I I. mpi —2SSII OJIITED There's Smartness in the New Gloves For Fall You have the advantage of choosing here from one of the largest assort ments of fine Kid Gloves in this section of the State. Complete color lines — every shade of tan. cordovan, gray, pearl, champagne, white and black — self and contrast stitching: some have five-row crochet backs. Every size and every favored 'style for every kind of hand, to match any costume. In full pique and overseam. one-clasp, two-clasp, six-button gauntlet; eight, twelve and sixteen-button lengths. Such world-famous makes as P. Cente meri. Y. Perrin. Chateau, Jouvin and other reliable makes, in French and do mestic kid. Prices range from $2.50 to $6.95 pair. SPECIAL Kayser Chamoisette. in every shade and size, $l.OO pair. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Install a Private Laundry in Your Home investigated the vari press you when you see the Vacuum Electric Washer. It washes by air pressure and suction. No friction to wear clothes. Sanitary and easy to operate. Equipped complete with swinging wringer. Has a capacity of ten sheets. Very light and easy running. Permits washing the daintiest of fabrics or heavy blankets. Sold'on Bowman's Club Plan. BOWMAN'S —Furrriture Dept., Fifth Floor WEDNESDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES yQ rfcJTTrimi JTT_)| */ STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX . HAHRISBI'RG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1010. Clever Lines and Picturesque Trimmings Distinguish These New Fall Dresses Modes that are admirably adapted to the lines of slender youth or those of ample maturity are interestingly re vealed in our comprehensive display. Ostrich, Beads, Silk and Tinsel em broideries, Fine laces, Silk Fringe, An gora or braid are deftly employed in trimming these newer models. le ver y word suggests soft clinging materials, tissue-like laces and colorful I Y1 patterns in many heautiiul designs; all seemingly made to supplant the drooping vines 1 ■jr. i::•< all( I beautiful foliage of the great Outdoors, as Nature sheds her beautiful raiment. 1 j * s *l ien we appreciate the art of the designers who for generations have developed I m ij manv ar^'B^c fabrics that now make it possible for every home to have these cheery I jsc:' ; colors and dainty patterns at a modest price or as costly as one chooses to select. I I vK There is no war conservation reasons this fall to prevent you gratifying your 1 I m W: taste in home adornment as Bowman s drapery department has a display of drapery \ ' m fabrics and innumerable helpful suggestions. fl LLXJ A complete assortment of Lever Lace. No matter for what purpose you may de- hM/ Marquisette. Quaker Craft, Filet Net and sire cretonnes, we have them. Some dainty. wjfm/ '\ oile Curtains, in white, ivory and ecru, in patterns, others a little more elaborate; 45c VS/ a wide range of designs, $1.50 to $12.50 pair. to $1.89 yard. fl|\ We also have the curtain materials in Filet , ~ .. , ~ , . fil Net, Quaker Craft, Marquisette. Voile and . U e have all k,nds and ,en S ths of rods and II ■ Scrim, both plain and figured and with bars; fixtures. li I 29c to $1.75 yard. Come in and see our display. JM m BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Ml Fabrics of the Serviceable Kind For Daily Use 32-inch dress gingham in three colored plaids; large and small bars; 59c yard. Seersucker ginghams in"stripes and plaids; 27 inches wide; light and dark patterns, best qual ity, 35c yard. Dress ginghams: 27 and 32 inches wide in plain colors, blue, pink, green and tan. also plaids and stripes; 25c, 30c, 35c yard. Be<t quality percale in light and dark patterns; large selection to choose from ; 40c yard. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. High Grade Fulll Fashioned Silk Hosiery, $2.65 High grade full fashioned pure thread silk stockings. A fine gauge medium weight silk stocking, with lisle tops and soles in black and colors; $2.65 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BUUUSBURG TELEGR3IPB "No Mend" Children's Stockings, 55c and 65c Special attention is given to our children's hosiery. Our aim is to offer the best obtainable. We believe the "No Mend" children's stockings meet all requirements for quality, style and ser vice. Black, white and cordovan; 55c and 65c pair. Our "No Mend" leader is a heavy ribbed stock ing full length and reinforced feet in black only; 55c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Quality Priestley Serges We have just received a shipment of Priestley serges. The English serge of quality and renown. The name is stamped on every yard. The woman that has ever used this make is always sure of asking for the same make every time she wishes to make a gar ment that offers a perfect dye, superiority of finish and wear. 44-inch navy and black; $2.95 yard. 50-inch navy only ; $3.85 yard. This material is suitable for dress or suit; only 500 yards in the lot. BOWMAN'S—M-iin Floer. BOWMAN'S-Third Floor. Developed in such fascinating materials as:~Chinchilla, Satin meteor, Crepe meteor, Airlette, Granite crepe, Kittens Ear, Jersey, Paulette, Tricolette, Chiffon velvet, Velveteen, Georgette, Crepe de chine and Duvetyn; sizes, from 14 to 48; 37 to 51; $35 to $135. OCTOBER 8, T919. Durable Shoes For Children Mothers who appreciate the necessity of having' their children properly fittec with shoes will he interested in our ser viceable shoes for children. They art made of solid leather, strongly stitche< on Goodyear welts, built hv specialists who understand the anatomy of a child's foot. There are many models which are all strongly made and good looking. All our children's shoes are market with plain sizes so that mothers can know just what size their children wear. Narrow widths from A to D. Priced according to size. nOWMAN S—Mnln Floor. Have You a Heater? It" not, you wished the furnace heat was on. But it is rather early for that. On these crisp October mornings you can make any room iip. comfortable in a few 'nfe minutes. Where chil- (T dren are. this is essen- Gas Heaters that lit gas jet, 85c to $1.25. I \ Cylinder Gas Ijjjjjj II Stoves, $2.75 to $6.25. (ias R a d i a to r s, $3.98 to $13.50. Copper Reflect or /y *** Gas Stoves, $5.00 to jr Oil Heaters, $4.50 cf to $ll.OO. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Manicure Sets. Bags, Purses and Other Leather Cjoods For Gift Giving Foresight suggests picking up a gift piece now and then as you are shopping. Here are Manicure Sets from $l.OO to $35, roll and square cases, in suede and goat leather; all beautifully lined with velvet and satin, in pretty color effects. Traveling Sets, in goat leather; some lined with leather and others have good quality soft cotton flan nel. Fitted with brush, comb, soap box, safety razor case, tooth powder and tooth brush case, and some with manicuring pieces, $3.50 to $25, Collar Bags, in suede and leather, black and col ors, $1.50 to $6.50. Music cases, single and double, black only, $1.50 to $6.50. Also a full line of Purses and Hand Rags of every favored style and description. BOWMAN'?—Main Floor. IWl—trsr> UNITED —-< >—>—< 3 , ■*..- ~ 3
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