THE TELEGRAPH Is P BLISHED MORA - LW .A.ND EVENING', i;1" GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE; THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. 'TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIO,F. SIN GLE E.,-CRIPTI( hts PAILT TELEMAPIE is gerced to SubSeribara in the ., Joy at 8 cents per week:. Ve;.rly embscriners will be based $5 00 in advance. "'These person: 4 who neglectto ;;y in advance will he cintrgcd $6 CO. WEEKLY TELEGBAPIL 'Pax TELEGRAM is also published weekly, and isfurniabcd subscribers at the fellowittg cash rates - - 3ingle copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post ("Ripe Tin rnnia t. ono Pont nffinn.'„, MEDICAL. ELIXIR DR. WRIGHT'S . . REJUVENATING ELIXIR., OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. ?aTtr..A. from PureV,,egetable Extracts, containing Junk. tb6 must Delicate. . , TtgJut:email* Elixir Is the result of intalein .L.3cavuries in the vegetable kingdom; being. an entirely , ceir acid abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the !I and worn-out Systems. arThis mediciue -has been tested by the most eminent t uediral men of the day, and by thomi.pronounced to be OCR of the greatest mg.:heal discorerlee of.the age u-One bottle will cure General Di bility. grs. few doses cures Hysterics in females. Air One bottle cures ; Paipifdion ?f the Heart. , a-A few doses re s tores the oigitnot getteration. , is—From one to three bottles restores the manliness and fed rigor of youth. I - girik few doses restores the appetite. gai-Three bottles cures the worst case of ImpMeintly,, ifo-A few doses cures tee low spirited. x i -One bottle restors mental power. ffrA few doses bring the rose to the ,1-7 This medicine restores to manly vigor and robus health the poor, debilitated, worn-down' and' despairing derote, , of sensual pleasure. ass-The [halm, enervated youth,"the over-tasked man, of business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dmeual suffering from general debility, or from weakuese of n ainale organ, will all [lad immediate and permanent rend by tho use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. -Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad tirta. -Sold by all dniggists every's:Hero. - DR W, R KERWIN & CO l, ' Sole Proprietors, inarri-ecally No. 50 Liberty street, New York, • CHEWKEE PILLS. I SFIG,IR:CO.A.T RD FEMALE , REGULATOR, HEALTH PItESERVER, CERTAIN AND SAFE. For the,Remotal of Obstructions and the insurance tor RegUlaray.inthe Recurrence of the Montlay "Pei - tolls: ,They cure Or obviate those' numerous diseasea that sprin g from irregularity, by ,removing the irregularity - • Alai-They mire Suppressed, ExceEisive and Painful lien atxuation. . . 44-They cure Green Sickneas (Cklorosii.) mg-They cure Nervous and.dplual Affections, pains ID tile buck and lower parts of the. body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Pelkiiatiol or itie Bean, Lowness of Spirits, flysteria,'Sick.ReaAaehe; Giddiness, ICc. , so, In a word, by removing - We: irregularity, they remove the cause, and with the effects that spring Glint it sgr Coloposed of simple vegetable extracts, ,they con sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, their function7btdrig- to substitute strength for Weakness, whirl:l f -when properlrused, they never fail to do. • . ,They may. be safely,nsed at any age, and at any perioe, EXCEPT ' si6u.No TB inner TRIM/I MONTHS, during welch the unfalll4 nature:or their action would infallibly Tome= pregriano':," 4-All letters geakAng . :inforisiation or advice will be promptly, freely4GM 'discreetly' answered. 44 -Full direct:ions ticpanaiiany'eacb boy. Price, $1 per tios,• or Six: biixes for $5. 4Sent. by Mali; lStae oC postage, on receipt of.pries. 49r - Sold by all*Spectable druggists. BE. W. RI : KERWIN /W - CO., Sole Proprietors. unixll.-codly No: 69 Liberty street, New York. Fur sale ht Diarrisburg by S. A KUNKEL & BRO., 115 Markel street . - • E L tt, IQ 0R S Shissler & Frazer, (Successors toW m. Dock, Jr. & Co.) T\EALEIts iN FINE FAMILY GROCE 7 RIES , U o Court House. have on nanlia Dna Stlict;LlULl of . • BRANDIES , of different vintages. . FINE AND COXMON WINES, • Mrl-IISKYS. "JLD BOURBON, MONONUARBLA • IRISH AND SCOTCh 'A r tilgirys, The best ever brought to this market. 43LD WREAT, FAMILY NECTAR; And the celebrated .CIthblEUT GROVE WIIESEY. CIIA3IPAG.NE WINES. sBLOSS 10.bANNESBURG, cigm. SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. , LONDON BROWN TOUT. WTLD puma PLANTATION,WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS Witt a complete stook of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES and Condiments or every description now in the =whet, and at THE LOWEST RATES MOTH PoyvpEizg FOIt PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING ."7/7 EECS POW DER — aCompound of valuable T articles for the destruction insects--distribute 4 among or dusted,over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, glothinii, &c.,,panltett away for summer , will effectually precont motif;'; Being also adelightftd, diahsable perfume it will im p regm a t clothing, , with a lasting and plea..vant odor. ThellnetlMPrin daunt be injured by its up,e prepared and gap at K.ELLE.B.'S ano,Fipry. Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. A. :P.' T EU PSER, . TE . OF MUSIC arrivEAT WARD'S MIISIC STORE, _ N * Thi rd Ftf , guipnez: Third street, above North. VVi sim „ u ; JWELDING; INVITATION &ND AT ROME CARDS.—By a special arrangement w ith due or the beeiengrevers in the country, ~cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, eci i ihrw ili hi e with the ntiian fashion, :and 'Supplied promptly, at lower prices than are-charged by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia:e roPstUnPleKand prices .can at BERGNER'S 8008 STORE. mOot-dtf (lUM * PECTURAL6 are useful to aoOr 4 u a \JI nough, allay Tickling in the Throat . , to relieve Roanmueea Catarrhs •Stare Throat, . fix l'hey Colternto., laerettountl, Ipatacuaulta, Sanwa and•Sgaill, (the more reliable expertoranu• known,) are the °bier as oatattittlenta eo Wended with - Glum --Antbic and SW, that " each Mzeuge•ountallu i l,a mild and verrpleasanviloes. Manufactured by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., ian27 Annthertirie7olB:•ldarkei street, Harnariaisi. }FARS! HAMS !I —ltlichener's ExceLsior. Just, cured. Received and for sale at SHISLER R FRAZER =I .. . .. • .. . ~. • . . .. ~ „ ' • • _ .... . .•;\ .. \ \ \ N z - , '' - '' . - 7 - •. • .....- .. ...„. ~ - , , 1 ////'• .. • • :- ~ ..; :. ' • 1.4./ . "- -•-• . -• • . . -.•-• • * ' •-I .' - ', .,'<" ) ...‘ upe ..-_,..7--._....., ; •-,- _ __. -_. , , ~....„,,.....„.....„...;.. ~_ :. . 1j . . _ , .:.;,. . : - . ... ._ .. : _ ..,. , - :11 ..,,,. ...........„„,,,,.. : , i1 t : , : ,,, ::::; ,.- , , , ..,,..,____ __?... :"...:,-, . „. . i . : . 1,..,...... i .,...• ._ ,; . . : • . . . .. • , &tk i li N ,•,:* ' ~.,- ~ '' - k ( ° ' - "e‘l'" ''.. g • :' .11Tia . -4: - -..••• ti[. .;. , ~ • ".... ~-:•!. " ...1'..., ,- tOkt., C.,- ..4% , -•.-- . 4, - I, .-._-, __,.- -i. •-•-- --- • ,zi'-':',.r.c -, : ,- • • f, . aof.: ' : •,, / ' !' t.- ..,.....y.# ' t --' t . .q. irc .'JOaItDECM. , . _ ..,.z., - -A' ••• , ~ 1.1 GO 4 CO BY GBORGE BERGNER. MEE .10 00 ELIXIR REgEDIES-,!' KIT.OIO2T - r . 46 11 - E rel It - 0 D 71,..4 91 Gpls : 4llINE PREPAR4.IIQM, :tiftti ITELIII3OLD RYTRAC2' BARS'APARfrpi - HELMBOID IitPROVE.D.Radi HIGHLY CONCENtRA•TE,D,”, cOMPOUND FLUiD, EXTRACT BUCHU., BLADDER, KIDNEYSi, 64A.VEL AND DuopeacAL SWELLINGS , • .1 . - THIS Meclicirie ihereases• the - power of IX gestiim, and cornitee•iito'AßSOßßENt& into healthy action, by-whictittia - xv"ATurey or CALtEROUS depoai• Mon and all UNNATURAL ENLALIGENENTS are let duced, as"well as-pain and itditunniation; awl la gOod- fOr URN, WOMEN or CHILDREN: HFLNIBOLIVB `E fl T. 13UCTI; Arising f'rOm Excesses, Habits of DaiSipation, Early In . ; discreti& or Atiose— ATTENDED NWIF. TIM FOLLOWING summate indleraisitiori-tri Exertiori, Phyness of the ' Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, VJeali 14eYiesv • Diftleulii of Breatiiin4;' Burred; or ' . Diinuess of Vision, Wakefulness, Universal, Lassitude of thePaiti in. the Back, Musculr System, = • 'Firuriring of the Body, sot Bolas, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Couateriace, These symptoms, if allowoil to go on,,which this meth• sine invariably romoyes, soon follow r 11,!; k, (. IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC In one of which tini , p4leni`•iisly expire. Who can say thin they 'are not fkinpitaiiitly followed 'by those "direful diseases;" . . . INSANITY AND 4:JONSIInl:IPTION. arP IltViLte Or the . 0.9310 Or I.heii trufferiskS, none will confesit' The records of the'lnstme win= and the melancholy deaths by Consumption,: dear,. ample wit ness-to thit truth of thenasertfon. ' • THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE WI-TH ORGA.NIC WEAKNESS, . • Requires the ald.ioffmedioine to strengthen ankinvigomte the system, whid iitehtbold's Ritniet Rhithu - triVrtriably does:, A...ttrist trillmonviuce the most &optical. FEMAtES . -zl-FEM.A-MIALESI 01, ?'oli 14.13.111E0, cattONTkia- PLATING. MARRIAGE In many affections pectdiar to Apneas the Extract Bu chu is unequalled by any other remedy, Ctilorosis or Retention, irregularity, lsineuiness, or suppression or dim customary Eilleuattous; Eilteratedor Sebirrous stare orthe Uterus, Leuisorrben or Virlattes,.Sterility, and for com: plaints iticidenutotbe se; whethervising from Indismer tion; Habits of DISIBIPation or •in ale, NO FATATLY SHOULD BE WITHOUT -IT: Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unplessaiit Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. Of Svery Desoiptitm. HELMBOL• D'S EXTRACT Bueim, Cures Secret,Disepesin all their stages; at tittle expense t. little or no change,* diet; no Inconvenience Miilluoe.vp nure. It causes frequent desire, and gives ritriegtA to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing, arid. curing . Strictures of she Urethra, allaying pain and intiam, (nation, so frequent; in this class of diseases, and expelling. Poisonous, Diseased, :and . ,Worneutp Matter. _Thousands; upon thousands Who have been the victims of quacka'and who have paid keavy : feee to tgt perett ta a short time, havea found they were deceived, and that the "POlaon" has by the Use of ~•pbwerhil Astringents," been 'cliied up, in the, syktem, to break out in all aggravated form, rrnd perhaps , after marriage. Use EIPI.M.ROLD'S UTRACIT SUGHU for all AftentiOpa and pisensce or the Urinary Organs, Whether existing iu ,Male or Female, trom whatever cause originating; and do mutter pc how, long standing. DiSeeScB of these Organs require the aid 'of a piuretic. EXTRACT. BUCIIU is the Great Diuretic, and It Is 'curtain'to ,tialie the desired elect In all DißeitAils fur which it is reborn mended. Blood—Blood-vßlood:.,Relmboldhi - 11fIghly. Concentra. in t " getopoutal FLUID EXTRACySARS4PaRII.I..A,SYPHI. LIE.' This is an affection of the' Blood, and the. Suxilal Or:gan, Linings of the 'Nose; Ears, Throat; Wind pipe and. other . /Aeolis Stirfades, making its 'aPpoinince in the form.Of Ulcers. "Helnabold's Extract Sarsaparilla po= rifles dre•Bloo; atid , reiitEivtis all Scalk Eruptionir of the 4 An i ni, g i v i ng v 3. the coidipleliona Clear and Auttitlii Color. being pretkired expresfily , frir this class of homplaints; its. Bkasi,Pdrifying Properties are preserved to a great. extent' than any other prewagon of SarsapeTrilii:: excellent'An' Lotion for 'diseases of a Syphilitic:Nature, - and as an injection in diseases , of the' Urinary' Organs, aricing from habita of ffiesipation, used in connection with the Extracts 'Bueho sod Sitealiparllla, in such diwwws as recommended. EvidenCe of thetpoin: responsible and nr liable character wilt:`acbdintianyAbeviedrciiieie CERTIFI CATES OF CURES. from eight to, twenty years suntan, with names known - td Sbience:a4d Fame. For'Redlcal Properties of Buena tee Diajwienry of the United States.' See Professor DEWEE'S valuable 'works on the Ptacticedf Physic, SET remark's made by the late celebrated'Dn PHYSICS, Philadelphia. See :remarks made - by Dr. EPHRAIM MoDOWEIJ,, a ceffibratbd Physician and mem ber of the. Royal College of Surgeons, alaillndlibaled_lnilie,' Transactions of the King's and Quoake hud r # ll ; ktedico,Cbirorsimi fleview,putiliehed toyI3ENI TRAVE.R . 4 Follow or the Royal College ,of - Surgeonk The most of the late standard works on Msdietne. Extract of BuChu t $1 00-per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00.. EXIIIROL Or, sarsaparilla, $1 0(1 per - bottle, or ark for $5 O& proved:ll l AF wak ki ; 50 gents per bottle, or six for ' or ' half klozeir'eac4 for- 512 00; whichwhichwill. be sufficient euxeyike must o*nate cases, if * direottuna are adhered to: Delivered to any address, securely packed, Odin eh ,iervoirju. : Describe symptoms all oomaltinications. Cures . tniranteed. Advice gratis, , . . . - . pasowo4 ,- Apreirettatore me un 41dtentian of the city of Philadeiphily IL T. Relm.beld, who, bon chtly dotb - gay,his pllVElratiOnr CCSI, tail?:2o OBIGOtte,Up C4' other in:).ull4)lllr6lePilil'alle_ P T ure ll i taC Mß y TLD bie ! ' • qwerroindrinbeeilbed_ before me, thia 23d day of No vember' 1854.' P. HIBBARD ., „Alderman, Ninth street, O. Race, Ph il a. AddreMs. let* fbriPrermatj°ll o io rr.aiLD n ß fid O enue. 11. T., Chemi st Depot led Boum 10th greet, below Oherdnut, Magdal. maw% MEDICAL. ' THE, GREAT MELMBOLD ASTRA . 02".".86"CHU;',. HELMBOLD'S GEMB]kE PREPARANNg. A.N4.8P4 . Oplb: FOR WE/GIN - EMS ; • .CHANGE OF LIFE + iieuii3ouA itM3• WASH. 1 . eAU• I ' "TEE . UNI O N —rOW AND F uster - :~1:~.xx15~u~.~,:.~'..~,,..~T3~5D 1.4 WISHARTz,. •. TI. .... PINE TREEN - ' ' OVtained by, a peculiar prodtisS , :in the Aft 'tillation of the tai by which its highest propetties,are retained. nave you a, toughr? you, Mi :ttfenThroatl• Have, on &mot the-premonitory: :symptoma of • tliat most fatal, Consuniptiow? Those, whe .'sji,ould. be warned': ,by .these Symptotesogettendly think lightly. of them • until it is Aolik ,lata, Prom, this, fact, perhaps more than gni'other, arises the sad preva lence,and ftitality of diseinsb which , sti..eepsAti s the grebe at lefast "one-oth" death's '• Consumption - destroyed 'More of the human. faintly- Wait 'any other diseasip;Land the beat , Physicians for ninny years have despaired of:a Curti, or ii remedy that "= would heal We b:nags, 'but - for more' thati -two hundred years the whOleMedinal-world has been impressed• that there was a mystchious powder and,'l4ll - in - the Pine Tree Tar to heal the,lungs; therefcirW they have reconimended the use - of TS:r Water, which iris many caSee lid a g'O'cid! effect; but how to combine thii-'• medical - pro-' perties so as-to e lungs, hair ever been a mystery until Iti was diseeVered' by' Dr. L. Q. wismustif i of Philadelphia, Pa. ' -the pthprietor Of- " Wishisot's Pine Tree Tatllilor. RIM • Many, net 'Only of the',.-petople, but 'physi cians of'-every 'school lind - practice, are daily asking me, "Whatia the prinkiple or milise or Vow suct.:eas in the treatment of - Pitinsonary ACcinsumptian 7" Id answer is this: • I, The invigoration.; ofthe digestive organa the .Itrengthening °tithe - debilitated' system- the purificatien and'eizkoknient; of the 'blood,' niust expel troth the syhtern' the corruption :yvhieh scrohda breedsl , - While this is effeeted by the-pciWerful Alterative viunnging 'train disease to properties of the Tar - 0r - dig,its healing , and renovating principle' is acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and: throat, penetrating to each', arg , , caked part, relieving pain, subduing a'= don, and restoring a healthful teliden4'2' this two-fold power, the healing: . and the' strengthening, continue to act itocnnikuntien' 401-Nature's. constant recuperative tendency, aad the: patient iti , "saved.; if he 'has not 'toe Ip4tg delayedti...iesort'tothe means of- -Cure: , • f ask all to read the -folleWing. cbitzTitiatep Therare . froin men and--ivornini - of unqtiesl tionable'• -wortnand'repatatitm:''' • Ds had a von , ~drea cough. au apFe.tbrcAt for one ! year, and 'ray whole system was fastgWing...wsy, was prOatrateo ray bed with but hope of „ recovering ,*,cbsegitfo baftle4, ths 'power of all medicines, and in a short time .1 must have ,gone to ra.y,€4,ite,;,but ttuutd „God, tuY, • daagliter-in-law Nould-upp i rest ...until she, went to your store, NO. 10 j N. Second street, and related my case to .you; : igircltased one bottle of your Pine:Tre e 'Etar,,Cordial; and. I commeneed to use it, and in ,one week I was Lugqi. better, and after using ,three bottles J, ['tun perfectly Well, mid a,worider ,to all my Aends,fer, they all pronounced me.past cure. Pttblifitt my case if youthiak proper. REBECCA 'HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. - IDr. Wishart's rine Tree - Tar_,Cordial is an infernal+, 'Ciareft6i BrpnOltiti,i• Ble4ding ot tbbillungsf s gre Throatr'hAd Breist, Bidilintrat Lion of the Lungs. - 3 4TC/W A-11 D,W 8 C ' - iirisiment - --Sir: l 4 ru drumation of taLitnts;Blll9iiiiess of Breath, arid Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; Ahad been” treated, by.'. several of",the most eminent phYsiciar . in Philadelphia, but `thi3y could not atop the rapid course of my disease, and I had• dsepairectotlever being. re stored ,to health. ~1.-,was truly on the verge oi the grave. .Your P 41031.03 Tar, Cordial was highly recommended,- to me by tv friend; 1 tried it, and am thankful to say-that, after using-four t jarge; andone email; bottles,.).l was restored to perfect, jwalth. - log cen giye : re 'terence to my ,house No. •968 N. Second 'street, or:at,my ,officeof lisceiier. of Taxes, from if A. 1,1. to 2 .e. aa., corner of dhestnut and: Sixth streets. . ;dOHN WARD. e Pleasnre -,m informing you thrOugh this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended for my daughter brDr. J. A Hall, of this city, has cured her of tt:•cough , of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and'had• employed the' best of medical aid without any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it lothe public as a sate and surersmecly:for those -similarly allhotelcl, as I klioW of many other cases beaides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long ! , ..standing coughs: Yours respectfully, JOHIsT V.''PARlKER,r:Dagnerrean Artist. • 126 Geneasee street, Utica, Ni * *..* :—I have ,:used Dr. Wishart's Trine treater Cordial in my family, ,and,oa cordially recommend it as a valuable end Bete medicine for Colds, coughs and to those pre= disposed to consumption. br.G. A. 'FOSTER, 160 Glenessee street, -Utica, New York.- TO above are a few i ramprig ths.thansands wh thfsgreat reinedy • Mnl. saved ,from 'an untimely We have gi.ousands.of , lptiers.+from physi cians and druggists w4 0 444Y.1 3, Prescribed. o 4 sold the"; Tex Cordial, sayin g th a t th ey f a iv a never used or,,spht : a medicine which gave such uniNtrsitlißtitisfictl.9 i 4. -; i t, • The Tar Cordial , when takenmponnection With Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills,. S an in fallible,cnre for. Dyspepsia. • The Prez, Tiom TAB cure Coughs,' Sore Ihrf,int and 4sreast,- Bronchitis, teurdnita, Whooping Coxlgh, :Diptheria, and is kali° an excellent reruedl for dise a s eN , 9 . i rha kidneys aid feriala4omplainta. miviraig'off COUNTERFEITS • . The genuine?has the name orthe proprietor and . tt" pine tree blown: in'the pottie. All others are !parlous in?ita• ria9li PAbsr. 050111W4 ibIz , DPILL4K.Pr ./ 1 07 1 /4 1 . /.'t 4 paTet only, by the Npprietoc, Dr. Lila. Wish-art, No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. &Id by Druggists everywhere, at, Wholesale by all Phila. delehia and Now York wholesale Druggists. roarlO-ly Y UMW. -iSUNE 21, -1* EVENIW_ ,, , ' Tint rit: tXCLUSIVELFOIik 11 .....Y - AL RA PH 1" - M I LAN) .141-NE:-S!. 'flitlit''T - lIE .•'. -, l:Vlltlig It' ,NiktilitY-- •• nun er Gellera - Moverii'eur. The Mph tor =4.Ek,xhir;tronil ‘LYnehburg .C; t Fora the ,Petergburg,Expresq, of 4.43,4th.] ! The :South side • train. ti Which leaehed,here , yesterday morning, brought. the: , LiyuchbUrg papers .of. yesterday, vad.hicameLpresuatte were put - toipress &Aurally night` or kiraulaylforei- . ; noon. We copy from them. several" Reins 'reiative to .the gnisemeras of CrOok - Alind e.verdl; the .lankee•raiders...the Virginian says: . This city was thrown into a considerable state of excitement on.Saittrdaraiternoon by the hews xecerted lion/ variontrquarters; It was deliniiefrasoertamedithat a party-of Yankee cavalry, ,said'lto - about one: :thou sand- 4 -though th'ete could. be).n&certaintyi as to -their isxactr numbers --- Were. within --four miles otkArrington depot, oirtJ2e,.Orange and Alexandria tailioailiPidistant ftwentyJeigtit mdee - tronv-Nits olty.-1-Itswes: reported al.& that they had 'capti red. parttots a 7 wagon train; thougti;even this report was .iiot• Late-ire the . at ternoon it w ..supp osed .-thh they had tapped tiro telegriph; laud all•-cont .mtuncaticin was sitspended.l - kw:afternoon train trom!CharlottesolleVo this city.Avas sig nalled .m . time to .put , :baeli and 'escapb cap- A courier. airrived. from LeibagtOn about noon, who kilted that 'the , Eineihr camped . within Several•railea'Of• Lexington oh Friday night,' supposed ito'be,cin large fOreb, 'I Other parties who left-Lexington on rriilay, midnight te,ird.. , fu'ing 'on! &Lturday, - -Winch leaves no doubt ',that an attack was made on-our iorces. s. , AlcOausland was in command, biit we for bear lb. give' any 4dea of the.number of his It .was ApPrehended that 'an effort-woul'd' be -madehy tue enemy . tit •reach this city; 'and ae cordingly,the for,es weraoollected and march-. ed to the :'defences outside 'Ottillia city.—. The de:tailed. men, eetividescent soldiers, 'reserve,. , second class- militia and, volimteers.inade a• litrge force, whose number .we shall not at tempt to indicate, but they• l gave. astartuaces: th'ut they co s nlit,effectuall,y,m4Vrtig.thou- , - Eland kaiitetc`; Bifelift/e - uneas4nesss wag l'ilt for ' the„reg4(.: During ,tie . 41V,IritelligeiNe,„ • •Iwas- received, to the effect finitShe'ridart and' his Mider a had been ',overhauled' at . TreVithin Dep,ot lly General 'llaniption and Pip High Lee, Where ,a heavy, fight,e4sue'd'witlfiaVora ble results to our were taken was stated Olaf a batterY of six guns were taken front §fiericlan, niikt o lcie enehly pressed Back' all thy. , ... ArChina i i t uSutimitrain that left:this city viii theVOge-road, about 2 o'clock onßaturday, and'iby'llie; safety of which great,Sears wore entertilEied,"returned safely ithpiif '' 8 o'clock in the evening The conductor ea* arii.oke in the directiOu of 24riiigton depot, from which he inferred that that 'huilding was birned by OA eneniY:,'When the train went down a gen-. tlerdaii „named Dowdy, who hail a' hundred unarms kmen with him, took , `the redlionsi bilitY of seising. aii: equal number of muskets, ‘ ,5, that w to on. thd cars,,armed his men and got off at, e'ltiver Bridge Witlithe aybwed Tux pose.",o, • , o(4'4i/cling it to . the last 'extremity. such an 'instance of heroism ihotild'uot be left, _- - tunrecerded.: • OUP dim ,; The reported.adyanCe of the enemy on Lex—, ingtouland Lynchburg prodriced:butilittle,. if any, iensation.among our people on Sa' turday. Our vigilant and able coinniandadte.bleneral &chola, at once proceeded to put • his' house-. hold in any drldnionatlation • 'Which might be: made in thit eltuirter,dindrve, think our citizens may restlierfectly secure in view of our, means otsuccestiful dgfencb,, . Let ourpeople keep cool, be braVe, .vtgiltuit , and determined, and Lynchburg cannot be taken. • . •• 'mom "irentar. • The Riclunogd - Ritquirer of'Afeeierday says Early yesterdriy,morning, rumor reported' the capture tif LexingtO by, the enemy Minder Crook and AbcrjQ. As the seine rumor once before axle the retirids, riot nirtchcriidlt, was given to it, but it being aftewar& con ! . firmed by official intelligence, the questi6U, was at last Settlel:l: - "The enemy% forces Were reported to be about sixteen 'thousand'strong - ,' And consistedqiiainly of cavalry with a 'dozen, pieces of aitlif4Y:„ They' adiranced 'by t*o roads, leading 'front Staunton, and' formed a junction several miles northeast of hexing- I ton, where' they arrived on Saturday Morning. - 1 It is belieVed that:they ,burned the - institute. From Lexington. it.was supposed thaywould' proceed to 'Lynchburg, abbnt forty miles die:, A; Orden of Avefill'A'foggesis reported, in well informed. , quarters, diverged'from • the Lexingten stage road; at Fairfield, and crossed the Hide ' into 'Nelson pounty,' Here they-are said to have made 'a deSeent upon the Lynchburg and`,„Charlottesvilk, rail road at„Tite•river , bridge k twenty-four miles from Lynchbing,rvilierti";theY burned the' bridge and Conimitted other excesses. It was supposed that they would make a'faint upon Lynchburg, cress the James and pitch upon' the High Hridge over the Appomattox, de stroy it, and complete the detour by going oxi, in K4Ut7 l 'f,i. trablts, to Butler's - department. , This supposition, however, is provisional. The demonstration on Lynchburg may nothe a feint, but if foiled the High - bridge may be the point of attack as an alternative. Yester day evening official, information, bad been re ceived, that'the - Maemyhad in the , morning burned Arrington depot, and passed on to Amherst Court Elenise, which is only twelve miles .crow • Ljitcliburg., Their force is be lieved to be eight or ten thousand strong,(and i s said to be under the immediate' command grO.oiit. •LATEST: . We Convoirsed.lwitln lentlemarryesterday,- mho reachell here'direct;Trom • lie mprning train of the South Side ItEdlrOada alenbites-that• the enemy were reported ttae. within seven miles of Lynchburg Sunday af ternoon, at a point on the Orange , and Alex andria railroad, knosen as Mclver's. They had also visited Arrington, Amherst 0. H., EVIZ2 Aro two Ctvks. tinl l Tye sver, all am the, same road, at tlmlast entagnedef which they destroyed the bridgi," m Oar inferinank states that OA' bridges on : flee SoutbSiderailroltd, are albfp,r4ed,,heayily gliarded, And wi 11 1 1) A:4efA 13 0 61 0.14 1 -itaxiqds• The peOple qt.Ly,l2c4mrg en, and determinsd , to defend, khe_ city Cl 4 e last. General Nichols is in command, has. a ,much :larger foree.Ander hink thif4 l a /Old sPppPsed, tnd behind the fortifications, and from: the, laity will make a defence of, about the Stice'eSs'Of WhichliVe'erinnof permi uriefves to entertaina dOlll3t. `We expeet to hear.good tidings from Lynehberg if the en.- ,mi t y shall_attack the city. _ .Whe,foree of Gen. Nichols wi,l3,lie strengthened, My the militia of Lynchburg, every man of whom is under FiimilitkAiiiiTotiO - Toio : "Ai IHEAVY_ Vid-JITING6,:gATIIRDAY. 4dvano l 6 - of thir fines 'Opeitlijoils tin the, South Side,ofilajieli jiver IlsanquairrEssur OF THE POTOMAC, June 1 3 . 4, 8 P. za.—The fighting yesterday, was very Severe along the greater part of our linek:' The most determined efforts beingroade to break the, enemy's line at several points, but Ilttle ground was gained, however, except on the left, Where the enemy Were raked to fall ' tack - th au inner line, on accOnit of thi3 .vanc,ed , Position gained by...1/cam's division of 'Burnside's Corps on Friday afternoon. , ?The enemy's line is nearly in the form ,of, a ''semicircle - , with the ends resting on the Ap- ‘,pomisttox - Aver, Petersburg being about - the , 'centre. At same points of the line our 'guns are within a. mile and a..ha.14 of the city, ; and it can, be destroyed at any time Ivith ease. The heaviest fighting has o6curred on the right centre, where-each diiision - of the 2d corps at different hours charged tbe;ranks in 'front, but so far without success, the. enemy 'being behind breastworks of 'Ole strongest eliaracter,'with their trobps massed 'behind onrYnen having to cross the open' fields of from two, to four .hundred yards in extent, exposed to a cross fire from batteries ,planted ; so as to sweep the entire, space. ' The last attack was made at tr. - by the Third division, under Gentlraillgtt, and our loss was probatO t i he - §ilergthen' in either of the others..l4 - • , Bsibron&HUNDlti.h, VA., June, 18. —ln all twenty-one piecesof artillery nave been -cap tured frena-, the enemy in, our.assaults upon. their works- .t etersbnig; ibeides • di large number of prisoners. When the enemy with drew-4s fore. in front f perierßutter to reini6iceA 3 dAtsiiurgj Gen vat' r..nfert,iimnf6. 7 , diately Roar. Dllt. n foxce_underpenerals_Terry_ and rtrter,\quece - e - ciercrin datroying erg itapod. Nur,ini.lo.4otAc ;_bilrg and Richmond railroad track, near Walt hall Junction.. .Early'ic (late - Longstreet!eyeOrpkeitOied the James river near Drurr.s....l3.luff in strong force, and was seen coming down the . _Petersburg turniiike 6.4- Gen: - BUtlefs Ritees eide,recllheir works. Last ! eveuiug the .dipateh steamer Amanda iYiri eats, while paSanig, Vir.tle - oi's•Wharfi was fired into from the south side of the James river, by. a rob* battery. Ten :shots--,were, fired' at: Mr, one of Aieh passed lrirouth' the hull near the water lis;te hutmo one was in juied. - The James river is blockaded a few --miles this Aide of Drory'S` prevsnt,a sur 7 Trise by the rebel rams, The Gold'aiidather Bilis Signed President: • • WASHINGTON JUHO 4 20. -1 The President hith approved and signed the hill-regulating the!, by which it IS provided that any boat, sloop or other Ves sel of the United States, navigating the waters on: our Northern, North-eastern or North-wes tern frontiers otherwise than by sea, 'shall, be enrolled and licensed in such form as other vessels..which enrollment- and license:Shall authorize them to be employed either in the 'donating - or foreign -trade on those -frimtlera. They are in every other respect liable to the rules, regulations and penalties now in force relating to registered and licensed vessels. • The - PresidentJ3,o.olBo aPProved and bigned '!An act to prohibit certain sales of gold and foreigAtecroyangEsi k,oianiceslycalled the Gold bill, and the bill providing "that all goods and wares and,merclutudise in public stores and Warehouses, on Which the duties are unpaid, whfch shill have been in bond for more than one 'year and less than three years, may be. entered for consumption, and the bonds can celed at any time before the . • day of Sep tember neat, on the payment of duties and charges, according to the laws in,force at the dine the goods shall be withdrawn." The Rebel General Polk Really Killed. All dOubtS-as to the 'death; bffhe Rebel 'Gen esi Bishop E'olic:are dikitsted by the follow ing dispstett, which* trna in the Petersburg .&press of the 16th': `= " THE HEITALVS - 61" 71EHTENANT GENERAL POLE. ATLANTA, June 15.—The remains of Gen eral POlk arrived here this morning and were deposited- in St: Luke's Church. The funeral , services' were Conducted arid a'sermon deliv ered by 'Rev. Dr: Quintard, before: a -large eembly: The remains were 'then esegiticr-to . the noon train for Adeasta with military hon ors. The death of this Christian hero . -has made a profound impression on classes of our community. • • AI Canard and its .C9ntraille7. Navr,Ltor, N. 1, s l . une 20. A .private letter from_a supposed reliable source, states, .".that the one hun.dred days' men at Trenton are under ma,rching ordere,, for Harrisburg, PennsylveniaL , A small, force of rebels - bent on dcktruction iT3itated to Kaye entered the C.mnberland, Valley. They . ; are , reported to be the advunce guard of a large detachment. CHAMBERS33III IO. . , June .. g 0 - Ge~geryl .bouch knows. nothing of the fuulcireikdays' Men beingordered to Harrisburg; *AI hPliFte,s. 'it to .be a Ho- The Qutphpriand was i never pore quiet,than4t,isao:day"-. Guerillas in Kentucky. A rebel gaug, numbering twenty or thirty persons, attacked Bardstown yesterday mom- Lomen:=, June 19 STEAM . PRINTI Avirtif .OarRAM4-..._ - M i n , - i Tsbinß A pn . The following are thexates_ilar_admrrogulgithe ItsYL2 awn. Those istring akeertisi.?g to 40 wilialiad 4. ec.,o Vernon tfor reffiience- A ' __ ' - I- 03-Fou lines or less consiita4e 00.e-hal:square. .Igl, iirteß umore than four cottstit.ilievtuare. FO ..: , .-- , "... R a Exr.3 , SQC.iltli ' ! ! Tett 'ON - 3pir ., 4124. 'One day --- $ 30 OhO ertik.:. - .,..i...4 -ec• . Two days ' 6° 4 1 4 ...._ g ig o l *** - -44-'.:- - .. F: 1 WI Three days 75 'to ifilys7 ' .. 125 * . One week 1 25 .onOweal 2 25 One mown... 300. Oztem=th .e. i 84'0., "Two months • 4 . 50• : . 1 . 40.4 , ..a..1!.: , ... , . ,-,, , 4,6- - .Tbree months 5 50 Three months...—. 11 to 5Li months 800 811 morgis.-..—.,..,.,14 .3 One yiikr.......7415 -00 One ynatig g arggl.g . tee 4 tr Ad ritibi.tratie 4 tr.,,,,, .........- - 31Ardage iSiiiicea.,. ...... . ... .., .. 4 ... .41„ IP Ift Auditor'e. Notices - s sk ' -., g .." eh r:A Funeral Notices each insertion ... LO la - Business notmet inserted in the Local Caroms, or before Marriages and - Deaktookt:OWCmssii 7 iza Lam for each Insertion. ing. 'The rebels then moved doWn the rail road and destroyed a bridgeand water station hear Boston. They then went across the Nashville 11.4.k.twAndles northlatElizabeth town, and, when last heard from, war go towards:. Litobtiat 1.1. Markets by Telegraph. PZEIMADELPHIA, June 20. - The market istiiAre et' ClOterseed and it wanted- at 50®,13 , 11 64 _Ws, Timothy: - ritims.fmmt *7 25. to St. Fjsx..sed is take OIL V'bushel. There' i. - a = incident-6 ilentuina kik flcinr aid the market itt - yery Arta; with kW of 800 I:Arra; Rex*. a.nd.Ohie extra famiiyat: $8 37408 40, .. 500 loarrefs Peterson _.dc ,Uar- Shan do. on prividetein(e, and batrels fancy Western at $9€49•50: The sialeb to thil :retailers and baker's BangeT.frOxit $7 25 :tea)isr htgne , %notations. aides otl,ale 11.,0,ur at $7 25—an advance of 25 'cents. In _con/ . meal nothing doing. - - There is more activity in the wheat rnarket 47, *' - apd prices have tato:lced 49 c. i (- 7,00 p bus. choice western red. at $1 95,,-.1404 4.4. Southern do. at the swine iignre, 3,000 bus. lair and choice Kentucky tihite it $2 1092 14. Asmall lot of rye sold:at sl' fa . 'Corn is dull; sales 0fz3,000, bus., yellow : $l-50 n store and id 51 afloat. Oatsare Arid prices are unsettled._ _ Cotton- firm; sales of 150 bales. at SI SAI. Flour.closed at an, advanee of .se;--saler. ,of 14,000 barrels ~ State 87, . 75®8; QhiosB 50® 8 GO; southern unchanged. Wheat advanced 2@3c; sales of 78,000 bushels; Citica&siiiiialf $1 82®190; •red $1 9301 98: Corn quiet - and% unchanged, Pork buoyant; new raess,s37 75, 038. Lard steady. Whisky firm; $150,0 1- - fered and S 1 '55 asked. Receipts of , 20,708 barrels. Wheat 157,266 - bushels: Corn 74,208 bushels: BALrision.s., Anne: 20. - Flour is, quiet; iloward street supeso_B7ig 8. ni Wheat active and fu; Kentifielfivhite $2a212. Corn advancing;•white 46g1.48. Whisky' dull at Si 47@1. 48. New York Stock garket. NEW Yons. Juno - 25. Stocks are better; flhicago and Rock Isfaiie 1141; Cumberland prefirred 73; Illinois esu:.7'i tral 120 i; Michigan Southern 98 ; Now. York Central, 132 k; Readhig 141; Hudson 111:vor 14.2"; Canton:Compauy 140; Harlem 235; Clii eago and WiscOnsin 531. Gold ; 133: "Colipeni-'-' 5 20's 106; Coupons 1881 1121..: E'AV AII V IP. 11 'l' IS EMI EST,h - ." T. F:IVATSOIST, 111LVS T I C Eat E , N T • mANDFAcTirRER; - prrpsrsuizc-, - TS - PREPARED tO'lprnish i d coat the_QX telkoivet BtErldings 'lib' WIC; MASTIo = titatNNT, a a - new +system - , This:material ,entirely, (Lainspaintrorp othernemontis used heretoriare, and is the only reliable, impetteidasiblrilsoating foroutgide Wilitk:' , 4lHt "l' • ' • per proportions of pure Linseed, 04 it. forms a poild, orsa• blo actheslietiess to Brick or mane WAN east: at a bile, — - tiful, Brie Water proof surface arid-finisti eve' .13roilert- • q Stone or any color desired. . , . Among others for vrhorra hare aiipled•rtair - Misies f oir';' °ll ment, j. refer to the renewing gentletre J. Bissell , - residence, Peon street, Piti burg. 11 J.. „ILleord, Shoenberger retdessco, Lit:vita A. Hoeireter, , James liMandless, " Allegheny city. .• 9 alein Adams, Third street, o ames Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, Willie n Vohni, Gira'rd...flouse„ Barr & eleser, anitheers Thepatch Hailacag#, Jonsat.: Mk, residence, FrontStre2t, Harre,bery,-Pir. ' A. I..Joace, . • Pleat* . address T. F. WATSON, - P. O. Box 1,30 a, Ilittsbnrg, ht ... or, Penna. House, ibirrisliine, febl.9 darn , f • , Broad . Street, between Se out and Thint, . ILIERLSBURG. . . Txuidersiped: hasflepeneci, a neve • EERY, in she Sixth warp, where he :4 L p - 4:Rated supply BREAD 'CASES at . a - seasonable - rhie: - ' - 'lle - - warrants sasisfactitm so all who willttrye --he will sell his bread at the rate Of - E CE, rs PER PO 5 - 14r-li: and fall weight guartntoud- JOEN. jan6-410 • . , • CANNED FRUITS 9.t . EVERY. DESOIt.4"- ' SAUCES of aßibeceleVratect inanufactureK' SARDINE.% OLIVE OILS. 41 - CSTARDb,. - o every description., Alio, BROWN SCOUT, FiliTE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR. " and S RIIP.Of all grades,aildprices,. and the best selected a stock outside of Philadeiphia. All goodignarinteed as represented.' Particular atuntion paid to-all orders frorga distance.' Goods carefully packed and to all parts of the . city free orebargo. : MIDLER & FRAZER, • nays Encemors. to W. Dock, Jr., Ar. PHOTOGRAPH AIinUMS. 'PhotOgraph Albania. Photograph Albums. -. Photograph twins,. Phia,ogra Oh Al ti ins,. 91117, largest and cheapest rarieq of PRO TOGRAPH. ALBUMS di ate, city-we comattutry. kap at [marl% B4BGNER'S 914E44r BOOKSTORE. PL9OI OS. ALBRECHT, , & SCHUH'S , " EXCELSIOR PIANOS.. , SOLE AGENCY :21T W. • -KNOCHES, 93 Market street, Harrisburg,•Oß REASONS perfectly satisfactory to ; , MYSELF I have taken the agency of tWO'abova "Most Fianna. The public; Is invited to come and name for tnemselvea. A foie Sotancateker & CO'ft Pianos oiPlind will ascii ,low. - N ASSORTMENT OF • o vtu. 100 .1 . -r 1 • POCKET BOOK% Elia&' ro Co 3EL r r 351. N ,N,_A3L . t. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, • KELLEWS Thiig and Panay doe& Store, Ho: 91 "Market street. The beet Morocco IR,AVELING And a gateral variety of FASCi deCkYS, Pliaaen' ta,-LION4I oh nand at KELLII.II'S Druktddra; ,,- ,r3 m•rlo4 N o . 9 . 1 btittKet street. .. e..4-..EIII.NE'S 'l_4„ the most popular , rhd,thutomsLever eller•• estate, just received aid for safe by • , .•• ' • ...01 1 ,1i , ? 4(...* ,F,..:.X0TR 4 144060' —4114 feta (sucemaors to Wm. Doak, jt , uo. APPLES just received at SBISSLER & FRAZER, ap3O Summon to W: Dock, Sr., & Co. toiq ett-1- NEW Yozaiilutte MEI MEM ENE M ... • Liz e$ ~ '.W' FIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers