- VIE TELEGRAPH IS PIIBLISHEID May DAY, ) 4 i , nEORGE BERGNER; TEtio&—Stsots Ocsacatrnes. To poly TIVEGIATII IS Ilearybd to subscribers to UK Cl* st El vats Per weelet Xesellooksarboi,io, bi elrred S 4 00, in advance • ' - WIISKLY ass Sion-Wssra TallOßArn. T',,e iv SURACR it , ! the ppbileue4 t.wiee e wee k dur i ng a..... --~,,A of Ike Legialskure, and weakly _ duriii iho ~,,, , i er IA ine year, nod foritimiott t o es e e eribeew at t r t, I .emne c,asb rates, viz: 1 it) irale g ubdcrbers per year Semi-Weekly .. a 44 ..14 00 " " .4 ...2a oo -.. 1 oo !‘k ,I.• Flltscriber, Weekly rHe 34111 or NewEVAPERS. .abierlbore ~ rder the disoontlnuetioe of their dews vubiither may ocietiaae , to , seed them metal se" tba 3rrtarageo are Paid • , ulp.erlbere neglect. Or refuse to lake . their •neweia tr fir`mt„he t o ' fitcheyto bwhich e t t h ti e eyila rd direa t d t W he7 e l L * ie : , vont , n und. Ao Pennsylvania Legislative. RpoRTED SXPREELSLY YOE TIM TUEaltelll3. grwirrarrir • ~.----- flulTE OF REMESENTATI I OI23. 1 . THURSDAY; Mardi - 7 4 1862 , ' AFTERNOON SESSION.: APPROPRIATION RILL..,;i • .. I . , . The bill making pri3vitdon for . 'theyfi*ent . the o rdinary expenses 'cif the gcliverametc' - e up ,in stcond reading, and. after i.:,10 g ' . • al, passed finally thellonee of Ilepiassaila, ve a 1. ,,5. its folh , as : i s ACT b . ) provide for the 'ordinary expeneee . , 1 the Government, and _other •genenit tad i!eitit. appropriations. • • SFcrioN 1. Be it enacted by the Semite onif fk4isi / Repreeentwes of the Commonsieath 'or .Penstif; :I'lla. In l;eneral AssemUy met, . and it : is, her ~ ,,,e , d i.e th e authority of the lame, That tho'l.; ~„-ivg sums be, and the same are hereby:oer fiLa tly appropriated to the inveral objects he . -- I) o,fter named, for the year commencing in t e ~,E d i e of June, Anno Domini; one Pinata d ,irt hundred and sixty-two, to bo paid ant r . „t;tboney in the treasury not otherwise :e -,griated 1 tic 1; For the salary of the Governor of e , n) ,,ovvaltli, four thousand dollars. • .. - ) - I .' Fur the salary of the Secretary of the Cce L -pnwealth, one thousand seven hundrisi, nod the further sam of . two hirradred f r one year, to take effect from-and aftbr 15e fat day of June,Anno Domicil one thereat:id cicht hundred and sixty-one. 'For the salary of the Deputy Secretarj, of , e :nanmenelaith,one thouaand five how:ire:id u. and the further sum of one 'hundred d one year, to take effect from and of :Lt first day of Juue,Anno Domini one the fight hundred and sixty one. for the salary of the Auditor General, one mumha seven hundred dollaiktind thelnithar am tt too hundred dollen, for one year, tip take diet t from and after the first day of Jim ono Doodui one thousand eight hundred an eatt•oee.. For the salary of the Surveyor General, one •,",.cauti oil hundred dollara. For the salary of the Attorney Genend,. -• teasel dollars. For the salary of the State . • ' thoaeani seven hundred dollati,ag wun of two hundred dollare,for ons..year,g‘ 4 .. slot nom and after the first day of ArneFAnt. • Imini one thousand eight hundred tuid':, Fur the salary of the Superintendent of Cons- MOD SC11001;012 thousand five hundred dollar". For the sotery of the State ritaarisp, *ht. hundred Clan For the minty of the wx. Superintendent-oolPi ie Print, eight hundred dollarkarg for o hce rent, rattly dollars, of SO 'mtti* grad ss mml , e expended therefor. n. 6 For the salary of the private was tars of the Goremor, twelve hundred dollarci For nraitqcr in executivadepartinent, ftei bundrd1,0,24 , .: Si: 4 he the salary of the chief clerk, in the otar of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, aeibchsaLd two hundred dollars. For the s.,lary of the 'military clerk, one nmati dollars, and the further sum of one Art,i Jolters, for one year, to take effect ar.,l error the first day of June, Anno mai ea' thousand eight hundred and sixty- 11, b,lary of the corrunbsion clerk, one dollars, and the further sum of one , h , llars for one year, to take effect front Oa the first day of June, Anno Domini• eight hundred and sixty-one. ti baliiry of the first transcribing caerk, sand dollars. h. salary of the second transcribing {. tine hundred dollars. •w!ay of the third transcribing clerk,, • tu , 1r....1 dollars. .'th e salary of the messenger in the State nc rice hundred dollars. telegrams, freights and express 11 the State department, thirteen him • ur so much thereof as may be ne- : ILk books, fifty dollars, or so much be necessary. r gAtiouery, six hundred dollars, or so 11, reof as may be necessary. ta , l,4n I lights in the State department, - Irttl and twenty-ftve dollars, or so much iy be necessary. offices, one hundred dollars, or ' thereof so may he necessary. ' u• ,, ellaneous expense, two hundred de4- - tm,ch thereof as may be ikeeeeewar,-* i'vr the salary of the chief clerk in • ,I,ditor General's office, one thousand five • and the further sum of one hi dollars for one year, to take effect from `":te r the first day of June, Anno Domini • ,r,o lv.Li l eight hundred and sixty-one. "thL 6alrtry of the clerk in ..the.. banking ibeLt, ono thousand two hundred Glary Of the clerk In department for ato. , ktets of county treasurers, pro-, :ariet registers, recorders, (dirks of courts * one thousand one hundred dollars. • • :IL I :. salary of the clerk for settling the ac- o orporations, and in charge of the f railroad ioreign Insurance companies, re ~'•. and manufacturing comlnwies, • ra ~te thousand one hundred dollars. .j' the e.lary of warrant and bond clerk . , )I Nutil one hundred dollars, to take egad ont after the first day of June, one thou- : : - cl,t hundred and sixty-one. glary of registering and copying . ue thousand dollars. • glary l• • of clerk in charge of mete re - ' the public Improvements; forpreitlY fin: State for settling accOuixti of de,leirsing ancers, and assisting chief"; aro Warrant clerks, one, thousand' fur one ye, and the further sum of one dollarei, t ar o take effect from and after alt day of June, Anno Domini one thou- , hundred and sixty-one. dollars.of clerk for copying acconnth, vondence reports, et cetera, nine, '.' 14 7 of messenger, five hundred dollars. Fd ?Defog,: and telegrams, five hundred and. (it so much thereof as may be, eh-' ler) at,oi - ' three hundred and fifty dol-, , T so much thereof as may he nemaaarY* ut}, Rev i . ,r,,, ti ee •five dollars, or so much , ~,,,., ,aY be necessary. . ....:I. .:e,larteous expense of the office, seLl - ` 4ll ars, or so much thereof as may be , 41y . ". 2 .! . . For the SalarY of three clerks in the kta .I,raxtberal's °face, the sum of ;elle t 'll ° ,, in t • ' ., i , 1 i,,S elch one of 'whom shalt make `tilit,. '',, tc each county In this Conundit 'l/441,,,,a,114 of lands on *doh the fitateAnis itt , , 'l4 accordaace with the recllrelea • 4tt of Ilarch twenty-Anti a4ant) rk • ' . 17 . ri4 .:\ • . - - •.. •: . • L •- '1 .7; 1; 1- r -, . • •... "• . •- , " :177/ , • ' 1,10 I“.i : VOL- , XVII ,one,thoustind eight hundred and _sixty. Pre'. vardarairikekts, - . That-the nlerhe heretofore ern shall be paldrthe.raree providecl in -the general aftproioriation Nil of one thousand alibi. elxty-one, until the first day of Aprit'ene ihoutend Alert Hundred and sixty two and no longer. " - ` For salary of messenger, five hundred -dolt . , For'Postago,in thertffi of ce . thuSurveyor Gent.. eruf,,tour hitrOrid dollies;:or so much thereof as may ; bq _ _ necessary' 'or, nur443in:Y-, l two„ hundred dollars, or so I mitt 'hired as may be • neoessary. For cletutytg office and 4niscellaueous eit penny, one , hinotteddellinbior so much thereof as may be necessary. • For fuel; "tiotefrity-five dollafir or sO; much thereof turtniat'be neceatiaa. " 131tt;'1. For the Bilify 'of the - clerk ill "the' office of the Attemeytffeiteral;felght:hrindi+l For the contingent expenses in the Attomity General's office, three hundred and fifty dol 7 bus, or so much thereof as may be necessary. • Sat, 8.•• - reethe •Vala • th - 9 - chid al i& in • '0) offl6e Of , thettaki thohstuid elk luifdred - dolltirs, and the further sum•of one •bandted dollars, fort one yeas,loi take 'effeht from and after the - first day of June; AIM° Domini, one thotisind eight hundred and sixt4+- 'For - the platy of the book-keeper, one thou! sand oue hundred-doliam z; • ' F,or,. the salary of the accOnntclerit, one thon wididnkhinidred &Ulm . irlit,..tlie Salary of the recording clerk, one thuoistod dollars. • , 1 ' For the' Salary of the messenter sad night ,Initht ,of the treasury depar4nent; six hundred , For postage and *salmi in 'the treastuy department, roof bratired and'SeirentY-five dol lars; dr ill). much thkciof as may be necessary. For stationery and blank books, Oki hundred and illtrdollarS, or elornuckthereof as may lie . necessary:. :0 For express charges, one hundred dollars, or IktiCkthlreOf- Pa AV be :4eir light, k serten -dye ;or so much thereof as ) may be neoedearyt Yor.iniecelliuwouserspeases, one hundred and fifty dollars, or , aa much thelrekg ifs may be i 1 9. For the salary of the messecger in the e i d=i gfeinerailf q 144661. #4.r . OR a of thiee hb fdr`e.xperuss in ktiing up sod repalsbitiroobt iludiliaeons ex gzeit4the further map( time hundred. 941 'Ave della& tor ic lnuallifthfifeof all may be neoessexy."-1 r =r . Sae. 10. That the State Treasurer ie hereby reepktred , ta pay to- each of the tOreap•deuere thte2VAireirei dort* lieitiebY authorise& awl iii4niiedlcrimposi the duties of cleat Waal& commisdpnme, Ipempri4gepplerks of th 4 treasurer %palmed., at an i increased salary, not exceeding tfpo brindled &pamper annum: Sao. IL Tot Salary i d the Utility Super intendest , of CommOti Schools, one thousand three. htindreetdelnut. - For apensei of ichod department in *Wittig the levered school detricttin the State, three hundXtds lol Yinle therebifiaZinay be For the salary of the warrant clerk in the edhool departtneut, one thOrdond dollars, • For the salary of the Mportrelerk, one thou mad dollars. " • .• For the salari of the letter clerk, nine Min; dred dollar*. • • ' For the salary of the messenger, five hunz dred.dollarel ; ; ' •• • • For stationery and blank books in theschool departments, three hundred dollars', erso muck thereof as may be MiestatuY. • For postage telegrams said express expenses, one thousandalollem, Or lc; istuoffi thereofits may be necessary. For hal, light, cleaning office , and rnisoella . aeons expenses of the school 'L depextment,ono hundrectsed ten dollars or so much thereof oa may be necessary. For expenses in packing and distributing blank forms, reports, school laws and decisions Itithe Wend whoa districts stlf•theit3tater; six inititirCti dollars, or so•muchtliereof isenfay' beneeesutrY. Sao. 12. For the ssoksiir of •the 'asesistant libran:an,one hundred and-iifty qollaret - For thr purchaseitoVlSW and iniseelltineoie books, six hundred doilars. _ For the exchange of kiw books, two hun dred and fifty dollars, or so much.thereof "as may be necessary. - • • For postage, freight on boars, stationery, tar; clueing books, °Utilising t itktirriatis, e ntialri4 fires, et asters', one 'an& seventy•ifitre dollars, or so much-thereof ismay be necessery, For binding, one hoiffiredlollays, Or So Much thereof as may be necessary. • ' Sac. 18. For the' tainthsg,' stitching sod binding , thiAr thetisand: denim I or so much thereof es may be 110eatealli On tiement of the account of •the public printer ( according to law. t_ Sac. 14. For the payment of the 4119 the LegislatureOxicbiffibg the iitiy ad 'mileage of members, clerks and' niloars thereof, and the( amount authorised" by IstrfortstationeTY, et Cetera, the sum of one himilred'and fifty then, sand dollen, or to -Mt& thereof atrisafbe zns:. ceisilqr_te be sOttltal bk the Auditor 'General; ic litecr.l6.l For packing and distributing the kite. d• Q. the 14eshlatute, tole ""per-, %hied voider the dirisotica of the Seeretary : of, the. Commonwealth; setcan htindred dollars, of; to much:thereof' as may britteCessary. Elio. 18. For miscellaneous expenses, to begat, saallted by. _the _Auditor General 'before lbehog paid:.hy the••Eltate Treasurer, the sum ofievan. thousand dollars, Or so muchlhereof at may be Sao. 17. For the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the sum of twenty-one thou mad five hundred dollars,• or. so • much thereof se rosy be nillearsary. Bich 18. For the payment of the salaries of the judges of the district court, and the judges. of the court of conamon. pleas Of the city of Philadelphia , the sum : of eighteen thousand, dollars, or three thousand dollanito.each judge. Sm. 19. For the payment of the judges of. the district court, and the praddent and' resist.' ant law judges of the court of common pleas of the county of Allegheny, twelve thousand dol- thai 20. For the payment of the salaries an d mileage of the president and associate law Indges of the several manta of common pleas irt thb Commonwealth, sabept in the city ": - of Philadelphia and the county of Allegheny, the sum of tifty-five thousand dollars, or an wash thereof May be 14aTstaxy. Slia; 2 trreitThBilaYMeut GA the wdaries v i neige of associate judges of the court! of thiakkommonwealttlr i the Sum of forty 'thou, asned oll arsi'Pr 4o.iquch thlt# *I I ita 4 1z,- .24:0;sa. 22...Forth° payment oft& interest on the fancied dabtof t Vo.apaoswealthf that will ` IN I DIPRIVIIi - E N 7'','..4 , 1:.! .. ..k.L'V' , :i1F #l - ,.'•0,.,::tt . V'T.1171t 4 '1.,•:: - N.,: N.,()'..5:...E,17 : " •• I 862 : HARRIS-A - 118G, PA. 4 .SATURDAY'iI , PIERNOVIC'hUARICH $ p 1 1 ,Ic.• !. • ; • ; 1•1 • •rth - - ---. 1._ . - ...i , : , -- -- ' ,, -.. " , —..'r}! , fall' dne - On the' nrst -- "dayij of Jul); and AuguSt? Anno Dinnini one tlidnii eight hundred and, sixty-two, and on the-first days of Janu ay and, February, .Anno D . o, u4nirone thousand ,t4glit hundred and datt-tizree, 'the *MI of - one rniPi lion nine hundred and seventy-six thousand stiv-1 en htmdre t end tatvegtvzthroe.-dullazs and ing fthelniPenset :of pliiinilefieliiiiii-M'on'thelket of February, Anno-Domini, one thousand eight laFaited and sixty itwui hi loPt•nia' tit% Ile A9 l o4ag `lent, the same hiving been paid into the treas ury by the banks ofthe Commonwealth for that -purpose, tnenty-four thousand dellartt, of po much thereof as may be necessary. ! -''' Sic. 28. For the instruction of indigent pnpits' :hilthe Yintaeylvanta ittatituWforlifiltio-• tiep. of .tiindeaf and li unity twgq*,F, thous-. and' tine litindied'end itiglitY dialers; to - be plid in proportion to thenumber of indigent pu,piii from the several counties of.the'Cbraintinitealth' at the ratesprescribed by-law,. the evidence Of which is toh p e presented tit the State Treasurer. For the Northern Home for friendless children, taita:lMM of live, thousand &am; . 1 •": -:. j ' Sao. 24. For the Pennsylvania institution fbr the instruction of thehlind, the sum of twenty four thousand eight hundred dollars, to be paid AiNn t rtl9Atltsths 1 4pAbstotindigista pipits tro,pa, el lisym* octnnk.* or* Ecuniamirealtb. at ille fils' r g.'wBrWerbi'llivr the - evidence of which is to be furnished to the St*, P eaill . n g' .. * • ' - " ,'"- i ,--.''- 't - :1' Sen. go l . 100t6 Viestein: • Pl;wpjivania hop- ; pita, lie thloinaidlikaltinOolleafiPlied to the salaries of officers; and fifteen thousand dollais for completing of the New Dix Mount Hospi tal for the intitnii. Sao. 26. For the Pennsylvania State hum c' hospital, at Harrisburg, for the payment of sal-', antes and wagen, and fornipairs to the build- inglend machinery, and:for the support of the, house, the sum of flitted thousand 'dollars,',. Or so much thereof as may be neetiesarY, Protag i : That the said appropriation shell anti ti ' upon ` the production of an account to. the' Audi tor General, and under the oath or affitmefi ,' of the principal of said Institution; Which' shecithaillyeerfottli the items or expekiiikti e Made, or to be made, and the amount of -, 'sets received front the Wive ' count* , df , 1 Commonwealth, and assessed upon the patients., per capita, and from private sources 'and' ,the ablittuit'oftaid,iNeetit on - hind,' and that 'the State Treasurer Abell not pay any, of the nfOre said appropriation unless such statement * shall, have' been made and certified to by the Audit* ' General. ' ' - ' . Sin. 27. .For the Penniylvania training school for feeble-diiiidg children, at 'Medley izi' thi3 county of Delaware, the renal sum "for :each 'pupil as Priiiided bythe act of Incorporation.' ,Phand' ed, That the number of Odd' Pupils Altai 'fiot exceed seventy. .: _ ' '' 'Hi0,,"28. For the Philadelphia ichool of de; litgn for winien,.the cam of two thousand dol lars, td I* paid out of and•dedneted iron]. that 'part of the school find approprisded to tieholty of Philadelphie. ' , .Sso. 29. For the' support Of, the comma schools, to be_paid on warrants' by 4.4 Superintendent In favor of the several school districts of the Commonwealth, in proPotkion to the number of taxables therein,:hy,the enu meration of one thonsank eight hundred and Sixty, the' sum of three' hundred' and 0144 'thousand six h u ndred and twenty:live' did)* 'lnclusive of the eateries of the'bon* kip*= tendente, and'of three hundred dollars' to, the `State Normal school, at Millersville, in Lancas ter county, to be applied 'to the payMent of interest on debt; an - of five thousand 'dollar* to the North-western State - Minitel school, in Ede county; and of Seventy-five cents a yea! for one copy of the Pennsylvania Sohool 'Jour- - nal, to be subscribed for; and' ent to each - hoard of school directors in the State, for public ose, i according to the act of Assembly,approved the eighth day of May, Anno. Domint, one , thous:- and eight hundred and fifty-five for the . school which will begin on the first Mon= day in June, Anno Doniini, one thonsand'eight hundred and silty two, to be accohnted for id the usual manner"; Provided That :the city of 'Philadelphia shall be entitled to a proportion on , said basis, without contributing' to, the salaries` o f the county superintendents;2ln4cideoffue-, rher,That neither of the said State No schools 'shall alienate nor divert to any tither use than ,those appertaining to - "said echools as provided by law, the whole or any other part of : the real 'estate now owned by them, withont filet Mtn; bunting to the State the whole amount of ap propriations which have 'been made, or May; , trom time to time, be made, for their use and benefit. _ _ . The Superintendent of Common Schoolsiiau thorized to pay them their proper portions of thi f t State appropriation, fpr, the school i ymf w*c l 4 liuMhiateei onith's fourth:qfjune, on e tuousdkd eight hUndred and'slati-one, to the townships of Cass and ljnion,.imthe county of Hunting; don, and, Bwiterick tosmiship, Camll*,,Au rri ri Mici•to tliittlas Whitt tai schoolirt In. toMitiOd firalthrlittitillear, but which, owing to causes satisfactory to the mil perintendent, thein °pip Abe c kil rgITI 1 9ur moth liti trieta shall haie • •• • lied prith the 'provisions of the school law hi • ;theiteipects. • Sma. 80. For the payment of the salaries o ,44.0fficeni of th, Ifesttniverii *num of tsfelVollibusaria eight hundred dollars, and the additional sum of 'four dollars for each die; phaigetitxaviot, biequidly-Ritusr*l7Filftheak on or rafter the fifteen* day of ihelnonths of June; Septeniberiiiid'l3eden . Domini one thousand eight firaiiired and sixty two, and March, Anno Domini one thousand eight 'cited and silty-three: ititieh ery for the use of theconvkts, twu hundred and fifty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the warden, or so much thereof as , may be necessary; and to'be accounted for to the Audi tor General: -, Sao. 81. For the payment of .the salaries gf. j the officers of the Western Penitentiary, 40 sum of twelve tliciusand dollars, and the a& dithmalnnm of four_ dollars for each discharged; j convict' to be paid„n equalquarterly Rayneests, on and after ther'fiftemth day of the months of June, seoember and Deccniher„ Domini one thimsand eight hundred and 21344 two, and March, Anzio Domini one %amend eight hundred and sixty three. For the payment of the balance, due for the completion of block B, the sum of twenty -five thousand dollars, and for work on , block. 9, the sum . of ten thouaand dollars, to be drewn from the State Treasury, when satisfactory evidence shall be rendered td the Auditor General,. OA the work has been done according to contract, and that the balance due is not less than the sum so appropriated. For books and stationery for the use of tie convicts, ,two hundred and fifty dol l ani,,to, expended under she direction of the warden; At so much thereof as may be nec essary, and to be accounted for to the Auditor General. San. 82 For the Rouse o fuse, in Phils-: pa ba tykillo.thOUSlZlO ile4Pfft 0,1 . ~ `f3161 - Pim the Honsit Adm9f.., wwitero w om pl a s,„l . 4 th* c9nllttY 'balance of''saistries.cifLollieets,duelit-the 4 y • 'r one Atquitalitlecifilitlktu/drtglAnd sixty-one; - XI thousand 'dollars., •,.. - ._..1 'rat tfiilialariea,tife; for ear„th,,V . 6 * Ilitnaiandleiktt IdifiliFed and te,' 4l,o ;erstirk . .thousanddollars. • • ..' . ...,.- -.' • '. 2 I' o F,Rr., tiae_qt_ints‘ctiou of sewers and oat hoists,: oftli t utiy one lhousaod tire, ii NO dollars, or so wick - ilierebtal maybe if ' - •: • - ' -—7 l - . , : 4 1 •Find t tie tweed& enewitud separate hnid ingiwithin.thel,enclOtray eight thousand d 1., - -Itut..o be, lid PP OP wiFIL - ME- , es iT4 presentabort,to the Asditor , ,of at" theibit L itotditirdbil , 'liar: der& t' lal p. whichestimittetratiEthl eleiritVitiskid'heft' -k.! until the f i nal .thevatkikkordi g, to COptaack;; . .. • . Thatirt.A.Part.of...W. . . i*rfation shalk Apsid_until_taillsfactory 'danceliifttrinatied' i thit4iikiltieGeneret thk a' contract hairbeen Vrtsiattill bffeapithstble 14r-• ill exceeds ties, for_the.entire cianplittlon of the bull „, for a s um .notc, ' ttke *would of this I palpitation, and the tont ef the said Ito, e 1 of &nage shill' beige ' allow the initiates; 'en sickness, and under suoli - legillatitels as may be, established by. .their, by-laws, spiritual advice and mintstntßoms froip,any,re&ar dergymen of thedenommationi to which such jimmies' may %One thiViiiiiii folk,' given in sight' Of, but wheorequisteck beyond the'hearing of any . officer of, theAtuditotton, required by .the by laws to, be.r!rostmt on such occasions. . : - Sao.`34. ifitf the ' pitynient br penal Ons and grattlitiek tliaisnitila Wien 'thousand dollars, and. such,. further sum as may ba..nebes= pay to the yrj,dcmt, acid children of: d soldiers' such. sum or awns as they may, be eia, titledlo'iieetill aeoriling ,to law. 1 -• Sac. 415.--Foar-thelpayinent to the city - Of Har-, risbufg forisupplying the public buildings with' water, according,io, the, act or #pril, twenty ' eiklith, Aiino pendia, one thouihnd eight hun, dricratiCfetty, the' - sum of di btandied del taic; and also far ass fortiat public buildinks and walks, •fiftoottimaced dollars, or so mto#l . l turs eof ark ,inay„,bp focud due,,by the Auditor General cid the contract with the company, In. plumlike ofilillkiittie and supplement; to 6e paid: on the iratitait.of the Governor ; and the turther, sumo* .ftve hundred and seventy-fit° dollars for,Ae f ce due for sea for the yer 'ending' Jiane Aso ' Derain' one thousadd , eight himdred an eixtY-one. ' " ' ' " ••: I Sao. 86. For the superintendent and watch man of tbeptabll4_ , : I liunninga and grounds, the sum of . two dollars and. fifty cents_per day dur ing the period of ' hii aboirdinent. For newpavernerit trAthe east of the capitol, and for: brick sewers from the same, with cast iron itekt fabgagii. igukun Act PAild.betore, te su m , 'of five - hundred find eighty-peven dollars, or so ranch' Were& aft initY be' necessary. . i For repairs the Governe?s house, the suit of _four hundred dollars, orairmuch thereof as P la y. I ?". ll V e lgeTY , r. '. . • ' ' , For cop ~A taesztdrag on roof over rotunda,. `with' en kikhe: , ..r,Over the same the sum of ' two•hmi&W - ateUsdifentylilve' - or do, pinch thereof 48 may be neoessary. • For wages-anc6:Moidental - expeases on public. grounds,mutokteudio . g punctuated-road tb. therimenal, pmstun ot, two thotriond. , &Alma, * 'Or risiiitiob tileteotne may be neasesary, to be 1 ' expended. by the stiPerinteudent, under the tin-• pervision • and direction of the GOvernor and Auditor °extend. _ . kor furbace abd =turas, complpta, for heat-. ing' tie' law' libitirY, the sum of two hundred and' ninety-frre. &liars; or tio much thereof as may be necessary, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the State Li 'haulm. , ' . • S 7. Btor gems Bergner, seven dollars* per page tor; the Legis larcar Beard, published during ths ; present session of the Legislature,. the amount tc)ie•Certi4ed by the Superintend ent of Publiclid and upon such certifi cate, the State treasurer shall , pay the same and for.,tnailng s anindexfo the same, the fuel ither sum of one hundred as&fifty dollars is ap propriated to.the publisher of the:Record; Pro vided, That the making of the index does net. detalithe forviardiog of tlitt boundoopies more than two. weeks,; and the said• publisher is 'hire* exstikkiied to oontintle the publication •of said Record' the next session Of the TAO latpreomder, the terms and conditions of the er4ating. contract,. until 'the two Houses othee- Wise'order, Ara new contract ill made for such publication: Sro.-88. For each of °the fire companies of , the, eity i of .11arrisburg,! the sum of 114 dol- JP". Sao ror transcribing . for the Committee Of Wain . and Meatus , to be paid on order of the chairman, the:sum •of thirty dollars, and for transcribing for Finance'Committee, tole paid on order of the c,illitnnot, the sum of thirty donate, Bpi 4il ' That the -State Treastnerls hereby authotised and directed to pay to each of the chief clerks of the *nate and House of 6er:tall:Teethe usual per diem for ten days' ser :vice. , after 'the close of the session, and the usual per diem th three additional oftcers, who may he kept each clerk to Assist, him in his., ingickatld-tn , tinteldef clerkof the Senate and owe, for the expense of indexing', the jour r mils, the sum of one hundred and, twenty ; five , tiollats and-for'lladitiint the journals of !the Suite ;and Huse of Representatives for the extra sessicin'tif One thousand - eight hun dred- and . the sum of . twenty-five 4olhiiiiesai, to he,a;tiled in the usgal-manner, I i mAa miscellineous , expenses ,of the chief clerks of, the Senate and House of Representa tives attendant upop their duties during the rent* each the Eitun , of t One, hundred dollars, or sotmuch thereof As m ay be necessary' ? • Sad 41. , That the " clerks eppolnted according to the seventeenth !Action of the act of May roverith,, one.thousand eight hundrd, and,-fifty five,, sbni?-Pe allowed, the same rate of compen sation and mileage as is now -allowed to the tainierlidikg clerks by, said act in preportion...to the' ine they shall serve as such; the :pesters and folders in either House shall be entitled to dollars and fifty cents each per day from -the time of mitering on their duties, and rune- To the wife of J. R. Miller, one of the' assis tant doorkeepers of the House during the ses sion of one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, the sumhe would have been entitled to as a ret4ing offs* per diem ,and mileage if he kad.beiln here at the,opening of this sessi on. Stio: 42. For, the payment of John A. Small, for his services to the House of. Representatives as an assistant clerk for the present sinsidu, and for services during the recessfiling away , and taking charge of the papers and documents, the titan of one Mermaid two hundred dollars ~• _and it-hhall-be his duty to receive frmiithe Stnte printer the bound copies of the DaSy Retzrrd and foriintriktbn itame.to..the address of the Mem „bent of thiattglilature. as ticket as _practicable goy, Abe , aditiumment.L._ Sao. 48. That the fats Treasurer , is hereby ant , 4 o lifej.tolinrto.the chief clerk of the - San afthited,,l4l4nefkof.7.lSepreatintalivek :the sum. of Serslajt,for Ateck4Of the lases:am plc* ),Vl '' o / y the Senate Mut .Rousa , the presentaeadinri, thefoic'fieiiioi the retie be furnished& the,nanal .tirerie e h; : ::., --. ~,,„74 1 ,r0p,:..44,,,T4.4th1b1itai1e areatmrer iis hes by auth,CLIW - 10 .1TY.tft"cOalaottrlat , 14.a a Witedolliiii pet,day, - _& !Services uk cleanin d Ireepftek lifceiteiqlbeeTtegti lie tikes Ithir;eniehii of the eapitehniteildeottre.reebbilittehindl 2 ;4 , : • *OPPetir ILAfritflUO,7. ,,, , ~ -t *G of 0ne.... r aiid flitiT t elPer-teXtA rti la ro KtualeßbPriof dityfifron of ice e : ce . SY e *rid of tile NO I Add -.',"" 1 .. Tfehl; 'the - mit; of one dollar and fifty c‘nta per day and-mileate, for the ,teffal. at ral°s!), R° l 7., :,, i• ,-: .. , • 1 liiiii . 46: i l e.; the PtinogPt- . ... O f A. O. P., ____i*N..': -. Weil in 'thititelhe fernittee)n - tos tie the the am of two dollats:per day; the at ' - ' hoof dnyeturployed.to bti certified teary . e 4° ll °l.°f IP"' PAPBPA.. -- : ---,a -, .I t , - Ale. 46 - For payetent Of e xpress cluitgeth. Paelrlok anti-thitrlbtiirliehdikd copies of 14vidative Record, theme of one hnodieff , dol-: Aare, or re muck thereof as may be nal:mazy to be Paid to. John. A. §Dattil-. . .. . •: - all'aiMutd . entities herein Pm- Vided fOr, atid alsto "all appropriations to peal= tertiaries; houses of. Midge and Charitable in stitiitions shall be paid -quarterly at :the office of the finite Tieasurer, unless ,otherwise trpecified by law ; and that ad 'money appr4riiihd by this act torany specific object shall be :applied to any otber in , any of the. charitable inetitil-- tions, penitentiaries or , houses of refuge. . ' Sic. 48. For final %lona) 'of &mended In terest due on account of the' Danville and Pottsville Failroad company; eleven thousand three hundred and, fifty-six. dollars and sixty-. seven dents. Sao. 49. For the payment of expentles attend- Mobe cooking ration' and 'frimiShing'ineils to regiments of discharged Pennsylvania vision teen, on the expiration , of the -three . months' term of sec ice "in July" last,,detained at Elk', risbnrg Waiting te'ber paid for an average of ten days; the sum.of seven hiusdredand forty-' four, dollars and :twenty. cents, or, so mugh thereof as maybe nee/838,7p be settled by the Auditor General. . SECI. 50. For the•payment of the expenses of the several investigiting.conmittees tiPpointed by theSsnate and House of llepresentatives at thnpresent session, each BUMS as may be,regn ltirly presented by the said*rieSpeot:lVe eon:unit teed.and approved by the Ai dltor General. The Rouse then adjourned` until Monday ) ai: ernoon et half-past.two o'clock. SPEECH OF Hgn. HENRY . .. • Ddivesvd Philaddfitiai February 22d on the of= casion,4 the- Barfly& given-6y -the atahoritia O p t that lityi`sto -theAGovernor-icaki Eigisiedure tfPenri- y . The.President-them` irottethe twelfth itignion.' toast, whinhibesdn waslhe tam; and yet ons oft.the.test of the eireallgt %- 4 ' , Aroma!), totter arms ,only do, weettmender ;” - aritt he citified' ,npon Mr. Henry-DiMoOrti,theltitte _,- to respond to it Mr. Moore said-that when he , wee• info:rifted' by a friend,try,,a few.moments itso,lthatatis would be cniled : upon Tespond, to the senti ment. in honor of Women,. lie could scercely think that his friend Was earnest; bet - rinsir that it had .proyed to =be-a reality, lie.nmet say. that. he cot d " feel but..llttle, less-than obliged to hie kind , friend for .tcompltment. which had Placed him ' in that he- position. dint; Mr:'Chairman, if I . should go home to my wife and tell her vhati d.falled. th • resixtnd toe sentiment in honor of ;woman I should blush myself, and I knew, she wona blush for me. 'Sir,- in the response 'which 'our friend, Senator McClure gave to the toast in honor of the navy, lie fold that, when thehistory of this'.- war was written, the brightest, page upon : it would! be that which recorded,, the, gallant mad, heroic deeds of our navy. While I would not detracit In the least from the motif:BM honOr which is so justly, due to our, gallant,navy, I must never theless,. take isstuswith the honorable ,Senator. I maintain that *hen the history of -this rebel lion is written, One of the brightest pipe UpOil it will be that which shall record the self-sacri .floing,spirit and the patriotio'deeds and oaken in behalf of our sick and wounded soldiers on the part of the Women of America! Why, Mr. ' Chairman, 'when the President, in April last, *medlars pros emotion calling upon the true and ipyal men of the land to ssrdstlaim in* tainieg the Union, the Constitution, and the Laws, the women of our land, the wives and mothers of thentition, with : it true' self-eseridO. lug 'spirit, said. to their lunbands and theilsons': Your, country is in druager.; she needs your services ; go end de your duty , arid, sir, in response to that 'call every hill-top,and mountain, and every in Our State and country, gave forth their thousands' and tens of themes:ids tq do , battle for their country and sustain the honor and glory of oar nation. Sir; when Engiand iirdte her history of the' Crimean -.war, and. recrnded ihe deedi, Of her soldleie upon thakbattlotield, she pointed with pride aPti P l . o . 3 "surc.to,-, ,Fl orence . 19gbtingeje, wh slang . h er stre e t nOte N s - ofcjaanfort and : consoi laticfn Broad - the conches Of her sick` aiicf, dir t ingsoldiess.; and while v6e itaraid theta' mid her &lithe...honor :and ,prales athichislastly t4e.ir . attel we alsql9t!u- P9intltit4 Pride and pleasure to ope who, forlong yeors, has ministered . -to the controihrof istiffeiing 'human: anciveho 'has been 7 hovering *round' the conches of our...sick,a dying:aclldiers,Acatter 7 Ing her deeds of InerciandVorlpesalike a min, filtering angel; In o WO bat Oh, Mr. Chairinrunki what eviintfiil year ,of trial and trouble: Itai the last one been to . our *flexed _country, ! 'The strength and darahlli.ty ..our institution have been tried •• and 'tested .as never before were Alsii , inatitethms of 'at& other vie; gun. And this trial: has been the more sever 4 to'ns, because it.cameupon us sofiuddenly,,and so unexpectedly, when we were but poorly pret pared, and little et , Isfg — the midnight myna sins and traitors who aimed - 4 1 404h bid* at our.'republic.trod,-.;they- :have struck no vital part yet.for the nation.lives; to pun i s h traitors, to,assert its strength,and to vindicate 'the indestinctibilitkeif 'oar •ropubii . can institutiOno. And here, sir, on-this liallowed evening— this day, svhich is eouseqrated by all the, teem oriel of the past whiA . cling around it--this birthdaf(if the ilfuefrotis Father Of our. Conn' try; we may all of us Corigratalate ourielviii upon th&dawning . oft a brighter and better d.Y for oF.:•oeintuort country, , for flipicigt, every, brttSaa which now comes to yult from the South and Veit brings to us the exulting :shouts of ourgidlatit and: victorious itrilif thici travr, : ,, And , let no not Target; in "the Wean* ita fd VIP mAgrat . iignst.4 l4 ltAtPl l ,o t !Rimil4,9r Lift* limic t and iNcßiviii 1. , A AV% - ttaiiiVioin *ay receive from fife iiktifiSebtlfrif ' 4 1-t HavingprcontedeteomPawer Premoo, we gro ed leezooofeJol3 PRIBITING artery tioo, cheat* lion don be Imes! my Oboe NZ= lostitin Ike -roar Had erleesixedditeteene-ballregearia Veit foes or more than !bet coastitate a square. atifirtaw,e, one day alie Creek . - N " IF: il% month .. ... .. I i ) „ n ip................ 00 " - PM yecr....... ..... ...... • • •• • • 800 Oneequeilh;obe dity • • iime week ' 7 200 • : i '.' - iiihaloaatth. ..... 880 “ m0ntba.::...... .. . ........... 10 0 0 44 4 %,74ip ear....',....,'. i.w. li miness Inserted la- th_ineed Cbiensia, ls " or [ betbie Maniple Deaths. FM mons .vo ' , mit RN each insertion. le sr sr hiareigee and lapilli° be charged as realer .. rtiaanae nta ,„7. gh t i • n 1 ; e:tr Zißrain Oar Aorning Jiditimuu 1: ....-- VI E. al" :Ell ; • - — i f . - 1 " i m ,-- -as n. : .., ILlFUlfa l loollllg.-,OLVIIII NW AS LBUT.4lBlaills. `ilmioisirs President's Emancipation Ihomige. NOMINATIONS AND .CONNIRMATIONS, ONPARISSI. ON; 'GOY. AND'W JOHNSON, NOS TINNNOSgs. Infortbatitoti time 'been reeeived here that Rob ert Tomtit, ex-Senator, and now traitor, is in the. field'as - rebel Lient-General, and that he warmly supports an aggressive policy. on the part of the rebel administration and army. The policy of the administration on the Mexictan citation will soon be set forth In - an official way. People have recovered from the surprise cre ated by the President's emancipation message, and it is regarded ae one of the moat important documents ever - issued. It is received with bigb favor, and it is thought that its egect abroad will be to extingedsh the last ray of hope among the rebels for foreign recogni tion • ' Hop. Andrew, Johnson Is engfted hi draw ing plan for a provisions! gcrveninient for Tennessee 'Major Samuel D. Sturgis, of the regular army; bus been confitmed AS Brfiradier General, to rank from tbeslOth of August, 1861 for gal- Lmt services on the battle-field. of Wilson's Greek; where the command devolved upon him on the fall of Gen - . - Lyon. The Senate4tollal confirmed the'following as Brigadier. General of volunteers: Major Law rence Graham. of Second Cavalry; Weser Paine, of Illinois; William A. Richardson, Illinois; Daniel Butterfield, New York ; W. P. Ward, Xuntueky;, Major Gee. Bybee, Thirteenth In fantry, ; Captain David S. Stanley, Tenth Cav alry ; Thos. 'A. Dayies, New York ; Colonel St. George Cooke, Second Cavalry; Major Gee. Stoneman; Fourth Cavalry ; Captain Joseph B i Plornmors, First; Infantry, for gallant conduct at Springileld and Fredmicktown, Missouri,— The SAitite'ldso confirmed - Henry Tan Resselar to be Inspector General, with rank of Colonel, and Thomas Hillhouse ; New York, to be As aistant.4,lB4mteGenentl of .volunteers,, with rank of Major. . tom "'(hod. Andre* JOhinson, panted by his eon, -.ootmel. Robert ' 'a* noel; -"Witten k. Br9Wning. Secretary, - eta., on. Bono* May nerd, and Hon. Emorson Btberldge, Clerk of She 1 ronso, ;left Weelington this afternoon for Nashville, Via Pittsburg, and Lonfirville. =ill From Charlestown, Va. NO UNCIAL NOVEXIKIff OFISOIN't COLONEL GEARY'S COMMAND The Report of - hie being Surrounded and at up Untrue. Cusatairrows, March 7. Nothing of importance in a •view has triunipired since the, las I dispatch. Soine transition of troops have taken place, brit nothing to indicate any special Move ment. Test night a mistake occurred. on an outpost stationv resulting in , erouttding a owed ry. man and killing of tian h,orata.,. The affair was mignifted by the Beceisionis4 kali the capture of four companies of Col.; Mauisb'y' a Maryland ,liegiment. Such interpretation caused . considerable elation in southern: . , litnrin; bnving been current here that 001. Gearywtitt'sufnmeided and' cut to pieces; it is but fa ir to say thatriselma not been able, to come up.and tat his strength wittinny enemy. From:the Rocky Mountains. INDIAN BATTLES, Denver news to the' 24th ways that delegates from Conejo& and Gandelnpe counties arrived in that city Vol day before,and gave the Gov ernor information respect ing the .threatened difficulty with the Utah Indians. They repre• sent no imminent danger. A-number of fights recently occurred between the lit.. bs and Arrapahoe.s. They add our 'al liance between the latter tribe had been nude on purpose for warring upon the Mils the looming season. " The settlers in the countiiit - named -fear that otie.party.or the other may encroach npon the while settlemenht A.SKERMIBH ON TEEN 0000QUAN. Wesetheroir, March 6 A recondoitering peaty of the Sixty-third ?enogylvazda, Eleintselman'sdivigion, was am bOihesl yesterday morning beyond the Occognan, three Alibi fa advance of oor picket*, itruirecelied the fire Of, as was reckoned; forty (shimmied rebels. The rebels instantly fled through the yiood. and Chapman and Lieut. r t yle were killed, and two privates were wound ed; tsio'of theth mortally. =o7lth Ongreas—First Session. HOUSE OF REPBESENT 4 ATIVES., Wean:items, Maroh 7 Mr. BLAIR dented. the truth of. the'. reports thatFreemont, had demanded atrial, and that tOmMitteo cm the conduct of the war had tecconamended his apPeintrneat te another &Alton. Fremont's statement and .speech of tharilta inaugurated a new campaign, but the formers proahunation did not injure the ad 41,7Mi4tration as muclt PP single pawl:we of worthier : it aims sncljtseless earthwork.s.. Ip elltatioinent, Fremont had shown himsdrib ithefter apOlogiitibr 'defeat,' than to a c hieve :BiatrePoke:atilitongilh to show Fremont's ropowithittkil for ditodisso tam at Springfield and Lexington., • • ROSES OF ADVERVIThe 10 Si 2 00 P/PWVoil i* g r iff # on On'tht lenient] Question. 11/mwsceron i March 7 CHICAGO, March 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers