2 The Days News in Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania FIVE KILLED IN | CRASH OF CARS Family Wiped Out When Au tomobile and Trolley Hit in Illinois Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. B.—Mr. gnd Mrs. Horace Cree and three children, of Wyoming, 111., were in stantly killed on Sunday when the auto in which they were riding was crushed between two trolley cars. Mrs. Cree is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trout, of this place. Mr. Trout and his son-in-law. Dan iel Heckman, of St. Thomas, left yesterday for Springfield, 111., to bring the bodies here for burial. The Crees left here Thursday after a seek's visit to Mrs. Cree's parents. Mrs. Cree is an invalid. Mrs. Cree met her husband , through a matrimonial ad. He - came here from his Illinois home. Finding each other mutually at tractive they married. Cree worked here for several years as a butcher. New Bloomiield Lodge Installs New Officers • w Bloomfichl, Pa., Oct. B.—At the regular session of Mackinaw Lodge. No. 380, Independent Order ' of Odd Fellows, on Monday night officers were installed. District Deputy Grand Master H. O. Hamil ton, of Marysville, was the installing officer, assisted by Past Grand W. K. ' Clouser, Past Grand Warden J. G. Westfall, Past Grand William C. Lebo, Grand Chaplain H. W. Robin son and Past Grand J. A. Neven. The following officers were in stalled: Noble Grand, Paul McKee han; Vice Grand, Aurand Ickes; Treasurer, James E. Stewart; Rep resentative to Grand Lodge. S. H. Bernheisel; Representative to the Orphans' Home at Sunbury, Wil liam C. Lebo; Conductor, Samuel B. Swartz; Warden, Neil Flickinger Chaplain. William C. Lebo; Right Supporter to the Noble Grand. Philip Clouser; Left Supporter to the Noble Grand, George Spahr; Right Supporter to the Vice Grand. James L. Butz; Left Supporter to the Vice Grand, M. I. Protsman; Right Scene Supporter, George G. Schneider; Left Scene Supporter. Clement E. Stewart: Outside Guar dian. H. W. Robinson; Inside Guar dian, Earl Slieaffer Mackinaw Lodge contributed $134 toward the new dormitory at the Orphans' Home at Sunbury this term. Mackinaw Lodge has a mem bership of 108 at the beginning of this term. GRANT 42 DIVORCES Reading, Pa., Oct. B.—Forty-two divorces were granted by Judges EntHich and Wagner at the October session of argument court. In 29 cases the wives brought the suits. The principal grounds for divorce were cruel treatment and desertion. [Other State News on Page 8,1 Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets lUkstha lirer active, bowels reeolar. without pais or griping, relieve tick hcadaebe and that bloated feeling after eating, purify the blood and d ear the eempleiiea. Large box, enouah to last m mouth, Mc. UNITED MEDICINE CO.. Philadelphia. Pa STORING UP ENERGY FOR THE WINTER Begin Now Taking Father John's Medicine to Build Flesh and Strength No better purpose no bettor fonic-food body-builder can be used than Father John's Medicine, which is of superior food value and guar anteed purity. The rich body-building, strength i -riving elements of Father John's Medicine are combined in a form most easily taken up by those who are weak and run-down. That is why many people gain flesh and weight steadily while taking this old fashioned family medicine. Father John's Medicine is safe to give to every member of tWe family because :t is guaranteed free from alcohol and dangerous, narcotic drugs in any form. Begin takir.-g it today. Real Estate to Sell \\ c don't ask for a listing. Our experience has taught us what a handicap it is to the owner to list his property with REAL ESTATE AGENTS on time contracts. When the property is listed and if the owner sells the property himself he must pay the commission to the agent. We only ask that you tell us where the property is located and how much you want for it. Our large list of clients enable us to dispose of it very quickly and you still have the privilege of selling it yourself without pay ing our office for our failure to sell. IF YOU ARE TRYING TO SETTLE AN ESTATE WE WILL BUY ALL THE HOUSES IN YOUR CHARGE. NOTHING TOO LARGE FOR US TO HANDLE. Lincoln Realty Co. 1129 North 7tli Street WEDNESDAY EVENING, Husband Finds Wife With Neck Broken in Attic Near Scotland Scotland, Pa., Oct. B.—Despond ent because of long illness and the absence of her son, who returned to Camp Merritt after spending his furlough at home, Mrs. J. F. Brown, wife of a farmer living along the road between this place and Cham bersburs, committed suicide yester day. Her husband returned from working in an orchard and <ound her hanging in the attic. She was not dead, but expired before a phy sician could be summoned. Her neck had been broken. Mrs. Brown was 64 ars old. She had been to Mount Hope hospital several months ago for treatment for nervous trouble. Mother Receives Tokens of Son's Bravery in War Hagcrstown. Md., Oct. 8. —A cita tion for distinguished service from the American marine headquarters and a French war cross have been received by Mrs. Jacob E. Frock, of this city, memorials won by her son. Private Maurice B. Frock, of the Marine Corps, who was killed at Belleau Wood on, June 12, 1918, while delivering an important mes sage through a heavy barrage. Frock was the first man from this county to be killed in the war. The French cross was awarded by Mar shal Petain. The citations came from General Pershing. Walks 16 Miles at 88 to Soldier Celebration Marietta. Pa., Oct. B.—Martin Eisenberger, of this place, is 88 years old and the most ardent base ball fan in Lancaster county, ac cording to his friends. The distance from this place to Lancaster is six teen miles and Eisenberger hiked It to that place on Monday to witness the welcome celebration to Lancas ter county soldiers, saying, "It does a fellow good to take a long walk once in a while." His younger neighbors made the journey in the trolley cars. Former President Taft to Lecture For Memorial Meolianicsburg. Pa., Oct. B.—Ex- President William H. Taft will lec ture in Mechanicsburg, on Friday, Noveml/3r 21, under the auspices of the Woman's Club, In the First United Brethren Church. This lec ture is to be the first of a series of lectures and entertainments to be given by the club for the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Me l morial Park in this place. Franklin County Sets Out to Drive For $lO,OOO Oliambe rsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—The initial steps in the organization of the Franklin County Jewish Relief campaign committee to raise $lO,- 000 were taken at a meeting last night. Chmabersburg's allotment is $4,000. An executive committee composed of the leading educators, professional men and merchants has been named and the town divided into districts for the campaign which opens on October 20. Frank lin county's allotment is divided as follows: Chambersburg, $4,000; Waynesboro. $3,500; Greencastle and Antrim township, $950; Mercers burg, $600; other sections, $950. Birdman Falls While Flying at Camp Hill Hagerstown, Md.. Oct. B.—Lieut. E. R. Starbuck, driving one of the j Liberty airplanes owned by W. B. | Staley, of this city, met with an acci j dent at Camp Hill, Pa., while re turning from a flight into Pennsyl vania. Starbuck was making a test flight when he got into a tail spin and fell, damaging the left wing of the machine and being slightly in jured. The plane was brought here for repairs. Superfluous Hair tk^Riraefc DcMtraelcv the irictiil ■ultny llqoU, operates ea an entirely dif ferent priaelple from any other method. It rota hair of Ita vital ity by attaching It nader the ehla. I Only aen nine DeMlracle han a maaey-hach guarantee In each package. At toilet eonatera In OOe,' f I SI and $3 etnes, or hy nafl from no la plain wrapper an receipt ol price. FREE hook with testimonials ot highest anthorttlea ex. Plains what ennnee hair on face, aeeh and arms, why It I a ere as ea and how DeMlracle derltallaea ft. mailed In plain aealed envelope on request. DeMlracle, Parh Ave. sad 13th It, Blew Yorh. HOLSTEIN AFTER SCALP OF JUDGE Says State Firemen's Presi dent Has Had Position Long Enough Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 8. —The for tieth annual convention of the Penn sylvania State Firemen's Association is in progress here with firemen from every section of the Common wealth in attendance. Interest cen ters chiefly in the contest for the presidency of the organization be tween Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, of Philadelphia, and Howard O. Hol stein, of Harrisburg. Judge Bonni well h'as been president for five years and is out for another term. Holstein said yesterdhy It was time for Judge Bonniwell to step down in favor of a new man. "Five straight terms he has had the olflce and I believe it is Ume to eliminate this perpetual office holding. The firemen of the central part of the State are with me. While we may not win this year, the next election will tell a different tale." Holstein is vice president of the organization. Judge Bonniwell contented him self by saying he was sorry Hol stein was antagonistic to his former associates. In his address to the firemen yesterday Judge Bonniwell said: "There is a double duty for every fireman in the State of Penn sylvania to perform. First to guard against physicul conflagration, as patriotic firemen always in public service, and then to guard against the more insidious and infinitely more dangerous conflagration of the enemies of law, of order and of Christianity, who are seeking to Bub vert our unparalleled State." High School Seniors Hold Party in Honor of Girl's Birthday New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 8. On Monday evening the senior class of the High School held a taffy party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Conley In Market street to cele brate the seventeenth birthday anni versary of their daughter, Miss Naomi Conley. An enjoyable even ing was spent in playing games, making taffy and dancing. Refresh ments were served to Misses Kath ryn Seip, Luetta Kaufman, Evelyn Freeburn, Annie Osier, Catherine Greenfield, Dorothy Heffleman, Verna Bair, Lillian Kaufman, Cath erine Good, Jean Pyffer, Miss Dona hue, Naomi Conley, ClaVk Bair, Earl Axe, Paul Brown, James Wilson, Floyd Hempt, Ernest Brown, Mr. Fullmer, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Con ley and children, William, Beatrice and Elizabeth. Irving College Girls at Evening Corn Roast Shlremanstown, Pa., Oct. B.—The Dramatic Club of Irving College en tertained the students at a weener corn roast in Keebaugh's woods, near town, on Saturday eveningi Eight guests were present. The evening was pent in songs and readings, the latter being given by Miss Mildred Little, Miss Josephine Little, Miss Gregg Darro. The merry party of girls was chaperoned by Miss Mildred L. Little, teacher of ex pression. State Couples Journey to Maryland to Marry Hagerstown, Md., Oct. B.—The fol lowing marriage licenses were is sued here to Pennsylvania couples: William J. B. Myers, Falmouth, and Catherine E. Stesser, Middletown; Arthur W. Shaffer, Goldsboro, and Bessie M. Witmer, Strinestown; Ed ward W. Brandt, Lewistown, and Helen M. Snook, Burnham; Charles H. Schumacher and Anna R. Mc- Calips, Lewistown; Lee Davidson, Mllroy, and Myrtle Hook, Spring Mills. Aviator Is to Lecture For Benefit of Post Mechaiiicsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—This evening an illustrated lecture will be given in Franklin Hall by Lieu tenant R. D. Coble, formerly of the French aviation service. His sub ject will be "Historic Paris and Ver sailles." He is to show more than 100 scenes of both cities, including bombardments, floods, Wilson's re ception, the Peace Conference and the palace at Versailles. The lec ture will be gven as a benefit to the newly-organized Mechanicsburg post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Kearney Bohn's Pumpkin Vine Largest, He Thinks Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. B.—Kear ney Bohn believes he has grown the largest pumpkin vine in this section —and the vine came up voluntarily —in his ijarden here without the seed having been planted. The vine measured 32 feet and contained four large pumpkins. j DEWS OF EVE • • | No More Gentle Than j | "Cascarets" for the j Liver, Bowels It is just as needless as it is dan gerous to take violent or nasty cathartics. Nature provides no shock absorbers for your liver and bowels against calomel, harsh pills, sicken ing oil and salts. Cascarets give quick relief without injury from Constipation, Biliousness, Indiges tion, Gases and Sick Headache. Cas carets work while you sleep, remov ing the toxins, poisons and sour, indigestible waste without griping or inconvenience. Cascarets regu late by strengthening the bowel muscles. They cost so little, too. Headaches and Headnoises Quickly Relieved By Man-Heil Automatic Inhaler Ask Demonstrator Gorgas' Drug Store 10 North Third Street HAHHISBURG TELEGRXPH PERRY TEACHERS HAVE BIG PICNIC Educators in Neighbor County Discuss Timely Topics in Groff's Woods New Bloom field, Pa., Oct. B.—The first annual picnic of Perry county's school teachers, held In Groff's woods, Center township, proved, a splendid success on Saturday. About seventy teachers were pres ent. After Informal greetings had taken place and a tine dinner served Prof. D. A. Kline, superin tendent of the schools of the county, spoke Instructively on "The Value of Good Cheer." "True Meaning of Social Gatherings" was explained by the Rev. J. Thomas Fox, principal of New Bloomfleld schools. "The Real Place of Athletics in Educa tion" was discussed by Prof. G. W. Barnitz, principal of Newport High School. "Sound Activities of a School" was the subject assigned Prof. A. E. Deckard, of Liverpool, and "Plans and Suggestions for the Future Welfare of Perry County Teachers' Association Picnics" was discussed generally, all voicing the sentiment that the picnic be made an annual affair. Prof. W. J. Kerstetter, principal of Blaine Vocational School, was elected president, and Miss Louise Gray, of Duncannon, secretary, for the ensuing year. The association will picnic next year at some time and place not yet decided upon. Groff's woods, the place of this gathering, was recently sold to HofT man & McClure, lumbermen of this place, who will shortly fell the mon archs of the forest, and thus will pass away another well known pic nic ground. Strikers Given Fines and Jail Terms of 30 Days by Judge Gillan Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 8. Three Waynesboro strikers were given a sentence of $2 5 fine, costs j of prosecution and 30 days in jail j by Judge Gillan here. They were Edward Rager, Charles Smiley and | Charles F. Smith, all of Waynes boro, who were charged with as sault and battery on H. B. Baker and son, M. D. Baker. Sixty-four cases are listed for trial, the greater part of which will be occupied by cases involving the strike situation I in Waynesboro. Ohio College President Addresses Students Annville. Pa., Oct. B.—The chapel exercises at Lebanon Valley College on Monday morning were conducted by the Rev. Dr. J. P. presi dent of Bonebrake Theological Sem inary, Dayton, O. Dr. Landis de livered a short message to the stu dents and announced that there are now twelve graduates of Lebanon College enrolled as students at the seminary of which he Is the head. With the registration of the col lege now complete. It is found that 128 new students enrolled for courses. Nineteen young men who left college during the past two years to enter the military or naval set vice of the United States have returned and resumed their studies. Among these are F. Douglas Beidel. of Steelton; Hubert R. Snoke, of Shlppensburg; John L. Berger, of Columbia; Claude B. Kleinfelter, of Cleona, and Ted Hastings, of Mid dletown. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heckman, of Lemasters, Franklin county, have returned home after paynig a visit to their son, Oliver Heckman, a student here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huber, of Mountville, and Mrs. Charles Stnb ley, of Dallastown, were visitors with Miss Minerva Raab, a student here, and have returned to their homes. Leon Witmer, the Lemoyne boy who had his ankle sprained in the freshman-sophomore scrap on the opening day of college, has discard ed his crutches and is able to walk on the Injured limb again. WILL HOLD CONVENTION Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—The Mechanicsburg District Sabbath School Association will hold its fifth annual convention in the United Brethren church at Shepherdstown on Saturday, October 25, with morn ing, afternoon and evening sessions. The association includes all denom inations. The pastor, superintend ent and two delegates from each j school are expected to attend. LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBY Rod Lion—The Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union held its Oc- i tober meeting at the home of Mrs. | Charles Hartman. lliambcrsbung— Of 200 children! weighed at the Harvest Home picnic j at Red Bridge Park, 120 were found to be under weight. . Columbia —Mrs. Margaret Weimer, died here at the age of 90 years, survived by six children: She was the last of her family. Reading—Thieves stole a $l0 Liberty Bond.. $1.50 in cash and goods valued at $2OO from the store of John Anagontelts here. - Didlastown —The employes of the Wertheimer Brothers cigar factory were yesterday granted an increase in wages of $1.70 per thousand cigars. Gettysburg—Funeral services were held at College Lutheran church this forenoon for Mrs. S. C. Burger, wife of a Lutheran mission worker at Guntur, India. j Stcwartstown—H. M. Alloway s Plymouth Kock chickens won prizes at the Lancaster county fair. Out of 4 3 birds he won 42 flrst and sec ond prizes. Shnmokin—After 20 years' service as superintendent of the Shamokin district of the Susquehanna Collieries Company, William Auman has re signed, effective October 15. Spring Grove Paul Hoke was taken ill on a trolley car bound from York to this place and lapsed into unconsciousness, remaining in that condition until he reached his home here. W aynesboro—When there seemed to be danger of a clash between strike pickets and men on their way to work here yesterday morning, State Police scattered the crowd and j the trouble soon was over. Cliambersburg Miss Elizabeth i Riddle, for several years secretary i of the Wilson College Y. W..C. A., j has been offered a position a# trav eling secretary for the State organ!-; zation and is in Philadelphia con-1 ferring with the State leaders. j Shnmokin—A coroner's jury de cided that Councilman Harry T. I {Brother Against Brother i in Lebanon County Court; Samuel Wins His Suit Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 8. —Without j leaving their places the jurors try- | ing the case of appeal brought by Samuel Beamesderfer against his brother, John L. Beamesderfer, ar- ! rived at a verdict in favor of tho , plaintiff. The case was one in which Samuel Bued his brother, John, for possession of a home on South Elev enth street, this city, which the for mer is said to own, and which the latter persisted in living in, it is said, without making proper remuneration j for rental. By the decision of the j jury Samuel is given possession of . the house and John must seok some other abode. Prizes Awarded Those Who Raise Best Pigs Chambcrsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—The pig club work conducted by E. A. Rice, county farm agent, was > brought to a close when prizes were awarded at the close of the harvest home picnic. The heaviest hog weighed 290 pounds. The average daily gain of one of the heavier hogs was 1.9, while a 290-pound hog aver aged 1,89. Three clubs, the Mowersville club, consisting of 8 boys and girls; the New Franklin club of 5 boys, and the Antrim club of four boys and girls, were participants In the work. The best hog in the county was fed by Frank Beam, of the Mowersville club. Prizes ranging from $lO to $2.50 were awarded to the various winners. The livestock sale was the con cluding feature of the picnic. The sale receipts were $2,380. Sixteen Young People Hike to Beshore Farm Sixteen young people hiked to the Beshore farm at Marsh Run on Mon day evening. Games were played and refreshments served. Those present were Miss Anna Gordon, who chaperoned the party; Alice Smith, Anna Early, Martha Winter, Catharine B. Underwood, Pamelia Holahan, Gladys Beshore, Pauline Shaefter, Gladys Hall, Andrew Be shore, Caldwell Fries, Robert Gim mel, Floyd Hasslnger, Russel As per, Harold Frock and Donald Flennie. Highmount Welcomes Its Soldier Boys Today Highmount, Pa., Oct. B.—The wel come celebration tendered the boys of this section to-day was the larg est gathering of people ever held in this section of the State. Sev eral counties were represented at the gathering. Twelve boys enter ed the service from this little place. Four lost their lives. Robert C. Bair, of York, was the orator of the day. The Rev. S. A. Snyder, of Hallam, also spoke. Death Comes Quickly to Workman at York York, Pa., Oct. B.—While chatting with fellow employes at the plant !of the Keystone Roofing Company, j Ephraim Thatcher, aged 67 years, i was fatally stricken. He was seen |to fall headlong to the floor and : when picked up was unconscious. | Workmen carried him to a bench j nearby, where he expired. Prior to i the attack, Thatcher apparently was j in the best of health. Farmer Puts Lozenges Into Cider For "Kick" I Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. B.—Baker 1 & Ecicenro *>, merchants of this | place, sold five pounds of pink-col ; ored mint lozenges to a farmer yes ; terday. When the tiller of the soil was asked what he intended to do with so much of the candy, replied: "Put it into a barrel of cider, by heck; it gives it a kick." Woods Full of Chestnut Hunters Up in Mifflin low is town, Pa., Oct. 8. —Chest- nuts are ripe and the woods are full of people in search of them. George Bender und William Night hart got three pecks a couple of days ago and Jesse Estep a nice lot yesterday. Black walnuts are re ported plenty. Morgan, who was found dead near | Green Ridge, came to his death through causes unknown to the Jury. , Morgan was a telephone man, and it was first thought he had been : j electrocuted. | Mont Alto—To-morrow afternoon a bronze tablet imbedded in a native j boulder on the South Mountain will be presented the Mont Alto Sana torium by Dr. Edward Martin, Health Commissioner, and other friends, in honor of Dr. J. T. Rothrock, who i largely was instrumental in having the sanatorium started here. CHEW With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder 1 ! Keeps them firm. Prevents tore fumi. white. Flavored. Antiseptic. If your dental plate is loose or drops, to get instant relief use Dr. 'Wernet's Powder regularly. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 fjeelrman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, ft $l.OO. At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse imitations. This is the original powder. i r > MANHATTAN i SHIRTS j FORRY'S, SS'S OPEN EVENINGS | V *| WILD HEIFER IS SHOT TO DEATH Escapes From the Drove and Takes to Mountain Fast nesses in Perry Carlisle, Pa., Oct. B.—ln a deep ravine in the mountains be tween this place and Perry county a wild heifer was shot to death by men who had been searching for the animal for three weeks. It was that long ago that Charles Nelson, a stock dealer of this place, brought a drove of cattle hero from Perry county. On the way over the moun tain one of the heifers suddenly be came wild and escaped from the drove. Search was made but tho heifer could not be found. Subse quently search was renewed and ut times the heifer was seen, but as soon as she would see anybody she jumped fences with the ease of a deer and made Into the mountain ravines. One farmer said the ani mal would come to his corn field late at nights and feed and that she had ruined a considerable portion of his crop. He, with others, could not get near her. For three weeks she thrived on what food she could find in the fields. Yesterday men started after her again and when within shooting distance shot her along a deep ravine. Six bullets were required to dispatch her. Stock men and farmers say they had not seen so wild a heifer in years. Will Hold Meeting on Silver Spring Church Lawn Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—On Sunday evening at 5.45 o'clock an open-air meeting will be held on the lawn of the. Silver Spring Presbyte rian church at which Dr. Alonzo Taylor will lecture. Dr. Taylor was ratloner of food in foreign countries and associated in work with Her bert Hoover, and familiar with con ditions in Europe. Community singing will be a feature of the meeting. OCT FOR STATE REGENT Lewlsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—Mrs. H. Grant Dreiubach, of Lewisburg, is a candidate for the Pennsylvania State Regency of Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. The election will take place In Pittsburgh in No vember. Sure Relief Bell-ans Hot water F— g Sure Relief RE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION gpiMiiMilim ■ ' STORE CLOSES EVERY SATURDAY AT 6P. M. £B-30*32 North Third Street. Announcing very stunning e| and decisively fashionable models in s J | ' oir meilVai!!ld ' H for quick choice v SIMPLICITY OF LINE AND DELICATE DESIGN MARK THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THESE CHARMING NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESSES, WHICH BECAUSE OF THEIR ADAPTABILITY CAN BE WORN IN GOOD TASTE FOR NEARLY EVERY OCCASION. THE PRICE ATTRACTION NEED HARDLY BE MENTIONED; SUFFICE TO SAY THEY ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. if T[llIII1IIIlIIIIini1ll!llllllllll]llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll!ill!lll!!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllll!lA OCTOBER 8, T9T9. Dallastown Church Has Cleared Debt of $9,000; Orders New Pipe Organ Dallastown, Pa., Oct. 8. —On the eve of his departure for the Penn sylvania conference of the United Brethren church, at Hanover, the Rev. E. C. B. Castle, pastor of Dal lastown United Brethren church, gave a financial report of the year, showing receipts of $17,637.21. Dur ing the year a debt of $9,000 was cleared off in the subscriptions of one day on tho brown stone church building. An appropriation of $l,- 250 has been made for the support of two missionaries to China for next year. They are the Hov. and Mrs. J. Stuart Innerst, both of Dal lastown. An order has been placed for a pipe organ to cost $5.50 Q. MISSIONARY MEETING Sliiieinaiistown, Oct. 8. The monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of St. John's Lutheran Church will be held on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 9, at the home of Mrs. Blaine A. Bower. Mrs. Charles McGuire will be the leader and the topic will be "The Inner Mission." HOW TO "BE FIT" AT SIXTY BY Da USE HERBERT SMITH. #As our boys "came march ing home," they brought a cer tain red-blooded doctrine, and showed, us the glory of a perfect body. They will show us how to "keep fit," even if we have passed middle life and are be yond the athletic stage. For the tired business man, the man who feels the daily grind and the nightly fag, has meager appetite, headaches, nerves unstrung, is gloomy, ending in a soggy brain, try the right way. Get out of bed, open the window, breathe deeply, exer cise the army "setting-up" exercise or use dumb bells, until in a warm glow. Before breakfast take hot water, and occasionally castor oil or a pleasant laxative made up of May-apple, aloin, jalap, and sold by all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. As Prof. Strauss says, "The excretion of uric acid we are able to effect by exciting diuresis." Drink copiously of soft rain or distilled water, six or eight glasses per day, hot water before meals, and obtain Anuric Tablets, double strength, for [6O cts., at the nearest drug store and take them three times a day. If you want a trial package send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. "Anuric" (anti-uric-acid) is the recent discovery of Dr. Pierce and is much more potent than lithia, for it will dissolve uric acid as hot tea dissolves sugar. STRIKE HOLDING UP ROAD MAKERS Shortage of Steel Expansion Joints Is Being Felt in Adams County Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. B.—Labor conditions and strikes over the coun try have had no effect upon condi tions in Adams county up to the present time, but it is likely that the strike among the steel workers may stop work on the new Stato road between here and Harrlsburg. With everything running smoothly and confident the Job would be com* pleted this year the striking stee* workers have thrown an obstacle it the path of the contractor. With only enough steel expansion joints on hand to last a few days and no hope of getting more to place every 20 feet between the blocks of con crete, it looks as if the work would Ibe tied up indefinitely.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers