4 ALLEGED REDS MADE TO KISS AMERICAN FLAG Vere Afterward Driven From. Weirton, W. Va., by the Police and Deputies By Associated Press. Weirton, W. Va., Oct. 8. More lan 150 men, declared by police uthorities to have been members f the "Red Guard" of Finland, were sund up here yesterday, marched ; the public sqware of Weirton. i reed to kneel and kiss the Araer :an flag and were then driven out f town by police and deputies, even of the men. suspected of be- 1 lg the leaders of the radicals, af I Butler Says— x | | "It doesn't cost as much to be well dressed I as people think.—lf you know where to I shop." I DO YOU? IHliimhh 1 I . ra " d Op en in& Coming to Harrisburg ■ Friday, October 10. 1919 Over 219 Market St. 1 The Telegraph—lo-8-*l9 I Our Upholstery Department j Our Upholstery Department is one of the most complete of its kind I that you will find. Everything necessary to put the finishing touches into C the home is to be found there in wide assortment. We list just a few of the articles. 1 Scrim and . Marquisette, i ■■ $l-50 •" $8 I Trimmings and Edgings ? lof all kinds for making up nn • n • cushions. Also a complete; Whlttall RufiS line of silk and parchment | s ..... , I Lamp and Candle Shades. , Anglo-Persian Rugs, representing the finest production in a Wilton .. fabric, in designs that cannot be imitated in cheaper (tIOQ rvfl * Let us give you an esti- fa b r ics, 9x12 vI6UUU ft mate on your Shades, of j PaeHess Body Brussels, (C 7 ftft I which our line of grades and 9 X jo $9 / # UU I colors is very complete. ! Royal Bengal Rugs T We are showing the larg- This rug represents the only production of its kind in America. | est and most complete line of Every rug is an exact" reproduction of a genuine Oriental, having the JL j subdued Oriental colors with a silky sheen. Made up in a variety of 5 Comforts QHQ. j sizes 29 to CO inches to the large 9x12. Special sizes are made | Blankets Axminster Rugs £ in tl.c city. Study this list c ° lors - slzea and patterns suitable for $49 CQ to tggy CA ? of prices before yon pur- most any r °om in the house, 9x12 size .. cPVJ I ,*J\J f Cotton filled, with silka- Tapestry Brussels Rugs A teen and satin coverings: all A fine selection in all-over patterns, as well as Orien- <tOQ CA f stitched. Priced from ' tals - 9x12 size wdAiuU 4 56.50 10 .$12.50 p _ R„. Silk and satin-covered j IVog LVUgs Comforts, filled with lamb's Made up in solid colors, such as pink, blue, green, brown, taupe, y wool. Priced from I with band borders; in all sizes from 22x36 7C _ to (OO Cfk 1 $12.50 to $50.00 to 9x12 '° c f Grass Rugs Fiber Rugs f de s3 50 *° k sl2 & so | fro ™" ; t0 $25 fro " 12; $2O t0 $25 1 Wool Blankets, in tan and Fiber RugS 5 gray. Black and white mix- T „ 0 w tures, also pink and white' Jut e V Uton Rugs, with the appearance of a $6.00 rug, GJO QQ If S mixtures, etc.. 27x54 at K Gil *3 Cfk to CA An all-metal case Carpet Sweeper; neatly finished, with £1 CO C Cild.OU wl I .jU nickel trimmings 1>1.05J f £ Bed Spreads, striped dimi- . , . _ ft ties, crochet and Marseilles. HaSSOCKS, 59c ft Priced from I $2.50 to $13.50 Rubber Door Mats, 49c 5 | y The Vacuette Suction Sweeper j This is not an electric cleaner It is an "every- F day" sweeper because it requires no wires, plugs or > * > connections. You just grasp the handle and F 1 clean room to room throughly without further e 1 /*vvv bother Pushes as easily as an ordinary carpet ]| sweeper. Fitted with fast revolving brush, r NHV It not only cleans, but is self-clean- f V Your first demonstration will I convince you. e j LIBERAL CREDIT ON EASY PAYMENTS | TSWTMEKJ <zr 1 ss 'VrfWfTimfr t Talking Machines Machines lali'Vl* 1 ' WftV"wVlr'w<y/|y WEDNESDAY EVENING, ter kissing the flag, were taken to the county Jail at New Cumberland. Later, all but one was released. He Is being held for investigation by the Federal authorities. The raid, quietly planned but sen sational in its results, was the out come of many threats that have been made against foreign-born workers and others employed in steel plants here. A large quantity of "Red" litera ture was found in the headquarters of the radicals. One placard read !• Finnish: "Red Christmas 1918; Red New Tear's 1919." Another read: "The people's flag is red, my blood runs red: hol3t up the red flag on a pole, and let us live or die under it." W. W. Hill, a patrolman, former ly a United States marine and a veteran of Chateau Thierry, led the raid and it was at his command that the radicals were forced to kiss the folds of the flag. MEMORIAL PARK AUDITION The Suburb Unparalelled.—Adv. British to Preserve Flags Flown in Battle With Naval Enemies By Associated Press. London, Oct. B. —Flags flown by British ships in battle are to be pre served, according an an announce ment by the admiralty which de clares that any ship having such a flag should "frame it" and place it in' suitable position on the ship. Denies Von Der Goltz Has Joined Bolsheviks By Associated Press. London, Oct. B.—The report that General Von Der Goltz, commander of the German forces in the Baltlo provinces, has joined the Russian Bolshevik forces with his staff, is denied in a German government wireless message received here. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad ■ - ••• _ EXWUSBUBG (MPV TELEGHXP3 Firearms, Red Flags and Radical Pamphlets Seized in Gary Raid Gary, Ind., Oct —Wholesale seiz ures of firearms, radical literature and "red" flags In the home of Gary steel strikers and their sympathizers yesterday •was followed by a state ment front Mayor William P. Hodges, placing blame for the strike and Its consequent outbreaks on So cialist leaders and other radicals. "I place the blame for this situ ation squarely where It belongs and that Is on the shoulders of Red lead ers," declared Mayor Hodges. "But for them we would have had no trouble. They defied law and order and the troops here are law and order's answer." The town Is not under martial law, altho approximately 1,600 Federal troops under command of Major General Leonard Wood are In control of the situation and patrol the streets. Several thousand soldiers of the Sixth Division from Omaha and Fort Sheridan also have been order ed to Gary, It was announced. Jewish Residents to Observe Harvest Feast Harrisburg members of the Jewish faith this evening will begin the cele bration of one of the most distinc tive of Jewish festal occasions, Suc coth. The celebration will last for eight days. Following close upon the New year and the Day of Atone ment, It presents a striking contrast to the deep solemnity of these days, for it is primarily a time of Joy. Announcement has been issued of a program of events in Ohev Sholom Temple, Second and South streets. This evening at 7.45, Rabbi Louis J. Haas will speak on "A Festival of Rejoicing." In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, he will speak on "Our Op portunities." In the afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, there will be services for the pupils of the religious school with a sermonette by Rabbi Haas. Wearers on Piers and Docks Strike New York, Oct. B.—The strike of tongshoremen which has been on and Off at various ports along the Atlantic coast for several weeks took a definite turn here when between 7,000 and 8,000 workers at the Chel sea Improvement Company piers and the docks of the International Mercantile Marine, the White Star, Red Star and American and Atlan tic transport lines walked out. Later nearly 1,000 more men em ployed at the Royal Mail Steamship Comnany, the Panama line and the Morgan and Southern Pacific piers quit work. Officials at the piers ad mitted the serious extent of the strike which is for higher wages and a "rest" hour. Tax Upon "Movies" Is Likely to Stay \Vn*hlnuton. Oct. B.—Charles C. Pet tijohn, of Indianapolis, chairman of the legislative committee of the Na tional Association of the motion pic ture industry, and Charles Hesbe, of Jersey City, representing the theater owners, yesterday urged the repeal of the taxes on motion pictures before the Ways and means Committee. Judged by the attitude of dominant members of the committee, the taxes will not be repealed and the Ways and Meons Committee will follow the policy fixed by the "Senate Finance Committee and not report any more bills to repeal sections of the revenue law. 01g Lot of Hay Fever Jokes Rot Kentucky Man Saya—"People Whc Belong to Hay Fever Colony* are Kidding Themtelvcs." Wouldn't Be Any Rose o. Hay Fever if Simple Home Rem edy Was Given a Chance. "Yes, there's a real NINTY-NINL per cent effective remedy for hn) or rose fever," frankly states a drug gist In a prosperous Kentucky city. "But I don't ixpect anyone to be lleve me, becuuse the treatment is so easy and the cost not worth mention ing." "The annual crop of hay-fever Jokes would be mighty scarce If people would get an ounce of Mentholired Arclne and by Just adding water that has been boiled make a pint of liquid that will prove a real help to all who ■uffer." "Many of my hay-fever frlenda tell Be that by starting to gargle and muff or spray the nostrils a few times t day the expected severe attack often falls to appear and In cases whore It does show up is very mild and does not annoy." "The Better Class of Pharmacists" who dispense Menthol ized Arclne say It will greatly modify any attack even when taken three or four days after hostilities begin. Go to a real live druggist when yon get ready to make a pint 7 ft DAY FOR 7 DAYS If Your Nerves Are Shaky Because of Over-lndv.. isnce In Tobacco or Alcohol or by Excess of Any Kind, Bio-Foren Is What You Need Right Away. Don't grow old before your tlm% don't let nervousness wreck your hap piness or chances in life. The man with strong, steady nerves Is fall of vigor, energy, ambition and confidence. You can have nerves of steel, firm step, new courage and keen mind by putting yonr blood and nerves In first class shape with mighty 810-Fercn, a new discovery, inexpensive and effi cient - Men and women who get up so ilred In the morning that they have to drag themselves to their dally labor will la Just a few days arise with clear mind, definite purpose and loads of ambition. All yon have to do is to take two 810-Faren tablets after each meal and one at bedtime—7 a day for 7 days— then reduce to one after each meal until all ore gone. Then If your energy and endurance haven't doubled, If your mind Isn't keener and eyes brighter, If you don'f feel twice as ambitious as before, any druggist anywhere will return the put chase price—gladly and freely. 810-Feren Is without doubt ths grandest remedy for nervous, run , down, weak, anaemic men and women ever offered and Is not at all expen- I slve. All druggists In this city and I vicinity have a supply on hand— MV m*ny package*, Membership of American Legion Growing Steadily; Buttons to Go on Sale The membership of Post 17, Amer ican Legion, In this city 1s steadily mounting as more and more service men and women appreciate the fact that this body of Americans is the logical successor to the Grand Army of the Republic in stimulating 100 per cent. Americanism. While the chairman on permanent headquarters, Edward H. Bchell, Is engaged In finding suitable quarters for the future activities of the post, Joslah H. Wilbar Is stationed at the stamp window of the Post Office every afternoon and evening and will receive applications for mem bership there and answer any ques tions of persons seeking information about the American Legion. The next meeting of the post will be held shortly before the national convention, to be held In Minneapo lis, November 11, and Instructions at that time will be given to. the delegate from this district, Mark T. Mllnor, who was elected at the State cantonment last week. The membership cards that have been ordered from New York are slow in arriving, but memberhip buttons have been ordered and will be on sale at the stamp window to all accredited members of Post 27 as soon as received. Norse Vote Prohibition of 'Hard Liquors' Alone; Wine and Beer Will Stay Christianla, Oct B.—National pro hibition has been adopted in Norway by the vote at a general plebesclte held yesterday. The country has been greatly ex cited over the question, and Premier ICnudsen announced he would resign if prohibition failed of adoption. The measure applies only to whisky, brandy and other strong liquors Champagne and all other wines and beers are not afTected. The law governing prohibition In the United States figured in the campaign to a very considerable extent. Senate Committee Plans to Visit Strike Zone This Week Washington, Oct. 8. Tentative plans to visit the Pittsburgh district late this week have been made bj the Senate committee Investigating the steel strike. Senator Kenyon said an effort was being made to obtain an agreement in the Senate for a vote next Friday on the Shan tung amendments to the Peace Treaty and that if these were dis posed of, the committee would spend the next few days in the strike zone. Insulation Engineering Opens Headquarters Here Among the many new firms that are establishing headquarters in Harrisburg is that of W. R. Demp wolf, insulating engineer, who has opened an office in the Appleby Brothers and Whittaker building in South Second street. For several years Mr. Dempwolf had his head quarters in York and when the war practically cut off the supplies used in the insulation of piping and cold storage rooms, he accepted a posi tion with the H. W. Johns-Manville Company which he recently resigned to again go into business for him self. He will make a specialty of fur nishing high pressure steam and boiler insulation and cold storage in sulating material. He has a force of men in his employ who are ex perienced in applying these ma terials. Columbia Confers Degree Upon Cardinal Mercier By Associated Press. Now York, Oct. 8. Columbia University yesterday conferred the degree of doctor of laws, "honorif causa," the highest distinction in its power to bestow, upon Cardinal Mercier, primate of Belgium and "spiritual hero of the greatest of wars." Ten thousand faculty mem bers, students and their families and friends stood in the bright sunlight on Morningstar Heights, at the base of the broad library steps, to wit ness and take part in the ceremony The Cardinal was the guest o honor at a dinner given last night by the Inter-Racial Council, Applause greeted the cardinal when he said that perhaps in later years he would choose to spend hi last days in the United States. Universal Training Denounced by Price Phllndelphln. Oct. 8. Brigadier General William G. Price, Jr., only Pennsylvania National Guard general in the American Expeditionary Force, and leading figure in the reorganiza tion of the Pennsylvania Guard, told members of the Engineers' Club yes terday that universal military train ing is Impossible In a democracy. "If we believe we are going to war again in the near future, on such a scale as we participated in the world war, then prepare with every re source," he said. "But universal military training in peace time would convert this nation into an armed camp. A republic can not exist as a military power. Ger many had probably the best ItrHitaiy organization in the history of the world. Look at her to-day—beaten down by volunteer armies to a starv ing, unhappy country, counting her dead." Thirty Minutes Given to Peace Treaty Text By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. B.—The Peace Treaty was sidetracked for three hours yesterday while the Senate debated and passed a bill to bestow upon Judge Advocate General Crow der, on his retirement from the Army, the permanent rank of lieu tenant general. Then, at three minutes to 5 o'clock, about the usual adjourn ment time, the pact was called up and for thirty minutes a reading clerk struggled laboriously with the printed text until he reached the section relating to Shantung, on which the next fight will be made. At that point the Senate quit work for the night. 200 NEEDED TO TAKE CENSUS FOR 1920 H. B. Sanssaman, supervisor of the 1920 United States census In Dauphin, Lebanon and Cumberland counties, announced that at least 200 men and women will be needed to take the census in Harrisburg and vicinity, beginning January 2. The average pay In the city will probably be about *lOO, varying ac cording to the locality and character of the district visited. Payment will be made on a per capita basis, from four to six cents a person listed by the census taker. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparal ailed.—Adv. GOES TO HAGERBTOWN Charles M, Cossell, formerly con- I MAZOLA! A SMOKELESS kitchen! Mazola will " not smoke unless heated far above I the temperature required to cook food properly* I Test this out yourself by making: These Delicious Crullers Today fl 3 cups Flour, 1 cup Sugar, % cup Argo Cornstarch, 4 teaspoons Baking Powder, % teaspoon Soda, lMs teaspoons Salt, 3 Eggs, 4 teaspoon Nutmeg or Cinnamon, 2 tablespoons Karo, 3 tablespoons Mazola, 2 teaspoons II Vanilla, 1 cup Thick Sour Milk. Sift dry ingredients. Beat eggs light. Add Karo, Mazola, Vanilla and Sour Milk. Stir liquids into dry ingredients and || add flour to make a soft dough. Roll one-quarter inch thick, cut and fry in hot Mazola. If desired, substitute 1 cup rye flour and add one-half square melted chocolate for chocolate doughnuts. FREE The 68-page beautifully illustrated Corn Products | —— Cook 800k —compiled by experts. It really helps to solve the three-meal-a-day problem. Every housewife should have one. Write us for it today. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. Of' JIM P. O. Box 161 Ksw York City MlMl RATIONAL STARCH COMPANT LJ~IJ[ flffl | Sales Representative* /j't IAiN 111 I 135 SOBIII Secoad St. Philadelphia. IV ii A /fill k | |Ug fa I JUST ONE LITTLE WORD OF I I CAUTION IN BUYING CLOTHES I Style that talks the language of vigorous young man hood. The young fellows of today (and that includes men of FORTY and over who still have the punch of youth) want style that talks their language of PEP and PUSH. | that you can get a I square meal for one dollar, two dollars or Igi i|S five dollars, depend- |||| ing on how flush you : are and how fam- mm ished—but don't for- |W|p||| K|f i get that you can get indigestion for the G U^.GS?THE^" same money. I You can buy forty dollars' worth of regrets just as easily as you can buy forty dollars' worth of satisfaction. Please consider our situation—our location, our forty nine years' experience, how we have clothed MILLIONS of families with our large chain of stores, our inexpensive loca tion. You can save from $5 to $lO on your Fall Suit or Over coat and PAY US AS YOU GET PAID. This Store Awaits Your Inspection—All Departments Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. HOME anc * Street FAMILY FURNISHERS The different Kind Of A Credit Store CLOTHIERS OCTOBER 8, 1919. nected with the church choir of Balem Reformed Church, will Boon locate In Hagerstown, Md., It was learned to-day by friends here.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers