paik cetegrapij HARRISBURG, PA• MONDAY 111ORNINii. JUNE 20, Isllit FOIL THE AIENDIHENT OF TILE CUNSTITUTLO GBANTENG THE SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO VOTE. Election Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1864. NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, OF ELLL",7OI3. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Andrew Johnson, =1 Appointment of Archbishop, of New York. BISHOP M'CLOSHEY, OF ALBANY, THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE-SRETCH OF HIS "L FE *The Right Revered Bishop M'Closkey, of Albany, has, we hear from that city, received the official announcement from Rotel of hie appointment to the Archiepiscopate of New Ycrk. He will .soon, it is understood, enter upon the discharge of his new duties. ' The Most Rev. John M'Closkey, D: D., was born in Brooklyn in 1807, and is consequently- in the fifty-seventh year of his age. In early life he was sent to Mount St. Mary's College, - near Emmitsburg; Maryland, where he dis played a special aptitude for oratory and dis cussion, and always held a prominent place in his class. Having finished his collegiate education and graduated with high honors, Dr. M'Closkey entered the Theological Semi nary, and after a thorough courbe of study was raised to the priesthood at about the age of twenty-seven years. He was shortly afterwards attached to the diocese of New York, (comprising New York and apart of New Jersey,) under the Right Rev. John Dubois, the predecessor 'of Arch bishop Hughes, when for a time he acted as curate, but was subsequently promoted to the pastorate of St. Joseph's Church, in Sixth avenue, now, in charge of Rev.. Thomas Far rell. In consequence of the increased num ber of the Catholics in this diocese it Was deemed - advisable in 1842 to appoint ,an as sistant bishop to assist Bishop Hughes, who had been raised to the Episcopal See, in the administration of its affairs. Dr. M.'Closkey was called to assume the duties and responsi-. bilities of the coadjutorship; and on the 10th Of March, 1844, he was consecrated in St. Pat rick's Cathedral, by the late Archbishop Hughes. In 1846,. on the recommendation of the council of this province, the Papal See de cided to subdivide the diocese of New York, creating as suffragan sees the dioceses of Al bany, Buffalo, Brooklyn and Newark. Dr. M'Closkey was transferred to the former see, and performed his duties with singular ability. His excellent practical discourses and his canning oratory produced the best effect not only in his own church, but among the mem bers of other denominations, whose frequent visits to the Cathedral attested their interest as well as their confidence in the Catholic Bishop. The reputation of Archbishop 3r- Oloskey gives an excellent promise of useful ness in the enlarged Sphere he has been called PrOst4ent tinOoln 4 4' A . e.ceptanee of the Nomination. The committee appointed to wait upon. Pre sident tin . coln to inform him, officially, of his nomination, discharged their duties a few days after the Convention adjourned. Mr. Lincoln was,. of course, gratified, but said he did not so much regard it a personal compliment as an, evidence of the people's concurrence in his measures to preserve the nation's life; and he presumed they felt as the man did who was upset when crossing a river; he seized the tail of one horii r e, Which liOre him along,. when -some one advised him to let : go iindtake of the other animal, but he said it was no time for a man in danger -of ,drowning to be t stoaliping horses! So thought the people when, in the War of 1812, they re-elected Janes Madison over an abler and better man—De Witt Clinton, of . New 'York. On the average, we knots- of no fitter man. for President than Mr. Lincoln, who has been tried, and who understands all sides' of the complicated enigma better than any man ever could. Intuitively, he seems to know just toh , n and hots to move. We believe it to be the de termination of the people and the will of God, 'that, as the Secessionists went out under Abraham Lincoln, so they must come back under Abraham Lincoln! Andrew Johnson. Andrew Johnson took strong ground early in the great struggle, and. has steadfastly held it ever since,' in favor of the Government against secession and: treason. In his speech against Breokinridge in the extra session of 1861. he said: "Traitors are got to . be sQnumerbus now that I attppiiiie tietiatailiaii got to be respecta ble; but, God beiNig willing, whether traitors be many or few, as I have" hitherto waged, war against traitors and treason, and in- behalf of the Government whiCh -was constructed by our fathers, I intend =to continue it to the end." In the Senate of the.truited Slates, on be ing. asked by Joe Lane, of Oregon, What he would do with the rebels, Senator Johnson reined in the following strictly orthodox lan . guage: "The distin,quished Senator from Oregon, i asks me what wonld do with the rebels, were I President of the Thaito States? I will tell the Senator. - I would:hive -them' arrest , cl, I would have them tried, and iflound guilty, by the Exuma, GOD I would . have them use unteL" Concerning Gov. johnson'fi present senti ments, the following is related: In eply to an officious: suggestion ; made to Mr. Lincoln, to apprise Andy JOhlison of the policy of writing a radical letter of accept ance ho said that was wholly unnecessary. His reply was sure to be radical enough to satisfy the most radical. To another the President is said to have remarked: "Don't be concerned, sir, when Andy Johnson was last here he said, if it was necessary to carry on the war for thirty years, he was for carry. log it on." The 8111 to Prevent Gold Gambling. Congress has at last passed the till to pre vent the speculations in gold. The provisions That it shall be unlawful to make any con tract for the purchase or sale and delivery of any gold coin or bullion to be delivered on any nay subsequent to the day of making such contract, or for the payment of any sum. either fixed or contigent in default of the de livery of any gold coin or bullion, or to make such contract upon any other terms than the actual. delivery of such gold coin or bullion, and the payment in full of the agreed price thereof on the day on which' such con tracts is made, in United States notes or na tional currency, and not otherwise, or to make any contract for the purchase or sale and de diery of any foreign exchange to be delivered at any time beyond ten days subsequent to the making of such contract, or - for the pay ment of any sum either fixed on contingent in default of the delivery of any foreign exchange or upon any other terms than the actual de livery of any foreign exchange within ten days from the making of such contract, and the im mediate payment in full of the agreed price thereof the day of delivery in U. S notes or national currency, or to make any contract whatever for the sale and delivery of.any gold coin or bullion, of which the person making such contract Shall not, at the time, of making the. same, be ' , in actual possession,, and it shall be unlawfulto make any lan of money or currency not being in coin to be repaid in coin, or bullion, or to make any loan of coin or Million, to be paid;iiihnOney . or currency other than coin. ' ' 4,; It shall be further unlawful for any banker, broker or other person to make any purchase or sale of any gold coin or bullion, or of any foreign exchange, or any contract for any such purchase or sale at any other place than the ordinary place..of business of either ; thols seller o? purchaser, owner or birevand Occupied by him individually, or by a partnership of Which he is a member, . SEC. 3. All contracts inade in violation of this act shall be absolutely void. SEC . 4. Any person,who tvioltite any provision of this act sball be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum notless than $l, 000 nor more than $lO,OOO, or be.liprtsoned for st ;period not less than three months nor longer than one year, or both, at the discretion of the:Court, and shall likewise be subject to a penalty of $l,OOO for each offence. Sao.,s..The penalty imposed by the 4th section of this act may be recovered in an ac tion at law in any court of record of the Uni ted States, or ,any court of competent juris diction, which action marbe brought; in the name of the Uiiiied States, by any perspn who will sue for said penalty, mie-halfhfor the use of the person bringing such action, and the recovery and .satisfaction of a-. .judgment in any such action shall be a bar to the imposi tion of any fine for the same offence ,in any prosecution instituted subsequent to the re covery of such judgment, but slaill . iat be a bar to the infliction of punishment y impris onment, as provided by said 4th section. §*. 6.• All acts and , parts of acts inconsist ent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. "MANHATTAN" OF 'THE LONDON H-ERAI 6EZ:i FORE GENERA.L Dix.—Tosepli A. Sdorillo;l t iliti New York correspondent of the Lop4ix: Morning Herald, whose letters to that.- jou#o4l under the signature of "Manhattan,!' hnvg teemed with Malicious abuga of otu ciditna, Anent and misrepresentations of the Union cause, has been summoned before Major-Gen eral Dix. . Scoville received a warning; and, when he had made such explanations as he thought be Dame him in his new pcirsition, waa infoitned that his case would be . duly consicfered by the proper authorities. It is understoodthat General Dix allowed "Manhattan" to go' on his parole, and that the General awaits instructions, while Scoville has an opportunity of restricting his lopera tions hereafter. *o..i : -- . :4fr0t4i).0 . : EXCLUSIVELY-FOR THE DAILY TELEMAPH ET THE INLAND LINyAS. trona Chartkston: OUR BATTERIES` PLAYING ON 411EltITY. DEATH OF CAPT. BIRNEY. • ' Weismthrox, June 18: Late mews from Charleston states that we are again 'banging:affray at. CharleSton. - Capt. Birney, late of Gait. _ 'limey's staff, died here yesterday. • His body will be em balmed and sent'North. - O."H. GRAFFEN. The War in Kentuqky: ARREST OF A REBEL FLAG OF TRUCE. -0— Rovemeats. of Rebel Guerrillas. PILLAG . E'OF BURNSVILLE Loulsrat,a, Ky.,; June 17. , „. -The rebel Col. Chenowith, acoMnpanied;b9 Chariton Morgan -and a number of '01 . .0n Horgan's staff,earaejptojiexington yesterday with. Gen. Hobson,, under : a flag,pf,truce, with the design of arrapging 'with. Gmk : llurbridge -for an exchange of prisoners captured in the recent rebel raid. Gen..Thnbridge refused to recognize the flag,. arrested the three rebels 4 and ordered-Gen. Hobson to the command of his division. About 150 mounted men of Jesse's gang crossed the Lotilsville and Frankfort railroad early this mo:thyig at Smi,hfield, and were subsequently heard of at Shelbriille, en route to Taylorsville.. On the 10th inst., Cl 4. Weatherford, of -the-. Thirteenth Kentucky cavalry; - .evacuated - Burksville; and on the following.; Wednesday. Bennett's 'gang Look possession bi the post, and gavithe town UP to.Pil*ge4 Death of ft.nlfOtor. BALI:1;91102E, Julie 17. Alr. N. Tuttle, "2,89 . . one,ofthe proprietor.s of rthe Baltimore Clapper, ,, afters brief illness, aged' 65 years. • • From Charleston Harbor ARR VAL OF THE FIT LTO:i An Engagement Between Our Forts and the A. Rebel Steantor S-uu7sc. The United States steamer transport, Fulton Capt. Norton, from Port Royal, June 15, ttr rived at a very early' hour this morning. On. Tuesday, the. 7th inst., the rebels opened a heavy tire froxit their Works on Sullivan's and James Islands, directing it to both our land and aval batteries. Our men gave them a handsome Shower of shells in return. The rebels finally ceased firing. damage was .sustained by us. At night the guns at, Tort Putnam were opened on a lebel steamer, discovered on her way. from Charleston to Sumter, litdened, it is thought, with troops and supplies. One ca the shots disabled her, causing her : to run aground. At daylight our gunners completely demolished her. Deserters are constantly arriving within our ines. • Maj.-Gen. Foster had recently made a minute inspection of the fortifications on the coast. The New Ironsides was lying at Hilton Head Harbor, taking on masts, spars and rig ging, preparatory to proceeding North. Deaths at Washington:Hospitals . The following - deaths of Pennsylvania sol diers were reported .at Captain &tines M. Aloore's office: Jolla 15. J W Smith, K., 116th; AI Carroll, K, 81st; Jere . ...tdagovern I`, sth; 'John A. Ea ton, Gl37th; . -t - aptaiti Albert A 'Davis,..o, Ist heav artillery; Henry Doverspike, G, 82d; Win 8 11111,-F, 62d; 8 .LlEvans, 1), 140th; Al bert H Price, H, 188th; John McAfee, A, 13th cuv; Samuel King, F, 55th; John 8 Ward, F, 13th cav; John Vexter, 1), 98th; Lieut M B Goodrich, H, 93d; John Patterson, Cr, 14th dav;'E.A Kitbourn, PI, :45th; Uwen Peck, F., 145th; John Peoples, P, 71st; Dennis Dig nam, K, 45th; Daniel Smith, A, 57th. Jura 16.—George Eaton, I, 40th; Henty Herpst, 4, 19th; J Horner, E, 115th; Wright lteddingttin,l, 45th rit Harris, 13, 72d; Joun ].ssth; Josiah if Jacobs, K,:l4Btn; .Bimon Snyder, - ~41,18tE; H Bateman, B, 45th; Frank. Bodenbush, E, 55th; Jas Brana gan, I, 69th; Andrew C. Brown, D, 49th; Jno ever, A, 53d. f ttieivrinssr,- Ohio, June 17. A lire occurred at i r. nt. to.ddy, which de stroyed the Townsend House and six private dwellings. - The loss is $20,000. Insurance $10,000.:1 itlurderous Copperhead Otttrag Our city was in a great state of excite - fit yesterday on account of a shooting case Nil. occurred early in the morning in the meet, department qt the gentling Railroad ilocu ny's workshops, on the corner of hove .and Chestnut Street& pne,of the workni named Henry A. tit:tuning, deliberately d a pistol and shot a fellow machinist, na llns. Gabriel, the bull taking ellectin the domen. The wound was at once pronoun mortal by the physicians. Mr. Gabriel, suffers greatly, was still living lust eveni Atl-tArt*4-40t expected to: survive, -many but ble-tesit;teis;#).* his' family,ContiSthig 4.4 Wife antilliree • chileten; air:Zightti street 14r; it t iiiiltaM - -:14.4i-iviztestimattie cud olititingie:iittii—a-'Aiiit 'of .. -. ot. - libanbi t .E . L.ouatilmr) Church .pis run_Veßialll - tl fj.o4 un tnit ecte t d ;itil:tbis 7,sflect. that a sound mind mei body are the mostneeensarf reed , with equisites thepomoffeAn:ltaltitlipEpinezes , c , , derous outruon as we learn from rel./ authority, were as follows: Uonnard has 1- out these, t journey thrisigh are t o oe w t ed ho w ur i l t y h dar despair koe andte the a ji:m e t : tiresz ig ly il refl=n on tha r t the happiness or another be threessPaTutail working in the shop for some time, and , nll. .rri i2 m d a b g r, e; son-in-law of Mr. Bellemere, one of the DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. roi; men in the lathe department. On lust 1 nesday, in the course of a political argu , when the misguided and i with another workman, named Josepu .t.‘ he (Connard) is reported to have said that da he has Initialed die seeds e th i ls v pitgar rg'*ire would rather tigut for the rebel cause th often happen that an dimmed some o r ah „,,,1 4 ,1 11at t„,. the fi, Ite:ribi:7loll;rotY7cauaPl:llSnesngbinsfittheaolthistiwia for the Union," to words to that effeet. U dguirioto the heads end ward denied having used the language i puled to !MU, whereupon Fair went velure who, incapable- of curing. Mob his alderman and made ttlitiltlVlL in support or t _l i rott e m tailing month after month, or as httngaf truth of his charge: On Thurecusy (..:0111.1111 ru l t ::7T h i to bo t Aaa o i v o e o r ti. h ;tod to despair leavf him T tutionaisympt I t.orthisterribledleesZErachasatreo Drought suit against Fair for shunter, laid' thil e ourfothuesttauleatdhohdy.readb::. inpoN:wits,"hin:klito.itt.e:c 1147Pundpp,101200•1:outnrnytoe.eredibrric hater, was forested, but gave bail fur ins at pearance at court. - . h' frislatai rapidity us death puts • • ' P g ea- alb, The trensuntitne language said to have beeoti m ly er ii,,, tittered by (loaner d, utteaed as it was by antra from whence no traveler returns. - affidavit, caused a . greatexeitement among th , , molds in the wiollehop. They held an indig `INDORSEMENT OF THE PREss, nation meeting; we are told, on Tutr-sday even kii-. wg, and -resolved that eon/ null Should worlOwny thousands cared at this institution year after nu'ionger in the shop. Guunard, being ap . t i l , l , o n rjar, irrtas_.t , surgical ePeratialli• prised of thity came armed neMniolzung„ au a t • , arid m an y sC' other "Y the re P erte ill a t e papers, notioss of whist entered the .shop before 7 o'clocli; the "isnot again and again before r the p e hh e, b a w d runie 101 , ,ebaneubilig %vizi. : ~,,, . Rending ea a gentleman of character and f tat It was just at tuiejawiture that Mr. Gabiie , -1111-1--FBtante° to the atulcled. _ __ . who happened also to be one of the first to ...- - - - enter tne swop, approached Uonxiard in a POCKET BOO.Kg r — PURSES —, giezoly yity.,B, end with : .the air of a now ! - AND , giykpg advice, , said in subsum •°e°, My y e „ 0 R IrmioN . IN A. i ..s friend; yciu - had -"better leave the shop. "- `ere is : a mob conking to put you out of it, FOR LADIES AND GENTL4f, and you had betrer go peaceably;" while giv- AT • ~ • 1 -' ing tins advice'he laid his hand lightly on Gunning 's shoulder, but,as, iii alleged, without •• , KELLER'S . ~. the slightest intention. of offeruig violence. Drug and Fancy Goods Store, Lionnantseems, however, to have regarded „ No. 91 Market stmt. the touch on the shoulder in the light of au nisultdind drew kin pisior and tired-it at Gab riel with We effect we have already stated. Atter the ohooting, Conuard anti one or two of his friends were, retty severely handled by the excited workmen, and it was only by great effort that the men were restrained front lynching'Connaid on the sPot: 'He was arrested and taken before-the Mayor, and committed-to prison, to be tried for the qtfence. Ptaintitd is ; about 211yearitt of age, a...a. his faiiiily_ reside in Seventh street, 'below Fifa). He formerly kept a lager-beer saloon. He came to' Reading a year or two ago, and hails,' we 'believe, from the Western and North western parrof his State. , We retrain from adding to the excitement by commenting on this bold outrage. The criminaLis in the hands of the law, and it is hOttddlie will be properly dealt with. P.'S.-:-.-Mr. 'Gabriel died about nine o'clock last elening.- , -.2l'Siiding Journal of tb-day. NEW Al) V ERTISEIVIE,N TS. THE PUBLIC are cautioned against pur chasing or negotiating for a now or $l.OO drawn in favor of William Cowden, as payment has been stopped. .jelB.3t ' - JACOB PI ALM. HAY r . O F SUPERIORQUALITY, tor pale in small bales at the:Kekstone Farm, immediately below the city. - Dein- 41. 411041:1111 1 1P-IIL-140ME - FOR T H. BERHYHITHL baying disposed of all to hiligrourid.abeve toWri, except. eight aeres vdth tho 'builttingsoweicthis, together or divided, co.,buit p jel,B-lut- • A FlllgT-CLASS, well built FLUE BOIL -14, 227eet long, 42 in, diameter,with two ten.hich FM _. CS, being a 22 horse power. Will be sold cheap.for cash; at the .boilor works of Ackney .L. - liarrott, Button. zmood.etreet, above Bth, .Reading, Pa. • - - - AMORY - BARNITT. ME 11M1 MEE Rebel Batteries NEW YORK, Jane 18 _ . WASIAINGToN, 4h1.1/e 18. Fire in Sandusky. cAu'rioN. FOR SALE. ~. MIEN NEWAD E RTIS EME NTS. P ANO FORTES, MELODEONS,` SHEET lIICSIC, -VIOLIN'S. FLUTES, GUITARS. B kNJOS. • STi'INCS. DRUMS FIFES. and all kinds or MITT AI. MERCHAND SE, NICTEkE ERA , lES LOOKING RLAS 4 ES. PHOTOGRAPH cARDSan , I ALBUMS, AM IW TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &0., Rensember the TO .ce, SILAs WARD, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music Store this side of thegreat Jan2S.dtf MattrassesZ Spriwg.4 edo I 4Confaorts PALM LEAP HAIR TOP MATTRASSES. Plain Leaf Cotton Top Mattrasses. Corn Hook Mannmes. Patent S ring Slat Beds. Feather Pillows and Eolt.ters. Cotton Comforts and Spreads Ladies' Willow Work Stands. Carpet camp -tools. Door Rugs. Carpet HaTsarks Iron tied-¢t ds, latest plttern. N. B --Sofas, Lflungets, Cushions, Chairs, and Mat t masa. repairetL ?air and Spring Mattrasses made to order No:lo9.Markerstreet, Harrishum, jelB-dlm J. T. BARNITZ PUBLIC SALE UNCLAIMED GOODS RZHAISIEO TEE WAREHOUSE OP TEE PRIUDELPRIA AND READING R. R. COMPANY. HE articles described in the- following T Schedule, haring heen consigned to Harrisburg sta tion, on the Phil' delphla sal Reading railroad, and the consigner; after due and legal notice, not haring taken them away, nor Paid the costs and expenses of carriage, will bo exposed at Public Sate or Outcry, at Harrisburg station on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1864; the sale tocommenee at Ton o'clock in the forenoon of said day: J A Graham, 1 barrel vin^gar William Pohl, 1 keg liquor. [W,I 1 cask ware. Thomas Polar, 2 boxes nidze. No ma ks, / do do Sergeant Whitt., 1 do do Elizabeth Albert, Ido do No marks, -- 1 box mdze do do 2 bags maze, do do 1 stretcher. do do 2 saddles and bridle do do 4 knapsacks. do do 4 earrst b do do 2 black valises Lieu Keller Rntib, 1 valise David Rue, rbox mdse. , The above articles will be exposed to public sale as afore aid, according to the provisions of the first section of the„Aet of Asambly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved the sixteenth day of March, A. P. ,155.4; with all the requirements .of which the Phtladel phla and Reading Railroad Company have in al/ respecfs complied. The Act of Assembly is as follows: "Commission merchants and factors, and all common carriers, or other persons having a lien upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or on account of the costs and ex penses of carriage or storage, or any other charge arising from the transportation, keepine or storage of such: pro. party. in case the owners or consignees shalt not pay or discharge the amount due for.such cost; expense, carriage, storage or otner charses hereinhefore named, may, after the expimtideof . ntnety days - from the notice hereinsdtir provided, preCeed to sell the same or so muels thereof as may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auc tion: Provided, That notice of sale shall be givizin as re quired for Shmff 's Saks of personal property, and that thirty days' nNice of said lien be given to the owner or consignee of the propnty, if they can be found, and in case they cannot be so found, thattho Same shall be ad vertised weekly in - some ' n •Wepatier 'published in the litroper city or county to which the goods, wares or mer ' andive have been - consigned, for four consecutive weeks ore the sale. the residue of !none • arlsnag - from such . _.. _-_-_- • 111LAR NOTICE: These are , some of the sad anti melancholy effects 'pro , cod early tutbits of youth, viz : weakness of the had, • d limbss pains In tho head, dimness of sight, lose of uscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, am , us Irritability, symptoms of consumption, fits. Miurratax.—The restful effects on the mind are munch • he dreaded,loas of memory oonfostort of Ideas, de reeston of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, f distrust, love ; of solitude, timidity, hro., are semen} ti evils produced. kits Who have irdered tlibmeolves by a certain practice in iniged lu when alone, a habit frequently learned fron, evil companions, or at. school, the effects of which arm tagotly felti- gm:ewhen asleep, and if not -,renderP,. marriage a 'es Bible, and destroy's: both mind and hipdy, should* .)11). mrnediately. Whatst hat a young man, the hopoef his country. the darling Of his parents, should be snatched from all oirospecta anti enjoyments of life, by the' - consequence ni deviating from. the tab of• nature and :indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona mom., before content platft The best Morocco TRATELLNG SAft.l3 EIS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, uow ozettand at KELLER'S Drug &ore, rn:o.10-tf No. 91 Market street. NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! „ B E G.X.E ' S • Book and Stationery Store Elmbraellig every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS MAGIC CURROMiIIOinE,II4 .:,,, IALF E - POCKti f D OOMS BucKstil'thißSES, i'aRTMONNALES, &o. at prices .to snit all circumstance!. I,JCKST CUTLERY. Mudding oil One assortment of Westertbolm's Sup Pocket- Knivea..--- Glnalsc PENS. From Nevrterei celebrated manufactory. Every -tait.ka /wrap*. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING OASES; ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIES, Together with every article venni' ly. ferma in a first Book 414 Sigtiegairy eatabliahineat, at myl2] BERGNER'S, 51 ifarkeLetroer EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. jETTER& testamentary. on the estate of j 'tin-nay . ..late of Halifak tow..ship, Dauphin o unly, haring beetcgrarded to the undersigned, residing in said township, all persons indebteitto satThstate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present ther. l '..fer dettlement. - -j.O ertad* - SAMUEL LANI iIS,--hascutor TIIST RECEIVED-44 gallonsinne enzTant V wino, from a Lancaster county . farmer; - the eat made domestic , wine in thisicity., Price.s3 CO per galltm: .r s• a le -- • SIITSLER - & - Flt4ZSIt, - - -Successors to-Wm. dz-Co. TtiP.IIIWRITIT °kali kinds at Eni);4l. - • BOW* k *O.lllO/2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO EX.CULE FOR EXPLU6IOINS. AS:lic! - :i FT'S LOW 'WATER DETErTOR Ts AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against JL. explosion or burning of the trues or lwi'er, a- noth ing eon prevent it; of not tampered with) ruin ficijt im mediate notice of lack of water in the holler, iu seaaou to put no a supply without drawing the fires. Want of water .g the gre source of so many sad C4Eistrop:ieS which have recently occurred. We trarratit this instrument to be a perf,:t insurane against such contingencies. Price $5O. Full instrucu no £l3 to ih moile a application as well as re.ere..ce to most of the primiluent ruanuf..ctnrers and on toasters of the State usleg them. sent on sp lic glen to D. C. HEADE & CO., Pittsburg, Pa D. C. WAD, MAGGE. BEEP TONGUES. —Fine large beef tongues cured by J. a 3fichoner & Co , tv , d for sale by SIIIaLEt & FRAZER, .103.7 • . . Sccom.wors to W. nook, jr, R co ANE* SIPPLY of FRESH. SMOKED HAILS, Jest received this morning, at SHItiLLK t FR IZER, jell Succes.tors to W. Dock, Jr , & Co. CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONAD: 1 6 a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very donviinient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. tin porta ility recoinmenes it 'o travelers. Its (Milani.' nee at pie-nie: will be apremated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, Jeli No. 91, Market street. TI-IF. OLD FLAG! A CAMPAIGN PAPER FOR THE PEO- L - A. PLE. devoted to the election of LINO ill: JUIINSt.IN, 'UNION and Fkrenox, and Me Right of Suffrage to our brave soldiers, will on tve2lat of July. and weekly there dler until the full returns of the Pregiden fial.election ean be given, from the offi e of the Franklin ligoository Chamber burg. P. Tar. Lito FLAG %via contain porraita of Lincoln, John and•ot.hor eminent men; maps of battles and battle fields. and will urge re entless war uprol the Copperheads until their de lawn defeat in November next ft will be a neatly printel paper of twenty columns TERMS— GASH-IN ADVAACE: . One Co . 50 cts. . 10 Czpie py s to one address $4 50 .2 0 .. al la- . . 800 30 " " 10 10 5 0 if " al 15 40 . And at the same rate (30 cents per copy) for any number over fifty. ... „ $..4. Let every esugest Union man at once commen d to raise a club i.u• his imm date neighborbooi, so that a I the numbers can hesecured. . . _ 'rte The (list number will contain a portrait of Presi dent Line In, and the second will contain a portm t of Andrew Johnson. Address )011-3td2tvc GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR ENCURSION - EXTENDED. EXCURSION TICIEETS 'WILL BE ISSUED BY TEE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, . TO VISITORS TO IHE SANITARY FAIR, • FROM Harrisburg,. Columbia, Lancaster, Parkesbiwg, racili, and intermediate stations, to etilladelphia and return. From Rarristiurg, by the Mount Joy Accommo dation .... 7:20 A. ar. Cohn:tibia Accommodation leaving' at ....12:20 v. x. And by the Harrisuurg Accommodation, leaving at .... F :25 r, From Columbia, by train at 8:20.a. M. . 1. ....1:53 P. IL 6:0 r M. 0:00 A at. 7-31 v. at 7:00 A. at ram Lancaster, by train at rotia Park as bu rgrbY,,train ut t '; * tibia only, at - 3:00 P u. rem Paoli, by train, at. ........ . . 7:00 s. " ' to West Philadelphia onlv, at 4:16P.r. .B...XCUEpIO9 TICICRTS will be good for a return trip on tier of the accommodation trainr which leave Plailaset as Pass tiger -tats n at 10:00 a is, 190 P. sr. 2:30 P. 4 Oii P. K.. and West Philo lelphia Station at 8:00 K. EXCURSION TICKETS wilt not be sold by Conductors the c irasand wilt hot - be goad upon any other than the kills specified. Tics.r.ra will be sold until tho 24th of e, good fur a return trip until the 25th lust. EffOCH LEWIS, t 4 • ' General Superintendent. • • CITY TAX. . . OTICE is hereby given, that the Common Council of the Clty of Harrisburg, have completed lev - i,and assessment of taxes for the year 11 . 63, and t persons shag bc'entittod to an abatement of _• FIVE . l-.ER CENT. triria the ailment of their respective City Taxes,. on pay lm at of the same to.JORN T. WILSV., Fan . City Trea cr, on or before tlp- 20th day of June, 1861. y order of the Gunman Council. DAVID HAERIS, Clerk. arri3burg, Inue 1.6,1564 —dtd'. ' "Pbr vanda 18 tie of Condemned Tents and Army Clothing; TOSP.T.Tkt and Wall Tents and Flys, snit -1 able for atruinr, wagon core. e, ito an.l several Ludred 4 , vercoats, Pants, Vests and Blouses, from the Irernment sale at Woshington, -now , for sale at Barr's p Alec', one of Singer's extra large Sewing- Machlnosf cost 130, in perfect order, with stand and table cuirifilete; for le low.. . va Thehighest7price in cash paid for all kiwisofsecond ., ,•Ild.pktiching. fu niter- , iron, c riper, brassiorpewter. Also llireerePFairliarike ihitfoL m &Alen, litgouderdrr, It Ciip t b :pr sale. W.igh from 50 pto 1000 pounds. jell I . 'ANY, • Valuable Mill l and l Farm. foi`Sole. t'brar. FAR I-aria/0• HE uersigned offers his MILL and item : Any one iltialiag, to pure bate real ' .0 , riwo , 614..F.....,811110t nt..641.2., be: ter pay ins investor at, as it mill , luoi tee. A.,so W4litern .JBl6- W. -i •1 la letown, Dauphin epunty, fa. EBl4. -EAL E-- —47-e-Ad . tr itIVATE' S ALE. • . • .. --- ' The several proverb." Or the Estii..._,., f wmu mit A L. N,' trireased, in the aity efEarrigtil....... ~...,.i . t i, ti Moms on Front street Mk cl*Llo.l. SOeetr , o - r' d :',....' Ufeliorne'r Of Fropt and Ch u( strains, a 'Taco: 1 4 - 7_ Ifullierry. street; near Third' street, and lex -_ it laid at. be' eastern terminus or Market Street; :wa r t, rered ror sale. For terms orsale apply to thnundersigned, ieventh and Mime str6ets, Philadelptila..-" 4 ell , -. 1 tfl - - - TROMAIS.POCHTtAN. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The unaersignea, 'appointed by the Court of Common • Pleas of Dauebin enmity, auditors to make distributi. n omit cmiitors of tke balance in ,he hands of A. 0. thea ter and C. P. bfuench, as-boost , of John Wallower & son, as shown by, their amount., confirmed May 15th, 1.864, will attend to Me dutlei of said appointment et the on* of 7 W. 4imoraeo, In Harrisburg, on Thursday, the 23d day of June. 1884 at ly oiclick A r , wh. n and where Persons Mterreied may attend and present their eiabll4. DAVID FLEMING, J. IV. SIMONTuN, jul.dlaw3w Auditors. Whereas, Letters f Administration upon the estate of Henry H. Lenhaat I,econsed, late of Halifax township, Dauphin comity; h tl.k, been granted to Christian Lyter, of Halifax township, timid county, Administrator of sad deeeeeed„,allpersonSteoted to, the said estate are Ri g eista te titmice imm •te payment, and all th , se hay ing claims or deman.tx o gneit• Me same will , make them ei t ewn without...4oT to CHHIZIAX. LXVER, moe.doawd N• • \ . Admixdstr.tor. troQ DGA-ItS,, RA.B, V.tOZERE,- of Aikicradea.and prices:at - • Back, eCo. jel7 l .- ' Dearesitlik , &Family Groceriea; • • • " fifTlßtlB,E,—Choice now .2i, Cheese, just IL/ received ar. - . • . FR AzE , jan • SUCCeSI3OI . B kou wu cck, jr., Co. ityrEroS_S .. — Fme a Nti of the sea -171: fian, in half barrels Ind kilts, jus Nweived SHISLER , jol7 SuccessSuccessorsY• Lazo., -1) . °4 4r, k Co. QM(SKED . BEEF.--A. choice lot lier'aDriad Beef, just , received al. - ' • & Flt •`• Sumas:fon to W. Couk; • Co. - - • y EA 4k. PERINE'S WORCESTER SAl — w s popular s - the mast ex:lithe purest ever offered',"public,st, public, just, rpoeived and for sale, hy Sin - 61,ER & FRAZEN , lsotociqaptq tp Wm., DOCK, EM ; VC/TS for - sale on the corner of Third a n d A.k.Breacriamaa Enquire of WY.. p.„.. : wapp&i. ,4!64411.e lI.PEItaO.II- RIO AND LAGUYB4. OCIFF ' Emy4) HOURMIONCIIIa *7.1:4 ?THIS hotel will be opened June 15th. The Len pet in then n4i repa'.r, and h arly two hundred new and greatly ltnproved BATH ROUSES will be r,ady f.r the accon , no.:atlon of pies/3. Its capacity and each d , :pe., tinent will be equal, it not superior, to any Hotel upon C.,PE ISLAND. Birgfleld's F.and has been sek Ur-d for the Reasom Address CEO_ J. BULTON, my Or .b-tlsj PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shure, Williamsport, kno,. cy, Uniontown, \Yatsuntowa, illdtun, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Trevertou Georgetown, Lykenstuvvii, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Phsladetptua Depot tieing centrally ietatal, toe drayage will be at the lowest natea The Couduetur p ee through with =eh train to attend to the ftfe delivery of ill goods Intrusted to the lint Goods delivered at the do pot of FREED, WARD 4k FREED, SU Star Week Philadelphia, by f o'clock P. at., will be delivered it, Got rtaburg the next morning. Prefight Always as Low as by Any Oth e , Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & Co., Philadelphia and Reading Dem, Foot of 'llarket street, Haim:burr. M 3 FA DDENIS MARBLE YARD CORER uF WALN77 AND FIFTH. STREEis, Harrisburg, Pa. T HE undersigned haring opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their inends dnd the public in general, that they are pre/nerd to fur nigh MARBLE WORK OF EVERY CESCRIPTION llonument:s, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Giro as a call awl we will guaranbee eacisfetatua. NITADI EN ,t co, N. B.—Lettering neatly none in Eng:ish or Grnaat auult-ckly AJOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain tunerviments to tlat: Coast:Lotion. 3PCLITRE & STONER. Chatnbersburg. Pa. Be it resolved by the Senate wad Loweof Roprean,stires of the Commonwealth of Perawy(mina iu Gers:ral Anno bly net, That toe following amen dments be propowe to the Constitution of the Cotetnimwi alth, iu ateent inie with the mei - lawns of the tenth article Mt:el: There shall be an ...dclitiunai etitzuu to the third artic:a of the Constitution, to be designated as seeder, four, as follows: "Szoms 4. Wheneverany of the qualited eleetarSat this Conimonwealth shell be in alit actual cu:taarr ser vwe an,:er a requiSitiOn from the Pre-A.:Lief the Mined State., or by the authority of this C.diution,,sith, seen electors may exercise the right of suqra,e sit elections by the citizens, udder such regnlanuus as aro, or shish to prescribed by law, as Indy as If they were prment et their usual place of election." SucTlOs 2. There shall be two additionelsections to thi: eleventh article of the Constitution, to be destgralted at sections eight and nine, as follows: "Sacrnos 8. No bit, shall be pased by the Legalararr, containing more than oue subject, which shall he cieallj expressed in the title, except approp Simon billx "cscrtos a. No bill shad be p ssed by the L,gis'ettire granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has bees, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the mats of this Commonwealth." OnICS OF THX SECRETARY OF THE CORMOOTWEALTHa HszutissuaG,April 25, 1b64. Plormsyloanio.,ss. I do hereby certify that the forogoing is a hat tr 2-., and con ect copy or the original Joint ItesoluLtu of the Genera, Assemb.y, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," aS thmiame remains on ale In tbi4 office. in TESTIDIONT whereof, I have hereunto set my [r, a.] Inind and ambled the red or the Secretary's of- Lice to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI aLIFER., Secretary of flu Commomaealth. The above resolution Laving been agreed to by a ma jority of the member- rf each !louse, at two successive sessions of the befteral Assembly of this Conarn.uwealth, the proposed amendments Mil be submitted to the pee pie, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TimiosT OP AUGUST, in the year of our Lord one thou.sitod eight nundred and diX.y-four, in accordance with the tenth tett cle of the Constitution, and the ace, entitled "•Au Act pre scnbing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approve. and rautimidon or rejection, the pro- cuSed ainendmente to the Constitution," approved the twenty- tho d day of April; one thousond eight hundred end sixty-f.der. ELI cLITER, ap27 Secretary of tie a bmvanaealk VERY PUKE, INDEED! rpo our fine and' exlensiye stock of Photo graph Album- and ets4Ogra hp— Cant Pfctarea as have add. d a BE/I,li (IFIit'ENVh.LuPE mr the tee pawl of card pi. Lures They must, be Seen find ailloe newel .tor-Pliotti g rapht•ns supplied at the very Mewl aiw:e sda price, and we' c •rd lunged upon Mat& 101 $1 24'per thoursmd, wholesale and repot at maySt SOREYFIERS BOOK ST' RE THE FARMER BOY, and how he bemme Command er-iu-Ctud,sl $5 • THE PIOYESB BOY, and how he became President, $1 THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER 130 Y, or how Bea Franklin made his mark, • 51 TIM FARMER BOT, and how he became Lieuten am General. In preen A YOUTH S HISTORY OF TIER REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roauoke; alqantly dl strata& $1 ti BE,i.NER' , BOOK WORK 'TTNRIVALLED CH&FALER FURNITURE t l / 4 -1 does no, affect the Tarnish, but astorea lustre. it does not dibcotor. it will raw e, with vi w labor, every finished surface.. ithef or , ‘ll elands timers and des era in fern:roc 811 1o , 011 „, — ;;L• cleaning furniture amt has been s,aal wiL make it brkgo —4 ' — " -14 % oust. A touch and r,b here and tilde and f.esh. Fur sale by L KUNKEL & BRO., `lB bracket Aree‘, Har thirg. Plait THE nd and T il ai ne tta stree ble ta, p be r :PartAr. au nt d er a nalf a ree S t e u e.° U • coed and OLIO hundred and sixty-eight .eet un Pie running hack turo,hundred and ten feet to garnie a tiler. there being space for tour full building lots, and a roost de [arable site for a Governor's Mansion or public builainga For particulars enquire of Mts. MURRAY, caner of Se mod and Pine reeta PIIOII`O6ILAPHS. ALARGE assortment of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures for sale $ 'BEM'. LL sl per dozen, ! , t . SWIEFFER'd BOOK relY., RE, .-myzo lionisourg, i'a RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and linic - , tt budding, Eluzi.burg. Strict atuzutton paid to tdi legal tin:quells. Hilitarg-claimc cullec4g/. citylo-d6in end . BAN: HAY!! HAY!!! 11TA.Y of. the best quality is offered for sale. Call at WCORMICK'S 00.1 L OFFICE on the Canal risbw g. apSO-t.f New Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with t first rate Store Room in it, on the corner of Fi st re et and Strawberry aley. Also, the Frame Home ad. joining. For nirther particulars enquire at Leedy's Shoe Store, Market duvet, °run the premises my23 tf DANIEL LEERY._ SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Is: nt nie,g and New York. State Cheese, -- Just renewed at • _ SHBLEtt to 5 ancoessoto to W Dock.') S Co. N " B 0 0 .11. tX SHOULB STRAPS . DAYS OF SHODDY Suet received At rdelSl SCUPPER'S BOOS SRS' FEW MA ME PIECES OF -CANVAS for -", Awnings altd _Wagon Covers. at 1040all's We Store; libsket street. zar264 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 70LUMBIN HOUSE. CAPE 11.IAY. Propnetor, CAPE L rsan N j J. H. DENNLStiN N. Iferetm's Hotel, ialack MENI stela As Tombs, Head Stones, HENRY C. JOHN:SoIi, Sfixxeker Of the Hasse e Representatiu;. .JOHS P. Pr.ANEY, Speaker of the &nat., BLOi.i.RAPHY FOR BOYS. ju4-dtf Valuable Property fur Sale. ME EL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers