THE. PITTSBURGH GA:AtcII.E. tIY EILSSIT'S BROOKS & , PITTEIBVII42IIs • , tOttbiI — MOUNING 'JUICE 1,'1915 • _ intatapsimize,NoßTli MIRLUICAS. • Advcrlissopts cud Scdocriptions tolitc Ronk dlri=l 941C110 10113, 113 Pidisdelid4 received 4 XXIV ironic gmuratt. • WI -win starve sad leeward free of expenu, ed Owing:ma= sad pribieliptlonslar tizis paper. arTses v prisarsost Doti Gauen I. pOlished S! •ektr. irstAVFeklF.- , -.-Tpo MST *a Seven Dollars pat soma; Ste TriAVeekly is •Five Dollars fat easoser, the Weekly itT - go Dollars per coma, szrksle , , • I.= tan:l7 Commercial lateMgertee,licommle, Mar = Leer • Ne:ors, bppons,"Mauey Markets, lke. see IrraariMas • Cr ire earnestly requested Mc Itand areas raVotilelate i s. sr, and as curly in 're day at PF*C4O l .; ' ! ..111141.3111.601110 . . NOininatiola. FOR ORNAL CO4IIIISNONER, -IFIDDLIAS WARTfI r fkr:o6 . oi cocrrrA i.! • • • - . Or At ;meting of tbeAficisnasoulr. au d.Widg mitt .' • • ry CciatOluut of Cot rcsioadcliCc,. hold at 3.l.lLasteni flotoll,rntabargh, Battirdoy, May Gth; the following' • call *as wooed a s Amticomuctic itad Whig .• ' alaccots oath ward, htirouth and ial,ruchip in Ak . glany manly, ate requosted to comma:. their usual g=of holding primary cuestings acid y,iltallaktday Joao ilext, s to ontit s tcro del : •.' oga/ca from ouch:district; to mat in CO.' uty ['once*. tatosoct the Court Howe, in tho thy Pivabargh, - • Wodatoodoi,.. tie Illth of Jana next, at 144.31, ot said lty, aoatusto conditions, for national, *tato and county am"; to bo oappotiod at the castling' fall elec .Thu onaaary oieangit is all the tocrustaps.c.x - coot 1134,1n1l be bold at 4 o'clock, P..ftt:, and iu Atto• =W U& Li rho Wards gild tarougha of • • • The comaxinio osilicatiy [ate. upon the acid, • soollaigo tac aoce-altyotan oiacteutorssuicatiou, psoancriaibiammr.iection: - • chairman. • ~- 2 ast Mile ' l l • • .2. W.lparrgirr.,' • Seeretariet. • • ' , • • • . myls • Moll ilabseription Authorised. is it with,Oit & aims,and in the full :belief ,thin the. ;u oral he a worm of pc:Menem molt, u well as of present good to the coinrouni. " • ty, tbat to =Mance that the subectiptite'd one name of dollars hu been iuthorised by the Delc , gates-to the gimulty Convention.. The opiatition haa,beraviety decided. and 110 doubt very sincere; - shot the majority is large, arid we believe the: ann. sdnelon. atrjved - st in accordance with the; beat jape*. of the huge .body of , tax payers in the county.". We believe,. too, that :.time well demon. 'entste notonly iheataity of the work, but that all samoitionto if will be removedia the great good • !slat ponare:upon duses'aod'conditions of ..• , pc* Veda lay circuerstances its marsc6p. Soo Wes necessary to this bro/new welfare of the enXtetyffand three years will coaviitie even. man aflafitileirar the city, and every ; townships, that the mini Liu acted ••• time. jab:Muth to the *ld maw; mantar..L We vb •br any •bacrease of suss, In 1=1,14. "UP" Or PM? Übscription:nor air any dares's; tier d paptic credit,.noe hi" mind the eras . pro. : We Feel that if Pate.ingb.:,vronld not be isolated Skoakthe, the sse sbotdd par her Into d to tits Voirt. sad lino an et e. ,, Waglo to ker Mare wel ,d lAA sod to begin sississibe is•Ssx.s Lida sr, si ...zier coat beds, or the ws• . isitiiSheisitersbnrduri upon our city.' , Nsat York '',.. Is leskiss so sienna West, - and so is Mary/find gad 'tritest& it does not, Ulan:tore, become us to abed others sat. Oar Ingram* anal tionik scatter or gold nor sdrer, nor Ircr" — emrAY br" . th7iale ihastart ... We . hate showered down= nue. Shareaaiipotitgtob another, mid headed each other Saltimote was the Spring Fever of 1.817: Ohio wee the Summer Fever of the year ma, and in 1.81.8 somettung has . been done by the Canntinn skate the West, With the NOW frit • our calms off coats for a wodnot season to unlit Setili the West 2 'Both roads may be P ffaenufed • - at owe, and tauh should be commenced forthwith; Tilt FILENCEI 341476. The eigatilsation. of the National Assembly of ?mace has been a work -second only' to, the emit, Ilidatitesit of the- i!rovisional-Govercinieei.. li saipeisii,thase who duive.watclicd the progresa of the Berolutioe, dint the name of idensutine is not forsitioet.vis the affectiims of the membets repro.. -imating a free earn tif'Govatiment; mainly Mist,: ,'raked by his a6eney 'od the lOila ofgay m 6ve members otitis Gamin iiiiiit;Litian eo tkie Eiecmive aimis Aritv: 4 l = • -i-24• S , , l lfTer'PAcirsi .• • • - 713 Lamattine,:. • 613 ledvußollin, .a 453. • •. Whether: the 'reduced vol. of Lamartine is oiv. • 1 4 1 01 1 15oppoilition ofLeilim Eollia i friends, or ihe nithiettite pattY,lecatise Lt.Sailirie made at del: • knee pf Lobo 'Rollin, is • secret of the ballot hot. which we elyieot.fatboin. • There has eettainli been bad faith somewhere, and there is some ! apwehendiog Pest Lamartins sisy he crushed between the upper and nether mill store Among the demise:rations made in the Nati,mii; ..Ansecelrly, was Ode to establish a departmeet of I g eboeindlir;tis Luis, Blanc,the Communist and VesioCary, seas at the bead of this 'enterprise. was rebuked and ridiculed by one of the real enOlcing , inen of the Assembly, and his scheme .The following is the composition of the National Assembly, gieeirby the Commas efs Pena.: hiwaberOpf lhs toChamber ofDeputies 129 Magistrates and Adworotes, . 111 e • 39 3Wpid gi Veg c asse 4 O, Commtworiesofgosmoment and employte, 63 Liming mira sadjoarnslass, • 31 I;=' 242 This maliss 1;430 is plass' - 4930; but the .:6 1 4 erns uotrit !sleeted their repteserentives. • • A. me we n iche , exciting incidents of the French Afton*. weqitouitbeßdlowler 'A* 1100 O; (says the Prone) as GenerMPergrier was nominated, one of the quintets of the' Nation. 'ol:Assawriej;:he gre "Co 900 masketoto be I:titio. The " represent re/of:he people and ration's! 2lnsrd ch. dto deterel them. are threateowl,' said kite bet if. the National Guards be ettaakedobe 902 representatives must also have emit° cetebat and die with them." The 900 ' anasketi am* weedingy taken to the Assembly; end ea Thint-oneslrmo ,sr 10,000 bell•anruAr wasp ales ~n a.......V1•11.01t tithe rumoro iinteelt bo , mt j 01 Assembly." Hy. ur 4w-4phi... us. it will be Kea tint the mob kora .0 ;. rr n inut, tho Natiptial At tettady, see ter , r• hope that the Rad kres beei*to reified fai free Grr: leserot, end the differ , rnee between the hirezty of . !ter, .pad ihe ikeeitace °file • ' 7km xissioo.:l - t Qumwraso, ~2 ,1e4" , samba of Salmon sod Dkpulies is stia. r. sod thly meet every day, eve . hdi • :Thor display groat sett teen mid sm taw o..pi,d sad bare • Tbe General Convention will commence its set sioaa - most certainly tetrads the end dais week, at in the Ant of the nem. • 11 'ppm" that the.-American Clutounisiioners - wi l uce cane hero until Commas bah decided utc Matbe ratillealkut of the treaty. Zus opinion in - avor of peace in gnining ground Werapday, sad no mow is left Mr doubt on the sotc. Q1712/7•10, May 4, PUS.' , • `Time is but one thought, but one wish here : that is the definite union of Confines& AU opinions, • eil hopes, and even 11l iittetes, Ise smenuded up! mutt week. . . :Thr PICUIRTIMAN 0111311311 L AItIVOILY, le ere. 'kohlkitoere, have alkd the vacancy ie the Vetere Tbeotogieal Smitten by the gamin • ' • lier.T. Heine:D.l4 E. P. Swill, Brown ; D: D 4 William Meilvaines • D. Eti John Kerr;!June, Akan• Jobs • ate,:. Loomis,Beni. Williams, Platigun excnc Aincmos..—Sii Jokes Itich' Wave aid Dr. Rai at Scat Ste Marie, 29th - aft,, Ie a Ter days alter, on limit *may eveitand to the Arctic rieriont is a•aighcithelest media= or fir Julia Farah*, *limped from &gland to the year 1.813, with a etaw of tilleientrieiti Northam Pew, &W A= „whew oohing has been'heaed' foe more ti4lll two Aatbe mimiurttocol Nese cuicaa'lK4iiiiiida No imlesi by owes My - oat , of bad; is el knifed to Mis foe members of t6e.Benue, no zorM , . esr Mu Ms wealth may neebow lamb oMpful bro y bin homed jbs etas tar jeaserkte 1.. 2 mil' ;AI •8:=Ii;=:z bn i*4i L !!f lild # 10 , Mt pnlieyHpf TrdiMe,4 - rit:4oo , l and I:upottantpaper. daimes that thellevolm tiau thcoith;tdiici ocio , Of Oen, and not of temtories.-0( peace and not mar. -Ile too; that armed diplomacy. has the Wilt Of tbeininfitid that of-the Provialoial !govemtnent, ,mptinet such -diplomacy., It wished. 1110.cf440 The republic in Frau.; the natural Maims" of -the liberal and. democratic principle avowed; re monied; defended in its existence and In its right: nod. in foe, peace, if honorable, and sure peace were possible outlaws conditions. (Cheers.) We are Oscan to show you what have been, from the day - of the Loundauoa of the republic up to this time, the practical results of this suite& of dine terested devotedness to the- democratic principle id Euroire combined with this respect for the ma terial inviolability of territories, nationalities, and goveraMenta. It is the fires time in history that disavowed and purely ipiritual principle has pm , seated itself to Lorn[se, organised, armed and fli eda to mother princie e, and that the political world . treadles and sniodines itself before the power, not - of a nation but an idea. -In order to measure the power of that idea in its client they must go -lock to 1815. The boo. minister, however, ' beg ged the Auemblyto dispense with hi. goingthrough all the historical detades relating to that period, end permit hint to bring forward at once the slide of Fran. when the Revolution of 1310 broke out. [Cries of "Yea, yes.'l lie then depicted the nate of debasement in which the late government had 'placed the country by its system of foreign policy; and then wining down to the revolution of 1E48.,- the honorably minister continued thus:—Thus -teea reign of eighteen years, and a diplomacy that was supposed to-have been ale because it was interested, the dynasty delivered France to the republic more confined and hampered by treaties and limits, more incapable of movement, more dei. Muted' lalleilCe and external negotiation, more °surrounded with snares and importabdities, that at any, epoch of tho'aighnerchy; bound by the letter, so often violated egainst her, of the treatiee of 1815; excluded fioniall the East, the accomplice of Aus tria in Italy and Swami - Int:o,6e complaisant help mate of England at Lisbon: nielessly compromie ed etMadrid, obeenions at V.s am, timid at Berlin; hatred et retersburgb, discredited:kw' bad faith at Loodop;.deeerted by the peciple of stymy counts,' for bee abuse of democratic- principle. ; face to tees with a moral coalition rellied from all quarters against-France, which left her no alternative tweet' - makings' Ctreign war against all, Cr sinking into the sat tent position inat secondary power, and jealously watched by the 'whole European world—the republic Boding Franceln these con. - ditiOns of isolatkm and inferiority, bid two limner wedeln to take: to rise In arm. - against all the thrones and territories of the continent, tear up the map of Europa, declare enteland Send forth the llll , WalicPfinclitiea 4 , 60 , 4 in fiand.wilhoulknowiog whether it would teflon a soil prepared. to moire itior on ground where it would drowned in blood. The alternative was to declare republican peace ani4French fraternity to all nations-ton:ow respect br.governmenta Laws, characters, manners, will.. territories, and nations; to raise very high, but with a friendly heed ;he princfple,ofindependenee and, deitto,*-rseythrougbout the world,and any to nation , without firming or hurrying events: W. - do not -ern: the new idea with fire and iwvrd, like bar• barians; we - -oniy sum. it with .its own brilliancy. We impale on no edible forms or inanition pre. mature. perhaps incompatible with Altair nature But if the liberty of any pit eif-Ets 'ripe lights from ours, .if prostrate netionditlek if invaded rigida, if legitimate and depressed independencies spring up, constitute themselves by their, owe bands, enter into the democratic Gamily of nations, and taqke an appeal to the defence of rights, to the conformity. of innituttoits, then Franc is there Is— Reptibliaan France is eat only the country, the is the soldier of the democratic principle- for the fa turer. IClieers] his this lest prinetple, eitirena, that the provisional government thought it their duty to adopt unanimously. until the nation, em bodied in you, should, take in bends its own des. o ; T,he'prog teas oi the ,frore spirit is followed by ; Lamartiae idroust Rome, Sicily, Naples, Tuscany, . Parma, Pficentia, ' Modena. Luca. and Venice, where the Princes gave way „mad the People . triumphed; and Lounarline adds that tir Sardinia the hope of Italian unity was Ginned. 'Ehe Magi, ai did the Pope neolTuScomy, broke. loose from Austrian sway. 0 , -tire follow, tri Lamarrine's own wrests. the progress of the Revolution, ber,innong with thcoverthrow of the inflexible Meierniclu ' On the Ilb Merely a revo:ution'briakassa in Vienna. The troops ore conquered; the palace of the Emperor is enured by the people, in order to ' expel the old system in the Ferran 'of be most in- - dexiblestifestnan, Prince de Metternich. An as eembiy of the notable persons of the monarchy couvuked. All theliberties, which ere the . We tn. 0( dew/MVO. are accorded,• Hungary nationalizes and isolates herself by an almost C 3 / 1 1. pieta separation from the Empire. She abashes feudal rights; maladies ecclesiastical properties; rhe nominates 'obit:Mary of her °warned, n roperef of her complete separation, she Oven appoints 'Min isters)/ Foreign Bohemia, on her part, ie. cares herielf a separate federal constitution. By . these three ilifaorent enfreachisemeents of Honks k;o3.Boolociala,Sald Phrty, 'Anstsbr;rertutionised the inferior, wharitaud abroad, Corey Imps corestavo cdsouls Three days' after the events oif `Vienna, the peopfeconotiod andtrintnp in the atreets 'of Berlin: The Ring of Prussia. whale, eplighies; ed mind 'and' popular heart seem inwith those who cembat with hbrealdiers, boutegatoro can. cede everything totals Pepplii.A completely dein. 'oolitic law d election is bent to inaugurate a constituent assembly. at Berlin. Even before the meelingrof the sonstitnent assembly, - PressiauTo land :deo:fiends; et Posen a' distinct .natlonality The king consents: and begins to sketch here the not basis of Polish natiOnality, which other events will have to increase and strengthen in another di. realm. In the kingdom of Wartemberg. the king; on the 11 March, alio:Wires the censorship, von. cedes the liberty of the presa, and the arming of the 'people.. - Oa the 4th of March, the Grand Dake'llf Baden, too near toTrauce not to allow the ideas which cross the Rhine rolled their level, eccorde the, liberty" of the press, the.•rming of the peoples .; the abolition of budelities, and finally the promise i of cooperatring in the establishment of a. unitary Geranur Padiameht, that Conertms . ' of Gerniank democracy,' from which a new order of: binge fa to bulb. Oa the lithtif Match, the Frog of Reverie abbe:ices: and, atter combats in thestreete, makes over the throne to a primer who unites his cause' to the popular cause at Munich. Between thenth ' and .11th Almelo, a similar.ablicetien of the ibove re.igarof Hesse tiannstadt takeirplace; and the-Pow er oftlie people, right of aesociatiou,iberty Of the - the juryobe French Code at BlLayeace—all acporded. The elector of Hesse Cassel, whose resistence to the introduetiola of democratic princi. pies was notorious iv Germany, grants the same pledges to his people in arms, and adds theretrstbe concession of the principle of a German Pans. abet. Insurrection wrests fora the Duke of Nile eau the aupmession of titles, the political and areu ed organization of the people, and a parliament on I the English model. On the 1.56 March, Leipsick risen in insarrectiod, and otaains nom the Krug of S.Xlnly, alrissdy a constitutional monarch, his cod seritio the p rinciple of. German parliament'. Oa the same day an imperative popular deindestration abhges the Prince of Oldenburgto to convoke a rep resentatioa of the people. The people of Meeklen. 'bang arm themselves soma days altar, endnomi. nate spreparatory assembly for electing : the Ger , manic parliament. Hamburg reforms Ina more democratic spirit her already republican constitcr. don. Bremea 'reforms her senate, and accedes to the principle ate German parliament. Lubeck,'af ter violent dbearbturces conquers the came peach plc (Hear; bear) Fin ally,i oa the 18th of Much, the King of the Netherlands abolishes the inaita. tions which restrict liberty in the grand duchy of Lexembostre, when, the tri cokr flag itself floes as spontaneous demonstration of Fritech principle& A thins deoorepositices of the old system, all Men elementsoffederel unity. result in the German pan !lament atFrankfort. Heretofore the Diet of Frank.' fort has been the obedient instrument oftbe =nip. ounce of the two great Germanic powers, Vienna and Berlin, over the feeble allies "tithe coufalena tion; haulm idea of a constituent- parliament sit ting. permanently . in the heart of Germany arises on the promulgume ef oulidea.. This parliament of nations, beneforth n the people in. stead of repreeeating t comely,canes the gnaw dation of* new Germaaie oxoefordomition,. which firma the centre of a democracyrdiverse Wolter. 13'. The. liberty, more and more demomaat of Ilenotany, will necessarily: place be' support on a power lobo democratic, without Say other ambition than the alliance of principle and the safety of tea Unwire—that power is Prem. The bases of this' parliament, deliberated on et Prowl:fon, at the 'end of March, were • pressee of the new destinies of gerrnany. 'What is mat important to us, is what Lamuthie says of the Lion of the Noah, safe in the, lair of Maley bed and wintry =labia "It was the teili 7 be cold of Russia, which failed to infuse any por ry gy , lion of the warmth of . the French nand, into thtP lanes of that ice bound people. • Behold what a royalty of eighteen years did en , France abroad; behold what the Republic has sigeoV ted in leas than three inantlis I Compare thet•;- France of the Mil Fel:weary with the Fnucce of the[; oth May, nod wait, with patience even fir and give time to Me principle which works, which''' . • combats,which the a , and which asiimulates the world 57T you. France abroad vu imprisoned , • ,-, in limits which shieonld not bleak but by a genet •L eel war. Europe, populations zed governance's, t • . 5 . were all against es. We had five Irma power., .• . :• compact and united together by .n antirevelntion- try mitres; aping Franco. Switzerland Ives be- , -; Iled Italy sold, Germany brae, - France was .• obliged to =meal her revolutionory nature,' and • • , ' to make herself u insignificant as passible, Sarfiwr of agitating a pcople or disquieting s kind. Once that this weight vas removed, we what other des, ,•. • ' . .• tiny has been gives to her by re t tublic a n peace , ,The pant Igwere regard . protested_ against the cambial. and legitimate re.• • •_•• Nil:1011ot the treaties of 11914 which a - a word of ' • ' aura his hketedoce, jutseurell x. 100,000 ootdd do. England _hal no !Cm iny cause te stayed Thal before the .aforesaid with nwpectp Spaini acacia' hes time to facet shall be made by the county commisaioaers,they; on the only bond of tmitytthat an exist between suu require the said Ratted conipany, perroac hoc Ind INK lb° svicandilgica of Poland. indefent neatly and limet,y. te establish the terminus of the 'end fieri, gaud' cheers.) The Empire .pf s i dg mid Within the City Alf Foubw i k i . Await co loupe treats;except Cif SIMIOUIing 1111 ,fladvd, Thai upon the anima whicridie ly;Peassiarenoonce all other aggiandisementsedt, 1.0 1 6, 11 ,tat by the weety C ooo i l iaa• ceps bum; oda skews tip apfmcsehieg sexiedt thereof toWher 'with the addition' NM - wakes of Malone, leatileg by nee-may olt the crime million Of &Bars than be expetukd by the, support OfFranes, in 018 awing tamed Wing said Railroad company la the oonstruclionar this Why the folicrte ..o foverFwilttK Tnlin Is rued Boat ragtag* re .tkie 431sighesp ltw hpaostag mist apkAtioniperdry amkastrating tug, , I• '-, • -; . • • • 40411, , ,wer r kfree. Amy of dimrewld swou m rri-mill icethere.not to effect minquest hut tour. (Ctiociii) The only mousiest thati MIL tUreil tticiAlps; is the friendship of the - ftstiOns.that. miry been enfranchised; miss - word; we were thirtysix millions a men isolated on the eciiiiiiitti; no Eropean thought was permitted on; no collective action was possible; such • system as wu one of repression end gate; the bottom was. exceedingly h tedi air was wanting to our digni ty dirdtktr Policy: 'At preient lour system is the systent of • democratic truth, which shall swell to thepinportions of a social universal faith; our hor izon Is the futurity of civilised nations; our vital air is the breath of liberty in the free bream of the whole universe - . (Imineuse cheering.) Three mouths have not yet pulled over, and, if democra cy is to have its thirty years' war, es Protestantism' had. France, in place of marching at the bead - of thirty Six millions of men, counting in her system allies Santrerlend, Italy, as emancipated pop ulations of Germany, marches-already at the head of eightteigtu millions of friends and con &derides. What vimoriai colUd have proinired to the mint. tic seat a oMfedennion, obtained without having cost a single life France. at- tho fall of royalty, has risen bons her abasement as a ye:m.sllomo too heavily laden, rights itself when relieved. such is the enact picture of our kireign situation.; The happiness; or the glory- of this situation belongs al. Oreille/ to the republic. We accept only the ,nwpossubility of it; end are shall alivays febcitate ourselves in appearing hegira the repreactiativei of the people to be able to hand over to them We republic in peace. with:every-assurance of great ness, and its bands full of aU.anon and pure from human blood. (Long oontlnued applause.) Leal LuteUlvisiii4 'esunikylvatala , Rall Road Ctimaiy Cos. The meetineof delegates to confer with the County COlillnilliiol:lC3,4 relative to the subscription of one million of dollars, on the pan of Allegheny County, was heldlresteniay forenoon, at the room of the Quarter Sessions Gnu& The meetinewas called to Order by Gedtatai. sie, Paq; who nominated kr Presideitt the Lion. Judge Crier. 'The Mowing gentlemen were na• Med as like Presidents—Samuel Jones, Esq., of Pittsburgh, and IL IL Potter of East Deer; With Jesse Cambers and Nitwits, as &vacuoles. The kllowing ktter, horn S. V. Merrick, Esq., ereiidenalftboPermaylmin tail Bead Company waepresented to the Chairman of the Convention, by Judge Wilkins, and read by the Secretary: To do Presidenljftht Rail Road Canteuticra. of Altegiung Comity: Sts—ln transinitung to you the inclosed retch. tioni'of the :Directors of the PC11131111111.1111 Rail Road OomPatty, in which I am authorized to is au re the Commindoners of the County of Allegho ay, that the'Supplentent to their act of incorporie ' Lion, approved '471.11 March, 1618, has been doter; accepted by the Stockholders of that company, and that, under its Provisions, the six per cent. bonds of the county•of Allegheny will be accepted in payment of stock subscribed by Won,. and that an interest of 6 per cenx per annum will be paid to all-atioCkholdnen, until the road „ .iscompleted. It may not be insgroper one—tridntay be satisfao tiny to the Coneention—briefly to stare the inten tions of the Board, in can, a subscription of twenty thouiand shares is made by the County Commis , *loners, under the sanction of the Wilvention. ' When the Pennsylvania Rail Road was project. id, it was conceived by its friends to be too lugi an .I:m3e:taking to be oomplett d: by 'individual means. and at the same time that it partook an marls of the - *racier of a great Falk work, an to warrant assistance from the common fund. •In this view the City of 'Philadelphia, in its corporate oapacitY, determined to lend its aid, and subscrib ed twenty thouinnd shwa, to take edict when a similar amount was had from other sourcein and authorised an additional subscription of twenty thousand shares, ' , heavier a further subscription to that extent should be made in aid of the work. , The original amount, now reaching thirty two Mousandsbares,has been denotedexchinvelytothe road on the eastern side of the Allagteny, sad which, with the fonds daily brie/ added by private subseription,w6l, in ample time, be adequate to the. object. • .At that tiate, the policy of tbe Board' was to com plete the castevn in connection with the State rail toads; sou to form a coMintions line, with as little delay and to as dreatien extent as posnite,and await the effect pnbluccA upon public ogantoth, by the success of that portion, before solmiting funds for its continuance weld—having early determined to incur no debt, bet build the - wed upon its Wgitimate reosipts from Stockholder.: • The Mecums were is:diked to this determina tion, from mewing the disanstan edema - which usually Mowed nuompts at the construction of 4mblic works upon credit, without adequate insane Dr theobject.2- This polieffirould still be normal, if Yhiladel, ,phi. Was {Otto her own resources to complete she mid, but, in considering the subject an all its per:wings, the.threcumi feel that they were playing for a great rislte—no less thau the unrivalled lad road wade of the Ohio in 4 the far West:-.and !view of the exertions making by another munpsny icrreacit the Ohio, at an early. period, they omuld not be doing instioe to thew wink if !they did not strain every nerve the the rapid completion d the .Western alone.worrid !Seem tha: • With till object jin xiew t it wasslcterginad.4 agpgaytaAtiayhenp ctitiMY. gilts gwpouge ceps mly, - .4.1, famish such • sum-as-t bqbe among conditionally r subscribed •by the city a Philseelptia,htid unspproprialed;warraut them is ,plating, Me Western Section - under comma us soon u the surveys were completed."' Fleece, in August last,l was directed to address a letter to the citizen, .of this county, mging their subscription, io whichl stated—`That the million subscribed would, under the pmvisions of the or. ainance (stresdy passed) draw another million from. the treasut y uf the . citrof Philadelphim ;and these two raillions be exclusively devoted io the \lindens Division, which will be urged as fast as the nature of the coantry will admit." The. motive thereive for your subscriptiou is to secure to the county of Allegheny the whole wes tern rndeoad trade, by enabling the 'Board to enish thin end of the line io n period so short as to defy ommetition; and to this cad thewhole of your sub scription,• an equal amou n t from the city of Philadelphia ie distinctly pledgedtiy the directors. Too trill pertain me to hope that the prompt so. tion d the convention will enable them to secure this great object, and place the company in a riced . We which will warrant .on immediate call upon private subscriptions to tlit up the stock to the mate limits required far the antipletionee'the road. "I am, with great respect, • , . mEasicr, i • .neuit of PLR. R. . . ler the credeigials of the risinges had been receiVed,lndge WAWA', addressed the Ccm vagina in .a very, founble speetih. Be contended that the day had come when the' stand still policy mud be abindottedi Our neighboring States had detivi4ned to act," and secure the trade of the West; audit we would-not be heaten,.we mug at once take bog of the work in hand, and urge It to a successfot termination—thus dekatingwll cork petition. The importance °figment improvements was sunnily shown, he said, by the growth of tee city of Belga. That binutiful city,ltbe "equal of Pittsburgh in population, in 1812 haktiot an tag twice; yet she was now a monument to tes'tify tb the benefits of internal Improvements. bdebtl, so Important were internal. improvements, that be would ay, .that next to Christianity and Educition, nothing watt so essential gibe devekipement and ruccevs of • country as theadopticm of the system ! of int<maV improvements. He"rhea went on to show the advantages of position anddistanceithe central rauks possessed, and showed most clearly that it wasstot a question of enterprise, het vague. of self defence. " Virginia, Maryland, and N. York were at work, and did we not lions now:we should hear on the notth , and south the putrof the steam horse 'Wain at our stand still policy, and reminding a that others bad reaped the hams: offered as, and which we lacked the enterprise to grasp, when presented: Tb• rimarksofludge !WA. bins were frequently interrupted by indisposition, which incilasell no rapidly - that he was obliged to desist. Before be oboes!, hossever, be made some remarks to his friends front the country, who, be thought, were under • misopprebenagn in !mud to the effect of this twenty subscription. He most, earliest!), stud honestly amused them, that intro event would a tax be balled Sr; and that their true interests required and demanded the subsciiiaila fie had prepared a series of resolutions, but was unable to read them; but JamesS.Cralt, Esti, pr. O.A-4 - `'~` , ^=^----~~: ~ .ter-~ a -~""' ~,~ N x~ .tig ■ J - ' - ' - ' i.figioi. his • itiltit.AltetlWitill---it vention berapponthrd,,by the Chiiir..te twain. With I .. j ,-• . -s Co Commaicsters., is to the manner -dad firrinof i ~---,--r ---,---iiiiiii,,,2„.,,,."---174.,„„T- the Bonds to be iukser•thed by the county; and on; -- 7. ""'" " • ----- w • .--- -". such other question is may,erise, witching the is r - - ►ae.del rnryaadoec« ~ ppttbrtheeme ! . T he p {, • m ... IG pi, NEWS- ••.-:•7 hien' apnoietcd Wm Wdktas,hleyilk r ß enigma ' Voltz &We aster 'Thin Mwersoes Peoige llemie, tametes,o6l,Committei m the sth 1 AURP'O..4 I °F .111 : E i lliglT ED . 113 P I I* S ' resolutioo. ' . -.-•• • " tWrresPorrernes or thePiushirgh Gazette: . •-• A motion manmade so *bottle, tsre trot m. 4.1. -' - ',..:- - - - .Kew-.You,-May . 1 41801;L -1 W. W. it moved to Coti.upee. the resolutions . The Swenulup United lOtetes, Cwt.. Hickstaff titmice, without an adjournment, a. Members were arrived trosuiLiveicrol thi s men' ring, Lan whenas lil l saunas logo home: ,' ' • "-,• •- , . she tailed of the 17th_cf lifai,etud gibe passage , The motion Was renewed, bat not agreed to, in. rail tale over thitteerr'daya, and establishing her mimed' as Judge ...Wilkins resquemed •Ge' orge Der. reputation axone of the Enters ships 'efloat. ' ', sic; Esq., to read seine statisties, with which he The Flour - and groin - markets - hare slightly kw proposed to , close his remarks, When he ha proved. -' • • • - . • - concluded, Judie 'Wilkins retained hie remarks, From Ireland - intelligenc ehas been received that and in the strongest'ansener again assured Vie Me• Mitchell the editor of the United Irishman has Convention, that the. jute rests of the isountymakt been arrested under the new Mon): Tai( - The`: alone be rowed by prompt aid to the need. ' -.-- .las trial of Mr O'Brien had closed bet the jury w Before: the vote war taken upon the resolutions, 1 , unable to agree. -• ' • . Mr. Gdeon requested leave to submit a reaelutiou.l Mr. Meagbera wial was promessing.. heave having been granted, tor presented s rests Front Spain there was nothing of Importance lotion making a two , thirds Cote necessary to The Austrian Weeps meter the walls of Verona savetion the reedutiens'otjudge Wilkins. The has been defeated aAer a molt sanguinary engage design of the movement s tilasitri kill , the whole mem. .. • 'question, and the Coneetew:lvrefused to receive p. ,,,,,,,,;:-. ., 4 later dated Purrs, May 1.5 a, soya: resolution. The yead • nayr were then call The people torciblyeffeemlan entrance totimm ooi oil: upon the resolutions, 'Alai were adopted,'.so , of the National itasembly; and - a Mons Hobert.. to 3.5. \ proclaimed lathe unmoor the people a diamlntloa • A Eerier of resolutions were also armed by a ot . the Airrarably. TVs' violent derhonittatioir nietabetapproving of the - pouttellsvnie route,which origikated Dom a sympathetic it averment in favor were adopted without dirisene. -.: - - ...; • • 1 , of Poland, iii seconded byihe - Assembly en fully The proceedings of tl r meeting were . directed 'is the people wislied. The•eity was'in confusion t o 1 :"e publishes ie all the Pelwashr the hhhhy, and a - once,. the wmairmen let thee .bops, and` the the'meeting adjourned, ' - . ' • - • iorny of Clubs with which Pula is MIMI, asseesbled _ .. on the flottlevsmia with. bemire dying and singing They procectibitt horn l ‘ theace to the Natkatali Assembly, and rushed into the room where the members were sitting., The National Guard hoe, aver remained true and featly dispensed the mob, alter westing several cif tlarringleadere . • Imnometerr or At taxincer Criv.—We have received from Henry rxvrin, of Allegheny, a copy of a pine for tho improvementor Allegheny City, the success of which is very desirable. It is eon. ternplated by the owners sir the Girrimon Lands to release their title for the city, on leeditioa that the sand owned. by the Seminary, and.knowe ae the ,Seminary Hill he • purchased, and the hill lev tilled. Should this be done, • large portion of ore productive property will be converted .into the moil valuable building lois,' and Allegheny City, beniade more than ever a desirable place. cf sea deuce. The new territory thus annexed to the city ProPenia to be well furnished with. public , squares, and vim hardly WU, should the Willfully carried out, to become the most thriving' =EC= , °The power of the Pulpit, or 'thoughts andreasta . to Christian ministers. Bp Rer.Bailiser. Neat, of N. Y. . .: 1 • , .141:111101 on Vintorpenre, By 11..N. 1 laden. Is two saunas. • • Mears Ellied. ,k English, Cl Market mid_ Wood Streets, have w Clovies One , PlPat Ce YelOtrd/y m044112%1 a sbasookit of them. we do not dimaiit asoos• dui to Code more prim:duly now to ails per col* Merits. COL: Damemair, of Me; and lady, mewl therm& the city histirrening on %twit way lo Ph aadelphia. Dr. Das also left the city by Lb* Monongahela route and National Bead Str Philadelphia, where won of the Delegate* , to the Whig National Con. ventioo will have aaeinbled - by the dose of the Week., —.— Xsruorusr Gratuts CONIZEVICZ.- - The session of youserdsy was filed with business of LUIS kit. portanee out of the ChUrth boo um:ibex of Coroutittees reported awl pad their haws Ramen's Exuma-tett—This essablithMent cow Cauca to attract ;ouch anetnikit midis day visited by crowded audieeeett •We sae tequetted to state that they will mama three d aye Mager, sad will Opel at the usual hours, each day:—See advertise ment Trirgrsp . hh, Linn from; .4?t: /.4411:p Chicago and tys , lakes is cocujiletcl as fir as , :iptitortiold Slliouia ?he first streak piiise t stairect from tbat plus to Pittsblitgb yesieldst - miproioti. •.., • 7Soomsr, the Irish *ilia, iocomiog-' Moro of the CosivelOtloa;. • We gars * fake echo of the ttrooeratie thuOir ageing . the hotaine flees at; Baltimore yesterday. exel,heterek mace hi the . time kiwi. From tliti Altßarr.,talai "51r. Caw receive* ally 1 TO vote., lad tilts is eatiaptea to be - alined a ninaWatioa, beitause it arkeuam 16 - twothilibett ibeWeatiesabalix New York. Tbe . eiebiliatT . et the Stale iihw: IN/ . uojest ect of the flonventhien,;and that bodkainikt, under no cif-combiners, be justified in taking ad .vantage or itaown wrong, to et vadens rale which had been applied with abroad ii ijastice againsttbis State. hlr. Vary Bmen-in - received - - on the drat ballot 146 votes out of , Xids If the gams them:beta pursued of/the part; of the, camdidae of New York that has been set ia °pluton nastiest her now, of sensing some slow t delegate to give to her candidate, the eleven votes votes of South Carolina, (which then as note refused' to be repro. seated in the Convientiot) sad then excludiag the votes some of the ether aves no the. 'menet of that of 'New York; the react are Pea:thirds would have easily been obtained.- . Whether other sates w ilt regard as of any .: ole ligation a tiounuatiun seemed by this kind of jug glee; amain, to be seen. Am to. New York, alas bas had no place is this eenveatiou, no voice ie rise rulrh, no paiticipatiois in the nomination, and' has had no judguient soil so Loose hearing= her claims. To say that shop will repudiate the semi nation alight implObat acme shadow,of obligation 1 or seeping tie booed hen- to the decision of the con. I Venlioa. It is DOOlO. We believe we speak the sentiments of the deer icratio niassca4of the state, when we say that!the:r will riirerd tha nomination as a thitig conceniing which they have no rayon, sibilify, which is not iddreaed to theta, and con cerns them not. Tb cry take their own action is regardto the foto ie. They are poweiful enough to do so, as the iota goer, and Climatical tameness, who have broken the seal of the democratic party and scattered itafr agmenti, will find to their fer mi,. Prr , ;!ll.lbi Trorßudiml. A convention Bis Miami to whose action the people looked v pith some little Intelsat, has nom& natal General Case kc the Presidency. When the news reached here, it (elflike dull, deed "might upon Mt except the Whigs. Tile Baluproie , Gorfietttiou tins necmnplished a teal which Will long be remembered among the re• makable Beats la the ppliticid history of the country. Ik, has broken up the demasuatic party of .the nation."`' . The BnAget. has twateli tbe Avg re' Snare Dix of New yeric for President, and it is, not !wombs. Mei be loin be the nominee of the Baia Convention called by din Barnhuinere . , • We obaerve tbat 3L., Div.'s mire .Wwl mention ed at Baltimore by .tbe Baran:Data bektro.thAY turned their: backs, utain the Convention. Smith Carolina; too,As putting down hat kut against Levria Cau •It does not like a man wbo in kW polities fa all titil‘ta - ail men, and who baa b0z,04 aR .14.. Fats sr' Rtzinitow;—Siuulay aftericsin.• 'dui trot:bee iire broke out in John 1C1102%11 coma fee. UHT, al 4 4 the cOrner , of Plippleton and %Friona* are and loon communisited to many,of theala. tOU 411101:11011111, of whioliailly or more were columned, including Robert J. Baker'. Logwood factory. ' Tb. whole equate.. ownunpassed , by Lexington, Poppletou, Seriatim and -Core greets, was nearly degoiled. The ..buddinp were ••gee. ally' small, and: inhabited by; poor hunilles,. whit could beast afford to lOW their all, as was the case with many of them.- - The total loos IS ppDbll.bly R4ii.wasB'rronzuns . -.Androwfialiston of West Middletown, in this State, has made an improve ment in Railroad switches, har ;which a .psteat has been obtained- iris claim consists. in the comlsi matron with the mount interne. of the. switch, the stud, the detaching .plate, the lever, the smug, and the frictiOn..plste; with the apparatus in the same, In such Manner that thesward - motion or the pindinevedge to. be secured to the front mad of the locomotive, will unfit:fen and move the switch no the - desired pointion, and twitch refasten itsclf rC ein . Icc! &moons COIITEMOMI of C. assembled . "1";:it Will:Magna on Wednesday lam. brew ae Dot in anent:Luce: though recovered from ', s cent gene te attack, his strentrh was not suite !iqientlyrestored to attend to the duties of the mem e r , Crw •nt Onen-,Shouhl there he go 4eetlillesTratnrhudinWl44-ccur be 5 11 email graiin in Ohio. t ' All ale will be a Pe" ° S P tee .in thla Th ta tha :laternentnniadn following ome o by.our convey pape rs • ar 'MAGNETIC TELEGIPiPii. Cors•espoodriners of rhg Pittsburgh chscus. CINCINNATI' MARfitr a . . caticautsu,aux.v, Flotri.-7The Market is quiekwitiumNderate tales, Vol' 040 bbls,at 4106430 lrbbl Atm Pailt.=sties of _No 1 al aver* Tb4ire a f t bid* 43"isuid Ili the; true4t wiakbnroYed' nide r tivi . 4. Q t "!" b . sdop.: - .Bdisof .N o 'satilGiktio par b.' Molaleiel4todira* aka iood N 0 at 2,50 Coiree—Sales of fey Sip it Valls perm. 14a p Wh ee Wart—.The =take 'is active, _arch sales so ' • . `The amass is cool and planar. and iM &et da Ilditig *wit. , , i' . • k untroca. tram 'Junin. /day closing prices were u folfoivs:-- pand flow 27a Mink liehienore, 27.222 s white and mixed wbcal,la 24128 s 2d; Reds 5.1 arie 3d; While Can; 2719291 1 931 % meat per 1:61,12s 61613 e 6d. Pic?lmam are cache egad Carron, the leer grade■ hie received the I de• ' ehibuittotieed by the steamer of the 13th hist. • • ST. Lcruis, May 31, /KS. Mom' Singer strived 'from Santa F. end ,letrigs later news from the Country.. Col i Neriartry had feted oat en expedition 'pinta Sava*, but on like way. It Wit attar* by . the Camenehri end rockotevary thing. - ' Gan. Fried had received an order from dem pa. evacuate Chtheetute,.witinh heiress., bad not been dnew when Major Singer le.ftSania Fe. ZzaLtitti Cocrekpoidain of the PinsbarTh Game. THLLADELPHIA MARKET. • Pailadelphii, May 31, 8 • Wismar, g ss wog. 62 Pek bbl,N arbiett Taus Lbere ate more main thaw barna. ~ flitch—.The truwkat La heart with no change in Ottomint-Coatiatte clasca, and the motet ion:maim . Baccat-,-Sales of Wed= Hams at ...,es t cut— Bides at ealli seal Sitetiklete et 4640 Per /b• Latd—sal. cr Western it Oh, and or Millirem! tandeted 4t 7k pet pAlntiOR.E • 11ar.traiiiir„ May 61, .Flow—Tbe morkeliasuite reactive to day. with modetate eider only of Howard Stroll brad& at Oribie—The marketer Wheat him a &onward. toodesicii bft Coro aeady. with watts of prime yellow at 4501 C eta per bushel.. Beef Cattle-On the hoof or FOCI beef Ca* d o te held alB3 37 1 Per W 0,4 _ • Prime Pork—Salvo of Wement are edroded at 56:50 per bbl.. . Etecno—Ssbn or &lib:cote caned aide. at ' 4 cm Per lb. Welotern Rams a:Coen*, at Cc; Sacs giplec; God Shop/den at 314 i per tb.. 14 " 4—.34 " W.egera 4 1 4 ~961 p!flb.s_l3A. tubbing. ten is obi at 71 ea per lied ~ 11eg5.=:...4.7s Sta 4 SO per eit7.l NSV YORK DIAR.tiET. 'Kyr York May 31, 8 sku. 'float—Tbels km been balling yet dope to hud . cAO4l4c cant( Ow fonignpear 'he lysioenil al, after arrival of alniner. ' • Oa 'Change, there we, mime talk do= iniosiol POLITICAL XOTICIIII. Coctr. flscalatia—Mettna 'Mont Tour an re• quested to utuiratroo Iftroarb the colosaas of, per 'Oil JOHN Iti`fllLL. of Wool Deaf towashle.. a candidata kw OK otGoo of (• Wool Recorder, robi.ct to the &Arica of the' - bail lifaxaste and MINI, Ccatry COaroution. , • ! ' lityamen The amen of- HUCH sirrciazt; will be pre, wenn! lo tha. Whig end .Auxi.htneensio GoiMinatietit msenbe) as • eendidaw, Fer,soraleatiou for Ciert of the Court While we are'dinnelineet w e. sue pervomi preferences before the • meeting o( Ibo Convention. we must be peradued a.ay. that was nu lertnreesed with t h e belief that IL dieteltell bee deice 'that the Whig and gete.hlasesde party of the tautly are tailed epee .ist ;sake we respect.. Hen ceps ordered sere, yet hi. fidelity to the Whig caws. newer has or could be called is queen.. neylenC • Urn.. Si. Cure esni Humerus Coorrr Anam—)teun4 Edon; . Volt will pima • .( your Pg.!, that the Immo of •.jould Byfild, of towrodup, will be presest ed to sbetwodog Co=typoneeatioli for nominee= as Jlpll-31*Pae.and Whip mudidase Ihr C 0.... filmy. - The smatilkeEion Byars Awe seek nukes., Aye !mere the leattfal dierlarge of the duties or the end hi. gramme ind tonidsleacy as a Wide, give him strong claim pad The leroreble eortekieradoe of party. He will be supported ,1u Cenyeutloo by • L . oIYIS • - AIANYWHIGg. . • • Cocere Raman—![sate. Editors: 'Vinare apes*. ited ro meamee Mt HUGO IIIeCORAUCK, Fug.; of of Moon tammtl:ll . • Is a candidate for aminuant fot tsa ulbe of Re ler, subject. to dte decision of the Ami•Mesonle Canby Canirmlan, -• Eliaeoas Go.: Please to datteanee for =dm mute dfJOHN IfeEWF:Y. , P. I f, of Herriottaville, al a wait: able candidate ter the *thee of Recorder of AllegbeeY eattatiV at the nest ationet oleettan, Itelievied hint worthy, as Well u eompetant,motitreem him se - oar deb eet to • deebdon of ther.Ve_higCantrentioo in lonewow . mylL• • SO LITE PAYETTE. - Consrf Earsterii.—hiestrin. Mon: Monty rope.; teem =names throodli the celestas arm,' paper, that GEORGE IV:BOWMAN. at Plan' town. imp, is • caullamite for nomination (O.W °thee orn. gow, subject to the declaim"' of Ow Anthltawndo al4 Whig - County Convention. • . • ' • - • eergeatent a - -MANY Wloo9:'' To Tint: Eastman - Atainstrai. COthrri.—felloW Caiman: Being requested by anaather of thy Gino& Ma oiler myself" a candidata for the Wks crank of the Coon of Qnerter &wimp, of Alletheny county, for nommation by the Anti alawatin and Wk*,Coutny Convention_ if lshould be.o fortunate as talon:abr. the nomination, it thalfbeerdoavor Midi dotal yirs of the °Mee if eleewd. - , • • . znyirKatewS • GEORGE WATdON: 'Co roe Von= or Ahtsousay Chmert—g ly.fer u s eandldatelor Cant of tle=tf tbeeier Et-..10ne, he, Allegbeity minty ableet to Stm Mcis . lah ortheepproaeldnie Demoe.ratle AVelfone trtpttoa.ltt should be so Amass •asto ob !the pyLlOrity Of your eollinesony swimmer stall be to .gigeheoge the tholes Oftbe ogle. "with gAellty. - tegt.thtytt• ' ' LEWIWYOUNG: . . Ramo W ard ves tax ComI.—HILARY ut of the bib ard t tinsbargh, win . A . 4 hisnonle and inig Convention. for *ha odice . of Min ty Ilesorder. Wt. Brutal was raised • homes on X* sago Wand; is an old citizen, a goad Whig, and we lag of an active magma' Ha was lo the hos arete„ and hie What ia the Ilevointinnasi War. . IntakinfT EAST UYSaTY. • ...Moth et Glethersa Szinecti...4ofiN ROSNER. et . Willonosbargh, w.R he supported began the tuning Gotireatuin 5.a candidate for nomination for Clore ef tie Coon of goofier gimlets., by • ... mple4kw ' MANY V(YrERS. Cavan ReathrstVe are naaneited to 'tit WILLIAM J-3L&RICS, of Allegheny cut,, is a can& dole br thasdice of Register orthu ealuty; subject to be oominmbn , oflhe,Wtlg Corinthian.. - . miles., Ccusa or saa Coeara—DAIVIEL. ileCtrabt, of Elizabeth, will be a candidata the the office of Clerk of the wweral Courts of Allegheny coutnyoubjeet to the decision of the Antitilasenth sod Mug Comity Coto nation..-. mylentitwtC ' issasitorreas: Plethe annoustee themes of Joflll GUNNER.' of Upper Ss Clefs. a. a candidate for the pdthe of ithoorder. • ifs. Conner is a Whig of the right Repo and wonhy of an actin nappart. • . mythedlernoncoT " ' • BALDVniq. Covent Ithatrisculdillif bum myl&riltiwte .. wurtis, ell " Cowers ithawnta.— The. la)tiae, of JULY MliC,hlS. IVEY Is respectfully presented - to the. Whig and Ann- Marano Convention, as. a esiadhlass few the Mice of Register. . ntyl• ' • • hIANYFRIENDO... Err JARED M. hid till will be candidate befeee the Aull-Stawanle and 'Whig' coiity CaevesitiOn, 'Or Ihmeo f Clerk of the Court el • (luirkurTntBs.666.s_6,s: ys2 •• • • z cur T. L. tileillLLAN will be is candidate. tor tie SfiTe'ciitherdneeitfrf the"spif=2llla=nll: ..ryttilkwl4l'. Covirrf.The 'muse of MOIRA* PAIMAN will to presented. to the Whig and 'Juin: ),.manse Coriveallota, andabla'o4 the )14111 of Jape nest, as a candident for the alien " • - CI • THIRD iy.iam cmm are requisfed that WILLIAM amvauxod . be - a candidata the Gse above oath., within to tba derision the of Antildasoant .ad Whig CodotY Confelalltnt— ; Corset Oththin . naL.—Tiltithilift DAVISON.g O(h'U. tiles township, is a candthate for the said ik,e:l o aßei to the action of the Asubilaseale , and IV Co unty Contreoded- , atyVidl mr ALFRED W. RARER; at hdblAltip, sane av.... t. for the odteo of Rec Older af =oak satdeet to the docktion ler the AntlAissoido .ad 1914 • grYou loobab, silly Wore/roar, reed Ws, sad ba longer bald, arkiekerloae mad babies. lir.•Wd Java- . N AN one !ebony Pkeerdboorro •• be or February, lOC,mat blr.Tboe. Jaekeou's • • on am top, era. mainly WA ko Li PtUS, sod that by Way two b bale. Joon' Cord fiet tuntlq Orrereatieporatog umsand Wet. • Robin Nein:rally IL Welbe 80:criia growl R yAN 81:8K1FS,, ewers or Void iota Neemeeker a M=ffg, Oriplmmo Gran &WA. • ilVerdiraf JO the andmifillgr or t 'l tte es ".4 74 ilspore to , pablie 0010. hinulay, seal der of /ono last, at I 'clock, P. N, V I that Pan of LAP& riodon is Porn, aka baraalugy ALloplaap -motor, be add nadaof A. Morrow Pew Lianu, Will .= t , loran and Iwo Phillip., amnion, Al and o•Art•aPrn•• •••ittlf • Hone Lod Bar errried tbrnon: mid nano( huid boar • part of no nal roan or whirit no said John Barre daw monad. • • • • Thls is a very draroblo piece cl," propLn7 i std tin lido isolintutaolo. For soya polestar le *lane °remise of tin Acloattusuaton, or ofp..e. Flop. • DAVID 81068. • EDWARD lUGUM • Ve.rdertqtAlkhip. Jew 1.184 DoWaft!. 111 (FUGAL TLITLVOST-114 erithist.erly ins IVI and aenaino,thei Pilla,prepared byl Etteaera Wu.aerrUs. Gallia to., Mao, blay U. tali. • Mr:R. E. dellera: Alter. several year. ass or pm, l e Li P i W, la =7 priatire, I lust prepinid to toy that tbsy najoat what pall, vad filo. grfn have aid them rep at that, Ia be, ent:—llio beat preparation for Gan coraplaiet and diacares arising hot, a deranged suds attic Herr, that hall eyes been cfferad to the pub. Ile. 'oars. truly, . • Cl. W..A.5.T11.41. M. M.. P pared and add by R. L. FIELLERS, 47 Wood it, Pit. .. 1 11b, WM. Corry, Aixilrory. and dm:sista gel* wall AZ both cia•st, • • 01 • T_ orat ai.alitATED iTCiI .AND TETTliti lj-eIIiThIIIVX is*, lasi . olktual remedy belief. she pa Wie for ilor eara of latiat,, Bob, dry and 'nom pleopea of the tams steeklmil body. ge*JE •ript...., AIM all viler dve.. of Rs akin. Tbii igionnera. /a Stmollawd fra• from convoy, iv perfectly oaf., sad ..= wpptytoed at.a . l=an . d b a i :der . t a l :Irernair d n= forsala by ' •B A FAIINISTOCl red e r t Co: • • comer alit sad Ire* alawconier of dia and wood el :CAU7ION,—Sonte two years elace I allosred ., 7 , tronft 4 umurien j o iNi lin, c r " Induced= We alcuar of tectiernacodelmtu recent circumstance' bar" transpired erb.lels male it necessary Mat.tile over ' Mau be melted, end to cannon the palm modem Mau CUTIISCRT BULLITT. ?Me Orleans. May 27.—iela ILoo. Jour.) • WBOLDIALF: Day GOODS—A A 51uon t Co. have jest received ai deck Wholesale aOO !dukes mew, 10 cu. of 'prluted Law= h Meallu,ll do pod style olGieghamg I do oils style *Mallow; d do of Cc Weeks and troseser Sleek le do Parseres, of every vulety. ALeo,Dibbou, Lace, Gluck kloelerf,ellude.Dooreetica,Ac . . Att. . Jet ACOX—IS Wide Besci filuriadee and iireeidere AIX* Ma lease armored Eteeeritom received add' add' Neele by •• • - "• L 3 WATE id RMAN, MI . . . • .7lieslet end hem et VIAMIBERvabeIp riessieddifer sale by . . • J , I .. • : • • b 8 WATERMAN % 6 ,r Rte,lllld tor we' by Mir . • L WATIaLVAN • ULM-0 bbls 'Mute Diastsvfor . sal/ by Jet •!I ttlytttlll.llL64 7 (wax B100X8•411ilos Ott tustebod Cma lhooms, V ter ml• est • .1.13 minimax • • R IPLOVE,IIIIMs trt Oz . iistir4ta- PEZ:iOF;ZXS;=g WORWALX AND SANDUSEY uotiev—som 11 mated As twouble Nam .• St MO , BANOIA • . . Ara =mn aid IN flaw As • OILI3-71 AW Ilszaeof IA 61 de No L Laid do; • ID do No II de.- .Algeosed Made Ott ./aeter• and for We et !Noted 64 , 24 .mccei ff3il - ITZE:SZTMaGI VlSll—abbbNollliumild ego* NOW s Mit 42 illaskind, boom amdfin ooto Ify •SELLSNA NICOLS • 3iG ) QWGM32I '4 I PASSED HA S—/1' kW. Caavasse4 M. CNICOLS (101,1168-4alitais pima inns Ma Odra. 'l.,thnir n.. 1 and ist sale by wig .1 ypijyy, 'Fri...3-636W bleats Yana/ Hymen Lida do Gm. , I. paw& s; 4t, de Y L and OY, retairlag maks Gale Or m Ja 'LOYD,"* -- .7°.'""": 717'4"'r' 10.111—iw bias Ny 1 Ilea*, uyi yak bk MOTMlU—llltesais pun PotaWityr yak , JC lot •• J&A FUND SASS—dab WrAz OM, tor sale by ( MI D RICE-41kaas On ear • DAVEJb.ite maw Stew War*, Piapet_ t iliw ail ••' 4 tik D ROOM/PTA ihisloweess Brembibemi4;:' m . • ' J • DIG 111011,4199es.Oesliag.Nw pile I • TAII -41,14 . 1 0 11 MASIWPdprihe.41 1 1 .• siitv" - sitiorra-ammosi.d ee.r7by • _q_ ll .4 3° •• • " ••• APULTIONOT, COLOR.l3)WiZiriZreasft by . SILJX$ ILJX GLOVES'SEIA 'Odd daramlicoS dal band idlitideabbla , 1104 - CARIIVTBNat GTitir in. APiladir a d i rm . .. i . psway . b ir edelltollyz 1 .... 1r rile.,forWu ..r... P 11 ". ‘11A 4 it 04 .0 11:sews =mom nre7%—swih'eSeshaoso.l6 1,1 bragtetA, ban .tdetivdd ale eue 344 see Lip. —Li-E M W—l.A . —Viltff..l.9kft..Hoa- -", • ~ .; aI.T'U S H ei:l=2. ' ter...Vl=*.i7fuz eo Par 0 a:,..234:-lon !nub. picked Sac seep ., Am salt 1.1_,. , Sr YM IX: 0 :0:110111: . &Co: • . • .tt.!.i.!. • . 7 za 1L04714—i6 bids emus tyll,ks sale by *W wi Mfr -Bp) • F VONBONYSINOOST I F r. C F.1.11L441. leeks n , lisitins hymn i let Wyk.; Cor .ale by. MUM! DICKLY it C. bsa J Planme• S's lt.dodo 54; i;;; iar labs% Bahimon priereas4 sr* ht. orly2o : , ISAIAII DICKEV by'• . CORK Wito.4llllbble s. •%.!141!!" •• J aM:iod *lt NU FLAXSIZZZOW6 fit c Biwa,. • &%IXs•4ltMsdimieliod ataijal‘ . rrylairmitm!eadiiitsigaat towirEr.i. . - elOlOl AXD BEAM, ISO bes caw bbl. Baum, V (04 •10107 ' .011 • BIDWF:I4. COFFEE 4& & ckeu sue wrai as do Masi. calbo is; MI& okl ComrsesesS Jar& do La pin 445 jYe seesirsd bad tarsal* by - VOID • WICt & WCANDLE&S S i MiZrar i ' isTai reel and tor We bynorD. WICK ircancEss • 7FAS-140 half Ow= V010g .4 /47. al leaplirten e lu l i for sale br it .1"41 • m 7211. '! • . . • . WICK &IPCANDLES3 11=° - ,* l3 lt 6 i'/' 7 ,,t i gtk e t, :SPZIATLL.ANACANDLEI3-11 Ca0.. 1 .04 u Z.b=1.%101 DUPP.I do do. I do bleaelod () %i 4" PW W n t♦'bak co 4 V I . " POO do N, aimikr we br • •• • . MILLER uses:maim • - . rimnito3...i Simi A. Robiumei 'Oen. Tobasttu 10 So thddsaors Maud) do; . use ultra /b. Lump do; just tweed mut kro lokby • IZILLEIt ILICELTSIIN C lra—tr i PlenrPriodp a dohwry saeriz. m61%0404 for set ;°.° ° *ad a .2..5ay.20 icE slesseilllrsyjaa nrciS eall kr eak4 Rksiti kakis!). &Um; ••& br .• • • • AUU.s& & lUounos CI RLICOIIIIIIIO.IIIV4S tas SW:4W received ibikerals by szyge • . • bIILLIZa Dowcaoso'rmhtA,..2)l'.l brMiu ""(I.''"Ei6M 1 EMON . .evauP7ls bushes'. ?apadot WON! ' f • • RAZILIMAZ—VXI • Brazil IPfnirof Wirt ItaN k t TAR—Whim HavanaEuet • • MILLER 1 mu:trios: r pouraz MUM LOLA SUOMI-21 hilt cases ,Doabklielleed Leaf Segot,lott moil end format! Rya RICK MON SL'4OLE LOAF SUGAR-1116 bbl.No 4, I sad Boor; Git ado kror br - • • am • .• • bula_r_a GUCEENON fiLANS-110 bts AIR% Ede 7ZI .10 do IGIOC td own 'Jr d. MIK fir km by . • ' EUEY k FLYE IddION swum . —1•1 dos bolo_ _ • •"' -,411MP L.. ...5.9! • EtiENlCALS—Juss•roodsed. worm^ wow" me. Pow., Env Coked, Mona 111 • sylli •• • J .*VO ac 1 \YEW ORLKANIIMXIAII.4II66.pdise MO. IA • gar, do fair dodo( los oildhq ••• • • sara • WEST VOWICS,9II Y 30 00() LVEry nI . ' C A ap'Artvvrit It:Ce ' VDLICKEREL-103 bids No 3 aJaalliallprila * Auluxtirra ta Is day Ryas am!, *rid, op .'" "il'""4""" tat6cuck.aseruir_ ‘ i • -mon, • tar adeladonal yen i TVIIPENT/111:-:•Jetil iiciiral; VOW. Tattetilo;. A (Inside WI fOnettuyient 'by • •• • _ • VT/IAG At bra= itaatt or A Ihrstrcslr, tomer Palk st Nig Altalciet•i : • • arab,. 11 , • • A ISCHOON 7ifAiiNt LOUR — ICC 144. Q. Jarria' brand floor. sellable F for m.Anntoarritgartrada. ia awry and tor ~do urn • ; 04.1tf01:08‘ Co. VIT6OIO4S tutor 6, ala )if AJt. m 1114; kr..I“XyI.KA.W.A.,Co rIN 000116 A -A Xing' &Co. }acrid :31170 cleram nocrrs4 bba, 441%. Ober Ir t r ia r •ur 11.80.arrish .! 'WM' SE • • SI viola • , .. • r • • .red 012 • se/1 Itor sal. • 1 . TARIM • • MI EARL A.SII-41014s netljpes sou Caleb Ot_ .L We la Will Val= • •W ''37CTION Sit * ; • lairjohinipittiddijk a.. • Po:Ks Parwitan, Gift "..44131 Cidoohnionis Lori, Anis' ...non, the finked., saticlas of fora" Wady sew ' ss the owner is doeli4ias boonr /i Paienarduttiln; 4 mammy bur sest eh ad o ds 40shise low; do do sofa; Ido docorisig cs • 1 d• 440 a cr.- sqd window In .... side wid 6. extoseig iee ckr dreArtafte....l , Carpeting, Panaparent winaiwe alo .44, clubs, tables. Also, excellent ecollos salons mod otoosabg :be siorio, with • virie) , of boasehold sod ltltcsm flooltors. , 141 . JOHN To DAVlA'Axiet ' - • • • ildslyA to on Pines pfromia stornut,at Alma.= • us Pail:oder, Jim id, at 4 o'clock, P. 11, will be told 4,3 tbs premien. 9 val¢aPla Wilding Lars, In thi eW Word Gras city, at ths corner o(• Peonsylettula srt . sus turd Plias onset, • Throe Lots are eery ceautifidly Si!aated oatlarsoad , ' ads r*. -"7 1 ' ../....5 r , !Violate da, residence of George Lusts, Esc, mad are my: &gamble for prints residences ei badness purposes; They aid be .old coovther,oe separately, as pagettasces may peke , Tunas,' ons. MD cask, the Palaces ip four equal co• soap payments, veldt isusnotAcca IN Nay. Po,. on b.. 1011.0dlittlY. • snit . 301 e: DAVIS, art Dry Geode, ft, at .itieuin. Op Woodsy wornleg.,' June 1, at 10 leekock, pl Ois 4wobwoeiPl: Wm, Rams, 1,019 q of Woad Pad 1111 b *mu, will be sold. s Imps GINSOPIXIOUL treat Poll ilablabable Our and mph. Lby,tipods:eonsixtres. of . saperaiwo bload.eloll., w . " etw i. tombaY, few. twelve leaf pls4, mode pup mann< colon dft lakes, irdigo bloc Airtulas• mad •ProP OAP, •=tial=imbrAbb‘•la b . ; bleaeled. blese.heslablrtlngs, ce*s Malan bell* sY.pecdr n. • AS " Near and mond bassi &satin% afteng';•biO ba (land, dm:m= 4 %mm, book ear and seeterary, lair ow sofa, OaDumas., od.plob OM Oslo, fancy and C 001•1611 eboirs, balms, loot. thlr braaltsO obits. bodokada, safpatiot, Lobo forttare, le, pommies, to, mackerel, *loon. Oiralbsi ;novo, and pianunion cigars, aocdasmes, N so, tobacco, lie. Also, I patent torn ml 3O • JOHN DLAYI9 Ao 1. Orw /lax /3sonielts es Ascrinc On illaradoy eMmoon, Jana I, at 3 oleloek, viral be ioli at th e mannettnal idea roan, comer ae Wood and Mb al rats*, • vabsthatthl ono bone Wally bamulus, pith ma:3db,, lop. garao ; DAVIS. Auer AMUSEMENTS . • . IHT . A . SHOLOH THEATRE. ....... .. • • •••• VOIMM NIGHT Or MR. - ANDan MairrS a W nd E U m S s . T4=l4llll.4cim I. INS. Ito mom« Init. %it now ?WO • ii =ln.OTl ItOILLNCEAND REAirrv. • . Mr. Osler. i M. Prior. We - Jb. Alter wiab, t.o POLSA, by w i th An. Mollies. To eonstado with DAY AFTER TIIE WEDDING. Col. th Freelore Mt. N Nid ot: Lotly El izsbe • • Nies . Pinco oo Assossoz—Deros AO rt.; &toad Tilt, T 3 st 4 Pit, EA' - L. • i• • Tareenears Traveling gelelleltlan • I ILLeasshe de In the elry; err erldeldine ' r their awn eeirreed *VW of the • • dry, - Jam la, Id ind 3d.giriaft two esblatieas daF t7 :oo u 3 o'clock, P. N oneu sol!lrelriPait _ - Tba °nod Thom. and Panorama of tbt rairenilat W aco, • muter pie -cool meettbleal astl M*oo • lb Giant &sub /k7s,. with lb ' irbitthi4fi.; mob opottateols. • Pam Norris, be Colds Sinfilt. ingr Whitlock /WO' Mart, and Moll of N.., York missals. - ?dim Ebb Loslia'sgaaratto • Silas lilthlnclr,b tb Dasubae, sad la • raility of _otter averbibukam- ; , DOpr Pen put evlan, Qlsotua airy. • ; 11D . Adelaidok IS orals-41g14ess eadar.l2. ball, • . Wats. C.,. Establlbilimainat.• AT:IILLIPSHURGIU, Deng pasaty,.P.. etud 4 .o4 =dm (ilwa dret—a piste Cot selabeily altd beuny et scsxterT, Irture .tl• wbß~a Chu dace eighl *ght ~ean, in all ptonaq withbuilding Lod other sotosaary oomententes to amino Was to oat every mammal* coamdrod• oak etketton to lbw patois wbo awy yaw themssivr gob, bbeafte. geepriatos, sot er Wing so. boot et Isi4 semi:3l4lS elsisg Ye noes sewn diseases, considers laisoelfaud, Seigle Istaxits. dolt being Ike trer gel* lestodeced 114. liplieseahse system preesieelly Into this cosinuy, end by 01111MISal NWT nod eppliewon of she new &peens leis sad bepeoweenenis la Use system; made in We eesemaq. es well as to Ewer. he gained seta expe dites*. brirkkelk W . estatilisessent, ender tds u sr Met e needle a beoHls le the *Sided. • . . . . • Th• ostabluhment XOl be feady for lbe reception pant ges too Ino of Sosee. Peron. la search or bealib Oft “111101111 144 emmibe; will gad ere," Wog es ronaeleot as porelblb Ise dicir eamfon.• Chagos . • • . ... - . • .- . _ l' IWW • ACUIt.II,D, itieiticii: num:rerW,L9lllL'i •, ; .., • We plimmul i• neeemtnnad . leg Ty. Acker. ire., le awl as ater be desinnuef le.ortteg io- Virdic "sena at. ._ ~ r • atiltet.Wwieetha Aetens,l6l . 4 EL 1111elmela, bf. Lemmees, John Alliman, We. Deeliager, Medestek Ce .... ei1 .. §0 meter. • • .! in • iee', • lalltßOY nosprrix. .' 'PWsltairvi,or,.d.r.theeh.riear tie..lW 11101.11(Utfty, •11211.11 S on - 811...11 street, malt Are 611.146 now *rani...fa!' receptunt et patierde The arrelien: neeemon swelled to the Efi?opital • DEL J. P. OeZZalt, • D. ADIRSON. . • DZ. MIME. • • DR. ; U1:1470.131:11.0, . • 'DitALNYDZII, • Nmpentee mime rue received es femeriy. Pa} puinsua willbe reeetved et the Imo adopted tanks teatrorery nonneel. !ewer w Peony ward, (in 414 each periset .• ht. a enTerete Verner.)ppeavreek;_. 71reva re 4 include medic": rue:Mate and tuna eioe. Par Mem can have,any iregalarlpkveidie7 tbeez.tealte choke or at their awe txpeare. . • n of any deitereleatieet ere tailored to .Wt peth„Th. when limy Boerne' is dellabtfelly situated in in opte,stry p f rn ot the Fits, end retain ten Wastes wit . * of the Cowl Ekren. . antientoo for the ,k. 441041 Si Twiny- to be era& either to Dt. Seyder or . - • • PRINTS 4 4 'CEDAR NEvir • LEE Si . BREWStER__ licibliabed • aorrekoas• later year 1818, tor 'peea rg =tylat Lb. ary cod laretiorTrade arab CALICODI FICI.I)SIVILY,' at • • .tkilaUsty, al all Stares . • • • Of ItEsirun JUaunarat IS. •t . They No awe ;pram 41 a *Peek..gee; •trY grid otTortiga wad DOUVeUIt Ur, way of *bleb Om rag bora pare.B.oB. and an sane foe salaam Oak sad abort madlt, at . iriumusanvosta., . . Olg. TO EIAICRIT__,s Old baler, Ur pram Ap ,aa atraana4 ,irel/1. Lufenuation Of itassrr w orair,l,•l • • zur..xoq.,/mossz s • bum_ SEAMAN Sr mUIR'r A• gar Strgiindkrar,l3aw Tree! '• 1100211iLSAND.109186131.11•1 . 81114, Forneky! am y l ' AND ALL/mart v.orztl(ll , ralcCY GOOD& They Layne eaaatry Dirrecto= i titlag Nara York; SO Wear " Urir mak before Owe 'parttime.. 111 - Jako am fro Many yaws Lot lona 0 1 / 1 .7 - . Ituraran a Ca.,ftsmat rahlek he retired on the 161a(Jala 1848 i sal k J r. ams Thar*,larbo}ar aa to la nt. lk• halos:my) ran akar favarably Myra la that estab lishme • 111 , 1satiamenee PRE. sada ranee eaw completed We mock of Pi. awe, and can ufety col:on:mod ute eame " snow compkte dad re mired. coot offered here. AS the same and, It. 000011114 RAAOIII Clung, N. V-,ChM-he nat. Howea, of 0, GI and 7 of Noon emaree, manrood and mammy plain and omenteed• *Lead at prices which will ere - .onside doe to aLL ; eara@then expeemil, le • mernEcent ticend Pd octavo; coeewood, mealy. neneatamed and of wave ito taw, madaiby Clattering, Loma u ttri . a=tele , of tented Stao ho s, anslo the 0 1 of an o'Ai nay grand PM:47O. n.jadl dad "worm Foe databiloe, beauty of iced lad arm. •Plocateace., Mole Plume ant placed Won mom and grandaiano, and CIA be sold at • rely madman...plea The =Meaner ha. now to! hie paw tsquecoul! to Mat effect fowls man of Jo Int mane Sayan In lollop, Notice lei/lame. aim arrival . . H. ELEH .. •.ai W Iyooderetro, ad .... . . . nigi . • . %cm GRAND I RQUARS PIANOS.— 4,,, H / - :Yuma, Noel Wood won, baa nycodad GM Mr. Clan-keno/ of a tow owls, of au dalabraud Piton Panto ' of or . Mituann Ronewood Grand flaw, canot. • 11214 WO frame, sewn octave. TWA balms do fin* fad airs Grand Plano, of yr. Chlakenoraandoilastaii. Omagh: .so Punbarga. all do good Pianists Ia A* ohr ana loaded to a lamina it. . . • . , . Also rendre& tame RowwoodPiano. id: 1 11,94 wood Round eon. r,7 ociana; .1 do doll* /d ot 6 do lfavilgotothed . foam Sh. Clic tuning dka ardlasitni agesuraAir Ma sal* of /do. Piano Porto. for this <Ay, • °a• amsip* wil/.10 lap be hod, aad We 1...4.W On blab lib doped by al r. Chkkerleplla • COVIETIAT XMIOBANTS =YE Qom IS toolllper tem. Ly poteltudng theft OIL CLOTII9 &met from the toenzdheturers. h. CALM ICIMEL bet• opened'• rare • home, Yfo:l36Sferth Third creei,ebove fleet, teeond doer Booth of the Fite /Jowl,, ihey era& elm.). lamp. heed e oomplsta senator 'of,mat Doak Cull Cid ,Clothe. 23, 4 10, ee laek e We. k red, P.lnted, sad pls., ° a the •temdc, on Muth. 'Haar end Linea- Tab]. Oil Cloths aft,. meet' deeirible patterns, 33, 40; 40 ends 4 loch. wed.; Floor Oil Cloth., from blow. to fa t• wide.well ..aaad. and rho erYto all of their <era awed. tom .Triusspereot Window -,• • Cupess. te. - AM foadrerurreanteL • 1 tl LL a.N.I aNtratURTINO altlaLl:4s It• ' ,]trophy kat laielLreceireal askt4mal *apply •r ye a4oro - irooda—the I ens , rlarraotod pore Flu. M. toor (.4.1/4. VaT ovaries , ton cloth :thin.' 11 CtitsZt=t4LT,,..<,:i of abastlasp,. Markt! and aoblesc% Otos ass td throe yardaw4a Pills. cus.o Maalins, of =dim sad 'err Ilse qui.: Irma aet, aT. • ~- Dopers had Crash tor TO...atm—tea ark:ll4las. Colons Qatlltadaelodiag soots very tarp had ala: superior quilt:: Attortheua corner Forird and papr, tat sta. NEVER parson any Gam 'to palate aped you d t a rviwa waddlatm adulates pnipantd by eta what, reamer eat. adulator medletama; and zumequitned and do peactples okompounding at m; ant way tu NI dmir pones with unlawful WA, a A. Fauna. mock , * Vantaing• Itaa far =WT. Tt•IS beta loom to the pmbun 4. • eteurayar of atonal. LAM ma. hAt Wands wanton do ram laminae. wad he. bans mouwatorad by the peoplr la dmomit matdiairtathat.wla eanaltd) ezpel worm. It dry cam In ta• num that Gra laroaski out widow fad t Naas aro 'umiak calm thm nano of IR A. Palusadock, Pltubm rut, PA., lama wn • nti3/1,, -43 GOODS—A A /1114.4 &Go M. mein.. •ffiturrn MOOJUINCI anis!, Nun Good.. 0ft .4.144 *NM pa Son.; ps Oronadisom. ICO {ilk Thom k10.14.1r ftri - reo. 44 p• of PO do Ch.% ox ...S.. 44. Anktio; F. 4.4 1.47 4441 greaa nem% - ; . =l=3;l=m . . •11:TIKCIN3ATI 1. PiTTa /16111 ffsdv}o*.# K ! I:11. 4 16 - as .6 apw.esempered: of lb. Jarast satrzle- u r. and raabubeu, awl mat paysert ca. . • . *wen of Lea Wow rgairt and coo. • , fen that money ergs pro Cure, *ante Prervakv , 9 .9 9 .•• mama Teb las been La Operatroo Co yurs, —Oar neural • milli. of .seeop la lair/wet Lb. loan Iran. lamb will at 010 foot of' :o ' Patr .l' ebt P" r•ty m ann a Mae Le aran:eg,for the • • 000 of fma-,bi and th e entry of paseerr.:v. 99 .`r • ; tor la all cues the porbage,ravere/ 199" ,_ p a • • :79e 'ISAAC ?(E -CapL A. G. AlAays, vat., lure, liityborga terry SeiWay ,nban4,l at Li Leelaeri: . ' Wave-beg every aboderevrarealas 1!) r. eL.,'. .ME . • . • • • ' 1 1109111/LT avraCtf,XT. • • " • . • Mb 310NONGA/192.1,, Capt. 00.0Nr.. ,b1:1 leave Pita. bomb every MarLday sculealrag es 10 u'elues; OTAeell4 eve/y . 310041W estlooo 0110 r, • . • • ' levssowirraincerori,! ' • . rmum.sis Yn t. C•o l 4 ,l l3ollnravarT ailI• feaverhubazgl every I= sl aith iital I t o tlrerveliar, e very yr Anad !Sr. • •• • t • wzosneszuvr.lcaciurri:,4 • • Th LINGLAND iataa,'erai 100T0 •1101117 Ire " 01 "211.• me* a l M' • • 111 0e,00..0=',. 141447""N r 4 51 411 1" CraiDAY.PACYJVC- I ••••••••• • • • The' OSHA AST, •Cntt.:.l.A.Lw•telln burgh every 7,...m.ur utimratPied.....k;.ruai. I • . Amy Tlunday eveaug 1119 r'.111.`4,,, •. • • A " The'CLIPPER No.:, 694. Mimi. Nil ea., • • WO every Itiday montatt. .141 04104 ra c . b iL,.... •.1 - *wry piday. inmate at lap. ray . • , • IiA.II7IIIDAT 1.41.13[111?.• t o L.. The: BLESSENGLA C.*. S. Htow will I " . • bargb•llooTy 840.001.4 001121A0 01100'0001 . 1 N7reliel • : ;11,7K L 1.9130,1 AND PITTETInG Li DAILY , OP.CA.PaL .12a).LITr./LI4•VACFLTek., „ • • 6411 . • o'Noet, A. M., tuut art. ri , ca at GI sow Month obi Sandy and &aver Ca. nal,) al 3et la. audPlcur Liston so 11, .ant. gen.. e..ansts New Lisboa at drietock, I'. M.. Pleating that lap nasal soden dear daring lb* night.) and'Olargalw • at I sealeck, A. M., and am.. at Pitiable& as :I P. • kl—tbas inallai • troatannews nx:eatry veer.sad' liven heavreau Now Ilshon a.tal i s=,? nurih: .honer tales and sa lasa rants thanbparay. 1. t. rnadrtars'of this Ltua have W. plcarars alba.' arnalac ths r..b.te dot then hanadUentnp sitnant-etsaa: - Canal mt.', &Hire aeconuetwltatioa e(pratatlaeriaberr to nut In econection • with On lagnekt. ' rre..,,airrs CAL/4103PM sad BEATER, and coonsf..). ; nut, at Claserow, widt the Ph:taboret sad , Pantie. sae and other . daily Wes of drawer. down IladOid* and Mlosievippe river. .1 - kee. proprietors pledge them-. ae , rrev b .p.. no canes. or unabla b insunceur dui. Were and dientalrla sad sat of the caddis i atanif trpahnoar riwo O. M. HARPLK, • P. tW. HARBAUGH. styltst J. IteRBACCI It it Co.- •• • Laism ' 6 510910E-Ths essastßEAVEg, C. C. Carks,:star 0911 isms spate 19M stsies, fvr bort et, Ottsitsts, Aftilutlis sag et** tboatonigtaL t tiff 1416 *gab( .. 126 isinniagitnarrasynsAt„: - ,. skanuarrigia,rr!Watileoao' LEAVEZIAILYAI'LI-M4J2o4lETte i—.'Tb• as. use. 4t peurotre :rime, -*qv , AIMS TIC, dir-A-Jassecal in.A.NE, 00 E. Hawn. . Tish.lostikatejialvalr' pirit,nd ano tftd vrillignu nunl eglialcosc.•.lb. <ffr minion that can mambas toelpoortied-'.. IN < Soots *A 16.30.4pAealres.=. 11.3 Gra of Rau at. Pasmaten .••• aud. u beau lon eerAlialy Was etc uretnu• < &AU boom 11.. and 1 P. Al •. - —*A : - ' AWL WHMIXIMO, CINCLYNATI, k t Log, t. • .‘• 11 6....=Der " : 4! . 46"2 . NM. commasWek Mid • Loolswill• aol komottliata pans listrliiMptlarr I•Vektak, precisely. • • For torig•l or pang s apply• hopd, • YT. I lIIAS CAT., Api6u. , : 121•Ta1cirraph hu hem built Mx a neonai pm lon, and • •Icr mane; to %b. com.yolor u. ocogera the amoomodation. o/tifilaar io no WA: • I A. to. . •71 if - •! • / _ . ws ' d antenuetaaw por.spd• wapplr bona. • Jer For fssiOier - . • Faaa'Lallia'ammet- • 1r ACOny. ruirs i willhiffl ogbr ao . , • seet hetwordiNspostellit 44 1 0 , 29 +, ": NE f. '" " ! '• • • ST. LOUIS: R . 7 :The . treliraggiiPAsi.;‘,.. "an', UMW, . . . . 1 r I,O 2I I T.UDIYIN I ANDR.IJNOaItIIra. t, ' 1 : •• , • Areesory arm' wilLJanie • • • Far Gel& or pas. • • upDtrari fi 7 IL -}:t• ••• , : 74-14 m• • IaTANNA., -.seams. smuts, will leave tor also. .lairroaocllaso pone oo .this Ay, Jsl' • AM lap& For Rd& or guano apply an board . ; FOR CMCNE — CII. — . • 4n . r" 8 12 Z FAO; "• " a and ply pans Usk • For (pi tPr pitman apply r Ward. FOR toutsvnzr. •-• •• •• • :•••••• Thr lan numb a Tat , • • • killrrossassar. lona Orilla sabers: iottnnesLate laadsztAs day,, yo.r.ittlettilvVimgnak,,mt.r. 6 EOULA.II. 171T/38E401f k. CINCINNATI PACKET "' . . "ElVEN— vavra,'Exuncle. TO/r4 It ropier attimooa pocket frank • Pingantlir gieeleskaeL, !be leana *alba Mst uip, muter the tow am Monday, al t o'clock, P. M. • , . I'i'4 JJCIUTTTINDEak,_" . . . - kraal, alawrt.wia kayo 5011AWA..9,11. Intermediate . = . !.1 . 1a day. j f; : Fat Wild ar pawns linty as arras - ~ . —_,....,—....., . .itEGyrAit TITTSBURDII . AND ZdItEitIVILIA . . ~. • • ' FHILtP WODRILID_ , : .E. , iiOOlL saner, will kali rutartaa' . .aly a. ago.. • • :.• : v .. ~ ri Tata . boat la nary way adap CU* art..tha rantawlat4 Jarakrt .=r blot!! ar:. lair atßaradY: • For 1.4111 . iUr r.t l .f. ..- • . ~ ....Parr on board. • • • -.L.'_ , ,... 14 ..-', ,• . FORC '.... Izarbaa Tosaaar Paaii.y., . .• ; : , ....... Th. aro awl Ilflti dintuit awarart •. : ... iimiLb.„.. AIT. N LAPS 9:' , '• , :_; . , .. g""" i Hour. trKlLr j aCarrairl day,l6th law, 11l l 0 A IL For tral; bt or rtestatpa, ,: , ; ..F . • FOR WHIMANO BILLI4I,O3rt Tta rea t x nat valp!ttousl. low . wasto: • Pee lamer. eesismsd. regular trips Wilms Wlttelzr s busk tranvia' PIMA 1.45 . 7 pf".l74lllnfts . ' . ':.I.I:O3Irua.P.ACIZETI.POR sincroa..—,ll,... .." . Itseffor sad tut meaner , — lq ,fi ' • • hose% eautniviii leitv:lßrißßA . - allineensaidiwponealtrodmi. dim sad gnu*** ef tech vest'. 'FIB eillanimrvis• ' w cE . - GEO B 112M:BEItO .' Y " —4. •• ' ' :(PrMl7ll.lllOll & Wiii2=31,.1.i.. .• Tbe Inn& sumer '.. . ~. .„, • Nosy P Emm, rime r ,' kil. Lialik list .Wberitow.4l•C Wroorni.7 sod Pnasy. wig *bask pivairl7 ll .!!V .- Lsa•• %% braze arig_Ttoula7.•;nlioday oak,. e. 7, : : o'rloek, • tn. preebely. ..,. _ ....t ... Tim coma vrilLtand la •11 the lorangmthm_prs...,:.; Eh r ry; ar000mfogo• Ibis eau b•roOot!.41•1... Ibri arolm•fely et pnergor• haven% vg i Zat.' 44 4 Immt e. also rovioni with • retftefills ' Doe* • pr•rent et - plan:cam Por GOkw r •rell` bo•ni or to, . .IDAY,W „ma rto(lr act.xi -14•40.-1111‘71177VELlaarriLt$90Maylallar„ • ora h. Tb••••. , wormer . -.„..,.: ..„ „„. ;„. • ; N. raw. Ark7 . l• 4144 • • Env Plenband7 . 0 .417,11 i •• • sisamhy asl;Prbbry, as bk. 0 . 0104. 4 6 ' •••••• . I•••edialseley envy Toone•yabippligliall ar k ." , ' . •'''!• l - !'" fr ." 0 . 4 ...151r9.1,.., •.. . • • ...- . • • :v.-1.".. A Tbf b.". ' '.l 11(647iA1t"""1.' ' .114ii*.11styr, whit hays . tilijiii . . y:6O. penket•Orlyednada la 4 r. AL . rot. mono . pawls, d/4 worn __ . _ •e.~rlrwnf • PiHid liaPll rp A. !La • . i - mi s s .. iic e ; , • .000seelthf ni have ,whiagrA rensabmut AWES, (q pucy ..01 horn the ._. , taet l it ittun. tin • !be wOl tutoc 1 - ;.hw mown, • /h. dm hat a 1.,. lb: ter. ..••••• • ." l'amwmrers brestfor. iwf , 414 *SI* •• • • Iwwwie or inWnialem wrkh O. • w. t 1.1./87s;1$ path" Ag throw.: • • someoo.oranw • 111194.6, • 1 lets than Unto ,g N o '• • • wx.l da74llt. • . • • • ..• C LINKS .TAMINPOZITATIOII:Mgm . AELigil / 848- 4 k. QUIPpt.II3 Maher. a rt' Infim.l.4l • . cootWieti, rari Ihnmlllear . duly. Pr *taw and Nan - talon 0110,* Mon Akrcliandi se haw Ilahhoon. lorchFilh• c ium , new. ilsr. in Cm- • tauwizz....; w.., Mow. lbw*, Rthwuri J RO 1111111e0N h 0111111.• . ." 7 • . a ems apeam, twd.t., • VIPI{-43 bbl . fa•l .11itakint . 4 tlo Ns r e" Jokalctada{Coidr- 10 00 Ea retch ID labia Noilenici r itsslwint,lajeso.2±t or awl bunt. la =OIB las prim Clis arisiVil . • =EMM!OI I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers