Cooler Weather Credited With Aiding Recovery of President Who Is Allowed to Sit Up | XXXVIII- NO. 237 22 PAGES "•"iffi.f.V "VS* HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1919. "iMSSSS IfSKffißSSf" cents 3 HOME EDITION NATION-WIDE TRUCE URGED IN INDUSTRIES m 3 MONTHS Creation of Arbitration Board by the President and Con gress Also Advocated at Washington Conference "WANT ARBITRATION OF STEEL STRIKE Labor Delegates Want It End ed; Representatives of Pub lic Propose Means to Allay I nrest; Gompers Suggests By Associated Press, Washington, Oct. 9.—An im mediate industrial truce to con tinue three months; creation of an arbitration board by the President and Congress, and immediate arbitration of the na tion-wide steel strike were the proposals made to-day to the Industrial Conference here. The first two were presented by rep resentatives of the public and the last by the labor group. Bernard M. Baruch, chairman of the public group, made the proposal for the industrial truce, while Sam- j ucl Gompers, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor and chair man of the labor group, proposed arbitration of the steel strike. Mr. Gompers' plan contemplated imme diate return of the steel strikers to work pending the outcome of efforts to arbitrate the dispute. Permanent Board Gavin McXab, of San Francisco, proposed a permanent arbitration board, bis resolution which had the approval of the public group, pro- : Mding that ail living ex-Presidents I be members. Mr. Gompers' board of arbitration • of the steel strike would be com- ! posed of six members, two to be ap- i p'ointed by each of the three groups in the conference —capital, labor : and the public. Mr. Gompers also presented a res olution embodying eleven funda mental principles, which he em phasized had the unanimous ap proval of the labor group, including the representatives of the four rail road brotherhoods. They were: Right of*wage-earners to organize. Right of collective bargaining. Right of wage-earners to be rep resented by representatives of its own choosing in negotiations with employers. Freedom of speech, of the press, and of assemblage. Right of employers to organize and bargain collectively. Minimum eight-hour day with one day of rest in each week, and with a half-holiday on Saturday encour aged and overtime discouraged. Payment of a living wage. Women to receive the same pay as men for eaual work. Prohibition of labor for children under 16 years of age. "To secure a greater share of con sideration and co-operation to the workers in all matters affecting the industry in which they are en gaged," a national conference board was proposed to provide for the sys tematic review of industrial relations and conditions, the board to consist of an equal number of representa tives of employers and workers, hav ing due regard to the various sec tions of industry and classes of workmen. Formation of the board will be encouraged by the Depart ment of Labor. Prohibition of all immigration for at least two years after the declara tion of peace and at such times thereafter as there may be an ab normal condition of unemployment. At no time would immigration be permitted to exceed the nation's ability to Americanize the incoming foreigners. Plans Adjustment A plan for adjustment of labor disputes, prepared by Secretary Wil [Continued on Page 15.] Ukrainians Attacked in First Clash of War They Declared on Russia By Associated Press. Paris. Wednesday, Oct. 8. Ukrainian troops have been sur prised and attacked by a Russian volunteer army and violent fighting is in progress, according to the Ukra ianian press bureau at Basle, quoting advices received from Po dolsk. It is believed that this encounter is the first to follow the reported declaration of war on General Deni kine, anti-Bolshevik commander in South Russia, by General Simon Pet lura. Totally Disabled Ship Is Drifting Helplessly at Sea By Associated Press. Halifax. N. S., Oct. 9.—An appeal for aid was received to-day in a wireless message from the L'nited States Shipping Board steamer Yak lok intercepted by the radio station at Barrington, N. S. The message said that the Yak lok is totally disabled and drifting helpless in latitude 54.17 north, londitude 66.21 west. The steamer Anacortes has reported that she is about 70 miles front the disabled ship and is proceeding to her re lief. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Produces Engine Which Runs Without Power DIRECTOR MILES IN HIS LABORATORY PERPETUAL MOTION IS SOLVED AT LAST Power Can Be Furnished For Every Cause Without Cost, Declares Inventor, Who Has Made Working Model Proposed miners' strikes and ! threatened S2O coal, need no longer strike fear in the hearts of Harris burgers. Coal, together with coal stoves and j furnaces are to disappear from the | home to be replaced by an electric j stove. And the best of it all is -that j the cost will be quite inconsequen- | tial. Eacli home will have its own pow- j e.* plant. An engine has been evolved ; to be run by perpetual motion. There ; will be no cost other than the wear j and tear on the bearings of the en-1 gine so operated. Problem Is Solved All that is needed now is a million j dollars. So says Edmund Miles. 956 South |j Twenty-first street, who has evolved . tho system after nine years of study. "If the man who offered a [ million dollars for cheap power dur- j [Continued on Pago 17.1 President Wilson Continues to Hold Slight Improvement Washington, Oct. 9. President Wilson continues to hold the slight j improvement in liis condition noted I yesterday, said a bulletin issued to day by Rear Admirals Grayson and Stitt, his physicians. The bulletin follows: "Wlilte 'House, Oct. 9, 11.30 a. ni. "While there Is no material change in the President's con dition the slight improvement noted yesterday continues. (Signed) "Grayson, "Stitt." For the first time since lie was called in a week ago, Dr. Sterling Rulfin, of this city, was not present at this morning's consultation. Dr. Francis X. Dercum, the noted Phila delphia neurologist, who was sum moned to Washington when the President's condition took a turn for the worse more than a week ago, probably will sec the President again Saturday. The President continued to-day to have a good appetite and according to officials at the White House had a very good night—one of the best lie has had. Cool weather was credited to-day by President Wilson's physicians with aiding in his recovery, which has now reached the stage where lie is able to spend part of his time sitting up. The unseasonable heat during Ihe last few days was de clared to have greatly retarded the patient's progress, and with the change he is able to slpep and to gain more strength from his rest. The President still was prohibited to day from doing any work, although his physicians said he was well enough to resume the duties of his office should any emergency arise. CONDITIONS UNFAVORABLE By Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. 9.—Captain Iloag, commander at Ashburn field, this morning sent word to the officials at Bryan field, Ohio, asking all west hound machines be held there until further notice because of unfavor able conditions in Chicago. AND NOW THE SIX O'CLOCK WHISTLE BLOWS AT THREE No More Docs the Workman Knock Off to the Tune of the Early Evening Siren of Long Ago The six o'clock whistle is with us no more! Xo longer do we hear at the fall of the evening the scream which sounded so much like the daughter of our neighbor who is taking her first singing lesson. For now the six o'clock whistle blows at three. The good old seven o'clock whis tle still greets some of us as we hurry to the grind and makes others of us stir uneasily in bed und wonder what the—what the reason for such racket may be. Hut the six o'clock whistle —ah, there's the rub! 1,000 MORE JOIN FOR DAYLIGHT SAVING Names of approximately 1,000 persons begging City Council to continue daylight saving next year were received by the Har risburg Telegraph to-day. A ma jority of the petitions were signed in the Hill district. Men who passed the petitions declare that they could have se cured the names of 10,000 men and women had they had the time to make a more careful canvass. A petition signed by a major ity of the members of Technical High School also was received. Virtually all the instructors and Dr. Charles B. Fager. Jr., prin cipal, signed the petition. EXPERT NAMED TO SUPERINTEND TROLLEY SERVICE C. F. Crane Brought Here to 1 Improve Operation of Cars I Clifford F. Crane, of Geneva, N. j Y., well-known authority on street j railway transportation problems, was to-day named assistant to President Frank B. Musser, of the Harrisburg | Railways Company, and placed in j charge of tlve transportation end , of tho company's business. The de- j cision was made by the board of di rectors of the company and is ex- [ pected to assist materially in work- j ing out present and future prob- | lems which confront the company. 1 Mr. Crane has spent nineteen [ years in the street railway transpor- [ tation business in New York and Pennsylvania. He had charge of the , operating division of the Eastern Pennsylvania Railways Company and organized its working system. For [ a number of years, too, he was in j charge of operations of the Wilkes- Barre Railways Company. Mr. Crane will assume his new duties immediately. All of the de- j tails of the operating division of the company will be in charge of Mr. Crane and he will begin at once j a study of the company's present operating system with a view to mak- | ing certain recommendations and changes from time to time in order, that transportation facilities in the city and towns connected by the Harrisburg Railways lines will be improved. The rerouting of cars made neces sary by the Capitol Park Extension and the proposed Memorial Bridge | at State street will be among the j first of the large problems to be | studied by Mr. Crane. FORCE SUSPENSION By Associated Press. Wheeling. W. Va„ Oct. 9.—De mands of laborers for 72 and 75 cents an hour and of the engineers for 75 cents an hour, with 12 hours' pay for eight hours' work and time and one half for overtime, caused the sus pension of the Yorkville plant of the Wheeling Steel and Iron Company to-day. This eight-hour, six-hour, or any old hour day has placed the whistle which marks the closing time on a par with the well known will-o'- the-wisp. Some times it blows at five, again at four, and if the craze for nonworking keeps up we may ex pect to hear the screaming shout of the siren as we rise from lunch. The famous old bell of St. Lawrence's Catholic Church which rang at six for several generations no longer is rung since the new house of wor ship was buiit iu State street. ofor-2to&cpcn&eM. TWO SHOT, MANY ! HURT IN RIOTS | AT PITTSBURGH j State Police Scatter Crowd Which Waylays Party of j Negroes; Fire Low | WIDESPREAD ARRESTS Scoop in Scores of Disturbers Following Series of New Outbreaks By Associated Press. Pittsburgh, Oct. 9.—A clash be jtween negro workers and foreign- I born strikers at Donora to-day. re sulted in two men being shot and wounded and a number injured. The crowd was scattered by the State Police without serious casualties. The State Troopers were assisted by local police and deputies. According to the Burgess of Do- Inora there were about 20 in the attacking party who lay in wait for I workers going to and from the plant I here of the American Steel and Wire Company. When a party of eight or ten workers, whites and negroes, ! came along they were assailed by all kinds of missiles. The workers , fought back and there was some | shooting. This brought the local ; police and a call was sent in for Ithe State Troops. The clash lasted | but a few minutes and it was found | that two men. alleged to have been i members of the attacking party, ' were shot in the legs. The men, after their wounds were dressed, were arrested. Many Arrests Made A number of other arrests were made, and the Burgess said more would follow before night. A thorough investigation is being made by the borough authorities. The shooting to-day followed a number of small outbreaks between workers and strikers and their sympathizers, according to the borough authorities, since the wire plant resumed operations last Mon day. In Monessen, across the Mononga liela river from Donora, men are said to be returning to work more rapid ly. Four plants are in operation I there since Monday, after a two j weeks' shut down. No attempt has I been made as yet to operate the j Carnegie Steel Company's lioop mil! or the American Sheet and Tin Plate iCompany plant at Monessen. CITY IS SLOW TO CONTRIBUTE FOR WAR MEMORIAL Many Would Write Deeds of Soldiers Only on the Sands "WHAT MEAN THESE STONES?" H) the Rev. Dr. ltohert liagneii. In olden times the Lord instruct ed the Israelites to set up stones as a monument of what God did for them; and when their children should ask, "What mean these stones?" the story of God's de liverance should be told. We are erecting a monument that will mean these things for all time: 1 The heroism of the boys of Harrisburg in the service of our country. 2 The gratitude of a people who, heart and soul, backed their boys in the great struggle, and who are profoundly thankful to God that so many of them have safely re turned. 3. That God rules; and Liberty and Democracy are safe in his keeping. "It is beginning to look like the people of Harrisburg will engrave the brave deeds of this city's soldiers and sailors upon the sands instead of upon everiastng tablets," declared a man to-day who left S2O at Chamber of Commerce headquarters for the city's proposed memorial. He had scanned the list of subscriptions so far re ceived. The large ledger containing blank spaces consecutively from 1 to 3,500, was not even beginning to fill up. It is true that quite a number of Harrishurg's men and women have subscribed S2O and more than S2O for the memorial, but when it is recalled that the population of the city is now in the vicinity of 80,000 the numbpr of subscriptions received is pitiably small. As already told, the Pine Street Presbyterian Church has subscribed S2O each for the gold stars on its ser vice flag. Wilmer and Vincent will sec to it that each of the stars on the firm's service flag are covered. Her culean Lodge, No. 574. B. R. T., will cover its 40 stars. These are scattered instances of what is going on. Much that is encouraging might be reported, said headquarters to day, but the disinterestedness of the people is so far the big feature of the campaign. By this campaign it is proposed to raise $70,000 with which to erect a memorial which will endure for all time. This memorial will be built at the Thirteenth street terminal of the new State street bridge. Part of the proceeds will be devoted, too, toward the payment of blllc incurred a week ago last monday, when the welcome home celebration occurred. It is requested by the committee in charge that individuals throughout the city interest themselves in the memorial and see to it that in their blocks subscriptions are taken "cov ering" the soldiers and sailors from I that block. DAYLIGHT SAVING IS ENDORSED BY THE KIWANIS CLUB Resolution Favoring Popular Measure Unanimously Adopted TELL OF THE CITY'S NAVY Club to Entertain Reading Members at Luncheon and Baseball At the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis Club in tho Penn-Harris to day. J. William Bowman and E. J. Stack pole outlined the plans for the enlargement and development of the Greater Harrisburg Navy. The mem bership prize, a huge cake presented by John Rose, was won by Roy Stettler. During the meal, which was en livened by many songs, a resolution .was introduced by AI. K. Thomas, endorsing the daylight saving cam paign inaugurated by the Harrisburg [Telegraph. The measure is a popu lar one with the members. The committee to take care of the Reading Kiwanis Club which is coming here next Thursday to play baseball and take lunch with the Harrisburg Club, was announced by President Xeefo. During the report of tho Ailtoona convention, when the Harrisburg members brought next year's convention to this city. "Baron" Neefe wa? congratulated on his election us vice district [manager of Kiwanis for Pennsyl vania. Charles L. Smith was an nounced as the man in charge of the 1920 convention. E. K. Porte said a few words of farewell to the club, as be is leaving town shortly. The report of the committee in charge of tlic dona tions to the Children's Industrial Home was presented by Al. K. Thomas, who stated that three truck [loads of food, amounting to morp jtlian three hundred tins of canned 'goods among other things, had been [Continued on Page 9.] TAKE 5,000 PRISONERS HelMingfors. Oct. 9.—The Russian northwestern army on October 5, took 5,000 prisoners from a Red (li vison in the Pskov sector, it was an nounced in advices received here to day. The Bolsheviki suffered a se vere defeat on this occasion, it is de clared. LUTHERAN SYNOD CALLS SOCIETIES "NON-CHRISTIAN" Members Vote to Suport Anti- Saloon League and Pro hibition Lutheran ministers in session at St. Matthews Lutheran Church this morning voted unanimously against what they term "Non-Christian" So cieties and Cults. The following resolution was passed: "Resolved That all our pastors and their official boards and coun cils be and are hereby instructed, to the effect that they do not grant letters of dismissal to any society or heretical association, such as the Christian Science, Seventh Day Ad ventists. Spiritualists, Cults, Theo pliisists and kindred Isms." Another set of resolutions en dorsed, came in a report of the com mittee on temperance and com mended the Anti-Saloon league for its good work in uiding the prohibi tion movement, and agreeing to give this organization the support of tho Lutheran Church; and endorsing the Prohibition movement. It was also recommended that the Lutheran Church have a representative in the antisaloon league organization. Elect New Boards The entire morning was taken up in hearing reports, and in the work of the committee on nominations. Elections were held for representa tion on various church boards. Sitn lilar work was given attention this afternoon and with the session this evening, the Seventy-eighth Annual Convention of the Evangelical Luth eran Church of East Pennsylvania will come to a close. The Rev. A. Pehlan, of Philadel- [Continued on Page .] Twelve New Dwelling Houses to Be Erected by Wm. A. Mcllhenny F. J. Heinly, contractor for Wil liam A. Mcllhenny, secured build ing permits to-day to erect 12 three story brick houses, six to be located at the northeast corner of Market and Prospect streets, and six at the corner of Ethel and Prospect streets. The total cost of the work will be $48,000. Other permits issued follow: W. H. Hoffman, T. H. Sheaffer, con tractor, one-story frame garage, rear 1529-31 Derry street, $400; H. B. Hain, C. F. Look, contractor, one story brick garage, rear 2303 North Third street, $900; C. G. Fry, one story brick garage, rear, 549 Curtin $250. 12 Delinquent Juveniles Listed For Hearings Twelve cases are listed for juvenile court to be held to-morrow by Judge S. J. M. McCarrell. Fifteen boys and girls, most of them held on charges of truancy and incorrigi bility. will be heard, one boy charged with the larceny of an au tomobile and two others held for felonious entry and larceny, will be > heard. CHICAGO. TRYING TO MAKE IT THREE IN ROW OVER REDS i Having Found Their Long Lost Batting Eyes, Players Are Confident They Can Draw Abreast of Cincinnati and Overtop Them Tomorrow WILLIAMS AND ELLER ARE TO BE OPPOSING HURLERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E. chi^° By Associated l y ress. t Comiskey Park. Chicago, Oct. 9. The eighth game of the world's; championship baseball series will be. | played here this afternoon, unless all indications fail. The sun broke 1 through the clouds shortly before i noon and shone down brilliantly. ; An extremely high wind sprang 1 up, however, and unless this abates j at game time, the fielding end of the ! contest will be decidedly uncertain. : The scene at the ball yard to-day ! appeared more natural for a world's series. The vast stretches of bleach ers were more than three-fourths ; filled two hours before game time [ and a constant stream of humanity was pouring through the gates. The pavilion seats were also well oc cupied. The Sox emerged from their dug- [ out at 12.55 p. m. and immediately'! began a spirited fielding and batting j practice. The Reds came on the field a min- | ute later and went through the , usual ball passing in front of their bench. Faber served up the benders for the Sox while Williams took his reg ular position in the batting practice ; and appeared certain to be Gleason's . choice in the box. \\ tllinniN In Twirl Claude "Lefty" Williams, twice de-I fcated by the Reds but holding them ! to an aggregate of eight hits in the two games, was expected to be Glea- I son's selection for mound duty. Williams' pitching was of high or der, but each time he opposed twirl- [ i rs before whom the White Sox heavy i hitters virtually were powerless. With! the assertion that "his boys" had re covered their batting eyes and fight ing spirit, as was evidenced yester day and Tuesday when they batted from the box Reuther and Sallee, who oyercame them in the first two bat tles, Manager Gleason was confident his star left bander would pitch a comeback game as did Cicotte yes terday. Murnii Confident Manager Moran, while somewhat surprised that his charges had failed in two attempts to assume the Na tional League champions possession of the 1919 world's championship, merely pointed to the breaks of the , game as responsible for what he termed the "postponement." He seemed confident to-day would end I the series, making unnecessary the I ninth game to-morrow at Cincinnati, nig Fuller Out "Red" Faber, hero of the 1917 I world's series, was mentioned as a ; White Sox pitching possibility to- I day, but the consensus of opinion was I that Williams would be given the j honor. Faber is said to have recov ! ered form though he was virtually I on the retired list all the season. In their renewed hope that the | White Sox yet would win the series, i local enthusiasts began to cast about ' for precedents to fortify them in what I some others regarded as a rather far- I fetched desire. • It was found that the American League representatives would have to establish yet another record in this record-establishing series to be re turned winners. In no world's series has a club won four straight games when its opponents needed but a single contest. In 1907 Frank Chance's old Chicago Cub machine took four straight from Detroit after the tirst game ended in a tie, the re search divulged. And four straight victories by the Boston Nationals over 1 hiladelphia Americans and by the Boston Americans from the Philadel phia Nationals after the latter had taken the tirst game, also were found. "Can lie Hone" Regarded as most reassuring in its value as directly concerning the White Sox, however, was the record of the 1912 city series when the Sox. with their backs to the wall after the Cubs had taken three straight, fell on their National League rivals and won the necessary four games. That showed it "can be done" some said. Few wagers on the outcome of the series were reported to-day. Prevail ing odds on the series result appar ently were 2M to 2 and even money on to-day's game. The probable lineup and batting order follows: CINCINNATI CHICAGO Rath, 2b. Liebold, r. f. Daubert, lb. E. Collins. 2b. Groh, 3b. Weaver, 3b. ' Roush, c. f. Jackson, 1. f. Duncan, l.f. Felsch, c. f. Kopf, s. s. Gandil, lb. Neale, r. f. Risberg, s. s. Rariden, c. Schalk, c. Eller, p. Williams, p. THE WEATHER Hnrrisburg ami Vicinity i ltain this afternoon, to-night and Friday. Warmer to-night with Invest temperature about r, degrees. Eastern Pennsylvn liui Itnin to night and i'ridor, warmer to night. Inerensiag south winds. Illu ri The Sllsquehnnnn river and nil Its brunches will rise slight ly or reninln nearly slutio.uiry. A stage of übout 3.1 feet is In dicated for Hurrlsburg Friday uiorniug. SURE, WINTER IS WITH US "Certainly, winter is here," said the traffic copper to-day who wearily was guiding pedestrians across Market street, while suf fering in the cold blasts. "Lv>oky there, see all the warm summer furs have disappeared and they are wearing less than in July. Thr almanac lias noth ing to do with it; we'd be seeing straw hats right after the first snow. Look at any woman." POSTPONE MEETING Piriadclphia. Oct. 9. —The meet ings of the subcommittee, appointed at Buffalo last week by tho joint wage conference of the central com petitive coal field in an effort to reach an agreement on a new wage scale for the bituminous mine work ers, which were to have been re sumed hero to-day, were postponed until to-morrow because of the non arrival of several members of tho committee. ■lit 1 i" A" ■i"' i" k' te' ""A" ■ ~{r 'A* °A" Am l A* * 'A* '■.""i* A* A* A" A* A* A* A* viv j T } m ' * from New York to San Francisco, lo it lis 1 A At ' r noon and came down on a farm at 1". machine was wrecked and is being dismay* I was f j -.1 ~ t s A T MAYNARD LEAVES FOR ST. PAUL * -h -<# t Xin the transcontinental air derby, arrived at Ak-Sar-Ben 4j flying field here at 12.48 to-day. He made the trip from Xi miles, in one hour and 14 minutes. He 4* X left for St. Paul, Neb., at 1.34 P. M., after dining and re- At V At *' X WOMAN HURT itf FALL " * Harrisburg. Mrs. Maud P. Arter, 1422 Derry street, X <v* 4- 4 # suffering from injuries received when she fell from a lad- 4. < *'' der while cleaning cars in the State street coach yard. Jjr 4- ** SIR HENRY WEYMAN IN CITY V ft . t cisco violinists and for years a conductor of orchestras J 4 I and director of concerts, stopped in the city to-day en 4 < m , t route t© New York. While liere he visited Mr. and Mrs. d * * . alius von Bereghy, 224 North Fifteenth street. The lat- V t ter was a classmate of Sir Henry at the Liepzig Conser- d vatory. 4 t NO. 20 WRECKED WHEN IT STRIKES FENCE S * 1 Elmira. Machine No. 20 in the cross country race 4 ■ , , landed with its nose i njhe mud near Waverly, N. Y. 2, * • Captain John Marquette and Lieutenant Clarence Hor- 4# , , r 'ruck ll* fenvi. .The plane was badly damaged., *T <■ 4 ♦> *• •• S IN - v * * < 4 . • Harrisburg. The Kiwanis Clu 1 ., fgr ap- m. \ 4 propriate SIOO for the five mtembers v the X 4 war, toward the city memorial. 4* ; - X MARRIAGE LICENSES . JL i r Jnnic* Kerwla, llnrrfnburv. nnl Kiitliryiic Newport! 5 *, - •4a Ofurßr I. IhoiuiiN, Jr.. Klimnlictli, X. J., mid .lulln 41. Stiimin. Hitrrta- a , m , Imrg; Ururur 11. Ilojer ami l.klliun M. CiimmiiiKN, HHrrlNhurKt GeorKC T T 5 i:. IviinK inl Mather M. Webb. HnrrUlniru: C'hrUllnn C. KuuA'man mid Nuoinl 4. Hoed, llarrlnburi;; Joseph Itciuel, Jr., and Anna >l. „ y behrelber, Rending* ." RAIN HAMPERS FLIGHTS IN BIG AERIAL CONTEST Causes Many Delayed Starts; "Flying Parson" Is Lead ing Whole Field DROPS INTO LAKE ERIE Two Fall Into Water and Are Rescued by Passing Steamer By Associated Press. i Mlneola. Oct. 9. Rain held up j virtually all westbound flyers in the | Army's transcontinental contest i early to-day at the control stations iin Rochester, Buffalo, Bryan and j Cleveland. Weather conditions : around Chicago had sufficiently im- I proved at noon to allow the west ! Pound flyers to resume. Kustbound flyers encountered bet i ter weather and three pilots were en abled to leave Salt Lake City, Utah, ■ early to-day for Green River. Wyo.. 1137 miles distant and 755 miles • from the starting point at San Fran i eisco. "Flying Parson" Leads Lieut. Belvin W. Maynard, the 1 "flying parson," led all other nv u ! tors in the distance covered. He j flew* I'roni Chicago to Rock island. Ills., this morning and shortly af -1 terward was on his way to De i (Moines, lowa. His total elapsed jtime between Mineola and Rock Is -1 land was 21 hours and I;• m nutou, I allowing for t lie difference of una ! hour in time. Thirty Reach Buffalo Thirty of the 48 machines lenv ! ing here had arrived at Buffalo be fore noon to-day. A number of 1 others were held up at Binghumton j and Rochester. Captain John Mar j quette, who landed near Williams- I port, Pa., yesterday because of ! trouble with his compass, resumed his journey to Binghamton to-day. Lieut. D. B. Gish, who with Cap tain De Lavergne, air attache of the French embassy, was forced to ; descend at Oanadice, N. Y., yes(er- I day. when his plane caught tire, re turned here to-day to re-enter the contest in another machine. Neither [Continued on Page 22.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers