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' .. i' V' ,ii as , .1 0 .. v. ." w :_ ..v--- :...., , -..,-,f- - tt ME ..: :~:;~< I.'. ~`N ` 1j.4 ~~\L' ~~r;~;777''' .V.r. • niZPI • . ....: - .. - .1. , . i, , ': : - ..':::•;:tri:, !o'ii• i' ,, L , s:l;.,z . .i; . il. •'...i . ..4:',!::: 1 '::';::: ' ,;;;,% . :' .I ' . • ~,,.,{ :', 41...... i,.... •• ~. 4.1% -,;:•:,:kT : ',Ac . ,:',:i:,..:,:1 . ,11,4t...:; , ..; , ;'+;•. - .1, , : - ..1' -: , , ,, i;:: ):: , , , .:•: 774. :':1A ~ ,, i0:1, - ..- 1 :•.:-,,:-A;; 4 f1"7:.7-,i.,*-!t_, : . : . . 4 : „ :, 4, 4...,1*..,.;,1.-:.i::•.'):.1, &,' ,, •.:,i. ' 4 i ,;, 1 c; • : : if 4: k.1•:!.7,:;4,%:.:. 5:5..',iv:,,'-'•, •.7:4':,,;., Z:f':•:.,,:','.:;.!,':.•, ~..;i',. t ~$.;:: .::,;l:o -. '411ti:lli? ;:*!:: s. . :i '. I 4;.q . :4 ii..il,p ; .41.;6 . :!, ,1 ."; , :•: , :....: '1 * :„ . - =::i• , ;i';_:;',: . :* . ; 1 ; - i4.1 . : 4 , - ; i3.,,- ;:ct: . :i::,:tt*p.:.:.-It. '" - '-N ,, P:!.. ,, ;:::,:• .- t , : ~ ,v .:. t 4,,:-..?i,':.:-:!*: A ': ~ !; - , 1•4 , -Vv) , ...::-..r. ' I} , r, 4 44 ;fiv!;4: : ,. :';. , •':i*".54 ;:',4; - :lik4f;;;;*'1 '"k ii1:f . ,, , , , ,,:kitt , g , IA2:• 7 : 4 . Wgi :fkte• : r:l'A -;' , : -, :q -, :...•t;q:fr. , 4_.4 :, .':'Vi '1.'"; 1• = 1 :''-'.. ', ':', ',..',-,=';:.'*.Y,"-:',":,7;',: - ., 4.•:.;'.'' , . , -,• -....—• .• . .. .. . , .. .. .. . • . l:Ar sigßA T.l.l.:ECl.l,:tic Pann #. 3 . E 44 . Toa and DalautieSoadi.:2l" Ilardw the 'AO ' • Trisamings;of all lislu3p4l . .u t s .1 , 1!.,.133 194,4 d m?c , , • • . . . E2ll !f ~.}, . • ,biumprp,l/.. sett Cosanitaina: Orlotuciant, Dealer in Yrodonnuind l9aalarsp num, ' mimed ankles • aftrenanisomil &Olen 4i Yrrloccl•No. dent kit Hewes ;maw. and : ••'Aga nilM a7l ene. intheofillen of Anis 411 lay ooa 10,14 vostal lOW oillsofisasijoposoofflatund,u, • .O ,l llMRii% Ulm flrit Of ispoooo to appliestoo. . _ _ - ' • • . -• • ‘ 2, ~`~~: ~oST ;` `$ I~C~~IT1 '':: 1786„',, ttik*Wi'..cii6..;_il...: tfIOILAIILUt a sal lassbotftes. 91, chter . roans% IL Unlit lk Cendszminsuof Weiten LeMber solitiist, mit& end sdnusaeu is • I( maim!: (nbLillok ATWOOD, JOSES• & Co- Comassamo pad Too PA Akos /o . russood co choir old • • -Wan sad from =PA PI •• • •• • past afaxiiime: . . =mos aura '. iuma a, purr , Magmata - sad Retail Drag s ens, karat of Lliatn7 sad N. elnir moats, Pier WS 41. CeLg Thugeavla Omni, • sail Comodedor Alsidasue,'No. 14S, I.l= . • ',de .ania , r., • Greet" 111 • IIIeANL9LTY 0009meurseildw sal Ow 1 !"5 4, . /4e .,,,. 0,1 • 19 • 61 . rinArall Pa. yr. cot.a...4dlat W. VOSIISS/4,7111101/: SAMOA 41101421/I,llLAN,&.os,•llllmalbeatoni et •AI I::4thao sad MIN. A- a.a erigi bawl, mud .Comek 'Mondavi mt 7 msyrdiswer as St.. CA.4 as. WearehoSSll tl 7 wood at, ta-Comdap Boat, • ASS ' Fa Ti t fi r 1 40 retret • ="1 " at • end Wed 111101. . I' ing: a. i lM ci.i. ' ', Idtle m4 Wassert. R= 4 ,/do wok., won .m La Produce and Pin. X.= IVLoel st, toellrean, of .. ..L.L _____ Maa r . .• • owl man 762 E. • MOM k CY, ROOD. 110101818 Oneem W wad lfielthasb, Lai Assault,' adeit. 'trnapSris.R . Wsw; set led Pam sas,itur FLZiZMMEI Awn, V s ALLAWIIia, lANU At KILLER. Bill sad Brun • INsonders t, Ice Prow, Ceases • od Skit IdaddLdeld moms, Inasbarsh, F. JUdion• Kissin *id COW siol Rm. dob • 01k01F—.0.16• alr4rsaiam .Lead ... , • vmaiiiaatzr sarszataaii, a, Prvicar ay.; wiessoue ossiununs oa. arkus &AL, tmas la mot amo k ranb. g b... • .1.11 iri SCCirr Forornoi• • lsof sad Comolooke Anoltools, Donlon la Pro. ,• amt. Plusbuzgi Itlaostootono, No, 7 Comooreal .irrildanny wows, ow Oa Cloud, .busbasyle, Pa .7777-71 BRYAN; Iteetifying Disatkr, lirhoLinahs i fy hr Poreign wad Anemic Whim' sad LI- N*: UI Ltbeny strenti . ead CLlNamoad.Allay WWl.tj • Al w eti ., U h Liik raw ilaa• 0! 5 tb6 .1... 41111(1=1 • WMU Woo: • .. • . TAXES L. Ihrir.h/aCO4-4 U LIMY klateliboaa Ciamhalca pall auras af am lA. Leah Saga Omar Saerau. ha 46 yaw &lila bola arum, Patabosia • • • • - • .t 5i10r,...73 • m . Si. Oak PlUabsigh. JalOtt %swat 01114 A. =MIAS Wleolasale Ne. Li Des tltedh4 sr - nviesi Amseessesitlefrik w map TAMS{ KIEMI tut ,ItanriVakip 11:11ELL011: - WhAmeila .ad BNaD &air, ads walllasanal I u rna, &lend Boon, Paper, Hanna, Meal Paaa,•olll4 Prininne Cards, and Illathanal7 gnarrally,No. 4t Wood at., Moba _lrritats neap:liar *oda trade. • sepLS Wlblcola lAlqzwn, OCH 94 M: W= 4 • TOSEPLI•JORDON Jr3o4lll.4l:binalesion and For wanting M 4S.A.ll.eny as., Opposite baitale4lo4ltlitmproa Bow. pad TAW* 144 4. .aftaysastar; coXiar la and Wind ;47ierrocrws,..Fk*.akat . t= sad Pape( Alatugaclausrs, rig. IN T • L. lIP.LIYB Beak Mom Illarkei streeL . . . • T WAIONCEISIZT t Cs., Esau. and Ersti..2 . 413 U. Broken, maw of Wood and al soi.i/AisreLsuis • howl IfsiblisimPlitaluelb. Ya. . . • . tow toms sm. eau liren,lU:Wbolosals - tl'• , ',Coil 3 . 4114141 140. amn~brata ~`" Y.sallo Am Works. C44ad :ad . NW, ailir qualiy: • IV • 4111araNe sid luS from • IrAIT • , Wheleasti Groom Piaui Ler asdCastesesiss Yentas}, Dgebria Ova/ e Steauteetani mad •Psodece,No•4l}Watat.eL. ..MSS, - , , I::autr a IllarrON; ii , . 1,4 L *ading eud Cifilirstusouon Alcrellamb, deskr, la zuut rindbalgickuearatiests, Nam: Ira Weal sly . ritzsbuMb " ;- ; - bete g -- . - .31FACLII, e Mnrigfi . t bb et, Wady, Liberal sdnatres iamb 411.4 1,00.411333/1104 saca. mamma l mum c. ' 2As. teatilsn ' neL,D4,ll3.ll,Wholeamthmers La , 4 o. lCcumlisslon-almettgat., 1.14 Llbeny - • • • 1 1 7 '" -- " --- " . '' • Cammimma. 4.1 • hletehewy mast ata nom way between vow sad Midst OA- •• I •' • • • • - . KCLAAS. SlCKlMKitiWholesal , " Groom, nod alaccission dletchadasl7; est,Pcx. istcomo tc'SDlGOVdedescla 1 141 4 41 *i WI .ad Cop kfactdactures, ittff &eat itt nlitir Fun, carnet of Mod cod Ilan 'jar, 11013.1}.3 SON, .o. 3:ollacket "I,2"ecoiad kt.l4rgrilia m 7oll==u m eg. "4° `. 4 " , P.l.ldhaelc"l7 DOLISDLATER 'Maks. GrocenousdCos. ;IC islidonand Folmilloghterelmais;No.4l-Water MODEST mount:, wholeista-ymer, 'acetifying „,[t o DiNtaki, &MUT /Si Pr0d...0, rawbrulb 'Wet:4l4V of Femiga ;=lf i rgy tap Vint, arrraparior liellabootabeLs •rbreb will bs sold low tor rub. EBERTSO:4 & 1112dUtelDcalern Ommissloa, Ileig4f4' Now lUD .Seeaud Gueet, N.A ICHARD itaLU,SYlatleman .4.lLetall Dealer fit Lastherd4orocco, Shoodsoakess"roaa sad Fisul- Tame.," putd Cutlers' Tool., lad . I"o4uuts , thl, 1 Mt Wood noritubwEb.. ,••-• - r: - . - , -serki ..I - & Co.;Whdisalethoeirs, - Prodtree nod Comtism:lot, Nest bauts,v44l Dealers Um Flitepss, 'No. leo 141.,-ny .6 • fluartnib, Aomori' LALZELL da. f cai Calamaaida aad Fonnad.g Marehania, dealer nein* add PdalbargiuMaaalartasup Liberty I OBT. — A.: cumsnsionsat, AVholeaale Igroxer, Diner is rouhsce snot Pitubonti Xaginfactons, • 'II Alitelaots, k a sbe bre nn t zdi H. En tale:and as is Altman., Pvldof., I " ut. • • , Thalkilart pace, Ls esib, paid it all times flrccoide ATMs. • anises a( Pena and Inds sti. • ja1323 &OAKFORD & co., Commission thlere.=, *fly opposm Dealers 1* Maw,. Ilsd Seca, also thatarjlArd, ke. ss44ly . fIaKITS I klpfiNiaN, WholsaaJe and Ritialkdden• ba,ll4lll.lmay. a vds, Lao. ~IkONZAndaransi. tikla. get arsei,la door.abovs st,. • KC /' WHITE, IVllwohisale Diatom m.; tboaeste Dri Goode. Na. 99 11V1) I.l* - 10V;14.11.11.taill, Wixol liTzettsiter belga* CIA inuarind Pnxtous gemerally:an47ol.. l 44l, COlEa.i6ll" WMl%l=ll, Tito 7 Wales st, Paw. & Ca e. Wheleuls G.—elll e nd 64. Ar.a Di cn ii i au* aVi11..1.-034cees•or In Hill Browne,)diapar lier and lillsturactun ocAlper Idanipsa and. and dealer la_ ,vfnibe prinnagjond * " I • , ;.r.th-AZY as • ii - Wriioaraas. um. NICOLBi Prods,» NA -Ciconal Comi • Aloreitants, No. 17 Liberty 81.4 - Yinaborp,] Unwed andlank • Ga,' Forwasdil,Mlvelia - j Aggnugh . Asarineousrm solinr — tW - 711WiritWardr Rae' °Moat CBancV y : ' C Aitt 8. : ykisll? BOWES..COMInkm. Obi reral4ka . • abstekus,. 'toes et. bootee Wood ea saws. • • . • • 604111 ' toio I IC Iet) Violas% .Ortr7 Consioisilat Iliktekuta, &Lees I. Iron, Nails, Mum, anwg. yens, sat Plastenzt liattsfsetareo sene,lty, Donee of Weed sad Water street., Pittsbargi. - • , a N w. ;.vir,,kbittookiamg, o. 144 Ltbetey mos lbe essal. , • • _ _ var 0/iIWAILD, Dealcr Is Fancy sal am* 4 Dry GoodspNo. ill Mfutet "m rtageigh. • S. S Try W WILMA Ikelyst : Yr Wombs!, Joirdsi; •TV Wm Ware;Mittm. Clookhe.ina .11ww • R' • IatIMPRT . Maas sisaiadaa ti ' Ws Pardo' Oa fkl.adalaiasaireist tomer ot Illartataadltaraiad - • . ANTE an= kW= a. hi Dula* *Wm ea __L' W II4 . 4II OFI IL * 110,1.04 woe. wawa ... seam :Ml n NORM& Cd—prakeeld levaer . g 1 de. I V, i Lit.n7 Jed_a_L 111FKL7Yi edtpoke ht..•lTrcipeLTadTs.-indeedie Grocers, TT •vam Walk" • nod Who 271- IlintorSOs Oro, Importers daises **ail 6= Powder h. 100 Lt.erty • 1, Pa 'War tn.rnca inacurri.t: • - • • • - • - isms 2L dn ILACKEIVIIN A. C 4., Wlkohnale Wooers wad ~L Oi/si Eteal Pori; and Ash Abs. 'mathav on bando4 all tiaKas 11511 axed genera • vorta of woods to their Lino, WW2 SIM; vnr CiunT rusanuo. • • • ...t3 TOILV M. TOWNSF.2O, Dthdrise end Apoliessry, V Mo. Vikissifet ine th ov roe dean abe TineJee, bore.; will have demand). Ithnd weil .clecual writhe= ado. ben sod. imbeet Medieines, wide% kw aU1..0 on As snow thseonsble tents Physicians ecading, onket, will Se promptly se ceded to, wad liop• plied end, senate they may ieJy open so melon ID.' Physician. Pthscripuone wine he accurately and manJ pm:4MehmA froth the Dew wialowisls, et ss7 the day or Also . du this, l a Lute mock a droainaddised Pee-e-1 VAGLE CATIVINI WORXo4.litaimagi, !Mimeos .2:k lath cement-Wu, CsinMs Wiek.• Method, 'N.J.., threerleSlisen, Csepel CSMOVegte, Wu". • - • ••' .119de'eel l iVoTenc r te C IIZ . y . Preview, • LEDOWS4roo, N. 7t .- Canal Wtoe4 Neer Or, XL. Inns, Arcola fin La/IEIOWe kYteasoe Steam ".11u Es= t. :lleeleoll`llond a lure watt of 1401, Po Cl.l4 0 1Mii WI Boner! oors, in Tlences and els." .11110;Swar Houle Mehuen. Prices liberal Leta,* EllenEsseE elude on ell Wes meld 1 • Nostoagotkillftifttsry Stable. ILILI4IOI . 3LIMTTENIZON Yu opened the lug* stable os lika numiAt atoollb to Seaadot, boloiniois Wooded boxidl4l4 to, slot tow liosangsbola Holum, with to entirely nolo mock of 110floomi Coalarea of the Wu quality and tatesintylos. • Hark kept at bre -471011a Womodiamoz. - • •IflldlY • ik-seawra ,/atismiewerl-Vantri • 0 0,4 •• 7 047 WWI. Combs, Sgt Ursa Ha; T•Onaltulas,'2 Nd. Mod alut 411144 . 'redly • nOnixasniumutz SHIM; RR TTEI.Cht - JR. dam'. eea dti= d a 1 4 ‘ 4 fr itiA b t:" attatatotsag COUSIMeIf awl amen, that lam pre. pand w Itrubkh thtta with nit pals hilay, Lao, as mill bent, term than hennatore. - • 3 13 la :Aril matte. tla c a , t , itaallat imttabu= tioreb,advaatagsa that el= tott tlaPcosapiti• hats Call,amosttJadgalrittataalarrae apl7 • prrrasuaGpi err.=lYDBh"ll AND mod . /.././YD AXLE P.ACIORY , • liili , t 4mas, lliactUß.loB. of mo.v• • ea laisiat steal; . 0 ,4 4 b welPlooo win., circa Ana tap .uo *puns, hamar,/ Iron sake. and deslas mat kale eamaagsAnr vagio. WlDes sad coach p . uently, earner ofY.M sad Twat , AS, ..• • . . TICJ, MITOILIL—Ma ra }bat* Dt, at. W00d. , 4111 ivrestides of Gmo wad Mask Teas, dons up la a vax:ere; Mg sad li:Ol S" lirt g rigm e,, :t . ..S. ,so rat , V.:Nerd -LAW OFFICE. • • WW n6JBu.Y. 4.T . TOSIKIMT.pt ILViLL — Wo attend to oallettioda and Oil other 641413 yy woo comma to tom u, Latter and Ammo.* uoruica, Pa. Karl ID J. It Y. Floyd, Liberty's's. •W. W. adore, o, • J•duohiaratudi. • do Pittabdlgli.:V) dly _Kay Co., Wood et. . •loott, swarzEß., Arsolue.y.Loe4 <deo' Xi in .443.3 4 apjaile tit:Chalks llool,.PiurOorylt, 21W sweet paspily.ux Coil...time, Vallee 11 . • =v o krz a sat m. 4 i iiLair sair is lOWA, and Kestaidgyip sse esnlo Aar to. Conuoisalosor Odor sylsamiset,rukiag ,Liesmitim4.• t!RFC==I {silicone(' to Lciinta sad 1 W • Willaatis B .Auens_ sal ComusUserat Law: Oder bomb aids afrostutitnet A aliewe pi . aW#Ml4. • I ,..m4ntlr..SENVl2.l...zan.ey al•Law,• Mr.. on . JJ Smithfield, between ad and 4tit au: . • . • . ./E.SWARTZWM.Di:I4..itiorn . qt X LAW. hare temoved iheir Ware to the f3ontit auk kunpt. st..,_bapircru Cherry 41ky..4 Oruitgatet: • tOSEPhI.p . i9X. Mammy ripabargh,l'a,. has renam ed the prima . ..al hl,ipmkciaacat la Lis of.: hi4Na. klakaarlll'a Iladulga, Graaf M.. oaeßled; . oa.nag Ahshata and Chanyi •TOFIN-1.. tiaLracrev, - Auon.i fteto ter ith st., bemoan good and Kaithieht, death side; Pa; ISM • aim onetorpreotply to bisitstsi ynirlL- 11011LNISON,Attorney Lew; has se, mowed Us -ales to the ErelangerLedlliers,St: C o es, next door to Aldermen John spiny r C • -.; . rs 0814..Nn0: LOOM* Mummy as-Law, dice an .41b street, above amebae& - • apl7ly _ INSURANCE. DEGLAWAiIIia JIVTIUSVIAIIIII3IIIOIa J911.1111=, 1 1,4gut Prt ,,.. ,..l ,... ate . for o teklar tu t: adel:his. 'Firs Risk upon buialionTruhattnitn ot - cony description!: sat fitariturnian upon hulls ot Carson of .v. 40; taken upon tits, most fannablo • 1,1:7" Mir.lu UsiiVarabonsu OM nonuni - Bro, N 0.37 Vralsr:urar Atirkstatieuti•Pinstrargn •. ' - autumn( this notupanY anne the ustan. lithsasatof an • Aarnigr-itt thiatnYinnth thu Ptothrt. nen sod actuary with wants aslant On. tn. , SW. for Int bas bestarantopol, hilly: lelnitat the suns lo Asa slung tin confidants anapattonsga of bin thuds and tan ocantanuity whiten. - •thu.D.lnnntn nano, Cannnurjr, whiten. has tbiuditional adviuusges as 'alumnus's:a stung Qv sow nourishing itf phis-ran nation anntoplopalg-in wind, Isatelt by the .stasiou of -Its Chanel constantly utonsaing, as 'widths - 'much panda wanted his oat ...hats fa the profit. of • tioir oamptayi writtut hrunrialt him in shy nspoutibilny nankin. toad - thereon anlssosesiitag tho Mutual tangents diisstsn oC nary obnoxious fn. tatoonsil Li its most attrastin f orm - - non . , - - • VII= AND MARL NIL iamusiivroz.. I gum gl d=otrAt. ° t„ . _`'itt= ODsna noutp.T.A..d.d liellllll2 poiporty, We thread he ttal eietnity, end, on shipafeens by the Co. • DIRECTORS. e .Arthor Cans, • Charlei Taylor Stual W. Jones, Ansbroie White, JohnAdlnnorn, , • , John IL Her names P. Cope - • - ..Reestkel P. truth • • • Vendee Lickalrecti, ganceet ktrsolts,• • ' • -HALkistin Altabone,i. • ARTHUR O. COPP7II, Pro L HMI Snaddroin,l3eel. • ' ' ' Thln hi the maul tuns.. Company , in the United States, haring been chartered in UPI. lite chaster I. perpenkal, and hem ' its high standing, long erperlence, staple means, and avoiding'all - risks of an extra anions charmer, Unsay be ebusideted Ink oaring ato• pie security to the plahhe; ,--- , • W. f",.lolkitZ. 'At the Couning Atw ood, ]ones Uni Wa• ter gad Front ferule Pittsburgh .. . , _.,. : :.marl 'vitas/Lim initsunirinnuaxce CO. rpm; FreaklistAlsa Immo.* Compszy,bt willzukg &Wane., permanent siul every deserilition oforoperty, Pitabosik th 4 somitadiag coautriont .lavotable foram enm- Colzslint, Pond - • Mee usttrearner of TO gad MrkeonAßT ratansh. .p . .WAIBICX MIN, Adaut • . • • - • . 1 - 7 H ic E . n4FamsAW ariamiAge t pl p o(the Amer, saudirmas m InasTron ' co agaisiLloss' dantt aping otabolldings, merchandise, laroltaro and proprty, not extra .hoom, is UM city and'afeinity. . Add, - • . . (.O.X ) tXXIIII,AN,2O wood id. - ham bees appointed Agent pro 11 lent,:el as Insurance Companyel hunk, anserscs, and will issue rolrciss and attends° the other businssi of the Agency, as rhe.ccarehouss of Atwood; JOISCA .• — 4l2' 'VT/ALP:JO:4M vrst eitala Sods A A C.8.13/1V8.3u. Atuepnt kffical L • br ands l ,j ' estnd. uK (corn s"!'lntrAVOVlVZ7by IV •nuliDElf iiIEC eny et „„. • • . , runs bigkest pricobtooodk paid fotsood elms en; sho, canvass, bi4s root; Eau ropoiAMl*4 wool: co.rodh Awl • • e -- .4. l, V.wfAul i t t i &pa >r~:i:: ;Nips ot.bot:POold OENCY OP THE HAZ•RD POWDER IXHIPA'• NY, fatOss Ws, of RUN, Rost and lessilsorPOw• upsder r ally: • Cny tasssossrir WWl* sapl7doi •• ;PH Dlt. VOATH, /l6yW wOod si (URAL EoAT FOR EACH—enttableßlt Ron boat, kt whit famitue, table*, da. , efiaingtolog IRRPRO* OI EARNER,ALLACE& Coo:wall mytto • , ALEX. CAMERON, ARegiotO . AIZ" —t TLlSOciakc b.K (01 " I. " S -*. •toIVON 60 1 1 :4198 54, ;3151fr01),.. -PITTSBURGH; MORNING; , MAY - 31; 1848. -LITERARY • • " Comatry 111 sailboats. • A LAROVATOCE of &tool Hoots, paper, Station aro aaf,le., nimble for ca Wag moat odd* . . Writing Papers, of due, orediezrand emu.% itait's Letlor Paper de do do - Note oe Pape* aM letter DI • VEdo ". do do r° do • NIDPft; Plated, Peddle, it afela,Qcolla and Steel Peas; Window Paper (rod wide) plain and prided:, -. Iknuiet BoudA, of didenent quallnea; 1. Family, *to • Illank,Boote, la pen Pocket B tad:km . • ol and Bibles; Crosenintediaos, and &able crown moralise papal dicOuilie• &lactic, Ppelleri and Readers; ttrrbla i = ie rs, *peters . and . Readers; • - Pooders , do do , .do • .. , ~. ctina bY Adam , ' Davl.,botesiv, Smith, Beet. enersoa, and Wien. -dd., realy.aa=bel!,Cliner,l3anthda,,,..,Goi.v. 4 . 3 i, l . W i lltt r , Ilbibana.,Pallioss, Weld, and " 'l.. I Ililiiii)a, • • • . ' ' GI wOad at, 60001 s anew 4 The higlirstmuires lies pad tot lb. is cut - A . ' I° , l . 1 - I, d ..P, New lhabliesiSaruk• Nano d i r 2l4.l =Ze ' ,l,7, stenocar, and ended tanwits on Ll* poise and iii.,yeti by Jamas MonWateAry; istal L oadred And rranty=iffi from dreamy. by Wawa tansy. fiases'sGamoi Torrancov.-11w ibor Gospels and Acs of do Mande; In I.llgtist notes, elides], pnlkooptdeal, and oftsetioa4 Waxes, etc., swath s , . Wades • wd woe the whole sornting/ dm Naar Testa.r—for tba ass* of Oanweaotod TbookWeal Becanartes. ' ily Rev. J. . Wanner, A. . • • • • . A Now Efoins..-Mkt.towlet's Eva—A fairy We of lon. By !dm &C. . . . . . Jana , Hutt iv.-71. , life. of Henry the Foonli kin of , Pm** • oar INiqvirty4llro. P. : James. (1 7k7.11% A r ' I nja73 l l l Pri 1 i l AjcErri el "ils.9 :Lannon; coma r‘of mute and '3,.1 iot i BOOKS—AI Use Apollo Hsi/dings, Foot* onset, beak Weed—lielantt's Welcome to the Strugen '•-• • The Cm. bis Coen sod People, by JII Alismsl4 ' • This OMIT. of Prance: The 1./meths Ascot los by BeisM• • • The Perham and tseir Pnoctele% bT The CO.CIIOIiOII.II sod Gomel of /he Holy //ski eriW Psiss Esser • • •• • ' Allison's We of the Dais onissMlAlSChi • Nem& es Life of Mist. it W hiMiheol esenmases • sedadsionesa - • ! ktsgmess sod Apple/Ws linoss/ geseMir. Sehool Books, Paper. fAiAltistydie . . • • attire gprillo Wltest.- ST EW BOOKS • r bliluary Lie Wain, Astaisfliliarlboroagh, villa colored maps: by A.Allima: • •• ' *goad VOL Climb:lame roattantoos Wozlitalmip• are Readings • • Ito Lb: oi.lsaas Christ, In Its him:aired tanneetlan and historical deratopmnaat . tiy Anomie Nalusdirr. Translate./ Irma Ute 411 b Gamma edidas by lobs Xs- Cusack sod Chas E /Emmenthal, Frorentan Is Oak; macs Collage. • roash Val. Pictorial friary Of England. • •.i •. Now and Than. by -pr. Warren,. LaMar of Tad Thousand &Yaw, and others too Osamu to Call and us. spill • . 1 .1.11Tr : PITTEDEROKI IPEJKALM - 11KITITOTEls rLaminated, sada,Ws sagarsimian or. Kir. and an- Gosbons, is still open far %h. recassiatt . of pm. sod sill So mamma en Me a s Osmotic Liberty suamt. In coommieries await &Mg. baying ratan place, s few vacancies Lae, oc carted sad those, &dr. mu of Macias Walt danstuirs .der Mar cue, ! would do sell us maks ma ruiv applmanon. For mnsa see clrestar • tyro the ninelpil. • • -ap3 FORWARDING &COMMISSION. A R. DA -J. IYISALDO sum. CELLLlel ' inl muizsuotrza co. TUUCCO COlllllllllllll isicalitis, No. 51 Smith Wbarves, and No. ItY South Wow, SA Bfl 1S to inform th e trade and deckle genenilly, Pitubargh, eau they him made such ansagemente with die Virginia inanafachwera and the (imam of the West, VIM Whits, dodgems places, as will loan. a /arse sod com bust empty of Me id/owing &! bons of Tobacco, whieil will be odd upon aa &woo. sawing terns as any other boom, IA Ws city over, whom, and oil good. ordered froni th em will. be war tented equal to reprew mune: • • • • l V .vane; 8/.. Domingo; Chao; •• • Para;, ! Porto Bic% Peon's.; Seed Lief as , Oita;- ' Mara* • NM.% ALSO—ltraoth'e celebrated Armonk Sing Camp diet, with lugs wainscot of ether popular brandy' aod (noddies of paintda, do, OA, 1.2 e, I sad WA Dam la, 4,tai . sod lee .I•Lag; Twten Vithlata sweet and plain, in whole And half boa. , ad Oa, towbar with every variety of article belong ing to die trade. jeladly 1. MAISEL A. 80•XJ. A •AAZIMAL BAainer, =ink GARRYTRON, • _•• F LOU R FACTORS rnoinneo, Communion wad rovaraing REACHIIITS, I' N. 0:11.:otra Wouarso mUS W.11:11 •PHILtDELYBLO. • Duna ro4John IL Brown & Co. • . . ,• • tßobert Ewen t Co. Moreton, Border Co. PbitIPIO•- •\ 'Snarly Barsky &Co. Allen t Patton, • - New Vert. Wolters k Harvey, Iloturnon. • Bo r sloq::41 4 , Caron WilmonCoi in on Fitfiha, • , Bier Ames, • • • • csols olimassioo muipmnam- MOM c. ;wows cum" awn yam walla,. • ELLMAKER, ECKY &. CO., • FLOUR. VACTOIZIO,' And General Comedosless Mere boalse ie..usumo Wsrat than PIIII.dbELPILIA. REFEIZENCES—IIeory Gtaa k Co, Onshore:4; • B*4 "'" ZJCltte B.l.ehooley & Son, • • A. AL jetsam', Charles liukom, Jr., Laniard - Muth, Ibunghnly. Co.t • Mtn% Hro. it Co. IPhtled' • • Reed k 'Brother, - Coop , ot , y, Ntl• ork. OZORGIOg COCHRAN. cpatrqsillsno mad IPerwardbak. Merchant. 0 , • .-. *Lon wean rt., rrrryncunt Clo.itikilLiVz to transom . general Conuntedoulosi. Iv nosh especially ha the purchase orni Yid of .rani: Idientketures wet Pnaduee, and in seedling' shd (unroofing Good. consigned to his care. Ankle= kr the 31settisetaros, bblra be cortauntili supplied with the Principe snide* of Pittsburgh Alanubunant at the lowest orboksate price. Orders and otnigeonery eroielonettally solseliest • / 7 7 IL T. CONWAY... ZWILLMIO2* CONWAY lit 21241353151 4 '7 . ./ 1 014: d ua= c,.. .4 Fornslin , l um Purslane, Salsind Shipment of rig troM-Cdai, Le; 111.173 SO: t=llol Co o . Gear, Lyon, Mesh Co.. _Lantßidly Wawa, Dailey tc,. Co; 11.0 Graff, • D. teeth b. Co., Clark. &Timm Lana of Fingburgh, P Loo of liashirlariTeAth L.EiIiMER ANDERSON,.:. DEALERS IN COTTON FORWARDLY° k;CO.lli MISSION AIERCIIANTS.- • _; An. rinAi "IMF, 11111111.1M11, C 13031.11 - Refer to Aristebantionerarly,ln Pinsburgh. .apREL I GEORGE_ ,A BERRY, • ••• W.II4I.ICSALE GELOCislitai i Folll9llDtali ..11,a1.0.111118111/11 • Zr..,, CoXon Yarns 4 PilliaTeAS • • ktasinfactares • aD. ID % - 'outrArrigxr, nnsman, leutibliEtlOS& CUIMIShIeA. ' ~. ALEX, LEVY 111..BROIS.'` CIACI/IDIKAWIAdD AT. LeilaS• Ogre* to sill at either tolabliolootat, all Undo of elmottoo, at the Worm Wes of COMEtilai.l, and ani -always prepared to oaks advance* TOO ben of rota. macs /Inn if . tequoetl.-Loaero addrerood 10 tiOirf bouocioill plotopOletiuM U. _ X. ROWS ;one 114tX0S. i. la. LIMOS, LOVE ) MARTIN-4.Ca.i PrMimeo :areell'' Caine=bairns • Moro barefai No. 11, 'foot.% Bar; &taboos. Baer., / . ro—Baridarta Sanders &Co.,,tatin UMW, liogh Jealioe, Baltimore. 14 Allen Co, erellere cam, Memnon, & Co., frharklett & barshi A J Wheelct, TO aegtraelert & Co.,' G7uaW 1/01.13 " W. IL cufrart.L. - Tuortesol:a. OAIIPBELL. . - COMPAIBBION. MEACHANTO And Jitsakats•tur••• • lassitd - Opt ; Osid &i Ewe Vorw diLiair lierehaut. UVOINJUITInS, Attutds . P.l4c.ouly to die Fornording of Produce . , }kir say lofirtioniionroppti m F 08.31711 &- CIRC. CAN, Wait in. • . • ' • - " • - ' th W. ILIZ , SWIN M. T. Akan!. , ' ' ' RIATHICWS & PATCH commissiommEßCHANTB - 'Elch ati water street, I . . .. H. Los* No: ' Will th et - prtleulat &motion so this willing of Pro- duce, gull to orders for purchasing.. '.. . .., .. : itazitlorthorgaplurput & Co., Piusburgb, .I.* - -, =LE= WW2 /I. Oh/WALD, Lase delay is !Shepard. NUJCPARD DI7IICAN, - AUCTION I CONNIASIIIN , NIJACHINT3,i • lathe old stlier of Essay k beepatd,) Tealleeese s • WILL give primp& and testrdatiessentiea ails sale .4( bre tioarle s tleneerite, sad llteraisandlee esse. orally. They reel prepared io wend to all Use depart. menu et their tessiacee ethically and tamest ! . s. ass pours tot Seeley,* *omen) emsderetelly.' Refer to 'M.. Allen, &• Co; J. W. basis, it Ca, Pita- o'L;L:L-LiSAAO ORM • - Kaasaista.. 4 _ll4laallllliaulf•acaLuvr, • FORTILE • 1 ,11.00110E PUO.VIOIpiV, • Pic". • 143 aud Sam% limancii-Mareludda Plusbodsh. Va.—R. Cr* lilt Co: twirANtion • NOTIONS' TO SHIPPEIts Wg- ham takes. anodise hantedlatsly - opposite lo oar burnt warehouse, tot Ma pram, wirer& we 'war traasact business. moat, anti' a new homer cut be erected, arrangements having already beeti made 'for that purpose. -:!Boats wilt always be I n read Mesa oar wharf to remise freight - '- • .. • ..54.4 • • .-. Canalliasitt; Littenr re " LYMAN, REE•D p t ;snail a/rfißsAliticiiilmilß; .teetkot paid to the sale of Wool, and Inter ; . ' al advances made on thetelote. mylehlkitly , • - CT — FainglATßTEltierFOlrelhi.h.- 10 Oita hot mazer Wyrlog. rot µle. on 4 1 5 .9 . ! ... a. 04,496 Y"'" . . F " Pau . Vr. COPARTURSHIP& . • COsPARTII=SHIPit...s.. T & KENNEDY have.. Wit fay . astallataal tjj mid. them in the liard•nall Ns dad Edvnut Gregg. 714:Wrial li ag. Mu tat Logan, Wile. & Co. MmiIITIIIIPMSIrm-, den it &usable to awe the old•badoeas as semi an possible. All maw Wdose Budlike have Ittanksv.l,: expeetattrmsested to onto damenntie payment. Pinsbargb. J I; that • • IslC=JeWlaggsnilo - dc CO.~7mponer. and andJbmulieliars ante,' Cnnery, ftaddlery, de, 149, Wood 0411/04 ihns, tonsgtilara now htily•ptepared with a seemly halase-, utd stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Le-, to est vetT peas Inducements tb recur s buyers, being determined ! evaeopeas in prices arnh say of the Mantle di le. At io ou hand ati extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard- ware, vi i. Shovels, 'Spades, Forit, Ifoet,Nsees, W of' which trill be sold as the bateau enannfaetneets' Pelee. ~~ Tfllll T[TF. sattecnben having recent] . " nattered MO rrgrgtree ' pa r o e ' ac r eg ° g " . 11 . 1 W ntil •86 Sim Allem= Gas Pothurtonnce . eta , .Ilia brakelmas.kaell token the nand formerly wee-, kind 148•=41lik rite libont meet,. between. Vendome staor ,treits,the) sue preperied en • .xecowill &dins lOW Wells, Prue Canino, of awry', desecipbmzel Gat 'MIAs" Wilk niatnes. and !We tIIe4..:DOMADDIM.I4 wear y wooded • P. A.'LOG. • .. . P.MI L L - ; LER N. IL—Tbsaillenba et Almicam and 114trumt ic. wthcd se Mr 110104,1VSCIWPWW, fpl • '<Weed prtee, which Ine ham letwensoced oupenor te 'llshbit'e by: aumleere who have wed 1408. Ellawaliom builders aml• the generally. are al.o oened to call and ex.• mine our superior doable inane Parry Penp• for. steamboat and domestic we_ GALLAGGER, tONG, ILILLEEL • . • Dlasellatiosbe . .• . rw ilesti;p I ... m4l;G: t its . et .. .tider t i ltaata i s an the let last. .Tbs b ' esitecafwill be ' closed thotd. stand by enlace or W. banit O. 0.. e of We into hale ant.o to knee our bane e Owed with as hale delay ao poscible. ootdd,inl woulally sequin those indebted to tall and setda than weans.. • aulDl D. DIDORD. J. 19 . Hi D. KIND. CmPartnarstotp. - • • •J`TZT: S ,"'"IPZ,,,'°‘ a Co, ariu.c 114.11 the IworC:p sod ear Wain.. eel all no eadeZa branches, wholentle red retail, at a. ; old stand,Wpruer of. Wood sod Nh stmeta 'Otero My celioit • coMmokeo of the patronage so liberally be , . altowell en Geoid lion.• • JOIN D I.IVARD jegs • • • • aitalf3,B, AMOW.G. N - • raking from the 'old mlmai gaol. ham of I 111.1M4 lowl.stm ta•PmelY Mdomccol to the patio:lege of the p•blo my weeenors; Messrs, klaend k Co. •, • • • • it. D. DM': E. W. 8T12111.2.113 pi Whceitaga... F...!•houbergei /anima, and J. d. B.oeklaa of Pittibargh, Asc day camel War ao.pagsatalup eadenayla dad Um at /Wigan., dated/roger Co., at ter A. 6 44 trod lawn; Wbeellac t ira., Lbw paFpdie nr etana• flacturupy uod animas efavery..daunpuon. . C sr. reaselek_ iir:sscanisals., •• 1. Irrom m .v: anoranignosa s co. • ,ASCI*IR IRON . • • • •. Witatiin g, V. • Msse/ admit • ISM atboalltr, *lama Isar Ina anti us* Ja. IL meat slip. sprays aad axles. &sag mot Meted add, Sbeteabewes J calms wadi, Ira elta oder ail ankle of Jatasta iron (branded titosalsesges) gaud isitistr saute la ate <angry..dll of waist teal W goal .at WS Hobanpates. IWasebiatati of ask rop)seamotbtAlLesto• sod Wetapas. d,i ria.weidie-chZab."V.7l,Trat.e4 by marvel apharee.. Ether du ertll SUCCIa to the ..t. dement Otis kmo awl we its name for that putprter: LEWIS lITCUISUN lean , ' 'JAMS A. HUTCIII3ON. CO.PMITZ!ZitAIM* Londirogneo •••• 'las day forsoill • capanoot. sa. molar Lie Inn of Juries 61.1incblean Co.; . 1p D.P. , * of cooiaaing 1!i baziono hemofori owned on by Lomb Machu. & Co, lad oalwit a toolimaate of Wa pasnomgc 6irlerW extteded 63 the boom- JAMP MEMWMOW IVIISOLLITION—Tho porucratp O.l*MlO C 21,4 jjiitis order We styla and Las of Wtatesso P. lAls sellos tiliday {iodised by usual cesium, Ishape... mil Meat disposed Oka soUre task. to IL W mbt• man. The business Mwe We tiros mat IA anted by Lir /Isla S . ,Alghussan.as tiat vac is sallsoriar4 to ma am sumo of the I ?asp. , - J. IVIGICYMA.N. ssa.lll7lr bed 147] . DALSELL. • • TITS Elabseriber I. otaryupand to manarsecore all e(Couota sad W.mTe o al Us Maned maim- Usdets lefts: Wtabcatsta Logue Sbint, Car ver Liberty and-Mar streets, will awn yettb prosopt &maxims. IL WIGHT3LAN, Lama st, bambini Federal and tlsadasky DIY.)LUT/Obl—llue womb* 'maw% L... tbe.o.lloell, .4erl. garb al Ibnndexter va, vu dleeolml on tba Mk. by mu.. combat: 'R. W. MOMcr ts tkoared to "HUG all the lamina of tbz Et. IV POLIWIATEIt. C. IL (JRAT. • • NOTIC£—/Javing pastime( Llta entire Lateran* of C: *LW.; in aka Ira amain a( Panda-tar k. Ca.. and associated my we, Theodore Poindasuir; vita a.. the boatman will Ise "manila! as lutist Imlay the styled Yeatidelleali.,CO. apt' It NV MI:OEITM ; r UNDOLIXNELSdakia , laxamcas r atadaZ 7 mai fitasuati & ZbebOben, t !sr Lt loan Alfa atom, kayo InliO &; 1 4 -0.6,1 ft1 ,, ftt wed ikerkt earparmerablp.. All amen ikm; whim iniabled to the kits, sae full:awed so call al Writ aa Libent meet amount Mil of Alraadiall mad all bavag eLuma valoot them will raaekt Ihtm , u the •1. saerap laze . aLg s A! j Joto NIC/0/kAO. _MIII — ATlieifitlT — na. -- . TWIN IL &MUM WitilfllLAN bay. ig lag mansard theensele” terankuer naAer the Ina t o o r .irtua, P oanto k ßo a tm e n. Lc wpm " ` wi lt e ca m n ene to trans•ct • genand Gmardirs; and eascedmkio,l utodi an he old .1.1114 0l aro 17n.ont Ueeia. laben) .res /011.11' FAMES, , Jaallif 'SA3II.. W/f/IlT3tAti. Bozebtleid Nu7e;e:+l tntba N 0 11 D It r/ Gooda utiam cauducted the en ' rzuele eight, nederaigned, corner of; Foots and • Market ins, Mr burgh; concsettelag P. 4, 1449. Tba,6441.64 far the reseut will be coudected twder the former s g le of • • COLP , AUTLledEttii,ll,l4.P.7l WoLohn alsilistimxiegithime. ther Lau. bereauei be madected. mist We tam et Was. Tostegl3e. • • . WILLIAM -YOUNG. an.s ' JNO..R. NC CIUN AEDICAL. ; .1. Jagneeas ICalientennems. ' • • Rennie, Colombians co, o.,•.Apr. A Mil. DELD. JAYMIS: true rim:-1 foal hound to yoa and the Witted public., to argil myself of WO op, poruntityofevingpatdonly tube extraudinasy edema of year Expectorenk on myself, Having been Whirled for SWIM{ . you* 'milli • oteceq. cough; heald fever end its concomitant diseases, and seemed only dootned ad ruble existence, until the tell of IST,L n est, W beina more smverely ettaoked, and homing resorted to ail my former remedms, and the pre sellout...Of two of the enceinupectuble physicians in the neighborbnixt without deriving any Leung, yer tM consolationOfsorriiing hoe* kus , days :or weeks At fardwrt—orben the lot gleans of Amu wu about to. rodeo, I bad recommended • to me your lexpectorent— and blessed by thitt Brine who does all dungs He the ow of the isteatis— , An9 covtgargr 'Up the *apes unions of my physician. add Owlet:, I wasig e fuss der. raised from my bed; sed wa..uuukd Lyme use of • hottie.ps attend to my Imoiteres. eeiuyiteg sine. better hunk (Lan Iliad fore yverepre i 34134. • . lie peenuUl For- sale lit 1•114ii.11110:, at We , Yekto ton Stors,3 • • I.4.*:f+i s ouWa 44 :l • '' . .4:Tri44144 . PL. £.4IINILAILWV Piaohurgh. •• 1 ti liVlaoloaata Drag. Store .1i 'ilia City 'of itwv :Yo 11 , HE uheettigued so, esionsluety-outogod in the Whaieiab• Drug bwhineuu al No. 49 John meet, in tba atty 4:1 Now hher, an d prorar.a mapply Maggot , . and ecihnug glettheasts unth Drugs, Pawls, (111,, lure gu mud Moyne. ra.fotoorr, Id•Wer, Ilf.beiri 111mJar, Chiqukals, (of ttel.r own of owl al. Faber u s tow thaw lino of bum peas, of a supouut toistay us tow 44:- thercask Oa poo. chased fo Shit or any outgo% eilf.L . L_ NoW York. Fabiai A..FAIMIZTOCKO Co. . ' - • Idarebees Chrismetireesk, T i4 o• PAINTERS, BLIND MAKERS , Jeo—NYe the st rident/tied, Paiute nand ers,otthe city of cw York, hese used and tested, and are utrernaing a new ankle of chrome 'Green, Suanotatotured byGem IL - blucher otthls city, and god Itto work wet pro- &eta' a finis Itrllllant Parts Omen •p i r wen., Inth ga . .f o Vn i .br2l,•f i d i ! . .=:l: the io b .our b . = Oreertvre heve ever used. - Weer York, Jana 1, te7. Signed by til tints of mental painters of Macey of New , York: lids•lntequallml Chrome Groan :my he MOOR.. E. lIMLFRS, No 67 Wm:delta; whe bas the unlinks@ spumy for Umtata In Pittsbergh., A Ftv. 8.4 of Teitii . tbiosoiiii• -7- TIETLIITE 'll5 H, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY 'TY '6ls2lS,Yelkir and unhealthy Meth, after by eon or twice cleaned .0/1 lows , Amber youth Paste, have the *mamma of the mom beautlud Ivory, land m the earns ume n Mew perfectly innocent atul Quilted), Lie, that its commas dally use ls highly tsd• ,vantageons, even to there teeth that are In • good row diem, saving Rama beautiful polish, nod preventing • 'premature decay, Thom already &cued hp:events tram becoming worw—it also lawns tied, on are be coming loosq ad by persevere/tee It Will render Ma foulest teellsdelicately white, and make tie breath do liclouslykweet. lYht JAcKSUN, PI) Liberty. . A.: 7 / 1 11.11EST90ffn6iVEHAirrGE" AY KW weeks anted, one army children, aged about replan, sow unwell for. aeverel Miry and M. se increased so alarmingly' that I feared death *mkt bailie result. Haring 'want of the geed er<ou , of Falineabsek's Vermittige when administer , to the children °tey nomhbore, and thinking my ehild might have warms, front sane of the symptoms; I gave it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vennilegeould to my great anonialimem Is *boost loortediatsly discharged Wtween tgel awl Mt Mtge worms. lie health wassoon restored, and it I. none remarkably well...rreekete taking the.Verserfuga..the warm would oseasioually rise in IN throat, and often feared it would die from strattguladon..... JAS. G. DAWSON. t Tionesta, Venanga eta, Pe., April 3, 4.5. Apia • . Popular, lactates° Goorlt • : • . BELLEILS . FAMILY • • Coot: SralsoL.ltlierson hlareh 1, tek7. ; **~~BBE PF.LLLBP-1. have nearly eoldallthe yes mifuge and Cough Syrup ytra sem oue. ;Neal er hantge le without exception the ben ever offered - In this neighborhood, having proved good wherever lioteL— The Cough Syrup and Liver Pal; have laid given sat isfeetiour Vont oirl tern.: J SCUTT, Posurnmer. Prepared ea mold by. RE SELLERS, 67 Wood 0C; sold by Dr Cassel, Pth Wool; Dhl Cum, Allegheny; illuTettiperaneaville. • • =IV • litOß INVALIDS AN . I.aNFANTS.;; ,I Vb inters At • roer Root Rua' P r, - deliniond 101-Indhil nutend.t. food, which never wee deid on tiestonwe sod 0 Inow 01.0004 reernomanded by the fi.ool . rf ptennence_4o -Gruel, 600, T•lnoccrorP As, ft, : Root boner suited to the debbitateostonsten, " more etrengthenint and -wbolaond . ft!ed for Wa In rw. 4 . 11 , We by E • „ H.O ?US; • ..I . OIINTAIN:MOTML. '/WORT,RTRER.T. BALTIMORE . 0000 1111, TTICrO3I, 11101.01:130in. .ITIII3 establishment bog and widely known an . being one of the tem* commodious In the city of Demo/ore, his lacently undergone very exam egg alterafiane sad -iteptommenu an enure new snag, has been added, containing eatnerms ander, steepng vpanmegu, sad e:uo.lee bathing 'lb. Ladles' department hu roome.., rermranieed end aped up la a moo enfant sad Ann comp letel y fal style. In fact the whale arrangement ere. Mose has been mmodeled, with a single eye - an the pan el' the preprietere. tswarde the sealant sail pkwore User Gomm, and which they eaddiady wen gen. challenge comparison with my Hotel is the IltaPia t Their table will ewers be inapplied with emery gulti slasdal and- tunny witch ' the math* Wads. sena lapin a overuse style; while in Mo. wag etiikeitarmi, they will not be surpassed. .. la cent lesion Ilk Prop ton hog to en'. will Id let undone on their part, and on Me pane( asalstants, to reader this lintel worthy the confirmed pitnitome of their friends and the public generally. !Thorns/a for board hart ems ,bece sedated tto the Geloworg mem Lath.' Onlinam', • eI,:S per day. • 4 , Gentlemen's " 1,60 /1-4 he .naggage Waste of the Haase will al.' ways be. found at the Cu and .hteambeet Landiary, ,yrech will <limey baggage 10 and from the Heel, free' e charge. ma yLtf • • f 1 . , PEARL .111TriszT sours. . I metinurin. mu.. THE subscriber. bevies . perebesed the entire. interest of co O. P. I% dilatation, hue of this .ell kuolft aslablialannii, beg' leave in Mate to li, fr , erida nod the pablie gebryslly, thatthey bare! en this totormeiloon Hotel fore term of yeen, mid. All .zees their hen energies us make ite dasireble. aGm Trareller• and City Lloardera ' • i - • Motet le spacious .and arliniraLly planned for racism light MO elf, hiring a bomber of parktra mgehmene ray en:mating velment minket/mu ID.. .: fi reressmi Predirtatere haring Lad The • dowel o ems In MI. - cloy end elsewhere, hope the 1•111 b.:. =rti; general alitisfeetsibi, being determined I. ed anemias to the Louse elem. •• • . • •:111. Ideation in be Pearl Pima Hearse 141 111.0056 K ., Wiligtb . 110, 1.111,11 . 18 fronts ea Pearl, Plisloat end Thing as that u I. equally, desiraLle in Ones of the We of 6.1 nese mem, or rettleateist for_prtrauf • • li la neer by the Banks, the Pest Mei 1b ". . ;idelL Odd Felines's Heil, arid bat OHr mAtate troitilala r Marrone two opiates from the City "Marc ilysebtriul the greales.l Inducements. wore ' letowiteyraerehi.. an.) scn,r.lly to all pe 11, roe daraneksoad• ' • • • JOHN NOULX, " ;who • " • • JOHN A WULF.;, EXIIIIMICIEUOTIBLa inallitar m. axe R. CWt itrtiorant, rL -The .ob.erlateha a.aumedJNmanaoe. la mentatt U emlldalrd hval popular Halal, seepeedidly mnottacei io Titration_ aud. W Pak& putridly, that Oa arid beat all'ilatea reveled la sdrasaladata themin all,thingt desirable et a well validated ItataL The Itara it saw belay Itterisr,tdy thraind iltnairanta and nerr - Pantine e added, and no I.wub. quad to, maim the Eachanrs ars of dal n? tsrl Hotel. I. du marry. 'The eadandiaed reipectfally .alielta a coalinaanca as rertlihera rarebit., the Maar bail banterer* viaaalrata r .•,. •• • —TuonAs OWSTON. ' • -- • • • --t•- •11:4/1111;11 1,. I.lll,'<nwout sneer, f THE sabesenbere., under Hinelkes anpidgew k West, have putehaseil,Sle.,loll,o Memo am ea esuldisiamentounl bops by tbs Maks subs** 1. the waath and caution of *els ruby co kicks cosi *thanes of VA. poreetego•beretofieet seeelvwl ley its former proprietor. r". no bathe hns been than:web!) renamed, safe: piler4; we therefore feel unwed see can. oseleastOne friends and ilia pub➢eb seeewaroslviorw equal MUT la the city or riotoadpilia t • •. Y. W. BHILIGeN• ••• • MVO. - • i OALT MOOSE, roma Ka. aaD u4-ric aMI aseunta v. . THIS establishment it now bal/Wi best Order dm Wa reeeptiee ghee 'heeded reblle. Having : analetrawe • itioniegl npat dates the past "Oftri. aid loving Os moo. snifter:teed men in tlie Von le Wog elision deperendlue.l dater myself Rat all Said be ph:awl who cell. 'lle leenlan is sentril, tom. Owasso sad phsasent. e. pet r. s Ciao:blood, Attach 11.X17. IV. e. BAIL it—Ahhosoch not exaetly • oat nom, it is the new Widen on the old kneel , spat • VILBOEIIIA . HOT NEAR TILE DVIVT, OtIMI STA YD. • Thoe. u neatly Aunt ip Cot te teerpciaot end L entertainment Of tha Iterated p ills. Y..w in search dame and noteren .111de lrer i to sell—tbey will Lod the chambers elleAa and thee, and the Sable es well furnished el coy bowl istSw garnet Catetbstlead, at tionaly-ba easta a meal. • • liar and desperate weans bete beat wade am all ans.a to injure this establiebtonet, bin en insellisent rablie wil I rebuke tans' The Tirana Hotel as nab-, lag 10 feel Gem betwreble tompetanne—it is sawed. • LP Yeals epos the WMs on hie ettivelothae samb as end ears. IVAI4/II.NGTUN b. - VANS, warm - Proprietor. TIIBCKIEMORTO3I.II GALT 11100 ALE • LOVIIIVILLIL. 11.. . • itAI2I4THILOCKMORTON Legato aegualal hi. (dead* that he L 4 I.4••th len. of I. GALT HOUSI , , Louisnlle, Kr, where ha !Lopata, moat all him 0.51 frien4a. aaaariog them nee Um publie,Glas no effort shall be geared to make .11 aosahoulalta_ fro/him with th eir ayosage. laalldr t ) 77 -- , UNITED ISTATZIII UOTEJL, *, t • . . 0511411.4 T .4, • Mil= V0C14411•31D Mill 4111l_a_. P4TLV4IOIT.t; l • -X POPE BIRCH ate Stank GC tbe Coiled !Usu.*. nab. ..'_•.;.,..•.. •' L. ''• '. •'•• • PN" .. !...."' . .. . .. • . sin. --- ,77 - inm . ~.,, 0PP1351717. Um Railroad 'Depot, Pratt u. Bal .— Limon% HENRY M. ILMITIL; poolluar. (lola of - lb!. I.choogra nod ka. Mules Motels. Pius [ nit..' BOOK TRADE• New Books Jiisl • • • • • *DRELL'S Ilisiory of Maim/ Philosophy, compfets in true volonie. from the Jut London edition, *WV, 'entree on the tour and the Doeptis, by Stepbeit IL Tyug,lt. Di sew and tuipsged Cdhionswith portrait of, tha author, 11.311. Memoir of Rev. David Abeel. D. D. ink>WLoastry in Chinn; by itephear, Rev. G. R. Williamson, iso wild • • portrait. 1.10- Religion:uod Church. traniimml Plitt Trwrey. Vol, 2, io iiilVO.2OllC: isle/ of and t oo two volamea boa ..omit Loudon hlemoir of W Crocker, dlissiouary to airing, t 2 et, Personal lireolleetiows by Charlotte/ Ildisadeth, with eaplamtiory, woes, to: committed by Commit mahrio mg the period from die there of persorod rceolleetiWn tulles death; by L It t o y ll'ontofeig cents. :- ' Reeolleetiona Englauth Rev II Ting, aA. afirrk ?Rhos, the Merchant , . Clerk; by Rev. Charles IL 'Taigas, 31 A, 'author of.itgeorde irGood lama Vdlsystrg'or the N.V/kr.. - The altos. recrdiail and for sole' by • t • IIOTT ENGLIDH mond a 3 m arke t, . bereweadd and gth Tjecelivo at. Minor4—lbkorical and At.:4ceret Memoirs of thc Emprem ,losephik ,te firm witot of Napok.i . l.knaoparbe. Uy N A Le Nor- . . ... Vianges of tbc Natural ilialory.nrerration.. ' Percy Hanthorpe, or the Viels.intdesof Fortune; by Sirs. Gore.•. . .. . .. . . .. . . Monaca I:farceur,' or the . illegitimate—a d or y of coattlethemsetta goat arttl.esi• •. , . , - ..... • The Mysteries of the Three Cities; by tottrustinn J II Dugan]. e. . . .. 'Me etigual, or the KID( of the Dlue Isle. • . The Prtasuer of Detote s by 4 1 E TueL -Danes Illereitautiallagisioc for March. • - Democratic MM.,. . •t. t• . A Splenditt erticla ,lace Eared Note paper . ..nil au% 'whipsaw rerrespond. Soup for the People, No 3, for March - For sale to oi is slitters, blutithltehl at, 314.1oorlram 6...t00l . . * litEW WOUICS. MARLISOKOUOH —The military ' l4l,VlrZitt k e e r carill7lllbeli"fatry: by id "I' ofLampe." • ISeaudera LIM of Chritt—Tite life of Jmim Claim, lit its Historical sentmaitin and Historical Darelopmneutm by Augustus Neander—translaisil fourth tier. man idition:bylohn DCClintock and Chas Ithrineus thal, Profcmura in iiickinam Cullege. • . Old Hisao the wide; or, Advsntures in the c eanten• ear senility in March of a Gold - Tiline —by Charles W • . The Bachelor of the AlbSsii:v.iir the author of n • Tha Dr:Chalmers' Positnamous Worka—Dally Seriptu: sal Readbms, by the late Thos.' Chalmers, laD., thive Volomeslst *tidied ree'd. The above valuable work• received thin 11l and for Aisle by JOHNSTON & STOCKIPN, apt, sot market and 3d sic . Now Paper and IHoak . 79 Womb Mr.,fawns roman 'AND DL1.11007.11iltal; I( IH6 mbteribers hire 'just ,openedost the above sired,. large stack of different qualidei ruled and main white andblue Writing nod,'Letter Paper, .00IA. mereial and packet post Fiat Cap, dem) , and medium trtitiog papers, for blink boar; medium nod royal co. lured priming Paws: raelikm, dewy and cap Day hooks anti Isetizers, superior paper and , bast Patent bottling; School liooksof all kinds;standard workout Theology nod biolencem Quill., 111 l gold and steel Pear, Blank Ho VV olds, oka of anatomies' 'so milk r; and bound in she most substantial t 111129..• : • Country Rene supplied at lower t wholesale oil. foe cash, or nis mienskprices. • . •.' • JOB PRINTIN4.—/Isming alp/indica in extmection with-our establishment, we are prepared to execute all orders for plain and fancy Printing--books,kanspbleta circular., I business cards, bills of lading, &a with dee pate/land at Inv, nets.: FZIAOITA. lENdLISIf, tap! 711 wood at, between 44 and diamond alley. T OUR ."FORE onAlarket street, No, ZA between' 341 and 4114 may at Ole:nen be found a large mock of Theological and Miscalleneou. Rook. New book. received ow soon no publialted, and. sokd at tor eAt price!. The guiLlieitiotho of the American Sunday School Uaion and lihrstuichusetts Sabbath School So cietioderays on heal. Camlognes famished on ap• pllcation. . ELLIOTT ENGLISH art _ • .16.markent, between ad and 411. IHr 18TORIPS-;-(tobertsou's, Glbboa% Res! .1111 ...ell's, Mod. Europe, Preseutt% Mexico, Peru, /Sc.; 'Michela% drennes; Arnold'. Rome,. Rupees- Pickniel Eughsed; Niebuke House, Hallens%Consututiohal ry of England; Arnold's Later Romeo Commeuerealthf:. Rome; Hornet% History of his own dross, with noteol.llrunh Middle Ages; Mlll% Crusades and Chic. airy; Broweing% Illstory of th e Huguenots: 'Merry's , Historical Works; Neal% Llisuntof the Purim.; Titters' French Rev; Taylor% Mantel ot Ant% and Hod. theta ry; Introdeetino urthelllstory or the Church, by Jlll V* Kightlay%Roose ',sod England; Renke's Popes. The above, with many other valuable works, for sale by user 2 J L READ- V/ Booka—grea Arrlt^a4=A Banuner is Scotland; by Jacob Abbon;with or eagarrings.. t i olc " rlind Li tife N iter ta, S* l.l ll .4ll '' Zrli i Lila and Writing. oflVuhingtolg SpatkoVeolgth.l Nos 4u, 41 and 42, llorpu's Vittorio! 'limp' nfii:o.;,_ I.igek of the Stiongo.f.COurt of the United State., 'by Holcombe. '. • - • - • The Poetry of Tappan. Parley'sCabinellilrrary, 23 yols,large.l6 For male by. 'J L READ, ^ mart% . -•-• • ••"' • th;Lear market st TRR 11 VADYIIIICILONE11,4or diIDD bollderer, boat. builders, and lumbar awraltant.; being a ooneet. -measurement of sountlog,boards, planks, calks' mato( aquae andrinuali limber, now logo, woCA, etc,' ~ W &mambas table to:wluelt. are added table. or or, Ages. by th e' month ' , bean!, or. tent, by. the . week or'aay, and- roil rood dianneng - nlio haereat ta 'blew; AVSe ri bactiauthur oldie ."I•lnglocaga a,nl hleFhanig's Cootp.soion,”.etc. etc.. For note by • - • /(011N5T024,1. trrocnoN, =di cor. tuarkotA 34 la.:, -• I MISCgLIAIIEOUS. . . , • •.) • rzscors dine, • (W Suiekkr Co.). • fARUPACTURER3 of nuzzle foe prooraity . 141 ,..i.e d ih ritisb da; argt. "''4 . J Ir retS ik. d 'ood oe i rsed Tizig ." mod."' ifteoll' C Oarr. Use blabs= will ean/ter eoudacted Nader thit style of Lippe* tote it Barr. . . . _Tsui the nrelenige 40arenpresent et the wank OM* et. 1.8 ettickler . C 4 n . lar , ed P.lteetdadn-patoralifes. no oft eras pieced • AMMO ( n Ihe pablialeadisr, end objected So thejelewie bide( a stows teed. frosice =O. Ile. 'thee Wen— ewe beer *rid a half the' safe node la a bright std hen s the door of the farness 'ens then ektepr . biel esesd asdnorealedetel weedy hot for She 01 the Usee until the east hoe wheels wets ye ally MilOP, the' fitunee was than More dons • sad the safe m l d and evened:. The easeey, opera sad books width it conned were es Palen o when rthem the binding only. of Or. books Oleg M . by the water in coo lint the safe. We hays . ** Oltationmosaruending to the poblia* as • sae . vapetiar we have ever seen tested, and believe • that It will weed any hen which NATO - be' eredera . t.. l , leapt • heuvrbnit would melt 4 to • wild Wm. • • . • tzpranser lk Whitman, Illonhanotoo, .Itelhof- & Kveesi4 WAX !Jon, W r Meese, Mons ROW, T ow oh I.kv k- • wet Abpps, ; • We, the aekexd Aboe, ifleirelWesome . et Tote /:/ilg t, ' . " !AMP Colk &Wen* Woken, Pi • • ' Jame, Hama& ON !grEe&SlLNiiii layo uneeseare. , • memo. Ina. ."1. N. Nam.. zarrEircoiTs, Co. • • . .MA . NIFACLIII/61L3 ct( Ibuttme a ted mad Cot flis Mill,V Cot, Circular and Gr, stAr Al e, y :our A e los k litt Mattock_ ,• haelos.completed all lob SimsFmkL In the eenitevencer of peer' iestebletnit • and is eeennr4 the hew workmen no tle soma eel. busted eatahmcrds of the Eger 14e now manacle, *triad will keep constantly on hand end or solo all the shoo* ankles, baring availed. themselves o r the linen impbarementa and are de ter: that In orbrk- • Inalerhipood =Medal May will POI If toi l ed. "they paean *polo. metes wield, If not mmerhar. to arylltat Can he Lad la Ike Ea. They NU the alus dela oldealers to ea examination ofikele stock heGare . parehaelne elsewhere,. they . ase asavitaced Mat they will be able to ill all swim In their fine witheeinkre • selisfeetiottaparcheeers. Wasehouen•Weter Wheel, cloors,Weet Slonongahela Home, Pnwbolgis Pa. N. a—Peronlotsw enemata will Wra..Llppen • emu t.bou wllyieme tali els Lippeocon C.". • . '• ' . '4,tatr3 ivlroTiwEu- Fittsbiergn Furniture Were weelitet: • - • • . ZA logo* one okxelkel essostmein of Pond aummuurAle to: Ble.stbogytbubsAd pt. vole dwellings, otostomb• oo hood sod ymwat mak oit•hand cannot bo ezeeedad by any =melee:my in the woman; ,emoury. Penang wisNaz to mayhem would do wall to glee ma a e 114/ 11{132 deermord my once. shall plesms..Vaill the stock minaista in— . . • ...Macros with Hail and Ilalz-clot!I omen; • -yl doa rlaMtpaf Var. .Chaie.; t• ' 1 4 1 r r ai n' ne I:seciftry - Chales; ' ' maltotaor Work tiraroir. • dos malagooy Rooting Omits • . 13 marble lop Droulod Boma.; • - • P marlda top tVark Staalri - • • Li <berry Work Mazda; • Motovrty, Maple, Cherry, am! Poplar all deioriptioar, oad •• large Gamma= liCelall1111: furniture andshaar., too ouraermta • tortrihr , LADIES A2E CACTIONFiD ACIAINISr nut) : COMMON PUILPARLD CHALK. riIIIEY noi anus bow bigtinally Wadi= is M j the skin--pow mania, how etnigh, how sallow, rd. ; law and aoltalahr tint atm appears otter axing pared chalk: Besides it in Imam., containing aline; quantity °flea& width haw prepared • boaimind 'vegetable a;liellti width wa can JOititS' SPANISII LILY-WEIT/to L . 1. perfectly Innocent, being purillsd of ill detaining qullassraed it ce nt, the Ala a =midi baillat alabamer, akar. /inns ytilailai at the slum was meth" S. a roamed. on the en. matins it MI sod MIMI& Dr: James andenion i Plana, Clint eliumwostyai aAt a ualyaing . Jane.. Spatial gionesmathe nom benadfal and mine ml. and at the meta time int:meanwhile I em saw. .1 ernamly can cometainimaly memaimand he sae tonal wait. akni rogarrectiimatifying.. Pak0..15 mane a boo. Sold by WI% JaCILWIN. WU • a- mars Plea Ewe: Mao Wwirka AMA prituadry. JSlathiner7 Jose.. •• Carding /fashions,. Spinning Frames, Spoodan,l Drawing Frames, rfallwor Heady Warpers, npoolcra. Dressing Prunes, imams CsinfOnntlers, ke. Wray& ftwi Shating tamed; sglines °Man Leon, Path. and' Ha w en s of al kinds. Ca er noi, slide sab d nd U p nbolt, • Airnistwd *nation nonce. Patients medal* win for Golan. Imo Steam rips for beat.' lag Factories. OW lroo 31, endow tlioni and fancy Caw Clogs resort Hy. • Orders 'le at eke Warehnoso of/. /lau, k Co, Lawny sunny will karo prompt arta. wan.. . Rorer to Olsekswei,l4.ll4 Co., J. C Iloorebrad .1k Co.. O. K Wartier, Jahn lrwlo k boos, r4tsbuigh ; O. C. k J. If. Wainer, tlieubennlle. janl9 DUQUIiI3: 4 / 1 .. • Aile t Steel asedAres• weerne4— fIOLEWAri, 11A41.11A144. Co, having compteted their new works, the Iwo prepared toebssathe• wee every devecipaho ad Coach add Ihiptie hoeig; Iron Aalev, Athenesn, 111144, noting aod Plough Meal. Matl nut of condi squats anti gonad lath, whichr, for soh on liberal len% at dram . heave, No 43 Irood wean where tbty alio 'keep the hadd a coorp:the and Lardbrimi eatornaceered °welt r a r&i r Cabdedt partfeary 14.14.thw.. • • C, ILk Co., have made.artanpattats with Mann, Day it Cron; teenufactlthers of &bevels, Spades, Forte; ke. and thin keep' coastantly 'ad Wad woody Ertiela• saada by theta. beak.. low respretfaUy malted to se Ores and term aril/ ha made Marti. zythl • , • !garble Work. • • • .111ElEsaaalioa of gsu dem. - de Ands . of peirehamg: • .1111114 MasessiOdaalasszaa es &Aswan, Is ra-• 7bs ID,: Mathis itashatitase Ibilaat thirty yawl: ist - llaladeiphia, and Main imahlaietaaal wank the *aio* every pan piths Woo. can mate to. all:lrba lavelavasea them with' bit maps, and to &sir unettaeoasitterahleaf Ina Deep puLapis this ?lacy_ , ray Dave always ou 'Wad • fill apply of Marble Mats* otad cow %DJ era , irluall=ui !or Momussiets and caret smell, copies ot ErAlt snsrh shipped is Insured ham blOkair. I.47:llsrcandla home la kb/LA& yam wand' aaJ elms ter as anseDsassa • •••- JOHN 3TRUTHESS & lalrdlas • • -• ' • NoZialll h • N. It Then itterieljdnellathetilliewlech (midst. Abet daelsitedeoeded- .. • ' • . 77 7 ..0. JOULPII WOOUWELL,vionter of Woos' 'and Id its, Pine/iamb. /lae ' tog wlttulrawu from the firm v ether lino Woodwell, on the Ist of January, I b 47, 1 lake pleasure to annountalleto my friends in me Ow eMt eountri. that I: Lave •opatettey INO• store al the above Corned Leung purchased my goods for Mak and made. nwangements with msnalecturers elbla canary sod la F. 1.0000 Id be constantly rappllal, to lam Cully umpired to lumina Hardware at ell kinds. oa ay. good terms mid as low 50 an) !MAO East or Well hlerckants and others err respeetiolly invited (Wt./land examine my mock, livens purchasieg alre. wham. the following comprises a part of hie mock • Meamboat andsaddlery bard mgr., Fan 'attuning*: we., Naylor.. MCI, cutlery, edge tooth, am*, nee; locks, !when, Impish boo hanpLackatins Woe Vac tor' Ohne., ennui alleny boodle so.. yeomen, sod ell once minks woonetned iyfeo lusdleals — ll;;Tier — are se. .• JOHN WILICEII. leavonez .And Dealer :in' Foreign' set poinestle hardware would respemfally infonu cu, moons suntan pablle geiterally, th at he a sow re ceiving his awing supply of nordenue, et the old stand of W Weedg aster sod in. No. eth Wood es-, width he trill duping of en tbd molt er.amoable atm. Ile *roll be continually weeivin fresh seep lit* di rect 0001 the manneetereve I u 10.10p0 sod S. COOD• .try which mill enable him to compete with 'any ae. tanlishmeni, either Hater Weal. •.. • •• • %Yemeni olcrobanlo ire lactealM.ll4lo exemina hie stock before putchaang elsewhere. . 7 _ 7 Po Ilieohlaollonp. • Wltigne.A.ei—ldartereetmer odallkhide of ens ton and windiest .msselththenAlleghtny . , Pa no aloof., mocks - being now lOU and aunceseol op. antis, I unplowed to execute laden with dispatch foe all limn of machine:yin mr lines soak a• wilbsra, pater., spreaders, cants, grinding !machines, drawing (names,, speeders, ammonia, lamas, y o • cants, Inutile or angle, Mr. OW reliant or country work, nialca,neke, ecslida and hand lathes and tools In gen: coal. AU Linde of shafting made to order, or plans gin. so for paw; futon. GI .01.1.11 at fraaanablOchalio. Rune To—Kennedy, Childs /Co., illseekeleek, tie II le•Co., King; Pedisuck Co-,Jaa. A. Limy. • ' •be plug wadi /lair !UAW& liatosse; DIASOIBON FOUNTAIN. hose simian, and dlud op Ow* hissing, tbie pad nusposelos. %loos la the medusa rty aad ars premed &Use& ossousass as moo, with ausiesefast ud mason, ..rhatpc, r d to mutu all that may WI Pithead Asky. put Woes soisol essinhanies• of Uts eiOsilfteliaius, napes a . Uoicatureet aad Dismosid, (WNW Akestokr. DaVeUry Goods dress.) • :127101.116 . AND DRABS POUNTIIITs -A FULTON, Uoll and lira. Founder, km re. WM and strassasisoed %rosiness at his old mad, whom hiyi Wyleuad to, saa his old Sumas • . • cbard,stwobasi,•4•Dells otmr, n-wi, 10 t,teu pettedly east feetritettuse ef shaman approve. ed ettedvle, sad warnithed le be ertheboo oseterhale, thetecHwitge.Coesnliatbe, te, togei . flier with every Varety of lbws. *mil . repaired, tented nod frothed id the 'Nesbit Simmer. A. F. hi the tole Noenetelr la• e•lfeharslo . Aelt.Anio • vtge : blerai,eo JoeUtselebta Iter the redaction of mourns 10 The yoga eta comp o LL t i. eau behad of Blot et all dom. oily iiiMEZO;Zi;REMI • uouuty 11ALL, of tho old ••• • ' Ann of H.& El. Ball, la annafte• .• • • ' ming lane quantitie• or /nag Ws, Punah Canog Wag. on Wt.; ..k c, YAM the impsoventents of Abe Lana. r,..mk; uupolt, all, caner Naga, of dm Went and best paern•lgOVl hi tut. • Warehoae, LW Mary mat, l'illianialt,,omosito SI. Hey tleolerVaaosy, in Allegany city, Co., *6 outio. Factory of Akan. irlactswek, Bell t Ce: . _.4. 1 d , r.._._ ______ • _ ;••• .. • AI3I..IDERATIVII..IO ALL WDo MUTR4 . YahathWi..Dabbbf FluAtorpralloadac pelt corrodiug 111 tae; aI G fa( Adaptlag Ursa IswaticA poroboteut wuboolga Woe sad, so &Wiwi We usk .Wee: aaavileacusrand merealarll.l . l, II isnashabie. Vassal, saws • few dup. alba Mobile WNW's Innantl ff ba fuwat to ha the taus aasillaiy one a. ft .4. u„:6,.. the nelpialeilbaiimodiseult,e.... • (rev glow of Um jut, and diopeoicowilik rbo Woublo of Unr apes Jua received tad for We by .JULItiSTON KlWETON6&atiwooro, ' k - ;rite as u CI "Zi• i•o* • 4.10 r do..1011).100*- • .0. Tito ' • 41•4041 s . laptpea Cits ' 3 raorLonss u aliili u aur , • IW. .--..-'.-.'--.-- • DRY k um& ma . CAII.3IIIT WAIPOIIIII.II. . • POVRTH =OW WOOD. frig sabeesibee ottielotkilismitmmla the enaction ad the owner. and capons of boo; &Loom I.d Meares ruititS Pi h, Whit tam and splendid Moak of esrpeting. now IN sale at hts new some 44 arms: • They *owlet craven . mainly dtha latest and semethehionabler stiles of OspeleioilClothe ever brnught to the Western: oar kat ~ , T he sem be. Lem boilt aspronely far the carpet business, and less of expesoma been Abed opin the Most The mimes receiving an Olf the latest desire; with the richest sod mom brilliant solos. ' • They coaquise, in pert. of the foamier nopenor Tepeary, • new Kr; 'Engin& and dteerleen Bras il= I oir;ht,.. nem AM.. Ingrain: rine de: Plus ingnan; • • Common do Insin end ladled Veainne; Exus super 00111 twilled do; Rotel do, • tihre!Pelt;• earn . Wilto Tat n • " • Comely. . Common; Y t n e ' IL ' I• . I do do . • ' 4 do do 6 do ..• C0U013 7 1.14, eaL end lump oupet, mom* oil 4101 e oil shah. utile earns, wormed and Intentable emcee 'window shades, colored am:idiom et suing, main rods, trimmings, carpet bhtilltK, sea an others...de oseellY kept In carpet ewes, of Intl be .old en as reasonable ones es the any. Deviser made as 'anti one ineonfeetarers in the east, orders for,enymyle carpet's-ill he promptly for. warded by teliersph, and delivered in ose week, at a mull advance of the nmanfeesorer's prin. Porebesers ere perttenlarti mantled to ten before Melt selagsbemberyanme feelimeldent Ire can all as cheap es they assalelcatehasid fa the emery aft. ri:= . NEW and,aplindid easiesy, at ZEBVLON ioNsErs, e 7 Marker stfML • . SO gold Liar Walther; 49 sliver Ines =Mni, Elgbala Eialltetdataaked levy wreact. es; CO. di m L' 4,1 e. rayless; IN sibs, trustier eber, Ulna gold Omar, g &seem gale au mop; sdent plain said loop Hap; dot &monad tiara awn. Mal boxes pleylag a vanerty . ot papa's!' Vass I meal s li des, all alzea. ••• • dos Ise Yana, silk and paper; aadaseasemen Pins; dez Ens velvet' bead bags, near . esyles le do fine bead bags, bap , - .mom Tlesi, dos Gan ensubst assve new styles - 4d dm lay , paols, assorted; *an, sw* Wages, isle and Wear fix • wall.; 'lean fine • • lower asserted;• I dos fine easel MC. pus lona; dos ivory-strew pin coabiong 1 don Ina wood screw pin casnlana. A fine alSOMOtlit of raw A, &rum It' ca, • • • ~, ce. ammo= km., .."PF4410. X sa ea Cay • NeW yore. • No GO Marlket meat, between 3.1 and eth eta, Pier . harp As, hare rereently opened their new and Clmtut axe, anti, azwed re reek of rids Spring Sonuner Goode, eolestruing to of three bore dted wheys, of the. lama Tend toost fasblonable stylea Alert haa. thndoghoot the <away are warden. tasty undted- to call and exasedtw Nur cock, se hoar team:lon to ;oder ous goods at the lowest Eastern wholesale prices. One of the Arm residing in Near Yortorill- be constantly sending as: fresh sappUu of the mow doeitable goods, thereby string as army fa. ditty In the ,tratwarnoo oar Wetness that coda be pamesied; hy Eastern liorwes. Peet* are, therefore =l ,k ao be as low ea the lowest New York end Ooons FOIL DILMSEBOpeo this atom . Vi ri lTat Iff 11 1 / 1 1PIIV'S Thy tioads ammo wok masa mom:oft* mad Mote ma, • bill usoft• limo! triat• Goode far &essay melt am thiriss Iline,plau. and Ark: Mull dor toread Jactonetsi plais•Nolls •aol Jae/moat. Alac , .tanotts styles of goods for Evsning Drumm Including t toto•PaCtt.. of. aear .tyles ~ . I,n34.dated NittaElt Robes— • Nfarjropao twill be teettfaiw daily for orok 'to ems, IneJ66lB sawed osytas Demo Good., I.4nru •nd ?mach Primp rod Pumas, very low. Allarebaas• Istrtted to atazsio• ttio.sood• aod eel In ',Wine., room; Op suak..ll9a. moontoatil buir• sad rim vetTlO•r. • sp6 • . T ThEN LVB7IIIIII GINONAMI—W. Mat Sy lariats rialoodriato • his. somoteitav of- above • of swirls* dodos ad pordiraw "also damsk,. Wen Loam, krr lAA& Drew.: A. largo sr *mum nI Tun Easisum, bloacassrer,' sod Firma Cdrigistorofrrersost wars? Ws, OWN; Prieur—a fall uman= 'a sun. very derirshio pods, tarludin Rh* .! dpabl•p !apt', of Ann and bonsai. aluS, bi b., 6,m.s a'od of ocsradlactsras ad fast odors; soda fist do for teams. ' •1311411dorss, of Jur • and mdl ads, for lading , and inform' &cum • . . Erobwillormf 'Orin dross panniph , fgr arrnizgrdres• I,s=cankand dannut Wotan; ekc fad • ilsdina borsgrar=rs, wow :row* kratr_ado sortiosslooraisr lad Mar ant dWiliiladolphikbes• lorars to rotors durfriends •nal p•tnxes of do thus In and strugeisfnunn• this thy, Oat 1.1. y an now I . receipt •1 the Rpnng and , &imam Postuoas. - Also ersdoa sod serest assort meet of Wort of Errrlsad antrianurel Cloths, Cowl, them atkatiorn 131tEXPAMS.-00011' elll4ollll tioode Wocem. 'JD j 7. mNld Pes•elt HAW Clotlka, awl rich style' TaanteentrOblack ..dcord Crashmerstier, Queva's sea SISMSOCC/14115 601 s ad plain Leap d'Ams; 11130:..n. •6•lo..Ahreeillei, cashmens, Silks mad Vat and led Limo tires, cluper rot • • S traWNSONS.C4ottk Son. rou Ha Map, =Madly I cornet wood •24 110.• as • • _ II PAINSORT.OOOII/.' ...21.acri.t.wr a %visa . ; :10,110 Wood -u... one U rect.' elq a city lu re end ersteheive Nick afresh" writ' 4,-Dry deal., of eery teeetut purchase, mid booth. muter the hint utterable etteumtunteee; they are rmeted, stal tether-11 tomemhWe,Y tiesty sttuW Weenie ea the natant aut. • - ' We vtoold terqueet enercheateeithitt: eel thy ID; gleee our week a Got exatuktoliole...ed too elroll dent they in be cutitoly eathtflett of the chisel/Me es n:STINGup Fniadr sPilk2l,...meaettn T • Jug rrsi addle. blehialleh., • Emelt, treoli imported,eUcollect...WOW GS= .very stile alai "milk. .11E1SEXCS-4._ up eta peep. Queens 4.00 t, &San'. Cloth. ead &tmble eouhugolor et Vine: beanka.tha city: 1. itChillithUlPS Cloth let • SUACILLETT avarurrsi" • • urilio44u.A ugmauts ur itr. ow* No.: I y I , u .11rood swim, aavt.ao hand; sot an 011altaall, IT necolvir4 'larirq W. haaisuata ammo, a WTI mad e.uoaaive antornaem or DRY GIXIDIN widely i.aey of fer to mereltams at law prieesould laaatiaable jams. Willem/ salt Il•Teatcrigly sears satufactlae, sissy eavidand lama all wartaaotaslakiag %Malty to Ova . . • ci,.; ea • • " - • A A. . es outvi, sue ,orsiag 'sleuths eabamthseth Urea: (..00de,,Ast re es.sed per 4:pm% ceauwingellke WWl' KW MOM itekiailablet*Otk of Lk...Mods a be geoid td this ealy.-amoapssrbleb Irentherdses, fa pa aura oak kes. broidered Itid d. 1.11.1 t, no =WIN sad go meet desirable toads la the emirs; . also, saws sieve Mal. lies, Ileregesfriseves, blethair Spipe,'FreaeltJaamselS, Tvirss;Airx l / 4 -4:... MMOdeco 00 *del oto# m - 1 14 . : =;t i gg • gimadi , Lazroae nv Eg pinia,plaid anipal Law el. art Oualidec silk tea., . Ade* ,Unthaders,• ...Ur: wife, de Woes. #011•1"•1111:1•Die•,. until:4k, Franca " 4 •PRialatim • : ~-:,, .. 1 , - .oda • eILII4I/%4CleeMelandee drAy Oleo - am. open .1) oloaloldidualis dinoed dad plaid lieteies, of the dalatoeudamigurieuolliew oapeetadvamoplan did-Olals .. inaidta Adult Iteragee and-rulaosoi splendid liwns., Limn Leuarce and Ginghassa, . 04 :kW& addon.dee eu&' ed MOW]: and sada stripe do Lain. ad iseJlp :-.llloem gpoodalive keen pirciasoi et *elate per. warm asetaaa gale: .In /One lock and Pteladeipena, kwUrbedeld o: acmes :eduction lonai mi nopdar OM.. . -• ALEXABD a DAY, - . .joyd - . - -: ' • - . • tomer diamond and market ot 8 11 ..klYkdr....tratit i lkY ri t , l i n k ria.seselasd dine t r mod. Canton Crape Shawl ' s; easirrotrs ' r d=l4,, assortment orambroadatad cad plain gnarls, agate.. somana ;Lagoa., f ma ARO to 11.1...Tta 'admits aro east peettally matted to examine thew shawls, {rebating Oat wt. of them are auperitsr to any baton °Cued its Sas ourkaL They wilt be sold remarkably stomp, Also; Silk Ththet mtd Ikrago SIMMS mod . Soling a kW assonants% at matarkattly low pike[ soya MUTE PORCLZALY BEADS—no oobseriber Win; receind Itu Boit eimin (cr.!. o(Jotes Won* & Co • rum% mow* Bin o.Pi• duoes Toope, Witco uwtW'opoelal mention. JOhli 4 10 !44 1 ;00,611M sedAmulemarr, • Giu b as, , Cezt - ysiodueoo4,4oeiiv i rein; sioCillra Glom, otr a itoe, l" toe= e9klied 'T riad lom; uoacol4cst Artio/o, Yuysetiaq • iiiTel47,ot wiirrOti ' 'I T ILOWDHOSSERY—Jo is s Sib% Urdu La• IX deft . utilso, bomb wdoms Cosion Hobe, Imbed ' pur,pokiep Ow lilli - Akio, ad &sewn Cases Hair Lto•ei HO dos liste r , sle, r. debut, adk Wd 11.00 , Oidial; *LW 6 combs Ladies lisdoes kid awa.' Onion bedebaan AU "Hsi bansisie --the above eirditerodll gad Om at :: • .. .. - -, .... , : • VIM 1., MUTH t /0116:30:03. 46 ountotale i IMEZ r k aCent &c. AT,WHOLUALII.4." ollanl, with a !arts lot of otroo=ratiolo ditot G 1... and loot toothed froulboAltponoto sad for tolo ortolitialsotitt by • • • ' TEEL'Cooo?—e t ted mis Cl.P.tbe bom 'vamp. • math. Wa . uVj Mimi boado.4. Bag Tomo* Ile .m.* dp Purse glop; . I .o* if 4 : 4 .5 k 7 Mug.; Aorrop Comb.; lwa ttell a. sapooor Faber 'Mom; blottoi moo. : • " ' . • t. moo t.. • • ' AMERY 41010.% WIIIITeGOOIOB—* wailtratitittf4=tl ,yipeA Quablieseis GrateilVed Aconite, Swots Lod efeotett Oloa tai /se ass!lasillsOop Lonono, Nusey ms , spotted • Vkysti•La oropy Topin's sisease, 'weber ' , WI • asetteegeesa tea Da/Amos, slau.a(eau Netts, Letrolte Valaata% +e. ie., ell of *lnch have Jut arrived mate from, it. . • tor sale Dm the Its*, ' - osyl7 ' 111t6CS1ETI. TIOVMEGV-41ooGold Araolsaac Coxes;dO doLOok • eto far noir do' do Bresst'Phs. 'do do Eot It/ 0d.5 ...„I,,Eugo v ft 4 . d o do Vaud - Odd.; dodo rob dts -dodo . Sad Pug •do do • Bracelets cod GINO& Wilmot and. JoweliT *All do wit to eW as as gin '..• • • • many a : C. ilb4ellNatt ANDlDlDATlNtial.,—Aluasulet &Day 41•1,04 M lotelood o...tietroopetior Assume= of berm bed billaegtoodrqtt, rn the moot eakbnled. vides_ IndcriaLlica; al., bluebell owl ITh MI% 0(1111 gull:my at , oio pot rad. , ' '-.." . . 2' ..,-. .......e.z4''.7,` -71..±.4,-(1:V4:,',..--,41" I•141,-2. ' ';' ''''''''" ... •• ; . ; * l. ' - . :4 .. , . . . • •-t ES6ELLINEOIa • -••••',-; • . Cesaiii.l4•ll.tra.raHlielaixam.U.llK. • V &tekrOne&tfandut es t . Pateatat leer.; awe la the Arta Woo Ataatalia of Paaw , • 51.0 r. wALITZt. L /0111.210: 0 1, lir of p pia. 5 504 ZC. BL7Bffi27a of W.ahhvk^ "•: of the aki Maine Suttee Parent' nave no theroulrea to/ether for the' preeentke df thr • ••• branches of prole...tonal bosh:tea either ad, at the Pawn °Mee, at before the Cowin and ewe their tudirided attendee to fbrerardate• .5 an et Inventors or =bore who coy comb a • • • Owe bonnets in their bands. hit. Knereries ' ,•• thepart twelve years held On part of • et . „ Coned &Una Patent flke, as that •" 10 take part In the Sal Pena bar Ideate Cr memo so la: • •.•" led try hint, here bora folly recta hire; .• wherever the Weir is knawa-• • 71te =lce of Mania /Van. la eat Ir meet, c e nt ' the Potent Men, Woalthartoejl C., inhere en • , eashano, poet void, will be plumply *tended o; ...,e 4 _d_t..*Per. 4 .• - tiaa.• and all r t • le aspen Femme...an modals premed grit= • ' red—on reuenable team LOU= olio snowdred aftersxnatioes mot expended by a tae of Lea =draw • In the dune, of their cdtee addek pertain* to tl •: Met Latta /duals. & will be waisted by • • ' • W"an of deo gnat proamiestal eliarnotet etatteednat with llechaeirs sad aide. Teleiltneepanta of c are hart alamine& Ilault r l d ertS • =l„ , ' . ttaltaiedng general hesitate, oreald'n=y • .. • .7 &Wade and the public, Inas that Uremia.. •• • • •. orablist.dWralior. manly 'oeretpied ler al ah Applmate. No. 3, Baru*. M.neaga,t mon, )loomgsWo'Heastso, Smithfield .I=. aeotthe edema they tent he empanel te[Tech ' ponce and sW, oa. ninon or stooge; fortrankd'erdlepthml•er ae. • • lag 10 inatteetioas: Vice &ways keep ask ' and for salaad. tie lamest nwhetra angdet • . • .; B e la of Paly Moor et 31fIntat and &marble 4/1 ' er ankles In the Prance' an& Pennine. W. Nett'- • therefene,•roepeaffelly. .the ordetO . et(„Ornea., • • Families, llonefientrtre, and otheia. sad Ilan ". • ons tanning ibentota reanaseddeeneta • • . • • • „, • • . • O.I3kIITIL • • ==3 1:=:3 . • • , ;priminr szcarvratei -1-ND Openog dm must .n.sle; a. WM. . _LILDI GHTS knoterga.l.Pothbor &" Worry stroe4oeur of du Lwow; cbeamtm, and mom dubious. ble meek of Goods, adapted tor trisulemita'a opting and ." Muller Melt, "Far orzted fa "Loos PutaborV t i. I'6e peopilwor of the • a.bove establisantent leek, the amnion orb.. Letwaionnd mamma • - =Jorge • and feablonabla, Lou. ,ort.c.b u*; au pareliwod in the piesent' deprdwod wm..n hoovae in uteVanilla cities, maw:Wu tun ebb stet) • • . thin;Mu fa new and faabionablls, bat .1. twitch , In once than can be offered by tows bo .- oms v., b. pri , . It being ehaaeon Import le to co topart nvey .r thing like • • Idea or Ms orient,' beasty,:or meaty otot-L mull ow to tot ems. it L. doped, wilL cow, their own totems. and salt and cralnine for 'Unto *elves - The propelettor feels maidens bar dor good . gavots any ding la La Lathe city, at competition to price L. mere dashed dot Stared, b• • ' • !any thing In Ito, trade, auction gdo4l , llftit dl ' Tr—Orden In the tailoring in - Le egiMatiil eao.ffitabiseablo My% and tlabsuunitil mannar.. - ..• Kew Xaslaal . l.metremaamt. • . CilitliAßTS LI/PROVED MELODEON: TORN MELLON, Ho: II Wood .vs[, - has meei t m l p - wetland vow opera for emlf: ie a s saaply of Gerhart', LAI of diem melding a ;denser.; soli eauserrepatly tumble to inspect Me es Melodeon before p.rassarg,tini follomneg flew riPtiee fire. • ' The easei we bade of toreermt,ami We as head am:olr gatebed es • Pisee„ Porto. The key-lotr4 rely the so ah the perm or firma.; end the tau, vrhit.h (6 very bsentafoLl closely moneblim am otter' le stop cdan coma The lostrement ems be Istabeel. • emir mule portable without dereehlat may yak, -the Waimea medusa Mb Ihh hods of ihe loetruaeres, awl the legs foldims ender, ,oaring the whole in ermvact Corm. ' Path overument has m pecklogresse, end the • orsoM wiles pocket weigh. only pounds... The:eol, - mate of woe ta to Maio( • small 0=4 ,1 1,1 , meagn of the . ewe LI may be I . l.ll4llCuestos pleasure; it is serklauqy loud for small .45:dm, sag is well ealeolmed for • parlor bletrealtllL • =VS SION OP TIIE.BIO , PIT011X11.; N a a laS l \ V t oo 4 tYBraarr EEMW . AitE in°n THE sabieriaere wish to allona ` e. gettezql .1 Lt they art UMW ope,ping u r , at . Ufa., Qaceasenue., Ittiumata. ana• Pam) 00.11, cempasing the Latest sad most Casblut tabla pat. . • Petah China plala aad a od Diana Bets; • . du do " Tea' bunt-Stone • • Dataer Lout blue Cl pear When!), Ls • OrTP diffeTtlallmaim • Ittuanata ktreakfast Tea Sets; • • . • Walter—a beautlialattiele .</tx,etles Gottlit;'' Puha Lamps,loandlasoaakarj • , • Glass Ware, • plasaillusoitment. • Stestaboateteness sah hotel pnwrietcasinvilnir, wazaminomr insameom of ware suitable .4r • ' Omar, Ifimilislisitsis hod shuts ruck Verde.. pUllalla for easuay. Wee, eddett an seal saute L a. ioastk pet Out Met le WO he satiated fag. able lo please a/lietto pla Nye, as with their e sum; (aplT.AUltiet •J - GILL CIPITI• ' 'EORAXIPS BOrtzals AAGY—ioba,ts alyda erßshap.Badera analogy et sad Revealed, to the censtitauen and 'Mani. slow, wit& mks. Also, Craofordb Queen.= by oiniiia4i Curies N. en; 'animal Wu k end 'adapted to Ihe nee of eche. Primly...l et Ralm's 14 1M0417IttEdi&MiTt . ElS`b3RELlett te,-..Tbe de Barteenda,• de Amiuhas, Pee Reenebun ofCiecre it h the g i rjaa,.• 146004", . o 11 • TNE BOW'S SPRINO •BOOK—Descalpting Savanna Scenery, Rant Lea and Ocular new menu, by_ Tbecoas with 31 illeabadens. • . • • h01M,.. AY ILLBSTLIT—Tee Chikbee if it • • tie...FoMt; be Copy Mamatt. R_N.- SIR , • THEODORG BROUGHTON, or Lanni:W.lHr by la P. EL Janice.: • • The above Boris rceeivvd Bas s i*, and .dor eiail JOHNSTON a STOCIEVON,':" mIS • . Reekocllcre, m. marina sad • Balker t. florlbllieete subscrthers having been appointed *tenth . .1.• the We of the laajoliegukun,of 'tba 'attars heaven pablablog Pude, have • thil h•gidlt.cd Woks on hand, which tier can dill ae the eastern I ere, 'wholesale and tete& Amon the Warts van bay/bona ,tisvent4 issued • br Utno4Tlneh have he ./dildyi 'recommended is exceedingly Werxeting . - ynneshisi shay be-tatisd—The Gear, kis Com andlti - .phg_lpdaad's,lrelcana r te the Serengeti • Beth diL Or Th&erinvir, Nepolcon and hie elarshile; Waidita Mogi his Generals; TheSecged Mountains:Ain* . Cl theme; Teat hidg a Science,. the towhee go Arai • .Cliarknee Elizabeths Uniform sort..,,_ S:Avllsot idaliepllasa to be Rich, Riches hav•Weng•s; Igeepin • Up Apt:w. nness, Debtor and. Colit,. te... kn. Also, the ororke hong the pre. of Edon Carier,thet character of whose publlceslose is wall Perm Ta relines Theater'''. in 4 vote; Haldane on flothau is Cliv ,, v . iee , zro t tliek ,. /Id . t i4e . nv= author of they! 61 . 1 sts pattlithal. • ELLIOTT h. ENGLISH, Ingh 791:n0d and 68 matt ste • . • • • • —7 filth L rabactiber respectfully teadeta hi. Osaka 3o hi. uostiereaaa friends, and would solicit • cotointo, wide of their paraerage at kb aim Xakrag Nialsera, on Ilaird .0 taw Wood.. Haw Ise laud 16.6./4 mead to mall and ineaavardent for Iris astutely* trociiieire, be has fated ap kis present am. Lae layie Out will ref. der it *apart. ta. any • Saloon is fie city, for the ae eaosioadaitortormaslaraad eniaaidat emote.- He bis rlao=ppuu6, hsatoisonetior wiih dr , Sidoon. vtluc 7 . final! . isr . :friaz diquaTL . suppese,and AOf cholera ligf be 000ntionly 031 hald, sad irillbisoniedyt the bat and toot eavoricy.e. seraillhor • - • • • :! A'rIAbIf.tITRICINLAND. . ; 11/ILW DRIICI . 1170111e: . .•• *. —•-• BB subscriber leaeAlweetwetially eonoettee that ha • . ~T. hw creased a new nail Dreg 6tort, ow:he:comer • • • , Fearth end lemithbehl streets. ~ , • - I t i nr C halend eaZtaT :•tiweiti lW Nati it. red , ea e . rtreselt Ilainelp the astebusament, soil, 11••". . I ra. teneleed to lap ea an bet those or derheow , . .'.. re—of undoubted pwirr sod raglan...a. _.;:7 I,; ? _.• • A hill sea:mum of Aledtethee, Pwleabete . WU. -' • ". • eke madly kept to ais elathjabtows alt the we* <llllfi hle direthe; Li the Pato hill • i/1/ ' 1 rll bed.r L bit Ltleaded TO peg..costly. •. • . d 41 4:...., , The beethess will be earointthd eehatateL7f, All • old mod on Martel creel- 1 ' •• • • .. • eptextice . . . .._ • ~. , • - 'WI6,IIT.POi3P WOLK/. ' I muzsrox & WA,TAIJI, Fogies, itilAttre;, bent J, „ coewaseent busthees on Path . t, mere the, Palm, et the eelabliebeseot formerly t wried go by liteekholue A Nelsen. Ferman . Wuaing. w. co pmvisak, .team en tine! Cos beet; et for ether pupates, will pleeie a... us with • cell, ea en, Centwownelewe to be ablate far- -: • del. th aw ow es tarOretie to as any wit, teat,- Lehmept to the eq. ~ . '.. , . . • Aieo r rollinirmill awl tartlets o f thwariptiwe emit he Ud et thaehortest cruces,'_ .• - . . IhEnwetexeCept...Robt. Bear, Theme Roott, tee, ' ' antral:, Canithere i Co, EL Dees. Eaa,:ll:Alim a. • 'Col, • , CITRIAS PM.70:1, • r " ' JENOCH WALLYEEL ~ . ~ . • . To Conaatry 3Pareisateu, • SQIII7IIAND JOHNSON, 41 Musket , moss, Ism ' tarred I,ll,casoo Moneta, csosistin Iscf4 ,. .s. , h i a • Prism Aaron MU up F M', %galena do, C do,' China; Pearl and .Floreacc; II coma Ake tilt% balite 1.124 fare Leghorn wad Braid dor, Artl. , ZaW Fltneers, Is •everp-sanetp. AUe4OO dot Lean :Cocoa T ot from tvir t, do; lap s' dee. Patel ' tit t i t brt, &Ll= Cotton Gan% pa WY fidte ' f WO pa Waddaaa do; 193 doa 14s Custm. 1J Wu- • toss COON, bad Thread Loom Mao, a good anon. • meld of ombs. Bacons, Mande . . Noodle., Pitegeat -I.qp;•,berotry, LI of whirl, dem .111 dot • graft bdaec="of in p.cn to purchase's. aupL7 - • • 130SEBERRIE3, Noss HOSE, AND.IIOX.,,Inai • .raroired por notamskip Cniedoo*Prom Ramps,• • " atini3dOland choke collocuon t of_Goonnisorp .. : Two, of e larirein and loan excel]. .rtr; 'lamb Boosts, .• Mon gOl. end Dwarf Frovesen Room., onkcine • !plat pan hondiad Tales of Box, for bon,ltriar r . total*: . • • ai ROBINSON'S. Filth atto, Al Wood, orlon, be Pound Om tounteotheat and kea PoithethaPoteon , . •;I Died•nnd tlitd Casco in the net. _la • ; U,MlpsPid.• OT Inn poand or banal. ' DRY GOODS MERCLIANTS—A ADuos GoSlarksi boys 'axiom,. idOoi-Odeho Lawns sad Aluolino,. p ours QC Fowl do, ; • 7 mrtoodoty of ai le, DI totes el a nOd Glo. • ' haelo,tdo noor ayto rrintr, 4do sad oissig.C. , • 61=1tnnt l a l tre i tg ' l i tfe., 4l" Ca r k.a..0.; oil of trbkh wilt Oversold la • Leona Sworn who:made prlooc• •• •: W. aria. GLIRINNe Beale B/Lodere, p• . . •_. • AV 7 41 1 ,74 1 , it i. = iha trot bi.fiaros, = .. - . ...... Mewe d le de in vierk la Our with de, • , p.ink. w. aune to en work panortry, sad , tatl L " ii " Will b f 14... °'4a 'nerd ii.:at -irK*.. o. 4a d' ~ • ' . Bleak Daeka Mad' io.ani ptthita urn-keens sa: . staatially.;. Beam .is atuabete at tiXterd,.,,•• fallr ar repaired.. ria..lc/ pat 1,4 Id II Wei , Those that have evert in ear bee ere levitettastai , . • • Priam low, - ... IPODUCP-110 bb. ComDfaW nap:coma P Fir 114.1 , 7btf.ka.:Undl z figr Una , 'Mrs;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers