~~~~:~li • AfXS ALP •• • mod afriii,„,iri.infikadne , o, 1 . 5.0 rand kpieviiiltaart bobbei:lito on ion. 44, • . Or,Odoomorood Inerialad amporiar laoar odd. IP moo or d. , - , cikruselimg; CUB& lIEDItIILi The skid beauty sad opeieity et thioliororterille on . arlogbdi btarada. 1.0.1015 t itradieolei Dino. bongo. anti. Daly. 'it r °bear tbd, vary but "MING; D • =En= IdESIICLNZS en d, tom., it - tatooly Iles rad Iteseb.... the perms, bal. id Cm.* Nno, hoe 0p... parasol Wad Wm. klorpotoo: bfhb Ow and wend alibi loporinfol . same.o.'• It boa performed *ado, It. pod tusk year, a..., cbooF2SCOO ties of Bra. Como at Wino.; ..Wm*" then were toccatred ancoroblo • Mon . . ale of eltrade Ilboomadais • • yip met of ClewslbeYtlwyrmA Woot of Karr, 7,01111 cue of difforros drosaboCrodtdaisb; • • e Maseot Memo ofOr Y i f.q ai Dram •-• -* al - 11pooliad.of rams of Wasoo. alb* Mood, .11: ' - A liallithirtaCtispl ir ettatfacc,i.e v kc. To , 1 4. - aad &wit, bring can oft aro wars, loam mot torreddd.,iat ore ban . • Mai pitiorciabe osofoor vents from all lads of It. adompac os of o.u.ordolory cores. .14 Nos fgrV, i:,,T.1.•.•.. - t — P:tero man tba d^ll' -- ,1 4 :;. • ai thld Oak. 'alma , thorre ore balaud.. of moo ix tha Cat od die 'Took, bbiob *ill refer to •14 Smote .00d , do noes of eltarleter. b the boo . o a red Got the lwlketeeUs of - dioam halm It audostblodly oared the 4 ,'6,l,o9ldramard tare &duos t , ill removed the moo dome, spoi loomed , ' • Timis brwrix Orncss. : • GAV,ldeCtios, or nu Uarr. bunk/UM sal meiber of the Now Jassy Logidsoloo, boo hiodly *l vs Or 6llenetn tortifiew. Rialto is ma Wry. • - 4 RUMAT. h.. 11 '0 14 " • ' •joor edee Foss takoasith tho Whom; awl oty orWo, Witt kn . to •&WAWA Asia. •41 woriadoord to cox Torsieol' Mrapreiia, and ofiz=v; .. oraroo= • 1111 . 57:31.6 I hook toolaMod taking if, sool kid WI eleri t glay. 1 mlrr .W/we_ . ow , • . . • . • 'a ! w.llcLuit,ku thii'eatilSesis'edesetusinly Nona ihsi this Swamilfs' Issiperibet exanik ow the sop abstiass dinnno it Ilks YMi.'; Timis perm. cared ow bow is aapseW►N4 •'- • • • ' likArcritzem—Dar Sit I hoe tie plasm to oleos pa that these Nay ehllttrea: Imre Wm eared KA. km bb by the wi yeey,saillast =Weise. .They min ailliteahterieneeety WI sem • here only telteufast bogq . It took. Ass rimy, Ihe villa 1 fd du P7lattlbi assn? rzauts .iecDparic. ' De. Teinuadte Eimeystilte ti • sersteire me Spaeth , . ean fat.huipiest Ces=; &maw% Let,Selb.retr. Mites, ehoternetel se hieutnigioa, kaaesh . KlLlnse se . brrehtatiry &Warp thereoc eel to WE. " do iyileta—le welter whither the: ft eon er eats% peodeetd by lregalisity, Ilea* ea be awe tateisty this its. iartystffili F.' mike knob froadt, issoesiall ireahaese - Ind li ow tobtarest bliag floe .i t=robast wad fon aroma • =kr its hithatsee. It - essatesseta the sem . • Wow ef the basi!! bre. all:tilt ts.thi pea t of b. 4 • It iffiest ra baVl, ha Wm of se &hob aea. tam, hi .haler - er=ttee peresseet, Ist rem ' aseethitalliebel, atm hoe keen hat. • mm. &metal easiveheie tuatlieshuebeet trifled AU, na, a I rborumr bettlie ef this inrilsehit madam, A. Tbwatmt:, My:arib Wag patty Citeteee4. Estt retied debtlit .z r. =Env( .ittexitteeny by yea ItiaL a. itailthat - of Lea, hag 411ki • , wash, ail with albite dieSculthlt, lanai Uinta wq • • Wiwi yew skettleine hit errata peat meet abl at nteaussidal breath menu I hire deserarilebtaiti • ed - a betas of yet Little 15amyerilby eitit.biltreed the 11/miter yea me see.. I. a- Amt. petioU 1r se:maid Yee eeeptatati cad entered heath. &las vadat far the baits Jr teeiieett, I ta kephases , . Max ackuWW" b itasi,nrg g Mm - A and Lydiw d.. . . • ; Ceencne, Bet. a% 1815.. Dv T. m trtna thimay eratera—Shisi• ta anti, cewiG asel embattle of yen BeneerUb to hn erearent4 Min* me danag ad ematesne4 inlet ea:Med./Mb Vi lef.j u e fefolseen whaled si7= inland te try itoritk d.oa Re, Ihiat; teld can ft to ay, UN onfainlad fogey DM Almied u ated only fa ale laersal ecellamea4 bet Ole ' Mg „ et on wok cti= ropey. al beeldt "" caw rlartin:lttiet in 1 1 =tee mi Cret b" '• .• tr re of ayntin* i taye w e emy ma am Ms same of .. ea yeameatball ed n • • I senoin eller yen amt nedna sal °Mir ',nut. • _ • TD NAN MOINNALS , AND 'Ail LA DIEN rW Qafnet at Elanerrilta ban tom oral prelonen b edema id frank etnopintott. Notate lobo tea net lownppow lb* Is approoduag gut erhiell , gl4• Suns of life sktitdd onkel' in take -il„es .A L a certain Alredstin-0 , mty et Ow netnitnne w hartiblegionms kande am *abject at ail dor of tiro. Thin period '•oby bt delayed foment Tom by tint thiossidiciOn. No lt it kin ndasbto b thole who rne mown:* " on it b: ntladdet le axial odor* by qvinknatny=, nen inntretedes the rplua. bend, this siedurme is est eabldfor an et the nettetto km= it. elicit wows an ' It traees the whoie ejtra.ergews . proseeetelly rat eeenee venerrov the keyartlies ef. Uw body—not re Gr. steselstieit the mem as lee pnekeee • eohoequeat cc . bellies, which ie the are almost medicare lake kr tends weahmael GiaLti THU. • • . . Triomhoh have pal oniaplohomll , eyea . /Madman the 1 her, oragh KM, or ficeliti, mal are oat af -,^ we a- bathe , or situ of De Tarrusero It MU -releonsi your blod; mom. do freckles blotch . ao4 • .:grv= ......,a nanattiott.sarkliag gated* spirits; sadbountiful . ; . of, which am of unarm oats In mane MI /MK,. ' • urepr.esta. , • lea Wit or -Mich. ha mei hear dimmed' whkh to minty remila the "Ma hl • food NM myth ordir-Ak., ntbis pram Mimi or DAME DariaralUrr, .LariStiy, 10,181 i ." D‘ _ll4rossaur... ra.-1 Ism b e • KM with dyggen ia its worst darrarattradadmithmtdi eras of - Moab, km of apratito,'Mrsane htartbansoml great amnion arti all kind. of fond, and for:moalta (Ma I . mold eat,) 1 Tam tam motile to Main tooth small portions • pa oar atommh: 1 triad the Mad but Way had • !. bat Ulla tat omdiert ndarriag the eumpkwat. loth iq • - darral, about thio butailarinen, brig your Emma ofrlem; pm:M.OM I mutey MA little mUraca, atOmMiag ; . =go Kuhn, found my eppetitc senorrd, and Mu reamed; acid 1 amid earmstly ram, • ; ; mead the am of irlit tens , Me been Mllirnal a. 1 ham hem • ; Yam, to ; W. W. Vas Zlll4l, oI.IOS ST A MIII.A.CLY. Enid Um donating, and doubt •if yott bad -name tiorentootbe ennot. n 7 Tkis is I:mot the mad tiondrad gate - Dr Toonsura/MPor 1 .. I ma nthos, it little 1211/, mare rough cod pia my Ade. It M. on' pir mg Gat, MM. Itti br Jaw- . . tom the mark ommaptior mad late ma . alma. barromUar,tiad night KM., sad sitatiarveryfidt: • r ..... discior *id l& do tonthing Gar ma. [KM th. intim od being MMOK, bar n+. promo:meddler. . a="maM..; am grodly glarsaM al do hop ad madhardly homtv. ;1 mom beim. Mdaall carded • di.; ombniK my; bed, and rat Mir:4 la' Ma ember.. Moab lannoot grve par any darriptio. Kat amid do lo rom Lona soppoted by my Irish lobe pwit roomy 17d tried • gresmanaber of toads.',' lo be so Kum. I radar ome met ea tratordbmg.are. pesimand - by yorm .their. to WI 7m the oath, I arspected there m soon hmarag in the.. ALL I meladatml lo try 6 I did sec and as my dtaaltkl I did. 1 Oaaat NI that I am grimly last am so Car movared es to be boat wry Mimi, mad hope to bmatim • mil in a few mtb. Mg* paht la Ke side; md night Matti have left rart, no rale tad Kg-little, ad g,,,,,,mag ay amal..treogth.. kb it.adaty ta give / pa • Mamodrt oPM ma, to poll& if rya plemeg „ term Shownellt Ltd. 41, Soorga. •• •••• . . • Opßatan 03 . Pky•!wlatitt• • • • Tavolota is aloloadathirtmag orders ham phel aid=e. • Weis boa w. otakthigat, Patha• al City a Allay, Ina is asuman pateriloada. - Tormeat's tolinsit to be tioc arta •••• lmiable prepid= of Soarrat balm aralta. , • Athar,4841,1643.• • • LEtioadoss.• a. Vast • to _e Oatwe, tbs. =damped, pthettema ' • „ 110•0•88Pb3atoo the City or Anna. aft Lagoon =Mb" Derowarad's Cosatod rand a Bad at boa Its lama gala% would mamma ith , palie Sr anawist, wiewlsthous, sad Obese amigos wo 1/i/sq# MAMA to wry of OW •dtartised mamas iamb. ' • , 1 - -A W Etasawr r, - rya ~..38allararrow,ww, Mitd yar& &W AB.t ,l9ll,lthllma ••• Sas Bath*, MX:. Moto imapti Ds Dlott /tikes, I:61 North tlee. • Agerm...., rakie•thoPool by . Z•c=p•EnwridEly tatheatwat dm Alaimo Mato. Boa gesvhoomles pta up I; tie mime . MGM*: Itth Amman • quart ma ar=il *kW tiwarittes wane ; •WI 8 P TOWNWIDi mai ems blown an thaw , : Yam the Zia York 11•111,8speus of April 9,1e47. - • .A . paw, thaw apart& ia An thaw me , glmoag cab, or Bornperiith tame retlenlay. of Dr Tamara. • Tr shot. ttoog • ieLnPL = t : ma of W was , realladampeoastme ithith,tepther with - • thaaal work,so aid, &tha is SON ado • thaw. ' • lady mated sa •••••y. , Wanks da opportunity to • athdine tat alma ar the Benothal• down. ta vagina" popasrityAthas aob . eirea,. . • _ Bow Tatt,X•th tai7 - • •Dr.; lawarol:-1 bas Maul or lan ter 3 pa aththithlaata• is the that, cal a a. Yea, ion or mato, path the bathe, asal ea rth'eatite bwastat atm iaattlail, eastthat hat •Act tall to Tallith = Iso waja. to larsaniews as • dysi.. iWV taw other to'meatia, het with lit/Mormon. Ina todoeed art/ ••• ix tapper toryt saute of yaw Ilanerrillafroa wadi Soca gra rota I ban • dmettbes wawa Non bath., ad eet... l . 4 btbitly ny • - to Ur -boa mamas lan ear tani—the la la 11111111 b 110114;•••11 I As! quite adilismalsm altard/wr asea limtalosayouSenAp. ll .6 num ma law amtit• ' ' thka. .14y ail low Lanai lab Wawa • dal mai I toad thotawati it to • easily neediethe reowl ISta anima OM do esal UMW woad at 7 11 the *bus thus bond ansequeally at to • Aasty • • Dada's 104 fa sidle lima. appetite, st who gnu to tie thou& atmil kniel• lilt& legator tcoe; it 11-agoI 1-ago tat Weal -.• oatmeal dame aothelialy to Oak Ow mai 'Ad la W thowetho am rot ..t¢y 8•1•••••thre eit'of•T ' • 1040 Si 711 Math!, • _ -- Quakerism theiles M tb. , • - Dein itha lama olaotherthltd and Dr Townsears, "1 ranted the loot °meads of thildrat.— ealltesth fit selected IF= rat war • . • r oohed Sit wwth.• !taw Tax, April Dr Tonowd: Deorlin—Chst my 43ildrat liras rsl7 . igek C 4301,113 the mum and throat, *tingled .0 vat . Remo. icar dr I el:aim' wow of your • ' tad Geared it-d ag; irittly, foe whirl.] tau sinerft " I Win) , pada, • Yam roweetbilly, -fimlSrl • Wir liar by R SLUICES Droirt, 8057 wow it berms ad mg Mk lib, rim bo syprisbri by 1) 'TOVirl,lllENDlride_Aril far Ariresal ea. Jdlirlyr , ""e 'ipl W ,yEILAUFIJONAULINSTTIIti WORLD, .` APCoarucuormix,O, April 91, ISM Atria E. diOrtsrs... l parebued of you but • abort Woo axe, dr a cri of your Venuifoge, width it ouar: 4 11 .b=r 1 t 1te A[llllll4lllllllle-11$10C111111 id gum F . 4.7r! waTtl 15 dotal mote; rrerdl 4 7bfon'er . 1 4Y* 11 4 T orosi=u ll l l dm! ror Prepared VIZ ay IL E-9ELLF3W, fa wing g. lso, by Dr Cana, SW 'Work, and D Dorm gra. aby drudirbarrronendly, bob. mum. mu r utiF - l ot .t . """, mut"g 1.2,1545..b.1.1, Z/..- --- 1 'n xxx.Yrr,.-re,,Av41,141..b.- - .10 entligir• - 07 1. 4 ., w Nee . .e ,/..4.011"6=7,0 roof In wi:- " - . i *put A bullgg —j, .. if betdbel_t ouus r ‘ ogg a , _.._.!S PP . ~ip Mar ...A MI. gliteUeM ' , .4 1,.....1.-17••• BSVF.U."I.F.L, ANICUD°I:4 . ..4160,11 ikle ~ ..miSBA pAylpitt i Ir=gifirtjalfi .17'n Cr! ^aitill 1 .. . . ,• . , ' faxivosio, 17 7. A.& naw andNALuatair ;V0ra...0: _1:6117A.1011 , itlbsiMaariqg Dcatipinin'Crapedition—Conahling • nitattTeot the ura col. Domipkan; twa - filtidea Gent ittinsilra Ovefunck dha tom* Doniphan'a Campaign the Ida.4o., C am . his naparallaled nook vonC6iYttaaaa ad Deanna; and the Operas:lower Goa.lies az -Sesta OK iitu . dEnglarings, ATI.= T Htt6ale :. A Bof the • .x.ntocii:4“. i.a:Nsiatho aftmorapidra sainica oeelogical aneettotea of Manner: Life,and once than ono handout itiagpraphictil hiketabeao(doningaisio• d Pioneers, wean. Btanconon,,lntina, Di. thuatiated arab krtlyenginanneti bye lILa The Tocolva ildaniccc; a Pci• vain in the Tun/me •licatimin 01 allanito.A.9lo47, containing an am. chtintot the March of the gagiabant to-Vera Croz, , at description of din Canary- pawed' over, ISIZpIICS., 01111 , .tomailoc. of the pecadg tiketches of:C.4%4ft; tieo continua( all theutioas afiather-Volonice nen% and a' toll Ilhatorgot the Mexican Woo o the ICH -1,4 and Woonded, it by large number of .cornitt lion,. and &tar, hyped. O. Farber, rookone Booscs von TieigticoatkaaFalgaaa4• Mots etSacred Poetry; a splendid 1.410a0., wub latantifal Illisitratierae on most, by 4 S Suputit, and Si illuminated „papas by „Schmitt 'll/34 Sinclair, richly bound in TurkeY satinet°. ask white calf superbly . Christisteitstepsaks E pa annual foE 1010, with Splendid uses:naiad edgrartuss, by Sunup; bound th ar abesque mermen. " . . Cluistroas Slasitims inks& viaei 40, Isis; a =all Vale volumSpiinted on snow , white pa w embellislactrwillisplendad ateaolint eniraviugu— This is by fat Ihn =OP besittilialjaveuile annul pub• tutted lit the llitited States: ' !The Poetical 'Works of °Sint 'Cokistitith; nutocouni at iishe &Pets, hy, she Etching Clob, to ea- Thonapson's Sewn withasSenty-seven designs. the Etching cud., in umlaut stylps of binding. • • • The poet;' ' Poetry of:America; by Y. W. Geis, The' Ptietsand;Ptie tryof the .Ancienta, by Pews, &. 111itupetblyboondinTarkeystoracceisplcut did atifik Gray'. Piga tßsoltopd. I losaan's Factual Works, sutra:nous landings. The.Yoetatal Notks Ad 'riga. atom. • Egiads and other /*tie; by.htkry florin; • l'Oenat by Amelia. . • . Ileadleri Sacred, hipontaini. • • The above, with a. great variety of other noW.erniks, in apleadid mks . af ding, suitable for gill book,, for Fate by :: • _deed . 'YeithSTON STOCEittri, Botthsellers, car. Market & 311 sta. _' 1i.7 -Unable' Eirtiiiid. *orb,. ' Iid44OIOIJ4PCIM.I.OPSDth-4 paiim a he:. cisesteandart,wmpvidagthelostomiwrsiptioa and elcadistpriesdpiseaf sintry beam& af hwasa . ml/, Ihelaisatwa and don of all the taw its asti,odalad. by T brassle s Y I st lc Mom wet to of.Norfk-omemoo, my, Nora fkotio,-Ninrerttotria,ll ethers :ro%o:; - 21Wor lrocLo k W=o ioul A Trirtto Porittoo-11 haitorrof 4r Faber fro, the •mbrmiimes isa,io tr. mod* Orlatcopmping aeorketaf tiefijgorroorpheerieopbrAPiehriekliek A ! .• 1 .60 4=9. C 1r .4•114 mOnd.O.P!!..nradr.o.**. The borly.io.,4ion to tho•Moolh. ,Roorra, Woro, MD, tosiabo -JR r oT nVoliiii Zk, rof Kirkuk., de. itiaChtiot• Worth , Itigithiouro de werr:i r.p.a.lhf se; 4414i4i4 . .iiipro f iospitiosi el=tl4 Wb. comets Ir doorimoloor,_ • kolee, Ike a pre keerattiesdlYroorirT Dosed; oetroorttols Tim okorovorks roookroritoilibr I . • • JOUNKON . all • lootradismeormairotted . , . . • Baker & Rertbaark PabkLastlaula , T al f the - 'lV's* st e w -r t bo r ntsp= .Zply I ' ir books on torrn4yrkleh Ibex eut salt art .. the_enste_rti cm, *Minna° an 4 'Aniong l the. works srhich Dare been. renentlrel . l byZn, which' lava W . 1 .2 _ Vittl, "'e may fontr47aCiarViiga d a=P . 04 Ireliord's Welcome to the • Stranger 'Bethel Pl 4, Og' Ur. ttprinp Napoleon - and kis llinnlialm Woihingf ton and hi. Generals; Tta Veered Motintaln4' Onion. of 7rance,• Teaching w Nemec' the - leacher mt Acton. Charlotte flu t e Uniform .Wotti; Atlhnea. Meting flute to be Wets IlitheahaieWings, xecpo4. o p A p p fr o nt the Credlior, on. &e. Also, tho worts front the wen of [When Carter,flie character of whose pablientanns 1. istmwew Ine• • 11 Theology. in 4 Telt:: o f akkatakaa CheTne works; MU Conannt; by mutat of Scheel Girl in 1. ranee, New-book. reeeise4-as soon ns rahlinhed• xi,iparr ENGllStii - 7twoaditalkhairtaaa BOOlo4—Mitoonsli the Introsloctioo of 13 Methodism Imo Eastern &loss,compnung biogrsphical notices of its Body irrescbers, sketches of qs lirlt churches; ani . ireratiuscences VitlY gin and stireessec, 4 . /ltestos,ll,. Jur. Memoir Of Res'. late ILlssloolo • io ar t by Lis nephew, Este it Mart litho, the hlsrehnoCs auk: by Hey Mule's Taylor, hl. A. attlitOr of a 0.4 Nso's Ilitrylargaret, milks Pearl, _”..t.e.ac.. 71.., shore, with a hags assohoteni of overbooks, on band aud)ust toseivins._ ELLIOTT & ENOLOOL opt( .Vhbah.llsll 800/Ih-lhoory tbe Greet otehoS; isturerthe hrs 4 tad coutliehur Intone from the straggle. tittle Week Patriots . itr httltoesph. hog theft eaeutry fnho Vote—be the vol. tune... , epletoildeoprelth notoeuothotorilahhero _ Lentolll“strative Kitt< tile witu. fcmg, lot7Glik , -eridt.hopotisau hitt Teas: e Cara t to the emir et the I tlierliximer 1,1 Ilea) Inowhrayoltrillos. tee easy:- .7 the -Matto thia'Fietich Ittie,ilodiketebee 11.1ente. , JtOrtee'4,Volsorhalell i " ) • , L"! ••' , - )(Attalla Pram aroot.t .i nn u :t e.i.b lllabo rd ei:=l . lle7 f tfo ß Pi "' n w.c nfondeadid Itintennxd I Inalnd .E.olana attaebu" """" in We na.t uwdem eYte, and for salt to itnr , F BLUME'S, Itit wand rt .!'• • PLILNOSI 14710513 , . . .tiEMT hiLklllll.lll, Dealer in etoem Pianoronee, al J. W. Woodwelre, Yo.. SSThird Sul:et, The os may he exeminedlatall honer; and the 'Oweb her will he thae frueb . ll to 12, ALII-, and from 4 to . S, P. SL - eaell day. . g. Oct.. W., to iethilialtetL would iofertet chisena of Pitubargh vicinity that lea have appthatad .11, IL: Klaiber sole; °gran for IVeatetet Peanajnlnata, for the saleuf our Piaao Forms, from who they our be ob taina at ear earn (Newyork) • NUNNS & CLAIM. Natajirr;h•iterradl, ::_IIIISCELIANEOUS. Mitt mbseribers harriag entered into ea , mder the name eremareinp Smith, for the pur. =Sl '.'" bur . T 4 te I :V i respe A TZl : InTifer ' *. the peat ' ,7hat Aerie...Len i fri tgiehed Wareham* weeently• occupied by M. Uri. I that arell rdt o aPP". lln o - J r Bayard'. Buddlaga n oPposhe the stlitTra j' y . eit th h e nt r r ' , pr;dur, slz . Zrittsbew, manitereurred article:4M nom: elusion dormpq' araiarded or disposed' ef eecotd- , int tovaistniettons. We arillidwaye keep on: Mad end lOT sea, at We lorresermrtaerratea, a mpenor o tide of IFamdy Flom of' Wheal ronl Ije; rah" all,otts , ardelesln tke Proder4. inet'Peed hue.- Werreald; therefore,. respectfully' sack de Of Grocers, Vertalies. mitaufteturer.;.nd . bl dad Wu, _ NEW Dl6.lo6lllTOplids that he bas opened anew 0040. 1 / 4 4351 ibi!,eoraer of Pounb ant &lie,* that th/...nt. orthi exiatitive population Aast of Southfield stmetsvilliartlf, ,bintr-bnkee ASloaw irkkbegaP tbtregeb/wOMwd,, and tenanted to keep no !true les bat Woes of tbe best : quell- ty—of andoebted parity and analogue.. . • A fall swortment of Iledieinos,Partbasery, anilani;" ales weeny kept in an eatablialinsew of• the Aind, wtti beilwnHaving his co dwelling In ilta d. 'adate ou ncLbi ea. bearlandW w personally, _ • , • The business will ba cootientedamberawfars, td• the old mand oollartet alreat. WIJIT Vann larOgits. Diiktironr Bolide,* bale ernanusneed blueness on Penssaa ...fib. Pawl as the establishatent Onearly canoed Oa b 7 rAneldwasa. & Nelson. Persons .wialung to parches. Meant en glues the boats, or fat other parposee,,tolll plea. favor on with a call, as we latter ourselves to be able lo far- WA Mena on as Gwondple Wow assay, othif cog!. A: so, rolAng and ensilage of area dearsiption On be ked Ow Morten tunics, _ • •.• - 11srmoress- , Capt 8014_1korilltobsai5solf,'Eso.,_ Chareb v Caratketi A. co, arwurtrysWien ' Lettelslisfp r OspOsig Rad BleeeNsilp le' • a NORRIS', thineeißset 'us 1ie.61 Flint. MANN besnreis_Wael asul Smith. held. Fresh leeches re held. bowl. Berman"; the phystelsheof. .rittaberott, I 610Stcheerfelly ntoontotend tit tie Physleissis,Nse; ales had althly farmer friends and patrons, Norris as being thotougbly acquainted With the bee. nese &Mt.:shy or pommy nArat—sow auwarmpsing riper; dust 400 'Cal. naiad Cap Writing Paper; 'I X/ " rated and plain letter ale '21118;11E1Jan; 250 •" • wedioPea Paper; ' • " 150 gnu while and blew !awhile Bonnet Board.; ICO reams Manilla Envejopa papm . • , "., Hardware ...kajpar Jaw read and Int , . ask low by , , . OMYMOLW.4t. ! .. ay &Wu comer_ pearl aao Moran.. ALL parsons baring claim against the Ewan" orate Ina :11eVisy Prawal.thena I.?r meat, and 61 prow= Indebtal to said agate, will ' P o wan ca "4, 8 P? Y6', Fitrukr — 'Jim.' Aft. eitub.rgtoifidit, 1018. imarledsta 11 waterit 11101kt/TTONSFOR,LADD*9 DRESSES, of the follow. ener etc--Bilk padarled leaf gasp bottom; Brandeaboarglido; Fontana-U*4 Cattedianda, - Taseel and Drop dap Neuand Plain together with gelato awl eoPo Unaer, for galeat V H EATON k. Cei• orftf , ' • t r Viand Store, 63 market at., 1 :Oa IV ,?-. it'l4.. ! ,t" k qt a 'Ag. , ; V; do star CuiThi's;;),li. ,b. do,Pihi Fluids; =, lova •O'Ll 011Loatthigan . lox, with ht , ; ' .71 3 -• . '• ~ - • haltililsll k BIZNINFITt i.... 4 , A..IBtCKNOR & 11hhim aiswawi with Um "illeitqbhatio slid Comisluloa liolineil, &award Ileakt.(hus of,laeob Itetikl & CchlhailOwad .ChniAli C. IteCinstiou aim/John A. Waffl4l. -40 5 , , . . Pa sitailwers'Aartutimas--w.e....i. band • hare cuseteicci of Irlogilkose Wares-sok ble ficr col bey% 'Web We will +. l, , 1,27 6r. °tibia* Pitcbeticirobil EN - Err — AND CAP ignites ibuttactica of berm.lica - ccurzepptr c good., of negro* awl* and von for-% =Ana of -IittiLIJOODS—.. - 1: A Mum& Ca.-bave ea band asi asumtive'sssorainuot Mall, Swiss, EDO, PllO 444 tiOnetlllualins, rlfvetaag. - ' • -10710" . • EMMEN :' , :-.U - 410itootitk' , 0. I it.vatise•*crets'Ateteroqittlitt',.' , • Jon* Wircittmt a; co. • - • Mr.4 4 .tb_.builOcatlon W r,C 0 ! 511%1t0ki.... , ! .hieecel ery liranumX sd ddCriptleo erp, Frlsßes; Zaiteraylleade,-)Vtr I.,:rwillers,Sproliks,Drcetog ,Fretnee,, Loorra,'Cesd Omani Ice. Wroinght 1100 , Shifting toned- all *Nes of - Clint - Iron, Miles. ood,', aehgen;of the litestrlltetill!i 2 . 14 e and hand ond tools of all Stat. - • ' " • Coatings of erOry destivtioa furnished . = dolt no , , or Peanut-anod - 10 order for 111111 Georing, Iron' rnet4.74=."Z.S?r- Seising, Fietpriete,Cyd. Ckniiiji "Slit the %Il'arehottre of J. Palley& Co;,. wh en? introit, oral Love prolix „ .."11 . /acksioelr, , BtlF t Co:, - - ALLONI.IOI I rI VENITIAN• BLIND ratirTOß.V. - Tticss-Lha . metni4 to lirotna Lai friend• die paha ottani! Wat tr6VAlcrior7 ^dor lalalloperanoc,o6 the Eau sidt tlarNiNdena,AlluW-or, where a e ont *Aron Wooly of Nilotic, of variant .Mora •.:;aad oalaiec,arreoulostoly avian and, oho' at N 0.6 Wood It, Patsbarg6, at .1 ; l , t•lL•ralarrit'oil 'cloth watt:erica. • . control Igbauers mid. to • order 'ln . the best loyle. Winds repromd WC.ohortrat ocaire. • • • H. Nu bc , 'potop, without any addl. Waal eiejblap Se that Wryran be removed in a too-. so la ace brave or tor cowitit6t, and -orithoilithe aid of erear•de octidlykorilooly • . varrtinzrarma ri (WEIN leaßliND AND YU RN ISI NU UNDER ...J. TAKERS, idnterair. Penn and Pt. Clair street". allosidribe Byelaw , ' Hotel, entranee on Pem rmaensfally , inkina , their frirnds and Uve nubile, ilia( gre r l ' i n lrra tatera: t wi ya l tVint a laVint mral n ented , rltad male CodlZeoveled, lined and abed in she nen beat =amen au deiru and sixes ready made Inuoada flame!, Casuarina and menu, luatalf dims nraila in *Rimed aiylev. • ,Wa. keep a bur eorlinnala(lol4l and k, erinon, and Rid dal& for pal/ Watera and moment, orapereaps, eat. lari, of every ildng neeiatry far drmaine ale de.d. and an fmsonalita ierma, m parttime ad oar ionic the Fasten earn- Alas, di leer plates for engraving Ib name and am. We have a splendid new hearse sad lm7 =Mgr the MaVeartimen Every tbdadnikinied wpremplly and ameinally. .aetkly • 19 ,2 0 4 4,410Ani1tc :PITTSBURIaI, MARBLE - a. 'Hit. 244 and 916 soar as CAMIL A. LW oa handand mile warder, al arge varie r& tY of Ilbuile llantald; Pitl,Centre Tro, wor galena Tope,lbarb Peones, hionaotentn itc.; =: , t• teteistade of ua eholeestsuble, and man Yr4WV: l l7.hlatnehlown will be sold low feccach. arlasainaair to parchase • hlrundlso cue , lalhowed that ft I. henceforth owleacesary agar to ,Bentrals I can (soden than minion mole w .e. It4 , •"' eelleed, ohdifrettloossarancaite. .. ishoess . se they can parekass •tlato for Latta • COPPLI&SEIZICT IRON, 'MID Till . ; Market mroe NU ritsbarg i Vl/einiai f.r HE nifocribero vutif t 'inufe great' hofirovemool.s io the copittvettatt of aIIeirCWKING .STOVES, re-wool:hall, ',two per& koirollrig Steamboat-to:eal, ane elizoino before p_ ILAUOIf.IIMa eau oopply thtsu with . pea Sffmn, Fyir% WA ova toner fund of Copper,,Tio sad Sheet ran i mot octlsf!Lry forallti• to a .o Woo make to' aidfif atbonod notiee 'Moo n 4 ellaolLer ,Toppe Work -Coy IffOnfo . &lends, anteterr • rari4al oratory to'oorlito: ' • • kb, , . • ' SIfEitIFP . 4 •• • 8 1 11 KK • • • • . i , BENNETI4I4OTKER . ' -,' -.. -. l.trErrisw,Aux A c rugs .7nrieingbaitamiar intubtreN.ra.., iVe#:eloust. 14: 1 3 7 :". Wfxmlilred. Pahl:mitt 100WILI.esemii4sly.keep on •••41 • eicti swan nearer WI" of atr atm Inanaraencro and . opectiortianty...Wholesate R io roanrry'ider clountar• reeportfally radii call and az: amsn for dadasclow, at Ire are alasoranned to salt atalaperAta Waver before-been &hired to the pat. Ity:Orderiaant by stalloLecornpanici fryibc cash or anY fed.OONIVI. iLlx_Pf.a 2 l 4 .. l l,Ve.* 4 Pkt-. 44.22 1111:11511. • GLAII "I1TAIPLIS1111111:111T. 11.14 WAN ir LEDLlgenteeileiure sad ke . ep ear,: 11% - steetty - o n' ban& at. Inontletl . r . Plain 01111, a 6 ti b" :=l l /VAlle i r :4111, 1 1'i r tubs,Tr 7 e clat Tlinite eontinse In fall opennio' red we vrie toenail adding to overzwidii , vtiot =Wee o. otill yriesswitliprocamesa. Paretwers reopecifully; kolleited toefiquidFUlaine pfi suul terms. saylOttly •.... COAL A . K I N . . . 1 ---- FROM•tha very liberal entourage - Op . thent the thbacsiber haw received erect ha ha s located hinuelf.in ifillegheni, . Asa isdneed him to Liao a ' leare, for e. nu of *oath, on the.property he rum netl:oln Beeves . street, laterediately betide: the r 1n Beeves. Froth the long experience in the above hearten end • desire te Omen, he hopes to mer it and receive n than etlpoblic patronage. Now on hand tad gnieWeg In order, Eoelomse Bag. es, ogee endop Buggies, and tam description of made to order; from eeventy•five dollar. le &or !wearer. . .• • teso3-drfl r' dOriN SoUrt. • . ,T ""_-"'p....11,7 04 7.74 trat:e . s lig4 esi: lent snide n a n = Pal olitialrorm naan ' elsemee, Watch they will sell pit terms. 111.0 hi the* believe la be ne good ni nay °demi in the a/mate., anal . mar n9t V - " '"lr lintuAN &SON - • le liberty in,oppon It van ithfirki . . • P.,—LW .nud Preases mutable be otachniery,. Itud: faar , ale - alatrm. . 11.115 . 'MEDICAL 11K itraGmax. opines, / N. 11.7,13 LAMOND ALLEY, a 1 .. ~ ..,_ ' .Ca!, dims balms IYoml sweet, to , . , mattet . . , . -. .! tc` ... " . .. ]MS. lisours,'having beta. 1a..., :capitally whammed wo the medical. ; . ,pnoissid= and heen fiat %Met Moe A . Ist _gee . preetir.e now costume 10 , atteillian to th e treatment a . :..00118 private and delicate rout .* , piglets foe which hi. oppesmaities e.,eclenee . peculiarly qualify - a- • him. 11 yeiresialitimuslp devoted ' to ma • i . it treatment hitttom complaunteAdunits. which time he lies had morn peach« and hen cored mote pa. dews than can ere, fall'to the lot of any mitt. _pan, Minter). amply qualifies him to attic esserancm of. 'paean pennanent, and smisfactory cure to aft afflicted with deheate diseases. and all discs., ansies them fom ... Dr. Brown w. 1.1 inform Mow Maimed with prisms diaenses which have becooia chronic tint. or eg. graveled by the lac of !toy of the common nostrums or the day; that their eumdilms eon be radically and Mon Dustily cured; believing given his careful attention to the treatment of earkeaser, and ...coaled' in hionimds of lumens. in curing persons of itiltunnation of the neck of the bladder. end kindred diecnies width often retell fn. /10. 1111111. 1111•111 darer, 1.111 'consigned tilem to hopeleis desp.air. - ileparticalarly invites such as• lave been Meg .R emoccesenally.onsted by others to consult him, when every satisfaction tent be given them, and thediemempumed in a earths!, tharmigh end intelligent manner, pasted out by a Meg repartee., study, and inventigation,wkich his pmaiblefortlioae :nea ee r.. =real - rued. o(.medietint glee any . or lita i tstLDr:lhown &AO invites per,. ions Millet. h it wit 'oda to eall, as he has paid pante ran t tienti to Macaw. • Ski ve ry Files, Palsy, tie., speedily eared Charge. very low. N. li.—fratieniestf Mtler livincat • disumoe, suiting their disease' in Writing. Miring aU the rynit4 toms, cannbtain medicine. with directions , for nee, by . utdressing T. BROWN, 31.11., post mild, and erstl No.. hi, Dameed alley, appeTte the I eerily House. , :r s IHORRIk HkeeTliLACßivatrnrck . steel or geld peas, and the copying* press. Thl. Ink is the residt or the . expenments of _several. pen, devoted to die manufacture, on swam:mi. scale, jot an snide" indmet to all the parlous of l b . consumer:.. The perfection of min writing Ink COOldSl• the rot lowing peMertien Bross—in which opeoperty - finin4josrupase preperanons„ law With mica Need= ehher front - dein: or steel perm, and is sunizely free from any corniiive Caro.—They color Of this , article' la a deb, finnan! hive black. it is neeemagy, however, to give soon mere the 'fidlowing etudiolL. - CJ AG gooditlecklitk. [merits neeeitaary chemical eylutimdou,reguteeeezposna.to the . nit to deep color. ft meet not', therefore, b. e~per that the mama the bottle is opened, the ink well be found be.e jet Meek: The first appearance will be pain Rot after ;spoons, m Mechanical Betio. of this rums- Phew Mike? awimpet m MR.e inketand, it will assure Proutimmer , -Thec - le unalterable by the Hose of 1111111: It will never MAW.= On this newton, all law portant rewords should be made in this article. ne years 11/M10 12 4.. =t h iVe filr " all . khetklie Perm, am! for pens madeof quills, estd^ertnir boor: tout and very desirable with maty, IV! hive neer - feet mpre.o eog L' Y e't uslu tka B l lerMftelliMeh' ;kWh - we conneeted . ht6 blue black ...wither itkand in reaped tolWay,brillianey at ado/ MA Pereatrwneli . Ledges it s superior to any ink we have bereutere sued A'Tkurten mishit', Wankel LtraMvillig.' Was Rich ardson. muditer 'Netthern banVor lernacky' Cleo C dierathutcy. ;Milder, 'bank • of Kentucky; 4. L ' lghwrie, pestilent the Gas bank; Thee L of, Unf ree 1011111,111111%; Clllllll {'opor, clerk elicranori goutk . morel Atwoodoworetrul, Fireman's instuance • Longman John Muir, agent Lexington • Insuratice • Cm Gcodwin, see'y forthurd" Off k Immenre ,Ces' Chemben, MCI Franklin Fire k, Marine In aunume 0;J 11 Mome r, Iremturcelottievilla Saving. Insduition. -.A supply of the Above rust received ,and for *ale by Hal JOHNSTON & SMCWION. flllll obserther. aye token the Tyne Foundry, NO fig Cold cornet and will condone the bumesa late • ly conducted by It% Tenter. They will attend to adopters wok pun ty hod despatch. All .he type manufactured by them will be Hand Cast; and they will famish all 1111111 of Printer.' nuiteriale, of the hut Mr../ A T °Silted 1141111 employed in ennerintand• ng the mansfaitering department. • . Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised Girdle subwriber, who may publish this notice Cor,ilinw months, will be minded to receive their pay in type, on purchasing five time. the amoun t of thew bill, (or ad verthing. . . Old type taken in exchange farrier P me p eril,. Charles Whiling, •j WHITING &TAYLOR,. Theodoni Taylor, $ @immix. to Rein Taylord .j.lB • corner Gold and Ann m• Mettle' fiats Ins 01i101.' • • Waragsscraon,_oldo, Jan) , A ign :at SELLE#B—Yoor Venntfogo sr monorail al as ' , worm - deal:nay' r,v and Imo given entire tallslactixt all who have had oectulon tOota Your Liver. Tills are also galsdng a hagtirePtuation here. Tame rsalasalfelY, • .[o = & lUsra lalcCollimainrtus Ohio, Jan'y 27, bald • • • Ma R. E. Selloni—Your Veradfuge aeW remarkably fest, and has gained the fall confidence of .11 who use seN also, the Cough . Syrup.' Your. Daly a Gantt. Proposed and said-Dili E. &Dors, No. 57 Wood at , &AI alto by Dr: Cassel, sth Word, IL M. Carry, Alle. plea', .11 Wa4 J. &stab, Tamperaneeville. - '4Frrirel am . and for s& Potife gitor. WO.l mod. 61. Jain wiles Nymph , limp; . o. , Amami= for Cbsiped Mantis. Uo.i.sel'i do t 1 do . so; SoperfineSbasing Cream, rose k slotood; crx Regrow Primmer; • -Cologoe4l/neer, doe camel ko the baud. suckle; &a. eliii3r•naesses. t 1118 is to-candy th.t. I porekesett 0110•3141 of Dr. NeLarOtWonl dowfie, saes ma, 'numbs ago sod gen le • sou of isins sosissareo 7maipeo4oo.'s** l :4 l . dor mown rosl Cr'.., istior w la sis. , bstdode miss oprentsof. , Wells penal Dos .I.tolmeaseri/ Yom qtyitter or ID bse hto two inekr a kar. boil breekr dunifel Tag 17317.. jai poEdlooBl- tararh a •lattwa ea*Q"*"me."...id. " cudl2sn;qv%mawa ma 47Z a . cwllvwiliot -- T it tiinfOlitittlONlDlES. I I MIDTRte, Faiiipartathili 'ithigat lB4B Mitliac . . . .a•TnItTLOSIVIIiiIT6.II ui 11.112034.23,13.- AND PRODUCE 70 PIDIADELPULA. & ISALTIKORE. Gr.yrithoo=l: oot loarnln" riU Le tes 6' . * word of fmong tronmohted, and all instinct.. proiiptly tided - to, Ilse from' .3 , awn eh... for storage Of. o.o.ndaion. C A hiedNULTY & Co., Prop'. ova Canal Daida, Ptt.botgt vaIERCHANTS. WAY PIUCIGILT ',Agagall 1848. Akita LlForme , ;l . 3;e4l . led Plek r =Co . ;l , l ,, Ll AY r r ,) WOtt It TMVI1 4 t I I t j =4 l l:l inlirinedisde places. ' • It q (hie boat will lease the warehouse of C A IdeAnul A ph Canal Basin, Linen) , street, Pittsburgh, teray• claY (hnaystescepta) and chippers am always pehd on having their goods forwarded without de 'and Id fair rates. This Lino &men tt . Thu Line Ira. fanned exclusively (intim speeSalta toinodation. of th e svny busiuess. Proprietors, thankful for the very libbral patronage they hare re ceived during rheilut two years,.svolld respectfully fortis their old Unman,/ and the pub*, generally:that they have extended their facilitiesortiong the put lair ter, and &rani:VW better prepared toiiceousrood•te shin creased business. PROTII1701!, 'RU CAlitAfik& , IVTf MITT, -1 ft WTI Fuvrc, JAAII.2 A LORE, J 011 N hill Via TRINDLE'Ic TIeDOIVEIJs. ..C A MeANULT.Y & Co, canal bitsinTitt. 1 ' j R. H CANAN, . do Johnit'a - , 30/11 , { MILLER, -. do Ilallidsb'g AR • . .-IiORRELL&-MYSTINGERoIu . ' Rrzgaszoss- , Pittsburgh—Stailk & fliaclairi•J & J McDevitt; 0 & J II iihoeqberger;.R Itobildol &,C.; It Moore; Bassley & Smith;floh■ Parker, Wm Lama; J 3 ora. t So._ : I ' - mar2tf ULIABCE IPOBTABLE BOAT LIRE, 1848 . too 111.••01PONTATION , or Msectuxtreme • BETWEEN PITTSBURGH ANL) PHILADELPHIA. 111111 E Proprimont of this old eitabliahed =I first • Portable Boat Line', Laving Wmoved their de. pot' in Philtdelphia, to a- much larger. Wateltonse on Marker.., this they formerly °domed, Reda,. im errand their room for enema atpitturgh, sow 1 . :V 1 TZ . 1 . 10 .. 02:er meal plates . their friend. • Good* carried by this hoe are not frisfehippeA Ife• twee. Pittsburgh and Philadogpleim being 01171.r1,13. Rrely he Bbnable Section Boats. To sluggers of dour 'Mid Miler good. requinag careful- banding, Mix is of imp:Mame. No charge made fiat reeeiving or shipping geode, or advaming charges. All goods. fitneented promptly, end/open so temonable Lerma aa by soy oth. JOHN I.I.cFADEH A Ca, : - . -Ganef Hada; Pedn aatt,, -JAMES riustrues.•- •- • -- ' DIM 9271.Tariut 54 Commerce st., nil. • 201INItta.A.Di21 a Co.; Formudiag anidomials. ntioa bierelaau,.Claal Bag*. Peua at., Malaga- . • CaTg; .ion aterLtanu, rtf thake.t, :ad AComataree :14 -Ph"l trnces ' mad; by t rtiher of the.abore alt Pbar ViUlazal cam demip ika• of lleretuadise eautsnd to theat. , INOTICF,-TEc int,scrtheirs hnye ding:o of their in: - wrest in the Penn , i.dtohio Li. to CLARKa T AW, of Pittsburgh, and JadEPH p i. 6 burgh, of th is 'il liey mill cothione lo uniting benithesithr the line, 'it their Warehouse oo Broad greet, issurunkataliso ,speak for it • continuance of the pntrithithe 'of their friends. • , , JAMF . S..I. , '.4 C 0... .ttiladelpnia, March Sth.;lBlA. -: . , PEUIIO/1.. .111111 a 01110 Tra rtalloa -Co. DinsilrDailyldme of • • FIRST CLAVSNEW-DONID AND CADS, ' - nutrazza asa =oakum' tiace• u - rwrax rtmnivn imi•WrcLl crrtn, - - - : CLARRE THAWW, Canal Basin, Pittsbareb, • • LEIVIS'& 0 131.111. M” 1111 Market 0., - Phibaleiphia. , JAS. STl2lli'te CO.,ligtaeßroad greet. COWDEN, CLAtalsk, & Co., :3 Nonk Dalt. - • W. PORBICK, 40., 12 West street, New Volk. L marls Ce.partnersiltp.. " • !. TIE subKribeta have ails day assominnl th erneelvea Ipstcher undez. the style of lier t loneip; For the dth (o *.nthril carded 'on. ny.nelM. Km, lualeollea a eoutuntheee dfthe4th , end pafennage he:ending extended /a the houe. • _ . SAMUEL al. 1:11;14, • VthbiTa l 4/4 4 . , 44. 614 5, • 11(11LW11 COMPOSED RISTIRELY OP }IEST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, .FOR PHILADELPHIA. nrio BALTIMORRVIA.CANALSit RAILROADS. ' TE ar . eaec v ?Lrell i t:=L eu:t ( c o ,.. rwar i th v. a• much deipam .b„ nod, as low cart,; as any oilier tertionsible . 11...tteon of Oilmen onsklng to send Pori or M ewl Baltimore in bolt, is particularly strestertml, • smote .asoar arraertemoses close le as to carry sorb artielm through in ttetier order Man any ;Sher line. KIER A JONES, Broyles. Cane Ilasin, nee 7111 st. Pittitbursh, Marcel. ISO. life, Y. t 7. /ONO, 171 Kit & JON FS—Cosarnivtion and forirurding Met .;dp. clam, nod Wholesale Dealers in Iron, Slooausr Sun" Produce. rue. Luberid advaUces on caulk - tomato "Mar Itf NEW 111.11.A.NaKSILEHTS 1848 7 yßs AliAr D itN LO Bravtwkcll. 184 PULADMPRIA AND PlTittlll, VIA.CHAM DILSBURD BY RAILROAD AND WAGON. ' A C lts%!: l 4.llD a lc i ri?lret hi" n. d t r. jliVatPl4l;; which vottenable the Wagons to leave there. that flute day, with relays of timers, running day end night. se cures the valeta aitival goats in FiVe Days Rota Philadrlplua. Aptly to LFICII A Co., Canal Ratiin, Pittsburgh. & LEECH. •t 8 and. lc sonthltd at. Philadelphia. AVe led! receipt for Gloat lbs 'produce, dasly, to go through.hy the above line eller the:Mutual. Labia t . . .1/ LEECH& Co. itlonn• aurr, I. 'a. vcru.a, out. nrutrnarra yatsburgh. Pldladelphia. UNION main, ~.e mism MAMA --••-.. - ru. I lIINRY 'GRAFF AL Ca, Canalillositi,Pitubinghi IRIMI.II,IIII3INIREVs &Co. N 0.117 Market la, Phi 11. iii7ollll. on North t Saratoga l Calk Jinni IF. Clarke, No 1:1, Old Slip, New York, AV NV/ICE—he sayle of our firms mill be knosni from aml •ilsr this date, al Ptituburgb, es Henry Crary Alb., and.stihriladelptda, ea Daub, Humphreys &C. . , HENRY CHAFF. nromuND 6 orrum, ji,,,, i1 . 4 , 446 ,.. CHAS.' HUMPHREYS, . . . i . HENRY GR.U.7. PUtabo mar4ll( 1848. rrrrr 5 1 64. CL F. V ARID RAII7IOT,R7 THE Steer:moat DeTROIT,,Capt.I. C. llesoarein, will tan, dining the vicuna of 15W between Cleveland la Sauk toe Marie, in Abe killowingaratner,todetineat Altx Write and ancrlnedinte placeseacb way: Leaving Cleveland every Mondlyad 7 P.M, Do Detroit do Tuesday at rA. Al. Do Mackin& & Ilitirsday sat A. M. ' Renaming, will leave lbalt Su Maria every Friday, at lecrelock. A.M.; and Mackinac at IA o'clock. Al. and leuc Detroit everySonday erendat for Cleve.. land, el 7 °ebel. rGR. Otis & Os, 1 1 1„. , Agent, C. BRAIMITRN Leo— , AVat WICICW . ====M The • Deimit has been th.o.r ltttd the mid th e pa It•Stllty retj, Pp.e the performlng of hit tifPl , Pttiditi . : felatern 1848. , TISAIWSPOSI.TATION.'LISIEs 1 To and from the Eastent.cities, - sia Cumberland.: rw ed to meet the wishes of abloom; and are now prepared to foment a peak.- insiont by the I'IVV DAY UNE, as also by addinoosi regular wagons ask* rates. • • !This lint will ton throughout the year, .delivering goods threat the agents. in lialtimore , and Pittsburgh to owners end clinsagneet at o r rates and time. Shipseents from Philadelphia for the lied should be marked ',Care, t Sobinsoni Baltimore." • Tdepoly agents arc •• ' . J t B ROITINscrs; • 'L i• . , . • " S Charles it,Tlaitlinite: • MOERTOki Jr.Co,, Cusularland. • • W CASS, BrourturrUle. • ' fel,/ .• J C flUstenkk, --." toCLIPIIR TRANSPORTATION LINE" AU The Prop-Won of An popular Lin ban choord 14any Coannind San llie boon of AleCtig gum the of Vinton ro Co:, Pittsburgh aod moduli merrinoto ue seEfiod tint J ty litellollllll. N 092 &WS Cowin tt, llohnoon,is lb. ooly 'Th. .pot of this Lan is fin Eastoro dOn. ' TS. only agents sio ' -"- • • • o J O BIDWELL, Pittnargh, W CAPS, EDO KTON Le Cootkrind, J B - ROBINSON, SAW.. GREEN i con.zicr*irdiii ioa WAALKIACICO; /MLA;;if.' OWL, NM AMA, SthrtAX, AID ALL 1110)LASILIS CUM, • MERCIIANTIS and wham adieu goods are inform ed that this is tha lament, sliest, andemi dlllOlO Line going Emit; dominating with Adams ik aria 'Elms. daily, at Ballimian. Through receipts will• be glean in any of the above place. Merchandise Mid" packages or miy. Oro or ilreigAt . korwArAted. _ Eapeew elmses daily ai3 n. x• -• • 'VICKERY, Ara i ! norghti'r: Se Chitties Hotel Baildmiga weld a .1. PARSEC! i Co., ' bolt or uurn . nr.srAno CANAL' unit, rtmagisa I • P. N. PRET% t Co., . • , FAA . XAt MAIM . BOLTMENNI LINEF • assami . 1848 ift4a l a . .• ewe rig a TaA.ANVIATATIoII or •LA AMA* or amour. DIZF. The kliOa istritE, . NEW YORE AND WYSCON. .• kind. of Metehandina comigued to - P. N: Fret rhiloaletAhis. or to J. Fatten fr. Co., Pitiebsigb, will b.rompgy forwarded free of eqmOnions. . , , To 1111 At lONIMULLoM, BiowNsviLus & CUMBEIILAND.` TgaM.74&l====rhael= a 4 Via s 0 th'e o,btl/Motabla Was, by this ein.4l - e47mined lose ;rata Omitted tilt war J wind mtodua ewed by am r= PJuWELL, *es. p. ohauibirtud .. 1 ,.•,, , ,,t.:z.2.5,;:-.. , ::,.i . ;-g..4.1 ., ;,.; . :;... , :..g.. , ...'-i'l ,. A:-!:;7'4.1: - . , .v.' , 'i ., ` , ;: - .' . ; MA== 12Af18 .=ON.':,:js' iiimPtrogill.4o4oPßlTAlAW alkaMi HEAVER-AND CLEVELAND UNE,vutyirAEREN. Canal Tacket—SWALLOSViCapt.lba 'OCEAN;Capt. Wattitai ONE of the abOre Packlalleave :I , :zeriet*tiar ,; (Sundays excepted) wan..., where they cog i r ther &nes for • Akron and Cleveland, it at each of nine places before night. One of the ?se lets leave Warted 111157, at 5 P.M, and arrive ar .Bearer in iisoe'tto take:the I montine steamboat for ?inshore*. . . ' etA LEFFINOWEWIVerrouit Proprit'ts. DE AVER AND GREENVILLELINW Omni raeket—PEYTONAI, Cap. Brown.:: , F,ASLIWN, Cep. W P Sayre. One dike above Packets will lesiva 'Reimer every evenin&,Olundnys exeeptedlat 7 o'clock.. end arrivent °menetMillie next •rourtiing at U ceMnelo and , nno leaves G reenvilicevery allernefon ni lieelock s and ar rives at Llenver,the next morning al 5 rielnek—thrmllh in la hours—towed by teams, (three horses each) stn tinned cum. 10 mile. At Greenville Well cosines( with., line of Stages through-tri Meadville am) Erie. no boutii ere entirely new and built expressly for this trade.' REED, 1•All.K.0 Co, Heaver, . . " Proprietors. • • ' DEAVER AND NEW CASTLE. • Canal Packer —TELFAIIRAPIII, Capk Leaves - Beaver ovezysmorning .(illandays excepted) at ttelclook—leaves Now Castle every:evening (Sundays ninepin!) at . 1 o'clock; and connecting with Lake lice and Michigan, muting between Muni • sad Pittsburgh. •lIEPJ), PAPAL'S& Co; Bears, • • Proprietare. Poomagnra *ill be stecipted through by either of the above ronick mewing bertha (u the packets and knout In th e Stolle, by application to either of 'the 'proprielorn. oregento, e I . OIIN A: CALIGHEY; Plitsburgh;. nor. Water and Smithfield sm. AGllNT3:Reell,Parks k Co. Swot; R OPprks ECo, Yon_nittown, (.45..fr.L.r^—,IILWarren,O; -nice fr. Leg elWarren, 0; W_Cannia&nt, New Castle, Pa; o'o Mathews, Palask!, WCMalan,Shanni, Pa.; . . nay &Platers, Sliarpsville,.Pa; • - - ht , Farland sant king: Big Bend, Pi; . CC Wiel,Greeriville;,PN , LAKE ERIE'ND MICTI{IABI LIELL alagat, lB lne t: T Lake Ele k :u7 ' 141 e h. ' bet= gtt: t h ' urgla WA • Beaver, and freight . and • pasiew, Canal Beata. be tweeirtletver and En c,• and 0 111-Rand'a of class steamboats, pro*llere asid.ressedsms-the Lakes, is prepared In carry tr4ght and pasnageralo all perms eo the and Lakes h}te, Huron and Midi.; nav llu .a ies every facility for einveiing frsigh and pas eengers with promptness arid dispatch , . tbe. proprietor _TV. Wally sobe4 froenshawiriends &con tinuance. f heir wane 5 3 Prviptieter - &ELM, PAI7 A.Co, Beaver, Agents, 71 • JOHN ,CAllLLlthpfent, • sr ,aple cot Water and liatithfieldras,Pitudiersh: THE' viirio's-Lign itakgaa, • UITWEEN ct.t?yEl4Nß. l , W.T. Mamma, Pittsburgh; " • ' Pasts & Co. Beaver, , enves: - Caimacran Ur. Cifileatattle, CletellUtd ' lllllRabove Line is now preparedto frautport freight 1.4 P...set• Pul.bwßlL Pile .T4 any potnt on tha Canals and takes. One boalleaves Pittabergh sod Chrielandlally, mu slog 'm connecGon With to. steamboats Lake Ede and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaer, and a line eras clam steamboau . , prr 11:ny brisk sod seisMit, " Polerry htel M i nTerto .- LP i p_ l ait ig ort MaDelels . irith dismucb, tiy JO HN SLATHER, or ' 'JOHN AL cAvatax,Aiinte, - : edr Water Mal Sallthierld sts, AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Beals% • It G Parks &,cii,y K W Colea & lag Wanes; Ektstwick &Co, Breadpett; ' A & N Clink, Newton Fallw /ARAI lYb it 7, cavbenToir; NI & C ERent, EYanklini Miler & Tuttle, Calahoga Valls; Gamey, Gibbs & Clb Aartanalrr, " . 'Watkins A DtAhl "rflittUl Witham, & Co:Detroit, rfeb; " Wz i - 4 . PITTBBOBOHPO TABLiHOAT iimia iflai= lB4B l/SM , For the Draluportatirsic of Freight to trnel film BALTUBURE,N. NORICIBOSTON,A.A., _s Walkman& Cam, Pluladelphia. • T.ll4ilrid.O ' Comum, PlUabargb... T IIIS establisr .. te ode nowtli „. M . ll wars: me nu to i l or . w , :g74.d.and7nadnce, ee made e l& despatch, sad on the moo favorable terms. Tbey cosidentl hope th,-gr well known promptness In delavering es oar gkfct) /0 =Minot carrying—capacious ansrabon seri at etch port, affording accorannalanons to shippers and owners of produce—togather with Mau long cape rienes and attreraininglotteutton to bastriemorill metre to them a cormagsace of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All commitments by sod for this lute received. char ges pool. sod forwarded in any required directions frix. of ebarge 10r C• 061.001.000, advanciog or storage. No interest, directly or sod trectly, ad o ppb All et:unmet:orations promptly attended to'on not, so the COHOWIttit BURDOCK A CASII, DS Market st. Philadelphia. doe u: TAAPPE & O'CONNOR, a t , Basin, Puuburgts. O'CONNOR:4 & Lb. Noah Baltimore. Whl. B. WILSON, t 4 Cedar st, New York- 4 - aps PASSENGER.-AIiftANGEMENZ . • • Petaaertraala eitztal'ea Ban 'Mead Zs. , • press Fast Parket Ltate,• -, i g niaM 1848: • Ru a ritoarprrrsuporr UAL ORehtfitcly for Pasaestgers.) IMF . : public are resmietfally informed ttoo Ws Line. I will momenta reaming op the ins; nucleon .. throughout the &MOO. • • The boats are new, and of euperior clew, with en larged ca, which will glee g water' comfort, The ears in the latest eanorecuots. A boat will always be . In port, and trash.. wee re quested to eel Mad examine them rare engaging pas-. lAre only nine dells. throng h.i Owe el" the taints ittf. this Line wilt leave the' landing bopposhe lb 3. Month corner of Penn street and Canal, every rug at do ce. clock Time 34 days. For infonnation. apply Ohba rtthee; Monongahela Iloare ar to L L 13 EY..11. reCo . Pittsburgh, March 22, . Canal Basra. - Weat*ra!rnms rtatloa Compan . MUM IS 48 Oth bra= F at • • TO PIUI.ADFIPIIIIO3M.IIIII3IIS k:rikuryour , 1454 'agast64AM MID OWb SAIL A iil.:prepari , d otra sporgoodsandp.oJ..cchii eitd (ma the shore cities .1 tsivorable tenni, .Ad ; dteal , Or apply to : . • D. I.BFX:ft k. Co., Casa) Bum. Pittsbargb.: ((ARIUS A LE/1.:11, Nes, 13 16 South Third st,PhiL J. TAYLOR a Bopt, Aga. No 14, N'th Diograid st, DILL A. A RISOIT, Act, No 7 West Meet, ?Ow York. Piusbures, hisrcistihh,lo4B.- ihmsengor wad Iteranlttideei 011114er ' AIIANRDEN co. command to befog pcnom Croat soy put orkngland, Ireland. Scotland of Wales, upon the most Merit tern% Wilk arch emit Iniocioality and attention to the vnats and tow fort of etwalgriata We do not •110* oar palimony's hi' he robbed by the .vricaung locum* Wm haat the We, • purl., as wo take charge of them the roman they rn. port thestaselmw, and see to their well beige. weld& *Web thestreiftWw any.66uo nohow by the inn alai.— We say thiedeartesely, as we defy Mee °tarn P.M gen to show that they detained 49 hours by Of ft Liverpool, whilst Moo:node of others Were detain ed wombs, mull they • amid be nestle some old emit, at al o bey rate, Whi toett too fmquently proved their cams.- We intend perform oar coatrachi honorably, cost, what it may, and oaf act ea wea the ease last same, with ether olleerat—hrbo either petronaed not when it mind their converdesee. Wads drawn as Piruthargh for any sun from l l at u rkAlVd i , s fi:olll2 o ‘rtrea l'" Lln". JOSHUA ,ROll/1980?i, bkorpeen and Omani Anew, , Yin etreet, ease door below l'irood. kb' 1 . 1747 . 11.TM1T TO THE 41;LIVIC a gnae: 'Seamy. and Bectontion of the , Hair. 7his Cr. hen once known, will supereede all other artielm of thakind now um*, . When the hair. Is dead,. few hank, ', l ,;l7, , :2:ll, 4 :lk7sO=ditrke,y6t lively appnrancej and will also Make st rondo its Sew. linne .0 eolor twice es long as all the prep. rations Which are generally used. - Every lady ana gentleotlin who ere, lathe habit easing oils °albeit hair, Mould al Lath purchase &Louie oT the Chinese their Cical as It le io composed that if will tied Were the heir Ilk ,Mom other preparedone, but. will beautilY' and give'perfeet iot a room In every inaaance. For testimony to Its very 'town. qualities, seethe' following .k4ter m Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Maine Mendenhall fretc, Neilwille, General' Agents tht theiVenerri Manic , , , - Letter from lig Rev. II :Caldwell, isnot of 041 . Free - , byterien ChunWitlask4 Heriderthint Stietellentleinenti fake . pleasure be ad di ng my testimony la favor alba excel,. loot pennant,. called Dr. Pirish's th y , about Oro years ago; My hair win very y thinly, end disposed to toed Crlllj but helnig Yto• cored a bottle WOW. Greta; and • need at tic ittonlin to the pfeeiption,'krty s tam eon, elas end lom, to Me heed. • Many bai ts baie. end -oils Were epplledi nth leaving my thdr in • worse nate thin Wore,— Itas met my expectations: ' As en ele for the 'Toilet, my wife gives It prefer. en. all et being delicately perliamed,ennnet disposed to ranCidity. Ihe ladies especially will and the Chinese Cream to be a deeldermam their preps. rations for the Reersentally, ' Pulaski, Jan. 7,4647. - ' R. CALDWELL:. • lyrltold wholesale and retail, Pittsburgh, by Yobs, /11. Townsend, Na 45 Market meet, and Joel Molder cornor of Wend and Fifth' streets. Udell. • ~ItOUSE. SION AND- STEAMBOAT. PAINTERS, and CO szien.—Persone wishing to have painting H2ring dead with nesterse and despatch, willpleeee give us I cel. The will fusil It to their a ow as soy dventage, for we are fully l moore y d - to do work as l noose in the two miles can or will doll, et No. 5 Wood sired. r 0.- I Ve wish. it • to , be ender's:NA that wr here 'net quit the pointing and glazing, 1.11 Male if out MOO zealot. (thirds haat, been telling tea public generally that we were ping to Wins %flan that' branch' of our bitsinen We are more folly prepbred le Menet , the painting end glaring than we ever Were: • ary6 •-• • • J kit PHILLIPS, P.I..LEIFtI - WitallEUtill.—The, greatest.of al 0 Worm Medicines! Now Ideals Omo,1: 711.1. to eenify that after ether diderent PrePsia. -do. for repelling minus, I bought *CM F. ik hteu4 of New. Lisbon, two vials of. E netters , Vermigage,und gen We contents - of one of te three. May 'eteldrea: Fran, the first, stied year I, it le ipelled. Wonaq. ..froin Ike eerotid, yam old, Trlg Kral 1,91111 M &like/ .years- Old, liq - making - nth wormy expelled waft • Ost one vial. • • I recommend • Ballets , .Yenedftere , as la safe and one of the most effeethelAVOntseedielees Min the Pthi lei • - r ' • Ikea Mommer. Prepared and sold by ,E SELLERS, _No 67 {geed - 0 feet. • Sett] by Dr. CasseJ,Zth warth • D 51.therty, -Al ..erthetty; .Sesith.Tempersacenrille. • ...tate inseitialiala-Mease . TWatia j .IlCat4* ISAAC M.Ltae iVILLL4MS, Draper and lkilar 'qv -110 is tortaibi, eitizans of Plittherp'sllo4o4.lllY that Yi is caw tpeilw at Ids moans lan JedWfdd der the above Hotel, a large and binualfal • eseoretherd Of Clol.l*ol44lllllollllsSalina,Silisl end oaf togethef with' aueb other ;Melee Y. MO required - foe patkiiiesi'• *ear,: His rizio..4 - biy limy - mm.lunit mi., _Lected," mid Sitter the 'newest end Met; feelnoeeW: .style, NC Amptior gaalitt.".• the nim:9On =peisi.aposOurdwthdrAlothir mad. aD: Ip t *Ala oaulOiNi.., Jo' gratlft• Jur am. Dube, Nom tiLsOUOCK • 'ajlti3r ' . 4IIMLLOIO•-:•.. .st •. . • • train , lassie Teat Salo: • lIF. Elebeerlber offers. it. eida Ida eBslra aae k to Lys to wit perchaseri. al very . reduced pclease 7bcollection...at equalled fare select and enamel**. Taney, in lb. Weak.. countm Coatantiog many Dst rare and valuable plenta eeentanag la part of Camila* Japonicas, large goserseg pleats, (7 . = Ikea ga height, Cactus, Auleee, Geranuutaa Yea** le. Musette Cluekr. FarpeutalltSosa Vistula or.Pdhae Rases; the nevi 'edam's crammed xotte inealtivraiese The Dobbs lIW mutat. thilrwlSWW/MnlcOliitinitat sows rosin, Plows., Roots, a large /Way; Frisina. ithenblwry, %bade Veergeeelnt, Se. 'MW n% Nursery wee • and.othcr. 'rad avast tedeesitaletieit g erda genteel, gleaner* getlyedlOT trees beam, fe.pPetru Ily 44110410 V11.6111X .14C =Lilt [dal& Milk* i• open to viatalra eseept on Etronapt. ' CiniveylLlCO Ly oulaance and gravesrood ferry:: beeeviituve eau lopies sent by sag, output lor , bad et oat steed, No gld laaaneed Marko, where enters 1111 With us, or by wall to Plnsburgb.Post giee.!sstll be promptly &tomb rd .Ipba Grabaua apreencat gardiner, *III attend co plena ow shade trees; lariagotgardens. ix.' 'Urdu is kit osabore...;: . s. mattglimakillT •Manelester. near Pit ' • roe., uorn4mise,...... /rp.ir.:. -..'. tnigome..... t , iii - • tr At toi 100. . ihratre••• , .--•••••••••“4.:-.. 4 -ZAANIVUA 1 / 4 0: CAA, li. Cott , .---AhAllolkoss. ar.ArrY, httornett &A:O4 - ' • U Commi••leist II! . . • . tea THA Pit% AND reAWAninso.nr • - ' " IiVICATICIAN 'MAMMON '''" • ''. ". • •IYa. 31. Pligdram Stralithe.Orke aft , : .: • Awn -so— , • • - „111 rats Irani& k. a5,D=1, 1J11...0. , ...- • '''' tllneret,Vailifto, la •,. , • ” . 111 is & Moneb.l,l . lllel • . ' • • *- -'Mace kikassot, ',!..". Cau:D..l... - " N k.....lttktria ZuleAt.lle, 0, D 61'Donaild. Co, Wells 1040: L. , . i •• .. ,1 tted.Parts/ACo.Des• r.......—.. ...• : 4 •JW GilL'Emq, Wheeling, ii: • ' S 'Mork. &Gs, i p,,, ,o, p.. • . ••W a Mdlitelbeluse.. ) . • *. ' _ ~. .._ _ • • miiii.oiNiolistlieiirdiTi. 11/6iitaTass 7 : - • IL g• R. U. DEX 11.11; of Wawa, his incanted sal. p . AL tented a plan for beating boo ts% 'abseil hits been seteetaarally used at hlostath iewtath.atelthial 46 ' 1, .... potted, b. reeetredlhedasittad peetrettert wry' stoves, eanneti l / 2 a.: 'Ms ailiantattsrare— • • • , tat. Great regalerape( tetaperatana • .: a • I. Freerfoos from make. v hl. No anpleassal &raw. I• : • • • Oa. Easels. atteadadta !Ltd oat ijahle to at oaf :of .. . . - . . : . . IPA model d specification slay bikonea.. dad tspmri• oldaiderat cow and udriare ft;c634 . of ; 1: • • %wit tlCAlltk..,Fsist•t. *bait betworn wmodand market • _ X ll oßdAlTsivljliniritur-At prayed to be tlist • real Panacea hi' CMS( ireidkra diabelatoff • ' • Fee the Tempenurce Harmer, Nov 11n17. Coma Svirm—WeOtre not •In that • habit , of panic, nth leas taking patent medicines, bat we tacit/opium/ • fectommod Morgan:a flynap to Mow who aro • with • eoegb •Aller living Pied the lanalt Wm. • 'a to remote a COilit4:4 anti distiosstap_covres, that (dr several days dillicted one of Our cluldrar4with• • la.m., wo•wons lodomed to. try illonfanY ,mush yrap, and by it rale vote abusisied to a. few. hours. II •• • ve•O to tut the paaacrain lil.ll aim at least • • Pripared orb:iamb and Esunal 6 lhe Frog:alp', • "wood Ail door ow dis „ hlO, fv.h, Druutm, ' ' onot aßey, ' A Min'twat/a:to tbe lairwilrE'' • iWEIVYY.EIVE DUILLOASordIbe pad to as y ' who will produce a spot of pawls Itateowrihrr • I be amanita with 'Venni' Improved metaled • • p. I have the satisfaction of saying to lort pea* er. • place. that this manta, by my own ramovarent I, now made Unroll/al I.hw edgmaJoypatrim oe ,grame,tar, paoh, paim. or arty other greasy 11.. mane, Mom MI Mods ofgentlemea4 or ladies , ekohme, easpeu, table cloths, ammo shaarla,.llAtea' bonnets,' Le, arrthou haat tog anything that pun water will not, smare.,. More than sew Monsoon: partook undlpreht . pare Mme cowry have told Me they **old not Ind wohatthulf tt mat colt dollar eeriest. in ulnae thls Soap ea more thaw XO ankles el Pala silks. auks. al-i etwess,ostd noncom, I have aolf rensa.P *Marone+ of. Allt,..pro M . attracts, and four Q nation, On which It ahmaged the role"; them itre bMote pc.itlng ikon a light , drum try • maple of the dress Ent I state th Weems. ICM detemtiewl set te remosimend 11113 Y &AMMO, than g toss IP be atrleily um. • Prtee s Ind ell percale..SOU; arbokealo wad fetid. by , • At E OEVIERS.:. • MOT 111 ini SL` mort m MUirtlehreka •-• T ' it: ..d...igwa boa tang Molit eaiviseed of 16. • • • beceorlty tor maw saiiihallair adaplirall&MOOso Off &Won awl Laßosa cu mrpitivede.lbis uso otelMmitok. i..4.oolsghtak sonSain ppumiand Inut al Wig& MM. ,ceentesl sat preparing awl offering to the poll4lo& goo& clot fully answering every purpose for 1.11.41V0M •Loweli, without theme of that delete:Was , arse oilier tolculated so 'Mum La the Ram. 'The • sew& Law been fully tested alai tried, the toMPlrottl• menthe, by amorous per sou, awl Wood . laporarMa.Pll , • tbs egtraonlinary ei n0...A to 5.A.. , sit ibtralithb ; i• 13 ing4ifeca . serianll an the' Lill of ilireetkiag.- Din. , al turs,llotalthig. Cholla, Onpiag, Paina,Mteloworl and I Ihmoleca. mines. (natt.leething i Wing , i 444 estilMMY 1 without diaturLittg any of tha minions of the body, . trof:agog, the twines_ awl Wort *main inarsitio, osioriort&al . u; i t:';ramioll ?n4joycia. mate sii feeb'i in VLiTalloiliolesalet . aad swill, ails Proprietor, 0,1 JOHN SARGANT. thuggiu lad Aporkseary; . John Michell, 191soli & lier thaw, afhl,mookaiSher Dragoons . • All•gtmilf and PittaburglL:., . li . dee= , LSIELLERM IMPERIAL COUGH -EVRIM . ,--111aa st 3 power to core. Pinsricautt, Es& IL IA:, , K. E. 151“.....m—51y wife . yrs. fur yes.been subjea . +a a Winsessiug cuogh, actuni . nicil wit& arthisia.'dir 1 Wit curt at whirh 'she: use 4 Rlereat eon& ,r ..rdi..., Eol LA4 the /Weiner& tho owns miaow physicians W. tatur, but all was uweaniag. By Amino I /e and I o at our Imptria l Cooet Syrup, awl was Sodom! w Loy od, although I hashllo belief that smything kl reowire. her eomplahig , 'To my great asitodte, • o slows Saws /set isanamliMs oche( • She ta m stoma .otaea vulg.. e...su, 1 ,,,, *0 lisaalsoeuMol o( 3ISPO. ...r ( 'b.,. iL I .... tiati WUT !uiaa a...oe _ sr yearsthateolkili '^wg Spop an We beat . ersogh. .' ",.. 'MINI INN' stiog eithsr l 42 . the Old 'a 'Row _. .. . .. ._allitrigi Ward,witY.Of i rturutit s ..... 7lm MblOw:Oloßffiatala 'Wald ..t.e. .at wk. ag' itsobkd with molter Wawa, to give tbs byways IA & lit sby Is hod for Wh bests • boldt,n{ de drug . WOO. or . . _-.: .. ..11* ,11i1.1.1iii.", 47 wool at. t lips C0ni,..41# ! Oa' ,TbAble—audglos the met epptived Eattarti plans asJ meet tuition able Eeseitneettes.•tnelago. Me TIIE CAMAY 10U..., 003 rum LUND, on . hand or mak *wart a ati ants.sinclat all . • • .V.nusuybicrebesur and alien. anli tatildd %Ha and. jute& the above fartletottelltes, 111 , 41s111INA olloolaeie NW I. and *tenet Alpdrebell .MIM4 gebolleftlepairbions. ' 602.8 • . O MINUI TEIILL.MAL OLW.Ln, LA frontal...mg an the hal ttioarrenes, end Ueographinst Joynnonotent ahothe beeksorik. moo crlearsuel rirromairiphoes• Cow . &1111rfibihtirsr Wed. Glebe, with aidliliate and: ay Muni k *math. armed Resweill M. RING'UI,CLLTLU , I.lLOBES,cootsfaimiailhof alma • sebedo,L Le. 'Gayland tram morkaat • stalladea,l Mt La 4,,dts.liesslarie,, Nom In* ilersded. Nage , of . dr AseniaoW isekty Looks, he, ite. arpoilimitg . WOW,. . • . .jobaske 811041goe of the Jove 91.6.,nri Jo gimps Pao* . iI 6 6 • 6 * 1. 4.186104 o iLFejegea9trosidaulaoinideen.. droll .TOW-SPEDDAS,siissarmuu.A..—so doze. J., Jot warred °elk T•pwaseirre Sarsaparilla, the Soot extraordinary 'medicine lathe woad' ?kis Ka- NWT is psi op lo gout butt*. It la els timed cheaper, pleammt, old vrananis4 siperlor to any saki. It cards dime taishoat maiting, parsing; itackennas . dad/win patiesi.. A • • • 4on.our aoatarrartora-tUnpriininfol imams hare raoed our labels,' and plit up media ns to the onto ahayedbatde. • Sae that enoi bottle has the anima K. wawa of N T.-Towage:Dd. , • !<R a l WAWA, ea Wood wort., between Tined and Fauna. is Dr 'retwrise oid y 'wholesale .chi retail ogenkfor 1./natio?! 0, of venom the ge inane Q.Y. Om 1• his bean apOolatral tho agent Q; Allestespeity.4( *taxa genaino. a:11'3.1;10.1,ra AWiItONO EVIL'S • ow: 'Mr KVA SA . rer. iirt s ie 1111.eknignonolks *Gen, Coonioption, Bieck, krles t int aka Um , amp Jooononu o ,roo that 6. ranoe pormak poorromonorent nor ris gof io %lairLn tan oirpo. pnkr It .• sli otbit noed ofth. bon: oanyober•••y ban Inninsithoed in by OW propontonthinilon lamest loonrialoty bres koopprimr4l n sortirlor, IM fro* klokk moo numbly ni.oropookol (trod h trjthoi prornitani, on bum nthronl Ibisth an• • 4lnaisn Sync-roan; le ..ready dal tun mem 1161 ro rsbonob ey' oalnb4y wow its and poinnoiry Wino. . Ynynon may by Dr Ir. Jo rt. Plinthienybia, ninon .nir..lll• • A AI Ys dentlitnititt • • .. . • - it nh .t • . DERRY: & N1CK.6112144. • • . 1W . Nuothetissto 1W1111 1 1118, , ,11141111/.. BIYIIOIII, I WAGON COVERS AND GRAINRAGS U.. 3114- NIKO, Wrest Street. Rack of 7 A. Wiliow's Cabinet WortOkutufy A , • 1.1. orient len with S. tloota, at qfiee aphis Donbass'. Rotel, Shlatarto, will 'be protoOth' attended to. " • " TWA. G: DISOtr • deplo.4llv A z C. NICILRRSON • ORIGINAL GIOLIVAIL IrRICIAL -, • • XPEJUENCED in4ts, oOMriel of one and a bait yy AlUonti itleetildWriutettnes Ws ankleenar ppsewwdd far durability is do stostivetion of all Slade at : nice *WS cite/. AK Wags pflY par. waved nine iviontbs Osiers for a wend quality Bolivar Mete will be executed - it 113:10eyM. , 1f so de eked, witba4rterantee: •• it ask si reutlity . it Sow Strut s et the erstsbovali, tiNeese`s. all Wain, by .. J MAW AIWA - • luorxins • •ms.V_ - uraftturistt.—mus r sisaiLeArOMP:: , . tpuowitiphiftwoviri. (t “-thrbitilainkk, "10moury.Oistplimisi is or, 414 resenties mat prestnatiesel Oh. owe We.. Ve • Irreg. et mama autism slie re beir 41 bra tuistii Is itneli e►kS Mn hese ler yew% W ar ILIA' se mod iv ewer bree Uri Y leariemel le 41 ovia mint who.. Y 6 jtSW balr,G• make" Isial of 41.! Tokio tsmarli•isly -k Min a ! .144,, Yleintbitavet.liesi , W4ll ' • • • • iiiteolklrT, tll4l64.4tobert,ettise eellhe; With At eheleseeern haw oueuteelateill tohseeeill4 gee* she bleak kW/3 6 ana nib bOtall ed q. - r.tos Old Mats Genus eldn slag *ya w jirmeilia: jou* sweeter with .• %mink WNW awateliglift# 4 ool4 . l l .....lONVA, ; partta. . . . . . TTAVATINA IllClAlS—woo•hettineeo, the Itelotelag celebrstal poet us, entre. eeiliße4 Otette, heeeteettekillasthemetnerthee4 R.pi*MCos. l ^l4.l 45...,A.are..4.114kb.i /obi= umay Lon& limns; MIA rwiporooids Vinels . asita syivirs dem Itafedeta , let. deri. v i alit, La essadoTs, nalelarairo ounaua.v.iwurnuerso samookorniii muilliAlitUWlrratogsdiripm*. m tt: ur-r -kair market modal us • ~ iron wrir.us pteAT.a... ;.• 114 TASIA uty .orultut *We itsl4vu.iiAd *Jur cult. nowlaCkg, bl/ OM. k hw e‘'° W i rt, be Al ite.:. .. • , , .-,, . .. 1 . -:' 0 • . iti• • • ..- ....1-.,... ~ - --... ti-d-114.÷. S: --•''''' •-....t Tic",.. 7,,ratiiiatto,a•n•r- • • .:::. ..• ...-, . .• - :.... - •• • - • - , . • f , 1 . i• ' . . M__==ffl!!MM DiCAT.: , • lakesa, Elneekkul. Inoa, Pain fa*, flik and Ilnast, iiors MIA). acaa, PiMomilm„ ci rierroot4 Wl"" tirer C 7 9 ' Domed Eldaelw, aro ally coreA . 17r. iwayashi Cosapimad irrip at:. MI .. . .. . • elmea7 , 7 • .. .• ,7 ' ' • • ....'' , his mild and plessant lathe Wore p ommyp Wan= l'e.tdoee se no Mwratioaa, awl yet It all if s li. lewd Mierefed and certain remote. tow Conswodo of the :Um., eagles, Coldsi e hatheen, efa,an wad, Uwe. Cole DetnTeds P •r " tia ' . thei st ere fer i ti Vn arry i the sic of nue for ' the thistle( tie sitpubbe. Cenitiemes and evacuees. of its uroaderial cement ranee's are Mato) receivolfran all q .. It is UM possible to “escelve the apmerpow Moo sing and mi. l ow. cry that haa been rebeMed Or bantthed •15 001 CY we calculate/the immense breaks that arena Moe' It kinder. MU ages, sexes, moil - are Mike Mfeemd be it. mad ass ammo is eiPdiaided. Ikea We *yam, the constitution Repaired, wed Molds -veo. toeol by these ol Da 13w i srors Otanskorpo Sere toe Wun Caesar. Dow roma same& Miele - daily 1..c.' hold approaching to an tuthatery Tees Mewed. to the . 1 . , , h , ser i /f,yon=a , ltr i z.l i tv=it n elebtVict l; Waite* the miserahle sulfas a Mil. he. a beyond' the phiner . of konan skill. If. seek wiener, would lolly =dm a . trial or Dr. asteaynee Comtr . oisdrtynth .W Wad Cherry, they would god thethwl a moner 'Acted 10011 by pelmets the venous Inefechva remedies 'nth which aux newspopen ahoy nth dirstlegetahte grow. td.' heal. the uleented longs, slopping wow night sweats, at awoke timeindoMn a =neat and Manny expectoration. and the patient end owl lial Wawa( in the consysseen of comforialtte Meta- The pabbe dwell . Leis in Wet Dist •DC. Serer. is a regular prktiong phyniciaa, nod has hiid years of orperlence In dithaws of the Lungs, Chew, it, 'The(otlethal end onlyig ma ine ankleliouly pecpamd DIL 81YAVI4 EA W ear. . weak:rads .at Mk, enows;Philadelphia. Alit/THEM 110M6 .0i IFICA.III- - Of MI the emu that has ever been recorded, We'saay • manly myth" senate of medicine moms Nandi one So sti*tm tits, 0f.% now stands so a kr ItIM pellefOr the , corability of consumption, vr ea vritoo file boil boon , dupaithstof. .Dr. Swope'. Compound Syrup of Wild • Cheery la alkil professes to be , the greatest ,ase.liehth jetheloownsirortd.. . .. '' Tlfts; 'This Rid. ortift it mat. . • . . 4 . 13vier aa-lk sr 1.0-Por the good of tbe pablie,l j soysedf in duty kestod to tangy to the emu: dam we h your Connwed nynth of Wild Cherry per inns ed on me. - Tor my pan, FTeel as If every body °Gehl to know lb I oriu affix ted with a violent tough, Mph- . . tiog of blood,night sweats,: houveness, and salaW of tpsyr th ce lotheating an aleintatir slats of tin &sew; ripL l V . Traz , l7 . f . .7.,syvegth had es ( 00 = I mold stir samba mazy da My sider who was my earevaker. soda spier when:sit would be S tlatrolleadara the modeernato Weber: ;Ohs vans told that tf I.a. Swayon's Compound terse . .Weld Cherry failed In the c who=l hi, WY . th en less. "Your .i"th' ol ea 4" elle:, and b immediately p ea I he ' d th' 6. 1,1 the a:MI 1711.1 e. omelet:o had Inn Ile maosystreet7th woo iitsch Unproved. In then, db. oaula a_ perfect ern Mose 'end I ern at this present boas aa hearty a than as I t rit, and have good remelt to believe that the nos oi ' t Yadkin has saved me from a peel:Were grave. Sall be pleamd to 'ism any information respectithy. may . I Mu ' MI cheater el, between rise and vine sts, P m, hila. ' ' e.. . CAUTION! CAUTION!! • • • ., Cougimptive., Read'. Head! Dr. Swayze , '" Conipoind . In shoat the year 1107,1 fowl it - keeteary.la my . - Professional practice, to compound a medielnal peeper. 111100 for disessei of the chew sod hings..pomessing .come powerful beelike Impotence Wu soy aborted. eno known for oath m00n,., 1A my COMINAIND SYRUP UP WILD CUL.M.MY, I Itivelieso iery:mic. : ceasthl. The only nstoutslakj t Olii 14.0104 Ly the thicisteiroon spread Ith bane abroad; for It own Done of kticccu to manaseurid newspaper parrs Or Coo g , cendicatsa- th e reel tottiosie menu of -my,-com. poend babe only trove of Unpopularity. itnarunsokst Sale soon excited the coned mends epreedaters in the afflictions of Ms feltowethatores, es nemago that_le.. a kirks bons thalami Ike* ..T . pmw,t....A. L''''''. , du so the publio add at albs great ecth la fi and, firm le 416 en Aniline that my- phones-lion -bud- gaissed-• „ Vs 'verandas for Its envative -pro penkt,'eame. ell a -what theist-fled Dr. Wiseartilaham of IVildelterry;- ;Yids nespectolde end poewlar gthysteian had no own to do With th e aniele'thert poor Sam Patel - Ile mune of Dr Wieue U attached to make !earliest that this el s , Inkt practitioner was the Weld layquos of the pro. paranoid or oot. She WA: •The 111201.41. Ira, UK 110. al invirmar.' boll Chi recipe awl right so manufleuthe to =me patent osedkine des/ent in Ciarlemeti• for like W.t at:Ottani, and anothwriieNei•Tork foram PM; who Mk rank* it Is Wetted. Wel oat ton druggist he Itileoo-eo thnostodscrof 4.00 WA mbiek a Mae ken changed Is let ceugma la some plane they amen te n einiuthied fran s phy skim, in giii....l.lphra,- in °theta-hem a Opiates's to Mathachoonts. .So it Ma [Mahood ant - istgatages Itimprid In Sealy &Lam .. - • , ' ' .5 . Th.e have been a poother *father pthpinationa par, j rtn i a '4r o rit = I V i n e c,, b! . %V 1r ' AI lerto ' sr ' pil e ,ognisest. as they commute. Milo teenage Math WO- • I. end and Oily genoino preparation, which been thossit , I woe of Dr. Swayne en each bottle. • The present mooothe mere el theirpulf• and Ws* certificate* have I the danag elfreatety ko elution the pob4lc agelow pet . etwaing my 01<ohel., We 01117 truly ge.1.13 and env Ithl preplan.. a Wild Cherry /ekes the publse, which is proved...sagas tardy by th e public reionh el dm Conetanithrulth. of Pennsylvania. ma seen as Carl. mu whet officeal donation.... .DU: IL SWAYTIIf, • 111,09100 and sole Proprietor of tie smooths Dom, : pound Synth of Wind Cherry, cornet of EigAl . ..lad . I State mews, Prulaiklehla . I , pamphlets ran be obtained gent* setting &nth an *kayo( twinsony that will convince the must slur'. Sal wrath woodmen) virtues of Dr lissayosea Compelled, ~ .Orup of Weil Cheery. Cell - and gel 0at,.0 that an may eved. Parakeet , the medicine, mid as ante. • , For We, wholesale and mill. by the Agent.. ' • ' , . WM TDORS;II Macke, sh OGDEN/a oNOWDEN; coiner Wood a. , d Libeety,sts; SJUNIN, ISO Liberty .4. /I..'A YAIIIIIMIta:a i ths, • conks of Fuss and .Woad and Sixth and Wood; and JUIL)I M1TC1112.44 . . /Wishes, Mtg. . mats . • GGro atlteinsody. . . Conehcralde, Audi end Constuipnee! GILIWE AND ONLY REMEDY for the ate the abets ducts., the 110NOARIAN 15/1.1n,51 OP daacovertit by the•erletmued. Dr- Baca.; .1 .Lontlen, regfentleentl iturodeced tent the United States .big the nenatibede autitenateadestee of the invenearia The enenortlievy entreae of ties. medicine, itt rains el Peleteury • cliaMell, WILItINIS the AMITi.IIO Arentiq actinide/vet trietractt the leveed eatable cr. env that me be food u tbeetteentnnitythaticet robe( is wale tines any 01'11.4=0.11 remedies. of the day, and here been gtrcn op hy.nbe Onteldiebarahtand phyeiciana es enetinatil and nentiebble. Tbe.Hation• eit Dale= has anted, led will can, the two' Oenlledrehh el' cum lux nut puck noteihft bat..tandard Env bah enedieine, of keenly. anditateed ethcacy. Every Not yin Cite Maid:Mt& should be sonata Ilnehatie llangerina aCtile, bat only la eventerant the terheneptireicettesents a the acute; .1.41 to be used arc etternalisve enedleite• suck or WA optuamg of baliod._ paio.la th e sada and gbest,lrritatioa nal Omen 4.0 J. Itu3p, brook:ills dilf.eu ti lty of ns •r, bade k•gt. Witt • itioas atadteneral4ehilinchslitme, battens, v. moW o.i bout In large ttke, al Epee beak, with OM . !SM. Ilona tar the noon/ion of health." Phnithlete, notgaintlng a mega' Eeirtab unieklieeek nen e•rialcavo, Wed Other evideace, stoma" lhelen. evaded meta of this irrest . .lateleh ihnonain MIT as anaemia!' For ache by II t W et and Weed and Meet end fah stn. ,mud;: • . ;DIL'.IAVRES ALTERATIVE:, • •^4 IVe lava been loninwed by Mrs Rase of a aura lioe formed miser by Dr. ~We Alteratives whiff proses its raper laity mar meg. ether Amway al Ike kma.• Abe lua been afAcied *a the last Macro leafs with DEMO! 1:2! or Wl= tVlVELLlllancluteallaa with skews ens and eafollallon of Tatiana Leaes,dat naps hitt, dew many pleas haws been dime/tamed Ms ibe aroma' hem or the tritium/row Miklos so lonia and hands, and flan balks.. and Rem AO ten' 'Handal base, and from the right knee, besides palatal keen oo Gael pans of her person, wittek lure haled the skill of . aim:der of the most mathent physic/am el ear Crit --Abated teem of the bas Orr stiftennas haws Aem CZ<l7uat.ag nod deplomble.....lbeal time soothe sineti the was td. red So try Di:Jsyne's Attentive.. which lies had en wwwitddagly happy diet *pan ha, by removing all palnatia syrelllns, mod estratte the okay to heal, sob lie at seine their bergamot brohb • boo become wmplarly nwatited,th that she nowsreliko thltis more thaaehe del beim the comstemed the ase 'Of this Italy yobrabloptephuont- . 4ka. Ere. Port. • ror fanner iotoratavon, engem of Mn. Rose, No. 126 I.llben st,Pknedelphia. • - • - For sew m Plitobatalt, a the PETIN TEA STORE, ld lloonk as near Weed.. : . . . : Db. • CROYULA AND SeNDIMLOLIS SWELL ea INOS.—Serolala in all Its • melfiplied form whether in that or ISlnea Evil, eadanemarna ta tDa glands or boars, Goitre, %Vas Sterility, Caroler. Nen enation,Canser, thsoues of the Skin or Spine, et 431 Fa Mohan Connontion, emanate from OM . t ,t the awes , which la a poitioooea prieeiylo morn or lees hilasteat if the human ryatem. There. fore, salvo Wier pribeiyile ow be destroyed, no eon ean be effected, bat if the prhaeiple upon which the thecae depends, Is reiotoyeal, a cure newt of eminently follow, no mum seder what lona las"dissaita hoc td Thle; therefore le Illelewee •b 77 sat is so !we venally is reasovirry so seas) naligerat tilaeasea. It eleatroya the etreaor politely!. re wince' Wein di*tu Dave their o rive, by cattal( into the eireolatios, cud with the blood,. C 11.1114 to the sweetest aire, tearaway even panieliewl• disease Dom the "intern: ' erne sad sold , at C bleathTlatrd Street: Chtladetplia. • " ' • Sold at We Pekin Tea Store, No.liroutbetne, YpLedgh LADS= :Wbo Coasses ?riveted Chalk, 'are L *leo eel swan how frighttally Ithataas j I.te Westin! best OMILIK, bole meth, lam sal**, >elts.4 dadunhealthy the We appear. abet - war vowed chalk! 11.shai ivirderaate,edetainingareoge qua thy et Mad: We have prepared a befohlel vegetable whale 6klli we .11 JONES'S./SPANISII IMO( Wlllll2 It ht eelfeetlihaleeteh, beiogpariient of all . delestnatmeatithea andlthsaharts WWI sale anal. .1 ke. 10 .Y,"." 0 4'.. ,,,,, • 4 ,1 Whim, st tha our eme went so • maths ea the aio mathig itaoq sad .node. are. Aaorriati, PreedesT.Cbcaiit ta Miaow aaTat After Urn Jornwhaforsaish ..Weited ladWpoweißlidelsast Demigod and maw 0.1 • ar Are Mae. lima lqwwww wiisial tow aaw. I re toasty tam onawamstOuly, nowowaawilWa we wall whew aaia *leap basaufjwig.” • .••• ••• • • • Id.by a w e, at Ida NOM f Sloe 1,40.1 c I.IILtIT awe, bead of Wwolo4 4,,w Win of toe It Una' . • 08. Idolno a l it anlle .. •• . . Wiwarpoa lame yea are ne rd' • • t nuwal,l4-I.lm, away walla::: • That yon wen will ow Man.. allajta• • • •• • . And loot • deaday yelkow •Tbe theme of lumina/ and et Wit; ••"- • • II yob' would ow • Wm at JONVO Ldlpookut, ig vestal gilt', low Ow air •Istarree Tat mean/ MM and al. tie. same Illere akar and Oniony it. at JACCtV/N^S, to L.d.erty at rtes 113 !Via per tox.' • ' PAPER pitEHOUSE, • ik 17 ta _war.pssur %wag. • ivitun W: f 1112.1) arm Iscsale ea Om owne . • 011117,esieneart as'eno PAPPMeadribli Vaal" ferado'nneth. wholOwthevisms ftwaniznrllieedisegume. *NNW nee ef.sll.lb*s.uak sximianco i*"e 4snot v.( rrri...mh.7_ •,-PAPICJI 4)We1t4m°4444. -dVlTTlngrali :=tl47l4,,r:ll,ra,64:Tialar.Patile' piMst, 6t Vaiimii,ifet t fr . jt tNetzr om raitilll6' e• tarat.'"s""Nlifyitsmi T. Alas's' /Wilma 1 1 11ulaileArliespw .„,„ tfpp ikslpikmArA !hob. O , lMb gt1 4 4,11,•*; ilophemr,T• 10.4 [WV* AgrOlllol.ol lcii....,4.firuyd a, io • lAN hesAhy. yoluldsk lloargwo. A freth supply. marraflid awl kit tal• 'As raved prib. nsee...d. efenld Are taitiri A r gum a .14 ,d.W°4- 1 .4. 4 .1 1 0.4010,1181840ra1zar g " . wireiVe , ;;.+ 4 ..71011•111 ‘1 rat .17: .-; MFDUAL , • . IIUMIII4III' II, TOOTH PASTlie! ' 1 , 1[2 . ant Wale Yuma larahwanau.l ;Atacama ilaTatak, autairtasainalltairams....wrugetatig mull, d. It slirealba +Nal tarry Inten *lnk a.ll trnai, and dm kVA awl await willway tavola , •••0 : r Z: 4" AZ ' ar "k robt des pasta, .lirtra eu.apa lialliaor for It email the • ta Saab. !carom dalicwaptaale la tb• •••••1, tad as puts a Mandel& 111 frapruta lo tbri bras Lb. 11.51.1•2., ular4ir4u a •lutosl, elowara, • ciarenicat. sal • ma+ &Wake.: his aftriaata4 Ito nYalq.laaArrlb I bitty • Dy maw it reg•baiy; •II ;will rrwart tap tutu 1 , C4 Ohara as seupa•lniorpterau taatalube w"..101.•1ae aaaa, tell general all liars.. tf tum • =pap..sash gad tlerSy feralikah..a n . 1 ! - • "; . " 014. M ' *N th ickset tit told to ann.— Sok tog Mumma atara.. ilia . goond Vm. Tooth owl I ~ Iris mo ear!. pat. • . Raellawaa by Dr. Mills, .1•1 lliosJway.ou of SIC area thuttiast art by.oarklig Aar ald faMhSWVII , Ltd thaw., and craw /tiro rely wed yW t 6 . 6 . 1, g1 of raglaal Pier ra. I• peogottioo of tlaidiaura bataldlel Yl. s ll . O w•••••rinpaawnt alit, • wawa at tuwels, thirty oft or um Cann lie Loa...arta weld Wifely atlaiate.• remain ar,tulus• kalatt oboald a/. way. lama a bar at haw!, tad tah• a .1•••• ,beau 0/.y Dal lin lewa aerutgewatti the.. Peollll. Apar • aanIASIIO page Lamp. wasl.lprarin norauLAi. atf . • •rmjilinu Wm:JACMIOD. turner of . Wool and" J - I 01 11 • KAT CUkti &Woad by Ow angLeateed ealy Mew, • i nemi . tosisa Lirer rall,porparni sad d►y AL E 9E141 , err 'lllenotta • Yemen, WeetnerelielCeee Pen 1 ' 7 ... . : • . ' I . R. R. B idn :- A w alley a A i P d M lit , e dlie.w. _ .1 nanmme to add Sty &mete woman, is stur of joariumody : ealdmied Urn Pelle. r hme dewed *den m fier Tent ,•:• oilier* beteg Ceoelted% cede, ate .Ye )a V. .11 1. 4 . 1 0.4 m.... 1.4 4, ; ARA aft& mem remeeradate ammo. ore - - end mew, landed to the dna, bin oak We Wine. mace ,seaeUen tide ben beenolGred in the pal*. aid, isiced; . --••:' .1 Wino they gall ...nine/milk. in they en Joel trlnt ,i • don manna then to M. •J ban bees 'Aided nth Deem - , Gemptalet•lna ea/ )entle; Ann wedeln eon* seeplond tam maimed pi let slam I paid mean mamy;.han bee asende Yr% weeded .11 pleyeeinl doom ee Memeol mimosa Sor 6 timm, end inlay snare ep 10 .reams.. .111 , .leat•7l eras Wend 1,, ha yam Lint r.,....00N OUT .IV CLL. thee boa of •wee le eon bed t... le purer eer -• IS pale is the idsook Ware akar new.. fonet ma ; ••; IS media. Yam nu an also Or lenteentren I net ; ... bag _milk seiMiplis or ginng nestle Winer at lbee Mao • ;oh, &den see iamb . b emire -• I lorre Mr thole ae ay'awe • ler 6 ar 7 peer, nit bemire& e( bases ead two men lends WO reamaira oluteeby soy coo "be Me ewe hme..lltey bare Mo il damn men other pile ea . the 1 • • banned, Whip Mott Dokerellbobb; ihmea t.'l singed] .16•11•11211 tans; to att'pereem er•J Leg i...rami 'V whether ha Wu dempine or Shaw! dtheleme e. • 1 1 ,i t nos Sole rear mocha ametordealere Yen Itematte , gtUalt‘eAsliner Ora 'idler' nth Miro 11.. =La • ceueneLiver tith peememenee ematibeellitrUlint ade for end teiga wean. Ur Wee mimed ad add ey.IL •,„ C sm.r.suiliosr.W.4... rm.. Tur.4 .44 nom& . : to .7 by. !fclannet, rue: A. 11,0 it &gum musi.... ~ • • Mit4444 - 4 - 1.41144 - 44it Cir.: ••; . • ( tha n k. 44EN4; w. 144nLeakratums ILI Gowen ', 111../. n tie Ate <Weans ad Phlehorgband Alltztatty • - enty far Ike tool Oben* nappem wed among be , bee reamed molds the IMO ettetoolas. Tenet tba VIII-, e. ter care should smiths each . celebrity, te tee11ba7....... Cahn* nor tesyetarioneowens le le sand& rekl knee greet • number of ewes "(every .eariety at ..bee boUti( yen snd abrade, have been anted by a Judo non see .111. In Oenatny, whets IV.ondiustael, los Aboasand Man unmet eases, net mane &ems en 1,7 tee mom ski „' • 'tut ee l of Dawn es Weenie* amo •au rad by •••-' the ononektal Primmlin, thefoundes.ot net WaterClur In Egleed, Panto and Anemies theseasade of . bop; Mae eases home tie rend by , red the numerous ' . ilydrmahia astabilmitamatt mem • ur ewes el opera: r um ut the United Sate; goat Mohnen to nem of dm_e. • • Di. Morris heron. persisimitly asteldie bad L i m e)( .let the city al Pittatneritt, Woe Lektore sombre et al le-`-'. min's alley, of Pun .tenet, 1 amm /mated teettea-, ntmdeee a( Warden and treat theta . hiebo ...mn , ml •• •- •`. tease who prefer Sal' treated et &de owe &a - e 'ral•be rif It i rkt - ra d tt l er'e 'Cn t ' ll L I 7 1 , ..7d., ;'" fro= 7.10 10 in the evening. • • • 'e '••• , rt; it-Creel eider of Didn't's& Ma of la le •••• IV, Ler vise, both dtr Oaks mut sondaseri, mut bee oh , . Ward at dee Adenoma, on Linnet Moon, where dW/ .. ' have bob n recently maned fol a. espaniaor at•ltie . Ammonia' patiann,•sed•mbene.ineerallmitiossrill be:i. I . 4 . 24,1 )* .r. L .1n i . 27! " . 7... P !: '. ., ' ! i a i tl : • ~... C.; 4 • - .• , DiLiAll'arnfilltAßlllllll.llflr. • autJuls..eetArl surto;t wtll k It Tha aoden=hanosit been alaaeletidarrat 'winter win • Oneiweiatihe 'aturoach,soweraweo papj-L- . Omni, vest pain io ifia stomach far We or tenni hass ahem woenanhhaa, .•rter' balding Ural fetstifts WWI I clfect, v.. hr doith a bade. I. talayses Caroni:mates Balogh= Moo he amaze- • ' asediasla almetian., awl (gaud .awari thhtllls." -medicine calmed the pale la it•alt dt tee or reareana ',a., alai 'Oh Atka, or twenty nonalearrnir scantlita wu entirely yiktell.:. The ow-dna= ors. ' IrberseVer indleatkonaf tho.appeoaeb -pinwale peawiged, and no pat was thoraby reveal.. ad canna:al waits not nectii.now ateTT *natant: . and tearcuarce In no manna, and is leo arra* }main war ea far reotorrel, that tha widen was railer ed 'rola a law ansatal Of °prem.., pain From to • patience, lkerefote, tnl cam eavfleany mammal 0 oJarres Carel Indy e tralasat..as a Inklalely media in • : :far Joicalin ofthe Mama. Ind barrel. it NlllOOO . • • 'Allenhent' eity,oll r Far safe in Pittalerrot at the PEW CI TEA emu's_ . 71Paruid 11.11Va4 11., Woad; met oho at Jaren' Annan r eiGilWaltlll. liettarni weern or:ran:app.. Parity Tour Blood. • ' • •- r Arß. 0. E. 81111211 —Bear 841 L.tdpring, nos the pr. io. muser.l acv.alralEo.l sertablous • complaint al my, lep, and bed bean 'lot soma months • iole tbe ease of physlei.a. Thiry .14 my eve was almost tamable, soil iboy epobl do bus bolo Mr ma. I -war nearly helpinsa, Let with info( moth. ciashl ori."44fically obdut .10 alay Ise, I porelham4Ol- you, usd aommeased swine BAL. . • leals ilmtraaaaa. AAlr the me of Ma beau., Oar. beahog• • toni l Laid adds ay en a.4 ea, using only • cone, I v.. my- mt . v, lu lao tad oftbe am**aa so wall as to ...all del I I to &hewing Map. lo all, I onnd has btallea... The • „ semis!. ad semi kaan:a/J Lealld op, and siactflaat jam. I loco seen -a. appearance a the abeam, 4al . have emoiswed, and es noor,mbe bra potfe.l.lo4 : gate mitheohlilente, toying tbal nmy be b. . elbte4. la • dm mac. way; ma Sucapalilla Iml4 70., ,h bas begot. Isinasui .11 the atm. of elec.- tot cam: •• 00BNELIUS.I. WYSS L !'or ale wholesale ad bka rr o c i • MEff=MlesrY:ll *hove camairilliFillvirp - Or Tea! FOD THE Cilia: 01 rti 4M v , Wirof BiSood4orieaid al other Of 'tne rpocariesdagto Aavou:stweirrioti. , The pant nod apincedeniad saxes of We volaia modieina roan desire na direendesio its boarfuni. hove induced Oa roprieters the priee IS nem ;arra:ate, ibua plineinitit within am midi oy .IL .; dwell la wohout i or ever will; wt. day Wm '- owe wen ssid appreeinial its Loma WAlLAlll4lMillaen lan in the core oflb. .bo. oilinetalot osmotic Logralve not du rligionst doe, 1 pr or inconvenience eon ready from iu Cl!. Chihhien sorra.; iron croup and vitioopiog cough will take h with iirnfor, nal edal iniznahate 3:1.1; no nutter hoer ihe pawl ran, is loveil eeeriolas io duet 1.10.11 For. rile Lir ntorekeriart gisienilly, in ibis and : joining noun*., and nraiiiesolo sod inazil by Oa paa. ' • etora . J.T k. a.; anTaa, tesPbyICON. `Serried • below Viva ra. 'rer g rantrirn=tte r w;:ht . .. .dha " •ilte • •. 4 Atm.'s, Craw.. dch •• • &Paine Hoag< ;•in rurceliiis *lsar. • sz• . • lard acdat •ada, pi:faaked Larceihder;ANW, Lteanitiet po.kr peck eirsupstsenpri !;.••!tz. • linalwaal bode Loamy rawhide( na•tranl.tarnett ;- for the handkerchief ; • wee; Ings,•ad toad attaP4.2!"' . rentati.ertithler i rrtilO . !wo. h hollahhht 01. I.: • . . Mors ottlts Car .o.otteellOOSl writ:Tor, trore ar ea --et - Johes` Sate; Iflailli Ow; Rose Up 'eve; Shea peso; SAM nap; together Wdli • gresi .1 . 411 • of fosa pellsaurp J. treelVd; fiN Weil . It - • it A PAIINEMIA.X. ACO ' *. ...: . . •,of illb it wood to P ll r K a E la D • . & CUTLER—I het It • tiaty . f WlZ 3 e ß i t o my fellow mums, W sotto sostetkealr • wore newtons. vex Vegetable estroosery Balsam twee I Quoted tie Balaese,L abase eleven yea the happy effect of ertdelt I thee me au sceoo st of, LL ban had aerosol seven ca splataU and attack ••al Isess,oos a few dayi race, aild.to Wpm .164,Lace I have wed the Balsas, alma with sad perfect • sateen. • It- Ma aimedroller sad [We ►iruy few days •lt mainly Aide asedithso. ••1 do ate Zoos that it will Me a Geed oossaroptkos, bet 1 tellers .wiUlw is allay east • pressouve, sod preveutise. letter Wes wog Ido therefore, for Ile love of wry /ow esswelly edoosilte'ase U. Halms, Le all :eawplalata„ 1 sou ewnlldeot VIAL u bees the samosa af presernoe tar lee to this day, , . ismio J••• Bt. INUCNIN_ ? ; I Yar safe by a a ra....4.1s .werA haellidettaftealtrood • "t" ' ; asse. , ,. 1; • •• PatlestVinsiala Ilpeidig. • • . mewLy iNvienreo-F.A..w..4.400*.wir,:. • 1,11•a1s 19911114, u lf.UrTUflff. Medea IleaU L Tpiduperlar e4lOier th i s 7nw rowan le ON ears IWO/ Which it way be,wwo.,,TWlo. 42. teded.helog neatly baton.' or vanity, &wide arrest • ate es say pin of 4and thoeseedy stress tinkle way wovemest made 07 the woreer , 11,00 " . • ',ethos; ottennesioti, matt% a eon Ft ttldettest .The lOa t.izirs bawl wade a/mamma fur the sessedwaitNO: et these valsable Tram:ale • sepenseesylette rusk; • : 400., awakes. them bow for tale as trow...elico.fft: n. reethfield 4 sear re : ; ; t . • 7. wear. • ;L.] Tr., raren; massif, ry, Mara ; M. IL. !well venni nut tts. bawl '. 7.1 . Veracrz* w loup aall belnria n If • na wpetiqr Is. say 1 have ewer toed, I vim. to easel noircluiuvr dose;wlaieb upelied woms. v a itr .Pterated and ESELLIMS W " . 4 Soli by lir 11.1isaci, Wi %rd; M Only, Alkgkeisl; . W J razit.b, Temperanowtar, nod 1 urarv, Liw , V ( fl. 41! v 4::59 ~ . jir. • ..PITTSI3tIROWGAZETTE, - • Pt; L11.131160:1DAILT„ *MOLLY AAAt/ T 0 V pADV r C , T i n s 610. • 00t1011t14011 of 1: or loam 'jD 5O Tom torrortoos ...... D 76 . Thiel '": • • • I COI Wed' . • ." • I •••50 'B4"'Weolll* • •2 ""' • • "•••• ••• 3 00 . 431 . 11 . 144, 4 • " • • • 4 tlti Z"•••::• • • 6110 ,z 111046::: , • •..• T6O r0r .... 11 ; tu , ' 17 ursikt tai. (-,...tTigrimit .. 11 ' 12 """:.,. te go. • ref..., orlt, ....:. ,A,..--.d 5 002; &A* u " - tu uo lset:01011 tz k 4 ." . ~. b .• "- .' .`' -- •t •tj,;;,,,Ne4.ble2lPl'r ' :t up, 0ut..4 "..... .. " tia to tto • i ~,,,,,. zu 09 v &triable,'" , ~,Nni4e.t p e . 8 88 ‘ 1 rt a b a l =llsl . i . 481 .... 8.1 . 1 4 . "?. . p5. ... 6 W.,,, ',uayaseit.sesll... - 3. • Ai. -... :- ......:27 • '.•`,.....1 t*: z . iruislia•-•Ft” - .-.1 - ' :.. fel.k.' 0 3 1 • 1411 : 1 . 41 t .033 . . 41 , ~..44) , * lo.bi - I. ' ? : - .` ,- 1-1 ~.tr , '.- '' • 1.: 1- .‘j• - '.." • .11 . : 11 : .5: . sit..i!ii*i?,... P.,....... .• . ^-,"",,-, ---- 1144016-- :••••-.•....111T5T -1 ti:O.Thei,r3E.r.-paii: r-1 '' •:-..';'"”!..7%- nor ' ; 'l.. 4,:ipT,2,ls....trniniNC___`4"4"••,','lt.r.. ; i o : 3 r," -e .74eimigi't .1...0' 0,01 ' . . ,;6..•
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