12 MAJESTIC Jligh-Oluss Vaudeville—Reny and Lorraine Bisters Hinging and dunning —'"Pon" Word In "His. Hon or, the Judge —Ed. Blondell & Co., In n comedy sketch, "The Box From Home" —Harr and Grace Kile/worth in a comedy skit with specialties— Also one other Keith act. COLONIAL, (To-day, To-morrow and Wednesday —Harold Lockwood in a Metro spe cial, "Shadows of Suspicion" - - (Thursday. Friday and Saturday Alice Brady in "ltedhead." VICTOKIA .All This Week—Public Health Film, "The End of the Koad." REGENT fTo-day, To-morrow and Wednesday— Klsie Ferguson in "Kyes of the Soul." 'Thursday. Friday and Saturday William S. Hart, in "The Poppy Girl's Husband," also a Drew Com- ICED AIR KEEPS' WILK&MNTS tiTjater so cool in summer ITIiST HALF OF WEEK Ed Blondell Co. —Present— The Box From Home a Other Keith Acts A Including "POP" WARD "His Honor the Judge" VICTORIA TODAY and all This Week Attraction Extraordinary A Tremendous Drama of Human Life ; Ohited States Public Health Service | PUBLIC HEALTH FILMS Featun'n# CLAffZF ADAMS An absorbing love story that tears the veil from a phase of life that affects every man and woman in the world. It May be Brutal; It May be Startling; But It Tells a Great Truth Idren under 16 not admitted ' v lg continuous, 10 a. m. to 11.30 p. m. Price, 30c and war tax WILKSWSNTC Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday Only HAROLD LOCKWOOD In His Greatest Photoplay Success SHADOWS OF SUSPICION The story of a young mnii who meets many difficulties but in the end manages to win a girl's confidence. Thursday—Friday—Saturday The picture every HarrLsburgcr is waiting for Delightful ALICE BRADY In her daintiest release of the current year "REDHEAD" 'P>A¥TAMfPARK 11 ft A 11 Ai\ to HEATER GEORGE H. BOCK America's Premier Ragtime Xyloplionisl HART AND WAGNER F R E D ANDREWS "Topics of the Day" "The Wonder Act" Harry and Jane Piatt, "Traveling in Harmony" THE BORSINI T R OUPE Spectacular Revolving Glolm- Equilibrists TWO PERFORMANOCES ADMISSION NIGHTLY 15 CENTS ONLY CIRCUS COMING TO HARRISBURG CIRCUS DAY FRIDAY", JI'LY 1 CIRCUS DAY D I'm! Doort Open at land If. M. Performance! t 2 and 8 P. IK. mJuUM one ticket admits to all irrav.wvuv?! {{J|W , .WHWn i DOWNTOWN SALE OF ADMISSION TICKETS AND RESERVED SEATS CIRCUS DAY AT BOWMAN'S DEPT. STORE, .MARKET ST. SAME PRICES EXACTLY AS CHARGED AT THE CIRCUS GROUNDS MOITOAY EVENING. ody, "Stranded." PAXTANG PARK Vaudeville —Two shows every even ing. The bill for the first half of this week at the Majestic Theater prom ises to be even better llradllnVrs on than the bills present- Mnjcstlc Bill cd last week. The opening act is Peggy and Lorraine Sisters, two clever girls in a rather novel singing and danc ing act. They keep the audience in good humor by their witty comnfents between songs and dunce numbers. "Pop" Ward, the affable comedian who has also received a warm recep tion at the hands of Harrisburg vaudeville devotees, will give his lat est comedy monolog, "Ills Honor, the Judge."' This act is suld to oe u riot of laughter. Other feature acts on the bill Is "The Box From Home," presented by Kd. Blondell & Co. This uct occu pies the third place on the bill nnd Is considered one of the best nml fun niest sketches in vaudeville. Harry and Grace Ellesworth aro also horn with a comedy skit and dun.dug nut. The fifth act Is being Withhold for the present. Come and see what It Is. Wo promise you It will bo good. The must Interesting end widely discussed llltii story of the post de cade Is one entitled ••'l'll c I'lnti of "The Id nit of the Itoad" the ttuftdt" and which will be pre pented at the Victoria Theater all thlp week. Tho T!lilted Hiatus Public Health Service sponsors this timely and In teresting picture, which l produced by Public Health Films, Tho story was written by Dr. Kuth orlne Dnvls. It grips, thrills and holds you, and you realise ut the fin ish that "The Knd of tho Road" Is a vital message, engagingly conveyed. The far go oust of players Is head ed by beautiful Claire Adams, and the celebrated Richard Bennet, star of "Damaged Goods," which played at tho OrphOUtn Thentor. Harold Lockwood, famous as a stage and screen actor. Is presented '•Shadows of by the Colonial mm- Suspicion." agemont In his best re lease, "Shadows of Suspicion," as the feature attraction for to-day, to-morrow and Wednes- DANCING WILLA-VILLA Monday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Admission: Ladies, 40c Tax Paid Gents, 60c A , j REGENT THEATER The Coolest Spot In Town To-day, To-morrow and , Wednesday, ELSIE FERGUSON FIIIIIOIIM Artrrnft St nr. Han Splen did Ncw Homnntic Photoplay, "EYES OF THE SOUL" l'ortrayn Hole of Cabaret Dancer Who HefiiNON Wealthy Jurist For Itlind .Soldier. \ \ddcd Attraction "FOR Til F LOVF OF HETTY" Strand Comedy Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Extraordinary Double Attraction ThoiniiN 11. Incc Presents William S. Hart In An Entirely New Kind of Hole in New Release "The Poppy Girl's Husband" —ALSO— DREW COMEDY "Stranded." day of this week. This picture shows I the difficulties that surround a young man, but In the end'tae triumphs and manages to win the confidence of his girl's father. It's a wonderful story well told by this Inimitable actor. Thursday. Friday and Saturday of tills week charming Alice Brady will be shown In the picture all Harris burg has been wanting to see ever since the first announcement ap peared in the dally papers that she would be here In "Redhead." Klsie Ferguson's new picture, "Eyes of the Soul." which is the bill at the Regent Theater for Elsie Ferguson three clays, is a de nt the Regent. lightful photoplay and one of the best in which she hus appeared this sea son. Gloria Swann iKlsie Ferguson!, while in Judge Malvin's auto, nearly runs down Larry K. Gibson, a blind soldier, in his wheel chair. The two meet frequently thereafter and Gloria falls in love with him. Judge Malvin, loving Gloria, alludes to her soldier as "t.he blind wreck," but the girl lis not to be won over. When Larry's finances get low, Gloria takes some ; songs he has written to a music pub ' iisher. and later, being herself a cabaret singer, gets a hearing for (them at the Palm Garden. The songs j make a hit, and Larry signs a con [ tract with the publisher, instead of starting life with Judge Malvin in a : mansion, Gloria begins it with Larry :in a boardinghouse. Both are happy. : Larry is reconciled to the loss of his sight, for he sees through "the eyes of the soul." The hill at the Faxtang Park the ater for this week contains a pro gram of vaudeville fa- The mil nt vorites that should make I'lixtang. a great show. Chief among them is George H. Bock, who is announced as America's premier ragtime xylophonist and mu sical entertainer. Mr. llock plays all the real vaudeville houses and never has any trouble in booking a return engagement with the best of them. If you like plenty of "jar./," and rag time he is the boy you want to hear. Who are the world's greatest "limbers? It is a common fallacy ihp.t the most daring and ex | Barnum A pert of aerial workers ' Bailey and to-day arc sailors, and ■tingling the jolly tars have al i Circus. ways been more or less proud of their achieve | ment in this line 01 endeavor. Re i The Bosini Troupe, spectacular re ! volving glohc equilibrists, and one of ] the sensational headllners of the I vaudeville stage, will also be at Pax | tang this week, while Hart and Wag ner, in their famous comedy talking stunt called, "Topics of the Day," are ! guaranteed to bring the smile of I merriment to the face of the most I confirmed pessimist. | Other worthwhile acts that will be seen at the park theater this week are Fred Andrews In what is known as "The Winder Act." and Harry and I Jane Piatt in "Traveling in Har | mony." cently, however, jome base landlub bers have managed to wedge them selves into a position before the pub lic eye and rob the main who sails the raging main of his laurels. These latter belong to a new class of aerial , gymnasts, known as perch perform ers. A number of these daring perch : P"rfo> mers ape to be seen In tills ctiy for the first time when the great, new Ringling Brothers and. Barnum Bailey Combined Shows exhibit here Friday. July 4. The perch act number is one of tho highest salaried features of the mammoth program. It includes such famous artists as the Mlrano Broth ers and the Weise troupe. The per formers, all of whom have been brought from European countries, perform their difficult feats from tho tips of slender poles of great length and which ure supported In a per pendicular position by tho strength of one man who stands upon the ground. These remarkable men but suggest the nowness and the novelty of the entire program. Tho consoli dation of America's two greatest amusement Institutions has made possible the formation of a circus that is far bigger than has ever be fore been attempted. On its program are centralized all of the world's foremost arenic stars. A magnificent pageant, which opens the program is a stupendous feature. Tho super menugerie is made up of the finest animals of both circuses. Klein Chocolate Lads Beat Altoona by Heavy Hitting A large crowd witnessed the bat fest of the Klein team which secured 17 hits. Wrightstone and Walsh led with three and four. Glenn Killinge r received another box of Klein's almond bars for malt ins a Ijoine run in the last same, he was in. George Hunter also made the circuit swat, for which ho will receive a box of Klein's almond bars on Wednesday, when Klin* lines up against the strong Quarryville team. '1 seems to be suicide for tno vis iting team to try to steal bases on Catcher Trout, for he sure has a ri'le arm. Saturday's game, June 21, with Cressona. is canceled, and there will'be no game at the home grounds on that date, but Manager Hracken ridge ia authority for telling the public what will happen on that day at Newark, where the candy makers hold their annual convention: "Is Klizabethtown going to be repre sented in baseball there? Well, I should say so. The undisputed champs of the Klein Chocolate Com pany baseball team is going to be the one club. The other one the committee will not mention, but they got this far, that Manager Bracken ridge of the Klein Chocolate Com pany team has a letter from the chairman of the committee stating the team that is to face the strong Klein team can be beaten only by the N. Y. Giants, but Manager Brack enridge says ho will put his club against the New York giants any time, so according to that, the Klein Chocolate Company team will have a good chance to win. "The Kiein Chocolate Company team has won 7 games, lost o—this season, and the attendance at the games is extra large, larger than some of our larger* neighbor towns, which have 30,000 to 40,000 popula tion. The dossy club spurns ordinary railway travel and will make the trip in six-cylinder motor cars, stop ping oft at Philadelphia, June 21, to wrangle with the strong Strawbridge and Clothier nine. Saturday's score: KLINE CHOCOLATE CO. AB. R. H. O. A. 15. Hunter, e.f . 4 2 2 3 0 0 Killinger, s.s 3 3 1 5 1 0 Wrightstone, 3b. .. 5 4 3 1 2 0 Walshi, lb t 2 4 8 0 0 Cranston, 2b 5 0 2 2 2 2 Haines, r.f 5 0 0 0 0 0 Brown, l.f 5 1 2 1 0 0 Trout, c 4 1 2 7 2 0 Bitter, p 5 1 1 01 0 Totals 40 14 17 27 8 2 ALTOONA CAR SHOP Gleason, r.f. • 3 1 1 0 0 0 Carles, 3b 3 1 1 0 1 0 Yingling, s.s 3 1 1 2 1 0 Morrison, 2b 4 0 1 1 4 0 C. Brown, r. f 4 1 0 3.0 0 Bashore, lb 4 0 0 13 1 0 Hrnnen, r.f.,p 4 0 1 0 2 0 Hlldebrand. c 4 0 0 5 2 0 Bowser, p.. r.f. ... 3 0 0 0 1 1 Totals 32 4 5 24 12 1 Klein 43500110 x— l 4 Altoona 1 0000300 0— 4 Three-base hits,Killinger, Wright stone, Walsh; home runs. Hunter: sacrifice hits, Charles. Walsh; struck out, by Rltter, 2; by Brown, 3; by Hennen. 2; base on balls, oft Rltter, 2; oft Bowser, 2; off Hennen. 0; left on base, Kline Chocolate Co.. 6; Al toona, 4; hit by pitcher. Hunter, Trout, Gleason; stolen bases, Hunter, Brown, Walsh, Cranston, Wrlpht stone. Trout; first base on errors, Klein Co., 1; Altoona, 2. Time, 1.60. Unuura. Rlousb. Attendance. 1200. HABRISBURO TELEGRSPB Up-to-Date Peek at Jess Willard Training "* ll %#• jj This photograph, just received from Toledo, shows Jess Willard training for his bout with Jack Dempsey. He is seen here boxing with Jack llcnipel, one of his sparring partners. The camera caught the heavyweight champion in one of his characteristic attitudes leaning far back with his guard high. Sad news for thousands of fans, who intended reaching Toledo for the big light in Pullman cars, and! to-day an army of citizens were busy trying to arrange transportation via motor, for Walker D. Hines, director of railways for Uncle Sam, canceled the plan for 70 special trains to carry the -crowds, giving as the rea son, the necessity of having all | trains for the handling of 375,000 troops returning from abroad. It is believed that the Federal decision will also interfere with about 100 other fight excursions, planned from all part of the country. The 70 Pull man outfits were to tap exclusively New York and Philadelphia. The picture printed here to-day shows that Willard still has plenty of weight in the midsection, and the casual observer would certainly say that If the big fellow ever exposed as much opening as he does here Dempsey will l>e in there with a third fall. latest word from the training quarters says that Willard is beginning to get a little tired of! YOUNG MAHONEY HURT POSTPONES BOXING BOUTS Joe Barrett, the Steelton boxing promoter, says he is surely in -the hands of the jinx, and is wondering whether luck will change. Several weeks ago he billed a ten-round bout here with Low Tendler and Tendler pulled one over on the vet eran, but not being a quitter, Joe engaged the Quartet Hall in Steelton and had a show booked that was a hummer from a local point of view, as four of Harrisburg's best boxers were, on the card, against a like num ber of the best in this section. The card included Sammy Schiff, in the feature bout of ten rounds against Young Mahoney, the fast Baltimor ean; Young (Bull Dog) .Silar in the semiwindup with Nate Isaacman, a local favorite; Billy Morton, the hard-hitting lightweight of this city, with Paul Wagner, of York, and Billy Allicks of this city and Young Wampler, of York, in- the first bout. Joe thought and had reasons to think, that every thing would be clear sailing to-night. The first jolt he got was while at Union Station, Saturday, mailing transportation- to the outside boxers. Crossing the plaza between two teams Barrett was kicked on the calf of his right leg by a horse of huge dimensions which partly put him out of business. Following this, when Joe returned to Steelton an hour later, ho received a telegram notifying him that Ma honey wrenched his arm in a bat tle Friday night in Baltimore in his fight with Joe Marks, and was com pelled to quit and, of course, the Bal timorean could not fulfill his con tract to box Schiff. Manager Max Waxman stated he would send Young Gilly, the southern light weight champion to take Mahoney's place or,- the card. Barrett then lost no time getting in touch with Schiff and tried to persuade the lo cal boy to meet Gilly. Schiff re fused. Barrett says he will now put in two other boxers, and to show just how good the man is that Schiff re fused to meet, he arranged to have Gilly make his home in Steelton in the future, and has matched him with Tim Droney, the Lancaster lighter, to meet the southerner in his show next Monday night in a "NATONEX WENT RIGHT TO WORK REGULATING MY ENTIRE SYSTEM" "You certainly liavc n wonderful medicine in Natonex. I liavc had better results from it by far tlum from any of the many medicines I have taken. In fact, this is the first time I have ever gotten entirely satisfactory results from a medi cine." This was the statement of Charles IJ. Peck. of 870 South Main Street, Wilkes-Harre. To those who do not fully under stand how Nutoncx is designed to purify tli'e entire system—stomach, liver, kidneys, nnd intestines—by combining the twelve best proved Nature remedies, all having special curative value for one of the vital organs, Mr. Peck's statement will seem remarkable. "My system was all out of order," this Wilkes-liarre. man said. "In the first place, I was subject to Indiges tion. Besides, my liver wns sluggish and my bowels inactive. I also had kidney trouble, and my system was full of uric acid which caused rheu matism in my back, arms and legs. "I was pale and had little energy. My blood circulation was poor and my condition kept me from resting like I should. Natonex is specially introduced and explained by the Natonex Represen tative at the Gorgas Drug Store, 16 North Third Street. To meet the great demand, Natonex is now sold by these, leading druggists. Green castle—Chas. B. Carl. | Mt. Union—J. liMlnick. Hanover—H. C. Haughman. NnrtliumhcrlaudAfl^Mrtw^ .Vlillnii—E. li. Kriser- I the grind. He loses his temper eas ily. This does not seem to alarm Tex Rickard, who says: "The old boy is getting ripe. He's drying out nicely. His nerves are raw and he is pretty near ready. Let him go along slowly now and he will be at concert pitch when he steps into the ring. "A boxer just before $. fight for ] which he has trained faithfully Is 1 ( always irritable. I have never i; known one with a better disposition | ordinarily than Jess Willard, but I even he, as you see. must pay the penalty for strlpptng his nerves of the protection afforded by nature, "When llesh is reduced In weight until it has the consistency of leath er, when long-continued exercises that dry the body so that perspira tion Is no longer profuse, when put i to the test of heat and hard work, ' the boxer becomes sensitive beyond II his ordinary condition. His nerves ; Jangle at a touch. He (Ilea Into un ' | accountable ragea. That ia the way I with Jess now. Dempsoy has been lon edge for ante time." | ten-round bout. To-night's show J was called off but the same pre ! liminaries will compete In next j week's show, provided Nate Isaac ' man will box Your.-g Silar that night, j If not then Frankio Erne, of Lan caster, will be Silar's opponent, as j Droney and Erne both train at I Erne's school of physical culture, j This feature event, Gilly and ) Droney, Barrett says, without doubt j is the best arranged between light j weights ever held in this section, j Gilly has had 107 bouts, and lost | seven decisions and has never been \on the floor In all his career. Jimmy j McCabe, who rccen-tly beat Jack j Britton, Danny Ridge, who held j Benny Leonard down for ten rounds, I Pete Hartley, the durable Dane, and many other top notchers are among | Gilly's victims. Dror.-ey, like Gilly, ! is a seasoned boxer; In the past two j months he boxed Allentown Dun l dee a draw, and beat Whitey Fitz ! Gerald, in Philadelphia and also gave a sound thrashing to Eddie McAn rews. Gilly went the rounds of the paper offices last r.-lght and- was not under the collar before he left for Baltimore, where ho will pack up his belongings, and come back to Steelton, where he will moke his fu ture home, and get into condition under Barrett's care to meet any man in the world who can make 133 I pounds. IIIGIISPIRE TRIMMED The Hummelstown Fire Company | leant, with Hassler pitching, took a j fall out of the fast Highsipre A. C. : team Saturday, 9-5, as follows: HUM MELSTOWN AB. R. H. O. A. E. | Knrdner, 2b .. . 2 1 0 0 3 0 i Killer, ss 4 2 1 2 3 1 I Corty, lb 5 2 1 8 0 0 Weaver, 3b ... 3 1 1 5 3 0 ! Hassler, p ~. . 5 J tr 1 1 0 Khly. Cf 5 2 1 2 0 0 I MoKissiek, rf . 5 0 1 0 0 0 I Burridgc, If .. . 4 0 1 2 0 0 ! Zimmerman, c . 4 0 1 7 0 1 Total 37 9 10 27 10 2 HIGHSPIRE A. C. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Hahn, rf 3 o l n 0 0 L. Leedy, p... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Zerancc. 3b... 4 0 0 3 3 0 "I was interested in Natonex be cause every Nature remedy in it was told alxtiit and I knew wlint cacll remedy was good for. Natonex went fight to work regulating my system. "First the indigestion began to disappear and my appetite got good. Then I could feel this Nature medi cine working on my liver and bow els. I found it was splendid for the kidneys too. The uric acid is being eliminated from my system. I changed to a healti.y color and be gan to sleep well and that con vinced me my blood was being en riched and the circulation improved. "Having found such satisfactory relief, I do not liesltate to advise anyone suffering from my old com plaints to get Natonex. I am sure they will be glad they tried it." •Inst give Natonex a ehanoe even if all other medicines have failed. If you need better digestion, purer blood, real nerve vigor or bodily strength, just let the Natonex repre sentative nt the Gorgas drug store, IB North Third street, explain this Natnre medicine. You can even test it free. J. Leedy, 1f.... 4 1 1 4 0 0- Gluntz, ss 4 2 2 2 6 1 F. Etter, lb ... 4 1 2 9 0 0 Shaffer, c 4 0 1 6 2 1 C.Etter, Zb ... 4 1 0 2 0 0 Bnoddy, rf 4 0 1 2 0 0 Total 61 5 K 27 12 2 Hnmmctetown .. 2020401 0 o—9 Highspire A. C. .01001300 o— s Two-base hits—Keller. Gluntz. Three base hit—Weaver. Home run 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco \H PURE Turkish tobacco is what makes Helmar cigarettes so delightful. There is no substitute no "nearly as good." Compare 100% pure Turkish Helmar with " bundle" cigarettes—you won't need any argument—Helmar does the talking! i Like thousands ot others—you will be glad to pay the slight additional cost for Helmar "Quality Superb." JUNE 16, 1915. —F. Etter. Sacrifice hits—McKi9- sick, Corty. Double plays—Keller to Corty, Weaver to Corty. Struck out—Hassler. 7 L. Leedy, 3. Base on balls—Off Hassler, 1 Leedy, 6. Left on base—Hummelstown, 7 Highspire, 10. Stolen bases—Bord ner, 3 Corty, Etter. Time 2 hours. Umpire—Walters. REUNION OF GRADUATES Columbia, Pa., June 16.—Five members of the Bruner family, all graduates, will hold a reunion at Wcslcyan College. Middletown. Conn., the coming week, where they will witness the graduation of a nephew, W. Clark Bruner. Thoso of the family are Alfred C. Bruner and wife, Harry M. Bruner, Alfred C. Bruner, of Ardmore, and Lieutenant A. B. Bruner, of the United States Army Medical Corps.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers