GBOCIgRIER. 'C.. 1 4115' hidsliVedirin SW Ws IPlanunion Itobwor 10 bbliflairsrlionue Mew. wc Loaftagsr; lnn bolo Rio Color .11tea of Rise; LOS cube Went Rada Au; riecived by las. 4a. dna trails New Otlewi., and br r i Z • W1NE13 7 , 40 qr teats aid 93 p l i, V V 114s4gs, and Alsaairs Wu^ptuatm • v l r7 Shake and anperior breath, reed an d or an accommodating scron,by . w,laturrciazritEr. too hi _ pATENT SODA ASII— WO e'dekslaries M ap SOu'• But qualify Sods Ash, lan recd penneamet, Den Illwd! Add for sale by • • , ard4 • dr..1131 ITCIEEILSKEE, IGO liberty sy JAMES A. NUTC RISCO; *Co. Aptets for Se. Louie Steam Sortr nelluery, N0.45'14 eter and 01 Front etrer. - rittsbar;b. Pa., have - ,ho store the following as• eon:item °Crete.] Soren, for sale low: 5 be. doeb!e refined large lAI4IOOO Obis MR.*, 4, 5,6,7 end a motif do; VOL* Powdered; Awl do Creel. ed. 45 do ClanSee4 ot _ _ UND/LIEN-4.4 ovals; nada Aida, branded 11 Stook S k: Sera. LloorpoolsOu do do _ Janata Shuman & Sour, do; MO bags Rio Cake; MXI box. :I‘9, datlland lbiLY W Glare, for solo by 010:GRIER; my4s; ' • Ihthbeny at usinurS—mpco lb. Balk P.N.; buih Coro; a 0 11 , b Clover Sead; 2 clacks Ragg . do Morley; MS .bbla Soon I Fgga. landing - from MALZr Cope and lot sale onydd JAXES MILLIESEED OLL-10 bbls, ixt ptLaeorder, jtt . si ceir01.4.16” 141:29 try , _ at 04 • ' • e • R HEW" MOSACCO-11 Idal. boat Tobacco, p•ocived pa A. limner New Eogitod No Y, and (orals by aay24 • JAS A Hurcal2WN * RAISINB-400 kianer- bacaltoyiaa,. rot sale lo to dose cOlousramok.4 mrs4 JA m FS A 'HUTCHISON k BAe Ilinza - .;, g• tuatara and &ilia.. by • • • ya 4 —ni JAMF:I3 , I /AITCHISON& Co' ett13,4)1.1)10. Llooood Oil, io iiiod order; 16 dotard. 011-4 u do; Sperm, Whale, isloulted and Common . od, Do miligoosent and for solo at minced price., by r 0,13 ' bELLESS *. NICOL& - Clt4TO!t OIL-5 bbl . No jiat r . r.e'Lltrzifsw pa!, Co SUGAR rinusn MOLASSES-40 bbl let Louis Re. busyhialkoze cuil6a-slest by • - 11 7/S • . . IAI 4 A HUTCHISON tCo - - Etb-20 bolt chimp Young I yon; do do Imperial andlionpoorder;r2o eau? box.. do do; 1U hicheoto oho rowel/alai, now.anived; (crud by mill.. WILLIAMS:IIO woody p9IIII-.-re . eis pn7 pot"; pin; for role try • . • . B Lbla raja . White Beintykorß, ,J • rig . .. ; - T SAD-;41)..1dad beid.Oslead Lead, la cord and Or ju .0,-py ... , . . : t • 11. BILLINOT, - it -.., • -..— . --...-..r....,,,,,..•,—,,••-• an WU:N.FAI,2O was krgiNalls, do do; in rare ..nd for lads by silt;•• R 80B180N /Co , „ 1111 T CAD AND 5110 T-4 tans Pig Lead; 0) Ins. Shot... Jun ree'd; tarsals by aryl/. R Roloist &Co DOTATOFIc:airI bash palerir, for rAte br N. • • .111 • ATIVOOD, JONES & . DACON=O2 .eayks Sboidders; 10 du ElideE 6- do nUilj 7tivae•i.lug and for u. 16 tqr , • • ATWOO , J0NE.94.C.0 MOL.Voo , '0 OW" .6 Li Atolomea s loadtior o' from sloottgor tonna. wad tor We 03 7, 1 L, , ..O.TWOOD.-JONER k. Co. '14.'"11 r./....7 , 1„ ety; Irght st ,L„,e 04,r4 t - cra u 114 -1)( summer, mule. and 10007 • RMUlalaCSTicogl'a rraS",":l, itvet. Hcolgts staLll, from Fcnniki' QA . I.E.ReFZE— , 23 euks tar salt by, • _ • • . WICK tr. McCANDLEIII-6 114181 Ne.-20 Ems Mats W ti.isinilart nseel sad wzr.idr by tom WlClkk.dleCil.ND/.483 G • box. EXlCON'indoor! .11:03 do .IILICId do, LI 0d.uX111.6.: of the best coon . try braado.foriale b myd6 MICKfr.SfeCAND . ICLIR3-411110 thirmatia Chanpow .13 040Cnba don C ItlXl7Psincipe darjust ree'd and for we by roy2o WICKAr. AtoCANDIMS 'DRINTI.2) LAWNSAND.IIIIBLIKS—A Mason coin o, oVitarko street, Ign. int of 4 of Prench.Psf oted Lam" t owl -Muslim, of time moo .ionslbhx: sqlq also, new cry Le • Bercge . s.,- Crpow*o., . PABASOL.B:—A A Mama k C 4 kare ree'd =mare or th,4 very rich dark grata Pararola. saY4..l rIAiTOR 01L-0 bbli reed"par whiner Sloriai Bop; V kir aaht by. • rhyl7 . St ALLEN A. . 74 halm Mx 481 m 17 BEM . - n - 0p5. 7 12 114 York,2,lre .UL calms aadSuso.ta by, • , =yr •• • snowN k .13Elti"JOSI IA R .41 bbta, Buckeye Altite, ten, laet ree' .and for ettle by t 7• BROWS fr. CULII.F.ItTSON SClrri/HISNEATUS-011.1 cuSe !teythellnewhg Gat gala by .. - myb &B.FLOYD • WOOL-6 .uks comas= ' Ur For..* by mye J R FLOYD O.IINEO.s. 011.-3 Ibis poems Oil, recd from 84= 91;17 " and "I* / I LYER JONIM, Caul Hula W vr.s.olipilia , r , r:MPrf7,NTll T ARD-4 bbla DWI & infra Lard Oil, kr 14718 Jj aryl: . . 5& W 11.ARtlaUG lEMMiMIiMwm 714,coN—R euip, paco.;fo, Mae . .1./ =TVS • - • . S DILWOITS- Ftti r r2 . l : 9 rosily flow ! for plata- Or*-- 0 0 udcs nom fia mu* •. Iti •Uibairt . keg. No 1,6 bels; lauding Ciorm . szcor kow F. 44410.41 laud for oats by • • - • . myglE • LAVES DALZEI.T., 24 voter st L A4O. fa km Liao= noi san for ad. by • •'.II,tIIES WALZULL FA , Z , .llmlKri I: • • .=. r7. T ,A RD 01L-30 bids Lard' Oil jest reeNl - and for Ws 14by ars . • • - thA.IISk racou3 V' U. SUGAR—Sm bade bandaging Nur Orleans Sugar, ig *alga Mu steamer Eargia 7 and for ash of mlYi romutoc ma &co • DOEIK-73 bbkgood Rosin,' to 2.41•8: pe_runier • juiTastiolll from Piro , Itl!itarW E: Mtr k, r tr F4141E114-50 wk. maw latullw svm sta anus /' Dikplinicsi for sale by , aan6 ISAJLeIf DICKEY 8, . a now g acptante•i' • t Pal by m - • • ISAIAH DICKEY tlt Co COOPERS 1 , INOIASS-111bzx Ibst rte and fizt We by iIO 11 ALTA HIVIOTOCI & Co ..4 trlir"Try , • • reg teyl3 (IMMIX BO&P-11bo rec'd and to. ut. . , _ • • BRAUN & ate TWOFER'S WIRED Na e as 4 ,tat Isla by NOS BRAUN R. =TER Goonals WHITE. , LI7E-4 tads reed sissi' Wit by . aryl6 ,DitatlN & /WATER CRalliellAtALS—A Alamo:kb it Ca' tame revs ed atzakerlot of 6' canons of riel, osedisitn, - mad prie•Crve Shawls.- - n 2793 • TiIIMWAX-4 task nor Isadior from Amur Eir =TO DrtiLY k11DE3.45 Dry Wan, in Sant - nour Pm Salle H . 1.013 3& W aim us LlOll . BACON-1108.kdaylab Hum ter summer um; -10 do neatened 4 werrlzor 21 do tiftwkiew ado /Wee, en ennuis:meat Libyan) and be We by • • • • .aysy . ' • - nELLEan tifiCOLl4 ,- • ENLieUR-1441We1/batte'e iztin tbnir - 7, me , 4-• and tot ode by • —43 UT - nrygn ' • •," • • - ..111:1 ewes wd Ina fnaum "CILALKSCED QUe—GE.bbla FluseedOil, ia store =ld; for rue, be , . tarea S& %V 111.1113AUGW„; iiitroK KUrt•—iii4. RCPT.-400lb. jall 'reed anili: 1.. .AP by - •-- .4 411 ••- ' J KIDD& co irJuuk: t.. 4 . 041 z 0 V0 10 1 r.r o li . 4 jl. 010101;710b 4 tor 4417 . . A1 ,,2 ::, ; 130i a Co . 101 - 11.160 bales Tennessee Matra, in situ* gad for esti by =nu wrsr BOVirliN,2o Croat at 0Lt , tc....1--0 Lint Plin — Nialasaniy iuni Jai and (basalt by • • aryti ...,:t22.7SYOUWEIV liffTL.l..EAD—iiultegs pare Waite Lead, to aura' • for nab, b) air= ''. WEST BOWEN i 9 1 e ITFIT.B:. n + x.• bbls sod 2 b Fresh Sintar; n , Parnred and kr sale by.: - atraS S k W amuliican ArEL.2t:Y Rllll3ol , i—very atrani• black...l;loN • Velaci Ribbons v. 0 .6. obtained at " .• AUTCLIES—Wah mind, for rale TV I J ." nyl.3 . Fll EATON&Co • :0 it. Dar Lead, to mom dad ror 'sale by_ —LUIA LIUTC11180:41 Co S both TELE l . 4 ll s r . :4 4 %itl i. lnt,• ; !Wm ; ,.....Sl7 • '- • '• AI EATON CO_ ; mA II7 4M I SNEEDIAZ‘-Nlannitro, Nmdcg,Cmlet.- 4, &Alain •Ad.ollrm 24,mallmfor 11110 hl myl7 • • • • PH EATON Cn LACK SILK LACE—Hiaatital Indents 'of black B Lace for 31401111,Sast raceiaaa at • • ' EATON'S jaw (g 4-4 ob4.ll , later LadUn fur rate tr - 'WICK it dIVAN MIMS .- Catait 4 ,l74 Dv. p gWR C y • 0107 - . WICK& !MAN DLESS Dl43Zytit-7"4" k LARD. OLL—It bbl. doabla reined Lard oil, . - jam— ti . .. irit'7 Ed c°7 . . I° ,. 7 6 sLediarottra t c.e. F,,,_. bole large /go - Mutters!: xurial — Wak — In Cora mg kor sale . 'and 0 MatlCEitrit7tik RzEqUiwi:;4w;mi#l YDEt4 PAIAL SOAN.IIIO,.Ib 1 1 / 1 1, tic2Clut _Li fur Ind& b 7 elysl Mu*. Ce SWARS -1000 Havana Iffsbri, yarioas 'brood s. rof ode by ' mg% - NWT 110 WEN frOBACCCr-7.1{ kegs:V.lof Ai twig Tobacco, for soli i• by - • lifll9 ' :WEST BOWEY • i ARDOW-10 W. ilmiii , t bin. hr We 11.4 bi opr.s 7 SCHOON.ILAIER t Co. 241 toad st .N24.4LICESI it Co X)3UNTI7IO /1 4 :11.4110 bogs ?Zan and Doak lot. al* • W El 7 11 1! • aco• • • ••• y j r;,;:;;,:~ • ---- ~.'c.em- = ::. . ., F. . it ! " d e o d• 72 id Britt 4od ASTlCrilor . the . , iriSe ...e f . lhed l_fnmnirs . t !t Itinirer nun; ibrpner awn • i _ •. _ • _ bores &able refined large .Leaft..4lo! Ude 2,4,14'7.00.i .13.11 Lew; sepl. fib!, crushed; In fib's poadqed,— fa' bbla elated; su More and Ronnie by =AYbP A ifUTCHIRONA 60, intay29 Agents &Louie Remo &war Refinery.. 0 ()LW= SATIN 'AND TAFFETA RIBBONS.— d,t, A A dawn &Co. have received : t5 boxes of cord Idad4 tad Taffeta Yhbbons, of every number; also, ID lasses of sear style, Domes Ribbons: soy2d • 11 : 1AC m 04 4 -1.1... ailZ m tleg i r leaLßou I)FLODUCF,-50411acit/eadierfbeo Fla.aaced; 2 aerie c ar Gt.; iltr, k • front at pdedERSHAVILS:A.Iacie supple at abet...good. 0, Wel frecemed, such u Betade,Peto r i s , Linen, blk Mohair, Cashmere,di Kan de Wee, dm, at DO Goods Masco( • myl7 • W R MURPHY D R e A uLTI H ea. IBEC Au -S axe:let rtEue b'k ut, af t lova ' nt orlon, to ba kaus at the more of • • myl7 %V V. AICIIPIIV- t i r sorre, of superior qualizy, for •I 05y1.9 • • ISAIA(i - DICKEY &Co , == ;147T7 ..r. F" 4.r __scibb ! ., a laiparior vrtcle , for Je by ARNISI •b' • reissue aa • •• Is coat as silsb, warranted sapeHor, 14 4 sale lose reread% by lira/ • • • JOHN ideFADtel ArACKEREL.—IOO bbl, Warranted hest quality; will JAL be sold my km, to close coalman. by JO Si Mt PADEN InSACOI-/-.1.1 cask. Hann and Shoulder., hat reed .D sa a foe sale by BURBRIDOE, WILSON Co,' mr•M • • . Mae/ Street POTATOES, FOIL REED-1 hhd for u4 mytO o ISAIAH LOCKET &Co §:_ clu ma s7l°, VON ebT so sNuoitsr k G b" I eI zTPIVNdOma k Co ROUSE MO l. d. 8 8E3- 5 9 bblsooperiardao ding from Silas Wllol.d for solo by . zny2.l ,• iiMIALEY tr. ti.3llTif, 18 ands* wag at (UNC ONATISMU L 4W4sCincimmtO.2444I am! Oinle by • ' • - O..BUGAR-1112 Alas N 0 Sap : , lending front o Lady gyron sad for sale • • • - • L'ed, 78,E? =l.;l"=tresrult's upLeasExFoo 4414 sapsriar gash ty eagar tudfrelleti°l33. EgMa lc 0. SLII,&0- . .90 igha•i ideas . article. tot salt 'by .LN • own . . WGILL, BURIFIELD t ROE murinow CURTAIN . Penli.looo pieces Mee ,pe dow Curtain Paper yard eridc,cd • very . .are 'gem/ r ig,,,„ ; ., sate . : pr ?amity or anSeeee, yoowo oa ' .l? inger:A "P5-1 11(sztary sad Cm CaPw • Mys.. ' , C ARIBUTHNOT la uwc. ANLU Zil lon*, , ~~ _~. ~*-~rrtr,~-3~tt*.~~Tr~tt. . )a .11r 1 , ACirbia4 &.p (", 1? .. 4 . 7A, 4-- .2N - . 0- pgat,":ruagire T OAF SUGAR-110 bbts N 0.4,6 and 0, Loaf Itogai' ,j 4 stare and par We br :• DT 7 VollSc== r• eon. n..rtt tr tt ABLEY-40 rut. Win . for Nebr. • fa~msne• 1, T iBll-11 casks Isadang .fruir awl. Late P Erie- aud Gar sale b mN. JAB DALZELL - .. T AHD Oil.-16 bbis !Win. tront attru.shypia -14 la and Or We by_ - myla .IAB . ”....F. • - - 4. GROUND MU S TARD — SO ean• pare Lumina Mir. card; 21 do do Darin. dia. IS do do American do; hut tecanad and kw Weby . - - - • • . atylll . • WICK k ICCAMILF3B. Wuhan rex 'd era ior soJe by layle'l IC 818 WELL, weer sr. • L—lalrle Debra olalsl7 pulled Disarm sale . , myle C BIDWELL , •v oelwe acCIILTIERWO Q SALTS-40 bid. enneigunient end for nide by C HIDWELL , C 3RN MEAL-416We be ante nudi g fra/erELL 0 A ASH AND CLIP —6 cub. Sods AO; kJ German CIA"; kir sale,by t6yl6 C BMW - OROUNDCINIVA3ION—Ii eats pursgro =man, for .sle by • .• firyl6• • WICK& 3PCANDLI 661 s fteah Clove*, for sale lir 12710 - IN/CY & ALTANDLINS • nHOCOatic-lis Brown doh: ot sale Li. mytql- • WICK& irCANDLISS "' 171 LASS—AO bre .1061 Am; 1.27. do 10.0 . 4721d0 )xt4 do; tor ode by .myld .IUCK&MVANDLESS StIGAR HOUSE 310L44181M—Fromfaire• s roam. br • liradND d3EI Usk- sur L &;,mwc4o ISTM,LE-1110 bbda N.O.Sorraa; 13U664 ,L 1 • Plaaltailam blo7aawasi (wage low by • coylB 'JAB A HUTCHISON& Co F _ . jaLLBERII-3 aaoka freak for salo by mylll. • • WICIL SVCANDLESS runiAm BUTS 7-8 iamb, but reel) and for wee by lJ tayla . Wl= fr. VCANTILEM TMTENT PORTABLE FORGDS—A new lot AR dor reteiraL The irnonnon of ansosnoot men • mrEl IL viTitok—gu ...boy. Jam nett and for aideby `l4l Inro . • 11 A. YAM/MOCK& Co, . INDIAN CORN-2W aunt prime Yellow Cara pat larding tram annr Oriental and for sale by ale - ATWOOD, JO &Co • . INSENG-4 bap Giaseur,lusti.etlini • lor ' myB A WOOD,JCI FIN9-4 , 13E1nm k Co have Jun opened a arge neck of Faas,neging la prim how cents io earht &Ilan. • . bb4 ,„„„i. by OPTS. TIIRPETTINR-6 We, te prime onler, jest reed end Car We toyl3 RS 81.1.LE61S SULPFL QVIR - 5,1 00 owes reeeived and for sate S . by . FAURESTOCK k. Co, • sly= . ' tomer Ist And wood els v. ~r... >•Y V. 7 I)LUE IiA.SS 7 3O Eta put rued •• • .0.16 by nryl3 • - B A FAHNESTOCI &Co RENTED LAWIIS AND httISLINS—A A Sisson A Co., 50 Market street, have melted Saws of tad Lawn. and Biagio,: • Q PT& , TCEPENTME-00 bbls Jan ree'd Rat tala by AFAHNWTOCIELCo, . my3o '• .. '• • earner In and viand sit' ST1IQI,;(011C4-1. caves inat ne'd and aaTi , myln BA FANIVEBTOCI k Co , 4 1;cra:yby. A v s v 7.• A r r , A La • go Tir • oob ti o acamer or MIL .Yo3iuti:TilarsAltifpfee ofthe "e": 5.: autv W HARBAUCIII A: 4Ltso.v k Co, 00 Marks* lime; blavei cit u r4.... =I Po Saline Ribbansi 75 p. • . ILA 611,11A0114—A: a . Idamosi A Co, 60 Mukat sy . bite footi•Od per oxproos, anontooat of 60/‘ awls. A —125 bs c”• d, ovaior , • •zos Worton Garobleda (*Win 10 do Crompton (Ws, • tu; Animist. 111 . JD WILLIAMS P4OOG . EW9 iLEFINEDELUGLEDISINULAsS, Gam. lking letting, p t.aapp in pound AM quarter Prubly.kpm math dinlitilit ir rizZlir• by own tor linrlb . vrooel Ar sad e k olikb vsonCAls ~l , Srly'CNaan ei R•gi~iT. T.!'fi'cKt7CTlalTTT.' rrmn.. ICE-10 thumm Ries,l33 mom mad for mkt m 10' -' ; • • • 0 ELAM/DI:MN kCo ACON-6 Maio pima Hams , lo do do Shoulders; 4 Bdo do Sidon;• mon nod for sale try •'. • •so 11L2 •in 0 BLACKBURN k SOAP—ILO 6zi CUI0111•21 Sonic more .41 for ule b 0 BLACKBURN it Co WHITE LEAD-500 Leman linnet Lead, In sum • , ID.ra NOINDEXTFP ' rts — ,z().",•4 1 ,.re?r,r.141 , • • . FiCrWt k Co 0.111 , 141.7GA11-123 bbla for We by , bIETP• MEND, RIMY &Co L-1W by No 1 Foundry, for We by ' , a7G pC2 j, AX)ES— . IO bide, 153 , w_k_15 fan nse'd end Aky PRIMA RHKY & Ma good Lord, In tads, toed and for We rod . . POINDEXTER. kCo lli k r 0. SINIAB-40 ididoivity prime N 0 Sugar, reo'd ••Per Pier 1 .841 HMO; for role A. it 0 43 1 M, s, verjttbaudname and de, la itinemad I+ • [NI TEE k co bap OgmeQrclo IlloColree, id* ititEXTEIL k, Co 'VOA 111.0U . t.60 bids im 'flow, eami_woent end for trf - 51A.14,1/3 k Mums ADD OIL-10664 landing haat star Eureka, and rut We by nal ' JAMES DALZELL .BAULEZ! 6 ag 1 , 41. /Wien jun t&4 per Zimmer and far was b. • & BA HAUGH l. . .F•i. 7 taws 'Jan nmed and tar .• y Is J BCOUNMAKER is • 91 wood si RIMMINGI6—Hitt Mazollts Pri gu a 4 Gimps, plait " u'en13 73 ."'"'" 1 1 1124.0 " 4 " / ' arr. BOTTLE CORRB--10 Was rent sod Gar We by Biyl6 • • BRAUN NITIUTS CRAPES- , 4 & 6.; ez.f., 4te itue.ree'd m pot white *ad colored 11HELZE—Xlitas N 7 Cbeesoc, We by • wrnS.P,V, itazu--The =orlon continues dull, with Man! Liiiited saki at reaterdays qtesatiotts. Ous—Sales of 15 bhls honed, at 550. ens 10 KU lvd, at 546355.6 r gall: Sraan—Salea 10 hhila fair 1 , 1 0 at 4i6se—of 'geed fair, we este sales at WSJ e ap TA Mimes, is in steady demand, with maim. sales . at 7741'4e isalL EMM=I ALEY t SMITE ittce4ale; by bente sial(2s4 fa, in bbls 'at Carmsr—Sides 20 hoses good W It at to cash. Factor.—lticelpts yesterday amounted to some 15001615, which, as usual, were nueslydesigned qtr shipment end 'Very fiir ;sates were transact' id, end priers manifested a alight decline firma previous days goota - lksas. San of the Wowing Ica were reported to us on tbei whar4-50 bbls at f,„aA 4'44,25 ; 33 lids at 4,31 Ap U 6l o= alaniateoe NO , , and rutted ti 7 the drayload • at 4,37 to 4,50 go labL eh;Dolustitta Kiairkste. Louisvilk4,2day 27, 1917. . . Floor and Grain—We coots sales is lots limn stores at $1,50; retail sales at 14,15 delivered. The receipts this week amount to 1)/15 Ws: We quote sak of 500 Nisbet' shelled com at 25c . • sale a 573 bushels of con from a Mu boat at 20c r bushel. We bear of • *aloof 165 Wallets oats at the river at 200 ip bushel. A receipt and sale of IQ/boor barley at 50c. Tobsooo—The salsa es Todd's warabonie this week amount to 105 bbds,iss idloww—Fires 24)5 4,45,4,50, 4,55, 00; Seconds, $2,55. 23.345, 3 , 10 , 345 3 . 2 3 )dri Onnenon, 2/ X, 31,50, $1,65;51,80, $2, $2,1 oat rselived__7_b • BLIIIIPDELD It ROE 6 ,1 !••• • • matt t,:y_as, ' ARUUTH.NOT - Cenle—Superfer int mule th butchers at $32330be 1111/WltBt siren' in lots ix iced beeves are about 3,3% inkiior 4,73. Coal—Tba natio:66m Pittsburgh af coal bairn been (sir, and wetrioth sales by tbs Lost load at filc; sales In large quantitiet at 10;- retail ale. at Ilc #bu delivered.' Whithey--Duzing; the dal of the week Ades of raw whiskey declined to 14Igiltiq since then it has advanced to 1518IZtc. A lot of GO Wain= Green river, sold yesterday morning at 15e. Mit/cite—We quote No 3 mackerel' in lots al $6/031,7. bbl, accordi to quality; retail aides at $ 7,3 5 17,30. Nos I ng and 2we quote nom 19 to 1112. Rap, Feathers, Gimeng, &O—Feathese ue dull at 2Sc from the country; sake from stores at 29c Ginseng, 25696 e. Hops, sales in lots m 113112+e. Beeswax, 196410 e. Seeds—Clover seed we quote in tots at $3 p be; timothy, seed we quota at 2,73 p bu; fismord rude er dolt at 70csoroc from storee ' biustard seed, 92 6 2 . 5 . 0 bt.. Hides--Light sales of dry brissorci 7J 66r.-- - Common, fetus the country. cell at prices ranging from 5 to 9K- dry milted we quote at 5167 g green and green salted him 31 to Ole. .. Retail Priee• la elle ally Racket. Welebely Mende& Mnr 94. elt•lck •RS 0 Mom ...... ..,..,. ia s • bet bea 9414,4.6 70 8 90 —ka mg . -,--• iddlag • 4 611pti•-• Olt . --Cabal" -• •• - a 0 & Paden Liver, •9. 4 11-1666 -1666 ••• ..... -8 Oio reik.bastrea 5 0- —g un. 0-4 19- Mae ly laiptk•••• — 05 Pyinairkpbastek•• 9• 3 Bauer, trail pratiblatels Pbabal ,y..b 9 , la - - Orel De : 40 Nail. •10 iii .F...• . ..... •45 OR Da, appicet 100- met r pk•• • Basis In Inel,p Pb -0- --new., pb...• r . 41- slllll46ba fqt -0- Packet P i r•••• 'OW C 4 0. 9 44 9 , klell••• el- - •-1/644, it•••• 50 0 Can64,4obellek •• 30 4 !Fakirs, • ..- isa- • C. 0. 7. 5 • 0 Pal a. la bell,Ppelb•-• 075 F , Ctikkbakliba fp P. a7l/40 pm. •.. . 7 4/4•••• akabetb•••• .... .. IL • • • IR= Cenerailist, is 0 16.• attemiket,grealli Ole Cierliet, Ivo., ii.- Wm. .43141037 Cone .. . ... • ••••••38 Cr,..,..0 . ae 4. - -r=466•4•• . .1.000154 lbak.,= psi, 0 Vat began., lb 70 8 Etv.pdft DOM 1 11 001 7614- 0 ,w..hp pee•• • •10 4013 .a 566, dew, ea k. 0 ; Pena, r Nod. • • •9:. 415/ 13 I llama pen, p lb- • 5 •Bwrie6 , . .'. .... . • MEM --ilablubl 5 • 044;44 66 90 1150 ilemisELa•••• , • •8 0, , FLOUR •.-bsesised,4l Rag ,p • • 18091 ;IN bat, ID) IL =ft RI 4 Ib 9••111 099 ,ily , -0- Led, Ned," 11. 7 0 8 I ' . Redabea •-••34 p beech Feer Om • Race 61, brribb PAR -0 - Tomaies, flea. •• - • Pleas Pa ••-, •• • —O-. Mellon/ beck •• • • - 212:22, moo • ..r . • WICIC &11PCANDLFSS The city market ibis =mingling fa* =opt= with every thing, and' prices, with kw exceptions prenatal aviation from the quotations of law Week. &anal kinds of fruits ate kePititlikg to make lbeiri appeirance—thrawberries were sellinget 25e per quart. Green Psu, 370 per bit ph. Asparagus, akific per bench. Gooseberries, 5o per quart. Cucumber., 506175 c per doe. These articles were generally of r good quality. and mid at high. Flom Bair-Per Beater-3 bb carpet, tifcaintocl4 7by starch. Kennedy, Childs &r 0 S WU a pea. elms, S & W Harbaugb; 3 bbl broken ilue,Young & en; 10 dos hey brim, Lop*, Wilma do CO. Per Like Erie-9 las *bear, Myers, Eluntsri & co; 27 do, 17 cisksits, Bagel dc Smith; 3 bbl' 1 at Gasp, BA Fehnatock;.2 lqm butter, paw seam 42 bbk plaster, eary; 12 bra dux seed, 11 Laken & co; 7 bdls paper, Is Loran* 7 do L Harper; 15 do R. M . Itiddlis;l2 kegs butter, B Gran- B e- Per Michigan No 4-3 eke peaches, 25 pcn bw con,l keg butter, passenger; 1 p kg W Bell & son; 9,11 as cheese, Church & • 4 plum, Caw pay; 7 empty ale barrels, J.Peck:, 8 aka wool, Caw ghey; 32 tom-tbeess, Euglieb &Llama?. • • Swiss. Boy-178 tom metal, Allen & .BriStp*M—Per Liudscut-485 bbls dour, Clark & Thaw; 30 do, 7 Ws .tob; D Leech' &co; 100 bbls gloswi'M Graf 40 do Sautpsen & IEB de owner on board ; 0 22 empty' . bbie,l•Bare; 13 biasfloor, dbor, McClung= deco. Csnonninti—Per New Ensdand No 2-3 bbls hominy, 1 do pkp, 1 dos mato. G K Missy; 15 bbls scrap iron, 13 pea ski, Sboenberpul 3 aka herdirsm, I Woodwell; 3 do l .l.Caneron; 11 bbl odd:fells» & :Gas; 3 cake bison, J Jordan & son 1 la sundries, J Wright; 7 ohde tab, Hutehi. eon & .m; 880 do, flinprem; 8 sks wool. 1- br., 200 bbls k seed; Wallingford & co; 8 bbl pork, 10 • witidiug—Par Consal-140 46l dour , J B Bay less; 1 air., 1 pkg mdse, Todd delea; 11 bbls dour,. Lambrrt & Shipment; 1 bale moon Stark; 25 bbls flour, Chem & McGrew; 230 dodo, own ers on board; I , lot save hoops, 1 churn,' 100 bbls dour, Ino Hast Gard; 1 sk wool, Bingham; 9 hp chop tied, ; Murdock. St. Lortis—Tor Robt 51crrio-65 tcs ham 100 1 has pork, D Lee; 711 ski s; wool, lot sun, dries Clark & Thaw; 139 aka barley,'Spaug dc 'con 2 bhls amen, Pennock; Mitchell ic orr; 27 ski few tlrers,A. Gordon; l 6 mks scrap iron Sboxubergert I, bria ease, Wm Bingham; 50 bbli rosin, .Young,• Ilimaferk Plunkett 4 bbls hemp seed, J Ktdd 6c co; 100 btu meal:nil, Robertson & Reppert; 29 bbh snarl; Forsyth & m; 2 Ina mdse., Allen & co; 2 do do, Whitmore , dc Wolff; 4 doz saddle mei, II Mitchell. - • • . Commtaii—Per Mint-5 bee mdse, Wm Binglatint 108 bss b sides, Clark & Thaw; 19 km, butter, 11 Grad 6c err 91 has I,' sides, 1) Leech & co; 20 htd. linseed oil'a S rjuthrie• ; bbl. lard dl Sellers & Nicola: 53 bbls whiskey, 11Cocksboot.. Broom—Per C Cope—al per bacon, It &Ina & co; Gsks peaches, 1 csk do, Church de Careth as 429 pea bacon. 10 'bls flannel, H Gruel; Sort ware, kW ds, M MeSwiptio; 170 bbl. d0ur,156 aka oall, 10 bdla paper, owners on board. - & P co r 8 CrlsebCe-3d sk F s a ddernie d 6 a c pl e 3 1 k 1 s )alzell biles 7 bis bacon, Church & Carothers 0 skimps, Bag. sky & Smith; 75 bbls• dour, 102 sks oats, meal, shorts owner on board; 26 bps meal, 270 tits oats, 59 Wilt flour, 2 bee butter, 1 domes, 1 calf owners on board. • Braseene„7s—per Beltio-14 bids dour, owner; 12 kit napless, It Belson; 25 kegs Eno; / bzo sane, 5 C Bidwell; bbls flour, 243 do do, I lsertn—Fter. Wellsyille*2o2 bbls doer, Cara Barnes; 6 Muds tob, J A Roe; 305.bb1s 616414 2 3 do rye do, 72 sks, 51 blrls corn, 30 has: aim, Gm A Berry' 20 bbb ecru • W McKee; 22 ski, PM and raga. W Polon I c olt bacon, ' ham; 4kp ter, 12bhlri door, Wick &M 320 do 60 Ault; 16 then bon, Von &unbent. r t ain Teetb-.12,0 etta I ,Z a y tirta .blv t4 by ow inns wine box etrJewts /tabu Tooth Paw It kudos lb* roteetneths bglma• am , •*a at. le Unlit I.ll' • atrrlldbity • rr • 7 - 7" TA.ISEY eai Eer •LBIALMAC. 24 Sunday, 59 Monday, ' al Tuesday, 31 Wedueadai; 1 Thursday, IfiLds l i z.. - • . 14 .iii1 3 i 1 ;( 6.11-r, , ,Ta ill•IL phase.: 1: jfl T 2 .•,. 44S 711 901 ' 111 714 ,9 41 " 441 7'lo 1047 ' 4 43 717 44 '!a' 447 717 PITTSBURGH Bo.aart OP TIRADE COMIDITEF. MR JC7E 4. CLAIM. W. 11. =MM. I. Y. VON 11033:801LIT. • Oturics Pirossosos Gmurrre, Thiusday Morning, May 31,1818. . The Weather yesterday was cool end *luau% and !iodise:min a general way, was more lire Nothing has occurred showing any chug* in the marker. Every thing is quiet, and prices cousin. tie Mandy, •• The recent rains have caused a partial 'rise iu the river, and , , oonarderable Mir was manifested along the . whar4 with a fair =bunt of business for the seism. E. GIAL4--we ham; no salsa to /note of any kind.- The market is quiet, with moderate sales at former quotations. Itrr. Fuca—Sales o(10 WI in direct:int lots, at 83fir.3 . ,121 is Rd. Cow , : Ham—Sales are regularly effected at 1,62 from atom, and $1,4501,50 from first bank sup piles are light, cad little is doing. Warm Basaa-7.9sles of a good ardele at SOo p bushel. Mars•asq.—Sales of 10 bbls No 3, at 7,25 is bbl casb—No 1, best; is is Gli demaratatelz3l2,2s, and co 2, at 510 p bbl. Baecei—We axe Wes of 2000 21a good West. eta at 21, 31, *ad *alto # 21. City Cured meat rules a shade higher. . IMPORTS BY RIVXIL A.IIILFVEr. h . Lake Erieilltiretry:Beever. 411,..?Lic.reelp.Funo, Cale na b Cope, Moore. Wellsville. Can, nery, Wheeling. ' • ' • Louis MrL Kin ane 13enneu Snawnsville. ' Camden:llea drielison,ll'Keespor. Clipper Dio. 2, Crooks, vibe. Bans, Sunfish. H° 4o 4 Pm, BlidgePart, pEPARTEI Lake Erie, Many, 'Beaver. ' • . Michigan, Bain, Beaver, ' Beaver. Giza, SteubenvKle. Wellsville,Sams. Sunfish. -' - Louis McLane, Bennett, Breornavalle. • New England, No. 2 Dom, Cin.. Consul, Kinney, Nashville. - , • The river last evening at :dualcav'as 6B feel water' in channel, at a iitatid. cattle 2Larkets. Taericoaz, May 29 , . 5 r. a.— The . apply of Beeves 1.114 light today, and prices have adieu,. end. There was 160 head offered, and all *old at 163'0541 per 100 Pith - on the 'hoof equal to 5650 a 5773 net. Hogs are dull dials at 54el Di. Wien - eel:vat Puri—This really great mc,di eine is rapidly etapplanting all other remedies yet pro. posed for • diseased liver. Its effects are so decided, safe and speedy, ns to giro it' claims possessed by la other medicine offered to the politic: 'the inventor • very winhed physielan of Vi preelleing'in • region of country in which the Liver 'complaint for hlepstis, so it is termed by medical men,) Is peculiarly common and formidable, Dr. Milan spent years In ,the discovery often ingredientaofhls DUN mind In pro porttoning their emsoutlea. The result Olds re watch 'es has placed his onion among the benefactors of man kind, by affording amedicion to the Wale, which allevi ates and cores the most obstinate taws of Ms terrible compliim. Haveyou Aspirin in the right eida,ander the edge orate ribs, which increases with • pressure—on. able to lie with ease on the led aide—with occasional. sometimes constant pain under the shoulder blade, f , r,- , lo n e i ttair i zt=4, ,e th l e at tforthp ainse ahot are=.l.lf.y.kt for theoremic, they all arise room disease of the ircri and if yea wooldleve Mita go iomottil sad porchaie • boa of Dr. WLsoe's Liver Pills. Poe .t 1 at the Drag Store of KIDD &Do, dO wood et. • m •. _ ,laix‘ll Parnerrommr.--Wei mould- call annum to exeMlant reined y for Oncogits, Colda . Ccononapdom MIMI* anAall affections ot Me Throat and Longa. klaring several times witldo a Inquire put had mem Ohm w na* a medicine albs* kindoni ham by expert tote testydim eicalltint onalidee, and an* meowed to ramirmend it to others. kiillietere or other yohlif speaker* *filleted with. bronchial- it&retiom will find grin !melt from Ile um..ft isAttepamd by a seleati. fin otereleion, and all Mama mill Lod it a safa sod ell eamose Medicine In the disease* ha'Ar Web it is nt. ametmended.,(Columbus (Ohio) Cram and Journal. - For sale at the Pekin Tee Slue, Nd.'7o Fonoth maim .r 4 ' • • ,!• ,,,, 14 - wain VAlitind *Yencoatitiail fit business an men ed. tolee—li Is Ib e li iof trada—bet aersateees set sostetintes tuelopted to be bate, which arit sylcitint. biz and disbanemble. • When the stordorsigstd enetowneed to occupy the Thy Goods eitabashowat ardente. Jamb Drucker, dgerket street, ;they adapted. their dm "A Golden Dee.glies,” and i a:distinctive mark' by *bleb their Gulloatent alight now their establidotteet.. 'they .4. Teetleed - their etas outteusirely as the 'Golden Bee. Hire," sed - If tug adenutectt do &rind frettl4r;t runway, they clean It as that own, ha , paid They bee*, theilteee, erillt soon warp* thin Mt William L. Russell. a thy goo& dealer to the same weer, hoe slated in front of blestom • "Golden Bra. Itire,” Wailer In forts seed appearance to that said, they here ed tbr etreheal peers past. . .Ige do sot dinette Mr. Snesers right in the aberset, tennis use elany emblem he pleases for a sign for hie atom, bolls, dy etalos that he 6u ho moot to deceive our enstoosent, by making th/imsteate; that this I. the old established Bee. Hire Mote, sod ent deem It son dedy to oirselen and meaner. cot their anted. totals dteesestanoe, in order that ther softy not be de. trivet Let them observe that theotigtal Derbliire Store, where Dry Goods sae always sold ti= stem Forma gram Aso yea Dusan ,u , as irteter, and this win pima 'stunk.. We... Mr. Russel so ilt.o id, bet if be thinks to Loretta .dull pat don of oar budoess by each enblerfe. gee a. this, we thing lb. public will show bins that be ts Weaken , indesity, , openness sod idesietlingo is the room et the atigiseltsoldea Dee-Hire, Markets; beiwilwa th e Diamond end north tomb when Wn u. undue swam= Of , Dry Goole of dotlatestatylna will continue to be sold at the eheaprat rotes; by. airs? .1 • YOUNG a tOTNYENSON. ...TUE GOLDEN DZE.UIV/ittr TEE undersigned nottud with wearier, ln the Citron. feh as , Nay Oyu oriel. aimed by: l'onag a hut venamorbentin complaint id 61•44 //11.1134 we tow a• ring 'arrow Moly Dry Goods Stone, on Market sawn, brume. Third and/humtan...Ty u a :sign or divien, tire gawk, it `Geld. Wawa V. 5 &wean to clawa:that they lave the est chutes tight wane nett a sign let hublugh. Bat a/ they show to *gal ranztaatr auk exclutu righl, &ball continue to awae/nu I tau adopted, or any other that tchous—aallawl that my doing too la as de: Mune Peat mereutila dupes, and no infriagentaut array neighbors. right.. Anal tan ag that 0-005: 914.11112 merchant wallah/act to my awns nob alga, thinly no, peeper. Fair, open and honorable cuspennon. aeek• sash unlearn net, and snake. no.nach!. ch l ltliatt comp/Wet. reek not, to Wen. in any way. Meson. Youg 1.: Stevenson. All who claw.e to trade with thew can of curve dos. and all aria about to rail erawan, at the ~an of the `Golden lleat/Live.'t on Durkin mew, between Thud sad Fannie, atil share' lad as good a mark and asaortment of Dry Goad.. for sale a. cheap, and on as liberal CORM IS COO b. round. at the nom eßee-liivet'oesay coreplainiag.trlghbeu. ,• That lv what./ nal/ fair .huatnew coatpatitioul nil dd not believe Amu y.a will gate mach atm. Wen to lUD ctiatoab stieb silly error. to place awl.. soluet Wort the', pdtdic, /Um AZIALIti annwitt Llrea men. ray2l. ..I.VILLIAM. L. RUSSEL. ' LXNOW.ALL hi LIN TH A T DZIIIIIRTT & R aVE removed Cram ISt Ilarkst arrill4lo their sew iss tis ",' TOW,Er tiALL CLUTIIINO. td2 i'dsztm sassy between MY sad alma, ?mam.. The pooprltton feed • relnewthe• ie prontalgoting what ittany way might appear ulna tie canal afgabee. he examen:dna of moo to the trade, tat wilt beg to Oath the following notice from ono of oia airy W.Jue of the powneet curioaities that oar coy saw& to db. stranger. la Samoa* Co's peat elodolog mono, No.ladlitarket anon, tethreau nth and Sixth, which haa boar ary led .Tower Itdl n troth at, peealtar Judah of the (toot.. - The iouleieg I. an I.T.,thOehe Otte, Collate. ilia wean capacious tvotha, all of vvbl4 t, . sucked with eway variety of thuonable saanents, oanaoded it. the and 4 perk= order mul-regalatity. Thepropre tars take greqpleamus tthowing their buil&ag and cameo, to ei n sath , parginifialyilimp.,...l. , ‘l.9. • eimakarkecatba COLUtfT,III eMele Of Oa Oats Mete' i wrontryafateLail. • . thato - - - i LOW Xthalol.l lisistrthassat, • castomms IatNIOVED itiELODEON TO(LMti MELLO*. 14. SI Wood errant, ha. nee!. of yad-and now opts for sal., a supply of Cuban's improved patent Ilaloatoos, pore 114. t" / Foe the benefit et thou at a distaste., and eposnandly enable to (( inspect e hlaio4tho bane pareltatiag, t are Mowin dawn:man re asvet.: i The ca.. made of rowareo and are ae haul. sourly Calabria.. KM, Porte: , The key.boant nearly the sameru the piano or bona, and the tone, thetheb to very beautiful.) early trunthin, th at et the date atop etas; orgao. T it. Loratutnent eau he isrunedi ately marls portend. without detaching any part, th e teller. needing lot th e body of thelessonneni,' and the legs &Wog wallet, !tutu the whols fa sannweet form. Each thstrament has • packing can, aud'ate_ whole when packed weighs only 45pound.. The yq.• use of tons la aqui to that of a null organ, and by moans of the ;well thay be increased or diminished at ppdaunt.; /t4'kofelenty load for small ebonite., and fa wall ea:named for • parlor Instrument: }rile .LOW.OW I , ILE lie PIT 0111118: NEW CHINA BLASS k 40KENSWARE STORE No.lll %Yap Bram. • . jleabac,ribers wish to dug ;Wilke generally t E al they are opening a we= /me meg Most, limit. (townsman., /id sod Panty Cloade.eomprigue the west mad wog Whionable peek Mynah China plant aria gold-kg:A MAU Sol. do. (du - • • Tea " iagrig IronAtoar :florin Lt it:twe ot new pawns.) ' " err I• • . m. e k e of Tea'Sete, different gualdlog ! A gzi Wallow Weakness and Tea Sem Warters—a nee,,otol ankle Nueen's Gothic:" Parer Lampe, (Conte Ws, 'seeker,) • awe Wens,* genTeratessortmenn • ••• • ' ; • ' litsweboto owness muul beternroprietors an Invited 2. xeroinekoW assaiutterrof wars saimble .'fot gods Country ?Lifland. ran- Lad a lure gook earnests n stumbletor country -•senns, which are will sell lea , wood eeat ; Our mock beteg coinely new, w• feel raided of bo., lag able to please all who may favor us with th eir ea*. too..(Kot7:4ltiw I J • • GILL &GETTY. 7—likertufaiala•ltilil Eater cillf °woo, - fliftHsubsedoer Tempe - Coolly 'modem lila thank to bl 4 numerous (genes, and would eolith a eintino• LAC* of their patroller, at Inaltew Eating Saloon, Oft Third greet, war Wood. Ha Ing knead his old Mud tOsmallAnd tWoorenient . Gie hls crensive' bosioees; 'ha has listed up la patient ow ilea aryl. that will ren. der It suPegorm .ur Deloon in the city,- for the im eltatosodatkut of regular and laluditilt custom. He has also • Imre Hall In connection withthejlaloon, which Js exprely fitted up Mr public dinnarß support', and private perdeif I A variety of choice OM will be constantly on hand, and will be seers - dupla the beg and most savory style. ntyktdihr • U. W. STRICKLAND. • . Teo . S uXXSON, 48 Alasket aunt, have re , ky meta IQ CM/ 1/0111141s, 6:410.411ig ip port of,p l ain China,Pla Braids, Vicunia do, Onana dab do, Post/ and Morocco; 6 eases value 1.40( Hats, Infanta' 4111,1 /kW Leghorn and Wald do; Arti. fiend Flowers, lo.every.vanety. Also, Wilda; Ladies Cotton. Hose, from 75 earns per dor, tap to the Guest quality; 100 dot Gents half Mimi a good aronineat of. Lisle Thread, Silk and Cocoa Gloves; 7S ps alk 'Mkt's, 100 ps Waddeas do, 100 dos Linen Cambric do; 15 car ton. Conan and Thread Larva Ai" a good mason. meut of amba Buttons, Threads, Needle., Pins, Cut lery. Jewelry, !rd., in all of winch they will otrer a greet indeeeoano s Lu rnyl3 NEW SPOKS s . —Leeture on shalispeara, by 11 y Madam, In two volumes. The Power area Pulpit, or plain thduglits addressed. to Christian aulidsters,`naid chow who hear them, on the induento of a preached Gospel, by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D. D. the Haroos+. 10 I, s e'l lated )4 4 l." slar d y lan4 Howi t tt. Irafaartines Girondlsts, Vol. 111. Ilistory of the Gl. ondist, or Personal memoir of the potricosof des French Revolutloo; from unpublished sou:ca.-by A.O. . . A 114 copies Of each °l'M(' above storks received this daY.and Mr ail. by ,my4ininisT . cce & &TOCKTOre, gookmjlrn;•. . corner market and nd rue y ECTURES ON PHAKSPEAREI' Life onel — Cfo; •14 ct.r , td Theatrical Labors, Ida Poems, Smooth ".. Tha br P fl ow l' ir if o ldw' rebe Pulpit, a, thoutials fousaa io Christian ministers sod Moss.who Amu Mem, by Gard. net Sprlog, The Amadeu; Prattles Coodeamd; or . tha Family. rby debut. being Ms Kimono mosso ay vegetable yrineiples, for. .0 alum% by - Wilcock Al. B.Foe wee bY I.l.LloTr ENGLISH 1m...101 and 4th, and 78 woad at, Mb 'cold • •• • ta7r 7 / —7-00 r inu....WPATZIPT =max:. r ..b.0nb.,6,.....,),51ac NI amonam a Ids ships , Patna Ilksets,ithirtit e...,. 4t, to to Intl& Also, otscoptsureetts of to *mese{ arty oopostirf, pot op tuttl fonnudad a V d tal 'pan of I.lldon,trlthotst dettratt4 as du ktyroot Pf. cgs.' LiGNUM VITA; eat ode In_fstotattilos so ststt . p ..k... k , , ~:• t-, . ~ , GP-0 W STAPLEE...,• op4lloGustsTAlS, ..: -31111orlinstallp, IflyrNosE SODA AEIU-4151 ca#B 13041 ASK fkba IyA utika t "" I7 IMVAVY:I 444 4 I iIk.NO.W 014•30, a. pet macYL". - litty ovugzwriga yr: I! . ..:-...111i .r.-...—,-- ~ur rtPormr•orn.ti.v, 0114164,1 - f. ran, v .a.g tL ana_ ngatS4 tz !inf p)lifltdMV.Fli-,, 4 4004rtz,ttld 844.42 ' DNA . ''' iT.9 3 tun •do do do Pate„ UV to 41. 1 la r !or, - ' .i: 'li _,,' -i -- - ngil de do 1 „...,,,,,,Heanassy do, dark, LSO. , di „ do do do, pale, 1842. . , 4 ~, . t 51 1.7 t d a a ' ', 14 i 4 400 do &tette do, . •, ; lIPIr u""tp,".w' "64. pt. 1 do• fineklions do 1 puncheon Jamaica tits. 10 qt . pipe. Roue. PorriVirto 1 Thump:s 10 do London ?darker do (• to 40 do Burgunda,rort do 11 - • VI do 8 11 . do do Etup.c. btu& •nd 10 do ligington do do• • vintage:o637. 10 qr. Nunn= Pale Sherry sdo Amourilado do do Vintage...lMO—. ' 4do prawn do / • choice brands. 3 do Golden 4 {noes Fagal Madan 3do Bann do 'Fresh arrival. and 13 hhdt Sauterne Nine N. direct nano , 40 ado do do 3 tame.. 152 r C. 14 Sweet /Malaga. 100 dos Brandies; in bottles; ) lialioll3 brands, vety 150 do Wines, do i old. 15 baskets Crown Champagne; Vr do Malian Cross do 15 Mid. Chinn Sr Eagle* 1 '”' Ind dos bottles do rio ~, I ' , ' 40 bids O K Vildskar } • -11 hi" do _ do ' Thatillod in 1840 and Of bbls old Poach Snarly; 1911 "23,000 La Vega Regalia Ctgx , ' 43040 " Rosa do do ar " ;az Washington do do ' . 2,ote La Antiqaod • ad do ' SACO Ortiz do 2,010 Eta:lacked 1,000 La Sayarbers do do ' IWO Exulardo. d o 2,009 Cubreys do 1,000 klarnburgo do . 10,1100 Saco S am Principe; • 10:00 Steamboat do 10,12:0 Palls , do 200 dos Playing Cartlg 9 hazes Einem , 10 do Cha Powdered Tatted% SWio•p 8 casks London Potter qta and pss, en. Nib :nay other article. ln the line too aneurism to mention. Marry of the Wisp led Liquors are of ray mins !moor:atm, threat Coin Comps aral the Is. hsh. aleothanor, meaaabort bar kmms, hotel keep. Or,, kn., an oreind Meth and .Min a lamer sad wall anarted stag. mu, P. C. MARTIN Mt IS s I , =!. •91alle 'ANUPACTUREO AND LEAP TOBACCO, HEALD, BUCKNOII Ca, dl aorta wan w•aod Herrn, Pella, offer for We ow a /d ecatumOdatiss 6000 pip osaufactwed Tetserta, of da, had mud, Ws, Ifs, Ida, tWo and wpw P., Pa aad Pe Ad, sad Ma LaraleatTaim, to whole aadludtbozeo,o ttre 16 BowirmApproe•detuds. •• • ; lames Onia; CalbOla ' • Onal Villliwas, • •Cabtairs, • Blom. le Boa, .lal , Dottald, ; Webster Old, •• Jllwmaoa, Jame, Thomas, Jr. AII Analettad, J Theo.* 50a, Laadbora Apdw co.wead,, ira bba, • • 31 ;Vanier, C A Hari: Onwa Ilal4 Wm Dawitro, • Pearl Norwood, 7 elelackwrk Nah • Pa niat 2 btusea,_ tamell , • Haw nobleman/aide.. Halsey, • 4 tdewal% • ' Doha ends: • wreltak Under, J M0b... . ., Gr J. J, Gray, .1313 11 - = Hanna sua do " L,IMI wed Mk* • 4 Cleofaegos do. • do • do • • do S,JA,Ade Cobs do do do i l i t&rjo .s. .4 put 1.6 d0 6a do . • Maysville do do do Keetaelry various grades do •'• do Virginia Leaf.. hdraide for mamifierwiat and eti Sped Lear, Pa eed ul's, Conneas and Ohio; AM Sonar sweet German Piper, Pipe heal* Boma INAS tWorAied bladder.)Hasem•ba Too,. Boom. Hanna bug Caw Below 147 _ Catablia Liguori.* Pastel earecuilsts Weal, , ie. ta. PHILADELPHLi, ray • _ rirarfailthring 01400 ISWAR TOIVACCO, a t mimed. us euuldcudy ogiukit,o lie Inds: *Wm _ I:sn. mappers • .: 4U , • . " thotu . fery Bays s. east. prints Consecnest tereelit‘ . 411 d. Kentucky Scent Leaf. lieinockf by !Sill SO tut Dom Rtsseps , Oroesks Cistins Tobsseo. no 4 P. Robinette. Haney Deer , e °tsars, Kenton's, May. and st e t arch sop. 6's .1b so able napes neteth SNUFF . Stets' iiitttetre s bottle. end loose . X,Dto Principe srzAits, Into Sans - Afpo Hays.. " C4lkllo[l. • 40,1100 " O. 11 , ,tu0 ' Femme. WOW " • u Iran. Al., 4 Inn, end 5 Wooden TOttACCO MOM: with taus .4 iteoary • tools, Intl be traded Or sit other goods. AU theabase unties will be mid Suit, sod on geed terns, W A ifOrtae., • ear Pratt .4' • pirtpu Ronnza coons: TUST RIX1:1 1 / 5 41,fet kUpsta . a /arta . askattatat oof lulu /tubber (owls, tomaptulay— • • dta Miters' Cutts; 4 dot TsltTellaillaip; . .r . r..k • des tat:l./14%8i ROUArJ itU 1 0 adieus; , nano Cor Core r: • Lilo Ptatarten; 0 1'1.. 1 ..1' 4 juris. a out, I. Dt pair Lagt . taia of thirstant st)llta; - Capt., twdla alttras . tri:Aout do; 1 - Coq Corts; all or tridtl trill St told cheap far cask whale...lls 05 retail, at D:o 5 Wood putt, tpls k 11 PHILLIPS. .• • COTTON DVON,.. T ii . r grltmPt.itlregtVigel*NtiV . 4° 4l * . iatn of Cott. Sell luak, eed ofirt soia to, the dratere in Itioaborgt, Weis leaven p 1... Look of superior oealirhof twiny of width and weight, eau. etdelfer emtamdtkteasetboals fee Avroluip, tOa,Ttop,ilor.COL Sonoma, it, , • :lute& ; 60 ioeb ' a do _ 14kr,, - . 64 imoine ll k do do do' E ; 44 -• do Loa •do do rt.l Di ioeh Dna, from No. 1 to No V, ' blob Mere.' - ItoNo 4 • . and 14 bob ha twitted Deekate. g . DoCtro grill Ind an odraotolo iikPoNho•i from cloooligemots duoet. tabletWashi weed h alls cuteut.t.a. ANgracTußEl) TOEIACCO-20 22 bx. 127... A suers superb: svrest lb /utppi. 76 half las Webster Old sopenor mitt& loops • ,36 • 4 . - Lawns* Loom, " .• 125 " Oros" t Rwr.e " 3242 e - D=4 Ears) . •Da • 25 4 • . Low:ones Lotto 4 461120 pin 1.2.0122fr0am rumor ood for sal. bo . • ITEALb, DIJCENOD h. CO, ' • 5 4 31 taler .1 sad lazy tory w., u . ' 4 1 kbtf SICLZOT SCILOQI.• ;• MONO= Moor to ors Tuna 22.zurscoos CURCIO L CATON'S School will be opium! for Soo mods., AIL. do. or PAW of WO. sues, au Aloodo2. OA Sid or Mir. Pat/tamp is resptalialy Eileitall. • Pillaburgh, Amine, V 46 • ' TLYSOLItm.-Alecr. A &AEA D. D. • • A. T.111e021,-12. a Ut.O•otis Altuse. &lad Edwards. 7.711. Wpson. Harr Wi!klmon. 11. 4 .330,Bedkod, moo emour+l3,l.li3=l/4 aroma 1411001LagaD, • lITICOLMALEGRACEIL4, . g,sed Cletto 110 , si..lee metehOlus, sod duly.. Ile nod.= toed Putabitert IGontOsetstroi. nom.. of the Thaseoad and Thatoondal.t Oitt.burgi. • . • . Il Ezroarocx..l/r. lehsoi P. Ilhomberger, Bud, Ham Joilttortlion. Rich. 13 &lieu, E.q. "` Cowlloq., Unnuatnirgh Citouoill in Co., Peilsalalphia. J. Idlllik.o &Book lawiatomy Pa. s. Hom 1: 14104 : ' .11.13011aa 141.13./11"6 '• Ojet.okroll TOPACCO-00 Jodu Rooker supe/. tobacco; , 50 • exo.J 1:1ohn Reek.: 5. " • "•ntes 50041.00 0. 15 boa. :J.l.lole.rats 0. 1. • " 40 • ikory Jaaues •-• 11 Warwick - . et 7. 6 MagaMiScfrOM .zollititsetarent Lyneltharg. 'sod Illthowel, and w.II pop at &mem _pion; to Ole L IrOTERBIAO, ,ap.l9 31 <rater sod etfront .t T /0 Lao Brune A.Wittuas 2do do 4o DMA.; do do do 12, audI0o; a di P . :b i b 2 ° ,, 4 du do Plug) 2u M do &gm: !JO do. hal(Npaniuh do; Mr sale by 711 M S WILLIA DD. W. J. iltelina % , : i t•atit , a; of TIAI . Otrem..'Dr.Vadoistio- II eor Tertian,. ten!lhni n tin u z u gT l: yip!!! the CltUt N. MoDoomil; ' ' jut nt b E 'i nc h n t hs c m a il l Mr. William Thorn; Mr. Dinl:lV,-- I:WENIX FIRE BRICKS—The trabscriber• beater been appointed sole Agentti by tat mattufacturen, 00 tulle of the. celebrated "Vhcealk Bricks," are OW prepared to fill orders far' any quantity, cull, per 1,000. .For the construction of furnaces of al/ Wads. these bricks firma .been pronounced by eem• petentjudice ea being euperlor to all Other Ilts bricks new in use. SA WANULTY & co, Canal Basin. NLIVJOOKIP-Jase received at the cM ,. I ,fttro,44 Weal, add for eale hy J 4 Leetareion rhakspeele, by /I N Hadacei Imam Weathering . sad Vonerju of acme florauric Fm.. by Frederick Germaeker; : The Power of The Pulpit, by Gardner Syriac The N NWT eraedirialle, hl Sal!gum L. tleoultsurd; A M uu Pratas. a gitle ruTaotaltatli n fatatir A:learns kladreal Apparatus aud Elect:o wawa, pbyalclaus antrinaalrds. • a i se ttg lr rt e aPa a raatr m ru na A la Wi aplatalGat*RAL rat* at* ftk' 144 U, ikeisa Pl iFraUtian fo iotner motet Wait shOljaaitsidomatit• 1:11 41: • ." , • vs Prat nes • Edina Botinr, Ink le4f. Oad Mario. oroc•dlo Edo • • M nn for ' pirlo ' /WPM 01.QU66tiWARE -71214414er1: . Wm an rum nothing olive lot of Mimi trod L 1 0 242 stootwor tho t itusintblo Minus, vial, will. 24 141414442205 s swoon Wed stress. = pry cumecarervoips or ifs now ~:_ ~,x,. ~~` 4A - f,741 . ;tAzb . 4W%;• ~~ i I - . lizollatilmeo iiiiToitgliegth jimmi . -..! ~ Mie 3 L.A.;bottlize . d . Ita . 4 za t . a sig Er d la itorti. the foklatiOg Sol to lim . Erma ofthe fate Karon City • deeitaned vim • - • The larm three story 8 . litothoi=ibutil and : Son streets, ind trim Mott l e sad PT. 1.. . pa si meta; mad embrecto known' La Mt gla. , I orralplaa of Brownsville o Lot NO. ilk and Lots I Noe. II and Hootpy beim .4 knows as . tha Americ To thSOle_. mianialad with tha I , koalitles of Porrorilk. it Wilt.MeassorT st. o/ ../ thing In emourodation or „Oopon. It movies , Os soot. of junction of the lasellag, at Um • hod of the hismongaint• Mac . ater N•Tili sod .... t . , th• Nationatetoodi am • which mast pine advantage. fon Qs pump. of E or mho piddle Maior shod every mho ht Wormstrille. TM as ' bling sad other mt banding. OMeened Ma ilde pm . 4 perry ars ample triansad g toanoodiatil. - ALSO-lito' dar Lot oe,Frastimal Lot of . Grotand,alth the be ihatito thereon, lying immedleady Plot of the property Ware (Inscribed, Lod Immo • Martel nod Water amts. Tin. pope./ has for &n -and years been-oemmied ea Mt moos/ ARM Oki , for Broonto ass drag tam is es d, ego and we adapte ille, d as a and tt good ateo. property. ~ 1 ALII U -A Lot of Oroo ad. taun M ted oo the pat du it the mad or mot mato Pao Market atom at lb. Marini boo I. Wm. .amt-canoing mall Ave. It , fact sal./ t ki fon, end hosing lbensoo a two curry I ! Cram Derain; Homi ad • Foam Slop, sometimes I awl as a moon ounces shop. TM oat lot bung MI • Met alga at the oath rod. 43 Am la the north, angled ,fot in the ram, he the SUM moo or Wm_ • • ALSO-A Lot of Gr 0.34 ilidf ....M.37 'MIr i cot, on the south and .au, tol i uttmoticoad pro. I k ny , 1. .. 1 .11.0kun5f 'Ming. a copious .yon' of water. i ire said lot ens glf sem and 16. war., ho the room .tae or law. - . - Al.BO-A Lot ofOroond, ...tad ot. % . Totet . 1 .. 11 - adjoini...4 lots late olise..ob llowessa meth* 41414 mad north George Hogg ao the mita. and the idsomtgabo la river ou the onosl. coutgliaLw 0a5.6,0.n1k orate sere, ho do sum more or los. Thant is no ate. pommy • ' Mum Detailing Hoommed kWh ins. it mod hardly ea mAttioned t hhat Ms MMus which, m a molly boo given fp bummy• and lave retneot • to ittomorilic, cannot fail of occasisering to • for years • great advance to the ohm of moo. mad mil 11. that which to now Misted art sale to p uliar ly desirable, erhatintr for boldest MUM.. for b.- • Tons co Sata-Onnthird la Mat, mad Ur beim. Lo ma. tes, and Motocos, .lab warm, Mond by moment. on that p it .Mow b. added Mu that prvary boo. mforsd I. 11111001 Y litlio.l.l2b•MAL l sad lad warm.. taw rrii, ho m•L - *PO. W. CLARKE, WY. IL CLAR.I2I.. lErts, ka. tai +_ Roar. D. Cud Cu d - 7. , is. VALOAIIILR . PROPIIRTIY, TOR ILLS. THAT pioyoury lama, oresplad by IL 141roa, Fori,os tbary moo, naar. Bobiaaoa. Allorkaay ba wadi ko la all 4 loat4a Craig amable abroad to Oro Coral LW kar. r• la • Iwo story Our dltallfroy how* oa lan proolaaa, boll sod dio lot orea I Ley rored, co:anilas • rarloo e boko kola .(taro. 4,lW:cry, Oa. TM. property la coasm. fatly summed Corp...on, truloom ha Wow Paw barn or Allogbouy, I . ablo miaow: nig ' loalapotoblo. For ter apply to WM, 110 1 Lean ray al tam alai as UM; about Treat et Land (Sr isles 'rife wa ova acroomodulne berm, valsubla and of oalespievad land, slam on tha coed Issidlns ems Llrigtnan to Franklin, ablasn from riulburtbs and annul sedki igloo now to tom( of Freedom on itte (Ado tire?. The snag eon. tabu la seas and 16/ pardalas Mit"' ammo • / 1 • land la at aaeleaned eaallry and wal meted, as will be sold dther In wad. or LP dam of enavealud daa. to sali pardsoners. • For limber parslcalus ona ni re of WM. BOYD, Add al Lim alike esslalslntone Sanhaeld, Pliunarta. • A TAACreflattd, SO seals tistatens .AO. ea do Oman. ttott-steot annee ft &ert patveseteth =:tzo tutiatgaind ines la the viiao • et %Varna, Orettie Itisis4lso • lot of =in do many of Cla, ell* boom sati t n of the can goads Or a menasataa do Wimaitrs Itertrite. lay at thin ammo will Os wad as gm seemenotto* team =Ws CICIISY • Ca, Sible • • Waist sod Item en AL:, 8 sad Doellim, au Ur Etat a somiset Cana; la Os —_ of Moslll4. • dedrabla lamb* Lira ttaaaenalo setehanh Vas • Lai sad goat Dmillag Ileum until sated bre &and, la Ile village at_ an Ilaten Lyman Ca ?was soy. isdiali DICM di Oh Sall) Rein sad Pfau oh Ma ar %-litiover taot;ellat ?re v u No • k'" ltitnnA P l= alLvNirrrr. car ly du Oat i* la Amon Ursa yaw Irr ■ ZIL fan ay rk magma.. of aua duarybk easmay la Ow wart Pot Imo may so dia sabll yeriber at Ca blystarl= CY sear Mat =1171.3:,,X1, wf.. fawn . • two s4Arr btlek dwelling 1.101 alma az sores of colud amicbed, oituld (Allanst. Tr Is a &pl grata ... is well melt a trah of 411116, awl . lowin. kw forte Warhall; Wig ware!!ll oat at nub of la• king dry. *M As euxibas Mime aftklAuttl arty . yto Pad/ A . .11)!I U. t O. sr a i l :ow three . y 010 4 4r ist osj or tow!. tf_regattoO. lupin of lhor Stoat. _w e & Iwo airy Omit otwolL air lOLA obey II acne ototoo4l on the boat oleo OW door , 11.145_ ilrAgo of 2 adman. Apply to ' • '.• • VrtEto • ERPtCathiON A . . . 1 • imam ,- : • .:.. r n — LIS• - • dire bevrs as IA street trai !tide., . the ray pr . Al. • p••• lir by le Rat. arab a tan alp 1110161 MY Si st 4 War vast Alleocfradm Ihr• NOlloloetdi as sera of pearal ea.:broad at n = - talthillea, oilier an Oak. la., In du ei tar ay. lattalty at • . T A -- Mai • 110 roa eat.z obt =nob. as.: P wab all broarjair amtairsa Po. sotta tal as l WIWI, allayaad ypw m~W 9 0 by coo. wW. &bob 8 co. Parmarlaa given a /ay otAptil saaalag. For was; ea empanel CXLMFATICet. leant ..,..m., ____ ,._q_., i 1 • 1,,, .. 7616 751 4 for sale " 4 thintioSataryA btielrWurb2mtee*" d Latta Woad arm. avampard by U. hazer 4 Ca. It mug as. ka1•000 per year. • WIG WILIIIO3. Jr. The bier *1 iiery to probe tekk ram im went m noyeemmied by tlimmi Draim n2l tat Apral om it l ar lGLOO. it 6, lean 1 IC llmed meet. u L•t. • • - no lobsedirn .nIIIIE4 pot af ttiontre. . . V•• A room midis DJ tory of do 1•11• hate• Deco rd by tl• sal•crlber•, ant,ty iuot Woad rams.. goal locutos for a ram•b• •t • c? Ima at ao m... atm • NIIHOLLMANS amirsoli Me cis. artylg how, as in& stmt, lt(AeTit g• ni tang i iii)darpNV:ree. [Ned. of lab ' • W.15111NU70N,•• Va Lel. itTHE lam an proof ~amok% tort (toot ....11S,00 WOW V. Imar weed. itsat me‘ ant*. !Awe — oil J 11C/100:VaLIJCElt Ca. de la 111 'masa • _ Par Ail A essete . 'rHoaa, &ward on Pima alloy, As tau law** of RODE= DALTE7oL & Co, men Properly Li AlleilTenTielty tar *ale. ealoorbani peer ,or safe • tombola( sacks Lou, oasis In the Pieced s. w th e 1 1 . 1 1711.1 1 6771 , 7477,; 11 et '71:7, ;II Chef Ot Of Of A UOSIMUN. =UN pflfaloft mythilaertrZ QIAL LAND IDA pax-ais. wires toil land Or sal& Name to Daub Of the &losannasbela River, s kinsseoselise, Pi‘kateing a) Mai vein of roe &bleb will be mid in air Fafo l o n r peels. Par punka. , Sr. art*, as D 037 & WRARBACOII.37eroisI et .1140.11 TO 147-0 e the wood wary of the WI14•• . I,VbllOllllNe SO Wood st., having shoat traenee,... • Itherg) . • 0130 COCHRAN Ts 7 CiyultrlltesfePpe isneMual Wilco Hehr els r . . 0110 R at AU , I a jROPOPALI haleruand ratabl y d,. o • be retelved by the anderolgead: ip to gIATUR. AT,the 10th ofrena, prose, loalasthn foe the ear.' stmeuen Howe ginth I , o[ll viaducts ems the Wag, I 'eaten Branch eflhi Baltimore &Ohio !NI Road year • the Loth Patathein river, tear the Savage 4ththr7 sod the Nonh West &tooth at Bladensburg. ; • These viaducts will wean .7 mamma, well worth the amotien y O dqf Carl. fritartore cribs dm tenacity doe thr. ; pt7b:Vd_ Z. 7 1::it to eiaatlae l Company-a °Mee t . No. TI Hanover I; /thl s thwage, wt they Infonnadon will he (Inn b y P. Matothsag.. Nester of Broad • Efiegeeptimsable I..ommrndadens uneasier A 0 ootW! ptoposa/s. O on:th of the Presidatu end 1 bars .B IJ H LATROBE. oryildla Crlef Emrthears,:• Peenteglostalal Roll nOad CraylLare VruricE le hereby Heats that the boob lethien4i t th f .L FIVE DOLLARS per thaw on the Capital &trek of thliCusepery. Is 11512014 Is b- paid odor Wore the lit d” , tifJely nes L The AIM Instalment of FIVE I DOLLARS per Rion, on or before the Ist dray of Rep. wether, and the birth Instaltnent of FIVE DOLLARS per than ono, before the Ist step, f Ndthother ace; at the oil., No. To Wahnt slum, Fhll•delphla. Payment. will be received of cow or none lusol. enema, or the stock they be paid In full al the option of the stockholders, and interest will be allowed Goa date payment. •stalethntance plod • irt , itolw•nts .01 Poni ix, widest to ilt• penalty of o. per taat._per mouth. as moulted by lets. . - r MVIICIE V. DOWN, Treasurer. Mil.- lutetium* will be nese' rod by IV. IL DEY• NY, •I MlCYfillettllell: k bluoltuntW kank.• • • • myl7.deodt/alyl ' • - • --113 witolearobeleilliii - eCastW.7 I ESTITI72 t ri:p4l : d 70 7 A n ub " E w ''' 1, 1 r:*.t 1 the Siam Itria. at the mil:wing times and 6 1 ....5 . L . = el II l i rraposburgh t. Cirrea so., tut the MO aod 3lst stay,. IN:troTn L icrl LI Y ,.. t ' l l f * sitio " to th n . o l tgrs gd Ione; , Pittsburgh. (a itbe . riebanii Itant,l sou Ilse eib Jour; ; •nd to reett9in epro at the au atandoned•pisee anal ' otleywhoulirected. Ily oteler ofthe Board of Lauver.. Naha . _,_ . ,________WM. IIIAIMIVELL.,2OOI. 'no ROPOii.ll2l — e — rrtl biliteeT — op p to 3 rtree, P.N. r of 0. to clay ofJune best at ilt• 04411 of J. W. Kerr, Nit wan's Building, Oh stmt. for indica l b . • site of the' 110.pu1, ballifloy n Lt col, pt. The ra , FdlAbt g°4l.l)=Z:zhibo4a-4,r41.- pre alone to maw if !rainy. ' • By order nt lin naltittag Oaliagilaa of Out Wettryo Pertioylesola • Hospital. • ' abytesikwutS . .. -----. . • "WN31.11.9...AND CCLYPION34II.ofgooft romps by If flames Ilse. ate hurby salad thu to eon*. Citotese• of dutraello. of lb. forepart Agattilact rat foods will la 4 Towed by ...without tn... older. smut .1... heirawl austythou to annul Omm at wall - • . .. '....... . ApriNiyamm ti ,i. • • -----•- - .- - - -.- - - -7--.--_ . -, 7 - se alp sod Vs* inflimillW"lAVA" rmr .1"n1 Nalis *sat ih o ir . tor T BY smut lluitte UM:OM' T mal • ••.aimat id M. viAb• •••israwespa meta be ~MO CO • gliMireassasunai,••4l. sus ors 4 , 1 T. amass 4••••••• Wp*. Waft. ittromagektime Ilf iX Leen at oe, Gibe Ong • - _ -,- •••• . • ''' .}L , . • .- . , :''. ':;•''' ) :. .. . , , aa,TnaltLi lannaltirr-eniliandatai. leg f ' . .i I _ • Ir . HOSaUa &. 0 X . ' • . ' I fit.dmirt 6=1.. • I Mut aar m. manna st Issaiarri loallanin Bask ofrautavt, vs , v sigad.v,:. 1/ AL E' Z I TVIon• Beat • _ v r aw, . . ' lineatrialsands• • Watioars at lin..• stab alasriaiuonra - • an, alio Saiim....-... d • . llama Coosa-. anal Yalta...-. —" . " Oclistriino ix. - • aAL an, Warning I , llsi=o..• • d oblanissions•-• it Don Wows WWI N. W. lank Vi-....... . Conabialionee" Ca, • do Arcata's ii , 1 por do raritnnart..-- ' rammer !IL Pniar Lad& ' t reaannoo. . rianillaks Mee Teasomea...• . 1 ~ Palmas IlaLsisaarie Idan a hank's@ la--- d Unmoor Cisait..• • • fisinins' kit.:•.- ••• -N . Lancaster Ilia- ..••. Cans lit --• U. Elisanalkon--• • - Staimpart. . , annisonac t Wt. pirlansatioalianitri•••• it Wannadita 1it.........4 aorta Caiallata. • , ~,.. 1k........ . id. On. of Ciao raw 2 ' ••••• • •• . lawar Ilk; akrotore• 2 •••Avsemlial c airn Cs last E. E; •••• *an Baal .• .., • - ..... g Lnai ai, p o ad u . t Bli2 Carola • i • n ltdalct.ak ' •••••1-11OraOGOM.—• - 2 id0........-- •• ••a lianasicialßli ..... -• g Brie 81 ... •• .•• —• Wric oflict 1 Eamon' and Dumas , gnat Hawing. .• .. •• . -2 lisak. Waysiiebsni.: I Marchaals ail ir idarninanr . 5 Wanirri a Media lia- 1" g""*"all ..... •-••—• • It !MO Saadi Caro ail lini.• ti: Winos Ktaiigtal-- " ............. —.,..... .• ..... " Rltt . aione 1ti)....r.:.t1i Wystmleg ....... .. .. II flotaio k RR teffit • 1 York Bt. '' I bortood Ste/4W ' • Was Brandi Bt. ..... •11 suer. 010 Ito/lef Nam ..... ....... lAof. IM. of 111milam, • Mt M Mr. Admire • • Paroon , I Mectotti.• at 7 • C•••• SOMO•••••• • . Bt. Predeffet•••••••.. •'' OW*. ' Frodniet Co. i.••• • •••• • *Me atom! &audio 4 usgernown et .• -- 1 Mown Pasant ..... ••• • fit• .• • -........: 10 Fiosboanno•••••••• •.' • IV2 .It It Mal nrilk ..... ..... a 0/ 8k.... ......, • ! • tom ..... .....••••••••• Bt. emosionei. -• •• Moor 1.a.b00• • ' Milehlipa Macioasti Mats-- . FrL of St Clan ..... . --....- Coluablo ela • Elk. of Kiva Marren... 0 4 , 0.0 . i4... • ..••••........... , • • Far. di Modes 13t ' II pothoo, •......a.......••••••!• Wllsomiads. Toreft.4.. Woomo t • • - •• • •••••ti.. ,7 01 , Mar4.1foltfhltar•a4 Masan ...............,....111 Cas444o. -• • itudrity ..i.... ~.., AD Wynn Molt, ...... .0 404,4 • •• • ". ••:: 1 II Cut .. of Cata . a ) d o Naito . 4=4...::•......''Z' • tt MI& Ipotlo ta t. , Ilona .....,........, Doom. .1117 Ig=ll=. . .1 , Cogio,:4; ....,.... 0o Lake ChlWoMbo Effe•! 8 1. , •!:•••••'•••:•••••••• •• Coo Mmom, 19 0;10.0 X 0. : •.!• DO. Plit 0 01••••••?•• I N edits. •• . ...U....4w . ..»•••••: 4el bioanior... ...i.U.i.i../. ...Au...4 al: Li salltas ..... ....,.. k. ”4/1 ....4114 NI V 4fit.: rill 4 min n ir Ima m •..-. 4- , , ...+ . vif . . ~_ 4 11 1 - ••• • . , MI if ..A4 • akar •,,. aurtresetAZZ = ... . .: Taft i LW . . 11:45.' ljet""lsa;llll"iairg EXCHANGE Or . 0 MN SAlliOi ll 4llllll /ABHa g XII3KIIII I , l. Pawn. er PAH Orreas AIArN D.r awi ftiz, Dank Notes Wee Mr, foroliro • d a s !wt., C.A44u/• of unAlus.' . /EXCHANGE a. 4 /•pliat/pt/eatiia fit tuIhAAN for Ado t. Ya mit imrehuers. CURRENT anl pa: AAA. reastrod en oLvactnn,' tk. COLLAL - TIONS OR prna of Ur Ueda. oil 1/nA1u.n.,... 9/0-4/.Ir.A.T nrinessir Jaws. • CA-: -. 77777 475. excilAries sarcens,.•••• ter ronyFe sad Darwin Rulturria, Ciseditreies Beak ow, tad apsaig Toatedk urs. ask ft= .l. ourau rara_ Q...7.74e imsVrite ribald u. off eoule.• r • • • 8 0 8 .4 8 1/1111 / 8 . 8 8111181168 1874..4.1 Oat • • . &hum m 6 immakpoism of Pierian, 4- pH is" as Ltbail woo. Khl. - - tad Doke fe dal 24. U, Mazda mak NmeeeT ltaida a c c e Im=age 44a yfag • te Rum. apmm 1 d • Rude I Oe deep Onden l / 2 11 did betam, •de Ibbefldedes, ea> Keereedy, •ee reenfiedieded Tdo neer Tett de •do - 147 -7 Wheelie& 14e New Rimy " Telecom, de dterjleed, de idler 1.0% BROKERS lir L 1115 arnzLs . 4:o6 =l3 D • • • ... • a Cl7llW—limibus sad Eukukto ihohavi ' P lLL lNralers la Arnim. sal Amide Mao am. Pllrla U. et Etellams. Condon* afDrpo.lia: But and Cohn 1% la Weed s . iple, abd door I),Jew Pm*Rates, WWI aids. . WILLIAM A. sus. E:tnmtßlß IMCHAIYOB uthanukaa Milan . Payton sod Dmadotio Brehans, Cordßid Worldoom of Boat Non, oos door ahoy. FOOAII, otod 2r i kidt:4l4 Par . • jrosztar axclumor... : • '. Ella art Eaglaao, lralasal. Ltd Poova4 bpi g h, y . acjAtaipart aa ur QuYebt Zara of F.aciaaat. Parebta ta aar part of lb. OW Conards*, tram Al iv .Claiat, at Oa ram a( SI to at. I. Staling, **boot Jr.lorilan or a o diaftw, by JOSHUA IitOALN• ma. rapusa. wad Camara! lima, .aika LtaialaxOaar warm all wart , ' . will 1111 AU WV= ' [MA= WM Bvisas racii,mujodfaskiaia, N lint Pim sad old, etdarr a( W. mai% !Thal "pod* at ara.' Ma tot IdalVdlT kee4 es 11.1.4. 8332 Necig • SON 23 Mt t Ind urnlt. DII.LIII OP EXOBLIZOS.-.8,41at Mock. ca JJ, No. Y 0m....b.4,1***,. 47 N. 1101.11 u. SON. Blartel Smesteiellerre,..D„.o" Note!, sod psysile say pan et Us Cwal. ea:setoff se .ioribisteraw N. 1101.X.ESIt SON. Mselre, - BONN :Ts PAlliliUolll.lll4.lll HATS. mabemb 4 se own TEIK eee .'Make. se km anfiet.miier ot gaml s t es made arraareA mate witb Xpeas. Be & Ceo., Wee most feeirmebLe save mi *nine. l'oels4 fqa In+ .I=V his curt Gni NM klicel i tuur n e , very ri ck sad rea==releg is no Um 8 4 " e etd Knot armed:gem el% Sr la evey fcenel el pat 'maw OMNI W Cape tw oant ear..4loeuan,..V .ed: s sad n' WI. lieu w* re mkt on gal • • • epilia • JAHSIMILOOK, I , Psabiteassl..M tttttt _ Caw of Wail and FA MOW& CI77CIILLIt natatwe twit gallkeleal. 2. adman ate rety van past their Vele ead haw eattadeetai of the ma Mamas ad woarmAnicsr, al tie Wait arras, sad el maw ... = 7 l4attureit Perehistaig tam e latewl einem W aa imp die eat web tealetera• • that ea remintettli awl raps e will eat ager ItlOLL'esy Mew Plrlkedalidaa • ' . wart• i paaadenallig U.% Wig Cap 1111Ishuagiump ro to tem, mt. Teem e 7 te ems In . friend. aad the pelnis gesenary Dot tua mum= ad Us mattalheim ef sad Cape at NO . 21 WOW 15.. , ; oho doer Whew the comer .o . 3.ened, wile re be Mu law oa beat h Nee monstal of Hue and Cape of We own ethanfierare, wit c h je, enn &voile Mu U. num reamahl. Om; who/mi. and man, km grub or c l Immune.. Hue wale to Me, at the elearieu Men • 1E larra,W MOM . .. /PALMER u I' stook of b24 ". Ved.k a il- 14 1 • BON — t tan ogt Cogliolo Duo 4doble dolt lmekein d;dco Ctrlna roar! do; ilkoAorg do; a/Wand From!! We . IF`ooogrttke. At. • HATS— sham Nuo.f.m.f. ruci sas. do Wald, Bonhood Braid, PAW de , -• • • ' „Alm. Anlicial Fkrovsro, ilarboa4 do. gorily Son. not Womboculo, OS mouton ---ir—P lllo 0 . 1 o•„ .. ' hit • tun mmo . . I imp Ammo, .toortll . Mlhyto of Ilsio 4111 doo. 1 . rain& NM =Aro an nopoolod oo Oooli ea examine WO cock of Spriaio Sou. ;ass toooived boo Nom Yost, ao thoir sum, comet Wok mod Wood so. . woof Ai maxi Ili 11111111117 L CHEAP/Mr. Pulkiammus 1104 r la Pdgielpal V 44114111114 wan. 5t4.40tar144. Lod 4" 114nr, cot a., of Wood west v kliglama pries* Ow.) , P•id kir.14.44 ". tontl 11.17141) RE Inagua e. 14:eined Rom New York,4•l3printh Style a tuna blab he artlllnundsee sesey, March 40a all wale In emu eta neat end enparior twin Owe ea!? end exentJne Non, Wpoil ures t, dcw alms Founh. . . rank ed Fa liniglic4 ItOORE Oa rank ed from Nov W*. iaar EN agyh of Hata arida a vall laulaloco this 4y, emantay, Aof. 1110. All In want of •ow aid topuior - kat Yroahl do .TL to cab at No.A.Wool 1EkT0n,..15 door .Om 43k. ..- ..._ ilMixa_i j;;;4 34 4M Yr n iranylliii.-- ritizmo,, ."4,1,4 wollesvCr, Pearl Mao wan al a taaa=l4 i l l u s tr b V.4"4". !. • .;rood 4-3 N114.40* AL AU. •Cr. iumne m eow. maockakd AA tia filAI Atnus • ote, alto Imaisurm limn be cosulzud nr op o t u. ail. Of 111A0ION W,AUSAO 9}-, WI stood, No. Lto - Wo!S moot' • - HENRY HANNE:V, WALLACF. sh y k i s o , BL WALLACE, Bit BCCIEWLbErIaz-- icriooaaw, tO bay gado pi gave kW, aro bi•itha 10 /00A the AOSOAAIifAt of Toty sumo quality. oorytiony ol ply Ow* Howl of ' W R NCEPIEr, Roarict filet ns Uiet'frt"l .14Pdoissrteemazitillnt=1"424;1.. rd: IdY4 ,ukOita laZ ul abrA i r 91 . 1gr_Mir sCtl= lq A y I Por •0.1 kw* vaned with Ada. IfIrMA 4matel dims.. and . avury easroi GER rtear it lan lad a fa, • =lsl. Ma aimed a JIMIII Ills ofGritant mod 11 inattbs, mod II lellthe . goad the remarkable mast et ma Wen. G, Pidlakelphia, alliord Ey* kr/a . E , '- ra yea* end 0 moth. Mem lamdbell through lineme!, Pcorlami.Gormany sod Fati we r u c salt* the room eminent pbmitersta and as Om tesdkne, inedleal umument and ertwee, tam, mad dollars, mental with Ids nina to ate away he .. - Nom Mst, without retealvidg sew Wendt wham o, sod .r."Hmigris"4 blf %M !emu OLE, EiTiACP _ .2 11m - William Smors's to Dm Pram ad must' ,', I ham veal one; three cheesed dollars err medb, clue mud awaken attendance.' I was *lrina* rake a soar lo lamer* with hha, an .th I. old. I Is. Moiled Distend. , I coaalted they most andeant pltyashme • tame In incest no hie ame; they apueleml M. and. , premerthed agmedingly. I remained tars ' Mach, • without perceiving my Mary Co. di. bow. erldeh . eat Ste Meat two hundred , aid ally dotal , * pocketed ' by lb. physic/gam, and thr most that I ramrod mma tett' sort's ease wee hopideereidd Pod* , their I accord/WIT 101 l 1.11 "Inn' Mad theough pendant Germany end seen re, , .4 `tuned home In the month or Nomoto, ow, 6 nay so' as fat from being caned as when I MIL I sawrear, .., asfs , aetieeinesa isone of the New York ropers, sod _, eedeladed to try Han's Vegamble Gumm i meat Tear : : .:_ statements and Gondwana of so many earn, some of , Meaty and Ude, years' etuullugi and I cm own yea .. l I am mammy I and mis •Oblff d= ,I•,: t v =7 . ' : bleGatmet mem hei was Pie as to stalGhlet On..Ti• :. tu.•lemma shah. we*. we ~.. _____. ea. holey; is enurely ruleete. ". P,1.717 " . "Jiang him, of life, 'thank end unlsh. sow *.' Y ' an °f %. " lit an sPd g d= .7r tri ' Mem hit bean &mod w this. loom red . .. eg ,,,,,,g bat dank God he is bow eutorldd . haute. _ • 4 sr, gentlemen, faith unbent works 1111111 !MOW by 'l . O say that I dad be ermine . elan tope is mee , thief, *deal beta *elm YO. OM 'P Lan a/.. I' , A1. n .i... ham no doeta bat that yea *ill neat this a _ turd quite • dlffendtt Wel, The aMbt of srWta4h a. ben please to somtlit Ge Pntanoff PIOGIIff, 'still a we the &aim adrasea. : -• .. ,-- ,• ' .-: • so ' ' 3 r° 121 n'ff "4"ulgigg tniCopm _ . ilicoM aZ 4a • - ' inpucTED. • lor ow prefetioaa o f 64 b I T*I lowa Mkt* err eeeptr it yob =II . it hie PIM . = o P y r it,„7 ; imbecility .fahrattli trirlho Pm" Vlbe. bow Ph Pablo= Of..ttpte = , and PPM wane aniIIIIMir Onr1112"e;rog, spd" I : that PPM wa n e :in. / 40 11. 7g ..4` t re.'„ uiro u . k 116, Lawn Untrelne ing.h4Led she mai f 44" =" 14 "'.' the w :wed ten& 1 wes et s ama= h." rii:,..... , hid I.III•Ma MI ...1,,,„, i ,„, ~.t;lay, = 1 , .. mead rear to the w it. E nt ., beOatl rm eartekettasht=w4g a lm a . dog o--: st, : J : apTh....L eerven . gare, 12 Deter 11,h',0dpaii g as End* - I? — 've Ye* ruteqa L i Man *. e '' lerage, iMtp=asprp i i a= Isla YerkriLl. • ;,' ' . '"'' Übe li Wells yes" Mamma Wat /1 rarseU,smseay.thnoss Jae* 73 , , :an* Petty, Ibtrlesath GS satiendlY ob • ' ' ?B .I.l4=,sonnigighottgi:osickotiro 11 7 i Timm a Jana, or ths are Nevi, •,- ; - apt. Ws J sa=p, Baum M. Brldgeprim" •,,, ',, -", ' • so. illehard Twat, West Dana/cat N Tj, , ‘, Lint T L ibulmell, Etaltlenns, Md . •, - , •• Pleloweit Maas) WiCatil I; 1D II Derepoe, MO tern* am Y. ~._ , ,•'-' . hln Jusarßerthalf , °nage oh deka Paha, 179 Easabedust, ' E - ham Pea Clarlb * 1.11 Seto* et, .. ." t An liciddeb , ulO-b• tiled "On; Of lladni,4llll7:. QT Plegand by Dr P MIA CIay:;WAS id lihr‘i ' O P THOMAS it Co. /Id llealet 111,biseraeod sat - Ids mg, and IN gobs et, wreath lth sad ffth lemile. • . Cheloartd, Mkt, wadmath Sad mall ideate Set /. VOULIO-T, i a_mnee or tatim stria Walk; : mut ow,' ort la rivabW Pa " 1 ' leald .„-:', QINSENG PANACEA! Tat:N a sE nra hlu nild n l2. lxBßad " whenruo 140454 Ib sae 51 lOs a all the swam issna 5111,11 balsam of as Eons io. mom, km ladomie the pupa& again ball attem.• - _ . , WOND FUL PRLIWIATION. The 1. _, • emostable 'ember wrilettl auk. oar Pill met ....-, wimm moatim, is .sways. froltrul souree of , - 1' CDIISAND' ...• Them, If airetkled, am tat Ma pmeamen4 that fidk The amnion, Una; how shall we alp the dratro yerta l , the bind haw shall: ere get clear, of oar coughs mid ',:,' Mal lir of Mal imponaues to the eabtie.- • • TUE GREAT AND MLA' lIEMPTIY • '.` trill be amain the OM./ Flames. •In prop/Gina , ttee hen in usne taut* poollthed the tatinleates of o of our for kern. Mania, tete here gaps& - , e'rod its cunturoVer7. - nto . a with o nut)* " 1 7, , ija a r laVi l em•QPlrlilr 1;W - 14r - restos% ' ' ' &now.. or o. Gospel, de, together sub eopuma 111. - JOURZIALSOP THEDAY ' ws ha* twitheeted hi pamphlet fanstoled Pt* Ilia! 1 . ? mails Of anyit rzidUsema,,a; try. ; 1 .. d l=lel t t el t ei ND ee F TIIDLEtr e : lei , , 4 bare ave .. .; ...f. ~,, 7 ittz,ire.itm.c i and - . ' a with* Whoa taken Meeordnur to atesmorts, and let. .kne the tangs bed latentee tluals , taseayannead„ It lee ';, ' sate ailed le ' _ LT A 'Wh then, need the *dieted buttazdt` •:,2 hp tisee* it, them,, .ndtl. annpanny annen op bro.' o+c paw& .: ' aids v lee the asumt earn of some ce •t a.' , a phy. seta; and pallid ***satiety by. taeza t a 1 ~. peLr. : real *welly attenovent Inas,: a - medicine of' Ppintftnt.l.P.LEJ) lIPPICe CY ta la be tad, whew ye fwhen,achera arena brane„,estemeopk— - In onleTtrat T g ill P 411711 Tlff-' 8 mcdicnh 17 , '",b.ia....4 - ' , vrtlklZl t eac, he tea* af theds•or ea well the H ews haat ISO ..S. bill ;he asend eata of *mph nu fie *by Silt agenta to r e p ay tee er e villsof . , mem Um arestrato aro preparal ro ere dill latimtut.. Uter MilliTO b? 1 ,1, ,T. PALMA, Preprletaru. • • TI7IIIIII3ICOI.OIIIIIICOSSCAPTIONat, tX)3iatiesPrlON is uie mesa (11; - -. I. alesat soden/pram specks. iceman. vellis a . maga, taseUbage.... auk, bi the tall seadaal to •po meals: spec The . bris:mhbA i r is posa. 4 Thie Owes 0.100 have beenc by.lelee . Balsam . ' 1: Minarets, s,bow made. at :3 tioelrmaa area, IC V., sham order. moat ba addressed. . • . . riot a day paues, bat seaman hear esionand stru t curse by stool osedk-issa Read the Collqvaig, dada la • 040 of seal we roma /4.ral or'yellieAr-•• • • Jert l l/4414111 Chez Or Ceeseteme. •' • • Ernie% of Nur tleeelhole East &mom • • • • 4 eau washed with letllllllo3a of Inim 2;. • ea:anal with tatkab. / ... i tt........3 •••••. Pim!' ", .era,aaa ettha rots; consulted many payamassa Para* told 10 lry a cluing* ataiimale; wash; &a. •e., tau all wen afraid la wy to rasa laud harem, •e; lax disl row pod • I Wag* 'all the anima .eNinirs fat Conuaaptioay admit compassed was IS only oat f Claud eta I. , 'lgniaa bale , dally ad was twa•laid by aver, does. iI au awe asU; year ••••ei.; • • Caseated am. asterl bad Mad amass am/ Wag. Ul t ima% to • meek akelesoo, and mu rapidly des. • • ' eatacisnedouvd gelling worse daily.. /$lll fcr: lam 01 - Llv...rail II must have died . res. y OW Wt. CM UN aid weeper italosved to bear of my &mate.. I eta role thankful, and will ever ratosailsar year ukdkin- as me pew .. least ag ortar W a s 7vely gad dnwrel. year. ; Sold W iltubsegb by / u Norm, S 3 Weed la Tosensala 43 Malta w II Sayers, (Cr 'Mesta aed year ii.Wanwo a. Co, a Libany es.. Prise rotate! , In 1 1 .• N , non 1,01.1 CeSsoxistats lfraittnee re • Cola/laanteelladr. thiLie kir yeeraslay end it ..iodootr Ramie *pima, tt . intoesaanon on iblecluoki son tber etroLcarienerli .. : el , ee Ka the Ave, and to Atiftricrirr I,A Yoreign bates.- , . •of Paresis. - . . I pk p f i t‘Larnlt. ;, irkiiiihrHSkt. lilens elf Pr: h t-J • .. Ito be allied try rineerd Seistoha, bria.; -late osarbinam, of tbe basted Stun Patera Urberbi hes aroatrood Otaarelres together toe the proore•too ol uor atom. '. .bseaellas of Micah:rt. i Willem& eider be their ogee, ~. : at the Patent Mee, or before On Comer rued win de.._, vote -their storlividesi attention to drreveateley.*- Mut- r- r set of Inventors or when ryes may meant rbsen•Ce ~• • Pte. Waimea be albeit buck tor. itersover: toe toe - rho peel twelve year. held the poet oral debbalel Buntsbstba. United Parent 02re1 end TuSte.bst glutton, • to lobo. pan in the pretest ..alide • U. Mg% '. end preanar flume tot timanyonerat • lOW AWL '. Ir 4 by idea, bare bees INlLiii bal . c p. oroviTiand by Insantes . , .... The ode. or' Neon J. esi"Yetereei. oppodip. ... ;. Ilia Yawn Veda , Waskinpon..l).l24 U... r atanient«, . eons. ; pest paid, win te=elseestei to sallasa, '.., landaus made, drawing. leas, end all reesle... he: men prepansi-cual suelets•pelleerpt wbensibted. • - sed-eia nentrabre perms )wire .* efseialtye.ipti.. ~., . ad to be erretvered • free ezensinstionaln4.aoss be ae.... • communed by a fee eflive Wane*. •• ........... - _ : . In ate donee erliele odor ertnalestavlohntto Ore Pa- . 1 wn Law. Jh. EL aria bepondased by a legal , -.:, :patios. fe u highest yinlife.rod4eml *lnacy. aid .• naleeerersant erne til ennui= ,sattealter Sou t otlier ... r. tea. r yttscrat (4_-:. •'' '''• 11I'lPIG.E1-"S i.d.e. v e .r.; - . , ty. ,7 ,1. -- .1 , ,,;11111,, , .... ' ; , .. ....,, seas at the largat. cheapen, sad neon faahkrereg . ,:: . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers