10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square E. J. STACK POLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor AR. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board *. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of ail news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this fiaper and also the local news pub ished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. 1 Member American Newspaper Pub rjrrfflT Ushers' Associa "3r.. Ji& Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- KBW sylvania Associa j| Eastern office. SSI a Avenue Building, BBSrK Western office' WfmaS Story, Brooks & eSfcnkpl Flnley, People's ~ Chicago, 111!' S ' Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a * Tv ' week; by mail, $3.00 a -feoitifcr- year in advance. MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1919 A life on service bent, A life for love laid down, It is the life for others spent Which God will crown. —Allenson. ANTI-NOISE CAMPAIGN ALWAYS on the firing line in everything that has to do with the welfare of Harrisburg the Rotary Club has properly taken under consideration a resolution di rected against the thoughtless and illegal noise-makers in Harrisburg. We have no doubt that every other important civic organization will be glad to join with the Rotary Club in suppressing the nerve destroying and uncomfortable dis turbances which make some sections of the city almost uninhabitable. The violation of the anti-cutout ordinance is almost universal, and heedless of the police department, these offenders go on their noisy way. Shrieking locomotives', flat trolley wheels and screaming sirens all contribute, with the unmuffled cutout, to the discomfort of thou sands of people and the unnecessary racket. If there was any real justification for these noises there would be no protest, but it is assured on all sides that there is no reasonable excuse for the unearthly pandemonium which has grown almost intolerable during the last few weeks. Of course, it is the duty of the! Police Department to suppress these j noises through enforcement of the j ordinances and other regulations, I but since this has not been done it; devolves upon the public-spirited 1 civic organizations to assume the burden and end the agony. A few arrests and stiff fines by the police authorities'would remedy the trou ble in a short time, but lacking a vigorous expression of public senti ment the guardians of peace and order are disposed to keep hands oft. More power to the Rotary Club in this latest move fot the welfare of the community. Every other as sociation should immediately align itself with the movement. Secretary of Labor Wilson's vigor ous attack oh the Bolsheviks is an assurance of the real attitude of j American labor toward the anarchistic element of our population. It was a timely and forceful deliverance. GOVERNOR'S FINE ADVICE GOVERNOR SPROUL has been making some admirablo speeches recently and in these public utterances has given strong expression to the duty of all classes of our citizenry to support American institutions and eliminate the de structive and disturbing elements that have been injected into body politic through careless im migration regulations. In an ad dress at the University of Pittsburgh, he called upon the students to lake an active interest in public affairs in their several communities and to avoid shifting civic responsibility, which should rest equally upon all persons and in every community. Fine advice. Also, the Governor be lieves that who are not sat isfied with our system of Govern ment would do well to seek a place where they may find one that will conform with their peculiar views. On a call of the House and with the fear of discipline before them, the "lawmakers on Capitol Hill gave a real exhibition of industry. They demon strated in a practical way the possi bility of the short session. THE SPIKED HELMET A FEW months ago the pro-Ger man attitude now observed in public places here and there would have called down the execra tion of the average- red-blooded American, but responsive to the sort of Prussian propaganda that has encouraged delay and negotiation in the peace settlement the Hun sym pathizers on this side of the ocean MONDAY EVENING. are going the limit in breaking down I the anti-German barriers. On Capitol Hill the spiked helmet is seen among the legislators, when la perfectly reasonable proposition is | submitted for the repeal of the man datory clauses in acts regulating of- I ficial advertising and which force | the placing of such advertising in I German newspapers. All that the , bills pickled thus far in a Senate j committee provided is the elimina tion of the German requirement, leaving officials discretionary power to place the advertising in news j papers printed in the English lan guage. Fair-minded legislators have 'a duty to perform before affjourn | ment. Auditor General Snyder's home [town of Pottsville is preparing for a street paving compaign to cost $500,- 000. It's civic record is going to look almost as well as Pottsville's military record. LABOR OUTLOOK WHILE employment agencies, are still trying to find places i for many applicants for jobsj business observers continue to pre-! diet a labor shortage before the J end of the summer. A writer in i the American Exchange National Bank's current bulletin expresses the! belief that what is really happening j is that the soldiers being returned froim the other side are coming | home in divisions and regiments drawn from the same communities j and when they are released from j service it frequently throws a largei i number of them into the labor mar tket. Their absorption into industry leaves the field, or certain parts of it, bare of idlers and the fact is so noted. Before the ink is dry pn this announcement, another batch of re turned soldiers is released. One has but to contrast the great number of men who have left ofE khaki since November with the slight amount of unemployment to realize how greatly production and distribu tion have improved, he observes. "Were conditions to-day no better j than tlicy were in January, wc would have probably a million or more unemployed in this country. As it is, estimates within the past fortnight of the unemployed give a total for the entire country less than the number of so-called 'job less' in New York City in 1914." Emigration, he thinks, has helped somewhat to provide places for re turned soldiers, although the num ber wh<f have left these shores is far below the number of olive drab wearers who have returned. There is considerable concern expressed, however, over the fact that emigra tion is increasing and pronyises to swell. Instead of planning ways and means to provide positions, leaders of Industry in this country fear a labor shortage. Never before in the history of the United States has emi gration reached the stage where employers have felt concern. Poles, Bohemians, Italians, former inhabit ants of the Balkans, Ukrainians and Russians are returning in hordes, many believing that they will now be able to find opportunities in their native lands equal to or the superior of those found in the United States. It may be that they will be.disillu sioned and ultimately will return to the United States, but in the mean time their absence is going to be felt. A committee of Eastern em ployers has been formed and an organized effort is planned to stem the exodus. Not only are these foreigners who have been engaged in the basic industries returning to their families, but they arc taking with them the savings of the past four years, during which it was im possible for the majority, of them— particularly the Slavs —to remit their usual contributions aboard. Another aspect of it is that'if there is a return of 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 persons to the other side just that many more will have to be fed and clothed in Europe, increasing the demands to be made upon the United States, while at the same time reducing the available labor for the supply of those very things called for on the other Side. This is poor consolation for such employers as have been anticipat ing a lowering of wage scales, but it. will be highly gratifying to the great bulk cf the population and by no means terrifying to business men who prefer prosperity with high wages to dull times with low wages. Costs are small worries where profits are good. And we were told that the first draft of the treaty was a perfect instru ment which should not be soiled by the dotting of an eye or the crossing of a t. That's what W. W. told us, and yet the revising goes on ad. lib. GOD RLESS OL'R WOMEN WITH the gradual resumption of normal peace activities the Red Cross workers of Harris burg are relieved of much of the strenuous labor which was neces sary during the war period. This does not mean that there has been an entire cessation of the unselfish service which has been rendered by the local chapter in its various divisions. Much is still being done for the refugees of Europe and the soldiers ab homo. The splendid women of Harrisburg who were banded together in this wonderful organization will never be forgotten by the men who rallied to the colors at home and abroad, and when the final Chapter of the war shall have been written the mothers, wives, sisters and sweet hearts of the fighting forces will "have an important place in the brilliant record of the country's part in the world struggle. All credit to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks In this city for its leadership in the patriotic fiag-day demonstrations. So long aa the fraternal and other organizations maintain the best traditions of Amer ica In the support of our ideals we need have no fear of the nondescript and dangerous theorists who come to our shores with an inborn distrust of all constituted authority. T>ot£Kc£x "PtMtoijtauua By the Ex-Committeeman According to what Senator Edwin H. Vare, chief opponent to the Phil adelphia charter bill, says the fight over that much-discussed piece of legislation is over and it will soon be a law with the Yares already prepared to battle for control of the city government under ils provis ions. The fight over the registration bills for Philadelphia, which are the real point in the prolonged struggle in the Legislature, will be renewed as soon as the conference committee -gets together. It is interesting to note how quickly the men active in politics began to ask questions as to what would happen to the charter bill if the Legislature did not act on the registration bills before it adjourn ed. The plan is to have meetings of the conference committee as soon as possible to see what Senator Vare will say. The committee is generally regarded as anti-Vare. In this con nection it is to be noted that the in dependent element is already de manding to be let in on the pro posed new registration board. One well-informed newspaper says: "Governor Sproul will be asked to include a member of the Town Meeting party when he names the proposed new Board of Registration Commissioners. A committee will go to Harrisburg to lay this plea before him. Meanwhile a movement has been launched to combine all in dependent. voters in one organiza tion to defeat the Vare forces at the coming municipal election. An nouncement of these moves by the reform element has been made by George W. Coles, chairman of the Town Meeting party. Mr. Coles has named a committee, headed by ex- Senator Frank Gable, as chairman." —The events in the House of Representatives when two-thirds of the members were held in technical contempt are being still commented upon. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin chides the absentees and the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times says: "Though fully grown, the majority of the House members at Harris burg are not above playing "hookey." Baseball or fishing al ways were more fun than work in summer." The Philadelphia Press says editorially: "That',4 a brand now idea of Speaker Spangler that members of the Legislature ought to earn their fifteen hundred dollars by oceasionally being on hand to vote; ' and comparatively few of them have anything else to do." —The Philadelphia Inquirer says Senator Vare aeeepted defeat "gracefully." Complete agreement on the measure, which has been vig orously fought liy Senator Vare since its introduction in the Senate on March 3, was announced in Phil adelphia 1) ybotli Thomas Raeburn "White, counsel for the charter re vision committee, and Senator Vare himself. The bill, amended in minor particulars, will bo voted on in the Senate next Tuesday, and will then be sent hack to the House for con currence. The new charter is ex pected to receive the signature of Governor Sproul next Wednesday, ;ust sixteen weeks after its intro duction in the Senate by Senator Woodward. The amendments, it is understood, are designed to meet the objections raised by Edwin O. Lewis, counsel for the Republican city com. mit.'PF. —The Mayoralty situation in Phil adelphia. which has been kept in the na< kground as much as possible during the charter discussion, is the cause ef comment by the Philadel phia Bulletin, which says: "The pri mary. or nominating, election is only a iittie more than three months dis tant, but the first sight of anything like a real 'boom' or 'movement' has I yet to be noted. Never before at this stage of a Mayoralty year lias there been quite as much shy ness and silence along the entire line as there is now. Who will be the first n an to say right out aloud, se lhat he can be plainly heard, that he would like to be Mayor of Philadelphia, and that he is not a fa: id to say so ?" —While Senator Pen rose says In an interview at Williamsport that the country is going "dry" and people had better stock up, the Philadel phia Inquirer remarks: "Attorney General Palmer, with less neatness than dispatch, sidc-stepp.rd the hard cider question. Is it possible that there is any connection between this well-known agent of total tem porary paralysis and the disinclina tion of the farmer to pet up an hour earlier in the summer?" -t—Luzerne politics are always strenuous and now things have been complicated by two more candi dates. One is Captain John Mac- Cluskic. leader of the One Hundred and Ninth Field Artillery band,'who recently returned from France. Mr. M-icCluskie is to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff. O. G. Davies, of WUltes- Barro, seeks the Republican nomi nation for county commissioner. Roth men have been active in Re publican circles for a number of years, Mr. MacCluskie having served as a deputy sheriff before entering tne army. —There is talk of ex-Deputy At torney General H. K. Daughorty for the Senate in Mercer county. Ex- Representative C. Victor Johnson, of Crawford, is believed to have am bitions. —Considerable comment has been caused among legislators by Gov ernor Sprout's speech at Pittsburgh ir which he urged young men to take a hand in politics. The Gov ernor also said: "The answer to anarchy should be an insistence of the people to form clean and pop ular government and the general education. If they, the enemies of the government, do not care to join us in citizenship they should go some where else. In these days it Is surely easy for restless spirits to lind a suitable government some where." LABOR NOTES Women time workers .in England average about a week. The total number of employes of commercial telephone systems in the United States is now nearly 275,000. Four years ago there Were 1500 women employed in banking institutions in England, and now there are nearly 38,000. Several school teachers in Phila delphia have formed themselves into a union and affiliated with the Ameril can Federation of Labor. \ The British Ministry of Munitions, througly its training scnools, has shown now successful women may be prepared for shop supervisors and forewomen. ,1 . _ .1 HARRISBURG TELEGKXPH! I WWE/V 4 FELLER REEDS 4 FRIEND BR BRIGGS SE£MS ALL I KEPT OUT OF SCHOOL > TODAV DOCTOR., HOUJ LOUG * VJOOUD HTS W AVE, "TO "BE IKJ THE HOSPITAL IF HE HAT> WIS TOWSH-S PEMOUET) ? -*——{ \ YES I O/UDEV?STA<UT> ) PAINJFUL /, The Industrial Titan of America A Great Story of Pennsylvania's Wonderful Resources, by John Oliver La Gorce Hepriiited (icogrnphlc Magazine With Special Permission (Continued) The Romance of Silk It is a long step from cement to silk, and yet, as showing the re riiarkable versatility of the industrial situation in the Keystone State, a step worth the taking here. Theie are several good reasons why Penn sylvania produces one-third of all the silk made in America. In the first place, silk manufacture Is essen tially a woman's Industry. A woman can attend a loom as well as a man, or look after spindles, or supervise the quilling of thread. Nowhere else can such an abun dance of women workers be founi as in the coal regions and the hea x "y manufacturing' districts. Such in dustries are largely closed to women, and hence the wives and daughters of the miners and factory workers welcome employment in silk mills. Then, again, the silk that milady wears may seem filmy and its sliecn may be charming, but ihe process of manufacture demands a surpris ing amount of power. Especially is this true of the spinning, or "throw ing," as it is technically known. Raw silk is too thin to be woven directly. The spun silk that consti tutes the warp, or threads that run lengthwise of the goods, is known as organzine. The Power Required in Making Silk A pound of good quality raw silk will yield enough unspun thread to reach from Philadelphia to New York and return—lßl miles; yet in making organzine, or warp thread, every inch of that must be twisted some sixteen turns, after which it is doubled and twisted about four The Awakening of Industry Looking back at the situation which prevailed In industry in the months imemdiately succeeding the armistice and the uncertainty and pessimism which then was wide spread, it would seem that the doubt as to revival then existing was mainly based upon a conviction that there would be a heavy, and per haps startling, drop in prices. This apprehension paralyzed all forwtird business and produced a panicky impulse on the part of those who had goods, to get rid of them before the slump came. This conviction has now been completely eliminated and because of belief that prices will hold and even advance, industry re awakening in practically e'very line. The thret of unemployment, too, is receding and there is even a belief lhat shortage of labor in many di rections will develop. In fact, the development has already taken place in some Industries and occupations. On the farms nearly everyhere there is a demand for more men. The idea of reduction of wage scales has been abandoned, a potent reason be ing that the price of foodstuffs is higher instead of lower than last yen r. It is Impossible to guage the highly favorable effect which the growing assurance of big crops is having upon the general situation, and these prospects furnish the back bone of the optimism prevailing in industries and in the stock market. Wealth flowing in to the agricultural districts enriches the whole couirtry through the return flow which al ways takes place, for the farming community Is by necessity a spender. The farmer is constantly renewing his plant. He spends his new money ori farm machinery, fencing, build ing material, automobiles. This year the amount will be very large. In 1914, the six million odd farms df the United States produced crops of over $6,000,000,000 value—about $970 per farm. In 1917, the amount was $13,600,000,000, or more than $21,000 per farm. In 1918, the aver age per farm is estimated at $2,500, and will probably be $3,000 this year. I —The Bache Review. teen turns in the reverse direction, the exact "number of turns depend ing upon the use to be made of the thread. The two twisfings are equal to twenty-three turhs far every inch of the original thread, so that the revo lutions of a spindle required to con vert a single pound of raw silk into a pound of organzine roaches the enormous total of 264,000,000. In other words, if the conversion had to be made by a single spindle, it would have to do ten thou&and turns a minute, fifty-five hours a week, for eight weeks or lose its union card! What happens in the case of the warp threads takes place in less de gree in the woof threads—the ones that run across the goods—which are known as tram, and have oily a single spinning. After such facts as these, any one can readily see that a great deal of power is needed in " the making of even such delicate material as silk. They explain why such a large per centage of the silk woven in Amer ica is prepared for the weaver in the coal region around Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton and Scranton. Cheap fuel moans cheap power, and cheap power makes silk throwing profit able. The throwing and dyeing are usually done for the weavers on a commission basis. The raw silk, as it comes -from Japan, China, or Italy, is first steamed and degummed. This gum takes away about one fifth of its weight. After this come Ihe dyeing and throwing, and usual ly the weighting. Women Armored With Tin I The weighting? process is very in- "LEST WE FORGET" The Manufacturers Record for a long time, and ably, has emphasized the true American point of view re garding 'the Oermans-. In an edi torial, the editor, Mr. Edmonds says that the punishment iniposed upon Germany is not sufficiently drastic, though Germany is making a groat many people feel that it is being harshly deiUt with. The safety of the world, he says, can never be secured so long as' the German na tion, for the next two. or three generations at least., is not held in bondage until a new generation is educated away from he German lino of thought and tajght to real ize fully the criminality of the whole nation, in (bringing on this war. "Un less the delegates to the Peace Con ference recognize this fact and act on it entire I '/ without and regard to the maudlin sympathy which a nation of criminals is seeking to win, wo may count that the time is not far distant when Germany will again enter upon a world war. All the Peace Conferences and all the Leagues of Nations which can be de vised will not be sufficient to con trol Germany in the future days when war will be made more dia bolically hideous than the worst of this war by the power of science concentrating its whole energy upon the creation of methods of destroy ing armies and cities and nations, unless we impose upon Germany now such penalties as will make that forever impossible." Truly Touching [From Harvey's Weekly.] Not since the Walrus and the Car penter wept over the unhappy fate of the oysters have we seen anything quite so touching as the tearful solic itude of the President's Democratic friend? and propagandists lest the Republican party shall damage itself by opposing the League of Nations. They would be quite hearhroken if by refusing to sanction abrogation of the Monroe doctrine and repudia tion of the declaration of indepen dence. the Republican Senators should "get in Dutch" with the American people. This friendly ail | xiety is deeply and trly affecting. teresting, both from the standpoint of manufacture and wearing. In silk that may have cost eight or ten dollars a pound, the extraction of the gum represents a serious shrink age. It happens that silk has a par ticular affinity for tin dissolved in hydrochloric acid. So- the silk manu facturer proceeds to treat his de gummed silk to a bath of liquid tin. It absorbs several ounces to the pound of silk. Then he washes it in a phosphate-of-soda preparation which increases its power of ab sorbing tin, and gives it another bath. He may repeat the process until his pound of raw silk, which had shrunk id thirteen ounces by the degumming operation, takes on enough tin to make it weigh at least twenty and perhaps forty or even sixty ounces. This weighting is of advantage to the wearers. An ordinary 19-inch taffeta, that retails at, say, $1.50 a yard, is composed, probably, of five eighths silk and three-eighths tin. Yet it is satisfactory in its luster and will ordinarily wear for two seasons, which is alleged to be the longest any woman would want a silk dress or waist to last. If that taffeta were made from untinned silk it would cost $2.20 a yard and serve milady no better. During the last year or two, un der the stress of raw silk prices of unprecedented heights, weighting came to be done in the wover goods as well as in the tram and oi* ganize, so that the women of t)e country often wear as much tin As silk, and frequently more. (To Be Continued) The Hun in Retgiun [From Brand Whitlock's *New Book, "Belgium."] Herr Von Strum was ner%ous, agi tated and unstrung; I suppose that he, too,'* had been without sleep for nights on end. Tears wcic continu ally welling into his eye*, and sud denly he covered his face with his hands, leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, an attitude of despair. Presently he looked up. "Oh, these poor, stupid Belgians!" he said. "Why don't they get out of the way! I know what it will be. I know the Oermai army. It will be like laying a baby on the track before a locomotire!" , He bent over, stretching his hands towards the floor as though to illus trate the cruel deed. "I know the German army," ho repeated. "It will go across Bel gium like a sheam-roller; like a steam-roller!" He liked the phrase, which he must have picked up in America— he had an American wife and kept on repeating it. Better Make It Golden Lamb [From the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.] The suggestion made by a Broad way business man that a victory obelisk of solid gold, 50 or 100 feet high, be erected on Manhattan Island, is less original than would seem on first thought. It is recorded that in early Biblical times one Aaron caused the thank offerings of the Egyptians to be melted and a statue of a golden calf raised for the worship of the Israelites. Obviously the nature of the New York monu ment would logically depend upon its location. Should the New York memorial be placed in the street called Wall, the image of a well shorn lamb of colossal proportions, would be analogy to the more ap propriate symbol. The Lord Will Fight Ror You Then I said unto you, DreatT not, neither be afraid of them. The Lord your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you.—Peuterono my 1, 29 and 80. JUNE 16, 1919. No Wonder Germany Quit ; ._ . i NUMBER SIX ((TTTE HAD the craziest bunch Vy of unlickable fighting men in Uncle Sam's Army," said Major Frank C. Mahin, of the Army recruiting office, 325 Market j street. "As a boy I used to pore over the heroic deeds of our forefathers and marvel at the nerve of John Paul Jones, who, when his ship was sinking under him and his sur render was demanded, answered: 1 have Just begun to fight.' Those old boys were good fighting men all right, but whether they would have done what our bunch of wild In dians did in France is another ques tion. They didn't have to contend with gas and high explosive, with machine guns and aerial torpedoes, and furthermore when cold wcathei set in they quit till spring. W hen we went into "rest camp' we worked ten to twelve hours a day, nothing exciting, no danger, just rotten old grind. Then when we got back into action everybody was so glad to get away from a 'rest camp' and they were so anxious to get as far from it as possible, that they would sim ply start for Berlin and keep go ing. Ten men might discover a ma chine gun nest and start for it; one might get there, but he was am ply sufficient to clean it out, he there two'or twenty Boche in it. Further more, to stop one of those cra -'?V galoots you just about had to kill them. Scores of times I have seen men with wounds that here at home would put them utterly down ana out as soon as received, going right ahead as though nothing had hap pened. 1 remember one kid, one of my runners, whose jokes, pranks and good humor wore absolutely an extinguishablo. During the Mcuse- Argonnc offensive he was trotting along just behind me when a shell burst very close to us,, very, very close. A fragment took this lad's left arm off midway between the wrist and elbow and threw it off twenty-five or thirty feet to one side. When I picked myself up I looked around at him and saw his arm was gone. When I got up he got up. looked down at where his arm had been and then began to search. In a minute he saw his arm lying on the. ground, trotted over there, picked it up in his right hand and came back to me with a grin on from ear to ear. As he ap proached he held up the severed arm and said: 'Well! what do you know about (hat? A perfectly good hand I found over there on the ground;' threw the hand away and started on to follow me. I actually had to send a guard to get thaj boy to the dressing station; ho said he wasn't hurt, why it wasn't even bleeding much. And that is the sort of thing that made the Americar. doughboy invincible." The Garricks Lived Ilappil 11 [From the London Times." f A series of apparently " ,>ub J f lished letters from David O rrlcls < and his wife to the Earl and-°" n " ■' tess of Burlington will oome'P tor < sale at- Messrs. Hodgson's, <-ancery f Bane. So far as can bo (9"' ' C X C " ' the existence of these '/ llcr L ' unknown and unrecord/- , r aa ' long been a legend thp T r "" ~ ] rielc was a daughter ' ' lington. but the evenc.e against f this i s fairly conclus' 6 : '," ' rick, before her niTrlini/ ' protege of Lord ad "tV," 1 ion; the earl furled her with a j marriage portion of .f an ?? L. ' 1 and she was llvi* withthemwhen , she was to the actor in , Tuno 1749 The letters Wch now come lnto ' the market ,-insist of twenty-two , from David iarrtck to Lady Bur- , lington and wo to Lord Burling on . (many with'"* saal a c * ey P assing ' the winnirV P° st >- and twenty-one , from Mrs Oarrick to the countess, . all dated between July 18 and Octo- , 'ber 31 /74. They were written . during he honeymoon of the pair at Mern, and they give a charm- , ing niebre of the happiness of Gar-1 ricks' married life, which lasted for , thirtv one >' cars - nf! of the finest , lotto* in the series is the earliest, datel July 18, in which, writing to Burlington, Garriek says: •Though I have troubled my lord fov this post, yet T can't help being e/ually impertinent to your ladyship, (hall I speak the truth— It is nb .'ollutely downright vanity that makes me write this letter, it is not to be imagined how proud and im portant I am grown to myself, since I have had the honor to be spoken so highly of in your ladyship's let ter to Mrs. Oarrlck * * * for exclusive of the favors I have re ceived before and since my marriage, it is owing to you, madam, and you alone, that T am now the hap piest of men, and in possession of Mrs. Garriek. She has more than once confessed td me that she liked me very well, and was determined not to marry anybody else, yet she was as determined not to marry me, if your ladyship had put a negativo on me. Could I speak as I ought, T would say more, but T know and shall always feel these obligations." I The references to his wife are al ways full of good humor; he usually refers to her as his "Charmer," the "Tyrant," but more usually he re fers to her by the simple word of she, which he generally underlined. Tn another letter (August 26) he refers to Shakespeare: "Shakespeare says somewhere that no joy is so sincere as that which wears the badge of sorrow. T am afraid my madness about Shake speare is become very troublesome, for T question whether I have writ ten a single letter without bringing him In. head and shoulders. I know your ladyship must admire him, and therefore I have been more forward to introduce him to you than other wise I should have been." Mrs. Garriek's letters are quite as interesting and as amusing as those of her husband, to whom she refers as her "little spouse." Never hav ing learnt to spenk or write fluently, she writes her letters in in an illit erate hand, and they are full of quaint errors, particularly in the later ones when apparently Garriek was not at her side to assist her in spelling. Thus; "Yesterday was Romeo the farst time, he looked verv handsome an blay'd *n well that the people ware not sadesfied with klapin, but holle'd out. * * * "T was at the play last Saturday at Coven Garden, all what I can say of it is. that Mr. Barrv is to jung for Romeo and Mrs. Gibber to old for a garle or 18; the house was prety foul. • * * T wish this .'would finish both, for It is too much for my Little Dear Spouse to play every day." Tt may he added that the letters are in perfect preservation, and have apparently Ijeen kept folded until quite recently, as in many in stances the sand used for absorbing the ink still glistens on the surface of the paper- lEtetttng (Eljat Jacob R. Miller, whose recollec tions of Harrisburg long years ago", have frequently appeared In the< Harrisburg Telegraph and has aerv-< cd to settle many a question re-i garding locations has furnished USM with some reminscences of the old Capitol Park which are most in teresting in view 'of the start of" the work of embellishing the State'* domain under the cofnprehensive< Arnold W. Brunner plans. Mr. Mil-' ler writes that he set down hi* recollections because one day "a stiff argument" arose among a number of his friends who dropped in o* him at his office 348-50 Verbel street. He became a resident Harrisburg in 1846 when the po' latlon of the State Capital was 6*' souls or less than the second • of Harrisburg at the present ie ~ "At that time," says Mr. ißr " "t'here was a board fence ah' | feet high around the park' a Third and Pine streets, i" 8 recollection that there wr an en ~" trance gate made of w<?" ings. It had a chain stret' d it with a largo iron ball™™" 1 * ciose it with a bang. the westi entrance at State street™ similar gate. Then ®J: street to North and 1 Fourth and on Four to , State street gate ther^ s a ™ de H fence with two gate' oae " gates was for wa 1 traffic a ™ . many a time the *' cre sav ® r teams engaged in '•ft'"*, wood t • the' capitol for f UP 'ecause, remem , her. there were t n " coal . sto ™* land no steam * ltber ' K ,n 1 capitol, and cor( /ood * a ? burned. ' Every piece hr to R b ® J ,lst , ; feet long to ftt'f fire d °f I" tho in the open fir The room* were lighted rom /he ceilings . When mem" * ot 4 „ co ' d tbey ! would get i> a hot debate Just ■ as they dl/, n tb ® t,me of * b l ; 'Buckshot fa wbi , cb TT wa o ef i [in the halj , °" r old tata Cap "?i , and resul ln bl " ody and eves' mourning. No powder wasted loyal hlood spilled al i t hone it ne Clovernor called out < Philade n,a volunteers. At Fourth 1 and Sc h streets'there was a gate t that V'nff outward and then you i wr ,„iaiscend a flight of steps into - the J ,UoI >' ard - Tbis was a,on,f 1 the /uthern line of the park and t w by a. brick wall per i h a r ' four feet high surmounted by s „ ttlo railing. 1 'This fence ran across to tho ' yie street entrance gate and near f A center was another gate leading 5 ut of the capitol yard to the old ' boardwalk' down toward Third and f Walnut streets. The State Arsenal was later located just south of this wall. In the early year I speak of. it was an open ground, a grayel and slate hill owned by the State where fit times we held our county fairs. It was Harrisburg's most famous circus ground and later on circus tents were pitched up town and out on the Hill. By and by, our legislature bought an angle of ground which squared tip the park to Fourth and Walnut. Then start ing at South street the park ran down Fourth to Walnut and along' Walnut street to Third. Soon after< this extension of capitol park the. State made short work of the build ings in the angle, just as it has done in the old Eighth Ward. In time this was made a fine park for the fired and weary old citizens to rest in. The o'd board fence was re placed in lime by a fence of cast iron cast and erected by my old friend. Colonel W. W. Jennings. This fence was eight feet high with fine gates at proper intervals. Tho gates were: Third and Walnut, Third and Pine, Third and State which was also for wagpns. Third and North, North and Elder, North and Fourth, a big gate at East. State street. Fourth and South and Fourth and Walnut. This fence was fol lowed by erection of one of the finest 'monuments, put up in memory of i Pennsylvanians in the Mexican War a fid surrounded by a fence composed of old muskets, which had on top the old style fixed bayonet. This fence was one of the sights of tho city and attracted great attention from visitors. Some of them must have been used in early wars and resembled those issued to us for the first battle of Bull Run. It was hard to say who suffered most from those guns, tho man In front or tho man who fired tho gun. They could kick like Barnum's old mule. This gun fence was sold to Junk men, I think. The old iron fence about the park disappeared' itself in the eighties. I think and since that time no fence has been about the park. One sec tion of the iron fence is about the arsenal grounds at Eighteenth and llerr and another at the grave of John Harris who came here 200 years ago." j • • • One of the big sand dredges used in the Susquehanna broke away from Its moorings near McCormick's I island yesterday in the midst, of the atorm and journeyed down the Bus- . quehanna. It was successful ln | negotiating the "riffles" near Seneca street and then slipped around some ■ grass plots. It was heading straight < for tho fleet which is clearing out coal and sand at the foot of Kelker j street when 1t landed nice and fast | on a bar. Numerous hoys went out j in boats and inspected the dredge. [ WELL KNOWN PEOPLE )' : _-W r . T. Ellis, the Swarthmore writer is reported detained ln Egypt. 1 -—Mayor Stncy B. Eloyd, well- . ' known here as an attorney, is homo ■ ' from army service in France. -—Ex-Chief Justice D. Newlin ' Fell took an active part in flag day ' exercises in Philadelphia. < —Colonel O. A. Burrell. of tho ' Chemical Warfare section, who wm ■ awarded the Distinguished Service " Cross, is a Pittsburgh man and r noted for research work. i M. M. Cochran the Union-town 1 man at the head of the movement p for Bethany College, has gathered , in $160,000. t Xsr. Uambert Ott, who says beer 1 is not intoxicating and has stirred up * the doctors, is a Philadelphia Chem iet * I— The Kev. Dr. .T. Ritchie Smith, formerly of this city, delivered the commencement address at Geneva ij College. J r DO YOU KNOW =ll r That Harrisburg sells tools to-, s 1 France and Italy? 1 —" HISTORIC HAKRISBtTBO ! John Harris' stockade was tho, | first built on the Susquehanna. ; _ i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers