.'rfntiOrw. TiJY J fC Dale-a?, f t. Vhe following highly interesting lettet from . Jen. Taylor, with tho Accompany inf remarks, we find In Hie N. O. belte.nf the lltti inM : j The Lot'itisna forriJ'tfco Of 7th August Coit-i-aifis trie blowing, vary remark bte letter from tianeral Taylor, it h addreeeMt tn Hri Pelony, Chnl6n in Mil date, whft li ,-nTje rf ttie imA determined out-and-nnt democrats in IniHtitn nr in tK Rrtnfh ' ThK 'tirr,at Vo. lilies to tin1 direct intr'rrogatoVirjk of the Ddctftr in regard to, hit opinioitt on the leading "topicis involved in the contests of the iwoffreat poJhi cal pirties, by doalinrntT, veryproperly, to give an amnion unun ilia ivtticeof a wmr whirfi ha y ie himself conducting.' -. r , , A to (he tariff and nation I btnkftetlions, . hu says he -know but little of the mutter?, .Tifpt having given thm rotten attention-, tnd thai f.e wiM nedeY the necessity of study trg thom well lo hire he can come to any decided fi pinion. We think the Old Hero has kTrmre tre roue work before nim than ertiippiwg the mVai j vim, if he has fol to coroner ill thedifftcuttiee, . rijht oyer nil the halites, red ell the speeches, and matter art tire tntrica'cieii, frivolveti tn the eternal end illimitable contests Wtaltfi tiave for years pas eetieted Ihevonolry on thee eubjecte tifthe tarili and tuition at fcerrV. We have been permitted y Mr. Itelony, to v.hwii wse addressed, ito give nUiciiy to rite killowinp , iter from Gen. Taylor. ' It may be proper lo aay Mitt ft waa not hie ml evil rem lo have it published, but, from. 'tf at tnWal which eeema to pngruss the public miifS atidttre , variety of conflicting viewa aa lo fien. Taylor'a opinion end intcntitma in connection with tte question of the Presidency, end ae there t no tii propriety in so doing, ft waa concluded lo lay it before the public. Camp near Monteuet, M.-xioo, June ft. , Dear Sir Your letter of the 15th clt , from Clintoo, La., haa just reached irir, io which ym are pleased to aay, 'tho signs of the times in re lation to the next Preiwdctiry and the promi nent position fjf your homo ht termed iota wttn t, ie a eufneient excuse for Ihie tetter That it it a happy feature in our government ttvst official functionaries under it, from the lowest tn the highest elation, are not beyond the reach and partial euperviaion of the hu table Jt citizen, and that it iaa right inherent in every freeman to pnatirn liim-lf ol the political principle? and npinitmi of those into whose handa the adminia tratioo of the government may be jlaced," iic, toallul which I fully coincide with jrtm iti o pinion. Asking my viewa on lentil subjects, "I'irst. Aa to the justice and neeeaaity of this war with Mexico on our part. Si-conJ. As to the necetcity of national bank, and tba power of Congress for creating auch aa inslitutioo. Third. Ae to the effecta of a high protective tariff, and the tight of Congreva under the con alitution to oreite such a system of revenue." Aa regard the first, interrogatory, my duties and the powtiou I occupy, I do not cona'der it would be proper in me lo iva any opinion in regard lo the same; aaa citizen, and ptrltcu larly as a aoldier, it ia sufficient for me to know that our country ia at war with a luteigr. ba lion, to do ail in my power to bring it to a spee dy a ad honorable termination, by the mosl'vi grroiia and energetic operationat. without inqui ring about its justice, or anything else cotanee tod wilh it ; believing, aa 1 do, it ia our wleal policy to be at peace with all the world, la long aa it can- be doue without endangering the hon or anl inteieata of the country., Aa regartla the second and third inquiries 1 am not prepared to answer them ; I could only do to alter duly investigating those subjects, which I cannot how do ; my whole time being fnlty ocrupied in at lending to my proper official duties, which must not he neglected under any eircomstaneea ; and I must aay to you in aubsiamre what I have aid tn othere in regard to si mi hit matters, that 1 am no politician. Near forty years of my life have been passed in the publie aervice, tn the army, Moat of which in the field, the camp, on our western frontier, or in the Indian Country ; and fur nearly the two last, in this or Texas, thi. ring which time 1 have not passed ore night under the roof of a house. Aa regarda being a candidate for the Presi dency at the coming election, I have no aspira tions in that way, and regret the eubjct haa been agitated at thia early day, and that it had not been deferred until the cloae of thia war, or until the end of the nest sea ion of Congress, especially if 1 am to be mixed up wilh it, aa it ia possible it may lead to the inj iry of the pub lic aervice in this quarter, by my operations be ing embarrassed, aa well aa to produce much excitement in the country growing nut of the discuiwiiin ot the merits, &c , of the different as pirants lor that high office, which might have been very much allayed, if not prevented, had the subject been deferred, as suggested; beaidts very many rliaues may take place between now and i much no, as to make it desira ble for the inlert of the country, that some other individual than myself, better qualified fur the ailualiun, alnaild be selected ; and could he he elected, I would not only acquiesce in soch an arrangement, but would rejoice that in repub !ic had one citizen, and no doubt there are thousands, more deserving than I ain.'end bet rr quaillM (adiaeharge the duties of aa id efrlce. f f I have been named by others and eonardered a' candidate for the Presidency, it haa been by no agency of mine ia I he mailer nod if the irood people think my aeivieea important in that station and fleet 01 e, f will fee' bound, lo verve Ibein, and all the pledges and esplsna lions 1 can enter rnteand pake, la regarda this or thst polH-y, ii, that I wilt do so honestly and faithfully to the bast pf my abihtivaeiricdy m " "' a. j n aa compliance wilh the constitution. PhoulJ 1 ever occupy ihu Whittflluue, il muA to hy the spotiiartroua ttinVe ot tHe people, arid by no act of m1'6o, 10 Vltat 1 oul4.vgo ihto tfrn n'fr.cc Mn trammelled, and i the chieT magiafrat of the 'ltd', km, end tint ol a party. . Dot ahould rhry, the "people, change their Views and opinions between thia and the lime TjY tlot8ifig Yh ole:tion, and cast their votea for inn Presidency lor i"omf one eree, ! will -nrn complain. With ro .aider ot ion ot respect, I re main your ob'tsery, . ; . TAYljCft. t)r. rnwAntl)xoNv. " P. S. 1 write 1n fTftft 1ase ahd finder con want InteYru-nln.' 'rrom tTie M. a. Delta, r(n inal.J , rRON ItOlttKRRTi . We received toe following lette VrVteVtJsy from oor Mmhrey eorreeprmdenl. It contains, w.e "believe, the letert httrrTStn from that "quarter ' Contrlitfikttid jhxh ' Ccn. ttyhirim J?M Lin's . Pooti Dr-pnrlwr 11 'eymascr HutlrrTht Mit99ctmtttti JeC'tnent-Shju of thr Wn- MofcYtUEV, iu'y Vth, 1947. -&Jr toe?-A move on San Lnia Pntosi has Tmatiy cevn tcc"iefl on. 'AM the depnrr;nenta connected with Gen. Taylor's column are ac 'ifvely enchgefl in preparing 'for the march. The 4rft epte'fne'r ia Vlie time fixed nprfn tor 'flie foVwart) movement. " The frlrccB rr,!r(en. Taylor would seem, in my opinion, to be. totally fcrteijna're fdr rrtcfi Mi Yindertalifnp, Lui 'the old nero, Viae, 'lo'nse his favorite irlawfc quotation, '1 e'er mined 'ft n llio rti(iiV n?f vtih tit. MaJ i. 16. Boiler. Paymaster U.H.A, who haa bueH! rflartifntM ?icrc since Fetrrtnry last, will leave ua fn a few days for Piittbffrg, Va ,1o i'n- ter upon the duties of hia neW appointnfent tha'i of VymBter -rrhl WilflarV ttt'iffo-wr at inai piace. Some good jokes ara 'told of the doinra of a portion of the niniwichuM'tl Regiment, atation- ed here. That corpse haa ansimirid the "wile of tis "Literary itBrn"e'nl and why j cannot imagme, aa the only proof that haa ever been given of their Kterary a'tlairmienta n tn t.n- ThcTiet amottrrl tf rrrtil 'mttter ret-ei'ved by them in uie ahape ol newnpapere, rcliiouatra'ctn, ic A non-commissioned i flicer of this regiment, af ter the srrivsl of the hot mail from the States, received hie packages from tlie poM office and repaired Jo liis lent o pettif'e them. )n a fw minutea afterwards he waa runnthg buck to the poet-office in a state of terrible exrilornrntt aa if bitten by a tarantula. The crowd of h.iingers around the office gaVe way at ni approach, and our literary hero entered, exclaiming, '-Postmaster, where i th balance of my mrreepon- dence 'l nVe received but seventeen news papers and nine tetter) tnd, air, I ought by this time to have refcefvei letters from half trie girls in tho Bay State." If 'lialfttiB gitla hi the Hay State" could see thia literary and musical Adc nia aUling cross-legged, of an evening-, 'on the Plaza, drinking pulque and playing on a r.c.Wt ty accordhm, for the amusement of tlm Mexican la7..ifoni, hia fenn'e correspondents would be few and far between.- The weather here is as liot aa blazes, and pr hapt a little holier no ice, end thermometer 90 in the shade, i.ata troh Mtkltm Contradictory Ktprlrl tn ft ft mwnrf rf Gm.eotl-CtreipniltireHith Semlii Abna Captured YtUow t'evet at TaiApitt. ' A letrr publlahed in the New Oileana Patria dated Tarhpico, AtiUkt fith, atatfk that lettrtk have been received there, which lay that firn. Scott Commented hia march upon tbe, eapiial on the 0th, without doubt. One of thaae Irtteti al so aaya that two rlaya tga the advance Mexican Guard had Intercepted a private rorretiwrlilelikfe between Santa Ahna and tiehral ft nil, in which waa written that he had romtiihred Withdraw ing his troops from Parole. Thil tteated great alarm at tbe capital, and, to ratm this general feeling, Santa Anna dremed it neteary In iiiue a manireato, atating that hia policy was only a rose, by Whlvb he hoped te aurroand Gen. St-ntt Anether letter in Patria, daiel at Tampirn on tbe Sth, aaya that the vomlto had appeared in it worst form among the AnVrirana there, and that there waa already great mortality. Th aame letter also aaya that a person wbo rtcd arri ved ther ed the 8th, from Iba city of MrXitn. states tbat the preparation of Gen. Scott did nnl indicate an advance on the lit of August, at be fore reported, nor wai it belieVrd that be waul. I advance with tbe fore be hat. Tho Utter adds that (he newa concerning tbe Interception of Gen. Scott's eorteipondence had ben oiinrmi-d The regiment el' Texan liangrts, undrt the command of Col. Hays, hai beeh erdefed to join Gen. Taylor. To. ttARfc CofcnUL. Cordial made by the following recipe received a premium at the lar meeting of the Prince George'a Agrcultura) Bo- eietyof Maryland 1 'put a Urge Jar rd" black berries in pot of water; boll till the juice leaves the berries vtram through , flannel bag 1 add apices, sugar, cinnamon, and eloVea to the fas', After adding these Ingredient, put on again and boil (en nr fifteen minutes, then skim it and let it get cold. To three quarts of the juice add one quart of the btsi French brandy. .:... i. .. . fitim J CviNKtvPul a wet blanket ever the wltnto ttf the front of the fire-place, whirh wilt stop (he eorrenf of airr and so exlingoiab the ffamce. f Tea Tut. C B. aaesa, lata ea acfor ea Iba etaje, will berraAer act as pastor of Methodist Church,, in, C'iiiciimati, , .tVe raraly .0. ferttmt .-AIM t.AM Ik. . A . . . . . ' ' . . " ' nji.ij-i i 'u .j'.aem! 111' THE AlrTimiCA to". Salurday Jlufiri 19, 4t 'a' ii i" ' immis i 'at.' 'PALM Hit,' nt W 1kt ftfc tnt ad ttoof frXcfyTfirntr af&d mat Chrutttt , rUadelphtm, ml hit ttfHe t6tl JVhm- AW tVrKr, . K. Orwer lit- timnrr mid Cmlvtrt sfs., Baltimitrr, rrrrf VJ 16 Stair Slrnf, Mo0n, ts Mntmrtxed 'lo M a Arenl, ;it trcel lor alt mitnUt due I kit met, lor tbfi iilon or advrrtUlnr, ' 1 . YV. CARR, rnrnrr of Third nnd Oor Strrett, Sou VuJJin?. opptttiTr MtWIinfiTx' Erct.trf.gr, rA?.WriAt'a, aho aiilhorimtta ml as nkr Agrnt. TOR PftfcSlDRS't, tJn. V:LlIAIlV TAlrt.Oll. ?)rtirmirtft WcTa,r.tiUoai. (i roa oovsKNofc, .,... Vrt)tt:ls R . tt 11 I N K , FOB CAlAt. y'OMMisaioKaa, ' MOftl3 L-ON.ttS VttfcTrt, 'Df Montgomery Coitity... ' Vl'hio K'oriTtONS. . "For Governor, Vlax 5 A Y'LS IRVIN. V'or Canal Commimiouer, , ,. . tC" tlock'a ttta X freih ailppry of Huvrr's celebrated ink, in Millet of all siUet, hna biArn receded snC ctm Tjetiad at tt. Aaiscr'a alOre. , Cy Gkn Tavlo'b. We have placet) tWnfcme of 'Gen. Taylor at the head of Our columns this wee's, fdr t'he 'iVesldritry, not for tne purpose of Vtio'Ci-rn'g't'ha't we Jiar'e ffcr'Sft flrit time conclu eluded to eive him our support, a our 'column will show that We WeVt kfnbng the first in Penn ayivknia lo advocate tii election to that distin guished office. We hetieve that t3eVkl Ty- 6t ia dektfned 'lo Va our next V'reaiden." The people have taken thia matXer into hand, and when they choose to act, aVsignina politicians mt t.nd tarrt. Ttrey ere satiifle t'tlikt )Mt aeasea all tha requisite qualities, a aound judg- meut and a discriminating mind, and a degree Of patriotism and honeaty of purpose lhAt they Will hot readily Ti'nd trVioVic tnoia who make politic 4Vid oltica-huhting a trade, . and decry all othera ho have it'fit gHdukted In the sm ttttl with themselves. Thst lien. Taylor is a democrat in prilitiple, those who have witnekit hia conrse of conduct through life can have no lnut. . tie poeea, more than any man living, thne tri- ! Vilite and homely virtues, that made Wanhington first In peace, firs trt frir, and first in the brtrla of hia countrymen. " CG- i, Sors or .TavrFXANrr. will have a proceait)n al Selimrove, on the 2d of Septem ber next. Quite a number of the order, as well at others, will att.-td. .My. Lavia, the Widow of Vol. J. K ttaVls, who now Veep a temperance hotel, will provide a tplemlid dinhettin the Octa iori. 07 FaifiiniKR GiKaaAi. Col. McFadden, the I!ri:ade Inspector, hat ordered an election on the Mth of September heil. ld atett A tirign- ilier General, in tbe plai e of (left, ilammond, the late Incumbent. We see Quite a numlier of can- diualet announced ; among them,. Mj W L- tVwart, Capla. J. II Zimmerman, Sami)e itun- let ami Win. C l.awton, of thit county 1 CVi Mt-Padden, Capt. lililritt-.el and Col. R-her, of Unioh, and a purtiber f othera from Columbia county. . t , , No later newt fiom the army, el impor tance, has been received since our last. . It it dmibtful Whether the Mtkicarla Will treat for peace, Ohtil Scott ehtera Metier), which he hak, in all probability, done before thil. . ; , . . 6y" das. Tatlbr t Lvcom.art The tatt .y- remihg Gazette cHhtsltik a Callfor a "Taylor Mass Mteting," to be held at Wiltiamtpoit on Mdntlay evening the 30tb init. The call is sign ed by about nne hundred and l:!ty Individual Among them wo tetrgntre many of tbk mot (iromiiirut demecrata in the countyi C7 Tm Tatwa Mr-anno, in t'nior. eouoty, last Saturday, did not end at harmoniously a it would baVe do tie had the w3hea of tbL- people been con tinted . IV thoiirht weplsinly saw, fur tonie weeks pat, that something ws f oing on for tbe purpots of fmotheting the loice of the people of I'nion county, dn thia question. The Hon. John Snyder oMVred reidltitiHnl, favoring the ncmination of Gen. Taylor by the people without the aid of a National Convention. Thi was opposed by kntrte who go in favor of cadtus end tenventinna, and who are anxious to act fdr tha people Instead of letting them art fur them el vet: But the tithe has psssed, When tbe voice of a free people could be tfnotheied slid bartered by the intrit.net of a raiietit or chve"nM8tl Hereafter they Will act for themielVet-Mbe true demotratie doctrine. - We think we khow lomathihg df tha pcoplk of Unioo county, aod have no hesitation in saying, that in Our opinion, three-fourth of the darner rats p( tbat couuty ate in fa Vtrr of Gea. Taylor M President, whatever may be the peltry ( a few of the leaders of ths psrty. Cy The demcrcraU cf tTniou county hsvs ap pointed Wm. Cameron, Esq delegate to the 4 th Of March Convention, with initrcictiont' te sup port Thomas Bower, Eid for Catnl Commi siooer. -, A Deri, with f-ur distinct ivings, ii egbibiled in Heading Tna, Riot Cax IS,Crhi.s The trial 6f the pauoria, enxaged In, a riot in June laiti n kn attempt'te reactte a fttgitira tlaie', by whicd a gentleman from Maryland Jott hlife, fa now in progress at Carlisle. The raae exaitea a great jjenj qf intefeat, en acrPct of the eminent coun sel engaged; tn tt, anlas Krnfihlng the firt expo, aition of the new law Of thia State, parted last winter, rela'ti ve to fugitive slaves. Ko lsa tbnn thirty-iix True billa haveWn fornid oy'fhe firanil Jury againM pertens, alleged tn har bean farti- Ii)n1s in thiario, Corftpicuoni mont. Tnrriber Va'proleMht Mctlin'ltfrV, nt frirki the non College. Wm. tt Meredith, Eq. of rtiltadel phik, and 6fnr 'd !: meil member of the Car, appearing aa counsel for Professor McClin tftvk. , The, bift oT indictment contain three counts : First Kiot anil Breach of tW Peace. Second Riotona AtaemVlihg Tor the purpose ToYpronctng a Breach if the Peace, and for the additional purpose of rescuing fugitive slaves, heti petfceaMy and lawfully in potaeMion oflheir ownera. Third For aiaaM) and baYlery. tr7" The itork Of V7rkin. 'Trt "the Philadelphia market, on lh2.',th, waOiiht. Wheat, Southern and Woterti ret, tfbtth t't 5 a t 28 1 wtilte t W k 51 &Wbrn, Penn'a yellow, worrti77Vri Southern hnd Western, 75 a It. ' r In Baltimore, on the 93d,. good to prim red Wheat 41 1.1 a St 25; white SI 26 a I 2.1. ami family flour white $t S3 a $1 31. .TheTnkrket wai very '8.ill kt rhe close. . . . . , l)At'rnin CorsTr. 1rha fiemoeratic County t'onventiorl me in the town of Panphin, on the t?th Dirt , knl ttomlnaled iVn atclemkh kfid John Mijtanphlin, for rhe AsaetnbVy. Tne ToV lowing was tfna b'f ttie raaftTi'itWna parsed . "R"HVeA. tUt this Convention will tiftmi- nafe no man for the le(iila'fure, who will not use all lair and honorable meant to secure the re-elec t.ntf 'Gfneral Sim6n Cameron to the Si'nMo'ol the United Stttea." YCsVrexYinndencI; 'o? the Phil. VedgeiV ' " fneit WAnniNnturr. r i-1 .,' , ,r. WisinaRoa, Aug. Md. The newa received by thik evenihfc'k mail itrovv that lbs Mextclna will not treat with us until they see General Scott in motion, and pre' pared to enter the Capital by storm. : In tpitetif the formidable Array sii'ppoieu to be rt)llecd in Mekirt, dotiM much whether there ,tl be much of a fight The spirit of tbe Mekhrt wai broken at Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo, and they willTfot eam oppose uk i Velrtlar VolWWs keithVr will Gen cot't, wio is a scientific ttrVi- cet, rttk the Uvea of hit men nielettty tYi a aVree't nghi il w PaHnetini. He hat a well appointed nnmeroua arttliery pkrlc knd battering train, and lh Mexicana who have hitherto only Seer) Vhe trtillery exerriaei ' Which nsatiy iccimpany their reVolutrnVtt, XVill be tome-hat aorprised at the irmearance of Vlnke ellk ant! TJ:e?B, f. red for lh boiiai,le 'pnrpoteOf doing mkterlal injury. And upon the consideration of the farts which thereupon will develope themaelvea before their eyea, they will, no doObt, ejeh the gate, and invite Cen. ScOtt ro make himself fit home. That cunning koive, Santa Anna, k'nowa hit countrymen too well not to have choien Mexico itself at tbe place where to meet the Vicarious Soott. If he bed met him In tfc ripen field, there to be defeated, (at uodoubWlr he wOuhl lie,) the Mexican would call him a coward, a'nJ repudi ate him ami hit government ; if on the contrary he i "determined to die for hit tduntry,''1 e.nd 10 bury himself "uhder the Mini of thetrty,'"' the populace themaelvea will beg him lb re'.ent. tn thit raae he may yet avail himtelfof the chance rtitrcating With ill, iiu! do it by and with the ad vice Of the most influential people tUH the cleVgJr Cf the capital. knowing ihe ektieme anxiety of th admlnihtiation for pVUce, he itriagines' thst offera to receive Commiiamnerk will alwayk be irt time; but in this he will be rhiitaken. IfScett is once ready io marrh iipnrt Mekicd, his rhitits ry operatittnt Will hdt be governed, or controlled by diplomatic contideration he will act the lot dier to the enJ, and treat wilh Mexico, holding tbe city at a guarantee of peace. Wilh kd thai teroua a people at the Mexicans, It would be en wite to act other wiie; expect therefore to hear tintler ail cirenmttanees of the entrance of our troops to "tbe Hall of the Monteiumae." On the Whole, I Still indulge in tbe belief that ihe co'hreoiraiion of to many trortpt tn one spot, is highly favorable to our proapecta of peace, if Sahta Anna tie net permitted to eiripe and with hit leading General) comprised in the surrender of the rii. At to i bote lf! rert wbd were taken pritonert before, and ditihlsied on parole, it ii id be expected that Geh. Scott will tet an exirhpie by hrdering them to be Shot the punishment in ' flirted oh ill tuch offender t by the rules and f egli: lationt of civilized warfare. During the wart of the French Revolution, with all the bitternett which existed between Englishmen and FrehSh then, it wCt alwaya cont!derf-d all act of infamy fbr tn officer liberated on parole, again to take iip arml during the tame campaign, iHd Ihete was tiri regiment fbilhd 1ft either service', whose om.'tr would have been willing to aerve by the aide of a man who had thus broken his honorable engagements. The uags of aurrendering pti8 nera on parole, wt introduced 10 mitigate the calamine of war; but if the pritdrters thuiiit mited are permitted to take ap arms, the war will never terminate, and hence it ia oeeetaary 16 proceed' tgaintt the perjured party with tbk utniotf vigor. tod will te iurriied kt the few pritonert from tbe Guerrilla paties trough! in by oar troops i. From vsrion sources 1 am informsd that tha Telan Kangers and Mitilttippimt 06 not Mend to triaks pritonert, ahd that that is the reaaok so few are brought in. Aa enemy who liea in ih buth, aod never fight yen face tk face, is entitled la lio other treatment It ia Important tbat the high roada khootd be Cleared of robbera and das tardly aasaaaiaa, who dsaervn la U hxing whs tber they rob ar.d commit murder for plunder, or any ether eauat 4hey may beitt to their stan 07 ... . . , , , iBe,nvin. . -' f r -v "raltjaj llama. Tl i Oaafio.'t iTtaiuaeY A enriont fact tranlpired at the Glntgnw elettion. Mr. McGre f6r, of the board ef trade, one of the candidate, atated that at the lime our ambaitador at Wash ington, the Hon. Mr. Packenham, refmeJ to ne gotiate on the 49th parallel of north latitude ae thebkiia of k treaty, and when by that refusal the danger of a rupture between Great Britain knd America Vea'ine really imminent, Mr. Dan iel Webster, formerly Secretary of State to the American Government, wrote a letter-14 Mr McGregor, In which lie Mforigly deprecated Mr ParketihSm's roudurt, wiich, if peraitfed in, sod adopted at home, would, to a certainty, embroil tt;e cCtfrtoie'k, and suggested an equitable c6m- promiie, tsVtnt ttie 4fn.h parallel ks fhelais of kn adjustment. Aft. McGregor sent the tetter to t.6rd Jo"bn Knel, wnogaVe ttit. McGre'gor per- minion to iiitimate lo F.arl Aberdeen fl.at lie, Lord John uel, quite agreed with Mr. Web ster. Thia expressed ppiuinn X1 a ttatesmafl in opposition, donbtlert Ve'lieved tarl Aberdeen of any apprehensron of ceniure rnm that qdarter ; hut Mr. Mc'Gregor claim's foVtiimtelf knd Lord John ltnitel the merit of hkvfng (hereby contri Votetl eatehtiatly to prerVe tliVpeaVo of th world. lArrta-JTiittef. : ' ' N'foac Amkrion BocStt. Tlie e'tiante, la- deft wTih 5,000 bbla. of 'breadstuff, i now lying at Haufbowline. tier cargo it the free g.ftnf the Boton relief corrrrnrtte to rtjieicorintry.-Corii Examiner, : ' . Moaa AMBirA!i BF.arvoi.'rSc: XrriVed in port thia (Saturday) mflrViTtfg.' foe ame, from New York, wft'h a cargo f "WeadttnfiV'li Tree gift to Ihe tnfferWlr, f.o"oT, hnit rnntiiting of lit barrel! Indian meal, 143 barrel ft flu r, 2l1l bar reU meal tnd flour, 1 4 barrel bread, 2 bar'reVa provisions, 3 boxet knd 39 )a;s pet), conkigneA to the central relicTtommit'tee, DnbVin.-Lm'r-rcAr Chionlifr,, On IvYo'ndy W'S VWV sntered the port of Lon don, the whole of which wert, fci'tb a few trilling exception, cither partially or wholly ledeh witii gram am prt'viaiOnt. The account! of thfe harvetts received In Tarit from all tie department of raria.and from Spain, ror'tiigal, Italy and Africa, ire 'df tV.e Vriii favd rahle deacriptToh. Fifteen Vee1t lofltiled v-Ith !r.din eCrrli whil h i now a mere drug in the market, arrived in port since ouHut, U. ihterVal f thVee day t Li'm er e Ckroniele. TVe London Xtlas, speaking 61 the reported marriage oT the Dulre or Wellington indMita Bttrdett Coutta, says "TVere is no longer any doubt that the preliminary arrangements Are neatly completed." ' '""' The report 61" the nirVest in V.ngUnd and Ireland are Vf th moat encouraging character. The whekt c'rOi pVemlke H yiefi most tliuri- dahtly. The reports respecting the reappearance cf disease in the potato crop are very contradic tory. It is admitted, however, that the di't'rtte ha appeared in tome placet. The Philadelphia Ledger eay-i yterday aw a very well fin'usbed cdii'nU'r'feit $5 nTSte on the Bsttk dfidilletowr., in thia Stftte. It it ad mirably executed, and would acarcely excite sus picion On the clcseat crutitay. Ahoiher danger out Counteiieit it a tbr'ee dollar issue oh the f!e chthir Pink of Newark, N. J. This irsue, thdugh not near 10 well talfcnliUetl to deceive ts the Reea tin the Middletown Bank, has he'ver'the lett been widely circulated in and about the city tUn.fedAD "TkAVai. There ire in fonsianl Use upon the Reading RailrblJ, keVehty fiVe lo'corho lives, knd 4,.0dt coal cart, besiJe a hlithbef of patenger car ; making, no doubt, a greater . mount of lrlnpUrt&tiori biltinesk, than upon any 6ther railroad now in existence. With all this greet knd increasing travel, the had is in neit"ect order, and ali its operation! lire conducted with correct ne and precision. ' '' Yxllow Favra at KwRkLSAkk. The inler tfcentt from yellow fever, at New Orleani, for the twenty-four bear ending on the morning bf the lath, SI ; death at the Charity Hospital for forty-eight hnurt preViBus, 23. The number cf deetht by yellow fever, lit the Charity Hokpitkl, during the. week emlirlgon'tbe 14th intt., waa ninety-five. Errstt or kvn the Hilkdelphik Sud saya. a man named II. Parkinson, who had been indui ging to excess irt strong drink, on the 10th intt , tommenctd the work ef dest ruction tin his house hold good, in Carpenter street sbove Eighth, and finally picked up ihe cradle Containing an in fant, and dashed it into tha ilrset. lie was taken before Alderman McCeulry, and committed in default bf o00 tsil. .theiufkot eikspeJ teticut '""' . . .." . . - ., AxdTni.il Nomination the Ciricinriuti Chro nitle limouncet, under the head ef "a voice from Ashland," ibkl a meeting waa held at Lriingtrin on Saturday la.t, Which nbrhlnited Cell. Taylcit for, the rrktideaey. , . , , ' J.iDiAl4 the Senate bf Indiana l again a tie, the third occurrence bf ihe kind in the last four year. - la the Umiae, tha Whigs' hats about five mtjority. , Cot,. JltNToK, it it reported, hat writien to Washington, demanding a Court Martial for tbe vindication bt hit aon-in-law, Col. Fremont. A Louitvilte paper ta'yt that Col. Benton it prepa ring for a terrific attack on ths kJrainistraiion uet winter. In apeaking of the admiaistraiion and the war, hi language ia very bitter.- '-. a. . , ".,fi-rr 7 - ? Wataa Ci aa m Eaotaao The Hydropathic method bf treating diaeate ia attrtctmg great "aU tent ion In Great Britain, a weft aa in our own eouatry. 'Men ef high reputation for acientific ret ear ch, ar giving it a theughtfureiariiinatioa. . .. : . ' ' . 1:1- , Gam. Pisaon, who is now with' the army la Mexico, a en officer In tht late war. ' Faii.tax kr tux PetSTo CuK-Tfir high hopes entertained in this vicinity of a large crop of potatoes, ts) the Bangor Whig, have, within a few day been entirely "blasted, at respects this vicinity. The potato fields appear blacken ed and drooping, as though' struck with a heavy frost. People are engaged in digging the potatoes s that kt p6ib1e, and placing them where thty will dry. The crop in thia vicinity is a failure. Powra' TAor tattk of the Creek Slave, may be expected In 'thit country aoon,1 having been shipped at Leghorn in the first pari ol June, ft cornet ender charge of Mr. Kellogg, the pain ter of Cincinnati,, and Ta'to be exhibited through rhe-'eormtry for the benefit of the tcnlptor, and cannot fail to attract greet atte'ntion. A Very RE5rr.rrAM.a Fkmali gave birth to a loVely babe on Thlirtday, in one of the principal streets 01 Phitadelpliia. 1 The ' reader ran well imi'ine the excitement the .little ' "varmint" kicked up i pon hit iirtt appearance before the pulilir. : - v 1 : . ' Jfia Sai'rii's Widow keept a public house at Ka'fivoo, Valted tne Matrslnn House. She it an intelligent woman, aLout fifty yeart of age, ra ther large, and very good looking,' with a blight sparkling eye. . ' ' ' ' FCAet or Si.Avit. We learn from the Win Chester ,Virgifliiri that thirteen alavet of Mr. Newton RowTe'y, of that place, escaped from hia premiset oft SatnVday night laat, and although prompt mea6Vet were taken fbr their recovery, bat two of the number have at yet been re-raptured. On the Same night, Mr.' Fsyelte Wash ington, who rekidet near Stephenson's Depot, lost two slavei and seVen ' hortei,"" and there ia no doubt that the wb6fe party are now together un der Whip and kpu'r for the State of Pennsylvania. - - A Porfr.AtYOft T PiMMimrt.-Mr. Isaac Harris, in Mi lae Directory, cbnifiej Irt, the following manner the population of Pittsburg: American born, about GQ.ffOO; Irish, 14,000; F.nglith, 3,- not)'? Scofcll, S,W0; Welsh,' 3,600" French,' 50d; German, 1.1,000 ; A frieftrit end Colored, 3,000. Total, I0i,50u. , ;. - . . PTv. Yoaa Jnxi,!'-By the new regulation, Judge of the Superior Court hre to recti ve (70 a V. cek ; Jmlget 6t the Cbmmon Pleat f 00 a week each ; and hjiVgcc cf the Supreme Court 30 4 week earn. ' ' ton ilia aiiKtfttk. Mb. EniTOK 1 betieVe it is pretty well set tled hat our next CommissiVi'riet is tn be fiom the Msbtfnnys, and we have therefore the names of seve'r'il candidates, whri Ire til good men. Up per Mahonny Jiae named Mr. HoOa, Lower, Mr. Albert, end Little Mahohoy Jacob Baker. Now we iLink 'eo'pa'V or ihe tduhty has atronger claims than Little Mahonoy.' : This township haa never had but One officer, and that was a com misslbher, soma ten or twelve yeara ego.? Mr. Raker, Who it Ihe jrandidate, it well known to the democracy b'f te county, - He has always beeh k firm, Unwavering democrat. He ia alto a farmer, and betidea, a riifcihenlc, acqiiaiured with biuinelt, Mm) well krinws how to discharge the duties bf the office. . Tax payer are inteie ted in having bttainrk Irbeh as commissioners, and vi e trust the delegate will not fail to put him iti domination. PfoatiifMBajit.ANr). i-OR THR A VESICAS. Mk. i'.tiiTos 1 a miilh dvel with a CnnS miini'raiion Hi llle iinliry batette, recomhiend lug Mr. I'bristain Albert, bf Lower Mahohoy, for Cotlnty bnmrhistibher.' t have been long knd ililirbately kcquaiuted wilh Mr. Albert, and I take rhtirb pleasure iu aubstribing to the enli metit ofthkt bOrhmtihicaiiuh. Thecommisiion erJ bhiee is one of great Importance, in which elery UxniVei in ihe rbiihly it ihteretted, and thbre who tre ehirusted by the people to aelect candidates for their support,- should, ill Uischar gifts -tr-u Imptirtk'ni trtlst Committed to them, sl-U-ayi Ve particularly cautibilt to teiect tuch can didates fbr commissldher, at are well qualified to disthnrge the ditliei of that otfiee ; tnd aa Lower Mahhttoy il clektly entitled to tbe commissioner this time, I Lbpe tlie Uelegatioh will teiect Mr. Albert. IVi posieisei all the qualifications re- i ! . - . . . ... . . . quired 10 mak a good commissioner, having had Considerable expcHehce in the bntinets affairs bl thefcdiinty; end if he is intrusted with that office, the people will find him to be an honorable and faithful oMsar. ' '. '., '.. t SMaMoaH. . , Bri'aJ'ur Crncrei. i ffa. En!Ta A. iheik will be tn elorllbn hel l oh l!ie 1 lib day bf September, id elect i Drigaditr Gbucra!, lb fill ihe cnf'y occasioned by ih death of Gen. Kobrrr H. Hathmond, permit me to rerrmmhnd Maj; wiLLtA.vi I,. DBW.vftr, ol Purihury, (of ll.kt ottice. Major Dw.ii hat had caiitldarable eipeiiance io military mat 'tis, auJ, if el. fctsJ, woold tniks an eicellini oflickr ' ' Srtitokis. irlsndirr Oinrrtiti Mk, Ebitoi. Permit ui, Ihiou'gH your piper, to sy something in reference io the military rU. lion 10 bs bekl la Scpteiklw r. It is important that the' vacant Brigadier tieneidUhlp should be filled by a man ofeuergy nd mlisry spirit, it is slo SkUen, that tbk lack of dicipl ne; and the insu bordinacy eisdifeated by tbk miliiia of stir Drigade, (or kt leeat Of eiir Battalion,) require a determined mitiil to irfipiotk and quelt Therefore, we take pteaeuie in rtKotnmending Col. AMOi B. KAPP, as a man in ery iepact qualidad fee ihe eepon aible ttafio'o to which his eUioir and anerh un queaiionably euliJ hint. If sleeted, there , wo nne would be mere aeiiae or waylj uka a deeper intense ia improving the deeipline mt tht Brigade, mi under hl aupertietort, the milits systsm in our section of eouaHry would aooi riae again $ the s'gn.y thai belong lo ths name. A GooDtr Feat roa or rat 1st Baiaaac,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers