Germans Are Granted Forty-Mghi Hours Additional in Which to Make Final Reply to treaty sat* jiev HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH (Tig Slar-3nscptn&rnt.. ' LXXXVIII—NO. 140 18 PAGES D *"iS.7"? l W&. SSS'J.'SJSSfJrf" HARRISBURG. PA. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1919. ■"'afflgßg nJJ'ii'SPK. HOME EDITION COLLECTION OF ASHES BY CITY TO BE COSTLY Moving of Water Mains Also Will Be Expensivt Operation MAYOR PREFERS CHARGES More Streets to Be Paved Diir in the Coming Sum mer Season Charges of being absent witll ont leave, and eonduet unbe coming an officer prefered by Mayor Keister against Patrol man Charles .J. Paris. Hear- • ing to be held June 24. Report of J. W. l/odonx, Philadelphia, giving estimated cost of relaying water mains in State street, and speietleations for work presented by Commis sioner S. P. Ha.ssler. Specifications for paving six teen seetions of eity streets pre sented by Commissioner W. H. T.yneh and approved. Bids to be opened in two weeks. Ordinanees read providing for new sewers. Commissioner Hassler an nounced it will eost SIO,OOO to purchase no wwajons ami horses for munieipal ash collections bureau. These important business questions Vept city council in session for an hour and a-half this morning and after the business session adjourned the commissioners held an informal talk lasting until after noon. Mr. Ledoux. water engineering ex pert. recommended in his report that the pipes no win the center of State street under the proposed founda tions of the new memorila bridge should be moved to the north side of the street in view of the extensive plans of the State. Cost of Mains He said that the total cost of re laying the line and installing a force and a return main, each 36 inches in diameter to replace the present 30- inch lines, will be $148,479. but tf new 30-inch mains are used it will cost $119,766. He said that in view of the fact that the State in planning for the new bridge necessitates re moving the water mains the State shoul dpay all the cost in case the 30-inch pipes are replaced with those of similar size, and if 36-inch pipes are laid, should pay one-half of the additional cost over that of laying 30-inch lines. After reivewing the various plans which have been proposed Mr. Le doux recommends that the 30-inch pipes crossing diagonally from the Pennsylvania railroad right-of-way to State street near Cameron street, and turning east in State street near Cameron street, should be replaced by pipes running parallel to the rail road to State steret on the north side, then east in Stat estreet on the north side to Thirteenth where the 36-inch pipes could be joined with the 30-inch mains now in use. Be cause of prpoosed plans to fill in part of the ground and other conditions which will develop the engineer sug gests the use of flexible joints and other improveemtns. Pipes Costly Details of connecting the new pipes with the present mains when they are laid and specifications for doing ail the work are furnished also by Mr. Ledoux. Copies of his re port have heen furnished to the State and to the engineers making: plans for the bridges. Approximate estimates for the cost for 36-inch mains as given by Mr. Jjedoux follow: Pipe. *51,000; flex ible joint pipe. 130.000; conduits. $10,665; adequate crossing; Paxton creek. $5,500; castings. $5,872: valves three, $2,550; engineering and miscellaneous, $26,400. Council deferred action on the re port. Specifications for paving the fol lowing streets were approved: Bren singer. Emerald to Curtin; Oak. Seventh to Elizabeth; Oxford. Sixth to Jefferson; Sprague, Rrensinger to Turner; Rrensinger, Woodbine to Forrest; Emerald, Jefferson to Sev enth; Cameron, Herr to Calder; Bailey, Twelfth street to Messiah Home: Walnut, Cameron to Paxton creek; Home, Berryhill to Kensing ton; Kunkel, Sixteenth to Seven teenth; David, Park to Whitehall: Helen, Nineteenth to David; Ethel, Nineteenth to Prospect; York, Sev enteenth to Eighteenth: Chestnut, Nineteenth to Twentieth. Bids for the work will be opened within the next two weeks. Charges Preferred Mayor Keister preferred charges of being absent without leave and conduct unbecoming an officer against Patrolman Charles J. Davis. The Commissioners decided to hear the case next Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Ordinances were read by Com missioner Lynch authorizing con struction of a 12-inch sewer in Berk ley Place, near Reservoir Park, and a 10-inch sewer in Penn stret, from Seneca to Schuylkill. He also intro duced a measure vacating an alley fifteen feet wide south of Seneca, betwene Front and Second streets. The ordinance authorizing repairs to [Continued on Page ll.] THE WEATHER HarriKbni-K and Vicinity. Partly clondy to-night and Wednesday. Not ranrh change In tempera ture. Eastern Pennsylvania. Partly cloudy to-night and Wednes day and probably Thuraday. Little change In temperature- Gentle shifting winds. Riveri The North branch will rise slightly. Other streams of the ayatem will probably fall slowly or remain nearly stationary. .A stage of about 4.2 feet Is Indi cated for Hnrrlaburg Wednes day morning. There Are Moments When Married Life Seems Quite En durable Even to a Man Who Thinks He's Henpecked FRIDAY PICNIC IS OPENED TO NEARBY SCHOOLS Many Kntrios For Old-Fash ioned Spelling Bee; Prizes to Be Awarded Victors The scope of the monster Tele graph picnic, set for next Friday at Paxtang Park has been decidedly enlarged and to-day the committee in charge announced a warm invi tation for all school pupils in the nearby towns to join the Harrisburg tolk who will be the hosts on thie rollicking occasion. The schedule of trolley cars as mapped out by the traction company officials was print ed last week and the important thing to know is that early as 9 a. m. epecial cars will pull up at cer tain places to be identified later, in the announcements. In event of rain [Continued on Page 17.] Here It Is Again; We Have Perpetual Motion Washington, June 17. More perpetual motion. The second man to have discov ered "Garabed" is seeking a way to have the government take over his invention. This time, however, he comes from Brooklyn, and not from Boston. And his name is William J. Beisel. Here is what he says: "For the past 25 years I have been working on what is termed perpetual motion, and I now have ip my possession complete plans. My device is most simple and prac tical in is construction and can be applied for the purpose of propell ing boats of any description, air ships, tanks and trucks, with un limited power and speed. "This hardly seems credible, but is nevertheless true, as I have not I only invented the device, but have studied from every possible angle its possible failure and function. I can find none and am convinced I have discovered what the world to day thinks impossible."' OPPOSE SATURDAY CLOSING Action to close retail stores on Saturday evening at 6 o'clock was deferred by the executive board of the Merchants' Council of the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce last evening. A majority of the merch ants had previously voted in favor of the closing, but considerable oppo sition has sprung up In the mean time. The stores will close through out the summer on Thursday begin ning next week. SUFFRAGE REPORTED OUT The Phipps resolution endorsing national suffrage was reported from committee in the Senate this morn ing and read for the first time. It will come up for final vote on Thurs day should there be a session on i that day, < WETS LOSE IN FIRST SKIRMISH IN COMMITTEE By Associated Press. Washington, June 17.—8y a vote of ten to three the House Judiciary Committee refused to day to adopt a motion of Repre sentative Igoe, Democrat, Mis souri, to recommend repeal of war-time prohibition in so far as it affects light wines and beers. Joining Mr. Igoe in supporting the motion were Representatives Gard, Democrat, Ohio, and Clas son. Republican, Wisconsin. RENT GOUGERS ARE HIT BY BILL PASSING HOUSE Proposed Act Would Permit! Tenants to Appeal to Courts • By a vote of 130 to 42 the House at the morning session to-day passed the Walker bill providing that un reasonable increases in rent may be appealed to court. The bill known as "the antirent profiting bill," has been before the House for weeks and was called up from the postponed calendar by Mr. Walker, Philadel phia, its sponsor, who spoke on it at length. Mr. Walker reviewed the condi tions brought about by the war, the overcrowding in industrial districts, instancing some advances in rent which he declared "outrageous ex amples of profiteering." Mr. Walker read several letters showing suc cessive advances in rent mentioning one where monthly rent went from $45 to SBO in less than a year where there was no increase in taxation. The State Fedaration of Labor, he said, favors the bill. Mr. Bald ridge, Allegheny, opposed the bill, paying all it would do would be to Increase business for lawyers. Messrs. Glass. Milnor, Bennett, Hefferman and Wells, all of Phila delphia, also spoke for the bill as a measure for relief of a serious con dition prevailing not only in the State's metropolis but in industrial centers. The bill now goes to the Senate. The Senate bill providing for con struction of the bridge between Phil adelphia and Camden was reported to the House by the Appropriations Committee carrying $750,000. It originally called for $3,750,000. The bill has also been amended to, make $250,000 available this year and ,$500,000 next year. LOVE IS LIKE ! WINE, HUBBY TELLS MINNIE Wife Complains That She Also Intercepted Letters Written to "22" "The man is responsible in this case. His wife says he wrote letters to other women to whom he was pay ing attentions and she got them be -1 fore he sent them. He says he only wrote them to arouse his wife's jeal ousy and if that is the case he cer tainly succeeded," Judge George Kunkel said yesterday afternoon in ordering D. L. Snyder, Dock Haven, formerly of Mifllintown, to pay his wife $4 5 a month for the support of herself and two children. During the hearing Mrs. Snyder testified her husband bought a dia mond ring, books, a cedar chest and other gifts for a woman in Milflin town where the Snyders resided and where Mr. Snyder was engaged in the furniture and undertaking busi ness. Mrs. Snyder declared that his cruel treatment was caused when she asked him why he didn't treat her as nice as he did "Minnie." Mrs. Snyder was asked to produce a letter which she said her husband had written evidently intending to send it to Minnie, but she got It before it was mailed. "f-ove is like wine, it improves with age," "We are soul mates" and similar expressions of affection were read to the court from this letter. Mrs. Snyder then produced letters written to "22' and received by her husband from "22." She said that [Continued on Page 11.] Plans 20 Apartments of ! Four Rooms and Bath to Rent at Moderate Figure Clarence O. Rackenstoss will re ceive title to the five three-story brick dwellings at 1186-88-90-92 and 94 Bailey street, July 1 from Alviil H. Fraim, the sale of the houses be ing reported to-day. No considera tion was given. Mr. Backenstoss said that as the city needs apartments renting at moderate prices he is planning to convert these properties into a large four-story apartment house. upto date and Improved, but renting at a lower figure than usually charged for apartments in the city, thus taking care of families of moderate means. The plot is 75 by 75 feet and the building is ample in size he said to make twenty apartments, containing four rooms and bath, each. Paving of Bafley street will probably be startl ed in the summer, and this improve ment with granolithic walks, porches and grass plots will add much to beautify the district It is estimated that It will cost $25,000 to improve the properties as planned by Mr. Backenstoss. ; GERMANY MUST SIGN TREA TY BY MONDA Y EVENING AT 6.49; GETS 48 HOURS GRACE FROM ENTENTE Rantzau on Way With Answer POWERS READY FOR REFUSAL Premier Arraigns Teutons as He Summarizes Germany's answer to the Allied peace terms must be presented to the Peace Comj ference at or before 6.49! P. M. (Paris time) Monday,! June 23. The five-day period originally given the enemy dele gation to either accept or reject the terms was extended 48 hours by the conference yester day. Count Von Brockdorff-Rant zau, head of the German peace mission, left Versailles last evening for Weimar, where he will arrive to-day. According to advices, he will at once confer with the Ger man cabinet, which will send the re vised Treaty to experts, who will re port as soon as possible. May Ask Treaty Vote The terms will be laid before the German National Assembly on Wednesday and the cabinet may ask that a vote be taken on acceptance or rejection, so that it may act as having a mandate from the German people. It is expected the consid eration of the pact will be continued by the cabinet until Friday and that the final German answer will be laid before the Assembly for ratification on Saturday. Immediately after the Assembly has acted, it is expected, the chief of the German delegation will start on his return trip to Versailles. Promises League Scat The detailed reply, a summary of which was made public in Paris last night, fails to make material altera tions in the fundamental features of the Treaty. There are some conces sions, but they appear to be of a rather minor nature compared with the demands made by the Germans in their counter-proposals. One of the principal concessions is the ad mission of Germany to the League of Nations "in the early future" if she fulfills her obligations. Premier Arraigns Germany A notable feature of the Allied re ply was the covering letter by Premier Clemenceau, president of the Peace Congress, which wis a scath ing arraignment of Germany for launching the war and conducting hostilities so ruthlessly. It pointed out that the German people support ed the war and that the "peace of justice" demanded must be one of justice not only for Germany, but for the other peoples of the world. ! Army Aviator Lands Here on Overland Trip Enroute from Bustleton to Dußols aa part of a three-week trip over land, Lieutenant L. B. Merrill and Sergeant W. O. Moore, mechanician in an Army airplane landed in a field near the county almshouse shortly before noon. They were met by V. Grant Forrcr, chairman of the Chamber of Com merce Committee to receive aviators, i who had previously marked the land- I ing place for the plane. A telegram announcing that they would stop here was received by the chamber about 10.30 o'clock. The aviators were guests of the Chamber of Com merce at luncheon at the Penn-Har ris Hotel. Gasoline and oil had been taken to thg field and this afternoon they started on their trip again. They are stopping at various cities to par ticipate in home-coming celebrations and will visit Altoona and Bellefonte soon. Philadelphia Bills Well Under Way The conference committee on the Daix-Brady Philadelphia election bills concluded its work to-day and sent its report to the printer. The primary election bill was amended so as to provide for 200 signers for councilmanic nominations and other minor corrections were made. Summed up the situation regard ing the Philadelphia charters and elections bills is as followi;: The Woodward bill providing for the new Philadelphia charter has been agreed to by the conference committee and the Senate and House will adopt the report of the committee as soon as the hill comes from the printer. The bill then goes to the Governor. The conference report on the Daix- Brady bills was sent to the printer and will also be acted on by the two houses when they are printed i and will also go to the Governor. ONE PEACEMAKER THINKS GERMANY WILL SIGN PACT By Associated Press. Paris, June 17.- —The majority of the members of the Peace Conference believe Germany will ..not sign the Peace Treaty, ac cording to Marcel Hutin, of the Echo de Paris, who made a can vass of the peacemaking body. I Only one of the leaders, M. Hu tin declares, expressed the opin ion that the Germans would ac cept the revised Treaty. The delegate in question based his opinion on the fact that the Germans have knowledge that at yesterday's meeting of the Coun cil of Four a complete agreement was reached on the consequences which would follow Germany's | refusal of the peace proffered. ; They were aware, the delegate pointed out, that peace would be imposed by force, in accordance with President Wilson's Balti more speech, and that orders had been given for an Allied force of 600,000 men, supported by heavy artillery of hitherto un revealed power, to begin an ad vance on the morning of June 24. WILSON DESIRES LEAGUE FOES TO HEAR HIM SPEAK Hopes to Leave Paris Next Tuesday or Wednesday; to Address Congress By Associated Press. Washington, June 17.—President Wilson hopes to leave Paris for Washington on June 24 or 25 if the Germans sign the Peace Treaty. Im mediately after his arrival in Wash ington the President will address Congress. After clearing up pressing official business he will start on his "swing around the circle," early in | July. To Explain Pact and Creed It was said at the White House to day that the President expected to spend three weeks on his speaking tour, explaining the Peace Treaty and the League of Nations covenant. The itinerary has not been an nounced, but he expects to visit the principal cities over the country. The President has made known a desire that his audience during his tour be composed largely of op ponents of the League of Nations plan, rather than its supporters. He also has informed White House offi cials that he might discuss the league covenant in public addresses during his visit to Relgium this week. May Reach Home July 3 Should he leave Paris a week from to-morrow, the President should ar rive in Washington about July 3. He will present the revised draft of the Peace Treaty to the Senate and will discuss the Treaty and League cove nant in an address to a joint session of the Senate and House. Paris, June 17—The Council of FMve met this afternoon and took up con sideration of the remaining clauses in the peace terms with Austria. The Council likewise considered other matters requiring its attenL fore the departure of President Wil son to-night for his trip to Belgium. Bill Increasing School Tax Is Shoved Back Final passage of the Armstrong I bill, which would increase the school tax on all persons to a minimum of j $5, regardless of property holdings, was mitigated in the Senate this morning when, due to the efforts of J Senator Frank A. Smith, Dauphin, the bill was placed on the postponed calendar. The measure had passed through the House of Representatives and through the final passage in the Senate this morning. On motion of Senator Shantz, Lehigh, who is in terested in school legislation, sec onded by Senator Smith, the bill was placed on the postponed list where it will probably die. Drops Dead in Street of Heart Disease Charles Walters, of Oberlin, a Har risburg Railways employe, fell dead in front of the Ferrlday Paper Box Company, 101 North Cameron street, while walking to work this morning. Death was due to heart disease, phy sicians say. —A HELP! AIRPLANE POLICE! Harbor Grace, June 17. —New- foundland has not been won over entirely to aerial navigation. Writ ing to a St. John's paper, just after the Vickers-Vimy start was made, Pro Bono Publico made this com plaint. "I wish to voice a protest against an airplane benig allowed to fly over the city, frightening our poultry, and thereby interfering with the supply of eggs, so import ant during the present shortage of food. This nuisance is only Just be ginning, and now is the time to stop it, before the airplane becomes as great a pest as the bicycle and mo torcar." MERCKR TATE. JR.. HONORED Mercer B. Tate Jr., of this city, to day was elected president of the senior class of Lehigh University. The honor carries with it the presi dency of the Student Body, and also of the Arcadia and Honor Court. Reply of Powers Outlines How World Conflict Was Started by Emperors GERMANY AUTHORIZED DUAL MONARCHY TO SETTLE ISSUE By Associated Press• Paris, June 17.—The detailed reply of the Peace Conference to the counter-proposals of the Germans, which was handed to the German delegation at Versailles last evening, takes up in its order each of the objections made by the enemy to the provisions of the original Peace Treaty. Among the modifications to the treaty which are acceded to by the conference are: Frontier rectifications for West Prussia. A plebiscite in Upper Silesia, with a guarantee to Germany that she will receive fair treatment in securing mineral products from that region. Modifications in the clauses relating to finance, economic and waterways phases of the treaty. Permission for Germany to retain 200,000 men in its army tem porarily. Promise to furnish Germany within a month with a full list of the persons who are to be tried for responsibility for the great conflict and violations of the laws of war. Cause of War Discussed Taking up the subject of penalties, the reply enters into a dis cussion of the immediate cause of the war and says that the con flict was brought about through the "decision, deliberately taken, of the statesmen of Berlin, Vienna and Budapest." It is pointed out that even the German memorandum admits that Germany authorized Austria Hungary to settle the Serbian question on her own initiative and, moreover, supported Austria's rejection of Serbia's "extraordinary concessions." It is declared that Germany steadily rejected every proposal for a conference and did not urge moderation until all hope of avoiding war had vanished. German attempts to throw the blame (Continued on Pago Eight) f i * x * T t 4 X * X I s t i 4* f X ' 4 I | § X . i t 4 1 t i i t m 4 t * £a <-s * | ;* i *' X i*T T 1 ? last night while a boxing match was in progress. fc > 4 T Harrisburg—Sotne 200 prominent churchmen and m * 4 la> ' ' iT X . i MARRIAGE LICENSES t <*J| I.onln Jj. BorKPM, Mtddletown. and Kathryn B. Holland, RnnNniiCM A Math Rurn, (blrsgo, and Margaret A riant*, Steeltoni John F. Cone t , and Margaret E. Mrjrrn, tlarrfl>iirK| Edwin I. Vorndran, W llmlnirtnn. "h " n, l Mary E. Jflrkel, Meehnnlea inrsn William 1,. I.eonard, Altoona, Mi X I.lda M. MeAfee, Hnrrlaburgi George W. 7.lmmmerman and Sarah J ? c. Berryhlll, Harrlahurgi Earl C. Ilapttftl and Renn C. Kelly. Har-*r riaburgi Samuel G. Geta, Harrlaharg, nnd Mary R. Darlington, Dob-1 eannoni Robert E. Brown and Mnrthn E. Klnard, Harrteburg. ir-k 4 4 4 , ;i i "l I :!'.'! 1 1. li IHII
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