?Yr'. ;is l 412 o ~ 2tii zLYWX C~ti:~..".:.7ei :`',ESTAI)IISHE . ' : I Nl' :1186 - nßtfisinss entri • A 21505, , . 41 4;: 4 .titrj hstai ' orsi, c...l.4"" ttVegans Lewin . 11Pni nth dime,. aa...1 t( % 1. if 1.19.11k1d. - ...; ;,pobbaik. I Av. 139 1.'''..1.e" kZi.544 4 ,6. 1 14..m u trei I Vasa, Wo."11 1 rteal stravu..iitaborsh. - 'ocal . 11 .4 . 45 47; torres . of I . Jber . iy ...b.l.s4.Crai. !-!traibirlibj' ~...r.... • •• • • emu s C 111.1111100.34 • . 2..11110W1L sem • utILBERTI4O,G Miei IL niak Clown, 011oguNg lieretuals . ,l4l•.• 146, A. Bi VAILVIDITOCE is. Co, Wholesalo . rd Es. WoosloadOthw:_JL jr tarr 41 0 5 1M4VISOroOO UrOoors IB azi .! C . tattiti a =a ta .ribmidloi mo/ • Ant. • mor tia HAILIIa, tu., A. , ..lltreiciars w of Monk Wdat e ra Mich rtimisuiesAn i very IseciptiosOuriabeloryMir AL IWarstwoUse 43 . Watt • Lippoikbelq. Clatl. !kit.' . i 5.43 . . jpWALT an CI2III.aitT, Wirblisite Woven, %teal. Yeat haPrudue• and rawbarall Alsaufaeterea, ear. at Idberr rad Hand Patent:Th.' • Isld7 • arx. a. icaur.esa, tVeCILIaII ASJ .) ENNk.77. On. English. Callaalter. 11 Ca.) Wanterala firearm Osattuaeam and ibr. Marshes., ud dealers is Prodne• awl Plus. MO% I\ea , 37 Wadd ewbetureen ad and _ r. a. 'mass ora..an sans Woo. curs a ca..% . Groce,p and COMmitalou Ilattillllll4llall Agentlkfia Ilogisan Z7.Waseh ipip !paw., Ma-. ip swam rwe kormkOtssommurr eel dealer iwkas su.rou" us mr,,A,r., 111418 _ RAU...UW.B4 LONG & JULLXlO.BBliiid Noss FUsaart. aue Ms Mtn, 14 Few, pewees d and MdeillAtiAllOßAlPthillftlao4 Pa. UZJitOIC4 0111121kg.44 CORIRCOAIi e j A Gi L - 6 4 0A1 ais sh - r l n' ib jMIN 40Wol m s rasuriiiTii.ZaTd7lQ; l 2 1417"! • l ' t Lb. • r IAL lIMICIZEY C.d., Wilelea. 4/1 k timer's, pas. auk I • E•lik , e,A•ki•r4 greet% railobssp., asors Tow scor=yzegud .. .... abd. Diskthrla Pro• iseciall.hrsbur7CosoinaHal • Illow.illastjeueeVasulhe JBRYAN. IWO*, WON in t Wbolosli • de•tfa - , i• /Wags sae Maw mg Li. qra x..n. 0 1 04 . Walk ilapillioirettlin e.awsuiam,,l4!i albs isiet= e4 sit IleGelte4/larthasu 'raiser, 114 Olosies street sisar Vir • • litifils •• , • • • ..... •• W Ammo' of the - 84,. low. Steam Sai:ar 4/01144fr.. 4. 1- vNetiluallusk; . • !I. !e " • T BLACK, 30.ftlia Ihtstrume WY U • 4ilM-PL . acv DLLWOltill-aWbOralli Often. Ap• • • thin ud tlareaaalso kineklits, Wood 64 • - iCINS p..MAJW.I.BOI, Wholosalooldeol.. aria Dye BSuala tw0u0.84.0; 1 1 . 8 4 0 1418 . 93 • . art .110111011111,405 t Sonata rads . Lomb. • • • 1 TAILIOWICIA.*; - C Istoosioot law* C. ..to_Cooloostippoacoftai Wootooroot. : • oat TOw muillirtnrerk aid amai &our Wawa, mad .biosomado, Om; ' row, Wawa Mad ersod t .loll4 rdWoddelpeldor smia.m r pwaiir,s.. a war a ; nturo g e., . • SCHOOMIZAXICE *poi Anoka& . Divigoio. so. of Woad law; A'. 8 •418. . • 8 rSSiIMMIn D. --- —. .TORN D. DAVIS, Au dowses, emu 4.1. and Wood w...e,_._.r._ ~....._—_—_- - _ ....cs Juamolum t IMPCILTOS; liooldolldr., Admen oadigsz libooosodeto,Ko.:ll4 Ildarkot . sl4 Pm*, _r t avc a. ~street, eelmon,3luect• ir •R. musziatitig clhmoimabiti.o. m . up wow., Ward aud . .l4 Ira; 'Lanham). Cangsay based at We weal nopes. snit yom Onbe'e ,r' ki Pw AP dm*, Ifttubsnik Maxasetans, TurPlia•As;age• AC" rif"a 3 4 4 .*/.. • b T & a. FLOYD, Ilsait 4. MITI& Ce 4 Mafia* Omen. 141.. Mem ou.P. •:. MPS aAlies uusua., one% ccordwi. ila ,111arehara, aad . 6salst la Pad a. mad fiadoulib NOMarea. Nall Wow • • • • Irgalia Week*, • L VMALZELL op i viazgammi or %mum. =am fnalt. " • • WATEMAlANAliiidavaspwraiwani. • miCeoniaiss liataisiDsatar :Atm 1**40.#4.,tt war, .4 urn, _ : ........0.4.ida......... dysta=tur4t=st MUTE Wag Sa. 11414/ eCILLI%. 4 tIVIVP at; .u.as, • • -4sies.=„;,l2.#, akirc: • ALLEN h. Ce. lisrebaaly . 1 4 4 Y; PP" 1 4 4 196"..": , - 001 D • - SINuo mai 11.1. . awn iri 13043a3 • bur rio. as. ..I.o4.m,affar..o 4 &wfliriftw o uL•aE.k. qm e..omb...cm m .: si,amisoto44, 4 wk. 0.11.•1. mud ea all the, ppiatal—ealea w. pwiascesa,':. • • fg a. o a rDrATE6.4.BretapariCom. ls ai iwiaa wad tin. • "WU Wow 801lEtC1100111t, Over , DopMian asaarialPreolagaMlaaait, taaaat.• uma, aai Wade of litalipa .Thotait Wines.l. 4 _. l % m tirr.3lldiZ .Pik'_: 40 - 7 - 71r1C111M111 ikareiraiti Commiirigs akimbo* Arp.! tUr p00.14.41011;* ALsh. t alAWt LEECUsind renriOdirbiglinge.lONNl. FN./4,rue ea 1101114,011101/wt:No:l44 good . .03 KIWIII)1261/41111Odupodigifi011 litdoleblollf Utast; Malsessi awrom *NWT nk4 Thom' sod GNAW Iliste a vA xisber., maazrztm - k : e c lALi=le a ra . 1 4 4iedl ComeNusapoitrh.we.aedpra!unii=" - L '' 2 4 6 5 V . T I 1:= , t a. ; & co. Wbolsoalo .G . Loars, sortaboe• CI ha • b Zrrloo4ft"n. F 114 I08C.041M111011•31; illbasials. Chat', la Vroshice mad l'lfibullgti.l rWa rp.a...4 IJsk. ti TAIL • :.• • }A.!, . • - LlTlOUlkikeENForeisseirtarleamalimiari o ne ClicosiSwo, Pleflem,alligLerlimm= WI nul IL Co; • Mr* emit& 11•1611043/sakut MrnaJOUNlMOVlNlssalealillitudlDealari t• Warm CI ate; Lam, UNOgil.Mit rml 4""...14.."6,ant. 101.1101f,~Thrd Wm:it Vinrrt; . Nnokuld'neµlti W lupine-Urf amt. :swop 4,2 iritiissoCati,•afau l ;. 6.7.1 b now pot imimkrournavtwamiit &ad Cosoolknos Ilieshanu, IU. of Water 54.,p50110, • QUITAVA- 6 •C&Orbolasals onxeciiii‘ ba Prat...s.si.ifsp . .lbutos anon. el? ._iiih. Atom, maim rue. : •,.. .- ~4 • 2.11•1*-.0 S. pu Ti_. "11 4 1 !" .. . lerapiTri mdatilq. .. ,...u vaitlise A t z io. a al&r. W4aud • I,ollemso - E . W . riOmindind Ipd0k.7":1" .—.. X slisrmoura - • aLL.6& r em MI .I.llle • Llimaisad _ . L . • Mu. away - - 114: Tudies sae (Worn' Cow 111,..17.Lauity ratulunk. . . s Z NO:t 111.1:0101111? it CoOVlDlessiii ... , m orts: gtsgres i;n7IPZ r rem .1 is LOW ttavittf.fl, 2441, to of host uolluwerlume- ardariW e h T" ii rasn, r 814.1 Ameamaa.vadl dealm la 14114..“: Sie3 2, /0. aal • • 14 w. >l-.w. . . " . ~• . . • • . '• " `145 , 44,444,4.14..1- as Li r a 44 . . • . i 5ia1....ee...4- • -i. "' ' ,- .: •• 1 . 1L ,..."- Kria•••P 1 --,---.. i ~ _ . -„ j. 1 , 141 , ~,..0 ._. • . :;?...... ._- ....sAut.bra se.i ,, a • - - •••• -. 'T * ft l i,‘. 1.1. 2t_.„ ~ ' 4 . -- ' ` 0....'",2'4.. • . -0 4 - X 1 .% I. Alit -• ' • . MIT' i.t. _-:: n I n 4?:, 1' 4.1.4a .a or uc .• .- -:... \ • a- . la.• , W arl V s i . 1 . aa: ~.,, 0.. 11 ) f .t 1 ,t- . ,t.., i.t..b1t..t.0 , . / ;., .. I ..t - .4 *.. • t ' so.: I . Ai•'±' • ..,. r..... iltatli ...,.‘t..ee...a5..1 .r.ei 'sc...l,' ' . •.. , ~.-,-, ~..... - ''''f •.. ...”.., :..., ... , a..0.r 1) ..11 ...TAW' .... , 1 ~..1. ••‘. , 4 i ~..... 1... °4 - I, '", :.....F.: 416 — : ‘..1 441. ""71. • : ."..:, ..Arr 4. ; • . 4. , ...! . . t• stt it. i • , ,4/ __ „.• , - -,- _ 1-. _- -: --:----.--= _•. ' 1 . ... e .4 • ~ .. CA R1).0_; . . rlr. 1110WEN—Ciaiimakisc;;314. — .... 411eranksi, No. 90 Float u. beive. Wood nod . kb= et .1 Winne tin rronnunThi • " " Continiminit dirrehasts, dealer* in boa, Ninth - 04 " ro Y (=l l 4 'i rtretr i" nntaigh4 l r ''' ly — Wt - W - a 2 U - 414/Vilabe — htte - ritiiitiWt.a. mar the ifs="r4.ol•lme.l4..P•a47 • . is& U./ftskst susehritabeisk joir -7 *.Tritozo u v ii i :4l2 . l+.l: kgi.e•!! 4 " • !We 111.111 AYhol .PHY, _etale sallbnaltda4tai. TV Musics am Dosmestie Oty.oo4b, lea Wiser 0f.)144.0.4 /boob sta . 1. • .! MlTAsuiacE luau t' crokadlownetkii is TT ' Yarkulle, ODA Novi abill.Weposeellblid .assa Weed mem; WAL YO beam 616..84. k mogrefiELTßZE:Matwo Wotan TT . lasettgauT. flostlibn, aad Whoa aid' Nir; Ttercianzte, slaclwiers offiedirdsh ant IN Tawas,. Nos UV lastly so. fluaburgb; Pa. larndoh eag 174 ==l=l /MACOMB 4 i Co., Wholreala Wooers not 1,1„ &Lenin Oils, Wes &aro, luta Paubungle Mao agaetured ankles, taw. tr.3,,J / :1 ilsoenot full and gr4tral •roonoseut ttfoods tWale, army !seat Cbarry sati WIN 111:"POPTPIEGEKE t oad ' Apiattereri, U - N. 43 M.A. st.o *VIM doors oboes "UN re. Pius . hone. mill Sum coomytio head 1001/ setretad est sonmsral a the o Lea unt , lreAsst !ladle iffilek la will .01 OW the SIMI Itilkadable . toneli- Agraitiaes wed, oreitts, still Ito promptly alpottal to, plie4 wth oMhOss ihm7.7 nor N! ... " t r"" "`' • . EllOr Physicist. Pmempootos low b. acc arataly sad ProPormil lean the Imo ma:mists, at any heat or .• It Imp 'rock a Ina 41.01 rood Peria lak row ent canon warm, Piushamro:, Mamik-2 . Casa lido; Giulia %Usti Bailin, ran Vara, Carpet , • 19 , 40 *. se:MdlelPa • ' . • Proprietors. LEDOUX4, Ca, No. 72 Canal meet, :\e. kog . Arms for J. kl..l,llmulk Exenselele geofht• belga Wooer. Minya ca . Azad - • lug* week 4f - • Lai4 Poarderisd, CrqeheJ, Clanfled e rod Banana &ex% inaleteeto sad Hang . Malseees,. Pekes liberal, veal Ivllair FlhOrtsteet OM:Wm •J 1 sat& opyli . - • • aloassupn.lusla Lbrddblon • •••SALEdi PATT •opened Ste Lupe dad. on kino slimming Smog Is a p. to Second 14, between Wood ea StUdatud sou Is. doe lust tbe lionosdateds lb * isisk w"inty new /cock of items sal Cdadago the-toes 11 ...... 117 and Iwo styles. .ILonses kept u bee. 11. EATON, Deals/ la Trinualags and Variant liaadA,Tanna• SW; Ivory gUld Horn Canby ifinden Yams aml Walvandn; linnona, Vied, Zaps lino., No. 63 b4.:Co. 4.t'0n. 1 : 441 ! smut and • RN SADDLERY DAIDWARE sirgu,•; - _ 1:.. R.T. 133 WOOD IT., PIT T t.41(311. reyiezr stock from Lite bens sous. anoonoctsgl9.. ts=s, 11.! ple tit asl ipst pupil to (would lima witioli good. Lamy hoe, on .411 better um* thy borototort - • • ' • Wiyeto mkilixttolloto th at deter <cehuhel lo' .11.ddlory ltarthrate cod Casliaco.Tri ago, I *bulb. theteby.advootageo tkai ituablo pao to defy o. pet Boni con, .1, !...4 Jodi* Cog yousetves. • 447, . trrrsniaulll -- iinTwbPHL I 7 JCI&E, & 41171.061,.. ASAILIRWACTIVIERS and' blister lug', AL. plank awl, aseall wip, casein god .4. hasmared imn axles, sed &a/aza is habit camags,f. eagMa &silt trimming. r e : 1.2'.!'",,P1i.011....rittb 2111 , XJCIN TAM wroal4.-N.:2 Yon . .4.-oseas Wavel--AU iteaalitles &COM. and Mutt 'llos, dope op fa quarter, , ltalc .. c 0... woad pockagys. num fm SO eu. yer pound. LAW ! .jyt —A. JAYNklio ilgt•koir Pilkia V.& Oa. OFFICIA . , • • wiL TIZialLiN. • . ATTCOLIIICT AT LAW. • 'WILL t t: wientl: reiie4 hicolteAr oiker ML I - ler IN A{plWt~ • • ‘lr.ti.="b.-r.• 'l. • •K &Co, WONU:.. 1. •If fil Udr • U. a WEATFACAIIooIey, st pp:Wit:A Itiudorrylk; 'Mato V eAlMaltal7 Nl,L•lis'Urm,imiAltshisgameilaysist ....,...03a.statt. a:n*o4 •= - •'- • . - • - . • Limrel. & Cambeish... . _ u. r: - .* ' ,.L....,_ , t*lr_. E. g"2.ll'4.."l"ariait'l=t4'. Wig 1.13. &SL ' sad fa Snageley,peemstrud we. Mix .."..ged 1.• 'ollMillediammildh•Stu& a au. i 170. 6, 4 kf akkelt, Deptekkis," seksowlagreau, .te .. . &v. . . ,f 4. r • ~an . . ?N...., i . C•=l.7al . g! , ... i. . 741, 1 ,1N1TA. , 2*, . LL . r.. \ iiiiiiiii, A .• •C•I. . i rrlar3raar .11it44 4 "th 4 SUI/44 . 4.•earissaMiLeIrrle sta . ._._ • si i1i.....) 1. OW OiesNiton. a WV. • :uses henb Ate Napa asetiobw, Imaqhf•lo., i IPa r i• O . 4 4 411444111:41= 14,1t.Aer, al artlldims...., ..., • , PSWAM a: MVARIZWELOCIt, Auillip , at lain Iwo rerived.dmiitairep the MO allis!. 416 4 4 ' b". " . cfM9PIifIPPM I4 “‘ - ' .......... • •• . . L . ,_... if' J Io SEPII gblo.criby. at ire,Mipsbayllboy.." by s re 1460111 . bstfabldlYnie.bil l br4 OW, Na. 7, klalbrondl lkildinisobisaas.os- oseopiad, dime w. stmemes, by T., J. abeam' saaL • 4011/4 OALLATINi 1111-110 si. Sawa Grameikad *nitidesib, rai, NMMvempylW tifrr koll.eqoalkeemou!ft. , .." 4,11** 44 r i Cwrn Maw Aldiamma , `l. • WEi!MEi=EA INSURANCE DICLAWANUS*WIWASs MAI= CO* OH YliNXICY,".lr.„4Oai os for Ur Del. :mists Whin! Safrylasasoass Caspaay a Philo, adelphha. Ore itistiopost tould ascritiatid4a at ava/1 . arse option, and Ilaris r Wska. spas halls or carioca of aerate, Laken oposk the rat , iavorahla . a. - date la:desiit'S:ratiossa of W. EL &antes a laic Jr, Narr o ws Hr savoy Yanks - N. 04-71 be aosoW'at lab Colaorsy rase the rowP. ad. /Massy la this coy, bron'ate avarOi. ass. art lam 'airy wash every. sham epos thew 1 tor to, has Isar astaused, hay:Warrant th e atria la inviting Lyn coasters uslpsuosa atlas Maude art 'le, ashy at Large in the Warm' Y. rt. tars mac aomp.oyrail* rt bat Wa adderiessal baliastaodon arson Or :nor Itixerlslang tr ipbta—ls having an aapis giddy erinal, winch by Or alsoraulim af , lts chart. u erusantly Ineverlig, as ...pealing so earlopenon mated, his Oar saws of W. profits of Um compuy, sr about Involving hba In any rovansis 6 Zyst,,ad,lsersiors as .I.laat divessarof - daily obnoxious Ar um la its sanative tom. novel • • , MOS aniumbz. . tr a... o6 4..opzirsorit i nk, Asseriesa, mama: Isainnprinutualoslr7llo7llo:l7:rineou aO oats porry,:f: Via gay dad Ye and an • ahapsnents. Sy Me Ca. ani•nnil , • • • • airG . . Charles ' T.sl , T.W.Jianow, •., • • Ambrose Vt:lic • dinninll Void • " Jacob ni.rninpii, • Joan Ai Rnmani,,. • ~..••Jahn NAIL • • Joint Whist. • . /IL Wood; damsel /anks lkoskaas,. tlaanbrinsaakay • • - la.•Aarfla Alkbona, • • • •-• 1 •ABT s'p DUR COM( ' Pies t'• • '11,77 le U. Indian lanulubc • Company in the Canna &nits, Waving bun rim/Ursa In FM. etraner armsful, tau front Its last standing, lug expesisnea; - mule usau and *guldens all iisa• of air rocas kaal &ram. tlnisticnit, 11111.) , 14 Catlsideftd u Wining tin.' . int ssreittna tar publk. • 'P. . Ia• Meads/ Kowa of Atwood,' Jars & Cs., Wini! Aroma Friel strew. Ptaenata. • .. , 1111LAZIMSN'IMIL-11111URANCE • MHZ Franklin Fin" Insurance Company, at Fkiladel plun, will auk. lu.a meal mutant and luanral tirie. WPM, F.liSabi rgh a. :7 4p rre s„Ir e. E gg,. • Dias rata • pkinalFilk;:FOod • en rnar aclikyi and Yuketiuerujuldwgh. PM tuaktgPaa,garf AVM y rZeiml/2ftep i....rats tra Insatanr.e, Campo/ .air 11.111215111 i LD Alas Instinani /plan law at derge sows limit* 6wasetaaadlsor, kmdazzg prpparthisOtialla ii Ibis el, ad • .dtp44 • ~. MX/ MAX . ' a troldzi,... i kruiS iiiiiiiaiiiii; Wes .49 , 11 paw 14/111 , 11i41.4•11(0 amp.) oT.Sostle Aar ma, 'Lila *all itipki rat* AA! &baud to Uri •64imalmilma e4ll.ll4yra y , 'lnt pl. amt..' a Amami, Jaws 4, (*V : ! : . 110.2 , , • W.µ. P. Ji4 , 4 IA ‘ 4,4 r 4 .._,,,. r . .....,.....,Pailast Soda 44'e J4u • 31...Prau & &,"'"- • 11nrn, vothe.at""&,r. 1.-1- _ tit ..,...1,...4,...„,y), A..kurtiiwrit►EV, :lIIIE la6,H, __ililfOrellieers.. 1.0.---•11:":"...mkt 4.14. P " 4 " 1 1. " 6 "P ; e1tA..77 Or minbniur..... „. Apo : . , - •••,.. i w t •-i• w. ciao .vatx. , . • wn. e.est.pes. a. 'awry _ _. Aicteittlf OrMN wycAanoutvzszonii. l6 . .m.avoorita 4.6. Jusome k thaban row. New twantolpstior waft. ',Ca' amaisou mr;11 be etWailrg WIND% Uthilloll7sh . ,llo 31:01MMI . 00igt xi mai& theibiammt, nisdesi 614.10 ;. ISILIKNYA WALLAKICAIi.OI.OOfir ~..,...u.s.,..4.utaus,Awmposair • s; •-• 02 6.4 .g!il,lllehr ‘7l. .4 ' ll )ri l° 1 . 101 = 1 . 1111 1 1 ; Pg.e104111.,, .lITERAItY • • • Too Celeste" aforolboodta. . _ • ; A LAR.OKSTOCK of Whoa:Boot!, Papoi:Slatioa -I.A. dry. U.. ashabbt CbreaßatrT soles; arloo orb( ch Winbot Soper:, of doe, medium and common Ault e lever Paper do •do " do . do Nola Taper do- •' do . do . ' od loner Envelefre. same,. Pene/le, Wafers, gals Ind Reel Sear; %%ludo Paper (yard oiO) plate and printed;. . ' boos Reseda, of dlereiont qualibesi , . • . '• Sheik &eta, b: great miety; Fondly, Soft..t sod Poet. " : Coo. audio, and drib!: ere:en, wrapping papeq. 11eUa6OOieetir Spellers and fielders 'Ore Anikbaetior; • I • ' • Cobb , : PrOars, Speliers sod Reader.; Soder:. do• do • • do A ridoedes, by Adalas,•Daria,Calloira,Seaill.,l:leet, 100, Emerson, sad other:. t:eegr:pale., by blitelsell,Olney, &nob. BlottotAiddit t Bleb. harloyouad others. •;• . • • .. C.; ra more, by Math, Ilarkbata. Ballions,'Weld; after..ad low peires, - by • . . . 111111ELLOL ; . • • Id wood 0. O doom above ..lbe blew:: =stet brie. p aid tor , good Naga rosy ' ' is cash. .• • • • • •AII'ILTONS 'POEMS, • itameAr . Menr as. edition MA* Penang venni of IMes Whom eritk • memoir, and critical smart. ost kis pains usd seri. by J. Mormmenory; and on I , ...ndreil and teni w uty , vise r ge Goo Mauve by WWLyan Srucce. Ganz Tarncom-..Tbe frig eyrie aild Acts *Cies Aponte., in Greek. With tareeel rritind,planteophical, mad carrell:24 mere.,Wifieue, ere:, tarsier 'with As Risk. and eforatypos the hele,44riansg the New ffiell2=l,lll—ior We use elf kcheata thelicrea and Thentergiral Seminaries. . A...vonbr,'.A.. • • • New Nosmi-104taminxer. Eye. -qt fury Wes( • )I‘.. M. C. LW. . , 11Vmsv 4 1 - V ii.• lad 1 , .- et Vicar ve. FaLfli, king ig• I:rajte• nod Havana, }ly Al. P. N. Jame!. V. 7tlztajZr by pans,. c r. H.,,,,,4 . :: vol. v . 49 ,. . nrria,. : • J.V.5 " IldvAsel ten. conser . of numb" and3d.fas 111.00 T-q—As * Apollo 13:y44110g5, Fourth moat: near ,1) Welesese so Ile teraegrn • The Czar, his Coen and People, by JII • Thb Unman of llsanst ' • ,Tho lAves of Apostle+, by . Hanes; • The Poniunts 6314 noir Plionplea. by E The Counnulions sod Gabon, or the lloly Apo.tle, : - ash a ?rim FAldle . • • • . *Moose+ Life Gino Da* at litarlban?airb; • kleanderLs Lilo of Minn, lo Instoneal ecebeelloo asd.inorieal dengeraSeel: . ' /It r. sod Apo/elms s pahlteationa generelly, Boolte, P•per, NMI'BOOED az tie Apollo Ibilia= .oB6, sid . =nosy Life ofJohohDat e witheoloned maps: by A Allis.. • . • • • ' notooodirol. P.M... Wort- fano iindityto. ' Iho Life ofJevas Moist, in n. Moo:rind eirmetiMin 1164 hinosiesl develop... by Anon. Mestuldr. Translated Dna the alb Gentian *din. by John Me almoek sad Chas E intonntbsh Drains., ia Dict ion:ea Collis, • . ?boob Vol. Pislorial Moon of EnglonJ. ' • Itinv;aost Man, by Dr. Minch au th or of Too 111111aaand'aVear,.d others too untaiross to location. • au owl JL ilieTllllll PENAL IC IIiTITOTE. f i LJUS under the euperenlon of lfr:and Aim ticKhorg.,. still open Cur the retain!. Glyn . and WM be coodnaed a mho earn place on Libeny alteeL to eams•qlopue of acne changes haring taken lothee, a few,Vaniteles have orearrah lion &dn. of then danglders Fier thus core, would Skserall to ante an early soybean. pc W m. em .Miaolar or ,• y tho DotmipaL • FORWARDING It COMMISSION: • •• nesavowae, ' • J. 11111:11113.00 . 3.. • 113HAILLIC Nt... DAMEN HOW O CO. TUSICCO C0M1156111111 JEKCLUITi, ticauleWlutves, and No. 117 Swab . Water at. • PIIILADELPHLh. M, to irfona the wadi, and &mini generally:or 11,•litteborgh, that they bare made each arrangements anal the Viediata tuanteGterittere and dot Growers of the Wet; West ladies, and other plates, ae wdl *and • Wad and COUttant . .upply of the following 4.04- lions ofTbbaccu, attach end be *aid upon u ahem. nweleang tense se any other bane la nth clap orelew wham ud toads orde led from them will be wish renod goal to tepreeentawnet _ . a lieranw; 00..1.10i N / or; Atm Rte.; Peale.; Seed Leaf - io: ' Coba; Igo* Florida; bared; • ALSO—Drandra eel/Arita! Amodio grad dish; arid, a lard. awortewal of eilter popular bradda. God troalide• of potode, Le, eel 111 a, 16 and dd., Lump; as and 100 •11a41 . Larliesr ?West Viedutta Twist. like,. aam • aad plant, am whole •and half bow, wood tai lio, together with every variety of article belong lo the trade. • • • rabidly.. BARNET, SIZSUIT & 01BILICTIION, FLOUR FACTRS, IProdaes. Commission sad O lionirainiing lllNitillll'l, Xo. Qt \ . '"x Rests ro-Joii IL Ikons &Co 1 Osbert Miss Llll 111,11..1.10A- .1 • AU. New York 1 it • anti Haney, Milosso , ic Smith, • .•• kCs Buis vis k Co ' rinau pe - 4 11 . 4ftegal cash nlvamesse riondpmerni coon ELLIVIAKERi. EOlO/.44 CO ., C 0.,. • . A • • Cleims•at Comistslulea litigistimai lio.l2..Nortw Wassa stranste_ • _ • • ••: • • • 4111LAIDELV111/1." REFFJOUICES—Ueury Crair*Co, PdobsTils.. • • • . Rod,rers Sitertotk, ler A. lL Jasuosey, 21!..yr4e.- Chaelea &shaft, Jr, taslivitte. G6' . suris nerd a Ilisothoti • 3 • Istssith &Combo/of, Now Itesk. • GEOMICIE • COCW01.11114 , • Cellax".lsalall sad Iranuramatag Marataaa. sta. WooD taressacau_ a, • TIONTINVES to usagess groosal Constoduisinbasi: aim, especially in purchase ats4 ule Abu i east Mattatartutes assn Produce, and us seeevelaat oal aoliao (boas coasioad to hie ears. Oa Arest/br ' the Maaasaetares, Ito will boo ocastautly notated wish. •10s1 pruseopal ankle. of Pissabaggls Mandarins* in Os lowest wholesalepneea. unletv and toeuipaatale r. voitrit, • • s- M.• 9. 00111WAV A CO.. • M i tt - r • e ..a r prldlife; Kale and tihipsaent of rig tee, • SIMMS UP • ....iOnoi,Jostra Ca, '• Brown, Batley Cod'' Mit!nir t Ca , 11.4 Ora, • 4 : pt Co, U. lasek It Ca. about &co • elute a Tame. 'a la.a.a. • OAPs attitimoi: • :Lao 01 ribarga P . Lai N ' Xisibillle.Tpisc. 'LEHMER 4 ANDIERSON,_.. ur.4u.exii COTTON frvatvAass* &-C ON. '4ll 5r...7 mans, Lawn slussniflt, 0201111401. MHO '&•14,Lfmmk..4“.ir,..*w17, W P",bre` l GEORGE A. BERLI, 1110111111111 eau L 01111341011 "•". • •. • `AND il DALilt • ara*Malls s Coition E Taal. LN .11s. • Pitt stpargb Mao sta.. taro Iguserall r, • Pea 10 wsot , crams, ennarstaa, es. *IO'IOS6EILS i COMESSIaII • ••• ; L5l/ Y • 11 gg , ; cumin .AND IT. min/Us • • Okir iassli ni slaw meians:ham. Dugs vales= si Nis lawn/ Oleo - of Caninuashishandars shrays wrpared w nada sawn... no Woof MN. hoc.* sorsa if noquimL Wars adiliassa Sochi*, !moil will be promptly vandal ta. swum oast • • e. .. 111.T.3. & LOVE MARTIN Ak Prod ace . ilal eimmunlasim. ll.reLat. s S. 4 Napkin's Row Ktehangs 11sc4 Nu= . Irma To—Davillson, danAls&Up y JohnN, Jenkkui, Mittman. 7/11:066 a Ce, *dm I k! A J whet le r,l Barapßsiknith o 6.d mi likeelatu yr1du1,p,!..... tan shermay ?ar't Twois Aga MW .m Ed=us. ===t:s ' /11;11,-i 4181." p. 441 acre huValag- • " Pol=l:ajne;i/ ^ rnan, b&almals4 apply so 10113Y1111 & CUM CAM. CAM, Woo& et. •- • • • sell& TOiWe & PA TCII7 . 0.01111M15810.ry MERC HA NTS. 1 , 10. 411 . iotorr eeeee I. 1,.• • WW 'We pnicalar •11.01110 fl di Sr. alit; A IM 4d to ordets tor orchid*. • le—George 3.4,41101 e1.)14 atrAtio.iiiondAie 10C A . ,au,criea a C01111111114.1811G161111, . • r „, - , ei t t :s te. „ :•;•• 01d.pmood 1641111111direa: "ow a siOrbesloon qillefugly. oaf oaths o• poplar suit own litoier to At. , &itetr,& UR& tiir r . rim ! • • •_ i_•_•i• • • • * OW% -• _II3AA tV C CRUit ti g, ritOlgl(:lia,P ttC ßOVlS/ONS, • • • fix. 1.4 lin Nana*. Wtalur. ":Itt LIALTIMORE, AID; 11;114 , of PittabsugX ; •• • Cram& & Cs: ••anosWeie : • • • I EIOTICIi T o O fluipmemi.. fp qq . t the a Xts tt w t : los tusw.ws blusß 4w Zwes us:wsl., las& C ty• •I<tted, arriairtlielgi LIMO( alremarboss to: 1.24 Ilsat pnrwtsw. Maw wsll aiwayd In• to sends.** vsts vp. si 1..; receive frcighL . • . . • WANULTV ; • 44 • • ftswillawa Liboott 12A , MAN; REED 4:•CO„, teleceet.ac De 11.4.1, MN 1 C0..1 • •61111BIAL C011111511101.11SICUINTS,! I. Particular aur-raieo ?aid to Ilbe Al; of Wool. awl Mat. .• •J advapos inaFac inkoln Y RniTTElWrgulr.e . aka uTTi of do kW-MINOR Wrodilai far sate otr.stiost. WT 11 !• riq . 51 ...otrumGal„ • . 1 4 7 •• t • . •*.• la Wi.4‘ ak.keistg ast riNSBITRGITFRMAY Mg.Ck, tiv;T'.7Mg L.:dtfk.iA's; . • '", ' • LOCI.. Wm Ia the pr bawr. tab • m itt? . tan ! erg Caws.. 71te .nio ardware h . daas t.t•Wl".. it Co. - nue ansconstent 48ra it deurabia ro fo r the old hat as boon al potaabbb All puma. where hatilltiee law watered, an capered!) . ranststrd [omelet ints.ltate payment l'ittsborrh..Jatt I, lot, • - .• • .. • .dic CO.—lawmen, and IL/ Wutlosale Dealers to Foreign aral anon& 'lank ware, Cutlery. Sorktlery, t e, 139, Wood street. ?sus. hurablenq wow .fully imps*with a recently impoh .11ra stock,o(linidwere, Mtery, to afar very groat ilaboconaraa to western Luyers,•behti detennoted to centavo. In pricae with any ot rho Atlantic eitiei. wean band an eAterwire assortment Of Pittsbersh Mark were,. v Movers, ForiteOloes, VterN he, 'lll or whirls will be soh, WI 'the lowest treentolutrefti ggA TlM'aulteebbera bating +.44 esitseiol info . panoersiip sailer tttkaaxto of GU NOW* t a . t &Wier, for llsnparposeofaarrytas .140 sod Folontlina..d . Gas tltti busioiseso ou . branch., hare tater the stand formed, ores. ptdd by It. Cal/aglow; No.' OW Front streetiloo,toolto Moog alai Smithfield au', where ther ate plowed to caret. altar/ere lor Brits tftsflogo r ttf aortf atol Gar rritt;.,, with arcuaresosod Ire pateb.,auambaatobbingpromptly att•adie to. ' • • OALLAtiIIt:R.; 4. i • . . Y. IL ALILIA:11. bt 6—The attention of M.lsialsts and Engineer, is ISeIM boar oatitanneroo tossal, for • reduced prin, tolliklaltas bras' proaartood.supertor to Rabbit, by masitotra_ who hero ewe bota; lowasoLoat 'marten and. do POP% C....P./ill , . she nquessed to call and ex yare..r sopenor doable botioa F o r c e •Youtpa for dtabledatatand domestic no: tul.taballats LOW. a MILLFR decD •• •• • 7 71- tiliiistutliii . a. • rilliliputte g ibip so low: .esolsoag.andet the b ne al Wad & Mier, woo 19y almost mason dissolved on the Ist inat.• The butane will . he closed Inaba old Fund by either of naming the nom u( the lies for WI purpose.: thaw desirous to Mee cur brotheas dewed Wills qu est. hrle.delay as youthle. we oath' rer• werielly requ those Welded lo .411.4.1 mule . accounts. . • .. JUlL'd i g Arcum.p. • ! , rot tbs D. .IP6OILD having saarrembed wuh kW * brother Jamas Alal, under the stile of Word C o .411 C 04013110 the llst, Cap and Fur business In , as Sariosts brandies, wholesale zed mail, at the eldatazd,eoroor of Woad and 6th street:where they .abets conalthationer the pananale so ibendly ho stowed. do ohl how . JOl9Ol D CORD. ja•• • • JO.111".4 S. ZSIXIIID. • from Dui old and well known dna 'et I 'AK:WA : Rip, I mac , respectllty remmeornd ro yelliewiso of the Fabric usy sureassera , Mesers. _.Chit . 00.0 H. WIG, ~ r - r•oirmrrar s -- 1. •. W. IMMIENE anVeleturg, d Y Aboabmer adEad J. A. Stocky° a(Putshosil. Mao dm day 111114 awls rtheratio ander style ad 11M1 Moratoria: 110. 06 the Anchor Mel mist& % • Va., the the purpose .2( 40000: Ouvrlagues ed sway Anclipdon. •• . FMM xrunsw • x. r. lutom cm stk. '.4. rroerroz. ITLPHICISS. 18011.11111ZIROMIL CO. . • ANCUOR IRON WURRS. • . • , . . ' • IVAselisr, •Va• Build/Mom all kiwi or boiler, asset, hat lion and wady L. steel eliphe vamp asul zs arayess. mew 941)4 atuseobergh es old Jasiata aorta we rah Wee iiseruele or Juniata Ova (brauted tsboashagen Naha IOU" made ist tle coaxial . . all of whisk will be add at du- Pastures' pnoes. • Wareainsisodtba hrodlesedhotalsarso and Wator a.' . . MY . II - f I,,.,.iiiiiiiriiiiii. •.. bIE deparbseeth-p of du alisaihen, =do t . the • 'arm is Leaf. liatehbion it, is this day dissolved suitaal ea 114.11. • Either of us will aueod to Us wi ns of the im. and use its mains Co, that aupos. • • • • • • LY.P.IB tricifthoN, ' jail); , . • .141/I.IIS d. /111/ClilOON., t an CO.PARTBIERSILIIP. y, IIF: andentigised this day armada ea44.rtlMr . :ship, sada du Win o f •Jailsea A. landaus a Co, Use paposs of soots/Mad Os basinful auras. • ebeekel_ so by Loile Bad.. a. Co, and solitts • eeefilsaiate ef iLe paueene_beieno exteautee loam 4seebe. . •" 7 . JAIlt• O. /111TVILleCai.. • • .. LFAVIS 1./..ill:TC/11$0.)i. . Oh • J0a...1.1613. • • . . t . . , wilsoLosioli-ii•Joaderniicarttia• l ull uzuSet stykLesel Sim. of Wighttera Da .11, re Ms day diseotted by mama) thastot, /eau Lel toll hosier disposed Obis refire Warfel to Meal. Men. Tar bounces ef thelett arm Wilt In Defiled by . It %%Wm., gras. Is esakonsed tlet name Kase 1 hue arm for Ulu porjease. . 11; WIGIITMAN. ' !rpheaTtsr Daly /In . DALZELL: - • h*iE Shibseilei Waster prxperello soirutteetere aII the or Coupe host Woolto Mar.b&ery, as the *homes whits. Wets" ten u 8 Wightelatee &glee Sims cot. wee .IStorrty cod Teter streets, oral wet oak promps etteolloo.. u. W/GIYOLA-N, . Ltarok bstukra Ftherel hal Ssahreky 11J4 . verWillf Ahribrey cup. firIoSULUTION—Tho pstuorslop amouroonnest oolocnbeos, under iberAwyko Ploadociort Co. wa. , oll4ootood o tho to We. or usauroloooona._ R. W. N.O.Orner asthma:ad mortar oil illobanouno of the comer. • • IL W. POINDerniL NOTICS—HLIanot Kreitmana do moue faieilot otC• 11.h•_. U. U.. less camera of Potatkrer iLeloifed ooDoltuowlemy boo, Maeda* itiodoctac tats eie:lbe Inanixesa will be =mined an &budabile4grif, Poindexter & • .01 ••it W • 'mg INDESMGXED. Mag. laisiswoo'aisooelisi. X, Da. of Ankur• Nalsoloomot skit rossaint aat Mud ram 1ure,144•44y. tvweatismaisioliseigt Tr.l euvannesolui, An Alma imatinsfEtharo • in4ebeal so noo Na; is. sososanod.so eaU that wandiouse . cif .11bany jureet, mono Inod ot. Woal, sad aide. NAM tan* dams .as Um; wagre7tiartke - s4 aTikisike - i.j ee oe - s7l;itenk.. . ' /M u zu .kk e Tt oo lli m aa.. v.. ‘"1- PARR!_ , : k S.A.BLVEI. vntitinwi bar. bg boy msorimed klooselees mgoltnt.imin tbe trm ofJobso Fano k Cn. kit Ow purgooo of motaming tbe Ineitiens of Me: ..8.31.0111 . 4 lire." oral comae to invert • venni ionmodkos nod combionion nokoir stem al Hie old tossol as Mel:Mil Moimtlberty onto.. • 1 IrAltalDl.; • IluNtf, a; :MOM ficeifk - eld isokto7nioreil k.b Dry lion& toodiacted 14 Ma name Oslo a niggled. canter of ?mak skrorklostot Go. Pine burg* commencing Feb. d, tali. Tile Amain.. Gran pliment oral be onklucted yoga. am looter Apo morla • • • !If NAIL .C(Cli-PAIIIIISIL•luilLW. Your unin this kl day asseessle4 whit um, Joho bre.s, We iber bas4eres! min Ismattar be eendseisd ander' fae lrq al W m : & WILIJANI 1 0 UNGI, ien6 .. . !. • ' JNO. R. Aretwit, MEDICAL. ♦ alma , taralat: • • ' Setss, Cedambittaa e0.,0.,"Apt, .11. teal. DD. JAYNE& Pun h t—l, feel bound to yea mut the oinicted pude, to avail myself olthia op. ponunity of siring publicity lathe extroordlnary egrets or yoor LSpecto onstraelt. Having boo ellfieted. tor 'wend yea rnwith mere cough. hoehe fe te sad se eastenshost dimmers, and seemed only tu doter ma a abort hot ridaemblr raise:hes, awn the fall of PAP, when, Wog more here - ley andeked;and hayloft mooned to all my Rosner retnedces, and the pna. a-now:se Otero onius Pain respectable physicists Id' the neighborhood without deriving nay beoefit, oe the eotscilatcon of sortiviog hut few day. or week. at ianhest—wheo the Jar ream of hope was lbOta vueLleh.l 04111Irtotianended in me your LS,pectoront audtiblemey that licipg' Sher does all dung. 1. the' our of the Meow—nod 700004 to the Overmans, of my phyeSione and itiend, I wit. In slew day. mit hoes sty bed; ind, net t ed 14 Its woof • ottle, numcd to my hoduess.'nrJu) its suet better health than' t Uttar ten VMS. preys.. • • • •. ile.pettolrr Tow.. be., 'Jos. W. For gale to ritt*te;h. ai eleVelkho Tea 105a.1.1 .7Mirth meet: . ' • • ' me' li — Att•so =nil. • a. vs. it. cif. WlDds.sls Drug Sines' Is -ikt. cur or •• • ; . 31eur.lrerlu* !. • • • fiLID under•iipan/ ale essasavel, sigspd is the A of 71. Unag.insainowst 411 Jobs mash to too eky of :few orkr Bud ore prepared st amyl Prostate and etna.oo, ercti 0.1.1•0111 Prom Ponds, 011.% lLyequattre, runs go end Armnella re.fustery, Iledder, WOuver A aloothreS4.3tesolesle, (of Weir aline Importation, sad sher anicke iu via, Masa twi ts., of IL SelpOlauf,ty et lon la they COI barite 4114.14 aid Of any smolt°. <Hy; : ' Son liark.ireble IL A. VAILVESTOCIS. Oe . • aguehoe. Mullin. Grua. UW\U bUsKE,jIS,. ac—We• Ibe r glidenigned, Punnets sail illindblaten,Lof city at. ow York; base used cad tested, sod am now using • new ankle of Cbroua lima, otanufactorod by Goo. JL alaretwr, 6( this shy, and Lad li in work' wall, oar diming a Mee brilliant Paris Green appeararice, with • ve art:web:Fr. body, and mammal r to ode Inethims ry In die trade as in every yantralse Ike best 12mate Green we have ern Dank New York, Jam 1, , 47, Signed by 24 firms Mymetreal painters of Me city of NO. , This unequalled' Cbrane Limo may be badoll gELLPICI, No SI Wood Meet, who has time Siklitaive agency Me beak In Pittebusgh. inall3 - I A . Pisa WTE Tkaillt, FOUL OFLI-Vall, /I.EALTLIY , - GULLII,—YeIIow sad nobattlitty torM, ace be. is *ace or twice cleaned with Joon' Amber Tomb Paste, have Me ammoomo ri(Lbe most beautiful ivory, and al 1110 same time nix ao penectly innoecot and es sydonaly Ina, sass in constant dolly no , is War sot munageans, eyeato the.. teeth. Mat are M • goad caw. ditioggivonr thema. beautiful rani, and parrostiog a PIVMIIIIIIII newsy.: Ilsorw.almady derayW it borrows fns breooslog Wroile,ll also &mem each as an Lso• coining loom , sad by perscresapco it' 5W robot tie kaileet testa dalicsaely whim, and make W bmaii do. beissaly sweat -SoM by Wkl. JACJIBUN, SO Liberty R...A. FAIIIIMITOOK • S VBBILIGPVOB. . i .A .fi • PEW weakaanes, our of ay caldera, rased moat ' # e van, wax unwell far areal days, and a. Mass increased oo ol.nottrty, sha.l feared death wiald laa Are 1.0. W. lavas lewd onto abed arras of 1adj,...,,kr. ysesaaace lorMit ashaahneerd la alt karma/ my whillsbear.saal thinking say that .salata • Lava waasse..tenn some el the wispiness, i gave .1 a.' and e: halt 1LAP.0.4.1. et all Vethdhaaosal to ay Ilan aanablabent It alma unesedately daseharged between WOard as/ /ars...wend, • lb health war MVO 1.00,04, and a is ornesaandaday well:. Parlor. la WINS Ow Vanahose, am NVIMII woman eeraaannally fiat lat . Weak and /OM Nand it wessidtaa ana . • ... .. • :a. .lt J.A.U. /IA Walaq.. .....nal • - •.1.• • i • ';:aajiyanladri botitionsocilootli ' ; .sgtairlEW PA3I MY MEDICINE% , .•; -, Ceen. brunt, .1 elrellasil Ca, Pa,' Mad, 3. b 44. :, us s s ori.Ltit-Aiiistf, moat an all a. %.. jii. ,,,y 4 , asd Omagh Syyq isaarstasea, • Tersz.res: maid I. without ash phi tea tiara/Willis aaghbortescali Mortar paved abut Whauret isset—• I), Gaso *yap 'oat Lim Polio boos Wes galas isb• blathers • Warr:VS antra •••• J SCOTT. Perneussair4 ~. Psegtool. sad - ooki loy. RE SIiLLLIWWWOORP9' ;141 =Cause I, I=a i lt . i . 15 .. 1,. Ira 11l YAWS' istiiii iiliiitilL • ytZiel A , vow Moot Bask - Powder , la. ship...sial mad*. &29411114% /MR NM arVilamaionaely sad Utast atwerawaly tressenandal y oAcoltylot 0(r nun to Gnarl, 111440, Toone% aplajn ATOM as Lear, salad tla as dealasted slasuiel a' ta• as is masa saaathraena .dl' otopeotati fotta. fir . Toroth by, ~ ~. , R R BELLRIL • t, . Frt. 1 i.;,' ' - . • "..•.• , . P .144 o .''' .: 1 i , : , 7. , HOTELS -4 " AFICIONTAIif HOT L. LIGIIT.PTHEIS? BALTIII2ORE. ; r • ewe oXpenttliartql, 2 11 2 1 41111 t h e Ohtriga;Ll S • thy of Udomarq has snoeutly . udembas wary onto; lie. altentioun nod • itoprormenta... An .rte goal hair . has been addsd,tradlatihlwg ntnnetons and aiey.• nletptoc.. OpArtuo.lO 4. .4 ...Maki,. botblor nnockw,.• The Ladies' department has too bee, eootpletely iebeganlted and Wed op in a Most Ruin,a and beano. •IA style. In fart the whole =nonplused af ttualeate bin been restuadele.h, with a sintle eye on ths parked the Forint., ttnotoOn noso.ron wsd plessaro of teir Ousts, and whiny thay..estilobroaly - autscst Inn rialto* notiationktut With anyllatel [Olga Unica. Tholnable win alwars be .applied Ninth every soli. tread aid tom". Ninelt the 19/1111Gladordts carrot ap I. a nom., ..ito t While in The . war 94 . 7 r, &C, loft godson nounpan,.d on thapall= l a onside/MO4 looder this 11.1. 1 worthy Um g o o ristwortottliis Moods and 100 puha renaTally. •. Tboares fee boatel have alto been nd6eed to the I~On 'tor)" • 41 ; 1 P.:47. • r . (MO 4 • oOMO • N. LL—The 'Borgne Wagon of lb. Ilona Inn el. anyn In found tbe Car and satudboat Landings: erhiett )414 cairn,. homy to sad Weide Hotel. free of eheree. • .IPICARL SITAUST lIQUS/11. • THE eibeeribers bovine purehaser emir; luterest of Co .l G. P. Williemoo, loth o( well Yuoww ntobtithatera. beg leave to state to. their: hinds sod the pablie gign•hilly , that they Nirit! earn tlaa seteemodio. /Lad for *tmcot lamb sad eked their Lest eteigies to make isdpiiMits loos nir Travellers Led Coy lioardele... • • • ' giMarl is spatial. sod ethoirobly planned fat caienet, ad sir, haying o nompseef sestets .vnag ohrontere, preseedits urinal itunetionite She e ad th ifff , ftlll prprtetori knes 'bis egieiliner ray.. Le this city end edrieerhmt, need diegli(Ul br 'give s to giv• general Ran sa Wing dineendrog a gieidleided attention to the hoer slams. • The loaatson of th e Pearl Starr I Home te neassons- Iy h ot frOSIS au Pearl( Nebel piedThted' slam, so eat a la enually desirable b• row reille cooterience otboquess men. or teu [vowel for_pnewe lialettni. It le neer br flanks, the Post (Mee, es Ma o ....li&lLlVlPriabtot. leshl terens di/flift from Ma. INFOS/ and nes sownes from the City Wher* .the &mews noilrersoinusi epee. ally ii country aterethaftitf eauetally to all pentotte. 'main antott • JOHN gonfjc. , amber .'•• • 1 . ' • 40fItc4(. IlnifiLt.' ThOTLIrs Cetus dr tams. re: CLAIM se., rrisssenen:ii.' The miteenber hater Lune. therm rage. Aunt er this long eetablistied end petal. !keel, tray &sevens. tesTrerelhera snit the P Isneniilli abet he will he at alrlifOOO propeie4 . to see than sOthings desirable io o seell ,73=3 moor Ite tramr-t. Wag ,Vtansidlili, ihniteleat. mdse. PY311110,11 !seat, and Der palm pin be red to sided. Esau. owe oft. Soidereigued respectilally molLetts • totationvos. • Very liberalise:renege flu' MOH bea IteretoCore _• ' THOMAS 019 9TON, ' Joeneae nowitz., ut Ingot. Pruteoixert.e. I -THE esbeeribers,: mato lba yrb or Bridigriei Neer, bare Welland Air. /aloe Imam rattle •toeblietarra, and bop. by tbe stricteetutereuss to 1)4 !mutu era comfort of Omit vote, to mem • erao simmers bete," 111..entl paannege Leretofore formed !gib fanner proprietor. Tb. Ahe m bee been thoomph.ly poire.l4 thereskine feel wand wows welcome oat Woods and as pa4lir to aeoarsooodatious epald b yy , to **thy of rtutodolphla. N. IV. BRIDGE.2I, •notraz, . • 7 77- 7 • - macs aw aro arr. are. ;Latham I:1111S eatablidaseut V aow in the twat order for, 'ele - reeepdati of tbe Traretirea , robllc.' Having aatiergone• a thorough .repaw derlog the pan ele , t ...I batting the noel experwaceo mu in dr wen in she rerion“leintrimesta, latter *self thot all tio planed* who cal. The location ineetittal, eon *ilk* awl peanut,. Fare St per da_y. ' • • aaanan Marie IVO.' ••W. F- SIARSII.• • N. 4},,,anlone ► li nal vase Lir a naw Dna= it YU, atoweet sew * oaf kaad/e, ..spear m•i• • • •VIUSIXIIII. NOVEL. '• • • NUR TUI: DEPOT. CUAUCKIILANDIIII,. • .11111011, lege m neg.. gad up tin iha . tlbl j. etaerahmiera pig. iraieboa pa Wir. Le • ma rel. *tram and ecanart mall do well to W will Pad ge clamber. deg sad am, sent ace Oda* well fagged as gy Caul la Ai IMMO( lb...and dements moms talma to injure MU.' . e m aa und l acg. puLlie rebuke theg - The ' Hotel Ms ttiodi. tog to Au frms kaaarag is coo nr& 'Tr /leg; epg the cadge am give of do cmago: es sad ear.. WASUINMON EV.A.NtI• •• anutoosmoaroxv SALT ROCS!, aA CIS TIIEUCEMOWOUN beis b ietztaltit (A.m.. Alms he 'l4 spits loose.of the GALT 110VNP, asllpht Ott •fri,wwis, ..Aria( Qom and it...rata., Om ee •Son,Sall b. spud in saw atil•esiatistabL wits Ofirtiou whit th.0trt12.2 .. p. • .. • • , lITATZII.III)TILL.....• • (T s w a sr l , ammo. °. mni v a.s. my/Im— lJ )4 POPE BOT lUb. EM, W • • OPPOSITE dri' Railroad beptiitnEnCEO: . ...11aborylaVallY AL 611111kpoortoratataraof hw taa,Varionst-aal 8a Um*" Ifratilig Paw BOOK- TRADE. ' ' Skint .DooksJmat lttf,itp.4 —77 ' VittlJ.l4 Ibatoty oalodem Pltilooop== ' io fie s Wow, nom th. last London tote °Atkin I. •?. • ti4or npveis s ky tWepike,l/. Tyag, al), stow 004 pawed' ods' with porteog of We unbar, 11.30. • • Ilosonit of Rev: DevitAbeek D 1;t: foto Misoldowy to Clan; by hie uniatoto,kev. 1.. R. Walliamsoo, loth p.m.. M•aionet'a Mo w! a( &a. 01641111 YelljloJl Y 0 irsnitaten bf 1704 T0ne1.141.11. Uslaknanc: Mk of «0 • iarYnginoul, a 1/1&—,10 ono raiuino.i. Rear moond Landau odium: IMAM • • niennoirof WCAtnioA*74aininnnlr .ninfneLl l2 .l« P. 4.4 garalltionaas, by Chasiona Elinninn.nlllll . ii.oplanatury anus ac . t..y • mem« tabor . ting tbentriod Rom ob. no. of personal recolketion• W her 4..ai1; by 1.11 /Tonna:Goa ern.. • • : Revolter fin« in Liszt.* by Rea /It Tyeg.D. 11 Markitiltiniabe Monhaarat.litrici tiy aer. awn* I..k'lL 'Poirot, 13 A, ulnae of - Iteconto of ^Good Ban', ' I . 4 Y-Mary, ° -Mayan.« d. Brad; no: 7110 above AA received and ar We by I'L.l[= k ENGL/1911 tiG market ot.betwaeri &land adi 11=t1 ",;. e; pnt fie of Nopole. nr%ajl:!. ' l?A le Non Muural ]b•brq of ereslioa. Petax Suahurpr, Vicii•iude. of Portz.; br Xrr. Care. • : • Log., Ilaraurt, or 6e Illeghloste—astatue ronfilet Woven goal sall • The .Idystqries of the.Ttnim Chi4sl LT musuadarJ q of IL Isle. • Tilt PnasrL' ' ' O - IPero C i g e. tor J • ulqls 31erclanes Ilaguina for Nur* • • • • . • • A oploodid Retell Leo Fdge.l Neu paper sad es. 'elopes la cony/41014 . *op fa ilooPasple,3ie 3, for Marti. . • • ; Vat We al .;11 Allmon, euitbleld .t,' 34 4alifaitt . floautd. - • • • • • • • • • TrOBARTIS RUTIARN ANALCIOVHstmn's Au 1111 edysls of Irishop Dealer'. AludddrOlValtainsidll• tool and Rewarded, to the coostiOdrimpatliasaa smart, with notes. Also. Cradled.. etiellio. AMMO talumme; rewired and adapted LORI we Of &boo* by mod. H. West Principal e(Rafryirea AMMO% RS the citY of New York. • •,' c. • ,ettliON'S toEsEcrt - TE, tit AlstOrrllA Ate.-79. de Senectate, de Asiscalma,•Padohntg. Itscoultso Scipio. of Mere, sod the LIN of 'A Ip.Comelies'Nepoe, with English Notes, Critical Ig:;110T•ls'y L. - „.., RING ,SOCHreDascripaioo of de Bras°, Scenery, Rana Life, mad Coontry imam. 1111e041, Thocums Miller: veldt 30 A SO MARRYATT—Toe children of Ma; Ne tor Forest; by Copt:k firryn, R. N. ••• ' • '" 015 LIROIUGHTON, or LaaroL War try WEE. Jamas. . • • • . •. The above. work e received tido day. and • fee midi • • JOHNSTON eseIOCITON.; llook oaten, core market aid — Sow Pa y periu Meleds Idadattlialammemt, . , .7.. Wan, Br., orrormoriloooma sun Maser. : rrla; subedits. hove.,feet amused, at tho oboe.; ' 1 . Mead, a tarp mock stalks.: qualities soled and I 'ph. wide suplolue Writing and Late; Paper, ems, 51.1 and whet post Plet Cap, dcmy add toodltas ndagpopersi Rrr blast laidem•modates mod royal cos lased Moroi /Wren; Suatma, des. and Pooh and Learnt, medics: sad bet blaster; School lkake of all • staadr. vr.7= Tkeoksay mid :kited% mad steel Peme, %%We.. Wax. AU Vacs, te. Wank Books oral] sires ruled 4 peerricosobiotoC id the most sahstandal maidier.• • •. • • • • • Coantre til.reheouotpcU it linawbolibide pH , evt for enksh. or most cub Wm.. • ;• Jou rtuNTING-41avise agehogdot with ear eaablnaueni, en .e. kryliusd order. for plain •nd fury boot . circular., boanruoults, bills °fluting, &r.. pale h and.l hoop:iota •F2.1.107Ta. sort Td wue sr, yet wun'eth end diamond alley." 4 / Oi:RllTOtti: on uuirl .very iglibd.be - 77 — ftee IV 3d end Clwary at •Jl.tiove• Lo• feud el large Auk uf Thootoecal 11.0wallanuas Llooka New boot/ niatiree a. maaa •• übll.4o.and roldlt eat prices. The publications of the kuricas r: &hoot (Won and Aboaaehosea• tlabaath Selsou cony, •Iway• on hud. 'firraidtod at apr. plwatioa.• FAULIJA• _ _ Mails; brute. 3d wadi* . IIErISTORILIS - itoben - s - on - Ccitollia%Cabbdiedslat. bled. Europe, ?moon , . Illeako,•Plid;ile4 rraues'Arnoid's ftoosr.•llsrpWs Pletortsl F4glo, Pa side Rs Usllasts Cann tonma Ititto; ry faits 4 , 1 sot Arnolds Lem Roma Connooasse sing trclault's Roue: bane* History otitis own lane% Nettle dow.i 1 1. 11 . M. Mddis Ades; Win cnuaa.....l fleowning's lU.sy - of tno Itorednois: Thrtlrs . IlLinoneal Work.; Nold's H. 017446,, PnrinliWnlidn, Ft.eh Her; Taylore+ 3 / 3 ousal otAsel sad Mod: IkV• laircslornoo.otho Ilicory of the choreihbli.Mq I.4l4lky's Rows and England; iloak&s Popov The otherealuabi. w±4 1 4. 16, 041 e ar q . *.X.Orawea ale ms.ry of Ibuefino4; awns. of Idscamy by C. Gay., , ; • .W.b.... . .... • .11.4mcour.. tio doe' lik., elianiki , l4.4 Paiii..." . :0 4, 4, 4 .1. liebia:. al./bailor of lbw bums a New Twit au•s••• M. Ow iodiebkry mod laur of Ablr: 00 and daub alley YLI4, by Jolla IMe . • . ;4.. ihattivttz e'VrTum,.... i .'"u 2 ,-,,.. Wised end enbasied, y ei::qatajloug,y caul NYlMl . " ^ '' g y 11_20 .-• • - WE"' BCP UE 3-4 . 4 :ife.mod ties4Jbe patuaber, Jou 4 fut Mb in a* esethadlet Hook am% eLl..e. Mar, i . c.oe. Tem ra hove rbiel Pillow:90, to ULM Mitre eLlkodir 1. Palmate! Wok (or a prow.- •. fileiebet:ree .. „qe..ettke'l l : s rpo ii_ ...n ee./ei - iL im ie.• 7l l7o4ll..b . Palplre2l:te y ilea ZUNI e 11114.141 141114'0,km of Eaylaad. iir V• 4 4.• 0904, Media LeurLen, e 1 1 ., 13 !=ed Nag4+ l, en., _ • 'iarilr ' ' • . • EMMAN (IS 1:4 • • ~....,.....,1,7, :.../...le• • , .....,a, ...nst • . .1 Ao - I.DRYA-YARIETTONIk.! - ......... 4 ...a..... ! ri1.,.,-- r ---- ' - ' - '"r - - -- - - --..-.moo j rn.,"7 . . . 1 ,..i i i ii c 0 if is i i i t i ellK! 164 . 01: J =VD* CJUBPIrr WirilltltlV'rr '.• ' • TO9IOI, Mr ' 41120 W 00A ' -, `.. (Ws J S SvieLls, & co ill , ~:; 3 : L t . illatitallaisbitso7 Opses. o • 33 ssi&i• ir Erecruazas or .P 444 Ala pallforiarei Use 0 sod ca w pitals boas, cainene ealt ' seenk. lade, seeoad meet. tortaman* Waed - ••• • .... , .bl rtnatsurais 4 s IsmakrumeimArebard =ri." *.g .ipp9A ik ed aZ i tit Pl ' 44 :'" 4 " thd ..uess,46: ...., th sumo lung partner Mr. kW L1Pp...1.4101141,114 4101reL 311.13( 0..7 Valf.& at th• taisa(of asteelesed:bDaseN veldt Mr. Vich•C Harr. the %Wee-4 a.,.: ,Thim J 0 C 1.4. 1 34 Cbtaba' Winner t : i i v .,,, 03 .1 1 . 4 .11+44k anskk tbe nte•d L4l4*. bnattbt leVesurrt metre., 714 , state as. boa 44 m e p r.i.air - .I CJ-v a e: j ui s t akr *- 4, ... u lt i .tl it " 'l wr w i. thi ke" nd fled ib u= l o.' 4 oiMott ~:0 13 4..e 0 14.3 . 14.t 6.-s.ed & 'p.....r. n.. 04. ... or ,1,. toio:t a,..e0, rim '' .., 7 plaeo.s us &emme el* paldit 1 eadtatitkeeted (6. 'tam and sad kellratat eedont ~ -*, ' ' W tha Intense hest ef,a µsaw .lse •••10 then .. Tkey eabpatee, 4 parr( the tietlaseinet, llaftt• WHY. In ode dour Ma a the vf• cum to . ..Septriet Taearstre aro. ...knelt red Leat, ties Oaer of the (.../. wt. on .1.1., - -".- - '''''''-':‘ ' '''' 4 4 ....d. which caused a., Llitnased 241444 beat for F.dahat, sm. 4.•&111417: ' .''''' 11111 btu" of am bacoandlthwa isist•Amikeeem set.' • l' . -.'"' .'_,,„“;. ... y etelteda the furnace VlS•thsa thaette••••• 4 r 4 i 'WA* DM ...* • • hook, whack,* no es 4%4 picket ea litw• theft, , wale af only el books Wag i I'M ?oft ...• a•• .04 Wl , r 4 etsalutg the e. •AVe hare Ise Ikee ravaiy esttakea Lts rectscsrastsdamw to the pubis,' -Fs •NO Clcastem• irs' ' ' ' • th apekkar ou t i d . an .a y ar . t , ha ho. ve ev orki. er see ,,h a mie. testnt. b. aad vt.l.4,4 4l4.• r lefaus .. ..l . 4 i tsilled eim hnifr4 Vealthut i,c . ..1.74, • beet •r_tack vett! resit 4 uka soled tam.. lloyal p t rt+ ~.:2; ;W 1 , ; .. 11 .. mr , 4l t. i. Werausc t.. = .1) =L., , tr''''' CO,StelataaMay and * co, wet Mass, Miami, i 1 •1•••• t; i .) . . r, We. . 04 4 1 ‘1/144 ttekel h alte gab spokea 4 111 - 4,an • • . abase, Rom a let 4 tbe store 01 ober •.. Maser, the Aral., .•., `..) .• • I c 0 gricir, • NM. ! i•• , • 1 &ATI& & Miiiih &ohm, Prissimork 1 0 .-z5A...7,. .4!..i15t95.9.14cw.L.1.1. vr.v...„ , • Lupsiscarict ‘6l- - , . r''' , 4 - ' ' " 14,..,....Ac r i amt a. Winusted wad Cast Steel :, IL . V ., it, " . .- . i.it . a=:x i st aaa.424;l*.rdandlitat= 111 . 1 ; ,, t. " . .. u41wa1 ;" 461 =Mattocks, Pie 14,41,,, ars' comaletectalithtif _ s _.,_ - - '-- —. '" .o ' . " . entents In the .T on of near casehtsci, ....el. , •14044,...... „ two secoug ,b ats hest irortment how the nog age. ~ „.. _ T•ta wird easahl,4tor of East an nor ou r "IX t• aet • 44 , -7 arer'erk I•lealstkerlil keep ceutkady ea land cut for eat e n n •••••••44 444 as !Vitae , 9g• salve. ankles, hank! &tried thaepetwea eibtkaa,Trtaestattarab.... leen 6girararenta and MI "Mk' Makilka sad augerlal May mai hot beazeellint . Tlirf 'promise to prdnee, lutlarts Anal: if mak aWmamollik say Ibru can be Lad In We Pao, They /ova, kbb iU the I.l4ealota to an apatinagoa eifibakt Meek bailie parrbasing elrearborasin they an eangiamrd Mat May. grill be able to MI all °Neu their Use be angle ablidaebna of,pamtumaks ,Wayaboara, .Wanik atread; Moon Weal Fa . PP:lab:rat, , Xl.. QeQ .B—Alums buts,* baahemarta.Wm.l4lolll • t 4. ,I N f S L - 1 403. 4 !'..4t co. • ulgrll WIXIDM. , 1 1 . 114111 nutbi•Pleriltuankweriasiluisf , at" A pia and op u to ant. ~ , tatoonwalgafikklikomalmaagllgMbrandirri• • vele daelhega eansrataly..as Lana •m?r! •Ilar prraeot Mock art Aiwa essumcbi weeded bY ' aay uli raanktraesmy enramarragraatry;.• Timm Inksbing to Alachua %paid dare an gfranur • gall, dvmthut4 prim Wall please IPart or Ike Mock goasiara la - • • 50 was witbklnak aadi Cbal,, lalpelotb tier; :Mix Mahogany: Mine ~ : 19 mahogany Work sum :I dos reabogarry frocking laming . 1.3 allable top Drensfaa Buenos; b ;km6l., top L 4 ark . Rands; • Labe Wort ' •. •' 4 WPia Caml7,l nisUradmhis bll_ , llararipmorka am( a Isar *.kmgag._af g • egmaa ‘ a mann aeittealoyspo mmiessmu b . ••••••• /4 01 Ea s aVelt111011112/112AMIST USINQ arm' aware bags frilalulaltybaatzbass kik lc .1 akl.-I,e* ealarselaroughdarro saws, yet. Law aahaabby tha Was imams Blies abrprepat , wad eltall! Besides It ill i0.11111911+1,C0241.144 . 1.1.1,0 qvaatity of lead! • - Ws base prepared.* - bearaifat• assetabte ankle, raid, re call :2 4 6.PANISLII LILY WHIM ; pe 'featly lia rs Ratified Ratified of WI 4.lcurio. 1110146ra; sad it to the •Itlit it maim!, Y•• 47; Ittabaster, clear, lista/ +Wit; tlysaaa• thaw scrim V • eoseasik oe the alo, istabla it .on and meal • Dr. 'MCI' Andeltam,. Chemin if Wail; • sbassits, aayoe 0 411*(..araelyala,g Jooet , .*•aialt Lll .Wltite, I Gad it persetae• tava b•••tibl Dan. N. awl at Ur sans tier amtatitta mbiirl•bar say, I Vertalstly e.s coareistaientramaterm• isa tar to .o wipes akin requital, ^ " IS evils • we Pow by WM. JAC N, ti•Lala as, mar* - 7•--.----- r, Piiiii;;*liiir= 1131140.1111 /141#1,. .... " • I. , FOIVi WRIGHT a. C.; ateltrepased Is Cause , • U , Can'ootea 31athplary, of esv r deseriptisas, nab •as anna/ Ataelslues.. tiptaalac Praia.. Iti.ast..... Malvin Vrames,ltailsrar flask IVanall, Otos:in' nausea, loans, Can/ Grualers, ls. Wiiiiiii gni. ilicaflieg tarsal; all slaastlllasas Imo, Palley sal' .Usqua ilm, West Rams:says/4a soCkseiLNINK. sad ,atas aeon Muds.. Casuag. of mg. aretipsios• eanosabed ea shim asnies, mimosas& rrimistibl' MI Gearing, 1.02 flailiaa..tte•Jilaus Plea lockaw II1( Factories. Cast boa Wiadolsaluk4aulisaftSms , .„ : Isa, feasts:ly. ' Orilars • 10 .alt Vii iriPOOsissa sitas raramrs a. Co. Lib<np..e.cll4l pummpsfaso. its rto Mark mad. IisILA . llis u ais Ca, Ll.l,lViinar.7..h.f fifasiksSlM . h; • IJ, J.ll.Wantar. SieptstariUs; .....- ' •-s. ---- ... i. 4U2 l l.4 . " 4l , eat2e A tronl l ass o l!tw i t 1 , 4 ...,, C their Dew Work% are .60,7 prtpaAjzolosoroo, Malot Vor liNtliplicla of Coo& &ad Wyman, Iron Adm. Alawiesta • Dlaaer, , lSoriag i-sd ' Moab '81441...a .21..,.. of . 0 .u....a.1.4....4. anal bog, ...Lc!, thereAter Oat safe on lateral Wm% ot their wan, Swale, No 4.1•W00d areal; akar* : thi.r st/to ken, as Ja TO mul a complete and bandana* waosananw triEl. .- Carriage ~N on,, H anl mutable ,Nails • • iut..: , i , . ..• ..rs :.•:...": • C i IL Co, hare made Arymagitaasiaa iiialakamm Tr. .. .11%?rt ° , ' t 4' mo tuX4ll7or ad 9 i i4" = made I, tbsu lkilers an srapartfolly *dieing NI . an.: al i . a and trews will be made liaraL . • .r• :Nair - flaii• - d . yr — lF ... wry kiiiru • JOSEPH WOODWELlAabgboiog -.. i . •: • '• . , Wood .4 21 .t.,, INuabank, gips '-'' . ont bid.* sutra • inwa .Ik* tweet %, ..,‘ 3...41 Wood“ el!, . tto. I. uf January% IMMO talcs piesomot in 3.IICNIUNNit cp. toy I ne. isa • IN tar ale sad uatterj., UM 1 law tmeneo. my Dm mare al Me abirre a/m.l pals*.. /lama. Parebameal mygay& far' easJa. andina.l. •ITNNIVLIIcMIS web taamalaettHet• In ars meaty amt lo Tammy to: be eduatadt.ty,atal=J I am 'thy pupal. ! M fray &ak tratlaaia *COI . ma as goad iana: aaa aa lo* , ~- soy Last. 54.444'0s West. .11.44.0 sod Ma•Mataa.marmilailYlooo4. Ibtp 44 _ ,Hutam paY:atortk.Lammartatrtkaatag•lsaa . .. _The /*llama, eaMaPrama &POO lartadit Steataaaart anal' laaJimy batalwate, pm .alisaws. Lb., Hayairla amel.'eatlery, life ago, iaribtaimo, Sub, latelam,m-yabom , tett-Magma ierewa,UoMalrata: . WY' Ptaam, mam, amt./ aayaraankaaat YeasamMalr .11 atim.artieira e,ttuarcte‘Lthl t aka Lard**. be). I • oar i g logoorgAtr7.. A llej t. ilogii * 0 . 4 , - . 11 1 allatakr. l a Forum ay*. DiNieeli/ ea .11rbriPT"r4 TraftlY*44" ' triWrgiam LOS 0 ;1111: ''al UM' .1T el, :3 .dl ..., w0.d...x. Or itild 04%1066 he viii *pair aim, Ma must mtrahlthiimaket,,,...;..t.„-ii, OMNI hit ..onliOuolly rocettioftiOltlO reettroe, 'the thhatasetareht h. Eumme..ailarnial Iry, Wad. Q um We alai ia eati r m F te vr lay rt. taaliattmastijamt IWatt. - . ... t ... a • Wasters masylmatta ayriatattal to eakkhil estainisti. Ll, .toet„ - for!.gor!Osaing Otewhask G0444,8' 188.11' MOOS, .1110418tAND L10.V.-41414' Ze4414 AV. =3444hidofalehoth4rin twrovi.a.ol eacial'iainsfi_ , th.4.,.t= Moo loses ma De HhAe,Akether ' with aka alatatarapaltaaraisolloy , barrderrm (or sale at RODESSONHaftamampalammy.Wtmd t ,tree may . be Hatud Mr l o s udiaamptim4kAkeittrnue. aitAka: ty Mats lad Matt Ca 40.16 alm.Ory. aritkwtamt.amd, 1 !75 . ... t T.1 t U" . e t "",.... t ....a1,Ls TO PRY 400 P,CAWIICH41711-4 •akiisamai Ile , o; go Matket 41,fitkvektmlAtoths44_4(440: rutted 144104 . 4441 RAWL., 8 10 444:4( 1 , 4884 . 8 8" Garry mono: Wars, 10 dooleo ag 'wool gryggifilog ham.. 4 domela=Peintay 4 de MO lota= dari " alit i reetraveq' araltaa gat il , Ol k si i. l Angle,w Clmodoo. mitanaa. lta../ii., lan of *Huck qt . . .VarAgmoll4ll.6ol : 4ammat Faxen wholeailegrites. ,... . ;AM ~ , --- 1 - •(..7 i'leits Vim, • 11; wicirrsoav,auti.newm aticiaakees: immullroollen amehissery, Jlll2amaily r. ea tabors works Lollar Raw ialW-a r.. 1.% I Pam PHlSmadi aa•atar.taaamiam-ZHT.''' t, all Itidaa'o 'mamba ry an my 40; suck naW il e• War% areaSeraii4ctstmarbinei;hdis./22 *a=ol'..ttale foe . inersban ' enl *"" l: k, —4lia . 11.4148.4 ' ""Iu S '" :el" i ffl k aitf e ''.4 A 44 th Ztt: °:"4 I to:. .!aI R IOT Ire,l= =S a ul , mia mak ii, A C4,1(44, Wunhek 4.......,t.1.., 4.. ;', .. .. , ... m . .. --..., . ' iliwriagmbdlimir 411eisi P2=. ! , tof..aclAOM arOUXTAIN. , have xi ropolikiiii atta Oa avatar kattifitollta • Wad • ~, et lath • rit aewl•ranybrow,Aste , N ..a. et iiii, tto atilt, maim , team .Wirlar44l/4474. atra 7si aa atl; PM. 41111.tablieetigigtOrth61•SINSUIleeiklimiNIV (111.10 e liisarfire. MO, WI Weds IWO ' di ‘.. • A ll* VULToN, netlail nsw Focatior t limn: ind Consiselisek joililoi .at alauld mad, Vetere he will bee... 4 ..,: o ht:old calicos, • , Call mil .okillikkenrllllllllllktUli Illiellitralst, Doe; 10 .40 l i c l kk l .i l kik..4=llo44lll4/11W IMO opkwo,i ctltatalrlN anti Iva 'lsbe a 102 04101 1•Ama.• .. aii,,clai Water ruatitsCatialWr lilli, nig with nary Wait. W* sir !t:49Y,d;. UMW wird flkiliwilia *AIM* . • - A..'. i• UtgA , AA. ariptiewit at llaseres‘Airotiaini no. . 11atis, at t ia t alitgil4calati•Ulleinatimitiati a .41°6 " .in T r r i TI I OAW.• AO boa. , m! Ite laid at sit wrist - . . ;..Piauighs, Piolastx. Cariiisgs,-W !Fon t KO En HALL,* gai. otti thas aft arlt IlaU, 13 111111.1ilfiC• .......: Mint larce;qaaall lic. of Vlattaba Pkwirik Coal rim Wait. .liiiolilioN o lke, w thew proielliiinl/Clit timl broom. 1 'Perim* Illiookyllla Olkolliikiiiiii, og 14., Ulla gyd h iv tt l ".="Ass w ilbovi . iiikk PlUilleilli kii= 1 *dos nauical/ lisituty,la . Atleihar city sever Cuirsea"tiogyt/fAins.a. laaclutstek,.nelt*Ca t , s4 i :' 1 1 1 H1...1:.• ...i..•.:::-!. , . li, i' r t.: .L.,-.. L ...i. ,3 ... , ....k. '''. : w araAtiasiew Book • . .:!:,. ,ur E..... sof ...pips A.l ii am gave iiiouni e • t ni 4 -WPM 4,1 1140 AUP.Iii 0144111, .we per ittn ratitthail•: work is 00rP1901,011 flap, 4 0 4,, ,a„ pxkli. 'lVifitniAll el! dark pan,tittalli, lital:ialks, 1.44W w". " .. be 1 1. ::4 I* . V. ?! !C ..°- tf.. ‘°• 4 .!; "wi ' l ll,agir +dear AiiiirsodHomm • Wk . . !gawkily. NalAci simAriimiraft_ lreliiAAsuabusaraidbookitemol can, tddy iic arum!. kketa Tim, pdir imas.adt.ol eixjAmWeiiirpheil Vital "rne !".. ...-- . '.;,..tt• r d-• oh, ~,;; ~ , ... .1... t... az VW bath, ,lb.T.t ".°7 i t:77, 'meow ilea aral le arNebteblar Mad p.m marl UPS,. . Mee lecke earmeeir ' nejleirtal health becoopm 1, floral. ~ • Y er eakeskebled, one ibe amides,' '-- rrelt 7 6""Olkaiddeuaret. keur tenor -4e,.. . a& AFa s. a tpet4 IN .I.V. . papas I Purebuttb, Pa-, la the bear remed —4. - Chi. ; Tt • ord, ar r e reaeragdearerrel,-tral e k e d 'lea— -,' r arbitY—ViaeGai blodeteieVelee r do 40 Lock, dersebed pow., ..1 . ff.r...tyiditf,irtl. , , ... OA Orr fla; do %to Horan Mu, do do Kr , : edaM. • ebyll • are do rioter ziernbo dr Gaspe Cielor, 4.. A pi,a, •-1 4 ______ „.,, d, t , , ,t, 4,,, p.,,,,,ra ay erelui *0 dri firseelere Lid' g DittlX-15 bre Ilea. er: tai bye No Sgt. e erf isw Chip. Two ba wax °Ube Jermetry ertll • dr bathe. ' , el al kiblereirrie d ker. 40 - id as Itrek. Ai ' awl* as before purchavAfi. • Arryle ED. ebt 2; ab seeder at Ma , . .. cam Mardi 13 11 011E.ATIFF/Y4 AN .. 9) J . ..., mmijti l k 10.,,44.7 . s =it= 1., i..) ...11.1 MON* A vehr 0--_______......., _„,,,,f I 1. . , " 4 . , td esdbed§lddidler eidelbea eellebeakd CV 114, AM , TEA — nd 1 .• Cedr_eradrkeelr• ' re ert=air,z. _Md .. , ~_beelliesa bbeir ,u _ wafted t i kr, cr tA r t .... 2 " . c li ''` ft ; ', a° Z a„, in r Vegioa '', t v ii t =' -^m- "' • il ' . l" , ' 44 ' ... " 3144 ' a Ldb4. THerbr berme ober ale kaw 0 , ,h, •.__ wl. At 6k .. 1. .. ". .. , 111 .., ': 1 .:1 ' .; - .. ::' "i'''' PI .• ' . -,.- - : :Yr:F. ",; . ....:: : ::4.2teg-:, , : , ,,f , ~. qt .• • ....., ;`-=-.. ..., : ...r.._s. 4 : 1 :&2:5Q6:-, 4. 0.;:...no,Z• I'4*, .--..”. .A.;:ril•f-:....445 1 - trelke.2+24", - " I. MIS k. 14 6 , , weirs the trirs:ifiler . ..iirlicyounlacri.... Ap LdW ~ y ply 1/1. ••• Ate.; . • :t.2.:/i 4 t 14F.T.M&12 41 1 4 ... , : AV Wit .44;1. Walk C 1 4 11414 ',J• •..1;w g1Ay4.`12,41. 411161.14 FP . 4* . * i"r r " .. 466114.6 • '. , ..;:.•?!.331. ...Wit-. a • •• ; 4 ;:ervi4 ti;etionsys 'at „..._...........etuademPsiiiiambrib l e: ......d. TItrOPM/401001,111VelinesespilitOtT .stare by legraph ad &Limed th hoe weaß t Hat • maall adranoastika almathitadatiVrjei - el ~ 7 , • : fatal•itadsodiauliaravaismaad ted•Obalima 44 %p=re s"w"eg adida .”! 4 ; 4 l="e '.7 ' e.'"' • • • '' -- M- itifirirlav • .-.' ... . . AW.a.Vgasit.rdlPS,Y.r4k; „. .I „,,,igiakllavarlV•aebaK 49ailaa, hi '4.. l. il"..ol4iiftli IV natwar dinaeled/asin roach. lai :SI adiar V • .araaaboaa, ala ewer. a maLiar jr • t r....„ 1.2 0 .4: a s t f d airs tha 1 1 1...1a I :=l,4s= A" , =tlPlaliad •,, strer*l-D.Par.r . alak tit.". Ilona; milk lad part; X dog eaminioi Ati; 6 dal 6. velvet 4rad lam arr Impala lu dor 'lnv b te b. b.. bap. lanr.aarhyin AS dat.daa email. am hilles;..% dam haaparashbe.ahoeted; bl4hee. 014.4 101 1 addigal , h im resuuw AD dal Inc Ideateal seam, camli.• , ~1.4 mratl•ig . if4t,a 104...ka.r, r at e g ,,, Itlas heehleitha ; A: l. Ii of art• Vbbros. • • ;A.& auswitsp t , - . ?...,:6, •" :. ir t=ait °l4 .,.,iti " ' Zastinsd, '46l F ai lit.ib i llikfta . 44, in, • Pfni . •'• • bop re*liimit•mar op.*, their taw and .1110160Madase *Mamas mak. 'of n o "Ochll l =gettegarttm of Was hel.• rhhaddirmsgtart tt " ecau are a' ratt e kit IlarliaLlo tall sad amine an met, *a hour ao ;plume Fags' ag tb, lomat- Ematar Ow of .16ma hag midair .. New 'V • • will, t . T . L I y egad*, la fault .any he the met dateable gmda Hereby gi tg' oa any fa. ' elf Lathe taaaaSaa al au Vafa;me - LW eata to paaassad'.4 . -Rmatem .11ogama.. , Preeg en , Swear* malsad.to.ba am Masa lime hang Venelt ode. had. 5 urrzsooreirozoimono lag, at ,IV 11 MURPHY'S Dm Hoods:4olW east maw ach sod Matatals, a. ad: sesonil. Ina* afartaat iGoadi (no diaisel =eh *ramie. Mr% ha: pima watched; . Mall Altai Jig. .06nakhdamsg . pla/gt. Maga sad - Jul.:mem Alak,mhoweelss. goods ior E=ri=d,.,, lael~allitia Mamas. . casiaradaa " rod Muir* jibe& ':,.. _', •• '.' 117 - . Nave =ff..:lo I.lolo dWiraiirlike &NNW 10 COM, ile 0010310, 01401110.W0 011111‘ ZOO' ad.Preneh Gag PetatossajMizcheybor.. kfarebasio are laruad za etUgasdia aad.pda. 'at admit-ado . . . r iNLY LUSTSUZ Attu opiamods—w am..... A 4 pity taaltaaaticalia2 ao In.. unarm.% a alga: ave , mmf rations arada lacl qalibee;'aJmo, damask,. Used Wash, la Weft' Drew. Marge a.m. 'go tad .Imte &Haas, Mamghhag,;aad •Ft...h • (Hughems, Graea e . agles; almo, Mara Peida—a tua ameeneamai of theme very *waste goody valuta% p1a1,3:.1,b1a ad dyable parpte,nf aew and beaub =Dreaa Lama...io; I . ..taa; lase, Liman and. k. of aannaahe r i u ti,‘u tta i lazulfm . .or x ... ; At WSW ad iaganuodrames7r - • ,-,•-• t• • Sada dame palsoma..ha agelacßei• * ltigglar. calmed diploma taegaggi. got sod .a • H ee Ha6a; Lenin,emeheMerie• ahaletkaa l !HI. hh ,nh......."1'41"Pt".0110-' iip!uir.smuar&crwr. wutt,:cr..... ~,,..., rha siAtteg leave 14 -ZA rr il s Ihn Criesidi . gal ' Althi • alai Mason %Bmg : *kr iiat=r aai" . ;111 weskit! of Hi. irk - - ,11., •.• adage maul' wollelic . eßWasat.ibeglamplewl •Paheltradeld,' • o , alfesibia,w Mikan Sap . • -, . ~ kaiti. Cusatreg :taut:sodcolt'gamri sad Austrper Cloikag mai Nam Dray It i 'c v laim, um Caatdocres„ . ad imaa, a _Lloorq Drill. thaaper yat: • ROUI. 30 VStlatiriklui, tau Usad toeilata. . 0 • . <ante? tread za4 pipr Poops. . 'QUACELICITit MUM. - a,,,,1 o. l .7llelitiVlstpek aired. sotAy 4 ormyrtemspettlirs,prisad Loailp • qt. rlimosawayq wairk jrponal, aoikm-dlaW4agestt . e.tr o . 4 1 ."! AU eon& " ' LlOs—togp 1401'esiiek . AM; Cash- - , wiale CLUTLIS—rIae 'party (mai ImpopeJ, cookorquatiiinnandiDfime ste evcry. atr4,1,34 pialAtV, 1 1, 4411 t, • 1 4 1:1 " -49 .4"" "r9.' 4 , 1c 4 .4 . • : Sommer Sad tor Rents' 1ne5.4411 P4Tri - sey/u 611, I ,WISLIQWIICIetti NM*, • -- iumitta riTic '. lisgszealt DKr UM* TT; le . Wood tkssel4,lthyv hand, had anewer. lyg neg. danair higketainua ohne, 1 e ueo hP Mr_ GOODS, which not elk . fc, mart Ntats et leer yotiees, ah.l, iesaonablCialals. e t bering Um they <eh free entire 'netaeetkii titleamy 11111it0 all arrelumte whiting the eityirre 11 - 4. Slaa 0_ , 1 / 4 a em:,oottrith Mieresace mounrocal or Drea.:l464e, ran for 'am* prellgiprlsa, coapnarag Ore' 41Telli abd 0208 i fa.Louoisaseek of Dar Wed. le tos forted lu real erry—Arersamrelach meerd.d, eatta tick ...aredtrall do C. ram Article, ma the most etyta• Ewa in I. makske4 aleaatur" Ma* SirlfeerieStk ta•sair • natal3,Goons.—A.• MANOR& , -LPmress Nup4,14.• PAS 4 ned Ceptmadict , ammetssens tom; gmanir 'bit!, may b• facad—Risusid,i 91.44 •fo.aiwz: use aFilk.. utnlS plkiadotigNl o,llll47aney• .lacatety as 4e. • •1111PI'l tpl,lintt •'" aliChava um ape; Eay a emeadtiailihts .an -21. s * oalttlfteatiarehisit Anst ptolt- Aa paw aaell - haftWalialr tesel as, ..e ia #=EstalaaelAlNAlsistnsaaillAastuas, a Nay piala lad sadapeelpik da SA.. Moe Cask biy• tisai knesped atelkiiisii t ,,,.. meow .iiU. a sake La Nave Vasa had Philadefp la, Ateeilliesoi4 at • great rldunisel Stop mulatPnre. .. . 1 ~,, .. , • . ALUMINUM* s slmn. , • ' nom; Atessaseld an Market o. ;S i b tiVIX-Akesarekeati* havattneestestf...f Wk homier la..Nerw , Volt, en Sabre ease uf Canton Craps/Slaw a eataslaw allsdAneat oratinadstad 41....., 0 e0 pi t lassilaaqttattUat, O freer sou . Tbst lad.. n rev peetebUy•lnvited ILI eithelse these shawl., belarlde thet ass @Mans araseessAot to any Debra Cy A. Sad. They mil tea lad entaarkatsylasap. . „_... *,1e, qsk V , bet aa4 ikrartt *um* a. thsansi at ""-.-.. 112. tr -WiMIX, PORCEI4UN asimpanmeimeentor • 1.,4 4 mewed the aoloAgmeteyfaradaattet {Vet* t Co • Plate, One; My. /Agar and Mesas Saws Teeth, melte, Ihruttsurepeetal anent... . 1 SOUL hIOIILE.R, Thwart ead Apotheearr' •••-. • .spt.7 _lO , cot tam wed Mk ite. ir,VEX-A goo r.c. qt, and pm i ribita siCrolont4 ille shill temes, Wel . ... irtz entarydirsurl NA GiaM; .6 sVerfit ~.. .laltd. 1 . 7 4T•rt= 1: 4 idliiErl;ol Gtbewaba.VßelinbaXlMltge V. '4O. Aoi EA.: WM% 610..* INCIOII MO.N G willitaawfir.gmb war Urn Ifialisyr EWA Its, atria Cayes Mall Snarl Wad. ALAN 410010. WII • awl iteeil.,thoree; al" i eanaas Las e, Sk.E euA 01.45. Xnasei 414 Mien Vial visa. *Was In Us! awl Istis,.itill lad Ventral • ... , et. ~. s!e • WM h. JORNHOMiI . U market at • 1:1 05112 % . mares; WILCILESALE;-' L Zan daa aaa dal( May hmeasaa, walnut and RlatMaad 1. 14 a Wig &MO( raaaaaalhalt thrtad ihhhr./ma Malaga fmalhalaiponata anal QCla-t(OXF-aisi Sas alum Um, alma main& nicht hz *eat ys4 , , l•llNor, . I. "V` 4 ". "= .l° ":la 9 t: P Ari=r " • : 1 4ay18,... • i NM(10008.4 fah iiiiiibhliffpfahl= I ;wiped mni°, plaha sad AIM Jiromars, ara4 aska Saai. hish, Beak Afaallm liabap balmy • pmathaa• 3falW.yic Laura., Tar4ton lumber rkitl'a haassormat - of 8010 ta, p mad rimy Xena,Laam,l4alsai, lalaerhars, lac.:./1 aaluell ha • hurl ataiaalareahlhahl ha. ha.; Orson. afish,at mhaima la Oa haaha,hi.; •. ;sip '' • " SMACKLM.L. Whinr„ ; • 1,144 EMI • VOL XV NO +J . Ai • ••••• 11:1 , TUR PROMSII2II•NDMOMARELL VHS: •4s id mat dd•tateir, ATEB.—Thes cult • D it • r yNTIIEVNYMNT .131,e5Lw,,, 1 L dolly Ws yoarathanion to Lloattamildiesan,. mos. arpnrsaly latoodeld th. prima, aloe otano - • , • haa/th of both wisaa—ortonher snort Nast Lnelplaat ". , .... 6 Y - aomawatAttam.Dtditty of knit Laart.. , • • Etteneltia/ Aire.Pkanhy, Damiodod..4 D O OO .l 611110 of MO Linn, Spire., or bridoays, D i 4apitat'Ppine, Cholla, •Dy PalMuoion 100 lisash-ternothlatomilasot mina Pome•Joi r . -ti•• • • DFt. C. R. italtiterrs. MARDIAN ammo ta. b. imoiediam "Wafer Fersatiaisdaring Como 'megaton. Jdyandall atria Ctorlde - dhleibiu and . oataherlabl. &natal to woman, rebottrot immaioned by ;cold, mot • Sarboaro,.. l = *mutt. lott ' wa y cab iuoarar, oar' n'tooitnt *Vitt* • - widow eta poauldlity aloe ordat or thy onplitailam rata. &ditos frootiti . : C0rta1at.1,0661464( Imusodiale MIK" • Ittnya. Hu b -0 I a Ito me t ra ii thaor:•••;' lo=r; . o oath the Mara :of Flactriclry nod allaselan; • sad Int n. :: •- '• nelmfamr, end tee rot aetta t at e let ' a s aa 7 L eon ed =a th Ow - a loam utligkteried atonal!: da.y, I. ptobearhendlo ..; • nth* greateo: diocortry Ofthai aite' • . 'sA i r=f me ea Math ti o tr mt.& b u tetior.= .. ops peth:thia b = width lboa 11 boa fem; - • ts•mads of soca of, *ha mom itadnom piton:lona el'" 14 Noe hod Soittor Intl aria* &rotaries of att; • Mims Windt; Vito Diva toed it tor alt or be above "'" P.M.., with dorm/tat perfect sarewit,lnd rho hard "'•" • • L. • atnenblly given) their anquatleal approtletioo of Os wth Duvet of Inernienons ateompamjny IL ' • De. CAL Bantu's Coartlian 4 'aeon.] boat inotive. tioos by a patent from of Dultett State: PaMat Moe, .• and be had Warr lona Oivratboen btadlarolidleiro - CM 4:2=:lde - airoOal dootater , 'pOidt oft;oet2 - tlrmatrbAl• lo 4.databblty ' and UMW ctlo--v e a ddthr. .e iar ejJarzty2ktg od E t toz% ta r.; thoo way mbar kW/140,13y 4,11)1ts ;14 eIS- 11 0402,!... I Sipes or Etiove. Tao Atedieo-Electro Galvanontour la warranted Ira awry mope., and *Oh atmoniso - aellt - • !mica?" yrdl last #L14.5.1434, and is by tho Om* • a i w uetallso.l.4i3 boat, motrumeal wear o&errM 1.9 Ma' Pet • manual Keatilpautt.ttuern, wig*/ thamottg2 trallify te M' ic - = t trririt tala , l 4l craZ•V'erm,.. C ' tody b e" . arra . u!d oftunramtament sa • dt. duo a eta! IS • . ; • 4Luslahnoad ab on ditOnitinrity - giimi;ttod'ittrebtainit:' obstadty aanemw orpe ttlds ji . om m a j aZi ELectro-Galmemeter or Gaudita.. _••• • melon Malted wean and aztoddoThiddi;•• • raft limadaskusd din Jt• e 0.47. •••attittr :fp f .iror mat by AL RICHARDSON, itaik Are4,7l.ktar• , . tsim a. imams Wells* Art Uxstatabaiiimon. maim", aritsodm, 41 .0,1 an% 10 ' .11tditaatil" 00 0 : PARSON/ id: ra . O atone, eat lead, nit the wfdezPekell°s•3"9 l l ol,.:l ' rulrl 447 "' d :o:46nveNisirßup.iir4*Asiti ? WOOD NAPRTaI,_„; • • ' Paintanarg Coosneoptkot, Wirinda 'th*ilie • Sore Throat, Aaiun. Chronic Cauurk= ••••4' : Mad, Path la the Bide and :Of . •"- Irahim& Whooping Cody* Croop; Weak !WWII' • .- ..cal NatethreTenmaa Patagonia WM. gwro Law Onoplankmakageetiore of the 10thaya• Thj.. irnaitioa or. who palm* . 1 • .• satthea of Palamoasy.).thiselaa matt Parlors! maw •.. Ws most AO eamoirnatm; nor:been lams ••••': mato ow four you.. Itaithg_this stalk! la/ Pee' • . Lwow Nom oftho mom mak mango Mad dr. . ' • trarroaary Comantakia—talonal thy recoin.., t! • Poe aid M . i i O4= l. llthair preilee, ant*, mama POWS • AM ?maw. Lr.o • 1 . aail klllearthama i Bplabog . • • _ . `'' 7: • l iketiegiskiiicreetuzi, i '.'• , '''.:`•P''T • . • 4.lmagrwmorslwasiessuowhiortokir:7-! Isft no 4 a giboomible UMW healkfitirit • itinatai agtYa gawk! patateifou'al the . *** ' • Tam„ paths la thalami* mittoat .• • oth, inammigoilmakirf which lau amblit 10 , • .wry. and biathaii, or pallid airy klod of aro' VarParma phrweana and abed UltippVTOW. .. ' ela thou* aar bateitriii thi ta aerially of my Ammer heats, - saw time fart -Jana as adrthed to try Thanarta's Ca m% to.. • papa Syratt *Mir and NVood i laayt t r, and inenoollo.; °.:3 • ; • u Aar alarm. by 611, lima lad ken three haulm • ty, pata ILO .ensry mom of anSapag Weir 4 , 0; - cpapitteir remored, and I rag abla to attend lath a.; agreed hearth Moly maar aVooltiorm. • • 's 1 • • • • • 3LUGIIN CLitUril•,••• ••• ' Of •iol llakin nommtdp, Ceunberimul en . • • aitod..thetlovei s soo te umbel:may from ,b r atter of tkret SWIM of Prlendala PonGhteep# . , • .` 4 ": -t•nli• nay. e.nifr Uut b tae gotna . .of mgy kohl bru yery.feeble; 1 teas sdfleted th pain is the - aide. v.:lamb.blaming !phoneme, sod mined MO , from great debility. A. +au Um I purchased .lioes • ?doses Done two bag. of Thomsoo's Compound fly- I-gr Tar NA Wood Nantha: eed wax bewejlt, my bealtb being 'now good.: elnerittlly recotomend The tulkle to all posed. into • any be euderiog wiela General debility, limb qmomss. of •d«line. AELAHAAS 'WM . . Poughkeepsie, Alaieb 1.5.19tep • • - •• Prepared only by isium• R amino; al elaNi R. i •ti comer of Firth lenet u ton.. mem; PAIL. .„ Sold by I. WI 3 4 - 4110401,11 Ind • t'*".. l 4*-- Mc° • A eiriou, Oil DIFFICUL opeaseerma,,...- 1'.431.,711s cll.*. i t Dr ilyxerastrUe- ortm air cella DU e i g aza daansabuE,;•nuase etas: ' - off.ocano. DL '3 ACEA/a UK' lye.. cut be S7lll4ll;eared / • foasfsteDi.. • - tuteuert Paaasta. • • • - • Causal, or cannon told, which, /I net .leanktritl aannaue to Consatoptleo, etleetatgly ratvellusa Loa Woo, If ma basked, sentegreellmll -19.: Bunsehial Consatanna, bat a Insult !tato( . Sum, . trt • Hen Paw:ea will a m era a • - loguaoaa*Ko or geop ,t-• Cara, often leads to senotu Coto opWaeel , ...l,llloi",_ hat, nth a. Oceanus! of the tbs.,. Lasko usillpins.• was, Do.Sorecuers 1:000eca'skoo14 poygemi/61 8t re aP Congas and Cold. fual a atetteips'anuair 'Pawpaw' Netnat'ii . 6; fatal dlaearsArabl • . ast ••• foam a violet( cough Lid cold on a debilttantl,#/ fr Um down coossitailaa p heed .n..* sae U. 14... Mr. Fawn . . ran. It bo 44,11 14i . 411it":" - . • IY.POooN which are • yawn et • nsstrin, :alto staeoss,--Tala (Irina-Lin easolaal.wilf East althr...tra=traVergibni4••lwr• Otulstah:o•o4o.; den Co appentant of trouseauy • spsusaas utdeb sf p oWfi ot" en Um Alde•Od1104BO4 Wira• op tailpipe, or lingarbiol Taba• ' • Deroaae clogged op lath "Islepuso ta to =Pods asp. • •- • Mika or amalunc, - Dr. nareaue". Panacea, Which ta p ooo rfolEzporamool..sl . 24Al , be takesia...lardLos tallnessar-yeaet Tlns p are itaitratesasSjoissaleas ha - • dbpll47, Ls: ' P as Paolo. Nksait per banle,or eft genies tirst ‘" • An ar WALJACIMONON.LIibeety OWES TIVIVIA:(4ICIAIWOUShI s• flti,,west tbbsh Coady is °lkea a Oa ;Natoli° Ike, elemans sad aliases seasittrits colds, hwse. r AAMe,. Caeca Indwayarsise; Comp, Sons Ikosehltio, genernl atrawiteso,:* • af Ws Chat Me 1.411114 In snob wwwlg . kasearn. te- . bare strarded 'Welted awl proanew and ea ;yid said and pest seeres s as reme dy for Atha. diseases mbar, It h. been wed, It woad.. ""„:• Wean. eass ef wow valid wet posalar snallelens• ' Is Is effswd eso,asa pleleeel ITlAtfle sad en dstist spl . lo resales a and peek speakers • The maw or ow p/Eau.'. kiab* pelliast, eat st weal SWIM abe by ses Wass 'pleasing te lie tees, nay be wed by , childless lb. 3,, edela wisa =We supeady. Tbs saundwe'swedest the' Cr'gee en Of Am best peaty, awl tissey el ' es in swaripes pewees! mutate _snick. Pilaw maid 02 4sbt yawns thew couskin awl aen C b/WwitisS • rPPIY, wPwsellY in the tool et n vii•able Osozl Candy is crow:demi e , 's danat • to Medan; Wag =pester to allele pays by Jaya. in emsiou, sts ehslasen Were news /sewn edy wbse this candy Ss asescossept res awe/ di tes st of this ankle will convince any pease pf sts estop • 1 Syt,whi_lbss 17 .9 6 w5.i. thssltklw, tistrY anT Petsobiss •• slaws Eltelce e, prase. assayer, atom Amass; na w ssibtedws Sessedy • • dela ertedstale sad mad, by the Gesersi Agent,' • bMYStit,,ldten te , corner 311 awl mashes es, Pessiwsts Haws Cet,,Pedy . steisit, Xis I Celine ILL ,Ctrilde,, ::'T WS, Olds --- - -- r'Y' v 1 :. _'llavytabil foraantill _ .'. • . • '. •`..• yruyarbALT, RHEUM, an.—Kin. wail g•Ild a./ 'mita> wino' wai.e.d .ia, tu. ''''' • oar, ink, or inner &Yana of te Ant, if t he y know • .• 1.441 read relieve and caps lam Ts hominid in be &. to rob And .aerlicli when .- • " aa w. Inslatl•ndinbla toi.brian daft ny(fordeccady • .... lobed ppeeaa ky Lai it to aroymbead ibai, - . Ut Drld. .... and Mil OLVISIENT la lbe ""''' ....• ale...sof any other prapalutoot 411 0414 41.41, 'I. by ...vrgin.° 'Piney, lidb, and °tar dionacy o(lbota.a. - b e P donnas of Om tan anon ana• fronabo inbanir .; • ..1 oi "b blood old gala af the body, and leaning/A en ow bo WI ion yi2 t . % , dh,, and the cointatotion ad:tied ' dintLy, If Dr. .4 auvaa • dia Mal Ma bd bad 1. " ". anti the ointment. y will ma any ease *aft rov, _r.l 40 if day do ON, tity mo m obi be mayrnoil by Dr , ~,,T. me..., bosom . lan needn't:sally army ." '," ty or. Leidy4 Tenet and lien °imam, nanny la . , now. pagan ty torpregbased by thy ituesnin "bftoro ' " - 40,,d, will by, comfit/my eandod Wawa ilia avaba by , , 'lll, Lairs blood pat and doe nub.. of the ' ebb boa- „ . • ...wit of lull ..bat.4. tba . beineenpos to, ..• ~ Wan and lin VW. I.Y PAUN '• pl 4 .... con la & mood, thereon &it & woad et& '#• • 4L PAllNFAtticti 'll,-'-i;'''''t, ' •; ..-.l' ' ---- a z Rai 4,, 0 tea, au • gran Wanton 0144-I EIRAY ' ' ', Air .- ' ' parattono, as its Agway lino WWI, 41 4.s , ; ..) 4. utZ";44oal 4 leonvegaraelt. /141 its W 4 411 NI a t 1 Salmi ...in.& Pia ypoottbano othil am. We biota ' 440.4 !Ma Of iita awl animas oyagm ma, alty.-.., I imi r i had been maim co for • am. ..d,liale, "tea almost i 6. 17 ii,-.--,.. c rbia . firsilosw,l lo Wen Inaba as lay bar. I.4lPic •L .' - .;, "" u ..t.", ;Piano, .rway took SAW 10 Libecale; lam 4'4'l' rocaartiona an use,L .• . • • 1 .14.115 i, 'Amy . .? ....yEet, , We foet and nod a 7t ..P11•101,0 • , U , C: da.vveadiel often lays l nalidoliar Olifd., io..y lecarAl,!l!4Vl,l`' ft ''''' 1). !!"! 1 !!!114, ridge . , epj n• 411 1•• saissrow+endleatir . broiail'llf )11 *hi • ~./ . 1 .1 , ...lb* Wiialialr• yg yiki, I aUdNi. ....4iNfam.stiadits. 1.2.1': is posisal Intik Wok** ....ad** ..' 7 ,r 9 ilaililialia;voloif,..o.lir ...__, FA1i a11_,,,.....„,, a , cd, . ~...11 . 1: of; ......oif I ,k, . -7----,v- , -• ., • 2 vtrabOTl -. bo'"'
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