4 TERM OF THE " AMERICAS." II. B. MA88ER, i Ppetieasaaase , JOsEr" g8Ki.Y. . P,orToae. , Ojletin Ctnin Alltx, iWlhermr Jf. 31m '.. .$' Stare.) . i , , THE" AMERICAN" is published every Patur- 1v at TWO ' DOLLARS , per annur. lobe ' id hitlf yearly in advance, . N paper discohlin- wed till Alb imoniiin are paid. i No subscription received for a less pcrlou1 llian , ix raeaTMs. - All cemmuriicaliona or letters on business relating to the office, to insu'te attention muatbaPOT, PAID. . , AT Til "Philadelphia H'orcn end Jewelry Htore,n No. 96 Noith SECOND s'reet, corner of Quarry. ' Vft. '"GOLDLWWtcfic,rort ' ' " jJataSl " 5''ld 18 earal ctaen, $46 00 ;i jfTTXi , RWer Lever. Watches, full - . 7L . - Welle.!, . MOO gpria '8ifer Levrr Wlftchet, ee '' I- inj: van jewels, : ' 18 00 Silver line Watches, jewelled, finest quality, - 44 00 Por-erw ljuaflire Watcbett, '' 10 00 , l-niratiba'tgaartier Watcbea, not warranted, ft 00 Hold etpvciack, ... -. 00 ' Fin"8iNer Hpccliw.fo, ' I JJ 3ddBrw!.t!Jurlll,f)p!,'', ' Tso Ladies Gold Pencil, lft carats, t 00 Gold Fincer Kings 37 J eta lo 'k-H Gla. . , pMm TS1 eta pePSiH., lfc ; Lttfcet. 1ft. : O ther articles in proportion. Xll goods warranted to be what they are sold for, O. CONRAD. ' ' hand, sotne'Gnld and:Hiver Levers, Lcpines . amVQitsrtiars, lower lh. Ih Yibitvef rice. , PUilaJeJpbi i, Bvc, , 8M.-- I V X 2Jot;& Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. 1 v AN I ET. H R UCXKMItJkttfl, . JU kt Old foe'oWrmsri, RWiei iSiree'-, SMlffrm'tA, , ,!' orTMTR TK a no uflt "nnrm) ... , IFE'f L'KNS hi thanks for-p.sl favor, Ynd re ' ' ji,"spct'uHy -torms hh fiends and the public generally, that he confintie to Iriarftf.'neitfleto or Jr, in the) iietei and lalet style. ' JH4Ee OOTS AiVO SHOES, warranted ( the heat mtftefia't, tniS ineSe by (ho most espertenrcd workmen, fle also keep on harifl a genera! a-morlmeot of fashionable B'Kit for (tmM.'men, together with a 'tKTife Vtnek .l t fshlmi rte;ntl nien,a. lo ', la. lies' and rh ild en'a Shoes, a4-"VbichWaVeen tnle tinder h own immc .dvata irrsnrtion, and are of tbe he material atul Wwtlirntishiii, which Ijh will tjH 4.w f.X"cxht " tn addition lo the alar,ifl hirs jjtritl Vcelreil from Pliflsili'lplfit a IfcTtr and eirnsie aonply of l)Mts, Shm-, Ae. f alUlwriptions, whichna Uo vffctu for raJh,heier thsu vwr befera oT red in this crrr , WJ "MptxffOlry iirVitot tits M rtKlo mers, and othrrs, to call and n amine for 'hem 's. Urn. ' nairing dun Wrh neaneas irnd AospatcK . iMtnl.ury, Amgost 16th, 1846. ."'TT'i'm pj "ip a"bT r- " TO ALLIjiVUNTKV i : YOU May 'banf of obtxfAirrjt, at all Urmia, ur and highly flavored . L -rnr,-"m353Lei aa, Hjf the sinift (pound or largrr qot tity. at the fclilti TeatYmipnnj'aj WTheUi!P, 440 Mouth ktaniH afnaei, hehoett Mnrktt and Chut I ; ... nUt araea, - r ,7SaaXSUBIA. " rieretrffiwe h 'b'been 'e.ry difficult, indeed, al m anpowilde, always to obtain good Urei'n and Bl -ek Teas. 'But now jr nr. 'have only to lie JVkiu Tao.ijiB. s Sumto.Mo obtain as delici rat andfraprrt'IV4asywcofM svihfor. AU layreai ran beie i' suftoA. with the adftnlge of getting s jiire article at a low price. June 87th, t46. P I A N O S. - f JHE PUBPH;Rlftt:KW.mi"rir.iia'1'ceni. . for tt aale .tTONAO MEYKK'n lifcl KB R ATED PREMIUM HOE WOOD PI A NOW; at this place. Three fiswos frr a f4an, 4aNve and bf auifoleterHw doi-h. anl, TV iJrith anil sweetneas of lone, and elrg mce of workman ship, are not suipasvt) by any in the ITnik d Hiites. Tbe fiillowiiijt ia a recommendaiion TroYn Cl t.T, celebrated perfotrwer, and hrmsetf a man uCcMier4 . "' AC Alt D IIatiw fiod h plaore of truing tha rkeel bnt Piano Furf msnfactur. d by Mr. Meyer, and rihihiied at AirViA exhibition of the Fr .nklin In Ktitute, I feel it daee the true merit of the maker to elarethatthaaa anatrueaenta are a.olta eajnal and ia aoaaa tf ecK awea sunrtioi, t all the PI ana . Fortes, I asw at ttve apiula of EttiOpe, aud ikiring a sojourn of two years at Pariv Jto Pranos witl he-ski at the manufacturer's IomsI Philadelphia pricea, tf not aomethtng loW-f. PerataM era reqaMaied all and eieraiue Tot ttx-aiservef, at the resilience of the subscriber. Bunbury.May t7. 1846. H. B- MAHSPft. CmteRlltrll DEATH BLOW. rPhe puMia wiU pb-ss observe that no Urandietb Pills are genuine, unless tbe boi has three la bels upon It, (the top, the ai.le ami the loUom) p.i h eoulaining a fjc-aioiile signature of my hand writing, thus D. BasaaaiTH, M. D. These la. el- ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, tnd dona at anetpeiisenf over g.,000. Then fora t will be seen that the only thing jwccaMry lo pro :ure the amliciue in it parity, m to observe these Mi. KememK-r the tap, the aide, and the bottom. The fullowing rcspaetiva paraona are slolv author! il, and hokl - " OSBTZriCATBS OF AOXUfCY r 01 the saes wf tirundretk t tgtlulU I 'niixrso. Fill. ' Northumberland emmtv : Milton Maekey cV runmbeilin. Hunhury H. D. Maaoer. M'Ecns nMe Ireland & MeiseH. NrthtjmlilaiiJ Wni. 'uiaytb. Oaorgolown J. V, 1. Walla. L'oioa Cuoaty t New ttrrbs Ueirtr A Wia iT. &alrnagroa Ueorga Gundiura. M hi ill. urg -Isaae etotith, Ilea-sritrwo DaJ Hubler. darasburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinaborg -Menach k Kf. llajtlslow- Daniel Ione;. Freaburg i. dt F. C. Mover. , Lawisburg Walts da Ursan. Columbia county I Panvitbj E. B. Keynotda k Co. Btrwirk ftbnman dt Kitten hoo as. Cat awlsaaC. C. BroUa BrooBveburg Js R. Hoyas., Jwssy Tewa Levi Biaal. , Vf askingCoa ZobkifcCa. . LimwUa)a--Da4liet & MsNrch, Ohsarvs thai each Agent hae an Engrave Cea- Ifkate af Agency, 'containing wpreantattra ot ilv BRANMrrHH ManUsVcW? at Sing (ting; ,mA unoa arhieh will a bo be aeaa- aaact eapiea of ha mW luUk aaw tmd upon tit Brwdnth FiS foarcs. rkibuislahla. oUca No. 8. Noith 8th atraer. B. RANDKETH. H. U 'AwY ute acquiescence in the decisions of the By KfttMner Elncly ' ' "" ' 'n vtttrs kstXrv. " ' . , Once by a lonely vVkyaide inn . , .. ( ; Two weary trav'lers met'; , ,,, Tbe vra w roagh from whwrce they chine, , Their clothes were tailed and wet. The head of one: wai ailver'd O'er ,; , fiy rolling ycara of time, , Ty scorching winda l.?a face waa tanriM in lauds of every clirue. The'bfber'a cheek waa also brown, Fbr'he'hafl jonrney'd far; A Vcrire'if winters lesa he'd teen i . Though time had lert a tear, -. When aeated'oy fc Aeetful fire . . . ' , They talked of other days, , . Vhi'le tbe gloorn wlthmit was piere'd . With th tljJIilnrng'aVivrfi Wale. - '"On Etna't hnrning tof Fve bee-h, (Thui 'SiaYhe'titfi tmtaehk,') And teen tbe boiling lava roll v.tawn ita'nVry'tiealc " 4Se1ieea in F.ngland a brjTffy tvlc, In Franca, that aanny land 1 " ' 1 I've been on Greenland's icy shore, ' . 9n X'frk't acowhing sand. Tbia'bope elo'ne'haa f'beere'i'me on, A hope surpass'd by none . Terc'hance Td meet an erriiig chitil. My first, my only son. IW.S;ii rrfy tearcb.lina nbvr, hlaa"! With'ring despair liti tofne, 1 to a'once 'cheerful hearth, But novft clieerleiri 1l0me.', trough glistening tears the other apoke . itt'et fhra rfd"CTlds ddfoahv Sly weary 'feet have Wrhe rue far, , In search "of pettce to fain. . !0ttt lo1, flievtrrner'a tvay iaVarfi, , ., Tins only have I found, And he, who would tnte ptoet enjAy, . . . , MftxT to Ihe Lord ha bound, i Pound by the sacred tie of laith 1 In a Redeemer's blood. ' Vio olej and died dpon the eroti -To brine nshlim ToVjo ' r- ' ' "Then on The old man's neck he fell, ' : AVbile tears did Treely Yon, And tried, A SavrftuV'sbre I've fonnn, . . -And you a long lost son." VhilLdtlpkin, TnYFDSd. It "Mfe Ike Carta wt. ' Ar-4 t.ft rift Ihe Oetan tVot A life on the raging ranawl, A home on its ermriVy dee, Vl'here through summer, spring and TalV, . The froga their revels keep. Like a nth n Wk pine, On this dull Tirrctiknghig ihoe , .. ,.. Oh, give, me the packet line, ' "And the muddy taiii' thill real , , Once more on tbe deck I stand, ., . Of my own swift gliding creft1 The htrsea Uol odf on he lahd. ' And the boat follows troae ahaf), -We shoot through the lurbid foam, .. Like a bull frog in a sqirell ! And like tbe frogs oar home We'll find in the muddy rtnawl ! Tbe sun is no longer ia View, The r lends have begun to frowh, ' But with a bumper t)r two, We'll say lei the storm come down ! And this song we'll aing, One and all, While tb storm around us peltSj A life in the muddy canawl, Oh, we don't want "nothing else TO l'awEk rt-atltita Cleah your peach es, by povring hot watr r upon thetrt, and after warda wiping them with a coHMe ttn'ih ptil them Into glass or FBrthrn jara, cork them up and fasten the corka with wire tir strong twine; then place the jara in a kettle of M walef litl Ul the alMiqepheric tir Is eipellctl from the jars; alter whiefl al them np tight with Wat. Pea chew prcpervd in this way retain their cfigrnsl flavor, are equally sa delieiuoa, when cooked in the ordinary manned i moniha or a year after being put up, as if jutt taken from the treeo. - To Ftiairr Mkat. It has been suertWull proved by e-pcriirrcrrte, that meat entirely fly. blown, has been sufficiently purified to make good broth, and had rmt a disagreeable teste, by being previously put into a vessel contaiomg g ijuantily of beer. , The lie-uot will bceome tain, ted ami have putrid smell. , Poiaoawea. pBOMKTite or Baifrt. ft is a fact worthy of notice that the brine in which pork or bacon bts been prteklcxf is poisoqoiM to piga.1 Several eatee are on record, in which rhete animals bate died Jo conatuence of a small rvuantjfy of brjoe batinj been m tag led with the waabrondar the mistakf kmfKtsaioe that it would answer the same purpose and be vqjany ae Danecriai aa in rne aomixrurer a J aaja!! quantity of salt 7 rig, Yovvff, a. AND SttAMOKlN1' JOURNAL majority, the Vital wuicinU of Xeoublica. froM which - i -piTO- Tlianam - fi ,j While Porkdwn wsayrtln ItalnWcV, whrn 'its pigs did not attain to half the fat they now 1 '"bnant, ind Tts colli Juice was twrctl afgen-amB tft old Ikffy, Oif owner of 'an extensive clear ih'cu'ltivated by three sturdy anna, made her appeartnc'' Jt CltiSittiiall with Ue' intention. 'cl talcing fkkc in the firat tuft boat 'bound down rfvrr. Iter Chief rnotNe tdr fhra'frl'p, waa a long promised visit to friend rcarding at Memphis, W pnidanlV wiaVihir to tsomblriri "frlftt Vlfh pleasure she bmoght with her a large aupply fit nicrly cureStiama, expecting thereby tn raalian sum which wrmldaJvak'fwfp('ctalD'!e aurplna in her pocket after tiie epn6 ot XWldurwie oftowhrj t adMce hT tile 1bf. lffd f tire W&e whe'rb she etopbed, (he wa of cotinn, very dijin'reresfrd.) she remained in town aome fome ett hya Wgp'r titan waa 'heceaaar'y. Whpn, finally, on firie dajr becoming fblty as ettrrd that4tm seVeVe r'e wkstolM e'kprtted,' ahe had beraolf and Hrepe' embarked. ' The captain of iheonat Ihua honored. Vlong ed to ilia! claw of mn Pn'tiAotTy tPpreaWtou fv-rywherf bol among the Wftnniandera of our Western Stenmpr, being at allirrfeand in all places impertursbly polite, eelf-pnasVbi!, and good natunnt, poascaaing moreover, a rrch Vein Nil dry humor, yvhicb he delighted to exercia In hoaxing ton officious intermedlers with his own concerns. In the ih'nJm of the hurry and host I e cimwecjiient on 'pu'ting nff.' our widow rushed in fVrJrftof the captain, and seizing him by the coat, "tlttie sfftheked his patience: 11 Now.'Capting, or you certain ahe won't boat "Don't trifle with the feelings of a feeble woman the Joery Teetct. by the way, weighed 200 a voirdilpoiae) at Yhia orfiil crisis ! Ef I should be hlown tip inter fragments, all through your de cepeliins.tsptrrtj wa 1e made the another 6f tVee fpzolat prfirrnna, tfiere'd be a dreadful Vrc1ffln' for you at Ihe'gYeat day of insurrec ting, now! tell yer., '..,,',., : . , . The captain aD'rod Wr ftlc're waa ho danger, t)nt art rheanine trme told her the safest plsn would be to shut heret-If up in tba atate room farthest aft, where be sent a waiter to 'conduct her. 6heWerWteo hut tioally Want, with an enreeat parting admonition that 'the 'Ceptlng ah-Hild Rend some bnrly to let her know jtatt as aonn esthe boat began to "blow up.' Tfce rjnforttn.ate lady was piit beginning to fee n.oretaTrn, wlien shn waa stattleHy IfWd YrVrping of a bell, accompanied with th'a tran4'est xort of Vo ce, which seemed to say, all all thft gpYitlcrnrt lid Aetiot Aiust go down nd rH-lile 1.1 i nsk-gnin.down 6h'i Lord! oh! liOrd ! Vhar on kiWh is my lig band box ! Somebody laaae'n oniorne i!ua life preserVr kd put k rope under me !. &i tS'eni irritant It k g'oin down already I kfiowed they would, tbe tarnsl fools, when I raw 'emdowft rttrrs thvirl Ob" Ijrd! nh! Lord! 5fy.trsn.s will be wasted, and only ter tbiuk W thettt poor Loyk Vet brim I Isn't thar aom kind UUn thai will awitn aati'ore wlh . No one Vouintef-lp.Uweve'-, baftire Hte Cep tain tameatMftg end Waa al lalt agam aoccett- ful in quieting her. i ' v ' (Soon after, tkey paased a small landing, where an eppnaitrttn brtaV, kleb ftmVrtd Hnwnv waa leMh& t fe famprigtira, which UfoVe tfte foVmer liad advanced three1 Kill rt ha f a mile beyond this point, put oft, and fired Hp in a manner that thdwed her tsplalri iJelprttiineil to'cbmeiS Et least a length' ahead." The 'hotmV on board the flrst became very naturally 'cehsWersbly ri led, and most earhWiy Urgbd tlie ' captain to pet on the ga" and never mind Ihe consequen ces.' ftut he witlintot ihr!c laVefeb tbracirigi' and whatevrr idea he might have secretly che rished Ihat it woilidn't do to be best; evaded a direct reply by say inj, 'the wood oh board ii ti sod rconomitiallr Inighl possibly littlothe next yard.,. The aniMe wWutv had boert thcanwlule watching ihe oiovenu-nta of Hie boat in the rear. and begao to participate in general eXeilerrieoL At last he approactitd the captain, ami remar ked lhat 'that tt-aa trail bebind Miling dread ful fasti' Why really, Madame, so there it!' was the ana war. ' 'Weli yon elnt a;6in' fef fet hef go by ar youf ' ' ' -i Perh tp it wotfld be dJrtjtfods to increase the ffrei ma'atn.4 ' The crM Mf waa bothered, "and rettrrned to hU post. 'The object of her repaid' waa ap proaching (on rapidly,-, 0wevrr, for her peace of mind,, (ffift sefiti'pea ia f ntire from O. P. R. amea) She agau) 'madk itatii to tb aati ra cing man, cxclaif.ng : .f . . '( )h, Caplaia I do jeat' put tato oY (bfag morfl aickg of wood pa that Are.' , - . -. Avfrt'l wasre wAod maain, - f Wsl, for Ifevinii'a take Jtaia't lAaf, fluthin. alae a board that yo eaar male it burn with t M don't think of enythief, excepting youf heave.'"-- i I' t ,i via) isoy rrnrciro a mvnjrni, vi could beer the furc-ense no Icrctr and with the . rpj.. .i.j ..a ..J - k.t V.. a miA Aetata Ito aiK.'eal hot to fore. lh vital priaripe ajar eweakm,of a person going fnte file, -exclaim. PW mi Ciptam ! 'Pai Viri on . Who keera1! VVuo's , aVuerd ! 1 '.aiut '.' I'd derned site raUiet be busied Vjp thavj tjea'a, Hrvw time. ; Put'em onr - VV 'j " ,' ' The!wtra Vihh fjrected IheWd VdyV'rB marks' would alrnnet rivk 'ihd&i Wt up before Jericho or Monlrrey and eVen Vhe boat appr'ar ed to share the enlhuaiarm. fi her paddles seemed immediately lo double Ihe number of fhe'fr'reVoTuVl6nt,kf,a it was not long WinreriPT ambitious rrvnl VbaleTl at diaiance, whfehtho passengers of the "first 'hnk'nittotlsly declared, lent'ec"hirTmrrrt lo the view. ' ' The 'wioow was h perfect tfOrfe frfr e remainder of the trip and rm arriving at her destina'iipn, was agfeaMy diirp'ritiea by the full return of the money she Ind paid for fare and freight, 'tngeiVrtvilrtj ptn tfffi tfccorri'phtii. rjS !Jy a ffoat rpjjenl invitation from Ihe fjivpta'tft, that Whenever she travelled thNt route ngnin, she would accept flie VutVcrlh in the boat, free of expense. fxtfVAWi) B.AILWAY AM PrOMCKaVk AOvV; TMt Omnibi ct in fjobXkv, N. Y Tlie Railroad Journal, or tliVctfy, etateathat, by 'he tn'vitatron crt John Rmidel, Jr. C R, (the smile man whntaid rilit the city of K'nw VorV ,inM sire-eta atrfl aA'entioe.in 805 to fc20.) fWe CJi Wlrtrahad the pleasure of examining a model rnnde by him, in acrordanrw with a "resolution of the Corporation of that city, who unaiiiimma'y approvcil ol the p'kflT;en proposed, representing several different plana for art eVvafed yhilfc-aV and promenade through and above Broadway, from the Battery to Un'to'd rihi5. The care are to fen propelled "by s'ta'tWna't power, with an end lew rope, and pass above the leVel tit Ihe twrmrHnswa sd htajiieM IomIs, and will not obstruc't the "peaeh't ndinary travel oV t"he streets or side wal k a. The Tk m d n thVt sfop tn ttfce in or let out paseengers. Thtklsdritie by TneaTie of b "frfndeY runVng ubdh another track klongaide of ibn main Track. TaaaeYl gers rfta'y waTk fir be elovktrf Ti'bnS 'tlb aVe merit up to the promenade or railuay. This model lo Ynadn entirely of metal; ft to mora than thirty-on ftp Tn Vng'tn, and haa Coat over $3000, beeidea nearly two yetrre Yjf Mr. Randel's time in planning and superinten ding tho wort. We intend in our next number to give a dVtaV fed 4ei4crip:ion Ytf Iti'ra i-ery elegant and impor- n't impro'vement for Bioadwa'y, aJ YTow call pohlic attention to tho eiihjpcr, 1m cause a TieaVy eVprnso Ta clng inctirreil by the ciliaena for kwnTng "pob'ii Tti hrfttflAr.y, ku'a I'r'y one of these plans of Mr. Ramie), if adopted, will supply ihii street with elrf-am iron bilhmn. wrth caprtalH. AYid 'f)ueA and planed at regular distances apart along the curb PtoViW. end whteh rViay be iaed foV ga, awe'ng poes, nyiUan'ts, k c., well a to anpporl nis eleVali Vkltway and proinenide the whole length of Broadway, rhtltihg toae'theV U'd V3k of e6nms ckch nVda't three ra'.cs in lengthi 1 . . A VlcVdla iloaSt Wur Vctilerk will Vee'nl- led Ihe horrible circumstance near Biretianip trai, laat fipnntr, of e man being torn to pieces by a Vifciods hbrae. This eanic anitf al is now owned by Mr. Thomas' Caff'. rty, In tlie' kast part of this toVH, arid on SaldrdAy lavt lie at tacked And barMb hear killing a boy, 14 yeilsnf age, in the employ of Mr. Cauortjr. While lea ding bilh throucli the gateway, the horse sud denly seised ihe boy's arm uHilo lie filled hie Tort feel, with fearful vigor. .. After about fifteen minutes, the boy succeeded Iri luoaiKg himself froth (lie firipe of the horse, and crawled through a fence out of bia reach. - Thence he went into Ihe house and alaritied the faillily. Mr. Culler- ly tmrhbdiiitbly fepairbd tb the ptture to seenrc the horse; arid white alleiiipting to bridle iiiia waa himself attacked by the infurinted anitiial. in bhdeaoMHg to escape Mr.CaOerly ft !t, and ihe horse plunged over him, cafr)i.'ig, liia hat itn Y.'uH, which he stamped into the ground with prodigious violence. By the fitrfe Mr. (i had regained his feet, Ihe h rne fu'rned and a- gdid plunged at him ; bul by lhat lime Several of the lamily and oiheii liud" reacicd tile spof; and Mr, C wa rescued from imminent danger. , The boy is badly injoreil, h.'s arc, being fit shod to a jel.'r,' and his body much bruiaed by the koea a.VI fiei of (lie itirsa. It ta linped, however, that his arm will be saved. , Why is this horse eiffWed to list ... Surely the owher win td suffer ihe lives of himself and lamily again to be put in jeopstdy, thnaigh unwillingneaa to kce the value of the sriiloaf. Ife haa alreadt killed one man, and camo near lilfing twvr more. ' Th pnblie aaTef required that lie ahoirld.ba rilled. Oswgo Ait. A Yankeo captain once sung nut in a squall to a raw hand, newly ebipped'on board" bur craft, 'let go, that jib there let go lhat jib V , l ain't foucbio' on it,' replied fhf green one. . , . Nspnleon, when ill st ease or displeased, toclf snofTprofusery ; Hen. Tsylor, with Yankee pe cu!iarty, tikta muettrd- ' 1 thd tmmedialo parent nf deciwtism. J ttt8t ser1 Preaswrr, , An exertlant lnvei?H"r for fes(rvlrig riu, Ac, is rrnw 1rr ircr1raKfu., tpetatin, nnder the chsrgerff rreTa,'Thonipson Intltb7fnrnediate vicinity nf Costra nreeet vvhsrf, I'Virmnuirt. h Cnrisitl of & li'rjrj store building, th upper fart of whlclt 1s apprrfprtatria u e recepfaelo mV iee. Trt Ihe luSve'r ftiri Vkn'Ms hava? been bnllt and in tiieee, letnnns, orangee, apple, cherries, strawberries, butter snd smirked Yneats are kop. im perrrot tiute Rff months. The construction of ilie "building is 'peculiar, atd IhoTsnggcYittrjn was the Vesrfi nf tnafrtre f?ioiglil knd active ex periment. ' The body nl ice is carefully packed in layers npon Ihe Ttinf eft-er tho vaults, which ts lined Vifh V.irfC anfl rfadc frnrretVirfiiatd rJhe s'liglifpst moisture. The walla are all double, and the space between I hem ia filled with saw dust for the purpose of wirton rfinm Bit tight. Vhe w"aVr,'Hom tne gradual melting of tlie ice knd troth tlie sliglit r'andenBition, falls 'fipon a rrWirunrtcrneath that upon which the ice rests and ia carried fl. The rooms nr vault below are "by Iheae arra'hgeine-its tiit.de perfectly dry, and no external air beinp; admitted, they, arc Wifhrrrrty Vpt in tanefirtir1on. ', Tle etif rarfce into the store room is at the lop. His a pas mi ge like a chimney, having a trap door to it, being caosciona eniiii f'li 'to kitffiit of vcatiela ks large a ktioglih'pad to be lowered by means 'of k tackle. Tlie Mildmg ".s adtniratTV ta.Tpd 'lor obta'ning easy access to the interior, the e'rdfind tefng eTeVtste'd kt the'rear'of t'he premi se '(6 ilia 'diiot of eiilrs'ttcr. T"Iie tuoipeVafure of the vaults wliere iTio erfW.etj aro "heit, is ot a'fl fimes i degrees according to Ihe theViiio meter, and we learti lhat v.'irh refft'o flteravion o'f I lie "building, not being at 'present aa'co'fn plele hs cotild te'tfeifte'ij, fa-.ttld "be Vedttctid aa low aa 32 degrees. The quantity of ice requi srTB to produce thfs efTect VeYtea aotfmg to the'f-ualiiy of Ihe art'offr. Thert-Hicrrtlkrd tttifin tne 'roof above 'mentioned about nine fe'ei, which wtfl most pruhably be sufflcreYit for the season. Tula ice tvas Witch Iro'rVi Vn'ei '8chyYt:Al last winter, and wksVYh soft and showy nature. It is surmised that ki feet oT entid iVe woctd tm r'ef.Uis'i'.e. Tne s'ff.ifr has proved to he exceedingly profita ble thus W. In May last, a large numfer of bnifrs'f.f TeYrtoS tnd 'cVangea were stored in the vaults, ana Kepi ihitii witntii s snort tune since, when a salo of them was Commenced. They haVe go'ne'ol! rapidly al a tVelftlenJuua pront, u pertnrfue'e3 y llie pr'pse'ni e'carctly ol these kinds of fruit. Hotter, tjeoneUeu. s'jotit tlia same tftVie, renin ins sweet and good, Potatoes taken from a Iiea p rap'diy ppoilirig, "being toti- died wVili tike rot, are now tn ait irbproVed Con iHtioV.', iIih temperature ir.slantly checked tho aiseLWe 'among (Win. - Other phenomeria equally enrpViaihc have reeiiiipd frnih live dbuve procees. The advantages lo be derived from these esiabiishmenta wilt cause iiieir rapid increase, and enjoyments nl tho taMc Which herctofuVc have been confined to one season, will befcome enrnnt'on H allvH-i'Aff;- tttrr. - Phlloanphj' or Droit niig'. ftiaq is the only animal thai drowns neutrally, lie doea fo been U sa lie is endowed wito reason i that ia lo say. with a large sphericdl brain with a skull on it; which risea aimve his Dose. If he falls HiVrt i!ucp wall r, in spite ot Lis great brain, he has iml presence of mind chough to stick hie ntae H'Jt and keep it out, as ue easily might do, but lets his heavy heaj ik a alone press his noseuuder water. , la ilns position he inhaiee, and fills hiscbesl with water, so that he be come on the whoth so mnoh heavier than wa ter as lo sink. While the Inngs are filled with air, the body is lighter than its bulk in water, and of cotirse swims, just s afl irorl vessel 6e& Alli tberefbre, which is necessary io keep's fpp? erifi flotn drownins In deep waier, is bi keep the water out 61 Ihe lungs. fo yh'ii'a.k how i(ia( is Iri tie dotic Pupjiose yourself a bottle.' Tour iiiwo U ihe nozzle of the and nu'ist be kepi nut of ihe water, if it goes underi dbn't breathe at all till it foriie fig't. . Then, In rjiro. vent ifs gn';ttg if own again, keep every Otter pafi under liea.l, leg's, arms; all tinder water hut your nre. i)o tfiat, and yoii can't sink in ihi ifepth of water. All yoii need Id no lb ae- rtire this, in to' rfaVp" your fianil hefiind' youf back, t'n'd foinf yotir nosn s the top lf the hea- veh'a, and keep ferfeetly slill. ' Your nose will i . . .. . -,. . never go tinner water In tun Pnd nl tune, tinip foii faiae ymir braifi, hand, knee', or foot, higher than it.' Keep stfl with your no.e turned o In perfect trnp'udenee, arid you' are safe. ' This will do In to'eabfe still Vvater in bois- f erou J water you will need' a little nf the art ot shimming, which if you don't fet you deserve to be d'rowreM. 6rf. Coat AshseV-Tbeae, in Ike rropbrfion of 100 bushels to the acre, form an excellent lop dressing lor meadow Deaidee alumnia both soluble, they' contain lime, magnesia, oxide of menpneeeaad oxida aado1phuret of iron. W e have applied them on stiff clays, in grass, with inoet excellent effect, and therefore, speak of their gfneef y" UiJt iitt own personal expe'rf,,c ArX r.ri"r. s 1 ' -J . .19 fat' ' lnoVln, . . . s 0 kf ' ' " 'd ' ''i''do .': 0 75 L' " ' 4,9 C .is . a . 1 OA EvwysubstfaetillnseVlWn, . .. 8 ! Yearty Advarllseibenia: one column, tit t half elvmn,$1i'threeaqBaTa. Ht twesqnarea.ygj one square, t . Ilalf-yaarly , M eo)ttawi. tt8 , hff column, l J three slt antSt twosquarea, fS i nne tqnara, ff) hfl. - '- AdvertiMrmsflla lett without ulnvVioYis as to the length of timn 'they Ira to be published, will be ttintinuti oftlil ohlered out, and charged accord , ingly. ' " ' (TTellvtBeyi Rnt oV Tew tnakl k s,ua. ., i . i ! in ii a i a an a ? U tasecit arraVevy. ' i The mnat remarkable tact Yjimnetlwl with lh hlatory of aYits, Is the propensity processed by certs in species to kidnap thn worketsbf tlher species knd Compel lhm TO labor for Ihe bene fit of the eommuniiy,thr3k Oeing lliem complete fy a slaves and as TaY kg yet we know, the kldnaaypeva are red, r tmre-cblored ants, and tho elavea, tfke tlie ill-treated f.aliVea of Afrita, arc of ft jet Mack. The time for capforing slaves extentla n'rtV k period of atout ten reoks, and never Comttf?ce omil the ifkle and lemale aro about emerging pnpa stale; and thus the ruth less rnar auders ricvef interfere willi the contio- fliftlnn of the species. This instmct seems spe cially provided; for we're the "elavte atits created for"h6 other end than f6 fill the 6 ibn of slave ry to which they appear to be dort'Mcd, stilt e- 'vefi that 0t?e tt.hat were tho ktlkcks to bd macVbn their tseeta Before the wingett myriads haVB departed or are 'departing, cWrged with the duty of continuirig Iheir kind. When Ihe) redkt'fB aVe kbdiit 'totally forth tin a marauding expedition, they send scouts to ascertain the ex act rwliio'aTn Milch a ff6tony of tiegroee may be fot'irid. These scouts having discovered tho objecrsof tiiefr e'eaVc'h, Vetarn to the nest and re pott Thetr rurcees. ' ' ' 1 i fthort'ly afterward the a'rrny of Ved aftla mar ciee forth, headed by a Vocuadf wnfeh is per pe'ioiilly chn'ngTng, 'the individuals which cort etirtfe'it, when they haVe advanced 1 iittle bd fdre fh'e Vriafn tocfy, t-.krtiVi' fallWjj into :ho rea, 'hnd Wing replaced !'y olti'ore. The van guard consists ot eiglit'oY ten ante only. Whorl tTiey TiaVe kVriVed near the negro Colony Ihey disperne, wandering through the herbage and Ihonling abofil.t kwaVe of ffte propinquity of the object of 'their s'chVch, yet ignorant of itd ex act position. At last they discover the settle mentfc? a'hd tVe (brcrhoet of the iVivsders, rn.H lYig iinpetuously (o the at tacit, are met, grip pled willi, 'arid frrquently killed by the negroea on befcrd. Tlie alarm is quickly communicated fo tlie interior of the nert ; tlio negtoea sally forth ty tliousa'hds t and tSe red ants KUshing to tlie 'rerfcfje.a tfesperate conflict ensiles which; however, always terminates in Ihb defeat nF the negrritei, who retire to the tnhermost reces ses nf tnelr habitation. Now follows the rcen ofpillngV. The red ants, with their powerful mandibles, tear npon the sirles hf the negro ant hin, fVn'l rush into the HeaH of the citadel. Iri a few rsiinutes each invader emerges, carrying in its mouth the pupa of a worker negro, which it lias obtained In spite of the vigllahbe and va lor of it natural guild iatis. The red ants re triVh in perfect order lo their nests, besting with them their livirp btirdrhs. tin reaching tho neat the pupa appears to be treated precisely as their own; and the workers, when they emcrpe; perforin the various: rtiiliei Of Irio corhtnhnity with the ereatest cnerjry and apparent good ill. They rbjiairthe best, pjteaVate passsges; collect fort!, feed the larva?, take the pupa Into the sunshine, and perform every office which the welfare of tlie colony require. They conduct themselves entirely as it fulfilling their original destination.' A J-'it-r ibii J?AilBLiii A load whicia had breo buried under a reveracd flower potr thfee feet beneath the surface of tbe ground, by Air. &imiie tlarae; nh the Ulh of June, lr-46, vvau, by iheaame gentleman. disinterred on the iih ot June last do sooner was the little an imal taken iip, than (if gave evident proofs that io bo 'buried alive' dl3 hot, to him, neceasnnly iaVolta Ce4t!on of existence for be instantly coin'neoced skipping aboilt, many of his bound' extending to tho height of six inches into tho air! His ruoiitb was cloaed tip with a wbila skin, but his eyes were as sparkling aa when, on thai day twelvemonth, he rVas hut below ihe ground. Sorfolk AtieJ. X t'AiiiAi. AsEtooit i'niicssor Iii.leyV who ia now in iialy.aays lhat recently, when be' s in Venice, an Amcricoa csptain and ik Knglikhman met at dinner. t f Vo'J are an American, air 1' said the Engl'e!:! map. 'I reckon t am,' returned the capta'i.li nu have the name of being good warrioil' ' Yes,' said the Yankee, 'tie ahoot pretty vU'L .' 'ilui hovv is it JoU are so anxious to tnaka t"l wifb Mexico! this floes hot appear much ill t-puiik.' 'You are an Englishman V intefr" a. ted (he. Yankee! 'tea,' replied the Eng'h ,n. 'Well,' e'13 tbe Yankee, 'I don't knovr V,,,t our folia haveoffored to do with MeXicr:; but stranger; I'll jest telf you one thing til b if we ever offered to make peaeoj wit It you !' This hume thrust at the Englisiibaan set the wnole table iti an uproar 61 la ug it it, A boracroua young man waa driving: a borae which waa ia IhO haftil of stopping at every house Cn (he road aide, iwssing a, coubtrr Uv c rn, where wss collected together some oozen eoontrvmati. the bcaet; as usual, ran i.ppomte the door and stopped, in suit of tbe young man, who applied tbe whip with all hia might to ditve tAe horse oh', the men on the porch coroaiencnff a hearty laugh, and some inquired if he wcr'-i r'll the horse I , 'Yea.' eaid the young rwe; V.' cannot recommend him. as he hag - d , a buUher. and atnpe vrhCnevea k . b',' Ti t tlt- -' he1' chc . .vntfdioai'rrff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers