WILL MEET NEXT YEARATYORK Spanish War Veterans Close Annual Convention at Allcntown By Associated Press. Allcntown, Pa., June 16.—York was chosen as the place for the next annual encampment of the Depart ment of Pennsylvania United Span ish War Veterans, at the closing session of the fifteenth annual en campment here late Saturday after, noon, Officers elected and installed at Kosine Relieves EPILEPSY You want to be restored to your old time self—freed from the danger of terrible Epilepsy or dreaded Fits. The Kosine treatment has. for nearly 20 years, successfully com bnted Epilepsy, or Fits. It will re lieve you, toning up your nerve racked system, driving out this wretched malady. Large bottle $2. If not satisfied, after using, your money will be re funded. Write for free treatise on Epilepsv. Kosine Co., Washington, D. C. Sold in Harrisburg, by Geo. A. Gorgas. ' " Light or Dark Stone? Have you a preference for a> monument? We can carve either kind for you effectively; it is a matter of individual choice. Wo suggest that you look over our stock, and if you do not see any thing there you like, we will make up a sketch for you. Call and consult us. Cemetery Lettering I. B. Dickinson Granite, >lnrlle, Tllo nrul Bronze SOS-13 >. THIRTEENTH ST., HnrrlMhurK, Pu. HEADQUARTERS FOR ice Cream Cones Cremoe ~ Goodie Perfecto • / Emco Banquet 'Also Penny Cones Phone Your Order Prompt Deliveries. FREIDBERG'S Bell 2nd & Cherry Sts. Dial 2242 Harrisburg. 3519 Do you want Jgm skin-health 9 If you arc suffering from eczema or s^n eruption, rrhy don't you get rid of •ml by using Resinol Ointment? Unless MxmSmr - the trouble is due to some serious inter nal disorder, it quietly yields to Resi \ nol, and in most cases is easily healed ; Y\ by it. The first application usually stops Blra W c bi"g and makes the skin feel cool and ■| fort able. We recomm end/it with the \ ut ntost confidence because of its \ harmless ingredients. Aided by V Resinol Soap it acts even more E Ifßesinol L mm t HISL \ I tfl Ointswct aed Resiael Smp ile kelp to deer ™Jj( j inll iph \lßi j__ awajpiapk®. SaldbT*iidr*kt*ndtieal r Hffli 1 \L i, r" tT * n toilrt good*. Trial f each, frw- W 9 BiWia | I kS, BwhyJ. Baldmorc MtL j MONDAY EVENING, the session of the Grand Lair of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Serpents, follow: Gu Gu Grandississlmo, William O. Gibson, Scranton; Grand Datto, Austin C. Rowell, Crafton; Grand Stfck and Slimy Keepers of the Orphidiant, Rotjert E. Sennett, Phil adelphia; William R. Kingwell, Al lentown; Hans C. Brown, Wtlkes- Barre; Fred Ginsberg. Pottsville: Delegate-at-Lnrge to the National Lair meeting at San . Francisco, George R. Kropo, Philadelphia. Calls Oft Strike of Telephone Operators on the Pacific Coast By Associated Press. Atlantic City, N. J., June 16. Miss Julia O'Connor, president of the Telephone Operators of Amer ica, announced yesterday that she had sent telegrams calling off the strike of telephone operators on the Pacific coast scheduled for Wednes day. This action was brought about by the decision of Postmaster Gen eral Burleson at Washington in granting the requests made of him by the telephone operators. Miss O'Connor, who is attending the labor convention here, said that she did not look for a strike of phone operators anywhere, at least not for the present. SNOW AND HEAT DELAY TRAINS Liberal, Kan., Juno 16.—Frorrj a snowdrift delaying trains to heat buckling the rails in a matter of two weeks is some record. Nevertheless the Rock Island claims it. Rock Is land No. 12, was delayed at Hooker, Okla., several hours early in April because of a Meep snowdrift which filled a cut. Next day after Easter the same train was delayed tw ohours at Hooker because' th cheat caused the rails to buckle. i Busy Men can't afford the petty annoyances caused by uncomfortable, unreliable garters. They demand the ease, security and de pendability given by the Boston Garter Sold Everywhere GEORGE FROST CO.,MAKERS.BOSTON PNEUMONIA NOW BEFORE BOARD Question Whether Compensa tion Can Be Claimed For Diseases In opinions V \\ ® //J granting a series \\ ttT/y °' new hearings \\\W If/ the State Com pen- sation Board has made some inter csting raised will have important bearing on future decisions. One of the most far-reaching is in the case of McNulty vs Lackawanna Railroad, Scranton, in which the opinion in ordering a new hearing says: The claimant "has also attempted to draw an analogy between the in vasion of the human system by the germ of pneumonia and that of anthrax and claims compensation on the principle that her husband having contracted pneumonia upon the premises of the defendant Be cause of the condition thereof, that Mils disease, if there contracted, is that unexpected and untoward event which the courts have Baid constitute an accident under r.he workmen's compensation act of 1915. • • • The immediate patho logical and physiological must be found as facts, together with other necessary and material findings. New hearings arc ordered to de, tcrmine questions of dependency la Wilde vs. Pennsylvania Railroad Philadelphia, and Cacti vs. Cambria Steel Co., Johnstown, in which the earnings of a deceased son enter: and for further information in Reilley vs. Erie Railroad, Susque hanna: Gringee vs. Rutherford & Mlgnatti, Philadelphia: Thomas vs. Lackawanna Railroad, Scranton: Moran vs. Pittsburgh Terminal Rail road, Pittsburgh. In Artley vs. Indiania county, it is held that the county must pay com pensation to the widow of Constable Artley, of Blairsville, because he was shot and killed while trying to make an arrest. It is held that the constable had been duly elected by the people, had given bond and was acting under control of authorities. The manner of his selection to the office docs not enter into the case. In Turner vs. Rainey, Unionrfown, compensation is given a widow for death of her sixteen-year-old son who died from bone disease caused by a bale of hay falling against his leg. Many at Funeral —Senate and House, State government and the bench were represented at the fu neral of Senator James M. Camp hell, at Mercer, on Saturday. It was the largest funeral ever held in the county and the Senators marched with the mace of the upper cham ber at their head. Action On Auto Rills—The final amendments to the Dithrich and Cox automobile bills are in hand and it is expected they will reach the Governor by the end of the week. Increases Filed—The Public Serv ice Commission has given notice that the following certificates of notification for increases of capital stock and debt have been filed: Pennsylvania Utilities Co., Easton, bonds 1471,000 and $110,000; Citi zens Light, Heat and Power Co., Johnstown, bonds $74,000; Penn Public Service Co., Philadelphia, bonds $261,000; Steubenyille, East Liverpool and Beaver Valley Trac tion Co., Midland, bonds $1,600,- 000; Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts burgh Railway, Ridgway, bonds $205,000, $204,000. $142,000, $1,700,- 000 and $1,647,000; Eastern Penn sylvania Railways Co., Pottsville, bonds $42,000. Bridges Approved—The State Water Supply Commission has ap proved plans for county bridges for Lackawanna, Schuylkill and Susque hanna counties and for' various changes in public drainage sys tem at Erie. Army Plans— -Plans of the State Armory Board for construction ot additional armories for the reor ganized National Guard .will have to be curtail'ed in view of the fact that less than $200,000 for construction has been reported to the House of Representatives. The State has re oejved offers of free sites for build ings which would cost twice the size of the appropriation reported. Case to Go Higher— Judge James McF. Carpenter, at Pittsburgh, dis missed an injunction proceeding brought by the Public Service Com mission against Peter C. Jabe, of McKeesport, for operating a jitney between McKeesport and Elizabeth without securing a license. The case will be appealed to the Supreme Court and will tept the right of the Commission to bring suits in other courts than that of Dauphin county. The contention was that the defend ant in the case is not within the jurisdiction of Dauphin 'county court, and unless a suit can be main tained in Allegheny counts' by the Commission is not within the juris diction of the Commission. Cresswell Pleased— Brigadier Gen eral Charles T. Cresswell, the bri- I gade commander, is frankly and un qualifiedly pleased with the results of the week's worJe at Mount Gretna camp. "We started out to emulate the former National Guard In the Reserve Militia," he said. "We po longer do so. We have surpassed them. The results of this week's work will show up best when we have the brigade in camp in July, and these officers have their com panies and platoons to handle." Case Dismissed —The Supreme Court has ordered dismissed the pe tition of applicants for hotel, brew ers' and distillers' licenses in West moreland county, the lower court having acted as directed by the Su preme Court writ of mandamus. Claims Settled.—The elnimsvof the families of the men killed in the Wilkes-Barre mine explosion have been virtually setled. The State Compensation Board has announced that most of the contracts have been approved. This sets a record for the State compensation authorities. Attended Meeting Adjutant Gen eral Frank D. Beary spent the week end in New York in company with Major General W. G. Price, discuss ing the .National Guard reorganiza tion. Moyer a Speaker Gabriel H. Moyer. pf the Auditor General's De partment, was the speaker at the Lebanon Odd Fellows' memorial yes terday. Again Change in Uw—A. C. Bigc low, active In the more sheep move ment, is circulating pictures and,cir culars against any change in the dog law. He contends that any modifica tion of the law would' menace the sheep industry. Collins Made Address Deputy Attorney General Emerson Collins was Flag Day speaker at the Potts vllle exercises. Republican Congress Doing Things Without Delay Washington, June 16.—Congress la going at the business of the extra H3LRmsßmcG raazEGTOSprr session with a rush which has no precedent in recent years. Although handicapped by the fact tho session did not open until May 19, there is reason to believe that House and Senate will be able to accomplish the huge task of getting tho appropriation bills passed by July 1, the date when the new fiscal year begins. I "The Live Store" - u Always Reliable" I Doutrichs A Store For All Men Sometimes we call this a young The secret of it all is that our men's store because of our constant en- N specialization is not confined to one age or deavor to have the styles and fabrics that young one group of men. Our aim is to serve the men v men want. But the older men who come here of all ages, from, the young chaps just ready for tell us they can depend on Doutrichs to have a their first long trousered suits to the older men big variety of models for them also clothes for who are after dependable styles and dependable the hard-to-fit men; for business men the men merchandise; one of our biggest aids to success in of affairs. In fact every man can get what he satisfying all these men is the fact that by carrying wants at this "Live Store." so many good clothes, Hart Schaffner & Marx Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes They present a big variety of styles from the popular waist seam models this season to the simple and more conservative sack; fabrics too for all tastes; plain blues and dark mixtures; browns* greens and grays, for every suit representing our high standard of good values. ' Try This Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About 304 I llTtllltUralflWl Harrisburg, I Market St. Pa. Cr g^= laAlways Reliable - Working in conjunction with the Senate leaders, the decision of the Ho>use leaders was to dispose of these vast appropriation measures with this extrarodinary speed In or der to give the Senatfe time to deal with them, send them to conference, and pass them finally before July 1. In order to carry out the pro gram, the House will for some days pass supply bills at the rate of $300,- 000,000 a day. The Senate will pro vide for expenditures in the closing days of June even more rapidly. It is recognized by House members and Senators that more time ought to be given to the close and critical exam ination of the great money bills on the floor but in the present condition of things It is Imperative the meas- JUNE 16, 1919. ures be passed with the least prac- / - ticabic delay. What has been done on the floor TCB of both houses, however, represents fll CORKS only a part of the work thus far ac- BUNIONS complished. In the leading commit- CALLUSES I tees of the two houses there has __ _ ______ been steady activity. The results of GORGAS DRUG STORES it will be apparent as the session wtwiiuu develops. v . V 11
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