I .T Kit MS OF TUB " AMEWICASV? ,,11. B. MAHSER, ,,w . rvsueasas Ana' ,.ir . MK BW V wit in Cir MUy ' JV eVa .f - ' - t ' .lSl52rfiJ.isi.,t b 'H i ..f r Til E V AMERICA N .', is publishes every 8tur Jsy at TWO DOLLARS per apnum lobe paid half yearly lit advance. ' No paper rlisebnun aed ttll ti arrearages are paid, " 1 rt'id . .1 .ui subscriptions received for lea period .lhan iTioirTiia.- All eommusiealloryi or letters on business relsting to thq, office, to insure attention, aiurf i PQHt PAjp. ... .., , , AT THS ' "Philadelphia Watch Jewelry iSrtre,w K. 00 North 6BCOND airsM, corner of Quarry. COLD Lever Watches, full is jewrHcd, lAeauil mi' J45 00 J84let.Lacr..WteiiV.fiill, . - jewelled, . , , 3 00 Silver Lever Watche.,' sc.- ' " ' ' v-n jewels, '-' ' J8O0 tsirvrt Jjeptne Watches, jewelled, finest c .11 'u' 1 - . ' ; Vii I K. quIUy, . Superior Ouartier Watches, , , TO 00 Imitation Qnarticr Watches, not warranted, 5 00 nU pecteleVM'" ' "" '" ' 5 0 Fine Silver 8pec.U1r.le, s T.rf I .) 1 1 I 7JV Hold Brnci let with lorwz stones,. -. ,,,, , ,.i ,140 Ladies' GoUl Pencils, I R cits ' .3 00 1 Gold Finger Kings 37 j els to f Watch Ols. SeJ platft, tt tW; patent, l"; f tmrt, S!. ' O. ther articlee in ; proportion.:- All ewds warranted te I what they are aoU for, . i). CONUAU. I la hind, some GolJ anil Silver Levers, Lepine ami Quartiers, lower than the above price. Philadelphia Dec; ,' tMa.i-My ;-" " - JBoot & Shoe XiSTAB LIS HAXB NT. At Ki$ VIA F.gtoblishrrlenl, in Market Street, .,,.. ,..i. .ijMory; ' ' ' " t: (oppomnt Itmb annuo, iiotci-,) , - RE T1JKNS (lia.tltanka tat pt livora, anJ re apectfully iiifoiwtti hi fiieriili nl the public generally, that he'ennrinvett to manufacture to er ile,1ntho neateef ami laWrt rtvlo. v ' ' v 1 :. I v CHE At HOOTS AID SIIOC . Yfrtante4 cf tlie lat niatrrilr atul made hy the nwmt .eipeilrnoed workmen, lie also keep on. hand a Renerul assortment of fashionable D(Hits for ftrollrnien, toprlrW with a lar; fV of fxahion b!tfRntlrmenV.rK'yiMailipa' and childien'a Shoes, ail of whirh tixve brrn msiki umler bis own imme diate, inepeciioa, nd are -of the Vwt matariaj and workmsnshin, which he will sell low for cash. In addition to the almve he hsa just received from Phlladilphra la rife and ntensiva supply f kUola, HhiM, of all ieecttpHooa, which ta also nflbra for caah, cheaper than ever .hrloro airred in this place. Ho respectfully invites' his old enato rrters, and others, 'to call and cl amino far" thaw Ives. . s 'II 1 "i.l !i ! " !: y t:.- ;(j Repairing done with neatness and despatch. . Sunbory, A,ugust 15th, 1846. . , tv , ",i"m.- P O IX T A W,TJ . . . . TO ALLCfDNTRY lO I7SBUZ2 X.P23 RS . UIJ. may be sure or otituming, at all times, pore and highly flavored -na .a ' 1 -ijiia 'Mil Mi W 1 am 3 O aV By ilia siugUt pound of target quantity, at the) , , rkln Ten Company ' fVareliouse, U South Scamd street, Mwem Market and Cha- .T3 ymXAlEl.pmAf J T Heretofore U huatieen very difficult, indeed, Bl oat impmwittks always totlwiu- fioevl Urcnn and h.ck, Tena. . IJui no you hv" 'dy to viut the ikiii Tra Company's Store, to obtain a dtlirinas id fraerant Tei as yon could wish for: All fa1ee' h here Hu'td. with the advantage of getting a ne article t a iow pric. ' : vj Juno 87th, SW. .,,(,,, -P I A N O S. - lHE M.'USt'RIBKR has lw en appointi-,1 stent, L fur I be sale "f ('ON RAD MBYKK'H t-'EL-IRATEO PReMWM!,HtE-'WOO' PI SOS, at thi, dau. ' These Pina hve a plain, isiv ami beau'iful exterior rlnUh, and, for depth d sweetness of lone, and ' rtegJnce of workman p,' are nut suqsjsaed by any m lit Usiilcd. iStatiaw t follow nig ia. reronrunendaj ioo , from Ut. ets, a cukhrnted performer, and himself a man iciuier: 1 . ' "A cAiip." HtTiaa had the pleasure of trying the evcef t Piano f orteaj hianfartared' hy Mr.' Meyer, and lihttcsl at th.it exhibition . of the fr-tiUin l me, ) tee! due to the trua mert. of the maker .teclare that these instruments are quit rqual I in some rcxprcls even superioi lo alt the Pi ' Fortes, 1 ss W at lb capilil nf Euiope, ind iugA aojinif of two ynra at Paris.,; ,,,, , .,, These Pianos will ba sold at the manufacturer's cat Philadelphia prices, if not something lowrr. sons are requested (o call and examine for nsrlves, at the resilience of the subscriber. tinbury; My IT, 1848. ! rJL B. MAHSKff. ' ' CoTinlcrlf Iteri7 4 ' ! DEATHBLOW. he public will please obavrv that no ltrandielh Pitla are ae miliar, noleas the hoi baa- three a- utouit. 4Ue top, tlie ,si'le and. the bottom) i conlaiuiiifi a fic-imili. signature of my hand ing, thus B'.' Ba a kit asm, M. D. These la. ate eneravxd on steel, beautMhUy designed. don aVMiapuof vri t'4.(HHV. Tharuior II be seen thai (be piUy .tbiug necessary lo pro. the medicine tU It purity, ia lo observe these emember the top, the, side, and the bottom. loilowiug respective persons are ouiv auitiort arxiftnMv a v i i ' iv ,. -' OBBLTirXOATSS OT AQElf CY ' the saw of Brandreih Vtattuble fVitveraav - rriA .7. m -PiUt.. hi . a ;l m ttt.lt orttiunberiend county j. . Milton MacVrr rubeilin, Hunbury H.B. Maier, M.'Een- Ireland &. Meix. ll. Northumtwiland Wm ytb. 'Georgetown J. dt J. Walla. ' si:: . i niorv 'CWuaty I . New Berlin Bogai V Wio SoJiisgro tieorge , Uuodtum. . MidJIo- Isaac. Kmilh. Beaveriowa David Ilubler. n.lurg Wm. J. May. MlfflihabaigwMenach lay'HartbJlOB-Daolel lctj. ' Fawig- t iX Mevaf. Leyritburg-Wells, Preea dupihixaqDly t PanvUle E. U, Jieyookla cu Berwick huaq 4 K'Mrihoue. Cat-ia-J-C.!,W.'!Btoti. Btooh1sbiirfuJotilt,-l. 1 1. 1 ' irr TnrsLi Psa. Wiaaitii VtctJawLLaaaslorn i Balliet & Miiocb -erv Ibli Mh A4nt b an. Engraved Prr U of Agency, conUtnin repreaehUtioa of IKAIVBIIKTH'B MeBtBeetorr as wuig ovdw, jprja wlamti wfit . ( exAcf k of ft lUUCiptll, Omc IVO. o.-itoiin n ninv " -" VBi BRANklTJIM.D. MS.4UII843,' sr.. -!.-! a...... atsaaaBaawatJt Baaaaaaai aahaLi baaaaMaaa iir.vJ 10I ;aiinrr 'Aon v.U n.,VI miaf y"ii9 sir"! lo ih..iT fiKnii'ijs siT io!'T S 1-ilS fimT.! )o vUliJrM i'j'n t :i ,; . , , 1 " ,1,1 i,n 1 i..m Ily Manner fihtely. , From the sh ville Gazette! PVTTima TltRrOTXKS' o.i iahta.: ." " , " ' . Ann.. ... , n.Tr-,'. .'I .1 i!...r ""'"" , An laeldant riheTeaen War. : i : ''' ' I . - " ' ' . The cloqiient ml .graceful tytotio which that heroic personage, General Don Antonio Lnpezde Santa Anna, has, on ill suitable occa sion, talked of rmkmjr Martyr of htmrff, for the aite of hie country; together with the ease nd facility with which he haimanitped to elude tt'ie pains and consequence, of the assumption ot to I'ntereiriing'r character thus sppropMa-' tinfe all tTte'TjIdty without liny inconveniences of martyrdom will undoubtedly constitute one of the' most remarknMe features o( the life ot the "jioro'of Tatnpico." , Had Wiiicil .often is jte has cxprested a resofuUoo to do, so, the, pine lives appertaining to the feline 'pecica wtmld bo etjddcn annihilation in comnarison, But, luckily or uoluckily, for himeelfand lis people all his tvjeolvee upon death have been anot by counter rriclrmltone h live, and eo thus ' far; upon every approach of the king of terror, be lias contrived to five him the fo-by. ' Tim world ia Wginnirie; e stiepect that fire' Vafw-;io-i rious MeviesT) H troi lialfW ready ami wiHin(f to shuffle otf th'w mortal cnft,"a he vrmi!f have them believe; in which rjpinron I (uf coirlcide -or 'rather the worM coracidns whli me,' a'a 1 have Ton jj been dubios of his Courage. ' llavlhg, had tho honor to be present tnyiwlf, when Santa Anna was penred ofon of his tJcndty resolu tions. I will endeavor to describe briefly' that very a fleeting scene,. . . . , , ... ... hi.,' . I ... .'.Mil ,!,( ( ,The writer served a campaign, am) a pretty long one, too,, in the .Texan revolutionary arony of 1830.. - The company to which he waa aU tacbed, ai conjunction with another, had charge of Gen. Santa Anna during the. latter pari, of hia imprisonment at Oraiimbo, a short distance above 'Columbia, on the Bratoa. ' ' White ' we were there, Ihe'ermy (onk h inloheifhesds that In consequence of tho marly bloody ' inas sacres Ire had committed on their, friends, Santa Anna deserved to be banged, and they passed ji resolution to that effect, and sent a request to Geti. Husk . that, be would cause bim to be brought to head tiuartere for the purpose of be ing MCt4. yThe General, howeve Uppen pencd to entertaia different vmwi from those of hie intelligent cohorts, and refused to comply with their, wiahee touching the life of tho di stinguished captive ( but sent an order k; have hun ironed and kept ia lee eonfiiement. The order cs me ia a few days, and a neighlmrlng blacksmith , soon hammered out a rwdw pair of gyves, with which to put it into execution. ' " The senior oflicerr Iwing absent, the duty' of suprrintomling the, iron operatkin fcveloprd upnu ottr uamain, liick Dawson, who was so condn comrnaqd, Ij)aw9'H expressed . souie eniharr.imtnt as to how the order should be executed, as hy was totaUy ignorant of the Svsn- isli language,, and every other, under, heaven, save, tjie eernacu.laof, the, Cutiibcrlarmoun-, tains, an4 being purely a man oC act ion, bad ncv er nucU or eiu for. cuvort that, Tho captain. liowrver, as mil lite man lo hesitate Inng.aWtut aay thing ia which ht duty was concerned he would have undertook to chain the very de vil had General Rusk ordered bim. So, taking hia great baakeUiittcfJ -a word wider hia arm, W lowed by the grirri visaged eon tt Vulcin, he proeerded towards ihe'qnarters of onr itluatrl- ous prisoner. Without puzzling his brain any farther; he had faDeri upon a' plan peculiar to himself, and that was, to do the business iri'the !.- .. 1 v. .tl: : ' v V . .r " ... -i piainesr,siraigni-rorwara manner possible. Ar riving at tho" door, they opened it without any great eho-v or ceremony, marched intq the room, where thry found, Santa ,Anpa lgne sitting at hie table apparently too much absnrhed in wri ting to notice their entrance. . Dawson tapped bim gently oa the shoulder to attract his atten tion and immediately commeuced manipulating the air with eigne indicative to U object of hia visit. ...The General a" a red at him with vacant stonifchmer.U -Meantime, tho eturdy black smith knelt Upon 'the flnorvand tlepoeiting hia jewelry" by hia side, he laid his immense paws upon the delicate shanks of the prisoner. Hanta Annk's attention wRsattractPdt to his feet, where the smith was, Avith great deliberation; arrang- ing nia irons, preparatory xo rasicning mem on, lhstautly diviniiig their' aftentmn) lio'maiie a single, spring Which placed" n7m "beyond theVr immediate rech,' aod getting'th table but wit him and them, snatched up a huge glasg ink- StailO. WhlCD he flourished aniuiul hia lien, I wearing af'tiie time, by every saiql, in 'the iexicn saienaar, -int lie- would pensl bv i thousand deaths rather than submit to such an a funaiely bf. anta.AoAt Pol, Almonte . who speke -.English remraAbfit mll, ttrariwd fey tle joit oaapeaia ta ate what ther matter waa, just aa about half ot Dawson's saver) bad found jta way from the scabbard. A Imonte beg. jged him to deaist, with which, be inatontly coot' plid,' returning his sword to its'pls.ce,' Da w. sop told Almonte to ssr , to Santa Apn that ho rta sbou Id regret lo bs CQmne Jed to intura htm in any way, ,,butl"coptiotb.csptaint'ro Hi..! t" - tiJTT i.-U ri '.;;"- 1 lol i '.;.io''a rf--ul Ilia ..'loti;1 i ! i f . . f " -0 rTl ; !-b 1 1 11 - " - -j- ' - - t . t 1 . -ii." 1 1 'i n 1 ihaiu 1 .1 1 1. ! . 1 ij . j . ... : . ' ' w' rhkh orderi are lo piatre him in lrTWH,'in! be1 .,,Al.inoBt!,latedUie matter as ordered, and endeavored to remotistrat, but the General Irri' patienlywyved Blrri 8tT witVona pa'nyiiirst :"".r: fpunsnee tne Dig giasamn stand, Capt. Dick Dawson's patience Was entirely exhausted remonstrance was St an end he had already said more than he ha ever been known to ssy to a mortal man whenever there was a prnspectjOf "a roy. jsrfecUycaol, how everhe stepped to the'door, and" ordered in a file of men ; whereupon a eoupie if fellows en tered with muskets ia their liande-()iie of whom was a fierce looking Kentuekian, the most dead ly hater of every Ihhig In'the ehs'pe of a Mexi can, and particularly Santa Anna, I ever met with. t ' .-t , , 1 "Shoulder arms! ordered the captain, in an exceeding calm and .eteady, 'voice! , "Ready !'up went the rnuVkets to the eye "click,"-!-elkk," wcrt'l the locks.. U. .H., t,'A!n"?r." "'' silence here ensued, whilt4t sn expression of supreme) satisfaction, settled upon the tem features of the Kentuckinn as his eye 'glanced along the bright barrel 1 Santa Artna grew deadly pat,' and seemed to loltef. Dawson' hclft'fri'hls hand i 'pondrmus silver watch. give jott half a minute to consider if at the end, of that time you do not submit you jSn a TJead man, saying which his eye rested strain on the dial of hie watch. Thoroughly frightened by this time, he made a gesture of submission, est down m a chaif, and leaned his head on the bed, over which he drew a blanket,' and placed his feet iri position to be shackled. When the irons were Fastened rV he divested his head of his blanket, and asked if we were not ashamed to nee the President of the great Mexican nation the? ,,;.! iThe President of the great Mexican nation be H growled the Keetuckkn, aa he brought hie musket to hisslioolder. jt ) ?v i, 'Right face march ! eriee the aptinf rn a quick, sharp voice, The room waa cleared in ati instant, and the captive President was left to hie own melancholy reflection.' i ' The next day we ironed Almonte but Al monte was a philosopher of the right stamp, and took, the matter in perfect, good humor. lis made a joke at the expense ef the smith who was rivetting his clmins, which set every one ma roar; and so tickled the Cetopi himself, a tn Tender him unfit for Vrirtns during several minutes. J It was the opinion that Almonte slip, ped his irons off the moment thnt our backs were urned in tact, he put tliem on and look them off st' pleasure; but 'nobody .ever inquired into the matter closely, tor Almouie wsa a favorile wiin us an. CtnifAMan on a RaiLaoan. Among the guests of the Farmer' Club en a recent 'excursion to Green sort," Loaf Island, were Hesing and Snm Teen, 4he two principal dignitaries of the Chi nese junk, who witb'their rebe'of tea green silk and long queues stirred up an immense sensation all along the route both eofnf and coming. He sing' and f um Trent for the first time since their arrival, exhibited astonishment and"' delight. When the train plunged into the tunnel they thought tby . were going to lake: a short cut through the Jewels of the eartk, home; agaia ta Canton. Thev exhibited every symptom of a- larmj ind nothing could exceed their delight on emerging into daylight'.- The speed of the train brought their qneuea to complete perpendicular with fright, and their respective owner held on te the tart to prevent being spilled out. '' The whole railroad contrivance Was a complete riddle telhem.3 They could not maks anything at all ent ef it, though they iiiatituted several invest ii gat ions to that elfect.'" Ileaihg laughed outright at the idea of feeding the iron horses on blocks of wood,''1 (: ' . ."! -'Vi ''.-v. i ii oil lI ,- ?!". ' 'a"-!' -1 .'( A W ASI gOa Ft'JT 1 JtKFf.T-A, good deal t)S Ueeq said . about the applies t ion, fur this pit r rxtac one ;eciiiiiiciiOiiig lime, anothrr solution uf tojt spop, aud anuther a aolgtiaq pI poUeb, -r I Jhgye, riad:the anlulioofhlntk eUv. the ap plica Uoa of aosp, sad also tbt vf wood ashes ; (or large trees-: with rough bark, the latU r is quite as goud, if not better than the former. - A wash of ashes, at.d water can be made as strong as you"pleaseBnf If 1 put 'en sXiine dry day, a good dual of the a'hhe will 'remkiri" adfiertiig to the bark, which the' subsequent rains waah into crevice.' This wach" if' spjilicd In tn6 summer lime Will, while the sshes remain on the tree, i , t rvi i t - make it offensive and disagreeable to the i t- sects, sad deter thorn bnui lightning eo it, also ultimately snakes tho bark smetk . sad healthy. vt.w .'j.Vi.; tnutl Miner' JeSrae.ij r n . . f . l:lJMMRABl.i:iVOrCTJaBl WV JVT-rt naiise nf 'Down.EasC deeenbing, wuh. chaiae- teeistie.evggsrstion, tlw remarkable pre per ties ol Guano, as a1 aramotetf ve station saki,- that a few bours.fter planting cucumber seeds the dir! 'began to fly'aho' (he vines cs ma op like a streak ; and ilthodh he stsrtsd off at IhS top his Speedl'the' tfi'nes 'oVertuok't'na covered hli -, And pa tf KiptjPt his knKfl.tcuhe 'dirtied (lblftgs,7Abaiii lrgf . cvettmbf tc gant'to it J i ITaf fjrj TUT II r Wl s . t'iiSi I. Li' is tfsara U no ippeal but to fbref (h vital prifictpla Aw Henr In the Feiltesiller,' " ''' u During our sojourn iri Phttadrlphin', last stun mer, we one day accepted an invitation to visit the penitentisrythe're. We had leliers io,Vlio fcind-hoartcd warden, Mr. Scatter good, (a most approprintenamr, by t,rio way.wlio extended to us. all the courtesy we could, have desired. We were conducted, through the prieon, sad in company wij.li Mr. 8. we entered several oftbe cells, .. The superintendent 4earning weirere from Boston, informed ue that a prisoner wae confined there, for passing counterfeit money; whq hailed from Massachusetts. He had been there twe or three year, and we found him a very intelligent man. His cell wis exceeding ly cleanly, and tipon tho table in the corner, we discovered several' standard bonks, a Bible, &C which ears evidence of hsVinjheen thomttrfhly read by the prisoner." tie' was sid lo he Very industrious, ant) certamfy'spnear'oj' conilorlsble, under trie circurnttuices. flis' nsme'wss Geo. . lie remarked that he was very g(ad to see any one from Boxton, ami seriously regret ted that lie should nave been one of the few Bohtlisn cotnparntively, who had diegraced the honored name of the "Old Bay State,'., Jile was happy, apparently, aod aa we parted, wc shook his band, and remarked that it was possi ble we might call upon him again, in, a few weeks. 'You will b sure, air, to Jit, J tne mt home," said Jie, with s smile, as we loft the door of bis cell! As we entered the reception room once more, s bulky despatch was fcsnded to the warden by one of his deputies, and upon opening' it tie in formed us that it was a pardon for one of the convicts. We enquired if, it would eneruecb upoo the prison rules, under such circumstan ce, to accompany the warden.to the cell, w hihi he ahould read it to the prisoner, and were kind ly informed, that we could join him, We, soon reached the ceil, where we tonne a frefc -faced young man, of perhaps twenty four, who was busily engaged at a little loom, weaviag. . Good morrow, John, said the warden. ,' ' 'Good owning, sir. " -''-' ' Thee keeps bo'syi John P '''' O, yes, sir but it's very dull. ! ' 1 '' ' 'Does thee tire'or work, John f " ' ' " "' No, sir but I think of Home' ' . Aod tbee wojI4 . like to visit home once n,on)ll 1. !.-,,. ,, . , i mT,:.: . ,,m- , .Hm, sir if I could bat do so.' .. And thee would not return again !' . I would try to deserve better, sir.'. .j . - VeJI, John, what would thee say, if I fhrmld tell thee I had a pardon for thee 1' Oh, sir, such news wotld be ton good.- ' "But thee would like to hear it P ' " ! ! care hot fur myself so much,' said the poor prisoner, anlf tears filled his eyes 'hut fo? my wife and child, I would be so hsppy' ' ' " And lliec would shun wicked company, Johni' . ; , ,. ,,, ,. .,. , , Oh yes and I would labor for my wife aod liUNjone' . ,.. , .!,!,!.-..,, Wul, John, here) i' thy Odn,' continued the good old mart ami bo read the document. which freed this unfirtrtunato beiusr, wha had been. the dupe t.f other knaves.' We had Die pleasereflt seeing him released,' after a three yeara' confinement, and of learning that he j un ed hia young family, to whom he has since been a faithful guardian. ' ' si -.n i'-u.:..-1 "We passed ouffo the anfe-rnotnaoafn, where we encountered I now comer, 'who' had ju.t reachcif the prison as we re-entered, lie had been sent up for five years, on a charge of em be;zlemcnt. . lie was elegantly attired in the latest style of fashion, and postested all Uie nonchalance and deyil-ioe-csre appesrauce uf a genteel rowdy, lie twirled bis aatcli chain, Lxikud particularly knowing at a couple of ladies who ehnuced In be present, and sooined utterly indifferent about himself er the predicament Ii was placed m!. The warden read hie commitment, ind addree aed him with - - " l-'.!'.:.-T,.-! ' Charles, fr am sorry lo see you here. "I I ean't be helped, eld fellow P ' " ' " " Wbat is thy sge, Charles." " " ' b""n Twenty-three. 1 ' ' ' " .a ui,:i.jri-i,:.' ''' ' ' ''' Well kinder, or kinder 'not. Thee hast disgraced thyself sadly. 3 -i t Well, r tiii't trmiblrd, old cn k.' N , luea looks not like a Mtfue,' i. . .... ...... - .- j ,1 i . , . 'Mailer pf opinion., .4 ,U,A ., . Thee was well sitiiswdV . w , , ,,, , . ,, . .'Ves-wtll enough.'- ,, ;,.' . t A, 4 ,. Jif(Hd1cniploj.,1I v. .'a t 1,1 ..' Well-sp-so., ,v'Ao4 theebas pareflisl' i T, 'VeS. , tit i;vi; i : t.ii I:"..! t. IViliapa tbseaast ta ewiAer, Cliarles P I : ' The convict had been stand if, g during thia brief dialogue, perfectly nnconcerned and reck less, until this last interrogatory was put. Hail a thunderbolt struck him, be could pot haveal- en more suqaeniy loan ne CHI wncn tne name of 'mpihcr, )cl on hia cw,, Us saps into a cbsir a. tof rent of tears gaahed fron hi e sr the very fountain of hia hcatt teemed .to have i1 "t 0"" r . ;'J . -t r.-1 f tji t:- t.-.i ho . and immadiate parent of Joipotiam. Jatt juo.r t .Lymatfmi j. ,ii tjajswwaaaaaaaaawaaaTaaawaBw. burst, on the instant I . He recovered partially; and said imploringly fo the wstden 'Don't yon, sir-fnr God's sake don't sal! her name in this rlreadful place 1 Do what you may with me, but rlori't mention that name to me! .Thcre were jcars in other eyes besides the ptinoner's, and an aching silence, pervaded the group who surrounded the .unfortunate convict i - vi Toy. : ..The black. .cap waa drawn over his head, he waa lead to an adjoin ing apartment and stripped, and shortly after wards lie re-appeared upon the corridor.. He. passed ailently on, in charge of a deputy, keep. er, to a lonely cell in a ditteut pert nf the prison, Hie door creaked on its hinges, he disappear), the chain dropped from the outside bolts, and Charles was a close prisoner for five years to ome !,.,... ,.,,,. ,. .;.:.v. We left the prison Vwiih heavy hoarte, relief ved, however, by the reflection, that this waa one of the best devircd institutinne of its kind in the World, (notwithstanding the libels of Charles Dickens.) ,nnd that its administration in the hands of Mr. Hrellercood, secured toils unfortu nate inmates, the most 'equal snd exact justice.' , r n:s.n-M iii i j ' .M :. lotion Times.: ,.i j 1 1 i jf y Cot.. M av'a OnwioN or Cm. Tavuir. Col Charles May, ot the regular army is a. demo crat. 1 He got his origins! appointment-in die army from Gen. Jackson. , i 8sid (he eld: Gene ral, 'Well, young man, whet can you do in Fin. rida! Can you kill an lodian'V 'Yes, Gene ral, aod eat Mm afterwards.' 'Enough said; call up to-morrow and et your commission.- Since that time. May hae been-in the service with oldZack in the everglades of Florida in the) prairies of the West, snd in the ehspar rcl and among the Mountains of Mexico. The Coioael wae at the President's last nightrand we met him at Coleman's on hie return. A number of gentlemen Irum the States were also present, snd the Presidency hex me the theme, And they who hate imbibed the idea that May can fight, but not talk, are mintskeo. ' Jest ex press a doubt of old Zseb, and the man is elo quent. Said he, 1 know the man, aad I love htm: a mere friendship for my old General, won't answer i but I love him. ! I know him well. I am a democrat. He is no politician; but he is a patriel from the crown of hrs chspeatr to his spurs; and Pll trust him even With the Presidency. ' He ia no party men, hut he is a republican. -When he prnn.kes a thing, it is as sure as truth,' and his word is ss good as gold. If there is one thing i,t which he is retiMy igno rant, it is his ignorance of hlsnwn solid worth. I em a democrat. I believe a national bank a national evil. 1 Wld lit the principle uf aiy party i ye,l go tor Genera! Taylor. He iass good a any party man we could get. I would trust him ss I would triiHt Washington,' who Was no parly man.'1 1 believe he will conduct the government after the plan of Waahington. Iff were to select a man aslh best Impersona tion of institution, s the' best living sarltple of S stunfy, snoKfantiar Amerrcsn,' I would Isy my hsrid upon the shoulder' of my old tle'rieral'and I would 'se'y'," 'gentlf men,' ihts Is the1 man."v 1 tell you, cfnllemen, when you express's doubt of Gen. Tsylor's hotiestjr of 'political indepen dence, I feel bound Vo'give liimnmy feeble; de fence. You may talk about no't'jjoirig for any nun rxcepting the democratic nominee,' and going for the nominee, any how, and for uo other mail, flut, gentlemen, you will excuse me, if I decline to be hsndcttftud, f A freeman likes to have the froe uc of his hani!, and 1 free ex. Crcise of his opinions.' ... ,,, ' Such are substantially, if not in ths letter, the opinions of Col. May of the 3t Drsgoc-ns, ss we heard him express himself last tiighr? snd al though we have no authority to report him, but that he will be surprised to' find his Words in print, yet, as his sentimenta'ara hi rrefy way creditable to the man and the soldier, we hive chosen lo give them a wider heartng than' the liilf doien persoiis who were, preteu't i)uri)g this interview. It'is useless to sav that the Notional Convention w'avej aH further lili lion iif the n erit.ol the nominee over ev. ry o ihir ca'n'di'date. : ll'esn Cor!r.V.' Y.jteraUj vi r. i . i ... Ol : : tv. ii. :.l ., Disutt-crTtae Fli ip.-A repott on.Urw Lev doyeu' "Disinfecting Jluid.7 by Dr. &Mtfaw9rMt tmitl. R. D.iirsisger, and Jeseph Toyaoec, &qre., has just been presented ta -FartteiaeeA According tn Mr. Itoyei.'s statement, lp fhsv id dtslnfecta nlfhreoil, not destroyingi but in creasing vegetation,' more" particularly aa rr gsrds sgrituliuTe'; completely preveVifinrfthe diaease int poUtoe ,when the land is- manured with dlsinfvcfcJ Vight-eoil.'' ' I disinfects hospi(-1 ta'., wards of biraa.ma, 1o'ce1larV water-elosets, 1 and buildings infected b impure gases, h ni ; H v...: ... . uisiprectsi'orsiiunering from feyer on board f rimW( i. Wili alsv , disinfect' ships ai sea d4 urvfet, quraptiae, , t diainft'eta patents afysring. with infectious flisnrdsra and, Wounds. J iMH P.Ahal'hey asf iK?1 neatly a auoalh ,' aleo diflereul psrlsef the' body i 4 .be . kept Inr the airpoea of dselirw,t for wronei ' iomieeia; eVc.-rlj'" Timt - i - i . i- . . fiitipnicrA or AnrRKTisixG. il (Sftiate i asertia 'i-. f Br) -do 9 . do -., . 1 00 r'Byu1neey'rrrfnertHn,1 v .' '.''-'" S Yearly1 Aiirertiaereflnts i oneeolumn, 46 t half column, fJ8, three equarea, $l viwo squares, 9 j one square, $5. Italf-yearly : one column, 1 18 half colomn.all i tnfe tqeates, f 8 1 twoseuaree, 5t OTie aquare, At. "A'u vn i'l . r.-n Advertisements , left without directions as lo the lenath of time thev are to. he rmhlisbed. will be continued until ordered oat, and charged accord , ingly. -., - '.j X'i ; r p . .1! I.' ' . CrJ-8ixtcen lines or less make a aquare. , , ,. , ( . ta, m. j i .. . . !tr-mem (: t Vhe Cesntrrmaa and Clean p.,iiJ , A. few osyssgo, just befots . dinner i tirae( a huniy-,4ooking man entered the Refectory .-of Mr. Warner and then propounded the juausl, inlerjogeterjrl, . , . - ,..),., J 'la this the' place where-they keep Clam MJ?. , ..... - ' .',, . o t .'Vssi sir,' said Mr. Warner, 'how much will you haveP, . . 'Well replied the customer, 'I guess I'll Iske three cent worth.' ,, . . , j'Arce cent worth!' exclaimed the astoni shed fiost ; 'why man alive, where are ycu go ing to put three cents worth 1.. You .certain'y wpnt pretend to "est that much at atime '.'. ... ,n'Hojr do you sell it V, asked vthe aslcoislied counlryman. . . , . , 'One cent a gallon!', , . ... , ... "Well,' I'll try a gallon!' said tho country man, he leisurely took a scat in one oi the box es. "';"--' " ' ' "" ' i Mr. Werner,- who fch fn the humor Tor s joke, tnessurcd out a gallon of Clarn Soup, and had it carried to the customer. He commenced devouring it, and after several temporary sus pensions in order to wipe away the porspirstion, and breath free, he at length found tho bottom of his soup dish.' Mr. W. enquired ot the custo mer whether he didn't want more ? He replied negatively, and enquired of Mr. Warner-' ' 'How, in the world do you manage to make soup eo cheap 1'. ' r -.... Why, said Mr. Warner, 'in the spring we buy about a hundred clams put them" into a hogshead of water, and by occasionally throwing in a few- trackers and sufficient pepper and salt, in few weeks have tho soup ready for use, and keep it the whole year round. . ' ' Well now I ain't that fust rate! ' What d'you ask for the receipt P.. j ; , , ,'For a country right. , 1 ask $."0; $30 for a township; and (3 for family right!' ..That'll, just suit us, for we don't get clams whar 1 lire, more than onco a year. .The next time I come down, I guoss l'll buy a family right ! . I'm desperate fuud of Clam Soup my-seif.-.ri enon Stmt Gazette. . . v ' -ABfCRtrAtt Mkcha."ics t.v Rcssia. A cor refpotHleiit of a New Haven paper gives the rViPoWing account of the manufactory of Messrs. HarrisonVWyman, and Esetwick', three enter prising'Ameri.Bn9;, who have made a ' contract With the Imperial Government for the construe lion of the engines and cars for a preaf rail-ma I from St. Petersbtirg tn' Moscow; nmler the so pertntendance of Major Whistler. "Their facto ry, covering several sere, is at Alexsndrosky, near St. Petersburg,' onJ in ths agreeable com pany of the jjrenllsnien of- the hrm, t have been through the whole eatablishmenV visiting "the model room tho foundries the engine nn'l car lepertrnnnteand finally the immrne wareliousr' erected to receive the finished work srtd where there are now 1S4 locomotives and 1200 cart of different kinds stowed away ready fori the road. By their contract they are to mske between two and three hundred enginea sad several thousand cars. , Six steam engines were in operation,, moving the umst, beautiful mnchinsry, ,(thc inveotion for the greater part of the ingenious proprietors themselves,) and pear ilQOQ, serfs ware employed in the several departments the establishment turning ..out, five complete, locomotives in a month, as mnsy cars a day or as somo of the company expres sed it, ."a mile of curs e m6i(4 . ,-; ... j ,,Ths pasacngor cars, by tho way, are built after the manner ui those in general use through, the United States that is, long and not cut up into apartments for six or eight persons only, as are thosa upon all other. European railways This innovation when first proposed was not Hell received by the Russians, but its adnata. ges were r-o strongly urged by oar oiechapicSj that the "Yankee not ion" was finally allowed ta prevail. 1 was aUo shown the model of so Im perial car, which is to be 70 feet in , length, di vided into a Stffoen, chambers, apartments for servants, &c , &., snd fitted up with Imperial fplemlor, . , m r.''f- . V Tielmdon Spectator, ad verting to the re cent ttepiotable expoeurs of oflieial venality in Fraqce, rsakwihs following emioous comment . , .fThfj corruption, ia not the only , alarming; y mptorn.! A wide and deep-rooted reroiutxHiary spirit no doubt exists in the capital ; it baa keen aggravated hy tUwepusurs, and by be HI -timed fete which the Due de Montpensier gave, as it Id contrast, with vine otiieial crime, aud.the scarcely ended popular distress Tha expres sion of Ihf people in face aod word, is noticed In belike that which eharactorisee their aspect in lw.kt, , A great frcluraa banquet,' lately Item, cslUd. furtli a strong show sf. such feeling.'. A carious and startling anecdote of the Duke's Jute .is current in' Psria. la cttrisge retur ning from i was a lady wno Was reputed lo havs reeiprcated favors with royal gallant, the ntoh stopped Vhe carriage; tha lady wee made to aligns,' and Waa compelled to go lhe reead of . her rsitrw, each exacting' li, arid iaithrasoflered to ys satsr ths caiiisfe, ovrofje b wigh;, and disgtwt, amidst derisi.n 'iVw'sV CU4 ff hofltiliiy sga'wit printea, i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers