- j ailp Ethgrapl A HARRI6BURG, PA MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1,t)1 NOTICE TO AD V tiIIiTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Businti Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &e., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be stecom parried with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are Inserted in the'Morn ing Edition without extra charge. T %V IN Avid:COUNTRY . LOCAL BOUNTY FOB CREDITS paid at Ilerr's Rotel. jeltdlw* Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per son should have one. jel6-2w Tux Union men of Union county have nom inated the following ticket: Assembly, Samuel H. Orwig, of Union county; Sheriff, Thomas Church; Commissioner, Michael Kleckner; Auditor, James Aiken; Coroner, Benjamin Hans. I= Wu learn that some of our soldiers have been quite fortunate down in rebeldom. The members of a company of the 45th Pa. regi ment found upwards of i 3,500 in gold and silver, buried in deserted farms. One member of the company made a haul of some $3015 The discovered treasures were divided among the boys. DRY GOODS. -I will, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of summer dress goods,' such as lawns, delaines, challies, alpacas, mozambiques, poil de chevre, poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at and below cost. Call soon. SOL. BROWNOLD, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House. jel7-Ivr A HEAVY CONTRACT. —The contract for • the whole mail service from Atchison, Kansas, via Salt Lake, to Fulton City, California, has been awarded to John A. Hiestand, one of the proprietors of the Lancaster Eraminer, for $750,000 per annum. This is for letter mails only between the Atlantic and• Pacific coast, and is the largest contract ever given, out by the PoSt office Department. Tai OLD FLAG is the title of a campaign journal to be issued in Chambersburg • by Messrs DrOlure & Stoner, of the Franklin Repositorv. The new paper will be devoted to the Union cause, and will be a valuable Re cdssion to the list of loyal papers published in the State. We cheerfully recommend The Old Flag to every friend of the good old Union. See prospectus in our advertising columns. GONE TO EUROPE. —Mr. Harry H. Davis sailed for Europe to-day from New York, for the purpose of exhibiting his great panorama of the American war to the people beyond the "big water." He will visit all the principal cities and towns of the Old Country. Harry has the best wishes of numerous friends for unbounded success. Amore interesting pan orama :was never exhibited, and the paintings are the finest ever placed upon canvass. A TOI7OII Sronr.—The Mifllinburg Telegraph says that last week, during a thunder storm, the lightning struck a tree standing. over "a mine, near Miffiinburg, and passed down the; trunk of the tree to the ground, and through a hole into the mine, where it run down man's back and tore a heel off one of his shoes. He was stunned, and his baCk was burnt some. Ha walked to his home without assistance and we are informed is doing welL —e—. - Piuzn Banr--Mammoth &per. —The,t Well known stOck-raiser, John Noble, Esq., of Car lisle, has sold to Mr. John Baulus, of this city, a mammoth steer,-weighing three thousand pounds, for the handsome sum of three hun dreQ and fifty dollars. The animal' was fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of nnmerons specimens of cattle fed by that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulus for his efforts to suply,thern with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this - prize beef is dis 61fiayed at market there will be aiieiik demand for it. ' Mr. Bantus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place of business in this city dur ing the uext ten days or two weeks, and invites the public to call and see him. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered., and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Baultis' stand in market. jelB-d4tuSit C=l:=El Pomp ArEtnis.---OriFriday the police, in a body. made a descent upon a notorious den of iniquity kept by Lizzie Jones, and captured Lavine Wilson, Catharine Rhodes, Anna Wil son, Anna Allen, Jennie Barnitz, Mary Webb and Mary Johnson, besides several men, citi zens and strangers. Lavine Wilson, and the' men arrested, were held in bad CO •appear asK -witnesses, and, the balance of the party were• bound over for appearance at court. The gay - Liz rw 3 not at home," and escaped arrest. Tha public will rejoice to learn that one of the prinoipalAlens of infamy in Herr sburg is likely tote broken up, and it is hoped the offlieis* the law will continue to pounce upon such institutions until not one shall be left within the limits of our city, the repute-, tion of which_ has suffered seriously on ac count of the numerous houses of ill-fame that have been permitted to exist here. Two drunks and disorderlies were discharged upon payment of fine and costs. Harriet Harris, (colored,) found in company, With a white man, in the suburbs of the city, was sent to Fort Simmons for ten dap, Ellen Jones, colored, arrested for disorderly conduct, was discharged. Augustus Snyder, charged with stealing cer tain articles from Lewis Apple, a butcher, was committed for court. Jacob Bingle, for purchasing the above ar tides,. was held to answer at court. Trm German Reformed congregation of Al toona has commenced the erection of a new house of worship. HARD and soft shell Crabs vii be served up in the.best style this evening, at Chester's restaurant, under the Buehler House. Do not fail to attend. I= ON the railroad line from Harrisburg to All toona, Mr. John Rielsabaugh is appointed route agent in place of George C. Ferree, re signed. D C. MAD is stopping for a few days in Harrisburg, to apply the Ashcroft Low WATER DETECTORS for any persons desiring it in this vicinity. Orders may be left at this office. • jelB-2t DaOWNED.—A boy named Shafer was drowned at Sunbury, on Monday, by falling overboard from a boat on which he was play ing. His age was six years. Tree Philadelphia and heading Railroad Company advertise a sale of tmclaimed goods, to take place on the 17th of September, in this city. THS Pittsburg Sanitary Pair has been a per feet success. Two hundred and ninety thou sand dollars had been realized up to Thurs day evening. FATAL ACCIDENT.--011 Tuesday, at noon, at bridge No. 12, near Tyrone, Mr. George Mat tern, a carpenter, was run over by an eidl grant train, and his right leg was crashed from the knee to the ankle, and died next morning. • • Tge NEWHAM TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS of this city have resolved to close their respectlie places of business at eight o'cleck in the even-, in , z, with the exception of Saturdays. This arrangement is to go into effect .on Monday, June 20, and to continue until the first of October. CoLoam) StrasrITUTZS. --It is said that Pro vost Marshal General Fry has issued instruc tions to the various provost marshals that, under existing laws, they can receive or ac cept colored substitutes for white ilersons. This - decision will naturally cansa a great re duction of the rates demanded for white sub stitutes. REVISION OF THE TAX LAWS OF THE STATE.- au the Ist day of July next, a committee of the Rouse of Representatives, consisting . of Messrs. Reed, Smith, of Chester; Barger, Coleman, Robinson, Bigham and Pershing, will meet in this city for the purpose of pre paring a new tax bill, to be sub mitted t to the Legislature at 'the adjourned session in August. SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—J. H. Berryliill, WO under.tand, has sold three lots of two acres each, with river front, for s6,loo—one to Col. H. C. Allaman, thecorner on Reel's lane, for $2.100; another to Geo. H. and Wm. H. Bell, for $2,000; and another OM G. EinStein, for $2,000, and eight acres and a half, a most beautiful building site, to Eby Byers.. • These gentlemen intend. erecting fine residences. Mr. Berryhill has eight acres left for sale, with new house and barn—a very desirable property'. So much for advdrtising :in the TELEGRAPH. THE MEAT QUESTION.—The meat question; of late, seems to be talked about very much by our exchanges. Housekeepers and others interested inn reduction of the high prices of meat, 'are discussing that some way beadopted to bring butchers down to reasonable buying ternis. They recommend. that the best plan for all to pursue is to parelope , onlY -one-half their 'usual quantity of meat, and-make up for it by eating other food, Odle as nourishing nnd less expensive. The fto*kily physician in many instances has been called upon for an opinion, and decided that aiiimaffeod of this season of the year was more injurious to the human system them the farinaceous and vege table food that' 7:.aay be obtained at cheaper rates. A San Ae;cruntz.r °enured on the, _Lebanon, Valley raikroad onWednesday ov6ping 9f last. week. A deaf and dumb girl. fiyearsgdf age!, daughter-of Mr. John.Hinnershitz, of Spring towni,hip, was struck upon the _head by the bum per of the engine attache:63 Harris bm A , commodation train, on _ the Lebanon V;rlley Branch, .about .1 miles -west of the F,chtlylkill bridge, and instantly lulled. The:,, fireman noticed her:Upon the track, and gave warning to the,engineer, who endeavored to stop the train, but unsuccessfidly; as th6re is a heavy down grade at that point, 'and the poor child could not hear theaound of the whistle. She was picked up and carried home by her father, who was in an adjoining field at the time. A SELL.—The Baltimore Ctippor says that a complete sell was gotten off Thutsday night upon the city fathers by some olischiev ous wag or wags. During the day upwards of one hundred eirctdarp were received by mem bers of 'the City Corms 1, other city officials, leading politicians, gOverninent - contriteters, chaplains, military officers, & - c., uniting t e .gteni, to be present it the Eutaw House at the of '9 - p. Ar., to witness the 'presentation of a magnificent Sword, sash; eptirs, ..te., to Brevet Brig. Gen. W. W. At theliour above named, a large number Of th invited guests, the majority of them members of the City Council, assembled in the - rotunda - Of the hotel and sorely taxed the patience of Mr. Bayless, the clerk, es to what time the, ;presentation was to take place, and in what room the sup per was:to be served up, &c., cte. Mr. Bay less informed the questioners that he Win ig norant of the affair, and that the General had heard nothing of it. About half past nine o'clock, several of the invited ones .arrived at the conclusion that the affair appeared very much like a sell, and it was amusing to see them make their exit from the building. The invited guests were not the only ones taken, in. The '"press gang" received invitations, and were out in force, expecting to fare sump tuously and quench their thirst with sparkling . o h ammign . e .. The sell was a detorded success:. SPECIAL NOTICES Ba,nnvart's Troche.v. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to milvisters, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannyart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, ta.; whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hanzinisrino, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. RumvercT—Diar Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, boughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. pirl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, - Late Pastor of 6. S. Presbyterian Church. • ITAarorsauno, Jan., 1 0 64. To C. A. Bantivaar---Dear Bir: hz th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to auy Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac • dresses. Yours, &0.,• JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church To 0. A. Berarvemit—Dear Hay.iuguset your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I, have ever tried and take great pleasure in recimuAending them to all persona afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yam, /Cc., G. G. RA ITTISTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DIEMBIO'r ATTORNEY'S 01710 E, Ef.annissrono, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. .BANNvAscr—Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable , in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the, muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of groat beim tit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP This celebrated Toilet Soap, in seen uniientai' de mand, is mole fmia the choicest* maternis, is mild emoli I entm immature, fragrantly scented, and extremely , beneficial in its action upon :the skin. forrale by all Druggists and Fanny Goods Dealers. jan2A-dawiy • Brown's' Bronchial Troche's. "1 hssi e never changed mymind respecting them from the first, except to think-yet:better of that which I began thinking w.elrof "' Rev. HINNRY WARD, BEECHER. "The Troe.hes area staff of life to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres.. Hamilton Colleg-,, tlinton; N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they are a specific." . "Too favorably known , to need commendation." At Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS, - Pres. Hass. Senate. "Contain no bpi im nor any ihing injurious " Dr, A A. HAYED..Etbmibt,lloston. "An elegant combination for coughs " Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. ' 6 l recommend their use to pnhlic'Speakera" . Bev. E. H. CHA.PIN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis." .' Rev. S. SEIGe RIED Morristown; Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from Cold." Rev. S J. P. ANDERSON St , Loots. "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of breath- Log peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New T irk. "They have suited my case exactly, ml ovine-my throat so that t coeld slog with ease." EIIIJOHARUE, Ghoribter French Parish Au, etc,, Montreal. As there are imitations be sure to a the GENUINE. jan2l-d&cy HAIR DYE i HAIR. DYE I Batehelees Celebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE. WORLD. The only flarinted, True and Reliable Dye Known. Thissplendid Hair Dye is- perfeut—changes Red, Rusty or Gray 'A:lair instantly to a - Glossy Black or Natural Drown without injuring the Hair or staining the Rkiti, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts:fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifles the 111 efrects of bad Dyes The gentliiie is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH SLUR. All others- are 'mere bultationa,,and ;should be avoided.' .Sold. by all Druggists, Ate Factory-81 BAR AY ST, N. Y. 11.41VEDIDGE'S 'ssw TOILET 01[11AN FOR DRESSING TER HA jelal y- a Make Vegetable Medicine. nNE of the ve4 best Vegetable Medicines V is now offered to •the citizens and strangers of , this city. It will. pur.fy tin blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a goad healthy oe..ditiou. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male audfemalo, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds 040 testify, as it has been wed tried fur the last tea yeara It is prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, nouttCriull street, Harrisburg, Pa.. . ^ my 23 LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION. GRE AT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS, Fall yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cafe; worth 40 cents. Bleached muilin; at2s cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at 22 cents worth 30 cants. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black'silk, at $1 20; worth SI BT. Black silk, at $1 30; worth $1 50. Black silk; at $1.45; worth $165. 2900 yards of black silks from auction: Beautiful pearl 'Reins 01,2 flntsh alpaca: Alpacas in leather Wok, stone vole's and other colors. White cal:Orme, soft tinisbed.s4,Prench Cambric. " Jaconetts, brilliants Wad linen. :Shirt In eats, all anon, ai 25, 30, 85, 40 and,so cents. ' Splendid :weptera at of calicos. . , Cloak , Cloaks,. loaka, Cloaks. litockings, Cho boat 'arid cheapest. • , Pocket handkerchiefs, for ladies, 0,411 prices. , Weenies isuilie arid crash for t . hare now a very large stock of goods, all ilought at redhead priee-., and which we will sell at. pcicos which cannot fait to give satisfaction We have also a very arge lot of alpacas, casbmero cloth, beiabaziuns. S. LKWY. my 24 • Alfilltftry Business Attended To, • Bounty, Permian, Bark Pay,?Subsbnence . Mid - Military and War Claims, generally, mule taut and collected. Per sons residinz at a distance can hare their bUSlnea3 trans. acted by nmil, by addressing •- • • Elp/iNESMYDWAttemerat-Law MOl7-dly - 'Third street, Harrisburg,.Pa 1:61 To blear the Bowie of Flit*, ueo Ilutebar's celebrat-d IiIGHTHING FLY-KILLER, a neat ch,..etp article; easy to use: Every sheet will kill a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. • Fit•PNCEI,,F,ICHARDO & CO., lOth and Market streets, Thiladelplita; wholetale agents. ' tay2•l-d.kwBir neytlg.Hiarratha Hair Restorative.' Royt.'s Hiawatha Hai, Restorative The standard staple preparation' for the'hair, warranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It does not daim to make the hair grow in where it has once fall,n out; nothing do that whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it aria prevent it from falling out, make it soft and silky; cleanse i and the s. alp from impurities and humors, and entirely overcome bad etfects of previous nsiii of pr p mations con taining sulphite, Boger of lead, &c. [[`regains no soap ing washing, and ho ors ter its spocao a , nor will it stain the s.in, but is as easily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair on ssing. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, which giv.s it a lively appear ance Instead of the dull untorm black of dyes. klevrt's Imperial Coloring Cream. Stiperior to any Hair Dressing in use. Oils and Color the Hair at the same time. Changes light and red hair to a betonind brown or black. Sold' everywhere. JOSEPH Hu YT lk; CO, mars-wly No. 10 University Place, New York. _ _ TrYOU '.wish a good Gold - Pon ? 8 0 + pa Is soilltricEWS 116044014, [llOl9 WANTS. WANTED —A man to take charge of a Horse and Cart. Must be acquainted wnh the town. 1b at honest, faitlifast man, good wages will be pat t. Enquire of A. 13. MaFadden,scorner of Prate and Fi bert WANTED—Two good white girls who un derstand cookery, washing, ironing and general houscworking, in a small country bocci. Most zgie well re , ornmended. Apply at this "face. jell-dlw WANTED—A eoloredlsoy 14 or 16 years of aye to assist In the work or the kitchen. En quire at the Jones House. 1"1.6-3t BOARDING WANTED—By a gentleman and his wife and two small chi dren, in a private *warding hens; or a private Addr sJ. W. J. at jemdfli, 'rims OFFICE. _ DIOULDERS. GOOD MOULDERS wanted at jel6.(l4L* SCOTT FOUNDRY, Reading, Pa. RENT—Two rooms for a ANTED T cabie ° co family, consisting ofthree persons. Apply at HerT' r s e l d lot ejel6.3lP `I:WADDING WANTED TN a private family, by a gentleman and 1. wife, with rooms farnished or 1411111InIshed. Apply at [JelB-3il THIS mica EbtPLOVOIENT. (4;7, to. A MONTH.—Agents wanted to sell 'ftwaig Machines. We will give a commis sion on all machi es sold, or employ agents who will work for the above wages awl all expt noes paid. Address D. 13. MERRINGION & Co., Detroit; hitch. jelo 2w* $lO TO $2O A DAY. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE IM PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— Teo bank cheap Machine in the United States We aro giving a Gummissioot by which the anove wages can be made, or we will employ agents at $75 a month and ea penalt paid: For particulars and terms, address, with stain. T. S. PAGE, Gen'l Agent, Toledo, 0. A GENTS wanted to sell the Standaid His -11 tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., do 30 ' Publishers, Baltimore Md. TNTANTEp—A good pastry Cook, , and a Vgood meat Cook. Inquire at the V ap3O-fitf ; ' PRAlrir 110USR. NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT • ' BELOW COST. MRS. ill. MITER, No. 13 illare6t - Street, BEING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of Miliitiery Goods, offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as • SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, . HATS AND FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of • SILKS, VELVETS, LACES .RUC I HES HOOP SKIRTS. - - HOSIERY • . HANDkERCHI:Ekk GI OVtta, 05.1..faus • • CURS, BELTSy • - -eAff O X.GC I 9Ds, &Et Dealers will do Well. to.'cid/, as.-greatfbargaini can be had at wholesale. 'jel4 FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS ! ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY WISE,JU7I N' THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. rII III E following Stook of Fireworks is now in store: Boman. Candles, ,Rockets, Pin Wheels, Idineti of Stars and: Serpents. Serpents, . Gsanstrappors, ,Flower, tots,. . n Benso Lighik, - Triang!OS,. Blue Light% Rod, Witte and..l2thie, Spingaienes, Chinese Rockets, Putting Crackers, Fire Crackers, Turpedos, Torpedo & Firecracker Gun, -New Torpedo Bow, Joss Stick, or Punk, Flags, so. Now is the time to purchase while there is a good as sortment. JOHN WISE, je6-titf Third street , near Walnut, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. Iliamisausa, PA., June 9,1E64. rpHE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republiottna of the 14th k.ongressional mot of Pennsylvania . , composed or 000ntio. of Dau phin, Alt.tata, NOrltiuraberlalld, Union an 4 Snyder, for nomination by the several county oonventions of the said . JOSIAH ESPY. .SPiMWIJALISM. H. PAIST, Blind Test Medium. will t s ) give seances for communion with the ;Spirit World, at tcachango nail, Walnut street, until further notice. He will aloo m4lpo clAirvoyant, .ex„tonination of diseases for those desidifg 16; Hours Srom• 8)4- a- it. to 12 it., and . 1,6' P. X to br. et Tenho 54) cents each sitting. Every one applying for a sitting does it on their own responsibility, as the manifestation of a spirit is notat the option of the medium. Je6-dtf TO LEARN PIANOFORTE PLAYING WASILY AND VEIOROUGiILY, use the STANbARD INSTRUCTION 8008. "Richardson's bow bleated:" An improvement upon all others in pro grtesive and simplicity. k mind ed upon a new -And original plan", - and- illustrated by a series of plat.; showing the proper position of the hands and fingers. Tip popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any,eindlar,work. Ten thousand - copies are sold every yourongleitilere andal irtio ha.e examined it, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Methods," "83, stenui, ' and "Schools," mid tea b eir that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playing! It is adapt. d to all grades of minidn,from the rudimental studies of the youngest, to the studies and'exercise Of ‘ adiiiiiisect pupils. Two editions ate - ,published,. one American, the other Foreign fingeifng, When the work isordered, if no pretikence is ctisiguated, the edition Witlilmerioan flu geriug will be Sea. gee sure that in ordering it you , are particular in specifying the 'NEM. lEgfHt../0."- Price $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any ad reas. mold by all num Madera. OLIVeAt DI MON CO., Publishers, 217 Washington street, B, ston, je7-tf NoW,l4.6lxkus. **o ' l ' co it IN D. W. GlariSS" NEW BLOCK, Market Street, tipsrisburg. ''''l:434(f.bliTEliENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS I . * DOIRCUL ARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on tholat of April. imar2l-dly .Land for Sse. 'Daizphin ao 520 . — at,pltriEvaStelifterj;in part or the whole, to Suit ' purenaisms •,1.35 acres clear, good buildings thereon, with new Mill. For further particulars, address L. MINSKER., my3o-dSm* Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa_ ' prowl - Ns! PICKLES 1 ! J- By the barrel, half barrel, Jar or dozen, at n 0251 ROYER & HORAPER. TUS I' ARtinr ED I—A fine lot of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOkS. Also, SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, - FR,SH PEAS, U., just reeelved by my t4-dtr JOUN I:4E. 8d atre.t, near Walnut: 50 DOZEN JAILS ENGLISH PICKLES', compriaing Picall4, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, uiaeu Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SH.LSLEK a FRAZgIi, mys aucoersors to W. Dock, Jr., 3 Co. 14101 t, Five-idurse-powor ENGINE. and BOILER, in good order. Apply to F. GEM, feb23-tf - " Walnut street, below Sixth. FiquisikpAnty and At NEW yoRK STATE 01MEE [no2ol WX. DOCK, Ja., 04 CO. PIC-r4!ics. GRAND PICNIC OF ME; STEUBEN-BUNN! NO. 8, V- V, V. 8., IXAMI-1101I4lIEN'S WOODS, ON MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1864. THE services of an excellent string band have been mined, and the bar will be well eupplied with rel reslitnentS Omnibuses will run during the day from 0. Fptyd's sskon, corner of Ilark.' t s.reet and Dewberry alley. Tickets 25 ems, to be nod or all members of the so. ciety, and of THE: Co3I.I.IITTEE. d2.t.w.ts ANNUAL PIC-NIC, TO BE GIVEN BY THB, , CITIZEN FIRE ENGINE AND HOSE COMPANY 1-10VFMAW'S WOODS, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1861, • IN asking the patronage of the public, the Cornmittee give notice that',it is their intention to make this pie nip in keeping withibld time ones, and that they will not permit any lady to be present that has not received a printed invitation. Cards of invitation to be bad of the Committee. Tickets of aam:ssion to the grounds2s cents. Cars will run to the grOunds, Leave at F. A. N. do 2r. at. Return at t 7 s at. .Railroad tickets to be had of the Committee on day of Fare, round-trip,-twenty-five cents. COMIC TTEE. Lawrence, George Filger, Bernard Frisch, George W Osier, Charles Osman, Samuel antler, ',rho Reese, D G Krause, John Whitmoyer, George Shaper, John Ca•ey, Joseph kanuler. George Krause, Masierof Ceremonies, B Frisch. 1el•1-dtd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYGRO BAROMETER, Natural Weather Judicator, WITH .A BEAUTIFUL THERMOMETER ATTACHED. THIS simple and useful instrument is now offered for sede.for tile first time in the State of Pa., 'the undersigned having secured the right of sale in and for the blowing tountles; Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Frannie, York and Perry, of Ember, Cook es Co., agents for.the State, and are now prepared to Bell the instrument at - whelesale and retail. The instrument will cello:hit un failingaceuracy'the bygrometien condition of the atmos phere, thinicloretelling the changes of the weather from 12 to 48 tt urs.in advance. The acting moving principle is the pihtule of a flower, found in near Damascus, and is so highly sensitive that It is acted upon by the least ciongeAttie atmosphere. Pomona iamiliar with natutal science knew that iv cannot - rah; until the air is fined with aqueous vapor, which mutt condense incense rain to fall; this moisture must exist in the atmosphere several hours is advance of the coming storm. No other Barometer manufactured will foretell with accuracy the approach of 'sin. But this NATURAL HORUSCuEE, the work of NA TURE'S OWN KnelD, fills up the void which matt could not avereplish, and pointA its unerring finger to all changes of the we .ther, and has never been known to fail. It is valuable to the Fa mer,, the Physician, the Clergy man, the Natigator, the . Travekr, the Merchant, and everybody. It is very simple to understand, and never requires any rep tiring. They aro cheap, darable and reliable. For sale only by agents, and at - Knoche's Music store, No. 93 Market, s.reet . Price $3 75. One of the instrument-4 will be sent by express, on re ceipt of $3 15 Aw-nts wanted in every town in the above named counties . Apply as above, to, jel4-d2Vaitel2t FONNO".k MAXWELL, Agents. INDEPENDENCE ISLAND AHD WIRE FERRO. T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Resort would most respectfully announce to the citizens of. Harrisburg that.the Wand is now open for visitors. Accommodations will he to parties and plc-nim on reasonable terms, a, dancing platform baXing b.en,erected fur their special use. Feason tickets for families, good for one year, Si 50. No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the liiend. oar No intoxicating liquors sod qa Sunday. A Wire Ferry, wli h.a good boat plying constantly be tween the .liland. end foot of Hroit I street s Wert Harris burg. ' EIENHY RECKER. jel4-dim Hole Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photogi=aph Albums. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled; gilt, and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS 80 Pictures for s3' 00 40 ic . 350 $0 it " 400 togethei with vrrloua other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and sec at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marlUtf Harrisburg, Pa. THE NEW BOOKS. t - TUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Itauski; HAl7litiD HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp lighter. s2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. by Mrs. Holmes $l. 50 HARBAIWS HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cents. THE CM A LT. HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Troilope. SI 26 , SEVEN STORIES, by lk Marvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." 50 SPERE'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Nile. $3 MI THE WOMAN• DT BLAME, by author of "Man in Gray." $1 50 IX. - NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIES, N0v. , 61 to Aug. '6E. $1 00 STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from GOoper's writings. $1 00 . STORIW OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's $1 00 OUR DAILY FARE, a daily journal of the Great Sani tary Fair at Philadelphia; illustud.d. subscriptions re •ceived at • $l. 00 • Ad near books received as soon as published at „.. BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, 51 Market street. LIQUID RENNET. • LIQUID 'RENNET 'yields with milk the mokt luscious of all deserts for the table; the ligtit, est and must grateful diet for invalids and children. M lk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when c,aguiateit with I mina it is always tight and easy of digestion, and supports the system witu the least rxissable excitement. n still, greater ullt7itiret.ower is desired, cream andsumar may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart ef mid: Into a firm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by S. A. • je/5-tt 118 Market street. PROVOST HARSELLL'S OPPICS, 14711 DISTRICT, HLRIUSUURG, Pa., June 6, 1864. bRAFTp MEN.-4 am directed by J._ Lieut. Col. J. V. Bamford, A. A. Provost Marshal Geneial, by his ef eular, No. 59, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "Titat drafted men are not allowed to enlist as vo.un tears after being drafted;.. and that the credits tor drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were,drafted, no matter whether local - bounty has °vitas not been paid to such men, upon "illegal enlistment." J.lO. HAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Disq, Pa. jeellif HARRISBURG CEMETERY. T HE public are hereby notified that lots may oft purchased and permits had at the office or endenia of the Treasurer, in Otionnut street, a few doors east of Second in pursuance of a resolmlim adopted by the Board of. Managers, parties apply Wig for permits are r quest ed t i eravier to furnish•to the lreminor the name of deceased, dare of death. diseasesor cause of death, age of decemeii, names- of parents, if a - chi d. and residence of decea.ed. A record of these facts is kept for reference , and it is-highly - important that it 'should be comp,lee. By the gtaes;of the- - association, the price of interments must in all rases be paid at the time the permit is granted. D. id. GRAYDON, jelepteod , . , Treasurer. AM U 8111'1EIV TS: CANTER,BU.RY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW . TMT.D. ......... *Die e OPEN EVERY EVENTht .. V With aFirst-class 'Company of SINGEIL'4, BANGERS, COMMLIES, Admission. ....... cant,: Sesta in Boxes 25 AUCTION - SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES WA?. DspeETxq CAVALRY BonsAcr, OFFICE OF OHffi QUAR WAssnazzos, D. C..:= 3 164. WILL be sold at public auction, to tba, highest bidder, at the times and places named be low. viz: Williamsport, Thursday, Jane 23d. One Hundred (100 , horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fiity (250) at each or the other places. These Horses nave boon condemned. as unfit for the Cavalry service or the United States drink. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A. mt., and continue daily till all are sold. TESMS: CASH lu United States Treasury notes only. JAMES A EKIN. ap2S•dtd Lt. CoL and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE. MBE Undersigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legisiatuve, approved the 4th day or May, 1864, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and Raush Gap Railroad Company, hereby give public notice that hooka will be opened for receiving sub. scriptions to the Capital Stock of said Conip Icy at the following named ilmes - ani places in the county of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker, in Gratz town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June, inst. At the house of Benjamin Bornner, in Berrysburg, ma MONDAY, the 27th day of June inst. St the house oeJ. G. Yeager, in Millersburg, ou THERSDAY, the 30th day of June, ins.. At the JONES HOUSE, MMe•City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the sth day of July next; and that at said hints and places home two or more of the Commi , sioners wdl at.end; and that the Books will be kept open at [east ela hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, fur the term of three judicial days, ar until the number of shares authoriz_d by the law sha 1 have been subseribed. I , AVID B. PORTER, HENRY THOMAS, JAIIEd FREELAND, G. M. BRUBAKER, F. WENRICK, ja,MAINAN SWAB, DANIEL !YEA. je2d4w Reveßpstmo, Ist ;nue, 1861. CLOAKS, CMCULARS AND MAN TIILEAS I IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BIJILDRiG, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. nave new a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH. CLOTH CIRCITLARS, NEW FRENCH SACS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE *BASKS The above beautiful : samples, in every'color and kind somely trimmed, from $7 50 to $lB. 1000 SILK AIAIC'~ELS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. CIIILDREN'S-ALLETELS LN LARGE V.ARlh'Tii. my2s MILLIN - E_RY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, HAS OPHSKEI AT NO. 8 INA.R.K.F.'X' SIIVOAWE, (Next door to Felix's Cionfectioneryo WEERE SHE IS PRFRARED to sell to ladies 'of. ILtrrtiburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Itillincry and Fancy Goads, At cheaper prices than any house In the city. The quality of her goods cannot be stirpewed. DBBBB MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. splB dtz 11 VALIIA4LE FARM PRIVATES'• E.' . THE subscriber will sell, ct private sale, the farm, late the property of irs. Margaret Theme, situated in East Hanover t , .wnship, Daupnin county, adjoining lands of ttio Mandida furnace, containing MB acres; forty acres of- the above is Wooa Land and the balance under a good state of , dnitivation. The improve ments consist 'of a two-story - weather-boarded house, a new Bans. Barn, and other eclocin*Yieut buildings. Per sons desiring to see the property' ca ii or ad •rts joBd2w* .1103EPft SHEESLEY. VALUABLE - FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will sell atimblic sale on Saturday, Jane 18th, 1864, at the Court House in the city of Harrisbui g. at 2 o'clock it., the farm tow oorittlidd 1./Y Jacob Fitting, in Susquehanna township. ..aid farm cqntains one hundred acres, more or less, and is bounded bF lands of Herman alticks, Geo. W. McCulta, J. German_ and otners; Paxton creek runs along and through the farm. There is a line two-story stone house and bank barn oa the 01e0..., and also a. nue Ittnestone quarry. A draft of the farm can be seen at the (Alice of Dr.. Ruth,. rfo".l, on Front street, any time until day of talo. - The above farm Is within 3% mites of the city and lain fine order. jeT-dte•'=';o--b. FORSTER SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T . AM happy to offer to the public a largo reid.splendid assortment of - • • SUPERIOR GOLD PEl'iS, mabufaetnred by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD:.. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY MEN. .. SOREFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second striet,.epposfie Presbyterian Charch, Harriscurg Pa. apM JUST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING... A FRESH INVOIUE OF ISICHENER. & CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED 1-IA - aS AND 13-Er.F, SHIST•RR & FRAZEWS my3l PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locations . fin; IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a - Very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Hiurisburg, hr-en the Pennsylvania . railroad and peel ab,ut five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best Hamster:equerries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also: room tor waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Late, No. '24 North Second meet, marl6-ffif Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press Insert three times and send bill to this office.] NEW Lit: CON: STOKE! TiII:PORTANT TO . LANDLORDS; _L OTHERS —The undcriigneil oilers -at :4Olesalc, to the trade, a choice lot of the bat figaars , t yer brought iu Harrisburg, viz: Frawk. Brandies, -Holland Gl*, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and act Foriegn and _Comedic Wines, such as.Champagney, catrel., C'atatoba, cfe.. Ali liquors warranted, as represmited: Ismidioros and others will find it to their advantmato rali and ex amine the assortment at the _store„ ca:.36 - 4th Sectaid street, two doors below Chesil/tit - my2l-dam GEOROH , WINTERS. , - D art , A.TiF.I.PECU: COLLEGIAM_ TOTE FOR yduNd- , -OI street. Rev. quiti,Es A. 04 , 14,t). D., E. aaIIENCE SUITE, A. 11., Prineipals. - Ninth Year- Three depaitinents: Primary; Academic, and Collegiate. Full callege . courae Cla.sieb, Mahe matim, higher English and Neon's' Science for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, , PginlVE and Elocuthai by the best. masters. For mircu t ars apply at the institatefor address Box 261/ P. 0., Philadelphia Fa _• ,1420-Bm. CUT FLY P. 4 ILP ER: A . A MOE assortment of Cut Fsperifor cell ings, looking glass.s. picture frain , s aseges pipes, SCIIEFEER'S BOO,KiStgliE, at my2o MESS BEEF and MSS FOBK=oie article of IS= Beef and Pork ad '(saccesors to WmDuck, )r., &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers