15ailj ,Ceitjrad. =I ilronTer float that standard sheet Ifhere breathes the foe but , faUe liefOreitii., Milli Freedom's soil beneath our feet, 1K: ~I,,And Freedom's banner streaming o'er OUR rt4Tiptoctlif. THE CMON-TIIE CONSTITUTION -AND intgoAcmartit THE LAW. ' tEiTiBISBURG PA. Noxiing, 10;1840. rz IVP MORE SLAM CAMENES • 21, THE ' ' ARMY: = -It is* fact that :officers both S the sqvular and volunteer service,• during out coca pistioliof Varlittia localities Inlhe rebel region, finidettiheinsetvesend . compelled those under theircommauoito mi . in: the capaoity of ,negro Oatchtettl,u Slaves' that entered our lines for: the t ptdistsie of imparting Important information, eaptnied"by . our soldiers on the orderAit these officers, returned to their masters,: and in nine oases oat of ten, the flesh scourged; fr,orrt irlicir4, as a reward for theit allegiance to - t i t'te l lffition, and their deign) to:aid. those who were fighting in its defence. • 'These facia, at -length attracte I the attention of OtingOss, and ''giA'Oistage of hill preventing `any one con- Sided with the army or navy from retUrning .fogitiveitdaves,ds a step in the right 'direction. Our basin vtiunteers did not enter ;the service to:becourti slave catchers; but to pet'dOwntle :rebel/ion instigated by elave-holders. It is bad , snough in civil life to be subject, (nutlet pen-. alty,) to the humiliation "of a kgal requisition inietiming a higitive slave. . do revolt ing Li it-that any:man with soul enough to ag predate the blessings of freedom himself, !Wild etkottei'hotior the'law by submitting to' ts pen -I:l4iji, than liObeying And so disgusting is the idea of hunting...an liscaping slave, that:the doltliernioldier Who. would take to it kindly ; woiltd pr,vehinieelf So great a poltroon to ,7040,4der..0 musket. Niugitive'slaves mast be . canght, (and we OlglOWAtt the legal obligatiOn) let the dirty work bq thrown upon; thane who are willing to dO4 few the•pay promised. Oar gallant army and nitiy don't 'Want to'soll their;hands' or yiolate .iikeif - Cptisciencas bx any each detestable work ~:§ild;we are glad that Congress has told them tiay+needn't. Paintfituipm ,47 Titik to 88 - tend i,ileonniairald to ,such• slave states aly content tht•erminelpatkm pf theft 'slaves, doM AIL(KAI* ittbkl portion of the DentoOtcy. thai ,juopcsitiou the dear freedont of Delaware; -Efaryitmd, 'Virginia, • EetttfickV,• Tenneeseei iiiissouvi, and possibly North Dam , Muni ahwyKlisyverittpt thelipornytt slavery, i•thkt tided . the etierltii t astruction of that Democracy which has derived its vital litifitflilibeliedAtiEfikliarckilthis Ake& of killiClat the per petuity of the-Democratic party. Every 81aVe Mid :iliklibated: ifreedo' *EWA rDemogracY. Every inch of territory purged of slavery arid olktilidttolreeistionlif soli iehlwreittiction on the organisation of the Democratic party, 511105tit.1,441014t 40, 11 30.4 8 rhtara 'AI' had Alilkditarggr PllPPart*NiPli dl lrly lug it of,spolialheirAit 9nokewezq4 the peo ple with its 'Attest-prejudices. and imtemp i erite tiliff4ll4LifiefalkAtaktif*Aaaitil.4 7 ol lov ROOT AND ANIWILIAPAURIOAN SHAN MIIKOCItiOY. - 4) ,2 S l 3 l Aurt i leA t li ee t h l el e Y i e t itirt the yemooracy hands, and as RIM ae theif sup a acre take their position, pp~ position of the Presi ! ient on the! tilled n'; 11 3 bittichttitUrly dpposed. lxmsifataibagYidAN - iiveaif-thilt there:Weis heavy loss of ettaurboats on the Tennessee a/talk sloriabquence of the invasion of the liPisiMtrlnboats. The Sam Orr, with ~I,loo' 1. )001100otier and tWatty-seven'aibniarine abialfelCia.as Aei 9.9: 01 1 :bitliedoiii.ea,e ratei, itite&sollessbovathe Tennessee river bridge; the Ages 3051 rd' Appleton Belle were burnt -by Ip.Oetates lit this mi;uth of 'Duck -river- Sam tiriman, Julius Smith andlime--the tAatatgivrithanehundral thousand dollars worth i labli*ailst "stotatlirere absudaded and l ' ''it'Biaence': the Denblii. Was 'dunk , lit fr. le „ : 4 , t': ' • . , i loi€4;;ll4l4,at iiiiiiti o Ort, bibs, a gnu ,ilbolatrWas sunk. :' , , , , i hAt qAtOyiLiTiarV4aitio;--;itiiillir'WelliOr 1 , 4 : t vjngan¢ tiouggesaionalsage" who j illeer.alWitart;tegy as.tn, element of succsei lit . i f , ~,teri06.„,,..,0,,.b..., Tiiil rebels lied hem ; 4 1 1 1 '64ftiefrtirling, it boasted t at it was ittLpitg.:4li).,_J'bi7 4eited our fleets •,enidlottr,arudes to &soli it. And yetv by pure ethifesetWi'selenee we have got Peesesehei'ef 'ATot.)doi , ii4 Yhe exPenalt4e of an ounce cotaDwiier o t thehloswaf a able.). life. Had the . adviiee of the oriiht-at-it'l pail:iota. 'been - fol ' lowed, it might • hayi;cadet ' us' 'five t i liOsand I.ltrel*.hu°44/ of : i hmie .. .;? ( 4leidei ertd•fheli; - : 1.104 1 ,10,d05en gun and mortar bnabs—andlpessi- Ably esilefeat. • .. ~.-• i ...: • .: • ,• .: ..,Lii. ttia,. ;• • __ _ . l;.. ~ : s 1 GAP IS Ike defriiito /rut Two*: 0 , 1 1 4 thirty Win of the Tennssow * a d ;irkgstkia railroad, the great arterial line"of , cianindeattoii between 'Richmond and Mb. 'With a l frAt l NP* . at4aß 4 tilt; Union Anglin East ToonsiliW 1411 soon be gluing. 4,4td.t. 44 - I '3fdfi plumb (Winn :innt other kindled Wish 'th itilkiinipwinitentatknedy , ttukstitheplid ear o the anisitaioritinitleiblgildahPw -fr"-•k-ttlbal PLANT AND SOW. We urge upon our farmers the necessity of making preparations to plant end sow every acre which they possibly can, as all the produce which - can be raised, will be needed the present year at remunerative prices. With three quer. tem of a million of men from the loyal states, substmated from the producing ranks and en gaged infighting, tnanufseturing arms, equip pages, munitions of -war, - etc., all of whom have to be fed, and the greater proportion by system which cannot be otherwise than wasteful, the demand for food the coming year will be greater than the supply, unless extra ordinary exertions are made, and we are fa • Irorri withattnitful. season. And let every- Rai* lie.44 7 filiMiable .as it may , prim must tertaidi • frigh, men if the foreign de ttiAltarbitli inliddition to the faCts which we have mentioned there are thousands and ,tens of thousands of acres of most productive land in Miseonrl, Benticky, Tennessee and Vir ginia, besides considerable quantities in Mary iaPttadr,.4olP,Protat rAioN'imilig: to' the ray& cannot ~ possibly oultivated the coming season. There is however a certainty of a foreign de mand, • although it may be small, but yet it will trove liCinfirierree,,upon our parketkand . &iiibrued;NiitiViio'f4l of hundreds of thous ands of men being iranitformed from producers to consumers, - and immense tracts of bitberto '4,l:lltivatod'ltbfelyini',Waste eouil'ciountry, there can. belioinciiition but that interest and patriotism call JeWlly upon our people to put forth' the ftnisielstrinittOta efforts 46 'produce every bushel -of-wheat, corn, potatoes, etc., jitifichran'_ tbeigeotiridlaiideulfivated. We have so far. conducted one ,of the most glgantipan4 expensivelwars of:modern times, without. the aspistance.of a dollar from foreign nations. And how has it been accomplished , ? Ply Pgc4ußct"l l '..leitrAPTP.duced 'an im mense 814:134:14,0 riMrksicßii, and in consequence have drawn millions of gold from England and Our brethren of the south claim that cotton tkingibufixeitsfitivA qt: themlf Wblockade of northeyniqr*Augnkthe past year would not have produced immeasurably greater die treasje Ifoglank through, thescarcity and dear ness of ,food, which , world_ have resulted from such acourse, than has the blockade of southern ports and,the cO , usequent scarcity and. earness of tpAcony We *ink. :that - any Unprejudiced riaind'inustricikneivledielhiWifiiiirwould, have been the case during the past year, and It may be ihia eamtOdutitig , :die ykte.te, ac lpgigecifte, ,that cotton: p9weiful, but we claim that corn is still more potent, and that the,iommerefal and i tna Fitifacte,ri9s interests of the world - would not 'slider ball the shock if the southern states were to morrow blotted out existelicie, thattliiy vionfdllfi the' iroith *WB33 to be forever lost to the remainder of the world. Truk Soursour Massa are bravo, chivalrous and intelliont—the .80414 of. honor and the embodiments of patriotism. Stich werethe clamoreof those who were in political alliancewith the , south, and who were: dependent on the slave power for political success.. Then the masses of the south were incapable of being - deeeivedt They were the onlyreal governing influence hithis nation; and ad:snch ever claimed the' preregative and prestige of government, nntiPtliar impression seized the southern•mind that the Union was • constructed for their exclusive benefit, to be pre served while it suited their pleasure .and con tributed to their:profit, to` be' when it wild no' longer he 'need lor such' purposes. Those who , once claimed all' these manly vir- Wes: and littriodo ittribitt ea people of the: south, , heve suddenly changed - their esti mation of the sante massed, andnei' appear •to be moved with-unbonniiiid 'selicitude for the confiding, imsopideficab3d, and• resentla peo ple who have heed so wickedly ind outrage ons-; ly deluded. Bat .this discovery seems to have been made When most peoPle believe that the delusion of. the. people of the south is due . to their own Phrensy and lufatnatidn. They were notdelnded in their aWnimed - rescilve tci destroy the Mani Therwerenot delnded' Whet( they swore to usurp thenutlierttiand powers or the federollcovernment. • The*-were needeluded when they aimed invade and oierini4 the free statess,. intoxicated with the idee Wei they could despoil their temples, drenCii their . colt munities 'blood; and rear' the blick Ass of slavery on every mountain and in'everg Valley of the great tree commonwealths of the fnion, They only discover • theft delusion . 4hen they discovered that defesifwai3 domain.'llteh the delusioti . .bitiume the excinie cowardice and imbeeility; and niiw ItliseiSilfimb l n by' those who tirelemnforui only in for traitors, and - ever' ready to' afforti ii inty excuse that will frustrate the ends oi•justioe in its ad ministration Spinet treason: Itlnakes ushluils for•thivintigritY savell - intelligence of the Jimmies's- ohimeter, do Ihiten tolheee"esonses and:apologies ifoi traitors treason -' 4 l'hey are:leading Anii , intO time" diffuifiltiki th* evert the armed do: if we are- not. careful we will be betrayed into precedents that will 'render the escape of "com mon criminals onedf the esilestitricks' of ; the law. The I.' delusion" of the" sonthern masses is one of the last cries of the northern dongh face. It .is. es: dangerous- as it is disgraceful, thus to afford a:benci of Imminent treitors with arguments of-justification and ttieuses'fer when the stern" aim of the law is about to 414. an example that will guard the goy: acumen', agidnst treason. imp Wu . . are those who opposa thw federal. authority. &naval S and 6814411118 are thcee who conduct the rebellion of the slave *roe then wretches were in tliaNnirgi,,thety eagagecl in plans to get,poesetsion of thelorts, arsenals and mill .tart' force of the country, that they could the better succeed iii their treason.._ Whin these 540 them, they busied iheirsielves in destroy ing private property, poisoning streamsand foun tains, devastating lands and submitticik towns , and (Atka to the diiiYirt6tion of fire Yet, in view of :thy *A& *ere ere tirose.'who, deny the rigi k t of Aleagovernment -to cenikeitte, the PAkirti,9oll-, goewfatautOMlDPOlMP' "I`6l*-"-t1.41"-- - pennsuitiattia Mailv tic AMERICAN - 100CM The women of Amefice„ from she .whe sail= in the Mayflower, and .wou the heart of tbe rough though hoped Miles Standish, down through all the yeara of our wonderful devel opment and progress to the present wicked rebellion, and the noble efforts to brush it out, areas much identified with the greatness and . glory of the nation, as are those of the sterner sex. They are identifiei, not merely by assn dates, but by deeds of daring and acts of devo-' Lion, such as are fit to emblazon any banner, however proud its history, and eunohle any t race,'. hOviever grand. its reputation. the struggle of the Revolution, the women of that period animated the army, urged the encounter, and assisted in achieving the victory in many instances where dismay and defeat seemed inevitable. What the women of the Revolution accomplished, history does not gendionely record, because `the pan'hf the his torian never wanders through the Begnestered homes of that momentous era, where domestic herohnii- did tiat'4iii' to that iArinittBe effect, calculated: to intensify aiiilltlnvolie its re cording,getilus ; and'yet itsiiatrinnong those scenes that_the.Rivolutionleoeivedfts energy, that its forces were recruited, its wounds Were healed, its weariness chtv . 4, and lie, ultimate success projected . Wheti•ths Wlfe of liiraehing 'ton shared - the dangei tuffithe,gloom Valley Forge, through the long m , the of;ati winter., she, was.folioWed in all her ;paths by ' women, equally emulous of Ministering to the soldier's comfort, and yet of these, not one Is • mentioned in As it was in the , Revolntion; So' it it in,the rebellion of the 'present:: As the:wife and no ther of the Revolution in humility r privicyind modesty, cheereil on , to and. shared Via labors, privations, and When it Was.pissibbi, pains of the struggling soldier, so arathe women of tbti loyal states sharing the trial of the soldier also struggling for the semeand, the , preseryation of bOnstitutional f Liberty„and . the..defirace of the American .Union. ~, And yet,how,,,litt'le notice has ; been 'taken of their _efforts,.. asthese noble women are to be found in every hospital, in every camp, along every line of _operation, on the weary march, the dreary bivouac, apd even the desperate 'struggle of the entrenplunent and the rampart. Bat tlie.bolletins of commanding officers and of the Department, neither refer to theif presence or acknowledge their curvier*. Certainly there is an Mastice.ha all , this, the mention 'of sThich !hong calla . blush to . the face of not only those guilty °tithe neglect, but of those who have it in their power , to prevent its continuance. - We are prompted to these observations by reading a speech..delivered on the 22d of Feb ruary, In. Philadelphia, on the occasion:of the diuner given by the authorities of that city to the Governor and, members of the State Legislature. That speech was Made by Hon. Henry i;•:iloore, the able State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, and, will be found on the first page .ofl this after noon's Tersonaen. It embodies, a sentiment and is o°4oo Jut In „ quertoeof language, which `cannot a I tjelinitthi c tidiittistion of the reader. . Jaw. DAVE 9 ie tryinati ca i 'shirk the teeponsi- Willi; Of the recent r disasters,. wpm: hie lieutenants. "Thou .cant not!. it," exclaims the arch traitor as le sten& shivering and cluttteribg before the gory Awes tlat rime •to accuse him from; lleanokk and Fort Donel . son. Bee how the cowardly rascal trice to pettifog fhe.coie in his cairn favor: Enough is known of the surrender of Roanoke Island tomake us feel:that it was . deeply hu ndliadim, however. imperfect may have been the preparations for defence. The hope is, WU entertained that our reported losses at fort Donelson have,been-greittlY exaggerated, inas much as :I am not' only3mwilling,batunatde to believe that a large army•of our have surrendered, without a 'desperate effort to cot their way through the investing forces, What evn inior have been' theirL numbitoiiiii to cleavor to make a junctionwlth other divisions of the army. This won'tclo I The rebel troops:at floanoke and Fort Donelzon behaved like poltroons; but they only, fo4otied - the example of their lead era. Itmas the fault of the cause- Wont than the fault of. the men. How could they have the heart .. to fight against It flag they lug, b li a' taught to reverence all theirlivest Ifoitcould they tight against a government that had rte'veie done them ill ? How could they did; with - anything like honest zeal, a centedent i elj bot tomed in larceni and propped in fraud! i 3cEzz xEovs.i h. [From the Louisville JournaL] THAT tell us that. Gen. Sigel • was nob ednbiti ted at West Point, brit he il,ghts like.a M4n ed ucated at all points: Taa 11. B. Government has hider grebrffitgei against the Confedorabytent Wager HAlledr... • I' Is said that, in Aliabiktihd;!they araklie tressed for tallow to make candles. "Itumphre7 Marshall wouldn't be tham Burnam is shikin&lhard *kiwi it the front of .the, Southern Confederacy; Wait •our loot is vigorously at workat kis rear. With 'root, the seat of attack. itA. a seat of honors • .-!. 'TIS-Maur% t mar li n *° g - wing sayS that Rpm phrey Marshall, when last seen, was parching corn for ,his ,dinner.:The oleaginonarebel, Beret took" his' ftiAtOapo .before. - sons:of themorifetieratesareiconsoling selves with the. thoughts-that their reverses will do them l good.• Xes;,, a ces reverses will dd. them good=do-good to the whole country, re bels as well as patriots. IF the rebels conclude that the meet : ioent among them are to be hung, it wilLhavo a decided tendency to make them modest and unassuming. Each will try' to• be thought of the least possible. importance. Ness Bowling Green, before its evacruition,l a c,oniederate soldier. was shot at and wounded by an old farmer while attempting to carry off a quarter of veal from an out-house- .The:fel low went for weal and forind woe Lanus' under , garments are In.great demand in . the snutherh army, for "flu' We wonder. if the Confederates think our brave fellows will shrink from marching right tip to the batteries that fire petticoatO 14 them. 'l'hey never ran from the article in their lives. ilplcastwirattwarity - c - fliii 18th 111:44tii:.14 1 .11,19it1ii 41.chhood Flagg, of that city, to Sate, datightw:offildiforikr. gber, of Jtfferson county, Vit.!lni We always thought o ne Ad friend Flagg to befqrP.l l , l 42B.lPing , ii May all the constable. u2.M...1 M 111r1411111001 efg4taliabikke propitkiait y MU ...111 °nem, Baru) 10, 1862. cmb From our Evening piton of Saturday. FItOM FORTRESS MONROE. • • glls .11" 04),P1P 7:A,T;NWOIX The People Dread the Destruction of the ' - City In insint Attack. General p l aT:nsid? Reported to be r Moving 'on the 'City: HE FEDERAL PRISONERS AT RICHMOND. - - • Re -`imprisonment of Ool: Corcoran ARREST oi l lINION MEN AT RICHMOND LO'Y ALa GVE'R'M AN S American Flags and other Union Devices • Fold. in thellermad - Turners' Hall. COMN Ath) TOBAO 2TY B 15839202: ED BY THE REBELS. Silver frail° - to '5O Centi l lireinlam in 'Richmond- , A Piilladeiphia Divine 4Conse crate4llbop or Alabama. The General Conference of the L E. Church, Souk' liostioned Indefinitely. THE'STEAMER"Id7RMIKELC rowraiss Mozutoz, Feb 7 The steam tugs Atlantic and Pendulum from P hiladelphia, ' came !rite the roads this morn ing, „The Pendulum sunk while passing the light-ship. All hands saved. The steauterililwannee which sailed :or Hat teras with.stores on. Thursday, returned on so count of bid weather, but will sail again to= night. Themind is changing to the klorth west. A, flag of .trpce from Norfolk,,hrought down theVitinmendant of the VeitCh . steanfer.. • He represents that great excitement ezists at 'Nor folk. The holds are swarming With officers, mostly from the, Gulf States, the Virginia troops tieing altsant away: The people dread the destruction of the city in-case of an attack. A strong force is concentrating at Suffolk to check General - Beirtiside, who- was' reported to have occupied Winton in force and moving on Norfolk. • • I We-reason given by the rebels for not return ing Col.: Crl•rcoron,, is that maps and drawings have been fouiid 'concealed on his ninon. No further communication had been received as to the releane of the federal prisooers at Blohreond. The Rialimond . papeis - of Friday contain no military,news,except, the arrest of Union men, principally Gemmel. The detectives broke into the 'room' of he German Turners, and found two American flags, with a painting .= the wall of the GoddAis. of Liberty, with the words underneath, 'ARts off." The painting and flags rlr** cit: o ll o l 7, l 4 ll , • The Hotaf - lligirealaitatives ie. session at Itichmend;lhas ` `ads eil by a vote of 71 to 11; a resolutionalinicting the military commanders to destroy all gin iioltan and tobacco that Min :danger of falling faro'the hands of, the enemy. A resolutkei WBY ti4pted, asking the Fred dent to infoini-the-House what the foreign ves sels of war are doing in Hampton Roads. - The Richmond likepaich says that 'a vessel ,drawing sixteen feet of water recently, ppm' 'out ottibarleetini 'Harbor. , Charles Palmer, arrested for disloyalty a few days since at Riot:mond has been discharged. Specittilt quoted at Richmond at forty to:fifty °anti toiSmhliii. '" - A dispatch from Atlanta, Georgia, says that ,tbe r:4srsd troops have pectipled kturfreesbero', tenneeisee, and that 'General A. Sidney Johns ton haaretrented , to.Depttnr. Alabama. nu, ReV. lateof Philadelphia, was consecrated at Richmond on Wednesday, as Bisnatoidiastsuiiii.l Bishop Andrews has postponed indefinitely ;theigenetalconference of the Methodist Epis copal church south, which was to meet at New Ortiatite lirst.of April • , tligiiitairimatr'-wei'lying' 'teat the Navy Yard yesterday morning, with her ifia • fiyingilzwridnla crew 'loli board. She. draw,s tzentyll rep ; feet, of water, and was described to 'Our caitespondenti as like the Tool of a sunken house, with a smoke stack pro, Mishit ficiailtaa water. 1- FitOIf"TAS'HINGT 04 The ludas and Nebraska Indians telider , Siniets to the Giveinment. 6000 Loyal Indian Refageatiln - BOO.th ,0,.z? - 1 ~ ,.,.i.,r 0 eT.R,CillikW.k i t.' , .± , .....44110.m. =EI TiMal.betgost Master Runs off_ With all ,IllankikWalLAEObags, ere.! THE NEW YORK POST won NMI= %,;,''A Plel.99llntutudoetw. - ef ~Indian affairs, lir. 'Dole, has returned . frojn the weft . While in atilt lid'Hebritskit, "the ludian chiefs called upon him and tendered the services of their warriora for military service, but these cannot Jeff be.,acraipted. iffpward of 6,ooo.lriyal;ln kOlen fefugeeit, including families the Cherol eiWeberititry, tire the lower 'part of Banes: ja,,their, retreat from. the -superior forces of the enemy they threw away everything `impeded' their stamp ede. The panic ,areamg,th.em„at that ,time v . , represented as frightful. These Indians being in a destitute condition, General Hunter supplied their *- mediate necessities. 3 ' eammbisioner Dole telegraphed to the Glov erpspegt atlthlnitles, and through his repreien talon's, eongresit promptly passed an acti for their relief. • • • - The PoskOffmes_Depar,tment received a letter to-day &in, Muth — villa , dated.' the $d inst.:, in wbioh it is stated that on the !special agent, Krtiderkland; taking' possession of the' Post apstla„tha,t, city, ,he foruni,that the rebel Post had •mister stripped it Otievery. article of prop erty, blanks, locks, mail bags,"twilig 6 sades, keys, &o The special agent had managed to get the c 1 51,47.4 1 01i 0- x amil elts 4--0 1 j.bat the United Sta* bffr ave agreeably -disappointed the `aecestdonialit, by reason of their good be- haviour and gentlemanly deportment. Others are mad because the officers and men will not commit some act of violence, or perpetrate_ an outrage .'Of some kind. As it 5aid,.,46 VIC credit of ,all the offieers„atildiers, CiViW6 an I I Camp followers, that the in Nashylllewalf,l never better. I have: never knowir4 - hettel order. The nomination of Abraham Wakeman as Postmaster of New York city, has not Yet heed' ' confirmed. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, March B. Flour is dull, and there Is more disposition realise. Small sales of superfine at $6 25 ; ex tra at $6 60, and extra family at $6 76. Re ceipts small. Bye is dull at $3 26, and corn meal at $2 75. The demand for wheat lignite limited, and only 4,000 bushels of yellow were sold at $1 82(41 88. 1,000 bushels of rye were sold at 74c. Corn is steady, and and 5,000 bushels of new yellow sold at 63®55c.. Oats are very dull at 37 ® 38c . Coffee firm; with sales of Rio at 18442tc., and Laguira at 21(4 22c. 9011 hogsheads Cuba sugar-sold at 61471. Provisions are steady ; 600 barrels mess pork sold at $l3 50(.414, and prime at $ll. 600 tierces hams solo at 61c. on pickle, aud:,so. In salt. 600 tierces of lard sold at 81a8ie. Whis ky lower ; sales of 700 barrels Ohio at 270, At the house of the bride's parents, cm the evening of the 6th of . March, 1862, by Rev. 8. Dasher, Mr. Thom= Moms and Miss Isonums S. Melltrak bothtit' WM6 Fairview, Cumberland county, Pa. • NOTlCE.—There_ was a hanlisome port . mOnia left at Mr. Mftler's picture 'riflery, Market street, below Fifth, which the owner can hare with all its centaurs, by calling, as above. [York papere'pleare oopy.l FOR RENT. THE rooms formerly oomipied by Gross a Kunkel, as a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 09008:11; hieing ample accommodation hr MO' En action of each boldness. apply to GEO. G. Rl7l4Xlit, Ganaretreet, between State and Waling. maa-2w* OBT.-4n the borough of York, on thq 711: inst, i pone see a brown plaid patch on lt and a yellow clasp, containing a ten dollar bill on the York Bent[ and two dye ~ cent pleats. wee logien the T almo between the Wenn line and Main street, or else on Main at, eat between Water and Bower Smits. the ender wilt be hberaly rewarded by returning IL to the subscriber:, SLLWOOD EILSNDRIOXIikaN, mar&dlt Coder= Peoer Mills, Tort ; Pa. stsooL os HARVARD COLLEGE, 1862. filWO TSRMS of nineteen weeks each, commrnaing,liarch 8d and £eptembar lat. For Catalogue and Oirantar, &dim, A. JOKE, P.tnlCEit u ßord Protestor. Cfambridgs, Maim, Feb. 1882 m at INTER - NATIONAL HOTEL • I 365 & 367 BROADWAY, WRIER OF FRANKLIN 4 STRIP% NEW YORK. T HIS first-olass hone--the most quiet, piti:pleamat Weer In the Intlietter 7 Inducements to then emit leg NeW TOR; for bettors.' or ptenurei. It la central in itt, poation, sod Iptirts3 4 ine: -; INIDIROPEAN PLAN, • - in connection. with , TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments no be had at all h9ore or served in Uttar vagi rooms. Tee chines:. arciuderate, the iweis aallipeedanco of the first order,—baths, ea all t4lttedertl convenience attached. 'BOOR 8 FOR FARMERS. STINE attention of agriculturists is directed 1 to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value *of their crops by adding solaces and the experi ments of others to theirexperience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE , FARM, de tailing all the Iribora of husbandry and the teat way toperf .rm•them. Price.,B 50 COLEMAN'S AGRICULITHIE and Reel , Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Baal,. TS LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL - TUBE, by Johnston fop THE AMERICAN FARMER'S.new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravicga —2 50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd . 100 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 WELCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of . milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 160 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by • Lynch 150 SAXTON'S HAND-BOCK, containing the :horse, the cow, the pig, fowls Ac.; olco.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Fanner, by Dr. Gardner ...1,50 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 25 THE HORSE AND HIS MEMOS, by Jennings • • 1 00 YOUR I" TKKHORSE: 1 25 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 ROMENANSHIP , and the Breaking and- Training of Horses 75 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the statiooery line, at lowest prices, at ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. MONEY ITMEB. 1:110ETEM - ONAIES, WALLETS, POCK. ,st-books, Bankers' Cases, Ladies' Cabs Satchels, Ladles Traveling ratchets. We are constantly receiving additions to, our stock or the above goods, and neces sarily 'have a tine assorrnent of the ,latest styles. = We respectfully invite persons wanting to purehaie any of the above articles to examine the, stock—knowing that a greater variety or better goods_ be Druid Is . the KELLSS'S Drux and Fancy Store, ill-Market street, one door east of Fourth desist, south side. OPOST.OFFXCIE 7 BRS fixt by otj o o hn ice 5 iilt ! of d and Wise, whole. a-le and retail Grocer aud. Qoalecaloner, in Third street, next door to Bradley's Barber - shop near Walnut. Inarti-ddlusso , itarch 6 • ' ... " ANTED. . . • )4. OELILD'S NURSE,' cook and chamber mad, white woman preferred. Apply next floor n . Dougherty's onneeondstreet marl dec. LI a r r.i tD. ci 21mertismtnts. TAKE NOTICE. PEUE subscribers have moved their store 1.. twzi doers above the old stand, where they ,wlll continue to sad all klada or.,Gro4erioB, Hama, Baron, Fish, &a , at olty prim., EBY & Kuzma • marl-d t GARDEN SEEDS.--Fresh garden seeds • from aualu, Phitadelpbta. For side by Nichols & BOWMAN corner of Front and Market streets. nal' TiOAt and do:bill - I Oil "it — is' now Wlo4 *0444. Ttleanist,ioiCe4lioa th an by er fionse hi town. elrbraodsior Fale by Mlcbols & Bowman, corner Front sod Market streets. 'a Wl' E X I'RA. FAMILY 'IfLOUR, Corn - `bleat and Buckwheat Ilorir. Bor sale low by Nlcbole & lsowrmau, corner or Wont eind Market streets. m7-y 'Cbiq; WtD r e 4*— i ' no n , xpisali;Nicasa Bowman, coinero Wan litirtetitree uOl Atilisagety of using and entertaining itrticlet--cheap—at n 2 111113 Min) BOOKSTORIC. New 24kevtisements. TRIENNIEL APPEALS FOR 181 Ilia K. Under: igued Commi ssioners • j. Dauphin County Pa., make know to theta inhabliante within said county and those ownioE estate within the Minty aforeol d that appeals wt Mad on the valuation as rettfrned by the AnSeSsUrS 'teal and personal property taxable for State aud cot purposes for the said you, said appeals commer Mona May , March 2 4th,at the public house or Gavot for taa rovnthip o t Z. 0111.11 Hanover. East Hanover, at toe pub house of abr Boyer, on friosoay, the 25t0 day of Marna Inst. For West, Hanover, at the public house or John On Wednesday, the 28th day of March loot. For Susquehanna township, at the toutity e dg y oe Heron loners office, on Thorsda3 Fftir Heron inst. gaatara township, in the Court House ahrl on Friday, the 28th day or March 'nit For Halifax and Reed lowushi p i,°ll Tuesday, day of April, at the public house o John Byrod. lb For Jailer:nu township, at the house of John tic (election place,) on Wednesday, Apr.l 9th, 1592. For Jackson township, at the thane of John Bi Ertl ,on 'Monday, the 10th day of pril. For Washington township,at the pulac house or, Hoffman, on Friday, the loth day of April. For the township of Wt- osnts..o, at the public he N. Haman, in Lykenstown, on raturdsy, tha or lip.% Fir Lykins township and borough of Grid, en diy„ at Baum's Tavern, is (lists, on *ado, , the day ordpril. For the township of Maio, at the public becse'd pinta Bordner, in Berrysourg, on looney, Me lit of April. For the tewnsklp of Upp3r Paxton Bud 11111erebut Brealand's lavarn, on •Wednesday, the 16th di, For the township 0 f Middle Paxton, Raab and Dat borough, at the pub Lc house of ---- Dintplapl, on Thursday, the 17th dayof Apra. Fur the - township of Lower Paxton, st 'Tavern, on aaturday , the 19th day at . p:i For the township of Lower swstaia at tn. house of Mrs. Lehman, in 117,81/ePte. Di 21st day of .49111. For the borough of Middletowa, (tut t public house of Valentine Dolaoa, on day of April. For the township of Londonderry, at Reikr's: Cr on Wednesday, the lid day of sp , h. 'For toe t,wiisoip of Canewago, at Snyder's laver Thuraday, the 24th day of April. For tOO township of Derry, at the pub is poise little, in Ilnathiebtown, on Friday, the 5;.a For the Sixth and Fah wards of the city.): as at the Court Hoses, in the office of the Lauccy alogers,,on.Tuesday . , May 6th Just For LOB Fourth ward of acid city, atth2 Wednesday, the 7th day of Ilsy. For ,he Taira ward of =aid sty, at tse. -A, t Thilnd.y, the Bth day of May, Fur the First and Second wards of tai . day, ;he 9th day of May, 1062. sll6. Commissioners uneroforo hop rhr ' knowing themselves IggOOVel by thelr r,,p • - dons aalpirised, will take unit e her. of their rasp:env. pieces or appeal fo r redes., wul open at 9 A. at an. close at 4 o'cloes ?. Jst.Oß 8.0.2 060001; G t- VEKCE HaNal: maB-10 i—Jossra &ma. P.:. ABSVEISOrM are requested t) be pun OttOadinall on the day of appeal. APPLES. 100 bble. of Choice York State Ap FOR SALE AT 108 ihrTiet mart-d4l O 'CIA.RDEN SEEDS.—Just VI large bliVie• of elates Gar :ea arrester variety of im,ior.eil ant tun, Las ever been °gored iu this city. desire to purchase, een depend up 1,” 1 , the wend, at the waoliesaie nun ran it tr f DOCK, NEW NOVELS A MANGE STORY, by Bulwer, 111 , 1,- A. tutted, price Dwah The Warden, by Trollope, tnieket h brary,) Castle Wafer, by the author at ••Ea,t Lynne" Treasure Trove, by Sam. L ,ver, edition Tom GlOBbie and hid friend:, by Lac: r The Broken Engagauen', by 31r, Sot,tl worth - With •ll the new• bouicdes iooa as pui)lis at BERGNER'S Cheap Rua; Sure. COAL! POWDER:! COAL REDLCED 111 N Csonuideration of the hard lit es I sell exclusively FUR CA C,l Price of Coal as follows : Lykeas Valley Broken (gy $2 ee per vr, " Large Egg .‘ cr. " Small Egg " " Stove 2vO " " Nut .4 Wilkebarre • Lorberry 290 Aro ow delivered by tha CATZST oan 00 weighed at the purchasers short 10 I.OIINIM, the Goal wild he lorleit - i All Coal of the best quility all Impurities. ilifiread avid la (puddles, at the ww,..r P/10118 Agent for Dupont's Ce[sprat 7,1 s ways on blind, at Mannfsourers pr, ier.A large lot of superior a/led d.p:o . .1 WAH lIAIR, TOOTH, NAIL. uLti [it, Win= And INFANT BRUSRB . 1 zr' igIILLEK'S DRUG ^ -r FREIt Oranges, Lemons, ooa-nut,&:., 80 , jil3E I AO. Corner Prow. irmg JUST RECEIVED. A SECOND LOT of Come and tat Valentines, at .inro IL Imes. &bib y SegliFiaS COAL OIL, Natrona..Ntagnolta , and other non exploAlre brands, G.r s NlCkbit..4 ' 8 , ) .. fbb2 Fr nt and Si a NAZARETH HAL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOI". NAZARETH, Northampton c,nurY /AV otisocesa from Hlrrisuurg Easton, and thence seven miles b 6tige. Rev. EDWARD H. 16.8 m• PVC JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORDIENT of Bibles of different styles of biculinz st $1 50, $2, $B, it, $5 andilo. Also ferent styles and prises at SCHOFFER'S rebid y EOifETEIING NEW! NO excuse for having Boots and not blackened. Sleeking that mil give a P a : wet or greatly boots. Jant the thing for .ne tirn every one cannot afford two or three patti :r boots. Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWD N : 21 corner Front and IltrtLt " P. iz W. C. TAYLOR b.r• H. It is economical and highly detersive. W taiga Rohn and will act waste. It is ernart iktaireitbe hfuldel. It will impart an are-' bi ' and is therefore initable for every rpe;" eale by Will. DOCK , Jr. MILITARY GAUNTLeS. A NNW LOT, just received, of the, ..!-+!..quanti, .4 CATER:6 itT'.4, pest !our o 7r' Lemons, Apples; 130alivb5eort . for sale by corner Front NICE" 36 htlet sir DANDELION COFFEE tea Colfe Frew urge gaPPly of this Celebra j by WM. DOCq. AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE CARPENTER AND BUILT • Redoes No. 27 North Second Street. N. P—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. 10.111til Orauges, LEIOIOIIB, Cocoa 3: Rados, Currants, dsc.. &c.. fa sale loaf At., NiCHOLS BOSCO. C.orner front and titer. et r OLD mock, coin jlOB t034.00.-worranted-41 01LEFOR 01:00fr' feb2l BIM Z. G. CARPr:Sr.',?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers