IHE TELEGRAPH FIAILUELEM VORialtVO A EI) E VEKEVG• GEOR (4- 1.1 13 ERONE Z. •-4 - 111...1! THIRD AST. 1.E^12 WALYTT f T.1:311S OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE Si7E4..II'.IPTioN THI: DAILY TIGSGRAPH For vett to subscribers in the „it v 3 cents per v:eek, Yearly subscribers will be cllTirged $5 00 in advance. mese persons satin oegleetto pay 1. , ...01vance will he enure:Es' $6 01. WEEKLY TM—EU-Ant THE TELEGRAPH is also weettly i ntui Is tarnished. , subscribers. at the fc.ii , :wing cash rates: 3ingle copies, weeM7.... ~, • rooler to o^," sett 011W1 Ton 1....,pi0g tn oPe Poet Oflizo MEDICAL. F.LINIII DF siTlO,lrr's REJIIVENA I TDIG OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepr.md. frnm Pure VegetuVe Extraius, containing noth Inn Injurious to the most Delicate sgw-lbe Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern :llsco - .•••riee In the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new urn! :their:Let method of cure, irreSpealro of all the kla and worn-out systems. This mtidlicice has been tested by the most eminent atethcal men of the day, and by them pronounced to be me of the greed:est methcal diw.rveries of the age .6 4 .tme bottle will cure General .W - A few doses ours Hysterics in females. marine bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. gar/. few doses restores Ulu organs of genoraticu. Sir Prom one to three bottles resterea the mananeas ..tutt full vigor of youth. Inret few doses restores the npretite. ,trarThree bottles curt..the worst can of Impotency, Isra few doses cures tee low sterna& ' 9 . • Akrf we tattle restore mental newer. rpre few doses bring the ruse to the Cheek. 47 z - -This medicine restores to manly vigor and robins bend' the poor, debilitated, wens-dean and despairing devotee of sensual piksuro. ggy-The listless, etterVii.ted youth, the over-tasked man of business, the violin' of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness r.f Ffrigre organ, Will all dud immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Etikirbr Essence of life. rarl'nce, $2 per bottle, or three .bottles for $5, .and forwarded by express, on redeiPa' of money, to any ad tirws. /Fr Sold by all druggistseverywhere. • bR W. R AtERWIN . it CO., Sole Proprietors, reartheodly No. 59 Liberty street, New Pork. CHEROKEE • PILLS. ifIGAR,COATSD FEMALE REGULATOR, FF. LIM PRESERVER. 4"..ERTAI.N AND SAFE ta-i•lar the Removal .qf Obstructions and the fneldanee rtf Regularity in the Esmirrena of the .lieriM4 Periods. eg-They . euns or obviate those numerous diseases that ~ p rtne from •irregularity, by reatot-ing the irregularity They Cure Suppressed, F SGe ve sw.O. Paiifyr lien titruattua, 4wThey cure Green Sit's.ness (Ckiorosis.). They cure Nervous aid Spinal Affections, pains in the back and tower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of MO Haan, Lowness of Spirits; Hysteria, Sick Headache, Ciddiness, &c., Etc. In a woni, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the . cause, and with it sm. the affects that spring from it 4w -Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con ain . nothing deleterious to any constitution, however Minato, their function being to substitute strength for wes.kness, winch, when properly used, they never'fail to • - do. ,They may ba safely lased at 814 Kg., ',Gad *any perioB, ILMITLioi DURING THE L7B.B7 , TRELEE MONTHS, daring WhiCh,lakti untaillag datum or their action MAIM infallll . 4, PREVENT pregntinCy: • lectors searing information or advice will ile prouipt.iy, aad dikreotly answored. trirFull directions accompany each 6os. $1 pec bor.,. or six. boxes for $6. bfent 4y mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. ONTSoId by all respectable druggists. 7"' DR. W. ft .111C.ftWIN & CO., kiole Proprietors. bier 1.1-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York.. For Wen Harrb3burg by S.A. KUNKEL & BRO., .118 Markel . . N La quoits. & Frhze.r, Sktssier . Mummers w W ra. Dock, Jr., & Co.) rEALM*3 FINE FAMILY GROG-E -uppthAvo Court Houoe bve onliluulOne eeleutieo Of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE 4ND GY.W.VON WINES, Of EiC-iv WHISKYS. OLD BOURDON, RO:NONGARELA, FINE IRISH AND SCOTOB Whiskys, The best oyez brutight tu this market. OLD VirREAT, FA-sztLY And the celebrated' ma...Tsui' GROVE WHISKY. , , CRAM PACT.NE WINES. 4 131,19 Jokie/gIVESURti, • spoTCH AND IRISH AIMS LONDON BROWN ,§Totrr. WILD CBLERRY.i • . PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS'; 'itt: a complete ittck of OLISH AND itIifERICAN PICKLES end Ceaclimen.ta of every desengtlon now in thenarket. • [jag j TRW LOWEST EA TM. OTH SA.O 800 a" roVirr•lon, Gil . . PERPMIIING LINEN AND PREVENTING .VOTII - mins pol,v DER—a cowpund of valuable .ar4Olot , . for the ‘testruction • f insects—..dietribmed, miles pe Ousted ovur Furs, Woolens, CUSpet.,‘, Ciotbin.v. peelf.ed away for summer, will effect uatty present Beini oleo a ablightful, diffusahle urfume It_ will ira": pregiaite clothins, ste with a tasting Endpleastuit odor. The ttu,eFtlibny =not tx, iqjureti by its ii Pregabod'atitl sold at - KELLER'S Drugiuxi Fancy Goads Store, No. 91 Market street.; apta - A:r.,TEIYPSER, 1 . 7 MVSIC. WARD'S IfUSIC STORE, - Thin Scre - • - -Rs; litiove'Nbrth. ' 4115-tf RasuleTte: „Third , [SITIN -W EDIO I1 0 . 114 VTIA TI °N V .sn AT ROME CARDS.—By a siP l ' Cul ' with one of-the hest engravers-in the-1,7w01 f O of any description will be executed-1n the bilj,.‘egt - ,Style ' art,. wulortnable stitti the latest Cashion, and 6 (40 ,0 promptly, et lower prices thanmare eluu - gertby the ilatio ors in Now York urThiladelphis. For samples and•priCOS can at BERGNER'S BOBE-STORE. ` 6T:tad - PECTORALS 4IC ttaCin l tO - SUOtht , allay Tickling in the l'hreit; to relieve. Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sore Throat, &e.. They contain Cottuftiok Horehound, ipamatuanha, &pegs and &PA (the 6'ok:reliable expeetorante kuuteti,) are the chief tic- Live Citianteems, so Mended with Gum Arabic and &gall thiveaci&teieuge contemme mild atm eery pleastut date: - MiMitactilied AMel) by KUNKEL •& BRO. - , eitsinnernrief4 VLSYNkfl•al-ti AMIS HAMS !!—Ddichener's Exoelsior 11 Jam cared. Received and for sale at SEMLER & limas puma= to W. Dock,ltlno., . . , • t • . . . I . . .....-"•-•;, >e"'" •-• : 111 "- 1 .". . -'' . , .....-.... ~.,.., ~ VW I/ , % .07.,..:,:.....- C 441122651 ' - N. 4 4 _ -,-„,),,.„--,__,-;zit il . • . .--„,..,. ~,,,,,--_ _ ii, ' P ‘: , .. ~_____,,,.. ..,,...: , .„.._ 7 .."" i , .... IC . I. . • ...':- - p a t ii .ipft-- - .- , • ~, ' V -_. li* . " . =----- iCr.iiiitto ' • - --' - ' -- A f - • • A @®j • 21 50 4 00 .10 00 BY GEORGE. BERGNER. lIIIMiI ELIXIR. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," irNowN AS' 44HELMROLD?Sw GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD Exr frAtr “livramv;l, EELMBOLD,;WITRAO7,SARSdP4RIL :A, 8211MBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. ' HELMEOLD's GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND • FLUID, EXTRACT 33UCHT../y A MME AND SPECLFIC RMIEISf BLADDII, EIDNEYS. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS mHlS:Medicine increases the power of Di -11 and excites the ABSORBENTS lute healthy .action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROI3S deposi tions, and all' UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS ,are re duced, as well as pain and inSainnaation, and ii good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. - lIELMBOLD'S EXTuACT 'nuciur, FOR WEAKNESSES • Arising from Exiiessos, 'Habits of DleslOatioa, EaTly discretion or AlJukii * ;tic 0 I•• I Jr. rr . . . indisposition to Exertion, Drynemi of the Skin, Lon cf Memory,v r•WA of Power Weak Nervea, • Difficulty otareattiing, Mirror of Disease, ' Trembling, - Dimness 'of Vision, Wakethiniw ' ' Universal" Lassitude of the Pain in - the Sack, .. Hot System, 'Flushing of the Body, Hot gab* Eruptions on the Face, • - Pallid Couritonami,„ . These symptoms, 'Mellowed to go on, which this meth otne , invsrlsbly removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY; EATIIITY,' EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who .etin nay that they are na frequently followed by those "direful INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. !Many areoware of the come of their - aittflerbigs, none will anifeso - The roconb of the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consampuan, bear ample wit-, news to the truth of the assertion. tHE CONSTrruTION, ONCE_ AFFECTED 'WITH-ORGANIC.WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to stroagthon and Invigorate the system, which Heitabold'a Extrvot Beam invariably * dote. A trial wili.convince the 0102 L, ekepticeLs . FE'vrATYA-FEKUZS----FEMALE - S, 01, OR YOUNG, SINGLE, WiItRIED, 011 OONTEIV PLE).TING 31.9 VTT:4.GE • In many affeetiona peculiar telethalea the ExtraM chu ia unequalled by any Other remedy, as in Chioroais Retention, Irregularity, Painfu/atioN or suppression of the customary Evacuations, UR:moved or SchitToua state of the Uterus Letteorrhen or Wbit4, Sterility, and for all- com plaints 'Weldon': to theses, whether ariaigus from Indisom- Ilun, Sabha of Dlaalpation or in the . D&CLINE OR ORAMOR OF LIPP. NO FAMILY SHOULD 'BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balt -Merman or 171alaossant *Medi' olio for IJupleaeanS fugl.Dangecous Divw•A. FrßrowßoLD's EXTRACT 131YORT, 'Cares Secret Diseases in all their itzten ; at little mange; Little or no change in diet; uoinutnientuntura awl no expo. aura It miusee freqtient desire, and gives strinigth to Urinate, thereby removing obatinctiona, ptvvenung and' Glaring Strictures pf.the Urethra, allaying pale and'Wham 'nation, an frequent In this - alas or inseams and est - waling Pratonotut, Diseased, 'and ,Woruout Sfataier. - Thouaunda upon thous/dale who have histh the victbukar,gumukb, and . who 'have paid heavy 'fem. to be cured Inaelhart tifie,'have Mound they were'decativial i and that the ''llleisou . has by the use of `Vowerfal Astringents," been dried up the • system, to break out'in an' aggravated foils; and perhape after marriage. Use IiELMBOLD , S EXTRAUP.Bgqau for all Affections aid Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Whethurniisting in t Mate or Female, from whatever cause origitiatittg, and no' matter of how long standing. Data:ilea' of "these (trona require the aid, of a' Diuretic. ' - inurnouys, EXTRACT_ BUCHU is die pram . Diuretic, and it is cortaisi-to hive dal: desk** oneot - Diseases far which ia'recditi; MS • Bklod — atol° 4 l - , - Btlx o . Rohnhotd's Etlibly finientra- `tett Mints:aunt FLAM) EXTRACT tiIAIMAYARIiti,A swa This 'lsla - affection of dui Blood, and'iiirtanks 'the Assidi Uninitt of the Noss, Ears, Thrtrat, Wind: pipe and otitet Manua Sitifaces, making ita appokFanoo to the form of ,MOers. ttelmbold's kxtract Sarsapnrill4 pu. .-rides the Block!, and remove, all Staly 124 - upparia of the is tin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and linallthy eft being prepared explessly for this class' of , iNab apiaitits . tgoo. - I,ParilYing Properties are printers - ad to a groattor extant - 11AM any other preparationof tiarsapaite. binslxgiz WASEL :nnexcelleht Urine' for diseases of t‘Synhilitki Niitnro4.' aisirtiasuriniertion' ,M iiieesees Of 'the Urinal": arising froth habits- ordissipation, used iti:etintentitorwitia the Extratn9;Bolin an4d Sarsaparilla, in such- ditmemis as recommended. Eilddbim Of the most resimoirible aiid.re % character will accompany theiniclicines • CERTIF-1,- OATES OF CURES fr om eight _ 10 twenty years stand/I:4. -WWI names known tO: Satin and Fame. For Medical Properties of Bootie, 'slew DlXPeufary of the United States, See Professor DEWEB'S saleable Works on the Practitaief Physic. .See - Made by thi _late. celebrated - Or. PHYSICS, Ptitimielphla: a See: remarks : nude ' by , Dr. EPHRAIM :MCDOWELE; a:telebrated Physician and mem. her of the RAiyal , Collegehf Surgetins,:and published to the Transactions of the ug's and Queen's journal. SlediceChtrurititalßevievr,publisheti by BENJ. rItd.VERB, 4 • Fellow Of the • Royal-College of Burgeons Thrzf.motailfr -the late'standird works on Medicine. Extract of Buchu, SI 00 per bottle ; or six bottles . for $5 00. Sarnia. of . 00 per -- bottle, or • six for 0 0. proVed -Rose WW2, 60 coals:per bottle, or:idx for -.52 - 50.:„ f I qf half a dozen each for $l2 00, which wit/ be sufficient - SO cure thwmosi obstinate cases, if directions are adhered ius Delivered to any addrem,-securely. packed from -rits aerasWTlNAlibe-89inntOras in all: ,coinsuunicationn ! curie"Oaranteed. AdTift gratis. • - - .. . • AFTWAVIT. - • p er son t i4 appeared coil= me so alderman of the city of Philadelphia, EL T. Hehnbold, who, Willy duly gwor ,„ (loth say.;his .preparationa _contain oo ooreotieno m r orotherlaprions_drags, and are pur=l} , v R. T. a.1,4014:0 Byrßru ond. ddd ari; 7 _ • ;si*-v4ildeiel&M,Nleoth street., eh. fteio7Tda.. Address letters far information in aontideriar. H. T. HELMBOLD, Ohemiat Depot UK South 10th street, Wow Obeasnut, Oda Mani. Fos will , (=Pia or Inc "THE UNIO N-N 6,1 V AND F 6ER E R TIAIt.RIBI3 - URG, PA:, SATUIi.DAY EVENING, JUNE. 18, 18454 • 4.QTELS. THE UNITED §TATES HOTEL, HARRIgBUIM I PA: • D, H. lauTcx-iiSoN, Proprictoit THIS well known Huta is now in a conett tiouw -u.,,xnuratalate the traveling public, . affording the most ample ceuveosipacus alike for.thiLimmitmot gager &tuft he permanent board& THE. UNITEti 4TATES - HOTEL has been entirely refit ted 'throughout; and now has etCCUUII44IIII/Ps equal, in exteht;' comfort and luxury . to any hotel itetmeen Phiiadel Mita and Newburg. ' lotatioti le the best ah the State Capit being ih'easy =vas to all thiemliniail depete, and 1, .close proximity to ail the public °Moos twit husitaitaa lo eaiities of the city, Et bait otiveall the 13011VilliteOCCEI of r 1.12 S _ 8' and the Proprietor le deurnmema to ditILIV &wither ea -..tese, time or labor to enure the.comfort of the gueete. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfuny eoli eked. Jellcltf te.U.4.1:104 ()API TILL °TEL, CORNER OF MBE) AND, WALNUT, MB*. '8 ? • HARRISBURG, PRNIVA. '9IHE undersigned having piueliased Ws well itumvu ltuttee has enlarge(' anti thorougtuy remesate. 11.: The rooms have been repainted and papered, anti tht. store estaltshumut elegantly re-thruished. Retum Oen aantly and eligibly Wand, and provided with usury non sentence ' it offers to the public alPthe coratorts autr lulu ; ries er a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging aurs'Ahb• al*ttya iu attendance. A bar well stocked with chute, liquors la attached to the establishment. de2e:rily W. O. THOMPSON: Fronrister. Corner of Iffarket street and Market Square, IlAtinlBllbrEto PENNA. CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. noll4tl' . Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations. GRANULAR DgIVTIFRIOE .'AMERICAN TOOTH. WASH! riIHESE . elegant, preperatiotis coinbiiie the most desiraolepeidieing - and astringent qualities. „They, render the Llurcinhard and healthy i,neutrathee the acid secretions of theniuuthi.,removing the prime imue.-of decay) thy "their detersive properties they tx-ptiervb the natural:color te 'the Teeth, without.. the least degree injuring:44. 'enamel,. while they impart to the brew ti fragrance:Pecults.rty , while - they and pleasant.— In fact they are TEIELIEST'AitTICLES in use for the pur ptisai named, as a tali trial will demoostrate, mid .m) has been aintud.ditly proima bY..tbeir extensive sale- ih this commonly during the lat. J4.yeara; and. which will be "Madily , testitledi to by mealy, who have repeantWAY urged the Proprietor to still further extend their ewe and `..tuiruinem.s. They are warranted' to be free from those destructive acide wh 01l so frequently coritamintue mein) of the preperauon:s of the prOF.o. nt day. Prepared and kolO ad, the 'Dental Ito , ala of the Proprietor; corner of SeCouji and Walnut etreem. , JOHN P. KELLER, V • Surgeon Decals& IFor sale also by the principal Druggists of the•oity. ••- • • GREAT BARGAIIIB IN JEWELRY ! W 031 SYTH & 90., :,%ivev.l 42 - 6WR 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW ToPit • • (44joinbig Ltie Yost Otllce,) 'lger ibr salextbe following: magnitteent lac of WATOELES..O.IIAI24B, - JEWELRY, &C., 1"..61,f1XD AT, $300,000. BdrOSARTIOLB' ONO BOLL-414 AND NOT TO BE • PAIpFVB UNTIL 'YOH KNOW WHAT • ' YOU ABA TO GET. ' 150 1 /Siold and Silver Weteh'ep...44s 0010 $lOO 00 each • 200 Ladies. God Watches .. • 35 00 each 600 Ladies' & - Gents' Silver do l6 00 each ,000 Gold Pen .4 00,tµ 00 each 4 .16,000 - eield-band Bracelets.. .... 300 to 6,9 00 each L 1 00 :IireiceW Chilies and Rings. 2 50. to 600 each :6;000 Owned, • - Mosaic and Jet ' Brochettes . —.. . . 00 to 600 each 0,050 Ourai-ind [tine , • 4 "P 4 c' -00 etteb *l,OOO Geßts• Brows, Pins 50 to' 000 each V.lo,ooo , 3leieverEfintons, and Boot= ' 2 641 to 6 00 each 19 000!9ets;Liciles , Jewelry 500 to 10 &I each 6,000 Lai orld . Florentiiie Sets.. 400 to 600 each .10,000 Gold Peas, Silver-mounted - Holttors .' 409 to ' 600 each: , 5,000 sboid Pecs, with Silver ' . tension Canes to td Pen ei ' ' 4 00 to The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most:fashionable styles Certificates of ail tuo 'a rictus arttales are put in sealed enveiepes and t..l.sed. thus giving ail a fair chorine, and Writ ey mall, for 25 cents each; and on the receipt, of the cortilicate, it is at -your option to send 0.,s Dosutir and take the article named in her net: Five certikoates for 54 - eleven for $2; thti ty for $5; sissy tor $10; one hundiveifor $l6.- Certificate money so be enclosed with orditr. Correspondence' prpteptly singwered. AGE 'alit Witrrzn in every kiwi:rand recknott. Send or a circular. Address W FORSYTH &CO 4d and 44 Ncs..san. streot, New York. rnar2s.dtsv„alliiwsw:Wit . JiAli•Eat , .broad • Street; -between Second att.l Third , THE underaigued has opened a new BA KOftV in thet3ittat ward, whetp tta to propareat to supply BREAD itaionable rate, Be weiteautidawatitotiou [gall who will give tiler a ea. Sit will sell his bread at-ttib - ratb of • Fl YE CE.67 , r8 P AVZ TO.VND, and fall weight guaranteed. . JOELN ALOOM ittne-citf CANNED_ FRUITs OF EVtAll iteN'.: SAUDIS or all the oetebrateditaanufaatMs• S4RDINES, - - . . mu - toms, - • I,II.7STAXIDS, 0 'every. description, , Aldo, BROWN MOUS, FIFE ' TEAS , COFFER , 'SUGAR and RUP or all gradel and prtuee, and the beet Selet.Sed suiek outside of Philadovtliu. All gooas guaranteed its reposeentee' Partaenlaf att,uttott, paid Wall,o,,ders from a distance: Cifet..hy piked and detivet ed to all purls of the ,pity tree of ohirge. SHISLEft te FR aZI R, m 3,5 suopeesors to W. Dock, Jr. sr. Oa • • - PIIOTOGRA PR-ALBUMS. Photograph- Albuitts. Photograph Albums. • Photograph Albums. Photograpli Albums. THE largestraiid 'olatipeat- variety of TOGRAPEL 'ALBUMS ut , thaacity are constantly kept ,at [mar/21 BERGNER'S OEIEAP BOOKSTORE. PIANOS. RIEHES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIO4 PrANos. SOLE A.UEN.CY AT . W.' KNOCHE'S, • •• 13 Mi r et Etna, Harrisburg. ILIOR' REASONS `perfectly satisfactory :to .12 MYSELF I have taken tile agency of tile above most excellent. ?'snot. — The public is invited to come and ex amine for ttannseives.. . , - - A few &hot/tanker Jr Cies Pianos on nand yet will be ' Awl low. _ mar 254/ TR ANSON PAP ER. A BEAUTIFUL. assortment of TillaiSoll. rt. PaYKß.'Call and Ae.• It az' SOKEFFEK'S BOOK KfORE. m'2O r: _ ,g, Ltry,:g• to,f,ptc SALM.: _ ' EVERAL LOTS ~on, •Thiril sttreet.. pear S . North, are Par aide: %quite WALTEMB' Stem, cornur Ofifttliand'Thwtitrem. /Zll7. if . .itok-reevtxtii situ ktii4&•FRAtEAL I -1 r E - SiEigESOrO to W. Pock Vl:l*C° :1 8 : PINE APP ' 8 just received tit ERIALER & FRAZER, apBO theixobors b W ; Doi*, Jr., & ;NEW ADV F.IRTD E VIENTS . 5 431 . /CE . O.E . LIEN. . NoricE is hereby gisren to the owners of the so . ;owing (tamed articles, , . THE ,EIOWLIaD ANDH.OPE k'NPEESS COMPANIES claming to haves lien thereon for the costa and expensei or-,railUlta•toss and stet age thereof will pror:taeA to sell itme to pay said costs and charges, at the'eXpii Mims' ty days trout ibis date: Samuel C. Gallaher. 1 box, Andrew Turley. 1 box, Wur. Case. • 1 env', 1-all Sedum I pkge, Mid J. gars Kohler. I I.lage, Henry kt Atitheny. 1 box, Ilre. tt Coy-1 pkge, Jobe V . Johnsou. site!» 1 phut), Gee ETblehstu. 1 box, -Joseph Burggs. I pkge, Generale BUslong.' i box; Kestry 0. Weir. 1 pkge, Cap; W A Borten. 1 pkg., D. Heyide; agent. . 1 talx, Sergi 1 Ingruhdin. 1 pkge, C. VT. - ViTlfs. • 1 pkge, Bli. Laney. 1 peg .. Peter Oai.ty. , -1 pkge, Mrs Catharine BP -1 bald. Jacob :malt.. Call,. I box, Dr. arrob Ilarlaoher. i t kie, - Sargl, H. W Wood- I box, Capt: 'J. Berri. hull L box, Cat L. M. Burnell. 11 kge, Adana Wolfinger • I. box, John W: 6Plienb 1 pkge, tient ASratua. Lc. ba i , Wm a a Peter. Ihea, SA NeWoutull:' 1 pkg .., KolAnt F. Urns-lan. 1 rude, W B 16)d sr. I &tog, J. (I. 8 - aldwingl trunk, James tioughte... 1 1.4 ~. • I.m.da M Berri. lint e. John H Derweller. L 1:144; Geo Cedilla. - 1 page, Tl•ottson • Nixon. I pi•ge, Prank/in S Good. 1 tam, ..iiunuel. 11 FM 1 pito, Aaron II Boh.ors. 3 boxes; Geo H Brothvick. 1. pkge, Dr It Laughworthey. 1 hox, Retry Murdnoy., I !,loc i KWlatu Le rlia e.. 1 Lios, Jueob Bose:Aroma. 1 pkge, Win,J Yhtreraon. - - 1 bits, W •sitterwanl. ' L pkge, Wm March. ' ..'l.n x, 11. II Pates. I pkge. Diteld Al'ihmough.. t Other " .R +Row -1 pkge, John ()Wieser. • 1 prod.:, William Itornworth L pkge, SoPhla Beater, I'lkig, Peter J W ilea L pkge, Cute Mayor. 1 or Cap , /1 .1 Sharer. I. pkge, tion•y F ttarnhard. l'box, William hedser. 1 p ge, JanoShuler. t I bottle, Ultisrteettucan. I pkge, &dike • reebnirt 4. 4 rent p le.; Id Clymer. . 1 pkge, W . ti KopPenhafter. 1 pirge, Ethers lihrtlinri '- ' 1 page, .1 M Nlximat' ,1-hox, One Jos Elutctrinstell. I Owe, Toomustiooden. 1. Hun. Rit Bailey. Lph e, Gallus I embeds, 111.1 e, Cap, lien L hog,..Toued liou..e. 1 beg, J C Doppen. I. pkge. Henn'SacoL, 1 pita% in '.l Foos 7. L pkg., John 04stkiso. - 1 c bg,.Gto I Krider. L pkge. II L Harris. 1 box, Cs. t W Liar and. 1 ptge, Pritridr. Flanagan. 1 box, !mac H u •peo. L Ogle, Davi • Popper. IS 1 pkge Goo El Mu- eii. I. box, Wm L Er-e. .k-,:, 1 pkge, John Vote( t pkge, W S King. . 1 bus, J It Gros- .. I. pace. L. tit 1•• • J Boyer. ' Itixix, Ale Penii}packer. I i> •V, 1.11 ,- odom U ',church. 1 pkv, A :tewa.c. , L pkge, G Brooks. ibex, Peter Ben haw. L pkge, John A D•tatricir.. 1 pkge, Louis Eshan. May 23. 13 —d2'aw4t GEO. BERGS EP. Agfnk. Gray's Patent Molded Collars 14 1. 0'1W ,01 , 41 Y Lluepleces oC p ' ej*r'e.ut. tzi" tite 4'Lli fit a suifk.linf 'are Masted a n d Shaped tdJtt , the nealc , having' a uterreot ourye frs „frO . T. 4*iqs or:breaks, K is .51) , - . Lamed our patenteif pe ceSs, wilnialsOsebareS another advantage possessed By , no oihei• : Spaee,Ar tie &Neat in the itun.dewn style, the arsine uY WHICa 1.9 YERPNCTLY SMOJW 6.IVD /MSS PH.O7sI P 11413174 p 184.14 this for ease, neatness, area durablilty, :They are made. is' Turndown style in: - Dues flair! 12 to 17, end tn:Oaricltt# fr94.13,t0 13 Inches, wad packed 112,.. boxes 011/51 0 .ese14014,AlexuLti4.0k.010 1 9 4eh army and Davy °Mears. . : CoLLeit Ls stamped. Gtrayis Patent - Molded Collar.** ”- Sold by retail dealers . - in tdea'a Furnishing The trade supplied by ' , PANT/RUBEN -BO9IIIIA`R., & CO., ,jel-eod6ra CHrzTNUT St., MiLidelphla. Uito-A# b. VIVEXTTIPSIX FERST PRENEIUDLS, TWELVE SILVER hIEDLLS, ANA .. TEO3 ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever WWI by instrumente 'of this • clads) has tieeu awarded to. . L. biASON & HAMLINISPISTRIIKENTS.,-.1. D.4llAssortment of. awes insti;tu, ziesul always on kiwi et W. K.NOCHE'.3, Stple Agent:, JN4-3tawlyl 93 Marker street: Thomas C. MacDowell, 2-1 - ttorney-Ekt-Law. OFFICE IN THERRST., BELOW PINE. 6 00 each ..A LL planner Of Military ii Claims., promptly itztgiof and claims clillected against the General or male GovikiSmenta, dither' in Congress, the Court of Clairria'at Washington city, or at:Harrisburg, vrithniit uo:. nricxs , sry delay, and on roo:ierata terms. ap29-rifirra . AATaLNUTS; - CREAMNUT.I, FILBERTS.. V V Fere onto whet sale ri' 3RISLER & FRAZER, - rOyfi suow000! to W. ' ot - k, "Tx KEW tiIiQCERI rittlll.6lo. STOKE, • BOY ER 4.SeKOERPER WHO L E SALE AITD.RETAIL 6 -11,4) C E - R E S ggetnila AtisitGliums AND Itisol3 OF: AT,V: Y •PRODUCE`, f„..er„btirg, ru.g, t+, watch dray invite sun atgaimi the gerwrally. • nolagily • • . C. SMITH, mint onav E Y - AT qr LAW, LTAS rbigoN44Offietiiliroth Third-to:W:1,1- LX_ nut street, next to,the•Prisein All business in= milted whim will rice...re prinupt _mei careful attention. ,11,4 Sulu iteruv'Po• tiy.Ltue. • . A. , LARGE tußiurtutentat BactONES'S GUMP /3001CSTORE, ruartB Sulu al.Wllututedt ut retail at low prices STOCK HOGS. FOR SALE. viTY FIEND of !-toolilloga are for sato at 0 me 11 Att HI3 RUIZ DROVE Ya.b.DS. jel4-031.# . uUCKSTERS' B ISKETS. Pm -1.1 z ,crew-sp ti to W. tN cs , jr ,Co .; liavt o, t w at! ...zen hickory I) k - ets. • Moo Ss'so'Por eiZen- - , VENE Kettle .1344idered LeiliD,,hiet received kaL3LEN k FRAZER, matt • • (oaccemors In w.ce !jack. Jr, &ea.) A FB,Ewzt of' ifd.toliouelb Culefiratked Lk Sugar Cured Hama ar-d:Drtell Beef, at tadtd, BOYER & ICOERPER.,' CORN- KEAL—A tine Article. Just re ceivm Ed ziIIII3I4ER & FRAZER, mon succettoors to Vito. Lock. Jr.. & Co.) tA CAKES FMB, IbIP,ERIAL lv MUSEARD for bale by -_ • SHIFLER k FRAZER, , may succoseore to W. Dook..Jr., k. G. „ TA 1.3 L F: ()LW. - boXAO fine table I: • oils or the best - kniiortittonstor sal e ; chulesaleand [etall, by ZEILNILERie FRAZER; pay& anciamsors to W. Do. k, Ji, h Co. COKED - ALMON.=- FINE SMOKED S 4,31.,M9E,,1tyze, rebelved at SHISLES & FRAZER, feta (eucoasaors to Wm. Dock, jr,-, 4.00.) . . UTTE — R, BUTTER.—Fresh 1611 '"butter .L from Sdyder cotokty sepeivi i i(o T ry we k. eiptt; [my4) tuw R.Ft k 0E111TX...7 WM'S! HM AS! fresh supply of Mich era's Excelsior Rama and Dried. &e 1; a t, Alin BOY= & KoEursx HARRISIIUMF, PA. PRICE TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION. EXCLUSIVELY FOR TH.E MILYJELEGRAPH .131 r TES OTLANDitINES. REPORTED CAPTURE OF FORT DARLING "The Bottom Out or Je'ilrs Tub:ss WASRINGTO2 . ..T, June 17-P.. id The last edition of the Rep-b/ican says: - ' We have unofficial advices that Fort Darl ing was captured this morning. This report is believed by gentlemen-.high in authority, .and we have good reasons : also: for believing it. ; ,;If it is true, then sure enough the bottom has dropped ont'of ify. 2 4. Davis tab." FROM MEXICO The Imperial Progress. Santa Alma: to be Field Marshal. Frigate Dispatched to Convoy .Him to Mexico. By the arrival of the Eagle, from Havana, we are furnished with further details of the reception of Maxiinilian at Vera 'Cruz and his progrose towards the Capital. The French journals of Vera Cruz say that the:reason" the ladies of that city appointed no deputation to wait ,upon the Empress, was because they were so little accustomed to 9%1 visits. The Empiesi was informed of this and expressed herself ierfectly satisfied with the explanation.- The Emperor had not arriveitat the City of Mexico at the latest ctites. Great preparations Were making there byGeneral Bazaine and thelnunicipal authorities for his reception. A. , ship of war is to be sent from Vera Cruz to Havana to coney, with all possible .honor to the. Mexican shorelSanta_Anna, in his new capacity of Field-Marshal of the Empire,, It is expected, that. the" Austrian frigate Novara, the same in whiCh the Emperor and Empress, Grossed" the - odean, "will, he selected for the dutY. • - • - tenor Francesco Yavicr Miranda, until re cently prominent inMexican.Ettfairs, has died at Puebla. It is stated by the journals in the French interest that great distress prevails at Monte rey.. Provisions are getting scarce and the merest necessaries of life , are. at enormous prices. The present Governor has imposed a large reedlcian as the - ettites Of -Nueva Leon and Coahtuda. The Prefect of the army has announced that at the defeat of Doblado by General Mejia, the' latter lost 800 - prisoners, 18 cannon citte'ltag and all his' camp 'equipage, besides leaving many of his dead on the field. Arrival of Gen. Stahl at tinsbnrg With;Twelve.linn ; dred Prisoners.. : •, Two Thciiimnd His Hundred Prisoners Captured by Hunte,F. MARTnivataa, W. Va., June 16 . Major General htahl, of General Hunter's Army of the Shenandoah, arrived here this morning via Beverly, We'st:Virkuiiiii., slightly wounded in the shoulder, together with porgy tiona c;f....his staff, „ThoiGetteratiett btannto* -in charge:ofttielyeiliundliallebels , whi) were taken in the e late :.fight at Staliton. :I They were guarded through by the 28th 'Ohio regiment ~vvlke§e ~time will expire toidaz, and detabhniefits ...-,of .. the. tli3ferene.'.oli, airy regiments and a, eetion of Ewing's ti battery. 7 In, - e .., engagement., we,,, -lost ',in - 01044 etV , hilhs4 and weimdell,,the wounds Oimost bit* tit t', SO-es-ifcit-biiii capaCitate the most troni - diity. The rebels lest aboutetWelya,Xundreat killed, mdround ed., anlf ibiiut twianti-flie e`crp hundrlisOnere, twelve hundred of which'have safely arrived at Webster Virginia,. arid. the .balance were sick Marl wounded forindfiri the extensbie hog pilule of Staunton. General Stahl's wound is of a:wig slight character,- not ; disabling him I for more than a few days, when you will hear ' of this gallant cavalry 'officer back in the -Valley. Vallandigham 41Iaking Threats, Cmc3i-4 . .. Tx, June 17 the Commercial's Dayteii . , - dis Patch says there is but little, doubt that Vallandigham's arrival was uliespect6d to his friends. His house was open yeaterday; and a large num bervf:..his,friends- called on hint. - r- Tu to a serenade last nighf. VallUn digham said he did not believe there wonld be any attempt to arrest him, brtt, should there be, he intimated that he and his friends were prepared for any emergency- He announced hisintention of remaining quiet ontil after the Chicago Convention,:when he would sake his purpose known. - Destructive Fires. in Illin?i , —Uotk Island Bridge Burtied. CHIC;AGO, June 16 Still Diversey's brewery was destroyed' by fire this morning. - The loss on 'the buildings and fixtures is about $85,000, insurance 30,- 000. The loss of stock amounts to $65,000, on which there is no insurance Tie draw of tie railroad' bridge_' at Rock Island caught fire frorda.stearner, yenterday . afternoon: It' is not knoin how much the bridge was injured. The loss will amount to about $40.000, and it will take 15 days to re pair the, damage. The Pursuit or Morgan in Kentucky. 4.lsett4 srf J 711.. 17. The Gazette's Lexington dispateX sass Gen. Burbridge has issued tui eider -forhidding the circa& ion of the Cincinnati Efiquirerwi4iin the 1 wits of his.diatlict9 - : The pursuit of ..1if0rg..4.-is .sixttially at an end. he having paasedAhe lines-swath a few hundred pimp. Itanh.er 3jtt.l#3lniyersis . 7. • e . :welksErcalk Rixixe:l7.l The Custom hone, banks and stores- of this city . are closed to-day, in observance of the anniversary of the battle of Banker Bilk STEAD. sirrict. .I.IIV.F.ItTn4INC: -DAILY TF.OrrFRAPH. The fOLIOWIII# ere the rut* for wick:tams In GRAPH. Those having advertising Ve t _ do win that venler for reference. Four hues or :T.3s co tines t t more than four cum POR A KAU SOAR& Oile day $ 80 Tvro days 30 Three «lays 76. One montn 300 Two months 4 63 Three month". 650 8111 caul:lath 800 (toe, Yom' J 6 00 tanutustration Notices—. Warrthgv Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices curb insert], t 1 ut oz. , e-h-aff NOR osa IIC/Cri22. One day ..$ fEe .IwoOnye • . 1 141. three - d 95% • - 1 is. - One week 2 '4". One month Two months. . (twee 11 CO SM moat* La • One year • -- -14 wElususetz nousxx tx.fore sdlurringem and D insertion, The Army Appropriation Bill. WeeaniuTorT, June 17. The army a.ppropriation bill, which has just become a law, provides that "all persons of color who have been, ;or may he,,tutatikered into the mi itarreeimce of the TJnited States shall receive the same uniform clothing, arms and equiplucuts. camp equipage. rations, wed- Teal and nuspital attendance, lay and • ments, ether than - bounty, as other soldiei-s of thereguler or volunteer forces of the U. S., of the like arm of the service. from and after the first of January, 1864, and every person of color who .shall hereafter be inns• tered into the service shall receive such sums in-bounty asithe President shall order in the different States and parts of the United Suttee, not exceeding Slto.- All persons enlisted and mustered into the service as volunteers, under the call dated October 17, 1863, for 30f1,000 volunteers who were at the time of enlistment actually enrolled and subject to-draft in-the State in which they volunteered shall receive, from the United States the same. amoung r of . liourity, without regard to color. AU persona of color who were free on th e 19th. day of April, 1861. and who have. teen enlisted and mustered into t e military Ear- Vice of the United States shall, fr. pi the time of their enlistment, be entitled to receive the pay, bounty and clothing allowed to such per- - sons by the laws existing at the time of tLair enlistment; and the Attorney General of the United States is hereby authorized to deter. mine any question of law arising tinder this provision; and if the Attorney Gen era aforesaid shall determine that any such enlisted persons are entitled to receive. arty pay, bounty or clothing in addition to what they have already received, the Secretary of War shall make all necessary regulations to enable the pay department to make payment in accordance with such determination. All enlistments hereafter made m the regular army of the United States, during the con= tinuance of the present rebellion, may be for the term of three years. Murder by a Copperhead at Read ing. RFADrrcc,, Jane 1 7 Quite an excitement has been created here in-mmsegnence of apolitical etante between: the workmen in the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad wurisbop, in this city, resitking .„." in - thii killing of one o• the parties. A few . ' Attitli ago one of the workmen said ho would rather fight .fsir , the rebel cause Than for" the' Union. This expression cleated a feeling 0f... indignation among his companions. and they , determined to order him to leave the towit,nr else far and feather him and ride him 'on_h rail . • • This-morning he again ease to work. gies of his personal friends; though au opponent in polities, advised him in kind words to kali* •heishop, as he would surely be mobbed if he remained. Another workman (father-inkaw of the rebel cullrd. out , " s&..ot hire,' whereupon the latter drew a piStol atia. shot-his friendly adviser, the ball takingeffeet in_the abdomen. . : • - The murderer was arrested and committed to prison. The Bids for the New Loon. ana:Tox, June 17. After a careful addition of the bids it - CU.'. Treaßn4 Department it is ascertained that the aggregate ter the seventy-five million leant i§ about 47 0 ,000,000. The secretai7 hassle- cided to reject ell offers. below 4 per cent. Prelidura, and"b:i take fthose at and above" pet cent., which will - niAke the sum accepted alone; $41,00U,000. The Pit tgbnrg Sanitary Pair. • PITTSBURG'S . ; cTILISe - id.' The contest for the silver trumpet at_ the Sanitary Fair of this city - closedx-toKlay, .and on, counting up the votes it was found chat the hope Fire Company, of Allegheny city,gaiiwd it by over 900 majority. . _ New Jersey Hundred. Pays Men. N - ewenz June 17. . The - lst regiinent New Jersey hundredsdays; men reit camp this morning for Wiu-hingttirL They are good fighting material, and ex - pit : es a desire to bo sent to the front; On their ar, rival in Washington the rustier will beAsitj before the Government, ' Markets by . Telegmpli. plivArmr.crii.i.. June li. Trade moves sluggishly in altdepartnients and. the transactions are limited. - Cleverseed is scarce and wanted. Timothy is worth $2 75®3. ,500 bushrls Flaxseed sold at $3-40. There is a firm feeling in Flour but the demand is very moderate; sales of lay barrels good Penns .and Ohio extra &roily a_t, $8 50. and 300 barrels, fancy Indiana at ;9. The sales t 6 the retailers range from $7 25 for superfine up to our highest figure. There is very little rye flour or porn meal here, and 1119 sales of either have been reported. The of ferings of wheat are small and the tendency is upward; salea.of 1500 bushels good Penns. red at $190; 2000 bushels Delunare do. at -1 921, and 3;000 bushels fair Michigan white at s 2 05. Rye commands x 155 .t 1 57., Corn is very quiet at the decline recorded yesttr- Any. Sales of 4,000 busbgls yellow, afloat, at 52®1. 53, and white et xl4B. Oats are _ dull and prices unsettled. NIAV ADV.t..: ISEAU.: 12$, T. WV Ai 'IIASTIC 4P1,41:1EiN.-!P MAATIPACTffirIsa, PITTSRUR•GG, Pa., IPREPARE.D . to tarnish and coat • thi ea- I wrier .Buildiuka with on a new system, Thie material ti entirely ditterent from ar. ,7 'other muents used heretofore, and is die may reliable„ . knitierisnata 6.4i-thy:for Out - ide Work blued with Ow War proportion. or pure Lintieed Oil it Corms a solid, ble adhotivenees to Brick or ctunie WA.; /wadi*. a kllifilk %WAN proof euriamitin _Brc , c l r,. _Snore or asiY , tiolui demerred., • '' _ P - A,M . anaueferheni Alwm I hare applied r4r.. 4 ..12‘ai I rater jo J Steses residence, Pena ITreeti Tltteurg ; — fteentienrer residence, uivireorno tt: r:4 , A. iloeveler, James ]!'Candle®, " Alletbekg Ott', P. Adman, • -It street! James W oo d, owner, .-ct,Pharieki • - Witham Vohel, Giterdlintwei - • s Atazra _ MOMS 'Mem T. F. WATSON, P. o. Box 1,306, PlWilms, PS., 10b1341m or, Noma. BMW iinlialAuf. EMSEMI ~ _._b ME;aM =UR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers