MEDICAL. 0 • GOBS TI WATE:I{ CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER cotraTatrnoN WATER GREAT REMEDY FOR ME CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN .REKEDY Ei METES, and DISEASES of the 'KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Ho been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy fur the perma nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that his ever been offered. I t is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and wo now say let oo man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water note used be b c y lr ue •d mo u u nde ,c r w an d u c ck p c . ' c r , f t r it e i ta n r e a rs tio i n n s ur a; It Is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies„ while the better skilled. make use of ever} misers to accomplish a cure, and the success of the phy sician fnureases as his knowledge of different . remedies enables bun to protium- a cure, while °there fail -in the at tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. • Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under *HOLM dpeciatirtle care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all aorta of local applications fin diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be from fecal applications to the throat for diseases of the brain. We have been always careful to use language In our circular that Could nut shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications from per- BOW for which Constitution Water is adapted, and. of whose dleost,es no mention has been made, that we have come to the canclusien.thatif Ake rothedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be, it should be made known. The millicino is put up for the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like ,a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste•, it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of the pee plo for their relief, and if Laken according to the dire& Lions it will, in every caso, produce a radical cure, We would say that the directions in regard to diet, etc., re late only to the disease under which they occur. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and Is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the line= constitetiou. We have no space for discussing causes, but will stars that the effect of the disease is .the conversion of the starchy principle (Or Vegetable portion of the, food) Into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excewive secretion of water. Many persons sulfur from this disease who are Ignorant of it; that Is, they pass large quantities during the day, and, are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken ; ofit until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced us to he beyond the control of ordinary remodiea- Another symptom is the great thirst, which, W[loll the disease is Cully estab lisheid, is intolerable—the patient drinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient grade aly sinks from exhaustion CONST/TUTIONWEER is; Without doubt, the only known remedy forDiabates, and we havo as much confidence that It is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has tarred every case in which it has been used,. STONE IN TUB BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRATEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., Era, Diseases arising from R faulty secretion—in the one case tieing too little, and accompanied by severo pain, and the other a too profuse secretion—which will bespeetilly cured by the CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN. REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. IRRITATION OF THE NECK Or THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYB, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. STRANGUARY AND BURNINO, OR PAINFUL UM NATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single deso has been known to relieve the most urgent. symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of lite back and through the nips P A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will raliove you like magio. PEIYSIOT ANS Have long since given uti UM ass of bachu, cuboba and juniper In trio treatment of those diseases , and only use them for the•trant of , a better remedy; " CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself egad , tp the..task that has devolved upon it. 1)1171tETIOS inhale and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and oontlrmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the convietain that it lass cu equal In ratievlng the 04ms of'llseases for wnic.h it has been found so eminently she. heedful for curing -- ; end we trusi that we shall be rewarded fer our oilcans ukplacing so valuable a remedy an a form Willeot the requirements of patient and physician.l - READ 1 READ 1 READ I! 1 DANVILLE; Pa.,• June 2. 18611.=—Dr. Wm. H. Oren— Dear Sir: In February, 101, I was affected with sugar diaboult, and for live mouths. I,,ponsed more than two gallons 01'watof in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to gut up as often aw ten or twelve times during the night, and in five mouths 1 lust about Oily pounds in Weight During the Mouth o. July, 1.161, I procured two betties of UoulthtUtam Water, and to two days after usingtit lea. perrlenood relief, and alter taking two bottles I was eh- Itraly unreal, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. - J. V. L. UB WILT BOSTON CORNXBS, N. 1., Dec. IC, 1881 .— Wm. Oren @: Co. Cents: I freely give you tiberty to wake use of; the Ibllowiug certificate 01 the vaine of Constitution Water, Wtlieh I can retanumend In the highest manner: My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of th e beak, and is her litnlA, with • Pa‘riantion of the Heart and, Irritation of, the Bladder. I called a - physician, who attended liar about three months, when he left her . thaw he had found her 1 then employed one of the best physicians I could Qua, who attended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his eareshe did not suf , thr quite as much pain. ,Lie fiuuliy gave her up, and said "her case "alas incurable. grr," said he, "she has such a combination of complaints that medicine green for one ope rate: against scene_ other of her: &Acuities." About this time she cenunencett We use of Constitution Wawr, and to our utter astonishment, almost the - first dose seethed to have the desired effect, and she 'kept on improving rapidly under ite.treatment ' 'and no* superintends en tirely her domestic a ff air affairs. She has lint taken any bf the Constitution Water for about flair 4.ranit weave baPpy to say that It has produced a - permanent - cure. M V,K.N BENSCROTEN. Wimarrasymn, Conn., March 2, H Gregg—Dear Sir:—.Having seen your advertisement of 'Constitution Water," recommended for Inflammation of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, having.suifered for the past three years, and tried the skill Of.a apmber-of phirgefans with only temporary relief, I weaindu ied to try your medicine. I procured one bottle of your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Simon & Co., and - when I had used half o f it , to my surprise I found a great change in my. b e ams. I have used two bottles of it, and am where 1 never expeotedte be bl life, well, and in good spirits. soma express fey gratitude for it; I feel that it is all end more than you recommend is to be. May the blessing or god ever attend you in your labors of love. . y .. nra truly, LEONARD BIGELOW. .FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE gt WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietor& MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents, Jen 2841a1y6m-ood No. 46 014.6yee!.,.-New York, . Sold by Johnston, Holloiray S.; gowden. Phils. and KUNKEL ct - BRO., 118 Market Lattlet, Harrisburg, and by all Druggists. triIEFLISK' BREAKFAST a r g..4;iills J.:4 oetaod, afino chest of English Breakfasrfea l 1 SkaSLM & F H_XA4 II O WIMP= tO Wm. DMZ, A) MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRICITY. DRS. WrETLI and CREAMER, Ecketie and Electnputhic physictana, re.. , pcnithll . 7 olar tne, servlcLa in ail the various br a nch,s ci the profaamon, for the treatment et cii a_;:t3 and ch:oate tormi of The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Eleetro-Magnet ism, the Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and in act, all the natural curative agents that may succestfully be brought to bear upon the disarm. They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to these generally' employed byphysiciaus, from the fast that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they coiffinct themselves to no par dealer ?nay or cyders, they attribute their success S controlling disease. The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful In its phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or iIL It is an over present, all-pervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see it in the lightmug's flush and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo sition and transformation. It excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of life growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the - stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, atersendts it on rte important omen of supply ins nutriment according to the uecessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the gtoat agent through which the mind acts upon the bodys It is the cause of all causes except the fast great cause. the Infinite thud which created it and brought it into u e These may appear like mere asscrtiot . Is,. but they as. facts admitting • strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so - wonderful' in its phe uotnena, se powerful in its manifestations end so intimate. ly connected with all the operations of the human sys tore, should be almost absolute in its power of controlling disease? Certainly not It IS a natural sequence and' fuliors'as surety as day follows night. Among the diseeses which aro found to yield readily to Eletancity, in conaunotton with proper e 4 inlet treatment, }nay be mentioned the following; Incipient'Cousimirtion, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, _ Hysteric and ottter Convulsions; Se.uralgia, In its e inst. forms, Rhuematisin, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the uei ruus.systetn; Oyspep sia cums in a few treatments; all diseases of the unmary dud genital organs,. remale'Diseases„ Asthma, Piles and re Protapsus Aid; Aumusis and all kindred sil , ctions of the eye; damns, ,trictures, all skin .diseases, As. Persona calling will ue to.d whether they can be bene• titled and nu case taken where some relief cannot be af furded. Cessallation free Office, 9 , uth Second street, beam Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pat OM& hours from Bto 12 a. m., 1)4 toff add 7 toll P. ff. ALEX_ It. VinirETH, Id. D., .apl3 Lit .i. NILTIJr tatkAMER.; JULIUS ItOS.E.NDALE, 29 Practical and Sdientifle O 1:" rr IC .1. AN MAUFACTURER AND IMPOATER OF OPTICAL, . MATHEMATICAL AND PHILOSOPIII CAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 25 NORTH SECONu STREET, NF.A.R. WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. The following instruments will be forwarded, free, to any ad. tress, on rec.ript of the price : Insect Microscope; for examining all kinds of fn. Lects, flowers, or plants-- ...... ...... 4. $1 00 Seed Microscope; for examining seeds, insects. minerals, Sc 1; 2 00 Rosendale's Student's Micloscepe; power 50; 150, and 250 diameters. A beautiful lustr,ument fur general microscopical analysis, paokedin a neat box Rifle Telescope; to see at a distance atweor three miles; can bo attached to any rifle . 5 00 Stereoscope-; a new and improved inStruinent .. 2,26 Do. with twelve pictures.... : 500 Spectacles of the highest refractive power tof strength en and preserve the eyesight, with alarg , assortment of Opera and Field Glasses, Barofnoters, Theintomelers, Magnets, Drawing instruuients, itya-Send'statnp for a catidegna'containing prices, fec. Sc. .F Idtf - • A. F. ZIMMIEWNIAN Practical • Wateh No. fa Market Street, Hrtrrisbarg,,Pa. . DEALER IN .• FINE WATCHES 6 •• 111 SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, - TEA SERVICES, AND ALL EINDS.OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selected Ithd elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCHES CHAINS, RINGS, • • AND SETS. ' FINE SILVER WARES AMERICAN; ENGLISH AND SWISS 3VATCDZS Both in Gold and Silver Cases. Also, a fine assortment of - - • • LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on hand. A irtoras V.L.BIETY OP GrA-INIT CLOCI3CI4, Of all descriptions; all of WhlcliVrill he sold the LOWEST CASH PRICES • ee-Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine *etches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated . Watches, and all kiwis he Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most ixtropetent workmen onipinYed, the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, • mar2Bl No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant EMIL, Steam Weekly to iLiverpOol. TOIIOIIINGatQITEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company; are at tended to sail as folloWs: Edinbornugh, Saturday, Juno 18.• City of Washington, Saturday, Juno 25 City of litannhoster, Saturday, ' July 2. kUTES uF t'itiSAGEs PAYABLE t COLD,-OK MB EQUIVALENT DI 017REENCIY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00STSSRAGE .. $3O 00 do to Loudon 85 00 do to London . r 34'00 c i do to Paris.. ...... 0800 ,do to Patin ... 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hambiirg,... 37 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen, }totter dam, tutwerp ; &c .; ELL , liqUany law rate& ' .. Fares from Liverpool or QUOMISIOVII/i. ili. " Cabin, $75. $B5, $lO5. Steer.l43ls ; $35. Thuso wildwlsh to send for their friends can buy, ttekets here at these ralf 3 4 , ' For further information apply at the Company). Offices ' JOAN 0. 'DALE', ' Agent, 15 BroadwaY; N. Y . or 0..0 ZTAINIERMAN. Hamsburg. .1f23-41y INSURANCE COMPANY .OF NORTH AMERICA , No 232 Walnut _ Street4S - etatli Side, _East of 'Third Street,. Pttiladelphia.. AMOUNT OF ASSETS.. ............. ...-..51,556,663 50 • • INOOPRORATED 1794, . CAPITA' , $51:10,000 CHARTER PERPATITAL. la - atina, Fire and inland Tianstortation In - • • • • nuance. • • . COFFIN 'Presiden ONARLES PLATT , s k e ß cr T e ß ta"Ty. - • - WILLIAM BUEITLER ..kCentral fiir'Perrusittrailit. Office Walnitt. St., near Second ; ffarrislitir Pa . . rny2l-Stn :• - - . , VA NIEL A:. ,NTU EN C !AZT N T OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully forms the public that this Old Daily Transpertation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in tiia. city,) is in successful operation and prepared to oar r y L eight as IoW as any other individual line between Phila. dolphin, Harriseuig,Nihibury, Lewisburg,..Williarospo r t, Jersey Shore”Lock - •Haven and all oilier points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Me and Williameport and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL d. 3iIEIENTCH.,.Agent, _ lierrlsburg; Pena'a. Goods sent to the Warehouse - of Hessm. , Poilimok, Zell Ai Mechelen., bios. - 808mirt810 Market street, , above alb Philadelphia, by 4:o'clock, POW., will arrive at Harr' burg, ready for dell.Tery, next morning.' .(4 ,80-rdni. - vt . . . .. . . ~ .... . . .. TrIO Lki) EE S. :-,lf yott. iiish . good : ,----,.,_ ji. Paper, Enyeliefee Ink, Penaf of ailyl.4oke, JJeum ,Matitutery , lirce,.!you will do well by calp r ~ else Ili the ....., z - SCREPEEP, , 4 „4 , - , ) 4, , ~ l 10/9 " ' - -KBToRE, - Karriaburg. MEDICAL. D R. JOHN L. LYON'S RE HR PERIODICAL DROPS, En THE tiREAT 29 FEMALE _REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy that will succeestuny and invariably restore and regulatethefemaleeyatem; remov ing all irregularities, and producing ltealth t vigor and atrpngth. LYON'S 1 ) 1RIODIOAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only tree one of the kind ever discovered In this country, Arid acts 'direcUy on the parts affected, whilst pilitrand!powders can only reach, them as they work through arhipathy, but not at alt direct and positive. Are - yoir imffesinitrom a constant anxiety for`the rept lar return or nature's prescribed ham, Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's PeriodiOal Drops, if taken a nay or two before the expected period, will pool. Lively - and invariably regulate its coming, as sure as effect follows 'cause, as certain awdayllght follows darkness. Are you' Wok, enfbebiled by disease, or unable to beer the labor and danger of immense r: `7~! ~ i 4.YORPS PRBIDDIDAL. DROPS Come to youls a blessing, for is not - prevention baiter than Onto If regularly taken, it la ■ certain preiintive, and will save you - mach peril and many hours of suffering. Have you been afflicted for many Team, With complaints incident to the an; that have baffled tit§ . skill of physi cians, and:are hurrying you on to . an sadly grave ? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS &re themost reliable regulator ever knovni, atid cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctor's you waste away With suffering from Lenwrrhcea. Procapans, Dyemenorrhcea, and, a phousand other ditilcul , des, all summed up under , the name of suppressed and obatnuned nature, whew= Investment of one dollar In LYOI4'S PERIODD:4I DROPS will surely saws you.; - Do not use the.thtpc when forbick_leit in the directions, for although- a ours, and harralea a all toga timeit, they ate sojkiabilul and finely Calculated to aditisi and govern the Cuttalistla Of:the aexuel Orgaubttp, that, ti utkea at improper timett,' they would , produce results con irery to nature, sipdpet. w h ich particalarly-those who would reproduo . o, should %Wu* gaud. AYors PE.III . ODIdAt MON .. . , , Monet harm` _delicate 'corieuttillon at any time; .. . . yet the propriatora wild& to guard against its' misuse, 110 1:1 11 6 that a thou:oat tiottleia will be mad for a 'pied our. 'easewbere One la, arid for an I.lleotimati:, one. LYON'S.PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, In the 04. y arid oomitm, ,and do not, if you value your liealthAufdt'arish Tor- reMable medicine, buy any other. ..Takemo. other, but if the Druggist to whom you apply iiits'notot it; MakO hinisentra:nd 'get it for you. '1" - a' va - ' - CLAP. .&, CO -1 _ Neu , Haven, Coot. • At Wkokiale,- by .4,0 1 3X4t* HOW)W47, & COWV ~,131, T orth Sixth Street, ea 0 • • -0 t3j -a - P'X" • IMI E2l two c> ab ~ .~ ~ b ~ ~.., M GO pia:. El 122.111 E i a .180PM=BA% delphis, Pr .0, V So, MEDICAL. Mt JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, RPecAY and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF lIIPEDDENOE RELIE9 DI SIX TO TWELVE MUM NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS! DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Dow/ Wes Lames of the Back, Affections of tho Kidneys and Bladder_ [voluntary Discharges, Impotency , Genial Do bility, Nenousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation or the Heart, Timidity Trembliuga, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skirt, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of %twos to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &0., impossible. YOUNG KEN Especially, who have become the victims.of Solitary Vice, that dreadful'and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hare entranced listening Senates with the than: dors of eloquence or waked to annoy the hying lyre, mny call with full confidencee. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Young Alen contemplating marriage, being aware of phyideal weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. . Ho who places himself anger the care of Dr. J. mayre: ligiously conllde nia honor as a gentleman, and ''oa t& dandy rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmedlately mud, and full rigor restored. This distressing, affection—which readers Mb raise cable and marriage impossible--Lithe penalty paid by LO.O vic tims of improper Indulgence. Young peraona are woo apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that: may ensue. Now, why - then' ender stands the aubject:will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into impropet habits than by the prudent, Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy oiltspring, the most Oarless and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspopsiaAmipltation of the beset, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of thefranna.miugh, con sumption, decay and death. Winos No. 7, Soya FEKDHIMOIL army, Loft hand side going from Baltimore streistot Paw doors Prom the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas bang in his office. DR. JOHNSON. Metribortf , the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad .tutte from one of ,the most eminent colleges in the United Atates, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia sod else where, has effected some of the most astotashisig CAM* that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when - asleep, great nerveusness, twins alarmed at sudden soutitM, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes witlf derliAgeinekt of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR 'NOTICE. ,- - - These are Some of the sad and moLsneholy effects pro. duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, direness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &c. Itarraur.—The fearful effects ou the mind are much 'to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de• pfusaion of spirits, evil foreland**. aversion to, society, self distrust , love of solitude, timidity , &e,., are soraefor the evils Produced. YOUNG IEN Who have injured themselves by a certaiti practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently . learned trim evil companiormy or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, oven wbon asleep, and if not cured. renders marriage n !walla°, and destroy, both mind and body, shouldt 'at mediately. Matt that a young malt, the hepatic hisbonnirv, the - darling of his parents, shank:kid snatched from Preacieets and enjoyments of life, by tas consecinence deviating from the path of nature and Indulging In a certain- st et habit. Such persons Nun. before content. plating MARRIAGE, • Reflect that a sound mind and body are the mist necessary eequisitee to promote connubial happiness. Indeed , with out these, the journey thrciugh life beeomee. a wbezy pit ariracKe ; the prospect hourly darkens to The view; the mind becomes shadowed with 'despair and tilled with - the melancholy reflection thattlto happiness. of another bee wales blighted with our own., DISEASE OF MIPRITDENCE: When the misguided . and impradent votary.of *sank. dads be has imbibed the seeds, of this painful disease, too often happens, that an inclined sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him He falls into the hands of ignorant, and designing peeterm ors, Who, incapable of curing; Inch. his- pecuniary 'gab stance, keep him trilling month after month, onus long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave biro with mined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, or, by tne use of chedeadly poison, Mercury, hasten the conatitutiointleynapt p eof this terriblethaeaae,soch asalree tines of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etn.;progressine with frighttal rapidity till death puta a,:peelad to hit dreadful sufferings by sending him to that andlanovered country from whence no traveler returns INDORSEMENT QF 1114 P.IPUN. -.- The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous Important surgical operatiom performed by. IX Jobasoa, witnessed by the reporters of the Maly (Nipper, and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and agalb before the public,. beildet hie standing as a gentleman of character and resipensi bility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. # SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED.' rtisive No; 7 Son h Frederick Street. ap26-dly 'TR - RIM IS NO SUCH WORD ..241' FAIL " TARRAIU'S 00311:POD EXTRAOT OF CUBERS AND COPAIBA. This "timpamtion, is particularly recommended to the , - wEnICAL PROFESSlON:antl`ttieTtrttLlC for the prompt and pertain Cure of DISEASES DETRE Ar..AppE*, NETS, lIRINNRY'OGANS, ETC.' It may he relied on' as the Weil' Mode for the adminfittrif tion of these remedies iii the large class ofdiseasesotboth sexes, to which they are apptteable,. , It never interferee with the digestion, and by Its condentration, the date V 3 much reduced. • N. B. —Purchaiers are advised to ask ftor TARRAN7 COMPOUND BitritAcr cusmas JA. and take nothing else, as Imitations and worthless; p! gips nitiona, ander similar names ; are in the =Mot. Nice El 00. Sent by express on receipt 'orprioa " Ma. mina rural only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 540 r pw j ab street, corner of Warren street, New Yotk, fen. rn- w oists .gmerally. *ea I dly Tor salo by 8. - ICIOTNITLE by D e r a ge b a t z generally. 3R , A r. SteaDy Job Primal .ir • " "" t , ESTA.BLISIEVIENT, TRIED STREET, NEAR WAL'Xint, RAEIIISBIBID, PA. ftA.VING recently tray Jobbing Department a large amount of new type, several new fast awe presses of the most improved machinery, and other material, we are now prepared to ezeonte at short notice, and in the motapproveit style ALL KINDS 01 7 KILARY BLAN LEITER S IIEE M T HD/SINGS, KS, CIRCULARS,, , BILL KKADS„ KrISINESS CARDS; RAILROAD BLANES, POSTERS, in one or more cams, . • PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LIDING. PREMELSSORY NOTES, • LEGAL BLANK AND JOB WORK. 0 F A - LL DESGRII I- TIONS, PLAID', OR ORNAMENTAL. Ordersfrem a distance attended to promptly. - l HIE , Bili&ANO1 SHERRY, diffritod" , ittitse 4 witindatithe afflat Sherri one in,this country. For sale at _ SHLSLER & ritAtax; - feta (oaccessora to W. Dock, ix & co.) RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! - A AC- ""Je/ITTIIIIIO,7tr SPILiNG TIME MULE. FIVE TRAMS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPIIIA. ON 43D AFTER MONDAY; lli; Ittb, ISG4, TVELE Passenger Trains of the Petatsylvania Railroad company will depart from and arriTC at Ear riEbtuz and Philadelplda as follows: EASTWARD. TH14)13011 EXPREI3 . • TRAM leaves - Harrisburg dally at 2.46 A. N. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.65 a. IL FAST LLNE leaves Harrisburg daffy (except Mondays at 0.00 A. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. a. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. EtuL~P JUT AccommonaroN, leaves Ilairtsbarg at 7.20 a. n., connects at Lancaster wllh Lancaster accent mNiation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia as 12.26 e. a. Ver1,1751131A ACCOMMODATION TRAIN - . leaves Harris burg at 12 20 p, >d ; Columbia 1.55 P. 2d., and arrives at IJ/waster 2.30 r. a. ; convecting with Fast Mail mat at Lancaater for Poiladelphra, and arrives at West Fhtladel phis at 5.30 P.M. MAIL TWAIN leaves Harrisburg at -1 20 P. IL ; Lorne-aster at 2.47 r at. , and arrived La West etifiadelphia aL 5.30 P HARRI.424M2G AI33.ISISIuuATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaven Harrisburg at 5.25 P. at., and arrives at West Philadelplakt at 10.50 P. IL WESTWARD. BALTIMORE-EMPRESS TRALN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Hondan 142.10 A. 11.; Altouna s .2.3s take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. 11/. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.= Altoona at 8.20 e. N., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO F. it. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1:30 P. x; Altoona at 7.1 b P. at., take supper, and arrives at pittaburg at 12.30 A. N. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.00 P. m. ; Altoona at 13 35 P. x., take supper; and arrives at. Pittsburg at Leo o. mOUNT JOY ACCOHHODATION leaves Lancaster et o A. a , arrives at Harrisburg a11...1U HALRISHURG ACIA).4I.I4ODATioN TRAIN leaves West Palladelphja at 2.45 r. b. , and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 e. a. MOUNT JOY ACC° tiIiODATION No. 2. leaves Lances ter at 8.25 P. connectin th-r,e with flarcisburc Accom modation West, blares Mount Joy at 7.00 P.M. and mitres at Elarilabargat Lig r. M. . - . - SAMUEL n: YOUNG, Supt. Middle Dia Penst's E. R. Harrii.burg, May It 1884...-40 Northern Central Railway SUMMER. TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FE= BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY Connections made with trains onPanssylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, 52miv., and all of Northern New York. ON and after IdONEW,Y, MAY 16th, 1864, the. Passenger Trains of " the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD. HAIL TRAIN. loaves Subtlety daily (except Sunday) _10.25 A. X. loaves Harri5burg..............1.20 n a. arrives at Baltimore.. 5 40 P. a. EXPRESS-TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1L45 r. leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50 A. 1 - ." arrives at Baltimoro daily . 7.00 A. M. trARRTS - 11 trim- ACC47lol7StrlTltT Y leasva Har- .7.00 A. Y. STWIDRY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. • bury daily (weeps Sun .daY) at 7.30 A. x RTHWA 11. D . VAIL TRAIN Salaams daily (except . . Sunday). • 9.20 A. St . " loaves Baxrisburg • 185 r. x. " " arrives at` Sunbury 11 - EXPRE BS TRAIN leaves Baltimore 9.30 r.-at. 4 , arrives at Harrisburg..- L5O A. IL leavesHarristiarg daily (ex cept Monday).. 115 A. ia " arrives atSunbury ..... 5.03 A. IiARRISIBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bat tl®ore daily (except Sun d ... 0 0 arrives ay) at Harrisburg 7.50 P. M. SONBURY ..I).CCOMM9DATION loaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) • • , at ' 400 r. Tor further, Op fforinatlou, apply,!A tbie Office,. in Peunsyl vunla Railroad Depot; J. N. DuBARRT, ~ Rarriabaur, :Ray 16; 1884.ulif Gen_ Rapt. 1864.. woo. 411r 1, juL • , • „e . Phil& delpitia and Erie Rail oad. fr9ilB ;: peat line Areverses the Northern and A. Word tweet counties of Eonneyh - anis to the city of Erie, on 1., Ike Erie. ' . . _ It has be en leased by the Pat.^..nrrl.VerrlL RaiMecum Com ex:cc, and queer their auspices 15 being rapidly opened throughout: Mr—entire length. It Is new is use tor Passenger • and Freight baldness flan garriaburg te 'St MArre (216 miles) on the Eastern Di ilkiton, and from Shedield to Elio (Th Tea) on the MetherniEttetsion. TI ME Or PASTLOIGKR TRAY?( iMiItitZBURG. Leave EaAward, AiaiT Tran , ~~fa Leawi 'Northward. Nail ISaii .. Expreaal, „te n • ' 135 P. M. ..&15 n. Cara r ' l2 "- 11 ' 0 ; 111 0 wrruvixtr CHANCIB boar ,„, a on these ! — ' 1 " 11 between' Philadelphia - and Lock Littina', and be* ` w ,,, °61 2 Baltimoreiand.,Lyck Haven. jam Sleeping pitra on Express trains both says be "`"s•3l a -Williamsport, dud Italtimorstland liirilliamsaort and Phi) p h Tor mfdisiation , Passenger busdnesesspply at ." e 8.. E. Corner 11th and Market, streeta. And for Freight business of the Company's Agent is • . & - B.' -Kingston, Jr. , corner • 13th and Market . M reek; Philadelphia.. . . • - J. W._Rernedds, fte. ' Drill Agent N. C. R. B. Baltimore. • B. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Pkil'a. LEWIS- L. HOU% General Bast Agent Phil's. JO& D. :POTTS, Gomm! Manager, .WBliantriamt" mr2o dlvl NEW AIR --LINE ROUTE. _ . -r, a r taat 1 I • A AL , AZ -arjliCjille,. • • THREE TRAINS DA ILY TO NEW YORK PIEULAD.ELT'Etti. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1863; the Passenger Trails will leave the Plat /Rapala and. Reading Railroad Depot,,at Harrisburg, k New York and Philadelphia, as . follows, viz EASTWARD: 2iXPRI739 LINk lesives - Harrisburg' at' 6.30 A. sr., on ar rival of the PeMMVP7MIiia F.xpr.sit Train , from the West, arriving in New York ai '1.45 A. ra. A. slpeping car is attached to the. train .through from Pittsburg without Ohal4e blAlL loaves - rimnsburg atiou a. m, arriving m New York at 5.30 P. , At., and Yltiladelphia at LEO P. r. FAST LLVE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. M., arriving in New York at 10.26'P st., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. x. WESTWA-RD. FAST LDlEleaves New York at 6,00 A.. xi., and Phila. delkia at 8.15 A: nt., - skiving at Harrisburg at Lib r. M. MAIL TRAIN leave/ New York at 12.00 noon, and PfdindeAllna at &BO It it., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 k.K.PREI3S TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. x, ar riving at Harrisburg at,2.00 s. a. and connecting with the Penntylvana Ripreas Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to phis train.. Ccimieeliotui are' trade at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, %Northern, Central and Cumberland Valley ,rasireada, and at &Wing for Philadelphia, „Pottsville, Wrilkeelxthni Allentown, Eagan, thro,tigh. rare botw.dert New York na. .burg $6 16 tween Harrisburg and Yltiladel llnlar43 1111.113N0. 1 tiarakand $0 fr4N02,,,. • Or. t *or other. iriforr*tion. poly (knout Agent, Harrisburg, CUMBERL-4IID II FRANKL I Iv ilk 11..""Y" RAIL ROADS. ORANGE ril OF HOURS.— and altar mot day, Ap 4th, 1884, Paaseu on ats daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted.) F tre will r ., 4 FOR caL4MBERSBURR 4WD HAS72/4/3uRG: A. R . 7.00 2.4 71 7 3 86 5.114$ u, e 4) 30 tus 9 9'2 2.02 Leave Hagerestown— " Greencastle... Arrive at Cuembersbarg, Leave at. Leave Shippensburg, " Newvilte Carlisle a it._5.55 10 10 242 meehatilosburg ................. e la 4 , 2 a u Arrive as Harricnurg E. 55 1 2 , 5 La PUS CLIAMBER.SBURG AND EA •a. 4 k Leave Harrisburg • B.os " , 41 Ilec Newville 0 hanicsberg . ....... • ... .. 847 210 4 414 w Carlisle 9.17 v .. 9 5.5 4 stam 1.22 2: ensborg to 3g 4 4.1 Arrive at ............ 11.00 430 ClUUnberagli 5, j Leese at ............ .1210 4 .40 Leave Greecastle 7.0 Arrive at Hagerstown ................. 12a 10 for Philad e points West York azd Ntsburg ; sni ga-The Train leaving Earzi:lyiag at, only as far as Carlisle O. N. Lfl_r_. R. R. Office, Charnherpbtery., Apr,: 4. MU-1y RE&DIf i ISAILItO-41) SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, GHEAT TRUNK Lre:P., FROM fibs NORTH and Northwest fer ktoluling, Pottsville, Lebanon, AV - envie/ 4 Trains leave Harrisburg far Pluiadelphia, 11' n , w ei tr igt Nuiville and ail statirdr,, at, and 2.00 r. x. N ew Yo r k Express kw.. Earri,a , :ix at 610 a., arriving at New York at 1.4.5 the same day. A special Accommodation Passencer train h , rei • ng at 7.15 A. at., and retards fiemllarr.ber; at 5 r. fares trvra Harrisburg: To Ned Vora, Sa doiphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checks. tl_ratgb., Returning. leave New York at 6 a. a.. 12 r. (Pittsburg Ktprass arriving at liantilicirg at 2 A. Lasts Philadelphia at 15 IS., a., and 3.35 r, Sleeping main the New Tura Express ineas,thteath to and from Pittsburg without clatage. Passengers by the Catawiasa Railroad Tadao& it, 8.60 A. Da, and 2.10 P. n., for ilidadeir.b.m. Ncli !art, and all way pointa. Trains leave Pottaville at 0.15 m_, and 2.5) ra, for Philadelphia, Harrisburg :.rid New York. An Accommodate*. Panseneer tram letters Senduig &OSA. x. slid returns from Pintacteiplta at 6.00 sir All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvt;le at 7.30 a. a., acs adelphia at 3.15 r. a. Commutation, Mileage, Se ca and acras:on tickM u red men nada Ti. and from al! Dots. BO pounds baggage allowed to each person. ti 21Cous, Genera t Supenntet.dtat May 2, 1864--Alkwtr tiataaX Iibm.IITIMI I Applicable to all useful Arta. A new thing. LIB Combination Boot and Shoo 111171 ufacturers. Jewelers. Families. 1864 lt,Nt a liquid P.exaeatter. rinls3 1W P. IL A.. IL Agents In Philad. teis-day COSTAR'S EXTEEM'NATOIB For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Red Sup Mosquitos, Moths IW Furs, Woolens, etc., insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, jgargold by; all Druggists evitrysitere /aril t BEWARE I 1 1 of all worthless imitanoro Coatir's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. IgirSold by D. W. 6110' At Wholesale and retail Harrisburg, P.-. marl64ltwfi'm MAGNOLIA BALM. Tms is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. jt changes tee ai r burn and Foch and Hands to a pearly, Satin texture d Wishing beauty, imparting the warble purity of youth . , and the distingue appeal mice so in the city be lt of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roue. 11031301 the akin, leaving tne anopiertea th-sb, Er - wisps rent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to tha Skin. Patronized by Actresses and 017 0 6 and re 1126ters. e what Orgy lady should have. Sold tr e tall e by S. A. SIINKEL & BRO., 1.1.8 Market street, Hard-burg APPLES. We bare just received a fine selection of APPLES, bi prime order. For ale by the bassol„ Natant or grali quantity L' t & FUZEE, ren3 (gli"" nr .WM Mc k . . . 20 BOXES ORANGES iAected froui law importations, and the mast superior ever brougnt to ibis market at this season, just r ac eices an d (sr tale rehl SHISLER & FRAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, r , .5 Co. I.BobB k.: & EL/WEI/MI:8 ENGLISI2 / PICKLES, a rare article for table ase. - Just rec' v '' Ind tar at" by ' MUSLIM 4t- FRAZ( II . rebl (mummers to Wm. pock, /Ls CDJ piriarCßlEßtaTrelv7oCrELESlonen.lil--Byntantibe 0 7 s, *‘ no%) • MSLM+' (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr.,k Ca) RAILROADS. libeitil Lind %las:able Discovery. HI LT 01Vz.i INSOLUBLE CEMENT of mote general practivii than any invention now beton ta. public, It has oven thuronehly lErwd dunng the last two year by primal men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO e ar Adhegive Preparatiora knowa. HILTOS'S Lssounin CraiSST is a uir, thing, and the result of year al study; Ira COmbination is on Scientific PrinciD! , /, And under no chuirmite,ca change of temperature, come eorrept or omit aru Men, BOOT AND SFIOE Manufacturers, using Ma' cnine3, wW find it the hen article known at Cementing for the Channels., it work without delay, is not affected by any change of tomparsture. JEWELERS Will find it• suffteamtly adheetre tat their use, as has been proved. It fs Eszeciaffy adapted io Lealk And we claim as an 6iecial men; that it sticks Patches to Boon Snrsui sufficiently - strong Snot tching. it is the only LIQUID CE.MENI Satan that is a sure thing for meed• arnittire, Crockery TOTE. •Bone, And articles Of Household no REMEMBER linsonen Lnnamans Clclntsr is in tr. liquid Conn and as eaali • - plied es pate. Husea's IMOLCBLE 04111 M la insolnole in water in RuSon's INBOLVIELS CEldn't Adheres oily substances Supplied in Family or lianai4 curers Packages from . 2 ounces tole' .TON BMA *CO., Proprietors, ' - Providowe, LAING & M.AGITINK RATS, ROACHES, &c. As SPril , d "approaches A.N s and ROACHES From their holes come - and; And MICE and SATS, rif CATS, • Gallp slap about. "15 years esuogiitied la N. Y. MY." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons.° "Not dangerous to the Homan "Rats come out of their holes to die'' 864
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers