pailp ettegraw, HARRISBURG, PA No on) Morning, March 10, ib OVER —Both Houses of the Leg .,djourned over on Friday last until this gyttr+iLoU IRISL ox A FIRE &IOW& —A trial of the Good 11 iii Fue Er gine of this city, will be made at Liih-totto, this county, on Saturday, the ,it i o'clock, P. u. I=Z=l :•16•RII1;11; FOR TRACING PAPZIL A very. ~.titure for tracing aper may be Man c ured Wall ordinary pape pr by the help of a ttit 1).•1 z A sheet of ordinary Bath poet; moi3leu,d with this oil, renders 'ha material troisparent; the tracing may they rite.ted, awl within a abort time the vole, A, fluid 1t ,s evaporated and left the paper k oly opaque and clear as before. The raw surtaide no detriment by the opera • dui COUNTERFIITSD.—The report that, the dernand notes had been counterfeit ttirt out ti) be untrue. The most diligent gj ir% po tailed to discover any such itid it. is believed now that the whole invention of the parties who pro ,,,,liated it. Either the police have been or they are trying ro impose on t the correction go round. There „,, t , has not been, and is not likely tq be, co olertvit on these notes. BIEVATJONAL HOTEL.—We cannot do a bet .,, g for those of our readers who are about Sew York, than to direct their atten- L t the card, On another column,) of this i,otel. It is where they will get their To i❑duce them to patronise they lard only be told that it is kept on the :!:fri , tan plan in connection Witb the best, the s t alp] most magnificent saloon on t this .q.rn. lit— the world-famous Taylor's Saloon— ., wH, hit is attached) where all that Cora ,oiri the !wagon furnish for the table, Is ,;;par! in every artistic style, at all hours, and the 1 wet rake. NV M. DE OF COMPUTING INMOST. —A new Vdr 1 carpeting interest at six per cent has terl published, which appears simple. Multi ;:i‘en Dumber of dollars by the num of interest required, separate the 1,10 non!, and divide by six, the result the Ink rate of interest for such sum for .ace cumber of days at bix per cent. This rile 1 , a riu plr and true, according to all buss- Lau ut,ges, that every banker, broker, sner khan! FiLd clerk should post it up for reference and use. There being no such thing as a fina l:lln tu it. ume aeareely any liability to er-. tar at IV BO arithmeticial piece* tan to laareditt.rrnation be obtained with BO lea gurs bINATANT to Ltgc JR Disetsas.--Ia the tiro*. ll'opre.ontitiref, ou Wednesday, Mr. Sapper lutAu:.d 4 revieti,,n directing that the flom Ptitlee 0,7 W 1 And means be instructed, in their r,,tu lawn of subj eats of taxation, to I ,pre itao the expetlieney of increasing the :ate, of lixnse for the sale of ardent and spir t,u.i 11.1. Dr. at least fifty per cent. First, to Lino, tae arils of the system, and second,to 1 trace the revenue of the State. And further, .tlq[;;r ,, into the expediency of increasing the inheritance to ten per cent. The ,•or, a , ,i. , :ned for offering the resolution, is .:411q-1 ?net that the indiscriminate lieens uf tu n by the County Courti to sell ardent • it, nrd,_•r the several acts of Assembly, has to increase Intemperance, pauperism crime ; and that those who engage in the ardent spirits generally radio a large it on the same. The matter was referred 'he Committee on Ways and Means. TOE LIFT FLAP TO TUX LAST BILOLIVINT.-011 :t.rda ) Goy: Curtin presented the last flag to Nituects recruited from Pennsylvania, the ?lent being Col Zeigle, of the 107th regi tc.t The scene of presentation, on this itc ...4t was.: peculiarly interesting, no less from fact that, with the departure •of this regt zr:l, the coups in this vicinity will be entirely Ldoned. In presenting the standard, Gov. .I,lin rem:irked that since last April 70,000 `-tt had been organized into regiment and Amp Curtin for the seat of the war and sue the Legislature had ordered the state) 'imbi e flags for our regiments in service, he iqrsented flags to 60,000 men. Gov. Our, 'tits renewed the assurance he had made to r rtgi tam's, that Pennsylvania would not Ltangdful of those who went forth to fight tic tattle s of the Union. W hatever betel them, 'tats would be near to protect, succors and for each and every soldier. If they ath ou the field, their bodies would be • tistian burial ; and those who be "i lowed and orphaned by such death, to adopted by the people; and cared for res t )e.ts by the state as if they were their' r If iii-y were wounded, they would be "d by the state, while the humanity of the aoultt be ever Invoked to alleviate and 411 who had suffered while fighting t he [ ':',e of the Union and the Constitution. :0""' paid wally high compliments to Geo. and urged the men of the regiment 'e Lira to rely on the genius of the Major "'cal of the army with the confidence which thdity aud patriotism deserve; proclaiming!4itode who now carp at and question the m.rani capacit ' y of Gen. McClellan, Would “ their diminished heads when the results I• 'trukle exhibited the greatness df his alai the pur, flees of his motives. 111 con '¢ 11''urtin invoked the vigilance and of C,i Z iglu for his men, and then 'com trig to his Care, with the assurance every faith in the valor of the man were to march beneath its folds. t: Lei; received the flag as a soldier, with i 6 let graceful acknowledgments, and llat.te that those to whom It was, cum e‘l would never permit its glory to bp tar lilt • r egiment then saluted the Gov cry oea ue line of march to Camp C 4 .1 1 . M; .944 Men up, Diu= or is OLD Cip:zare.—We regret to an nounce the death of Mr. George Adams, which occurred on Friday last at bis residence in State street, in this city. The deceased had reached the patriarchial age of seventy i aix years and two months, and was highly esteem ed for his many good qualities. His funeral will take place from his late residence at 10 o'clock this (Monday) morning. =:::::1 FROIC MI LOME, CAVALRI'. - The second battalion of the Lochiel Cavalry, composed of companies E, F, G and 11, is at Calhoun, M'Lean county, Kentucky. The other por tion of the regiment is stationed as follows: Ist Battalion, tinder GA. E. C. Williams and Major Brown, at Litchfield, near Grayson's Springs, Grayson •county ; the fid Battalion, tinder command of Major Thomas J. Jordan, at Bacon Creek, Kentucky. There has been some alteration in the organisation of the Ist and Eld Battalions.. Company C, Capt. Harris, has been transferred to the Battalion, and company •L, to the Ist Battalion The 2d Battalion is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James and. Major Hassel. The following is an extract from a private letter, written by a member of the 2d Bat talion: We live fat on corn . bread, pork, &c. Our Qtuirterinaster, `Lieut. Waltman, manages to find some where folki say they, have none; but it, must come, for live we must. The, folks make very WO 'fa ies iborit we - 01'y for all we get. We have a delightful camp ground; the best We have had since - we came to this State. 'Oar ;gallan t ,Colonel named it after Captai& J. K. Waimea, as honor ;wor thily bestowed. We expect to be in Calhoun on Sunday next. Our friends hardly know where to find us; but by addrelsing,to Calhoun, we will be found, if not swamped in mud, as they say there la dagger. Why, 'l4l nothing to see teamsters - standing along Bide of a mud hole, and cricking their whips ;„ and, if asked what theramdoing, reply, •I` looking out, for their teams," is nothing can be seen but the mules' ears." =I Tire Fir-Sims arm - Otof Hmumen l AND Esystrrn Picoutiara—The: follewing lian noon rate 118 t of "the field and line officers of the Et6th and 107th Pennsylvania regimeuts, pre pared atlClanip•Curtin. It..will be seen . that Lient. 'Theo. K. Sheffer, A. • Osrman and Harry Shaeffer, of this city, are officers in the 107th regiment., Cot. Jacob `Darsheimer, of thirearne regiment is a native of this city: FIFTY-SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT *IILD OYflO EB, Csionel--Bolitran A. Meredith, Philodelphia. risidsnant agspei—J. William Roffman, Phil adelphia. MajOr—Joh . o B Smith, Luserne. Adjutant -Jacob F. Churr, Philadelphia. Quarto4saster n aeory Paschall, Philadelphia. Biailion--James P. Wilson ddaltarit Essrpion—James P. M'Cleery. Cunningham, Indiana. orriasis, Con any 4—Captain Geo. B. Osborn, Wayne; First Lieutenant 'Oilier '.. Mumford, . Wayne ; Ebkond Lieutenant Ebenezer, E. Wheeler,' .Wayne. Compaq/ B—Captain William M'lntire, Alle gheny; Firat Lieutenant Jesse .A.„paiehiug ham; Indiana; EA:ond Lieutenent'Div4d Il vie. Company o—Captain John Jeffemon, Luxerne; I First Lieutenant Frank . A. B KOOOl5, Laguna; I Second Lieutenant Michael Flynn, Lawrie. Copylow.D—Ogibila Fred. Williams, Plata delphilw First Lieutenant George B. Eiall,_LiSna quehanna; Second Limit:mint Samuel 0. Mea -1 ningmacher, Lancaster. oeammrcli Captain Henry L, Beck,: Ly coining; First Lfieutentint Oornellea M: Ohol lette, Lyconsiok Siiiiand Lieutenant M. Mer rick, Lycoming. Ir-4.lePteln(}gorge Oarman,,Oentre; mat ieutenant. George, H. Stoover, Centre; Second Lieutenant Michael Runkle, Centre. cbmpany G—lelrst ;Lieutenant Dmtiel .Dobra, Lundrise. Cbmpany 1— Captain William W. • Brown, Gentry; First lieutenant James ~,,FL Centre; Second Lieutenant Jame s.: Britbin. Company I—Captiln Erank„ M. Huston, Centre; EirsrLientenant 'Henri 'A. Laynock, Lusarne; Seconstlieuttmant George T. ,Robin son, Lunsme. Convoy K—Captain David T. Krebi, Omstre. ONE HIINDRWAND,SEVENTH PENNOYL- VANLi. REGIME-IT. 71ILD 0.1111:11[119. -Chianti—Thos. A. Zdigko, York. %Li/la.:wort Cbiona —Robert W. lirAilori rrank- Nerfor—Jacob Forney, Huntingdon. ; Aeljurant.- Henry HonseMoitluimpton:7 Quanta-aortas—Arni. 11.13,ArtaxdiritcLiisorge. sus 017101111111. Company d--Captain Jacob Dorsheimeri Cum berland ; First Lieutenant Thee.- X. 'ficiketibr;„, Dauphin ; Second lieutenant Oliver Ki Ockir, York. ompav B -- Captain James ki'Tbour pen n, Franklin ; First Lieutenant Thomas: H. E it'- Pherson Cumberland; Second Lieutenant Gruff. Berks. •-• amps" o—Captain James Deegan, • Bull4van ; First Lieutenant James Corcoran, Sailivan„; . Second Lieutenant Jeremiah Deegan, Sullivan. Onnpansf...D7 7 -capteln Jno. Scro - Firat 'lientebetit "A. N Mifflin ; Second Lieutenant Jamee':.l. Stawroxt?"l mak,. ;• • • Om/maw E.-Captain Emanuel D. Lanlgieter l - First Lieutenant James A. Carrami,! 'Dkiphin ; Second Lieutenant Jno. F. Williams Lancaster. , • ' I ComPaM/ P—Captain Elkus W. H. Eisenbise •F , Mifflin ;irst lieutenant Thenum Pattersion. Company G---Captain Morris Murphy, van; First Lieutenant, Hiram Chance, Schityl kill ; Second Lieutenant Edwin Ziegler, Mifflin- Company H—Captain John T. Dick, Franklinl First Lienteruutt fiamuel Lyon, Fulton ; Seciond Lieutenant George W; :Z. Black, Bedford. ' • • Company /—Captain Henry J. Sheaffer, Dan pbin; First Lieutenant Jao. H. Bowman, Leba non ; Second Lieutenant David S. Mathers, Lebanon. Company Jr—Captain A. Jackson Brand, Franklin; First Lieutenant Benjamin MOO, Franklin; Second Lieutenant George Cook, Franklin. Two Hosteum Thom of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make'; blue cheoks,.; ,at 12} cents per yard ; white stockings, at 121 cents f. another lot of those good white rl4- bed stockings ; ladies' pocket hsadkerchifdif,, at 12i cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 12k, 16 and up to 87 cents; 26 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 'l2l i r cents; yard bleached muslin 12* cents; 1 aU woo enoh merinos, all colors , at 62 And 76 cen . Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain ; And figured Swiss mulling, brillants, white cam ibrics, Narugack and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and diai next summer now ii the time to buy. Our stock •Fuoiat coif., '-pm, -, ,:,.: .. Moods' Old Sta n ArinutftlivadetaDaitt:Cdt4Tr - aph, uMontrav illorning, March 10, teed tialt!?#ft - Aoctmartif. 7 -Byth:el report of the Auditor General, we find that the number of Perfotyt . killed and , rtstßed na - the railroads of the gtafeduring ,fast year was: Passengers, 6 killed, 13. injured.;: employees_; -64 41 ';' .atbere, 68' * killed, 84 ibrurea ; total, 118 killed, 88 injnred. —*--- The Harrieburg Exchangennct Mer cantile Company. For the Telegraph," Mr. trirrost:—ln your paper of yesterday You do the cor porators of the above company great injustice. It is trrie, 'that the bill you publish ed was negatived by the committee, but it wale so amended as to be entirely satisfactory, and a majority. of the committee, • Messrs. Smith, Robinson and Nichols, voted for the bill with out any solicitation on the part - of any one interested in its passage It stoodupon its own merits, and so passed ; and.l think if you were to publish the bill . that passed instead of the bill that was ,negativiid.,in committee, you would not only do the corporation a simple act of justice, but you would convince your readers there is nothing objectionable brit. The business men of . /Carlsberg . can hive very little interest in IL The question invol ved:in the passage cf. the bill•is whether pawn broking shill',be carried on by sanction of law on the payment ,of`tlxistion, - whether it shall be carried on by evading the law, and paying neither license ttor tax. M. Barrisourg, March 7, 1862. - dlto For the Telegraph.] To ins Micamatcn arm Aterciam laze 0 1 , CITY OF Hasiuunnzo:--Your.atiention is direct ed to the provisions of a bill now before the I Legislature, called the "Harrisburg Exchange and Mercantile Coil:pi:any.? ,41.,high sounding name truly for a mammoth,pawn-broker fib-, lishmenti The is about • being rushed. through the Legislatnia, and unless an effort is made throughour own menibeis against it; It will become a law; and that Lfor the especial benefit of one or two individuals, to the great injury of a large class of our dittoes. The bill was. published in full in the • Alegraph yester day, and I would ask-the attent of the busi nags men of the city ,to the.' foll dv ing extract from it: Certain iiiirtieli'are hereby erected into.a body politic and corporate, under the name style and title of the Harrisburg 14-. change and Mercantile company, for the Pergolas of ;buying,: selling,and exchanging m° oo l B, . goods; waresand merchandise;. and for thp i m provement of the fadlities for transactingstich, business, they may make fidVance of peracrial property, together with property of any otber kind obtained by .pnrchase, trade or barter, they may-dispose of at public hr private sale at such times and places in thb city of Harrisburg as th 4 may. see fit, &c." We went. no special law of this kind, and I think- our citizens will , say by "scotching the snake." • Gm: Baud). IsTiggGoons.—l am now selling off my entire stock of goods *t and below cost, ;or 26 per cent, chesPer than 90 1 4PfsstPurehase elsewhere, viz:. fine linen shirts,. 75 ate. to - $1 ; shirtier 50 cts.; and 80 eta. with' lined bosoms ; night shirts, 60 cat ; tinder; Shirts 'and drawers, 40 0t5.1a..87 cte., all wool ; monkey ore. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 ate. to 16 cts ; silk ties, 121, 15 and 18 cte ; collars, 8 eta. to 16 eta. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 6 cts.; cuffs, 4 and 5 chi. a piece ; ander sleeves, 18 •'cti. •' 'fine cambric at 18 and 18 eta. per, yard, worth2s chi.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style and fast collate , -123 ote:; all linen bosoms, 16 - , chi and upwards. Ifon want cheap. and good. Ii goods jest ii;to James A. Lynn, at the , Harrisburg .oheap Shirt Manu factory; where be le sellinCotl' - withbut reserve. N. 8.---Bbirts; madelollogYibre, Room next. to. Rummel 1 Killingefe - grocery store, 12 Market strest..- • fassioßvityoultmtuTr, - • .sriaucear OR 1P0.11.14' 1013 - 11:811ASEL'APIDAINNTALTOWW, By using that Wei Plaaamln Popular, and.spe:Rem edy know]; aw • _ " • t Ezuasouriixiiis.4auinicr. Read the Adirertsamenttaanetbarmolumn, - mad!pront by lb— - rf • IldeaMeemakßymptornsltanmeraled. , • outaraserreitc. Si Yon moR Mot DOW Mobs Sr But.may at some itaturaDay. glorea bealthand vigor to.tbe frame, And bloom loithellebeek." it Borns Lonatiffeldlac mod Baboaare. . Beware of COontorteila Rama Guaranteed, t HAIR DV,I IiAIR - DYE 11 'WM A- Satokekiila Hair flail The only HarmleesDy_eriCnwn An'others animas Imitations, sad 'Amid be moided Ryon wish to.sseaPe , GARY, RAD OR 1117= .4 111 u41 fo. at beautiful and natural Broint; etc, mithoiß put { laud injta_pilitsir Mt: - r e_ . • yurrkEtt DAIS AND nabi . Dees awar ded-to-Wit. A. Boossion!bolt evwyk oiker-Atto. 000 applications lave been :pisah to bat of ins MI of his femme wx. A. N6 L i f ieth _ GotrarrlTßoLPKOdllotn 0 61 oF not to he his lignlshed from nature And w not to Wends the least, hbwe'er lone it may be obatttp. Vett, and the ill L abets of bad Drat remedied. TV: vigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is - srly applied at No. 16 Bond street New York. mdp t " aathetsitee sad towns of the United - that* by Pah4Sintm *KO Dottkok ,r. ahaAmato 1w the thins:" Maim AL itattroso *Ph% a atokelOto wlatrorting, on ,lam four sides cd• blob .bon. - WhaNtl ' tilfrefY,Aa ' aftfOlaf late ippidway, NowArers. A GIRD TO TB:It . LAMP. - ' .... I - ~ OR.. DUPONCIPS2 , 'GOLDEN 'PILLS' . FOR FOOLES/, fitiiiii dui oertilleate , from one of tlio ;first Willie Ittilthik;Ni. Y., who called upon my agents 1p that city .( dr . Wit* Breda k Oot,) and told them that Ole, of course, did not wish her name mado public. but If any one shOuld flotibitieVwcirderfdl i Sldncy of Ds. Boson Ws Golden Pills, they might. refer, , 44Y to. lior, as; ate mnsidered jt.' a duty , " as Wen' as 'will ti llr= ISAde knowledge of their 'effloacy, es ' athitin 71p her daughter, a young I Idyll yaws old: to - Bbeirial go. S um ing in anistnnptionad taken cold.ashire • obstructed , • Two - boxes of , theseGokker rithe tbs. 1r • cured • her, and one ill 'now th ' robust lineth.. 7 . “Werwer.- partioubuL In buying the; gatininait• Fail and explicit directions aeoompanying einh box. I , „TiltatlST. r Sold wholesale- and retail by O. A Itiunevaitt No. 2, Jones .Bow,- and- 0..• K. gnus; 91-Marketl - I.. tik ,narrki. burg 4*. - . By sending either of them $1 the 00 t he MitrAiburg Poet Offthetiii Pliiii Wilflieisiiit " Bay by mil to any porter Ike oeouttr7; "trait of fi r iii•r' •N. B : —Lookout for connterleita, - -.lnrY4biehlss Tills of any kind.. smell the box .. Is • signed S: D. Bowe. An others-is a Anise - imposition and- unsafej• , thAtie, as you value • your lives-and healtkreVent ' 'Of , be. A Off Silinbagrad out of your tnorityje haw: .. I thaw. who show the signatareled S. Di Seweilist - .1, b oA . which has Patiently bone added es:eaboent - - pipe being nountertelted. Tho ingredients .00mpent the above Pills.are made known • tel every-'AimiKiigil they are safe, and.will perform all claimed foe hem.-' I Sold also by, T. L Ltmberxer, Lebanon ;-• A. , ..4,, Banff man, Mechanicsburg.; M. Marks, Lewistown ; ft,- Illott- Oarlise • . S.C. Wild,•Neweille ;• J.- C. AltidA , lnd pens, burg.; . .. Spangler , Chambersbn ;• • - $; Ti ork ; ilitivWeralidhYL:4"l"l'drituaigWßievttba::l7.lloWßl": and It. W ann olf, ter 7 Reading rig town and village in the United Nagai and by -• =1 . . es,i n , Bole PrciprteteriLNew •Terk. , . g)iuSAUwl3 , . . . yxTHOLFSALE and • RETAIL 9) : . Tv • - fti Clutibetioluisy Forelgte mad Damisl4 iait.— PlAs, Dates, Pniote, ant ,ill- Fresh endtial Mb, Soap', (kindles, Vinegar, gpkee, To bunts' Sagan' and Country PrOdUbe hi getteinlj at the carnet or Third and Walnut streets; 0ct9&4501 'JO N' SOHCREFETIB. BROTHERS. & CO., ••••*WHOLES'ALE.._ DRUGGISTS / ND DNA.LERI3 in Fancy Glericie'; Per raftem•gio, Map agents for the elle: of ,Refined Petroloolll, eapertor to air heal oli rerniehed in ear quantities at the ! c i n st * 41 ,0 tat& '' • 170 and 172 Wiltiani , Sftritet • NEW:IORK 47 Tocroglniaia*C. Bl 4 l 4tii , fOi. b 7 BOMULA Ciorßaclrastitukicadraiftecto• TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR, AGENTS. The MAX 'MORNING AND JOINING TELEGRAPH is iwnt every morning and after noon, .by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following 4/AGULAR AGENTS r• ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVIILE—G. W. llooverter- BLCIPSVIILE—E. Laughlin. 'effAMBERBBURG---George Taskel• CARLIBLE=Gearge M. Bretz. COLUMBIA.—If Fry. DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. DUNCANNON—J. ELIZAI3EIVIDWN--John W. Few . GREIRWABTLE —M. D: Deitrich. RIGHSPIRE—F. 0: Allman. HUSIMIKESTOWN--George N. Schulte. 12WIERspyinl—c: awingley. Lx4170101--8. Roedel. OCE.IIATEN.J. D. strattia. Cogley. - NEIDDLETOWN-43teorge H. TAnhart. MECHANICSBURG,J. Eminger. MECNANICSBURG4WiIIiazn,Tate. MOUNT JOY--JameeD,fsert. MILLERSBURGII. G. Stoner. REWVILLE---W.' R. Linn. BHIPPENSAURG—IIeIso & Male. EIVNRUIfirt elMingtOrl. WRIGHTMELR—W. Moors. BOyer: :'. , *(iitettccnton RELMB LOIS , MOINE - P PARATION mukriaLy c f mcumpagr" , ‘ofilitroUND runD maser Al;r0 SU; A Tiklthr/e laid , Nvisolg Remedy ' ' ' .__' For Meagre of- theJ3LANDEE4 NIDNNTB, CARAVEL; OUPORiPPPA,443 I AVNGL. • ,,,_• ._,_ 'his eolooreasee ,the power o f ,Legenlon, and excites A'A ABItNTS tete health' , aillion,itkr whloh. thoWATIENTI R OALOAREOUB depoel Nook ,an d ILI I UN: 4: 11, NATURAL, LA 4RGIIIVANTN-. Ara reduced, ea, well sui PAIN 42./p1 AT/ON and le good tar err,, owl ba.patunar. . . ,r.. ,. . : . zilaisatours,ssmuot-Buosu, .• . !.., ••,, ...... ~ . 1 —Tor Viairgesiee Arirgatilleoxpees,llahlla .of Dbilif,tim Ned" , In. Macee tkoi. Aloe.' "' ATIHNOAD NITS VHS lOUO vitTNG 43TIMPTONN ....-: Indisposition to,lCeertlon,. 3: Lead of Power .../ 41 4"Ves/P. 1 19 • 04-BroatiOnt. weak scow, Berlin Of Disease, trakefoltiess; remould •tt Vision, • . I —Plidniin.tbe Back, gt fhletwotaiLessitodo of the,lfweaolor Bystecov - itda' ' - Waling of, itle Body, . of ..oe Sian, ;ripply; ott f , "num COONTIDTANOB," Thai symptoms, If ollowod to go onewblehibis med *AM pootklbmotte, LIMP CY, FATUITY HPLESPTIO II Itt 'MD or Cl3 - M, PATIBST mat Wb!) calib' ear's"th , t tbiy.iire not 'toque.; tly IbßOWed by Lhasa ‘.9II.IIIBRULAESLiBEB,P. 1:.4 , 11471111, Alto owituiniobT.” Mow lir,. "rue or the oe, nee ortbedr 'Offering BOVNONIt wru, coNrins. • THS PBCORDS OVIBBINBANK.ABYLIDIS, t t4 , 44datichoitilhallia. o e F olutanpuos, P rr4 l CONSZ W 7 B :IIA4MO 3 i I C, AFF uni WEAKWEgg, Zlegniroe the aid medieine to strengthen and . . Invigorate t h e B y t om% 1 90"..* AxTELOVP WOW" isearatety doss . t n u OC an743I 7 II S i Tr I P MIAL PIDIAMS—FIMALES--YEVALES, LD OR, ItQIRIDADT#LH OR 04NTEMPLA;• TTNa MARRusos. IN. MANTINFIONION3 YEOMAN. TO MALES, -the litroot Bobo IF onaquallad auy other ,:remedy, or to Ohlocoals ltetaalop r lrregalarlty, Painfulness, or 2 llPlßrei . lo. o of Cloatotoary,Nyaaaraloos, .Illooratol.. or Salrrboaaal,iitoOtahe IlleroSt LealooNlosa Whites, Olerll, ity,aad for. all oaakplaiaui inalgout to, the aez, whether aptiOng 11.002 Habits of Dlsalpatlon, or In • DEOLINI OR . OBANON 01 LIM. MI SYMPTOMS ADM NO FANILYMIOULD SS STISOUT IT I dr e inscp NAN. *,x, Mon, apt pinamwor Yam imatemiatie Darwin. migagsaups . AZISAOr B CONTI opus • BIORET In all their Magee, - - At bale Swain ; Little or ea ohmage ht ;, No hassavoodence; 'And MO ' It mama a frequent desire aaa gives strerigth to Urinate, 4lartby reatoving Obstraottona. _ ..- , PreventlagandlhatingStriateres of the Urethra, gaying..!Sin and Inidi so aand In the alaaa'ck(llaaaaaa, and expelling all &rased dad ttora•oat ' Tao woo Monists *HO Harz BEEII ME. nava ON QUAORS; and litliolitire sabV my? raw =to be tared ia a short gale,havalboad they irare,dtaaived f and that the ‘TOIr .110SMIas, bytha nue or-"itswasses- sarattostna, ";bean dried up-lathe system, to' braes oat In an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARALIaIe. . • Die ise truibuil zreigni Basent affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether t l or a, : In LM;OR IPIAMAIi. Fromwitateirm and sh ;tatter ist . ROW LONG WVANDINO. Diseases of these omits rixedre the aid or DWENTIO. .13.14111 1 X. doki:S.Erworsuoau - n THE GRKATDIUR „C; • mudilseertain to have the•destred sabot in elk Diseases 'FOR WIIIOEI. IT IS ItiIIOONNENDICD. yhdderthe of meet Mishit end nipoutilide eheiteear will acaompeny the mediae' , ..0111111FICATIAI WOO", loMpaterstriendev, . WriablatimMunni IMIANCII, AND PAUL $1 AO per bottle, or .eix for $5 00. Velteeredlo any addreii, securely peeked from chist i Nation. DISCRIMI SYMPTOMS lN ALL CONKUNIOATRIDTB• Oases emiaMliteed I Advice Gratis I APPIDA.VIT. Personally appetred before me, an Alderman of tho AO of Pidladalol4,R, t Hinesaza, who being 'duly Miura, doth Say hirprepiratkeseontaln no nireotto, no unitary, or ~ injarloas &tip, but, are purely yoga bible DOLVDDI 410Billaifilithenfiked heroes me' t his 98d day of No vember, WK. P. RIBB=D, Ninth*. above I 'i tce, ri nia: Address letters for Information In conedenos. to H. T. HICLII2BO Chemist, - Deitad,2l.o4 Beath Tenth EN, hel. PhD", BMWARRLOW, 00IIMMIBILWIGI , " alo 1142101101Plac DEALER S, Who endeavor to'illspose .do* ierre . own and 'awns" ./XllollllloittallallellakatOa MUM!) Sr • r aMnbohrs Gem* Preparation • ' Lxtract Bushn, 44 It B arak , ", Improved Bose Wash. Soil _ L b 7 1•111er. D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, C 4. thatavart. • o ty.n.4.uizaraixsr4 IrrEß.riffiKair. •-• .A.9IO I OItIICLILBOIAYB.. l'AlUt NO OTHER. Oat ourthe advertbenteni and seed for it, AND, svolcimPOilri/ONAND EXPOSOBE. novl34lly- riENCE ~of • VANILLA., ilioonoo of - amok, insvothig liana* for: Bala at tba notr winds and Retad grocery and Provialon Mora, ear- - nee front and Market streets. 'BUGS -WHEATMEAL and CORN MEAL jot received an or. sale low at NICHOLB & BOWMAN, J 6 OD Troia and Market streeis. HA ' HAY 11 A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at 00 per too for sale by feblB JAX IL WHlClthill. Bi.A.OKINGI: 1, Vi.AI3ON i 'S"Or'4ILOGEBLA.4ItItT(4.' 100 Groan, assorted etsee,jaat received, and for . site at Wholesale prices, , , den WIC DOCK, Jr., & 00. CRUMB BRUSHES, Door Mato, Scrub lan-g and dtddidsdugßrasher„fbrfdadbY luoaoLao 41-BOWIRAM, Corner Front and Market streets. PAMILY WAIS: LNG BLUE, an excel . INA eabatltatedare of digo foe In the as le at the wholeside ul l te tan groaary NICHOLS h BOWMAN, corner or Promt lidlibirket stream C/4 AL. 6 6 tower than any 'House ' -arrnburg`f°r NICBOIS k BOW MAN ' Gunge Freatagul Market slava febl4-y for sal si . vi so- easerriromotormitioaßowmales'itnati, NIC H 0 LS & , 130 W — MAN, Corner of Front and litarket Itreeti. (V. H1;1=01'0'6141 . eland,) • HAVE stock determined of to; -their entire' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, 49 , . &C., at prices to stilt the Present hard times, and 're spectfully 'call the attention of the- • citizen's of Harrisburg and vicinity to thefrextensive stock of goods, consisting of • SWAIM, - SYRUPS, TE&S. COFFEE, • • I"I.CPALLEHONS, • ORANGES, CEDAR-WARE, 'EfA:YOH, F.L3H;qco, We have also gooey, tO considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of .10.04kla'OIL All of-which we witnant to be NON-Biqo:3Kß', TROISPARENT AMY 'PBXS 17.1011 ODOR, as far as practicable- Among others, we have on hand . NATRONA, ; MAGNOLIA, • -•--40811111031. • - • - All of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and few- than any other hove in ifirrrisbury. Also, all-kinds-of '• uvr,. FLINT AND CtitiEßN Gll 83-WARE. We also it!tention to well selected and extensive itatibr*terit QtrnErrisk-wARE. Call at bridiaol.s BOWMAN, • • - wilier of Front an. Market streets. NEW•MIi ? ITARIr PUBI4IOATIONS. IONG - KOBE ON gun shot wounds, 75 ,4 'The Art of War by Baron de ~ int, with appendices,:,mips and engravings . . I 1:60 Infantry ` , Tactics, iiii - rigartieideWterk • Cagey, 11. R. A—....• .... . Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Definding' Ott Posts, Villages, Bridges, &c., in reference- to the ' Ratios of Officers of Piccfneti, by :.Col. Jebb. Royal, (English) Engi neers Coppee's Field Manuel for Battalion Drill__ - Coppt!e's Field Manual of . Evolutions of the Line.— • ... 60 With all the stand ' ard .. rallittiry publinitions at . . - mgrumws Cheap-Book Store. CHOICE E'LLIGHT` - HEADING. frNHE SIMENELANDS, by the ; author of "ltittle4ige;" ftico $1.26. Also new editions of BlEfTLElXlEnnifoim vrlth "The Suther land - sr $1.25. BEIMAH-4siebty-fiftb. 'eattlon-$1.25. EAST LYNNE-4 new Nenial.-50 'cents. TOM TIDLER'S GROOYO, by'Diekons, 25 cts. FOE BETTER 1 roil WORSE, .813 " Together wlth tbe New. BOoks, soon as Published at . BERGNER'S CREAP BOOKSTORE. . THE UNION - AND'OPISTITIITIO N.. "ocratgovwunista :; an --.aq4anatory gamed of thi 8 0 0 . 4 1f9orMimint o,4l4.cointrY„prsotentiray a. oleo of t. gestranunt - of .#4 finCted Biota,: and' qf thou of Ma moral SloYmui By 41.11.1CroNsT, ntthe i peeeentjunetureet,patniotie sentiment, Mandell on ahnowledge of pur.clvtl Mstihitione, .abould be,spe. l 'dlalljonitivn4d. M tee elalefelement et roidoneltt, It. Can be operative and abidllog•foin etutpurposes, only to induced Wait entedigent approbadan MAIM nature end principleiwtnar:goytientmum.tiemat behtakence, iaciliar aPdltott pe ltd:ameng rdlethttilee °Eike people; la mmentiat WM* ailutenbe seraftkitY - of - the - mereinteent„ Tina regulate hew; 'From the eztraordlbary event, of the time , and the vastly important quondam of tottionol NA V Wmto be solved. • The, above work glwaa, alb 99.neintoWal Of thO proirintona Of Me (*instant on -- the United Suttee; and of &Meer lbesevefat Sestet, P.l determined by judicial sanded praceice, or! derived from franaarctiliritera; it ie *Abet, that the .viewe td:constlydrostaVraw. thert. ; ,ncerented.onsoine:ento- Idefeig theilreatestOtteriant6;. which: lbroteVY Mid at the timetpf tbe lhavpu libation of' Me book were discuss el with much ddrerence of ot inion,ihave become recog nized mactileddootrime,:to be mated on in ]reference to the highest interests of taq,nattOn In ihts most (moat fill pe F io or dr. eels et it 00, by M. WiliNN.llTri at Harr:sbure, Penttyliania, and by boaithresjonerally: rebn-02w. • JOHN WALLOWgit, Mi n Agt GENE ti AL-FORWARDING' commssioN,,hugucHANT. G ty TP8,41.11,''i..eitt.4 13 1".„ Mr-f:te. ounabei l a,44 ! eille t -Ind-ylvanlis Railroads Oasod, . .• • . • IiADLING AND DRAYING to ' n4, all parts of the city to silo. dlfierent Itaftroad depot!, *IR: he done at the verplotratt. rates:: . , Vc=l/1101prentoyInt wtg pe promptly :Wended to. aft at Brent' / 1 SuatiGanntlinteli, or at the atme iltaiMer. ranaillr , prAntPa attention. Goo -outtetiispehtttilly skiltaftbd . •• i ~ , - ;lolnflAillgtivms.nt., • xY.Rgpp.seadtott Depot. Tow" :or_ emmErs SOOT , &SHOE STORE , 00BNBB.8B,COND AND ifiIiNKFT SM.,. • AgYakill.nt A LWAYS on hand a large Misortmerit of a ba..:OBOTRA7,,WarKIIK very:lt/ilk ,nSir prOlemen, 4pd Alaklumns , wear.— Pilaw to Wit-the' es; id ri dirof WORK R&D . ; TO ORDER hi the beat style by ittiStitdembrkmen REPAlRllieldotie at diortuotickt. t , ..v. 1 4 1 ( 1 4.W . 4. 1 4 N. :11.• _.IIOIIOM afarrtionirc . _ TP:g 11 .47f , - , . f. , PR , nook '. xi ..riiii .--Piegirrok, No: T lB ,MARKET STREET, 104E3Billitk:.. - --- -parttoor - ',Aisidoiloaid to Printing, Ruling sad" Binding of littainiPt - filwarryidanifeeii Pennies, Cheeks, Drafts, dm .-'Ciutni. printed -44 -$2, ta t $4, and $ per thousand in elegant style. - : .: , . Si* .A.N ()ILEA Bqr r.,L"../ OF DiomiToript may/47 . .11M; -GOLD i ,PENS. T ?mein the. world , fur 750, $I 20 d^ im SA, forle at is s 4 2 1 43 i - ~,Klll.lolllfil Bookstore. TIM C/JA k BOWMA N L AVID I #1 , 13,0,0,*;13 E T 3-; ALL OF TIC DIEFER SIZES, WHECEartbriOED. Thwiitiest, iiiixiako*.-vlvit at Next door bilis Thirrieurg - Aarattt;Tl;Tos 1 2 igkd 3,in all sized R e Micky* --A,lgsksasPo4 o4 reolfved, 111 4 each warranted skrere il7 ,o>elale by • . - . • . -• • • wm—DoCK, Jr., ag CO• ,}3llick sit. .12 in X. Mandl panifi tArls. foeiale at LH* BOWMAN'S -*enter. igraut and garret streets CJ OIL, , warra.4-ted - . olkt-explosive, kJ &Anna broods tbr ibale3aw by NICHOLAS &BOWMAN: Cornet Vrontand MaWet wogs. febll CI DAR TUBSiAMEIKETB, BROOM 11.) sad OTtrythhiir botbolicie,..4not- reoelved in laige brieldirlos and for ooteopry. ,lovr • . FW.,- 145 17K , Jr., 4100. i t riR9 1 3 1 3 k.43I4MWEW4AChieIb Ail ‘d p or o r:Mtingult t ,i4.s6" A k ; large „ toe " -- jet "..::: iUV A ilffatiltAC, Illistitiatteatts iUllwou. l';:' a .=,*t a - , • ' " -' • ' WEEKLY. ll w - AND.i.:I4)O2XPOOL. .. _ . . . . . _ .. •- . kAiipitru „Alm,. :EMB - 1-ICMR.PAS• AN &Ws et. OUISt#110,111N;141•1 8 4"MLIT0r- Nont torn 'and , ptinidotpediraton&Wilgo play Mood OsPouddog . thole ffigt ptirettiatrkiNdh Ind . leatashipo ea follows • * , , , . ,- 1. , . • emir — CI Year SiTIA,.. gitturday March Bth , .....,... a t Sli t - - . Fidardo7', Man a / 51 h; mu, wanly* :- seasr div Nardi 2114 ;and 8,1117 mcippidaig Ilatarlay, In Noon, *gm, filar, a). mite Etter. MI- CaM.%_.,00, 00 areamair._ ... ... a) de tee . ' . - . 6 .0ti I do to London . ..BBS 08 do to Poll. :730040 1 40 to- Paint .. .. PS 00 do tn l annitni;e,"lso. 00 I- - do . - tot kuunburg tag Go . .Paaeogets Os* forintdod , to Beene. Beeman, &ouse -1 dint, Antwerp, Aii, et'netualy letUnnee. • , Mans; nroilliteernokegeetreetnen : Art osakia,i ma n 1 sas &sham; . Weep*fromfrom Gio 00 . r Ateezuncerd. 080.00. t otlitioattlft ken_ 8,4 hens Id Gem - isies, enahlhntneopla Oti,d,_ I.SPOI= , The. Isomers have r = c it.... t.. •Iteesengers; ars' eleehgly ' lreguirdertt It.. 610. Vona, and aumfratent Mee: Atildidinetenx, gplineoool2 Botgoonitare attached. to each SWF Ott ''' I ' for litAttee Ifttarrostion appiy to Lor%: i tit WILLIAM ramAN; " Agent, Water WOW, tie to WIL INItAN, 6 et. Ennb Square ;to Qinoolniint - 0. &W. D.:418 . 1810011 & QM ,; in London to •198$1 & 111.W.Y, 61 Attl,l lll fiddS‘ i Ilk Paris to num meows Place -di ta morn ; ' in Philidelphli to JOHN GI: D6LE,III Walnut attest ; or at be Otelpanyt egliies. - 4140. G. DALE, Agent, . : 10 Bres4wer, New York. (WO, 9. Plaakrumn. Anent. nia.,isbur. lINI=O N ' 11,ESTATRANT, Emu Aw n AND Bow Lute SALOON. I,OI4OKEr §IIM4, llzAk FtPTEL . rnicazabeerittere ha.Viikramot* a larg e .11. betiding et Sheehan plaojc, ehrhetiY For the ParP are abolPe inchtatecl,-beg co a/ACM ettettiOil of the peb :lto to the folloerta2 : Tax Beeneusair, on the first finer, with a dialog room antanheik is hued up tn•drae•oleen igWe, .and fenefil at MI iligMhii.eopplad.with The bpd .OWTERS to be had in tha . itlentia dtivr, MgMher With terrapin, Ilse, and an kinds of game in mum. Oysters vented up in tromp ntyleo maddrumanda be had Mali holm. The elm of all 1118 colePre4e4 breweries 1 11 UN- 4XlllWrj .00nstantly on Theireh-pin Alley" ' or ballet , Bak* to in the rear, and oontaluirthrei alter of methra tromaßlacition, where the leeere ( . I . l= the illudv". ~.7he Saloon ripetteirtt y -awed nP. BAireoqtalturthreti marble tog otithlon lA blikecptato Owy-tositle. ' 7 . Barriaborg has long felt the - -want ofejgrand amid*. "homer thin kind, sod asap preptleterkowe determined to bondnet it hie ediet and order ijutieti, and do eve rything in their power to make er fluittogable resort they hops to meshes libel* share of patronage. JaUltf , W 044431 0.16:14.00111N ki 00. 2 50 JUST 13.E0tIVED. 4 76 ALAReg LOT of Black. - A fine Assortment of Plain Drees - Silks. Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. 'Salta Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. •A Large Line of Irish Linens, ut old prices. A Full Stock of Skeleton Skirts:_ Beet article ever maenflettared. A nal Line of Ciente Undershirt. and Drawer.. Full ; Now closing oat the stook. Balmoral Skirt. ; New araoky. "- Marseilles Counterpaines rituld prices. Allendale Spreads ; . . ,2curatp. - • A Large. Line of Towelling.. Now.orien at '1 OATROARIB, feblB-y -Next door twthe .Hartisburg Bank. `:`DENTISTRY..: n. GEOI . W. , SPOTlC:irradttate of the t.ljrattlefaireVotle,te - 01.1:tentalSorearnhivies perms 7 aiw cztan see*, ar.tVd to the.ettr 0.. prgeg, _ Sikes the office torowit ogeopleotay..*: ~ bird street, I , eeit teriricif and dtettitra r ret ' informs We friendranditaTodhlte:in irelatAl ' lie prepared to _:partbroatili aperations M. toe Deets' preithation, either surgical or oteatteleal, in a manses that 'dell aos be Lglirraillod brat:waters in this or any Other , oily. Hie 'mode' et biliertnut artificial teeth ,1 ' poriAbe litet to. sroeirehedentithi , priumplee. i Teeth, irouctstetto a hill lei, stoustea.op See Sold, eili rir• P;a1#11 plate' ce the, Vohleette he.. . . • .1 . • •• • • . • IWe VW r***lliaDd i t i am," gM Illeitu&to-411 sok tetra* joefeeds marg and .1 canny, and fed cialiViiiatak - stAakwalimations all open aOcivigt•akialiaptill4 inanaory kowtow • • wpdge of UN ability, mynAtil Ir. .7 AA. P D. A. "THE PIN MIGHTIER; -Tail THZ THE 'LARGEST 'STOOK, THY MONT BEAUTIFUL 81rita "AND . ~PATTALNA Gold:and Silver Pencil , and Pen • Canes. In the market, is to be found at _ BERGNER'S CHEAP 11CMCIOBIL . , , pore' sEwerck iir,Acarmsa. - - JONAS-BROOK * SRO'S PRIZB =DALSti:II:CIOTTON, 150 01./.A% WH1 , g4..8444 11 G# COWBIRD. PHIS thread being madeparticullarly for ji„.. , .e.ftesaaidaeos mARY - RegOtaitgotoorA AND RIASTM. - Bi litTePdth Doi: to. sating, nor 'by' friction if the needle. rot Drool' Patent Oboe, FOTI, UPPER THREAD;. •snd /books Pident Ms Ord, Med -13alnA, , FOR UNDER THREAD,. Sold by isipedsblo Assists tikragboaS Nis oonntry.— Also, is Mad ns , lo#) IMPS odd& AMODSIOD, NOIL, by !M. 44 11 KgX 841411 4 801 1 Tninrdlleklidw Y IMPROVEMENT 'IN DENTISTRY Den .'l'/ AtialßACH,' , gdri eon ' list; liannfiettuStrofbaieral ball - Ooth, the only that obviates emit An*iittion' loth. MI of art& Callestn, etibreololiPiebth ball And' , o4 l . l ame piece only, or, porwilLthithetrAnitinle mineral th‘o no crovicetilir the ththethabitkin'ofetaallLk@ of Non end Monti* noolhatilie oder trathitho b=as no me tal is media their nenthrthenwthere Ala be no galvanic "dm or. 8k 6 0 1 4 0 4.& 'Reno th e insilly*ual le not an noyed: vire an. :Moe No. ell North tioeinidthrean,thirrishorgi oetl2- dl : : . : Ia iitrz s .I;ALti, PORTER AND BEER; piT:TIOE is herebrgiven to' the citizens of Harrisburg, that the undoialgneilhas authorised . Magic to twelve orgorsitirenyoramy nsauntito tares. The collecting will be atteseleitio by the under signed. . Alll orders loess alma - bli•Proir le at tendedGl HHRO tAint feb22-dem. -- • -Pottsvil, Pa. To 1341.41 bi CONTBSOTORS. THB BILLIIIIIEORE •Blai FACTORY, No '77 - Satith:Sti* - Ba(ftnsore, : Md. S PREPARED . to , " ftniti 'Government L Contractors and others 10111,1,..i55a os Ootton !kw of " IlZelp Promptly for ass& at Jots peeps. Oars Mil h& Chniradoriviill And lt . to their idsge toilsome s call. ' ; JOHN OdONAM/N. Baltimore, Jan. 17114 1861; ; 1y24-2mts WO. 1- MAOKBRAL Kitt#, half bar -1,01 rels, and• barrels, of tho Mew Orcianky and Pro* Om Store, Front and Nlorket • /LW* 4 1 !MILO. CIDER II 1 VINEGAR 111 - A PE from cho.ce amt . . EMoted Apples, add varantaxt by lot bi stioottem, as4l 0.- 4: bf:DooEßß6onirmi7Bent"l"wrining ~°port/01104A, gt T randUlll BOOkit, ,l'Orti= vg toommmo el " • C-`i IA18; 13ountry Soap, Pato)? ...Soap of all lisidavlar sale by ,litoH9loB ‘ 4;Or no: Pr Front Mad CIHQLOIII fartspe, ,Loverhicit . end other Akel.MObronoktereetel t ri lointm corner' • WE , ' I".'"' Shot...and—Caps _for b a ;:nlacait BOWYANaats. P °W NISEIVAMISTORMas the place Pilot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers