'. Y = " r ''' ' , ' '• =NEI -.ESTABL BUSINESS CAROS. A ?OWN,' I t APIIA.I7 dr. Grip, dad d,ddrier Deal- Co. a Corydrameru hls s of Western Ilea milieired and lit. Criti sf ter lue. 4i,140. A , MOOD, COuneassion and p 0 , ,, Itlefrkagus, reituned to their old mud, Wutqr brat Emit intros, Pittatottrgh. ocu.l BHA YZIWZICS mur Ft, ' , A:max:lz sant& : RR & I ER, WhOles.lei and lama jp.g. bwtgists cornetp Llbcfly and *l.• Clair meet., Vitt. A RI nolvw Grocers, 31orsitaitio, Na. 143, Liberty st i • ' dr3lly. :"STUCK'fr. Co; %Vb.lcyle and? X. .Is, comer. Woad iuultSth tic jyt-- Groem, I awl .TY & Co., Eatilrardim laid.ecre :Laub, Cauxlttaria,.rsualwrigh Pi ma's. JiinuraAC . , uamagao. .11.11 Ari, a 'Co; of .xe. and Asle4, A. B. .a 1.4 Boring .1 Booth Trtortailigs of e'er) oo Bc. C4on.sL W.arehoosO 43 jama . n. avrait.i • J '_, • smta arenas?. Glilllafer, Wholesale Groeen, deal a.. =atm, rut. j.;Comm 161NULLSII k NENNENT, OW. - 13 1.1*. Nkna4ba , .1.11 J 1). Co.).W4oNnde [hoer% Ccannuojon and eve tranlag Idarchants, and doalersia Prodded and Pius. borgkillandarturco,,No. 37• Wood ay 6ettrocn Id and 3.1 act _ . . lan woo, 6IiNV-11. Co., IVitote,alelf.iyocen !I „L" Comm./am Metobants, and Atents tor Brig Lion Colon linriti,Not.W.Waser, and pi Rota cc, Oa. torch, Pa. • • febl Et:Cap...l.; Piano k'orte identrfeeasocr and dealer !Outlaw-nu, HY Wood et.i :tear &h. 9ALLA(2III:II„MINU & MILLER, Bell and Bran Arunde, cud lin Fitter!, Ca , Fronl, between end and tleanbarld PuLdairati, Ye. • I Iligliesd price prat ad old Copper and Iliad. (31.X1RG1.: COCHRAN Coanibuian and Poi rarding TouTaat,'No. nyliopdstreet. Viuburgh. riga 1100LAWC RRONVklifhite and' Red Lead' ?aunt y& Tulare', Paint and Oft Merchant, rota.. of LH.- entT and O'Hara au, Hindu . h.: • mann mom. . • • tt♦t>tr incur, 314 ISLIM' MCI( CV 4. Co• Witoleftio tinker*, Co ttwtton blerehnida, and ilealcrx in Ftoilitee, nter. onci 107 Front Mem, Patinagti. • JOAN 8C Ir' a c., blef camas, Dialat . s E Row, Ilbe r „ i y aVeA k tte l4' l1 "h' n i c , Cana ; Pasiburgb, J7tBICYAN, Rectifying — Weiner; arel• Wbofeewe 4deakr in Foreign wet .I.resorstie Mines end La. Hoar., No. 114 Liberty strxel, tgl Llembiel•Alie Illivbergh, Pa. y id.LtZ 8 Walt VIRE, - azte of !tetras atAltreo tad Alefiaire,) Ma/chant Tailor; St. (Naar!. Badding% Thal Arca, mar Waal, rinsburgh. • • • •- •• • TAMES. 4.• LIVTCHLSON,. *Co....:l3orzesso U Liatesiaon & Coanalssiow_Alerchonts sad Atoms of tile• N.. Lotus Steam &war liellocry. No. 45 ',Oar a/2dt.! (mutat „Pittsburgh.. BLACK, — IfUmlaut' • Pt. Clair at, Pin. "FOlll4 SI: .DlLWORTit—Wesoleislo ' Csoccr;:Pr‘• U 'dues nod Commission blerchant, r(o. , rz Wood Am Vinod, TOID , I D. MUIWAN, IVbolesala tormigirt, end deal er ia Die titasis, Punts,stAls.VmuW•es, fiu.SKI Vaal street, ow Jan South of. Dueman4 Alley, Pitts- • • TAmta KRIM, Jr, Jr..Cia, leiteelsa9lt.itt".ls.,lot U, Pasted :Ship Chaudlers,tl6 Weis; snack _ 4IELIAI.II, Wholesale and 'Retail deafer in bloke end Musical Instrument& -School Boots, l'efer, &area; Steel Pena, Quids, Pruners' Cards, and tioaarT nerallT,No. to Wood sh, t'insburgts '' • XP2.:_ttates !toughs tar taken iu trade. seelL T 13C1100N.MAKFA & Co, Vholallo Ltruggrits, Us, No. I 4 Wood street, Pittsburgh.... . _ _ jkin!EPt.l / arthog 21)0N r - ,, tl . N ..lB Cr a ts y slex Is o u p d thohkiehl ) stsiapsou'a 11;3W.. k0111 . #511 Wood . .• „ L.,REalrzsAiuk Mae; 4th, near SaC64. Claasieal, H imam:l.l,sc hoot, !llama. laneaus, and Aletaadun (lonia land SialtilUSZT. .4 40 ' _ , . I" •{V. WOULIITSON St Co.,,lionkers and I:sehulg. ft, Broken, <Omer of Wood awl :14 mi., Aterchaut . !Axel Ltuil4ozgo, Pluaborgh:Pa: : {)licilcinHe• Grocer, dealer io dame, rilielooth li4ouotertrrea,2lallaimite, itc— #4.,tio.2.V.l4ety lesueborgit; • : • how JODI" - VOID, Jk. it. FLOYD, (lalo J. Floyd k 1.4/4 Gomel's, No.J9ll..ibertY street: • semi' iii "l'AdLiZ MIZELL' ;151solcsale Ginter, era:manioc itj Merchant, aud • dreier ist Produce altar rturbitrgh Martaiactarce.. fic.24 {Yager at., rittebirren jaunt .Vesuvius Iron Works. ./ T, EMS, DALZELL t Co., rasaufarrarera of eL si= heartar, Sheet, Iw,uer,ron aastrNalls of the lONS gstaltlf • ~ ,IVatehouse, .14 water and IU4 front at. • 5 WATERMAN, ITholeval, (hour, nuwan!. am 6011 ?dr.:haat, Dealer ui urg klannt6ewtea.aod-acul , Produce; Noct a %Yalu at, • .. A• 4 v /WM'S ttriutr. LAMBI-;KT & 811{PTON, Whokyle I.lt • a • Fur . wanlttlir and ConamiutionAlcriltutti& .1 Ric" it co and pituburals Altultancturca, '41..i. ' and r• Wattdat4 bliabittgt, • t- , ', , : W 4- • bICEtt, filer 4% • ?Walla "Dobr the dale t 4 prugluee ge m. tr... °1 , 11 .; •LouimiiiiPl F lleich l atitt No. 194 likerg,a;:, • 'wee S. Fowl.. • ALLEN 6, Co., Conatnusion .0 Fonentdlng LYE, ?deed:toots, Water 'and Mont is, 'between Yood and Atnebet in. • I=t LLLE — fra FUCKETSONOirboiesSis ZSCXinsind Caskauksion Atectlhauls, NO. UV, Libeny st, nksl4l XIOCORIAL - KING, \ Wholesale ahliZetell Kai sad ,Mo. Cap hfluesisathees and dealers in Fancy Furs, comer ofiWood Faith as. : . HOLhItS & SUN, No. 65 Mithat . door Ihua earner rounh, deshus ivVereirt , DOWIAG ol'Esekaage, CenifiCilla orDepos u, Bank Notes• : • •.117•CaLleedotal wad on all the prieelpal cities throe, bout the 1.111i1.1 eteta. - • • deel7 roiroirnm; r e. u. ;um. D01M41.171.31.1 Co., Wbolesale Grocer. and Cow erusuutt and IluranUag. Merchants, No.lll.ll(ater - - trocm, litectifyiag JUDDisaller, dealer in Wallace, Einalatrgh Alastufae ratmord4 all kinds w Foteigo and Domestic Wines sold taws; N. II LAWN) . OlreeL band a-cerg large Mock of saperior .00 Monongahela , whiskey, rash will ea soldlour For caah. • • - N.1 5 c17- ItOBEICEIZR7i . /*almaail Coe:Maim Aloseltact, 1 0. NN lircood airect, IDICHARD 1.X.1.V11,1r., Imported- aoj Leal2r CLForvidu sod Ikaraesue baddlcry tleNvaee nod Trimmusgs, QOM desetiodoin, No. . 1:4 . Wood . • . IICHARD BAR.D.Ir ' ,li. BAIW , IVboleask Tad Renal .Ikakr iu Leathar, Morocco, nkansuakage Tana audX,* lap, Tanners' and Culler.. Touts; auk Tannexa' Mal(*) Wufal al , Yitubtuisk. malt It — aa • kokikkON k Co.,Wholasalc Cruets,. ra.duee 'and Cduunizsukt cabs. Pi ~ and Deader. in us. Asitt. kluaulauttuus t No, lOU Libaity rukbungb, • . jaulu At,osztre UM:ZELL* Co.,' Whassilii. Crucial, C00.16i1.461.111 and 'Forwrugulg Merelalusts, dealers u.Prodaeesuul Pittsburgh Manufacturqs, Liberty .i. Pittsburgh, Po. •.• ' . • febtl r. 1 4 4• - A: CUNNINGHAM, tVholosit. ()rimer, Ueuler in Praha., sod POUbtargh Mititulietures, , Liberty st: , za MEM ..... £4111.2:, Fonronling andZ•Oul - Zisiim -11garelunth, for Alleglicuy Inver Trade,' dead- In in (inonetins, Produce„ Pittsburgh liliunitacinres and Marine of lime.. • • ' Tlin highest prices, in cash, paid at all times far coml. try taga. • Corner of Peua and Irvin sta jar& GAILFCSID Co, Comattisptioo lows, Lib , erty st„l opposite _e tam , • So Haar, run and Bade, also Status, Lard,' Ise. p44tr JCIJN 40N, Sifloolossals and Skull Dealers W MllWnry Gwds, L. kloslcry sod Yeasty Astieles,rlo. 40 Also tet street, :SI door .boo Tkitd ilitsborsh. • a-- e. ZNA.CMIIII., 11110.. a pIQTL , . QIIACY,LEIT a. WILMA . I.l(holcasla Dealers in pi 'am y. , l and tomes: Dry Gonda. No. Ina Wool at l'ansbural fabt7tl & , VV: 11.altil4Uti11a, Wool ',Orchards, Pc 0. Fkkir and Proaccicrarrally, and torerardneg .and COIOUIi./10tt Marchanta,' 43 li/414r at, Pau. harsh. srsodue< desien.,No.W.ll l lstket.i!“4l.eivreen f,th knit- Ilikaiionlo Biat. PhslaatclPhi. ' §¢ /111LI:LiSialeiewor 1.1111 - '*, Bitierhed g' air • and inaaufavurer of Paper llarigwire and Ma, and dealer itt writing priatiaf , oad wrapping I War, 07 MadPiittboti 4 I's. Hags Tan 'Wee eenrp• 11.4 al the hest inatkatt prim L 0 mum. Meth ems ' l7 OllFt/NHORSTI k Co, Wholesale Ole - Z= grargUtat==ilVeMslgalro:' olore ectsoiretl Weir nth. , rnirehotiie,(old laktd) tot Iwo( Frani ot. end Chula.) , Lama • zois. JUDO 1111410 b, BWITIANY. 'IGNILS, Produce awl Gcaeral Com lama, No. L7-Libany rigsburEk. SAInEb M ile g ale E t U ll PrrlaV i o :t g atitti Matured anletea, Quad Matta, near IthaL..-- ~:r— k ta„ l ll.}3l', Wholecale,(ltocera waii,Comou.s. slow Aleraaalr, sad dealers in • 11. - are.l; Agent tor Walesa ooldi r ar Pr . .. ll ^lPeatanant, at the office al Wat. Aaar Pali saw. 1.444 , ,,, 4,1 es, PitaslatrgL - My aatt la die geaeral land aka Wasalarton, wall attend to rim baYeep taste free WE/pence twapph , *.a. i. ' skatlfAly =EMI . .. • ..7• , - . F-,..m•..t.---. ! -- ' . ' . . - 7 '- - ,••••;•-•• - - 7 . "-'.7';' , .? =- :•••• 1- --"'="r" . ••- •••••••••',..,---------- .--74.-..^- - -,.--•,........,....,,,....,.......... .--.. --- .•. -- . --- ","7;r; t'• , ' - -=•-•-•-..1,-, ,•."-•••-••-.. - ,..•..r . , -•••.; -•- ~ - •,,,j • -.-- •-. ~. . - ~ ' ,-•-• ; .- ':- -. - ..- - ._•; .. .-••;, , ,,..t,,,, , , ,1 `.77='=-`,'"""•"7=---.4174-.a74--...,—,,..r....„.,..tr....-.-;,---..vF.--....,-71...,=.-...;,_...,',,,i7:-.7.,.••?•,-. ''''r''''r '-'': ' 7fr'''. ------ .T:.: ,-- 7::" - . , - - .--, .-•:'.,, - -.•-•..'.,.,_ :-.- '-,.: - • -: --=',,.-; .-.. ' ''',.. ';:..", ''„ •,--. ''.. -, ~ • • ,•.-.' 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' - ' - .=_•:•':• . 7,. , ••'.•-, ..5.••••-,•,•••••••-.0.• - ''' 1 . 2 k i ' 6, 0 .. • ' ._ ~ _, ..... ... . .. _ , .... :::. ._....,,,. :‘ ~ ~: ~.:„.,;: ....,, -.,,,,,,.. .„,,,,,, .• . s. , , _ •„.!,_. ....,,„ a 5,:„.„,. .. ~,r. ... -. . :-..,.., -.. ...- "'..', • -.', .I; -,'--::: •••`•.* i.. -, ]. ;':, i'. 4.- . • ''. - i ,J, i•I .4 . • ,f. ' ''' ' ..-..- ' ' ,-.e , . - ''' .• - --se - •_. . - . . ~ - - • . " „ • • . • _ . , . •• _ ~...• --.... -----..-.--........... . - . . . _ ... - , . .• , •„ , , R - a • • • - , ... , . • - _ ~. . , - ~ , , . . •• ~ . - , „ • .••••,--- - -- • - • — • - . ,, - - .7 - =e:r• — • 7 7;, vi ; ISIEFAY:qtr 1786: % - . -. ' Itwilt? • BOlVEN—Cosnausaion Merchant, N 0.90 Front at. between Wood wart streets. . • • • - • tete.l DM D. WICK ',- " DAVID aresantssa - curl CI: i. L-IPCANDLESS, (summon. to L. & trlelr,y Wholesale Grorers,. Forwarding and COMDIIO.IaOII Merchants, dealer* 'ln Trost; Nails, Glass, Couon.Yartis,4n4 Pittsburgh Alamsfartare. gretengly, DDT, 01 . 1004 . and Water streets, Finabargb. WaTil — AcEaiiilis•••• and TY •in egnblndneru, 441 Liberty . near the canal. anuZ 'Ur M. (iARMAILD, Dealer- in Fussy sod &nits yy thy Goods, No. 79 Mutes 'sums, Pitubsugh. _oorl?-d17_ W, A.. w rtt s nitry'"E'f "t1. 3 6771` 7 ' Mist. •-: 4" ":•• . • • ' nw r: - R." MURPHY, Wholesale mil Remit deider cone; or T Rom Market a me nd Foottli st Domestic s Dry Goods, north east • • - :uirAinuck - ;mians co uy- Bank Pi te• c.,,inth"*'.* IT tr, yirood street, rirftb4h r.. — 7 - Mr. , 01 Mika mi. ' N V111 43 : Y0VNG1.41,,,_ C 4 .7Deales leathe r janily . ----! df4l 4nrifELTßES—Whalanaln Groce ri r '~r~~ 7 ~. Rectifying Astineni aad - Wiwi and Liquor Zderchams, an", Imnda of Sada Ash and fund' Paarder, No. Inu Lanny at • Pa. j ot:eart inaczacas, • astoaas L mil. lILACKHUHN *. Co., Wholesale. Grocers and deafen in Oils,Hoat Store, and Pittsbutigh Mart oloctured articles, hahaou hand, n all limits; a full and general assonmeot of gooda ln.their line, Water street, near Chorry Alley, Pittsburgh. . iota TOHN M. TOWNI3MI, - Druggl and 'Apothecary, al No. 45 Market st, throe doors above Third st. Pins burgh, wilt hare constantly ort halal a well selectod ar sortroant ofThe..best and Mahest :Medicines, wideb be mil on the Most. reasonable t 0,.,,. /Weld." sending orders, will bo proarptly,aheaded to, and top plied with articles they may rely.on as genuine. LD' Pbyeicians Presetiptioas will ho auanuely and neatly prepared from due bliatharetiats, a n boor of the day or Wen. . Also for sale, a lame Mock of fi ash and rood redo- I,IAOLE COTTON WORKS, PKIKmGOII XI Wm Conan Yam,Candla Wick,. Ilatung, Twine Camelia/ Yam, Carpet Casio, Warp., &c. ac, • KING, PENNOCK &Co. • ALE:DOUR A_ Co., No. 77. Cana) !nee,. New Cr 1i lawn:, Auras for .1.11. Anneal EsleasawaSteern nose, Rahnery.. Always on . baud, a large loock. or Loaf, Powdered, Cruspb4 Cla rified end Sward Bogart'in Tierce. and Derrell. Alan. &gar norm /Roland e. Priem liberal end • fair allowance wadi on ell sales. .. . Elemsottialaall - Lbraa7 liable.' - . 1 - .uonewr if . kATTErISO has ned the large stable on First a., m aim thro ope ugh to Second at, between Wood and' rkeithield : al., hi the rear of the Alonongabela flouse, welt m astutely new meek of Horses and Carriages or dig best quality and latest styles. Horses kept as bye ry in tke best ittenues. . _ _ .. . . WW/lY YH. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings sad Vaiietr 'Goods; Tortois Ivory- Ivo alai Horn Combs, Ouicll Yarns and Worsteds, Saunas, pi cede s, Fins; Tpes, tirades, Ate, No. %I Market street, batmen 'DM mad and 4th st., Pittshozgh. • • • • NEW SADDLERY DIRDWARS: STORE ; • R. T. LEECH •-••• NO. 133 WOOD NT., Pl/rTilltusuaii. , ll. 4 e V.l , N t=tie l :2llt k riffn, 6 r.k ih :Pr= amoonettig to ornament and dealers, that I arripte; pored to famish than goods in an livo - ort st ill be.tier terms thank eretofore. • • . • Bayer, will recollect that dealinff • lr ehelusively^.ln Saddlery Hardware and Cs...stasis .Trimmlngs, I oloacio tOenbY, ddearlages that eaplae raa m day comical. hon. Call, see, and Judge foejoatseltes. aptr Tailor s Exchauge ugh. : . • inloo prrrseukuti STF.EL WORKS ANO 8L111211(i AND AXLE FACTORY. 111.11• C 410266 JOAN Q 1.106 • JONES & LitrIGGI• A/rAKLIFACTUKKJIS of spring and blister steel, ILL plough sleet, meal plea& wings, Stash and slip ue spit uga,banimered sou lutes, sod deniers in mat; kohl. Castings, tire engine lamps, and coach trimmings g imily, conies el" R.stis and Front be . • TEA STORZ.—No_r; Fourth ~near Wood—All ipantidest of Green sad Wink Teas, done up in . quoner, Ulf, nod ; 11 471 1 yr k MITa g A:Ltrl4to f;:aina . LAW OFFICES. WM. - I , ATTORNEY AT LAcir, - • I . iguL L attend to collections and all other bosi; Ty nen entrusted whim in Sutler and Armstrong counties, Pa.. later td •• J:dsFt yd, Libeny st.l W. W./WA/lace, do lames Marshall, do Potaburgh. dly Kora Co.; Wood at. - 1 mt 7 SWEITZEIL , IAttorney sat Law, oat.' nil motile St. }Mel, Pittsburgh, will alms attend prtmaptly to r Collections, to Waal:moon, Fayette AT! Or r eeonotinties, P. , , ULFLR TO .• /MI & Co. ; • ~ Church kCarotherk, IIENKY, Attorney andConacellor Law, „X„j or temetmatt, Ohio. Collections-in Soothes, Ohio, min to Indiana; mina Kentucky, promptly and care ..lly attended to. Commissioner for the State of Perm. heyletutio, Inking Depositions, acknowledgments, e. &c. • Barn so—floe. Win. Del/ & Son, Curtis, ChaMt. ra cor o the, Wm. Hays, Esq., Willoek & Davis. sea u-st. m ant.. Wita: s : l— Wk SHINN, (ttnesnori w Lome Wdltasaa) Ananiev• and enanWttora 'at Law. Mew hand shift of kattnit sweet., aldwe SandthrLl (017d.knely taartt Onawor /Ataxy.= wow lIUNLAPI. dt511%121.. attorney at Law, Offices on 1./ Nonhlield bola reit id Lid lW rut. eFyLaOUS:AUL SWARTZIYELLIIIt, Attoru s a . him removed their attire to tbe South LLo. o birth betwecoGhenTAlley hue Grunt street. CrdEPII. KNOX,:tuoiney it Law, Plusloirgb, L.. rosmood the itractieo prokuton LI his °f rt., No. 7, listorielly tholdiogs, lima It- ocaup . ii4 donag bis uosence, by T.l J. pew= Ctouty, „_. TOILY L LiALLATIN, ittlestney Z.l w, Ottuut ou 0 ith ut., betweetitliratte and Sadthlkid, South side, Pillsbusgh, Ps.; will nlso/nuend prootptly to business in the uthottiiug sunnuies.: , oettn,/y ' O.- IL 1108LISON, AU...ay at Law, has ra. .4 named his oftwo to ciao Esehana LtuildsuaL air 41, neat door to Alderaou. Johna. apt:l , . INSURANCE. DELAIiVAILIO MUTUAL INSURANCE:CO. 1 OLthf lINNNY, Jr., Agsacat Potabargh for Me MI. ug aware hlomal Safety lasitrance Company of Phila. adelphos., Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandise ot 'every 'description, nod Marine Nista upon hulls or curgoe,,pf vesaciS, taken upon the , most framable tenus i l s ee in the . Warelonsiof W. 13.1tolme, & EllO - Am= Mawr, near Market army' Pittshurgh... .N.11.4-Tlie success of this Company since lb.- =tab- Hallman' or the Agency in this cub watt dw p rompt mss and liberality with Which every claim uposr them' tin lota has been suguated, fatty,' ww/vautthe ag en t in inv Mug the confidence and patronage of his (Acid s and Wu' manmnoity kl Urge In the 'Delaware M. 21.; Man ranee Company, while it has the 'additional advantages as aninstitution among the most flourishing in Philadel ptda,-aa haring an ample paid-in copilot , which liy the operation of sot charter is constantly tnertasing, as yielding to each person 'mowed his dna 'aqua - cm the profits of the company, without involving -him in any respetunbility . whataver, end therefore as pans/ming the Mutual pruimple divested of every Obnoiloall fea jure, sod Oct.. most alum:titre nova VIBE AND BtALUNE INIURANCIL. lEUlLLasuranee Company of Nonb AZIOTI<A, Illrough enalarmadaleotoba saboaribar, atlas oa make permaneat awl Hamra loaoranee ea propeny, lu itgiv city teal shipments , by We C.. 'Aram 0 Coin, IV. Jones, Valwara John A. /Attain: • • i;LLl:iVerf. Joint While, Richard IL Wood, Thomas P: Loge,, Wto. IVelsb, • nanitiel•Y.ginath, ••• .• • r • •• - FYaliu linakena, •Atttei Linattaa, • • •S. Austin Ant Lone, • . ART/Wit. CLWEIN, Ples'L tc• Inane IL. Hammy,H Bee y. 1 - biala the Woman* Company bt the United State. kayos. been chattered in 17104.• - •lte chatter is pule:oat; and from its high atanding,long eaperieage, ample' seen., and aiug all - risks of. an extra. !su ltan. eltaraclu, b oo, eonautered as uttering SIM:. pie stentny lo the paLthe. . W. P. JUN aLI. • Al the Coming &to. or Atwood, Jonea & •Co., AVa.. tot and Vaunt eireele•YUW.otgh.. , antys !FRANKLIN YULE INSURANCE CO. ZNKY , utkliuFiretumies Company, or Mimic!. phis, will soak. Insurance, pelimuusent and lionised s p e minty description orproperty; in rinaborgh tha surrounding counisy s ou lavornble sera. This com pany has, porpciiial clutrut... . Capital, . • iNKAUP paid M. Collusion', Fond OArce corner or Thiid and At atketureem, . , MARTIN, Agent. ' Insatraukee. • - • frllEundersigned,dttly wi th :raised Agentatthe Amar a. icon Coro Insurance Company of tihuletpbm, continues to effect insartomm los. or'letpyu, damage against it,,, on buildings, narrenandme, furniture and property, not extol lumardosts, ID this ray and tieinity. CIED.COCHILAN,MI wood st. 111 E Suuscumiont bon been apponned Agent pro . 1 oldie Imptranee COMpany Al . North &Mang', nod will lanai rullnies and attend w i be other nurture *Me Agency, al Lbe woreneuse of A k Co. . 11/74. P. J(.l,lltN, water in a=2=t 4 A CASKS Jae hlutcren k ton's broa .%kh jest lands ,ing frog alkoner Northern Light, • ne for solo by %V Sal mravia.VrisEr., .yss liberty • nag Warehouse. • • ' .- 7" , 111 kighest price pad fur good clews rug; also, C.V4llly bale tope; 'rasa rope; E. 10agiv".. a., W. C/LAL. tYKIL aPa " War* .t. Let. pee. a's libottr A titINCY uirrur: /LAZULI) L'OWDEIi. f,X).IIPA -11 NV, for the sok al - IWe, Hoek and (:link iteryowo der of oozy superior quality. 'City Alteloreel Y wilt be sukdied at say Yaw during the day. • Josue!' LumvoßTit CANAL COAT FOR HAI -• • oablo . For sO with Wafture, eableov to. urooploto. at CANNIEN, WALLACE ir Co,' or of • aorto • ALEX eAIIEXON,AIkIbOA ALt:R ATCS—. Zr safe by & Co, eyYl• pfivisl.g EIBE • ocesmos to Arbuckle h. AyFry,) • ^ Proporto IP. ("LIMP ' ItOrt. ELLMAKER, ECKY &. CO., FLOUR FAQ TQIIS, • • And General COMMolifilslllla N 0.13 Sam IYiraa Smola_ PHILADELPHIA. EFERENCr3-11eury Graf kb°, Prueburgh. S. Rodgers ley Sb. Sherloc ou, s k, j,,,,th mw s: Schoo A. fiLJantoury, Marmite. Charles Baahno, Jr., Louisville., Dutii h. Humphre ys blerem, Bro. it Co. C°. . }Miura Reed A Bomber, • • Durdh A Commery, Nev. lork. GIZOIIGE cocrizum " • com =mum.% sat liferwsurdisig Marro limits' • so. 95 sum, sr., ransoms riONTLNCES . to tesmiet a general CosinnisMos timi ia• nem, opema.lly io the gussbass and hale Anserie can Manufmturea and Prods., and II owecirlsig forwitolag (tads unsigned to his care. ga Aria Oir the Malin/mimes, ke will be constantly suppheil wily Ms principal ankles of Pittsburgh glansfamare at the lowest 'wholesale prices Orders/ and consignments arerespcsitally salmi tad. • s r. 527 ' s .111111110. Bo P. coaww t 113CIRTSMULITII, Olds Cominismon and " ForwmiCing Merchant. sad Prodnen , DCalers—alsis analUm Pose ham, gsle Ind Shimeat Pig Iron, Coal, to Noss Brown, Bailey h. Co.; Henry Grad, LS Leeches Co., Clarks is Thaws . Morood, Jones & Co, Loma, Sterling Co , tikif, Linnloay & Co., Lyon, Bbo, & C 6, , A fit. W. ASINIVIJi. 1.314 - a of /qua:argil, . Late , ol'Nashrdle, LEHMER i. ANDERSONi DEALERS IN eAYITON FOUWALIDING k 0431- ANSSION AIMICHANTN, ' • no. nil. mit; nor= uoaowArpasnalunoNvo. • Refer to Aleiehaota penerally,io rWwr64 tap! GEORGE, A. BERIFii : . WHOLICSIALIC FORIRDIAG IS CHIA?, • • AND Dlat • Iron, Netts , Cottonlin EAL sits 4r, Pittsbeirgh litaisulbstures guisSraig, - ao. is' 'WOOD friar. myinvae, ra. • • ECTIOMEEE3k - CUililBllloll ERICH . Min. • ALEX. LEVY 4 BROIL CINCINNATI AND ST. LOC el. • Oter to at at either establtshateut, all Made and rhamiltic, at Ma for Mee COMILMMOSM,ICLA are always prepared to mate advances. The hen *trete. maces soca It required. Letters addressed weather Marne, beirocuptly attendedto. jp.HM, a MM.. LOTT. 11, )1110111: - a. a. BMITION LOVE . , MARTIN 4 00. i: Produce' And Conetsdetlien Mereliaats, N 0.5, klopkinhi Ham, Exchatige Place, Bo..rusatur. Hamm to-eilavldsoo, Sanders keo,./oka K. Handal, Hugh Jenkins, Halhotera, M. Allen Co Sellers & Ni eule, Hampton, Smith k Co., Shackle& A White, 101.. hur Ad . %Wheeler, TO Stmaghneevey & Co, (Seism TIMYTYO, M. CMOll[l, ""' THOMPSON Ik, CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MEACH/PpITS. And Maaed m 0 /oneine•oo OH, Na 20 Coltould• street, IptiaMon them. ,_Arremet paid kts Flammed. MiLtialL;j 7: rearardlatg Merelhant./Brolereisvla4Pate &hands p.atietuarly to the Forwarding a Produce, Charles Taylor, Alabrom WLite, 41krott!tf:rioasas, For * - iurunnatipn, apply in FORSYTH t CUN LAN; Waierst. oellc' u. • w. T. PATC . ... W. MAT/law; - • MA 'MEWS & PATCIP s COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , • %I o. lib Water atraay till ;. giic artelinoll lo selling ' c tP ro- duce, nrierio niers fur purchasing. Kum iv—George Morgan ts Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. auk! . • impost late :wary t eniepard. miIk.PAILD AUU?JOCOMNISSIUN 11 LiUi BT4 . _ .w the old mud of thray & edrepardj Diaahmille, Taiwan; IxTILL give prompt and truthful attertiaat to the,iale V V of Dry tlooda,liniceries, awl Merchandise gen erally. They feel prepared to attend well the depart. weals or their beanie. afficlemly and (dealing in &a goads kir their own aerieentleinparsially. Neter to M. Allen, & Coi J. W. Duna & Cog Pins- _ C UNNERAAL conansistuar lIU PuivrtiErintrwe PRODUCk; ritUVItIIVNS, Itriond BR Burro's Woo., BALTIMORE, ma co—Moiebants of Pluobufel. Cranglo & Co. • L 144 A Worn" ' N REE D & C 0., Mucus.; to Rood k Co a l Elba CiiiilB6l6ll"l/21414 Potietaad 'attention paid in the IOSTU gale of ‘ ' Vool; tool Lher• -• • _ _ EIC!!MI iria;i4.11114167,1; 70171;t1= . 4. ' .47164vi1y .ITv...araomeorniu&nara.rth. h." ajt' SION •fial.fetainef Wyoutiug !or sale op . itetoan-. .00dattag terms. For partteal4us tuoite .• • . .-••94 W - • 43 Wain agdyrogr; 4.0 • LITERARY. To COatatry 1110.. A LARGEST9CiI books ,Stairoa • an', Ado statable...cuontry aalcs; mood . are ek Writing Papers, order, tttcdioai a.l eon.. gall. Letter Paper do -do do do Note Paper do do, . do Note .4 Letter Envelop.: • Slat., Pencils Wafers, QWII6 and Suet Pens; Window Paper , (yard ari.) plain Rol printed; Roo.; Boards, of diderent who.. - - Weak Books, in great variety; Pointy, Reboot and Poeket W titer, Crown. =aims, and doable IMMTlorrapping paper; Alethade's Eclectic Spellers and Be Were; Ray's Eclectic Arolooeties- Conb's Pri- and Meade— rte., scpe 4 era aidt Regeriq • Arid tlasd :nefies, brAdama,*lavia . Colbarn, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, and others. rie= l l7in b il Y o l il d l i . m. u'h.l4°l"T'"ki""e ' Gwd. Grammars, by Sm ith, Kirkham Hellions, Wahl, and °diem For sale al low prices, br " ' itmata.os,.• • . • et wood at, 5 a doors above Ch. The highest market prim paid An goOd mixed ngs,, Now Publleationeri. • • XKILTON`d POSAIS, 111nsuatiaL .A.sea new _ln edition of the Poetical worksof . John Hilton, with. a memoir, and critical relearn mint pule. end wri tings, by James Montgomery; and one hiGidred and twenty :ravings from drawing. try William Raney. In Screen's Gnu Trarrotsw..—The taw Gospel. ' arid dela of the Apart:ea, in Greek, with , English notes, Critical, philosophical i and czefedeali mopo, Indexes, etc, together renal the Wider and etweal ypse; the whole :terming the New Teetement—}or the i.e. of Schools, Colleges, end .Thological Seminaries. By Fs, J. A. keresear,_ • A New Noverf—hlidwunnier's Eve—A fairy tale. 4 love. lly Alm B. C. Nall. • ' „ Jaws.' liter - IV .— The life. of Henry the" Fourth, king of France and Narine, Ily G. P. IL • 4arnes.' co. f . o lc e tv A l: ,: ur, p. 1 , 0= &l e t clo th . • fang 11 1 c4sellers;Corner of market and ad on BOOKS -At the Akiollo Buildings, FoorthstreeL near Wood.--Ireland s Welcome to die Stranger; The Czar, by Court and People; by TH Maxwell; • The Orators of Prance; - The Lives Of the Apostles, by Bacon,' - • The Piaritans and their hinnetples, by'E The Cannibal.. sad Canons of the holy Apostle, with a Prise Essay; Allison's Lire of the Duke of Mullah:rag/li' Neenderis Lire or Cilia' I, in Us hlitocevl cOaneetidA and historical developemen& - Harper'. and pub, getter-idly. School 'Mole, Paper, &summitry, he. NEW BOOKS at she Apollo Buildings, 4 1b sireef. The 111ilitar7 Life ofJohn, Dote of Marlborough; with colored maps: hi% Allison, • Second Vol. Chalmers` Posthumous Wisrkserips tutu Re ailing ' . The Life alexia Cluist, in its historical connection and historical develops:menu by Augustus NeandeM Translatedirom the gib Grum. edition ItyJobn Mc- Clintock and Chas E Blumettaludipefessors in Dick inson College : - - Fourth Vol. Pictorial History of, England.• Now and Then, by Dr. IVerren, author of Teti _ThOusand uYear, and others too numerous to Mention. .Call and see. . .10 • J L BEAD.' CHM Institution tinder the separation of 1111 r. and tun. Uostotn, te s t tales : . 4 fe e the te V eepoon pu eerdrMaii#llNfittiMC , • e. • fro! • • Vleatd es have tugeztthoaadesie; *Cru:betetr w • led toze an erappieation- For te so. treater. or apply to the ProteipaL ' ap7 - ORWARDING .& COMMISSION' ow. - • Ti • • r. citaaLics kt. DAIIENHOWER a. CO. TOBACCO COIIIIIIIIOII IBILCHITN, N 0.52 Sooth Wharves,and No. 117 Rou th „Water PIIIWELINILL IDIPRGS to informs the took entl dealerbgensrally, of jj PittaLtirgh, Manley havergh, inade attelerrangernents with the Virginia 61.11/213lilleta and the Growers of the West, West holies, sod other glister, os will banns a large sod constaot supply of the following deacrip dona of Tobacco, which will be mold upon as accuse , soodating terms as any otber house this city or else where, and all goods ordered bora theta be WSJ. were. 14411.11 i o roptbscutation: Harms; HLunit go; Conn, Tara; Porto Rico; Perudi4lSted Leaf to. ; Cuba. ent; / Florida; bacco; Al.:SO—Branch W 's Arlebrawd Aromatic Stag thiven• whit Large nssortureut of ether popular brands, and qualities of pounds, Zs, ho, 13., Ida and TN; Lositp; be, 6, ca and lit. Plug; Lathes' Twist; Virginia 'Tong, be., sorrel andislain, in whole and halt beses s wood and Ito, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. jelltd/y a. LIAM. ;." oultrypX. 'it AIMII Z 7 NESBIT iGAILRETSON,' • PoducFLOomans a FA CTOR r S w arding Cti Noun '1 •ZU Uni W.Hez Sr, PHILADELPHIA. • • Runirro—John I/ Drown it Co. Robert Steen &Co. • Ha, 4n2b, un, Dearer it Co. P h i4d.'o 6 ". • • Dmith,ilasoley & Co. Allen & Paxton, New York. , • & Harvey; Baltimore. Hataley &Smith, . Henley, grown & Co. Pin ' an g h ' Kier & Jones, Ilo"Linend cash ininninees oo consignnwpw Ho. roaiHndly =:l:=ffl NUMMI TO SUIPPLiteI ha•e taken - en peke Immediately oar burnt warehouse, fur the prevent, w re we transact buahless as maws!, aunt a new house can reeled, arrangenteins haysng already been wade hat pumnsa. Mats will always be tit readinesi at annulus receive freight. • . • • C A hI'ANULTY th. COS I Hui. Liberty at BURGH;` .TEEMaDA MPAIIVIKEififa co-PewrintlesuiP. , • y Whir( kI..INISTEDS: hate .this day. associated. crab Ihem in the Hamlware business, PWil von and Edward - Gregg. T h e - my k of fir m here after be Logan, Nilson! Co. This emu i re . . dery it desirable to close the old busiMeu air n Possible: All pirrrems whose lisidlities have matured, an especially requested to male imowiliate.payinent. Piaibursh, Jan 1, 119. " I • OGAN, {VILSON & CO.--hopone , and Wholesale Dealers inForelen and Domestic ry lerd. ware, Crniery, saddlery, tee, 129. Wood street, inn borgielera now fully prepared with a recently unpor. led stock - of !hardware, Cutlery, lee., to °Carver). great . lisducements to westerq 'buyers, being detencaust to compete io prices with any of the Atlantic cities. Al. so on kande). extensive anortmectzfpiushisigh Bard; th r ettrei l t uVf=s COATNEISSUIp. T/11.1sabscrthers having recently entered into . partnership under th e name of Gal ogler/ long, d.tdilleathr 'the purpose of carrying width Bell and Dram Peninding mid Geo Fining business in Ito bionebett, homy token Vie at.d &randy meta tra Gllagher, No. lOU From Anon, between eed and Senithgeld sts., witerdth - are prepared to egemne W olden tor Bella Brass Cwlaga , of every description; and Gas Palings with neatness . and.de. patch. Steamboat jobbing prontaly attended too'" • 'LONG • I. • • r": !GLUM. - • 8.- - -The attention Of Machinists and Engineer" Is. invted Mout anthopmetion metal, fora reduced Price, which bin been, pronounced superior to hobbit's by nombess who have used both:. Steamboat buildemand the pnblio, generally, are alm requested to call and ex. amine oar - superior double [action Force Pampa for I sosamboat and domestin nor. asuaollEß, LONG { & ittutt. • , I~tliEa parinership Dl ~ o t~eai.tln6 under d. item al 5 M'Coid t. Fong, woo by mutual d .on the Isfinst. -The businethwill be japed at &sold stand by either of no, using_ the name of the Gem toe that pothole. Being desirous to _base our busiaess rioted with no little delay as oossible: We would re, theetfolly• request (hone. indebted to call and :male , their itemannts.,. /OLIN D. B'COR/i, jmnl ' —II. • . • Ce.Partanerahlp, • TORN D. ?MORD baring arsocnocd with hinunii . brotherMerin% under the atyle of •ACCord * te Co., will contlnue•the Cop an and Par butinesit in all ussato. branebes,:wholesale and retail; at.the old standreorner of Wood and 6th sweets, seller* they notion a continuation of the patronage so liberal/y.lw Wowed °tube old firm.- JOIDUD iliCCOltDru• jaLD ' JAhlt.".4 S. TI , CORD:' 'IN rentieg from the oldwell known.l/n;s,ol hl'Cord a . Xing. I most respeally rcoomooo4 rn the patronage of the pablie say. successors, Messrs:, Weald. fr. Co. • • ra2h IDNO. • Ow-Panay rehlp bletlee. E Ibis day catered inhoe eopartnershiri coder atyle , yutd firm Stephata-Shoenberger Co., at the An4or ibenssorks-DOweliag, Va., for the minutiae of m a an-. factoring con and nails of every descuptiou. rmistaz; a. It. mu...mom ♦ L A. rroacm. STXPILICTIII4 11110ENB88UMIL & ANCHOR IRON WORKS. • - '.--•ra: Alanattettire all tied of boiler, sham, par Won and nada, A. IL steel eliptie springs and axles. Being con. netted with Shoeftberger's old Janata work., we.can offer. to ardent of "[amain jrnn,ltirtuded Shoenberger) equal to any made in the country. Al! 'of Which Wilt be sold at thh Pinsburgh price.. iWarehouse [tithe. Workscatimr ofNouroe and {Pater DISSOLUTION. liE Co.partnendbp 'of the aabseribent, ender the firm of Lewis Ilutchison la Ibis clay dissolved by mutual consent. kther of us will attend to t h e bet llment ni the firm, and eat in name for that purpow. UN • Lthik A. HUTC/11.4024. . - CTOsPinThtigaghilP•;' • ' IM undersigned Lave this day lamed a-co-partner ship, under the firm ..rattnes A. Untehisou & te-r4 for the inirpose or eolith:unity- the business heletoture carried on by Lewis lintchtson m Caosuil solicit continuance al this patronage: hitherto extended lona. Louie. isirreiii,oN, LEWIS ittr4:lllno7l. Pittsburgh, Jan.1,1&41 DISSOLUTIOX--Tbe parhiership &therm. ells& oig under the stkie sad hon. of Wightuutt Dah adri`ss this day dissaired by pausal e.o.m. lobo-Dal lett having disposed of his entire Interest toll be boson. of tho hate b.. oral be setU6d U. Wiglionan,arlio is authorised to ese the hatte of the late Lew Cur that " 11 I%IGIITAIAN.' - apt:alder Lialyl,l7J THE Sabsenber u hoar prepared itto ntannfactare all kinds of Cotton.ond kbwkincry, at the shonest notice. (Odors left at IL WhtWhaan's Engine ear; net Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt attemion. .WICiIfTIiJAN, Lewok between Patent! and Sainhisq sta., • .010diy • .Alleglituv cay, LOLUTION—The partnership existlas. troy the subsenbers, under style of Poandexter .02 W dissolved on the Istfnst. loyt annual 0213.1.. It. IV. Pas oindexter ts authurthed lose:de all the business et the concern. R. W. POINDENTLN, IL GRANT. • • purchaaed the entire intercat ere. 11. lir oat, in the late couoem of Poludexter A Uo. , mut associated nay son,Theodora Poosx' lesuf l, buaineas will be maim su maimed as ual =do w t the style of Poindexter a:c. apy U W POINDKITtiIt. UNDERSIGNED, do;ng Warne. tinder Met •1 mow of Ankara& NictioLon, at their toandry cot !MOW area, have this day, by annual coneetit, Alward. teed their co•partnetship. All time knowing them selves • Welded. to the Ina, are requested to call at their warehouse DU liberty street, opposite Arad of Wood, and wale; and ell laving claims against them will parietal them so the SILIVISIMIT-0 kn. settlement. J lIN ARTHUR: 4, JOHN NICHOLSON. re jladlit. apA•thn • Ass ociation. olot FARROI SASILIEL WIWITATAN bbr- J themselves together ander the firm of Joho Farrell k Co., for the Now. of tenant:mg the binil.l 'sue' , will folllintge transact a-general forvraribrig .41 contedsaion Moe. news at Mc old email at the Venal Hindu, Liberty street. VARNEY, • *Ol!' SAII'L IVICIIITMAN. EOTICP.—James M. Iltzehfield Onion:merest tho Doi. (Mock Balsams et...hooted tha Inoue arum mined, coroor of Ranh and /dorkot ors, Puts burgh, ocasitonelog Fob. 4, IMs. Tho trimness An the pnmoot bioanduevol under ilia (orator uole of %V It All/RPIIV CIP.P.II.IITNXIISIIIIP—Ws. 'lmmo beeriag tbiri esweiwoil with him, Jo lit R. Allhow„tlie tee the/ besinwiewrill bereetter be einektewd moiler We Ina of IVw. Young k. Co. WILLIAM. YOUNG, ettS I ' MVO. .WCIINK MEDICAL. Japnee•Expeetorant. !Lime, Cislambisna co, 0., Apr. 91, I'l4l. DD. JAYNES: Max 131*,--1 feel tonna to coo sod the aflicted public, to avail myself of this op portunity orgiciagpublicity to the extraordittary cruets of your is on myself. Hering beau *Mimed for acae yeses • with a severe cough, beetle fever and its tit diseases, and seemed 0017 doomed to Leger Out • short bat miserable existence, mail the Colt of /KM, when, being more severely stuaked, and having mottled Wall my former reassign, sad rho pre scripucmi of two of the moat respectable physicians is the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the rousolation of swerving hot a few days or weeks at farthest =when the last gleam of hope was about to smash, lhad recOmmendeil to me your Expectorant— s/1061mnd by that Wing who do. 'dungy in the too of fist Oteaaand ...emery to the elpeetellone of my physicists• and fruads„.l was to a few digit mired from my led, nod .w entailed by Ma to. of bottle, to attend to Icy 'isi tiehi, eeloyaker since better health then 1 bad fee toad Respectfully Twits, ere.. las.' IV. Rama. For sale or pipabutgli, at the Pekin Tel Store, 72 Fourth street.. mar. 9 • el. O.('susionrii,) • .1. 117111cst., N. V. City. 11. 1.. Finsafiiirmo, 'Pittsburgh. G. IV_ Vauaaaree,.) • . Wholesale Drug .Store In 'the City of hew York. • . • uage”igned 'rue extensively engaged in the J. Wholesale thug bustoess at No. 49 John street, in the city Id' Scot lork,',uutl are prepared to supply Druggist., aid country Alerchasts with Drugs, taint., Dyfisiuth, Vole in Aniencati l'ettumery. Mander,iVeater S. Menders Climulests, logtheir own lutportaisinl, unit all other mattes in their him of Wm .., or al Inferior quality us lute on they can 1/1/ punt chased.° dint or guy easiest. city. New Ydik, FebtO It. A. VAIINFSTOCK d. Co. Merober's Chrome Ore*. fro PAINTERS, 1.15,1fi1l MAKERS, fro—We •Rie J, undersigned, Panionsand MOW Naive., of di;i city of New York, bare used mid tested, andlue now Ming • new article ot Chu* Green, anomie tared by Geo. R. Marcher, of this city, and fi nd It to work well, pro ducing • fi llet brilliant Paris Green appearance j with a very superior body, •nd recommend to Out brethren to Wade as In every particular the best Chrome Green we have ever used. New York, Jane I, '47. , Signed 451 grins of prettier,' 'painters of the city of New York. This unequalied Chrome Green may be hid of R. E. SELLIIRS, No 57 Wood street, who has the exclußve agency for its mole in Pittsburgh. • roml3 A Flue Sot of Teeciiriiiieitiiirir WILE= 71.1311, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY Gl.l9.—Yellow and unhealthy troth, after be ing come tie twice cleaned with Jones' Andaretiodi Paste, knife theappeannire of the most beautiful imry, and at the same tune ills vs perfectly innocent and ex• ;pliantly fine, that Its constant dolly one Is highly ad, vmtagernis, eyed to-those teeth that are in a geed con dition, ging ado a beautiful polish, and preventing a P". SS WRITieuY: •, Thom already decayed it prevents Ram becoming worsis—it also tmletro melt as are be , coming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest testi delicately white, and make Me Ltetub de. lirionaly FrAn. kohl by .WII. JACKSON, h 9 liberty net.' mar 9 B. A. PAUNZIITOGIVII VERNLP WYK . A FEW Week. mince, one of my children, egtd about „naive years, was lumen for several dare, oil the sllnear inereued so alarintugly 'care deadi would be the result. flaring heard of the ganl effect. of Pahnastoek's Yermifuge when administered to the children (dm)/ tivillborr, cud thinking my child ought boo worms, iron some orate sym ms pto, gave it one end . lialllcupoonfula of the Verntifuge, and to my great utonishment It almost immediately 'dirrhargell between :150 and 260 large worm.. Re health weir mon teetered, and it le now remarkably well. Preyions to taking the Vermiruse. the worm. would curainntelly rise in its throat, null I often feared it would diefrom strangulation. JAB. U. DAlYttf.A. wn.g. co, Pa., April 3, 1 1111. opt., popearar e ba aaaaa Cloodt SELLERS' FAhIILY - hIEDICINICS. Coot. Bratho, Jettenon Co, Peat Web 1, Is l. ANA lIE SkILLEILS—I have nearly the Ver. miinge and Cough pyrop you gent ino:J Yon. Ver t:ll,4e without excepuon the best everoterW indite neighborhood, having prov ed iver /WM l gord wherever Cough *rap and Lava also given sat ialaction Your olir edit. J tiCarT, rosumArr. Prone:ad and sold by IL HELLEICS, Wood elj sold by Dr Cassel, Bch Ward; D M Curry, Allegheny; at W J smith, Tentpenuteoville. - . mart 1;30111IN VALID§ ARIIINFANT37—AVIiiinciii; „C rivW Boot Ronk Powder, a delicion. and 'Wahl,' ',whams food, which never tarns acid on the StO01•0, and U now nniveraany rreornineented by bha *Why in preference .10 (Cruel, Sago,:repthea, or plain Arrow kagt, ea better oohed Id the debilitated sionach -of In- V= !Au:lX:truing nir t v. s lu t Me food__ 31 - 6RMNG;! aJN.E WO 1' E L 8 vocrSTAIII HOTEL. . . LIGHT STREET. BALTIMORE.. xqo AND TavartON, Vaornicron. Tills emahlishment long awl widely knows as being one of the most commodious In the city of . ltalumore, bun recently undergone - very exten sive altergeroas ' and improvementa. An enure new wing has bon added, coassining numerous and ai eleeping upartmeett, and eXteasire balking rem. ry • The• Ladies' department but also been 'eompletely reorganised and bred' up to ■ Most unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arrangement ofshe Howe has been remodeled, with a single - eye ea tho part of the proprietors. towards the comfort and plemare 'of ' their Guests, and which they con&leraly amen will challenge comparison with any ,Hotel in the Union. Their table will einem" be supplied with every sub-' menial and barmy whiettt4hevnatket Aden*, 'erred. ap in a sepersor style; while us the way of IVines, they will mot be tem./tog- - • • to conclusion lac proprietors belts Say, that oothinyt will be left undone on their pan, and on the part of them asd'hotLm render this Hotel wordy the 'elnetintred pallonars at their friends and the public generally. • 'lla pores for board have also been reduced to the •,Utlemen's Ordinary, gipso per day. en N.•l4—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will sl imy. be found at the Car apd • Steamboat -Landings, whit* will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free PEARL STREET 11001 Es. ' Curastarn, I TIIR I m o b r agie i c r rat t .n imt . : . the Je t t: MI well known eamblialiMent,,beg leave to state fricilds and th e public, generally, that they here taken this commodious Hotel for a term of years, and will exert their. best energies to make it a desirable home for Trivellemend City Sainiera 'The Hotel lircinciam and admirably planned for convenience, litt and air, having a number of parlor,. adjoining oliam re, preseatin' g menial au notions to The present proprietors having had the 'experience of year. in this city and eliewhere; hope they will be aMlero airs - general satislaeuon,-ham amen:tined to give_oodiviiled attention to the Mese Slone. , The location Ot the thud Street House te Uncommon ly. cifirike, bevieg frosts on ,Pearl, Wolnetand Third streets, so, that it is equally desir ableviewer the convenience 06mi:iota men. or retirement for private boarders. It is mar by the Bank, the Pon Ou Masonic Hall, Odd Fellow's Hall, and baton smite • distant from Nina Street and two squares tkomih= lehmf, puts atleeng the greaten losluccenenta ally le country merchant, and generally to all Persona Tatllot'Cianiatteti , JOHN P10ap,,,.. - 0101,41 DUBLE EXCLLANOR HOTEL. • 'cintarit or ems atm er,:cmia an. errnemon, ,bscriber having assumed the manage, 11 meaThe su t of this long established and popalar,Hotel, respectfully 41110.fe1l le Traveling 'autilie Public generally, that he wilt be at alt times prepared so accommodate them in • all - things desirable in a well J o Hotel: The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughomy sag new Fermium sulded, end re pains svglbe , :pored to meta Op Srehange one of the ve.g . beal ig ni , the re/s it s a t i r i y., ‘ " of the very liberal p ed atronage the Home bat heretofore received. • • THOMAS OWSTON, • ` •-- JONEIP HOTIOL, , -' • - t 374 Man, aatar , PUILADIRIIL4. ITHE subscribers, raider the grin of Bridges -Weill,lture purchased bk./Imes , tauten or Wiz Istoblishesear, sad hope byllits strieteq allegitioll Ike svnatz and Comfort of their utists, to merit • cau tious... of Putonwitscssobri.reetivelf by itilorater proprieror. Tiro house has bun thoroLgh4 rclnsted, aaf re. paired; ore therefore feel usared vre eta irele.o.ll oµ, friends and the puLtie to secoiamcduitrtur curd to any in the city of E i taladelphis. i; 'N. W. Bainags, ytar - - JNO. WEST. - GALT GOMM, mem ism us lure sew enSelbasit. • ." .7111.1 establishment is asw.itt the !macular fox E the exception of the. Traveling' Pablie. flaring tonlergecte s thortaghjteptir dating the put winter, and baring . the LOA expenenced men is .the west in the various depenseenucl Illeurrmyeer Gel trill be pleased whia.c.ll/. The beeline isceeo4cOpi leaticus nod pleasant. Few 81 per dep. estiefinsall. March W.-F.:MAME N. 11—Allhosch not ezactir a new Broom, iris the, iente•-• new n'hicp on th e old handle. . apes" VEROINIA 'MOTEL. NEAR THE DEPOT, CUMBERLAND; MD. . 111118 house is neatly Sued up for the reception. and entertainment of We traveling public; Pim= in sZauM ores= and comfort will do well to an will and chambenielean sad nice, and Movable as well ihrmslied as any betel in the town =Cumberland,' at twenty-bey cents a meet • • it... and desperate means have be= varele as oily TUING•IO Nom this estabbsbnierth. bet as intelligent . 'public will rebuke them. The Virgin= Hotel h. moth mg to fear from honorable conmeteion—it is courted. ID - Meals =ant= table ant= &reveler thir touch es and cats, IVASIIINGTON .EVANS, mule . Proprietor THIIOCKMORTOWS GALT UQPSE, . .... . .. 2 ARItIIIIII.X.I3IIIEWON beg.waxquallat his friends that-he ix optio lessee of ilie GALT !lOUS ll', Louweil 10, Ey., whew he hopes to meet nil hie old friends, assuring them mid the public, list no effort .hall be reared to make all coo:towable who lhwtit bowerith thehriniteossite, -. ._ ijanlid/ ISarrap STATIC' HOTEL. %d " a ''.2'. .r/ " M 'Q Z " pPorta. ef'ofllea Troia u. . • 74. POPE b11TC1..71447., 411111WRICAN 110 TEL.. oututcur., . jaOPPOSITE the Railroad Depot. Pratt at. Rah. "Smote, I lENRY AL SMITE!, proprietor, (late of the Exchange lOW St. Charles Hotels, BOOK. TRADE. Baer Hooka Janet ittecelved. lf (MELO; Hiatory.ofMalem Philosoptry. eompLve .1.11 in one volume , bola the las t Lotulon edition, s't m Lectures on the law and the Compels, by !Stephen dL Tyne, D. Di new and enlarged edition, with portrait of the author, SLAG. Item= of Re, David Abu',late hisssionury to Chloe; by hi. north..., Rey. G. IL Itilliamson, with a po 2r n itireu. • 11rlethr ninety el Rip Christi. Religkur and Church. translated by Prof. Torrey, Vol.:. • ltheramone: a tale of and far England, la 191—, in two volume, from second London edition; SLR/ . Memoir of tV Centeke, Mithlonary m Africe s d/ cis. Personal Recollections, by Charlotte &readmit, with caplanatory note, accompank4 bye memoir embra cing the period from the clone of Panama recollection to heideatht; by L II .1 Toon.; 01.11 cent... Recollecbons in England; by Rev SU Tyag, . -Meth 11then, the Merehinr. Clerk; by Ree. Charles B. Tajlllor, 51 A, nether ol , ...Ri_reinds of • Good Man'. ldf ,r' -Lady Mary," - Mayan. oh the PearL”.lte.. The aborts ion received sod arrival. by ELLIDPPA EINGLISII turn 56 mulct.. between .7d and th • — i — saiess—Himorical trod liTtrre . t7 l lcarc i ti . Memoirs A. IMPrem JottePhßms bit IrliC of Nnpukott Bonaparte./ By M A Le Nor. mend. Venice. of the. Natural !Balmy of Creelieth • Percy ftenthorpc, or the Wortutudes of FOrtirai; by airs-Gore. • Emonce Itathourt, or. the . story of conflict between good and eriL • The Mysteties °Me Three Ohm, by Augmtine J it The nigual, or the Ring or the line Isle, Tbe Prisoner of Pante...tilt) E Teel. limit's Merchant's Magarine for March. • Democratic Review. " A splendid article Lare Edged Note paper and en velope. to mrespond. . . :boat for the l'eople, No 2. for Korth For axle at 3.1 A Mom., Smithfield nt, 51 door from " - Now IaOR 'nARTS puTLER ANALOGV—IIoOah's An .11. : rajah, of Bishop Unher's Analogy ollteltgla, Ass hind and Itreesled, to hacaled, constitnisoo and court of whore, with notes. Also, essafunrs Questions Tot ex. annuntrout revised and adopted to the use of whootri, - by -Cherie. Fs West, Phonies! ol'itutgers Itutloste, an the nip Of Now York. . . i • ANTIION'it: DE SNNECTLTE, DC 41111CITIAS, ke.—The de tteuretuw, de Antietam, Paradodlt‘hed hot:womb SeJpione of Cieero, and the 'Life of Auteuil, by Cornelius Nejos, with FAglieb Notes, CM:icor end Explanatur %, by Charles Anthon, D. THE DO '3 SIRING DOOK—Deseriptibn of tM n.r. ntwint Life, Country Auture• went*, bit Thomas Miller', with de illustratiotw • A he 'EL BY eIARRVA'IT—The Children of lb. Now Fore.; by Owl Damon, R: N. SIR TIIEOIRMEDROIRiItDUN, or Laurel Water; by (LP:R./amen. • The above work, received thia day, and for aala by JOIINWrOri AbIitTOICKTOIV, myls Bok.hen, ear • ket sad New Paper mad Neele—lestabliahment, 7. Moo gr., asirwunt porrrst ASO Thome. Au.se. ItL,7tPri t •l'"stOe'lln:f q n :ili . t . ies tb"6 ,l7l plain white and ohm. Writing arid moles Paper, cow; !octant md pocket post Plat Cap, demy and medial.. writing kippers, roe blank books; medium and royal co.. toted Printing Papers. medium; decry Itlni cap Day' Booksand Ledgers, itiparior Fakeer cad Mgt Legere . binding; School Books of all kinds; ...Ward - works In Theology and Sciences; Quills, gold cad steel Pens, Waters, IV., Hill File., am. Blank Books of ensiles toted • and bonrnd ht the mint sobtimmiel manner.,. Country Metii. Supplied tit lowest ludnalo cies for cash. or togs at cash prima. • /011 PHINTIN.-11ming a Job °Mee in comet M poi with out establishment, we are preinsted to feet me all orders ...lain and fancy Printing—books, pamphlets, citc.lars, bushiese card., bills orlading, be. with dem h sod at low prices. 11.13.101 TA EtitlilA/3. nr)l ',tit Mood st; isieen 4th nod dlateloodallelo • A T aIN tOTORE on Market .trees, NuinG, between lid and thin rosy avoll dosee.bo stock of Theo log ica l md AUscellmeous books received m soon an published, con! , 3-1,7 eat prices. The publication. oldie Amer, School Union aril Nassachomlls Sabbatl, ciety,.lways on hand, Catalogue. Thrd . F. ELLitrrr say. ,l 4 market at, betmenti;.-• TT. . . ISTORIPJ.I--Robertmon's.Hoak. Rollin's, GJI:- • seire, Mod. Hemp., Preseott's Matici.,:,. hpicliclet's .PranceLArnold'e Hortie, Harpi England, N tcbulto Rome; Hallam's Comfit/ Wellit iti ft:l 4. ; A l; '" ; ! s i lt:;7 . l l;tro C oZ : '': notes; ILellatu'ihliddl e e ages; owl's Crusa(l:,..-, ulry; ilrovritlng's Ilisatry of the Roguend Historical Works; Nom's History of the PtiV Preach Roe; Taylor's Manual°, Ane't inA....._•: 1,1101,041101100 10 the History of the Cher' , . : Maintop. Rome end Hoolamh Renlnes .. , • •above, with many other valuebloarorke, ', •.:.' NEHrIZUHS—Junt received at the .r.... , legs, eth .treat, and for sale by J. I .:.'' mance of the !Benny of Loulsiattay teener •?';', by C. Guyette. '1 . . - ' A discourse on the life, character anti .. ~- ces of James Kent, late Chancellor of the!:,..'• : fort; delivered before the Judiciary a _';' cOy sod state of New York, by John Doe '.. history of England, Ham the 10..1011; • •'. one to the reign of Victoria; by him Moe ...' ' editlon, revised and efolarotal , l .Ri tg.,:- ' ' Rabbi.. NyilV 1 1 00HH—Jast received mom ' • - ' :" end for Weal thiblethodlst H00k,_,.., , , . user Wood. Topper's Proverbial Pldler •:,... user of bindle& a bhaellhil book for a 'S=alien theldpit. '• • r"..-; • eof Menu on the .Paraidie ~' of Christ, tly tho sta*r onto: Polpit t'y - 1..',. sketches, kg... The English Polpla,cok.-..-j,‘, 4110111 by, the most eminent living dlynteezr,,, • Altillavelta Vota=lhano Good, Clinti,,', - :, - ;•!, eel Shall nte,Sacred - I,lrdniukun, -..- :-.!;,:,',,, • 'lB4B - MISCELLANEOUS. maim tmeemenve. -- - I - ' - • •• int c lava • - (Late J fideriekkr & Co.) - ILIANURACTURERS of Phomix. Ire proof safes, .co JJJ. bomb aide, woad. mew - between Word and r. Benultfield Pittaborgh_ .1. ti Stockier having dammed and the mesiring parteer Itf.r. Jos Limeneatt, ;snag asaociated himself with 41, Wm C Barr, the busies= will ha reafbmbe condected ander the +KM :of LiePtot - ' Trial of a safe in Cincinami, 0,-We, Mattagami.- '' id werepreeent at t h e testing of. eat of .1 it Einickler &.. Co's. improved PhmaLi Ere-proof urea The safe wu,! placed in a femme bathe public butding, and mbieseted to the intense /maid a mono coal ire for more•Shatt three hone . In one hour and a halfshe sofa muse .to 'CLI.=," ral Which h r ; 'he art Meteor tit and se:adj. beat 6::; the balance balanced Ike time, until the east Iron wheels were 'panially melted oM the furnace ems Mtn this:madmen •, and the safe, tookd and opened, ThelttOnly, and books which it cornained were es perfect = placed there, the binding only, of the book. -beher ins . lured by the water in 000 ling the safe. We Ors so , hesitation in Water it tothe public, - as • say. auperior to any - we hese over sonstested, and believe I that it will nand any heel which might be pnahmed, I xcept ahem winch would maltit so &stolid 'mass. ,-.- 1 •ReBaPit6"S'a U Vbi eMO L Pl "bi"' rtnif e klea th ltZ 't Co, m Ms ' I .! Wm - Miuteeci 'Slitietrr r ' ." '' ' ”*" -. .; . Nr.;. tho andentignel f selected ihrt . Are Vitbl above, from a lot in the Mora,..pf Veber& 4... •dm Agent* ' • ' ' . ,C G SPutmo ' .. . , .. .. . . . ~ . Refer to Cook & Harri CU iii Bmkers, ittsbarghL. Raney ilanna & Co, do t , do IfeddaretrB -- um:a:arr. -.-• - . rum D. 1 - Ws Italle/X.' Ll PPEimirrApiom. ' .L • • ' IirAISUFAC fURERS' of Ramose red and beef Meet .1.1.1. Rhombi and Spades axes midllfatehitz, MU, /4 Out, Circular and Gut Baws, Hay . pd Manua Fork., !floes, Mattock!, Pleks,'*.e..., hammeempleted all their , unangements m the oroistmetioner new machinary, , r cud in assuring the best. worknotta t ont tha most eel.. .bratedastabliehments - Mao Fin e now atenufictur ing and will keep emmunitly on - and &use!. ail , Islet abore articles, having availed:l - themselves of the ',latest improvements, and me date:Weed that I-01 - wark= manahlp and material they. will nothe excelleal..,TheY ;months to produce ankles edualiff DOI 1 4/811.01 . , K. soy MU ea t be had its the Emt: invite theimen , • don of dealers to an . exesdamion, e their stock beam fumbasing elsewhere, 4 th ey am Mimed that they will bewails to MI dl :Orders la lino to the...rube .estisfactioa ofparchamm. Ware Widavattrec; 4 doors West Monangahela Rouse, . 11 ah, r. N. EL—Persons hart* built4th 1 ..,Lippert i 'ma & Soo aril please cell ea • Ii 'tt LCD. -. •• Pllttab t•Faxnaleteri WAre 'Room!, • . at_ A latge mud Aplendid gtmoontofFutui, tuir,sunable far Stalsolg andliri• " '.rate dorellluga, - comma do Imad Mid Tho Inroamt met 04 , 1mA 'MuutiCbi ene.ded_ by tuiTqa.f.atory. Ow IRMO. try. , rel2ano . .41,1140 ,la punka.* mould do well Aivo me a call, -r am detanoltad, My . p ri ces' #o.gaese.. the stock °maims • mOot ride Plush - mut /4 1,0 67 , YN0ne Ck. u . oy. Work dos mabogsnyllooklut hai • , Is marble top Westing liktnimunt" , ' • , 8 marble top W ort alawki " 19 eber , y Work 8(oodoj gitiortifttios, , ma a - Ira; as4AMA'ortliatmou funumor sod.chairM too ustommo - .. m attattiod.".•'"' - ' I .. . LAMA AO. CALITIONEVAGg=pr til ... ' : . ~ COMMON PREPARED 0 frIIIEY am ml aware how Mentally iiaratimurit Ls ie 1. 04 skin—bow <Dam p bow no.trootowaallawael• lo* and Unhealthy the alon aux wit.ri. mar P",____P" - pared chalk: Besides it Linjune: rui,uoiirllmige. gWoUre_l% -a_beini ' . _imbue Le'Jelliti4 'widen we on% JOIMPaRgLYII I I agsa:millgE : is a pertectli iidemat, being purified of ysl _VI. delule . ii qualitien'and it ii!ißllil 10 skim a ti, nealMY,,, alabaner,elearilivingurhile; at the wog - time tering es a . commnt on the Mdrionaking item; and emeoda..._ __':- Dr Jules arelerseor;gmetieal Chempt of masa., 'ebuseua MYII: . l . Aller ..Inuit s l ii , ,t 1 p mai si all While,Ttiud it possesses di stOt Leandro' lad nal* ral: and id the same time igocedt whit/ Liver saw. I 'eenainli can conscientiously recommend-Jig - ma mull Whose skirt mim , beautifying," Plicei Pi cents a Log. Sok! by W ALJAS.l lo3 oN,e9Libeiigia =MD .. Plat iliebliata Watteau*- te a?,P4l . .TWIN WRIGHT & Co., ore Israpare4l4aihl Cotton. al and 'Woolen Machinery of avert. tau:Nog mei AZ C.Visrllr:lina;:rfre'xtivapw44 reedieeLs: Dressing Wawa Looms, Card Qua.* &a. Vr4ndbi Iron Shading turned; all sizes of Cut Iron; Rahn and '. Augers of dm laust,proents, idide and laud Lathaa and woo of all kill& tt stings .of every: &unplug feudal's , / =short notice. Patterns miide4.o order for Nal Pnaang, Inns tailing, /he.' attain Eve (or tam ale Factories. Cast Iron AVOW... , Sastrana fancy ti o f do tenerally.. Orders. led at the Warehouse of/. Palmer & Co, L iberty "treat, Will illlVtipexapt acten, boo.' ... , . Hefei U. - Blacturiet; Bell a Co,. J. K. hroorehead & Co., O. E iVarner, John Irwin & aton.4 U. Fatal:Kolb ; G. P. &J. Warns.", -L7.'' t • ludir • ____ , 4 ' /`lt DINLY YZNE .. . spying, Axle, Stool sad Ifni* Works. ILEIaN, O. haN aga sompleted Nj'lbtat usa , w ULLMA ork& am sour psepanal wawa/W.' tuft every deseopoon of Coach and tipne h.= Iron &Elm, American, Muer, !iptiat as 4 atneloml all eites of Ulan. plum and mood fru, wW ch Unar/et for saleou liberal to &mien wans hum, c 043 Wood .twee wham thy also keep ma hand a complem and /sandman aseoressem, of Caleb I , 4 4 .eti.sl? and Nutters'; Maficable C.aoingp, C If. t Co., bare made ursageraista yr/dal/oasts Du & Croft; asmfurarersofShorela, Spade., any te. and end keep c. , . . t.. . hand every ankle .an by them. Desk. •re nepecublly aohenad I. al as prime and imam end be lamulelibefla. ht , • • Now Illardware Mannue.. JOSEYI I W(/DWELL,. cameo/ IVood and 3 , 3 .u, hue/my& Nu. mg withdrawn from the fine of Waiter um Woothirell. on thu los ot January', 1347, 1 take pleuunt iu nnno•nring la my :fiends In Ike city , and coo My, limi I boo. %coed laritiCat *Ka al the alnlyn named . alue. Reny purehgeed ma goats An oak, and made MI/rangenunia with mansfamarers In W. 1 am comdry and In Duero to be tol.taalit .nip fully unwed So waist, /larders., of u as cud *nos and or as law as aay Sonia Ems West Merchants aad unbars am rapetl4). lamed to call and examine my sunk, before parehudte,••• Pb,,.. The folknrstag compd.. aparl'arkla met: Steamboat and e dgy hardware pot ft/main; Cu, Nsylor'• Neel, cutlery , ode WON, eyila, mesa, Make. luehee, WM., lay Umpra,mmers, /Wo n Fle.. .tory planes, suss, mahogany bonds and 'cum, nod Mine. ell what s , mm*/ eau!, ihe hardpan, ban- 7 eselelltf amelianas's, Caller'; srdlar r, dts• Oster 11441,4 1,71%.%de hardware: amid raportlalli assts.. and lia public geollllrOkalle. 4. POW r ltJorr raisin his spring &apply of hardware, at tAtold mud of Water sad Woodirell, N. SS, Wood st,:witio, ba ail damsa cdon the most ms* tenw, Ha suits ewsisually receiving drab woollen can; Ma maoalseturere la Eenipe s al can-. =hstLeltzid 4 ., eoustate as so. • Masten asabarts are mealrd mssU anet:easaao Wawa Wogs psalmists Vasa& . •• fleialtallnlES, MOSS ROSE, ANI/ NJ - Naiad pet abraraliy Ca/edona,frose Sonar. • apleadid caned calls.= of Goodebarry.Trova, of Ilaitll=alarz.74l..Uougrvora;' I t azbeort . don an one Landau, yards of Bo", ia badonag, : akat ad NOM NsON'S, area, arar Wad, wan, oay W found la bandeossa ad best collar/as af Caaa pinhead ll.nl Casa is as city, Wall Calls, and ilssap Sad, by la pulirld or barrel. ; ,ap27 • WO Mil' UoOlid ./4EaCIIANTS-4A A Blain,* Co, alt Market ay bast received Seams of .).1* pirated lawns sad Llo.4oti b same of lama 00, of every variety of style, to ease of good styli Ca'. bras, 4 do>rayla }NUL.; 4 4 bus lad ousts IM• lesta,2l do ' , leashed ilosios, all widths. LI•Ch sues Utestira, 4 toms mad Moo IMI/s, catto4.44, Cheeks, liarbame, le, As, all of 4444 rif la nava as ao Maas E _ tern whaterala pri ea. err 1:1 W lWlTMAN—Martaftwara as all kiadesot. 'fee tl=wo;krre 4 stgl l awr Id irYZA•Vt:leasful Ya ' ter all 41,:c=.4c.riZt= spreadenora7ds ' , sriadlog toset ' soes, mesas, drawling frames • spooders., Waste, boas, Woola verde, Goulds or sale, tear tensor°, SOOrillyl.o4, toriarjarkr, to.; tar 44 l ar d) ther cud sal. end. All k... 6 or ow n to •nul, ph.t. Uar 5..-• eat tor "rams (atones or adds ressordtbie <lards A el—isabody, Md. A lb, Blasksdoel, Lkl4 Cri Wag, Paroactl.oo,Jas-A.Uny. ttilCltlrrlintltrfe=ll4"..6bea so "spaded al Wei alibi" Assisi, Has ,ms: Luamsglall: at im arrarryk,arl ass it Ti vz ziond to waiter all war t y rib 1.1 try. it pm 444,4 rtlitit • Vgl 4.4 enter Ur rerintr 4g l atitt b.Di rr i 'e - • • 'DELL AND DRABS POOSIDRY. f. A FULTON, LAW and thou Fooodoe. (wilt and cam LoAlitesit N ble old when bit boohooed see De eeteseioes- Cheme,S enemeseyead } A 4 f .:... :.....,!,.....„'!::i2 . .J , ~.....„. M=M Meal DRY ic VARIETY GOON. Lilting' . 01 .11FircZNP0.1110111. -• '... TY."# ,,.. b*LdP7eapte o.P-'o77.=.?*eititoqiti'ti manger* visiang Pittabergb, • to ids large *sit qdendid stock of carpeting, ELM kit IWO at kis nesrueres, tit 141.1. Thayucust of every variety oldie luta and . 100 . 1 fasklisiable styles of Curpels,Oil %Mu, tcs tear lambi .to the IVesteru roar lad. - The sena hot been bat uPresaly lot a. woo. 1... b.., ..d Mu. (red ant of upeusej helm' &aid No In thsFo4 toavpSetot , - __Tlis carpets riebeit and receig ars of ate Wen design, 'Silk Abe mu b vin ulb= ails.% • They coup,* in pus. of the Asia:nib* veneer's:earn sum an —. sad Ilszerieso Brim: " 1 I tbi 4. nali ...* e... 81 244 0 . ' , Th c l : - . ° '7!: . d ' - n.... lat.km- • Qumao do - . Min and twilled Weida.; ' . raise super cord twilled dai AULia!ii; :• • ~ , i =s• 1 — . '. .- ' • - 1' r itr i t ' • -•-- ' ' .. . . do . COM.> W 1.8 sadll hemp cat commas oilcloth, oil Cloth tab l e covet., wanted teen table corers, winds* colored andrclimin man*, it rods, aiatibtifsi caPit ' , beano, re WI eater podium:ally kept to carpet sums, Mar whisk lull be sold on as reasonable pmts. on lie elm ; liweriss,made ar rangemers without o manufacturers In the atab °biers &qua/ ufleoleaspet wfilbe prociptlyfor. waded bY 0.1.17 e and d sthelivered so ore week, at a hurkuisrs, au parluotarlyeaurested to Call bedire- Abraham/ elsenriere.ss,ers feel confidant wane sea a cheap l "LOKI enobegUe ., lowed bilk I s eastern W. tales. , __ . '' ' • ''. - sm. aod__lslslOss7imiett. al -' ZEBULONIGINSfirSi CT M.eket . ~ .- . . ...• 55 rokl 16Vor ll'atrie; direr olvrin66*lir 2aivor &Looped laver•evatch, nog - VO . silver -1. Um •Fatelk64..• Lb silver , guarder watelEllzio charm; 1 ddz . new style ear,riT 5 dot told hoop sdam 6 dos assorlod r 061 55 ,5 • lOcal pinto, a Tinkly al popular alvo; ill pout PANCY ei &a ingtiva, vilk sad papellsodoz costuaao Fan.; Odes Zoe velvet:Load 6141;6m Kyle.; 10, dot fiat' emethet bead . bogs. - aim- avlva; '5 dos Hoe onoehol ponrovoomilyles; 316dosio•Povanc4,Wcwo,d,• tassels, frillivo, gilt sod Alvah 46 rvgalow /011Ckk &It Lower vans, mooned; 1 doo fins Ned onvivr pia cosh, Mow L. dn raw Ivo screw pin. coo/dons; I dot Lae vrood scam tio A, 'hie . assonzooot of now; st. wean is ea,,s 5..-aWrascre L.A. iiaaiseirieCes, 11X j 0 . aat -011 etartet street, - between 3d anda r th tank -Pi: hare - seemly opetted @Anew elaawsore,otth.ta 4nd-eschews, A . the.lue.oand east Ce of sbloaabla etylea Mereheau throokhast She eintwa7 eda partiets lady Invited area sad exattee - e her. ..‘at hamlets .Woret oar goods• at the e s wett , Beware wltolteade Meta Otto , of ihe rkruerta New' he wont he eonstrouliLseddiag us (NSA sapoUes . of the wow desinthle toodi, thereby_ giving as emy N eatwly fa the. trewsle_ doa of oar hestoese that could . he Coueued r by easterre Hoene.' Priesi- are Meted:ire. so be ...riot' ae the lowest New York and .._. . . .. ~• ' . . . .anhWlaireolnitWOWPSofit}3l3llluullapPlAinarterrikits; - 11 L. tali 711 14 : 014 5410(11rhil9 *Oh far agues, Ault. as Sala Ides-. limy - Man sad Ard; Mal Midi dry- barnd Jsekonets; plain, Malls and.Jackenieta Also, various:Mil...l. goods for Evenik,Thosees, ineludrog. a Gm parternn of enoin noir szyles ...broideand Mo aa .. o:7 l 'Near goods win be receiving daily kir - week to come, fantod) amen styles ..Dreu Cands,, Linen end French Si . Prints and Ciduirei, very low. ;Merchants ars invited 10 entiliitla ase goods and pri.. O V , la .b. , ...d0 root., op I.Li.r. Tl 3. .".1!.01101.11 P . g...a Pikol version • •- • • T L.LISPaZ AND GMUILAMB—W ItAur Aj pity lames mead= to his usortment M. Move goods, of nth). Modes 4m4 damask,. armor Linea [Mara, Gar Ladies' miasma d. large as. inirtment or Sul -Earlsiors, glandiester,' and Emrich Goighaam Dimon stykmaro, kloyPs Printo-O. fall meorment of lima very' .deshable pos, including pink, lilac, birde lad double purple a. tow .4 beatui- LrWs=bn.jes blue; lilacibrisern and a of newest mum mad ism colors; emall fled do . fac Wawa. dims Brilliamism qi,large and Maall !g -um; an Islip' and iamb' dome. ; Embroidered Series drese patterns, for curling dna. sos, new styleig colored damask •tatieums, 4o; road' a mall.A.mornacut of firma, Naps; grenadine% crape :Mawls,fro, al thd aortheastearner of Fourth and Mar' -TWIN eaiLLY•fit Co., LP (mus, aal bream t Co m Co) MERCHANT TAILOto %W m 1L.,.1141 Chart a street, Plarder, Deg tu rn ip inform !barricade, and patrooSof to firm, ands mgen riado this nay, tiat_they am tow to receipt of the Spring g mud. tdommer Fashipea..L.Alao 'a Odor mad select awn , ' moat of Of Eirniand md. ranch Cloths, Caul-. mores and Vestiogs, m 'AIM' they respectfully imito .100 tie taint Fnsach "Ifibirirla z 4it n. ; yle; Caganaera4 , Markdgad .d ead Quitma • ar ," " aed Sumer x Ned aad D Th priki ; Kaaba; TWY , eb , ^e'llleuveilles,,thkshase • - auna, id Linea. Dritls, ch.* / yea ,I*- ! " ! '"a .ROD P 9 ' N '. 3 44. 0 8R o, /tat Raildjagi, • SPRINCiIIitY 1310131.. . O. I I4IOELLYr t r/ ,1 No. im Woad sweet, an 1.., rcrcivinsy Istuund extrusive muck id ital. - aprins 1,/ty ' edam' !meat parcae,an•Lought under • varabi• circumstances; a d 'duck they arc lad aria sell to semehatu•ni • very aciaall We.. 4.13 118 nude 111 eat. ► • • • W. uould mimed all mem/mats visiting — oat ;4 iit sive Oct stocki . tair emission& and loss Peal um& (Mal tbilrin mainly or tit• eMituur at AnZillyiG '' 5.,-------- ..41sida . ' • • V mercs, mod white Idancillea. Pseudo, aes• a rlUdo MI , gte" C•SailltillEB on army Ulla asrmuittey,_ 11 M CELElrroii—ti p , silk mutt. •Quemes ClooldiMOmmur . Oath, aad dasaum eummpiss pus,* InSt, at et*. 00. ,h,y i. .sh iiiJiillaStMill Clads timim.. :: apl7 . . _ ' •coraeraili mai Immallab 4. • • " HOMY WOW tite: lON i thatteet, ha. ea haltdOteal ate easehialh. ly reeehrlas *ding the bushleas same, a Wye ead extensive veseyhaeat of DRY DOODS, tiey 06' • see to ilmeaitiLi WV/ Witty, and reikaoftabla term. 7 Ilthes Un1147 Cali gm mire maaLectaa, they eoefalesay ia ell merchants eieitirter the thy tepee Watt • call. . ♦ do., lo 3liskat *treat, are *alai anoomant of Dm,. (Mods, lad empaial itra angst and moat ' of Drava (toa og ds to be found air this • "th Ire .: 1 ..52, 40 pa extr- rich am, • art, • aim !mid. wad the took • Os cacel; a/so, win atrisartliata i. aars, Illohstr Elfripe, Ilarteli.fssown, six= IT.IMMOMiaemy Pgzg 11 711 :41 ' 2 .4 ,,i I • desirable goods lks, amps, te. • IARESSOOO su•ct, hay Aver, Wain, plaid and abakillf Lanes, plain du • feemtis, A A 11A . 801.1 a cored !limier iaat im`d splendid amaromai •-• dell may ba aaamt—llimmg, .ped Mono M all 9!l+l+llac Bilk pas, l:nmuliers, mum amps de ua. di CUM., Macy SA, beak spa. • .131....,=411.0.4,41/eitader•Elu dam now op. imam dosiltles drada'wermiekte Berlgti,ll,Mplus• did. plaid add hooka' black. &rap.. and Pulleaa, dpleodid 'need pawn., Lilted Loathe. sad lliagliam, a all adionaaidt lk, plaid and sada sirip• tains. dud fat Alpaeraa. AU glad voila lion been maimed di lA. lab r. *mom adedad pale, in Now Yeelt add PridaAkipliid, a drill be id.ld d great reddellat Oleo. I • &DAY, • • west dlisial soiskmaii• c'• • • ilAL...4—Atemnliir k. My tura revelled dine. W tram Ilie Imparter In New Vett,. emu, toe 'of pod. Canloa4ar•p• Man* coolant* • coenplst• asaonaisesl of metered said In•in •••*ll., ai all ens• ' lonia nal spa. inns NY ;DU Th. ladies nee rem.) pteulnly Intited.lo ciamilso Unmet sinerl4 bebevuag • Wt sow of ttizare sverior to any Wine ode mel an this Punka Tie wl/1 be Saki realwitaber full p. chea • k and &Me Skalds wad lae•ersi • i ~,, ~,,,,... 27f. . dsion'h.l, • • WEL MO FADS— . 114 Abseriber tW ay y tor s ezl i e ka Slatup.. •Peelal asientioa. . • ea•ad A,Pxaseca.g. . r wood asi4 • Gwvms-A .whh. ais . et ledleku l t .l44. Bak ..d.nibn , *Po.. 010-017 M colored nem e liMy ereellow avid., Ind I•VP. AU.; N ., Nie3l . . VI . & MUM 03 wady& I=el=l '..? I LOVIECI AND 11031 ERY—Jlart teed, ' RV do. -.- Lue • '.':,,:r die. abet,.Pita, !lma wail due Calton Mose, nt al 011,41 per pair ap the Lunt quality.. Alm, nu ~ .1 rata Cauca sl4ll.llmq Valdez Ude, thftMl. 0 _ 1 ! ..•..1 tinea Gloves a/s., 3 .caztosts ladue ikig..... ..1. Diraimmitl oduristlat with Lupins as Ow •, .ve ankles, will lad tam Er • • . oar • ! small k immoral. 44 Natio a ... ---... • FOIIERVE (MOVEN' tr., ArWIIIOLEMI.F. , dem, will • lam lorotairkeoui• udliale ilsiiial 4 , 2*11/JtUN lig narked Sop Ile *fora,. nod We zartquale rad niirl, by : • . •.. lica ,7' .. '.. •• .: • . 1 , II EATON kat '.- TESL P O OPsp4reel Rag Clasp% ili• beat perm. • 4 qth. cur. swat do MeTimelig de - ../.64t5' P. lbw dod, SU.: de , •7 &MD, Cookokq Set sepal iii trintiralaep :". it k° 7-- aTri7•• :...- Ei.i.r...ox ~ , 7 •• G•OOl36—A suoitista t — tirt y add sul pad CAN.ltk a sisla sad elirn! Josossts, ,• Iss sad Walsh Pda__,lldlisiellsslins, &Limp Limas, spsuadi moth \flown Lawn., Udell* Wins. topihet Vat a WI assoftlasaraf Dediaidd, a sad (sag NO., Loss, Wgs, sassnlags. , samisn srtivsd IMl.lll* f WV, sod for sale lois Ms izade,by • • ••___•_* • ail? • • I• • suacju.szr W 401711 (dod mioidlon CodoO do h. eta kw Haiti dd do Bre.di run; do do Mat Rol% do Finer awn do do Gaud Mai.; do do rob M: do Paled. od haor, do dd•lieseelela / j dye Tho s m dAet Jewelry will do roll? 1771..4N EV 411 KNOX, marl ; • bee* Jae received err? r Yee see bheeled tibeetioi s, ==eJabnead 'carman!, .erv/Ivreklis UW104111109 5 slap, t4,..0yd Skeen „leerviery pqaU Qathlyel, al Oft nql pall, I e • • I ' • ESSEIE EEC= L X 2\0.. 254 r iii : TO TUE PROF? SOREI AND.IIIESIBEDS OP TM Ix~exhist hie r to lira tie atiarP.: aullT,TotT., amen ' to Dr .lithr: i s t re ' bu irlreals expressly intended . for the preservation 'of tbe:' bean of both sures—witellter arises• Dorn Ineipient Phildsity or, early consurepnon, Debtlity . or the lanz, Droneltial *Genoa.. nwitara Pkarnsyi manger; Dirordered state of Use Lim, Patten, or Kittheys,:th ,, i' eased Spine, thholle, • Dyapepna. Palpitation or d ui: ,Ithart, Low of/Vascular or Ninon. Power, tut. to r : • DR. CAL DADRETTS . 017ANDLAN cornea Lto the Wm:4a* relief of Females auferipa Awn . , Infittan; - d e n s, and all other Mini. disgii. 1.4 .a.umit.4l‘ etal-to, twoono t hether occasioned by :cold, wel ae:, or any •inlify uticlickoithitaPowde, ...idiom the ina of methebe; as tin moth 4-eater and - sensitive lady can %rant worwart apply . Silo Wrath( Without dm men any tier Ordanprr. or any unpleasant results arising hom At; and with MO Dr. eet Barrett% • i otob f no eatell.permy, .fr wan of, • the rutty Itunthcaw of the day; bat it is an inoranesat mado pa t sciernitio and in acoodithoir: with,th law. at Elect:idly and . Ordvaniono awl for! oent,' durability and eZeacyOnSaltely th e eretplung of the bid ever henna offered to the prthate„;,' thrinther ofdiseasa and, itt the- lineage of onset the mall enlightened tithe of the, day,t is. prostonoced.fc:', 4 Denod don less thab foor yearn ,hira teen occupied hi Dr. Banett bring* -slaw ettperfection—doneg which time it - itas.=,' the hands of mit of the mot emitarato th.ten of, the North and South, ai wellast 'ln thirdar of nart meows failies, who have niedit tor all of the atideat,i purposes, with the most perfect sneoria and who bawl., cheerfully 'Men th eir annum-lifted approbanew Of .. efficacy andvalne; as van be Went by readvino .• blasm•la Inamesions.aemanaltylnir - Dr. C, Bateau's Ottani/an is armored froth rnertiartre.,.: dons by . a maw froth thollaited Shoes Patent and a be had either with or withontthia lifedrewNlortro ' Ito Nedieo-4,ectro Dalranonuiter, in pointof ty, workinthsitirawarabilityand power, - cannot be sat, tw punt or wean . and do auhstriber fools that bazar& nothing lathe aWartkie air it will be than*: to 'pouffe, wenepowerantletheocy in, the -unanneat and removal *Uwe -toes, by Galvanism andElectrici.. ry, than ally other insuomesit, , wither 1. In MS • Ilisithdq -Mfta *Salop.. •ThelrodiewErecoO.thalwinotheWr L warranted in elrerl.lpect, and with, common ordi ,"" nary can lit a litagme...3 brim' liar Cheep! oth, beaten the hat , ever ;,odatert to-the public Otannal , accompsn le a mttt r,thrt aunt' " cdotts, of practical co Martin, as issitily intellbribla to eirgy. DM; while ..r ',my arrangw,ent Winch that's, chlltitur:: •-• Any isthrotationtrondlowd, tire* ttlealthw abdurinllY answered per mail, either Ihrtall , ? don butte EleetwAGalvarionteter or Gturtfnua;_,,,, jthaical Ran are invited to call and eift , nin . s Dr. retro patrolna, andtat no • t• ha u4Pituburht, for sale by . D. RlC D4RDSONi,lwrbitard, ribtetl:n - Doer Este. Oft Cloths. . . ; , ..t. Olltato ; . e B atiVilly ° th P llttr i nftti l lt i : l*biae • eta* it .comedy SkrattSON'S COMPODND SYIII.II I 60 .Zilli AND . •' - - _-- - - wowD sgiskyyru; . .........;...v.,,, ..,'••1 . Yrs' PalmonarY Conromptiora Chronic: trainehirin nod Sore • Throat, dronon,,ChrOide Croarikgplaing: Of ...'. Brodd; Pala in the'. Sidi. mid Smarm Mlawirot oft, . Bring, • Whooping; Cough , Croup,lyear ZieriNi, :rod Narrow Tremors. Parortition WIWI Itearn laika , Liver Complaint aid lauttonofthe Yidasys.". t ...' -.g: .. .-, •Thii medielw, th e invention of. Man who mrsika- !' OwroinoreihdanotroW: Onandrod sulikiumarpau.e e tt -Arid..imllnauan O sza. mw bun lbeforathabie'r publio near ront years-. During thin period abutter- •... dinned some of th emost remarkable cotes entered of ••! Prawn.) Consorrotion--osenred the recommeodo,'Er ' don .sod use of physicians In their practice,. gad the wannest approval °from:Lunde at pamper In orthpidy. , and sevens Cokli, Comma; in Illoarseocia, Spi .nara• EBT N meg \ AVoitt Groryears.stece I on attacked with ,tiphrta - Four, which lell me in a miserable alma of health, . attretne debinly with tagetteral pre/aeration WIWI ayet:n bete,,with violent pains nittro brew and my of .pp. ~... , ifte, in conleyientellef which I won unable to atrandro ' . my , usual burrows, or perform, any, kind of. work. : Li .. applied to neural phyucians and nucleations rum- : dies, bat without any benefit, kid rouldespairedofereb , ' ~ obudning a reeovery okay former health,' 'Bnissmani . Mut lam . June 1 woo adeleed. to try ' l7 's.Cont., ,'-, pound Syrup °Mr and Weed Noptita and increrrible ,- .• • poi tvatyappintr, by the time I bad - taken threshoules,li r the d le ainty, path and Avery so sense of. lfen weep : : ; weeq_, eanpx2 ronoTed; and line : able ni =end • with te , amnd ' ' • . • .•_ - ' . l ' , - ,or . tiekinsim MARTIN th o oinVi ero r. '; Real the. &Soaing. testmmuidiscoaderiamt c i2-' , i-: - - ..rob,oribesorow ofFrend..rrowa nes epae b l n. . .y at Poughle .,4 YALUABLP hide' may, certify that In the" spring'. of 184 d: raY;'• - ' health Wm very feeble; I - wale/Meted srublisin lathe" aide:with alai alarming symptoms, and tmrednmelar.,. froth great 'debilirol Al that time I purelmeed • from - ores Amen. battles of Thumb:Ws COW M.& illyz''' run Walt and Wood Zirollm, Sam *Well /fialitairm,i. rod great hermit,. my health _being now good; .Imi 1 • -, eerfully recommend 'the athele to alt pa 1101111: mho. —'. me). be tudelinrerith general - debility, with eylno eene' Poughkeepeie, Misch 15,1847. n • Prepared only be Antmarr ti. mom.; ii itti*P.:‘ -3 toter ninth and .99roce street., Phil.. . ~, 1,...,,.., ' ', Sold by 1.. WILCOX, Pillabnrohi and b idmggield . . generally. Pelee', eenle,or One Detlat pe e bohr e ....-. , ..- .. A STOW* oa sarblcuurr OP nigaTgato.— Ttus dia.:mole Foamed by a pervifysinal coarroa.. oh yeenait core. Hoene.. can be enirely cired by • &mom of Dc emeriti, or common cold. widely beeleible, 1 / 1 Coneaseviee, dreelltell= rued by Lc Boreemer's Panacea.- • Ilmochltia if sactiecked, mill. crimina ll y lead to yltroact PaiMd Coosoropiloa, bat • timely sea of Dr. threeb. r. nacea will effectually core m • laritouttaticm of the Toned* or Mom Thom—lids to orrice, coneomeacco five mg, lea, iamb m,plecration of the throat On the mod. Ana gime I. Dr. threelserlt Ammo Mould be Olmsted -• . ly. • aCoogba aid Coati Lad sovereign remmilr ill tc Da.. limmtert Poineca Parbommut Nothm—A mem 41•1 diatom,. telakii l • • Ilene • violent cocoa aad m 46 as . dealliutted et bah. .km demi temmaimiom toed prrem. folvect • Dr. Siirecter`a Panacea iihemd bysued . the lira , ' ..eymptoms, which bre . niesli or roll. • I.with Sele•SX—Thie debisomeg compleliet meat. yeiw .b y check, by b,, btercetter'• l'acumem,, • • lheamenymoo..—lf on the Lim appemauce ofeocerusep-• iheare , ilootata ortitch ore o 1 . 0 the lade sag braze , . • i=.l b __tmOTTl:g b er k ret d u bre own Miami" the Wimitip?, or llroactilal Tatime nheadetPatue.a i. primate cloned op With phle so °o re Impede relp. , , ..lionPiameambhh .peeeeeiel Ejpeebem; ahoold be takers scricileet direetioaa barmous—Thist diaimesiat demic, so premlent rau alimato, spooddy gored by e Dr. irrocuor's • Price 111 per boat, siz both k,s& • For We Cry Tot JACKSON, es Li!..eny st., miirt e k b.."- no•Suir i~jOWES NVOE/AN lIOARUOUND* LIES Mat Cob Cody is odes,* to Um patilie as a amieffeettee r emedyrameoagheolds, bower „oat* Asthma. Plralsisie 1 4%ooping Cough. Ingamsta, Croup, &am Throat, Unonehiris, am/ retain/ sdreetlosur . •of dm Chest and Irangi. I. such cues it is known rust haver adorned deeided and ponaanent mliaand rararar npul sale and great success as &rimed/ RUM !above diseases ratters it has been used, It' procalaeraut. raommoso one of tha most useful and pepalar anadieharat- • .4 is °Resod 1 00,..• • akaaa/11 bbo.usu.,i .wad Tocalma pahlira sposso,* orally. The name of dm preparation indicate, its reedlasit, Wad it will be found to he by au raisins arra pleasant to Ws tame, wad Mat he used by ehildrearalid addla mho enure inspunity. The swans* maid la Ur peparation an of Um best quallry, and it mat be is IM at as *evert respect a pon and Tettailso &mkt. Families small no dooGpromo* their Munro* aid bags Cor d! by, keeping a supply, especially us Um mums Tyr.saratahle Cough Candy Is eonaiderad alma mataal la illalbeng Wing superior so all the'paient Do pe hampers hi enalion, as eallnrea snob =me lamb sa est orban this kande ss used, arcept har gam.* al of this Marla will convulses any pas:last/fa VOTra ey; and dra proprietors thereGira day soy parson la thss united States to produce a eheaper,haoh plushal s ; ' told wha4sala am/ salad, by the tOisseiggiosan..a.. • • . •• • II BNITISER/ • earner Wind MashailialtiraQß*‘ ...- Iknirlial.C . o . /ta p rial Ori,trareUNll 4 #lll.l am. 4 (Mk ' • WA. . Ir ErrE„, ITCII,SALT, R/ *BUM, pail& far a Magic day Scratch, i s t/0d W ,, b , r, hely or miter dismay" of tbs silo, if dosy !arm wba wotdd Mites and rani Mem. I . • ioniblo to be ob4Ored to rub toot seratell'wlMO 'Blsa mom brrage, to 0t.,0 1a from 11,1 for &sew sol when ist_r_osmlay. L., It bo resernabered Mud •1). BY'S TKITER mad OLVIIIMYY is itat mo wig e asing. of an akar eeporotto, to n uistonas • ;a *wn the Totter, Bey p Bet, and otber Jammu:a of !hookas.. Aasll &fosses otitis IMltt Mom arisoftina the tosmufty Of Moo blood sod acids of„ther body. sad wbemansa due O tte be of loos 11,41 the eassabilion anted Illeeroby, If Dr. Laldyts tionmparilla Mood Pil/a be anal - Ws Motown, doer will Me soy 0o Mlalare; WA a' go t o t " bowooo, wi l 11.0 7lNciaoitr.ti er Or. Lady's Tett. owl tanuaeot, .usdoss ths, ma,a a gym,. m impregnate& by the duessed ammo wklc► will b. compuul9 Caokd car from the 11711=. Ds laridy's blood pills, 004 tas surface of we sails cd oy ointment. Fries of Matasent cora, A fresh supply of !beset yslanbl. toed:else. loot te. o coed Rod for. lo by • • B A FAIIINESTOCE Co. , • fsb4 eon Ist is wood, also cor. Oia a wood su. LA: PAIINESTOCriI Pneumonic or Cookb . Hal. . sant, has a mat adrantage over many. otter - preparation; as lls pleasaut task moots u to bet assil withoot ineoarenimma lbst 11. salmis aa us lbthwas consists to t h e sprinkles& ohs. cunt. %Ye bassi • known soma of the most.deopersw ciintil. 8060 ot which had been mardar ors for a considemble leiskth id time. yield eLmost Immediately w its power.• la web weather we/elutes had doodad dm pain Wetter, ovary ono is liable to take sold, unites [rant procautions am Una .., Wet feet arid undue expanse bib; inclenieneyiif dm weenier often lays Iter attendant:a In a hacking wouih, which modes quick remedy to Komi emira te We .have neasetonsteertitSinlessSf Cam whisk:ll has (*om.* ratmy of which are !nun pcsaseeiel tide emi t and the nmikbodioid, and itery ans • atimote , ol lafarence without saying another . ..end In Ile Itsettlt, paw abd fur nie wholesale and retail by /I A lAYINIMICIirkt Co, corner .ot wood sues, ~.4. rpBiBA. OR TAPE WORMS, ( Monaly infest the .I.i ittt.euttee et the Welt. They are eftera.er,enor• ewes site •nd length, ceasing gr..t pa ht and •cndein. nee. le the stoemett. The cutest heahh beeome• de. • nerd, The eye e anti the gip:som+ are ..rrulip. we-reveling. Aunt relief „or dealh.tcnat agues the saran" 8 A- tlahnerour. Vumufan,' • • Pmeff•d 0 4 Plitttb. , l(l l / 2 Pa, 14 % h . Mat iesediy gald... - . c.... Tbr norm anarbusfr deseupa, trill im.dir • • charred le detached Puffier; tad • s peed y gehar•r• - - b. 0&,.1.4, • ....• , •,,.. ..:. 1 4 tv.::,•,.,::..%:ft-t.vey • ... lINDIUi rdi naa? ilb; 16424 iliatiMuutro ; Lave Iltalosts.v. and 444211 Notei s mandA 00 aaaki N in store 04 lkorrak4ow by - my LI • "awful! BiZINq? • CitPFEE AND TEA-10p 7. ,... 4 • a do; x do Maim CI Da % SO j ..... .• as li P Tea; Ecc calm bas cic.:.ap A*nr I Lb Lamp Tobaco; la store boa bias:lb :', :. ' 1 • .m 713 . • ' 'MOWN* .., t. .. . • ...... •.. ' . , .. ..........IVI ‘4l;:j .4 I BEI •ILEDICAL
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