rsnted nt4 to injurs lbs doth ar tbe aao4 delieata eelors. This liquid has also been used with great aucceaa in cases ot Burns, 8eslds, Tetter, Pimples en tbe face, Chapped bands. Sots lips, Rheums ti, Hsrd or sett Coras, Ac. ff Price, AS eta. per boiile. Pot sale at the stote at ' July IS,19S, II. MASSE R, H. B. 2A33Er, ATTORNHY AT IAVV. ' TSCWBtJR t, pa. Bnelnesa attended M in the Counties ef Nor thuml'erland, Union, t.yptiming and Colnmbia. -. , nrfer tot P.. A. Pevot'oT, ' 1 Lowaa it Bsaaorr, - ' Poiasaa ck.SBonosss, . . Vf'.UW. (. Rsmolds, McFsaitaa & Co. , SplSDlQ, lidOD & :0-f J r. KZIMBEU, JR., i A'o, St AerfA Vtwrik Street, umler the Mer chant1 Hotel, Phil tKlotpbln, . a hp Molts nr eaata.j EEPS constsntly on band an er,trr.ive s. '4' sortrrrpnl or an kinds of 8ilV, Far and Bps- sls, Which he ovTera sr safe vm Tire most rea sonable term. Ilia lists ate made up ot the best .materials, and in the mn approved etjle. Per son Visiting the city wiTl find it to their IrttereM to e"" : July llth. 184B. Iv TT : sHsVI5k"meu,, awaanra ay Taarasvau laaTtTVta, 1845. Clly Dnsncrrroljpe "Establfshmrnt. (l.T Slo!ra & fotHV.) Ao. 100 Chrtnul ., abort Third, South tide, FnXX.ADSZ.FHZA. MINtATI'RES ttiken equally n well in clou dy aa in clear wetlher. A d irk silk dtess for a Isdy, arxl a Am suit for a gentleman, are .tef,ira1i1e In sitting for a pirtuie. No extra charge ia msde for ' coloring, and pe reset' likenesses era gusrsniied. July 4th,- IA4A. ly rGZi&T&2iK HOTTSE, .PHILADELPHIA. rillUS large and comm.xliotis Hotel has recently Wl brvm fired -p with entire uv-w furntiutn. The sMtmtribera ther tore solicit the pstronsg of the public, and trust thsl their experience in the busincKS will enable them le give .entire aaUaf.c tion. Terms motWrste. i . B AC LEY, McKENZlE &. Co. , July 4th, 184U. ly ' ' ' ' . rsitTisTP.T.. P V. T K U W. y A 88RU, RKCF.NTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFCLLV iriwm the citi.ii t.f Sunbury and vtcinttv, that hp he npenrd an otlice st ihe residence of Henry Mss-er. in Mxrket strrrt, where tie is prepmed to execute sll kinds nf Dsntsv Scaenev. Ptte Work, die., on the IstPKt snd most approved plans, , : i . Having bad ome i xjierience and iiis'ructirm, undrr one of tbe mot eminent and siiecesful Ilcii ris'a in Philadelphia, be l-lii vca tht he will tie able to give eetisf iction to tboee who trrsy want hie services. . Ladies will le wjiled on st their 44x-rs of resi dence. Hi cbsrgea wiTi'l mode'ste, ami Ins n warranted. . Sunburv, March ?Plh, IMA."' Ta liirrtiurrs) tip DR7 GOODS. as. VlK IS1 I'trirlut, NEW YttltK.- HA VINO eetsbUVhed s Brsnch St No. 144 Chr nut st., Pbilmlelphis, is now ofsntrtc. and will be cniitiimt'v receiving from the New York Aac tion, sn xtenie sorimerit of rANCY k STAFZ.TS ZJItY OOOJJ3. wbiili will l sold st the lowest New York piic."s, at wlioli.ale and R. tail. Among hts stock will t tiiiltid a good seortrmTH of the follorvieg articles) Jaoriin'ts, I'Unl, Hnir fold, Lsce, Sirijie, It k Swiss and Talatat) Mdiiis, Biidi p an I Linei: Lawns, Paocy Cap Netts,' Fancy and Ball Itresse Thrend l.si-es, Apdicstitn Do., rich Black Silk Trwiining Lsce, Irih Lines), linen ("srnbrici Lmen t'ambric Ili1kf..Curt.iin Fringes. Cf&mei d'Ecoii-e, Mouselme da I. nine. Milk and Cottor Warp Alccas, Qu s-n's Cdoth, Jt Plaids Pr.-n.-h !ttsinoa. Ml .rk Ht4. Olovc. Hi k Hoe tSluwIa, Cravats, Riubon. Cmbroi.lert.s Ao drc. . t'ooiiSrv Mercbsnte sml eiheee viMeg Phil elel diia or New ork to purcliaHe, are reiectfully in vited hi mil and ex.iiniae cbe rf.icks. Nov. I, IftSJt. ty U K L I K V K A X D .LI V THOMSON'S rot.itHutt4a rnip . r Tar &. woo Xupttsa. PIT HE anprecedi-oted uccei-s of tbi medicine, i 1. the re.torain ( beabh, to those who, in de psir, hsd given up all hoes, has given it an eta ted reputation atiove art other remedies, fornishin evidvirceof its intrinsic value and power, as the ot ry scent which ran be relied ttx for the cure Pulmonary Consumption. ' Brntiehittie,' Asrhm Pain n the side wnd BreaH, Spitting of Broo Wboeplog Cosgh, Croup, A. " Attention ia requested to the following ASTOr 'SUING CUKE.bv Thom-on's Compound Syti of Tavand Wo.hI Nsptha! PhilaMfhia, May d, 144. MR. THOMSON Dear Sit With ar.trl feehrrga I inform you of the astonishing affects your ine.licine, which hss literally rais- d me frc , " Vtb-lied ! My disease,' Pulmonary Consum lion, had sexUeoed ina t low that my phyaician u nojnced my case bnpeleaa At this junction 1 1 j smi to u-eymir mediciue, sod miraculous ss it ni seem, n naa completely retnteu ne to nesnn, si rvt-rythtng else hsd fsiied. Revpectfullv yours. WASHINOTOM MAt'lC, Charlotte atract, above Geoige sire Th nndersigae,!. being personally acquaint with Wshingtsa Msck and his Mafariufs, is w i tm as to the aatoni-btug efTects nf Thoraao t'oitipound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the bore statement. JOS. WINNER, 3t North Third eireet, i ItAVID VICKERS. 4t Almond street. HIUH MXJIM.EY, S. E. eoraor Tsmt sad Fourth streeta. Ptreftsred only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. cor tf bih and Suce elerets, Philadelphia. Agents. II. U. Master, Suabuty ; D. Go and Dr. Macpbersou, Harriidturg ; Jno. ii. Ilrtv Petlsvi'le tlen. Erl, Reading ; Houston dr. '. on, Towanda, Bradawd coauty, Pa. Price M V pat ttuitle, or fa per docen. . Ci.anr of ail ini':i'U. Philsdt lulus. June 8th. IM45. I e . " George jriVeawcr, , BOPS MAJCSB e SHIP CUASniX A. 1 3 North Water Street, PhiladttpXi, . f WAS constantly on bsnd. s general ort U II xasat of Cordage, Seine Twines, dki Tiri Ropes, Fishing Hopes, WbUs Ropsa,il Is Rof asa. Tow Liuss for Canal Boats, o, 1 complete assortment of Seine Twines, dtck s. Hemp Shad snd Herring Twine, Best PetiOill Net Twiae, Cottoa Shad and Heeriag Twirhor Threads, Vc Ac Also. Bad Cords, Ploogoea. Haltora, Traces, Cottoa snd Lines Carpet tuv sVc, all of which be will dispose of sa inabb teiras. , Philadelphia, Novambsr 13, 13(3. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers