ONE SOLDIER IS DEAD RESULT OF TROLLEY CRASH Others Wounded When Auto and Street Car Collided, Returned to Carlisle Ray Leach, of Winchester, Ohio, is dead tb-day and twelve other soldiers have been returned to the Virmy hospital at Carlisle as a re mit of injuries received Saturday then a motor truck, carrying lounded soldiers from Carlisle, col led with a trolley car on the Sec \each, who was 25 years old, died V a fracture of the skull. A investigation under- the dtrec the army officers at Carlisle. jVjeen started, it was said to-day. a( , t Yheir report will be based any pj al VJhat will be taken against the rg Railways Company, for iV r Eckinger is making plajis Leaclu tisation ,I ? to the deatb °? Atbably in a few days. from tY nderl men were removed terdav ;V larrisb urg hospital yes bulances\ noon in ' ollr arm Y am onfy ITl passt'' of Steelton,' was the He receiveE 1 " in tke street car. the face fr<l everal lacerations of The full liV, yinEr * ,aBS - . u juries follovvY nam es with the in- John Simp\ _ , , lacerations o(V~ Severe shock and J. Dubalskl-1 ,owr "P" . the. forehead f' e, ; e lacerations of abrasions of th*. lacerations and neck. head, arm and CONCERNING TOLL SERVICE Under L schedules of toll and long distance telephone rates now applying,-, messages originating and terminating within Pennsylvania Vyeral classes of s rvice are offered. These classes of service are tly same as those which, since Janu;®y 21, 1919, have been availaj e f or messages from points in Pennsylvania to points in other st&gg. 'The following explanation of the various classes of toll serv\ e w ill aid telephone users in determining the class of service for their needs and will explain the methods of making tV several kinds of calls. I Ihe station to station is For all toll calls other than those the base rate upon which al. rates made on the "station to station" for the various classes of servitfcof- basis, where connection is estab fered, are computed. This rate ; s lished but the conversation is not determined by the air line distanc held because the calling or* called between toll points and is com- party is not present or will not puted, for the initial period, on the talk, a "report charge" is made, basis of 5c for each 6 up to equivalent to about one-fourth of 24 miles and 5c for each 8 miles be- \ t h e "station to station" rate. The yond that distance. minimum "report charge" is 10c; For toll calls where the calling 'kiximum $2.00. No report charge party does not specify a particular JsWde if the call is completed be person to be reached at the called torK midnight of the day it is telephone, "station to station" rates P' ac \l. are charged. For toll calls where the calling N ' igH rates> a PPb' in S onl y to calls partv does specify a particular per- ma °°' a stataon to stat ion basis, son to be reached' at the called are quo M between 8.30 p. m. and telephone and the connection is es- ' fi \ ! ' ie r . ate between 8.30 tablished and conversation held with a ' K „ ni H n 'Rbt is about one-half that person, "person to person" ifptwp.!Vi > o sta . t j°" r f ... . . . . and bet\\eeAl2 midnight and 4.30 rates are charged. As this service u . 1 , . , . , . „ a. m. about dje-fourth the station requires amount of operating effort, . , U 11 • u to station day rate. The minimum I the rate for such calls is about one- •. f ■ o c\ i ... night rate is 2X fourth greater than the "station to station" rate. The minimum "per- * * <i , „ . v Station to stafon calls must be son to person rate is 20c. , , \ made as far as possible by giving . roll calls involving an appoint- the telephone number of the called ment to talk at a specified time, or telephone. When \he number is involving the use of messenger not known and telephone directory • service to secure attendance of a information is not ivailable the designated person a public- tele- number should be obiained from phone at a distant point may be "Information," or if the called tele* made at rates usually about one- phone is at a distant point the name half greater than the "station to sta- and address called subscriber tion rate, plus the cost of mes- should be given to the Toll Oper senger service. The minimum rate ator, as the case may be, stating for such calls is 25c. that it is a "station to station" call. I The "Station to Station" rates are substantially lower than the "Person to Pers.on" rates. In order that patrons may effect the greatest economy in their charges for toll service, and also maximum speed of connections/they are urged to study their toll service requirements and to make the widest possible use of "Station to Station" calls. / The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania I / MONBXY EVENING, Mike Slotcr, 28—Supposed frac ture of pelvis. Elmer Shields, 30 —Bruises of the right arm with a probable fracture and severe shock. Nathan Hunlick, 31 —Scalp wound and lacerations of the face. I'cter J. Buddy, 25—Left knee bruises and severe shock. Lloyd W. Ley—lnjuries slight. Charles Dcutcr — Probable frac ture of right leg; bruises of elbow. Arthur Chambers —Injuries right knee. Charles Hovers —Face injuries. Michael Salat —Contusions of body and shock. Henry Laugc—Slight injuries. Augustus Ambroslno, 27 —Sus- pected fracture of the left hip. E. J. I.lcbcl —Probable fracture of right leg; X-ray examination or dered. 1 J. M. Sickels—Contusions of back. Charles H. Reynolds—Fracture right thigh. / James L. McAllister lnjuries slight. y J. M. Yogt—Fracture left fore arm; abdominal contusions. James L. Kcarns —Injuries slight. Arthur H. Hurt, a member of the Dauphin county bar, gives the best account of the accident. Mr. Hull wah waiting for a car to bring him downtown. He tells the story as fol lows; "I had ben waiting for a trolley car for some little time. When I saw the car coming it did not have its sign in front, but was marked 'Spe cial.' "At this time I saw the truck ap proaching in North street and realiz ing that if the trolley car did not stop it would hit the truck, I got int° the street and gave a signal to the motorman. "Evidently he thought I was sig naling only to get on and he did not want any more passengers. The trol ley car hit the truck as the last two wheels were going over the. tracks. The truck was whirled about and hurled against a telegraph pole at the Rockefeller corner. "The wounded soldiers," Mr. Hull, "were thrown into the 6 street. Several men and myself e picked a number of them from right under the trucks of the trolley car. a Itwas easy to see that the trolley car was late because it is the practice 6 to take off the signs when another is following. The truck was not go ing fast. It had solid tires and as - he vac carrying wounded men the driver had slowed down to cross t the track. Two trucks carrying men from the Carlisle Hospital had already arrived V at Cathedral Hall when the accident occurred. The remainder of the 7 2 men who were to bo entertained - during the afternoon by the Knights of Columbus, 2 8 ire number, were in f the big steel truck. The crew of the car, however, de clare that they were not running over eight,or tere miles per hour D when the crash came. They sound ed the alarm, they declare. C. L. s ! Kapp was the motorman on the car and R. S. Christian the conductor. Fire started from the motor of the car, but was extinguished by chem ical fire apparatus of the Hope Fire Company before any considerable damage resulted. News of the accident in which sol j diers from the Carlisle Hospital were ' injured, dampened the spirits of tte j other men who were brought to I the city to be entertained by the 1 Knights of Columbus this afternoon at the Vaughn Villa, along the river near Rockville. The Y. M. C. A. workers in this city, planning for a similar entertainment of wounded soldiers from the Car lisle institution, were on the scene of the accident shortly after it hap pened. Charles W. Clark, demobili zation secretary of the Central Y. M. C. A.,, rendered especially valuable service, both at the scene of the ac cident and at the Hospital. He as sisted in undressing the soldiers end earing for their valuables, aftef 1 which he telephoned lists of names t to officers at the Carlisle institution I as early as they were available. * M M I HAJRIUBBURO tsSBISgt TEtEGRXPEC BIG EVENTS ARE SCHEDULED FOR SCHOOL PICNIC Entries For Athletic Events to I Be Made on the Field Here we go—the biggest recrea tion day of the year—next Friday, June 20, when the Harrisburg Tele graph gives its annua] picnic to the school children f the city. Given fair weather, this promises to be the most exciting and gallant gath ering of all that the Telegraph has staged, for there will be new and jazzy features, such as longball twixt girl teams, and every Inch of Paxtang Park will be a scene of genuine and wholesome revelry. With Captain E. J. Stackpole, Jr.. Chairman of the committee, and V. Grant Forrer, assistant superin tendent of city parks, lending effi cient hand, a program was mapped out to-day, which may be changed in some details, but will, in the main, go through as given here: 0 a. m.—Cars at given points for children. 9.30-.—Cars arrive at park. 1 <I.OO--30-yard dash for boys; third and fourth grades (heats if necessary). f 10.10—30-yard dash for girls; third and fourth grades (heats if necessary). 10.20—30-yard race for girls; fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, I n0.30-1-30-yard egg race for girls; third and fourth grades. 10.40-J-Peanut race for small girls (50 feet in length). 10.50 —Sewing contest for teach ers. 11.00—Hong distance relay race | for Boy Scouts from Telegraph | Building to Paxtang Park. 11.10—Shoe race for small boys. '11.20 —Three standing broad jumps; fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades; three standing broad jumps, third and fourth grades. 11.30—50-yard dash for boys; fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. 11.35 —50-yard dash for girls; fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. / 11.50 —Obstacle race for boys, all grades. 12.00- —All schools massed on lawn to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" 12.10 —Tug of war by boys of all grades. 12.05 p. m. —Long-distance run around lake for seventh and under direction of Professor Rose, eighth grades. 12.30—Mess call for dinner, teams and vollyball ga-mes to be Longball game for two good girl run off at convenience of the field marshal. 1 to 2—Band concert.* 2.15 —Show in theater. 4.oo—Spelling match; speakers of the day; award of prizes. 6.00 —Massed school .singing pa triotic songs. The athletic events will be run off under Messrs. Beck, of the Trac tion Company, and Forrer, and it was announced today that points scored are to count as follows: First place, 5 points; second place, 3 points; third place, 2 points, and fourth place, 1 point. Paints dou bled for place winners in spelling match. J. Frederik Virgin, of the local Boy Scouts, promises to have 12 vet erans from each troop in the dossy relay race, which starts from the Telegraph Building at 11 a. m., and parents and friends of ht econtend ers are herewith asked to make ar rangements to pick up the lads as they tall out and motor them on to the park, for it is a hard, hot trudge after running a hard race. Aviator Walter Shaffer, who kindly volunteered to do cloud stunts over the park, discovered to day that the Middletown aviation plant was shy of a plant, so this part of the program must be elim inated. The plane there is under going repairs. The traction company will an nounce in good time just where the special cars will pull up to carry out the throngs; the names of contest ants in all sors tof matches, from sewing to longball, will be pub lished in this paper from day to day, during the week, and by the way, units are falling in now from every school, the entertainment will be both diverting and energizing. Onlv seventh and eighth grades will be allowed in track events, but in tug-of-war and other events are open to the smallest It is importan tto under satnd that entries may be made right on the field before the event starts; this being done because of short time in making peraparations and to give all school athletes a chance to take part. Says California Judge Got $400,000 to Sway Finding in Will Clause Sail Francisco, June 16. —Wil- liam J. Dingee, under oath in a de posi ion here, asserted tthat $400,000 had been paid Fred erick W. Henshaw, then justice of hte State Supreme Court after Hen shaw told him, Dingee said, he would see what he could do in re gard to reversing a decision of the Supreme Court so as to effect a breaking of the trust clause in the $22,000,000 will of James O. Fair. Navy Grafter Is Given Prison Sentence For Crime Washington, Juno If)— Chief Boat swain's Mate Frederick L. Jones, of the naval reserve force, one of five officers and three enlisted men ar rested at New York in connection with charges of wholesale graft in obtaining discharges and easy berths for naval men in the Third Naval district during the war, has been sentenced to one year's imprison ment and reduction to the rating of a seaman. World's S. S. Convention to Be Held in Tokio New York, June 16.—The world's eighth Sunday school convention, to be held at Tokio in October, 192 0, is expected to attract to Japan many Sunday school workers and others engaged in various forms of reli gious activity from all parts of the world. About 1,500 delegates from the United States and Canada are expected to attend. YANK FLIERS HURT MOST Washington, June 16H—Ameri can fliers inflicted on the Germans double the loss they suffered In air planes and balloons. An offlteial , <-cpoit announced that 755 Ger man plans and 71 balloons had been destroyed while the American losses were 357 planes and 43 bal loons, only victories which have I credited ot American fliers. JUDGE KUNKEL URGES HASTE IN PICKING SITE Points Out Urgent Need For Building of a New Courthouse We need a new Courthouse now. The one we are using has long since outlived its usefulness and a new one should be built, so that the business j of the community can be conducted j in convenience and safety," President! Judge George Ki.nkel said in d.- th , e (>,an " Jut 'y of the June sessions of criminal court Satu -day. !: SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE; J ► Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better I' : Our Dry Goods Department Is Overflowing With Summer ] •' Requisites That Will Make A Strong Appeal I ! To The Housewife in Quality and Price < ► Bedding, Table Linen and Household Needs for White and Colored Summer Dress Fabrics ► Summer Plain White Pajama Checks, Plain White Lawns, 27-inches f . .... . , , , 32-inch width, 21c, 29c and 39c wide, yard, 13c and 19c 4 '"r.'.'r 1 M,,S " ! Z . u,Ml Wue ' Plain White Satin Skirtings, 30- White Dimity Checks, 27- t 30-Inch width Unbleached Mus- <> < asos. 12x30, each, 29c . . Plain White Organdies, 30 to ' ► 10c, 12 (4c, 15c, 17c, 19c, 22c HHow Cases, 45x36-I,,eh size, <Wd hitsof cat l and 4(MIK . h 3 9c, 50c, 75c, 85c and 25c each, 35c, 39c, 12c and 48c sniped \ ones, .iii-iimi niffln, uc SBc 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, 05c Holster Cases, 42x36. each. 73c value, special, 59c Plain White Klaxons, 27 and * 8-1 Unhlcn.-litvi in,. S,u '° ts , b.cached, <ox9o. Plain white and colored Crepes, 30-inch width, 29c, 39c and 50c . ~ , ? , , $1 :?° 30-inch width, 35c and 45c Plain White Batiste, 45-inch 4 ► 9-1 Bleached Sheeting, yard, l ancy Turkish Towels, 48c, o9c, Plain White Nnthsook, 30-inch width, 39c and 50c K- co< ' ' 65c, 75c and 88c width, 19c. 25c. and 49c Plain White Voiles, 36 and 40- * ► 0-1 Unbleached Sheeting, yard, Turkish Towels, plain and fail- Plain White Longclotli, 36-inch inch width, 290, 35c, 39c, 50c, 4 03c / cy. Khaki color, 48c and 05c width, 19c. 25c, 35c and 39c 's9c. 69c and 75c 4 .. ~)" i Bier,che.; Sheeting, yard, Plain White Turkish Towels, Plain White Linen Finish Per- Plain White Dotted Swisses, ► "3c 12 (&c, 15C, 19C. 25C, 48C and 95c | cab's, 30-inch width, 29c anil 39c 36-inch width, 50c and 59c. 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting,- yard, j Turkish Wash Cloths, plain and ; Dress Ginghams, 27 and 32- Plain White Satin Stripe Voiles, 4 ' "Oc | fancy, sc, 10c, 12'/4c. 15c and 19c 1 inch width, 17c; 23c, 29c, 39c, 18c 36-inch width, 85c 1 y 42 and 45-inch Bleached Mus- j Sanitary Knit Dish Cloths, Oc j and 75c Plain White Basket Weave "1 lin. 35c anil 15c and 12 (4c. ! Light anil Dark Percales, 36- Stripe Skirting, 30-inch width, ► 12 anil 45-inch Unbleached Scrub Cloths, large and small j inch width. 29c 65c and 75c .Muslin. 33c and 39c size, 12(4c and 15c Best Quality Lancaster Apron Plain White Piques. 27 anil 36- 4 I*luffy White Roll Cotton, roll, Buck Towels, with colored bor- Ginghams, 19c Inch width, 39c, 50c, 59c, 69c and •, 1 l"c. 25c anil 98e iters, 19c, 25c and 35e 32-inch width Juvenile Cloth, 79c 4 Blue and White Stripe Tick- E'jg assortment of Striped (hit- j plain and stripes, 18c Plain White Poplins, 27 and 4 ► lugs, 29c, 49c and 59c ing Flannels, 19c and 25e Peggy Cloth, 32-inch width, 30-inch width, 45e and 69e 1 y Cambric Linings, all colors, j Plain White Shaker Flannels, plain colors and stripes, 39c Plain White and Stripe Gabar- 4 yard, 19c 15c, 25c, 35c and 39c | Neat Stripe Tissues, £7-ineh dine, 36-inch width, 65c, 75c, I9c '4 ► Sateen Linings, all colors, 27 Unbleached Shaker Flannel, j width. 19c anil 85c 1 . ami 30-incli width, 39c and 48c 15c. 19c, 25c, 29c and 39c Plain Color Bench Cloth, all Plain White Linens, 36-Inch 4 Blue and White Stripe and Unbleached Canton Flannel, j colors. 32-inch width. 18c width, 79c anil 85c ► Check Shirtings, 30-incli width, 19c. 25c anil 35c 27 and 30-inch width Plain and Plain White Tennis Suiting, 45- , , 39c Bleached Canton Flannel, 19c, Figured Voiles, 29c, 39c, 50c, 75c inch .width, 39c 4 White Cheese Cloth, 86-inch 25c and 35c and 85c Plain White Indian Head, 36 1 y width, 10c and 17c Pink and Blue Outing Flannel, 27-inch Plain Color and Fig- to 14-inch width, 35c and 59c 4 SO-hicli Pocket Drillings, 29c, 35c j nred Klaxons, 33c and 39c Plain White lvllamey Linen, 36- 4 * 35c ami 50c 27-incli width all wool Cream 27-incli Finish Pongees, inch width, 39c and 50c i y Table Damask, 58, 64 uhtl 72- Flannels, 39c. 50c, 69c, 75c, 89c ; plain colors, 50c Plain White Madras, 32-inch 4 inch width,.soc. 65c. 85c and 98c ! and SI.OO 30-inch width Plain Color Lin- width, 50c k ► .Mercerized Finish Napkins, Red Star Diapers. 20. 22, >24 j en. 75c Plain White and Fancy Stripe ( . 12 (4e, 15c and 19c J and 30-lncli, 15c, 170, 19c, 25c, j 45-inch Natural Color Linen, Skirtings, 36-inch width, 50c, 59c, 4 Cotton Twill Toweling, white and 29c j $1.50 69c, 75c, 79c and 890 I ► ami gray, 10c and 15c j Diaper Cloth (red star), 24, 27 j ► ffisrssiJSEK! a ::::: sr* "*• 250 w cut* , saktofQmto, ;< y All Linen Toweling, white and Light Calicoes, neat figured, I . tjrgss F(lbYlCs .4 Ecru, 29c and 30c | 12(4e ! . , '. " „ nn 40-inch Silk Crepe do Chine, V V Llnen Weft Toweling, I7ej blue, gray and j Cr cam Cashmere,'sl.2s $ J' 79 I r " UW S ' ZC ' ,1 - 48 'k,V lt ", ,K Ca,lt<^ s ; •'• >° l,ow ' 36-inch Cream MohuTr', 50c° 4(Mnoh Gcor *° tte "•* '4 ' I Ink and green, 19c 36-ineli Cream Danish Poplar 40-inch Silk* Pongee, 75c, SI.OO ' Curtain Materials, Cur tains , Fixturec. Etc. - '' l'uV serge, ooc and s.v an<l s2,n ° * " ( Plain White, Cream ami Ecru j 32-ineh width Flowered Cre- Black Serge, *oc. 55c, 69c, 79c Colored MessaUnes, 4 ► Marquisette, v.ltli fancy border, tomes -iSo •><<„ , 1-... xn,. j an J, , , 4 , 36-Inch width, 29c and 39c i ' "' >C ' ' "' " H " <l f~V nmois -v, :Wi -, lno " Colored Taffetas. C 1.69 . , Window Shades, plain wliite, | Wool and Moisteil Plaiils, <oc Colored Silk Poplins, 50c and 4 . Fancy Marquisette, Bluebird .... ... , , , I and SI.OO 98c I and other designs. 36-inch width, • , light and dark green, com- j Shepherd Checks. 37 %c and 50c 4 1 ► 39c and 50c I I )lo ' with fixtures, 65c Wool Batiste, black-and colors, Plaid and Stripe Taffetas, light I ( Brass Curtain Roils ami Fix- SI.OO anil dark patterns, $1,09, $1,69 . ► Fancy Scotch Madras Draper)-, lam " <M,S a,MI 1 lx i>'.i n ,„., -,< i„ anil $1 98 I. -„ tures, complete, sc, 7c, 10c, 12'/.e, : Danish Poplar Cloth. 5Qc ana 4 ► wld,h ' 3(H ' . 15c anil 25c " i „ Colored Mercerized Cotton Pop- suk cotton Crepes, L . Fancy Floral Marquisette for! rl .. . . . Una, 45c 50c. | >■ over draperies, 36-inch width 39c , ,s * CurUln I oles. a and 6 Cotton Pongee, all colors. 45c 4 ► and 75c feet lengths, 48c and 59c Black SilkS gees ?5c L i Plain Green. Brown anil Rose P,a,n White and Ecru Curtain > 3.j n ch Silk Taffeta, $1.25, ,' . .__ > ' Marquisette, 36-inch- width, 50e Scrims, 36-ineli width, 150 $1.48 and $1.69 36-lneh Premo Silks, 48c 4 ► and 75c j . Plnin White and Ecru Figured ! 36-inch Messalinc, $1.19, $1.39, 27-incli Colored China Silks, 4 . Fancy Curtain Nets. 36-inch \ Curtain Scrims, 29c and 39c ! ' lsn antl SIBS „ sso t width, 19c, 25c andl29c 36-inch width Scrims, 15c value, H,a, k d ° S ° lC ' 27-inch HabuUii Silk, black and f 39i and ccru ' special, lie . < ? 36-Inch Black Cilk Bengallne, white, 50c, 65e, 75c and $1.60 4 ' ' lane Curtains, 2(4 yards long, Pla,n C,oam an<l ,: ° m $1 :, 30 nl tf , k . folrp ~00 "-inch Silks, 29e and < ► eaeh, 50c, 59c and $1.25 Marquisette, 36-i„oh width, with Bl n ck Sattn 69e 39c 4 t Lauc Sasli Curtains. 36-inch! narrow ami wide hem, u I.oc, , niack Silk Velvets, $1.25 and Ijinßerie Cloth, pink and flesh, L leiiatli. each 39c and 50c ' 35c, 39c and 15c I $1.59 45c } !; FASmONABLE ~SUMMWLUNERY ? ! with some Lots at Greatly Reduced Prices < Excellent Values of i BIG REDUCTION SALE 1 ; • Smart Summer Millinery Spring Hats • ; k Trimmed, Sailor, Ready-to-wear and Untrimmed Shapes [ t Leghorns, Milans, Georgettes, Malines and the New Taffeta in milans, lisere and pineapple straw braids 4 ! ► Hats in every conceivable Shape, including TRIMMED HATS 4 $6.00 and $7.00 values. Reduced to $2.48 m l -r 1 n M -i , $4.00 and $5.00 values. Ilcduced to $1.98 ► lurbans, Jrokes, bailors and untrimmed hats 4 L $7.00 and SB.OO values. Reduced to $2.88 •x Large Hats with Medium $1 00 uml $5.00 values. Reduced to $1.48 I ;J ( $1.50, $2.50 uml $3.00 values. Reduced to 88c 4 c ► oYT rl Hicrh rirnwncj TAII<ORED HATS , dllU vIU W lib $6.00 iinil $7.00 values. Reiluccd to $2.48 | ► SI.OO anil $5.00 values. Heduccil to $1.48 4 J y In white, navy, green, purple, tan, rose and the Pastel SAILOR HATS 4 s , , $6.00 values. Reilueeil to $2.48 | l ► snaues $5.00 values. Reiluccd to $1.98 4 1 y $3.50 values. Reduced to $1.48 L ; ► ,3.29, $2.48, $2.98, $3.29, $3.59, ,3.98, gS Sfe SSISS S \ i. $4.48 and $4.98 CHILDREN'S HATS > Special values, 98c, ► . $2.59 and $3.88. 4 y Summer trimmings in flowers and wreaths TRIMMINGS \ ) _ . ' J Many new arrivals in staples and novelties, including flowers, , y .v;)C to $1.50 wreaths, fruit, foliage, ostrich tips, quills, ribbons, etc., 25c to $1.59. 4 I SOUTTER'S! ; n 25*]) 25 Cent Department Store ! ► U uMTVEIT Jm Where Every Day Is Bargain Day ; 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse !; In their report the Grand Jurors had recommended that % new Court house should be built as soon as possible, and Judge Kunkel based his remarks on this suggestion. "First, where It la to be built, will be the question to be decided," Judge Kunkel continued. "Nothing can be done until that Is settled, and the sooner It Is, the sooner will the new building be provided. Of course, that question is for the au thorities who were elected to look after the interests of the public and it is for them to act. "There is no necessity for an ornamental building. A plain, stately, spacious, modern structure, with sanitary Improvements will meet, the wants of the public and It should not be too expensive. It is • time now to provide a sanitary and I' convenient place to which attorneys, litigants, jurors and all others in terested or having any business what ever, may come. Whether the new j building is placed here or some where else, rf site must be chosen JUNE 16, 1919. 1 first anil then there ought to be lit ■ tie delay in building a Courthouse." Judge Kunkel commended the ' Grand Jurors and the Petit Jury-' man for their services, telling them I they had used discretion and good judgment in all their work and had I shown ability in handling it. He I said the public would be pleased to > learn of the proper management of f the County Home and prison, which - they reported to the Court. 1 The Grand Jury at this session ot ' court examined eighty-nine bills of indictment, of which sixty-nine were I returned to the court and twenty ig . j nored. Their report follows, in , I part: II "As customary, we visited the t County Almshouse and the Dauphin s; County Prison and we found both i | these institutions in splendid condi , j tion, reflecting much credit upon the -1 county authorities and those in -1 charge of these institutions. i' I ''A few contemplated improve • meats were called lo our attention 11 while on our visit to the Almshouse and we hereby approve of the same. "We concur in the recommenda tion formerly made by Grand Juries that a new Courthouse be built, mod ernly equipped, and suggest that it be done at the earliest date possible." ARMY TWO-THIRDS HOME Wa-hiiigtoii, Juno 13.—The A:iry is only two-thirds demobilized, the War Department diiuovnced aal it will take I.VJ.'O than tarce months to complete the work at the present rate of 357,000 dis charged a month. On June 10 the strength of the Army was 1,232,625, with 644,000 in France and Ger many. More than 2,500,000 men have been discharged, of whom 1,- 350,000 were brought back from overseas. NASH WINS 3 TO 2 v The Nash A. C. won a pitcher's hattle yesterday from the Wolf A. C. by the score of 3 to 2. Page starred for the winners in both field ing and hitting, while Shaeffer starred in fielding for the losers. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers