2 The Days News in Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania RIOT CASES ARE BEFORE JURYMEN Judge Gillan IVeides on Spe cial Scssic of j , Strike Chnmbcrsbur.', .It.lge W. Rush Gillan unnoum ■ ! : csierday that a special session of criminal court had been dec.dled upon to dis pose of the large amount of business brought about through riot eases at Waynesboro and Greencastle, the outcome of the Waynesboro strike. These cases will occupy all of the present week and part of next. The common pleas term was continued until Monday, November 10, at which time a special jury will be called. The testimony of Blaine Rock, a Waynesboro striker, who was the . first witness called for the defense yesterday in the Greencastle riot case, showed that daily meetings had been held at Friedley's woods, near Waynesboro, in order to have the strikers hold together. Ho admitted that at one of these meetings it was decided to send representatives to Greencastle in an effort to have the workmen of the Landis Tool Com pany there to quit work and join the In his 'direct testimony he denied he had participated In the riot, say ing he arrived "after the excitement" was over. He told the court and jury that he in company with sev eral other men went to Greencastle by automobile and that the shops were closed when ho arrived. He followed the parade to Center Square where it disbanded. Thirty five strikers are on trial. Huntingdon Presbytery^ Is to Meet Next April in Mifflintown Church Mlfflintown, Pa., Oct. 9.—At the meeting of the Presbytery of Hunt ingdon at Bellwood the invitation of the church in this place htat the presbytery meet here next April was accepted. The Rev. David S. Curry, who ac cepted the call to the church at Mount Union, was received from the Presbytery of Corning. The Rev. Dr. J. S. Butt was received from the Presbytery of Newton, having ac cepted the call from the congrega tion of West Kiehacoquillas. Mrs. Nancy Walmer Is Dead of Heart Failure Union Deposit, Pa., Oct. 9. —Mrs. Nancy Walmer died on Tuesday morning at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Jacob Nye, of heart fail ure. She is survived by one son, Harry Walmer; one daughter, Mrs. Jacob Nye: eight grandchildren, two great grandchildren and one broth er, Samuel Gingrich. She was 81 years old. Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the house, conducted by the Rev. Arthur R. King. Inter ment will be made In the Union De posit cemetery. Granville Man Is Fined $25 For Shooting Grouse 'Dewistown, Pa.. Oct. 9.—Cloyd Brlttan, of Granville, near here, was arrested by Ralph E. McCoy, keeper of the game preserve at Licking Creek, and fined $25 for shooting a grouse out of season. Brittan had the bird concealed in his clothing when McCoy followed him from the Vincent lumber camp and arrested him. BUYS COAL FLEET Cly, Pa., Oct. 9.—Baron Bestecki, of New Cumberland, has purchased the coal fleet operated at this placo by Brunner and Kephart, of York Haven. The consideration was pri vate. Baron Bestecki will Increase the capacity of the fleet by the addi tion of several more pumps. L— _J I Many cannot drink coffee II || wit Kin four hours of bed- || II time andget their nat- 1 lural sleep. , But I bear this in mind.when I a cheery evening table I drink is wanted I You can drink 1 POSTUM I without disturbance. I Therms no caffeine m Fbstum, no sleeplessness or nerve ... irritation., - - And youll be I •' pleased "with the flavor: - - Try Postum ten days and find out for yourself | "There's aJßeason Made bythe POSTUMJCEREAL CO. BattleXreek.lMich. | THURSDAY EVENING, Mayor Shelby S. Tuttle Heads College Training Corps at Gettysburg Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—Major Shelby S. Tuttle, United States In fantry, has been appointed as the new commanding officer of the Re serve Officers' Training Corps untt of Gettysburg College to succeed Captain Tuthill, who has been mus tered out of the service. Major Tut tle will be head of the department of military science and tactics. FEAR THEY WILL LOSEPOSITIONS Red Lion Cigarmakers Anx ious Lest Big Men Abandon Industry Across River Red Lion, Pa., Oct. 9.—Cigar manufacturers of Red Lion and vi cinity held a meeting on Tuesday evening, at which plans were made to better labor conditions in the trade, to stabilize the wage scale and to insure labor that the present wage scales would be maintained. During the past few months the borough has been invaded by cigar manu facturers with big establishments in the larger cities. At the meeting it was pointed out that these manu facturers come into the community only because of strikes and wage demands in larger cities and their presence here is only for the period of such difficulty. It is said that when adjustments are made the big manufacturers will close up their shops and withdraw the work to their larger plants, leav ing local residents without work. These manufacturers refused the de mands of their workers in the cities, it is said, and came into the com munity and secured labor here by bidding against the local plants, of fering large bonuses. The wages of cigarmakers have advanced in Red Lion 70 per cent, during the past year, and the em ployes at the meeting agreed that the present scale would be main tained. Three Congressmen on Party's Rally Program Cliambersburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—Three Republican Congressmen, Albert Johnson, of Washington: William R. Wood, of Indiana, and Benjamin K. Focht, of Pennsylvania, are to ad dres a rally of Franklin county Re publicans to be held In the Cham bersburg Trust Company building on Saturday forenoon. Luncheon is to be served. The rally has been called by Dr. Joseph P. Maclay, county chairman, and his fellow members of the county committee. Loysville Bank Stock Attracts Many People Loysville, Pa., Oct. 9.—Stock In the proposed National Bank of Loys ville has already been overscribed. National bank examiners have look ed over the prospects and a charter will be granted as soon as necessary details can be completed. It is understood there is a move ment on foot to organize a second bank here. Loysville is the center of the richest sections of Perry county and has long had Inadequate banking facilities. Palmyra Pastor Sent Back For Tenth Year Palmyra, Pa., Oct. 9.—The Rev. E. O. Burtner has been returned to the First United Brethren church here by the annual conference. This will mark the Rev. Burtner's tenth consecutive year as pastor at the Palmyra church during which time ho has been most successful. ADMITS SLAYING FELLOW BOARDER Harrisburg Negro Held With out Bail For Slashing Com panion Near Altoona Altoona, Pa., Oct. 9. Charged with the murder of Granville Davis, Jesse Allen, a Harrisburg negro, has been held without ball for trial. He was taken to the Blair county prison at Hollldaysburg to-day after Alder man John C. Gorsuch had heard the evidence against him and committed him to prison. The murder was one of the most sensational and brutal ever occurring in this city. Allen, apparently laying In wait for Davis at the old West End hotel, stepped forward in the hallway as Davis came out of his room, attacking him in a frenzied mariner with a large pocketknife, cutting and slashing him in the abdomen and back. Allen made his escape while Davis was hurried to the Altoona hospital. His wounds were of a terrible nature, the long blade of the knife cutting through the abdomen to the vital organs of the body. He sank rap idly and died just before midnight Tuesday. Allen's mother is Mrs. Molllo Al len, of 126 Liberty street, Harris burg, and is a respected colored wo man of that city. Letters in the ef fects of Allen show that she has been making tireless efforts to have him live a law-abiding and decent life. One letter contains a plea for him to get rid of a revolver she learned he was carrying. Allen made the following state ment to the police: "On Sunday, October 5, Granville Davis, mysejf and several other col ored men whose names I do not know, engaged in crap shooting in the woods west of Altoona, Blair county, when a quarrel took place between Davis and myself. "Davis alleged that I was using loaded dice. Ho threw the dice away and called me a number of vile names. Davis also threatened to cut me with a knife. This (Tues day) evening about 6 o'clock I met Davis in the West End hotel, where we both board, when I drew the knife with the blood on the blade, which I dropped on the sidewalk and Officer C. C. Mock picked up, and slashed Davis several times." Warns Banks Against Man With Bogus Checks Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 9. —Sergeant L. G. Bernard, In charge of the re cruiting station here, to-day notified all banks in the city to be on the lookout for A. H. Harrison, for merly In the recruiting service of the United States at San Francisco, who is said to be passing worthless checks. Harrison is described as a deserter from the recruiting serv ice. He is said to be of excellent appearance and personality. He stands more than six feet tall and weighs over 200 pounds. Two Taken by State Police on Theft Charge Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 0. Officers McMahon and Thompson, of the State police, yesterday placed Austin Brubaker and Monroe Eckert, of Schaefferstown, under arrest charged with housebreaking. In default of bail the men were committed to the county jail by Justice of the Peace Hort. It is said they entered the home of Alfred S. Wartluft at Schaeffers town and stole goods valued at SSO. MATTHEW ItLRK DIES Wrightsville, Oct. 9. —Matthew Blrk, for 85 years superintendent of the Billmyer and Small saw mill at this place In the days when this was the leading industry of the borough, died suddenly at his home on Tues day evening, aged 71 years. Al though In poor health for several years, he had not been confined to the house. He was widely known In York county. HJIRRB3BTJRG (Slfti TELEGRXPa BONNIWELL WINS OVER HOLSTEIN Philadclphian Defeats Harris burg Candidate For State Fireman Presidency Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 9.—Judge Eu gene C. Bonnlwell, of Philadelphia, president of the State Firemen's As sociation, was re-elected by the dele gates in the forUeth annual conven tion by a vote of 4,101 to 1,147. He was opposed by Howard O. Holstein, of Harrisburg, who is in favor of the head of the association serving only one year and retiring in favor of other candidates. This is the fifth successive year that Judge Ronniwell has served the association as its head. During his incumbency he has covered 15,000 miles at no expense to the association. "I have always borne in mind that the funds of the association are a sacred trust to be conserved and en larged in order that our obligations to the dependents of our departed brothers might be maintained. Therefore, during the entire period of my incumbency, there has been no charge to the State association for clerical services of stenographers, nor for traveling expenses," Judge Bonniwell stated. There were eight candidates for vice-presidents, the four highest be ing elected, as follows: Michael J. Cronin, Erie, 4,223; Daniel H. Har ris, Catasauqua, 4,113; Peter J. Roßar, Scranton, 3,862; Earl I Koch Reading, 3,728. The other candidates were Mark F. Roberts Carrick, 1.049; Charles Metzel, ML Union, 867; George Vanßilliard, Bethlehem, 721; Roy O. Schuy ler, 607. The other officers elected are: Secretary-treasurer, Oliver T. Wea ber, Allentown, 5,250; financial sec retary, Charles E. Clark, 5,250; chap lain, the Rev. Samuel H. Stein, of York, 5.250. It was decided to hold over until next year the amendments to the by laws providing for an increase in the dues to $2.50 and fixing the age limit for new members at 49 years. Newport Band Chooses John S. Eby Its President Newport, Pa., OcL 9.—John 6. Eby, former Perry county member of Assembly, and for many years president of the Newport Citizen's Band, has Just been re-elected to the office. Other officers of the as sociation recently elected are: Vice president, John S. Kough; secre tary, R. W. Davis; treasurer, R. P. Keim; leader, W. H. Kough; as sistant leaders, F. L. Demaree, L. M. Kell and William Dudley. Propositions of securing better financial support are being consid ered, it being thought that a perma nent fund should be created by citizens to provide for the future need of the band. Just now. It is reported, the band Is in need of uni forms. Homesick Lad Starts Back on Roller Skates Reading, Pa,, Oct. 9.—Homesick for Reading after two weeks lit Philadelphia, where he eald he cotaldn't make friends with other youngsters, 11-year-old Joseph Dil lon, of Reading, started the 6 6-mile Journey to his home on roller skates. Exhausted and hungry when he reached Meadowbrook, he applied at a palatial residence, where he was given a dinner and then was turned over to the Ablngton police. The Reading police were notified by wire and are now looking for Ills parents In Reading so that the lad can be returned to them. Kenney Found Guilty of Killing Daniel Herron Hollldaysburg, Pa,, Oct, 9. Harry Kenney, of Juniata, was yes terday found guilty of Involuntary manslaughter In connection with the death of Daniel Herron. A recom mendation for mercy was made. The verdict sets forth that he is guilty of Involuntary manslaughter In operating an automobile In a reck less manner at the time he hit Her ron. The Jury was out about 25 minutes when a verdict was reached. Herron was run down and killed by the car driven by Kenney on the morning of July 1 In Altoona. WILD GREET SOLDIERS Newport, Pa., Oct. 9. —■ Buck's church In Buck's Valley will hold a "welcome home" service for re turned service men and women of the district In the church on Satur day evening. A banquet will be served. There/ will be a program which will Include speaking and musical numbers. Little Lines From Nearby Hlllerstown Many MUlerstown people attended the fair at Newport last week. Clearfield —Clair Shaffer, of New tionburg, this county, captured for ty-two groundhogs this season, MUlerstown Hoi mnn Cathcart, who has been in Alaska during the summer, visited his parents here. Lykens—Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Henry have returned from Ellsa bethvllle camp grounds, where they had a cottage. Lykens—The Weiss Pine Food Stores Company may locate a store here, arrangements having been In progress for some time, Lykens—Mrs, Luther Good, who has been 111 for a week, was taken to the Harrlsburg hospital for ah operation yesterday. Her husband met her at Harrlsburg, Marietta Joseph Carroll, Jr., and Miss Susanna Myers, both of this place, were married at Elkton. Md, The groom recently returned from army service overseas, Carlisle—John Lindner has con structed a swimming pool at what Is known as Meeting House Springs and the "old swimming hole" at that place has passed Into history. Marietta—Mr. and Mrs. William Hogendobler, who were married In Danville, Pa., twenty-flve years ago. celebrated the silver anniversary of their wedding at their home here, Carlisle—Dickinson College stu dents may conduct training work classes In the schools of this place if the school board assents to the plan now under consideration, ' Vorlc—By the accidental dis charge of a gun Edward White, n ehaffeur employed by William E. Duff, was killed, the load from n shotgun entering his abdomen. White was 23 years old. (Other state News on Page 14.) GETTYSBURG HAS NEED OF HOUSES Chamber of Commerce Wants Ordinance Repealed Bar ring Frame Dwellings Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 9. The Chamber of Commerce has peti tioned the town council for the re peal of the borough ordinance pro hibiting the erection of frame build ings throughout the borough and a new ordinance has been passed and will be effective after the necessary] legal proceedings. It is felt that because of the com ing of two new factories here the housing facilities of the town must be greatly improved, as the two con cerns will doubtless bring many new families to the town, for houses must be provided. An or ganization has been effected to take charge of a house building plan that has been worked out and a large sum of money has been pooled by interested citizens for the house building project. Marysville Pastor Is Chosen Ministerial Chief Marysville, Pa., Oct 9.—The Rev. Ralph E. Hartman, recently re elected president of the Marysville Ministerium, has been elected presi dent of the Ministerial Association of the Reformed churches of Harris burg and vicinity. The Rev. Mr. Hartman was recently granted an Increase in salary by the consistory of the Trinity Reformed church, the third increase since he assumed the pastorate in June, 1916. Sophomores Dance When Business Meeting Closes New Cumberland, Pa., OcL 9. On Monday night a meeting of the committee of the sophomore class of the high school was held at the home of Miss Mildred Mailey, In Sixteenth street. After a short busi-' ncss session, dancing was enjoyed. Those present were the Misses Dor othy Kaufman, Marguerite Sutton, Mariam Freeburn. Ruth Koker, Mil dred Mailey, Messrs. John Hobart, Gilbert Lechthaler, Gerald Bryan and Arthur Desenberger. PASTOR IS HOME New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 9. The Rev. C. H. Hughes, pastor of the Church of God, has returned from Saxton, Pa., where he attended [conference. He has been returned to this charge. | STORE CLOSES EVERY SATURDAY AT 6 P.M. | | £8? 30*32NorthThirdStreet j tMany New Coats Have Arrived | For Women and Misses | - And We Have Priced Them Very $45 to $195 | These models represent the choicest styles that M are shown this season. Each coat is tailored in the M exclusive manner which characterizes all Schleisner J The models are developed in the favored mater- . M ials such as Evora, Duvetyne„ Peach Bloom, Velour de Laine, Silvertone, Tinseltone and the other fa vored soft surface materials. Many of these coats have fur collars and cuffs and some are trimmed with fur at the bottom. Many of them are plain with collars and cuffs of self material. Large Picture Hats Of Black Velvet ( —— - 11 $18.50 to $27.50 - I These hats are the new and acclaimed modes in millinery. They are favored by the T most exclusive dressers. Many of them are A /I black velvet with self facing while others are Jl\ faced with velvet of contrasting shades. V / \ | | • Hudson Seal Coats New Georgette Blouses Made of Selected Pelts / n pi es h and white These luxurious coats are unquestionably ttj , .. , , = . _ i.. j i . v. .1 Hand embroidered models with filet lace = \ = superior in quality and value to what the „ ee average fur coats are today. These stun- and featuring the new frills and collars. The g ning models are trimmed with Lynx, Beaver cuffs harmonize. These are particularly and Squirrel. fine blouses, and we have priced them | $275 to S6OO Special, $7.95 | llllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - WILL RALLY FOR * LEGION MEMBERS Hummelstown Post Com pletes Arrangements For Smoker in Masonic Hall Hummelstown, Pa., Oct. 9.—lndi cations point to the success of the big American Legion rally and smoker to bo given by Hummelstown Post, No. 265, at the Masonic Hall I in this place to-morrow evening. Not only Hummelstown but surrounding towns which have not already or ganized Legion posts, have been thoroughly canvassed by enthusiastic members in order to insure the at tendance of three hundred men, for which number preparations are being made. The evening's program Includes an address by J. L. Goines, of Hunt ingdon, delegate to the State con vention at Harrisburg last week, and music by an all-service orches tra. A free canteen service will also be a feature. Dog Disconcerts Driver and Auto Strikes Post Lewlstown, Pa., Oct 9.—Miss Rhoda Shea sustained a fracture of the collarbone when the automobile in which she was riding collided with a post at the foot of the Bell town church hilt. The automobile was driven by Ammon Spigglemyer. Miss Shea, Miss Mona Dcemer and Arthur Goss were passengers and suffered minor injuries. A dog on the road is said to have caused the driver to lose control. Train Strikes Team on Railroad Crossing Newport, Pa., Dec. 9.—Failing to notice the approach of the New [port and Sherman's Valley evening | train, J. E. Gross, of Carlisle, drove | his horse and buggy on a crossing l in the borough. The train hit the ! team and the buggy was completely ; demolished. Neither Mr. Gross nor the horse were hurt. | Shiremanstown Man Has Prize Pumpkin Crop Sliiremaiistown, Pa., Oct. 9. McClellan Walters, of this place, has a pumpkin vine in his garden which has twenty-five of the most perfect pumpkins ever grown. Truckers and farmers have called to see it. 1 ' OCTOBER 9, 1919. * Palmyra to Entertain United Brethren Body After Twenty Years Palmyra, Pa., Oct. 9.—The First United Brethren church here has been designated as the place for holding the 1920 conference of the United Brethren church. East Penn sylvania district. Twenty years ago this church accommodated the dele gates to tho conference. The deci sion to hold the 1920 conference at Palmyra was reached at Reading. HUNTINGDON HAS VETERAN GUESTS Survivors of Gallant 49th Vol unteer Regiment Hold An nual Reunion Today Huntingdon, Pa., Oct. 9. —Surviv- ors of the 49th Regiment, Pennsyl vania Volunteers, are holding their annual reunion here to-day. .Fol lowing a business session this after noon, there was a parade and after that a banquet at the Baptist church under the auspices of the citizens of Huntingdon and Post No. 44, G. A. R. The 49th was one of the fighting regiments of the Army of the Po tomac, saw much hard service in every way, and lost many men. They had the honor of cleaning the prin cipal streets of Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864, losing 45 men. The regiment was one of four that broke the rebel lines in front of Fort Fisher, near Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, with small loss. Their loss in the wilderness May 5 and 6, 1864, was 48 men; Bpottsyl vania, Va., May 10 and 12. 304 men. Their last battle was at Sailors Creek, Va., April 6, 1865. The loss here was 60 men, but Sheridan's cavalry and the Ist division, 6th corps, got 6.012 prisoners. [ BELL 125 DAY AND DIAL 4016 NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN NOW ENTER ANY TIME Two Separate Night Schools: Tlio One on Monday, Wednesday, Friday—The Other Tuesday, Thursday Nights BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE (Opposite Senate Hotel) 121 MARKET STREET CHARLES R. BECKLEY, Principal BOY SETS FIRE TO HEN HOUSES Blaze Follows Effort of Youth to Destroy Vermin at Trindle Inn Mcchanicsburg, Pa., Oct. I. Chicken houses, a lot of chickens and a portion of the stable were destroy ed by nre at Trindle Inn, a short distance below Mechanicsburg, on Tuesday morning. The blaze was the result of the efforts of a colored boy to burn sulphur In the hen house to rid It of vermin. Unfa miliar with the usual procedure, the lad lighted the sulphur and ran away. The buildings were a mass of flames, when discovered, and beyond control of a bucket brigade, so the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, of this place, was summoned and with its chemical engine had the fire under control before the stable was burned, although it was badly dam- I aged. The loss is estimated at about 1 S9OO. There is no Insurance. Ir MANHATTAN ! SHIRTS ! FORRYN Penn-Harrls 1 A Hotel Bldg. OPEX EVENINGS * MANY PEOPLE Are neglecting their eyes and con sequently are suffering with con stant headaches. Our examination is thorough and our prices very reasonable. Let us examine your eyes. P. J. Baumgardncr, 206 Mar ket street. With P. H. Caplan Co. Good Glasses, including examina tion, for as little as $2.60. —Adv.
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